tapas तपस्
Definition: तपस् n. [तप्-असुन्] 1 Warmth, heat, fire, light; एकः सूर्यस्तपसो योनिरेका Mb.12.351.1. -2 Pain, suffering; न तपः कुतश्चन Rv.7.82.7. -3 Penance, religious austerity, mortification; तपः किलेदं तदवाप्तिसाधनम् Ku.5.64. -4 Meditation connected with the practice of personal self-denial or bodily mortification; गीरा वा$$शंसामि तपसा ह्यनन्तौ Mb.1.3.57.; Bhāg.12.11.24. -5 Moral virtue, merit. -6 Special duty or observance (of any particular caste); यत्सप्तान्नानि मेधया तपसाजनयत्पिता Bṛi. Up. 1.5.1. -7 One of the seven worlds; i. e. the region above the world called जनस्. -8 The month of religious austerities. -9 A long period of time, Kalpa. -1 (In astrol.) The ninth lunar mansion. -11 Chastisement (दण्ड); आयुः शक्तिं च कालं च निर्दिश्य तप आदिशेत् Mb. 12.267.35. -m. 1 The month of Māgha; तपसि मन्द- गभस्तिरभीषुमान् Śi.6.63. -2 An epithet of Agni. -m., -n. 1 The cold season (शिशिर). -2 The winter (हेमन्त). -3 The hot season (ग्रीष्म). -Comp. -अनुभावः the influence of religious penance. -अर्थीय a. destined for austerities; तपोर्थीयं ब्राह्मणी धत्त गर्भम् Mb.11.26.5. -अवटः the Brahmāvarta country. -कर a. undergoing penance; also तपस्कर> -करः the mango-fish (Polynemus Risua). -कृश a. emaciated by austerities. -क्लेशः the pain of religious austerity. -गच्छः (also तपागच्छः) the 6th गच्छ of the Śvetāmbara Jainas. -चरणम्, -चर्या the practice of penance. -तक्षः, -तङ्कः an epithet of Indra. -धन a. 1 rich in religious penance. -2 pious, ascetic. -3 consisting in penance, (-नः) 'rich in penance', an ascetic, devotee; रम्यास्तपोधनानां क्रियाः Ś.1.13; शमप्रधानेषु तपोधनेषु 2.7;4.1; Śi.1.23; R.14.19; Ms.11.242. -निधिः an eminently piousman, an ascetic; R.1.56. -निष्ठ a. performing penance; Ms.3.134; Y.1.221. -पतिः Name of Viṣṇu; Bhāg.4.24.14. -प्रभावः, -बलम् the power acquired by religious austerities; efficacy or potency of devotion. -भृत् a. ascetic, pious. -मूर्तिः 1 an ascetic. -2 the Supreme spirit. -मूल a. founded on religious austerity; तपोमूलमिदं सर्वं दैवमानुषकं सुखम् Ms.11.234. -यज्ञः sacrificing by austerites; Bg.4.28. -राजः the moon. -राशिः 1 an ascetic. -2 Name of Viṣṇu (पुरुषोत्तम). -लोकः the region above the world called जनस्; Bhāg.2.5.4. -वनम् a penance-grove, a sacred grove in which ascetics practise penance; कृतं त्वयोपवनं तपोवनमिति प्रेक्षे Ś1; R.1.9;2.18. -वासः a place of penance or religious austerities. -विशेषः excellence of devotion, pre-eminent religious austerities. -वृद्ध a. very ascetic or devout. -शील a. inclined to practise penance. -समाधिः the practice of penance or religious austerities; तपःसमाधेः प्रतिकूलवर्ती Ku.3.24;5.6,18. -सुतः Name of Yudhiṣṭhira; Mb.3.313.19. -स्थली 1 a seat of religious austerity. -2 Name of Benares.
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