yava | m. the first half of a month (generally in plural; according to to commentator or commentary equals pūrva-pakṣāḥ-;also written yāva-)  |
yava | mfn. (1. yu-) warding off, averting  |
yava | m. barley (in the earliest times, prob. any grain or corn yielding flour or meal; plural barley-corns) etc.  |
yava | m. a barley-corn (either as a measure of length = 1/6 or 1/8 of an aṅgula- ;or as a weight = 6 or 12 mustard seeds = 1/2 guñjā- )  |
yava | m. any grain of seed or seed corn  |
yava | m. (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to indicate good fortune)  |
yava | m. Name of a particular astronomy yoga- (when the favourable planets are situated in the 4th and 10th mansions and the unfavourable ones in the 1st and 7th)  |
yava | m. speed, velocity (prob. wrong reading for java-) ; a double convex lens [ confer, compare Zend yava; Greek ; Lithuanian javai4.]  |
yavabusa | n. the husk of barley  |
yavabusaka | mfn. (to be paid) at the time of producing chaff from barley (as a debt)  |
yavacaturthī | f. a sort of game played on the 4th day in the light half of the month vaiśākha- (when people throw barley-meal over one another)  |
yavacūrṇa | n. barley-meal  |
yavadvīpa | m. the island yava- (varia lectio jala-d-)  |
yavagaṇḍa | m. equals yuva-gaṇḍa- (q.v)  |
yavagodhūmaja | mfn. produced from barley and wheat  |
yavagodhūmavat | mfn. sown with barley and wheat  |
yavagrīva | mfn. having a neck like a barley-corn  |
yavaja | m. equals -kṣāra-  |
yavaja | m. Ptychotis Ajowan  |
yavaka | mfn. being of the nature of barley gaRa sthūlādi-  |
yavaka | m. barley  |
yavakhada | gaRa vrīhy-ādi-.  |
yavakhadika | mfn. (fr. -khada-)  |
yavakhala | m. a barn-floor  |
yavakoṭi | f. equals yama-k-  |
yavakoṭī | f. equals yama-k-  |
yavakrī | m. a buyer or purchaser of barley  |
yavakrī | m. equals next  |
yavakrin | m. equals -krīta-  |
yavakrīta | m. "purchased with barley", Name of a son of bharad-vāja-  |
yavakṣā | f. Name of a river  |
yavakṣāra | m. an alkali prepared from the ashes of burnt green barley-corns  |
yavakṣetra | n. a field of barley  |
yavakṣoda | m. barley-meal  |
yavakya | mfn. sown with barley  |
yavalaka | (?) m. a species of bird  |
yavalāsa | m. nitre, saltpetre  |
yavamadhya | mf(ā-)n. (y/ava--) being like a barleycorn in the middle id est broad in the centre and thin or tapering at the, ends etc.  |
yavamadhya | m. a particular pañca-rātra-  |
yavamadhya | m. a kind of drum  |
yavamadhyā | f. a kind of metre  |
yavamadhya | n. a particular measure of length  |
yavamadhya | n. a kind of cāndrāyaṇa-, on  |
yavamadhyama | m. a particular measure of length,  |
yavamadhyama | n. a kind of cāndrāyaṇa- or lunar penance  |
yavamaṇi | m. a particular amulet  |
yavamardana | n. a barn-floor commentator or commentary  |
yavamat | mfn. (y/ava--) containing barley, mixed with barley etc.  |
yavamat | m. one who cultivates grain  |
yavamat | m. Name of a gandharva-  |
yavamat | m. of the author of  |
yavamat | n. abundance of grain  |
yavamatī | f. (atī-) a kind of metre  |
yavamātra | mfn. of the size of a barley-corn  |
yavamatya | Nom. P. yati-, = yava-mān ivācarati-  |
yavamaya | mf(ī-)n. consisting of barley, made of barley  |
yavamuṣṭi | mf. a handful of barley  |
yavan | m. idem or 'm. the first half of a month (generally in plural; according to to commentator or commentary equals pūrva-pakṣāḥ-;also written yāva-) '  |
yavana | mfn. (1. yu-) keeping away, averting (See dveṣo-y/avana-).  |
yavana | n. (2. yu-) mixing, mingling (especially with water)  |
yavana | mfn. quick, swift  |
yavana | m. a swift horse (prob. wrong reading for javana-).  |
yavana | wrong reading for paijavana-  |
yavana | m. an Ionian, Greek (or a king of the Greeks gaRa kambojādi-;in later times also a Muhammadan or European, any foreigner or barbarian) etc.  |
yavana | m. Name of a caste (according to to "the legitimate son of a kṣatriya- and a vaiśyā-"or"an ugra- who is an elephant catcher") of a country (equals yavana-deśa-,sometimes applied to Ionia, Greece, Bactria, and more recently to Arabia)  |
yavana | m. wheat  |
yavana | m. a carrot  |
yavana | m. olibanum  |
yavana | m. plural the Ionians, Greeks (especially the Greek astrologers) etc.  |
yavana | m. Name of a dynasty  |
yavana | f. equals javanī-, a curtain  |
yavana | n. salt from saline soil  |
yavanācārya | m. Name of an astronomer (also called yavaneśvara-, author of various works;perhaps any Greek astronomer)  |
yavanadeśa | m. the country of the yavana-s  |
yavanadeśaja | mfn. growing or produced in the country of the Yavanas  |
yavanadeśaja | mfn. styrax or benzoin  |
yavanadeśodbhava | mfn. born in the country of the Yavanas,  |
yavanadviṣṭa | n. "disliked by Yavanas", bdellium  |
yavanahorā | f. Name of work  |
yavanajātaka | n. Name of work  |
yavanaka | m. a particular kind of grain  |
yavanāla | m. Andropogon Bicolor or Sorghum  |
yavanāla | m. barley-straw (?)  |
yavanālaja | m. an alkali made from the ashes of the above plant (see yava-kṣāra-).  |
yavanamatagolādhyāya | m. Name of work  |
yavanamuṇḍa | m. a bald Yavanas, one with a shaven head gaRa mayuravyaṃsakādi-.  |
yavanānī | f. the writing of the yavana-s Va1rtt. 3  |
yavanapriya | n. "dear to Yavanas", pepper  |
yavanapura | n. "city of Yavanas", (prob.) Alexandria  |
yavanāri | m. "enemy of the Yavanas", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
yavanāri | m. of a king of vārāṇasī-  |
yavanasāra | m. Name of work  |
yavanaśāstremalapraśna | m. Name of work  |
yavanasena | m. Name of a man  |
yavaneṣṭa | m. "liked by Yavanas", a kind of onion or garlic  |
yavaneṣṭa | m. Azadirachta Indica  |
yavaneṣṭā | f. the wild date tree  |
yavaneṣṭa | n. lead  |
yavaneṣṭa | n. an onion  |
yavaneṣṭa | n. pepper  |
yavaneśvara | m. Name of a prince of the Yavanas  |
yavaneśvara | m. of an astronomer (See yavanācārya-).  |
yavanī | f. the wife of a yavana-, a Greek or Muhammadan woman (yavana- girls were formerly employed as attendants on kings, especially to take charge of their bows and quivers)  |
yavanikā | f. a yavana- woman (varia lectio)  |
yavanikā | f. a screen of cloth or a veil (see javanikā-).  |
yavanīyaramalaśāstra | n. Name of work  |
yavapāla | m. one who guards a barley-field  |
yavaphala | m. (only ) the bamboo cane  |
yavaphala | m. Nardostachys Jatamansi  |
yavaphala | m. Wrightia Antidysenterica  |
yavaphala | m. Ficus Infectoria  |
yavaphala | m. an onion (?).  |
yavapiṣṭa | n. barley-meal (plural)  |
yavapiṣṭaka | m. barley-cake  |
yavaprakhyā | f. a particular eruption or small tumour like a barley-corn |
yavapraroha | m. a shoot or ear of barley  |
yavasa | m. n. grass, fodder, pasturage  |
yavasād | mfn. eating grass, grazing, pasturing  |
yavasāhva | See under yavasa-.  |
yavasāhva | m. Ptychotis Ajowan  |
yavasaktu | m. plural barley-groats  |
yavasamuṣṭi | mf. a handful of grass  |
yavasānnodakendhana | n. grass, corn, water and fuel  |
yavasaprathama | (y/avasa--) mfn. beginning with or depending on good pasturage, well-nurtured (according to to ,"first or best of all kinds of food")  |
yavaśasya | (for -sasya-) n. a species of corn  |
yavasin | See sū-yavas/in-, sū-yavasy/u-.  |
yavaśiras | mfn. having a head shaped like a grain of barley commentator or commentary  |
yavasodaka | n. dual number grass and water  |
yavaśūka | m. equals -kṣāra- q.v  |
yavaśūkaja | m. equals -kṣāra- q.v  |
yavasurā | f. an intoxicating drink prepared from barley-meal  |
yavasyu | See sū-yavas/in-, sū-yavasy/u-.  |
yavatiktā | f. a species of plant  |
yavavaktra | mf(ā-)n. having a head or point like a grain of barley  |
yavavelā | f. the time of the barley-harvest  |
yavaya | Nom. fr. yuvan- P. yavayati-  |
yavayasa | m. Name of a son of idhmajihva- and (n.) of the varṣa- in plakṣa-dvīpa- ruled by him  |
yavayāvan | m. one who keeps off or averts  |
yavayu | mfn. desiring corn  |
abhayavacana | n. ([ ]) ([ ]) assurance of safety.  |
ābhimanyava | m. a descendant of abhi-manyu-  |
abhipratyavaruh | to step down upon (accusative)  |
abhivānyavatsā | ([ ]) ([ ]) f. cow who suckles an adopted calf (see also ni-vāny/ā-,etc.)  |
abhyavacar | (subjunctive 3. plural -c/arān-) to approach, assail : Causal (Opt. -cārayet-) to send away  |
abhyavadā | to place into (locative case)  |
abhyavadā | to cut off in addition to  |
abhyavadānya | (or -d/ānya-) mfn. depriving of (genitive case)  |
abhyavadhā | (perf. Passive voice p. -hita-) to allay, lay (as dust)  |
abhyavadugdha | mfn. that upon which milk has been milked  |
abhyavagāh | Caus. to ride or walk (horses) into the ford commentator or commentary on  |
abhyavagāh | to enter,  |
abhyavahāra | m. taking food  |
abhyavahāra | food,  |
abhyavaharaṇa | n. throwing away or down  |
abhyavaharaṇa | n. taking food, eating commentator or commentary on  |
abhyavahāravahṛta | mfn. eaten,  |
ābhyavahārika | mfn. (fr. abhy-avahāra-), supporting life, belonging to livelihood  |
abhyavahārin | See satṛṇābh-.  |
abhyavahārya | mfn. eatable and commentator or commentary  |
abhyavahārya | n. ([ ]) or (āṇi-) n. plural ([ ]) food, eating.  |
abhyavahṛ | to throw down into water (accusative; ap/aḥ-or samudr/am-or hrad/am-) (see abhy-ava-nī-) ; to bring near ; to take food, eat : Causal to cause to throw down (into water) ; to attack (as an enemy) ; to take food, eat ; to cause to eat  |
abhyavajval | Caus. -jvālayate-, to enlighten, illumine  |
abhyavakarṣaṇa | n. ( kṛṣ-), extraction, drawing out  |
abhyavakāśa | m. ( kāś-), an open space.  |
ābhyavakāśika | mfn. (fr. abhy-avakāśa-), living in the open air  |
abhyavakīrṇa | mfn. covered  |
abhyavakṝ | (Passive voice 3. plural -kīryante-) to throw or cast on, pour on, cover  |
abhyavakrand | to call out towards (accusative)  |
abhyavaman | -manyate-, to despise, reject  |
abhyavanam | Caus. (ind.p. -nāmya-) to bow, incline  |
abhyavanī | to lead down (into water) ; (perf. -nināya-) to pour into or upon (accusative)  |
abhyavanij | P. -nenekti-, to wipe or wash, clean ; (Aorist A1.1. sg. -nikṣi-) : Causal to cause to wash  |
abhyavapat | to fly near  |
abhyavapāta | m. gravitation, .  |
abhyavaruh | to step down upon ; (perf. p. -rūḍhavat-)  |
abhyavaskand | (ind.p. -skandya-) to jump down or into ; to meet, encounter |
abhyavaskanda | m. impetuous assault  |
abhyavaskanda | judgment,  |
abhyavaskandana | n. impetuous assault  |
abhyavasṛ | (ind.p. -sṛtya-) to retire from (ablative) towards (accusative)  |
abhyavasṛj | (1. p. -sṛjāmi-) to dismiss towards (accusative) ; to dismiss (as rays) ; to throw, shoot (as arrows)  |
abhyavasthita | mfn. resisting (with accusative)  |
abhyavasyand | to drive (on a carriage) towards  |
abhyavatan | -tanoti-, to send out or spread (as rays instrumental case) towards (accusative) : Passive voice (3. plural -tāyante-) to be sent out or spread (as rays) towards (accusative)  |
abhyavavṛt | A1. (Opt. 3. pl -v/arteran-) to turn one's self away from (ablative) : Causal P. to turn towards or to this side  |
abhyucchrayavat | mfn. having a great elevation, being higher than (ablative)  |
ācāryavacasa | n. the word of the holy teacher  |
ācāryavat | (ācāry/a--) mfn. one who has a teacher  |
ādhvaryava | mf(ī-)n. (fr. adhvaryu-), belonging to the adhvaryu- (= yajur-veda-)  |
ādhvaryava | n. the office of an adhvaryu- priest  |
adhyavahan | to thrash upon  |
adhyavahanana | mfn. serving as an implement on which anything is thrashed  |
adhyavarah | to step downwards upon  |
adhyavasāna | n. attempt, effort, exertion  |
adhyavasāna | n. energy, perseverance  |
adhyavasāna | n. determining  |
adhyavasāna | n. (in rhetoric) concise and forcible language.  |
adhyavasāya | m. idem or 'n. (in rhetoric) concise and forcible language.'  |
adhyavasāya | m. (in philosophy) mental effort, apprehension.  |
adhyavasāya | clinging to (earthly things),  |
adhyavasāyayukta | mfn. resolute.  |
adhyavasāyin | mfn. resolute.  |
adhyavasāyita | mfn. attempted.  |
adhyavaseya | mfn. only to be conceived in the mind,  |
adhyavasita | mfn. ascertained, determined, apprehended.  |
adhyavasiti | f. exertion, effort.  |
adhyavaso | cl.4 P. -syati-, to undertake, attempt, accomplish ; to determine, consider, ascertain. |
ādityavallabhā | f. equals -parṇikā-  |
ādityavani | mfn. winning (the favour of) the āditya-s  |
ādityavardhana | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a Kanouj king,  |
ādityavarman | m. "having the sun (the āditya-s?) as protector", Name of a king  |
ādityavarṇa | mfn. having the sun's colour  |
ādityavarṇa | m. Name of a man.  |
ādityavat | ind. like the sun  |
ādityavat | (ādity/a--) mfn. surrounded by the āditya-s  |
agriyavat | mfn.  |
agriyavat | f. vatī- (scilicet ṛc-), Name of the hymn ṛg-- veda- ix, 62, 25, quoted in  |
āhatyavacana | n. an explicit or energetic explanation.  |
ahavyavah | m(Nominal verb -vāṭ-)fn. not offering a sacrifice  |
ahiraṇyava | mfn. possessing no golden ornaments,  |
ahiraṇyavat | (/a-h-) mfn. having no gold  |
aindravāyava | mfn. belonging or relating to indra- and vāyu-  |
aiśvaryavat | mfn. possessing power or supremacy  |
aiśvaryavat | mfn. possessed of or connected with superhuman powers. |
ājamāyava | n. (fr. aj/a-māyu-), Name of a sāman-  |
ajātavyavahāra | m. having no experience of business, a minor, a youth under fifteen.  |
ajayavarman | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king,  |
akṣayavaṭa | m. "undecaying Banyan", Name (also title or epithet) of a very ancient sacred tree, .  |
ālasyavat | mfn. idle, lazy, slothful,  |
āmahīyava | m. (fr. amahīyu-?) , Name of a ṛṣi-  |
āmahīyava | n. Name of several sāman-s.  |
anabhyavacāruka | mf(ā-)n. not attacking  |
anabhyavacāruka | mfn. not rushing against,  |
anadhyavasita | mfn. irresolute,  |
ananyavandin | mfn. not praising anybody else,  |
anapatyavat | (/anapatya--) mfn. childless  |
anārabhyavada | m. a detached remark (upon sacrifices, etc.)  |
aṅghryavanejana | mf(ī-)n. washing the feet  |
aṅghryavanejana | fit for washing the feet, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
aṅghryavanejanatva | (n.)  |
aṅkapāśavyavahāra | m. the use of that concatenation.  |
antaravayava | m. an inner limb or participle  |
antyavarṇa | mf(ā-) a man or woman of the last tribe, a śūdra-.  |
anupalakṣyavartman | mfn. having ways that cannot be traced.  |
anuśayavat | mfn. equals anu-śayin-.  |
anuvākyavat | ([ ]) ([ ]) mfn. furnished or accompanied with an anuvākyā-.  |
anuvyavagā | cl.3 P. -jigāti-, to come between in succession to another  |
anuvyavaso | to perceive.  |
anuyavam | ind. like barley, (gaRa parimukhādi-, q.v)  |
anvabhyavacar | to come near,  |
anvabhyavacāram | ind. creeping after,  |
anvayavat | mfn. having a connection (as a consequence), following, agreeing with  |
anvayavat | mfn. belonging to race or family  |
anvayavat | ind. in connection with, in the sight of  |
anyavarṇa | (any/a--) mf(ā-)n. having another colour.  |
anyāyavartin | mfn. acting unjustly  |
anyāyavartin | mfn. following evil courses.  |
apacyava | m. pushing away  |
apasavyavat | mfn. having the sacred thread over the right shoulder  |
apāśrayavat | mfn. having a support in (instrumental case or compound),  |
apatyavat | (/apatya--) mfn. possessed of offspring  |
apavyavastha | mfn. unsettled, changing,  |
apivānyavatsā | equals abhivānyā- q.v  |
apivānyavatsā | ([ ]) f. cow who suckles an adopted calf (see also ni-vāny/ā-,etc.)  |
aprāptavyavahāra | mfn. a minor in law  |
aprāptavyavahāra | mfn. under age, not of years to engage in law or public business.  |
āprītimāyava | (mfn. belonging to the above place )  |
araṇyavastuka | m. Name of a plant.  |
araṇyavat | ind. like a wilderness  |
ārogyavat | mfn. healthy  |
ārṣeyavat | mfn. connected with sacred descent  |
arthavyavahāra | m. a pecuniary suit, , Scholiast or Commentator  |
āryava | n. honourable behaviour, honesty  |
āryavajra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a grammarian,  |
āryavarman | m. Name of a king  |
aryavarya | m. a vaiśya- of rank  |
asadṛśavyavahārin | mfn. behaving improperly.  |
asadvyavahāra | mfn. and m. equals -ācāra- mfn. and m.  |
asadvyavahārin | mfn. equals -ācārin-.  |
asahāyavat | mfn. without companions  |
asaṃcayavat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having no provisions '  |
asaṃvyavahārya | mfn. with whom intercourse is forbidden  |
asaṃvyavahitam | ind. with out interval, immediately  |
āśrayavat | mfn. having help or support commentator or commentary on  |
āsyavairasya | n. bad taste in the mouth,  |
atiśayavat | mfn. excessive,  |
ātithyavat | mfn. mentioning hospitality  |
atiyava | m. a sort of barley.  |
atyavasṛj | to let loose, let go.  |
auccāmanyava | m. a descendant of uccāmanyu-  |
audanyava | m. (fr. udanyu-) idem or 'm. (fr. udanya-), Name of the ṛṣi- muṇḍibha- '  |
aupamanyava | m. a descendant of upa-manyu-  |
aupamanyava | m. plural Name of a school belonging to the yajur-veda-. |
aurṇāyava | n. (fr. ūrṇāyu-), Name of a sāman-  |
autkaṇṭhyavat | mfn. desirous, longing for  |
autsukyavat | mfn. impatient, waiting impatiently for (dative case)  |
avadyavat | (avady/a-.) mfn. disgraceful, lamentable  |
avayava | etc. See ava-yu-.  |
avayava | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) a limb, member, part, portion  |
avayava | m. a member or component part of a logical argument or syllogism etc.  |
avayavadharma | m. the property or quality of a part  |
avayavarūpaka | n. a simile by which two things are only compared with regard to their parts  |
avayavaśas | ind. part by part  |
avīryavat | (/a-vīrya--) mfn. weak, powerless  |
avyavaccheda | m. uninterruptedness  |
avyavacchinna | mfn. uninterrupted and (together with s/aṃtata-)  |
avyavacchinnam | ind. or in compound avyavaccihinna-- ([ ]) uninterruptedly.  |
avyavadhāna | n. non-interruption, contiguity  |
avyavadhāna | n. non-separation commentator or commentary on  |
avyavadhāna | mfn. uninterrupted  |
avyavadhāna | mfn. without a cover (as the ground)  |
avyavahāra | m. improper conduct or practice,  |
avyavahārya | mfn. not to be practised  |
avyavahārya | mfn. not to be discussed in law, unactionable  |
avyavahita | mfn. not separated, adjoining, contiguous etc. |
avyavahita | mfn. uninterrupted (as worship)  |
avyavahita | mfn. separated by the letter a  |
avyavahita | See a-vyavadhāna-.  |
avyavahṛta | mfn. (= hārya-),  |
avyavalambin | mfn. unsupported, not sure-footed,  |
avyavasāyin | mfn. inactive, negligent, remiss  |
avyavasita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. inactive, negligent, remiss '  |
avyavasraṃsa | m. not falling asunder  |
avyavasta | mfn. (sta-for sita-?, sī-), not tied or fastened  |
avyavastha | mfn. irregular, without rule  |
avyavastha | not lasting or enduring,  |
avyavasthā | f. irregularity.  |
avyavasthā | f. unsettled state,  |
avyavasthita | mfn. not conformable to law or Practice  |
avyavasthita | mfn. not in due order, unmethodical.  |
avyavasthita | unsettled, uncertain,  |
avyayavat | mfn. consisting of an indeclinable word  |
ayava | m. the dark half of the month  |
ayava | mfn. producing bad or no barley and 172  |
ayava | m. Name of one of the seven species of worms in the intestines |
āyava | n. (fr. āyu-), Name of a sāman-.  |
ayavaka | mfn. producing bad or no barley and 174  |
ayavan | m. ([ ]) ri. ([ ]) idem or 'm. the dark half of the month '  |
āyavan | m. the dark half of the month (see ayava-.)  |
āyavana | See under ā-- 2. yu-.  |
āyavana | n. a spoon (or similar instrument) for stirring  |
ayavas | n. ([ ]) idem or 'm. ([ ]) ri. ([ ]) idem or 'm. the dark half of the month ' '  |
āyavas | n. equals /āyavan- above.  |
āyavasa | m. Name of a king ([ ])  |
ayavat | mfn. happy  |
ayavat | See /aya-.  |
āyuṣyavat | mfn. long-lived  |
bāhyavastu | n. external wealth or riches  |
bhadrayava | n. the seed of Wrightia Antidysenterica  |
bhāgyavaiṣamya | n. ( ) bad fortune, calamity.  |
bhāgyavaśāt | ind. from the force or influence of destiny, through fate  |
bhāgyavat | mfn. having good qualities or fortune, happy, prosperous,  |
bhāgyavattā | f. happiness, prosperity  |
bhakṣyavastu | n. edible matter, victuals, viands  |
bhārapratyavara | mfn. (actions) lowest by reason of the bearing of loads  |
bhāyavaśānti | (?) f. Name of work  |
bhinnavyavakalita | n. subtraction of fractions  |
bhrātṛvyavat | (bhr/ā-) mfn. having rivals,  |
bhṛṣṭayava | m. fried barley or rice  |
bhṛtyavarga | m. "servant-class", the whole number of any one's servant, household  |
bhūgolavyavasthātantroktā | f. Name of work  |
bhuvanacyava | mfn. shaking the world  |
bisakisalayacchedapatheyavat | mfn. having pieces of fibres of young lotus as provisions for a journey  |
brahmacaryavat | mfn. leading the life of an unmarried religious student, practising chastity  |
brahmavyavahāra | m. Name of work  |
brāhmīśāntyavadhānakrama | m. Name of work  |
buddhakāyavarṇapariniṣpattyabhinirhārā | f. a particular dhāraṇī-  |
buddhyavajñāna | n. disregard or contempt of any one's understanding  |
campakavyavahārikathā | f. Name of a tale (about the merchant Campaka).  |
candrodayavarṇana | n. description of moon-rise  |
caturaṅgulaparyavanaddha | mfn. overgrown with that plant  |
caturviṃśatyavatāracaritra | n. "history of the 24 incarnations", Name of a work by naraharadāsa-  |
caturvyavasitayamaka | n. a kind of yamaka- (in which the four quarters of a stanza are homophonous),  |
chāyāvyavahāra | m. measuring the shadow cast by the sun on the dial.  |
citivyavahāra | m. calculation of the cubic measure of a pile.  |
cyava | va-tāna- See 2. cyu-.  |
cyava | mfn. See bhuvana-cyav/a-.  |
cyavana | etc. See  |
cyavana | mfn. moving, moved,  |
cyavana | mfn. causing to move, shaking  |
cyavana | mfn. promoting delivery (a mantra-)  |
cyavana | m. one who causes to move, shaker  |
cyavana | m. Name of a demon causing diseases  |
cyavana | m. (later form for cy/avāna-) Name of a ṛṣi- (son of bhṛgu-, author of ) (father of ṛcīka-, xiii, 207) etc.  |
cyavana | m. of an astronomer  |
cyavana | m. of a physician  |
cyavana | m. of the author of a law-book (See -smṛti-) Introd.  |
cyavana | m. of a saptarṣi- in the 2nd manv-antara- (varia lectio for niś-cy-)  |
cyavana | m. of a son (of su-hotra-, 1803 ;of mitrāyu-, 1)  |
cyavana | n. motion  |
cyavana | n. the being deprived of (in compound) falling from any divine existence for being re-born as a man |
cyavana | n. dying  |
cyavana | n. trickling, flowing  |
cyavana | n. see duś-cyavan/a-.  |
cyavanadharma | mfn. destined to sink down in the series of re-births  |
cyavanadharman | mfn. destined to fall from any divine existence (so as to be re-born as a man)  |
cyavanadharmin | mfn. destined to fall from any divine existence (so as to be re-born as a man)  |
cyavananahuṣasaṃvāda | m. "discussion between cyavana- and nahuṣa-", Name of  |
cyavanaprāśa | m. Name of an electuary (see cyāvana-)  |
cyavanasamāgama | m. Name of  |
cyavanasmṛti | f. Name of work  |
cyavanopākhyāna | n. "tale of cyavana-", Name of and of  |
cyavas | n. "motion." See tṛṣu-cy/av-.  |
cyavatāna | (cy/av-) m. Name of a man  |
dākṣiṇyavaddara | mfn. having a kind wife  |
dākṣiṇyavat | mfn. amiable, kind  |
daṇḍapāruṣyavat | mfn. inflicting harsh punishment  |
daṇḍāvayava | m. equals ānīka-  |
daśadaśāvayava | mfn. containing 10 parts each  |
daśadigyavalokana | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
daśāvayava | m. Name (also title or epithet) of śiva-,  |
dehacatuṣṭayavyavasthālakṣaṇa | n. Name of work  |
deśakālavyavasthita | mfn. regulated by place and time  |
deśavyavahāra | m. custom or usage of a country  |
deśīyavarāḍī | f. equals śī-v-  |
dhairyavat | ( ) mfn. possessed of firmness or patience, firm, steady.  |
dhānyavani | (?) a heap of grain  |
dhānyavapana | n. "grain-sowing", Name of chapter of  |
dhānyavardhana | n. usury with grain  |
dhānyavat | mfn. rich in grain  |
dhānyavat | ind. like grain  |
dharmādharmavyavasthā | f. Name of work  |
dharmavyavasthā | m. judicial decision, decisive sentence  |
dhiṣṇyavat | mfn. having a dhiṣṇya- or side-altar,  |
dhuryavat | ind. like a beast of burden  |
dityavah | m. (in strong cases vāh- Nominal verb vāṭ-; instrumental case dityauhā-)  |
dityavah | f. tyauhī- ( ) a two-year-old steer or cow (Prob. from ditya- equals dvitīya-+ vah- see turya-vah-.)  |
divyavarmabhṛt | mfn. wearing divine armour  |
divyavastra | m. "divinely dressed", a kind of flower (equals sūryaśobhā-)  |
dravyavardhana | m. Name of an author  |
dravyavat | mfn. inherent in the substance  |
dravyavat | mfn. rich, wealthy,  |
dravyavattva | n. wealth, opulence  |
duradhyavasāya | m. a bad or foolish beginning  |
durvyavahāra | m. wrong judgement (in law)  |
durvyavahṛti | f. ill-report or rumour  |
durvyavasita | n. an evil intention  |
durvyavasthāpaka | mfn. deciding or judging badly  |
duryavanam | ind. bad for or with the yavana-s |
duścyavana | mfn. difficult to be felled, unshaken  |
duścyavana | m. Name of indra-  |
dveṣoyavana | ( ) ( ) mfn. removing hostility.  |
dvīpavyavasthā | f. Name of work  |
dvitīyavat | (t/īya-v-) mfn. having a second or companion, accompanied by (instrumental case)  |
dvitīyavayas | mfn. having arrived at the 2nd period of life  |
dvyavara | mfn. at least two,  |
ekaśarīrāvayava | m. a descendant in right line, kinsman by blood  |
ekaśarīrāvayavatva | n. consanguineous descent or connexion.  |
ekāvayava | mfn. made up of the same members or constituent parts.  |
ekavyavasāyin | mfn. following the same employment.  |
gauḍavyavahāranirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
gauṇasādhyavasānā | f. (scilicet lakṣaṇā-) a kind of ellipse  |
gomayapāyasīyanyāyavat | ind. "in the manner of cow-dung and of milky food" id est very different in nature though having the same origin  |
grāhyavat | mfn. equals -gir-  |
grāmyavallabhā | f. Beta bengalensis  |
gṛhyavat | mfn. having many adherents or partisans  |
haritayava | m. green barley  |
harmyavalabhī | f. equals -tala-  |
haryavana | m. Name of a son of kṛta-  |
hāuyavadārasṛt | and hāuhuvaivā-sāman- n. Name of sāman-s  |
havyakavyavaha | mfn. receiving both oblations (see above) conveying both oblations  |
havyavah | m. (Nominal verb v/āṭ-) bearing the oblation (to the gods)  |
havyavah | m. fire or the god of fire  |
havyavaha | m. fire  |
hemantapratyavarohaṇa | n. redescending into winter (a kind of ceremony)  |
hiraṇyava | m. the property of a god or of a temple (= deva-sva-)  |
hiraṇyava | m. golden ornament (see s/uand a-h- additions)  |
hiraṇyavakṣas | (hīraṇya--) mfn. golden-breasted, holding gold (as the earth)  |
hiraṇyavandhura | (hiraṇya--.) mfn. having a golden seat or frame with golden lustre, ,  |
hiraṇyavarman | m. "having golden armour", Name of a king  |
hiraṇyavarṇa | mf(ā-)n. (hiraṇya--.) golden-coloured, golden-like etc.  |
hiraṇyavarṇa | mf(ā-)n. containing the word hiraṇya-varṇa- (as a verse) |
hiraṇyavarṇā | f. a river  |
hiraṇyavarṇīya | mfn. beginning with hiraṇya-varṇa-  |
hiraṇyavarṣa | m. Name of a man  |
hiraṇyavartani | (h/iraṇya--) mfn. having a golden path  |
hiraṇyavat | mfn. (h/iraṇya--) possessing gold  |
hiraṇyavat | mfn. consisting of gold  |
hiraṇyavat | mfn. connected with gold  |
hiraṇyavat | m. Name of agni-  |
hiraṇyavat | n. the possession of gold  |
hiraṇyavatī | f. (atī-) Name of ujjayinī- in the third age  |
hiraṇyavatī | f. of a river  |
hiraṇyavatī | f. of various women  |
hṛcchayavardhana | mfn. augmenting love  |
hṛdayavallabha | m. the beloved of the heart,  |
hṛdayavat | mfn. having a heart, tender-hearted, kind  |
hutahavyavaha | m. Name of a son of dhara-  |
indrayava | n. indra-'s grain  |
indrayava | n. the seed of the Wrightia Antidysenterica  |
indriyavarga | m. the assemblage of organs, the organs of sense collectively.  |
indriyavat | mfn. having senses  |
indriyavat | mfn. (See also indriyā-vat-.)  |
janavyavahāra | m. popular practice or usage |
jayavaha | mfn. conferring victory  |
jayavana | n. Name of a locality  |
jayavardhana | m. Name of a poet, .  |
jayavarmadeva | m. Name of a king.  |
jayavarman | m. Name of a man  |
jayavat | mfn. victorious  |
jayavatī | f. Name of a surāṅganā- |
jītavyavahārasūtra | n. Name of a Jain text.  |
kākatālīyavat | ind. as in the fable of the crow and the palm-fruit, unexpectedly, suddenly  |
kākayava | m. barren corn (the ear of which has no grains)  |
kālayavana | m. Name of a prince of the yavana-s  |
kālayavana | m. of a tyrannical asura- (the foe of kṛṣṇa-, destroyed by him by a stratagem)  |
kālayavana | m. Name of a dvīpa-  |
kaliṅgayava | m. idem or 'n. the seed of Wrightia antidysenteria '  |
kalyavarta | m. a morning meal, any light meal  |
kalyavarta | n. anything light, a trifle, trivial matter  |
kalyavarta | n. (Prakritkalla-vatta.)  |
kaṇṭhyavarṇa | m. a guttural sound or letter.  |
kapaṭadaityavadha | m. Name of a section of the gaṇeśa-purāṇa-.  |
kārṣyavaṇa | n. a forest of Shorea robusta  |
kāryavaśa | m. "the force of a reason"  |
kāryavaśāt | ind. ablative for some reason  |
kāryavastu | n. anything that has to be done, aim, object  |
kāryavat | mfn. having any business or duty, engaged in a business etc.  |
kāryavat | mfn. having a cause or motive  |
kāryavat | mfn. pursuing a certain purpose (-tā-)  |
kāryavat | mfn. the state of being engaged in a work  |
kāryavattā | f. any business or affair  |
kāryavattva | n. idem or 'f. any business or affair '  |
kaṣāyavaktratā | f. contraction of the mouth,  |
kaṣāyavasana | n. the yellowish-red garment of Buddhist mendicants (forming with head-shaving their distinctive badge, see kaṣāya- n.above, and kāṣāya-v-)  |
kāṣāyavasana | mf(ā-)n. equals -vāsas-  |
kāṣāyavasanā | f. a widow  |
kaṣāyavastra | n. idem or 'n. the yellowish-red garment of Buddhist mendicants (forming with head-shaving their distinctive badge, see kaṣāya- n.above, and kāṣāya-v-) '  |
kavyavah | Nominal verb vāṭ- mfn. equals -v/āhana- below.  |
kāyavadha | m. Name of an asura-  |
kāyavalana | n. "body-fence", armour  |
kāyavat | mfn. embodied  |
khaleyavam | ind. at the time when barley is on the threshing-floor, at the barley threshing-time  |
krakacavyavahāra | m. a particular method of computing or rating a heap of wood  |
krākacyavyavahṛti | f. equals krakaca-vyavahāra-  |
kriyāvyavadhāyaka | mfn. interrupting an action  |
kṛmipūyavaha | m. Name of a hell  |
kṛtyavartman | n. the right way or manner in which any object is to be effected.  |
kṛtyavat | mfn. having any business, engaged in any occupation  |
kṛtyavat | mfn. having any request  |
kṛtyavat | mfn. wanting, longing for (instrumental case)  |
kṛtyavat | mfn. having the power to do something (locative case)  |
kṣatriyavarā | f. a wild variety of Curcumis  |
kṣetravyavahāra | m. ascertainment of the dimensions of a plane figure  |
kṣetravyavahāra | m. (in geometry) drawing a figure  |
kṣetravyavahāra | m. geometrical demonstration  |
kṣīrayava | m. dolomite  |
kūṭavyavahārin | m. a deceitful merchant  |
kuṭṭakavyavahāra | m. that branch or chapter of arithmetic (treated by brahmagupta-) which treats of the multiplier called kuṭṭaka-.  |
kuvalayavatī | f. "possessing water-lilies", Name of a princess  |
kuyava | mfn. (k/u--) causing a bad harvest (Name of a demon slain by indra-)  |
kuyava | m. Name of another demon  |
kuyava | n. a bad harvest(?) See k/ū-y-.  |
kūyava | n. Name of particular grains  |
kūyava | n. (k/u-y-)  |
kūyava | m. plural idem or 'n. (k/u-y-) '  |
laghuvṛtttyavacūrikā | f. Name of work  |
latāvalayavat | mfn. possessed of bowers made of creeper  |
laulyavat | mfn. eagerly desirous, avaricious, lustful  |
lāvaṇyavat | mfn. equals -maya-  |
lāvaṇyavatī | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
lāvaṇyavatī | f. of another woman  |
lāvaṇyavatī | f. of a poem by kṣemendra-.  |
lokasaṃvyavahāra | m. commerce or intercourse with the world, worldly business  |
lokasaṃvyavahāranāmakāṅka | m. Name of work  |
lokavyavahāra | m. idem or 'm. the events or occurrences of the world, course or proceedings of the world ' on  |
lokavyavahāra | m. usual or commonly current designation  |
lūnayavam | ind. after the barley has been cut, after barley-harvest gaRa tiṣṭhad-gu-.  |
lūyamānayavam | ind. when the barley is cut gaRa tiṣṭhad-gu-.  |
madhyavallī | f. Name of a vallī- of the (probably from being in the middle of the book) .  |
madhyavartin | mfn. being in the middle or between or among, middle, central  |
madhyavartin | m. a mediator  |
madhyavayas | mfn. middle-aged  |
madhyayava | m. a weight of six white mustard seeds  |
mahāyava | m. a kind of large barley  |
mahocchrāyavat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. of great height, very lofty '  |
maitreyavana | n. Name of a forest  |
malayavatī | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
malayavatī | f. of other women  |
mālyavat | mfn. crowned with garlands, garlanded  |
mālyavat | m. Name of a rākṣasa- (son of su-keśa-)  |
mālyavat | m. of one of śiva-'s attendants  |
mālyavat | m. of a mountain or mountainous range (lying eastward of mount meru-)  |
mālyavatī | f. Name of a river  |
maṅgalyavastu | n. any auspicious object  |
mānyava | mfn. relating to manyu-  |
mānyavatī | f. Name of a princess (perhaps wrong reading for mālyavatī-).  |
mārgīyava | n. Name of two sāman-s (also mārgīya-vādya-).  |
mārtyava | m. (fr. mṛtyu-) patronymic of antaka- (f(ī-). )  |
mathurāguhyavarnaṇa | n. Name of work  |
matsyakūrmādyavatārin | m. "descending (and become incarnate) as a fish, tortoise etc.", Name of viṣṇu-  |
māyava | m. a descendant of mayu- or māyu-  |
māyavat | mfn. (compound māy/a-vattara-) m. Calcutta edition for māy/ā-vat-  |
miśrakavyavahāra | m. equals mitra-v-,  |
miśravyavahāra | m. (in arithmetic) investigation of mixed or combined quantities, ascertainment of anything combined (as of principal and interest, etc.)  |
mithyādhyavasiti | (mithyādh-) f. a particular figure of speech (in which the impossibility of a thing is expressed by making it depend upon some impossible contingency)  |
mokṣapraveśavyavasthāna | m. a particular samādhi-  |
mṛtyava | wrong reading for mṛt-paca-.  |
naikadravyoccayavat | mfn. furnished with plenty of various goods  |
nātipracurapadyavat | mfn. containing not too many verses  |
nāṭyavarga | m. Name of chapter of the nāma-liṅgānuśāsana- by amarasiṃha-.  |
navyavardhamāna | m. Name of an author  |
navyavat | ind. ever anew  |
nayavartman | n. "path of policy", political wisdom  |
nayavat | mfn. versed in polity, prudent  |
nayavat | mfn. containing some form of nī- (as a ṛk-)  |
niḥsvādhyāyavaṣaṭkāra | mfn. neither studying the veda-s nor offering burnt sacrifices  |
niravadyavat | mfn. niravadya |
niravayava | mfn. having no limbs or members  |
niravayava | mfn. not consisting of parts, indivisible ( niravayavatva -tva- n.)  |
niravayavatva | n. niravayava |
nirāyavyayavat | m. having neither income nor expenditure, an idler who lives from hand to mouth  |
nirvyavadhāna | mfn. (ground) uncovered, bare  |
nirvyavastha | mfn. not staying in a certain place, moving hither and thither  |
niścyavana | m. "unperishing (?)", a particular form of fire  |
niścyavana | m. Name of one of the saptarṣi-s in the 2nd manv-antara-  |
nityavaikuṇṭha | m. Name of a particular residence of viṣṇu- in heaven  |
nityavarṣadeva | m. Name of a man  |
nityavatsa | mf(ā-)n. (ty/a--) always possessing a calf  |
nityavatsā | f. a particular form of sāma- supplication  |
nityavatsa | n. Name of several sāman-s  |
nivānyavatsā | f. a cow that suckles an adopted calf (equals abhi-v-)  |
niyataviṣayavartin | mfn. steadily abiding in one's own sphere  |
niyava | See under ni-yu-.  |
niyava | m. compact order, continuous line or series  |
nyavacar | P. -carati-, to enter into, penetrate  |
nyavagraha | m. the accentless vowel at the end of the first member of a compound  |
nyavasṛj | P. -sṛjati-, to pour out, shed forth  |
nyāyavartin | mfn. well behaved, acting with propriety  |
nyāyavastusāra | m. Name of work  |
nyāyavat | mfn. acting rightly, behaving properly  |
paiyavana | wrong reading for paijavana-.  |
pakṣyavayas | mfn. whose strength lies in his (its) wings  |
palyavarcasa | n. on  |
pāñcajanyavana | n. Name of a wood  |
pañcāvayava | mfn. consisting of 5 members or parts  |
pañcāvayava | n. (with vākya-) a 5-membered argument, a syllogism  |
pānīyavarṇikā | f. sand (prob. wrong reading for -cūrṇikā-).  |
pānīyavarṣa | m. rain  |
paṇyavarcas | n.  |
paṇyavat | mfn. furnished with many goods or commodities  |
parāvartyavyavahāra | m. appeal (in law)  |
paricayavat | mfn. being at its height, complete, finished  |
paricyavana | n. ( cyu-) descending from heaven (to be born as a man)  |
paricyavana | n. loss, deprivation of (ablative)  |
parigṛhyavat | mfn. (g/ṛhya--) containing the word parigṛhya-  |
paryavacchid | ( -ava-chid-) P. -cchinatti- (-cchinadāni-), to cut off on both sides or all round  |
paryavadāna | n. complete destruction or disappearance  |
paryavadāpayitṛ | m. (fr. Causal) a distributor  |
paryavadāta | mfn. ( dai-) perfectly clean or pure  |
paryavadāta | mfn. very accomplished  |
paryavadāta | mfn. well acquainted or conversant with (locative case) ( paryavadātatva -tva- n.)  |
paryavadāta | mfn. well known, very familiar  |
paryavadātaśruta | mfn. perfectly skilled in art ( paryavadātaśrutatā -tā- f.)  |
paryavadātaśrutatā | f. paryavadātaśruta |
paryavadātatva | n. paryavadāta |
paryavadhāraṇa | n. ( dhṛ-) precise determination, careful consideration, refining, subtilizing  |
paryavado | P. -dyati-, to cut off or slice all round  |
paryavakṝ | P. -kirati-, to scatter round or about, shed over  |
paryavanaddha | mfn. ( nah-) overgrown  |
paryavanud | P. -nudati-, to push towards (accusative)  |
paryavapāda | m. transformation  |
paryavapādya | mfn. effecting transformation  |
paryavapanna | mfn. ( pad-) broken down, destroyed, annihilated, frustrated  |
paryavarodha | m. ( rudh-) obstruction, hindrance  |
paryavasāna | n. end, termination, conclusion, issue ( paryavasānāt nāt- ind.in consequence of)  |
paryavasāna | n. comprehending, including, amounting to (locative case)  |
paryavasānāt | ind. paryavasāna |
paryavasānika | mfn. coming to a close, tending towards an end (varia lectio pāryavas-).  |
pāryavasānika | mfn. (-avasāna-) verging to the close  |
paryavasāya | m. equals sāna-  |
paryavasāya | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' equals next  |
paryavasāyin | mfn. ending with, amounting to ( paryavasāyitva yi-tva- n.)  |
paryavasāyitva | n. paryavasāyin |
paryavaśeṣa | m. end, termination  |
paryavaśeṣita | mfn. (fr. Causal) left remaining  |
paryavaśeṣita | mfn. regarded as the end of all (id est God)  |
paryavaśiṣ | (only Potential -śiṣyet-), to border, circumscribe  |
paryavasita | mfn. (pary-/ava--) living farther off (= not quite near)  |
paryavasita | mfn. (with lokāntaram-) departed to  |
paryavasita | mfn. finished, concluded, ended etc.  |
paryavasita | mfn. amounting to (locative case)  |
paryavasita | mfn. resolved, settled, definitive  |
paryavasitamati | mfn. thoroughly acquainted or familiar with (locative case)  |
paryavaskanda | m. ( skand-) the act of jumping down (from a carriage)  |
paryavaso | P. -syati-, to result or end in, amount to (locative case or accusative with prati-) ; to finish, complete, conclude, include ; to endeavour ; to perish, be lost, decline  |
paryavasṛp | P. -sarpati-, to creep up to, approach in a creeping manner  |
paryavaṣṭabdha | mfn. surrounded, invested  |
paryavaṣṭambh | ( stambh-; Passive voice -ṣṭabhyate- ind.p. -ṣṭabhya-), to surround, invest  |
paryavaṣṭambhana | n. surrounding, investing  |
paryavasthā | A1. -tiṣṭhate-, to become firm or steady ; to fill, pervade (accusative) : Causal -sthāpayati-, to comfort, encourage  |
paryavasthā | f. opposition, contradiction  |
paryavasthāna | n. opposition, contradiction  |
paryavasthātṛ | mfn. opposing  |
paryavasthātṛ | mfn. an antagonist, adversary  |
paryavasthita | mfn. standing, stationed  |
paryavasthita | mfn. (with locative case) contained in, devoted or attached to, intent upon, occupied with  |
paryavasthita | mfn. merry, content, comfortable, of good cheer  |
paryāyavacana | n. a convertible term, synonym vArttika on  |
patākocchrāyavat | mfn. with hoisted banners  |
pātañjalabhāṣyavarttika | n. pātañjalabhāṣya |
pātheyavat | mfn. furnished with provisions for a journey, provisioned  |
pautrikeyavat | mfn. having a grandson by an adopted daughter  |
piṣṭasaṃyavana | n. one of the sacrificial utensils,  |
poṣyavarga | m. a class of persons or objects to be cherished (as parents, children, guests, and the sacred fire)  |
prabhūtadhanadhānyavat | mfn. rich in money and corn  |
prabhūtayavasendhana | mfn. abounding in fresh grass and fuel  |
pracyava | m. fall, ruin  |
pracyava | m. withdrawal  |
pracyava | m. advancement, improvement  |
pracyavana | mfn. removing, destroying (wrong reading for cyāvana-?)  |
pracyavana | n. falling down (especially from heaven id est being born again)  |
pracyavana | n. departure, withdrawal  |
pracyavana | n. loss, deprivation (with ablative)  |
pracyavana | n. oozing, dropping  |
prāgalbhyavat | mfn. possessed of confidence, bold, arrogant  |
prāleyavarṣa | m. falling (literally"raining") of snow,  |
praṇayavacana | n. a declaration of love or affection  |
praṇayavat | mfn. possessing candour, unceremonious, frank, open, confident  |
praṇayavat | mfn. attached or devoted to, loving (locative case or compound)  |
praṇayavat | mfn. desirous of. longing for (locative case)  |
praṇayavat | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') familiar with, used to  |
pranṛtyavat | wrong reading for nṛtta-vat-.  |
prāptavyavahāra | m. a young man come of age, an adult, one able to conduct his own affairs (opp. to"a minor")  |
praśrayavat | mfn. deferential, respectful, civil, modest  |
pratiprayavaṇa | n. (2. yu-) repeated mixture  |
pratyavabhāṣ | A1. -bhāṣate-, to call to  |
pratyavabhāṣa | wrong reading for -bhāsa- q.v  |
pratyavabhāṣā | wrong reading for -bhāsa- q.v  |
pratyavabhāsa | m. ( bhās-) becoming visible, appearance (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).) (wrong reading bhāṣā-).  |
pratyavabhuj | P. -bhujati-, to bend back  |
pratyavadhā | P. -dadhāti-, to put in again  |
pratyavado | P. -dāt/i-, or -dyati-, to divide again  |
pratyavagam | P. -gacchati- to know singly or exactly  |
pratyavagrah | P. -gṛhṇāti-, to draw or put back ; to retract, revoke, recall  |
pratyavahan | P. -hanti-, to strike back, repel  |
pratyavahṛ | (only Vedic or Veda infinitive mood -hartos-), to lessen, shorten, diminish : Causal -hārayati-, to suspend, interrupt, finish  |
pratyavakarśana | mfn. ( kṛś-) bringing down, baffling, annihilating  |
pratyavamarṣa | wrong reading for ava-marśa-, śa-vat- q.v  |
pratyavamarṣavat | wrong reading for ava-marśa-, śa-vat- q.v  |
pratyavamṛś | P. -mṛśati-, to touch ; to reflect, meditate  |
pratyavamṛṣ | P. A1. -mṛṣyati-, te-, or -marṣati-, te-, to endure reluctantly, suffer beyond endurance  |
pratyavanejana | n. ( nij-) washing off again  |
pratyavara | mfn. lower, more insignificant, less honoured than, (ablative) etc.  |
pratyavarakālam | ind. after, later than (with ablative or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
pratyavarudh | (only ind.p. -rudhya-), to recover  |
pratyavaruh | P. -rohati-, to come down again, descend from (ablative), alight upon (accusative) ; to descend (from a seat, chariot etc.) in honour of (accusative) ; to celebrate the festival called pratyavarohaṇa- : Causal -ropayat/i-, to bring down from, deprive of (ablative or instrumental case)  |
pratyavasad | P. -sīdati-, to sink down, perish  |
pratyavasāna | n. consuming, eating  |
pratyavasita | mfn. relapsed into the old (bad) way of life (Scholiast or Commentator"one who has given up the life of a religious mendicant")  |
pratyavasita | mfn. consumed, eaten (see )  |
pratyavaskanda | m. ( skand-) an attack, surprise  |
pratyavaskanda | m. equals next  |
pratyavaskandavaskandana | n. a special plea at law (admitting a fact, but qualifying or explaining it so as not to allow it to be a matter of accusation), |
pratyavaso | P. -syati-, to come back, return to (locative case)  |
pratyavasṛj | P. -sṛjati-, to throw on (locative case) ; to relinquish, leave  |
pratyavasṛp | P. -sarpati-, to creep towards  |
pratyavasṛta | mfn. ( sṛ-) gone away  |
pratyavasthā | A1. -tiṣṭhate-, to return, re-appear (with punar-) ; to resist, oppose, object to ; to stand alone or separately ; to re-attain, recover : Causal -sthāpayati-, to cause to stand firm, encourage (with ātmānam-"to collect one's self, recover")  |
pratyavasthita | mfn. standing separately or opposite  |
pratyavasthita | mfn. being in a particular condition  |
pratyavatṝ | P. -tarati-, to disembark  |
pratyavavahāra | m. drawing back, withdrawal  |
pratyavavahāra | m. dissolution, re-absorption  |
pratyavavamarśa | m. (wrongly spelt ṣa-) inner contemplation, profound meditation  |
pratyavavamarśa | m. counter conclusion  |
pratyavavamarśa | m. recollection  |
pratyavavamarśa | m. consciousness  |
pratyavavamarśana | n. contemplation, meditation  |
pratyavavamarśavat | mfn. absorbed in thought, meditative  |
pratyavavarodhana | n. obstruction, interruption  |
pratyavavaroha | m. idem or 'f. descending towards '  |
pratyavavaroha | m. a descending series  |
pratyavavaroham | ind. descending  |
pratyavavarohaṇa | n. equals avarūḍhi-  |
pratyavavarohaṇa | n. Name of a particular gṛhya- festival in the month mārgaśīrṣa-  |
pratyavavarohaṇīya | m. a particular ekāha- sacrifice forming part of the vājapeya-  |
pratyavavarohin | mfn. descending, moving downwards  |
pratyavavarohin | mfn. moving or rising from a seat (a-pratyav-)  |
pratyavavarohiṇī | f. Name of a particular litany  |
pratyavavaruddha | mfn. stopped, suppressed  |
pratyavavarūḍhi | f. descending towards  |
pratyavavasthā | f. equals pary-avasthā-  |
pratyavavasthāna | n. objection  |
pratyavavasthāna | n. removal, setting aside  |
pratyavavasthāna | n. former state or place, status quo  |
pratyavavasthāna | n. opposition, hostility  |
pratyavavasthāpana | n. (fr. Causal) refreshing, strengthening  |
pratyavavasthātṛ | m. an opponent, adversary  |
pratyavayava | (in the beginning of a compound) on or at every part of the body commentator or commentary  |
pratyavayava | (in the beginning of a compound)in every part or particular, in detail  |
pratyavayavam | (ind.), on or at every part of the body commentator or commentary  |
pratyavayavam | (ind.) in every part or particular, in detail  |
pratyavayavavarṇanā | f. a detailed or minute description  |
pravargyavat | mfn. (gy/a--.) connected with the pravargya- ceremony  |
prāyaścittavyavasthāsaṃkṣepa | m. Name of work |
preṣyavadhū | f. a female servant, handmaid  |
preṣyavadhū | f. the wife of a slave  |
preṣyavarga | m. a train of servants, retinue  |
priyavacana | mfn. one whose words are kind or friendly, speaking kindly on  |
priyavacana | m. equals bhakti-mān rogī-  |
priyavacana | n. kind or friendly speech  |
priyavacas | mfn. speaking kindly, not out of tune  |
priyavacas | n. kind or friendly speech  |
priyavadya | n. equals -vāda- (q.v)  |
priyavaktṛ | mfn. one who speaks kindly or agreeably, flattering, a flatterer  |
priyavaktṛtva | n. speaking kindly  |
priyavallī | f. equals priyaṅgu- or phalinī-  |
priyavarṇī | f. equals priyaṅgu-  |
priyavarṇī | f. Echites Frutescens  |
priyavasantaka | m. "the desired spring"and"the dear vasantaka-" |
priyavastu | n. a favourite object or topic  |
priyavat | mfn. (priy/a--) possessing friends  |
priyavat | mfn. containing the word priya-  |
priyavayasya | m. a dear friend  |
puṇyavaha | mfn. causing felicity;  |
puṇyavallabha | m. Name of a man  |
puṇyavardhana | mfn. "increasing merit"  |
puṇyavardhana | n. Name of a city (see puṇḍra-v-).  |
puṇyavarjita | m. "destitute of virtue", Name of a fictitious country  |
puṇyavarman | m. Name of a prince of vidarbha-  |
puṇyavat | mfn. righteous, virtuous, honest  |
puṇyavat | mfn. auspicious, happy  |
puṇyavatī | f. Name of a country  |
pūtayavam | ind. at the time of winnowing barley gaRa tiṣṭhadgv-ādi-, (see pūyamāna-y-).  |
putrīyavargaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
pūyamānayavam | ind. at the time of winnowing barley gaRa tiṣṭhadgv-ādi- (see pūta-y-).  |
pūyavaha | m. "filthy-streamed", Name of a particular hell  |
rājanyavat | (ny/a--) mfn. connected with one of royal rank  |
rājavyavahārakośa | m. equals kośanighaṇṭu-, q.v  |
rājyavardhana | m. Name of a king (son of dama-)  |
rājyavardhana | m. of another king (son of pratāpa-śīla- or prabhākara-vardhana-)  |
rājyavatī | f. Name of a princess  |
rājyavyavahāra | m. government business  |
rāśivyavahāra | m. (in arithmetic) the method for finding the quantity contained in a heap  |
rathāvayava | m. any part of a chariots, a wheel  |
rāyavaṅgāla | See raṅgāla-.  |
rāyavaṅkola | m. (in music) a kind of measure  |
rayavat | mfn. of rapid course, swift  |
rekhāgaṇitakṣetravyavahāra | m. "geometry and mensuration", Name of a work by jagan-nātha- (18th century).  |
ṛtavyavat | mfn. furnished with the above bricks  |
ṛtviyavat | mfn. having courses, being at the period fit for generation  |
rudrākṣamāhātmyavarṇana | n. Name of work  |
rūpasaubhāgyavat | mfn. having beauty of form  |
ṣāḍguṇyavat | mfn. endowed with six excellencies  |
sādhyavasānā | f. (in rhetoric) an elliptical figure of speech (in which the meaning is left to be implied)  |
sādhyavasānikā | f. (in rhetoric) an elliptical figure of speech (in which the meaning is left to be implied)  |
sādhyavasāya | mfn. elliptical  |
sādhyavat | mfn. comprehending the point to be proved  |
sādhyavat | mfn. containing the major term (in logic)  |
sādhyavat | m. the party on whom the burden of proof in a lawsuit rests  |
sahacaityavat | mfn. together with sanctuaries  |
sāhasādhyavasāyin | mfn. acting with inconsiderate haste  |
sahāyavat | mfn. having a companion or assistant, accompanied or befriended or assisted by, provided with (compound)  |
sahyavarṇana | n. Name of a chapter of the (containing a description of the sahya- mountains) .  |
śaileśyavasthā | f. (with jaina-s) the last stage of an ascetic's life, śil-,  |
sākalyavacana | n. complete perusal  |
śakrayava | m. equals -bīja-  |
śaktidvayavat | mfn. endowed with two powers or faculties  |
śaktyavara | mfn. junior to śakti-  |
śākyavaṃśa | m. the śākya-s family  |
śākyavaṃśāvatīrṇa | m. "incarnate in the śākya-s family", Name of gautama- buddha-  |
śākyavardha | m. equals (or wrong reading for) -vardhana-  |
śākyavardha | n. Name of a temple  |
śalyavat | mfn. possessing an arrow, having an arrow-head sticking in it (as a deer)  |
śalyavat | mfn. or owning the arrow-head (and so owning the animal killed by the arrow)  |
śalyavat | mfn. set with stakes, hampered or harassed with difficulties |
samabhyavagā | P. -jigāti-, to go into (accusative)  |
samabhyuccayavat | ind. samabhyuccaya |
samantavyūhasāgaracaryavyavalokana | m. Name of a garuḍa-rāja-  |
sāmānyabhāvavyavasthāpana | n. Name of work  |
sāmānyavacana | mfn. expressing a common property  |
sāmānyavacana | mfn. expressing a general or a wider notion  |
sāmānyavacana | n. a substantive (as opp. to its attribute) |
sāmānyavanitā | f. a common woman, prostitute  |
sāmānyavat | mfn. having generality, general ( sāmānyavattva -tva- n.)  |
sāmānyavattva | n. sāmānyavat |
sāmarthyavat | mfn. having power or strength, capable  |
samasamayavartin | mfn. simultaneous  |
samasamayavartitā | f. simultaneousness  |
samayavajra | m. Name of a man  |
sambandhavyavasthāvikāśa | m. Name of work  |
saṃcayavat | mfn. possessed of wealth, rich, opulent  |
saṃhriyamāṇayavam | ind. while the barley is being got in  |
saṃhṛtayavam | ind. after the barley has been got in  |
saṃkrāntivyavasthānirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
saṃkṣepasiddhivyavasthā | f. Name of work on dharma-  |
sāṃnāyyavat | ind. like (at) the sāṃnāyya-  |
saṃsthāvayavavat | mfn. having a shape and limbs  |
samudravyavahārin | mfn. trading by sea  |
saṃvyavahāra | m. idem or 'n. doing business well together, prospering in affairs, worldly business on ' (see loka-s-)  |
saṃvyavahāra | m. mutual dealing, traffic, intercourse, dealing with (compound)  |
saṃvyavahāra | m. occupation with, addiction to (compound)  |
saṃvyavaharaṇa | n. doing business well together, prospering in affairs, worldly business on  |
saṃvyavahāravat | m. a man of business  |
saṃvyavahāravat | m. a usual or commonly current term  |
sāṃvyavahārika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. saṃ-vyavahāra-) current in every-day life, generally intelligible  |
saṃvyavahita | See a-s-.  |
saṃvyavahṛ | to have intercourse or business with (instrumental case)  |
saṃvyavasya | mfn. ( so-) to be decided upon or decreed  |
saṃvyavyavahārika | wrong reading for sāṃv-.  |
saṃvyavyavahārya | See a-saṃv-.  |
samyagvyavasita | mfn. firmly resolved  |
saṃyavana | n. mixing, mingling  |
saṃyavana | n. a square of four houses (= or wrong reading for saṃjavana-)  |
śarīrāvayava | m. a part of the body, member, limb  |
sarvajñavyavasthāpaka | m. Name of work  |
sarvalokadhātuvyavalokana | m. Name of a samādhi-  |
sarvasasyavat | mfn. (equals -sasya- mfn.)  |
sarvatathāgatavyavalokana | m. a particular samādhi-  |
śastravyavahāra | m. practice of weapons  |
sasyavat | mfn. bearing a rich crop  |
śātamanyava | mf(ī-)n. (fr. śata-manyu-) relating or belonging to indra- (with āśā- f.the eastern quarter )  |
śatarudriyavat | ind. as in the śata-rudrīya- oblation  |
śataślokavyavahāraka | m. Name of work  |
śāṭhyavat | mfn. deceitful, wicked, dishonest  |
satpratipakṣatāvyavahārakroḍa | m. Name of work  |
satṛṇābhyavahārin | mfn. eating grass and all (figuratively = "undiscerning")  |
satyavacana | n. the speaking of truth  |
satyavacana | n. a promise, solemn assurance  |
satyavacana | n. claiming of merit or reward  |
satyavacana | mfn. speaking the truth  |
satyavacanārtham | ind. for the sake of telling the truth  |
satyavacas | n. veracity, truth  |
satyavacas | mfn. true-speaking  |
satyavacas | m. a ṛṣi-  |
satyavacas | m. Name of a man  |
satyavadana | n. the speaking of truth  |
satyavadanaśīla | mfn. habitually truthful  |
satyavadya | mfn. speaking truly  |
satyavadya | n. truth  |
satyavaktṛ | mfn. a truth-speaker  |
satyavara | wrong reading for sattva-v-  |
satyavaratīrtha | m. Name of a man  |
satyavarman | m. Name of a man  |
satyavartman | mfn. (saty/a--) following a true or fixed path or course (said of the chariot of mitra-- varuṇa-)  |
satyavartman | m. Name of a man  |
satyavaryārya | m. Name of an author  |
satyavasu | m. Name of a class of the viśve- devāḥ-  |
satyavat | mfn. truthful, veracious  |
satyavat | mfn. containing the word satya-  |
satyavat | mfn. wrong reading for sattva-vat-  |
satyavat | m. Name of a spell spoken over weapons  |
satyavat | m. of a son of manu- raivata-  |
satyavat | m. of a son of manu- cākṣuṣa-  |
satyavat | m. of a son of dyumat-sena- (husband of sāvitrī-)  |
satyavat | m. of a daughter of gādhi- and wife of ṛcīka- (fabled to have become the kauśikī- river)  |
satyavat | m. of the wife of nārada-  |
satyavat | m. of the wife of śiva-rāja-bhaṭṭa-  |
satyavat | m. of a river equals acchodā-  |
sātyavata | m. (fr. satyavatī-) metronymic of vyāsa-  |
sātyavateya | m. (fr. satyavatī-) metronymic of vyāsa-  |
satyavatī | f. Name of the wife of parāśara- (śāṃtanu-) and mother of vyāsa-  |
satyavatīsuta | m. "son of satyavatī-", Name of the poet, vyāsa-  |
satyavyavasthā | f. ascertainment of truth  |
saubhāgyavardhinī | f. Name of commentator or commentary |
saubhāgyavat | mfn. endowed with beauty  |
saubhāgyavat | mfn. possessing good fortune, auspicious, fortunate  |
saubhāgyavatī | f. a married and unwidowed woman  |
saubhāgyavattā | f. auspiciousness, prosperity  |
saubhāgyavattva | n. auspiciousness, prosperity  |
saujanyavat | mfn. benevolent, kind, friendly  |
saumanasyavat | mfn. cheerful, glad  |
saumyavapus | mfn. having an agreeable form  |
saurājyavat | mfn. enjoying good government  |
sauryavaiśvānara | mf(ī-)n. (fr. sūrya-vaiśvānara-) addressed to the sun and vaiśvānara-  |
sauryavarcasa | m. patronymic fr. sūrya-varcas-  |
śauryavardhana | mfn. strengthening or increasing heroic  |
śauryavat | mfn. heroic, courageous, valiant  |
sauyavasa | n. (fr. su-yavasa-) abundance of grass  |
sauyavasa | n. (said to be fr. su-yavasu-) Name of various sāman-s  |
sauyavasi | m. a patronymic  |
sāvayava | mfn. having parts, composed of parts (in the vaiśeṣika- philosophy said of all things except the eternal substances).  |
sāvayavatva | n. the being composed of parts,  |
sāvitryavarajā | f. the younger daughter of sāvitrī-  |
sayava | mfn. together with barley,  |
sayava | mfn. containing the sounds ya- or va-  |
sāyavasa | m. a patronymic  |
sevāvyavahāra | m. the practice of service  |
smārtavyavasthārṇava | m. Name of work  |
smṛtipratyavamarśa | m. retentiveness of memory, accuracy of recollection  |
smṛtisāravyavasthā | f. Name of work  |
smṛtivyavasthā | f. Name of work  |
snānīyavastra | n. a bathing-dress  |
sodaryavat | mfn. having or together with a brother  |
somādhvaryava | n. Name of work  |
sphyavartani | f. the furrow or line made by the sphya- (in marking out the sacrificial ground)  |
śrāddhavyavasthāsaṃkṣepa | m. Name of work  |
śrautapraśnottaravyavasthā | f. rules for sacrificial rites in the form of question and answer.  |
średhīvyavahāra | m. the ascertainment or determination of progressions  |
śrīpativyavahāranirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
śrīpativyavahārasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
sthairyavat | mfn. having stability, standing still, fixed, immovable  |
sthairyavat | mfn. standing firm, not yielding, resolute  |
sthairyavattva | n. fixedness, firmness, concentration (of mind)  |
śuddhasādhyavasānā | f. Name of two kinds of ellipsis  |
śuddhivyavasthāsaṃkṣepa | m. Name of work  |
sudṛḍhaharmyavat | mfn. having very strong fortresses  |
suhiraṇyavat | (s/u--) mfn. idem or 'mfn. having beautiful gold, abounding in gold '  |
śūnyavat | ind. like a cypher, as if it were annihilated or vanished  |
suparyavadāta | mfn. very clean  |
suparyavasita | mfn. well carried out  |
suparyavasitārtha | mfn. thoroughly acquainted with anything  |
supratyavasita | mfn. (perhaps) safely returned to one's own country  |
sūryāstamayavat | mfn. sūryāstamaya |
sūryavaiśvānara | See sauryav-.  |
sūryavajrapañjara | n. Name of a chapter of a work  |
sūryavaktra | m. a kind of medicament  |
sūryavallī | f. the plant Gynandropsis Pentaphylla  |
sūryavaṃśa | m. the solar race of kings (id est the royal dynasty of rāma-candra-, king of ayodhyā-, hero of the rāmāyaṇa-, who was descended from ikṣvāku- son of vaivasvata- manu-, son of the Sun;many Rajput tribes still claim to belong to this race;it is one of the two great lines of kings, the other being called"lunar"See candra-v-) |
sūryavaṃśya | mfn. belonging to the above solar race  |
sūryavana | n. Name of a forest sacred to the Sun  |
sūryavara | m. a particular medicament  |
sūryavaralocana | m. a particular samādhi-,  |
sūryavarcas | mfn. (s/ūrya--) resplendent as the sun  |
sūryavarcas | m. Name of a deva-gandharva-  |
sūryavarcas | m. of a ṛṣi-  |
sūryavarga | m. Name of work  |
sūryavarman | m. Name of a king  |
sūryavarman | m. of a ḍāmara-  |
sūryavarṇa | mf(ā-)n. sun-coloured  |
sūryavaruṇa | See sauryavāruṇa-.  |
sūryavat | mfn. (s/ūrya--) sunny  |
sūryavat | m. Name of a mountain  |
sūryavatī | f. (atī-) Name of a princess  |
sūryodayavarṇana | n. Name of work  |
susahāyavat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having a good companion or assistant '  |
suvyavasthita | mfn. standing quite firmly  |
suyavasa | mf(ā-)n. (in for sū-y-) having good pasturage, abounding in grass  |
suyavasa | m. Name of a man (see sauyavasi-)  |
suyavasa | n. beautiful grass, good pasturage ( suyavase se- ind."when there is good pasturage")  |
sūyavasa | etc. See su-y-, .  |
suyavasād | mfn. eating good grass  |
suyavase | ind. suyavasa |
suyavasin | mfn. having good pasturage  |
suyavasodaka | mfn. abounding in good pasturage and water |
suyavasu | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
suyavasyu | mfn. desirous of good pasturage  |
svadhyavasāna | mf(/ā-)n. good to be striven after  |
svādhyāyavat | mfn. (equals -dhṛk-)  |
svādhyāyavat | m. a repeater or student of the veda-  |
svatvavyavasthārṇavasetubandha | m. Name of work  |
svāyava | m. patronymic fr. sv-āyu-  |
tathyavacana | n. a promise ,  |
tāvadvīryavat | (t/āv-) mfn. having so great force or efficacy  |
toyavallī | f. Momordica Charantia  |
toyavallikā | f. idem or 'f. Cocculus cordifolius '  |
toyavat | mfn. surrounded by water  |
toyavatī | f. Cocculus cordifolius  |
traiguṇyavat | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having the 3 guṇa-s '  |
trāsadasyava | m. patronymic fr. trasa-dasyu- (v/a-)  |
trāsadasyava | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
triyava | mfn. weighing 3 barley-corns  |
triyavastha | mfn. having 3 conditions  |
tṛṣucyavas | mfn. moving greedily, .  |
truṭyavayava | m. half a truṭi-  |
tryavanata | See tri-vin-.  |
tryavara | mfn. plural at least 3  |
tryavaram | ind. at least thrice  |
tryavarārdhyam | ind. idem or 'ind. at least thrice '  |
tulyavaṃśa | mfn. of equal race with (genitive case) ( )  |
tulyavat | ind. like,  |
tulyavayas | mfn. of the same age  |
turīyavarṇa | m. "4th caste man", a śūdra-  |
turyavah | m. (in strong cases) vāh- Nominal verb vāṭ- f(ryauh/ī-). an ox or cow 4 years old  |
tvaksāravyavahāravat | mfn. occupied with bamboo work  |
ubhayavaṃśya | mfn. (fr. ubhaya-vaṃśa-), belonging to both families or lineages  |
ubhayavartanin | mfn. having both wheels (or two wheels),  |
ubhayavat | mfn. furnished with or containing both  |
udayavarman | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a para-māra- king,  |
udayavat | mfn. risen (as the moon etc.)  |
udayavatī | f. Name of a daughter of udaya-tuṅga-  |
upacyava | m. ( cyu-), the act of pressing or moving towards (said of a woman in sexual intercourse) , (= śālā-prāpti- )  |
upāyavat | mfn. (any stobha- q.v) marked by the joining in or accompaniment (of other stobha-s)  |
uragayava | n. a barleycorn (used as a measure)  |
urugāyavat | mfn. offering ample space for motion, unconfined  |
utprekṣāvayava | m. a kind of simile  |
vācyavacakatva | n. ( ) ( ) the state of the signified and the signifier.  |
vācyavajra | n. "thunder-like words", violent or strong language  |
vācyavarjita | n. an elliptical expression  |
vācyavat | ind. like the substantive (See above) , according to the gender of the substantive, adjectively  |
vāgvyavahāra | m. employment of many words, a long discussion or altercation  |
vaidagdhyavat | mfn. possessed of cleverness, clever, skilful, experienced  |
vaidyavallabha | m. Name of work  |
vaidyavallabhā | f. Name of work  |
vailakṣyavat | mfn. abashed, embarrassed  |
vaitrakīyavana | n. Name of a place (varia lectio vetrak-).  |
vaiyavahārika | mfn. (fr. vyavahāra-,less correct than vyāvahārika-) conventional, usual, of everyday occurrence  |
vākyavajra | n. (sg. or plural) words which fall like a thunderbolt, crushing words, strong language  |
vākyavajraviṣama | mfn. rough or harsh (through the use of such words)  |
vākyavara | wrong reading for vāk-saṃvara- q.v  |
valayavat | mfn. See latā-valaya-vat-.  |
vallabhācāryavaṃśāvalī | f. Name of work  |
vaṃśayava | m. the grain of bamboo  |
varṇavyavasthā | ( ) f. caste-system, institution of caste.  |
varṇavyavasthiti | ( ) f. caste-system, institution of caste.  |
vāyava | etc. See .  |
vāyava | mf(ī-)n. relating or belonging to the wind or air, given by or sacred to the god of wind etc.  |
vāyava | mf(ī-)n. north-western  |
veṇuyava | m. plural bamboo seed  |
vetrakīyavana | n. Name of places  |
vidheyavartin | mfn. submissive to another's will, obedient  |
vidyāvyavasāya | m. the pursuit of science  |
vijayavarman | m. Name of a poet  |
vijayavarman | m. of various other men  |
vijayavat | mfn. possessing victory, triumphant, glorious  |
vijayavatī | f. Name of a daughter of the serpent-demon gandha-mālin-  |
vinayavallī | f. Name of work  |
vinayavastu | n. (with Buddhists) Name of a section of the works which treat of vinaya- (q.v) |
vinayavat | mfn. well-behaved (in a-vin-)  |
vinayavatī | f. Name of a woman  |
vindhyavana | n. a forest in the vindhya-  |
vindhyavarman | m. Name of a king  |
vindhyavat | m. Name of a man  |
vīryavadāna | n. effecting anything by prowess  |
vīryavadāna | n. plural valour and achievements  |
vīryavat | mfn. (vīry/a--) possessing vigour or might, strong, powerful, efficacious, victorious etc.  |
vīryavat | mfn. requiring strength or power  |
vīryavat | m. Name of a divine being reckoned among the viśve- devāḥ-  |
vīryavat | m. of a son of the tenth manu-  |
vīryavatī | f. (atī-) Name of one of the mātṛ-s attendant on skanda-  |
vīryavattā | f. ( ) power, strength, efficacy.  |
vīryavattama | mfn. most powerful or efficacious  |
vīryavattara | mfn. more powerful or efficacious ( vīryavattaratva ra-tva- n. )  |
vīryavattaratva | n. vīryavattara |
vīryavattva | n. ( ) power, strength, efficacy.  |
viṣavyavasthā | f. the state of being poisoned  |
viṣayavartin | mfn. directed to anything (genitive case) as an object  |
viśayavat | mfn. equals next  |
viṣayavat | mfn. directed to objects of sense  |
viṣayavat | mfn. objective  |
viśeṣaṇadvayavaiyarthya | n. Name of work  |
viśeṣaṇatrayavaiyarthya | n. Name of work  |
vismayavat | mfn. manifesting pride or arrogance  |
viśvacyavas | m. one of the seven principal rays of the sun  |
viyava | m. a kind of intestinal worm  |
vṛddhakumārīvākyavaranyāya | m. the principle of the boon asked for by the old virgin (who chose according to to the mahā-bhāṣya-, putrā me bahukṣīra-ghṛtam odanaṃ kāñcana-pātryām bhuñjīran-,"May my sons eat rice with much milk and ghee from a golden vessel", which, if granted, would have covered all other wishes)  |
vṛddhayavana | m. the older yavana- (also called yavanācārya-)  |
vṛddhayavanajātaka | n. Name of work  |
vṛddhayavaneśvara | m. Name of work  |
vrīhiyava | m. dual number or plural ( ) n. sg. ( ),rice and barley.  |
vṛṣyavallikā | f. Batatas Paniculata  |
vṛttasvādhyāyavat | mfn. leading a virtuous life and devoted to repetition of the veda-,  |
vyājavyavahāra | m. artful conduct or behaviour  |
vyavabhakṣ | P. -bhakṣayati-, to swallow down or eat (in the interval of certain religious rites)  |
vyavabhās | Caus. -bhāsayati-, to cause to shine out brightly, to illuminate beautifully  |
vyavacārayitavya | mfn. ( car-) to be pondered over or considered  |
vyavaccheda | m. cutting one's self off from, separation, interruption (See /a-vy-)  |
vyavaccheda | m. exclusion  |
vyavaccheda | m. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') getting rid of.  |
vyavaccheda | m. distinction, discrimination  |
vyavaccheda | m. a division  |
vyavaccheda | m. letting fly (an arrow)  |
vyavacchedaka | mfn. distinguishing, discriminating ( vyavacchedakatva -tva- n.)  |
vyavacchedaka | mfn. excluding ( vyavacchedakatva -tva- n.)  |
vyavacchedakatva | n. vyavacchedaka |
vyavacchedakatva | n. vyavacchedaka |
vyavacchedavidyā | f. the science of anatomy  |
vyavacchedya | mfn. to be excluded  |
vyavacchid | ( chid-) P. -cchinatti-, to cut off, separate etc. ; to tear asunder, open, sunder ; to limit, fix, settle, ascertain ; to resolve on (prati-) : Passive voice -cchidyate-, to be cut off or separated  |
vyavacchid | f. limitation  |
vyavadā | (or do-;only ind.p. -dayā-), to cut in two, divide  |
vyavadai | Passive voice -dāyate- (p. -dāyamāna-), to be clearly diffused  |
vyavadāna | n. purification  |
vyavadāraprāpaṇa | n. the attainment of full age,  |
vyavadhā | P. A1. -dadhāti-, -dkatte-, to place apart or asunder ; to put or place between, interpose ; to leave out, omit, ; to separate, divide, interrupt : Passive voice -dhīyate-, to be separated or divided or interrupted : Causal , -dhāpayati-, to separate  |
vyavadhā | f. covering or anything that covers  |
vyavadhāna | n. intervening, intervention (especially in gram."the intervention of a syllable or letter") ( vyavadhānena nena- ind.="indirectly" )  |
vyavadhāna | n. obstruction, hiding from view  |
vyavadhāna | n. covering, a cover, screen  |
vyavadhāna | n. separation, division  |
vyavadhāna | n. interruption  |
vyavadhāna | n. cessation, termination  |
vyavadhāna | n. interval, space  |
vyavadhānavat | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') covered with  |
vyavadhānena | ind. vyavadhāna |
vyavadhāraṇa | n. a special definition or designation  |
vyavadhāv | P. -dhāvati-, to run in different directions, separate ; to run away, flee from (ablative) |
vyavadhāyaka | mf(ikā-)n. intervening, interposing, separating  |
vyavadhāyaka | mf(ikā-)n. interrupting, disturbing  |
vyavadhāyaka | mf(ikā-)n. concealing, screening, hiding  |
vyavadhāyakavadhāyika | wrong reading for prec.  |
vyavadheya | mfn. to be put in between or interposed  |
vyavadhi | m. covering, concealing, intervention  |
vyavadhṛ | P. -dhārayati-, to fix, settle, establish  |
vyavadhū | P. A1. -dhūnoti-, nute-, to shake off, ward off, remove ; to shake about, treat roughly or rudely ; to reject, repel  |
vyavadhūta | mfn. one who has shaken off all wordly desires, indifferent in regard to life, resigned  |
vyavadīrṇa | mfn. ( dṝ-) burst asunder, broken to pieces, distracted  |
vyavadru | P. -dravati-, to run away  |
vyavagāh | A1. -gāhate- (rarely ti-), to dive or plunge into, penetrate ;to set in, begin (as night)  |
vyavagam | A1. -gacchate-, to go apart, separate  |
vyavagṛhīta | mfn. ( grah-) brought down, bent down  |
vyavagṛhītavagrāham | ind. having taken separately, singly  |
vyavahāra | m. doing, performing, action, practice, conduct, behaviour etc. (vyavahāraḥ kāryaḥ-,with instrumental case,"it should be acted according to")  |
vyavahāra | m. commerce or intercourse with (saha- or compound) etc.  |
vyavahāra | m. affair, matter  |
vyavahāra | m. usage, custom, wont, ordinary life, common practice  |
vyavahāra | m. activity, action or practice of occupation or business with (locative case or compound)  |
vyavahāra | m. mercantile transaction, traffic, trade with, dealing in (compound) etc. |
vyavahāra | m. a contract  |
vyavahāra | m. legal procedure, contest at law with (saha-), litigation, lawsuit, legal process (See -matṛkā-below) etc.  |
vyavahāra | m. practices of law and kingly government  |
vyavahāra | m. mathematical process  |
vyavahāra | m. administration of justice  |
vyavahāra | m. (figuratively) punishment  |
vyavahāra | m. competency to manage one's own affairs, majority (in law)  |
vyavahāra | m. propriety, adherence to law or custom  |
vyavahāra | m. the use of an expression, with regard to, speaking about (tair eva vyavahāraḥ-,"just about these is the question","it is to these that the discussion has reference")  |
vyavahāra | m. designation  |
vyavahāra | m. compulsory work  |
vyavahāra | m. a sword  |
vyavahāra | m. a sort of tree  |
vyavahāra | m. Name of a chapter of the agni-purāṇa-.  |
vyavahārābhiśasta | mfn. prosecuted, accused, proceeded against legally  |
vyavahāracamatkāra | m. Name of work  |
vyavahāracandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
vyavahāracintamaṇi | m. ( ) Name of work  |
vyavahāradarpaṇa | m. Name of various works.  |
vyavahāradarśana | n. judicial investigation, trial  |
vyavahāradaśā | f. the state of common everyday life or reality  |
vyavahāradaśaślokī | f. Name of work on law by śrī-dhara- bhaṭṭa-.  |
vyavahāradīdhiti | f. Name of work  |
vyavahāradīpikā | f. Name of work  |
vyavahāradraṣṭṛ | m. "examiner of a lawsuit", a judge,  |
vyavahārajña | mfn. knowing the ways of the world, acquainted with practice or legal procedure, one competent to manage his own affairs (id est one who has passed his 16th year and legally arrived at his majority)  |
vyavahāraka | m. a dealer, trader  |
vyavahārakāla | m. the period of action, a mundane period  |
vyavahārakalpataru | m. Name of work  |
vyavahārakamalākara | m. Name of work  |
vyavahārakāṇḍa | n. Name of work  |
vyavahāralakṣaṇa | n. a characteristic of judicial investigation  |
vyavahārāloka | m. Name of work  |
vyavahāram | ind. alternately  |
vyavahāramādhava | m. Name of a chapter of the parāśara-smṛti-vyākhyā- by mādhavācārya-  |
vyavahāramahodaya | m. Name of work  |
vyavahāramālā | f. Name of work  |
vyavahāramālikā | f. Name of work  |
vyavahāramārga | m. a course or title of legal procedure (equals viṣaya- q.v)  |
vyavahāramātṛkā | f. the material or matter of ordinary judicature, legal process in general, any act or subject relating to the formation of legal courts or the administration of justice (arranged under thirty heads in the beginning of the second book or vyavahārādhyāya- of the mitākṣarā- exempli gratia, 'for example' 1. vyavahāra-darśanani-,2. vyavahāra-lakṣaṇam-,3. sabhā-sadaḥ-,4. prāḍ-vivākādiḥ-,5. vyavahāra-viṣayah-,6. rājñaḥ kāryānutpādakatvam-,7. kāryārthini praśnaḥ-,8. āhvānānāhvāne-,9. āsedhah-,10. pratyarthiny āgatelekhyādi-kartavyatā-,11. pañca-vidho hīnaḥ-,12. kīdṛśaṃ lekhyam-,13. pakṣābhāsāḥ-,14. anadeyāḥ-,15. ādeyaḥ-,and fifteen others)  |
vyavahāramātṛkā | f. Name of work on dharma- (also called nyāya-m-) by jīmūta-vāhana-.  |
vyavahāramayūkha | m. Name of work ( )  |
vyavahārāṃśa | m. any part or division of legal procedure  |
vyavaharaṇa | See below.  |
vyavaharaṇa | n. a contest at law, litigation  |
vyavaharaṇavahartavya | mfn. to be managed or used or employed on  |
vyavaharaṇavahartavya | mfn. to be transacted or done (n. impersonal or used impersonally)  |
vyavaharaṇavahartavya | mfn. to be litigated or decided judicially  |
vyavaharaṇavahartṛ | mfn. one who acts or transacts business, engaged in or occupied with (instrumental case),  |
vyavaharaṇavahartṛ | mfn. observing or following established usages  |
vyavaharaṇavahartṛ | m. the manager of any business, conductor of any judicial procedure, judge, umpire  |
vyavaharaṇavahartṛ | m. one engaged in litigation, a litigant, plaintiff, any one who institutes an action at law  |
vyavaharaṇavahartṛ | m. an associate, partaker  |
vyavaharaṇavahartṛ | m. a vaiśya-  |
vyavahārāṅga | n. the body of civil and criminal law |
vyavahārāṅgasmṛtisarvasva | n. Name of work  |
vyavahāranirṇaya | m. (also with śivakathita-) Name of work  |
vyavahārapada | n. a title or head of legal procedure, occasion or case of litigation (see -mātṛkā-below ),  |
vyavahārapāda | m. the fourth part of a legal process, one of the four stages of a regular lawsuit (these four are, pūrva-pakṣa-, uttara-pakṣa-, kriyā-pāda-, nirṇaya-pāda-,qq. vv,; see vyavahārasya prathamaḥ pādaḥ- )  |
vyavahāraparibhāṣā | f. Name of work  |
vyavahārapariśiṣṭa | n. Name of work  |
vyavahārapradīpa | m. Name of work  |
vyavahārapradīpikā | f. Name of work  |
vyavahāraprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
vyavahāraprāpta | m. one who has attained a knowledge of business or legal procedure, a youth of 16 years of age (see -jña-)  |
vyavahāraratna | n. Name of work  |
vyavahāraratnākara | m. Name of work  |
vyavahāraratnamālā | f. Name of work  |
vyavahārārthasāra | m. Name of work  |
vyavahārārthasmṛtisārasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
vyavahārārthin | m. one who has a lawsuit, a plaintiff, accuser  |
vyavahārasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
vyavahārāsana | n. a judgement-seat, tribunal  |
vyavahārasāra | m. Name of work  |
vyavahārasāroddhāra | m. Name of work  |
vyavahāraśataka | n. Name of work (containing rules of good manners, by trivikramācārya-).  |
vyavahārasaukhya | n. Name of work  |
vyavahārasthāna | n. equals -viṣaya-  |
vyavahārasthiti | f. judicial procedure  |
vyavahāratas | ind. according to established practice, practically, conventionally  |
vyavahāratattva | n. Name of a chapter of the smṛti-tattva-  |
vyavahāratilaka | m. Name of work by bhava-deva- bhaṭṭa-.  |
vyavahāratva | n. the state of being common practice or usage or of being the occasion of litigation or of a lawsuit  |
vyavahāravat | mfn. having occupation, occupied with (compound)  |
vyavahāravat | m. a man of business  |
vyavahāravidhi | m. legal enactment, rule of law, the precepts or code by which judicature is regulated, any code of law  |
vyavahāraviṣaya | m. a subject or title of legal procedure, any act or matter which may become the subject of legal proceedings (according to eighteen in number, viz. ṛṇādānam-, nikṣepaḥ-, asvāmi-vikrayaḥ-, sambhūya-samutthānam-, dattasyānapakarma-, vetanādānam-, saṃvid-vyatikramaḥ-, kraya-vikrayānuśayaḥ-, svāmi-pālayor vivādaḥ-, sīmā-vivādaḥ-, vāk-pāruṣyam-, daṇḍa-pāruṣyam-, steyam-, sāhasam-, strī-saṃgrahaṇam-, strīpuṃ-dharmaḥ-, vibhāgaḥ-, dyūtam-, āhvayaḥ-,qq.vv.)  |
vyavahārayitavya | mfn. (fr. Causal) to be occupied (especially with compulsory work)  |
vyavahārāyogya | mfn. unfitted for legal proceedings  |
vyavahārāyogya | m. one incompetent to conduct business, a minor, one not yet of age  |
vyavahārikā | f. a female slave (Bombay edition vyāv-)  |
vyavahārikā | f. common practice, the ways of the world  |
vyavahārikā | f. a broom  |
vyavahārikā | f. Terminalia Catappa  |
vyavahārika | wrong reading for vyāvahārika-.  |
vyavahārin | mfn. acting, proceeding, dealing with (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
vyavahārin | mfn. transacting, practising (any business or trade)  |
vyavahārin | mfn. fit or competent for legal proceedings or for affairs, being of age ( vyavahāritā ri-tā- f.majority in law)  |
vyavahārin | mfn. relating to a legal process or action  |
vyavahārin | mfn. customary. usual  |
vyavahārin | m. a man of business, trader, merchant etc.  |
vyavahārin | m. Name of a Mohammedan sect  |
vyavahāritā | f. vyavahārin |
vyavahāroccaya | m. Name of work  |
vyavahārya | mfn. to be transacted or practised (See a-vyav-)  |
vyavahārya | mfn. one who may be associated with  |
vyavahārya | mfn. customary, usual  |
vyavahārya | mfn. to be employed or used  |
vyavahārya | mfn. actionable, liable to a legal process  |
vyavahārya | n. a treasure  |
vyavahāsa | ( has-), mutual laughter  |
vyavahita | mfn. placed apart or asunder etc.  |
vyavahita | mfn. separated, not contiguous or immediately connected  |
vyavahita | mfn. interrupted, obstructed, disturbed  |
vyavahita | mfn. screened from view, concealed, covered  |
vyavahita | mfn. hostile, opposed  |
vyavahita | mfn. remote, distant  |
vyavahita | mfn. passed over, surpassed, excelled, put to shame  |
vyavahita | mfn. done, acted, performed  |
vyavahita | See vy-ava-dhā-.  |
vyavahṛ | P. A1. -harati-, te-, to transpose, exchange ; to have intercourse with (instrumental case or locative case) ; to meet (as foes), fight with (instrumental case with or without sārdham-) to act, proceed, behave towards or deal with (locative case) etc. ; to be active or busy, work ; to carry on commerce, trade, deal in (locative case instrumental case,or genitive case) ; to bet at, play for (genitive case) ; to manage, employ make use of (accusative) ; to carry on legal proceedings, litigate ; to be intent upon, care for cherish (accusative) ; to roam or stroll about ; to recover, regain, obtain ; to distinguish Passive voice -hriyate-, to be named or termed or designated : Causal -hārayati-, to allow any one to do what he likes on to deal with (accusative) : Passive voice of Causal hāryate-, to be named or designated  |
vyavahriyamāṇa | mfn. being named or designated ( vyavahriyamāṇatva -tva- n.)  |
vyavahriyamāṇatva | n. vyavahriyamāṇa |
vyavahṛt | mfn. dealing in (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound')  |
vyavahṛt | mfn. (as substantive) usage, practice  |
vyavakalana | n. (2. kal-) separation, subtraction, deduction  |
vyavakalita | mfn. subtracted, deducted  |
vyavakalita | n. subtraction, deduction  |
vyavakṝ | P. -kirati-, to scatter or pour down or on or about  |
vyavakrośana | n. ( krus-) mutual altercation or abuse  |
vyavakrośana | n. abuse, reviling (in general).  |
vyavakṛṣ | P. -karṣati-, to draw or tear away, alienate (varia lectio vy-apa-k-). |
vyavalambin | See a-vy-.  |
vyavalī | A1. -līyate-, to recline, lie or cower down  |
vyavalokana | n. ( lok-) the act of taking a view of  |
vyavalokanavalokita | mfn. looked upon, viewed, beheld  |
vyavamuc | (only ind.p. -mucya-), to unloose, unfasten, take off  |
vyavana | (a word used to explain vyoman-)  |
vyavanī | (only ind.p. -nīya-), to pour in separately  |
vyavapad | A1. -padyate-, to fall down or asunder  |
vyavaruh | P. A1. -rohati-, te-, to ascend, mount, get upon (accusative) : Causal -ropayati- (Passive voice -ropyate-; past participle -ropita-), to displace, remove, deprive of (ablative)  |
vyavaśad | (only perfect tense -śaśāda-, -śeduḥ-), to fall off or down  |
vyavasad | P. -sīdati-, to sit down, sink or fall down ; to pine or waste away, perish  |
vyavaśāda | m. falling off or down  |
vyavasarga | m. setting free, liberation  |
vyavasarga | m. distributing, bestowing  |
vyavasarga | m. renunciation, resignation  |
vyavasāya | See column 3.  |
vyavasāya | m. strenuous effort or exertion  |
vyavasāya | m. settled determination, resolve, purpose, intention to (locative case, accusative with prati-,or compound; yamkṛ-to make up one's mind, resolve, determine) etc.  |
vyavasāya | m. Resolution (personified)  |
vyavasāya | m. trade, business  |
vyavasāya | m. an act, action, performance  |
vyavasāya | m. first impression or perception  |
vyavasāya | m. state, condition  |
vyavasāya | m. artifice, stratagem, trick  |
vyavasāya | m. boasting  |
vyavasāya | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
vyavasāya | m. of śiva-  |
vyavasāya | m. of a son of dharma- by vapus- (daughter of dakṣa-)  |
vyavasāyabuddhi | mfn. having a resolute mind  |
vyavasāyadvitīya | mfn. doubled or attended by (id est possessing) resolution  |
vyavasāyātmaka | mfn. full of resolve or energy, energetic, laborious  |
vyavasāyavartin | mfn. acting resolutely, resolute  |
vyavasāyavasāyin | mfn. one who acts resolutely or energetically, resolute, energetic, enterprising, industrious etc.  |
vyavasāyavasāyin | mfn. engaged in trade or business  |
vyavasāyavasāyin | m. a tradesman, handicraftsman  |
vyavasāyavat | mfn. full of resoluteness or perseverance  |
vyavaścut | P. -ścotati-, to ooze, drip off  |
vyavasita | mfn. finished, ended, done  |
vyavasita | mfn. decided, determined, resolved, undertaken (also n. impersonal or used impersonally;with dative case or infinitive mood) etc.  |
vyavasita | mfn. one who has resolved upon or is determined or willing to (locative case, dative case,or infinitive mood)  |
vyavasita | mfn. settled, ascertained, known (n. impersonal or used impersonally), convinced or sure of anything (with samyak-,"one who has ascertained what is right";with accusative,"one who has acknowledged anything as true")  |
vyavasita | mfn. deceived, tricked, cheated, disappointed  |
vyavasita | mfn. energetic, persevering, making effort or exertion  |
vyavasita | n. resolution, determination  |
vyavasita | n. an artifice, contrivance  |
vyavasitavaseya | n. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be settled or determined  |
vyavasitavasiti | f. ascertainment, determination, resolution  |
vyavaso | P. -syati- (Epic also -syate-[with act. and pass. meaning];1. sg. proper -sāmi-; Potential -seyam-, -set-; future -siṣyati-), to settle down or dwell separately ; to differ (in opinion), contest, quarrel ; to separate, divide (opp. to sam-as-) ; to determine, resolve, decide, be willing to (accusative dative case, artham- in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound',or infinitive mood) etc. ; to settle, ascertain, be convinced or persuaded of take for (accusative) etc. ; to ponder, reflect, consider ; to make strenuous effort, labour or seek after, make an attempt upon (accusative) : Passive voice -sīyate-, to be settled or ascertained or fixed on or determined or decided (often impersonal or used impersonally) etc.: Causal -sāyayati-, to cause to resolve, encourage to undertake, embolden ; to incite or instigate to (infinitive mood) |
vyavasraṃs | A1. -sraṃsate-, to fall asunder  |
vyavasraṃsa | m. See a-vy-.  |
vyavasṛj | P. A1. -sṛjati-, te-, to throw, cast, hurl upon (genitive case) ; to put or lay down ; to dismiss, send away ; to distribute, bestow (See vy-avasarga-), to hang on, fasten to (locative case) (prob. wrong reading for vyava-sañj-).  |
vyavasṛp | P. -sarpati-, to creep or steal in  |
vyavasru | P. -sravati-, to flow or trickle asunder, dissolve, fail, come to nothing : Causal -srāvayati-, to cause to flow asunder etc.  |
vyavasta | mfn. equals vy-avasita-,  |
vyavasta | mfn. bound (?) (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
vyavasthā | A1. -tiṣṭhate-, to go apart, separate from (ablative) ; to differ respectively ; to halt, stop, stay ; to prepare or make ready for (dative case) ; to be settled, be (logically) true or tenable ; to appear as (Nominal verb) : Causal -sthāpayati-, to put down, place ; to fix on, direct towards (locative case) ; to charge with, appoint to (artham-) ; to stop, hold up, prevent from falling ; to restore, re-establish ; to settle, arrange, establish, determine, prove to be (logically) tenable ; to give a name ; to perform  |
vyavasthā | f. respective difference (āyām- locative case in each single case)  |
vyavasthā | f. abiding in one place, steadiness  |
vyavasthā | f. fixity, perseverance, constancy etc.  |
vyavasthā | f. a fixed limit  |
vyavasthā | f. settlement, establishment, decision, statute, law, rule (ayā-, instrumental case according to a fixed rule)  |
vyavasthā | f. legal decision or opinion (applied to the written extracts from the codes of law or adjustment of contradictory passages in different codes)  |
vyavasthā | f. conviction, persuasion  |
vyavasthā | f. fixed relation of time or place  |
vyavasthā | f. rate, proportion  |
vyavasthā | f. state, condition  |
vyavasthā | f. case, occasion, opportunity  |
vyavasthā | f. an engagement, agreement, contract  |
vyavasthādarpaṇa | m. Name of work  |
vyavasthāpaka | mfn. (fr. Causal) settling, arranging, deciding, establishing ( vyavasthāpakatva -tva- n.)  |
vyavasthāpakatva | n. vyavasthāpaka |
vyavasthāpakavasthāpana | n. supporting, encouraging |
vyavasthāpakavasthāpana | n. fixing, establishing, deciding (also in law)  |
vyavasthāpakavasthāpanīya | mfn. to be settled or established on  |
vyavasthāpakavasthāpita | mfn. arranged, settled  |
vyavasthāpakavasthāpita | mfn. caused to be placed or arranged  |
vyavasthāpakavasthāpya | mfn. to be established or declared (in each single case)  |
vyavasthāpakavasthāpya | n. the state of being established etc.  |
vyavasthāpattra | n. a written deed, document  |
vyavasthāprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
vyavasthāratnamālā | f. Name of work  |
vyavasthārṇava | m. Name of work  |
vyavasthāsārasaṃcaya | m. Name of work  |
vyavasthāsārasaṃgraha | m. Name of work  |
vyavasthāsetu | m. Name of work  |
vyavasthātikrama | m. transgression or violation of the law or settled rule, breaking an agreement or contract  |
vyavasthātivartana | n. id  |
vyavasthātivartin | mfn. transgressing the law, breaking an agreement or contract  |
vyavasthita | mfn. placed in order, drawn up (in battle)  |
vyavasthita | mfn. placed, laid, put, stationed situated, standing or being in or on or at (locative case or compound) etc.  |
vyavasthita | mfn. standing on the side of taking part with (compound)  |
vyavasthita | mfn. contained in (locative case)  |
vyavasthita | mfn. used in the meaning of (locative case), signifying (as a word)  |
vyavasthita | mfn. one who has waited or stayed  |
vyavasthita | mfn. based or dependent on (locative case) resolved upon (locative case)  |
vyavasthita | mfn. persevering in, sticking or adhering to (locative case or compound;with vākye-,"abiding in what is said","obeying") etc. intent upon, caring for (locative case)  |
vyavasthita | mfn. settled, established, fixed, exactly determined, quite peculiar or restricted to (locative case or compound) etc.  |
vyavasthita | mfn. constant, unchanging  |
vyavasthita | mfn. existing, present  |
vyavasthita | mfn. proving, turning out or appearing as (Nominal verb or instrumental case or ind.p. or adverb) etc.  |
vyavasthitatva | n. continuance, permanence, duration,  |
vyavasthitavasthiti | f. the being placed apart or kept asunder or distinguished, separation, distinction, difference staying, abiding, perseverance in (instrumental case or locative case)  |
vyavasthitavasthiti | f. constancy, steadfastness  |
vyavasthitavasthiti | f. fixity, fixed rule or statute, decision, determination etc.  |
vyavasthitavasthiti | f. extracting (?)  |
vyavasthitavibhāṣā | f. (in law, gram. etc.) an option fixed or determined in each particular case applicable or omitted throughout (the operation being in one case carried out throughout and in the other omitted throughout) |