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Grammatical Sūtra: तत्र विदित इति च tatra vidita iti ca
Individual Word Components: tatra viditaḥ iti ca
Sūtra with anuvṛtti words: tatra viditaḥ iti ca pratyayaḥ (3.1.1), paraḥ (3.1.2), ca (3.1.2), ādyudāttaḥ (3.1.3), ca (3.1.3), ṅyāpprātipadikāt (4.1.1), taddhitāḥ (4.1.76), samarthānām (4.1.82), prathamāt (4.1.82), vā (4.1.82), strīpuṁsābhyām (4.1.87), nañsnañau (4.1.87), bhavanāt (4.1.87), ṭhañ (5.1.18), ṭhak (5.1.19), sarvabhūmipṛthivībhyām (5.1.41), aṇañau (5.1.41)
Type of Rule: vidhi
Preceding adhikāra rule:5.1.19 (1ārhād agopucchasaṅkhyāparimāṇāṭ ṭhak)


To the same bases sarvabhûmi and pṛithivû, being in the 7th case in construction, are added the same affixes aṇ and añ respectively, when the sense is that of "known therein". Source: Aṣṭādhyāyī 2.0

[The taddhitá 4.1.76 affixes 3.1.1 áṆ and aÑ 41 are respectively 1.3.10 introduced after 3.1.2 the nominal stems 4.1.1 sarva-bhūmí- and pr̥thivī 41 ending in 1.1.72] the seventh sUP triplet (tá-tra) to denote `known as' (vid-i-tá iti). Source: From Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini In Roman Transliteration translated by Sumitra M. Katre, Copyright © 1987. Courtesy of the University of Texas Press.

Source:Srisa Chandra Vasu's Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini

Anuvṛtti: 5.1.18, 5.1.19, 5.1.41


Kāśikāvṛttī1: tatra iti saptamīsamarthābhyāṃ sarvabhūmipṛthivīśabdābhyāṃ yathāsaṅkhyam aṇañau    See More

Kāśikāvṛttī2: tatra vidita iti ca 5.1.43 tatra iti saptamīsamarthābhyāṃ sarvabhūmipṛthiśabd   See More

Nyāsa2: tatra viditi iti ca. , 5.1.42 ī()ārānukarvaṇārthaścakāraḥ. itikaraṇo vivakṣārtha

Bālamanoramā1: tatra vidita iti ca. sūtradvayamidam. sarvabhūmipṛthivībhyāmityanuvartate. `tas Sū #1686   See More

Bālamanoramā2: tatra vidita iti ca 1686, 5.1.42 tatra vidita iti ca. sūtradvayamidam. sarvabhūm   See More

Tattvabodhinī1: tatra vaditi iti ca. yogavibhāga uttarārtho, yathāsaṅkhyanivṛttyarthaśca. Sū #1304

Tattvabodhinī2: tatra vaditi iti ca 1304, 5.1.42 tatra vaditi iti ca. yogavibhāga uttartho, ya   See More

1.Source: Arsha Vidya Gurukulam
2.Source: Sanskrit Documents


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