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Grammatical Sūtra: नोत्तरपदेऽनुदात्तादावपृथिवीरुद्रपूषमन्थिषु nottarapade'nudāttādāvapṛthivīrudrapūṣamanthiṣu
Individual Word Components: na uttarapade anudāttādau apṛthivīrudrapūṣamanthiṣu
Sūtra with anuvṛtti words: na uttarapade anudāttādau apṛthivīrudrapūṣamanthiṣu uttarapadādiḥ (6.2.111), prakṛtyā (6.2.137), ubhe (6.2.140), yugapat (6.2.140), devatādvandve (6.2.141)
Type of Rule: pratiṣedha
Preceding adhikāra rule:6.2.111 (1uttarapadādiḥ)


In a Dvandva compound of the names of divinities, both members of the compound simultaneously do not retain their accent, when the first syllable of the second word is anudâtta, with the exception of ((pṛthivī)), ((rudra)), ((pūṣan)) and ((manthin))|| Source: Aṣṭādhyāyī 2.0

[In a Dvaṁdva compound consisting of names of divinities 141 both first 1 and final 111 members] do not (ná) [bear their original accents 137 simultaneously 140 when the posterior member 111] begins with an ánudātta syllable, excluding °-pr̥thivī `Earth Goddess', °-rudrá-, °-pūṣán- `names of divinities' and °-manth-ín- `sacred beverage'. Source: From Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini In Roman Transliteration translated by Sumitra M. Katre, Copyright © 1987. Courtesy of the University of Texas Press.

Source:Srisa Chandra Vasu's Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini

Anuvṛtti: 6.2.64, 6.2.111, 6.2.137, 6.2.140, 6.2.141


Kāśikāvṛttī1: uttarapade 'nudāttādau pṛthivī rudra pūṣamanthivarjite devatādvandve na ubhe yug   See More

Kāśikāvṛttī2: na uttarapade 'nudāttādāvapṛthivīrudrapūṣamanthiṣu 6.2.142 uttarapade 'nuttād   See More

Nyāsa2: nottarapade'nudāttādāvapṛthivīrudrapūṣamanthiṣu. , 6.2.141 "agnivāyabva   See More

1.Source: Arsha Vidya Gurukulam
2.Source: Sanskrit Documents


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