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Grammatical Sūtra: स्त्रीषु सौवीरसाल्वप्राक्षु strīṣu sauvīrasālvaprākṣu
Individual Word Components: strīṣu sauvīrasālvaprākṣu
Sūtra with anuvṛtti words: strīṣu sauvīrasālvaprākṣu pratyayaḥ (3.1.1), paraḥ (3.1.2), ca (3.1.2), ādyudāttaḥ (3.1.3), ca (3.1.3), ṅyāpprātipadikāt (4.1.1), taddhitāḥ (4.1.76), samarthānām (4.1.82), prathamāt (4.1.82), vā (4.1.82), aṇ (4.1.83), strīpuṁsābhyām (4.1.87), nañsnañau (4.1.87), bhavanāt (4.1.87), añ (4.2.71)
Type of Rule: vidhi
Preceding adhikāra rule:4.1.83 (1prāg dīvyato 'ṇ)


So also when the place is situate in the lands of the Sauvûra, or Salva or of the Eastern people; and the word in these cases is always feminine. Source: Aṣṭādhyāyī 2.0

[The taddhitá 1.76 affix 3.1.1 aÑ 71 is introduced after 3.1.2 a nominal stem 1.1 ending in 1.1.72 the appropriate sUP triplets to denote the meanings listed in 67-70 to designate placenames 67] in the feminine gender (strī-ṣú) situated in the Sauvīrá and Sālvá and the Eastern regions. Source: From Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini In Roman Transliteration translated by Sumitra M. Katre, Copyright © 1987. Courtesy of the University of Texas Press.

Source:Srisa Chandra Vasu's Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini

Anuvṛtti: 4.2.71


Kāśikāvṛttī1: deśe tannamni ityasya viśeṣanaṃ sauvīrādayaḥ, strītvaṃ ca. ṅyāpprātipaditañ pr   See More

Kāśikāvṛttī2: strīṣu sauvīrasālvaprākṣu 4.2.76 deśe tannamni ityasya viśeṣanaṃ sauvīrādayaḥ,    See More

Nyāsa2: strīṣu sauvīrasālvaprākṣu. , 4.2.75

Bālamanoramā1: strīṣu sauvīra. sauvīre iti. `udāharaṇaṃ vakṣyate' iti śeṣaḥ. dāttāmit n Sū #1269   See More

Bālamanoramā2: strīṣu sauvīrasālvaprākṣu 1269, 4.2.75 strīṣu sauvīra. sauvīre iti. "udāhar   See More

1.Source: Arsha Vidya Gurukulam
2.Source: Sanskrit Documents


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