k क्
Definition: tad.affix क applied to the words of the ऋश्य group in the four senses called चातुरर्थिक e. g. ऋश्यकः, अनडुत्कः, वेणुकः etc., cf. P.IV.2.80; (2) tad. affix क applied to nouns in the sense of diminution, censure, pity etc. e. g. अश्वक्रः, उष्ट्रकः, पुत्रकः, cf. P.V. 3.70-87: (3) tad. affix क in the very sense of the word itself (स्वार्थे) e.g. अविकः, यावकः, कालकः; cf. P.V.4.2833; (4) Uṇādi affix क e.g. कर्क, वृक, राका, एक, भेक, काक, पाक, शल्क etc. by Uṇādi sūtras III. 40-48 before which the angment इट् is prohibited by P. VII.2.9; (5) kṛt affix क (अ) where क् is dropped by P. I. 3.8, applied, in the sense of agent, to certain roots mentioned in P.III.1.135, 136, 144, III. 2.3 to 7, III.2.77 and III.3.83 e.g. बुध:, प्रस्थः, गृहम्, कम्बलदः, द्विपः, मूलविभुजः, सामगः, सुरापः etc.; (6) substitute क for the word किम् before a case affix, cf. P.VII.2.103; (7) the Samāsānta affix कप् (क) at the end of Bahuvrīhi compounds as prescribed by P.V.4.151-160.
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