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Grammatical Sūtra: अतो हलादेर्लघोः ato halāderlaghoḥ
Individual Word Components: ataḥ halādeḥ laghoḥ
Sūtra with anuvṛtti words: ataḥ halādeḥ laghoḥ aṅgasya (6.4.1), sici (7.2.1), vṛddhiḥ (7.2.1), parasmaipadeṣu (7.2.1), na (7.2.4), iṭi (7.2.4), vibhāṣā (7.2.6)
Type of Rule: pratiṣedha
Preceding adhikāra rule:6.4.129 (1bhasya)


Source:Laghusiddhānta kaumudī (Ballantyne)

Before an ((iṭ))-beginning s-Aorist of the Parasmaipada, the short ((a)) of the root gets optionally Vṛiddhi, when the stem begins with a consonant, and the ((a)) is prosodially short by being followed by a simple consonant. Source: Aṣṭādhyāyī 2.0

[Vŕddhi (1.1.1) 1 does not 4 optionally 6 replace] the light vowel (laghó-ḥ) a(T) [of an áṅga 6.4.1] beginning with a consonant (há̱L-āde-ḥ) [before Aorist marker si̱C 1, co-occurring with initial increment iṬ 4 followed by Parasmaipadá l-substitutes 1]. Source: From Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini In Roman Transliteration translated by Sumitra M. Katre, Copyright © 1987. Courtesy of the University of Texas Press.

Source:Srisa Chandra Vasu's Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini

Anuvṛtti: 7.2.1, 7.2.4, 7.2.6


Kāśikāvṛttī1: halāderaṅgasya laghorakārasya iḍādau sici parasmaipadapare parato vibhāṣā vṛddhi   See More

Kāśikāvṛttī2: ato halāder laghoḥ 7.2.7 halāderaṅgasya laghorakārasya iḍādau sici parasmaipada   See More

Laghusiddhāntakaumudī1: halāderlaghorakārasya vṛddhirveḍādau parasmaipade sici. agādīt, agadīt. agadiṣy Sū #459   See More

Laghusiddhāntakaumudī2: ato halāderlaghoḥ 459, 7.2.7 halāderlaghorakārasya vṛddhirveḍādau parasmaipade s   See More

Bālamanoramā1: ato halādeḥ. `sici vṛddhiḥ parasmaipadeṣvi'tyanuvartate. `neṭī'tyas Sū #128   See More

Bālamanoramā2: ato halāderlaghoḥ 128, 7.2.7 ato halādeḥ. "sici vṛddhiḥ parasmaipadeṣvi&quo   See More

Tattvabodhinī1: ato halādeḥ. iha `sici vṛddhi'riti sūtramanuvartate. `neṭī'ti sūtdi Sū #102   See More

Tattvabodhinī2: ato halāderlaghoḥ 102, 7.2.7 ato halādeḥ. iha "sici vṛddhi"riti tram   See More

1.Source: Arsha Vidya Gurukulam
2.Source: Sanskrit Documents


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