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Grammatical Sūtra: न च्छन्दस्यपुत्रस्य na cchandasyaputrasya
Individual Word Components: na chandasi aputrasya
Sūtra with anuvṛtti words: na chandasi aputrasya aṅgasya (6.4.1), asya (7.4.32), kyaci (7.4.33)
Type of Rule: pratiṣedha
Preceding adhikāra rule:7.3.10 (1uttarapadasya)


In the Veda, the above rules causing lengthening, or the substitution of long ((ī)) for the final vowel of the stem, do not apply, except in the case of ((putra))|| Source: Aṣṭādhyāyī 2.0

In the Chándas [the substitute long vowel ī 31] does not (ná) replace [the áṅga 6.4.1 final phoneme a 32] excluding that of [the nominal stem 4.1.1] putrá- `son' [before 1.1.66 the affix 3.1.1 KyáC 33]. Source: From Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini In Roman Transliteration translated by Sumitra M. Katre, Copyright © 1987. Courtesy of the University of Texas Press.

Source:Srisa Chandra Vasu's Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini

Anuvṛtti: 7.4.33, 7.4.32

Mahābhāṣya: With kind permission: Dr. George Cardona

1/9:atyalpam idam ucyate : aputrasya iti |
2/9:aputrādīnām iti vaktavyam iha api yathā syāt : janīyantaḥ nvagravaḥ putrīyantaḥ sudānavaḥ |
3/9:chandasi pratiṣedhe dīrghapratiṣedhaḥ |*
4/9:chandasi pratiṣedhe dīrghatvasya pratiṣedhaḥ vaktavyaḥ |
5/9:saṃsvedayuḥ , mitrayuḥ |
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Kielhorn/Abhyankar (III,349.19-350.5) Rohatak (V,257.5-11)

*Kātyāyana's Vārttikas


Kāśikāvṛttī1: chandasi viṣaye putravarjitasya avarṇāntasya aṅgasya kyaci yaduktaṃ tan na bhava   See More

Kāśikāvṛttī2: na cchandasyaputrasya 7.4.35 chandasi viṣaye putravarjitasya avarṇāntasya aṅgas   See More

Nyāsa2: na cchandasyaputrasya. , 7.4.35 "kyaci yaduktaṃ tannabhavati"; iti. kiṃ   See More

1.Source: Arsha Vidya Gurukulam
2.Source: Sanskrit Documents


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