ardhapaṇa | m. half a pana; -patha, m. half-way; -pâda, m. tip of the foot; -pâd ika, a. having half a foot; -pîta, pp. half-drunk; -pulâyita, n. kind of gait in the horse; -bri galá, n. half a piece; -bhakshita, pp. half eaten; -bhagna, pp. half-broken; -bhâgika, a. receiving half a portion; -bhâg, a. receiv ing the half; -mâgadhî, f. semi-Mâgadhî (dialect); -mârga, m. half-way; -mâsá, m. half a month; -mâsika, a.lasting half a month; -mîlita, pp. half-closed; -mukulî kri, half close (eyes); -mundita, pp. having the head half shaved. |
āmantraṇa | n. calling, address ing; invitation; -ayitavya, fp. to be taken leave of; -ita, n. (pp.) address; vocative. |
āsīna | pr. pt. (√ âs) sitting: -pra- kalâyita, n. nodding with sleep while sitting. |
khaṇakhaṇāya | den. Â. clatter, crack: pp. -yita, clashing, etc. |
kharāya | den. behave like an ass: pp. -yita, n. tomfoolery. |
kheda | m. pressure, hardship, trouble; faintness, weariness, affliction; annoyance at (g.): â, f. N. of a locality; -ana, n. exhaus tion; -ayitavya, fp. to be afflicted; -in, a. tired, weary; fatiguing. |
gamana | n. gait; going; betaking oneself to (ad.; ac. ± prati, g., --°ree;); sexual intercourse with (--°ree;); entering upon, undergoing (--°ree;); course; departure; walking; motion: -vat, a. past; -anîya,fp. accessible to, as sailable by (g.); -ayitavya, cs. fp. to be passed (time). |
cirāya | den. be long, tarry: pp. kirâyita, tarrying long. |
cora | m. thief; plagiarist: (a)-ka, m. thief; -ayitavya, fp. to be stolen. |
dolāya | den. Â. sway like a swing; fluctuate, waver, be in doubt: pp. dolâyita, swaying to and fro. |
dhavalāya | den. P. become or look dazzling white: pp. dhavalâyita. |
dhūpāya | den. P. emit smoke; fumi gate: pp. dhûpâyita. |
niyojana | n. tying up; cord; injunction, commission; -yogayitavya, cs. fp. to be punished with (in.); to be urged to (lc.); -yogya, fp. to be fastened; -endowed with; -instructed in (in.); -commissioned; -entrusted; m. servant, dependent; -yodhaka, m. pugilist. |
nivedana | a. announcing, making known; n. communication, announcement; of fering; -vedin, a. announcing, making known; offering (--°ree;); -vedya, fp. to be reported; n. offering of food to an idol; -vesá, m. enter ing into; settling; encampment, camp; habi tation, residence; settling down, marriage, matrimony; foundation (of a city); building, edifice; impression, mark; -vésana, a. (î) entering into (--°ree;); laying to rest; sheltering; n. entrance; setting down; introduction, ap plication; causing to encamp; settling down, marrying; resting-place, bed, lair, nest; home, abode, dwelling; -vesanîya, fp. to be put down; -vesayitavya, fp. to be placed; -vesa vat, a. lying on (--°ree;); -vesin, a. lying near, being in, resting or based on (--°ree;). |
niḥsaṃśaya | a. undoubted, cer tain; undoubting, sure: -m, ad. certainly, undoubtedly; -samsayita, pp. unquestioned, sure, safe; -samskâra, a. unrefined, ill-man nered: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -sa&ndot;khya, a. in numerable; -sa&ndot;ga, a. unattached; indif ferent to (lc.), disinterested, free from all de sires: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -sakiva, a. lacking a minister; -samkâra, a. not going out, not leaving the house; -samgña, a. un conscious; -sattva, a. devoid of reality; wanting in courage or firmness; weak, wretched; deprived of living beings: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -satya, a. untrue, lying: -tâ, f. untruthfulness, mendacity, insincerity; -sam tati, a. destitute of offspring; -samdigdha, pp. not doubtful, certain: -m, ad. undoubtedly, certainly; -samdeha, a. id.; -samdhi, a. lacking a joining or interstice; close, firm (embrace); -sapatna, a.having no rival; uncontested; unrivalled: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -sambâdha, a. uncrowded; -sambhrama, a. unperplexed (about, inf.); -sarana, n. going out; exit; expedient against (ab. or --°ree;); -sarani, a. pathless; -sarpa, a.free from serpents; -salila, a. waterless; -saha, a. powerless; fainting: °ree;--, ad. in a faint; -sahâya, a. companionless, helpless. |
pūjaka | a. (ikâ) honouring, rever encing, worshipping (g. or --°ree;); -ana, n. honouring, worshipping, hospitable reception of (g. or --°ree;); -anîya, fp. to be worshipped or honoured, by (g.); deemed worthy of re spect, worship, or honour; -ayitavya, fp. id.; -ayitri, m. worshipper. |
pūra | a. filling; satisfying; m. filling; satisfying; swelling of a river or of the ocean; volume of water, flood, stream (often --°ree; with words denoting water or other fluid); superabundance, high degree of (--°ree;); cake; slow inhalation of breath through the nose (an ascetic practice); -aka, a. filling, -up, completing (g. or --°ree;); fulfilling, satisfying; m. stream, effusion; multiplier; slow inspira tion of breath through the nose (an ascetic practice); citron-tree: -pinda, m. pl. flour balls for completing the sacrifice to the Manes; -ana, a. (î) filling; fulfilling, satis fying; producing; m. filler-up or completer of a number, masculine ordinal number (from dvitîya onwards); n. act of filling or filling up; complete drawing of a bow; fulfilling, satisfying; equipping: -pratyaya, m. suffix forming ordinal nouns (gr.); -anîya, fp. to be filled in or supplied; to be fulfilled or satisfied; -ayitavya, fp. to be filled up or completed; to be satisfied; -ayitri, m. filler, of (g.); fulfiller, satisfier. |
pracaya | m. [√ ki] picking, gathering; accumulation, collection, quantity, multitude; -kayana, n. collecting; -kaya-svara, m. accumulated tone (i. e. tone occurring in a series of syllables), tone of the unaccented syllables following a Svarita; -karana, n. setting to work: &isharp;, f. kind of supplementary wooden ladle (rit.); -karanîya, fp. being in actual use (Br., S.); -karitavya, fp. n. imps. one should set to work;-kala, a. moving, tremulous, shaking; -kalana, n trembling, swaying; fleeing; -kalâyita, (den. pp.), n. nodding while asleep (âsîna-, -in a sitting posture); -kalita, pp. set out, departed, etc.; -kâra, m. walking about, ranging; going in pursuit of (--°ree;); showing oneself, manifestation, appearance; application, employment; currency; conduct, behaviour; pasture-ground; exercising-ground; -kârana, n. scattering; -kârin, a. going about; attaching oneself to (lc., --°ree;); acting, behaving; -kita, pp. (√ ki), pronounced with the Prakaya tone; -kura, a. abundant, ample, much, many, frequent; --°ree;, abounding in, replete with: -gaha&ntod;a,a. having abundance of impervious passages, -tva, n. abundance of (--°ree;), -ratna-dhana½â gama, a. having a large income of gems and money; -kurī-bhû, grow in extent; -kritta- sikha, a. having loosened braids orflowing hair; (á)-ketas, a. heedful, intelligent, wise (V.); m. (C.), ep. of Varuna; N.; -kodana, n. instigation, incitement; command; -kodin, a. driving before one (--°ree;). |
pratinagaram | ad. in every town; -nadi, ad. at every river; -nándana, n. greeting; grateful acceptance; -namas kâra, a. returning a reverential salutation; -nava, a. new, young, fresh, recent; -nâga, m. hostile elephant; -nâdî, f. branch-vein; -nâda, m. echo; -nâma, ad. by name: -grah anam, n. ad. mentioning each individual name; (práti)-nâman, a. related in name; -nâyaka, m. opposing hero (in a play); -nârî, f. female rival; -nidhâtavya, fp. to be substituted; -nidhâpayitavya, fp. to be caused to be substituted; -nidhi, m. substi tution; substitute; image, likeness; counter part of (--°ree;); -nidhî-kri, substitute anything (ac.) for (--°ree;); -nidheya, fp. to be substi tuted; -nipâta, m. falling down; -niyama, m. rule for each particular case; -nirdesa, m. reference back to, renewed mention of (g.): -ka, a. referring back to; -nirdesya, fp.referred to again; -niryâtana, n. restor ation, restitution; -nivartana, n. return; -nivârana, n. keeping off; -nivritti, f. re turn; -nisam, ad. every night; -niskaya, m. opposing opinion; -nishtha, a. standing on the oppositeside; -nripati, m. rival king; -noda, m. repulse; -nyâyám, ad. in reverse order; -nyâsa, m. counter deposit. |
pratipāṇa | a. bartering; m. counter stake; revenge at play; -pâtram, ad. in or on every part (in a play); -pâdaka, a. (ikâ) giving, bestowing (--°ree;); discussing, treating of, teaching; explanatory, illustrative; -pâd ana, n. causing to attain (--°ree;); giving, be stowal, on (lc. or --°ree;); giving back, return ing; bringing back; inauguration in (--°ree;); producing, causing; setting forth, treating of, propounding, illustrating, teaching; com mencement; -pâdanîya, fp. to be given, in marriage (Pr.); to be propounded, dis cussed or treated of; -pâdapam, ad. in every tree; -pâdam, ad. in every verse (pâda); -pâdayitavya, fp. to be bestowed or pre sented; -pâdayitri, m. bestower, on (lc.); propounder, teacher; -pâdukâ, f. pedestal; -pâdya, fp. to be propounded, explained, or discussed; under discussion; -pâna, n. drink ing; drinking water; -pâpa, a.bad in return, requiting any one (lc.) with evil; -pâlana, n. watching, guarding, protection; rearing, nurture (of animals); keeping, observance, maintenance, of (g. or --°ree;); expectation (Pr.); -pâlanîya or -pâlayitavya,fp. to be ex pected or waited for; -pâlin, a. guarding, protecting; -pâlya, fp. to be protected or guarded; to be waited for. |
pratiyatna | m. trouble bestowed upon anything, elaboration, preparation, manufacture; -yâtana, n. requital: â, f. image, figure, statue (of a god); -yâna, n. return; -yâmini, ad. every night; -yâyin,a. going against, attacking; -yuddha, n. counter-contest, fight in return; -yuvati, f. female rival, concubine; -yuvam, ad. to wards the youth; -yoga, m. opposition, re sistance: in. pl. by remedies or antidotes; -yogam, ad.rule by rule; -yogika, a. cor relative, contrasting with (--°ree;): -tva, n. corre lativeness; -yog-in, a. correlative, contrast ing; m. opponent, adversary: (-i)-tâ, f., (-i) tva, n. correlation, contrast; -yogayitavya, fp. to be strung or the strings of which are to be tuned (lute); -yoddhavya, fp. to be fought against in return; -yoddhri, m. combatant; well-matched adversary; -yodha, m. combat ant, antagonist; -yodhana, n. combating; combat; -yodhin, m. combatant, equal an tagonist (--°ree;); -yoshit, f. female rival, con cubine. |
pratimā | f. [counter-measure], likeness, image, figure; picture; idol; symbol (°ree;-with a word meaning moon=reflected moon, reflexion of the moon); measure; --°ree; a. (a) resembling, like; -mâtri, ad. according to the several mothers; -mâtrâ, f. pl. all the morae; -m&asharp;na, n. counter-measure; well matched opponent; pattern; comparison, resemblance, equality; weight (measure); -mânanâ, f.homage; -mânayitavya, fp. to be regarded or considered; -mâyâ, f. counter charm; -mârga, m. way back; -mâ-visesha, m. kind of image or figure; -mâsa, °ree;-or -m, ad. every month. |
pratiṣeddhavya | fp. to be re strained; -denied; -sheddhri, m. preventer, restrainer, of (g., sts. ac. of thing); -shedha, m. prevention, determent, restrainment; pro hibition; annulment, negation; negative; refusal: -ka, a. (ikâ) keeping off, forbidding; negativing; -shedana, a. warding off; n. preventing, deterring, restraining, from (ab.); prohibition against (ab.); rejection, refuta tion; -shedanîya, fp. to be restrained or prevented; -shedhayitri, a. (trî) negativing; -shedha½akshara, n. refusal; -shedha½ât maka, a. having a negative form; -she dha½apavâda, m. annulment of a prohibition; -shedha½arthîya, a. having the meaning of a negation; -shedha½ukti, f. negative or pro hibitory expression; -shedha½upamâ, f. com parison having a negative form; -shedhya, fp. to be prevented, prohibited, or rejected; -denied; -shtambha, m.obstruction, hind rance, impediment; annulment; -shtambh in, a. impeding (--°ree;); -shthá, a. steadfast; resisting; -shthâ, f. standing still; stead fastness, stability, perseverance in (--°ree;); stand ing-place, position; repository; foundation; support; abiding-place, homestead, dwelling; pediment, foot (of men or animals); tran quillity; pre-eminence; standing, high posi tion; accession to the throne; erection of an image or Li&ndot;ga;N. of various metres: (â) kâma, a. desiring a fixed abode or high position; -shth&asharp;na, n. firm standing-place, foundation; pedestal, foot; founding of a city; N. of a town situated at the confluence of the Ganges and the Yamunâ; m. N. of a locality on the Godâvarî (the Paithana of the Greeks); -shthâpana, n. erection of an image; establishment, corroboration: â, f. counter-assertion, statement of an antithesis; -shthâpayitavya,fp. to be placed; -shth&asharp;p ya, fp. to be placed or based on (lc.); to be entrusted to (d. or lc.); -shthâsu, des. a. in tending to depart; -shthí, f. resistance; -shthita, pp. (√ sthâ) famous, celebrated; expert in (lc.):-pada, n. having verses (pâdas) containing a fixed number of sylla bles); -shthiti, f. firm stand or footing. |
pratiśaṅkā | f. supposition, con sidering to be (--°ree;); -satru, m. combatant, antagonist, foe; -sabda, m. echo: -ka, m. id., -ga, a. following the sound, -vat, a. echoing; -sama, m. cessation;-sayita, pp. √ sî; n. importunity; -sara, m. fracture; -sarâsana, n. adversary's bow; -sasin, m. mock moon; -sâkham, ad. for every Vedic school; -sâkhâ, f. minor branch: pl. all the Vedic schools; -sâpa, m. counter-curse; -sâsana, n. secondary authority (--°ree;); -syâya, m. cold, catarrh; -sraya, m. refuge, assistance; asylum, shelter; dwelling, abode, habitation; repository of (g.); --°ree; a. dwelling; -sravá, a. answering (V.); m.promise, word, assurance; -srava- na, n. answering; promising; assenting; -srut, f. echo; answer; -sruti, f. answer; promise; echo; -slokam, ad. at every sloka. |
pratyāyaka | (cs.) a. [√ i] causing to know or comprehend; convincing, cre dible; -½â½ayana, 1. n. setting (of the sun); -½âyana [fr. cs. of √ i], 2. a. convincing, credible; n. elucidation, explanation, demon stration: â, f. convincing; consolation; -½âyay itavya, fp. to be elucidated or demonstrated; -½âyita, (cs. pp.) m. agent. |
pravilambin | a. prominent; -laya, m. melting; dissolution, complete dis appearance; -lâpana, n. annihilation; -lâpayitavya, fp. to be annihilated; -lâpita-tva, n. complete annihilation; -lâpin, a.lament ing; -lâpya, fp. to be completely destroyed; -vâda, m. quarrel; -vikta, pp. √ vik; n. (?) solitude (only lc. pl.); -vikshu, des. a. being about to enter; -veka, m. complete retirement. |
pravaṇa | m. (?) slope, declivity; abyss, depth (in V. only lc. sg. and pl.1; in E. also ab. sg.); a. shelving, sloping, towards (--°ree;); prone, inclined, or devoted to (d., g., lc., inf., or --°ree;); declining, vanishing; di rected towards (--°ree;): -tâ, f. inclination or proneness to (--°ree;); -vana-vidhêyî-bhû, gladly obey (a command); -vanâyita, (den. pp.) n. proneness or inclination to (lc.); -vanî-kri, dispose favourably orincline any one (ac.); -vanî-bhû, become favourably disposed. |
praveka | a. choice, chief, exquisite, most excellent of (--°ree;); -vega, m. great swift ness; -vegita, den. pp. moving rapidly; -ve- nî, f. braid of hair; coloured woollen cloth; -vetri, m. charioteer; -vettri, m. connoisseur of (--°ree;); -vedana, n. making known, pro claiming; -vedin, a. thoroughly knowing (--°ree;); -vedya, fp. to be made known; -vedha, m. shot; -vepin, a. trembling; -verita, pp. cast, hurled; -vesa, m.entrance, entry, pene tration, intrusion, into (lc., g.±antar, or --°ree;); appearance on the stage; getting into the house, coming into one's possession (e. g. of a deposit); obtrusiveness, meddlesomeness; entering into=admissibleness, applicability in (lc.); employment or utilization of (--°ree;); entrance, door: -ka, a. --°ree;, id.; m. interlude (explaining what has happened between two acts and is essential for the understanding of what follows); -vesana, n. entering, en trance or penetration into (g., lc., or --°ree;); co pulation; introduction, into (lc.); driving home (of cattle); -vesa-bhâgika, m. collector of taxes; -vesayitavya, fp. to be introduced; -vesita, cs. pp. introduced, made or allowed to enter; n. causing to appear on the stage; -vesin, a. entering, into (--°ree;); accessible through or over (--°ree;); having sexual intercourse with (--°ree;); -vesya, fp. to be entered; -played (musical instrument); -introduced; -vesh- tavya, fp. to be entered; -allowed to enter; n. imps. one should enter or penetrate into (lc.); -veshtri, m. one who enters: -tva, n. condition of --. |
prāṇatha | m. respiration; -da, a. life-giving; saving the life of (g., --°ree;); -dak shinâ, f. gift of life; -dayita, (pp.) m. hus band loved as dearly as life; -dâna, n. gift or saving of life; abandonment of life; -dyû ta, n. play or contest for life; -droha, m. attempt on the life of any one; -drohin, a. seeking the life of (--°ree;); -dhara, m. N.; -dhârana, n. maintenance or preservation of life; means of supporting life: -m kri, P. sup port any one's life; Â. support one's life, take food; -dhârin, a. preserving the life of (g.). |
prārthanīya | fp. to be wished or solicited; desirable; to be asked (person); -ayitavya, fp. desirable; -ayitri, m. suitor, lover; -ita, pp. requested, solicited; desired, sought, required; n. wish, desire: -durla bha, a. desired but hard to obtain; -in, a. wishing, desiring (--°ree;); -ya, fp. desired of (in., g., --°ree;); desirable; n. imps. one should request. |
bṛṃhaṇa | a. fattening, nourishing; n. fattening, invigorating: -tva, n. quality of strengthening; -an-îya, a. fattening, nour ishing; -ayitavya, fp. to be strengthened; -ita, pp. n. trumpeting of an elephant;roar of a lion. |
bhakṣa | m. partaking of nourishment, drinking, eating; drink (V.), food (ord. mg.): very commonly --°ree; a. feeding or subsisting on; -aka, a. eating, feeding on (--°ree;); m. feeder, eater, of (g., --°ree;); (bháksh)-ana, n. drinking, eating, partaking of, feeding on (g. or --°ree;); being devoured, by (in.); -anîya, fp. to be eaten, eatable: -tâ, f. eatableness; -ayitavya, fp. to be eaten or devoured; -ayitri, m. eater. |
bhārāya | den. Â. be a burden to (g.); pp. -yita, being a burden to (g.). |
yāpaka | cs. a. conferring, bestow ing; -ana, cs. a. causing to pass; alleviat ing; supporting life; n., â, f. causing time to pass by, delay, procrastination; allevia tion; support, maintenance; practice, exer cise; -ayitavya, cs. fp. (to be rejected), trifling, unimportant; -ya, cs. fp. to be dis charged or expelled (witness); to be alleviated (disease); trifling, unimportant; base (action). |
yāminī | f. (having watches), night; N.: -dayita, m. lover --, -nâtha or -pati, m. lord --, -priya-tama, -ramana, m. lover of night, moon. |
vañcanīya | fp. to be eluded; - deceived; -ayitavya, fp. to be deceived; n. imps. kim vañkayitavyam asti, should one deceive (g.)?; -ita, cs. pp. (√ vañk) deceived, etc.: â, f. kind of riddle. |
varja | a. (--°ree;) free from, destitute of; excepting; -ana, n. avoidance, abandonment; neglect of, deviation from (g.); omission; ex clusion; -anîya, fp. to be avoided; -am, abs. excluding, excepting, without; -aya, cs. √ vrig; -ayitavya, fp. to be avoided; -ayitri, m. avoider; -ita, pp. cs. (√ vrig) destitute of (in.); -in, a. avoiding (--°ree;); -ya, fp. to be avoided; -given up; excepting (--°ree;). |
vikalpa | m. alternative, option: combination, contrivance; variety; distinction (rare); indecision, hesitation, doubt; false notion, fancy: in. optionally: -gâla, n. number of possible cases; -kalpana, n.,â, f. allowing an option; distinction; false notion or assumption; -kalpanîya, fp. to be ascer tained; -kalpayitavya, fp. to be put as an alternative; -kalpa-vat, a. undecided, doubt ful; -kalpa½an-upapatti, f. untenableness owing to a dilemma; -kalpa½asaha, a. not standing the test of a dilemma: -tva, n. un tenableness owing to a dilemma; -kalpita tva, n. optionalness; -kalpin, a (hair) liable to be mistaken for (black Asoka flowers, --°ree;); -kalpya, fp. to be distributed; -calculated; -chosen according to circumstances. |
vicāra | m. [√ kar] procedure (S., E.); consideration, reflexion, deliberation; discrimination, investigation, examination; hesitation: -gña, m. one skilled in discrimina tion, competent judge;-kârana, n. considera tion, reflection; investigation, discussion; hesi tation: â, f. distinction; kind; -kâranîya, fp. needing careful consideration; -kâra-dris, a. employing no spies as eyes and regarding the matter with deliberation; -kâra-mû- dha, pp. deficient in discretion; -kârayitavya, fp. needing careful consideration; -kâra-vat, a. acting with deliberation, circumspect; -kâr ita, cs. pp. √ kar; -kârin, a. (n-î) having wide ways (earth; RV.1); wandering about; acting; dissolute; reflecting, considering, examining; -kârya, fp. needing (long) re flexion; n. imps. one should reflect or hesi tate; -kâlana, a. (î) destroying (--°ree;). |
vibodha | m. awaking; perceiving; -bodhana, n. awaking (tr. & int.); -bodha yitavya, fp. to be awakened. |
virakta | pp. (√ rañg) estranged etc.: -prakriti, a. whose principal officers are dis affected, -bhâva, a. disaffected; -rakti, f. indifference, to (lc., upari w. g., prati w. ac.); freedom from worldlyattachment: -mat, a. indifferent, to (lc.); accompanied with free dom from worldly attachment; -rakanâ, f. disposition, embellishment: alakânâm --, neatly arranged locks; -rakayitavya, fp. to be made or formed; -rakita, pp. cs. √ rak: â, f. N.; (ví)-raga, a. free from dust, clean, pure (also fig.); free from passion; -ragas, a. id.; m. N.; -ragas-ka, a. dustless; -ragas karana, n. freeing from dust, cleansing; -ragî kri, free from dust, cleanse; -rañka, -rañki, -rañkya, m. ep. of Brahman; -rata, pp. (√ ram) ceased etc.: -tva, n. cessation; -rata-prasa&ndot;ga, a. having ceased from en gaging in (lc.); -rati, f. cessation; end; desistence or abstention from, renunciation of (ab., lc., --°ree;); -ratha, a. deprived of one's car; -rathî-kri, deprive any one of his chariot; -rathî-bhû, be deprived of one's car; -rapsá, a. (&isharp;) exuberant (RV.); m. abundance (RV.); -rapsín,a. exuberant, vigorous (V.); -rama, m. cessation, abate ment; sunset; abstention from (--°ree;); -rama- na, n. cessation; abstention from (--°ree;). |
vyavahāra | m. conduct, action; intercourse, with (saha or --°ree;); usage, custom, ordinary life, general practice; action or prac tice of, addiction to, occupation or business with (lc., --°ree;); transaction, business, traffic, trade, with (--°ree;); contract; litigation, law suit, with (saha); administration of justice; majority (in law); use of an expression, talk of (--°ree;); designation, of (g.): asmad-âgñayâ vya vahârah kâryah, everything must be done in accordance with our commands; tair eva½a tra vyavahârah, it is just these that are here meant: -ka, m. trader; -gña, a. know ing the ways of the world, come of age; -darsana, n. judicial investigation, trial; -pada, n. legal case; -pâda, m. stage in a trial (there being four: plaint, defence, proof, verdict); -yitavya, cs. fp. (√ hri) to be oc cupied with (in.); -vat, a. occupied with, dealing in (--°ree;); m. trader; -vidhi, m. legal procedure; -sthâna, n. legal case; -sthiti, f. legal procedure; -½âsana, n. judgment-seat. |
vyāpāda | m. ruin, destruction, death; evil intent: -ka, a. fatal (disease); -pâdana, n. destruction, killing, death by (--°ree;); -pâda nîya, fp. to be destroyed or killed: -tâ, f. necessity of being killed; -pâdayitavya, fp. to be destroyed or killed; -pâra, m. [√ 3. pri] occupation, employment, business, con cern; action, operation, function; exertion, effort; --°ree;, occupation with, practice of etc.; sâyakânâm--,business of arrows (i. e. to hit the mark); -m kri, render good offices in a matter (tatra); perform the business of (g.); meddle in (other people's affairs, lc.); -m vrag, interfere with (lc.); -pâra-ka, a. (--°ree;) having -as a function; -pâra-vat, a. effec tive: -tâ, f. possession of the function of (--°ree;); -pâra-sata, n. hundred attempts; -pârita, cs. pp. √ 3. pri; -pârin, a. occupied with (--°ree;); m. workman. |
saṃśayita | pp. √ sî; n. doubt, un certainty; -sayitavya, fp. dubious; -saya½u pamâ, f. comparison expressed in the form of a doubt; -sarana, n. taking refuge with any one; -sânti, f. extinction;-sita, pp. √ sâ: -vâk, a. speaking sharply, -½âtman, a. firmly resolved; -siti, f. sharpening (Br.); -sîta, a. cold; -sîti, f. doubt; -sîlana, n. practice; frequent intercourse with (in.); -suddhi, f. purity; -sushka, a. dried up, dry, withered, sere, emaciated; -soka-ga, a. produced from moist heat; m. vermin pro duced from damp heat; -sodhana, a. (î) purifying; n. purification; -sraya, m. con nexion, association with (g., --°ree;); league for mutual protection; refuge, shelter, protec tion, asylum; residence, habitation; reference, relation; resorting to (lc., --°ree;; rare); recourse, addiction or devotion to: ab. in consequence of (--°ree;); with the help of, by means of (--°ree;): --°ree; a. dwelling, living in, staying with (a teacher), standing in (a boat), being in or on, growing (tree) near; relating or referring to; devoted to, practising; -srayanîya, fp. to be resorted to, -taken refuge with: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -srayitavya, fp. to be sought refuge in (fortress); -srayin, a. having sought the protection or entered the service of any one; dwelling, resting or standing in, being in or on (--°ree;); m.dependent, servant; -srava, m. hearing; ear-shot (lc. within hearing of, g.); promise; -sravana, n. hearing, -about (--°ree;); ear-shot: lc. within hearing, aloud; (sám)- srita, pp. √ sri; m. dependent, servant: -vat, pp. act. clinging to, having wedded (in.); -sri tavya, fp. incorr. for -srayitavya; -slish- ta-karman, a. in whose actions good and evil are not kept apart, indifferent as to the morality of his actions; -slesha, m. con nexion, union, contact, with (in., --°ree;); em brace: -m labh, attain; -sleshana, n. con necting; means of binding together, bond; -sleshin, a. connecting. |
saṃstha | a. standing, staying, resting, existing, or contained in (lc., gnly. --°ree;); being in or with=belonging to (lc. or --°ree;); based or dependent on (--°ree;); being in possession of (--°ree;); lasting (--°ree;; rare); á, m. (RV.): only lc. in the midst or presence of (g.); -sth&asharp;, f. remaining or abiding with (--°ree;; E., rare); form, appearance (C.); established order, standard, rule (C.); condition, state, nature (C.); completion, conclusion (V.); end, death (P.); complete liturgical course (being the basis of a sacrifice; the Gyotishtoma, the Haviryagña, and Pâkayagña consist of seven such forms); spy in one's own country (rare): --°ree; a. a, having the form of, appearing as; -sthâna, n. position, situation in a place (--°ree;); standing firm (in battle); existence; life; strict adherence to (--°ree;); abode; public place in a town; form, shape, appearance (ord. mg.; often with rûpa); condition, state, nature (rare); aggregate (rare): -vat, a. ex isting; having various forms; -sthâpaka, a. establishing; -sthâpana, n. fixing, setting up, erecting; establishment, of (g., --°ree;); re gulation of (--°ree;): â, f. cheering up, encourage ment; -sthâpayitavya, fp. to be cheered or consoled; -sth&asharp;pya, fp. C.: to be placed in (subjection) to (g.); -impressed on the mind (lc.) of (g.); V.: to be concluded (sacrifice); (sám)-sthiti, f. C.: union with (in., lc.); standing or resting on (lc., --°ree;); position; abid ing, residence in (lc.); duration, continuance; perseverance (rare); attaching importance to (lc.); existence, possibility, of (g., --°ree;); form; established order; condition, nature; V.: conclusion (rare); P.: end, death (rare). |
saṃhita | pp. (√ dhâ) put together, composed of, etc.: â, f. union (rare, U.); euphonic combination (=samdhi); Vedic text treated according to the rules of euphonic combination (opp. pada orword text); syste matically arranged text; extensive compila tion (Râmâyana, legal codes, Purânas, etc.); complete system of astrology (opp. scientific astronomy); -hriti, f. 1. destruction of the world; conclusion, end; 2.the root hri + sam; -hotrá, n. community of sacrifice (RV.1); -hrâda, m. loud noise or shout etc.; Shouter, N. of an Asura, son of Hiranya-kasipu; -hrâdin, a. making a loud noise, tinkling; -hlâdin, a. refreshing; -hvayitavaí, d. inf. of sam + √ hvâ. |
saṃcaya | m. sg. & pl. accumulation, hoard, store, wealth, quantity, collection; gathering, collecting (rare): d. in order to have more; -kayana, n. gathering, collecting; -kaya-vat, a. possessed of wealth, rich; -kay ika, a. having provisions (only --°ree;); -kará, a. go ing about (mûrti-, with a body=incarnate); together, simultaneous (V.); m. place for walk ing, road, path, passage; evolution (in Sâ&ndot; khya phil.); -kárana, a. (î) suitable for going on, passable, converging (V.); n. navigation (of the sea: ac.; RV.); motion, from (ab.), in (lc., --°ree;), by means of (--°ree;); -karishnu, a. moving about, roaming; -karvana, n. chew ing; -kalana, n. trembling, quaking; -kâra, m. walking about, wandering, roaming, driv ing; motion; transit, passage; entrance, portal; transition or transference to (--°ree;); track (of wild animals), road (rare): -ka, m.guide; -kâranîya, fp. to be wandered through; -transferred to (lc.); -kârita, cs. pp. (√ kar) set in motion, worked; -kârin, a. (n-î) walk ing about, wandering, roaming, moving, mov able (in, lc., --°ree;); penetrating into (--°ree;); trans mitted, infectious, hereditary (disease); com ing in contact with, contiguous to (in.); carried with one (umbrella); being in, en gaged with (--°ree;); accessory (sentiment, etc.); taking with one (--°ree;);-kârya, fp. accessible (in a-); produced by (--°ree;); -kikîrshu, des. a. intending to perform; -kiti, f. piling; col lecting, saving; -kintya, fp. to be considered; -regarded as (-vat); -kinu½âna-ka, a. oc cupied with collecting(wealth); -keya, fp. to be accumulated; -kodayitavya, fp. to be urged on; -khettri, m. dispeller (of doubts). |
saṃniyacchana | n. curbing, guiding; -yantri, m. restrainer; -yama, m. exactness; -yoga, m. commission; precept, injunction; -roddhavya, fp. to be confined; -rodha, m. obstruction, suppression;-vâya, m. combination; -vritti, f. return (in aand abhûyah-); -vesa, m. entrance, taking up a position; inclusion (rare); impression (of a mark, --°ree;); combination, arrangement; posi tion (--°ree; a. situated in or on); form, appear ance; dwelling-place; assemblage: -m kri, take up a position in (--°ree;); make room for (--°ree;); -vesana, n. dwelling-place, abode; -vesayitavya, fp. to be inserted; -hita, pp. (√ dhâ) near etc.: -½apâya, a. having destruc tion near at hand, perishable, transient. |
samarthana | n. reflection, contem plation; corroboration, vindication, justifica tion; ability, competence (ab., by virtue of, g.): -m kri, reflect; -arthanîya, fp. to be established, justified, or cleared up; -artha ya, den. (v. arthaya) arrange etc.; connect with, construe grammatically: pp. ita, capable; -arthya, fp. to be established, corroborated, or justified; -ardhana, a. (î) causing to suc ceed; -ardhayitri, m. fulfiller, bestower: trî, f.; -arpaka, a. delivering, yielding up; -árpana, n. placing or throwing upon (Br.); C.: delivering, handing over, consigning, be stowing; making known, communicating; -arpanîya, fp. to be delivered, handed over, or entrusted; -arpayitavya, fp. id.; -arpita, cs. pp. (√ i) handed over etc. |
sādhanā | f. magic; -anîya, fp. to be accomplished; to be acquired; -proved; -ayitavya, fp. to be accomplished or brought about. |
sukhayoganidrā | f. placid, deep sleep; -râga, m. N.; -rûpa, a. having an agreeable appearance; -varman, m. N.; -sayâ, f. N. of a sorceress; -sayita, pp. re clining or sleeping pleasantly;-sobha½ar tham, ad. for the sake of comfort and credit; -srava, a. pleasant to hear; -samvâhya, fp. easy to carry about; -samsevya, fp. easy to attain; -samstha, a. being in agreeable cir cumstances; -samsparsa, a.pleasant to the touch; -samkâra, a. pleasant to walk about in or resort to, inviting; -samgñâ, f. the term &open;ease&close;; -sambodhya, fp. easy to en lighten, reasonable; -salila, n. pleasant (= tepid) water; -sâdhya,fp. easy to get the better of or overcome; easily effected or ob tained; -supta, pp. sleeping placidly; -sevya, fp. easy of access: -tva, n. accessibility; -stha, a. being in pleasant circumstances, happy; -sparsa, a. pleasant to the touch; -svâpa, m. placid sleep. |
supakva | a. well-cooked; thoroughly ripe or mature (also fig.); -pa&ndot;ka, m. (?) good clay; -patha, a. easy to read, legible; -pati, m. good husband; -pattra, a. having beau tiful wings; well-feathered (arrow); having a beautiful vehicle; -pátnî, a. f. having a good husband; -páth, m. good path; -pátha, n. (V.), m. (C.) good road (V., C.); virtuous course (C.); -pathin, m. (nm. -panthâs) good path; -pad, a. (-î) swift-footed (RV.1); -pa p[a]t-aní, f. swift flight (RV.1); -parigñâta, pp. well-ascertained; -parisrânta, pp. com pletely exhausted; -parihara, a. easy to avoid; -parîkshana, n. careful examina tion; -parîkshita, pp.carefully examined; -parus, a. having beautiful knots (arrow); -parná, a. (&isharp;) having beautiful wings (RV.); m. a large bird of prey, vulture, eagle (fig. of sun, moon, and clouds; du. = sun and moon; V.); a mythical bird, identified with Garuda (C.): -ketu, m. ep. of Vishnu Krishna; -paryavasita, pp. well carried out; -paryâpta, pp. very spacious (house); -par van, a. having beautiful joints; having beauti ful sections orbooks (Mahâbhârata); famous; -palâyita, (pp.) n. skilful or opportune re treat; -pâni, V. a. beautiful-handed; dex terous-handed; -pâtra, n. good receptacle, worthy person (esp. to receive gifts); -pârá, a. (RV.) easy to cross; easy to bear; easily passing over (rain); conducting to a pros perous issue (also TS.); m. a certain per sonification: (á)-kshatra, a. easily traversing his realm (Varuna; RV.1); -pârsva, a. hav ing beautiful sides; m. N.; -pippalá, a. bear ing good berries (V.); -pihita-vat, pp. act. having (the ears, ac.) carefully closed: -î, f. =finite vb.; -punya, a. very excellent; n. great religious or moral merit; -putra, m. good son; á, a. having manyor good chil dren (V., E.); -purusha, m. a certain per sonification; -pushkala, a. very abundant; -pushta, pp. well-fed; -pushpa, a. having beautiful flowers; -pushpita, den. pp. adorned with beautiful flowers; -pûgita,pp. highly honoured; (sú)-pûta, pp. well-clarified; -pûra, a. easy to fill; (sú)-pûrna, pp. well filled, quite full; -pûrvam, ad. very early in the morning; -pûrvâhne, lc. early in the forenoon; -pésas, a. well-adorned, beauti ful, fair (V., rarely P.). |
sthagana | n. concealment; -ayita vya, fp. to be concealed; -ikâ, f. kind of bandage; betel-box. |
sthāpana | n. preserving (youth, --°ree;); fixing, determining; n. erection (of an image etc.); placing, upon (--°ree;); establishment, pro longation of (g., --°ree;); storage of (--°ree;); dialec tical proofof a proposition; statement of (g.): â, f. establishment, dialectical proof of a proposition; -anîya, fp. to be kept in (a place); -set up=kept (cat); -ayitavya, fp. to be kept in a place; -kept in order; -ayitri, m. establisher, founder; -ita, cs. pp. √ sthâ; -ya, fp. to be set up; -placed in or on (lc.); -shut up or confined in (lc.); -ap pointed to (an office, lc.); -kept in the house (vesmani,=as a domestic animal); -kept to (one's duty, lc.); -plunged in (grief, evil plight); -kept in order. |