nirmanth निर्मन्थ्

Definition: निर्मन्थ् 1, 9 P. 1 To churn, shake, stir round; अमृतस्यार्थे निर्मथिष्यामहे जलम् Mb. -2 To produce or excite fire by rubbing. -3 To bruise, thresh, beat violently. -4 To destroy completely, crush down.निर्मथः, -निर्मथनम्, निर्मन्थः, निर्मन्थनम्, निर्माथः 1 Rubbing, churning, stirring. -2 The wood used for producing fire by friction. -3 Rubbing two pieces of wood together to produce fire. -4 Destruction; havoc; ब्रह्मच्छद्मा निखिलभुवनस्तोमनिर्माथयोग्यः Mv.2.25; विनिवर्तित एष धीरपोतः पृतनानिर्मथनात्त्वयोपहूतः U.5.8. -Comp. -दारु 1 = 2 above. -2 a churning-stick.

Dictionary: Apte
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