pratyakṣa प्रत्यक्ष

Definition: प्रत्यक्ष a. [अक्ष्णःप्रति] 1 Perceptible (to the eye), visible; प्रत्यक्षाभिः प्रपन्नस्तनुभिरवतु वस्ताभिरष्टाभिरीशः Ś1.1. -2 Present, in sight, before the eye. -3 Cognizable by any organ of sense. -4 Distinct, evident, clear. -5 Direct, immediate. -6 Explicit, express. -7 Corporeal. -क्षम् 1 Perception, ocular evidence, apprehension by the senses, considered as a प्रमाण or mode of proof; इन्द्रियार्थसंनिकर्षजन्यं ज्ञानं प्रत्यक्षम् T. S. -2 Explicitness, distinctness. -3 Superintendence, care for; प्रत्यहं लोकयात्रायाः प्रत्यक्षं स्त्रीनिबन्धनम् Ms.9.27. -4 (In Rhet.) A kind of style descriptive of impressions derived from the senses. (The forms प्रत्यक्षम्, प्रत्यक्षेण, प्रत्यक्षतः, प्रत्यक्षात् are used adverbially in the sense of 1 Before, in the presence of, in the sight of. -2 Openly, publicly. -3 Directly, immediately. Hence; प्रत्यक्षतोदृष्टसम्बन्धम् is a variety of अनुमान where the connection between the लिङ्ग and the लिङ्गिन् or साध्य is directly perceived; प्रत्यक्षतो दृष्टसम्बन्धं यथा धूमाकृतिदर्शनादग्न्याकृतिविज्ञानम् ŚB. on MS.1. 1.5. -4 Personally. -5 At sight. -6 Explicitly. -7 Distinctly, clearly. -8 Literally. So प्रत्यक्षे in the sight of, before the eyes of.) -Comp. -करणम् one's own perception. -कृता (i. e. ऋक्) a hymn in which s deity is directly addressed. -ज्ञान्म् ocular evidence, knowledge obtained by direct perception. -दर्शनम् ocular evidence, direct proof. -दर्शनः, -दर्शिन् m. an eyewitness. -दृष्ट a. personally seen. -पर a. setting the highest value on the visible. -परीक्षणम् personal examination, real observation. -प्रमा correct or certain knowledge, such as is obtained by direct perception through the senses. -प्रमाणम् 1 ocular proof, evidence of the senses. -2 an organ of perception. -फल a. having evident or visible consequences. -भूत a. manifested, appeared personally. -भोगः enjoyment of anything with the knowledge of the owner. -वादिन् m. a Buddhist who admits no other evidence than ocular proof or perception. -विधानम् an express injunction. -विषयीभू to move only within the range of sight. -विहित a. directly or explicitly enjoined. -वृत्तिः composed clearly or intelligibly (as a word). -सिद्ध a. determined by ocular proof.प्रत्यक्षता pratyakṣatā त्वम् tvamप्रत्यक्षता त्वम् 1 Perceptibility, ocular proof. -2 Standing face to face. -3 Explicitness. -4 (In phil.) ...... तत्तदिन्द्रिययोग्यवर्तमानविषयावच्छिन्नचैतन्याभिन्नत्वं तत्तदाकार- वृत्त्यवच्छिन्नज्ञानस्य तत्तदंशे प्रत्यक्षत्वम् Vedānta P.

Dictionary: Apte
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