saras सरस्
Definition: सरस् n. [सृ-असुन्] 1 A lake, pond, pool, a large sheet of water; सरसामस्मि सागरः Bg.1.24. -2 Water. -3 Speech; cf. सरस्-वती. -Comp. -काकः (-की) A swan; L. D. B. -जम्, -जन्मन् n., -रुहम् (सरोजम्, सरोजन्मन्, सरोरुहम्) also -सरसिजम्, सरसिरुहम् a lotus; सरसिजमनुविद्धं शैवलेनापि रम्यम् Ś.1.2; [Shri. Kṣītiśachandra Chatterji points out in Mañjūṣā (March, 1958) that the word सरसिजम् has been used in the sense of 'a lotus' probably for the first time by Kālidāsa. According to lexicographers the word सरसिज is met with first in the Suśruta Saṁhitā (1.46. 124) as an adjective qualifying मत्स्याः; Bhāravi uses the word in the sense of 'a land lotus in उत्फुल्लस्थल- नलिनीवनादमुष्मादुद्धूतः सरसिजसंभवः परागः. Three stages of being यौगिक, योगरूढ and रूढ are thus clearly seen in the history of the word.]; सरोरुहद्युतिमुषः पादांस्तवासेवितुम् Ratn. 1.3. -जः (also -सरसिजः) Sārasa bird. (-सरोजिन् m. an epithet of Brahman). -जिनी, -रुहिणी 1 a lotus plant; भ्रमर कथं वा सरोजिनीं त्यजसि Bv.1.1. -2 a pond abounding in lotuses. -3 a multitude of lotuses. -4 a lotus. -रक्षः (सरोरक्षः) the guardian of a pool. -रुह् (सरोरुह्) n. a lotus. -वरः (सरोवरः) a lake.
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