Grammatical Sūtra: वृद्धेत्कोसलाजादाञ्ञ्यङ् vṛddhetkosalājādāññyaṅ Individual Word Components: vṛddhetkosalājādāt ñyaṅ Sūtra with anuvṛtti words: vṛddhetkosalājādāt ñyaṅ pratyayaḥ (3.1.1), paraḥ (3.1.2), ca (3.1.2), ādyudāttaḥ (3.1.3), ca (3.1.3), ṅyāpprātipadikāt (4.1.1), taddhitāḥ (4.1.76), samarthānām (4.1.82), prathamāt (4.1.82), vā (4.1.82), aṇ (4.1.83), strīpuṁsābhyām (4.1.87), nañsnañau (4.1.87), bhavanāt (4.1.87), tasya (4.1.92), janapadaśabdāt (4.1.168), kṣatryāt (4.1.168) Type of Rule: vidhi Preceding adhikāra rule:4.1.83 (1prāg dīvyato 'ṇ)
The affix '((ñyaṅ))' comes in the sense of a descendant, after a word having a Vriddhi in the first syllable, and after a word ending in short ((i)), and after the words 'Kosala' and 'Ajâda', when they are the names of countries and Kshatriyas. Source: Aṣṭādhyāyī 2.0