mit मित्
Definition: characterized by the mute letter म्; augments So characterized such as नुम्, अम् and the like, are inserted after the last vowel of a word to which they are to be added; cf. मिदचोन्त्यात् परः P. I. 1.47; (2) a technical term applied to the fifty-five roots which are headed by the root घट् and which belong to the first corjugation, to the roots ज्वळ etc., as also to the roots जन्, जू, क्नूस्, रञ्ज् and roots ending in अम्. These roots are not really characterized by the mute letter म्, but they are given the designation मित्. The use of the designation मित् is (a) the shortening of the penultimate vowel which : has been lengthened by Vrddhi, before the causal sign णि and (b); the optional lengthening of the; penultimate vowel before the affix) चिण् and णमुल्, For a complete list ] of 'mit' roots see Dhaatupaatha.
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