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Grammar Search
"yena" has 2 results
yena: neuter instrumentative singular stem: ya
yena: masculine instrumentative singular stem: ya
Amarakosha Search
1 result
śaśādanaḥ2.5.16MasculineSingularpatrī, śyena
Monier-Williams Search
90 results for yena
yenaind. (instrumental case of 3. ya-) by whom or by which, by means of which, by which way etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yenaind. in which direction, whither, where etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yenaind. in which manner View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yenaind. on which account, in consequence of which, wherefore View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yenaind. because, since, as View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yenaind. that, so that, in order that (with present tense or fut or Potential) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
apasavyenaind. to the left, from the right to the left View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arghāpacayenaind. instrumental case cheaper View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atarapaṇyenaind. without paying toll, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atiśayenaind. eminently, very. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bāhulyenaind. usually, ordinarily, as a rule View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bāhyenaind. outside, without, out etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāgyenaind. bhāgya
ekaikaśyenaind. seriatim, severally View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gobalīvardanyāyena instrumental case ind. after the manner of"a bull of cattle", an expression to denote when a pleonasm is allowed on Introd. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kākākṣinyāyenaind. in the manner of a crow's eye (said of a word which follows two rules), on this side and that, in such a way as to belong both to the preceding and subsequent commentator or commentary on ; on commentator or commentary on (kṣi-golakanyāyāt-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kārtsnyenaind. in full, entirely View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
katipayenaind. with some exertion, with difficulty, narrowly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣipraśyenam. a species of bird View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyenaind. madhya
madhyenadiind. in or into the river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyenagaramind. in the middle of the city View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyenareśvarasabhamind. in the middle of the assembly of princes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naipuṇyenaind. naipuṇya
nāṭyenaind. nāṭya
niścayenaind. niścaya
nyāyenaind. nyāya
pārihāsyenaind. in fun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pariṇayenaind. round about View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paunaḥpunyenaind. again and again, repeatedly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prādhānyenaind. in regard to the highest object or chief matter, chiefly, mainly, summarily etc. ( prādhānyenastuti -stuti- mfn.chiefly praised)
prādhānyenastutimfn. prādhānyena
praṇayenaind. praṇaya
pratyātmyenaind. after one's own image View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyenas(pr/aty--) m. an officer of justice, punisher of criminals View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyenas(pr/aty--) m. a surety, the heir nearest of kin who is responsible for the debts of a deceased person View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyenasyan. the nearest heirship to (genitive case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rājapratyenasm. (prob.) the nearest heir to the throne View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāhityenaind. sāhitya
sākalyenaind. sākalya
siṃhāvalokananyāyenaind. according to to the rule of the lion's look (id est casting a retrospective glance while at the same time proceeding onwards) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
styenam. a thief, robber (see stesa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
styenam. nectar (in this sense prob. fr. styai-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śukanalikānyāyenaind. according to to that rule id est causelessly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenam. a hawk, falcon, eagle, any bird of prey (especially the eagle that brings down soma- to man) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenam. firewood laid in the shape of an eagle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenam. a kind of array (in battle) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenam. a particular part of the sacrificial victim View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenam. a particular ekāha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenam. a horse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenam. Name of a ṛṣi- (having the patronymic āgneya- and author of ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenam. (with or without indraśya-) Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenamfn. eagle-like View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenamfn. coming from an eagle (as"eagle's flesh"), (prob. wrong reading for śyaina-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenabhṛtamfn. brought by the eagle (soma-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenabṛhatm. Name of a sāman- (see -vṛṣaka-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenacitmfn. piled in the shape of a hawk View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenacitm. a hawk-feeder, falconer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenacitamfn. equals prec. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenacitam. a particular agni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenacitram. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenagāminm. "flying like a hawk", Name of a rākṣasa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenaghaṇṭāf. a kind of plant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenahṛta(śyen/a--) mfn. brought by the eagle (soma- or some similar plant) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenajidākhyānan. "hawk-story", Name of an episode in the mahā-bhārata-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenajitm. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenajīvinm. one who lives by selling or training hawk, a falconer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenajūta(śyen/a--) mfn. swift as an eagle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenakapotīyamfn. (the story) of the hawk and the pigeon (see śibi-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenakaraṇan. "acting like a hawk", acting with precipitation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenakaraṇan. burning on a separate funeral pile View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenapātam. an eagle's flight (a favourite feat of jugglers) (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenapātamfn. flying along like an eagle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenapattran. an eagle's feather View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenapatvan(śyen/a--) mfn. "flying by means of eagles", borne or drawn along by eagles View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenāśvaśyena n. Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenavṛṣakan. Name of a sāman- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śyenayāgam. a kind of sacrifice View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tādarthyena instrumental case ind. with this intention View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tāratamyenaind. instrumental case in different degrees View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tathyenaind. according to truth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tṛtīyenaind. instrumental case at the 3rd time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viparyayenaind. viparyaya
vyenasmfn. guiltless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāmyenaind. yāmya
yathāmukhyenaind. (ena-) accusative to precedence above or before all, chiefly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāsaṃkhyenaind. according to number, number for number (so that in two series composed of similar number, the several number of one correspond to those of the other exempli gratia, 'for example' the first to the first etc.) ( ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathātathyena( ) ind. in accordance with the truth, really, truly. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāthātathyenaind. yāthātathya
yaugapadyenaind. simultaneously, together View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
4 results
yena येन ind. (Strictly instr. sing. of यद् used adverbially) 1 Whereby, by which, wherefore, on which account, by means of which; किं तद् येन मनो हर्तुमलं स्यातां न शृण्वताम् R.15.64;14.74. -2 So that; दर्शय तं चौरसिंहं येन व्यापादयामि Pt.4. -3 Since, because.
śyena श्येनः [श्यै-इनन् Uṇ.2.45] 1 The white colour. -2 Whiteness. -3 A hawk, falcon. -4 Violence. -5 Ved. A horse. -6 A kind of array in battle. -Comp. -अवपातः the swoop of a hawk; श्येनावपातचकिता वनवर्ति- केव Māl.8.8. -कपोतीय a. (from Śibi story) sudden (calamity). -करणम्, -करणिका 1 burning on a separate funeral pile. -2 a hawk-like, i. e. rash and desperate, act. -चित्, -जीविन् m. falconer; Ms.3.164. -पातः the swoop of a hawk or eagle; वडवे इव संयुक्ते श्येनपाते दिवौकसाम् Mb.3.133.26.
sausthyena सौस्थ्येन ind. Happily; सौस्थ्येनावासितस्तस्थौ तत्रोच्चैरटवी- तटे Dharmābhyudaya-Mahākāvya 2.38.
styena स्त्येनः [स्त्यै-इनच्] 1 Nectar. -2 A thief.
Macdonell Vedic Search
2 results
ya Yá, rel. prn. who, which, that: N. yás, i. 35, 6; 154, 12. 3. 4; 160, 4; ii. 12, 1-7. 9-15; 33, 5. 7; iii. 59, 2. 7; iv. 50, 1. 7. 9; vi. 54, 1. 2. 4; vii. 61, 1; 63, 1. 3; vii. 71, 4; 86, 1; viii. 48, 102. 12; x. 14, 5; 34, 12; 129, 7; f. yá̄, iv. 50, 3; n. yád, i. 1, 6; ii. 35, 15; vii. 61, 2; 63, 2; 103, 5. 7; x. 15, 6; 90, 23. 12; 129, 1. 3. 4; 135, 7; with kíṃ ca whatever, v. 83, 9; A. yám, i. 1, 4; ii. 12, 5. 7. 9; 35, 11; viii. 48, 1; x. 135, 3. 4; I. yéna, i. 160, 5; ii. 12, 4; iv. 51, 4; f. yáyā, iv. 51, 6; Ab. yásmād, ii. 12, 9; G. yásya, i. 154, 2; ii. 12, 1. 74. 142; 35, 7; v. 83, 43; vii. 61, 2; x. 34, 4; f. yásyās, x. 127, 4; L. yásmin, iv. 50, 8; x. 135, 1; du. yáu, x. 14, 11; pl. N. yé, i. 35, 11; 85, 1. 4; iv. 50, 2; x. 14, 3. 10; 15, 1-4. 8-10. 132. 142; 90, 7. 8; with ké whatever, x. 90, 10; f. yá̄s, vii. 49, 1. 2. 3; n. yá̄ni, ii. 33, 13; yá̄, i. 85, 12; ii. 33, 183; iv. 50, 9; vii. 86, 5; A. m. yá̄n, x. 14, 3; 15, 132; G. f. yá̄sām, vii. 49, 3; L. f. yá̄su, iv. 51, 7; vii. 49, 44; 61, 5.
śyena śyená, m. eagle, vii. 63, 5; m. hawk, x. 127, 5.
Macdonell Search
4 results
yena in. (of ya) ad. cj. whither; where; in which manner, as (cor. tena); whereby, wherefore, on account of which; that, as; be cause, since (cor. tena); in order that (w. pr. or pot.); so (tathâ etc.) that (w. pr., ft., or pot.).
madhyenagaram ad. within a city; -nadi, ad. in or into the river; -na resvara-sabham, ad. in the midst of the assembly of the princes; -padmam, ad. in a lotus; -prishtham, ad. on the back; -vin dhya½atavi, ad. in the forests of the Vindhya; -vindhya½antar, ad. in the midst of the Vin dhya; -vyoma, ad. in the air; -sabham, ad. in the assembly, in public; -samudram, ad. in the midst of the sea.
vyenas a. guiltless (RV.1); (ví)-enî, a. f. various-tinted (dawn; RV.1).
śyena m. eagle (that brings down Soma to man; V.); falcon, hawk; kind of ekâha (S.); kind of battle-array (C.); a. eagle like (breast; Br., S.): -gîvin, m. falconer; (á)-patvan, a. flying with eagles (car; RV.1); -½avapâtam, ad. swooping down like an eagle or hawk.
Bloomfield Vedic
4 results0 results343 results
ā yena mitrāvaruṇā karāmahe RV.9.108.14c; SV.2.447c.
abhi yena draviṇam aśnavāma RV.9.97.51c; SV.2.778c.
ācāryo yena-yena prayāti tena-tena saha MG.1.13.18.
agnir yena virājati RVKh.10.128.12a; Apś.6.23.1a.
ajanayo yena puṣṭasya puṣṭam RV.10.55.4b.
apo yena sukṣitaye tarema RV.7.56.24c.
ārcan yena daśa māso navagvāḥ RV.5.45.7b.
aśvinā yena vā surā AVś.14.1.36b.
caritaṃ yena maithunam Kauś.141.40b.
chardir yena dāśuṣe yachati tmanā RV.4.53.1c.
mamattu yena niriṇāsi śatrūn RV.10.116.3d.
mamattu yena varivaś cakartha RV.10.116.3c.
ni yena muṣṭihatyayā RV.1.8.2a; AVś.20.17.18a.
paśavo yena garbhiṇaḥ AVP.12.3.7b.
yamasya yena balinā carāmi AVś.6.117.1b. See under yamasya balinā.
agna ājyena vardhayan # AVś.19.27.5b; AVP.10.7.5b.
agniṃ rājantaṃ divyena śociṣā # RV.3.2.4d.
agniṃ hṛdayena # VS.39.8; TS.; TA.3.21.1.
agnir māgnināvatu (AVP. māghnyenāvatu) prāṇāyāpānāyāyuṣe varcasa ojase tejase svastaye subhūtaye svāhā # AVś.19.45.6; AVP.15.4.6.
agnīṣomau prathamau vīryeṇa # TS.
agne kaviḥ kāvyenāsi viśvavit # RV.10.91.3b.
agne yo no marcayati dvayena # RV.5.3.7d.
agneṣ ṭvāsyena prāśnāmi # VS.2.11; GB.2.1.2; śB.; KB.6.14; śś.4.7.8; Lś.4.11.13. Ps: agneṣ ṭvāsyena Vait.3.11; agneṣ ṭvā Kś.2.2.18. See agnes tvāsyena, and next two.
agneṣ ṭvāsyena prāśnāmi bṛhaspater mukhena # VSK.2.3.5; Aś.1.13.1; Kauś.65.14. See under prec.
agneṣ ṭvāsyena prāśnāmi brāhmaṇasyodareṇa bṛhaspateḥ # Mś. See under prec. but one.
agnes tejasā bṛhaspatis tvā (yunaktu) # Lś.2.1.2. Fragmentary treatment of agnes tejasendrasyendriyeṇa etc. Cf. next.
agnes tejasā sūryasya varcasendrasyendriyeṇa mitrāvaruṇayor vīryeṇa marutām ojasā (abhiṣiñcāmi) # TB. Cf. agnes tvā tejasābhiṣiñcāmi, and see under prec.
agnes tejasā sūryasya varcasendrasyendriyeṇābhiṣiñcāmi # AB.8.7.5,7,9. Cf. prec.
agnes tejasendrasyendriyeṇa sūryasya varcasā bṛhaspatis tvā yunaktu devebhyaḥ prāṇāya # PB.1.3.5. P: agnes tejasā Lś.1.12.2. Cf. prec., and agnes tejasā bṛhaspatis.
agnes tvā mātrayā jagatyai vartanyāgrayaṇasya vīryeṇa (KS. jagatyā vartanyā) devas tvā savitotṣṛjatu jīvātave jīvanasyāyai (KS. savitonnayatu jīvātave jīvanasyāyā asau) # TS.; KS.11.7. P: agnes tvā mātrayā TS. See agneṣ ṭvā mātrayā.
agnes tvā sāmrājyenābhi ṣiñcāmi # TS.;; TB.; Apś.17.19.8. See agneḥ sām-.
agnes tvāsyena prāśnāmi brāhmaṇasyodareṇa bṛhaspater brahmaṇā # TS.; Apś.3.19.7. See agneṣ ṭvāsyena.
agneḥ sāmrājyenābhi ṣiñcāmi # VS.18.37; śB. See agnes tvā sām-.
aghoreṇa cakṣuṣā mitriyeṇa (ApMB. maitreṇa; KS.Apś. cakṣuṣāhaṃ śivena) # AVś.7.60.1b; 14.2.12b; AVP.3.26.1c; KS.38.13c; Apś.16.16.4c; ApMB.1.7.10b.
aṅgirasaḥ sukṛto yena yanti # AVś.18.4.3b.
aṅgiraso devatāḥ saha yena pūtāḥ # AVP.9.26.2b.
acyutā hiraṇyena # AVP.6.7.4a.
atas tvā viṣṇuḥ pātu # MS.1.3.13: 35.10; 1.3.27: 39.16. See viṣṇus tvām indriyeṇa pātu.
atharvavaj jyotiṣā daivyena # RV.10.87.12c; AVś.8.3.21c.
athā bhara śyenabhṛta prayāṃsi # RV.9.87.6c.
aditir achinnapatrā priyā (also achinnapatraḥ priyo) devānāṃ priyeṇa dhāmnā priye sadasi sīda # KS.1.11 (quater). Cf. aditiraśanāchinnapatrā, aditir asi nāchinnapatrā, and aditir asy achidrapattrā.
adbhir ājyam ājyenāpaḥ # Apś.4.5.6a.
adhi bravītu savitā daivyena # AVP.1.78.2b.
adhītam iṣṭaṃ brahmaṇo vīryeṇa # Kauś.139.26c.
adhvaryavaḥ sphyakṛtaḥ sphyena # Apś.4.5.5c.
anaḍvān brahmacaryeṇa # AVś.11.5.18c.
anu prajayānv indriyeṇa # TB.; Apś.9.14.1c. See anu dvipadānu.
anu mā saṃtanuhi prajayā paśubhī rāyaspoṣeṇa suprajāstvena suvīryeṇa # śś.2.12.10. See anu mā tanuhy.
anenāyam aśvena medhyena rājeṣṭvā vijayatām abrahmaṇy ubjitāyāḥ (read ubjitā yāḥ ?) # śś.16.18.11. See next.
antarikṣam asi janmanopabhṛn nāma priyā devānāṃ priyeṇa nāmnā # MS.1.1.12: 7.18. P: antarikṣam asi janmanā Mś. See upabhṛd (asi ghṛtācī), upabhṛd ehi, and ghṛtācy asy upabhṛn.
antarikṣaṃ madhyena (TS. madhyena mā hiṃsīḥ) # TS.;; MS.1.2.14: 23.8.
antarikṣaṃ madhyena pṛthivyāḥ saṃbhava # MS.3.9.3: 116.3.
antarikṣaṃ madhyenāpṛṇa # MS.1.2.14: 23.14; 3.9.3: 117.15.
anvā rapsi sahasā daivyena # AVP.4.18.6b.
apa āsyena # VS.25.1; TS.; MS.3.15.1: 177.8; 3.15.9: 180.4; KSA.13.2. Cf. apo vastinā.
aparīto januṣā vīryeṇa # RV.5.29.14b.
apāṃ kṣayā ṛtasya garbhā bhuvanasya gopāḥ śyenā atithayaḥ parvatānāṃ kakubhaḥ prayuto na pātāraḥ # TB.; Apś.12.3.2.
apāreṇa mahatā vṛṣṇyena # RV.10.44.1d; AVś.20.94.1d.
apo vastinā # VS.25.7. Cf. apa āsyena.
apsu drapso vāvṛdhe śyenajūtaḥ # RV.9.89.2c.
abhiṣṭuto mahatā vīryeṇa # AVś.9.2.1d.
abhi savyena pra mṛśa # RV.8.81.6b.
abhīm āsa tvakṣasā vīryeṇa # RV.4.27.2b.
abhīvṛtā hiraṇyena # AVś.10.10.16a.
amartyān manasāmartyena # AVś.7.5.3b.
amartyo martyenā sayoniḥ # RV.1.164.30d,38b; AVś.9.10.8d,16b; ā.; N.14.23b.
ayaṃ sa śiṅkte (AVś. śiṅte) yena gaur abhīvṛtā # RV.1.164.29a; AVś.9.10.7a; JB.2.265a; N.2.9a.
ayaṃ ha yena vā idam # RV.8.76.4a; AB.5.12.12; KB.23.1; Aś.8.8.2. P: ayaṃ ha yena śś.10.6.9.
arātīvā marcayati dvayena # RV.1.147.4b.
arvāṅ narā daivyenāvasā gatam # RV.7.82.8a.
avaś caran paro anyena paśyan # RV.6.9.3d.
avāsayann uṣasaṃ sūryeṇa # RV.7.91.1d; MS.4.14.2d: 216.12; KB.25.2.
aśvinor bhaiṣajyena tejase brahmavarcasāyābhiṣiñcāmi # VS.20.3; TB.; Apś.19.9.13. See next.
asi trito guhyena vratena # RV.1.163.3b; VS.29.14b; TS.; KS.40.6b.
asau panthāḥ pṛṣatī yena yāti # AVś.13.1.23b.
astāvi jano divyo gayena # RV.10.63.17d; 64.17d.
asme dāsīr viśaḥ sūryeṇa sahyāḥ # RV.2.11.4d.
ahaṃ satyena sayujā carāmi # AVP.4.11.3a.
ahann ahiṃ śūra vīryeṇa # RV.2.11.5d.
ā kṛṣṇena (TS. satyena) rajasā vartamānaḥ # RV.1.35.2a; VS.33.43a; 34.31a; TS.; MS.4.12.6a: 196.16. Ps: ā kṛṣṇena rajasā MS.4.14.6: 224.1; ā kṛṣṇena YDh.1.299; BṛhPDh.9.214,304; Rvidh.1.18.2,3; ā satyena JG.2.9.
āgneyena śarmaṇā daivyena # Apś.4.7.2e.
ācāryo brahmacaryeṇa # AVś.11.5.17c.
ājyenodehi # śB.; TB.; Kś.2.6.34; Apś.2.3.11; 11.3.1; Mś.;; Cf. ājyena dadhno-.
ā no dyāvāpṛthivī daivyena # RV.7.53.2c; TS.; MS.4.10.3c: 150.17; TB.
āntarikṣaṃ madhyenāprāḥ # VS.6.2; MS.4.13.8: 210.17; KS.3.3; 19.13; 26.5; śB.; TB.
ā pṛchyena sadhasthena # JB.2.13a.
āpo divyāḥ payasvatīḥ # AVś.4.8.4d,6b; 8.2.14f; AVP.4.2.5d; 4.27.4f. See divyena payasā.
āmuṃ dade harasā daivyena # AVś.2.12.4d; AVP.2.5.4d. P: āmum Kauś.47.50.
ā morjā viśā gaupatyenā (MS.KS. gaupatyenā prajayā) rāyas poṣeṇa # TS.; MS.1.5.2: 68.12; KS.7.1,7. See ūrjā māviśa.
ā yaṃ te śyena uśate jabhāra # RV.3.43.7b.
ā vāṃ ratho aśvinā śyenapatvā # RV.1.118.1a; KB.18.4.
ā vāṃ śyenāso aśvinā vahantu # RV.1.118.4a.
ā viśvataḥ pāñcajanyena rāyā # RV.7.72.5c; 73.5c.
ā śyenasya javasā nūtanena # RV.1.118.11a.
ā śyenāso na pakṣiṇo vṛthā naraḥ # RV.8.20.10c.
ā satyena rajasā etc. # see ā kṛṣṇena rajasā etc.
āsthāpayanta tṛtīyena karmaṇā # RV.10.56.6b.
iḍāyās tvāsyena prāśnāmi # AVP.9.21.10.
iḍopahūtā saha divā bṛhatādityena ... saha pṛthivyā rathaṃtareṇāgninā; ... sahāntarikṣeṇa vāmadevyena vāyunā # Aś.1.7.7.
idam aham agnes tejasendrasyendriyeṇa somasya dyumnena viśveṣāṃ devānāṃ kratūnām # AVP.10.10.4--6.
idam aham amum āmuṣyāyaṇam amuṣyāḥ putram ojasā vīryeṇa samardhayāmi (and vyardhayāmi) # KA.1.32,33; 2.32,33.
idam ahaṃ māṃ tejasā brahmavarcasenaujasā vīryeṇa prajayā paśubhir annādyena samardhayāmi # KA.1.36; 2.36.
indur dakṣaḥ śyena ṛtāvā # VS.18.53a; TS.; MS.2.12.3a: 146.12; 4.9.11a: 132.7; KS.18.15a; śB.; TB.; TA.4.11.6b; KA.3.195. P: indur dakṣaḥ Mś.
indra āyuṣmān sa vīryeṇāyuṣmān sa māyuṣmān āyuṣmantaṃ kṛṇotu # AVP.7.14.9. Cf. AVP.2.75.2.
indraṃ mātā vīryeṇā nyṛṣṭam # RV.4.18.5b.
indra śyenābhṛtaṃ sutam # RV.8.95.3b.
indras tad veda yena # PG.2.10.22c.
indrasya tvā (sc. vratapate vratenādadhe) # Kś.4.9.3. Vikāra of amuṣya tvā etc. See indrasya tvā marutvato, and indrasya tvendriyeṇa.
indrasya tvā sāmrājyenābhi ṣiñcāmi # VSK.10.5.8; TS.; TB. P: indrasya Apś.17.19.8. Cf. under indraṃ sām-, and next but three.
indrasya tvāsyena prāśnāmi # AVP.9.21.11.
indrasya tvendriyeṇa vratapate vratenādadhāmi # TB.; Apś.5.11.7. See under indrasya tvā.
indrasya tvendriyeṇaujase balāyābhi ṣiñcāmi # MS.3.11.8: 151.14. Cf. prec. but three.
indrasya bṛhaspates tvā sāmrājyenābhi ṣiñcāmi # TS. Cf. under indraṃ sām-, and bṛhaspateṣ ṭvā.
indrasya va indriyeṇābhi ṣiñcet # AVś.16.1.9.
indrasyendriyeṇa balāya śriyai yaśase 'bhi (TB. -yeṇa śriyai yaśase balāyābhi) ṣiñcāmi # VS.20.3; TB. Ps: indrasyendriyeṇa TB.; indrasya Kś.19.4.14.
indraḥ sutrāmā hṛdayena satyam # VS.19.85a; MS.3.11.9a: 153.11; KS.38.3a; TB.
indrāya sam anaman tasmai vīryeṇa sam anaman # AVP.5.35.9.
indreṇa varuṇena candreṇa sūryeṇa ca # AVP.1.4.2a. Probably not a verse, but a gloss listing four ūhas to be applied to the word parjanyaṃ in pāda b of the preceding stanza (see Zehnder's edition of kāṇḍa 2, p. 253).
indro jyaiṣṭhyena brahmaṇāyaṃ bṛhaspatiḥ # AVP.1.75.3c; 2.80.2c.
indro mendriyeṇāvatu (AVP. mendryeṇāvatu) prāṇāyāpānāyāyuṣe varcasa ojase tejase svastaye subhūtaye svāhā # AVś.19.45.7; AVP.15.4.7.
indro ha brahmacaryeṇa # AVś.11.5.19c.
imaṃ sahasravīryeṇa # AVś.8.1.18c.
imam anyena jayema lokam # Lś.2.1.6d.
imam indra saṃ sṛja vīryeṇa # AVś.5.28.4c; AVP.2.59.2d.
īḍāmahā īḍyān ājyena # RV.10.53.2d.
īśānāso naro amartyena # RV.10.63.17c; 64.17c.
ud anyena jyotiṣā yāsi sūrya # RV.10.37.3d.
unmaditā mauneyena # RV.10.136.3a; AVP.5.38.3a.
upa mā (śB.śś. māṃ) bṛhat saha divā (śś. adds saha sūryeṇa saha cakṣuṣā) hvayatām # śB.; TB.; 13.1; śś.1.11.1. See upāsmāṃ iḍā hvayatāṃ saha.
upa mā śyāvāḥ svanayena dattāḥ # RV.1.126.3a.
upahūtaṃ bṛhat saha divā (śś. adds saha sūryeṇa saha cakṣuṣā) # TS.; śB.; TB.; 13.1; śś.1.11.1.
upāsmāṃ iḍā hvayatāṃ saha divā bṛhatādityena (also saha pṛthivyā rathaṃtareṇāgninā, and sahāntarikṣeṇa vāmadevyena vāyunā) # Aś.1.7.7. See upa mā bṛhat, upa mā rathaṃtaraṃ, and upa mā vāmadevyaṃ.
ubhe dyāvā kāvyenā vi śaśrathe # RV.9.70.2b; SV.2.774b.
uṣasā sūryeṇa gobhir andhaḥ # RV.1.62.5b.
ūtī śacīvas tava vīryeṇa # RV.10.104.4a; AVś.20.33.3a; Aś.6.4.10. P: ūtī śacīvaḥ Vait.26.13.
ūrjā māviśa gaupatyena # VS.3.22; śB.; śś.2.12.1. See ā morjā.
ṛjipyaṃ śyenaṃ pruṣitapsum āśum # RV.4.38.2c.
ṛtaṃ tvā satyena pariṣiñcāmi (Kauś. adds jātavedaḥ) # TB.; śś.2.6.10; Apś.6.5.4; Kauś.3.4. P: ṛtaṃ tvā Vait.7.4. See ṛtasatyābhyāṃ.
ṛtavākena satyena # RV.9.113.2c.
ṛtūnāṃ tvāsyena prāśnāmi # AVP.9.21.6.
ṛbhur dhīra uśanā kāvyena # RV.9.87.3b; SV.2.29b; JB.1.127b. Cf. BṛhD.6.135 (B).
ṛśyo mayūraḥ suparṇas (TS.KSA. śyenas) te gandharvāṇām # VS.24.37; TS.; MS.3.14.18: 176.6; KSA.7.6.
ṛṣir vipraḥ kāvyena # RV.8.79.1c; TB.
ekarṣes tvāsyena prāśnāmi # AVP.9.21.1.
ena tvā vande viśvāsu dikṣu # AVP.14.8.5d. See yena tvā etc.
evam aham āyuṣā medhayā varcasā prajayā paśubhir brahmavarcasena samindhe (SMB. brahmavarcasena dhanenānnādyena samedhiṣīya) # SMB.1.6.32; PG.2.4.3. See next, and evaṃ mām āyuṣā.
evam aham āyuṣā varcasā tejasā sanyā medhayā prajñayā prajayā paśubhir brahmavarcasenānnādyena dhanena samedhiṣīya svāhā # JG.1.12. See under prec.
evaṃ mām āyuṣā varcasā sanyā medhayā (HG. māṃ medhayā prajñayā) prajayā paśubhir brahmavarcasenānnādyena samedhaya # ApMB.2.6.2; HG.1.7.2. See under evam aham āyuṣā medhayā.
eṣa sūryeṇa hāsate # RV.9.27.5a; SV.2.635a.
aindreṇa śarmaṇā daivyena # Apś.4.7.2e.
oṣadhayo vīrudhaḥ saha yena pūtāḥ # AVP.9.26.4b.
karmāc ca yenānaṅgiraso 'piyāsīt # GB.1.5.24d.
kaviḥ kāvyena pari pāhi rājan (AVś. pāhy agne) # RV.10.87.21b; AVś.8.3.20b.
kavir gīrbhiḥ kāvyenā (SV.JB. kāvyena) kaviḥ san # RV.9.96.17c; SV.2.525c; JB.3.205.
kāmaṃ śikṣāmi haviṣājyena # AVś.9.2.1b.
kiṃ sanena vasava āpyena # RV.2.29.3b.
kṛtam iṣṭaṃ brahmaṇo vīryeṇa # AVś.19.72.1c.
kena nu tvam atharvan kāvyena # AVś.5.11.2c. See kena mat tvam etc.
kena mat tvam atharvan kāvyena # AVP.8.1.2c. See kena nu tvam etc.
kṣayan dātājaraṃ yena janān # RV.6.49.15c.
kṣipraśyenāya (TS.KSA. -śyenasya) vartikā # VS.24.30; TS.; MS.3.14.11: 174.8; KSA.7.1.
gṛdhrāḥ śyenāḥ patatriṇaḥ # AVś.11.9.9b; 10.24d.
ghṛṣuḥ śyenāya kṛtvane # RV.10.144.3a.
cakṣuṣā hṛdayena ca # AVś.5.21.2b.
candreṇa sūryeṇa ca # AVP.1.4.2b.
camūṣac chyenaḥ śakuno vibhṛtvā # RV.9.96.19a; SV.2.527a; JB.3.205. P: camūṣac chyenaḥ VHDh.8.66.
jagatyainaṃ (AVP. jagatyainad; Aś. jagatyenaṃ) vikṣv ā veśayāmaḥ (AVPṃS.KS. veśayāmi; Aś. veśayāni) # AVP.15.1.6b; TS.; MS.3.16.4d: 188.7; KS.22.14b; Aś.4.12.2b.
janūś cid vo marutas tveṣyeṇa # RV.7.58.2a.
jāgatena chandasā saptadaśena stomena vāmadevyena sāmnā vaṣaṭkāreṇa vajreṇāparajān # TS. Cf. under ānuṣṭubhena chandasai-.
jyotiṣā pratikhyena saḥ # TA.1.3.4d.
jyotis tad yad etc. # see jyotis tena yena etc.
jyotis tena yena gāyatrī # ṣB.1.4.9.
jyotis tena yena chandaḥ # ṣB.1.4.9.
jyotis tena yena jyotiḥ # ṣB.1.4.9.
jyotis tena yena devatā (JB. jyotis tad yad devatā) # JB.1.76; ṣB.1.4.9.
jyotis tena yenark (JB. jyotis tad yad ṛk) # JB.1.76; ṣB.1.4.9.
jyotis tena yena sāma (JB. jyotis tad yad sāma) # JB.1.76; ṣB.1.4.9.
tad vāṃ narā śaṃsyaṃ pajriyeṇa # RV.1.117.6a.
tam anajmi madhunā daivyena # AVP.1.66.2c.
taṃ māṣājyaṃ kṛtvā pra hiṇomi dūram # AVś.12.2.4c. Cf. māṣājyena.
tayor anyena divam āruhema # Lś.2.1.6c.
tava pratnena yujyena sakhyā # RV.6.21.7c.
tāḥ parjanyenānavartayaḥ # AVP.2.75.4b.
turīyeṇāmanvata (śś. turīyeṇa manvata) nāma dhenoḥ # AVś.7.1.1d; śś.15.3.7d.
tūyaṃ yayau madhunā somyena # RV.4.26.5c.
tṛtīyāḥ (MS. tṛtīyās tvā) satyena # VS.20.12; MS.3.11.8: 151.9; KS.38.4; TB.; śB.
tṛptir asi gāyatraṃ (also jāgataṃ, and traiṣṭubhaṃ) chandas tarpaya mā tejasā brahmavarcasena (also mā prajayā paśubhiḥ, and maujasā [Mś. mendriyeṇa] vīryeṇa) # Apś.4.8.1; Mś.
te ahaṃ sārayeṇa musalena # ApMB.2.16.12c.
tena krīḍantīś carata (śG. caratha) priyeṇa (AVś. vaśāṃ anu) # AVś.9.4.24b; TS.; śG.3.11.14b; PG.3.9.6b; ViDh.86.16b.
tena divyena brahmaṇā # TB.
tena satyena jāgṛtam # RV.1.21.6a.
tenānnādyena tena satyena # JB.1.50d.
tenā sahasyenā vayam # RV.7.55.7c; AVś.4.5.1c; AVP.4.6.1c.
tenāham ṛtodyena # AVP.11.2.8e.
te satyena manasā gopatiṃ gāḥ # RV.10.67.8a; AVś.20.91.8a.
te satyena manasā dīdhyānāḥ # RV.7.90.5a; AB.5.20.8; KB.26.8; Aś.8.11.1. P: te satyena śś.10.9.4. Cf. BṛhD.6.18 (B).
tvaṃ jayāsi na parā jayāsai # AVP.3.36.2a. Cf. yena jayanti.
dakṣiṇena prakramya savyenānuprakrāma # HG.1.20.10. Cf. GG.2.2.13.
daddhi bhāgaṃ tanvo yena māmahaḥ # RV.2.17.7d.
darbhā roha mahatām indriyeṇa (AVP. mahatāmahendriyeṇa, read mahatā mah-) # AVś.19.33.2d; AVP.11.13.2d. See under ā roha māṃ.
divaḥ śyenāya jījanam # RV.7.15.4b; KS.40.14b; TB.
divaḥ śyenāso asurasya nīḍayaḥ # RV.10.92.6b.
divas tvā vīryeṇa pṛthivyai mahimnāntarikṣasya poṣeṇa paśūnāṃ tejasā sarvapaśum ādadhe # TB.; Apś.5.12.2; 13.8; 15.6.
diśaḥ pūtā uta yena pradeśāḥ # AVP.9.25.4b.
diśāṃ tvāsyena prāśnāmi # AVP.9.21.4.
dṛḍhaṃ naro vacasā daivyena # RV.4.1.15c.
devasya tvā savituḥ ... hastābhyāṃ sarasvatyā bhaiṣajyena etc. # see next but three.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyāṃ sarasvatyā vācā yantur yantreṇemam amum āmuṣyāyaṇam amuṣyāḥ putraṃ bṛhaspates (KS.40.9, putram agnes) sāmrājyenābhiṣiñcāmi (KS.14.2, -ṣiñcāmīndrasya sāmrājyenābhiṣiñcāmi) # KS.14.2,8; 40.9. See under prec.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyāṃ sarasvatyai tvā vāco yantur yantreṇa bṛhaspates tvā sāmrājyena brahmaṇābhiṣiñcāmi # JB.2.130. See under prec. but one.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyāṃ sarasvatyai (KS. -tyā) bhaiṣajyena vīryāyānnādyāyābhiṣiñcāmi # VS.20.3; KS.38.4; TB.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyāṃ sarasvatyai vāco yantur yantreṇāgneḥ (TS. yantreṇāgnes tvā) sāmrājyenābhiṣiñcāmi # VS.18.37; TS.; śB. Fragmentary: devasya tvā savituḥ prasave (Apś. devasya tvā) ... agnes tvā sāmrājyenābhiṣiñcāmi TS.; TB.,3; Apś.17.19.8. P: devasya tvā Kś.18.5.9. See under devasya tvā ... hastābhyāṃ sarasvatyā vācā yantur yantreṇa.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyām agnes tejasā sūryasya varcasendrasyendriyeṇābhi ṣiñcāmi # AB.8.7.5,7,9. P: devasya tvā AB.8.13.2; 18.1.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyām aśvinor bhaiṣajyena tejase brahmavarcasāyābhi ṣiñcāmi # VS.20.3; KS.38.4; TB.; Apś.19.9.13.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyām indrasyendriyeṇa śriyai yaśase balāyābhi (VS.KS. -yeṇa balāya śriyai yaśase 'bhi) ṣiñcāmi # VS.20.3; KS.38.4; TB. Cf. indrasyendriyeṇa balāya.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyām upāṃśor vīryeṇa juhomi # VS.9.38; śB. P: devasya tvā Kś.15.2.6.
devā amuñcann asṛjan vyenasaḥ # TB.; HG.2.3.10b; ApMB.2.12.10b. See devā muñcanto.
devāṃśo yasmai tveḍe tat satyam upariprutā (Apś. apariplutā) bhaṅgena (Apś. bhaṅgyena) # VS.7.3; śB.; Apś.12.11.10. P: devāṃśo Kś.9.4.39.
devā daivyena dhāvata (AVP. -ena māvata) # AVś.19.27.6d; AVP.10.7.6d.
devās tenāhaṃ satyena # ChU.3.11.2c.
devainasād yadi vā pitryeṇa # AVP.10.4.4b,5b.
dyaur asi janmanā juhūr nāma priyā devānāṃ priyeṇa nāmnā # MS.1.1.12: 7.17; 4.1.13: 18.8. P: dyaur asi janmanā Mś. See under ghṛtācy asi juhūr.
dyaur majmanā pṛthivī kāvyena # RV.10.29.6b; AVś.20.76.6b.
dyaur vṛtā sādityena vṛtā tayā vṛtayā vartryā yasmād bhayād bibhemi tad vāraye svāhā # AG.3.11.1.
drapsaṃ skannaṃ brahmaṇā daivyena # RV.7.33.11c; N.5.14c.
dhātur devasya satyena # AVś.2.36.2c; AVP.2.21.3c.
dhiṣvā śavaḥ śūra yena vṛtram # RV.2.11.18a.
nakṣatrāṇi bhūtakṛtaḥ saha yena pūtāḥ # AVP.9.25.5b.
nabha udaryeṇa # VS.25.8; TS.; MS.3.15.7: 179.12; KSA.13.6.
namaḥ kaviḥ kāvyenā kṛṇomi (AVP. kāvyenākṛṇot) # AVś.5.1.5b; AVP.6.2.5b.
nāhaṃ yātuṃ sahasā na dvayena # RV.5.12.2c.
nikāmam aramaṇasaṃ yena # RV.6.17.10c.
ni taṃ śāsmi gārhapatyena vidvān # AVś.12.2.9c.
nimeghamānā atyena pājasā # RV.2.34.13c.
nirbādhyena haviṣā # TB.; Apś.3.14.2c. See nairbādhyena.
ni śyenāsaś cid arthinaḥ # RV.10.127.5c.
nīcāyamānaṃ jasuriṃ na śyenam # RV.4.38.5c; N.4.24c.
nūnaṃ janāḥ sūryeṇa prasūtāḥ # RV.7.63.4c; KS.10.13c; TB.; Apś.16.12.1c.
rodasī ahinā budhnyena # RV.4.55.6a.
nairbādhyena haviṣā # AVś.6.75.1c. See nirbādhyena.
ny anyena vanino mṛṣṭa vāraṇaḥ # RV.1.140.2d.
paridhayaḥ saha yena pūtāḥ # AVP.9.25.6b.
pari priyeṇa dhāmnā # RV.9.39.1b; SV.2.248b; JB.3.60b.
pariprītā panyasā vāryeṇa # RV.10.27.12b.
pari spaśo adadhāt sūryeṇa # RV.1.33.8d.
paśupatiṃ sthūlahṛdayena (VS. kṛtsnahṛ-) # VS.39.8; TS.; TA.3.21.1.
pāmnā bhrātṛvyeṇa saha (AVP. omits saha) # AVś.5.22.12c; AVP.12.2.1c.
pāvamānena tvā stomena gāyatrasya (KS. gāyatryā) vartanyopāṃśor vīryeṇa devas tvā savitot sṛjatu jīvātave jīvanasyāyai (KS. vīryeṇoddharāmy asau) # TS.; KS.11.7. P: pāvamānena tvā stomena TS.; KS.11.8; Apś.19.24.6. See pāvamānasya.
puchena cāsyena ca # AVś.7.56.8b; AVP.4.17.2b.
puṇyāḥ puṇyena karmaṇā # śB.; śś.16.9.7d.
pumāṃ agniḥ payasā pṛṣṭhyena # RV.4.3.10b.
pṛthivy asi janmanā dhruvā nāma priyā devānāṃ priyeṇa nāmnā # MS.1.1.12: 7.19. P: pṛthivy asi janmanā Mś.; See under ghṛtācy asi dhruvā.
pauṃsyenemaṃ saṃsṛjātho vīryeṇa # TB.
pauruṣeyeṇa daivyena # TS.; MS.3.16.5b: 191.16. Cf. prec. but one.
prajāpatiḥ somo varuṇo yena rājā # TB.; Apś.13.21.3b.
prajāpates tvā parameṣṭhinaḥ svārājyenābhiṣiñcāmi # TB.; Apś.20.20.3; 22.12.20.
prajāpates tvā prasave pṛthivyā nābhāv antarikṣasya bāhubhyāṃ divo hastābhyāṃ prajāpates tvā parameṣṭhinaḥ svārājyenābhiṣiñcāmi # Apś.20.20.3.
pra tad viṣṇu (AVś. viṣṇu; MS.śś. viṣṇuḥ; KS. viṣṇus) stavate vīryeṇa (AVś. vīryāṇi; TB.Apś. vīryāya) # RV.1.154.2a; AVś.7.26.2a; VS.5.20a; MS.1.2.9a: 19.12; 3.8.7: 105.14; KS.2.10a; 25.8; śB.; TB.; Aś.6.7.8; 9.9.11; Apś.11.9.1a; NṛpU.2.4a. Ps: pra tad viṣṇuḥ stavate śś.15.3.5; pra tad viṣṇuḥ MS.4.11.4: 172.9; 4.14.5: 221.4; TB.;; śś.5.7.3; Kś.8.4.16; Apś.20.4.5; Mś.; --4.4.35;;; VHDh.8.247.
prabādhitā sahasā daivyena # RV.10.108.9b.
pra vīryeṇa devatāti cekite # RV.1.55.3c.
pra śyenaḥ śyenebhya āśupatvā # RV.4.26.4b.
pra savyena maghavan yaṃsi rāyaḥ # RV.5.36.4c.
prāṇāpānayos tvāsyena prāśnāmi # AVP.9.21.2.
priyeṇa dhāmnā (TSṭB.Apś. nāmnā; VSK. nāma) priyaṃ sada āsīda (VSKṭSṭB.Apś.2.10.3, priye sadasi sīda) # VS.2.6; VSK.2.1.8; TS.; śB.; TB.; Apś.2.10.3; 11.6. P: priyeṇa dhāmnā Kś.2.8.19; 5.4.29. Cf. sedaṃ priyeṇa.
bārhaspatyena (Kauś. -patyeṣṭiḥ) śarmaṇā daivyena # Apś.4.7.2d; Kauś.3.10d.
bṛhatā vimuñce vāmadevyena vimuñce rathaṃtareṇa vimuñce # JB.2.54.
bṛhadrathaṃtarayos tvā stomena triṣṭubho vartanyā śukrasya vīryeṇa devas tvā savitot sṛjatu jīvātave jīvanasyāyai # TS. P: bṛhadrathaṃtarayos tvā stomena TS. See bṛhatā tvā rathaṃtareṇa.
bṛhaspateṣ ṭvā (TSṭB. -tes tvā) sāmrājyenābhi ṣiñcāmy asau (VSKṭSṭB. -bhi ṣiñcāmi) # VS.9.30; VSK.10.5.8; TS.; śB.; TB. P: bṛhaspateḥ Apś.17.19.8. Cf. indrasya bṛhaspates.
brahmaṇas tvāsyena prāśnāmi # AVP.9.21.3.
brahman gharmeṇa pracariṣyāmaḥ # GB.2.2.6; Vait.13.27. See brahman pravargyeṇa, and cf. brahman pracariṣyāmaḥ.
brahman pravargyeṇa pracariṣyāmaḥ # MS.4.9.2: 122.15; AB.1.18.3; TA.4.4.1; KA.2.48; Apś.15.6.1. See under brahman gharmeṇa.
bhagena mā śāṃśayena # AVś.6.129.1a. P: bhagena mā Kauś.36.12.
bharāmy āṅgūṣam āsyena # RV.1.61.3b; AVś.20.35.3b.
bhūtena gupto bhavyena cāham # AVś.17.1.29b.
bhūme sūryeṇa medinā # AVś.12.1.33b.
bhūmau dattena toyena # Mś.
manasā hṛdayena ca # AVś.3.20.9d; AVP.3.34.10d; 7.9.3b; SMB.2.2.8b.
manīṣiṇaṃ brahmacaryeṇa śrāntam # AVP.9.18.4b.
maruto napāto 'pāṃ kṣayāḥ parvatānāṃ kakubhaḥ śyenā ajirāḥ # PB.1.2.5. P: marutaḥ Lś.1.10.4. Cf. śyenā ajirā, and TB.
marto martaṃ marcayati dvayena # RV.1.147.5b.
mahādevam antaḥpārśvena (VS. -parśavyena) # VS.39.8; TS.; TA.3.21.1.
mahimā te 'nyena na saṃnaśe # VS.23.15c; śB.
mahīṃ cid dyām ātanot sūryeṇa # RV.10.111.5c.
te agne cayena māticayenāyur āvṛkṣi # TB.
tvā śyena ud vadhīn mā suparṇaḥ # RV.2.42.2a. See next.
māduṣkṛtau vyenasā (AVś. -sau) # RV.3.33.13c; AVś.14.2.16c.
naḥ saṃ srā divyenāgninā # AVś.11.2.26b.
no vadhīr vidyutā deva sasyam # AVś.7.11.1c. Cf. mā no hiṃsīr divyenāgninā.
no hiṃsiṣṭaṃ harasā daivyena (text devyena) # AVP.12.9.9d. See mā no hiṃsīr harasā.
no hiṃsīr divyenāgninā sasyāṃ (followed by y-, read sasyān) # AVP.15.22.5c. Cf. mā no vadhīr vidyutā.
no hiṃsīr harasā daivyena # AVP.11.5.10d. See mā no hiṃsiṣṭaṃ harasā.
māndyena dṛpta uta dhairyeṇa # AVP.8.15.3b.
māṃ padyena rapasā vidat tsaruḥ # RV.7.50.1d--3d.
yutsmahi manasā daivyena # AVś.7.52.2b.
mārutena śarmaṇā daivyena # TB.; Apś.4.7.2c.
savyena dakṣiṇam atikrāma (HG. atikrāmīḥ) # GG.2.2.13; HG.1.20.10.
māsāṃ tvāsyena prāśnāmi # AVP.9.21.9.
mitraṃ sauratyena # VS.39.9.
muñcantu tvā vīrudho vīryeṇa # AVś.10.1.12c.
muṣṇann uṣasaḥ sūryeṇa stavān # RV.2.20.5c.
mūrdhānaṃ niveṣyeṇa # MS.3.15.2: 178.4. See niveṣyaṃ.
ya imāḥ prajā viśvakarmā jajāna # MS.2.7.17c: 102.9. See yena prajā viśva-.
ya ubhābhyāṃ (AVP. ubhayena) praharasi # AVś.7.56.8a; AVP.4.17.2a.
ya enaṃ veda satyena bhartum # TA.3.14.1d.
yaḥ pauruṣeyeṇa kraviṣā samaṅkte (AVś. samaṅte) # RV.10.87.16a; AVś.8.3.15a; Kauś.112.1.
yaṃ vā śyenaḥ śakunir yaṃ suparṇaḥ # AVP.2.81.3b. See yat te cakṣur, and yena śyenaṃ.
yaṃ samāñjann ājyenā vṛṇānāḥ # RV.10.88.4b.
yakṣmaḥ śyena iva prāpaptat # AVś.5.30.9c; AVP.9.13.9c.
yaṃ kāvyena caturo vicakra # RV.4.35.4b.
yajur brahmaṇā saha yena pūtam # AVP.9.26.1b.
yajñakṛtaḥ sukṛto yena yanti # AVś.18.4.7b.
yajñāyudhair ājyenātiṣaktā # AVś.12.3.23d.
yataḥ prajā akhidrā ajāyanta tasmai tvā prajāpataye vibhūdāvne jyotiṣmate jyotiṣmantaṃ juhomi (KS. vibhūdāvne juhomi svāhā) # TS.; KS.29.5. See yena prajā.
yataḥ prāṇanti vīrudhaḥ # AVP.1.23.1d. See yena prāṇanti etc.
yat te cakṣur divi yat suparṇe # Aś.5.19.4a. See under yaṃ vā śyenaḥ.
yatra naḥ pūrve pitaraḥ padajñāḥ # SV.2.709c. See yenā naḥ etc.
yatrā naḥ pūrve pitaraḥ paretāḥ # AVś.18.1.50c; MS.4.14.16b: 242.12. See next, yatra naḥ etc., and yenā te pūrve.
yathā śyenāt patatriṇaḥ # AVś.5.21.6a.
yathendrāya vīryeṇa samanaman # AVP.5.35.9b.
yad annenātirohati # RV.10.90.2d; ArS.4.6d; VS.31.2d; TA.3.12.1d. See next, and yad anyenābhavat.
yad anyenābhavat saha # AVś.19.6.4d. See under yad annenātirohati.
yad ahaṃ dhanena prapaṇaṃś carāmi # ApMB.2.22.4a (ApG.8.23.5). See yad vo devāḥ, and yena dhanena.
yad dhiraṇyaṃ sūryeṇa suvarṇam # AVś.19.26.2a; AVP.1.82.2a.
yaṃ te śyenaḥ padābharat # RV.8.82.9a.
yaṃ te śyenaś cārum avṛkaṃ padā # RV.10.144.5a.
yan no nir aṃhaso yūyam # AVP.5.39.2c. See yenā nir etc.
yan madhuno madhavyaṃ paramaṃ rūpam annādyaṃ (ApMB. paramam annādyaṃ vīryaṃ; HG. paramam annādyaṃ rūpaṃ) tenāhaṃ madhuno madhavyena parameṇa rūpeṇānnādyena (ApMB. parameṇānnādyena vīryeṇa; HG. parameṇa rūpeṇa) paramo madhavyo 'nnādo (ApMB. paramo 'nnādo madhavyo) 'sāni (HG. bhūyāsam) # PG.1.3.20; ApMB.2.10.5 (ApG.5.13.13); HG.1.13.8.
yan medam abhiśocati (AVP. adds yena vā) # AVś.4.26.7a; AVP.4.36.7a.
yamasya balinā carāmi # TB.; Apś.13.22.5b. See yamasya yena, and yena yamasya.
yam ahyājim ajayan nṛcakṣāḥ # AVP.2.81.3a. See yena hy ājim, yenā hy ājim, and yenaikarājyam.
yaṃ putriṇa ākramante viśokāḥ # AB.7.13.13b. See yenākramante.
yavaṃ na vṛṣṭir divyena dānunā # RV.10.43.7d; AVś.20.17.7d.
yas tvā nityena haviṣā ya ukthaiḥ # RV.4.7.4b; TS.; MS.4.11.5b: 173.6; KS.6.11b.
yasya dyaur urvī pṛthivī ca mahī # AVś.4.2.4a. See yena dyaur ugrā.
yasyāṃ viśvam idaṃ jagat # PG.1.7.2b. See yena etc.
yasyāṃ bhūtaṃ samabhavat # PG.1.7.2a. See yena etc., and cf. MG.1.10.15 (b).
te agne pāvakā yā manasā preyasī priyā tanūs tayā sahāntarikṣam āviśa vāmadevyena sāmnā traiṣṭubhena ca chandasā # Apś.5.26.5. Quasi-metrical.
yāsāṃ mūlam udavadhīḥ sphyena # Apś.4.6.1c.
yutkāreṇa duścyavanena dhṛṣṇunā # RV.10.103.2b; SV.2.1200b; VS.17.34b; TS.; MS.2.10.4b: 135.11; KS.18.5b. See ayodhyena.
yunajmi tvā brahmaṇā daivyena # AVś.7.78.2b; TS.; 10.1; MS.1.4.1a: 47.6; 1.4.5: 52.18; KS.4.14a; 31.15; Apś.4.6.4; Mś.; Kauś.3.1a. P: yunajmi tvā VārG.1.21.
yunajmi vācaṃ saha divā saha sūryeṇa tena saha # Mś. See next.
yunajmi vācaṃ saha sūryeṇa te (PB. omits te) # TS.; PB.1.2.1b; Apś.12.2.12. See prec.
yuvaṃ devā kratunā pūrvyeṇa # RV.8.57 (Vāl.9).1a; Aś.9.11.14.
ye aśvadāḥ saha te sūryeṇa # RV.10.107.2b.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"yena" has 1 results
yenanāprāptanyāyaa term used by grammarians and commentators very frequently for the maxim "येन नाप्राप्ते यो वेधिरारभ्येत स तस्य बाधको भवति " Par. Sek. on Pari. 57. The term अपवादन्याय is used in the Mahabhasya which is the same as येननाप्राप्तन्याय of later grammarians.
Vedabase Search
730 results
yena asCC Adi 17.28
CC Adi 4.7
CC Adi 5.135
CC Adi 8.64
CC Antya 11.96
CC Antya 12.85
CC Antya 15.6
CC Antya 19.34
CC Antya 19.69
CC Antya 20.23
CC Antya 3.80
CC Antya 3.81
CC Antya 3.83
CC Antya 4.85
CC Antya 6.104
CC Antya 7.102
CC Antya 7.124
CC Antya 7.128
CC Antya 7.147
CC Antya 8.93
CC Antya 9.131
CC Madhya 11.233
CC Madhya 12.133
CC Madhya 14.107
CC Madhya 17.153
CC Madhya 19.233
CC Madhya 20.118
CC Madhya 20.261
CC Madhya 20.309
CC Madhya 20.387
CC Madhya 8.264
yena as ifCC Adi 13.83
CC Adi 9.25
CC Antya 10.74
yena as ifCC Antya 10.74
CC Antya 14.38
CC Antya 14.94
CC Antya 14.95
CC Antya 16.128
CC Antya 16.148
CC Antya 16.79
CC Antya 17.17
CC Antya 17.59
CC Antya 18.19
CC Antya 18.27
CC Antya 19.95
CC Antya 2.153-154
CC Antya 3.35
CC Antya 4.74
CC Antya 5.138
CC Antya 6.129
CC Antya 6.44
CC Antya 7.8
CC Antya 8.101
CC Antya 8.97
CC Madhya 10.122
CC Madhya 10.155
CC Madhya 12.105
CC Madhya 12.106
CC Madhya 12.115
CC Madhya 12.134
CC Madhya 12.139
CC Madhya 12.196
CC Madhya 12.56
CC Madhya 12.67
CC Madhya 13.102
CC Madhya 13.106
CC Madhya 13.109
CC Madhya 13.173
CC Madhya 13.194
CC Madhya 13.8
CC Madhya 14.133
CC Madhya 14.199
CC Madhya 15.119
CC Madhya 15.176
CC Madhya 17.201
CC Madhya 17.202
CC Madhya 17.206
CC Madhya 18.11
yena as ifCC Madhya 18.11
CC Madhya 18.178
CC Madhya 23.49
CC Madhya 25.225
yena as ifCC Madhya 25.225
CC Madhya 3.166
CC Madhya 3.183
CC Madhya 3.94
CC Madhya 4.86
CC Madhya 5.135
CC Madhya 5.52
CC Madhya 9.254
CC Madhya 9.297
yena as it wereCC Adi 4.77
yena becauseSB 11.8.30
SB 4.14.46
yena by all thisSB 4.22.33
yena by means of whichSB 11.23.25
yena by someoneSB 11.11.15
yena by somethingSB 7.9.20
yena by such activitiesSB 10.2.34
yena by such an incarnationSB 8.12.13
yena by such knowledgeSB 8.24.51
yena by that loveCC Adi 1.6
CC Adi 4.230
yena by the agencySB 1.5.33
yena by the bestowerSB 4.6.50
yena by the chanting of whichSB 6.3.23
yena by the same thunderboltSB 8.11.34
yena by whichBG 10.10
BG 18.20
BG 3.2
BG 4.35
CC Adi 1.49
CC Adi 4.202
CC Madhya 18.38
CC Madhya 19.174
CC Madhya 24.125
CC Madhya 24.173
CC Madhya 24.192
CC Madhya 6.181
SB 1.1.11
SB 1.15.35
SB 1.16.24
SB 1.16.25
SB 1.18.16
SB 1.2.5
SB 1.5.31
yena by whichSB 1.5.31
SB 1.5.40
SB 1.5.8
SB 10.10.1
SB 10.14.30
SB 10.2.35
SB 10.24.18
SB 10.3.26
SB 10.46.46
SB 10.54.22
SB 10.72.7
SB 10.73.15
SB 10.79.31
SB 10.8.5
SB 10.83.15-16
SB 10.85.4
SB 11.12.16
SB 11.13.15
SB 11.21.13
SB 11.26.9
SB 11.28.20
SB 11.3.35
SB 11.3.41
SB 11.9.20
SB 12.11.2-3
SB 12.6.40-41
SB 2.8.14
SB 3.12.36
SB 3.20.41
SB 3.23.11
SB 3.25.7
SB 3.28.1
SB 3.29.1-2
SB 3.29.14
SB 3.29.3
SB 3.32.31
SB 3.33.11
SB 3.5.4
SB 3.5.9
SB 3.6.16
SB 3.6.17
SB 3.6.19
SB 3.6.20
SB 3.6.24
SB 3.6.25
SB 3.6.26
SB 3.7.35
SB 4.10.6
SB 4.11.32
SB 4.11.7
SB 4.18.9-10
SB 4.23.11
SB 4.23.12
SB 4.25.5
SB 4.29.21
SB 4.29.58
SB 4.29.60
SB 4.29.62
SB 4.31.7
SB 4.31.9
SB 4.9.11
SB 5.19.15
SB 5.2.11
SB 5.5.1
SB 5.5.5
SB 6.11.6
SB 6.13.3
SB 6.18.26
SB 6.19.1
SB 6.2.26
SB 6.2.32
SB 6.7.36
SB 6.8.1-2
SB 6.8.35
SB 6.9.54
SB 7.1.48
SB 7.10.45
SB 7.11.8-12
SB 7.14.1
SB 7.15.74
SB 7.3.33
SB 7.3.34
SB 7.8.15
SB 7.8.43
SB 8.11.35
SB 8.19.36
SB 9.10.27
SB 9.15.16
SB 9.21.12
yena by which (annihilation)SB 12.8.2-5
yena by which (as a result of the yajña)SB 9.23.6
yena by which (code)SB 10.54.40
yena by which (devotional service)SB 11.14.2
yena by which (lust)SB 12.3.2
yena by which (mind)SB 10.47.32
yena by which (religious principle)SB 7.11.7
yena by which (spiritual consciousness)SB 9.4.17
yena by which (the glory of the Lord)SB 7.9.12
yena by which detachmentSB 11.8.38
yena by which knowledgeSB 11.19.14
yena by which meansSB 7.15.66
yena by which modeSB 11.25.1
yena by which personSB 6.1.45
SB 7.8.47
yena by which processSB 4.30.29
SB 8.16.61
yena by which pseudo religious systemSB 5.6.10
yena by which soundSB 7.8.16
yena by which wayCC Madhya 17.186
CC Madhya 25.57
yena by whomBG 18.46
BG 2.17
BG 6.6
BG 8.22
Bs 5.43
CC Madhya 13.1
CC Madhya 21.49
CC Madhya 22.1
SB 1.15.5
SB 10.43.30
SB 10.43.39
SB 10.46.26
SB 10.46.48
SB 10.59.1
SB 10.60.17
SB 10.71.44-45
SB 10.8.41
SB 11.19.15
SB 11.23.28
SB 11.25.32
SB 11.28.35
SB 12.10.16
SB 12.13.19
SB 2.4.22
SB 2.5.11
SB 2.7.9
SB 2.8.9
SB 3.1.41
SB 3.26.3
SB 3.31.11
SB 3.31.12
SB 4.13.3
SB 4.17.30
SB 4.25.34
SB 4.7.37
SB 5.1.40
SB 5.24.16
SB 5.24.27
SB 5.4.9
SB 5.5.24
SB 6.18.37
SB 6.4.49-50
SB 6.6.16
SB 6.9.18
SB 6.9.44
SB 7.2.33
SB 7.7.25
SB 7.8.46
SB 7.8.50
SB 7.8.7
SB 8.1.30
SB 8.12.45
SB 8.13.20
SB 8.14.1
SB 8.3.3
SB 8.5.10
SB 8.5.5
SB 9.14.14
SB 9.20.21
SB 9.22.20
SB 9.6.21
yena by whom (Bali)SB 10.62.2
yena by whom (everything is enacted)SB 6.4.30
yena by whom (Hiraṇyakaśipu)SB 7.8.49
yena by whom (Janaka)SB 9.13.13
yena by whom (Kārtavīryārjuna)SB 9.15.22
yena by whom (Lord Kṛṣṇa)SB 10.68.35
yena by whom (Lord Rāmacandra)SB 9.10.5
yena by whom (Nārāyaṇa)SB 6.1.41
yena by whom (Śiva)SB 4.2.10
yena by whom (the Lord)SB 3.31.18
SB 6.9.24
yena by whom (the personality of Godhead)SB 8.1.9
yena by whom (the Supreme Brahman)SB 6.16.55
yena by whom (through whose mercy)SB 6.9.25
yena by whom, ṛṣabhadevaSB 5.6.15
yena exactly likeCC Antya 1.173
CC Madhya 2.48
yena if possibleCC Madhya 8.50
yena is likeCC Adi 7.116
yena just asCC Adi 3.86
CC Antya 19.108
CC Madhya 22.43
CC Madhya 8.87
yena just likeCC Antya 19.39
CC Antya 20.41
CC Antya 20.81
CC Madhya 2.4
yena likeCC Adi 11.30
CC Adi 13.104
CC Adi 16.100
CC Adi 2.25
CC Adi 4.209
CC Adi 5.190
CC Adi 5.34
CC Adi 5.70
CC Adi 8.78
CC Adi 8.79
CC Antya 1.97
CC Antya 10.72
CC Antya 14.91
CC Antya 18.30
CC Antya 19.40
CC Antya 20.62
CC Antya 5.73
CC Antya 6.309
CC Madhya 13.25
CC Madhya 19.217
CC Madhya 2.24
CC Madhya 2.34
CC Madhya 2.43
CC Madhya 20.383
CC Madhya 21.69
CC Madhya 6.105
CC Madhya 8.108
CC Madhya 8.122
yena mustCC Antya 12.53
yena pulled by such timeSB 1.13.20
yena soCC Antya 12.109
CC Antya 13.40
CC Antya 4.88
yena so thatCC Adi 17.220
CC Adi 4.33
CC Antya 1.199
CC Antya 12.117
CC Antya 14.4
CC Antya 19.46
CC Antya 3.107
CC Antya 9.119
CC Madhya 12.117
CC Madhya 17.6
CC Madhya 3.178
CC Madhya 5.81
CC Madhya 7.69
yena thatCC Antya 10.108
CC Antya 16.43
CC Antya 6.165
yena thereCC Madhya 3.21
yena whichSB 11.6.2-4
SB 5.5.27
yena whom (Kṛṣṇa)SB 10.19.16
yena whom (my husband)SB 9.9.32
yena whom (the Supersoul)SB 3.26.71
yena with which (eyes)SB 10.39.21
yena with whomSB 4.28.52
yena kena vā somehow or otherSB 4.31.19
yena kena vā somehow or otherSB 4.31.19
yena kena vā somehow or otherSB 4.31.19
yena kena-api by anythingCC Antya 10.1
yena kena-api by anythingCC Antya 10.1
yena kena-api by anythingCC Antya 10.1
yena kenacit by whatever comesCC Madhya 23.111-112
yena kenacit by whatever comesCC Madhya 23.111-112
yena kenacit with anythingBG 12.18-19
yena kenacit with anythingBG 12.18-19
SB 11.3.25
yena kenacit with anythingSB 11.3.25
yena kenacit with whateverSB 10.52.31
yena kenacit with whateverSB 10.52.31
yena mari let me dieCC Madhya 16.114-115
yena mari let me dieCC Madhya 16.114-115
yena vṛndāvana exactly resembling VṛndāvanaCC Antya 19.80
yena vṛndāvana exactly resembling VṛndāvanaCC Antya 19.80
yena yama daṇḍa-dhara exactly like the superintendent of death, YamarājaCC Madhya 24.235
yena yama daṇḍa-dhara exactly like the superintendent of death, YamarājaCC Madhya 24.235
yena yama daṇḍa-dhara exactly like the superintendent of death, YamarājaCC Madhya 24.235
yena yama daṇḍa-dhara exactly like the superintendent of death, YamarājaCC Madhya 24.235
yena yena avatāreṇa the pastimes exhibited by different varieties of incarnationsSB 10.7.1-2
yena yena avatāreṇa the pastimes exhibited by different varieties of incarnationsSB 10.7.1-2
yena yena avatāreṇa the pastimes exhibited by different varieties of incarnationsSB 10.7.1-2
abhijayena by controllingSB 5.5.10-13
śyena-ādayaḥ birds such as the big eagleSB 5.23.3
anna-adyena by distributing prasādaSB 8.16.55
vyāja-āhvayena by the false namesSB 2.7.34-35
ājyena with the help of butterSB 1.14.18
jambū-ākhyena by the island named JambūSB 5.20.2
plakṣa-ākhyena by the island named PlakṣaSB 5.20.2
hāṭaka-ākhyena made from an intoxicating herb known as hāṭakaSB 5.24.16
sat-sańgama-ākhyena known as association with devoteesCC Madhya 24.125
ālayena the reservoirSB 10.81.36
anadhigata-anya-upāyena who is not perceived by other meansSB 5.24.23
ananyena without divisionBG 12.6-7
ananyena without deviationSB 3.15.6
ananyena bhāvena with undeviated mindSB 3.25.22
ānapatyena due to being without sonsSB 6.14.39
anavadyena without flawSB 3.3.20
anityena temporarySB 10.72.20
anna-adyena by distributing prasādaSB 8.16.55
ānukūlyena favorableCC Madhya 19.167
anadhigata-anya-upāyena who is not perceived by other meansSB 5.24.23
anyāyena illegallyBG 16.11-12
tvat anyena besides youBG 11.47
anyena by anotherBG 11.48
anyena anotherSB 4.29.58
anyena with anything elseSB 10.54.46
anyena with anotherSB 10.67.19-21
anyena anotherSB 10.77.3
āpane gāyena personally singsCC Madhya 13.63
apīcyena most handsomeSB 3.23.45
āsyena with his mouthSB 4.9.3
atiśayena by greatnessSB 2.4.14
atiśayena eminentlyCC Adi 4.51
ātithyena with the reception of a guestSB 9.4.45
ātithyena by your hospitalitySB 9.5.20
ātithyena as a guestSB 10.86.5
ātithyena to be their guestSB 10.86.25
ātithyena by respectfully receiving them as guests even when uninvitedSB 11.11.43-45
ātma-indriya-jayena by controlling the mind and sensesSB 3.32.34-36
ātma-pratyayena by assuming me to be like himselfSB 5.8.16
ātma-aupamyena just as one's own selfSB 7.7.53
ātma-aupamyena with comparison to himselfSB 10.10.13
ātmīyena by his ownSB 10.51.33
aupamyena by comparisonBG 6.32
aupamyena by comparison with the selfSB 1.11.37
ātma-aupamyena just as one's own selfSB 7.7.53
svapna-aupamyena by the analogy of a dreamSB 9.19.26
ātma-aupamyena with comparison to himselfSB 10.10.13
avabhṛthyena by the final, avabhṛtya ritualSB 10.74.51
avadyena faultySB 3.14.33
nahe yena bādha so that there will not be any difficultiesCC Madhya 11.120-121
bhavadīyena of your good selfSB 9.18.39
ananyena bhāvena with undeviated mindSB 3.25.22
bhavitavyena by that which was about to happenSB 5.6.9
bhāvyena which are producedSB 11.11.10
bhayena out of fearBG 11.45
bhayena out of fearSB 6.10.30
bhayena by fearSB 7.1.26
bhayena with fearSB 10.25.21
bhayena out of fearSB 10.36.3-4
bhayena full of fearSB 10.70.28
sva-bhṛtya-mukhyena by the best of His devoteesSB 11.17.8
brahma-mayena just consistent with the words of the Vedic hymnsSB 4.9.4
brahmaṇyena who was very respectful to brāhmaṇasSB 11.7.31
chandomayena with the speed He desiredSB 8.3.31
daityena by the demon (Bali Mahārāja)SB 8.10.50
daityena by the demonSB 10.11.25
daityena by the demonSB 10.26.6
dāsyena by accepting oneself as My servantSB 11.11.34-41
daurbhāgyena on account of misfortuneSB 4.27.20
puru-dayena very mercifulSB 3.31.18
yena dhāñā he went very swiftlyCC Antya 6.172
dharma-mayena which is full of religious principlesSB 9.5.7
divyena by transcendentalSB 1.4.17-18
divyena which was spiritual, not ordinarySB 7.3.22
duratyayena unavoidableSB 10.51.50
durvibhāvyena by inconceivableSB 4.23.26
dvitīyena by the second stepSB 8.19.34
dvitīyena by the second stepSB 8.21.31
dyujayena with achieving the heavenly kingdomSB 5.19.22
eka-ekaśyena one after anotherSB 5.1.33
eka-ekaśyena one after anotherSB 7.15.50-51
ekā yāyena goes aloneCC Antya 10.138
eka-ekaśyena one after anotherSB 5.1.33
eka-ekaśyena one after anotherSB 7.15.50-51
āpane gāyena personally singsCC Madhya 13.63
haridāsa gāyena Junior Haridāsa was singingCC Antya 2.153-154
yena they sangCC Antya 19.54
haṃsa-guhyena by the celebrated prayers known as Haṃsa-guhyaSB 6.4.22
guru-vākyena by the order of his spiritual masterSB 9.8.5-6
haṃsa-guhyena by the celebrated prayers known as Haṃsa-guhyaSB 6.4.22
haridāsa gāyena Junior Haridāsa was singingCC Antya 2.153-154
hāṭaka-ākhyena made from an intoxicating herb known as hāṭakaSB 5.24.16
hayena by His horseSB 12.2.19-20
hayena isCC Adi 4.59
hayena areCC Adi 4.210
hayena isCC Adi 6.20
hayena becomesCC Adi 7.122
hayena becomesCC Adi 13.122
hayena isCC Madhya 6.52
hayena becomesCC Madhya 6.72
hayena becomesCC Madhya 7.23
hayena isCC Madhya 7.62
hayena isCC Madhya 9.138
hayena wasCC Madhya 9.297
hayena becomeCC Madhya 14.193
hayena isCC Madhya 15.95
hayena mūrcchita becomes unconsciousCC Madhya 18.170
hayena becomesCC Madhya 21.14
hayena sometimes becomesCC Antya 20.66
hayena isCC Antya 20.82
hiraṇmayena goldenSB 4.13.36
hiraṇmayena goldenSB 4.18.15
hiraṇmayena by a golden effulgenceIso 15
hiraṇyena with gold ornamentsSB 9.20.28
hṛdayena most intimateSB 1.14.44
hṛdayena by the heart and soulSB 1.15.20
hṛdayena living energySB 3.6.9
hṛdayena with a heartSB 3.23.49
hṛdayena by the heartSB 4.3.19
hṛdayena within the heartSB 4.8.58
hṛdayena because his heartSB 4.12.42
hṛdayena within her heartSB 4.17.17
hṛdayena with a heartSB 4.26.19
hṛdayena from My heartSB 5.5.20
hṛdayena within the heartSB 5.5.35
vyathita-hṛdayena by a disturbed mindSB 5.14.21
hṛdayena with his heartSB 10.42.35
hṛt-śayena lusty desires within the mind of RāvaṇaSB 9.10.10
ātma-indriya-jayena by controlling the mind and sensesSB 3.32.34-36
jambū-ākhyena by the island named JambūSB 5.20.2
ātma-indriya-jayena by controlling the mind and sensesSB 3.32.34-36
jyotiḥ-mayena dazzlingSB 5.1.30
kāla-sāmyena by a suitable timeCC Antya 1.135
kāma-upanayena by satisfyingSB 8.20.10
kari yena so that I may doCC Madhya 12.3
kārtsnyena by summarizationSB 2.2.34
kārtsnyena in sum totalSB 3.2.13
kārtsnyena entireSB 3.14.21
kārtsnyena in detailSB 4.6.1-2
kārtsnyena all in allSB 4.7.8
kārtsnyena fullySB 4.13.5
kārtsnyena in fullSB 4.22.43
kārtsnyena in totalSB 4.29.4
kārtsnyena altogetherSB 4.29.49
kārtsnyena entirelySB 5.7.2
kārtsnyena totallySB 5.8.29
kārtsnyena alwaysSB 5.9.19
kārtsnyena entirelySB 5.22.7
kārtsnyena completely (with no possibility that sinful desires will revive)SB 6.1.15
kārtsnyena completelySB 10.69.7-8
kārtsnyena altogetherSB 10.84.9
kārtsnyena entirelySB 12.4.39
katipayena with only a fewSB 5.8.8
kāvyena with poetryCC Antya 1.195
yena with the bodyBG 5.11
yena with bodily framesSB 3.17.16
yena with the bodySB 4.7.8
yena by the bodySB 4.8.59-60
yena by his bodySB 7.9.4
yena by the whole bodySB 8.17.5
yena by the expansion of His transcendental bodySB 8.19.34
yena with the bodySB 9.16.20
yena by their bodiesSB 10.25.12
yena with the bodySB 11.2.36
khāyena eatCC Adi 17.86
khāyena eatsCC Antya 12.135
khāyena eatsCC Antya 12.138
khāyena eatsCC Antya 16.34
laulyena because of greedSB 7.15.19
layena chantedCC Adi 10.43
layena tookCC Adi 10.54
layena chantsCC Madhya 12.85
layena he takesCC Madhya 17.57
layena niścaya takes accountCC Antya 8.39
layena takesCC Antya 16.11
mārkaṇḍeyena by MārkaṇḍeyaSB 12.9.1
martyena by the bodySB 5.19.23
martyena by the mortalSB 11.29.22
martyena in the same human bodySB 11.31.12
martyena with this mortal worldSB 11.31.13
mayena made by the great scientist MayaSB 2.7.37
veda-mayena under complete Vedic wisdomSB 3.9.43
brahma-mayena just consistent with the words of the Vedic hymnsSB 4.9.4
jyotiḥ-mayena dazzlingSB 5.1.30
mayena by the demon named MayaSB 5.24.9
mayena by a demon named MayaSB 7.10.51
mayena with MayaSB 8.10.29
dharma-mayena which is full of religious principlesSB 9.5.7
mukhyena with the chiefSB 3.19.6
mukhyena the origin of all activitiesSB 7.3.29
mukhyena with the bestSB 10.81.1-2
sva-bhṛtya-mukhyena by the best of His devoteesSB 11.17.8
mukhyena by the greatestSB 11.23.1
hayena mūrcchita becomes unconsciousCC Madhya 18.170
nahe yena bādha so that there will not be any difficultiesCC Madhya 11.120-121
nayena by logicSB 3.7.9
layena niścaya takes accountCC Antya 8.39
niścayena with firm determinationBG 6.24
nyāyena properlySB 11.17.51
paṇyena with the commoditySB 3.20.34
para-udayena by others' flourishing conditionSB 4.6.47
pāramahaṃsyena by the great liberated soulSB 2.9.18
pāti-vratyena because of her strong faith in her husbandSB 9.3.17
yena She getsCC Madhya 1.78
yena santoṣa gets very much pleasureCC Madhya 11.88
yena he getsCC Madhya 17.57
yena getsCC Antya 19.4
plakṣa-ākhyena by the island named PlakṣaSB 5.20.2
prādhānyena by a general description of the chief placesSB 5.16.4
praṇayena out of loveBG 11.41-42
praṇayena in loveSB 3.1.25
praṇayena and with loveSB 10.39.19
praṇayena out of affectionCC Madhya 19.199-200
praṇayena and by affectionCC Antya 19.45
prātilomyena in the reverse orderSB 5.23.6
pratyātmyena from his reflection (in water)SB 3.20.45
ātma-pratyayena by assuming me to be like himselfSB 5.8.16
prāyena almostCC Adi 1.77
pulastyena by the sage PulastyaSB 3.8.9
puṇya-udayena means of pious activitiesCC Antya 1.163
puṇyena whose pious activitiesSB 4.9.35
puru-dayena very mercifulSB 3.31.18
rāja-sūyena with a Rājasūya sacrificeSB 3.17.28
rājasūyena the sacrifice known as RājasūyaSB 9.14.4
rājasūyena known as RājasūyaSB 10.70.41
rājasūyena with the Rājasūya ritualSB 10.71.3
rājasūyena named RājasūyaSB 10.72.3
rājasūyena the RājasūyaSB 10.74.16
rājyena is the kingdomBG 1.32-35
sahāyena with a helperSB 8.6.22-23
sahāyena whose companionSB 10.47.49
sainyena by an armySB 10.58.34
samanvayena as a result of the different contacts (with different bodies)SB 11.7.42
samanvayena in each of them, one after anotherSB 11.28.20
samayena in due courseSB 3.1.8
samayena on the conditionsSB 3.22.19
sāmyena generallyBG 6.33
sāmyena because of Your equipoised positionSB 5.3.15
sāmyena because of your mental equilibriumSB 5.10.25
kāla-sāmyena by a suitable timeCC Antya 1.135
sat-sańgama-ākhyena known as association with devoteesCC Madhya 24.125
sāńketyena by concoction or with no basis of authority indicated by scriptureSB 5.14.29
sāńkhyena of philosophical discussionBG 13.25
sāńkhyena by the study of Sāńkhya philosophySB 4.31.12
yathā-sańkhyena by the same numberSB 5.1.33
sāńkhyena by philosophical speculationSB 11.12.9
sāńkhyena by analytic studySB 11.20.22
yena santoṣa gets very much pleasureCC Madhya 11.88
sat-sańgama-ākhyena known as association with devoteesCC Madhya 24.125
vitta-śāṭhyena by means of cheating someone of his wealthSB 5.14.35
satyena with truthSB 1.17.33
satyena unalloyedSB 3.27.6
satyena by the truthSB 6.8.31
savyena leftSB 3.19.9
savyena to the left sideSB 5.21.8-9
savyena leftSB 10.17.7
hṛt-śayena lusty desires within the mind of RāvaṇaSB 9.10.10
su-sevyena very easy to executeSB 3.33.10
śikhāyena He teachesCC Madhya 13.187
smayena by such prideSB 11.5.9
stanyena fed by the breast milkSB 4.8.18
steyena by thieverySB 5.26.19
su-sevyena very easy to executeSB 3.33.10
sūrya yena exactly like the sunCC Madhya 20.159
rāja-sūyena with a Rājasūya sacrificeSB 3.17.28
sva-bhṛtya-mukhyena by the best of His devoteesSB 11.17.8
svapna-aupamyena by the analogy of a dreamSB 9.19.26
śyena hawkSB 3.10.25
śyena-ādayaḥ birds such as the big eagleSB 5.23.3
śyena eaglesSB 5.24.6
śyena eaglesSB 6.6.27
śyena-vegam possessing the speed of a hawkSB 7.8.28
śyena on the backs of hawksSB 8.10.10-12
śyena of a hawkSB 10.44.21
syenajit SyenajitSB 9.21.23
śyenam a hawkSB 10.44.36
śyenayoḥ between two hawksSB 10.56.23
tāratamyena in different degreesSB 5.26.2
tāratamyena comparatively, more or lessSB 7.14.38
tāratamyena in different degreesCC Madhya 6.156
tāratamyena in different degreesCC Madhya 20.115
tārtīyena by excessive development of the third mode of material nature, the mode of ignoranceSB 3.6.29
yathā-tathyena in truthSB 11.16.2
toyena waterSB 8.24.13
toyena with waterSB 10.88.20
tvat anyena besides youBG 11.47
udayena with the manifestationSB 3.9.2
para-udayena by others' flourishing conditionSB 4.6.47
vayunā udayena by awakening of transcendental knowledge due to good association and study of the Vedic literaturesSB 5.11.15
puṇya-udayena means of pious activitiesCC Antya 1.163
kāma-upanayena by satisfyingSB 8.20.10
anadhigata-anya-upāyena who is not perceived by other meansSB 5.24.23
upāyena meansSB 7.1.32
upāyena meansSB 12.3.16
vādyena with the playing of musical instrumentsSB 10.62.2
vādyena and instrumental accompanimentSB 10.81.24
vailakṣaṇyena by the difference of appearanceSB 10.55.29
vājapeyena with a vājapeya sacrificeSB 4.3.3
vākyena wordsBG 3.2
guru-vākyena by the order of his spiritual masterSB 9.8.5-6
vākyena through the wordsSB 10.66.19
vākyena by wordsSB 11.26.16
vipra-vākyena by the words of the brāhmaṇaSB 12.5.10
vātsalyena by His transcendental affectionSB 5.7.9
vayunā udayena by awakening of transcendental knowledge due to good association and study of the Vedic literaturesSB 5.11.15
veda-mayena under complete Vedic wisdomSB 3.9.43
śyena-vegam possessing the speed of a hawkSB 7.8.28
vipra-vākyena by the words of the brāhmaṇaSB 12.5.10
vitta-śāṭhyena by means of cheating someone of his wealthSB 5.14.35
pāti-vratyena because of her strong faith in her husbandSB 9.3.17
vyāja-āhvayena by the false namesSB 2.7.34-35
vyathita-hṛdayena by a disturbed mindSB 5.14.21
vyavasāyena by determinationSB 7.3.20
vyavāyena sex indulgenceSB 2.1.3
yathā-sańkhyena by the same numberSB 5.1.33
yathā-tathyena in truthSB 11.16.2
yena goesCC Madhya 2.8
yena dhāñā he went very swiftlyCC Antya 6.172
ekā yāyena goes aloneCC Antya 10.138
yena was goingCC Antya 13.83
nahe yena bādha so that there will not be any difficultiesCC Madhya 11.120-121
kari yena so that I may doCC Madhya 12.3
sūrya yena exactly like the sunCC Madhya 20.159
14 results
yena indeclinable because how where
Frequency rank 3293/72933
gobalīvardanyāyena indeclinable an expression to denote when a pleonasm is allowed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 51577/72933
pratyenas noun (masculine) a surety (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
an officer of justice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
punisher of criminals (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the heir nearest of kin who is responsible for the debts of a deceased person (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 37285/72933
yathātathyena indeclinable in accordance with the truth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
really (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
truly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29782/72933
yathāsaṃkhyena indeclinable according to number
Frequency rank 62902/72933
vaijayāyenasa noun (masculine) name of a Gotra
Frequency rank 66664/72933
śyena noun (masculine) a hawk (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a horse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a kind of array (in battle) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a particular Ekāha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a particular part of the sacrificial victim (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
any bird of prey (esp. the eagle that brings down Soma to man) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
eagle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
falcon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
firewood laid in the shape of an eagle (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a ṣi (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Sāman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3490/72933
śyenaka noun (masculine) [zoo.] śyena
Frequency rank 68136/72933
śyenakapotīya adjective (the story) of the hawk and the pigeon (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 40177/72933
śyenagāmin noun (masculine) name of a Rākṣasa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 68137/72933
śyenaghaṇṭā noun (feminine) a kind of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 68138/72933
śyenacita noun (masculine) a particular Agni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 68139/72933
śyenajit noun (masculine) name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 68140/72933
sāmānyena indeclinable generally
Frequency rank 12277/72933


female hawk.


hyena, a carnivore animal.

Wordnet Search
"yena" has 15 results.


saṅghaśaḥ, ekībhūya, saṃbhūya, sambhūya, sākalyena, samūhataḥ   

samūhasya svarūpeṇa।

asyāḥ saṃsthāyāḥ padādhikārībhiḥ samūhataḥ tyāgapatraṃ dattam।


prakāśam, prakaṭam, prākaṭyena, vyaktam, suvyaktam, sphuṭam   

sarveṣāṃ purataḥ।

prakāśena tena svasya mataṃ pratipāditam।


adhaḥcaraḥ, apahārakaḥ, apahārikā, apahārakam, avahāraḥ, avāvan, avāvarī, ākhanikaḥ, ākhuḥ, āmoṣī, āmoṣi, kapāṭaghnaḥ, kapāṭaghnā, kapāṭaghnam, kambū, kalamaḥ, kavāṭaghnaḥ, kumbhīrakaḥ, kusumālaḥ, kharparaḥ, coraḥ, cauraḥ, corī, corakaḥ, caurī, caurikā, taḥ, takvān, taskaraḥ, tāyu, tṛpuḥ, dasmaḥ, dasmā, dasraḥ, drāvakaḥ, dhanaharaḥ, dhanahṛt, dhanahṛd, naktacāriḥ, naktacārī, nāgarakaḥ, parāskandī, parāskandi, parimoṣī, parimoṣiḥ, paṭaccaraḥ, pāṭṭacaraḥ, puraṃdaraḥ, pracuraḥ., pracurapuruṣaḥ, pratirodhakaḥ, pratirodhī, bandīkāraḥ, malimluḥ, malimluc, mallīkara, mācalaḥ, mīḍhuṣtamaḥ, mumuṣiṣuḥ, muṣkaḥ, mūṣakaḥ, moṣaḥ, moṣakaḥ, moṣṭā, rajanīcaraḥ, rātricaraḥ, rātryāṭaḥ, rikvān, ritakvān, ribhvān, rihāyaḥ, rerihāṇaḥ, laṭaḥ, luṇṭākaḥ, vaṭaraḥ, vanarguḥ, viloḍakaḥ, viloptā, stenaḥ, stainyaḥ, stāyuḥ, steyakṛt, steyakṛd, steyī, staunaḥ, styenaḥ, styainaḥ, srotasyaḥ, harikaḥ, hartā, hārakaḥ, hārītaḥ   

adatsya paradhanasya apahārakaḥ।

rakṣakaḥ corān daṇḍayati।


śyenaḥ, kravyādaḥ, krūraḥ, āpatikaḥ, nakhadāraṇaḥ, puṅkhaḥ, prājikaḥ, lambakarṇaḥ, vegī, śaśaghātakaḥ, śaśaghātī, śaśaghnī, sthūlanīlaḥ, patadbhīruḥ   

ekā khagajātiḥ। śyenena jhaṭiti mūṣakaḥ parigṛhītaḥ। /

śyenāḥ praśastāḥ prakṛtasvarāste



kvacit, kadācit, karhicit, viralam, vairalyena, yathākathāca   

sā kriyā yā niyamena na bhaviṣyati।

kvacid eva ahaṃ haṭṭaṃ gacchāmi।


bhūyaśaḥ, bāhulyena, bhūmnā, sāmānyataḥ   


bhūyaśaḥ bālakāḥ mugdhāḥ santi।


udāratayā, muktahastena, akārpaṇyena   


saḥ āplāvapīḍitebhyaḥ udāratayā dānaṃ dattavān।




śyenagāminaḥ varṇanaṃ rāmāyaṇe asti।


śyenaḥ, patrī, śaśādaḥ, śaśādanaḥ, kapotāriḥ, kravyādaḥ, krūraḥ, vegī, khagāntakaḥ, karagaḥ, lambakarṇaḥ, raṇapriyaḥ, raṇapakṣī, picchavāṇaḥ, sthūlanīlaḥ, bhayaṅkaraḥ, śaśaghātakaḥ, khagāntakaḥ, ghātipakṣī, nīlapicchaḥ, satkāṇḍaḥ, patadbhīruḥ, grāhakaḥ, mārakaḥ   

pakṣiviśeṣaḥ-yaḥ bhāratadeśe sarvatra dṛśyate।

śyenaḥ kākasadṛśaḥ śvetodaraḥ nīlapṛṣṭhavān asti।



lāosadeśasya rājadhānī।

vīyenatiyenanagarasya bahiḥ visphoṭasya vārtā śrūyate।



paurāṇikaḥ ṛṣiviśeṣaḥ।

śyenasya varṇanaṃ ṛgvede prāpyate।


yathā, yatprakāreṇa, yena prakāreṇa   

yena prakāreṇa।

bhavān yathā vakti tad na samyak asti।



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

śyenacitrasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

śyenajitaḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti


cakradantī, dantī, śīghrā, śyenaghaṇṭā, nikumbhī, nāgasphotā, dantinī, upacitrā, bhadrā, rūkṣā, recanī, anukūlā, niḥśalyā, viśalyā, madhupuṣpā, eraṇḍaphalā, taruṇī, eraṇḍapatrikā, aṇurevatī, viśodhanī, kumbhī, uḍumbaradalā   

ekaḥ kṣupaḥ asyā guṇāḥ kaṭutvam uṣṇatvam śūlāmatvagdoṣārśovraṇāśmarī-śalyaśodhanatvam dīpanatvañca ।

cakradantī kośe varṇitā asti

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