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Grammatical Sūtra: चनचिदिवगोत्रादितद्धिताम्रेडितेष्वगतेः canacidivagotrāditaddhitāmreḍiteṣvagateḥ
Individual Word Components: canacidivagotrāditaddhitāmreḍiteṣu āgateḥ
Sūtra with anuvṛtti words: canacidivagotrāditaddhitāmreḍiteṣu āgateḥ padasya (8.1.16), padāt (8.1.17), anudāttam (8.1.18), sarvam (8.1.18), apādādau (8.1.18), tiṅ (8.1.28), na (8.1.29)
Type of Rule: pratiṣedha
Preceding adhikāra rule:8.1.18 (1anudāttaṃ sarvam apādādau)


A finite verb retains its accent, whejn it is not preceded by a Gati Particle (1.4.60 &c), and when it is followed by ((cana)), ((cid)), ((iva)), ((gotra)) &c, a Taddhita affix, or by its own doubled form. Source: Aṣṭādhyāyī 2.0

[A verbal padá 28 is not all ánudātta 19 when co-occurring with 30] the particles caná-, cid, iva, and the word-class beginning with go-trá-, a taddhitá affix (5.3.66-67) or an ā-mreḍ-i-ta(2) and is not preceded by a member denoted by the t.t. gáti (1.4.60). Source: From Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini In Roman Transliteration translated by Sumitra M. Katre, Copyright © 1987. Courtesy of the University of Texas Press.

Source:Srisa Chandra Vasu's Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini

Anuvṛtti: 8.1.17, 8.1.18, 8.1.28, 8.1.29

Mahābhāṣya: With kind permission: Dr. George Cardona

1/9:āmreḍiteṣu agateḥ sagatiḥ api tiṅ iti atra gatigrahaṇe upasargagrahaṅam |*
2/9:āmreḍiteṣu agateḥ sagatirapitiṅ iti atra gatigrahaṇe upasargagrahaṇam draṣṭavyam |
3/9:iha mā bhūt |
4/9:śuklīkaroti cana |
5/9:krṣṇīkaroti cana |
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Kielhorn/Abhyankar (III,378.20-379.4) Rohatak (V,338)

*Kātyāyana's Vārttikas


Kāśikāvṛttī1: cana cidiva gotrādi taddhita āmreḍita ityeteṣu parataḥ agateḥ uttaraṃ tiṅantaṃ n   See More

Kāśikāvṛttī2: canacidivagotrāditaddhitā'mreḍiteṣvagateḥ 8.1.57 cana cidiva gotrādi taddhita ā   See More

Nyāsa2: canacidivagotrāditaddhitāmreḍiteṣvagateḥ. , 8.1.57 "ihāpi gotrādayakutsan   See More

1.Source: Arsha Vidya Gurukulam
2.Source: Sanskrit Documents


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