subhaṭa सुभट
Definition: m. mercenary, soldier; N.: â, f. Name of a princess; (sú)-bhadra, a. glori ous, splendid, most auspicious (V., E.); m. N.: â, f. Name of a younger sister of Krishna and wife of Arguna; Name of a daughter of the Asura Sumâya; -bhayam-kara, a. causing great fear or danger; -bhára, V. a. dense; abundant; -bhâshita, pp. well-spoken, elo quent; n. excellent speech, fine or witty say ing, good advice: -maya, a. consisting in fine sayings; -bhâsa, m. Name of a Dânava; -bhiksha, a. having abundant provisions; n. abundance of food; -bhîta, pp. greatly afraid of (g.); -bhuga, a. having beautiful arms; -bh&usharp;, V. a. of an excellent kind; mighty, strong; invigorating; -bhûti, m. N.; -bhûshana, a. well-adorned; (sú)-bhri ta, pp. well nurtured, tended, or guarded (V.); heavily laden (C.); -bhogya, fp. easy to enjoy; -bhógas, a. (V.) bountiful; abundant; -bhr&ubrevcirc;, f. fair brow; a. fair-browed; f. fair browed maiden: (u)-nâsa½akshi-kesânta, a. having beautiful brows, nose, eyes, and hair.
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