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Amarakosha Search
12 results
abhīpsitam3.1.53MasculineSingularpriyam, abhīṣṭam, hṛdyam, dayitam, vallabham
arhitaḥ3.1.102MasculineSingularnamasyitam, namasim, apacāyitam, arcitam, apacitam
barivāsitaḥ3.1.102MasculineSingularvarivasyitam, upāsitam, upacaritam
bubhukṣitaḥ3.1.18MasculineSingularaśanāyita, kṣudhitaḥ, jighatsuḥ
santāpitaḥ3.1.103MasculineSingulardūnam, santaptaḥ, dhūpitam, dhūpāyitam
trātam3.1.105MasculineSingularguptam, trāṇam, rakṣitam, avitam, gopāyitam
tyāgaḥ2.7.31MasculineSingularaṃhatiḥ, prādeśanam, vitaraṇam, utsarjanam, apavarjanam, pratipādanam, viśrāṇanam, dānam, nirvapaṇam, sparśanam, visarjanam, vihāyitam
veṣṭitam3.1.90MasculineSingularruddham, āvṛtam, valayitam, saṃvītam
Monier-Williams Search
106 results for yita
abhiprasṛ Causal (ind.p. -sārya-) to stretch one's self out towards (accusative) ; A1. (Potential -sārayīta-) to stretch out (as a foot) towards or upon (locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhisaṃjñitamfn. (fr. 2. saṃjñā- see saṃjñita-), called, named View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhiśri(Vedic or Veda infinitive mood /adhi-śrayitav/ai- ) to put in the fire ; to spread over View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āhveP. -hvayati- (but also Potential 1. sg. ā-huvema- ) A1. -hvayate- (but also 1. sg. -huve- ; Aorist 3. plural hūṣata- ; infinitive mood -huv/adhyai- -hvayitav/ai- ) to call near, invoke invite, summon, cite etc. ; to provoke, challenge, emulate (in this sense only A1. ) etc. ; to call to (especially in rites said of the hotṛ-, who addresses the adhvaryu- by the ā-hāva- or ā-hvāna-;See below) and ; to proclaim : Causal -hvāyayati-, to cause to call near, send for ; to cause to summon or challenge or invite : Desiderative -juhūṣati-, to wish to call near, to be about to call near: Intensive -johavīti- , to call near zealously. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āpūyitamfn. stinking. See an-ā-pūyita-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āsādyamfn. equals ā-sādayitavya- above. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āścut(or -ścyut-), Causal (infinitive mood -ścotayitav/ai- ) to sprinkle, let drop on. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
astrāyaNom. A1. yate- (perf. p. yita- mfn.) to become or turn into a weapon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avāruhCaus. (future sg. -rohayitā-) to bring down from (ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bālārkāyaNom. (yita- mfn.) to resemble the orient sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhasmann. (also plural) "what is pulverized a or calcined by fire", ashes etc. (yuṣmābhir bhasma bhakṣayitavyam-,"you shall have ashes to eat" id est"you shall get nothing"; bhasmanihuta mani-huta-. mfn."sacrificed in ashes" id est"useless") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bodhitavyamfn. to be made known, to be imparted or communicated (see bodhayitavya-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
candrāyaNom. yati-, yate-, to represent or resemble the moon ; (perfect tense Passive voice parasmE-pada yita- n. impersonal or used impersonally) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caturyaNom. P. ryati- (1st future ryitā- infinitive mood ryitum-), to wish for 4 Va1rtt. 1. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cintāratnan. equals -maṇi-, only in cintāratnāyita tnāyita- n. impersonal or used impersonally represented as a gem yielding all desires View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cintyamfn. equals tayitavya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cora raka-, rāyita-, etc. See cur-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dāpitamfn. condemned to pay, fined (varia lectio dāyita-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhyai cl.1 P. dhy/āyati- (Epic also te-,or cl.2. dhyāti-; imperative dhyāhi-; Potential dhyāyāt- ; yīta- ; perf. dadhyau- etc.; Aorist /adhyāsīt- ;3. plural dhyāsur- ; future dhyāsyati- ; dhyātā- ; ind.p. dhyātvā- ; -dhyāya- ; dhyāyam- ) to think of, imagine, contemplate, meditate on, call to mind, recollect (with or scilicet manasā-or si-, cetasā-, dhiyā-, hṛdaye-etc.) etc. ; to brood mischief against (accusative) ; (alone) to be thoughtful or meditative etc. ; to let the head hang down (said of an animal) : Passive voice dhyāyate-, to be thought of, etc. ; Causal dhyāpayati- grammar : Desiderative didhyāsate- : Intensive dādhyāyate-, dādhyāti-, dādhyeti- grammar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
(confer, compare ḍi-) cl.4 P. A1. d/īyati-, te-, to soar, fly : Intensive infinitive mood d/edīyitav/ai-, to fly away [ confer, compare ḍī-; Greek , , .] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dṛṣadyaNom. A1. dyate- ; dyitā- or ditā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ghumaghumāyaNom. A1. yate-, to hum (see gumagumāyita-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hallīsakāya(only yita- n.also impersonal or used impersonally) to perform the above dance, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
himādrīyaNom. represent the himālaya- (yita- n. impersonal or used impersonally) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
īrṣitan. envy (varia lectio for īrṣyita- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
īrṣitavyamfn. to be envied (varia lectio for īrṣyitavya-, q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jan cl.1. ([ ]) and cl.10. j/anati-, te- (subjunctive janat- ; nāt- ; A1. nata- ; imperfect tense /ajanat- ; parasmE-pada j/anat-), jan/ayati-, te- (in later language only P. ; subjunctive n/ayat-; imperfect tense /ajanayat-; Aorist /ajījanat-; parasmE-pada jan/ayat-; infinitive mood j/anayitavai- ) , twice cl.3. (subjunctive jaj/anat- [ ] ; confer, compare ; proper jajanti- ; Aorist A1. j/aniṣṭa-; A1. /ajani- ; perf. jaj/āna-; 3. plural jajñ/ur- etc.; once jajan/ur-, ; parasmE-pada jñivas-; Vedic or Veda infinitive mood j/anitos-, ;[ ];Ved. ind.p. nitv/ī- ) to generate, beget, produce, create, cause etc. ; to produce (a song of praise, etc.) ; (cl.10. or Causal) to cause to be born ; to assign, procure ; cl.4. j/āyate- (Epic also ti-; imperfect tense /ajāyata-; pr. p. jayamāna-;fut. janiṣyate-;aor. /ajaniṣṭa-;1.[ ] and 3. sg. /ajani-; 3. sg. j/ani-, ; j/āni-, ; perf. jajñ/e-,2. sg. jñiṣ/e-3. plural jñir/e-, parasmE-pada jñān/a-) and ([ ]) cl.2. (?) A1. (2. sg. jañiṣ/e-,2. plural jiñre-, niṣvā-[ ], nidhvam- confer, compare ; imperfect tense 3. p. ajñata-[ Aorist ] ) , twice cl.1 A1. (imperfect tense 3. plural ajanatā- ; parasmE-pada j/anamāna-, ) to be born or produced, come into existence etc. ; to grow (as plants, teeth) ; to be born as, be by birth or nature (with double Nominal verb) ; to be born or destined for (accusative) (varia lectio jayate-for jāy-) ; to be born again ; to become, be etc. ; to be changed into (dative case) ; to take place, happen ; to be possible or applicable or suitable ; to generate, produce : Passive voice janyate-, to be born or produced : Desiderative jijaniṣati-, : Intensive jañjanyate- and jājāy-, (confer, compare ) ; ([ confer, compare Latin gigno,(g)nascor; Hibernian or Irish genim,"I beget, generate."]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāṇḍatiktam. a kind of gentian (Gentiana Chirayita) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāṇḍatiktakam. a kind of gentian (Gentiana Chirayita) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛpāyaNom. A1. yate- (Potential yīta-), to mourn, grieve, lament ; to have pity : P. y/ati-, to praise (see kṛpaṇy/u-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantr (properly a mantra-,), cl.10 A1. () mantr/ayate- (rarely P. ti-; subjunctive mantrayaithe-, te- ; Potential mantrayīta- ; infinitive mood mantrayitum- ), to speak, talk, say ; to deliberate, take counsel, consult with (instrumental case with or without saha-) or about (dative case) etc. ; to resolve upon, determine to (infinitive mood) ; to deliberate on, discuss (accusative) etc. ; to counsel, advise, propose any measure, give any one advice (with accusative of Persian,or with genitive case of Persian and accusative of thing) etc. ; to consecrate with sacred or magical texts, enchant with spells or charms View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mavy (see mav-) cl.1 P. () mavyati- (future mavyitā- ), to bind. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meghāyaNom. A1. yate- (equals meghaṃ haroti- ), to form clouds, become cloudy (only P. dative case yat/e-, ylṣat/e-, ghit/āya-) ; to resemble clouds, rise like clouds (yita- Name (also title or epithet) impersonal or used impersonally) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
meṣāyaNom. A1. yite-, to act like aram (yita- mfn.acting like a ram)
mṛgaśāyikāf. the recumbent posture of an antelope (śayīta mṛgaśāyikām-,"let him lie as still as an antelope") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
namasitamfn. (prob. wrong reading for syita-See next) reverenced, worshipped View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nardabudamfn. equals garbhasya śabdayitā-, niśāmakaḥ- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
(for 1.See) cl.1 P. A1. () nayati- te- (perfect tense P. nināya-,2. sg. ninetha- plural nīnima- ; subjunctive ninīth/as- Potential ninīyāt- ; imperative ninetu- ; A1. ninye- etc.; -nayām āsa- ; -nayāṃ cakre- ; Aorist P.3. dual number anītām- subjunctive n/eṣi-, neth/ā- ; anaiṣīt- subjunctive neṣati-, ṣat-,3. plural A1. aneṣata- ; anayīt- ; future neṣyati- ; te- ; nayiṣyati-, te- ; n/etā-, nayitā- ; ind.p. nītvā- etc.; nayitvā- ; n/īya- etc.; infinitive mood neṣ/aṇi- ; n/etavai-, tos-and nayitum- ; n/etum- etc.), to lead, guide, conduct, direct, govern (also with agram-and genitive case; see agra-ṇī-) etc. ; to lead etc. towards or to (accusative with or without prati- dative case, locative case or artham- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') ; to lead or keep away, exclude from (ablative) ; (A1.) to carry off for one's self (as a victor, owner etc.) ; (A1.,rarely P.) to lead home id est marry ; to bring into any state or condition (with accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' with vaśam-,to bring into subjection, subdue[A1. ; P. ];with śūdra-tām-,to reduce to a śūdra- ;with sākṣyam-[A1.],to admit as a witness, ;with vyāghra-tām-,to change into a tiger ;with vikrayam-,to sell ;with paritoṣam-,to satisfy ;with duḥkham-,to pain ;rarely, with locative case exempli gratia, 'for example' duhitṛ-tve-,to make a person one's daughter ;or with an adverb in -sāt- exempli gratia, 'for example' bhasmasāt-to reduce to ashes ) ; to draw (a line etc.) ; to pass or spend (time) etc. ; (with daṇḍam-) to bear the rod id est inflict punishment (with vyavahāram-) to conduct a process ; (with kriyām-) to conduct a ceremony, preside over a religious act ; to trace, track, find out, ascertain, settle, decide (with anyathā-,"wrongly") etc. ; (A1.) to be foremost or chief : Causal nāyayati-, te-, to cause to lead etc. ; to cause to be led by (instrumental case) (see Va1rtt. 5 ) : Desiderative n/inīṣati-, te- ( , w. r. nineṣati-), to wish to lead or bring or carry to or into (accusative or dative case) etc. ; to wish to carry away ; to wish to spend or pass (time) ; to wish to exclude from (ablative) ; to wish to find out or ascertain, investigate : Intensive nenīy/ate- to lead as a captive, have in one's power, rule, govern View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niḥsaṃśayamfn. undoubted, certain etc. (also yita- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nivṛtA1. -vartate- (ind.p. -vṛtya- ;infin. -vartitum- ;rarely P. exempli gratia, 'for example' Potential -vartet- ; imperfect tense or subj. -vartat- ; perfect tense -vāvṛtur- ; future -vartiṣyati- ; -vartsyan- ; Aorist -avṛtat- ), to turn back, stop (trans. and intrans.) etc. ; to return from (ablative) to (accusative with or without prati-,or dative case) ; to return into life, revive, be born again etc. ; to turn away, retreat, flee, escape, abstain or desist from, get rid of (ablative) ; to fall back, rebound ; to leave off (sāmi-,in the midst or when anything is half finished ), cease, end, disappear, vanish etc. ; to be withheld from, not belong to (ablative) ; to be omitted, not to occur ; to be ineffective or useless ; to be wanting, not to exist (yato vāco nivartante-,for which there are no words) ; to pass over to (locative case) ; to be turned upon (locative case or tatra-) : Causal -vartayati-, te- (A1. Potential -vartayīta- ; Passive voice -vartyate- ), to turn downwards, let sink (the head) ; to turn back id est shorten (the hair) ; to lead or bring back, reconduct, return etc. ; to turn away, avert or keep back from (ablative) etc. ; to give up, abandon, suppress, withhold, refuse, deny ; to annul, remove, destroy ; to bring to an end id est perform, accomplish (a sacrifice etc.) ; to procure, bestow ; to desist from (ablative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cl.1 P. () p/ibati- (Ved. and Epic also A1. te-; rarely pipati-, te- ) cl.2. pāti-, pāth/as-, pānti- ; parasmE-pada A1. papān/a- , p/ipāna- (perfect tense P. pap/au-,2. sg. papātha- ; papitha- ; papīyāt- ; p. papiv/as- ; A1. pape-, papire- ; p. papān/a- ; Aorist or imperfect tense apāt- [ confer, compare ] ; 3. plural apuḥ-[?] ; -pāsta- ; preceding 3. sg. peyās- ; future pāsyati-, te- etc.; pātā- grammar; ind.p. pītv/ā- etc., tvī- ; -pāya- etc.; -pīya- ; pāyam- ; infinitive mood p/ibadhyai- ; pātum- etc.; p/ātave- ; p/ātava/ī- ), to drink, quaff, suck, sip, swallow (with accusative,rarely genitive case) etc. ; (met.) to imbibe, draw in, appropriate, enjoy, feast upon (with the eyes, ears etc.) etc. ; to drink up, exhaust, absorb ; to drink intoxicating liquors : Passive voice pīy/ate- etc. etc.: Causal pāyayati-, te- (perfect tense pāyayām āsā- ; Aorist apīpyat- ; ind.p. pāyayitvā- ; infinitive mood p/āyayitav/ai- ), to cause to drink, give to drink, water (horses or cattle) etc. etc.: Desiderative pipāsati- ( also pipīṣati-), to wish to drink, thirst : Desiderative of Causal pipāyayiṣati-, to wish or intend to give to drink : Intensive pepīyate- (parasmE-pada yamāna-also with pass meaning) , to drink greedily or repeatedly [ confer, compare Greek; AEolic = ; Latin pa1-tus,po1tum,biboforpi-bo; Slavonic or Slavonian pi-ja,pi-ti] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parikalayitṛmfn. surrounding, encircling (read yitā-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariśriP. -śrayati- (ind.p. -śritya-;Ved. infinitive mood p/ari-śrayitav/ai-), to surround, encircle, fence, enclose : Passive voice -śrīyasva-, be surrounded or surround thyself View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pathikāya(only pathikāyita yita- n. impersonal or used impersonally), to act as a traveller View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pradhmā(or dham-) P. (A1. Potential -dhmāyīta- ) -dhamati-, to blow before or in front, blow away ; to scare ; to destroy ; to blow into (especially into a conch shell accusative) etc. ; (A1.) to cry out ; (others,"to be tossed about","wander about") : Causal P. A1. -dhmāpayati-, te-, to blow into, blow (a conch shell) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prakṣalP. -kṣālayati-, to wash off, wash away, rinse etc. ; to cleanse, purify : Causal A1. -kṣālāpayate- (Potential yīta-), to have anything (as one's feet) washed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
praśrayinmfn. behaving respectfully, courteous, modest ( praśrayitā yitā- f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratihārāyaNom. to act as door-keeper (yitam- impersonal or used impersonally) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyayitamfn. wrong reading for tyāyita- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyāyitamfn. convinced of, trusting (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') (wrong reading ayita-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyāyitavya wrong reading for āyayitavya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pyai or pyāy- cl.1 A1. () py/āyate- (perfect tense papye- grammar; Aorist apyāyi- ; apyāsam- ; preceding pyāyiṣīmahi-or pyāsiṣīmahi- ; future pyāsyate-or pyāyiṣyate- grammar; pyātā-, pyāyitā- ), to swell, be exuberant, overflow: Causal pyāy/ayati-, te- etc. ; (Passive voice pyāyy/ate- ) to make overflow, fill up (mostly in compound with ā--See ā-pyai-; see pi-, -). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rājyalīlāNom. A1. yate- (only yita- n.the playing at kings) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rutāyatamfn. (wrong reading for yita-?) rendered vocal (by the sound of birds etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śakraśarāsanāyaNom. P. yate- (yita- n. impersonal or used impersonally) to represent a rainbow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samāpP. -āpnoti-, to acquire or obtain completely, gain etc. ; to accomplish, fulfil ; to reach : Causal āpayati-, to cause to gain or obtain completely ; to bring to an end, finish, complete, conclude etc. ; to put an end to, put to death, destroy (with or scilicet atmānam-"one's self") : Desiderative of Causal -āpipayithati-, to wish or try to accomplish : Desiderative -ipsati-, to wish to obtain or reach or accomplish, wish for, desire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sambhāvitavyamfn. equals bhāvayitavya- (varia lectio bhāvanīya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃdhyāyaNom. A1. dhyāyate-, to resemble twilight (yāyita- mfn. ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃhveA1. -hvayate- (;Ved. infinitive mood s/aṃ-hvayitav/ai-), to call out loudly, shout together ; to relate, make known View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samidhyaNom. P. yati- (future -idhyitā-or -idhitā-), to wish for fuel View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃkṣiP. -kṣiṇāti-4. to destroy completely, annihilate : Passive voice -kṣīyate-, to be destroyed or exhausted, waste away, disappear, perish : Causal -kṣapayati-, to cause to, disappear, destroy ; -kṣayayati- See -kṣayita-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃśritavya wrong reading for srayitavya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvyeP. A1. -vyayati-, te- (perfect tense parasmE-pada -vivyāna- q.v), to roll or cover up ; to put on, wrap one's self in (accusative) ; to supply or furnish or provide or equip with : Causal See vāyita-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śayitavyamfn. to be lain or slept (n. impersonal or used impersonally; mayā-hutavahe-śayitavyam-,"it must be lain down by me in the fire") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ścut (often in later language written ścyut-; see cyut-) cl.1 P. () śc/otati- (perfect tense cuścota- ; Aorist aścotīt-or aścutat- grammar; future ścotitā-, ścotiṣyati- ), to ooze, trickle, exude, drop, distil ; to shed, pour out, sprinkle : Causal ścotayati- (Aorist -acuścutat- infinitive mood -ścotayitav/ai-; see abhi--and ā-ścut-), to cause to drop or flow, shed : Desiderative cuścotiṣati-
śī cl.2 A1. () ś/ete- (with guṇa- throughout the proper stem : thus, ś/aye-[in also 3. sg. ], ś/eṣe-etc., 3. plural ś/erate-[in also ś/ere-and Class. śayire-]; Potential ś/ayīta- etc.; imperative -śetām-and śayām- ; imperfect tense aśeta- etc., 3. plural aśerata-[in also /aśeran-], parasmE-pada ś/ayāna- etc.;Ved. and Epic also cl.1. ś/ayate-, ti-; imperfect tense /aśayat-and aśāyata- ; perfect tense śiśye-, śiśyire- ; parasmE-pada Ved. śaśayān/a-,Class. śiśyāna-; Aorist aśayiṣṭa- subjunctive ś/eṣan- ; future śayitā- sg. t/āse- ; śayiṣyate-, ti- ; śeṣyate-, ti- ; infinitive mood śay/adhyai- ; śayitum- ; ind.p. śayitvā- etc.; -śayya- ), to lie, lie down, recline, rest, repose etc. ; to remain unused (as soma-) ; to lie down to sleep, fall asleep, sleep etc. ; (with patye-) to lie down to a husband (for sexual intercourse) ; (madanena-śī-= "to be impotent") : Passive voice śayyate- grammar (Aorist aśāyi- , pr.p. once in śīyat-): Causal śāyayati-, te- (Aorist aśīśayat-), to cause to lie down, lay down, put, throw, fix on or in (locative case) etc. ; to cause to lie down, allow to rest or sleep : Desiderative śiśayiṣate-, to wish to rest or sleep : Intensive śāśayyate-, śeśayīti-, śeśeti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek ,"to lie";, "a bed."]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
siddhif. the acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means or the supposed faculty so acquired (the eight usually enumerated are given in the following śloka-, aṇimā- laghimā prāptiḥ prākāmyam mahimā tathā īśitvaṃ ca vaśitvaṃ ca tathā kāmāvasāyitā-;sometimes 26 are added exempli gratia, 'for example' dūra-śravaṇa-, sarvajña-tva-, agni-stambha-etc.)
sindhuvāhas(s/indhu--) mfn. (perhaps) passing through the sea or navigating (according to to = nadīnām pravāhayitā-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śiṣyāyaNom. (fr. śiṣya-,only past participle yāyita- n. impersonal or used impersonally) to become the pupil of (genitive case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
snā (confer, compare snu-) cl.2 P. () sn/āti- cl.4 P. () snāyati- (Epic also A1. snāyate- Potential snāyāt-; Epic also snāyīta-; perfect tense sasnau-,3. plural sasnuḥ- ; future snātā- grammar; snāsyati-, te- etc.; Aorist asnāsīt- grammar; preceding snāyāt-[ confer, compare above] or sneyāt- ; infinitive mood snātum- etc.; ind.p. snātv/ā-, -sn/āya- etc.;Ved. also snātvī- ), to bathe, perform the ceremony of bathing or certain prescribed oblations (especially on returning home from the house of a religious preceptor, or on concluding certain vows etc., also with avabhṛtham-) etc. ; to smear one's self with (instrumental case) : Passive voice snāyate- (Aorist asnāyi- impersonal or used impersonally) : Causal snāp/ayati- or snap/ayati-, (with preposition only snāp-), to cause to bathe, wash, cleanse etc. ; to wash away ; to steep or soak in (locative case) ; to bathe with tears, weep for(?) : Desiderative sisnāsati- (but confer, compare siṣṇāsu-): Intensive sāsnāyate-, sāsnāti-, sāsneti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin nare.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
somārdhāya(only p. p. yita-), to resemble the half-moon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sphāy cl.1 A1. () sphāyate- (grammar also perfect tense pasphāye- Aorist asphāyiṣṭa-,or asphāṣṭa- future sphāyitā-etc.) , to grow fat, become bulky, swell, increase, expand ; to resound : Passive voice sphīyate-, to become fat : Causal sphāvayati- (Aorist apisphavat-), to fatten, swell, strengthen, increase, augment [? confer, compare Greek ; Lit.spe0ti; Slavonic or Slavonian spe8ti.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śri cl.1 P. A1. () śrayati-, te- (perfect tense śiśr/āya-, śiśriy/e-; Aorist /aśret-, āśriyan- ; aśrait- ; /aśiśriyat- etc.; aśrāyiṣṭa- grammar [Ved. forms belonging either to the perfect tense or Aorist type are also aśiśret-, śrema-, śrayuḥ-, śiśrīt/a-]; future śrayitā- grammar; śrayiṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood śrayitum- ; śrayitav/ai- ; ind.p. śrayitvā- etc., -śr/itya- etc.) P. to cause to lean or rest on, lay on or in, fix on, fasten to, direct or turn towards, (especially) spread or diffuse (light or radiance or beauty) over (locative case) ; (A1.or Passive voice,rarely P.) to lean on, rest on, recline against (accusative), cling to (locative case), be supported or fixed or depend on, abide in or on (accusative locative case or adverb) ; (A1. P.) to go to, approach, resort or have recourse to (for help or refuge) , tend towards (accusative) etc. ; (A1.) to go into, enter, fall to the lot or take possession of (accusative or locative case) ; (A1. P.) to attain, undergo, get into any state or condition (accusative) etc. ; to assume (with śrāvikā-tvam-,"to assume the form of a śrāvikā-", q.v) ; to show, betray (heroism) ; to honour, worship : Passive voice śrīyate- (Aorist /aśrāyi-: confer, compare above) etc. etc.: Causal śrāpayati- (in uc-chr-) ; śrāyayati- (Aorist aśiśrayat-;for aśiśriyat-See above) grammar : Desiderative śiśrayiṣati-, te- or śiśrīṣati-, te- grammar : Intensive śeśrīyate-, śeśrayīti-, śeśreti- [ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin clino,clivus; Lithuanian szly4ti,szle14ti,szlai4tas; Gothic hlains;hlaiw; German hline7n,line7n,lehnen; Anglo-Saxon hlinian; English lean.]
sukhasuptikāpraśnam. the question whether any one has slept well (see sukha-śayita-pracchaka-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suradhanurlekhāyato resemble a rainbow (yita- mfn.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūrkṣ or sūrkṣy- cl.1 P. () sūrkṣati- or ṣyati- (occurring only in present tense base; grammar also perfect tense susūrkṣa-or ṣya-; future sūrkṣitā-, ṣyitā-etc.) , to heed, care or trouble about (accusative or genitive case) ; to disrespect, slight, neglect (?) [ confer, compare accord,to some, Lithuanian serge4ti; Gothic sau4rga; German Sorge; Anglo-Saxon sorh; English sorrow.]
sūrkṣy or sūrkṣ- cl.1 P. () sūrkṣati- or ṣyati- (occurring only in present tense base; grammar also perfect tense susūrkṣa-or ṣya-; future sūrkṣitā-, ṣyitā-etc.) , to heed, care or trouble about (accusative or genitive case) ; to disrespect, slight, neglect (?) [ confer, compare accord,to some, Lithuanian serge4ti; Gothic sau4rga; German Sorge; Anglo-Saxon sorh; English sorrow.]
sutiktakam. "very bitter", Gentiana Chirayita View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvetacchattrāyaNom. to resemble a white umbrella (yita- mfn.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śvi (connected with śū-;sometimes written śvā-) cl.1 P. () śv/ayati- (perfect tense śiśvāya-,or śuśāva- grammar; Aorist /aśvat- , aśvayīt- ; preceding śūyāt- grammar; future śvayitā-, śvayiṣyati- ; infinitive mood śv/ayitum- ), to swell, grow, increase etc.: Passive voice śūyate- (Aorist aśvāyi-) idem or ' wrong reading for śvaśurya- ' : Causal śvāyayati- (Aorist aśiśvayat-[ ]or aśūśavat-) idem or ' wrong reading for śvaśurya- ' grammar : Desiderative of Causal śiśvāyayiṣati- or śuśāvayiṣati- : Desiderative śiśvayiṣati- : Intensive śeśvīyate- (), śośūyate- ; śeśvayīti-, śeśveti-, to swell much. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyāmāyaNom. A1. māyate-, to assume a dark colour (māyita- mfn.become dark) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tan cl.8 P. A1. n/oti-, nut/e- (3. plural nv/ate-[ --and vi-tanvat/e- ] ; imperative nu-[ /ava-and v/i-tanuhi- ; see Va1rtt. 1 ] ; nuṣva- ; subjunctive 2. sg. nuthās-, ;1. dual number navāvahai-, ; imperfect tense 3. plural /atanvata-, ; perfect tense P. tat/āna-,once tāt- ;2. sg. tat/antha-[ ],class. tenitha-[ ]; A1.1. 2. 3. sg. [ --] tatane-, [abh/i-]tatniṣe-, [v/i-]tatne- ;3. sg. irregular tate-, ;3. plural tatnir/e-[ v/i-- ] or ten-[ (vi--)etc.; see ]; Aorist P. /atan- ; [/ā-]atān-, ; ;[ p/ari--, v/i--] atanat- ; [anv-/ā]atāṃsīt- ; atānīt- ; tat/anat-, [abh/i-]t/anāma-, t/anan- ;2. plural ataniṣṭa- ;3. dual number atāniṣṭām- ; A1. atata-or ataniṣṭa-, atathās-or ataniṣṭhās- ;3. plural /atnata- ; tat/ananta-, ;1. sg. atasi- plural ataṃsmahi- ; future 2nd taṃsy/ate- ; future 1st [vi-]tāyitā- ; parasmE-pada proper tanv/at-, vān/a-; perfect tense tatanv/as-; ind.p. tatvā-, tv/āya-, -t/atya- ;[ vi--] tāya- ; infinitive mood tantum- ; Passive voice tāy/ate- [ parasmE-pada y/amāna-] etc.; tanyate- ; Aorist atāyi- ) to extend, spread, be diffused (as light) over, shine, extend towards, reach to etc. ; to be protracted, continue, endure ; to stretch (a cord), extend or bend (a bow), spread, spin out, weave etc. ; to emboss ; to prepare (a way for) ; to direct (one's way, gatim-) towards ; to propagate (one's self or one's family, tanūs-, tantum-) ; to (spread id est to) speak (words) ; to protract ; to put forth, show, manifest, display, augment etc. (Passive voice to be put forth or extended, increase ) ; to accomplish, perform (a ceremony) etc. ; to sacrifice ; to compose (a literary work) ; to render (any one thirsty, double accusative) : Desiderative titaniṣati-, taṃsati-, tāṃs- : Intensive tantanyate-, tantanīti-, ; ([ see , etc.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
toṣyamfn. equals ṣayitavya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tṛp cl.4. t/ṛpyati- ([ etc.;metrically also te-]) cl.5. [Subj. 2. sg. tṛpṇ/avas- imperative ṇuhi-, ṇut/am- (See also /a-tṛpṇuvat-); noti- and gaRa kṣubhnādi-] cl.6. [2. sg. tṛmp/asi- imperative p/a-, patu-,etc. ; see Va1rtt. 1 ; tṛpati- ; perfect tense parasmE-pada A1. tātṛpāṇ/a- ; P. tatarpa-;3. plural tātṛpur- ; Aorist atṛpat- or atrāpsīt- vArttika; atarpīt-, atārpsīt- ; future 1st tarpiṣyati-(but see ), tarpsy-, trapsy-; Conditional atrapsyat- ; future 2nd tarpitā-, ptā-, traptā- on ] to satisfy one's self, become satiated or satisfied, be pleased with (genitive case instrumental case,or rarely locative case exempli gratia, 'for example' gnis tṛpyati kāṣṭhānām-,"fire is not satisfied with wood"; /atṛpyan brāhmaṇ/ā dh/anaiḥ-,"the brahman-s were pleased with wealth") etc. ; to enjoy (with ablative) ; to satisfy, please : cl.1. tarpati-, to kindle : Causal tarpayati-, rarely te- (imperfect tense atarpayat- etc.; parasmE-pada tarp/ayat- ; Aorist atītṛpat- ; /atītṛpāma- ; infinitive mood t/arpayitav/ai- ) to satiate, satisfy, refresh, gladden etc. ; A1. to become satiated or satisfied ; to kindle : Desiderative (subjunctive t/itṛpsāt-) to wish to enjoy : Causal Desiderative (Potential titarpayiṣet-) to wish to satiate or refresh or satisfy : Intensive tarītṛpyate-, tarītarpti-, trapti- ; ([ see tṛph-;.]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upakḷpA1. -kalpate-, to be fit for, be ready at hand, become ; to serve as, lead to (with dative case) ; to take the shape or form of, become, be : Causal P. -kalpayati- (infinitive mood -kalpayitav/ai- ) to prepare, make ready, equip ; to procure, bring near, fetch etc. ; to allot, asign ; to put or set up, turn towards ; to arrange ; to impart, communicate ; to assume, suppose View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upanīP. A1. -nayati-, -te- ( Potential -nayīta- ; parasmE-pada -n/ayamāna- ) to lead or drive near, bring near, bring, adduce, offer ; to bring information, communicate ; to lead or bring near to one's self, take possession of ; to lead, guide ; to lead or draw towards one's self (said of the Guru who, in the ceremony of initiation, draws the boy towards himself) ; to initiate into one of the twice-born classes by investing with the sacred thread etc. (only A1. ) etc. etc. ; to bring about, produce, cause ; to bring into any state, reduce to etc. ; to take into one's service (only A1. ) : Causal -nāyayati-, to cause to initiate (a pupil)
utaind. in this sense it may be strengthened by āho- (exempli gratia, 'for example' kaccit tvam asi mānuṣī utāho surāṅganā-,art thou a mortal woman or divine? nala-) , or by āho-svit- (exempli gratia, 'for example' śālihotraḥ kiṃ nu syād utāhosvid rājā nalaḥ-,can it be śālihotra- or king nala-?) Rarely kim- is repeated before uta- used in this sense (exempli gratia, 'for example' kim nu svargāt prāptā tasyā rūpeṇa kimutānyāgatā-,has she arrived from heaven or has another come in her form? ) etc. (As a particle of wishing, especially at the beginning of a sentence followed by a potential) would that! utinam! (exempli gratia, 'for example' utādhīyīta-,would that he would read!) (uta-preceded by kim-) on the contrary, how much more, how much less (exempli gratia, 'for example' kam&iencoding=&lang='>samartho 'si sahasram api jetuṃ kimutaikam-,thou art able to conquer even a thousand, how much more one ) etc. (uta-preceded by prati-) on the contrary, rather (exempli gratia, 'for example' eṣa pṛṣṭo 'smābhir na jalpati hanti praty-uta pāṣāṇaih-,this one questioned by us does not speak, but rather throws stones at us) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
utsādyamfn. equals ut-sādayitavya- above. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ūy cl.1 A1. ūyate-, ūyām-āsa-, ūyitā-, ūyiṣyate-, ūyiṣṭa-, to weave, sew equals ve- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vac cl.2 P. () vakti- (occurs only in sg. vacmi-, vakṣi-, vakti-,and imperative vaktu-; Vedic or Veda also cl.3 P. v/ivakti-; perfect tense uv/āca-, ūj- etc.; uv/aktha- ; vavāca-, vavakṣ/e- ; Aorist avocat-, cata- etc.;in veda- also subjunctive vocati-, te-, vecāti-; Potential voc/et-, ceta-; imperative vocatu-; preceding ucyāsam- ; future vakt/ā- etc.; vakṣy/ati- etc.; te- ; Conditional avakṣyat- ; infinitive mood ktum- etc.; tave- ; tos- ; ind.p. uktv/ā- etc.; -/ucya- ), to speak, say, tell, utter, announce, declare, mention, proclaim, recite, describe (with accusative with or without prati- dative case or genitive case of Persian,and accusative of thing;often with double accusative exempli gratia, 'for example' tam idaṃ vākyam uvāca-,"he spoke this speech to him";with double accusative also"to name, call"A1.with nom;"one's self";with punar-,"to speak again, repeat";or "to answer, reply") etc. ; to reproach, revile (accusative) : Passive voice ucy/ate- (Aorist avāci-,or in later language avoci-), to be spoken or said or told or uttered etc. etc. (yad ucyate-,"what the saying is") ; to resound ; to be called or accounted, be regarded as, pass for (Nominal verb also locative case) etc.: Causal vācayati-, te- (Potential vācayīta- ; Aorist avīvacat-; Passive voice vācyate-), to cause to say or speak or recite or pronounce (with, double accusative;often the object is to be supplied) etc. ; to cause anything written or printed to speak id est to read out loud etc. ; () to say, tell, declare ; to promise : Desiderative vivakṣati-, te- (Passive voice vivakṣyate-), to desire to say or speak or recite or proclaim or declare etc. ; (Passive voice) to be meant : Intensive (only /avāvacīt-) to call or cry aloud [ confer, compare Greek for in, etc.; Latin vocare,vox; German gi-waht,gi-wahinnen,er-wähnen.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vairāyaNom. A1. yate- (pr. p. vairāyamāṇa-,3. plural 1st future yitāraḥ-), to become hostile, behave like an enemy, begin hostilities against (prati-or instrumental case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vajrakīlāyaNom. A1. yate-, to act or be like a thunderbolt (yita- n. impersonal or used impersonally) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vajrapātāyaNom. A1. (only yita-) to fall like a thunderbolt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vap cl.1 P. A1. v/apati-, te- (only present tense stem and ind.p. uplvā-, -upya-), to shear, shave (A1."one's self") , cut off ; to crop (herbage), mow, cut (grass), graze : Causal vāpayati-, te- (Potential payīta- ), to cause (A1."one's self") to be shorn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
varāyaNom. (only yita- n. impersonal or used impersonally) to be or represent a boon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
varivasitamfn. equals varivasyita- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
varivasyaNom. P. sy/ati-, to grant room or space, give relief. concede, permit ; to show favour, wait upon, cherish, tend (parasmE-pada syamāna- equals varivacyita- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāyuputrāya(only vāyuputrāyita yita- n. impersonal or used impersonally), to represent or act the part of hanumat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ve (see ūy-) cl.1 P. A1. () v/ayati-, te- (perfect tense parasmE-pada vavau-or uvāya-;2. sg. uvayitha- grammar;3. plural vavuḥ- ; ūvuḥ- ; ūyuḥ- ; A1. vave-, ūve-, ūye- grammar; Aorist avāsīt-, avāsta- grammar; preceding ūyāt-, vāsīṣṭa- ; future vātā- ; vāsyati-, te- ; vayiṣy/ati- ; infinitive mood /otum-, /otave-, /otav/ai- ; v/ātave- ), to weave, interweave, braid, plait (figuratively to string or join together artificially, make, compose exempli gratia, 'for example' speeches, hymns) etc. ; to make into a cover, into a web or web-like covering, overspread as with a web (said of a cloud-like mass of arrows filling the air) : Passive voice ūyate- (Aorist avāyi-) grammar : Causal vāyayati- : Desiderative vivāsati-, te- : Intensive vāvāyate-, vāveti-, vāvāti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vibhūtif. manifestation of might, great power, superhuman power (consisting of eight faculties, especially attributed to śiva-, but supposed also to be attainable by human beings through worship of that deity, viz. aṇiman-,the power of becoming as minute as an atom; laghiman-,extreme lightness; prāpti-,attaining or reaching anything[ exempli gratia, 'for example' the moon with the tip of the finger]; prākāmya-,irresistible will; mahiman-,illimitable bulk; īśitā-,supreme dominion; vaśitā-,subjugating by magic;and kāmāvasāyitā-,the suppressing all desires)
vicchāyayaNom. P. yayati-, to free from shadow, deprive of colour or lustre (-cchāyita-,colourless, pale) ; -cchāyī-kṛ- P. -karoti- idem or 'm. a jewel, gem ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vīrāyaNom. A1. yate-, to act like a hero, show heroism (yita- n. impersonal or used impersonally) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viśvavaparimfn. equals vīsvasmiñ- jagati raśmīn āvaptā- vistārayitā- (Scholiast or Commentator) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vitanP. A1. -tanoti-, -tanute- (future -tāyitā- ), to spread out or through or over, cover, pervade, fill etc. ; to spread, stretch, extend (a net, snare, cord etc.) etc. ; to draw or bend (a bow) ; to spread out id est lay on, impose (a yoke) ; to apply (ointment) ; to extend, make wide (with tanv/as-,the bodies, = to oppose or resist boldly ;with padāni-,steps, = to stride ) ; to unfold, display, exhibit, manifest etc. ; to carry out, perform, accomplish (especially a rite or ceremony) ; to sacrifice ; to cause, effect, produce ; to make, render (two accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vṛj cl.1.7. P. () varjati-, vṛṇ/akti- ; cl.2 A1. () vṛkte- (Vedic or Veda and also v/arjate-and vṛṅkt/e-; imperative vṛṅktām-[ varia lectio vṛktām-] ; vṛṅgdhvam- ; perfect tense vavarja-, vavṛje-[ grammar also vavṛñje- vāvṛje-; vavṛjy/uḥ-, vavṛktam- parasmE-pada f. -varj/uṣī-]; Aorist avṛk- ; vark-[2. 3. sg. ], varktam-, avṛjan- Potential vṛjyām- ; /avṛkta- ; avṛkṣam-, ṣi- ; avārkṣīs- ; avarjīt-, avajiṣṭa- grammar; future varjitā- ; varjiṣyati- ; varkṣyati-, te- ; infinitive mood v/ṛje-, vṛñj/ase-, vṛj/adhyai- ; vajitum-or vṛñjitum- grammar; ind.p. vṛktv/ī- ; -v/ṛjya-, -vargam- etc.) , to bend, turn ; to twist off, pull up, pluck, gather (especially sacrificial grass) ; to wring off or break a person's (accusative) neck ; to avert, remove ; (A1.) to keep anything from (ablative or genitive case), divert, withhold, exclude, abalienate ; (A1.) to choose for one's self, select, appropriate : Passive voice vṛjy/ate-, to be bent or turned or twisted etc.: Causal varjayati- (; mc. also te-; Potential varjayīta- ; Aorist avavarjat-), to remove, avoid, shun, relinquish, abandon, give up, renounce etc. ; to spare, let live ; to exclude, omit, exempt, except (yitvā-with accusative = excepting, with the exception of) etc.: Passive voice of Causal varjyate-, to be deprived of. lose (instrumental case) (see varjita-): Desiderative vivṛkṣ/ate- (), vivarjiṣati-, te- (grammar), to wish to bend or turn etc.: Intensive varīvṛjyate-, varvarkti- (grammar; parasmE-pada v/arīvṛjat- ), to turn aside, divert: Causal of Intensive varīvarj/ayati- (p.f. yantī-), to turn hither and thither (the ears)
vye cl.1 P. A1. () vy/ayati-, te- (perfect tense P. vivyāya-,2. sg. vivyayitha- grammar;2. dual number vivyathus- ; A1. vivy/e- -vyay/āṃ cakāra- ; Aorist avyat-, avyata- ; avyāsīt-, avyāsta- grammar; preceding vīyāt-, vyāsīṣṭa- ; future vyātā- ; vyāsyati-, te- ; vyayiṣye- ; ind.p. -v/īya- etc.; -vāya- grammar), to cover, clothe, wrap, envelop (A1. also,"one's self") : Pass. vīy/ate- (pr. p. vīy/amāna-), to be covered etc. : Causal vyāyayati- grammar : Desiderative vivyāsati-, te- ; Intensive vevīyate-, vāvyeti-, vāvyāti- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
3 results
āsādanam आसादनम् 1 Putting or laying down. -2 Attacking. -3 Overtaking, meeting with, going towards. -4 Obtaining, attaining, accomplishing. आसादयितव्य āsādayitavya आसाद्य āsādya आसादयितव्य आसाद्य pot. p. Attainable, to be attained &c.
khaṇḍana खण्डन a. [खण़्ड्-ल्युट्] 1 Breaking, cutting, dividing. -2 Destroying, annihilating; स्मरगरलखण्डनं मम शिरसि मण्डनम् Gīt.1; भवज्वरखण्डन 12. -नम् 1 Breaking or cutting. -2 Biting; injuring, hurting; अधरोष्ठखण्डनम् Pt.1; घटय भुजबन्धनं जनय रदखण्डनम् Gīt.1; Ch. P.12; दर्शनेन कृतखण्डनव्यथाः R.19.21. -3 Disappointing, frustrating (as in love). -4 Interrupting; रसखण्डनवर्जितम् R.9.36. -5 Cheating, deceiving. -6 Refuting (in argument); N.6.113. -7 Rebellion, opposition. -8 Dismissal. -Comp. -खण्डखाद्यम् N. of a work on logic by Harṣa. -रतम् Skilful in cutting or destroying. खण्डनीय khaṇḍanīya खण्डयितव्य khaṇḍayitavya खण्डनीय खण्डयितव्य pot. p. 1 To be broken, fragile, brittle. -2 Destructible. -3 Refutable &c.
jhaṇajhaṇam झणझणम् णा Jingling sound; कुर्वाणमिव तद्वीर्यस्तुतिं झणझणारवैः Ks.25.222. झणझणायमान jhaṇajhaṇāyamāna झणझणायित jhaṇajhaṇāyita झणझणायमान झणझणायित a. Tinkling, jingling, making a tinkling sound; ...... हंसविभ्रमाभिरामचरणसंचरण- झणझणायमान ...... (v. l. रणरणायमान) Māl.1 (between 25-26); U.5.5.
Macdonell Search
54 results
ardhapaṇa m. half a pana; -patha, m. half-way; -pâda, m. tip of the foot; -pâd ika, a. having half a foot; -pîta, pp. half-drunk; -pulâyita, n. kind of gait in the horse; -bri galá, n. half a piece; -bhakshita, pp. half eaten; -bhagna, pp. half-broken; -bhâgika, a. receiving half a portion; -bhâg, a. receiv ing the half; -mâgadhî, f. semi-Mâgadhî (dialect); -mârga, m. half-way; -mâsá, m. half a month; -mâsika, a.lasting half a month; -mîlita, pp. half-closed; -mukulî kri, half close (eyes); -mundita, pp. having the head half shaved.
āmantraṇa n. calling, address ing; invitation; -ayitavya, fp. to be taken leave of; -ita, n. (pp.) address; vocative.
āsīna pr. pt. (√ âs) sitting: -pra- kalâyita, n. nodding with sleep while sitting.
khaṇakhaṇāya den. Â. clatter, crack: pp. -yita, clashing, etc.
kharāya den. behave like an ass: pp. -yita, n. tomfoolery.
kheda m. pressure, hardship, trouble; faintness, weariness, affliction; annoyance at (g.): â, f. N. of a locality; -ana, n. exhaus tion; -ayitavya, fp. to be afflicted; -in, a. tired, weary; fatiguing.
gamana n. gait; going; betaking oneself to (ad.; ac. ± prati, g., --°ree;); sexual intercourse with (--°ree;); entering upon, undergoing (--°ree;); course; departure; walking; motion: -vat, a. past; -anîya,fp. accessible to, as sailable by (g.); -ayitavya, cs. fp. to be passed (time).
cirāya den. be long, tarry: pp. kirâyita, tarrying long.
cora m. thief; plagiarist: (a)-ka, m. thief; -ayitavya, fp. to be stolen.
dolāya den. Â. sway like a swing; fluctuate, waver, be in doubt: pp. dolâyita, swaying to and fro.
dhavalāya den. P. become or look dazzling white: pp. dhavalâyita.
dhūpāya den. P. emit smoke; fumi gate: pp. dhûpâyita.
niyojana n. tying up; cord; injunction, commission; -yogayitavya, cs. fp. to be punished with (in.); to be urged to (lc.); -yogya, fp. to be fastened; -endowed with; -instructed in (in.); -commissioned; -entrusted; m. servant, dependent; -yodhaka, m. pugilist.
nivedana a. announcing, making known; n. communication, announcement; of fering; -vedin, a. announcing, making known; offering (--°ree;); -vedya, fp. to be reported; n. offering of food to an idol; -vesá, m. enter ing into; settling; encampment, camp; habi tation, residence; settling down, marriage, matrimony; foundation (of a city); building, edifice; impression, mark; -vésana, a. (î) entering into (--°ree;); laying to rest; sheltering; n. entrance; setting down; introduction, ap plication; causing to encamp; settling down, marrying; resting-place, bed, lair, nest; home, abode, dwelling; -vesanîya, fp. to be put down; -vesayitavya, fp. to be placed; -vesa vat, a. lying on (--°ree;); -vesin, a. lying near, being in, resting or based on (--°ree;).
niḥsaṃśaya a. undoubted, cer tain; undoubting, sure: -m, ad. certainly, undoubtedly; -samsayita, pp. unquestioned, sure, safe; -samskâra, a. unrefined, ill-man nered: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -sa&ndot;khya, a. in numerable; -sa&ndot;ga, a. unattached; indif ferent to (lc.), disinterested, free from all de sires: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -sakiva, a. lacking a minister; -samkâra, a. not going out, not leaving the house; -samgña, a. un conscious; -sattva, a. devoid of reality; wanting in courage or firmness; weak, wretched; deprived of living beings: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -satya, a. untrue, lying: -tâ, f. untruthfulness, mendacity, insincerity; -sam tati, a. destitute of offspring; -samdigdha, pp. not doubtful, certain: -m, ad. undoubtedly, certainly; -samdeha, a. id.; -samdhi, a. lacking a joining or interstice; close, firm (embrace); -sapatna, a.having no rival; uncontested; unrivalled: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -sambâdha, a. uncrowded; -sambhrama, a. unperplexed (about, inf.); -sarana, n. going out; exit; expedient against (ab. or --°ree;); -sarani, a. pathless; -sarpa, from serpents; -salila, a. waterless; -saha, a. powerless; fainting: °ree;--, ad. in a faint; -sahâya, a. companionless, helpless.
pūjaka a. (ikâ) honouring, rever encing, worshipping (g. or --°ree;); -ana, n. honouring, worshipping, hospitable reception of (g. or --°ree;); -anîya, fp. to be worshipped or honoured, by (g.); deemed worthy of re spect, worship, or honour; -ayitavya, fp. id.; -ayitri, m. worshipper.
pūra a. filling; satisfying; m. filling; satisfying; swelling of a river or of the ocean; volume of water, flood, stream (often --°ree; with words denoting water or other fluid); superabundance, high degree of (--°ree;); cake; slow inhalation of breath through the nose (an ascetic practice); -aka, a. filling, -up, completing (g. or --°ree;); fulfilling, satisfying; m. stream, effusion; multiplier; slow inspira tion of breath through the nose (an ascetic practice); citron-tree: -pinda, m. pl. flour balls for completing the sacrifice to the Manes; -ana, a. (î) filling; fulfilling, satis fying; producing; m. filler-up or completer of a number, masculine ordinal number (from dvitîya onwards); n. act of filling or filling up; complete drawing of a bow; fulfilling, satisfying; equipping: -pratyaya, m. suffix forming ordinal nouns (gr.); -anîya, fp. to be filled in or supplied; to be fulfilled or satisfied; -ayitavya, fp. to be filled up or completed; to be satisfied; -ayitri, m. filler, of (g.); fulfiller, satisfier.
pracaya m. [√ ki] picking, gathering; accumulation, collection, quantity, multitude; -kayana, n. collecting; -kaya-svara, m. accumulated tone (i. e. tone occurring in a series of syllables), tone of the unaccented syllables following a Svarita; -karana, n. setting to work: &isharp;, f. kind of supplementary wooden ladle (rit.); -karanîya, fp. being in actual use (Br., S.); -karitavya, fp. n. imps. one should set to work;-kala, a. moving, tremulous, shaking; -kalana, n trembling, swaying; fleeing; -kalâyita, (den. pp.), n. nodding while asleep (âsîna-, -in a sitting posture); -kalita, pp. set out, departed, etc.; -kâra, m. walking about, ranging; going in pursuit of (--°ree;); showing oneself, manifestation, appearance; application, employment; currency; conduct, behaviour; pasture-ground; exercising-ground; -kârana, n. scattering; -kârin, a. going about; attaching oneself to (lc., --°ree;); acting, behaving; -kita, pp. (√ ki), pronounced with the Prakaya tone; -kura, a. abundant, ample, much, many, frequent; --°ree;, abounding in, replete with: -gaha&ntod;a,a. having abundance of impervious passages, -tva, n. abundance of (--°ree;), -ratna-dhana½â gama, a. having a large income of gems and money; -kurī-bhû, grow in extent; -kritta- sikha, a. having loosened braids orflowing hair; (á)-ketas, a. heedful, intelligent, wise (V.); m. (C.), ep. of Varuna; N.; -kodana, n. instigation, incitement; command; -kodin, a. driving before one (--°ree;).
pratinagaram ad. in every town; -nadi, ad. at every river; -nándana, n. greeting; grateful acceptance; -namas kâra, a. returning a reverential salutation; -nava, a. new, young, fresh, recent; -nâga, m. hostile elephant; -nâdî, f. branch-vein; -nâda, m. echo; -nâma, ad. by name: -grah anam, n. ad. mentioning each individual name; (práti)-nâman, a. related in name; -nâyaka, m. opposing hero (in a play); -nârî, f. female rival; -nidhâtavya, fp. to be substituted; -nidhâpayitavya, fp. to be caused to be substituted; -nidhi, m. substi tution; substitute; image, likeness; counter part of (--°ree;); -nidhî-kri, substitute anything (ac.) for (--°ree;); -nidheya, fp. to be substi tuted; -nipâta, m. falling down; -niyama, m. rule for each particular case; -nirdesa, m. reference back to, renewed mention of (g.): -ka, a. referring back to; -nirdesya, fp.referred to again; -niryâtana, n. restor ation, restitution; -nivartana, n. return; -nivârana, n. keeping off; -nivritti, f. re turn; -nisam, ad. every night; -niskaya, m. opposing opinion; -nishtha, a. standing on the oppositeside; -nripati, m. rival king; -noda, m. repulse; -nyâyám, ad. in reverse order; -nyâsa, m. counter deposit.
pratipāṇa a. bartering; m. counter stake; revenge at play; -pâtram, ad. in or on every part (in a play); -pâdaka, a. (ikâ) giving, bestowing (--°ree;); discussing, treating of, teaching; explanatory, illustrative; -pâd ana, n. causing to attain (--°ree;); giving, be stowal, on (lc. or --°ree;); giving back, return ing; bringing back; inauguration in (--°ree;); producing, causing; setting forth, treating of, propounding, illustrating, teaching; com mencement; -pâdanîya, fp. to be given, in marriage (Pr.); to be propounded, dis cussed or treated of; -pâdapam, ad. in every tree; -pâdam, ad. in every verse (pâda); -pâdayitavya, fp. to be bestowed or pre sented; -pâdayitri, m. bestower, on (lc.); propounder, teacher; -pâdukâ, f. pedestal; -pâdya, fp. to be propounded, explained, or discussed; under discussion; -pâna, n. drink ing; drinking water; -pâpa, a.bad in return, requiting any one (lc.) with evil; -pâlana, n. watching, guarding, protection; rearing, nurture (of animals); keeping, observance, maintenance, of (g. or --°ree;); expectation (Pr.); -pâlanîya or -pâlayitavya,fp. to be ex pected or waited for; -pâlin, a. guarding, protecting; -pâlya, fp. to be protected or guarded; to be waited for.
pratiyatna m. trouble bestowed upon anything, elaboration, preparation, manufacture; -yâtana, n. requital: â, f. image, figure, statue (of a god); -yâna, n. return; -yâmini, ad. every night; -yâyin,a. going against, attacking; -yuddha, n. counter-contest, fight in return; -yuvati, f. female rival, concubine; -yuvam, ad. to wards the youth; -yoga, m. opposition, re sistance: in. pl. by remedies or antidotes; -yogam, ad.rule by rule; -yogika, a. cor relative, contrasting with (--°ree;): -tva, n. corre lativeness; -yog-in, a. correlative, contrast ing; m. opponent, adversary: (-i)-tâ, f., (-i) tva, n. correlation, contrast; -yogayitavya, fp. to be strung or the strings of which are to be tuned (lute); -yoddhavya, fp. to be fought against in return; -yoddhri, m. combatant; well-matched adversary; -yodha, m. combat ant, antagonist; -yodhana, n. combating; combat; -yodhin, m. combatant, equal an tagonist (--°ree;); -yoshit, f. female rival, con cubine.
pratimā f. [counter-measure], likeness, image, figure; picture; idol; symbol (°ree;-with a word meaning moon=reflected moon, reflexion of the moon); measure; --°ree; a. (a) resembling, like; -mâtri, ad. according to the several mothers; -mâtrâ, f. pl. all the morae; -m&asharp;na, n. counter-measure; well matched opponent; pattern; comparison, resemblance, equality; weight (measure); -mânanâ, f.homage; -mânayitavya, fp. to be regarded or considered; -mâyâ, f. counter charm; -mârga, m. way back; -mâ-visesha, m. kind of image or figure; -mâsa, °ree;-or -m, ad. every month.
pratiṣeddhavya fp. to be re strained; -denied; -sheddhri, m. preventer, restrainer, of (g., sts. ac. of thing); -shedha, m. prevention, determent, restrainment; pro hibition; annulment, negation; negative; refusal: -ka, a. (ikâ) keeping off, forbidding; negativing; -shedana, a. warding off; n. preventing, deterring, restraining, from (ab.); prohibition against (ab.); rejection, refuta tion; -shedanîya, fp. to be restrained or prevented; -shedhayitri, a. (trî) negativing; -shedha½akshara, n. refusal; -shedha½ât maka, a. having a negative form; -she dha½apavâda, m. annulment of a prohibition; -shedha½arthîya, a. having the meaning of a negation; -shedha½ukti, f. negative or pro hibitory expression; -shedha½upamâ, f. com parison having a negative form; -shedhya, fp. to be prevented, prohibited, or rejected; -denied; -shtambha, m.obstruction, hind rance, impediment; annulment; -shtambh in, a. impeding (--°ree;); -shthá, a. steadfast; resisting; -shthâ, f. standing still; stead fastness, stability, perseverance in (--°ree;); stand ing-place, position; repository; foundation; support; abiding-place, homestead, dwelling; pediment, foot (of men or animals); tran quillity; pre-eminence; standing, high posi tion; accession to the throne; erection of an image or Li&ndot;ga;N. of various metres: (â) kâma, a. desiring a fixed abode or high position; -shth&asharp;na, n. firm standing-place, foundation; pedestal, foot; founding of a city; N. of a town situated at the confluence of the Ganges and the Yamunâ; m. N. of a locality on the Godâvarî (the Paithana of the Greeks); -shthâpana, n. erection of an image; establishment, corroboration: â, f. counter-assertion, statement of an antithesis; -shthâpayitavya,fp. to be placed; -shth&asharp;p ya, fp. to be placed or based on (lc.); to be entrusted to (d. or lc.); -shthâsu, des. a. in tending to depart; -shthí, f. resistance; -shthita, pp. (√ sthâ) famous, celebrated; expert in (lc.):-pada, n. having verses (pâdas) containing a fixed number of sylla bles); -shthiti, f. firm stand or footing.
pratiśaṅkā f. supposition, con sidering to be (--°ree;); -satru, m. combatant, antagonist, foe; -sabda, m. echo: -ka, m. id., -ga, a. following the sound, -vat, a. echoing; -sama, m. cessation;-sayita, pp. √ sî; n. importunity; -sara, m. fracture; -sarâsana, n. adversary's bow; -sasin, m. mock moon; -sâkham, ad. for every Vedic school; -sâkhâ, f. minor branch: pl. all the Vedic schools; -sâpa, m. counter-curse; -sâsana, n. secondary authority (--°ree;); -syâya, m. cold, catarrh; -sraya, m. refuge, assistance; asylum, shelter; dwelling, abode, habitation; repository of (g.); --°ree; a. dwelling; -sravá, a. answering (V.); m.promise, word, assurance; -srava- na, n. answering; promising; assenting; -srut, f. echo; answer; -sruti, f. answer; promise; echo; -slokam, ad. at every sloka.
pratyāyaka (cs.) a. [√ i] causing to know or comprehend; convincing, cre dible; -½â½ayana, 1. n. setting (of the sun); -½âyana [fr. cs. of √ i], 2. a. convincing, credible; n. elucidation, explanation, demon stration: â, f. convincing; consolation; -½âyay itavya, fp. to be elucidated or demonstrated; -½âyita, (cs. pp.) m. agent.
pravilambin a. prominent; -laya, m. melting; dissolution, complete dis appearance; -lâpana, n. annihilation; -lâpayitavya, fp. to be annihilated; -lâpita-tva, n. complete annihilation; -lâpin, a.lament ing; -lâpya, fp. to be completely destroyed; -vâda, m. quarrel; -vikta, pp. √ vik; n. (?) solitude (only lc. pl.); -vikshu, des. a. being about to enter; -veka, m. complete retirement.
pravaṇa m. (?) slope, declivity; abyss, depth (in V. only lc. sg. and pl.1; in E. also ab. sg.); a. shelving, sloping, towards (--°ree;); prone, inclined, or devoted to (d., g., lc., inf., or --°ree;); declining, vanishing; di rected towards (--°ree;): -tâ, f. inclination or proneness to (--°ree;); -vana-vidhêyî-bhû, gladly obey (a command); -vanâyita, (den. pp.) n. proneness or inclination to (lc.); -vanî-kri, dispose favourably orincline any one (ac.); -vanî-bhû, become favourably disposed.
praveka a. choice, chief, exquisite, most excellent of (--°ree;); -vega, m. great swift ness; -vegita, den. pp. moving rapidly; -ve- nî, f. braid of hair; coloured woollen cloth; -vetri, m. charioteer; -vettri, m. connoisseur of (--°ree;); -vedana, n. making known, pro claiming; -vedin, a. thoroughly knowing (--°ree;); -vedya, fp. to be made known; -vedha, m. shot; -vepin, a. trembling; -verita, pp. cast, hurled; -vesa, m.entrance, entry, pene tration, intrusion, into (lc., g.±antar, or --°ree;); appearance on the stage; getting into the house, coming into one's possession (e. g. of a deposit); obtrusiveness, meddlesomeness; entering into=admissibleness, applicability in (lc.); employment or utilization of (--°ree;); entrance, door: -ka, a. --°ree;, id.; m. interlude (explaining what has happened between two acts and is essential for the understanding of what follows); -vesana, n. entering, en trance or penetration into (g., lc., or --°ree;); co pulation; introduction, into (lc.); driving home (of cattle); -vesa-bhâgika, m. collector of taxes; -vesayitavya, fp. to be introduced; -vesita, cs. pp. introduced, made or allowed to enter; n. causing to appear on the stage; -vesin, a. entering, into (--°ree;); accessible through or over (--°ree;); having sexual intercourse with (--°ree;); -vesya, fp. to be entered; -played (musical instrument); -introduced; -vesh- tavya, fp. to be entered; -allowed to enter; n. imps. one should enter or penetrate into (lc.); -veshtri, m. one who enters: -tva, n. condition of --.
prāṇatha m. respiration; -da, a. life-giving; saving the life of (g., --°ree;); -dak shinâ, f. gift of life; -dayita, (pp.) m. hus band loved as dearly as life; -dâna, n. gift or saving of life; abandonment of life; -dyû ta, n. play or contest for life; -droha, m. attempt on the life of any one; -drohin, a. seeking the life of (--°ree;); -dhara, m. N.; -dhârana, n. maintenance or preservation of life; means of supporting life: -m kri, P. sup port any one's life; Â. support one's life, take food; -dhârin, a. preserving the life of (g.).
prārthanīya fp. to be wished or solicited; desirable; to be asked (person); -ayitavya, fp. desirable; -ayitri, m. suitor, lover; -ita, pp. requested, solicited; desired, sought, required; n. wish, desire: -durla bha, a. desired but hard to obtain; -in, a. wishing, desiring (--°ree;); -ya, fp. desired of (in., g., --°ree;); desirable; n. imps. one should request.
bṛṃhaṇa a. fattening, nourishing; n. fattening, invigorating: -tva, n. quality of strengthening; -an-îya, a. fattening, nour ishing; -ayitavya, fp. to be strengthened; -ita, pp. n. trumpeting of an elephant;roar of a lion.
bhakṣa m. partaking of nourishment, drinking, eating; drink (V.), food (ord. mg.): very commonly --°ree; a. feeding or subsisting on; -aka, a. eating, feeding on (--°ree;); m. feeder, eater, of (g., --°ree;); (bháksh)-ana, n. drinking, eating, partaking of, feeding on (g. or --°ree;); being devoured, by (in.); -anîya, fp. to be eaten, eatable: -tâ, f. eatableness; -ayitavya, fp. to be eaten or devoured; -ayitri, m. eater.
bhārāya den. Â. be a burden to (g.); pp. -yita, being a burden to (g.).
yāpaka cs. a. conferring, bestow ing; -ana, cs. a. causing to pass; alleviat ing; supporting life; n., â, f. causing time to pass by, delay, procrastination; allevia tion; support, maintenance; practice, exer cise; -ayitavya, cs. fp. (to be rejected), trifling, unimportant; -ya, cs. fp. to be dis charged or expelled (witness); to be alleviated (disease); trifling, unimportant; base (action).
yāminī f. (having watches), night; N.: -dayita, m. lover --, -nâtha or -pati, m. lord --, -priya-tama, -ramana, m. lover of night, moon.
vañcanīya fp. to be eluded; - deceived; -ayitavya, fp. to be deceived; n. imps. kim vañkayitavyam asti, should one deceive (g.)?; -ita, cs. pp. (√ vañk) deceived, etc.: â, f. kind of riddle.
varja a. (--°ree;) free from, destitute of; excepting; -ana, n. avoidance, abandonment; neglect of, deviation from (g.); omission; ex clusion; -anîya, fp. to be avoided; -am, abs. excluding, excepting, without; -aya, cs. √ vrig; -ayitavya, fp. to be avoided; -ayitri, m. avoider; -ita, pp. cs. (√ vrig) destitute of (in.); -in, a. avoiding (--°ree;); -ya, fp. to be avoided; -given up; excepting (--°ree;).
vikalpa m. alternative, option: combination, contrivance; variety; distinction (rare); indecision, hesitation, doubt; false notion, fancy: in. optionally: -gâla, n. number of possible cases; -kalpana, n.,â, f. allowing an option; distinction; false notion or assumption; -kalpanîya, fp. to be ascer tained; -kalpayitavya, fp. to be put as an alternative; -kalpa-vat, a. undecided, doubt ful; -kalpa½an-upapatti, f. untenableness owing to a dilemma; -kalpa½asaha, a. not standing the test of a dilemma: -tva, n. un tenableness owing to a dilemma; -kalpita tva, n. optionalness; -kalpin, a (hair) liable to be mistaken for (black Asoka flowers, --°ree;); -kalpya, fp. to be distributed; -calculated; -chosen according to circumstances.
vicāra m. [√ kar] procedure (S., E.); consideration, reflexion, deliberation; discrimination, investigation, examination; hesitation: -gña, m. one skilled in discrimina tion, competent judge;-kârana, n. considera tion, reflection; investigation, discussion; hesi tation: â, f. distinction; kind; -kâranîya, fp. needing careful consideration; -kâra-dris, a. employing no spies as eyes and regarding the matter with deliberation; -kâra-mû- dha, pp. deficient in discretion; -kârayitavya, fp. needing careful consideration; -kâra-vat, a. acting with deliberation, circumspect; -kâr ita, cs. pp. √ kar; -kârin, a. (n-î) having wide ways (earth; RV.1); wandering about; acting; dissolute; reflecting, considering, examining; -kârya, fp. needing (long) re flexion; n. imps. one should reflect or hesi tate; -kâlana, a. (î) destroying (--°ree;).
vibodha m. awaking; perceiving; -bodhana, n. awaking (tr. & int.); -bodha yitavya, fp. to be awakened.
virakta pp. (√ rañg) estranged etc.: -prakriti, a. whose principal officers are dis affected, -bhâva, a. disaffected; -rakti, f. indifference, to (lc., upari w. g., prati w. ac.); freedom from worldlyattachment: -mat, a. indifferent, to (lc.); accompanied with free dom from worldly attachment; -rakanâ, f. disposition, embellishment: alakânâm --, neatly arranged locks; -rakayitavya, fp. to be made or formed; -rakita, pp. cs. √ rak: â, f. N.; (ví)-raga, a. free from dust, clean, pure (also fig.); free from passion; -ragas, a. id.; m. N.; -ragas-ka, a. dustless; -ragas karana, n. freeing from dust, cleansing; -ragî kri, free from dust, cleanse; -rañka, -rañki, -rañkya, m. ep. of Brahman; -rata, pp. (√ ram) ceased etc.: -tva, n. cessation; -rata-prasa&ndot;ga, a. having ceased from en gaging in (lc.); -rati, f. cessation; end; desistence or abstention from, renunciation of (ab., lc., --°ree;); -ratha, a. deprived of one's car; -rathî-kri, deprive any one of his chariot; -rathî-bhû, be deprived of one's car; -rapsá, a. (&isharp;) exuberant (RV.); m. abundance (RV.); -rapsín,a. exuberant, vigorous (V.); -rama, m. cessation, abate ment; sunset; abstention from (--°ree;); -rama- na, n. cessation; abstention from (--°ree;).
vyavahāra m. conduct, action; intercourse, with (saha or --°ree;); usage, custom, ordinary life, general practice; action or prac tice of, addiction to, occupation or business with (lc., --°ree;); transaction, business, traffic, trade, with (--°ree;); contract; litigation, law suit, with (saha); administration of justice; majority (in law); use of an expression, talk of (--°ree;); designation, of (g.): asmad-âgñayâ vya vahârah kâryah, everything must be done in accordance with our commands; tair eva½a tra vyavahârah, it is just these that are here meant: -ka, m. trader; -gña, a. know ing the ways of the world, come of age; -darsana, n. judicial investigation, trial; -pada, n. legal case; -pâda, m. stage in a trial (there being four: plaint, defence, proof, verdict); -yitavya, cs. fp. (√ hri) to be oc cupied with (in.); -vat, a. occupied with, dealing in (--°ree;); m. trader; -vidhi, m. legal procedure; -sthâna, n. legal case; -sthiti, f. legal procedure; -½âsana, n. judgment-seat.
vyāpāda m. ruin, destruction, death; evil intent: -ka, a. fatal (disease); -pâdana, n. destruction, killing, death by (--°ree;); -pâda nîya, fp. to be destroyed or killed: -tâ, f. necessity of being killed; -pâdayitavya, fp. to be destroyed or killed; -pâra, m. [√ 3. pri] occupation, employment, business, con cern; action, operation, function; exertion, effort; --°ree;, occupation with, practice of etc.; sâyakânâm--,business of arrows (i. e. to hit the mark); -m kri, render good offices in a matter (tatra); perform the business of (g.); meddle in (other people's affairs, lc.); -m vrag, interfere with (lc.); -pâra-ka, a. (--°ree;) having -as a function; -pâra-vat, a. effec tive: -tâ, f. possession of the function of (--°ree;); -pâra-sata, n. hundred attempts; -pârita, cs. pp. √ 3. pri; -pârin, a. occupied with (--°ree;); m. workman.
saṃśayita pp. √ sî; n. doubt, un certainty; -sayitavya, fp. dubious; -saya½u pamâ, f. comparison expressed in the form of a doubt; -sarana, n. taking refuge with any one; -sânti, f. extinction;-sita, pp. √ sâ: -vâk, a. speaking sharply, -½âtman, a. firmly resolved; -siti, f. sharpening (Br.); -sîta, a. cold; -sîti, f. doubt; -sîlana, n. practice; frequent intercourse with (in.); -suddhi, f. purity; -sushka, a. dried up, dry, withered, sere, emaciated; -soka-ga, a. produced from moist heat; m. vermin pro duced from damp heat; -sodhana, a. (î) purifying; n. purification; -sraya, m. con nexion, association with (g., --°ree;); league for mutual protection; refuge, shelter, protec tion, asylum; residence, habitation; reference, relation; resorting to (lc., --°ree;; rare); recourse, addiction or devotion to: ab. in consequence of (--°ree;); with the help of, by means of (--°ree;): --°ree; a. dwelling, living in, staying with (a teacher), standing in (a boat), being in or on, growing (tree) near; relating or referring to; devoted to, practising; -srayanîya, fp. to be resorted to, -taken refuge with: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -srayitavya, fp. to be sought refuge in (fortress); -srayin, a. having sought the protection or entered the service of any one; dwelling, resting or standing in, being in or on (--°ree;); m.dependent, servant; -srava, m. hearing; ear-shot (lc. within hearing of, g.); promise; -sravana, n. hearing, -about (--°ree;); ear-shot: lc. within hearing, aloud; (sám)- srita, pp. √ sri; m. dependent, servant: -vat, pp. act. clinging to, having wedded (in.); -sri tavya, fp. incorr. for -srayitavya; -slish- ta-karman, a. in whose actions good and evil are not kept apart, indifferent as to the morality of his actions; -slesha, m. con nexion, union, contact, with (in., --°ree;); em brace: -m labh, attain; -sleshana, n. con necting; means of binding together, bond; -sleshin, a. connecting.
saṃstha a. standing, staying, resting, existing, or contained in (lc., gnly. --°ree;); being in or with=belonging to (lc. or --°ree;); based or dependent on (--°ree;); being in possession of (--°ree;); lasting (--°ree;; rare); á, m. (RV.): only lc. in the midst or presence of (g.); -sth&asharp;, f. remaining or abiding with (--°ree;; E., rare); form, appearance (C.); established order, standard, rule (C.); condition, state, nature (C.); completion, conclusion (V.); end, death (P.); complete liturgical course (being the basis of a sacrifice; the Gyotishtoma, the Haviryagña, and Pâkayagña consist of seven such forms); spy in one's own country (rare): --°ree; a. a, having the form of, appearing as; -sthâna, n. position, situation in a place (--°ree;); standing firm (in battle); existence; life; strict adherence to (--°ree;); abode; public place in a town; form, shape, appearance (ord. mg.; often with rûpa); condition, state, nature (rare); aggregate (rare): -vat, a. ex isting; having various forms; -sthâpaka, a. establishing; -sthâpana, n. fixing, setting up, erecting; establishment, of (g., --°ree;); re gulation of (--°ree;): â, f. cheering up, encourage ment; -sthâpayitavya, fp. to be cheered or consoled; -sth&asharp;pya, fp. C.: to be placed in (subjection) to (g.); -impressed on the mind (lc.) of (g.); V.: to be concluded (sacrifice); (sám)-sthiti, f. C.: union with (in., lc.); standing or resting on (lc., --°ree;); position; abid ing, residence in (lc.); duration, continuance; perseverance (rare); attaching importance to (lc.); existence, possibility, of (g., --°ree;); form; established order; condition, nature; V.: conclusion (rare); P.: end, death (rare).
saṃhita pp. (√ dhâ) put together, composed of, etc.: â, f. union (rare, U.); euphonic combination (=samdhi); Vedic text treated according to the rules of euphonic combination (opp. pada orword text); syste matically arranged text; extensive compila tion (Râmâyana, legal codes, Purânas, etc.); complete system of astrology (opp. scientific astronomy); -hriti, f. 1. destruction of the world; conclusion, end; 2.the root hri + sam; -hotrá, n. community of sacrifice (RV.1); -hrâda, m. loud noise or shout etc.; Shouter, N. of an Asura, son of Hiranya-kasipu; -hrâdin, a. making a loud noise, tinkling; -hlâdin, a. refreshing; -hvayitavaí, d. inf. of sam + √ hvâ.
saṃcaya m. sg. & pl. accumulation, hoard, store, wealth, quantity, collection; gathering, collecting (rare): d. in order to have more; -kayana, n. gathering, collecting; -kaya-vat, a. possessed of wealth, rich; -kay ika, a. having provisions (only --°ree;); -kará, a. go ing about (mûrti-, with a body=incarnate); together, simultaneous (V.); m. place for walk ing, road, path, passage; evolution (in Sâ&ndot; khya phil.); -kárana, a. (î) suitable for going on, passable, converging (V.); n. navigation (of the sea: ac.; RV.); motion, from (ab.), in (lc., --°ree;), by means of (--°ree;); -karishnu, a. moving about, roaming; -karvana, n. chew ing; -kalana, n. trembling, quaking; -kâra, m. walking about, wandering, roaming, driv ing; motion; transit, passage; entrance, portal; transition or transference to (--°ree;); track (of wild animals), road (rare): -ka,; -kâranîya, fp. to be wandered through; -transferred to (lc.); -kârita, cs. pp. (√ kar) set in motion, worked; -kârin, a. (n-î) walk ing about, wandering, roaming, moving, mov able (in, lc., --°ree;); penetrating into (--°ree;); trans mitted, infectious, hereditary (disease); com ing in contact with, contiguous to (in.); carried with one (umbrella); being in, en gaged with (--°ree;); accessory (sentiment, etc.); taking with one (--°ree;);-kârya, fp. accessible (in a-); produced by (--°ree;); -kikîrshu, des. a. intending to perform; -kiti, f. piling; col lecting, saving; -kintya, fp. to be considered; -regarded as (-vat); -kinu½âna-ka, a. oc cupied with collecting(wealth); -keya, fp. to be accumulated; -kodayitavya, fp. to be urged on; -khettri, m. dispeller (of doubts).
saṃniyacchana n. curbing, guiding; -yantri, m. restrainer; -yama, m. exactness; -yoga, m. commission; precept, injunction; -roddhavya, fp. to be confined; -rodha, m. obstruction, suppression;-vâya, m. combination; -vritti, f. return (in aand abhûyah-); -vesa, m. entrance, taking up a position; inclusion (rare); impression (of a mark, --°ree;); combination, arrangement; posi tion (--°ree; a. situated in or on); form, appear ance; dwelling-place; assemblage: -m kri, take up a position in (--°ree;); make room for (--°ree;); -vesana, n. dwelling-place, abode; -vesayitavya, fp. to be inserted; -hita, pp. (√ dhâ) near etc.: -½apâya, a. having destruc tion near at hand, perishable, transient.
samarthana n. reflection, contem plation; corroboration, vindication, justifica tion; ability, competence (ab., by virtue of, g.): -m kri, reflect; -arthanîya, fp. to be established, justified, or cleared up; -artha ya, den. (v. arthaya) arrange etc.; connect with, construe grammatically: pp. ita, capable; -arthya, fp. to be established, corroborated, or justified; -ardhana, a. (î) causing to suc ceed; -ardhayitri, m. fulfiller, bestower: trî, f.; -arpaka, a. delivering, yielding up; -árpana, n. placing or throwing upon (Br.); C.: delivering, handing over, consigning, be stowing; making known, communicating; -arpanîya, fp. to be delivered, handed over, or entrusted; -arpayitavya, fp. id.; -arpita, cs. pp. (√ i) handed over etc.
sādhanā f. magic; -anîya, fp. to be accomplished; to be acquired; -proved; -ayitavya, fp. to be accomplished or brought about.
sukhayoganidrā f. placid, deep sleep; -râga, m. N.; -rûpa, a. having an agreeable appearance; -varman, m. N.; -sayâ, f. N. of a sorceress; -sayita, pp. re clining or sleeping pleasantly;-sobha½ar tham, ad. for the sake of comfort and credit; -srava, a. pleasant to hear; -samvâhya, fp. easy to carry about; -samsevya, fp. easy to attain; -samstha, a. being in agreeable cir cumstances; -samsparsa, a.pleasant to the touch; -samkâra, a. pleasant to walk about in or resort to, inviting; -samgñâ, f. the term &open;ease&close;; -sambodhya, fp. easy to en lighten, reasonable; -salila, n. pleasant (= tepid) water; -sâdhya,fp. easy to get the better of or overcome; easily effected or ob tained; -supta, pp. sleeping placidly; -sevya, fp. easy of access: -tva, n. accessibility; -stha, a. being in pleasant circumstances, happy; -sparsa, a. pleasant to the touch; -svâpa, m. placid sleep.
supakva a. well-cooked; thoroughly ripe or mature (also fig.); -pa&ndot;ka, m. (?) good clay; -patha, a. easy to read, legible; -pati, m. good husband; -pattra, a. having beau tiful wings; well-feathered (arrow); having a beautiful vehicle; -pátnî, a. f. having a good husband; -páth, m. good path; -pátha, n. (V.), m. (C.) good road (V., C.); virtuous course (C.); -pathin, m. (nm. -panthâs) good path; -pad, a. (-î) swift-footed (RV.1); -pa p[a]t-aní, f. swift flight (RV.1); -parigñâta, pp. well-ascertained; -parisrânta, pp. com pletely exhausted; -parihara, a. easy to avoid; -parîkshana, n. careful examina tion; -parîkshita, pp.carefully examined; -parus, a. having beautiful knots (arrow); -parná, a. (&isharp;) having beautiful wings (RV.); m. a large bird of prey, vulture, eagle (fig. of sun, moon, and clouds; du. = sun and moon; V.); a mythical bird, identified with Garuda (C.): -ketu, m. ep. of Vishnu Krishna; -paryavasita, pp. well carried out; -paryâpta, pp. very spacious (house); -par van, a. having beautiful joints; having beauti ful sections orbooks (Mahâbhârata); famous; -palâyita, (pp.) n. skilful or opportune re treat; -pâni, V. a. beautiful-handed; dex terous-handed; -pâtra, n. good receptacle, worthy person (esp. to receive gifts); -pârá, a. (RV.) easy to cross; easy to bear; easily passing over (rain); conducting to a pros perous issue (also TS.); m. a certain per sonification: (á)-kshatra, a. easily traversing his realm (Varuna; RV.1); -pârsva, a. hav ing beautiful sides; m. N.; -pippalá, a. bear ing good berries (V.); -pihita-vat, pp. act. having (the ears, ac.) carefully closed: -î, f. =finite vb.; -punya, a. very excellent; n. great religious or moral merit; -putra, m. good son; á, a. having manyor good chil dren (V., E.); -purusha, m. a certain per sonification; -pushkala, a. very abundant; -pushta, pp. well-fed; -pushpa, a. having beautiful flowers; -pushpita, den. pp. adorned with beautiful flowers; -pûgita,pp. highly honoured; (sú)-pûta, pp. well-clarified; -pûra, a. easy to fill; (sú)-pûrna, pp. well filled, quite full; -pûrvam, ad. very early in the morning; -pûrvâhne, lc. early in the forenoon; -pésas, a. well-adorned, beauti ful, fair (V., rarely P.).
sthagana n. concealment; -ayita vya, fp. to be concealed; -ikâ, f. kind of bandage; betel-box.
sthāpana n. preserving (youth, --°ree;); fixing, determining; n. erection (of an image etc.); placing, upon (--°ree;); establishment, pro longation of (g., --°ree;); storage of (--°ree;); dialec tical proofof a proposition; statement of (g.): â, f. establishment, dialectical proof of a proposition; -anîya, fp. to be kept in (a place); -set up=kept (cat); -ayitavya, fp. to be kept in a place; -kept in order; -ayitri, m. establisher, founder; -ita, cs. pp. √ sthâ; -ya, fp. to be set up; -placed in or on (lc.); -shut up or confined in (lc.); -ap pointed to (an office, lc.); -kept in the house (vesmani,=as a domestic animal); -kept to (one's duty, lc.); -plunged in (grief, evil plight); -kept in order.
Bloomfield Vedic
54 results0 results18 results
agnaye prajanayitave # TB.; Apś.5.1.14d.
agnir asi pṛthivyāṃ śritaḥ, antarikṣasya pratiṣṭhā, tvayīdam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartā viśvasya janayitā # TB.
adhā śayīta nirṛter upasthe # RV.10.95.14c; śB.
ardhamāsāḥ stha māḥsu śritāḥ, ahorātrayoḥ pratiṣṭhā, yuṣmāsv idam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartāro viśvasya janayitāraḥ # TB.
ādityo 'si divi śritaḥ, candramasaḥ pratiṣṭhā, tvayīdam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartā viśvasya janayitā # TB.
ut tiṣṭha puruṣa harita piṅgala lohitākṣi (MahānU. puruṣāharitapiṅgala lohitākṣa) dehi dehi dadāpayitā me śudhyantām # TA.10.60.1; Tā.10.65; MahānU.20.24.
ṛtavaḥ stha saṃvatsare śritāḥ, māsānāṃ pratiṣṭhā, yuṣmāsv idam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartāro viśvasya janayitāraḥ # TB.
ojo 'si saho 'si balam asi bhrājo 'si devānāṃ dhāmāmṛtam amartyas tapojās tvayīdam antar viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtaṃ viśvasya bhartā viśvasya janayitā # TB. See prec.
kāmaḥ kārayitā # Tā.10.61; MahānU.18.2.
candramā asy āditye śritaḥ, nakṣatrāṇāṃ pratiṣṭhā, tvayīdam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartā viśvasya janayitā # TB.
tṛpyāsma te vayaṃ tarpayitāraḥ # TS.
nāśnīyān na piven (for piben) na śayīta # AVP.8.15.5a.
nāhaṃ karomi # Tā.10.61 (ter); 10.62; MahānU.18.2,3; nāhaṃ kartā Tā.10.62; nāhaṃ kārayitā Tā.10.62.
badhira ākrandayitar apāna, asāv ehi # TB.; 11.5.3.
brāhmaṇāṃs tarpayitavai (Mś. tarpaya) # Apś.4.16.17; Mś.;;
manyur akārṣīn nāhaṃ karomi manyuḥ karoti manyuḥ kartā manyuḥ kārayitā # MahānU.18.3. See next.
manyur akārṣīn manyuḥ karoti nāhaṃ karomi manyuḥ kartā nāhaṃ kartā manyuḥ kārayitā nāhaṃ kārayitā # Tā.10.62. P: manyur akārṣīt ApDh. See prec., and cf. manyunā kṛtaṃ.
māsāḥ sthartuṣu śritāḥ, ardhamāsānāṃ pratiṣṭhāḥ, yuṣmāsv idam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartāro viśvasya janayitāraḥ # TB.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"yita" has 1 results
cekīyitathe sign य ( यङ् of Panini ) of the frequentative or intensive. The word is mostly used in the Katantra Grammar works confer, compare धातोर्यशब्दश्चेक्रीयितं क्रियासमभिहारे, Kat. III. 2. 14. The word चेक्रीयित is used in the Mahabhasya in the sense of यङन्त where Kaiyata remarks थडः पूर्वाचार्यसंज्ञा चेकीयितमिति confer, compare प्रदीप on M.Bh. on P. IV.1.78 Vartika. The word चेकीयितान्त means यङन्त in Panini’s terminology meaning a secondary root derived from the primary root in the sense of intensity. The word चर्करीतान्त is used for the frequentative bases in which य, the sign of the frequentative, is omittedition See चर्करीत।
Vedabase Search
9 results
baliṣṭha dayitā' gaṇa very strong dayitās, or carriers of JagannāthaCC Madhya 13.8
baliṣṭha dayitā' gaṇa very strong dayitās, or carriers of JagannāthaCC Madhya 13.8
kataka dayitā some of the dayitāsCC Madhya 13.9
dayitā servants called dayitāsCC Madhya 13.9
dayitā-gaṇa the dayitāsCC Madhya 13.10
baliṣṭha dayitā' gaṇa very strong dayitās, or carriers of JagannāthaCC Madhya 13.8
dayitā-gaṇa the dayitāsCC Madhya 13.10
kataka dayitā some of the dayitāsCC Madhya 13.9
siddhibhiḥ mystic perfections (aṇimā, laghimā, prāpti, prākāmya, mahimā, īśitva, vaśitva, and kāmāvasāyitā)Bs 5.5
Wordnet Search
"yita" has 26 results.



āmlāt yena carvituṃ na śakyate।

ciñcāyāḥ adanena mama dantāḥ āmlayitāḥ jātāḥ।


sthūla, pīvara, pīna, medura, guru, sthūlakāya, sthūladeha, bhārin, āpyāyita, paripīvara, piśitavasāmaya, pīva, pīvas, pīviṣṭha, pīvorūpa, pyāta, pyāna, medasvat, vapodara, sthūlasthūla, sphira   

yasya kāye adhikaḥ medaḥ astiḥ।

sūmo nāma mallayuddhasya mallāḥ sthūlāḥ।


supta, śayita, nidrāṇa, nidrita, nidrāmagna, nidrāgata, svapnila, suptastha, avasupta, suptavigraha   

yaḥ nidrāti।

kumbhakarṇaḥ ṣaṇmāsaṃ yāvat suptaḥ bhavati sma।


apacitaḥ, vyayitaḥ, vyayīkṛtaḥ, vyayībhūtaḥ   

bhagnāni upayogaśūnyāni ca vastūni।

asmin paṇye apacitāni krīyante।


priya, abhimata, abhīṣṭa, abhīpsita, arya, pariprī, dayita, manaḥpriya, manaḥpraṇīta, manaskānta   

yad rocate।

etat mama atīva priyaṃ pustakam asti।


abhikaḥ, abhīkaḥ, kāntaḥ, dayitaḥ, priyaḥ, vallabhaḥ, ramaṇaḥ, ramakaḥ, lamakaḥ, ramaḥ, varayitā, abhīṣṭaḥ, iṣṭaḥ   

anuraktaḥ puruṣaḥ।

mītā abhikena saha palāyitā।



yaḥ hindolayati।

yadā jalaṃ hindolayati tadā jalasthitaṃ śaśinaḥ pratibimbaṃ dolāyitaṃ bhavati।



pūyena pūritaḥ।

pūyitā granthiḥ pratidine saṃmārjanīyā।


puṣṭa, ūrjasvala, āpyāyita   

atiśayitaḥ ūrjo balaṃ vā।

tasya deham puṣṭam asti।


palāyita, apagata, apasaraka   

yaḥ palāyate।

ārakṣakāḥ palāyitān aparādhinaḥ anveṣayanti।


veṣṭita, āveṣṭita, valayitam, saṃvītam, ruddham, āvṛttam   

yaḥ saṃvalitaḥ asti।

mama grāmaḥ latāvṛkṣaiḥ veṣṭitaḥ asti।


catura, caturaka, nipuṇa, niṣṇa, niṣṇāta, viśārada, paṭu, pravīṇa, prājña, vicakṣaṇa, vidagdha, paṭumati, paṭiṣṭha, paṭīyas, peśala, praṇata, pratīta, aṇuka, abhijña, ullāgha, ṛbhu, ṛbhumat, ṛbhuṣṭhira, ṛbhva, ṛbhvan, ṛbhvas, karaṇa, karmaṭha, karmaṇya, kalāpa, kaliṅga, kalya, kārayitavyadakṣa, kuśala, kuśalin, kṛtakarman, kṛtamukha, kṛtin, kṛtnu, kriyāpaṭu, cheka, chekala, chekāla, tūrṇi, tejīyas, dhīvan, dhīvara, dhṛtvan, dhṛṣu, nadīṣṇa, nayaka, nāgara, nāgaraka, nāgarika, nirgranthaka, nirgranthika, proha, prauṇa, bahupaṭa, budha, budhda, matimat, manasvin, marmajña, vijña, viḍaṅga, vidura, vidvala, śikva, sudhī, suvicakṣaṇa, samāpta   

yaḥ cāturyeṇa kāryaṃ karoti।

catureṇa ārakṣakeṇa aparāddhānāṃ ekaḥ saṅghaḥ gṛhītaḥ।


pratyāyitaḥ, āyuktaḥ   

maṇḍalasya pradhānaḥ śāsakīyaḥ adhikārī।

śyāmasya pitā ārakṣakālaye pratyāyitaḥ asti।


vilāyita, vilīna, līna, pralīna, miśrita   

ekībhūtaḥ padārthaḥ।

pānīye śarkarā vilāyitā asti।


paribhraṣṭa, kṣayita, vinidhvasta, vidhvasta, dhvaṃsita, paricyuta, viplāvita, nāśita, paridhvasta, kṣapita, parikṣīṇa, niṣpātita, kṣayayukta, vipanna, bhraṣṭa, vilupta, utsanna, avamṛdita   

vipannatāṃ gatam।

paribhraṣṭaṃ gṛhaṃ dṛṣṭvā kṛṣakaḥ krandati।


gupta, pālita, rakṣita, saṃrakṣita, adhigupta, anugupta, abhigupta, abhirakṣita, abhisaṃgupta, abhyupapanna, ālambita, ārakṣita, ūta, gopāyita, gupita, daṃśita, datta, dayita, trāṇa, trāta, pratipālita, paritrāta, pāta, sanātha, avita   

samyak gopyate yat।

cauraḥ guptānāṃ sampattīnām anveṣaṇaṃ karoti।


pravṛddha, parivṛddha, samupārūḍa, vardhita, abhivṛddha, abhyuccita, āpī, āpyāna, āpyāyita, ucchrita, udagra, udita, udīrita, udīrṇa, udbhūta, udrikta, unnaddha, unnamita, upasṛṣṭa, ṛddha, edhita, jṛmbhita, paribṛṃhita, paripuṣṭa, parivardhita, pyāyita, bahulīkṛta, bahulita, bṛṃhita, pracurīkṛta, prathita, rūḍha, vejita, vivardhita, vivṛddha, śūna, sādhika, sahaskṛta, samārūḍha, samedhita, sampraviddha, saṃrabdha, samuddhata, samukṣita, samunnīta, saṃvṛddha, sāndrīkṛta, sātirikta, sphītīkṛta, ucchūna   

yaḥ avardhata।

pravṛddhena mūlyena janāḥ pīḍitāḥ।



toṣaṇasya yogyam।

brāhmaṇena yajamānāya toṣayitavyānāṃ sāmagrīṇāṃ sūciḥ dattā।



yasya vinimayaḥ kṛtaḥ।

āpaṇikaḥ vinimayitānāṃ vastūnāṃ sūcīṃ karoti।


śīrya, sādayitavya, śīrta, vipādya, vipāditavya, vipādaniya, khaṇḍya, khaṇḍanīyaḥ, vilupya   

vinaṣṭuṃ yogyaḥ।

kāmam abhirakṣata śīryāṇi vastūni vinaśyanti eva tāni।


lohitīkṛta, raktīkṛta, aruṇita, lohitāyita   

lohitāyate iti।

lohitīkṛtāyāṃ bhittau citraṃ nirmitam।


palāyitaḥ, palāyakaḥ, palāyanaparāyaṇaḥ, pataraḥ, pataruḥ, pradrāvī, prapalāyī, viplavī, avinivartī   

yena bhītivaśād athavā anyena kena api kāraṇena palāyanaṃ kṛtam।

ārakṣakāḥ palāyitaṃ mṛgayanti।


arjanīya, upārjya, arjitavya, labhya, adhigantavya, adhigamanīya, adhigamya, āsādayitavya, āsādya, gamya, prāpaṇīya, prāpya, lambhanīya, samāsādya, samprāpya, samprāpaṇīya, samprāptavya   

prāptum yogyaḥ।

arjanīyasya dhanasya abhilāṣayā eva saḥ tat kāryam akarot।



śayanaṃ kriyamāṇaḥ।

paricārikā śayitaṃ rugṇam utthāpayati।



yasya prārūpaṃ kṛtam।

prārūpayitānāṃ vastūnām āpaṇe kathaṃ pradarśanaṃ karaṇīyam।


kṣayita, hrāsita   

yad hrasate।

aṃśakasya kṣayitena mūlyena hāniḥ jātā।

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