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Grammatical Sūtra: एकाच उपदेशेऽनुदात्तात्‌ ekāca upadeśe'nudāttāt‌
Individual Word Components: ekācaḥ upadeśe anudāttāt
Sūtra with anuvṛtti words: ekācaḥ upadeśe anudāttāt aṅgasya (6.4.1), na (7.2.8), iṭ (7.2.8)
Compounds2: na vidyate udāttaḥ yasmin, ??? anudāttaḥ tasmāt ॰ bahuvrīhiḥ>
Type of Rule: pratiṣedha
Preceding adhikāra rule:6.4.129 (1bhasya)


Source:Laghusiddhānta kaumudī (Ballantyne)

The augment ((iṭ)) is not added to that affix which is joined to a root, which in the Grammatical system of Instruction (i. e. in the Dhâtupâṭha) is of one syllable, and is without accent (anudâtta). Source: Aṣṭādhyāyī 2.0

[The initial increment 1.1.46 iṬ is not inserted 8 at the head of an affix 3.1.1 introduced after 3.1.2] a monosyllabic (ekāC-aḥ) verbal stem bearing a low-pitched (ánudātta) accent when first introduced (in the Dhp. upa-deś-é). Source: From Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini In Roman Transliteration translated by Sumitra M. Katre, Copyright © 1987. Courtesy of the University of Texas Press.

Upadeśe yaḥ ??? turekāt anudāttaśca tasmāt iḍāgamaḥ na bhavati Source: Sanskrit Documents

Source:Srisa Chandra Vasu's Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini

Anuvṛtti: 7.2.8

Mahābhāṣya: With kind permission: Dr. George Cardona

1/108:ekājgrahaṇam kimartham |
2/108:ekājgrahaṇam jāgartyartham |*
3/108:ekājgrahaṇam kriyate jāgarteḥ iṭpratiṣedhaḥ mā bhūt iti |
4/108:jāgaritā , jāgaritum |
5/108:na etat asti prayojanam |
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Kielhorn/Abhyankar (III,283.10-286.2) Rohatak (V,107.9-115.2)

*Kātyāyana's Vārttikas


Kāśikāvṛttī1: upadeśe ya ekāc dhāturanudāttaśca tasmādiḍāgamo na bhavati. prakṛtyāśrayo 'yaṃ p   See More

Kāśikāvṛttī2: ekāca upadeśe 'nudāttāt 7.2.10 upadeśe ya ekāc dhāturanudāttaśca tasmādiḍāgamo    See More

Nyāsa2: ekāca upadeśe'nudāttāt?. , 7.2.10 "anudāttāt()" iti. bahuvrīhirayam()-   See More

Laghusiddhāntakaumudī1: ṛto hanteśca syasyeṭ. hvariṣyati. hvaratu. ahvarat. hvaret.. Sū #499

Laghusiddhāntakaumudī2: ekāca upadeśe'nudāttāt 477, 7.2.10 upadeśe yo dhāturekājanudāttaśca tata ārdhadh   See More

Bālamanoramā1: atha liṭi thāsaḥ sebhāve `kṛ' ityasya dvitvādau edhāṃ ca kṛ se iti sthite Sū #92   See More

Bālamanoramā2: ekāca upadeśe'nudāttāt 92, 7.2.10 atha liṭi thāsaḥ sebhāve "kṛ" ityasy   See More

Tattvabodhinī1: ubhayānvayīti. madhye pāṭhāddehalīdīpanyāyena pūrvottarābhyāṃ saṃbadhyata ityar Sū #71   See More

Tattvabodhinī2: ekāca upadeśe'nudāttāt 71, 7.2.10 ubhayānvayīti. madhye pāṭhāddehalīdīpanyāyena    See More

1.Source: Arsha Vidya Gurukulam
2.Source: Sanskrit Documents


dātā, ??? cetā, stotā, karttā, harttā

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