laghu लघु

Definition: लघु a. (-घु or घ्वी f.) [लङ्घेः कुः, नलोपश्च Uṇ.1.29] 1 Light, not heavy; तृणदपि लघुस्तूलस्तूलादपि च याचकः Subhās.; रिक्तः सर्वो भवति हि लघुः पूर्णता गौरवाय Me.2 (where the word means 'contemptible' also); R.9. 62. -2 Little, small, diminutive; धर्मो$यं गृहमेधिनां निगदितः स्मार्तैर्लघुः स्वर्गदः Pt.1.253; Śi.9.38,78. -3 Short, brief, concise; लघुसंदेशपदा सरस्वती R.8.77. -4 Trifling, trivial, insignificant, unimportant; कायस्थ इति लघ्वी मात्रा Mu.1. -5 Low, mean, despicable, contemptible; Śi.9.23; Pt.1.16; कथं प्रत्याख्यानलघुर्मित्रावसुः पुनरपि मन्त्रयते Nāg.2. 1/11. -6 Weak, feeble. -7 Wretched, frivolous. -8 Active, light, nimble, agile; लघु भवत्युत्थानयोग्यं वपुः Ś.2.5. -9 Swift, quick, rapid; किंचित् पश्चाद् व्रज लघुगतिः Me.16; R.5.45. -1 Easy, not difficult; महार्णवपरिक्षेपं लङ्कायाः परिखालघुम् (मेने) R.12.66. -11 Easy to be digested, light (as food) -12 Short (as a vowel in prosody). -13 Soft, low, gentle. -14 Pleasant, agreeable, desirable; दर्शनेन लघुना यथा तयोः प्रीतिमापुरुभयो- स्तपस्विनः R.11.12,8. -15 Lovely, handsome, beautiful. -16 Pure, clean. -17 Sapless, pithless. -18 Young, younger; दीव्यत्युच्चैर्लघुरघुपतिः किं नु वा स्यात् किमन्यत् Mv.6.53. -19 Without attendance or retinue; अनोकशायी लघुरल्पप्रचारश्चरन् देशानेकचरः स भिक्षुः Mb.1.91.5. -m. Name of the Nakṣatras Hasta, Puṣya, and Aśvinī. -n. 1 A particular measure of time (= 15 Kāṣthas). -2 Agallochum, or a particular variety of it. -ind. 1 Lightly, meanly, contemptuously; लघु मन् 'to think lightly of, despise, slight'; प्रथमोपकृतं मरुत्वतः प्रतिपत्त्या लघु मन्यते भवान् Ś.7.1. -2 Quickly, swiftly; लघु लघूत्थिता Ś.4 'risen early'. -Com. -आशिन्, -आहार a. eating little, moderate in diet, abstemious. -उक्तिः f. a brief mode of expression; Kull. on Ms.5.64. -उत्थान, -समुत्थान a. working actively, doing work rapidly. -काय a. light-bodied. (-यः) a goat. -कोष्ठ a. 1 having a light stomach. -2 having little in the stomach. -कौमुदी Name of an epitome of the सिद्धान्तकौमुदी by Varada-rāja. -क्रम a. having a quick step, going quickly. -खट्विका a small bedstead. -गर्गः a kind of fish. -गोधूमः a small kind of wheat. -चित्त, -चेतस्, -मनस्, -हृदय a. 1 light-minded, low-hearted, little-minded, mean-hearted; अयं निजः परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम् Mb. -2 frivolous. -3 fickle, unsteady. -चिर्भिटा colocynth. -जङ्गलः a kind of quail (लावक). -तालः (in music) a kind of measure. -दुन्दुभिः a kind of drum. -द्राक्षा a small stoneless grape. -द्राविन् a. melting easily. -नामन् m. agallochum. -नालिका a musket. -पत्रिका the Rochanā plant. -पर्णी, -कर्णी Name of a plant (Mar. मोरवेल). -पाक, -पाकिन् a. easily digested. -पाकः digestibility. -पुष्पः a kind of Kadamba. -प्रमाण a. short. -प्रयत्न a. 1 pronounced with slight articulation (as a letter). -2 indolent, lazy. -बदरः, -बदरी f. a kind of jujube. -भवः humble birth or origin. -भावः ease, facility. -भोजनम् a light repast. -मांसः a kind of partridge. -मात्र a. having small property. -मूलम् the lesser root of an equation. -मूलकम् a radish. -मेरुः (in music) a kind of measure. -लयम् a kind of fragrant root (वीरणमूल). -राशि a. composed of fewer terms (as the side of an equation) -वासस् a. wearing light or pure clothes; Ms.2.7. -विक्रम a. having a quick step, quick-footed. -वृत्ति a. 1 ill-behaved, low, vile. -2 light, frivolous. -3 mismanaged, ill-done. -वेधिन् a. making a clever hit. -शेखरः (in music) a kind of measure. -सत्त्व a. weak or fickle-minded. -समुत्थान a. 1 rising quickly. -2 swift of foot; अलघुना लघुसमुत्थानेन सैन्यचक्रेणाभ्यसरम् Dk.2.3. -सार a. worthless, insignificant. -हस्त a. 1 light-handed, clever, dexterous, expert; शिक्षाविशेषलघुहस्ततया निमेषात् तूणीचकार शरपूरितवक्त्ररन्ध्रान् R.9.63. -2 active, agile. (-स्तः) an expert or skilful archer.

Dictionary: Apte
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