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Grammatical Sūtra: कृञो हेतुताच्छील्यानुलोम्येषु kṛño hetutācchīlyānulomyeṣu
Individual Word Components: kṛñaḥ hetutācchīlyānulomyeṣu
Sūtra with anuvṛtti words: kṛñaḥ hetutācchīlyānulomyeṣu pratyayaḥ (3.1.1), paraḥ (3.1.2), ca (3.1.2), ādyudāttaḥ (3.1.3), ca (3.1.3), dhātoḥ (3.1.91), kṛt (3.1.93), karmaṇi (3.2.1), anupasarge (3.2.3), supi (3.2.4), ṭaḥ (3.2.16)
Type of Rule: vidhi
Preceding adhikāra rule:3.1.95 (1kṛtyāḥ prāṅ ṇvulaḥ)


Source:Laghusiddhānta kaumudī (Ballantyne)

The affix ((ṭa)) comes after the verb ((kṛñ)) 'to make' when the object is in composition with it denoting cause, habit and going with the grain (concession). Source: Aṣṭādhyāyī 2.0

[The kŕt 1.93 affix 1.1 Ṭá 16 is introduced after 1.2 the verbal stem 1.91] kr̥Ñ- `do, perform' (VIII 10) [co-occurring with a nominal padá ending in (1.1.72) the second sUP triplet] when the agent is characterized as the cause (hetú-) of the object or is habitually performing the activity (tāc-chīlya-) or is complying (ānulomya). Source: From Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini In Roman Transliteration translated by Sumitra M. Katre, Copyright © 1987. Courtesy of the University of Texas Press.

Source:Srisa Chandra Vasu's Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini

Anuvṛtti: 3.2.16


Kāśikāvṛttī1: karmaṇi upapade karoteḥ dhātoḥ ṭapratyayo bhavati hetau tācchīlye ānulomye ca ga   See More

Kāśikāvṛttī2: kṛño hetutācchīlyā'nulomyeṣu 3.2.20 karmaṇi upapade karoteḥ dhātoḥ ṭapratyayo b   See More

Nyāsa2: kṛño hetutācchīlyānulomyeṣu. , 3.2.20 hetvādaya ete, nopapadāni. yadi hrupapadān   See More

Laghusiddhāntakaumudī1: eṣu dyotyeṣu karoteṣṭaḥ syāt.. Sū #797

Laghusiddhāntakaumudī2: kṛño hetutācchīlyānulomyeṣu 797, 3.2.20 eṣu dyotyeṣu karoteṣṭaḥ syāt

Bālamanoramā1: nāḍīmuṣṭa\ufffdośca. yathāsaṅkhyaṃ neṣyate iti. idaṃ tu bhāṣye spaṣṭam. ghaṭīkh Sū #758   See More

Bālamanoramā2: kṛño hetutācchīlyānulomyeṣu 748, 3.2.20 kṛño hetu. hetuḥ-- kāraṇam. ānulomyam--    See More

Tattvabodhinī1: kṛño hetu. heturiha lokiko na tu tatprayojako hetuśce'ti kṛtrimaḥ, kevale Sū #624   See More

Tattvabodhinī2: kṛño hetutācchīlyānulomyepu 624, 3.2.20 kṛño hetu. heturiha lokiko na tu tatpray   See More

1.Source: Arsha Vidya Gurukulam
2.Source: Sanskrit Documents


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