yogamahiman | m. Name of several works. | ||||||
yogamālā | f. Name of work | ||||||
yogamaṇiprabhā | f. Name of work | ||||||
yogamaṇipradīpikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
yogamañjarī | f. Name of work | ||||||
yogamārga | m. equals -patha- q.v | ||||||
yogamārtaṇḍa | m. Name of work | ||||||
yogamātṛ | f. the mother of yoga- | ||||||
yogamātṛ | f. Name of pīvarī- | ||||||
yogamaya | mf(ī-)n. resulting from self-concentration or yoga- | ||||||
yogamaya | m. Name of viṣṇu- | ||||||
yogamāyā | f. magic | ||||||
yogamāyā | f. the māyā- or magical power of abstract meditation | ||||||
yogamāyā | f. the power of God in the creation of the world personified as a deity | ||||||
yogamāyā | f. Name of durgā- | ||||||
yogamayajñāna | n. knowledge derived from self-concentration or meditation | ||||||
yogamuktāvalī | f. Name of work | ||||||
yogamūrtidhara | m. plural "bearing the form of the yoga-", Name of a class of deceased ancestors | ||||||
ananyayogam | ind. not in consequence of any other (word) | ||||||
bhaktārādhanaprayogamaṇimālikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
buddhiyogamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting in or sprung from it | ||||||
mahāśāntiviniyogamālā | f. Name of work | ||||||
pratiyogam | ind. rule by rule | ||||||
prayogamaṇimālikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
prayogamañjarī | f. Name of work | ||||||
prayogamantra | m. Name of work | ||||||
prayogamayūkha | m. Name of work | ||||||
prayogamukhavyākaraṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
prayogamuktāvalī | f. Name of work | ||||||
rasayogamuktāvalī | f. Name of work | ||||||
sadyogamuktāvalī | f. Name of work | ||||||
saṃyogamantra | m. a nuptial text or formula | ||||||
śatayogamañjarī | f. Name of work | ||||||
siddhayogamālā | f. Name of work | ||||||
somaprayogamantra | m. plural Name of work | ||||||
viniyogamālā | f. Name of work | ||||||
yathāprayogam | ind. according to usage or practice commentator or commentary | ||||||
yathāviniyogam | ind. in the succession or order stated | ||||||
yathāyogam | ind. ( etc.) as is fit, according to circumstances, according to requirements | ||||||
yathāyogam | ind. in due order | ||||||
yathāyogam | ind. according to usage, as hitherto, usual |
pratiyatna | m. trouble bestowed upon anything, elaboration, preparation, manufacture; -yâtana, n. requital: â, f. image, figure, statue (of a god); -yâna, n. return; -yâmini, ad. every night; -yâyin,a. going against, attacking; -yuddha, n. counter-contest, fight in return; -yuvati, f. female rival, concubine; -yuvam, ad. to wards the youth; -yoga, m. opposition, re sistance: in. pl. by remedies or antidotes; -yogam, ad.rule by rule; -yogika, a. cor relative, contrasting with (--°ree;): -tva, n. corre lativeness; -yog-in, a. correlative, contrast ing; m. opponent, adversary: (-i)-tâ, f., (-i) tva, n. correlation, contrast; -yogayitavya, fp. to be strung or the strings of which are to be tuned (lute); -yoddhavya, fp. to be fought against in return; -yoddhri, m. combatant; well-matched adversary; -yodha, m. combat ant, antagonist; -yodhana, n. combating; combat; -yodhin, m. combatant, equal an tagonist (--°ree;); -yoshit, f. female rival, con cubine. |
yathāvakāśam | ad. accord ing to space; into the proper place; accord ing to or on the first opportunity; -vakana kârin, a. acting according to orders, obedient; -vakanam, ad. according to the expression; -vat, ad. exactly as it is or should be, accord ing to usage, in due order, suitably, fitly, cor rectly, accurately;=yathâ, as (rare); -vay as, ad. according to age; of the same age; -vasám, ad. according toone's will or pleasure (V.); -½avasaram, ad. at every opportunity; -vastu, ad. in accordance with the facts, ac curately, truly; -½avastham, ad. in accord ance with the condition or circumstances; -½avasthita½artha-kathana, n. description of a matter in accordance with facts; -½âvâs am, ad. to one's respective dwelling; -vit tam, ad. in accordance with the find; in pro portion to property; -vidha, a. of what kind; -vidhânam, ad.according to prescription or rule, duly; -vidhânena, in ad. id.; -vidhi, ad. id.; in due form, suitably; according to the deserts of (g.); -viniyogam, ad. in the order stated; -vibhava, °ree;--, -m, or -tas, ad. in proportion to means or income; -vibhâg am, ad. in accordance with the share; -vi shayam, ad. according to the thing in ques tion; -vîrya, a. having what strength: -m, ad. in proportion or with regard to valour; -vritta, pp. as happened; how conducting oneself: °ree;-or -m, ad. as it happened, in ac cordance with the facts, circumstantially; according to the metre; n. previous event; ac tual facts, details of an event; -vrittânta, m.(?) experience, adventure; -vriddha, °ree;-or -m, according to age, by seniority; -vyavahâram, ad. in accordance with usage; -vyutpatti, ad. according to the degree of culture; -sakti, -saktyâ, ad. according to one's power, to the utmost of one's power, as far as possible; -½âsayam, ad. according to wish; according to the conditions or premises; -sâstra, °ree;-or -m, according to prescribed rules or the in stitutes of the law; -sîlam, ad.according to the character; -sraddhám, ad. according to inclination; -½âsramam, ad. according to the stage of religious life; -½âsrayam, ad. in re gard to the connexion; -srâddham, ad. in accordance with the funeral feast; -srutam, pp. as heard of: -m, ad. as one heard it; in accordance with knowledge; incorr. for -sruti; -sruti, ad. according to the precepts of the Veda; -samstham, ad. according to circum stances; -sakhyam, ad. in proportion to friend ship; -samkalpita, pp. as wished; -sam khyam, -samkhyena, ad. according to num ber, number for number, in such a way that the numbers of two equal series correspond numerically (the first to the first, the second to the second, etc.); -sa&ndot;gam, ad. according to need, adequately; -satyam, ad. in accord ance with truth, truthfully; -samdishtam, ad. as directed; -½âsannam, ad. as soon as come near; -samayam,ad. at the proper time; -samarthitam, ad. as has been con sidered good; -samâmnâtam, ad. as men tioned; -samîhita, pp. as desired: -m, ad. according to wish (Pr.); -samuditám, ad. as agreed; -sampad, ad. as it happens; -sam pratyayam, ad. according to agreement; -sampradâyam, ad. as handed down; -sam bandham, ad. according to the relationship; -sambhava, a. corresponding as far as pos sible: -m, ad. according to the connexion, respectively; -sambhavin, a., -sambhâvita, pp. corresponding; -sâma, ad. according to the sequence of the Sâmans; -sâram, ad. ac cording to the quality; -siddha, pp. as hap pening to be ready; -sukha,°ree;-or -m, ad. at pleasure; at ease, comfortably; pleasantly, conveniently; -sukha-mukha, a. facing any way one pleases; -sûktam, ad. hymn by hymn; -sûkshma, a. pl. according to size from the smallest onwards: -m,ad.; -½astam, ad. to one's respective home; -sthâna, n. proper place (only lc. sg. & pl.); a. being in the proper place: (á)-m, ad. to or in the proper place; -sthitam, ad. according to one's stand; as it stands, certainly, surely; -sthiti, ad. according to custom, as usual; -sthûla, °ree;-or -m, ad. in the rough, without going into detail; -smriti, ad. according to one's recollection; according to the rules of the law-books; -sva, a. one's (his, their) respective: °ree;-or -m, ad. each his own, each individually or in his own way, respectively; -svaira, °ree;-or -m, ad. at pleasure, without restraint; -½âhâra, a. eating whatever comes to hand. |
yathāyatham | ad. fitly, properly, in due order; one after the other, gradually; -yukta, pp. regarding (lc.): -m, ad. accord ing to circumstances, suitably; -yukti, ad. id.: -tas, ad. id.; -yogam, ad. id.; according to usage; -yogena, in. ad. according to cir cumstances, suitably; -yogyam, ad. as is fit, properly, suitably; -½ârabdha, pp. previously begun; -½ârambham, ad. according to the beginning, in the same order; -rukam, -ruk i, ad. according to taste; -rûpa, a. of what kind; having a suitable appearance, extremely beautiful; very great: (á)-m, ad. suitably; rightly, truly; according to appearance. |
saṃyoga | m. conjunction, union, combination, connexion, contact (of, among, with, g., --°ree;; with, in. ± saha); union with, absorption in (lc.); friendly relations, con nexion by marriage with (saha); matrimonial alliance (between, g., --°ree;); carnal connexion, with (saha); combination of two or more consonants, conjunct consonant; alliance for a common object; --°ree; a. engaged in (study or travel): lc. sg. & pl.in connexion with, in case of, regarding: dâra½agnihotra-sam yogam kri, marry a wife and maintain the sacred fire: -mantra, m. marriage formula. |
yogam | absorption, trance | SB 6.10.12 |
yogam | action in devotion | BG 5.5 |
yogam | connection with the Absolute | SB 11.15.33 |
yogam | contact | SB 9.13.9 |
yogam | devotional service | BG 5.1 |
yogam | in devotional service | BG 12.11 |
yogam | in meditation | BG 6.19 |
yogam | in spiritual practice | SB 11.28.29 |
yogam | in yoga | BG 4.42 |
yogam | linking with the Supreme | BG 6.2 |
yogam | meditation | SB 11.30.26 |
yogam | mystic power | BG 10.18 |
BG 10.7 | ||
SB 10.62.21 | ||
SB 9.21.27 | ||
yogam | mystic powers | SB 2.6.35 |
yogam | mystic yoga | SB 3.25.31 |
yogam | mysticism | BG 18.75 |
SB 4.23.9 | ||
yogam | self-realization | BG 2.53 |
BG 7.1 | ||
yogam | service | SB 2.7.19 |
yogam | spiritual knowledge | CC Madhya 24.159 |
yogam | the device | SB 4.5.24 |
yogam | the eightfold yoga system | BG 6.3 |
yogam | the mystic performances | SB 9.12.2 |
yogam | the mystic process | SB 5.19.15 |
yogam | the mystic yoga system | SB 8.14.8 |
yogam | the practice of yoga | SB 11.28.43 |
yogam | the process | SB 11.10.19 |
yogam | the process of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 5.13.14 |
yogam | the process of fixing the mind in the Absolute Truth | SB 11.13.15 |
yogam | the process of yoga | SB 12.11.11-12 |
yogam | the science of one's relationship to the Supreme | BG 4.1 |
yogam | the system of mystic yoga | SB 11.28.43 |
yogam | yoga | SB 3.33.35 |
yogam | Yoga | SB 4.1.49-52 |
yogam | yoga practice | BG 6.11-12 |
yogam | yoga system | SB 3.25.14 |
yogam | yogic power | SB 3.23.12 |
yogam aiśvaram | inconceivable mystic power | BG 11.8 |
yogam aiśvaram | inconceivable mystic power | BG 11.8 |
BG 9.5 | ||
yogam aiśvaram | inconceivable mystic power | BG 9.5 |
yogam āsthāya | accepting the process of mystic yoga | SB 9.22.11 |
yogam āsthāya | accepting the process of mystic yoga | SB 9.22.11 |
yogam āsthitaḥ | performed bhakti-yoga | SB 6.2.40 |
yogam āsthitaḥ | performed bhakti-yoga | SB 6.2.40 |
yogamāyā | internal potency | SB 3.6.35 |
yogamāyā | is known as Yogamāyā | SB 10.3.47 |
yogamāyā | of Your spiritual potency | SB 8.23.8 |
yogamāyā-balam | whose strength is bewildering power | SB 3.18.4 |
yogamāyā-balam | whose strength is bewildering power | SB 3.18.4 |
yogamāyām | His spiritual potency that makes the impossible possible | SB 10.29.1 |
yogamāyām | unto Yogamāyā, the spiritual potency of Kṛṣṇa | SB 10.2.6 |
atibala-udyogam | the great exertion and strength | SB 7.7.4-5 |
ātma-yogam | self-realization | SB 11.4.17 |
bhakti-yogam | the linking process of devotional service | SB 1.7.6 |
bhakti-yogam | loving devotional service | SB 5.6.18 |
bhakti-yogam | loving devotional service | SB 11.19.8 |
bhakti-yogam | devotional service | SB 11.27.53 |
bhakti-yogam | devotional service | CC Adi 8.19 |
bhakti-yogam | the science of devotional service | CC Madhya 6.255 |
bhāva-yogam | the process of devotional service | SB 6.3.26 |
buddhi-saṃyogam | revival of consciousness | BG 6.43 |
buddhi-yogam | real intelligence | BG 10.10 |
buddhi-yogam | devotional activities | BG 18.57 |
buddhi-yogam | real intelligence | CC Adi 1.49 |
buddhi-yogam | real intelligence | CC Madhya 24.173 |
buddhi-yogam | real intelligence | CC Madhya 24.192 |
dāsya-yogam | activities of service | SB 7.9.17 |
deha-yogam | contact of the body | SB 3.1.44 |
deha-yogam | connection with a material body | SB 5.1.13 |
karma-yogam | devotion | BG 3.7 |
karma-yogam | the practice of dovetailing one's work with the Supreme | SB 11.3.41 |
kriyā-yogam | the prescribed method of activity | SB 11.27.1 |
kriyā-yogam | the practical method of cultivation | SB 12.11.2-3 |
nistāraṇa-yogam | the process of getting out of material entanglement | SB 5.17.24 |
saṃyogam | connection | BG 5.14 |
buddhi-saṃyogam | revival of consciousness | BG 6.43 |
atibala-udyogam | the great exertion and strength | SB 7.7.4-5 |
udyogam | the attempt | SB 10.54.32 |
udyogam | preparations | SB 10.66.11 |
upasamprayogam | serves the real purpose, being nearer to | SB 3.6.37 |
viyogam | extermination | BG 6.20-23 |
karma-yogam | devotion | BG 3.7 |
buddhi-yogam | real intelligence | BG 10.10 |
buddhi-yogam | devotional activities | BG 18.57 |
bhakti-yogam | the linking process of devotional service | SB 1.7.6 |
deha-yogam | contact of the body | SB 3.1.44 |
deha-yogam | connection with a material body | SB 5.1.13 |
bhakti-yogam | loving devotional service | SB 5.6.18 |
nistāraṇa-yogam | the process of getting out of material entanglement | SB 5.17.24 |
bhāva-yogam | the process of devotional service | SB 6.3.26 |
dāsya-yogam | activities of service | SB 7.9.17 |
karma-yogam | the practice of dovetailing one's work with the Supreme | SB 11.3.41 |
ātma-yogam | self-realization | SB 11.4.17 |
bhakti-yogam | loving devotional service | SB 11.19.8 |
kriyā-yogam | the prescribed method of activity | SB 11.27.1 |
bhakti-yogam | devotional service | SB 11.27.53 |
kriyā-yogam | the practical method of cultivation | SB 12.11.2-3 |
buddhi-yogam | real intelligence | CC Adi 1.49 |
bhakti-yogam | devotional service | CC Adi 8.19 |
bhakti-yogam | the science of devotional service | CC Madhya 6.255 |
buddhi-yogam | real intelligence | CC Madhya 24.173 |
buddhi-yogam | real intelligence | CC Madhya 24.192 |
yogamātṛ | noun (feminine) name of Pīvirī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [rel.] name of Devī Frequency rank 29818/72933 | |
yogamāyā | noun (feminine) magic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Durgā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the Māyā or magical power of abstract meditation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the power of God in the creation of the world personified as a deity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15148/72933 | |
yogamūrtidhara | noun (masculine) name of a class of deceased ancestors (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 38568/72933 | |
yogamūṣā | noun (feminine) a kind of crucible Frequency rank 16040/72933 | |
yathāyogam | indeclinable according to circumstances (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) according to requirements (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) as is fit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 4649/72933 |