yittha | m. Name of a man  |
yiyakṣamāṇa | ( ) mfn. (fr. Desiderative) wishing to worship or sacrifice.  |
yiyakṣat | ( ) mfn. (fr. Desiderative) wishing to worship or sacrifice.  |
yiyakṣat | See .  |
yiyakṣu | ( ) mfn. (fr. Desiderative) wishing to worship or sacrifice.  |
yiyapsu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) desiring sexual intercourse on  |
yiyapsu | See .  |
yiyapsyamānā | f. desiring to be carnally known  |
yiyāsā | f. (fr. Desiderative) desire of going  |
yiyāsā | su- See .  |
yiyāsu | mfn. wishing to go or move or ride or drive or fly etc.  |
yiyāsu | mfn. intending to set off or depart, desirous of marching or taking the field (with dative case or accusative with or without prati-)  |
yiyaviṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative) the wish to mix or blend  |
yiyaviṣu | See .  |
yiyaviṣu | mfn. wishing to mix or fill or cover with (instrumental case)  |
abhāvayitṛ | mfn. not perceiving, not inferring, not comprehending.  |
abhidhāyin | mfn. equals abhi-dhāyaka- (see pṛṣṭābhidhāyin-.)  |
abhidhyāyin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') giving one's attention to  |
abhiprayāyin | mfn. approaching  |
ābhiprāyika | mfn. (fr. abhiprāya-), voluntary, optional.  |
abhirūpabhūyiṣṭa | mfn. for the most part composed of learned men,  |
abhirūpaprajāyinī | f. the mother of beautiful children,  |
abhisisārayiṣu | mfn. intending to go to a rendezvous or to visit (a lover)  |
abhiṣiṣeṇayiṣu | See abhi-ṣeṇ/a-.  |
abhiṣiṣeṇayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) desirous of marching against  |
abhiśocayiṣṇu | mfn. causing heat or torments  |
abhivādayitṛ | mfn. saluting respectfully commentator or commentary on  |
abhiyāyin | mfn. going towards, approaching (with accusative or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
abhiyāyin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') attacking  |
abhrāyita | mfn. "shaped like a cloud", similar to a cloud  |
abhūyiṣṭha | mfn. few, scanty.  |
abhyāsādayitavya | mfn. to be allowed to approach  |
abhyavāyin | mfn. going down,  |
ābhyudayika | mfn. (fr. abhy-udaya-), connected with the beginning or rising of anything  |
ābhyudayika | mfn. relating to or granting prosperity etc.  |
ābhyudayika | n. Name of a śrāddha- or offering to ancestors on occasions of rejoicing  |
abhyudayin | mfn. rising  |
abhyuditaśāyitā | f. the state of lying asleep while the sun has risen  |
abhyujjayini | ind. towards ujjayinī-,  |
abhyupeyivas | mf(yuṣī-)n. (perf. p.) having approached, arrived at (accusative)  |
abhyupeyivas | mf(yuṣī-)n. having admitted (See 1. abhy-upe-).  |
abhyutthāyin | mfn. rising from a seat to do any one honour commentator or commentary on (an-- negative)  |
adattādāyika | ( ), m. a thief.  |
adattādāyin | ( ), m. a thief.  |
adāyika | mfn. unclaimed from want of persons entitled to inherit  |
adāyika | mfn. not relating to inheritance.  |
ādāyin | mfn. a receiver, inclined to receive  |
ādāyin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
ādāyin | mfn. varia lectio ā-dhāyin- q.v  |
adāyin | mfn. not giving  |
adhaḥprāṅśāyin | mfn. sleeping on the ground towards the east.  |
adhaḥśāyin | mfn. lying on the ground  |
adhaḥśāyitā | (f.)  |
adhāsanaśāyin | mfn. (for adha-- ās-) sitting or lying on the ground,  |
ādhāyin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals ā-dhāyaka- above  |
ādhāyintā | f. the state of causing etc.  |
adhiśayita | mfn. recumbent upon  |
adhiśayita | mfn. used for lying or sleeping upon.  |
adhyāpayitṛ | m. a teacher  |
adhyavasāyin | mfn. resolute.  |
adhyavasāyita | mfn. attempted.  |
ādhyāyika | m. (fr. adhy-āya-), occupied or employed in reading or studying  |
adhyāyin | mfn. engaged in reading, a student.  |
ādisthāyika | see sthāyika- (parasmE-pada 1264)  |
āgamāpāyin | mfn. "coming and going", transient  |
āgnyādheyika | mf(ī-)n. belonging to the agnyādheya- (q.v)  |
agrapradāyin | mfn. offering first  |
agrayāyin | mfn. going before, taking the lead  |
agrayāyin | m. a leader  |
āhūtādhyāyin | mfn. one who studies only after having been called (by the teacher).  |
āhūtaprapalāyin | m. a defendant or witness absconding or not appearing when summoned  |
āhvāyayitavya | mfn. to be called before a tribunal  |
āhvāyikā | f. a female messenger.  |
āhvayitavya | mfn. to be summoned or invited  |
aikānyika | mfn. (ekam anyad viparītaṃ vṛttam adhyayane 'sya-) one who commits a single error in reciting  |
aitareyin | m. plural the school of aitareya-  |
ājñāyin | mfn. perceiving.  |
ākalpasthāyin | mfn. lasting till the end of the world  |
akāyikā | f. a kind of game,  |
ākhaṇḍuyitṛ | m. a breaker, destroyer  |
ākhyāyikā | f. a short narrative commentator or commentary etc.  |
ākhyāyikā | f. (yika-,metrically shortened in compound)  |
ākhyāyin | mfn. telling, relating  |
ākrośayitṛ | mfn. idem or 'n. scolding etc. '  |
ākṣarasamāmnāyika | mfn. (fr. akṣarasamāmnāya-, q.v) belonging to the alphabet (as a letter) |
akṣasūtravalayin | mfn. having a rosary for a bracelet,  |
akṣayin | mfn. undecaying  |
akṣayiṇī | f. Name of a river  |
akṣyāmayin | mfn. having a disease of the eye  |
alpapāyin | mfn. sucking little or not sufficiently (as a leech)  |
āmantrayitavya | mfn. to be taken leave of  |
āmantrayitṛ | mfn. asking, inviting, calling  |
āmantrayitṛ | m. an inviter, entertainer (especially of Brahmans)  |
amāyika | mfn. without illusion or deceit, void of trick or guile commentator or commentary on  |
amāyika | mfn. not illusory, real  |
amāyin | mfn. void of trick or guile  |
amāyin | mfn. (prākṛt a-māī-)  |
amlāyin | mfn. unfading  |
āmnāyin | m. an orthodox vaiṣṇava-  |
amṛnmayapayin | (/a-mṛn-maya--) ([ ]) mfn. equals /a mṛt-pātra-pa-.  |
amṛtadhāyin | mfn. sipping nectar,  |
amṛtapāyin | mfn. = preceding  |
amṛtapāyin | listening to delightful speech,  |
anābhayin | mfn. fearless (Name of indra-)  |
anābhyudayika | mfn. inauspicious, ill-omened, unlucky.  |
anāmayitnu | mfn. salubrious, curative  |
ānandayitavya | mfn. to be enjoyed.  |
ānandayitṛ | m. a gladdener, one who makes joyful  |
anantamāyin | mfn. endlessly illusory or delusive or deceitful.  |
anantaśāyin | m. "reclining on (the serpent) Ananta", Name (also title or epithet) of viṣṇu-,  |
ananudhyāyin | mfn. not missing, not missing anything  |
ananudhyāyin | mfn. not insidious  |
anapacāyitṛ | mfn. not revering,  |
anapāyin | mfn. not going or passing away, constant in the same state  |
anapāyin | mfn. invariable.  |
anāpūyita | mfn. not stinking  |
anavasthāyin | mfn. transient.  |
ānāyin | m. a fisherman, fisher  |
ānayitavya | mfn. to be brought or led near  |
ānayitavya | mfn. to be calculated commentator or commentary on  |
anekayuddhavijayin | m. victorious in many battles.  |
annadāyin | mfn. equals -da- above.  |
anokaśāyin | m. not sleeping in a house (as a beggar)  |
antaḥsmayin | see smayin-, parasmE-pada 1271  |
antarasthāyin | mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward  |
antarasthāyin | mfn. separate, apart.  |
āntarāyika | mfn. (fr. antar-āya-), returning at intervals, repeated from time to time.  |
antāvasāyin | m. a barber  |
antāvasāyin | m. a cāṇḍāla- etc. see ante-'vasāyin-  |
antāvasāyin | m. Name of a muni-  |
antavaśāyin | m. a barber  |
antavaśāyin | m. a cāṇḍāla- etc. see ante-'vasāyin-  |
antavaśāyin | m. Name of a muni-  |
antevasāyin | m. a man living at the end of a town or village, a man belonging to the lowest caste  |
antyāvasāyin | ī-, inī- mf. a man or woman of low caste (the son of a cāṇḍāla- by a niṣādī-, especially a caṇḍāla-, śvapaca-, kṣattṛ-, sūta-, vaidehaka-, māgadha-, and āyogava-)  |
anudhyāyin | mfn. contemplating, meditating  |
anudhyāyin | mfn. missing  |
anukampāyin | mfn. condoling.  |
anunāyikā | f. a female character subordinate to a nāyikā- or leading female character in a drama.  |
anunayin | mfn. courteous, supplicating.  |
anupasthāyin | mfn. absent, distant.  |
anupastīrṇaśāyin | mfn. lying upon the bare ground,  |
anupāyin | mfn. not using means or expedients.  |
anusaṃdhāyin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be attended to, '  |
anuśayin | mfn. having the consequence of an act, connected as with a consequence  |
anuśayin | mfn. devotedly attached to, faithful  |
anuśayin | mfn. repentant, penitent, regretful, sorry for  |
anuśayin | mfn. hating deeply.  |
anuśayin | indifferent to everything,  |
anuśāyin | mfn. lying or extending along  |
anuśayitavya | mfn. to be regretted.  |
anuṣṭhāyin | mfn. doing, performing an act.  |
anuvidhāyin | mfn. conforming to, compliant  |
anuvidhāyin | mfn. imitating  |
anuyāyin | mfn. going after  |
anuyāyin | mfn. a follower, a dependant, attendant  |
anuyāyin | mfn. following, consequent upon.  |
anuyāyitā | f. succession.  |
anuyāyitva | n. succession.  |
anuyiyāsu | mfn. wishing to follow,  |
anvavasāyin | mfn. adhering to, depending on (genitive case)  |
ānvayika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. anv-aya-), of a good family, well born  |
anvayin | mfn. connected (as a consequence)  |
anvayin | mfn. belonging to the same family  |
anvayitva | n. the state of being a necessary consequence.  |
anyatastyajāyin | mfn. overwhelming adversaries  |
anyāyin | mfn. unjust, improper, indecorous, unbecoming.  |
anyāyin | mfn. badly behaved,  |
apacāyin | mfn. not rendering due respect, showing want of respect  |
apacāyita | mfn. honoured, respected  |
apanayin | mfn. behaving improperly or indiscreetly,  |
apanthadāyin | mfn. = a-- pathad-,  |
aparājayin | mfn. never losing (at play)  |
aparājayin | mfn. never losing (at play),  |
aparicayin | mfn. (2. ci-), having no acquaintances, misanthropic.  |
apāśrayin | mfn. having a support in (instrumental case or compound),  |
apathadāyin | mfn. not going out of a person's (genitive case) way (confer, compare a-- pantha-- d-),  |
apātradāyin | mfn. giving to the undeserving.  |
apatyavikrayin | m. "seller of his offspring", a father who receives a gratuity from his son-in-law.  |
apāyin | mfn. going away, departing, vanishing, perishable.  |
āpāyin | mfn. fond of drinking  |
āpayitṛ | mfn. one who procures, procuring.  |
apriyākhyāyin | m. teller of bad news (a post at court),  |
apsarāyita | mfn. made or grown an apsaras-  |
āpūyita | mfn. stinking. See an-ā-pūyita-.  |
āpyāyin | mfn. causing welfare or increase  |
āpyāyinī | f. Name of a śakti-  |
āpyāyita | mfn. satisfied, increased, improved, pleased, gratified  |
āpyāyita | mfn. stout, fat  |
āpyāyita | mfn. grown, spread out (as a disease).  |
ārādhayiṣṇu | mfn. wishing or endeavouring to conciliate, propitiatory  |
ārādhayitṛ | mfn. one who propitiates or conciliates, doing homage  |
arājānvayin | mfn. not belonging to the family of a king,  |
arasayitṛ | mfn. one who does not taste  |
arcicayiṣu | mfn. (from Desiderative of arc-) wishing to praise or worship,  |
ardhapulāyita | n. a half-gallop, canter.  |
ārirādhayiṣu | mfn. endeavouring to gain one's favour, desirous of worshipping  |
ārpayitṛ | m. one who inflicts, injures  |
ārpayitṛ | See 2. ār- (ā-ṛ-).  |
ārpayitṛ |  |
āryikā | f. Name of a nakṣatra-  |
āsādayitavya | mfn. accessible, attainable  |
āsādayitavya | mfn. to be attacked or encountered  |
asamavāyin | mfn. not inherent, not inseparably connected with, accidental  |
asāmayika | mfn. unseasonable  |
asaṃcayika | mfn. idem or 'mfn. idem or 'mfn. having no provisions ' ' (varia lectio)  |
asaṃmatādāyin | mfn. taking without the consent (of the owner)  |
asāṃpradāyika | mfn. not traditional, not sanctioned by tradition commentator or commentary on  |
aśanāyita | mfn. hungry  |
āśayitṛ | mfn. (fr. the Causal of2. aś-) feeding  |
āśayitṛ | mfn. protecting  |
āśayitṛ | m. (tā-) a feeder, protector.  |
āsīnapracalāyita | n. nodding when seated, falling asleep on a seat  |
āsisādayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of the Causal) , being about or wishing to attack  |
asnāyin | mfn. one who has not bathed  |
āśrayin | mfn. joining, attaching one's self to  |
āśrayin | mfn. following  |
āśrayin | mfn. dwelling in, resting on, inhabiting  |
āśrayitavya | mfn. to be applied to commentator or commentary on  |
āsthāyikā | f. access, audience  |
āsthāyikā | f. (exempli gratia, 'for example' āsthāyikāṃ dā-,to give an audience.)  |
asthāyin | mfn. not permanent, transient  |
asthāyitva | n. non-permanency, inconstancy  |
astryupāyin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not enjoying women (by sexual intercourse) commentator or commentary on '  |
asūyitṛ | mfn. displeased, envious  |
asūyitṛ | mfn. (an-- negative) .  |
āśvapeyin | m. followers or pupils of āśva-peyin-  |
aśvavikrayin | m. a horse-dealer  |
ātapatrāyita | mfn. forming an umbrella (as the branches of a tree)  |
ātatāyin | mfn. having one's bow drawn  |
ātatāyin | mfn. "one whose bow is drawn to take another's life", endeavouring to kill some one, a murderer (in later texts also incendiaries, ravishers, thieves etc. are reckoned among ātatāyinas-).  |
ātāyin | m. a falcon, kite (see ātāpin-.)  |
ātiśayika | mfn. (fr. āti-śaya-), superabundant  |
ātiśayika | extraordinary,  |
ātiśāyika | mfn. expressing ascending gradation  |
atiśayin | mfn. excelling, abounding.  |
atiśāyin | mfn. excelling, abounding  |
atiśāyin | mfn. excessive.  |
atiśayita | mfn. surpassing, superior.  |
ātreyikā | f. a woman in her courses  |
ātyayika | mfn. (fr. aty-aya-; gaRa vinayādi- q.v),"having a rapid course", not suffering delay, urgent etc. |
ātyayika | mfn. requiring immediate help (as a disease)  |
atyayika | See ātyayika-.  |
atyayikapiṇḍapāta | m. special or occasional alms (of 5 kinds),  |
atyayin | mfn. passing  |
audanyi | m. idem or 'm. a descendant of udanya- gaRa tikādi- ([ ]) ' gaRa pailādi- ]  |
audayika | mfn. to be reckoned from sunrise  |
audayika | mfn. relating to or happening in an auspicious time, prosperous  |
audayika | mfn. (with bhāva-,the state of the soul when actions arise )  |
aupacāyika | n. a kind of śrāddha-,  |
aupanāyika | mfn. (fr. upa-nāya-), belonging to or serving for an offering  |
aupayika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. upāya- gaRa vinayādi- ;with shortening of the ā- on ), answering a purpose, leading to an object, fit, proper, right etc.  |
aupayika | mf(ī-)n. belonging to  |
aupayika | mf(ī-)n. obtained through a means or expedient  |
aupayika | n. a means, expedient  |
aupāyika | mfn. equals aupayika- q.v  |
aupayikatā | f.  |
aupayikatva | n. fitness, properness commentator or commentary on  |
avacāyin | mfn. gathering  |
avadhyāyin | mfn. disregarding (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') |
avagamayitṛ | mfn. (fr. Causal) one who procures  |
avalokayitavya | mfn. to be observed  |
avalokayitṛ | mfn. one who views.  |
avaśardhayitṛ | m. one who breaks wind upon or against,  |
avasāyin | mfn. "taking up one's abode, settling" See antāv- and and ante-'v-, yatra-kāmāv-.  |
āvasāyin | mfn. (fr. avasa-and āyin-), going after or procuring a livelihood  |
avasthāyin | mfn. staying residing in placed (behind, paścā-;as an army), abiding in a particular condition commentator or commentary on  |
avidhāyin | mfn. not docile or compliant,  |
avināyin | mfn. (gaRa grāhy-ādi- q.v)  |
avyavasāyin | mfn. inactive, negligent, remiss  |
āyāsadayin | mfn. causing affliction,  |
ayi | ind. a vocative particle (especially used in dramas)  |
ayi | ind. a particle of encouragement or introducing a kind inquiry.  |
ayin | mfn. only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' aty-ayin-, anv-ayin-, etc.  |
āyin | mfn. coming or hastening near  |
āyodhyika | mfn. idem or 'mfn. belonging to or native of ayodhyā- '  |
ayutanāyin | m. Name of a king  |
bādhayitṛ | m. an injurer, opposer ( bādhayitrī trī- f.)  |
bādhayitrī | f. bādhayitṛ |
bahiḥsthyin | mfn. being outside, external, outer  |
bahudāyin | mfn. "much giving", liberal, munificent  |
bahuvyayin | mfn. spending much, prodigal  |
bandhayitṛ | m. (fr. Causal) one who binds or ties up, a binder on  |
barhāyita | mfn. (fr. Nom. barhāya-) resembling the eyes on a peacock's tail  |
baṣkayiṇī | f. a cow with a young calf. (see ) .  |
bhadraṃyikā | f.  |
bhakṣayitavya | mfn. to be eaten or devoured, edible  |
bhakṣayitṛ | m. an eater, enjoyer  |
bhaktadāyin | ( ) mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer.  |
bhasmaśāyin | mfn. lying on ashes  |
bhasmaśāyin | m. Name of śiva-  |
bhāvayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be cherished or protected or taken care of  |
bhāvayitavyitṛ | mfn. causing to be, cherishing, protecting, a protector or promoter  |
bhāvayitavyitṛ | mfn. (as future) one who will cause to be or call to life  |
bhayadāyin | ( ) mfn. equals -da- mfn.  |
bhayapradāyin | ( ) mfn. equals -da- mfn.  |
bhayavidhāyin | mfn. equals -kara-  |
bhiṣajyita | mfn. healed, cured (wrong reading bhiṣajyayit/a-etc.)  |
bhojayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be made to eat, to be fed  |
bhojayitṛ | mfn. (fr. Causal) causing to enjoy or eat, feeding  |
bhojayitṛ | mfn. one who makes another enjoy or feel anything  |
bhojayitṛ | mfn. a promoter of enjoyment or amusement  |
bhojayitvā | ind. having caused to eat, having fed, |
bhūṣayitavya | mfn. to be adorned or decorated  |
bhūtanāyikā | f. "leader of the bhūta-s", Name of durgā-  |
bhūtendriyajayin | m. "one who has subdued both the elements (of the body) and the senses", a kind of ascetic or devotee  |
bhūyiṣṭha | mf(ā-)n. (according to to superl. of bahu-) most numerous or abundant or great or important, chief principal etc.  |
bhūyiṣṭha | mf(ā-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = having anything as chief part or ingredient, chiefly filled with or characterised by, nearly all, almost; see śūdra-bh-, nirvāṇa-bh-etc.)  |
bhūyiṣṭha | mf(ā-)n. abundantly, numerously  |
bhūyiṣṭha | mf(ā-)n. in the highest degree, very much  |
bhūyiṣṭhabhāj | mfn. sharing principally, receiving most  |
bhūyiṣṭham | ind. for the most part, mostly, chiefly etc.  |
bhūyiṣṭhaśas | ind. in very large numbers  |
bhūyiṣṭhatara | mfn. mostly consisting of (compound)  |
bhūyiṣṭhena | ind. mostly etc.  |
bibhakṣayiṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative of bhaj-) a desire of eating or enjoying  |
bibhakṣayiṣu | mfn. desirous of eating  |
bibhakṣayiṣudaṃṣṭrin | mfn. "having teeth desirous of eating", hungry-mouthed  |
bibhedayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) desirous of dividing or disuniting  |
bibodhayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal of budh-) wishing to rouse, intending to wake (see bubodhayiṣu-).  |
bilaśāyin | mfn. equals -vāsa- mfn.  |
bilaśāyin | m. any animal that lives in holes  |
bodhayiṣṇu | mfn. (fr. Causal) wishing to awaken or to arouse  |
bodhayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be made acquainted with, to be informed of (accusative)  |
bodhayitṛ | m. (fr. Causal) an awakener  |
bodhayitṛ | m. a teacher, preceptor  |
brahmakāyika | mfn. belonging to the brahma-kāya-s ( ) .  |
brāhmaṇabhuyiṣṭha | mfn. principally consisting of (or containing) brāhmaṇa-  |
brahmaśāyin | mfn. resting in brahma-  |
bṛhadrayi | (bṛh/ad--) mfn. having abundant possessions  |
bṛṃhayitavya | mfn. to be nourished or strengthened  |
bṛṃhayitṛ | mfn. strengthening, increasing  |
bubodhayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) wishing to excite the attention, desirous of admonishing (see bibodhayiṣu-).  |
bubodhayiṣu | See .  |
cākhāyitṛ | mfn. (Intensive khan-) Va1rtt. 11.  |
caṇḍanāyikā | f. Name of one of the 8 nāyikā-s of durgā-  |
caṇḍanāyikā | f. Name of durgā-  |
candrikāpāyin | m. "moonlight drinker", the cakora- bird  |
caṭacaṭāyita | mfn. crackling  |
caturadhyāyika | n.  |
caturadhyāyikā | f.  |
caturādhyāyika | for -adh-.  |
caturādhyāyikā | for -adh-.  |
caturmahārājakāyika | m. plural (equals cāt-) "belonging to the attendance of those 4 great kings", Name of a class of deities  |
cāturmahārājakāyika | (plural) equals cat-  |
cāyitṛ | mfn. one who observes  |
cekrīyita | n. the characteristic of the Intensive verb  |
ceṣṭayitṛ | mfn. one who sets in motion  |
cetayitavya | mfn. to be perceived  |
cetayitṛ | mfn. equals ya-  |
chāgaleyin | m. plural ( ) the pupils of chagalin-  |
chardayitavya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be caused to vomit '  |
chinnabhūyiṣṭhadhūma | mfn. bursting through the thick smoke  |
cihnayitavya | mfn. to be marked  |
cikhyāpayiṣā | f. ( khyā-, Causal Desiderative) the intention to communicate  |
cintāratnāyita | n. cintāratna |
cintayitavya | mfn. to be thought of  |
cirasthāyin | mfn. long left or preserved (food)  |
cirasthāyitā | f. long continuance, durability  |
cirāyita | mfn. equals yamāṇa-  |
citraputrikāyita | mfn. resembling a female portrait  |
codayitavya | mfn. to be criticised  |
codayitṛ | mf(tr/ī-)n. one who impels or animates or promotes  |
corāyita | mfn. representing a thief.  |
cukopayiṣu | mfn. ( kup-, Causal Desiderative) wishing to make angry  |
cukṣobhayiṣu | mfn. ( kṣubh-, Causal Desiderative) intending to shake or disturb  |
cyāvayitṛ | m. a causer of motion  |
dākṣāyiṇī | f. wrong reading for yaṇī- (above) .  |
damayitṛ | m. a tamer (viṣṇu-)  |
damayitṛ | m. śiva-.  |
daṃsayittṛ | m. a destroyer  |
daṇḍāpūpāyita | mfn. self-evident Scholiast or Commentator  |
dāpayitavya | mfn. to be obliged to give or pay  |
dāpayitvā | ind.p. having fined  |
darśayitavya | mfn. to be shown  |
darśayitṛ | mfn. showing, a shower, guide  |
darśayitṛ | mfn. a door-keeper  |
darśayitukāma | mfn. wishing to show.  |
dārṣṭiviṣayika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. dṛṣṭi-and vishaya-) perceptible by the eye  |
dāyin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') giving, granting, communicating  |
dāyin | mfn. yielding, ceding, allowing, permitting  |
dāyin | mfn. causing effecting, producing, performing etc.  |
dāyin | mfn. having to pay, owing (accusative)  |
dāyita | See under dāpana-.  |
dayita | mfn. cherished, beloved, dear  |
dayita | mfn. protected  |
dayita | m. a husband, lover (varia lectio)  |
dayitā | f. a wife, beloved woman  |
dayitā | f. of ta-.  |
dayitādhīna | (tāh-) mfn. subject to a wife. =  |
dayitāmaya | mfn. wholly devoted to a beloved woman  |
dayitāyamāna | mfn. lovely  |
dayitnu | mfn. ?  |
dedīyitavai | dative case infinitive mood of 1. dī-, Intensive  |
devānuyāyin | m. idem or 'm. a follower or attendant of a god '  |
devatāsahāyin | mfn. accompanied (only) by the gods id est alone  |
dhanadāyin | mfn. giving rewards or treasures  |
dhanadāyin | m. Name of agni-  |
dhanasaṃcayin | mfn. having a collection of money  |
dhanasaṃcayin | mfn. of money  |
dhanasaṃcayin | mfn. a rich man  |
dhanvāyin | mfn. carrying or bearing a bow  |
dhārayiṣṇu | mfn. capable of bearing or accustomed to bear  |
dhārayiṣṇutā | f. patience  |
dhārayitavya | mfn. to be borne or held  |
dhārayitavya | mfn. to be perceived or understood  |
dhārayitṛ | m. holder, bearer, restrainer  |
dhārayitṛ | m. who keeps anything in remembrance  |
dhārayitṝ | f. the earth  |
dhātreyikā | f. foster-sister (a sort of confidante)  |
dhātreyikā | f. wet-nurse  |
dhātreyikā | f. female slave  |
dhātreyikāyī | f. foster-sister  |
dhātreyikāyī | f. wet-nurse  |
dhavalāyita | mfn. become white  |
dhāyin | See amṛta-dh- (additions) 2.  |
dhāyine | n. dual number two doors, folding doors (?),  |
dhenuṣyita | mfn. one who has pledged the milk of his cows (?) gaRa tārakādi-.  |
dhoyin | m. Name of a poet (see dhoī-kavi-)  |
dhūmāyita | n. smoking, steaming  |
dhūpāyita | mfn. incensed, perfumed  |
dhūpāyita | mfn. vexed, pained  |
dhūpayitavya | mfn. to be incensed or fumigated  |
dhyāyin | mfn. absorbed in meditation, quite intent upon or engrossed in (compound)  |
dīkṣayitṛ | m. consecrator  |
diśoyāyin | mfn. spreading in all directions  |
dolāyita | mfn. swung about, rocking  |
dolāyitaśravaṇakuṇḍala | mfn. one whose earnings swing to and fro  |
drāvayitnu | mfn. melting  |
dugdhapāyin | mfn. drinking milk  |
duḥkhabhūyiṣṭha | consisting mostly of pain, abounding with sorrow, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
dūrasthāyin | mfn. idem or 'n. '  |
dūrayāyin | mfn. going far  |
durmāyin | mfn. using bad arts  |
dūṣayitnu | m. idem or 'm. corrupter (See kanyā-d-).'  |
dūṣayitṛ | m. corrupter (See kanyā-d-).  |
dvādaśānyika | mfn. one who has made 12 mistakes in reading  |
dvayin | m. comrade, fellow (see asad-dvayin- additions)  |
dvipāyin | m. "drinking twice", an elephant (see -pa-).  |
dvitīyika | mfn.  |
dvitīyin | mfn. standing in the 2nd place or rank  |
dvitīyin | mfn. receiving the half as portion or share commentator or commentary  |
dyūtapalāyita | mfn. one who has run away from a game  |
ekādhyāyin | m. a single pupil  |
ekaśāyin | mfn. sleeping alone, chaste  |
ekaviṣayin | mfn. having one common object or aim, a rival.  |
ekavyavasāyin | mfn. following the same employment.  |
gaḍayitnu | m. idem or 'm. (fr. pr. p.)"covering" , a cloud (see gaṇḍ-.)' (see garday-.)  |
gadayitnu | mfn. loquacious, talkative  |
gadayitnu | mfn. libidinous, lustful  |
gadayitnu | m. a sound  |
gadayitnu | m. a bow  |
gadayitnu | m. a Name of kāma- (the god of love)  |
gadayitnu | m. for gaḍay- (a cloud)  |
gaganaromanthāyita | n. "something like ruminating on the sky", absurdity, iv, 48.  |
gamayitavya | mfn. to be spent (time)  |
gamayitṛ | mfn. causing to arrive at, leading to (in compound)  |
gaṇanāyikā | f. durgā-  |
gaṇayitrikā | f. "counter", a rosary (only Prakrit ṅettiyā-)  |
gaṇayitrikā | f. (irregular ṇatr-and ṇitr-)  |
gardayitnu | m. (equals gaḍay-) "rumbler", a cloud  |
gāyikī | f. a songstress,  |
gayin | m. Name of the author of a commentator or commentary on  |
ghaṭayitavya | mfn. to be shut (a hole)  |
ghaṭṭakuṭīprabhātāyita | n. "acting like the dawn in a hut near a landing-place", forcing an entrance  |
ghoṣayitnu | m. a crier, proclaimer, herald  |
ghoṣayitnu | m. a Brahman  |
ghoṣayitnu | m. the Koil or Indian cuckoo  |
ghoṣayitnu | See 1. ghuṣ-.  |
ghṛtavikrayin | m. a vendor of ghee  |
giriśāyikā | f. (equals -śā-) a kind of bird  |
gopāyita | mfn. preserved, protected  |
gopayitavya | mfn. varia lectio for pāy-.  |
gopāyitavya | mfn. to be hidden  |
gopāyitṛ | m. a protector  |
grāhayitavya | mfn. to be urged to undertake anything (accusative)  |
gṛhaśāyin | m. "dwelling in the house", a pigeon  |
gumagumāyita | n. equals guṃ-kāra-,  |
gusāyin | m. Hussein.  |
hairaṇyika | mf(ā-or ī-)n. (fr. hiraṇya-) gaRa kāśyādi-  |
hairaṇyika | m. a goldsmith  |
hariścandrākhyāyikā | f. Name of work  |
harṣayitnu | mfn. gladdening, causing delight  |
harṣayitnu | m. a son  |
harṣayitnu | n. gold  |
hāstidāyi | m. patronymic fr. hasti-d-  |
hāsyasthāyibhāva | m. the permanent sense of humour (See sthāyi-bh-).  |
hayi | m. or f. wish, desire  |
hāyi | ind. an exclamation used in chanting a sāman- (see hāī-)  |
hāyikāra | m. the exclamation hāyas- |
hayin | m. a horseman, rider  |
hāyin | mfn. leaving, abandoning, neglecting  |
hiraṇyin | mfn. abounding in gold gaRa prīkṣādi-  |
hiraṇyinī | f. a gold-mine, region abounding in gold gaRa puṣkarādi-.  |
hitādhāyin | mfn. equals hita-kara- ( hitādhāyitā yi-tā- f.)  |
hitādhāyitā | f. hitādhāyin |
hṛdayasthāyin | mfn. being in the interior of the body  |
hṛdayika | mfn. good-hearted, warm-hearted, hearty Va1rtt. 5  |
hṛdayin | mfn. having a heart, tender-hearted, hearty Va1rtt. 5  |
hṛdayitnu | mfn.  |
hvāyayitavya | See ā-hv-.  |
hvāyin | mfn. calling, invoking, challenging  |
hvayitavya | See ā-hv-.  |
indirādayita | m. Name (also title or epithet) of viṣṇu-,  |
indrajidvijayin | m. "conqueror of indra-jit-", Name of lakṣmaṇa-  |
īrṣyin | mfn. envious, spiteful.  |
īrṣyita | n. envy, jealousy.  |
īyivas | mfn. (īyivān-, īyuṣī-, īyivat-)(perfect tense parasmE-pada of i-) one who has gone  |
īyivas | mfn. one who has obtained etc.  |
jaghanyaśāyin | mfn. going to bed last, .  |
jalaśāyin | mfn. lying in water  |
jalaśāyin | m. equals -śaya-  |
jalaśāyitīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha-  |
jāmadagnyāyita | n. the act of killing after the manner of paraśu-rāma-  |
janayiṣṇu | m. a progenitor  |
janayitavya | mfn. to be generated or produced  |
janayitnu | m. a father,  |
janayitṛ | m. ( ) one Who generates or begets or produces, progenitor, father etc.  |
janayitrī | f. a mother  |
jarayitṛ | mfn. "consumer" See jāra-.  |
jaṭharasthāyin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. being in the belly or in the womb, W'  |
jayin | mfn. ( ) conquering, conqueror (chiefly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
jayin | mfn. victorious (in battle ;in a lawsuit ;in planetary opposition ;in playing at dice ;in sport )  |
jayin | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' removing  |
jayin | mfn. equals ya-kṛt-  |
jāyin | mfn. ( ji-) in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' conquering, subduing  |
jāyin | m. Name of a dhruvaka-.  |
jayiṣṇu | mfn. victorious  |
jayitṛ | mf(trī-)n. victorious  |
jhaṇajhaṇāyita | mfn. tinkling  |
jijñāpayiṣu | mfn. (jñā-,Caus. Desiderative) wishing to make known  |
jīvapattrapracāyikā | f. for -putra-pr-  |
jīvaputrapracāyikā | f. "gathering of the jīva-putra- plant", a kind of game and  |
jīvitapradāyin | mfn. life preserving, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
joṣayitavya | mfn. to be approved without reflection  |
joṣayitṛ | mfn. equals joṣṭ/ṛ- (superl. -tama-) (f(ṭrī-).).  |
jyāyiṣṭha | mfn. (irregular superl.) most excellent, first, best  |
jyotirlekhāvalayin | mfn. studded with rows of stars  |
kālodāyin | m. "the black udāyin-", Name of a pupil of śākya-muni-  |
kālodayin | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a disciple of buddha-, .  |
kālodāyin | See 1. kāla-.  |
kalpāntasthāyin | mfn. lasting to the end of time  |
kalpayitavya | mfn. to be assumed, to be supposed, to be conceived commentator or commentary on  |
kalpotthāyin | mfn. , misprint for kalyotthāyin-.  |
kalyotthāyin | mfn. rising at day-break  |
kāmāgāyin | mfn. singing a wish, jaim  |
kāmāvasāyin | mfn. suppressing desire  |
kāmāvasāyitā | f. the power of suppressing desire (one of the eight supernatural faculties of śiva-) (see yatra-kām-.)  |
kāmāvasāyitṛ | mfn. one who or anything that suppresses or destroys passion or desire  |
kāmāvasāyitva | n. the power of suppressing desire (one of the eight supernatural faculties of śiva-) (see yatra-kām-.)  |
kāmayitṛ | mfn. libidinous, lustful, desirous  |
kambālāyin | m. a sort of kite (?)  |
kambvātāyin | m. the bird Falco Cheela  |
kāmukāyita | parasmE-pada n. the actions or behaviour of a lover  |
kaṇapāyin | m. idem or '(kaṇān-, lohagulikāḥ pibatī-) m. a kind of weapon '  |
kaṇḍūyita | n. idem or 'f. scratching, itching commentator or commentary on '  |
kaṇḍūyitṛ | mfn. scratching, a scratcher  |
kanyādūṣayitṛ | m. the defiler of a maiden  |
kanyikā | f. a girl, maiden, daughter  |
kanyikā | See under kanyaka-.  |
karatoyinī | f. Name of a river (probably = the last)  |
karāyikā | f. a bird, a small kind of crane  |
kārāyikā | f. equals karāy-  |
kārayiṣṇu | mfn. causing to act or perform  |
kārayitavya | mfn. to be caused or effected or made to do  |
kārayitavyadakṣa | mfn. clever at performing what has to be done  |
kārayitṛ | mfn. causing or instigating to act or do  |
kārayitṛ | mfn. performer of a religious ceremony  |
karmābhidhāyin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. enjoining or prescribing duties or acts '  |
karmānuṣṭhāyin | mfn. practising duties, performing rites etc.  |
kāryika | mfn. ( ) pleading a cause in court  |
kāryin | mfn. ( ) one who transacts business, assiduous  |
kāryin | mfn. seeking for employment  |
kāryin | mfn. having an object  |
kāryin | mfn. a party to a suit either as plaintiff or defendant  |
kāryin | mfn. (in grammar) subject to the operation of a grammatical rule, requiring an affix, etc. & |
kaṣāyin | mfn. yielding a resinous exudation, astringent, dyed of a red colour  |
kaṣāyin | mfn. worldly-minded  |
kaṣāyin | m. the plant Shorea robusta (śāla-)  |
kaṣāyin | m. Artocarpus Lakucha  |
kaṣāyin | m. the wild date-palm (kharjūrī-)  |
kāṣāyin | m. "wearing a brown-red garment", a Buddhist monk  |
kāṣāyin | m. plural (iṇas-) the school of kaśāya- gaRa śaunakādi-.  |
kaṣāyita | mfn. reddened, red  |
kaṣāyita | mfn. coloured  |
kaṣāyita | mfn. spotted, soiled  |
kaṣāyita | mfn. prepared for dyeing or colouring  |
kaṣāyita | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' permeated with, rendered full of  |
kaṣāyita | mfn. dimmed, cloaked (with envy, īrṣyā-)  |
kaṭakavalayin | mfn. ornamented with a bracelet and an armlet on  |
kathayitavya | mfn. to be told or mentioned  |
kathayitavya | mfn. to be communicated  |
kauṇḍapāyina | mfn. with ayana- Name of a soma- libation (equals kuṇḍa-pāyinām ay-)  |
kauṇḍapāyina | mfn. kauṇḍapāyinām ay- for nam ay-, or for kuṇḍa-pāyinām ay-  |
kavayitṛ | m. a poet commentator or commentary on  |
kavayitṛ | See kav-.  |
kāyikā | f. (with or without vṛddhi-), interest obtained from capital, etc. [ kāyikā vṛddhi- f.interest consisting in the use of an animal or any capital stock pawned or pledged;service rendered by the body of an animal (as a cow, etc.) pledged and used by the person to whom it is pledged;or (according to some) interest of which the payment does not affect the principal.]  |
kāyika | mf(ī-)n. performed with the body  |
kāyika | mf(ī-)n. corporeal etc.  |
kāyika | mf(ī-)n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') belonging to an assemblage or multitude  |
ketayitṛ | mf(trī-)n. one who summons on  |
kevalanaiyāyika | m. a mere logician (not versed in any other science)  |
kevalānvayigrantha | m. Name of work  |
kevalānvayin | mfn. pertaining only to connection  |
kevalānvayinrahasya | n. Name of work  |
kevalānvayinvāda | m. Name of work  |
khaṇakhaṇāyita | mfn. tinkling etc.  |
khanayitrī | f. a spade  |
kharakaṇḍūyita | n. idem or 'n. "scraping or rubbing with a sharp object", making worse any evil '  |
kharāyita | n. behaviour of an ass  |
khedayitavya | mfn. to be depressed or made distressed  |
kisalayita | mfn. (gaRa tārakādi-) furnished with leaf-buds or young shoots  |
knūyitṛ | mfn. stinking  |
kopayiṣṇu | mfn. intending to exasperate  |
kośaśāyikā | f. a clasp-knife or one lying in a sheath  |
kramādhyāyin | mfn. studying the krama- arrangement of a Vedic text  |
kramānuyāyin | mfn. following the methodical order.  |
kratuvikrayin | mfn. one who sells the possible benefits of a sacrifice performed by himself |
krayākrayikā | f. gaRa śāka-pārthivāadi-  |
krayavikrayika | m. a trader or merchant, dealer  |
krayavikrayin | mfn. one who buys or sells, who strikes a bargain  |
krayavikrayin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
krayika | mfn. ( ) buying  |
krayika | m. a buyer, trader, dealer  |
krāyika | m. idem or 'm. a buyer, trader '  |
krayin | m. a buyer, purchaser  |
krayin | m. Name of rudra-  |
krayin | m. (krīvi- )  |
kṛpāyita | n. lamenting  |
kṛpāyitavat | mfn. lamenting, mourning (edition Bomb.)  |
kṛtaniścayin | mfn. one who has formed a resolution, determined, resolved  |
kṣapayiṣṇu | mfn. one who intends to efface or do penance for (accusative)  |
kṣapayiṣṇu | mfn. destroying  |
kṣapayiṣṇu | See 1. and 3. kskap-.  |
kṣatriyikā | f. equals yakā-  |
kṣayayitavya | mfn. to be destroyed  |
kṣayi | (in compound for yin- q.v)  |
kṣayika | yita-, etc. See 4. kṣi-.  |
kṣāyika | See 4. kṣi-.  |
kṣayika | mfn. consumptive  |
kṣāyika | mfn. resulting from the (kṣayopa-śama-or) annihilation of the desire of being active ( ) .  |
kṣayikala | See kṣaya-kara-.  |
kṣayin | mfn. ( ) wasting, decaying, waning  |
kṣayin | mfn. perishable etc.  |
kṣayin | mfn. consumptive  |
kṣayiṣṇu | mfn. perishable  |
kṣayiṣṇu | mfn. destroying, removing  |
kṣayiṣṇu | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
kṣayita | mfn. destroyed, ruined, put an end to, finished  |
kṣayita | mfn. (in mathematics) divided  |
kṣayitatā | f. the being destroyed or annihilated  |
kṣayitva | n. perishableness, fragility  |
kṣīrapāyin | mfn. drinking milk  |
kṣīrapāyin | mfn. drinking or imbibing water repeatedly  |
kṣīrapāyin | m. plural (iṇas-) (equals -pāṇa-),"milk-drinkers", Name of the uśīnara-s  |
kṣmāyita | mfn. shaken, made to tremble  |
kṣmāyita | mfn. trembling  |
kṣmāyitṛ | mfn. ( ) trembling, shaking  |
kṣobhayitṛ | mfn. one who gives the first impulse for anything  |
kuḍāyikā | f. (in music) Name of a particular rāga-.  |
kulanāyikā | f. a girl worshipped at the celebration of the orgies of the left-hand śākta-s.  |
kulāyanilāyin | mfn. sitting in a nest, brooding  |
kulāyanilāyitā | f. the act of hatching, etc.  |
kulāyikā | f. a bird-cage, aviary |
kulāyin | mfn. forming a nest, shaped like a nest  |
kulāyinī | f. an aviary  |
kulāyinī | f. Name of a liturgical service commentator or commentary on  |
kuṇḍapāyin | mfn. drinking out of pitchers (yinām ayana- n.a particular religious ceremony) (see kauṇ ḍapāyina-.)  |
kuṇḍaśāyin | m. Name of a son of dhṛtarāṣṭra-  |
kusumadāyin | mfn. putting forth buds,  |
kuvalayinī | f. an assemblage of water-lilies, place abounding with them  |
kuvalayita | mfn. (gaRa tārakādi-) decorated with water-lilies  |
kvāthayitavya | mfn. to be boiled  |
kvayi | m. a kind of bird (equals mṛga-viśeṣa- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
lajjāpayitṛ | mfn. (Prakrit tṇka-See lajj-) causing shame  |
lajjāyita | mfn. ashamed, abashed, embarrassed  |
lajjāyita | n. plural shame, embarrassment, perplexity  |
lakṣmīpraṇayin | mfn. dear to lakṣmī-, a favourite of fortune  |
lākṣyika | mf(ī-)n. equals lakṣyam- adhīt veda vā- vArttika  |
lālāyita | mfn. emitting saliva, slobbering, drivelling  |
lālayitavya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be caressed or fondled or indulged '  |
lambhayitavya | mfn. to be applied or set to work  |
laṅkāpikāyikā | f. Trigonella Corniculata  |
laṅkāpikoyikā | f. Trigonella Corniculata  |
laṅkāsthāyin | mfn. residing or being in laṅkā-  |
laṅkāsthāyin | m. Euphorbia Tirucalli  |
lavaṇalāyikā | f. an instrument by which salt is given to a horse  |
lilakṣayiṣita | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of laksh-, lakṣayati-) wished or intended to be indicated, had in view, meant  |
līlāyita | mfn. sporting, dallying, rejoicing  |
līlāyita | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') pretending to be, representing, resembling  |
līlāyita | n. sport, amusement  |
līlāyita | n. an exploit easily accomplished  |
lopāyikā | f. a kind of bird  |
madālasākhyāyikā | f. Name of work (or sākh-?)  |
madātyayita | mfn. suffering from this disorder  |
mādayiṣṇu | mfn. intoxicating  |
madayitnu | m. "intoxicating etc.", (only ) the god of love  |
madayitnu | m. a distiller of spirituous liquor  |
madayitnu | m. a drunken man  |
madayitnu | m. a cloud  |
madayitnu | mn. spirituous liquor.  |
mādayitnu | mfn. intoxicating  |
madayitṛ | mfn. intoxicating, an intoxicater, maddener, delighter  |
mādayitṛ | m. an exhilarater, gladdener (f. trī-)  |
madhupāyin | m. "honey-drinker", a bee  |
madhyaśāyin | mfn. lying in the midst lying within  |
madhyāyin | mfn. recited in the middle tone  |
mahādevavājapeyin | m. Name of learned man  |
mahākāyika | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
mahātyayatyayika | mfn. connected with any great immediate evil or danger  |
maitreyikā | f. descent from mitrayu-  |
maitreyikā | f. a contest between friends or allies  |
majjayitṛ | mfn. one who causes to sink or plunge  |
maṃhayadrayi | mfn. (pr. p. of Causal + rayi-) granting wealth or treasures  |
māṃsagṛdhyin | mfn. desirous of flesh  |
māṃsaparivikrayin | m. a flesh-monger  |
māṃsavikrayin | ( ) m. a flesh-seller (the former also used as a term of reproach).  |
manasājñāyin | (sājñ-) mfn. perceiving with the soul or intellectually ,  |
mānavikrayin | mfn. selling one's honour  |
mānayitavya | mfn. to be honoured, deserving honour or respect  |
manayitṛ | mf(trī-)n. on  |
mānayitṛ | mfn. one who honours or respects  |
mañcakāśrayin | m. "bed-infesting", a bed-bug, house-bug  |
maṇḍayitnu | m. one who adorns,  |
maṇḍayitnu | a lover,  |
maṇḍūkaśāyin | mfn. lying like a frog-meditation  |
manoyāyin | mfn. going at will or wherever one likes ( manoyāyitva yi-tva- n.)  |
manoyāyitva | n. manoyāyin |
mārakāyika | mfn. belonging to the retinue or attendants of māra-  |
maraṇasāmāyikanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
marāyin | m. (prob.) Name of a man ( "destroying enemies"equals śatrūṇām mārakaḥ-;others "brilliant, splendid") .  |
marāyin | mar/āyu- See above.  |
mārgadāyinī | f. "giving up the way", Name of dākṣāyaṇī- at kedāra-  |
mārgākhyāyin | m. "road-teller", a guide  |
māsasaṃcayika | mfn. having provisions for a month  |
mātsyika | m. a fisherman  |
māyāyin | mfn. equals māyā-v/in- above  |
māyi | in compound for māyin-.  |
māyibhairavatantra | n. Name of a tantra- (see māyika-bhairava-).  |
māyika | mfn. illusory, creating illusion  |
māyika | mfn. practising deceit, deceiving others  |
māyika | m. a conjurer, juggler  |
māyika | n. or f(ā-). a gall-nut  |
māyikabhairava | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
māyikāya | m. Name of a grammarian  |
māyimatakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
māyin | mfn. artful, skilled in art or enchantment, cunning, deceptive, illusory ( māyitā yi-tā- f.) etc.  |
māyin | mfn. subject to illusion  |
māyin | m. a conjurer, juggler, magician  |
māyin | m. a cheat, deceiver  |
māyin | m. Name of brahmā-  |
māyin | m. of śiva-  |
māyin | m. of agni-  |
māyin | m. of kāma-  |
māyin | n. magic, magical art (see durm-)  |
māyin | n. a gall-nut  |
māyiphala | n. a gall-nut  |
māyitā | f. māyin |
mayivasu | mfn. (fr. mayi- locative case sg. of 3. ma-+ vasu-) good in me (used in particular formulas)  |
mimārayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal of mṛ-) wishing to kill  |
mimardayiṣu | mfn. - (fr. Desiderative of mṛd-) wishing to crush or grind down  |
mitaśāyin | mfn. sleeping little or sparingly  |
mitavyayin | mfn. spending little, frugal, economical  |
mlāyin | mfn. fading, withering away, languishing  |
mocayitavya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be released or set free ' (varia lectio mocit-).  |
mocayitṛ | mfn. freeing, releasing on  |
mohayitṛ | mfn. one who bewilders or perplexes  |
mokṣayitavya | mfn. to be emancipated  |
mokṣayitṛ | mfn. one who frees or liberates from (ablative)  |
moṣayitnu | m. (fr. Causal) a Brahman  |
moṣayitnu | m. the Indian cuckoo  |
moṭṭāyita | n. showing affection in the absence of a loved object, the silent expression of returned affection  |
mṛgaśāyikā | f. the recumbent posture of an antelope (śayīta mṛgaśāyikām-,"let him lie as still as an antelope")  |
mṛṣādhyāyin | m. "feignedly meditative", Ardea Nivea (a species of crane compared to a religious hypocrite)  |
mukhenādāyin | m. plural Name (also title or epithet) of a particular class of self-mortifying devotees,  |
mukulāyita | mfn. budded, blossomed  |
mūlasthāyin | mfn. existing from the beginning (said of śiva-)  |
mumocayiṣu | mfn. desirous of setting free or liberating  |
mumokṣayiṣu | mfn. desirous of setting free or liberating  |
mumokṣayiṣu | mumocayiṣu- See .  |
mumokṣayiṣu | mfn. See under 2. muc-, .  |
mūṣikāhairanyika | m. nickname of a man  |
nāgarayāyigraha | m. plural planets opposed to each other in various particular ways (see above) .  |
nairayika | mfn. hellish, an inhabitant of hell  |
naiṣadyika | m. (with ) Name of one of the 12 dhūta-guṇa-s or ascetic practices  |
naityika | mfn. equals tyaka- mfn.  |
naiyāyika | mfn. knowing the nyāya- philosophy  |
naiyāyika | m. a follower of the nyāya- system of investigation  |
nākādhipanāyikā | f. plural the courtezans of indra- id est the apsaras-  |
nālāyita | mfn.  |
namasyita | mfn. See under namasa-.  |
namayiṣṇu | mfn. bowing, bending  |
namayitavya | mfn. to be bent (bow)  |
nandayitnu | m. joy,  |
nandayitnu | a son,  |
nandayitnu | mfn. joyful, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
nandayitṛ | mfn. giving joy, making happy  |
narmāyita | n. sport, pastime  |
nartayitṛ | mfn. causing to dance (with accusative)  |
nartayitṛ | m. dancing-master (see taka-).  |
nāśayitṛ | mf(tr/ī-)n. destroying, remover  |
nasyita | mfn. equals nasy-ota-  |
nāṭakākhyāyikadarśana | n. Name of one of the 64 kalā-s  |
nāṭayitavya | mfn. to be played (a drama)  |
nauyāyin | mfn. going in a boat, a passenger or freight  |
nāyikā | f. See nāyikā-  |
nāyikā | f. (of yaka- q.v) a noble lady  |
nāyikā | f. mistress, courtezan (see nākādhipa--)  |
nāyikā | f. the heroine in a drama etc.  |
nāyikā | f. an inferior form or śakti- of durgā- (of which there are 8, viz. ugra-caṇḍā-, pra-caṇḍā-, caṇḍogrā-, caṇḍa-nāyikā-, ati-caṇḍā-, cāmuṇḍā-, caṇḍā-, and caṇḍa-vatī-; see kula-n-)  |
nāyikā | f. a class of female personifications representing illegitimate sexual love (they are called balinī-, kāmeśvarī-, vimalā-, aruṇā-, medinī-, jayinī-, sarveśvarī-, kauleśī-)  |
nāyikā | f. equals next =  |
nāyikācūrṇa | n. a particular medicament  |
nāyikāsādhana | n. Name of work  |
nāyin | mfn. guiding (see ayuta--).  |
nayiṣṭha | m. leading in the best manner  |
nayitavya | mfn. to be conducted or brought  |
netrapraṇayin | mfn. desirous of a person's eye, id est coming before the eye of. face to face with (genitive case)  |
nicayin | mfn. heaped up, plentiful, abundant  |
nidarśayitavya | mfn. to be pointed out or put forth or shown  |
nihatabhūyiṣṭha | mfn. having the greater number killed  |
nikāyin | m. a series of sacrifices having all the same name but different rewards  |
nīlakāyika | m. plural "blue-bodied"or"dark-bodied", Name of a class of deities  |
nilāyin | mfn. descending or alighting in, inhabiting (compound)  |
nilāyitā | f.  |
nirayin | m. an inhabitant of hell  |
nirbharapraṇayitā | f. deep affection  |
nirdhārayitṛ | m. one who settles or decides  |
nirdidhārayiṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative of Causal of nir-dhṛ-) desire of investigating or ascertaining  |
nirūpayitavya | mfn. to be ascertained or determined  |
nirvāṇabhūyiṣṭha | mfn. nearly extinguished, or vanished  |
nirvāpayitṛ | m. extinguisher, quencher, refresher  |
niryiyāsu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) wishing or trying to go out  |
niśāmayitavya | mfn. to be perceived, perceivable  |
niśāyin | (2. śī-) mfn. prob. lying down, sleeping, gaRa grahādi-.  |
niścārayitavya | mfn. to be issued or made known |
niścayin | mfn. of firm opinion or resolution (see kṛta-niśc-).  |
nistārayitṛ | mfn. equals tāraka-  |
nityasnāyin | mfn. constantly bathing or making ablutions  |
nityasvādhyāyin | mfn. always engaged in the study of the veda- ( nityasvādhyāyitā yi-tā- f.)  |
nityasvādhyāyitā | f. nityasvādhyāyin |
nivartayitavya | mfn. to be kept back or detained  |
nivedayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) wishing to report or to relate about (accusative) (Bombay edition vived-).  |
niveśayitavya | mfn. to be put or placed  |
niyayin | See under ni-yā-.  |
niyayin | mfn. going over, passing over (as a carriage)  |
niyojayitavya | mfn. to be appointed or directed to (locative case)  |
niyojayitavya | mfn. to be punished with (instrumental case)  |
nopasthāyin | ( ),not at hand, absent.  |
nṛmṇāyi | a sacrificial exclamation  |
nyagbhāvayiyṛ | m. one who lowers or humbles  |
nyāyika | n. logic  |
nyāyin | mfn. equals nyāya-vat-  |
ojāyita | n. stout-heartedness, courageous behaviour.  |
pācayitṛ | mfn. cooking, digestive  |
padādhyāyin | mfn. reciting the veda- in this way  |
padmaśāyinī | f. a species of bird  |
palāyin | mfn. fleeing, flying, taking to flight  |
palāyita | mfn. flown, fled, defeated etc.  |
palāyita | n. gallop (varia lectio pul-).  |
pālayitṛ | mfn. protecting, cherishing  |
pālayitṛ | mfn. a protector or guardian  |
paṇāyita | mfn. praised, transacted  |
paṇayitṛ | m. a seller  |
paṇāyitṛ | m. a seller  |
pāṇḍvāmayin | mfn. jaundiced  |
paṅgūyita | n. limping, lameness  |
pāṇipraṇayin | mfn. loved by (id est being or resting in) the hand (yi-tāṃ sam-upā-gam-,to be taken in the hand)  |
pāṇipraṇayinī | f. a wife  |
paṇyavikrayin | m. a trader, merchant  |
pārajāyika | ( ) m. one who intrigues with another's wife, an adulterer.  |
pārajāyin | ( ) m. (-jāyā-) one who intrigues with another's wife, an adulterer.  |
parāśātayitṛ | m. ( śad-, Causal) crusher, destroyer  |
parasvādāyin | mfn. taking or seizing another's property ( )  |
paratoṣayitṛ | mfn. gratifying others  |
parāvasathaśāyin | mfn. sleeping in another's house  |
pārayiṣṇu | mfn. bringing to the opposite shore or to a happy issue, successful, victorious etc. ( pārayiṣṇutama -tama- mfn.best in accomplishing )  |
pārayiṣṇu | m. Name of a particular personification  |
pārayiṣṇutama | mfn. pārayiṣṇu |
pārayitṛ | mfn. one who carries or will carry across  |
pareyivas | mfn. one who has departed or died  |
paridāyin | m. a father (or another relation) who marries his daughter or ward to a man whose elder brother is not yet married  |
parikalayitṛ | mfn. surrounding, encircling (read yitā-).  |
parimlāyin | mfn. stained, spotted  |
parimlāyin | m. a kind of disease of the lens or pupil of the eye (liṅga-nāśa-)  |
parimlāyitva | n. falling, sinking  |
pariṇamayitṛ | mfn. causing to bend or to ripen  |
paripācayitṛ | mfn. cooking, ripening  |
paripālayitṛ | mfn. protecting, defending  |
paripayitavya | mfn. to be completely finished  |
paripipālayiṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) desire of protecting or sustaining or preserving  |
paripūrayitavya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be filled or fulfilled '  |
paritoṣayitṛ | mfn. any one or anything that gratifies, pleasing (varia lectio para-t-).  |
parivāpayitavya | mfn. to be completely extinguished or emancipated  |
parivāyin | mfn. being completely extinguished or emancipated  |
parivikrayin | mfn. ( krī-) selling, trading in (genitive case)  |
parṇaprātyika | m. or n. Name of a place (wrong reading for prāsika-?) .  |
pārśvaśāyin | m. idem or 'mfn. lying of sleeping on the side Va1rtt. 1. ' , Name of a particular position of the moon  |
parvatāśrayin | m. a mountaineer  |
paryavadāpayitṛ | m. (fr. Causal) a distributor  |
paryavasāyin | mfn. ending with, amounting to ( paryavasāyitva yi-tva- n.)  |
paryavasāyitva | n. paryavasāyin |
paryāyika | mfn. composed in strophes  |
paryāyin | mfn. embracing, including  |
paryāyin | mfn. encompassing (in a hostile manner)  |
paryāyin | mfn. periodical  |
pāṣāṇaghātadāyin | mfn. throwing or striking with a stone  |
paścādanvavasāyin | mfn. following after id est adhering to, dependent upon (dative case)  |
paśusamāmnāyika | mfn. mentioned in this chapter  |
patayiṣṇu | ( ) mfn. idem or 'mf(ū-)n. (fr. Causal) flying, falling, liable to fall (see ) .'  |
patayiṣṇuka | ( ) mfn. idem or '( ) mfn. idem or 'mf(ū-)n. (fr. Causal) flying, falling, liable to fall (see ) .' '  |
pātayitṛ | mfn. one who causes to fall, thrower of (dice etc.)  |
pathikāyita | n. pathikāya |
paunarādheyika | mf(ī-)n. relating to the rite of replacing or renewing the sacrificial fire  |
pavayitṛ | m. a purifier  |
payaḥpāyikā | f. idem or 'n. drinking milk, a draught of milk '  |
pāyayitavai | See under 1. pā-.  |
pāyika | m. a foot-soldier, footman (prob. corrupted fr. pādātika-).  |
pāyin | mfn. drinking, sucking, sipping at (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see ambu--, kṣīra--etc.)  |
pāyinī | f. (prob.) Name of a town  |
pāyinmāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
payiṣṭha | mfn. superl. of payas-vin-  |
payiṣṭha | See payasiṣṭha- above.  |
phaladāyin | mfn. "fruit-giving", yielding fruit, giving a result  |
phalavikrayiṇī | f. a female fruit-seller  |
pīḍayitavya | mfn. to be oppressed or harassed or molested or pained  |
pidhāyin | mfn. idem or 'mf(ikā-)n. covering, hiding, concealing ( pidhāyakatā -tā- f.), '  |
pīṭhanāyikā | f. a girl of four at the festival of that goddess  |
pitṛdayitā | f. Name of work  |
plāvayitṛ | mfn. one who causes to swim, causing to cross or go in a boat  |
poṣayiṣṇu | mfn. causing to thrive, advantageous, beneficial  |
poṣayitnu | mfn. causing to grow or thrive, nourishing, fostering  |
poṣayitnu | m. the Indian cuckoo  |
poṣayitṛ | mfn. (fr. Causal) one who nourishes or cherishes or rears  |
prabhāvayitṛ | mfn. making powerful or mighty  |
pracalāyita | mfn. nodding the head (while asleep and in a sitting posture)  |
pracalāyita | mfn. rolling about, tumbling, tossed about (as a ship)  |
pracalāyita | n. See under āsīna-.  |
pracāyikā | f. gathering, plucking, collecting (with the hand or in turn, cf: puṣpa--;the latter also "a female who gathers", A.)  |
pradāpayitṛ | m. a giver  |
pradāyin | mfn. idem or 'n. ' etc.  |
pradāyitva | n.  |
pragāyin | mfn. beginning to sing, singing  |
prajanayitṛ | m. a generator, begetter, progenitor  |
prājāpatyapradāyin | (or -sthāna-pr-), mfn. (prob.) procuring the place or world of prājāpatya-  |
prajāpayitṛ | m. wrong reading for pradājayit/ṛ-  |
prajāyinī | f. about to bring forth  |
prajāyinī | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') bearing, bringing forth, a mother of (see vīra--).  |
prajijanayiṣitavya | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) wished to be born  |
prajñāpayitavya | mfn. to be asserted  |
prakalpayitri | m. one who prepares or arranges  |
prakṣālayitṛ | m. one who washes (the feet of his guest)  |
pramāpayitṛ | mfn. causing to perish  |
pramāpayitṛtva | n. destructiveness, murderousness on  |
prāṇadayita | m. "dear as life", a husband  |
prāṇapradāyin | mfn. idem or 'mf(ikā-)n. equals -prada- mfn. '  |
praṇayibhava | mfn. being attached to, being in (compound)  |
praṇayijana | m. a friend or lover (also collect.)  |
praṇayikriyā | f. the business or affair of a lover or friend  |
praṇayimādhavacampū | f. Name of a poem.  |
praṇayin | mfn. having affection for (genitive case), attached to, beloved, dear, intimate, familiar etc. |
praṇayin | mfn. feeling attracted towards, longing for, desirous of (instrumental case or compound), affectionate, loving, kind  |
praṇayin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') clinging to, dwelling or being in  |
praṇayin | mfn. turned towards, aiming at  |
praṇayin | mfn. combined or provided with  |
praṇayin | m. a friend, favourite  |
praṇayin | m. a husband, lover  |
praṇayinī | f.a beloved female, wife etc.  |
praṇayinī | f. a worshipper, devotee  |
praṇayinī | f. a suppliant, suitor  |
praṇayitā | f. attachment or devotion to, desire or longing for (genitive case locative case or compound)  |
prāṇayita | mfn. (fr. Causal) caused to breathe, kept alive  |
prāṇayita | mfn. animated, longing to (infinitive mood)  |
praṇidhāyin | mfn. employing, sending out (spies)  |
prāṅśāyin | mfn. See adhah-p-.  |
prapalāyin | mfn. running away, flying, a fugitive  |
prapalāyita | mfn. run away  |
prapalāyita | mfn. routed, defeated  |
prapāyin | mfn. drinking, one who drinks  |
prapāyin | mfn. who or what protects  |
prāpayitṛ | mfn. one who causes to attain, procurer  |
prāpipayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) wishing to cause to reach  |
prāpipayiṣu | mfn. (with adhaḥ-) wishing to press down  |
prapyāyayitṛ | mfn. (fr. Causal) causing to swell out, distending  |
prārjayitṛ | mfn. one who grants or bestows (used to explain parjanya-)  |
prārthayitavya | mfn. worthy of desire, desirable  |
prārthayitṛ | mfn. one who wishes for or asks  |
prārthayitṛ | m. a solicitor, suitor, wooer  |
prāsādaśāyin | mfn. accustomed to sleep in a palace  |
prasādayitavya | mfn. to be rendered gracious towards (upari-)  |
prasañjayitavya | mfn. equals saṅktavya-  |
praśrayin | mfn. behaving respectfully, courteous, modest ( praśrayitā yitā- f.)  |
praśrayitā | f. praśrayin |
prasṛtāgrapradāyin | mfn. offering the best of all that has grown  |
prasthāyin | mfn. setting forth, departing, marching, going (see gaRa gaimy-ādi-).  |
prātaḥsnāyin | mfn. one who bathes in the early morning  |
pratārayitṛ | m. a furtherer, promoter  |
prathayitṛ | mfn. one who spreads or expands or divulges or proclaims  |
praticchāyikā | f. an image, phantom  |
pratihitāyin | mfn. one who has adjusted the arrow  |
pratimānayitavya | mfn. to be regarded or considered  |
pratimantrayitavya | mfn. to be answered  |
pratinidhāpayitavya | mfn. to be caused to be substituted  |
pratipādayitavya | mfn. to be offered or given, kā-.  |
pratipādayitṛ | m. a giver, bestower on (locative case)  |
pratipādayitṛ | m. a teacher, propounder, instructor  |
pratipālayitavya | ( ) mfn. to be guarded or watched or waited for.  |
pratipipādayiṣā | f. desire of setting forth or discussing or treating of (accusative)  |
pratipipādayiṣu | mfn. wishing to explain, about to treat of  |
pratiśayita | mfn. pressing, importuning, importuned  |
pratiśayita | n. the act of importuning, molestation  |
pratiṣedhayitṛ | mfn. denying, negative  |
pratiṣṭhāpayitavya | mfn. to be placed or fixed or established (wrong reading sthāp-).  |
pratiṣṭhāpayitṛ | m. a founder, establisher  |
pratiśyāyin | mfn. having a cold  |
pratiyojayitavya | mfn. to be fitted with strings  |
pratyabhivādayitṛ | mfn. one who returns a salutation  |
pratyākhyāyin | mfn. rejecting, refuting (a-pr-)  |
pratyāyayitavya | mfn. to be explained or demonstrated  |
pratyayika | mfn. (in ātma-pr-) that of which everybody can convince himself.  |
prātyayika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. -aya-) relating to confidence, confidential  |
prātyayika | m. (with pratibhū-) a surety for the trustworthiness of a debtor  |
pratyayin | mfn. deserving confidence, trustworthy  |
pratyayin | mfn. trusting, believing  |
pratyayita | mfn. proved, trustworthy (Comparative degree -tara-)  |
pratyayita | mfn. wrong reading for tyāyita-  |
pratyāyita | mfn. convinced of, trusting (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') (wrong reading ayita-)  |
pratyāyita | m. a trustworthy person, confidential agent, commissioner,  |
pratyayitavya | mfn. credible  |
pratyāyitavya | wrong reading for āyayitavya-  |
pratyutthāyika | varia lectio (or wrong reading) for yuka-.  |
pratyutthāyin | mfn. rising again  |
pravāhaṇeyi | mf(ī-). (ī- f. ) patronymic fr. vahaṇa- (see gaRa śubhrādi-).  |
prāvāhaṇeyi | m. (also prav-) id.  |
pravāhayitṛ | m. (ft. Causal) one who bears or carries away ( pravāhayitṛtva -tva- n.)  |
pravāhayitṛtva | n. pravāhayitṛ |
pravaṇāyita | n. (fr. Nom. ṇāya-) inclination, propensity, bias  |
pravāpayitṛ | mfn. (fr. Causal) one who scatters forth or pours out  |
pravāpayitṛ | pin- See under pra-- 2. vap-.  |
pravartayitṛ | m. (fr. Causal) one who sets in motion or action, instigator of (genitive case) or to (locative case) ( pravartayitṛtva -tva- n.)  |
pravartayitṛ | m. an erector, builder, founder, introducer  |
pravartayitṛ | m. an employer  |
pravartayitṛtva | n. pravartayitṛ |
praveśayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be introduced (varia lectio)  |
pravilāpayitavya | mfn. to be completely annihilated  |
pravivivrājayiṣu | mfn. (from Desiderative of Causal) wishing to send into exile, desirous of banishing, bhaṭṭi-.  |
prāyavidhāyin | mfn. resolved to die of starvation  |
prayāyin | mfn. (dual number yeṇau- on ) going forwards, marching, driving, riding  |
prāyika | mfn. common, usual  |
prāyika | mfn. excessive, redundant  |
prāyika | mfn. containing the greater part (but not everything)  |
prāyikatva | n. usage, custom  |
prāyikatva | n. redundance, superfluity  |
prāyikatva | n. the containing etc.  |
prayiyu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative) used for driving (as a horse) ( ) .  |
prayojayitṛ | m. (fr. Causal) a causer, occasioner  |
prerayitṛ | mfn. one who urges or incites or sends  |
prerayitṛ | mfn. a ruler  |
preṣayitṛ | mfn. equals preṣaka-  |
prīṇayitṛ | mfn. one who gladdens or delights  |
prīṇayitṛ | f. (trī-) on (wrong reading prīṇāyitrī-).  |
prīṇayitvā | ind. having pleased or propitiated  |
priyākhyāyin | m. a teller announcing good news  |
priyanivedayitṛ | (or ditṛ-) m. a messenger of good tidings  |
pṛṣṭabhidhāyin | mfn. answering when asked id est not puzzled how to answer an inquiry  |
pṛṣṭhayāyin | mfn. riding on the back of (compound)  |
pṛṣṭyāmayin | mfn. suffering from it  |
pṛthakśāyin | mfn. (plural) sleeping alone or apart  |
pūjayitavya | mfn. equals janīya-  |
pūjayitṛ | mfn. honouring, worshipping, a worshipper.  |
pulāyita | n. a horse's gallop (see ardha-p-).  |
punarādheyika | mf(ī-)n. relating to the act of replacing the consecrated fire  |
puraḥsthāyin | mfn. equals -stha-  |
pūrayitavya | mfn. to be filled or filled up  |
pūrayitavya | mfn. to be satisfied  |
pūrayitṛ | mfn. one who fills or fulfils or satisfies  |
pūrayitṛ | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
pūrayitṛ | m. of śiva-  |
pūrayitvā | See pṝ-.  |
purumāyin | ( ) mfn. possessing various arts or virtues, wonderful.  |
puruṣāyita | mfn. acting like a man, playing the man (especially in sexual intercourse) ( puruṣāyitatva -tva- n.)  |
puruṣāyita | n. a kind of coitus  |
puruṣāyitatva | n. puruṣāyita |
pūrvayāyin | mfn. moving towards the east  |
pūrvotthāyin | mfn. rising the first (in the morning)  |
puṣkaraśāyikā | f. a species of aquatic bird  |
puṣpapracāyikā | f. idem or 'm. plucking or gathering flower ' (tava puṣpa-pracāyika-,it is thy turn to gather flower )  |
puṣpāvacāyikā | f. the gathering of flower (a kind of play or sport)  |
puṣpāvacāyin | m. gathering flower, a flower-gatherer  |
putrīyitṛ | mfn. one who wishes for a son  |
pyāyita | mfn. fat  |
pyāyita | mfn. grown fat  |
pyāyita | mfn. increased  |
pyāyita | mfn. strengthened, refreshed (equals pīna-)  |
racayitṛ | m. an author, composer  |
rahasyākhyāyin | mfn. whispering (as it were) a secret  |
rahasyākhyāyin | mfn. making secret reports  |
rājasūyika | mf(ī-)n. relating to the rāja--sin6ha sacrifice  |
rajayitrī | f. (fr. Causal) a female painter or colourist  |
rājyasthāyin | ( ) mfn. being in a kingly office, ruling.  |
raktapāyin | mfn. blood-drinking  |
raktapāyin | m. a bug  |
raktapāyinī | f. a blood-sucker, leech  |
raṇaraṇāyita | mfn. rattling or sounding aloud  |
rāṇāyanīyi | m. Name of a preceptor  |
rāṅkavājinaśāyin | mfn. lying upon a woollen skin  |
rāṅkavakūṭaśāyin | mfn. lying on a heap of woollen rugs  |
rasāpāyin | m. "drinking with the tongue", a dog |
rasavikrayin | ( ) m. a syrup seller, liquor seller, a dealer in essences or spices.  |
rasayitavya | mfn. equals rasanīya-  |
rasayitṛ | mfn. one who tastes, a taster  |
rataśāyin | m. a dog  |
ratnākarāyita | mfn. resembling a jewel-mine, (or) resembling the sea  |
rayi | m. or (rarely) f. (fr. rā-;the following forms occur in the veda-, rayis-, y/im-, yibhis-, yīṇām-; rayy/ā-, yya/ī-, yy/ām-; see 2. rai-), property, goods, possessions, treasure, wealth (often personified)  |
rayi | m. stuff, materials  |
rayi | m. varia lectio for raji- q.v  |
rayi | mfn. (?) rich  |
rayida | mfn. bestowing wealth  |
rayidā | mfn. bestowing wealth  |
rayidhāraṇapiṇḍa | m. a lump of earth  |
rayikva | varia lectio for raikva- q.v  |
rayimat | mfn. equals -vat- (q.v)  |
rayimat | mfn. containing the word rayi-  |
rayintama | mfn. (superl. of an unused form rayin-; see ) possessing much property, very wealthy  |
rayipati | m. lord of wealth  |
rayiṣac | (-ṣ/āc-) mfn. possessing wealth  |
rayiṣah | (-ṣ/āh-) mfn. ruling over wealth  |
rayiṣṭha | mfn. very swift or fleet or vehement  |
rayiṣṭha | m. Name of agni- or kubera- or brahman-  |
rayiṣṭha | n. Name of various sāman-s  |
rayiṣṭhā | ( ) mfn. possessed of wealth, wealthy  |
rayiṣṭhāna | ( ) mfn. possessed of wealth, wealthy  |
rayisthāna | mfn. ( ),possessed of wealth, wealthy  |
rayisthāna | m. a rich man.  |
rayivat | mfn. possessing wealth, rich (see revat-).  |
rayivid | mfn. obtaining or possessing wealth  |
rayivṛdh | mfn. enjoying wealth  |
riramayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) wishing to cause or give (sexual) pleasure  |
ṛṇadāyin | mfn. one who pays a debt.  |
ropayiṣṇu | mfn. rending, tearing, lacerating  |
ropayitṛ | mfn. one who sets up or erects, an erecter (with accusative or genitive case)  |
ropayitṛ | mfn. a planter on  |
ṛṣabhadāyin | mfn. bestowing bulls  |
ṛtāyin | mfn. truthful  |
rudhirapāyin | m. "blood-drinking", a rākṣasa- or demon  |
rudrādhyāyāyin | mfn. reciting the above prayers  |
rudrasampradāyin | m. plural Name of a sect  |
sābhisaṃskāraparinirvāyin | mfn. (said of a kind of anāgāmin- q.v)  |
sādayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be destroyed, destructible  |
saddhyāyin | mfn. meditating on what is true  |
sādhayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal of sādh-) to be accomplished or performed  |
sādhayitṛ | mfn. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. Causal of sādh-) to be accomplished or performed ') one who brings about, an accomplisher, performer  |
sādhudāyin | mfn. Va1rtt. 1  |
sahādhyāyin | m. a fellow-student, condisciple etc.  |
sahādhyāyin | m. one who studies the same science  |
sahaprathāyin | mfn. equals -prayāyin-  |
sahaprayāyin | mfn. setting out together, a fellow-traveller  |
sāhasādhyavasāyin | mfn. acting with inconsiderate haste  |
sahayāyin | mfn. going together, a fellow-traveller  |
sahāyin | mfn. going together, a companion, follower (mostly inī- f."a female companion")  |
sahorayiṣṭhīya | n. Name of two sāman-s  |
sahotthāyin | mfn. rising together, conspiring with, accomplice in a plot  |
śaileyika | mfn. relating to bitumen etc.  |
śaiṣyopādhyāyikā | f. (fr. śiṣya-+ upādhyāya-) the relation between pupil and teacher  |
sakalavedādhyāyin | mfn. repeating all the veda-s  |
sakāyikā | f. a game (varia lectio saṃ-k-)  |
sakṛtsnāyin | mfn. bathing once  |
saktughaṭākhyāyikā | f. the story of the vessel of barley-meal ( ) .  |
śākunikāyinī | f. a female poulterer (?)  |
sāleyikā | f. idem or 'f. a flute '  |
salilabhayadāyin | mfn. causing inundation  |
saliladāyin | mfn. causing rain  |
samabhyarthayitṛ | mfn. seeking, petitioning, a petitioner  |
sāmagāyin | mfn. chanting the sāma-veda-  |
samāmnāmnāyika | See pāśu-samāmnāyika-.  |
samantaparyāyin | mfn. all-embracing  |
sāmānyanāyikā | f. equals -vanitā- Scholiast or Commentator  |
samāpayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be furnished or provided with anything  |
samāpipayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) wishing to cause to complete, desirous of accomplishing  |
samāptabhūyiṣṭha | mfn. nearly completed or ended  |
samāpyāyita | mfn. nourished, invigorated, refreshed  |
samaravijayin | mfn. victorious in battle  |
samardhayitṛ | mf(trī-)n. one who fulfils, fulfiller, bestower  |
samarpaṇarpayitavya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be delivered or handed over or entrusted '  |
samarpaṇarpayitṛ | mfn. one who hands over or bestows or imparts (genitive case or compound)  |
samāśrayin | mfn. assuming, occupying. (a place), taking possession of (compound)  |
samastaviskayika | mfn. inhabiting the whole country |
samavāyavāyika | mfn. being in connection with  |
samavāyi | in compound for samavāyin-.  |
sāmavāyika | mfn. (fr. samavoya-) belonging to or frequenting an assembly  |
sāmavāyika | mfn. closely connected with anything, concomitant, inherent  |
sāmavāyika | m. a minister or counsellor  |
sāmavāyika | m. member of an assembly, spectator (varia lectio for sāmājika-)  |
sāmavāyika | m. chief of a company  |
samavāyikāraṇa | n. inseparable or inherent connection, material or substantial cause (in the vedānta- upādān-k-is more commonly used;also samavāyikāraṇatva -tva- n.)  |
samavāyikāraṇatva | n. samavāyikāraṇa |
samavāyin | mfn. met together, closely connected or united, concomitant, inherent in (compound)  |
samavāyin | mfn. aggregated, multitudinous  |
samavāyin | m. a partner  |
samavāyin | m. (with puruṣa-), the soul combined (with a body), the individual soul  |
samavāyin | m. having or consisting of a combination (of the humours)  |
samavāyitva | n. intimate connection or relation  |
sāmayika | mfn. (ft. sam-aya-) based on agreement, conventional, customary  |
sāmayika | mfn. of the same opinion, like-mined  |
sāmayika | mfn. seasonable, timely, precise, exact (varia lectio) (in a-s-)  |
sāmayika | mfn. periodical  |
sāmayika | mfn. temporary  |
sāmāyika | n. (fr. samāya- equals sasmaya-) equanimity  |
sāmayikābhāva | m. temporary non-existence (as that of a water-jar which has been removed from its place to be again restored to it)  |
sāmayikatva | n. conventionality  |
samāyin | mfn. occurring together or simultaneously (see a-s-)  |
samayitavya | mfn. to be levelled, to be adjusted (as a dispute) (prob. wrong reading for śam-).  |
śamayitṛ | m. (fr. Causal) an alleviator, tranquillizer ( śamayitṛkā ś/amayitṛkā- f. )  |
śamayitṛ | m. an extinguisher, destroyer, killer, slayer  |
śamayitṛkā | f. śamayitṛ |
sambandhayitṛ | mfn. one who connects or puts together (varia lectio for sam-bodhayitṛ-)  |
śāmbharāyiṇī | f. (patronymic fr. śāmbhara-) Name of a woman (varia lectio sāmbh-).  |
śāmbharāyiṇīvrata | n. a particular observance  |
sambhāvayitavya | mfn. to be respected or honoured  |
sambhāvayitavya | mfn. to be supposed, probable  |
sambhāvayitṛ | mfn. one who honours or respects or reveres  |
sāmbhūyi | m. patronymic fr. sam-bhūyas- gaRa bāhv-ādi-.  |
sambodhayitṛ | mfn. (fr. Causal) causing to know, informing  |
sambubodhayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) wishing to arouse or make attentive  |
sambubodhayiṣu | mfn. wishing to convert  |
saṃcārayitṛ | m. (and saṃcārayitrī trī- f.fr. Causal) a leader, guide  |
saṃcārayitrī | f. saṃcārayitṛ |
saṃcaskārayiṣu | See saṃciṣk-, column 2.  |
saṃcayika | mfn. having provisions (in a--and māsa-saṃc-qq.vv.)  |
saṃcayin | mfn. who or what collects  |
saṃcayin | mfn. possessed of riches  |
saṃcayitva | n. the being heaped up  |
saṃciṣkārayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal of saṃ-skṛ-) wishing any one (accusative) to perform a purificatory rite (Bombay edition saṃ-cask-).  |
saṃcodayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be urged on or impelled  |
saṃdarśayitṛ | mfn. (fr. Causal) causing to see, showing, pointing out  |
saṃdāyin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. giving, presenting (in go-s- q.v)'  |
saṃdehadāyin | mfn. raising doubt or uncertainty concerning id est reminding of (compound)  |
saṃdhāyin | mfn. joining or fixing together (as an arrow and a bow)  |
saṃdidarśayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) wishing to show  |
saṃgharṣayitṛ | m. a rival on  |
saṃgītasahāyinī | f. a female who accompanies another in singing  |
saṃhitādhyāyin | (tādh-) mfn. repeating the saṃhitā- of a veda-  |
saṃjayin | m. "victorious", Name of a man |
saṃjijīvayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) wishing to bring to life or enliven  |
saṃkāyikā | See sa-kāyikā-, .  |
sāṃkhyārthasaṃkhyāyika | m. equals sāṃkhya-tattva-vilāsa-.  |
saṃkrāmayitavya | mfn. (fr. idem or 'f. a kind of magic or spell ') to be transported or transferred  |
saṃkṣayita | mfn. (fr. Causal) wasted, waned, disappeared  |
sammimānayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) wishing to honour or revere  |
sammimānayiṣu | See samman-, column 1.  |
saṃnāmayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be rendered submissive  |
saṃnidhāyin | mfn. being near or close at hand, present,  |
saṃniveśayitavya | mfn. (fr. idem or 'n. insertion, arrangement ') to be placed or made to enter or inserted  |
saṃnodanodayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be impelled or stimulated  |
sampādayitṛ | mfn. a procurer, accomplisher, Producer  |
sāmparāyika | mf(ā-or ī-)n. (gaRa saṃtāpādi-) relating to the future or to the passage into another world, future (with phala- n."reward in the next world"; kaṃ-kṛ-,"to prepare for death"or"to perform funeral ceremonies for [ genitive case ]") etc.  |
sāmparāyika | mf(ā-or ī-)n. relating to or prepared for battle, martial, warlike  |
sāmparāyika | mf(ā-or ī-)n. salutary or helpful in time of need  |
sāmparāyika | m. (with or scilicet ratha-) a war-chariot  |
sāmparāyika | n. war, battle  |
sāmparāyikakalpa | m. military form, strategic array  |
sampipādayiṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative) the wish to bring about or accomplish  |
sampipādayiṣā | f. the desire to make fit or appropriate  |
sampipipādayiṣita | mfn. wished to be completed ( sampipipādayiṣitatva -tva- n.)  |
sampipipādayiṣitatva | n. sampipipādayiṣita |
sāmpradāyika | mfn. (fr. sam-pradāya-) based on tradition, traditional (see a-s-)  |
sāmpradāyika | mfn. standing upon or following tradition  |
sampradāyin | mfn. bringing about, causing, effecting  |
sampradāyin | m. "having a tradition", a holder of any traditional doctrine, a member of a sect (e.g vaiṣṇava-s are sometimes called śrī-sampradāyin-s)  |
sampūjayitavya | mfn. to be highly honoured or valued or respected  |
sāṃśayika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. saṃ-śaya-) doubtful, dubious  |
sāṃśayika | mf(ī-)n. hazardous (varia lectio)  |
sāṃśayika | mf(ī-)n. in doubt, uncertain, irresolute, sceptical  |
sāṃśayikatva | n. doubtfulness, uncertainty  |
saṃśayin | mfn. doubtful, dubious, questionable  |
saṃśayita | mfn. irresolute, doubtful about (compound)  |
saṃśayita | mfn. subject to doubt, uncertain, dubious, questionable  |
saṃśayita | n. doubt, uncertainty  |
saṃśayitavya | mfn. to be called in doubt, dubious, problematical  |
saṃśayitṛ | mfn. one who hesitates, a doubter, sceptic  |
saṃśrāvayitṛ | m. (fr. Causal) an announcer, crier, proclaimer  |
saṃśrāvayitṛmat | mfn. having an announcer  |
saṃśrayin | mfn. having recourse to, seeking protection  |
saṃśrayin | m. a subject, servant  |
saṃśrayin | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') dwelling or resting or being in  |
saṃśrayitavya | mfn. to be sought for refuge (as a fortress)  |
saṃstambhayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal) wishing to stop or cause to stand still (a retreating army) (Calcutta edition vi-ṣṭambh-).  |
saṃstambhayitṛ | mfn. (fr. Causal) one who stops or restrains, a restrainer  |
saṃstambhayitṛ | mfn. one who supports, a supporter  |
saṃsthāpayitavya | mfn. to be cheered up or comforted  |
saṃśvāyin | mfn. ( śvi-) swelling (See ubhayataḥ-s-).  |
samudānayitavya | mfn. to be mastered thoroughly  |
sāmudayika | n. (mc.) equals next  |
sāmudāyika | n. (fr. sam-udāya-) the eighteenth nakṣatra- after that in which the moon was situated at the birth of a child  |
sāmudāyika | mfn. belonging to a multitude or assemblage, collective  |
samudāyin | mfn. combining, forming an aggregate  |
samudradayitā | f. "sea-beloved", a river  |
saṃvārayiṣṇu | mfn. (fr. Causal) intending to ward off (Bombay edition)  |
saṃvardhayitṛ | mfn. rearing, bringing up,  |
saṃvivardhayiṣu | See saṃvṛdh-.  |
saṃvivardhayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of. Causal) wishing to increase or to make prosper  |
saṃvyāyita | mfn. (fr. Causal) wrapped in (accusative)  |
samyagvijayin | mfn. completely victorious  |
saṃyojayitavya | mfn. to bejoined or united  |
sanadrayi | (san/ad--) mfn. bestowing wealth  |
sāneyikā | idem or 'f. (of unknown derivation) a flute, pipe '  |
sāneyikā | yī- See .  |
sāntvayitṛ | mfn. one who comforts or speaks or acts kindly  |
śāpeyin | m. Name of a disciple of yājñavalkya-  |
śāpeyin | m. the followers of śāpeya- gaRa śaunakādi-.  |
saptamaṭhāmnāyika | m. Name of work  |
śāradaṇḍāyinī | f. the wife of śāra-daṇḍāyani- ( )  |
saralayāyin | mfn. going in a straight line  |
saralayāyin | mfn. upright, honest  |
saralayāyinī | f. a plant with an upright stem  |
sarjayitavya | mfn. to be emitted or created  |
sārpavidyika | mfn. (fr. sarpa-vidyā-) versed in ophiology or snake-science  |
sarvātiśāyin | mfn. surpassing everything  |
sarvavikrayin | mfn. selling all kinds of things  |
śāṣpeyin | m. plural the school of śāṣpeya-  |
śastravikrayin | m. a dealer in weapons  |
satatayāyin | mfn. constantly moving or going, always tending to decay  |
śatayāyin | mfn. travelling a hundred yojana-s  |
śatayāyinvat | ind. as long as a hundred yojana-s  |
satyābhidhyāyin | mfn. meditating upon truth  |
saudāyika | mfn. (fr. su-dāya-) that which is given to a woman at her marriage by her father or mother or any relative and therefore becomes her property  |
saudāyika | mfn. relating to such a gift  |
saudāyika | n. a nuptial gift  |
saukhaśāyika | m. idem or 'mfn. one who asks another whether he has slept well gaRa susnātādi-.' or an official who asks a prince whether he has slept well  |
saukhaśayyika | m. equals -śāyika-  |
saukhyadāyin | mfn. equals -da-  |
saukhyaśāyika | m. = (or wrong reading for) saukhaś-  |
śaunakīyacaturādhyāyikā | f. " śaunaka-'s treatise in four chapters", Name of the atharva-- veda- prātiśākhya-.  |
sauryin | m. Name of the himālaya-  |
sauryodayika | mfn. (fr. sūryodaya-,"sun-rise")  |
sauvādhyāyika | mfn. (fr. svādhyāya-)  |
savarṇopāyin | mfn. one who approaches a woman of the same caste  |
śāyayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be made to lie upon (locative case)  |
śāyayitavya | mfn. to be made to sleep (with dīrgham-,"to be made to sleep the long or eternal sleep" id est"to be put to death") |
śāyikā | f. sleeping, lying ("manner of lying"or"one's turn to rest") Va1rtt. 1; ii, 2, 15 Sch.  |
sāyikā | f. a dagger  |
śāyin | mfn. lying down, reclining, resting, abiding etc. etc. (mostly in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; see adhaḥ--, eka-ś-etc.)  |
sāyin | m. (prob. wrong reading for sādin-) a horseman  |
śayita | mfn. reposed, lying, sleeping, asleep etc.  |
śayita | m. the plant Cordia Myxa  |
śayita | n. the place where any one has lain or slept on  |
śāyitā | f. (fr. next) the state of lying or reposing or abiding in (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
śayitavat | mfn. one who has lain down, gone to sleep, sleeping, asleep  |
śayitavya | mfn. to be lain or slept (n. impersonal or used impersonally; mayā-hutavahe-śayitavyam-,"it must be lain down by me in the fire" )  |
śayitṛ | m. one who sleeps or rests  |
śāyyika | mfn. equals śayyayā jīvati- gaRa vetanādi-.  |
śeśyita | ta-vat- See 1. śī-.  |
siddhāntanaiyāyikamata | n. Name of work  |
siddhāyikā | f. (prob. for siddha-dāyikā-) Name of one of the 24 goddesses (called śāsana-devatā-s) who execute the commands of the 24 arhat-s  |
śīghrapāyin | mfn. drinking or sucking quickly  |
śīghrayāyin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. moving rapidly '  |
śikṣayitṛ | m. an instructor, teacher  |
śikyita | mfn. suspended in a swing or loop made of cord etc.  |
śiropasthāyin | mfn. "holding out the head"(scilicet for punishment, as a man must do if the person accused by him has cleared himself by an ordeal)  |
siṣādhayiṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative of Causal of1. sādh-) the wish to establish or prove  |
siṣādhayiṣu | mfn. (also written sisādh-) desirous of accomplishing or effecting, aiming at (accusative)  |
siṣādhayiṣu | mfn. seeking to prove or demonstrate  |
sisādhayiṣu | See siṣādh-.  |
siṣaṃgrāmayiṣu | mfn. equals sisaṃgr- below  |
sisaṃgrāmayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of saṃgrām-) wishing or intending to make war, eager or desirous to fight  |
śiśayiṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative of1. śī-) desire to lie down or to sleep, sleepiness  |
śiśayiṣu | mfn. wishing to lie down, sleepy, drowsy  |
siṣevayiṣu | mfn. (fr. Desiderative of Causal of sev-) wishing to honour or worship  |
śivadāyin | mfn. varia lectio for -tāti-  |
smaradāyin | mfn. arousing love  |
smayin | mfn. smiling, laughing (in antaḥ-sm-,"laughing inwardly")  |
snāyin | mfn. bathing, performing an ablution ( snāyitā yi-tā- f.)  |
snāyitā | f. snāyin |
snehabhūyiṣṭha | mfn. consisting mostly of oil or oily substances  |
snehayitavya | mfn. to be anointed or lubricated, smeared with oil  |
śobhayitṛ | mfn. adorning, beautifying  |
śocayitṛ | m. a causer of grief or pain  |
ṣoḍaśapakṣaśāyin | mfn. lying torpid during 16 half months of the year (said of a frog)  |
śodhayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be cleansed or purified  |
śodhayitṛ | mfn. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. Causal) to be cleansed or purified ') purifying, a purifier  |
somapāyin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. soma- drinking, a soma- drinker '  |
somavikrayin | mfn. selling soma-  |
somavikrayin | m. a seller of soma-  |
śoṇāyita | mfn. become red  |
śoṣayitavya | mfn. to be dried up etc.  |
śoṣayitṛ | m. one who dries up or parches  |
sparśayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be perceived or felt  |
sphāvayitṛ | m. a fattener, breeder  |
spṛhayitṛ | mfn. one who envies, an envier of (genitive case)  |
śraddhayita | mfn. trustful, believing in (genitive case)  |
śramādhāyin | (?) mfn. causing pain or trouble  |
śrapayitavya | mfn. (fr. idem or ' mfn. (fr. idem or 'f. See vapā-śr/apaṇī-.') to be cooked or boiled ') to be cooked or boiled  |
śrapayitṛ | m. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. idem or ' mfn. (fr. idem or 'f. See vapā-śr/apaṇī-.') to be cooked or boiled ') to be cooked or boiled ') a cook  |
śrāvayitavya | mfn. (fr. idem or '(y/at--) mfn. making the friend famous ') to be caused to be heard, to be communicated  |
śrāvayitavya | mfn. to be caused to hear, to be apprized or informed  |
srāvayitavya | mfn. to be caused to flow or run  |
śrayin | See ā-śrayin- and saṃ-śrayin-.  |
śrayitavya | mfn. to be had recourse to, to be depended on  |
śrayitavya | mfn. to be sheltered or protected  |
sṛgāyin | mfn. equals sṛkāyin-  |
śrīdayita | m. "husband of śrī-", Name of viṣṇu-  |
sṛkāyin | mfn. having an arrow or spear  |
stanapāyika | m. plural varia lectio for -poṣika-  |
stanapāyikā | f. a female child still unweaned  |
stanapāyin | mfn. equals -pa-  |
stanayitnu | m. (sg. or plural) thunder (plural personified as children of vidyota-, "Lightning") etc.  |
stanayitnu | m. a thunder-cloud  |
stanayitnu | m. lightning  |
stanayitnu | m. sickness  |
stanayitnu | m. death  |
stanayitnu | m. a kind of grass (equals mustaka-)  |
stanayitnughoṣa | mfn. loud as thunder  |
stanayitnumat | or (wrong reading)  |
stanayitnusani | mfn. bringing thunder  |
stanayitnuvat | mfn. connected with thunder  |
stanyapāyin | mfn. sucking milk from the breast, unweaned  |
steyi | in compound for steyin-.  |
steyin | m. a thief, robber etc.  |
steyin | m. a mouse  |
steyin | m. a goldsmith  |
steyiphala | m. equals steyaph-  |
sthagayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be hidden or concealed  |
sthalīśāyin | mfn. lying or sleeping on the bare ground  |
sthaṇḍilaśāyikā | f. id.  |
sthaṇḍilaśāyin | mfn. equals -śa-  |
sthaṇḍilaśāyin | m. a devotee who steeps on the bare ground or on the sacrificial ground (on account of a vow)  |
sthāpayitavya | mfn. to be kept in a place  |
sthāpayitavya | mfn. to be kept in order or restrained  |
sthāpayitṛ | mfn. one who causes to stand, establisher, founder  |
sthāpayitvā | ind. having placed or fixed etc.  |
sthāpayitvā | ind. having put aside ="with the exception of" (accusative)  |
sthāyi | f. the action of standing. Va1rtt. i  |
sthāyi | in compound for sthāyin-.  |
sthāyibhāva | m. lasting or durable state of mind or feeling (said to be 8, viz. rati-, hāsa-, śoka-, krodha-, utsāha-, bhaya-, jugupsā-, vismaya-[qq.vv.], to which is sometimes added śama-,"quietism";they are opp. to the vyabhicāri-bhāvas-or "transitory feelings")  |
sthāyika | mfn. lasting, enduring (in ādy-anta-sth-,"lasting from the beginning to the end")  |
sthāyika | mfn. faithful, trustworthy  |
sthāyikā | f. the action of standing Va1rtt. 1  |
sthāyin | mfn. standing, staying, being or situated in or on (compound) etc.  |
sthāyin | mfn. being in a particular place, resident, present  |
sthāyin | mfn. being in a particular state or condition  |
sthāyin | mfn. permanent, constant, enduring, lasting (as a feeling or state; see sthāyi-bhāva-above ) etc.  |
sthāyin | mfn. persevering, steadfast  |
sthāyin | mfn. faithful, trustworthy  |
sthāyin | mfn. having the form of (compound)  |
sthāyitā | f.  |
sthāyitva | n. constancy, stability, permanency, steadiness, durableness, invariableness  |
sthirasthāyin | mfn. standing firm  |
śubhadāyin | mfn. equals -da-  |
śubhaṃyikā | f. on  |
sūcayitavya | mfn. to be found out  |
sudayita | mfn. much beloved, very dear  |
sūdayitnu | mfn. flowing, yielding sweetness (as waters)  |
śuddhāvāsakāyika | m. (with deva-) a god belonging to the class who dwell in that region  |
śūdrabhūyiṣṭha | mfn. inhabited mostly by śūdra-s, abounding with śūdra-s  |
sukhābhyudayika | mfn. causing joy or pleasure  |
sukhaśāyin | mfn. resting or sleeping pleasantly  |
sukhaśayita | mfn. lying or sleeping comfortably upon (compound)  |
sukhaśayita | n. (equals -sayana-)  |
sukhaśayitapracchaka | mf(ikā-)n. inquiring whether any one has slept well  |
sukhayitṛ | m. one who gladdens or makes happy (genitive case)  |
supalāyita | mfn. well fled  |
supalāyita | n. skilful or well-managed retreat, total rout  |
surāsomavikrayin | mfn. surāsoma |
sutaṃrayiṣṭhīya | n. (with prajāpateḥ-) Name of two sāman-s  |
sūtravikrayin | m. a dealer in yarn  |
sūtrayitavya | mfn. to be composed or arranged in the form of sūtra-s  |
suvardhayitṛ | mfn. increasing well (used in explaining su-vṛdh-)  |
suvarṇasteyin | m. a stealer of gold  |
śvadayita | n. "dear to dog", a bone  |
svadayitṛ | mfn. one who seasons or makes palatable  |
svadhāyin | mfn. owning the svadhā- (said of the pitṛ-s; varia lectio svadhāv/in-)  |
svādhyāyin | mfn. repeating or reciting the veda- (see |