mithas मिथस्

Definition: मिथस् ind. 1 Mutually, reciprocally, to each other; कामान्माता पिता चैनं यदुत्पादयतो मिथः Ms.2.147; oft. in comp. मिथःप्रस्थाने Ś.2.; मिथःसमयात् Ś.5. -2 In secret or private, secretly, privately; भर्तुः प्रसादं प्रतिनन्द्य मूर्ध्ना वक्तुं मिथः प्राक्रमतैवमेनम् Ku.3.2;6.1; R.13.1. -3 Alternately, by turns. -Comp. -असम्बन्धन्यायः a rule of interpretation according to which subsidiary portions (of a sentence) cannot be connected with one another. This rule is discussed by Jaimini and Śabara in 'गुणानां च परार्थत्वादसम्बन्धः समत्वात् स्यात्' MS.3.1.22 and भाष्य thereon. -कृत्यम् mutual obligation. -समयः mutual agreement.

Dictionary: Apte
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