sthira स्थिर
Definition: स्थिर a. [स्था-किरच्] (compar. स्थेयस्; superl. स्थेष्ठ) 1 Firm, steady, fixed; भावस्थिराणि जननान्तरसौहृदानि Ś.5.2. स स्थाणुः स्थिरभक्तियोगसुलभो निःश्रेयसायास्तु वः V.1.1; Ku.1.3; R.11.19. -2 Immoveable, still, motionless; स्थिरप्रदीप- तामेत्य भुजङ्गाः पर्युपासते Ku.2.38. -3 Immoveably fixed; कालेनावरणात्ययात्परिणते यत्स्नेहसारे स्थितम् U.1.39. -4 Permanent, eternal, everlasting; कल्पिष्यन्ते स्थिरगणपदप्राप्तये श्रद्दधानाः Me.57; Māl.1.25. -5 Cool, collected, composed, placid, calm. -6 Quiescent, free from passion. -7 Steady in conduct, steadfast. -8 Constant, faithful, determined. -9 Certain, sure. -1 Hard, solid. -11 Strong, intense. -12 Stern, relentless, hard-hearted; अहो स्थिरः को$पि तवेप्सितो युवा Ku.5.47. -रः 1 A god, deity. -2 A tree. -3 A mountain. -4 A bull. -5 Name of Śiva. -6 Name of Kārtikeya. -7 Final beatitude or absolution. -8 The planet Saturn. -9 Name of certain zodiacal signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). -रा 1 The earth; पितामहस्तामालोक्य विहस्तामस्थिरां स्थिराम् Śiva B.5.47. -2 A strong-minded woman. -3 The silkcotton tree. -रम् Steadfastness, stubbornness. (स्थिरीकृ means 1 to confirm, strengthen, or to corroborate. -2 to stop, make fast. -3 to cheer up, console, comfort; Ś.4. -4 To steel (the heart); Amaru. स्थिरीभू means 1 to become firm or steady. -2 to become calm or tranquil.) -Comp. -अङ्घ्रिपः the marshy date-tree. -अनुराग a. firm in attachment, constant in affection. -अपाय a. subject to constant decay. -आत्मन्, -चित्त, -चेतस्, -धी, -बुद्धि, -मति a. 1 firm-minded, steady in thought or resolve, resolute; न च योगविधेर्नवेतरः स्थिरधीरा परमात्मदर्शनात् R.8.22. -2 cool, calm, dispassionate. -आयति a. lasting long. -आयुस्, -जीविन् a. long-lived, lasting. (-m.) the silk-cotton tree (Mar. सांवरी). -आरम्भ a. firm in undertakings, persevering. -कर्मन् a. persevering in action; न नवः प्रभुरा फलोदयात् स्थिर- कर्मा विरराम कर्मणः R.8.22. -कुट्टकः 1 a steady pulverizer. -2 a kind of common divisor (in algebra). -कुसुमः the Bakul tree. -गतिः the planet Saturn. -गन्धः the Champaka flower. (-न्धा) 1 the trumpet-flower. -2 the Ketakī plant. -छदः the birch tree. -छायः 1 a tree which gives shelter to travellers. -2 a tree (in general). -जिह्वः a fish. -जीवित a. long-lived. -जीविता the silk-cotton tree. -दंष्ट्रः 1 a snake. -2 Viṣṇu in his boar incarnation. -3 sound. -धामन् a. belonging to a strong race. -पत्रः the marshy date-tree. -पद a. firmly rooted. -पुष्पः 1 the Champaka tree. -2 the Bakula tree. -प्रतिज्ञ a. 1 persisting in an assertion, obstinate, pertinacious. -2 faithful to a promise. -प्रतिबन्ध a. firm in opposition, obstinate; Ś.2. -प्रतिष्ठा fixed residence or abode. -फला a kind of gourd (Mar. कोहळा). -योनिः a large tree which gives shade and shelter. -यौवन a. ever youthful. (-नः) a kind of good or evil genius, a fairy. -रङ्गा indigo. -रागा a kind of curcuma (Mar. दारुहळद). -लिङ्ग a. having a a stiff virile organ. -वाच् a. one whose word may be trusted. -विक्रम a. taking firm strides. -श्री a. havingeverlasting prosperity. -सङ्गर a. faithful to a promise, true, veracious. -सौहृद a. firm in friendship. -स्थायिन् a. remaining firm or steady, keeping perfectly still (as in meditation).
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