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Grammar Search
"yati" has 4 results
yati: feminine vocative singular stem: yati
yati: neuter locative singular stem: yat.
yati: masculine locative singular stem: yat.
Amarakosha Search
6 results
anuśayaḥ3.3.156MasculineSingularāpat, yuddhaḥ, āyati
daivam1.4.28NeuterSingularniyati, vidhiḥ, diṣṭam, bhāgadheyam, bhāgyamdestiny or luck
kirātatiktaḥMasculineSingularbhūnimbaḥ, anāryatiktaḥ
yati2.7.47MasculineSingularnirjitendriyagrāmaḥ, yatī
Monier-Williams Search
324 results for yati
yatim. (for 2. and 3.See column 2 and p. 845) a disposer ("a giver") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatim. "a striver", an ascetic, devotee, one who has restrained his passions and abandoned the world etc. (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatim. Name of a mythical race of ascetics (connected with the bhṛgu-s and said to have taken part in the creation of the world) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatim. Name of a son of brahmā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatim. of a son of nahuṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatim. of a son of viśvāmitra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatim. Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatim. equals nikāra- or kāra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yati(fr. 3. ya-correlative of t/ati-;declined only in plural Nominal verb accusative y/ati-), as many as (= Latin quot), as often, how many or often (for 1. and 3. yati-See column 1 and p. 845) . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatif. (for 1. and 2.See p.841, columns 1 and 2) restraint, control, guidance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatif. stopping, ceasing, a pause (in music) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatif. a caesura (in prosody) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatif(i-, ī-). a widow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatibhāgavatan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatibhraṣṭamfn. wanting the caesura (in prosody) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatibhuṣaṇīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yaticāndrāyaṇan. Name of a particular kind of penance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatidhāind. in as many parts or ways View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatidharmam. the duty of a yati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatidharman m. Name of a son of śvaphalka-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatidharmaprakāśam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatidharmasaṃgraham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatidharmasamuccayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatidharminm. Name of a son of śvaphalka-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatikartavyagaṅgāstutif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatilagnam. (in music) a kind of measure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatiliṅgasamarthanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatimaithunan. the unchaste life of ascetics View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatinm. an ascetic, devotee View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatif. a widow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatinṛtyan. a kind of dance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatipañcakan. Name of 5 stanzas on the subject of ascetics (attributed to śaṃkarācārya-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatipātran. an ascetic's bowl, a wooden vessel for collecting alms (sometimes a hollow bamboo or an earthen bowl or a gourd is used for that purpose) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatiprativandanakhaṇḍanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatipravaṇakalpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatiprayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatirājam. "king of ascetics", Name of rāmānuja- () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatirājadaṇḍakamn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatirājasaptatif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatirājaśatakaṭīkāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatirājavedāntavilāsam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatirājavijayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatirājaviṃśatif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatirājīyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatirekhāf. a particular attitude in dancing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatisamārādhanavidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatisaṃskāram. Name of chapter of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatisaṃskāraprayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatisaṃskāravidhim. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatisaṃskāravidhinirṇayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatisāṃtapanan. Name of a particular kind of penance (a pañca-gavya-lasting for three days), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatiśekharam. a kind of measure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatisvadharmabhikṣāvidhim. Name of a work (containing rules for the regulation of life on the part of religious mendicants, attributed to śaṃkarācārya-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatitamfn. striven, endeavoured, attempted, tried (with infinitive mood exempli gratia, 'for example' to hantum-,attempted to be killed) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatitan. also imp. (exempli gratia, 'for example' tam mayā gantum-,it was tried by me to go) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatitālam. (in music) a kind of measure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatitavyamfn. to be endeavoured, to be striven for or after (n. impersonal or used impersonally with locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatithamf(-)n. "the as manieth" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatitvan. the state of a yati- or ascetic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yativandananiṣedham. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yativandanasamarthanan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yativandanaśatadūṣaṇīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yativaryam. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yativilāsam. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyatikram(ind.p. -kramya-;Inf. -krāntuṃ-) to step over, walk through ; to overpower ; to transgress, violate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyatikṣar(imperfect tense -akṣarat-) to flow over to (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyatito bring or place upon (locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyatiric Passive voice -/ati-ric-yate-, or -ati-ricy/ate- (subjunctive abhy-/ati-r/icyātai-; Potential -/ati-ricyeta-) Ved. to remain for the sake of (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyatisṛj(1. plural -/ati-sṛjāmas-) to let pass
abhyatitamfn. ( at-), one who has walked towards (accusative), one who visits (used for the etymology of atithi-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyativadP. (equals ati-vad- q.v) "to speak louder or better", surpass in disputing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
abhyativṛt -vartate-, to drive past (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhivyatikramam. passing over or through (compound), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anapayatiind. (locative case pr.p. i-with apa-?),"before the sun makes a start", very early View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anāryatiktam. the medicinal plant Gentiana Cherayta. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anvayavyatirekan. agreement and contrariety View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anvayavyatirekan. a positive and negative proposition View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anvayavyatirekan. species and difference View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anvayavyatirekan. rule and exception View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anvayavyatirekan. logical connection and disconnection. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anvayavyatirekinmfn. (in philosophy) affirmative and negative. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anyonyavyatikaram. reciprocal action, relation or influence. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atyatikramto approach for sexual intercourse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
atyatiric Passive voice -ricyate-, to surpass exceedingly. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avyaticāram. the absence of mutual permutation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avyatikīrṇamfn. unmixed, unblended, distinct, separate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avyatikramam. non-transgression View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avyatimoham. the not confounding by error View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avyatirekam. non-exclusion, non-exception View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avyatirekamfn., (equals avyabhicārin-) unerring View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avyatirekinmfn. unerring. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avyatiṣaktamfn. not intermingled View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avyatiṣaṅgamind. without exchanging one for another View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatāyatif. long continuance, remote futurity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayatim. no ascetic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayatim. Name of one of the six sons of nahuṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatif. stretching, extending View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatif. extension, length View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatif. following or future time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatif. the future,"the long run" etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatif. posterity, lineage View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatif. descendant, son View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatif. expectation, hope View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatif. majesty, dignity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatif. restraint of mind View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatif. Name of a daughter of meru- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatikṣamamfn. fit or useful for future time View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatimatmfn. long, extended View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatimatmfn. stately, dignified View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyatimatmfn. self-restrained View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ayatitmfn. ( yat-), not going side by side (["not making efforts" ]) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāratīyatim. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhartṛvyatikramam. transgression against a husband View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāvayatinm. an ascetic by life or conduct View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhīṣayatiSee bhī-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bodhāraṇyayatim. Name of the Guru of bhāratī-yati- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmacaitanyayatim. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhānyatilvila(ny/a--) mfn. abounding in corn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanyatithim. an auspicious or a particular day View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dharmavyatikramam. transgression of the law View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhyāyatim. Name of dhyai- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dṛṣṭavyatikaramfn. who has experienced misfortune View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hārāpayatiSee hṛ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatim. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hṛṇāyati(only p. y/at-) idem or '(only p. y/at-) idem or ' or hṝ- cl.9 A1. hṛṇīte- (only parasmE-pada hṛṇān/a- ; Potential [abhi]-hṛṇīthāḥ- , and [?] ahṛṇāt-, ) , to be angry or wroth.' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ibhyatilvilamfn. abundantly possessed of household requisites View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
janayatif. generation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jayatim. the root ji- , View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jayatīrthayatim. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. Name of a commentator' ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karaṇayatif. a kind of time (in mus.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karmavyatihāram. reciprocity of an action View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kavirājayatim. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kevalavyatirekinmfn. pertaining only to separateness View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
laukāyatikam. (fr. lokāata-) a follower of cārvāka-, a materialist, atheist View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokāyatikam. idem or '(l) m. a materialist ' and etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokāyatikam. (perhaps) a man experienced in the ways of the world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
lokāyatikapakṣanirāsam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahadvyatikramam. a great transgression View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāyatim. a great ascetic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
māmanasāyatim. patronymic (?)
maryādāvyatikramam. overstepping bounds or limits View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nāryatiktam. equals an-āryat- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirāyatimfn. one who has no future, one whose end or destruction is at hand View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nītivyatikramam. error of conduct or policy View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niyatif. the fixed order of things, necessity, destiny, fate etc. (sometimes personified as a goddess, niyati- and āyati- being regarded as daughters of meru- and wives of dhātṛ- and vidhātṛ- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niyatif. restraint, restriction View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niyatif. religious duty or obligation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niyatif. self-command, self-restraint View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parāyatim. ( yat-) equals parā-gantṛ- () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
piṇḍayatiSee piṇḍ-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prayatif. (pr/a--) offering, gift, donation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prayatif. intention, will, effort, exertion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prayatitan. (impersonal or used impersonally) pains have been taken with (locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prayatitavyan. (impersonal or used impersonally) pains have to be taken with (locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prīyatim. an expression for prī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pūjyapūjāvyatikramam. pūjyapūjā
rāmābhyudayatilakan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rasayatim. or f. taste, flavour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sabhyābhinavayatim. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samabhyatikramP. -krāmati-, to come upon or into, enter into View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃtrāyatim. (used as a substantive to represent the above verb saṃ-trai-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvidvyatikramam. breach of promise, violation of contract (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃyatif. penance, self-castigation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃyatinSee under saṃ-. yam-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃyatinmfn. controlling, restraining (the senses) (prob. wrong reading for saṃ-yamin-below) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
satyanāthayatim. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
satyatitikṣāvatmfn. truthful and patient View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sayatimfn. having a caesura, with a caesura View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śmaśānādhivyatikramam. passing over a cemetery, ib View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sthirāyatimfn. of long extension or duration, lasting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sthityatikrāntif. transgression of the bounds of morality or virtue View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sudhīndrayatim. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sumatīndrayatim. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sūtrayatiSee sūtr-, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tapyatif. heat (varia lectio t/u-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
toyavyatikaram. blending of the waters (of two rivers). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
udyatif. raising, elevation
upamāvyatirekam. (in rhetoric) a particular figure combining comparison and contrast View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
varṇavyatikrāntāf. a woman that has transgressed by intercourse with a man of lower caste, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
varṇayatif. (in music) a kind of measure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttāvyatikaram. bad news View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vārttāvyatikaram. general report, common rumour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vijñānayatim. equals -bhikṣu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyatim. Name of one of the six sons of nahuṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyatim. a bird View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyāsayati See -tīrtha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatim. ( and2. at-;but not dissolved in ) a horse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatibhāA1. -bhāte- (perfect tense -babhe-), to shine forth fully or brightly (used impersonal or used impersonally) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatibhedam. bursting forth together or simultaneously View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatibhedam. pervading, penetration View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatibhinnamfn. ( bhid-) inseparably joined or connected with View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatibhūA1. -bhavate- (3. sg. prec. -bhaviṣīṣṭa- ), to vie with any one (accusative), contend for precedence or superiority
vyaticar(only 1. sg. proper A1. -care-), to transgress against, offend (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyaticāraSee a-vyaticāra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyaticumbitamfn. ( cumb-) touched closely, in immediate contact with View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiP. -jigāti- (only Aorist vy-aty-agāt-), to pass by View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatigamP. -gacchati-, to go against each other View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatigatamfn. passed by, elapsed (as time) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatihanP. -hanti-, to strike back or in return ; to strike each other, fight together : to kill together View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatihāram. interchange, alternation, reciprocity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatihāram. exchange, barter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatihāram. exchange of blows or abuse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatihasP. -hasati-, to laugh at each other Va1rtt. 1 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatihiṃsP. -hiṃsati-, to hurt or injure each other View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatihṛA1. -harate- (), to transpose mutually View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatijalpP. -jalpati-, to chatter together, gossip Va1rtt. 1 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiji(only 3. sg. pf. A1. -jigye-), to conquer, surpass, excel View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaramfn. acting reciprocally, reciprocal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaram. reciprocity, reciprocal action or relation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaram. contact, contiguity, union (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = joined with, spreading through or over, pervading) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaram. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') taking to, accomplishing, performing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaram. incident, opportunity View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaram. reverse, misfortune, calamity, accident, fatality
vyatikaram. destruction, end View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaram. mixing or blending together, mixture View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaram. a confusing (or striking) resemblance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaratikṛtamfn. pervaded View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaravatmfn. mixed, of contrary kind or nature View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikaritamfn. mixed or joined with (instrumental case or compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikīrṇamfn. scattered about in different directions View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikīrṇamfn. mixed together, confused View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikṛonly Passive voice -kriyate-, to be greatly changed or moved View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikṛ Passive voice -kīryate-, to be mixed or blended together View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikramP. A1. -krāmati-, -kramate- (ind.p. -kramya-), to go or pass by, step over or beyond (literally and figuratively) ; to pass away, elapse, be spent (as time) ; to excel, surpass, conquer ; to neglect, omit, violate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikramam. going or passing by View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikramam. gaining the start View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikramam. passing away, lapse (of time) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikramam. leaping or passing over, avoiding, escaping, getting rid of (genitive case) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikramam. overstepping, transgressing, neglect, violation, non-performance, disregard of (genitive case or compound) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikramam. violation of established order, transgression, crime, vice, fault, sin against (genitive case or compound) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikramam. inverted order, reverse, contrary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikramaṇan. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') committing a sin against, wronging View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikraminmfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') sinning against, wronging View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikraminmfn. passing over, deviating, transgressing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikrāntamfn. passed over etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikrāntamfn. reversed, inverted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikrāntamfn. one who has wrongly taken to (accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikrāntan. transgression, sin, fault View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikrāntif. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') committing a sin against, harming, wronging View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikṣepam. (kṣip-) mutual exchange or permutation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatikṣepam. mutual altercation, strife, contest (varia lectio vy-adhi-kṣepa-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatilaṅghinmfn. ( laṅgh-) falling or slipping away View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiA1. -lunīte- (or P. -lunāti-,if joined with itaretarasya-,or anyo 'nyasya-), to cut mutually View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatimarśam. ( mṛś-) a particular kind of vihāra- (mutual transposition of the several pāda-s or half verses or whole verses of the first and second vālakhilya- hymns which are repeated in sets, two always taken together) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatimarśatimarśamind. so as to encroach View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatimarśatimarśamind. so as to skip or take alternately View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatimiśramfn. mixed or confounded with one another View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatimūḍhamfn. ( muh-) excessively perplexed or embarrassed, utterly distracted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatimūḍhatimohaSee /a-vyatimoha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiP. -nayati-, to let pass (time) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatipākam. ( pac-) Va1rtt. 1. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatipātam. ( pat-) Name of a particular astronomical yoga- (when sun and moon are in the opposite ayana- and have the same declination, the sum of their longitudes being = 180 degrees) (see vy-atī-pāsa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatipātajananaśāntif. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatipātaprakaranan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatipātavratakalpam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatipaṭhP. -paṭhati-, to recite mutually Va1rtt. 1, Pat. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiA1. -rāte- (vyaty-are- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirecanan. contrasting, pointing out a contrast or difference (in a comparison) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekam. distinction, difference, separateness, separation, exclusion etc. (bhāvo vyatireka-tas-,a separate or particular existence; ta-vyatireka-,not separate or particular; vyatirekeṇa keṇa- ind.or vyatirekāt kāt- ind.[or vyatireka- in the beginning of a compound ],with exception of, without) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekam. negation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekam. contrariety, contrast to (compound) ( vyatireke ke- ind.,on the contrary supposition) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekam. logical discontinuance (opp. to anvaya- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekam. (in rhetoric) a particular figure of speech (the contrasting of things compared in some respects with each other) etc.; Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekālaṃkāram. the rhetorical figure called vyatireka- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekātind. vyatireka
vyatirekatasind. See above View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekāvalīf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekavyāptif. "pervasion of difference or dissimilitude", a comprehensive argument derived from negation or non-existence of certain qualities View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekeind. vyatireka
vyatirekeṇaind. vyatireka
vyatirekiin compound for vyatirekin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekiliṅgan. an exclusive mark, negative property (excluding its subject from the class possessing the corresponding positive property) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekinmfn. distinguishing, excluding, excepting, negative View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekinmfn. different, reverse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekipūrvapakṣarahasyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekirahasyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekisiddhāntarahasyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatirekyudāharaṇan. illustration by contrast or negation (of certain properties) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiric Passive voice -ricyate-, to reach far beyond, leave behind, surpass, excel (accusative or ablative) ; to be separated from (ablative) ; to differ from View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiriktamfn. reaching beyond, excessive, immoderate (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' = abundantly furnished with) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiriktamfn. separate, different or distinct from, other than (ablative or compound) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiriktamfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') free from View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiriktamfn. left remaining from (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiriktamfn. with drawn, withheld View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiriktamfn. excepted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiriktamind. with the exception of, except, without (e. gaRa svara-v-,"except the accent") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiriktatāf. distinction, difference. () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiriktatiriktakan. a particular manner of flying View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiriktatvan. distinction, difference. () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiropitamfn. (fr. Causal) ejected, expelled, dispossessed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiruhP. -rohati-, to grow ; to attain to (another state accusative) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiṣaktamfn. mutually connected or joined or related, intertwined, mixed together etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiṣaktamfn. intermarried, intermarrying View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatisaṃdahP. -dahati-, to burn up entirely View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiṣaṅgam. mutual connection, reciprocal junction or relation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiṣaṅgam. entanglement View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiṣaṅgam. hostile encounter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiṣaṅgam. exchange, barter View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiṣaṅgam. absorption View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiṣaṅgamind. so as to join or connect mutually View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiṣaṅgatiṣajyaind. seizing each other by the hand View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiṣaṅgatiṣaṅginmfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') hanging or sitting on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiṣaṅgavatmfn. having mutual connection, connected, united, mixed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiṣañj( sanj-) P. A1. -ṣajati-, te-, (P.) to join or unite in opposite places, connect mutually, intertwine ; to implicate, involve in (a game) ; (A1.) to change : Passive voice -ṣajyate-, to be mutually connected View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiṣañjitamfn. equals vy-atiṣakta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiśaṅkitamfn. ( śaṅk-),"suspecting"or"suspected"(in mithyā-v-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatisev Passive voice -sevyate-, to be well furnished or provided with (instrumental case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiśīA1. -śete-, to extend or pass beyond, surpass View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiṣiktamfn. separated, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatisṛonly ind.p. -sṛtya-, prob."in each case","on every occasion" (gurum anu-sṛtya- ) : Caus. -sārayati- (with kathām-), to converse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiśrīP. -śīryate- (pr.p. -śīryat-), to burst into many pieces View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatisṛpP. -sarpati- (), to move to and fro, fly in every direction (as arrows) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatitan(only 3. dual number imperfect tense A1. vy-atanvāsām-), to vie with each other in extending or spreading out View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatitṝ(only 3. sg. dual number future P. -tariṣyati-), to pass completely across, overcome View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyativāhA1. -vahate-, to bear mutually or reciprocally View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatividdhamfn. ( vyadh-) pierced, transfixed (Bombay edition) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatividdhamfn. put through, entwined View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyativrajP. -vrajati-, to go past ; to stride over, overstep (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyativṛtA1. -vartate-, to go over, pass through ; to escape, avoid ; to glide or pass away, elapse ; to depart from (ablative), leave, quit, abandon
vyatiP. -yāti-, to go completely through, penetrate, pervade ; to pass by, flow on (as time) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiyātamfn. gone by, elapsed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyatiyuP. yauti- (only 2. dual number proper -yutas-), to unite mutually, mix together, mingle View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yatyācārasaṃgrahīyayatisaṃskāraprayogam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yuddhavyatikramam. violation of the rules of combat View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
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yati यति pron. a. [यद्-परिमाणे$ति] (declined only in pl.; nom. acc. यति) As many, as often, how many.
yati यतिः f. [यम्-क्तिन्] 1 Restraint, check control. -2 Stopping, ceasing, rest. -3 Guidance. -4 A pause in music; स्थानत्रयं यतीनां च षडास्यानि रसा नव Pt.5.55. -5 (In prosody) A cæsura; यतिजिह्वेष्टविश्रामस्थानं कविभि- रुच्यते । सा विच्छेदविरामाद्यैः पदैर्वाच्या निजेच्छया ॥ Chand. M.1; म्रभ्नैर्यानां त्रयेण त्रिमुनियतियुता स्रग्धरा कीर्तितेयम्; यतिभङ्गप्रवृत्तस्य यतिभङ्गो न दोषभाक् Śaṁkaradigvijaya. -6 A widow. -तिः m. [यतते मोक्षाय यत्-इन्] 1 An ascetic, one who has renounced the world and controlled his passions; यथा दानं विना हस्ती तथा ज्ञानं विना यतिः Bv.1.119. -2 N. of Viṣṇu. -Comp. -चान्द्रायणम् N. of a particular kind of penance; अष्टावष्टौ समश्नीयात् पिण्डान् मध्यंदिने स्थिते । नियतात्मा हविष्याशी यतिचान्द्रायणं चरन् ॥ Ms.11.218. -पात्रम् an ascetic bowl for collecting alms. -मैथुनम् the unchaste life of ascetics.
yatin यतिन् m. An ascetic.
yati यतिनी A widow; विधवा ...... विश्वस्ता यतिनी यतिः Śabdaratnāvali.
yatita यतित p. p. Tried, attempted, endeavoured, striven after.
agadyati अगद्यति Den. P. To have good health.
aghāyati अघायति Den. P. To sin, to be malicious; to threaten with ruin.
atihastayati अतिहस्तयति Den. P. [अतिहस्त-णि] 1 To stretch out the hands (हस्तौ निरस्यति). -2 [हस्तिना अतिक्रामति] To overtake (one) on an elephant.
atharyati अथर्यति Den. P. To go constantly.
adasyati अदस्यति Den. P. To become that P.VIII.2.8.
anapayati अनपयति ind. Very early (before the sun starts on his journey).
anukūlayati अनुकूलयति Den. P. To conciliate, propitiate, act in a friendly way towards; (तम्) अनुकूलयतीन्द्रो$पि कल्पद्रुम- विभूषणैः Ku.2.39; अस्यानुकूलय मतिं मतिमन्ननेन Ki.13.71; Śi.7.11.
anuguṇayati अनुगुणयति Den. P. To make favourable, conciliate; bring about, secure; सम्पदो$नुगुणयन् सुखैषिणाम् Ki.13.44.
anutūlayati अनुतूलयति Den. P. To rub (as the point or end of grass) with cotton; P.III.1.25.
anulomayati अनुलोमयति Den. P. 1 To stroke or rub with the hair or with the grain, go with the grain; तत्र प्रतिलोम- मनुलोमयेत् Suśr. -2 To evacuate, purge, carry off by the regular channels.
antarayati अन्तरयति Den. P. 1 to cause to intervene, divert, put off; सर्वमेवान्यदन्तरयति K.338; भवतु तावदन्तरयामि U. 6 well, I shall change the topic, divert the course of conversation. -2 To oppose, prevent; नैनमन्धकारराशिरन्तर- यति K.243. -3 To remove (to a distance), push after; भुवो बलैरन्तरयाम्बभूविरे Śi.12.29; सर्वानन्तरायानन्तरयन् K.161; जलान्तराणीव महार्णवौघः शब्दान्तराण्यन्तरयाञ्चकार Śi.3.24 drowned.
andolayati अन्दोलयति Den. P. To swing, agitate, rock to and fro, oscillate. See आन्दोल्
anyathayati अन्यथयति Den. P. To change, alter, to change into something totally different; धर्मश्च कर्तुमकर्तुमन्यथयितुमीश्वरस्य शिवस्य आज्ञानुल्लङ्घनम् । चोलचम्पू p.13.
aparokṣayati अपरोक्षयति Den. P. To make perceptible.
apasyati अपस्यति Den. P. To be active.
apahastayati अपहस्तयति Den. P. To seize by the neck and drive out; hence throw away, abandon, leave, discard, reject (fig. also).
abhiṣeṇayati अभिषेणयति Den. P. [अभिसेना-णिच् P.III.1.25, VIII.3.65] To march against (with an army), to attack, to face or encounter (another) with an army; कः सिन्धुराजमभिषेणयितुं समर्थः Ve.2.26; Śi.6.64.
abhyasūyati अभ्यसूयति Den. P. 1 To be angry with, bear malice against, envy, be jealous of (with acc.); न च मां यो$भ्यसूयति Bg.18.67; प्रहसन्ति स्म तां केचिदभ्यसूयन्ति चापरे Mb. -2 Not to like, detract from, calumniate; ये त्वेतदभ्यसूयन्तो नानुतिष्ठन्ति मे मतम् Bg.3.32.
amalayati अमलयति Den. P. To make pure or spotless, brighten; अमलयतीह वनान्तमिन्दुलेखा Ki.5.44.
amitrayati अमित्रयति Den. P., अमित्रायते A. To act like an enemy, act hostilely towards, hate; हा कष्टं पुरुषस्य जीर्णवयसः पुत्रो$प्यमित्रायते Bh.3.111.
ambaryati अम्बर्यति Den. P. To bring together.
ayati अयति a. Not attempting; अयतिः श्रद्धयोपेतः Bg.6.37.
ayatin अयतिन् a. Of unsubdued desires or passions, incontinent.
araryati अरर्यति Den. P. 1 To work with an awl. -2 To try, put to the test.
āyati आयतिः f. 1 Length, extension; Mb.5.166.3; stretching, extending; तेषां देवेष्वायतिरस्माकं तेषु नाभयः Rv.1.139.9. -2 Future time, the future; आयतिप्रदर्शनम्; Kau. A.2.1, ˚भङ्ग K.55 (length also), 58; Dk.29; भूयसी तव यदायता- यतिः Śi.14.5; रहयत्यापदुपेतमायतिः Ki.2.14; Ms.7.169; अनायतिक्षमं वचः Pt.3.111 imprudent, not good for the future; ˚ग्लानिभीतः Mu.4.12; स्थिर˚ Ki.1.23 permanent. -3 Future consequence or result; आयतिं सर्वकार्याणां तदात्वं च विवारयेत् Ms.7.178; Ki.1.15,2.43,3.43; Ki.4.21; fruit-yielding season. -4 Majesty, dignity; आयतीमिव विध्वस्ताम् Rām.5.19.12. -5 Stretching the hand, accepting, obtaining. -6 Work (कर्मन्); यथा मित्रं ध्रुवं लब्ध्वा कृशमप्यायतिक्षमम् Ms.7.28 (कर्मक्षमम् Kull.). -7 Connection, junction. -8 Meeting, union. -9 Source, descent; यदायतिः Dk.154 descended from him. -1 Restraint (of mind). -11 Arrival; उत्पत्तिमायतिं स्थानं विभुत्वं चैव पञ्चधा Praśna. Up.3.12. -12 A long line, succession; द्रक्ष्यन्ति समरे योधाः शलभानामिवायतिः Mb.7.159.71.
āyatimat आयतिमत् a. 1 Long, extended. -2 Dignified, majestic, stately. -3 Self-restrained.
ārdrayati आर्द्रयति Den. P. To wet, moisten; केचिद् वृष्टिभिरार्द्रयन्ति वसुधाम् Bh.2.51.
āvilayati आविलयति Den. P. To sully, make turbid, stain, blot; व्यपदेशमाविलयितुं किमीहसे Ś.5.21.
āhvānayati आह्वानयति Den. P. (In law) To summon.
irasyati इरस्यति Ved. 1 To behave insolently, be angry. -2 (With dat.) To be ill-affected towards.
iṣaṇyati इषण्यति Den. P. To excite, drive, urge on; ऋतस्य बुध्न उषसामिषण्यन् Rv.3.61.7.
iṣayati इषयति Den. P. 1 To be juicy. -2 To swell, increase. -3 To be fresh or active. -4 To animate, strengthen.
iṣudhyati इषुध्यति Den. P. 1 To contain arrows. -2 To Implore, request, ask. -3 To desire oblations.
iṣūyati इषूयति Den. P. 1 To long for food. -2 To request. -3 To strive for; ऋत्वा वेधा इषूयते Rv.1.128.4.
ukṣaṇyati उक्षण्यति Den. P. To desire one who sends down riches. वयं हि वां हवामह उक्षण्यन्तो व्यश्ववत् Rv.8.26.9.
utkayati उत्कयति Den. P. To make uneasy; मनस्विनीरुत्कयितुं पटीयसा Śi.1.59.
utkalāpayati उत्कलापयति Den. P. 1 To ask (one) permission to go, take leave of; Pt.5. -2 To cause the peacock to spread its plumage. -3 To cause (one) to be proud, produce conceit by an acknowledgment of merit. -4 To bring one's wife home from her father's house; to marry; Ved.
uttaṃsayati उत्तंसयति Den. P. 1 To cause to serve as a crest, to deck, adorn. -2 To tie or bind up (as hair); उत्तंसयिष्यति कचांस्तव देवि भीमः Ve.1.21
utsukayati उत्सुकयति Den. P. To make uneasy; परिणामाभिमुख- मृतोरुत्सुकयति यौवनं चेतः M.5.4.
udagrayati उदग्रयति Den. P. To display prominently; अन्तः शरीरपरिशोषमुदग्रयन्तः (वृक्षाः) Mu.6.13.
udanyati उदन्यति Den. P. P.VII.4.34. 1 To be thirsty. -2 To irrigate. दिशमिव दाहवतीं मरावुदन्यन् Bk.4.44.
uddhūlayati उद्धूलयति Den. P. To powder, sprinkle with powder or dust.
udyati उद्यतिः f. 1 Raising, elevation. उपस्तुतिं नमस उद्यतिं च Rv.1.19.3. -2 Effort, exertion. अकल्प्स्यदुद्यतिः सर्वा हनूमानित्यचिन्तयत् Bk.8.69.
udveṣṭayati उद्वेष्टयति Den. P. To open, unfasten, untie.
upavīṇayati उपवीणयति Den. P. [P.III.1.25] To play on the Vīṇā or lute (before a deity &c.); उपवीणयितुं ययौ रवेरुदगावृत्तिपथेन नारदः R.8.33; N.6.65; K.131.
upaślokayati उपश्लोकयति Den. P. [P.III.1.25.] To extol or praise in verses; समुत्तेजनसमर्थैः श्लोकैरुपश्लोकयितव्यः Mu.4.
upasnehayati उपस्नेहयति Den. P. To melt (to love); U.2.6.
upodbalayati उपोद्बलयति Den. P. To confirm, strengthen.
urasyati उरस्यति Den. P. To be strong.
uruṣyati उरुष्यति Den. P. 1 To protect, guard, defend; उषा- सानक्तोत न उरुष्यताम् Av.6.3.3. -2 To desire wide scope or freedom. -3 To escape from (with acc.).
ullalayati उल्ललयति Den. P. To jump; spring (shake the body up); तावत्खरः प्रखरमुल्ललयाञ्चकार Śi.5.7; Pt.4.
ūnayati ऊनयति Den. P. 1 To leave deficient or unfinished; मा त्वायतो जरितुः काममूनयीः Rv.1.53.3. -2 To deduct, lessen, diminish. -3 To measure. -4 To deal out in small quantities.
ūrjayati ऊर्जयति Den. P. 1 To feed, strengthen, nourish. -2 (Ā.) To become strong or powerful.
ṛghāyati ऋघायति Den. U. 1 To tremble; सिन्धुर्न क्षोदः शिमीवाँ ऋघायतः Rv.2.25.3. -2 To tremble with anger, rage, rave.
ṛjūyati ऋजूयति Den. P. To be on the right way, walk straight-forward; ऋजूयमानो अतपन्महित्वा Rv.1.88.9.
ṛtayati ऋतयति To desire sacrifice; Rv.8.3.14.
ṛtīyati ऋतीयति Den. P. 1 To quarrel, fight. -2 To be ashamed.
elāyati एलायति Den. P. 1 To be merry or frolicsome. -2 To be wantonly mischievous in behaviour.
odanīyati ओदनीयति Den. P. To wish to make mashed food of anything; पुरोडाशं यद्योदनीयन्ति.
kaṭakaṭāpayati कटकटापयति Den. P. To rub together, make a creaking or grating sound.
kaṭhorayati कठोरयति Den. P. To furnish with buds, expand the blossoms of; कठोरय केतकान् Māl.9.42.
kaṇḍūyati कण्डूयति ते Den. U. (p. p. कण्डूयित) 1 To scratch, rub gently; कण्डूयमानेन कटं कदाचित् R.2.37; मृगीमकण्डूयत कृष्णसारः Ku.3.36; so शृङ्गे कृष्णमृगस्य वामनयनं कण्डूयमानां मृगीम् Ś.16; Ms.4.82.
kathāpayati कथापयति Den. P. To tell, relate &c.
kanayati कनयति Den. P. To lessen, reduce in size, make small, diminish; कीर्तिं नः कनयन्ति च Bk.18.25.
kalaṅkayati कलङ्कयति Den. P. To defame, stain with stigma, sully.
kavalayati कवलयति Den. P. To eat, devour; Pt.4; Māl.7.
kilakilāyati किलकिलायति ते Den. To make a chattering noise; सर्वे (वानराः) किलकिलायन्तः Bk.7.12.
kumārayati कुमारयति Den. P. [कुमार इव आचरति] To play, sport (like a child).
kuṣubhyati कुषुभ्यति Den. P. 1 To throw. -2 To abuse. -3 To despise.
kṛpaṇyati कृपण्यति Den. P. To wish, desire; तत्तदग्निर्वयो दधे यथा- यथा कृपण्यति Rv.8.39.4.
ketayati केतयति Den. P. 1 To summon, call, invite. -2 To advise, counsel. -3 To fix or appoint a time. -4 To hear, -5 To show, indicate; U.6.24.
kraśayati क्रशयति Den. P. To emaciate, make thin or lean; क्रशितं शरीरमशरीरशरैः Śi.9.61.
kṣamāpayati क्षमापयति Den. P. To ask any one's pardon, beg pardon; क्षमापय महाभागं ततः शान्तिर्भविष्यति Bhāg.9.4.71.
kṣārayati क्षारयति Den. P. 1 To furnish or mix with acid substances. -2 To torture a person with acid substances. -3 To speak ill of a person, accuse. -4 To abuse, calumniate, traduce, censure; cf. आक्षर्.
kṣīrayati क्षीरयति Den. P. To look like milk.
kṣīrasyati क्षीरस्यति Den. P. To desire milk; क्षीरस्यति माणवकः Mbh. on P.VII.1.51.
kṣetrīyati क्षेत्रीयति Den. P. To desire another's wife.
khaṭvayati खट्वयति Den. P. To use as a couch; सोपधानां धियं धीरां स्थेयसीं खट्वयन्ति ये Śi.2.77. खट्वाका khaṭvākā खट्विका khaṭvikā खट्वाका खट्विका A small bed-stead.
gadgadayati गद्गदयति Den. P. To stammer.
grāmayati ग्रामयति Den. P. To invite or call.
ghanīyati घनीयति Den. P. To long for solid food.
canasyati चनस्यति Den. P. 1 To like. -2 To eat. -3 To delight in; पुरुभुजा चनस्यतम् Rv.1.3.1.
citrayati चित्रयति Den. P. (According to L. D. B. it is 1 P.). 1 To make variegated, paint. -2 To regard as wonderful.
cirāyati चिरायति Den. P.; also चिरायते To delay, tarry; कथं चिरयति पाञ्चाली Ve.1; किं चिरायितं भवता; सङ्केतके चिरयति प्रवरो विनोदः Mk.3.3.
chalayati छलयति Den. P. To outwit, deceive, cheat; बलिं छल- यते Gīt.1; शैवाललोलांश्छलयन्ति मीनान् R.16.61; Bg.1.36; Amaru.41.
chidrayati छिद्रयति Den. P. To perforate, bore, pierce through.
jaḍayati जडयति Den. P. To stupefy, benumb; Māl.1.3; Ratn.4.13; Mu.3.4.
janayati जनयतिः f. Ved. Production, generation.
janīyati जनीयति Den. P. To long for a wife. जनु (-नू) f. Birth, production.
jihmāyati जिह्मायति Den. P. To go crookedly.
jñānīyati ज्ञानीयति Den. P. To wish for knowledge.
tapasyati तपस्यति Den. P. To practise penance; सुरासुरगुरुः सो$त्र सपत्नीकस्तपस्यति Ś7.9,12; R.13.41;15.49; Bk.18.21; स्थाणुं तपस्यन्तमधित्यकायाम् Ku.3.17.
taralayati तरलयति Den. P. To cause to shake, to wave, move to and fro; Amaru.87; चूडामण्डलबन्धनं तरलयत्याकूतजो वेपथुः U.5.35.
taruṇayati तरुणयति Den. P. To heighten, spread; प्रारम्भे$पि त्रियामा तरुणयति निजं नीलिमानं वनेषु Māl.5.6.
taruṣyati तरुष्यति Den. P. To attack.
timirayati तिमिरयति Den. P. To obscure, eclipse, darken.
tirayati तिरयति Den. P. 1 To conceal, keep concealed or secret. -2 To hinder, stop, obstruct, obscure; तिरयति कारणानां ग्राहकत्वं प्रमोहः Māl.1.4; वारंवारं तिरयति दृशोरुद्गमं बाष्पपूरः 35; तिरयति वचनम् 9.3 'drowns'. -3 To conquer.
tirasyati तिरस्यति Den. P. To disappear.
tirohayati तिरोहयति Den. P. To hide, conceal.
tīvrayati तीव्रयति Den. P. To make sharp, strengthen.
tucchayati तुच्छयति Den. P. To make empty or poor; कांश्चित् तुच्छयति प्रपूरयति वा Mk.1.6.
turaṇyati तुरण्यति Den. P.1 To be swift; उत स्मास्य द्रवतस्तुरण्यतः Rv.4.4.3. -2 To make haste, accelerate, expedite; राधो न रेत ऋतमित् तुरण्यन् Rv.1.61.11.
taraṇyati तरण्यति Den. P. To cross over.
tvacayati त्वचयति Den. P. 1 To cover with a hide. -2 To peel off the skin.
dadhisyati दधिस्यति Den. P. To wish for curds; also दध्यस्यति. दधीचः dadhīcḥ चिः ciḥ दध्यच् dadhyac दधीचः चिः दध्यच् N. of a celebrated sage, who became ready to die, and offered his bones to the gods; with these bones the architect of the gods made a thunderbolt with which Indra defeated Vṛitra and other demons. -Comp. -अस्थि n. 1 the thunderbolt of Indra. -2 a diamond.
davayati दवयति Den. P. To make distant, remove (to a distance).
duḥkhīyati दुःखीयति Den. P. To suffer pain, be distressed; दुःखीयति सुखहेतोः को मूढः सेवकादन्यः H.2.27.
duvasyati दुवस्यति Den. P. 1 To honour, worship. -2 To reward; दुवस्यत दम्यं जातवेदसम् Rv.3.2.8.
dṛḍhayati दृढयति Den. P. To make firm, confirm, strengthen; cf. द्रढयति.
draḍhayati द्रढयति Den. P. -1 To make firm, fasten, tighten, (lit.) as in जटाजूटग्रन्थिं द्रढयति. -2 To strengthen, confirm, corroborate; निवेशः शैलानां तदिदमिति बुद्धिं द्रढयति U.2.27; विशुद्धेरुत्कर्षस्त्वयि तु मम भक्तिं द्रढयति 4.11
dravasyati द्रवस्यति Den. P. 1 To trouble or afflict oneself. -2 To serve or wait upon a person.
drāghayati द्राघयति Den. P. 1 To lengthen, stretch, extend. -2 To increase, intensify; द्राघयन्ति हि मे शोकं स्मर्यमाणा गुणास्तवः Bk.18.33. -3 To tarry, delay.
dhanāyati धनायति Den. P. To wish for wealth; अर्थितस्तु न महान् समीहते जीवितं किमु धनं धनायितुम् Ki.13.56; Mv.4.49.
dhunayati धुनयति Den. P. 1 To sound, roar. -2 To flow.
dhūmayati धूमयति Den. P. To cover with smoke, obscure with mist, darken.
dhūmāyati धूमायति ते Den. P. 1 To cover or fill with smoke, vapour &c., darken; धूमायिता दश दिशो दलितारविन्दाः Bv.1.14; Mk.5.27. -2 To smoke, or be covered with smoke.
namasyati नमस्यति Den. P. 1 To bow down to, pay homage to, worship; नमस्यामो देवान् ननु हतविधेस्ते$पि वशगाः Bh.2.94. -2 To act humbly towards.
nārpayati नार्पयति [न + अर्पयति] To surrender to the king (i. e. property); N.5.89.
nigaḍayati निगडयति Den. P. To put in chains, fetter; (fig. also); निद्रानिगडितजनदृशि Dk.
niyati नियतिः f. 1 Restraint, restriction. -2 Destiny, fate, luck, fortune (good or bad); (sometimes personified as a goddess, the sister of Āyati, both being daughters of Meru and wives of Dhātṛi and Vidhātṛi); नियति- बलान्नु Dk.; नियतेर्नियोगात् Śi.4.34; Ki.2.12;4.21. -3 A religious duty or obligation; नियतिः कारणं लोके नियतिः कर्मसाधनम् । नियतिः सर्वभूतानां नियोगोष्बिह कारणम् ॥ Rām.4.25. 4. -4 Self-command, self-restraint.
nūtanayati नूतनयति Den. P. To make new, renew.
nyūnayati न्यूनयति Den. P., न्यूनीकृ 8. U. To lessen, diminish.
patīyati पतीयति Den. P. To wish for a husbamd. -2 To become a master.
panasyati पनस्यति Den. P. To be admirable.
parikarmayati परिकर्मयति Den. P. To decorate, adorn.
parikhaṇḍayati परिखण्डयति Den. P. To humiliate, conquer.
pavitrayati पवित्रयति Den. P. To purify, cleanse.
pātrayati पात्रयति Den. P. To use as a drinking-vessel; पाणिं पात्रयताम् Bh.3.138.
pādayati पादयति Den. P. To stretch out the feet.
pārayati पारयति ते Den. U. 1 To be able. -2 To bring or fead over; see पॄ caus. also; cf. वक्तुं न पार्यत इति व्यथते मनो मे Bil. Ch.5.55.
pāśayati पाशयति Den. P. To bind, fetter.
piśunayati पिशुनयति Den. P. To indicate, show; पिशुनयति रथस्ते शीकरक्लिन्ननेमिः Ś.7.7.
puñjayati पुञ्जयति Den. P., पुञ्जीकृ 8 U. To heap, collect together.
putrīyati पुत्रीयति Den. P. 1 To wish for a son. -2 To treat like a son.
purīṣayati पुरीषयति Den. P. To void excrement.
pulakayati पुलकयति Den. P. To have the hairs of the body erect, thrill (with joy &c.).
pṛtanyati पृतन्यति Den. P. To attack, encounter.
prakaṭayati प्रकटयति Den. P. 1 To show, manifest, display, exhibit; औज्ज्वल्यं परभागतः प्रकटयत्याभोगभीमं तमः Māl.5.11; N.4.151; Ratn.4.16. -2 To proclaim, announce publicly.
praguṇayati प्रगुणयति Den. P. = प्रगुणीकृ above.
pratibimbayati प्रतिबिम्बयति Den. P. To reflect.
pratīpayati प्रतीपयति Den. P. 1 To cause to turn back, reverse, turn back; क ईप्सितार्थस्थिरनिश्चयं मनः पयश्च निम्नाभिमुखं प्रतीपयेत् Ku.5.5. -2 To be against or hostile to.
pratyakṣayati प्रत्यक्षयति Den. P. To make visible, show, manifest, display.
prapañcayati प्रपञ्चयति Den. P. 1 To show forth, display; प्रपञ्चय पञ्चमम् Gīt.1. -2 To expand, amplify, explain in detail, dwell or dilate upon, treat at length. -3 To cause to appear in a false light.
pramāṇayati प्रमाणयति Den. P. 1 To regard as an authority; दैवमविद्वांसः प्रमाणयन्ति Mu.3; प्रमाणयति नो धर्मे H.1.1. -2 To hold up as a model. -3 To prove, demonstrate, show.
prayati प्रयतिः f. Ved. 1 An offering, oblation. -2 A gift, present. -3 Effort, endeavour. -4 Will, intention.
pravaṇāyati प्रवणायति Den. P. To feel inclined or disposed.
praśnayati प्रश्नयति Den. P. To inquire after, ask about (with two acc.).
prahvayati प्रह्वयति Den. P. To make humble, subdue; तदौद्धत्यं क्वापि व्रजति विनयः प्रह्वयति माम् U.6.11.
prāsādīyati प्रासादीयति Den. P. To look upon (a hut &c.) as a palace; प्रासादीयति कुट्याम् Sk.
protayati प्रोतयति Den. P. To insert, infix.
badhirayati बधिरयति Den. P., बधिरीकृ 8 U. To deafen (fig. also); बधिरिताशेषदिगन्तरालम् K.; Mv.6.3.
balayati बलयति Den. P. To strengthen, invigorate.
bhaṅgurayati भङ्गुरयति Den. P. 1 To break to pieces, destroy. -2 To curl.
bhūmayati भूमयति Den. P. To augment, increase.
magadhyati मगध्यति Den. P. 1 To surround. -2 To serve, be a slave, attend upon, (as a bard, waiter &c.).
maṇḍalayati मण्डलयति Den. P. 1 To make round or circular, form into a globe or circle. -2 To turn or whirl round; नानागतिर्मण्डलयन् जवेन Ki.16.44.
madhurayati मधुरयति Den. P. To sweeten, render sweet.
madhusyati मधुस्यति Den. P. To wish or long for honey.
mantūyati मन्तूयति Den. P. 1 To offend, transgress against. -2 To be angry. -3 To be jealous.
manasyati मनस्यति Den. P. 1 To intend, design. -2 To think, reflect.
mandayati मन्दयति Den. P. 1 To weaken, slacken, diminish. -2 To retard.
malinayati मलिनयति Den. P. 1 To make dirty, soil, stain, defile, sully, spoil (fig. also); वक्त्रोष्मणा मलिनयन्ति पुरोगतानि R.5.73; यदा मेधाविनी शिष्योपदेशं मलिनयति तदाचार्यस्य दोषो ननु M.1 'stains or brings discredit on' &c. -2 To corrupt, deprave.
masṛṇayati मसृणयति Den. P. To make soft or smooth.
mitrīyati मित्रीयति Den. P. To treat (one) as a friend.
mukulayati मुकुलयति Den. P. To cause to close or shut, close; मुकुलयति च नेत्रे सर्वथा सुभ्रु खेदः Māl.3.8.
mukharayati मुखरयति Den. P. 1 To make resonant or noisy, cause to sound or echo. -2 To make (one) talk or speak; अत एव शुश्रूषा मां मुखरयति Mu.3. -3 To notify, declare, announce.
muṇḍayati मुण्डयति Den. P. To shave, cut off the hair.
mudrayati मुद्रयति Den. P. 1 To seal; वादिनश्चिह्नितं साक्ष्यं कृत्वा राजादि मुद्रयेत् Śukra.4.68; अनया मुद्रया मुद्रयैनम् Mu.1. -2 To stamp, mark, impress. -3 To cover, close up (fig.); विवराणि मुद्रयन् द्रागूर्णायुरिव सज्जनो जयति Bv.1.9. -4 To print (as a book).
mūtrayati मूत्रयति Den. P. To make water; तिष्ठन्मूत्रयति Mbh.
meghayati मेघयति Den. P. To make cloudy, darken.
yāminayati यामिनयति Den. P. To appear like night.
rajasyati रजस्यति Den. P. To be scattered as dust.
rasayati रसयतिः f. Taste, flavour.
riṣaṇyati रिषण्यति Den. P. Ved. 1 To injure, harm. -2 To reject. -3 To fail, miscarry.
laghayati लघयति Den. P. 1 To make light, lighten (lit.); नितान्तगुर्वी लघयिष्यता धुरम् R.3.35. -2 To alleviate, lighten, lessen, mitigate; रहसि लघयेदारब्धा वा तदाश्रयिणी कथा V.3.1; R.11.62. -3 (a) To make light of, slight, despise; लघयन् खलु तेजसा जगत् Ki.2.18. (b) To make inferior or insignificant; लघयता शरदम्बुदसंहतिम् Ki.5.4;13.38.
lavaṇayati लवणयति Den. P. To salt, season with salt.
lavaṇasyati लवणस्यति Den P. To wish for salt; भूधरभवशिला- लेहायेहाचणो लवणस्यति तुरगसमजः N.19.18.
līlāyati लीलायति ते Den. U. To sport, play, divert oneself.
lekhāyati लेखायति Den. P. 1 To sport or dally wantonly. -2 To waver, totter.
leṭyati लेट्यति Den P. 1 To deceive, cheat. -2 To be first. -3 To sleep. -4 To shine.
lelāyati लेलायति ते Den. To quiver, tremble; यदा लेलायते ह्यर्चिः समिद्धे हव्यवाहने Muṇḍa.1.2.2; उभौ लोकावनुसंचरति ध्यायतीव लेलायतीव Bṛi. Up.4.3.7.
laukāyatikaḥ लौकायतिकः A follower of Chārvāka, an atheist, a materialist.
vatsalayati वत्सलयति Den. P. To cause to yearn, cause to feel yearning affection for; नूनमनपत्यता मां वत्सलयति Ś.7.
vanīyati वनीयति Den. P. 1 To beg (as alms). -2 To ask, entreat, request.
varivasyati वरिवस्यति Den. P. To show favour; cherish; Bk.
vargayati वर्गयति Den. P. To multiply.
valgūyati वल्गूयति Den. P. 1 To be handsome. -2 To be mild or gentle. -3 Ved. To praise, honour; cf. बृहस्पति यः सुभृतं विभर्ति वल्गूयति वन्दते पूर्वभाजम् Ṛv.4.5.7.
vastrayati वस्त्रयति Den. P. To dress or clothe oneself.
vātayati वातयति Den. P. 1 To blow gently, fan. -2 To serve. -3 To make happy. -4 To go.
vikalayati विकलयति Den. P. 1 To unnerve, overpower; घनी- भूतः शोको विकलयति मां मूर्छयति च U.2.26. -2 To injure, ill-treat.
vighnayati विघ्नयति Den. P. To obstruct, hinder, impede, oppose.
vitathayati वितथयति Den. P. To make false; वितथयति न जातु मद्वचो$साविति Śi.7.8.
viyati वियतिः A bird.
vṛndārakāyati वृन्दारकायति Den. To represent the best of.
vṛṣasyati वृषस्यति Den. P. 1 To long for a bull. -2 To long for sexual intercourse.
vedāpayati वेदापयति Den. P. To impart knowledge, teach; cf. P.III.1.25.
vyaṅgyati व्यङ्ग्यति Den. P. To mutilate, cripple, maim.
vyatikṝ व्यतिकॄ 6 P. To mix, blend, scatter (usually in pass.).
vyatikara व्यतिकर a. 1 Reciprocal. -2 Spreading, pervading. -3 Contiguous, near. -रः 1 Mixture, intermixture, mixing, blending together; तीर्थे तोयव्यतिकरभवे जह्नुकन्या- सरय्वोः R.8.95; व्यतिकर इव भीमस्तामसो वैद्युतश्च U.5.13; Māl.9.52; Bhāg.11.1.34. -2 Contact, union, combination; रुद्रेणेदमुमाकृतव्यतिकरे स्वाङ्गे विभक्तं द्विधा M.1.4; Māl.7; Śi.4.53;7.28. -3 Striking against; कठोरास्थि- ग्रन्थिव्यतिकररणत्कारमुखरः Māl.5.34. -4 Obstruction; मार्गाचलव्यतिकराकुलितेव सिन्धुः Ku.5.85. -5 An incident, occurrence, affair, a thing, matter; एवंविधे व्यतिकरे 'such being the case'. -6 An opportunity. -7 Misfortune, calamity. -8 Mutual relation, reciprocity. -9 Exchange, interchange; सो$यं स्थितिव्यतिकरोपशमाय सृष्टान् Bhāg.4.1. 57. -1 Alternation. -11 Provocation (क्षोभ); कालाद्गुण व्यतिकरः परिणामः स्वभावतः Bhāg.2.5.22. -12 Destruction; प्रजोपप्लवमालक्ष्य लोकव्यतिकरं च तम् Bhāg.1.7.32. -13 Spreading, pervading; Bhāg.5.3.4.
vyatikarita व्यतिकरित a. Pervaded, filled; व्यतिकरितदिगन्ताः श्वेत- मानैर्यशोभिः Māl.2.9.
vyatikīrṇa व्यतिकीर्ण p. p. 1 Mixed or blended together. -2 United. -3 Shaken about; पर्यायव्यतिकीर्णपवनैराह्लादिभि- र्वीजयन् Māl.9.32.
vyatikrama व्यतिक्रम 1 U. 1 To transgress, violate, offend against; संमतो$हं प्रभोर्नित्यमिति मत्वा व्यतिक्रमेत् Pt.1.56. -2 To neglect, omit. -3 To pass, spend (time). -4 To pass over or beyond.
vyatikramaḥ व्यतिक्रमः 1 Transgressing, deviating, swerving; divergence; 'belonging to two different Vedas' as in गुणमुख्यव्यतिक्रमे तदर्थत्वान्मुख्येन वेदसंयोगः Ms.3.3.9. -2 Violation, breach, non-performance; as in संविद्व्यतिक्रमः; तस्य व्यतिक्रमाद्राज्ञो भविष्यति सुदारुणा Rām.1.9.8.; प्रतिबध्नाति हि श्रेयः पूज्यपूजाव्यतिक्रमः R.1.79. -3 Disregard, neglect, omission. -4 Contrariety, inversion, reverse. -5 Sin, vice, crime; अत्र ब्रूहि यथातत्त्वं को रामस्य व्यतिक्रमः Rām.3. 39.24; व्यतिक्रमं मे भगवन् क्षन्तुमर्हसि शंकर Mb.3.39.8; Ms.8.355. -6 Adversity, misfortune. -7 Violating, transgression; तयोर्व्यतिक्रमं दृष्ट्वा क्रुद्धस्य भवतो हरेः Mb.3. 12.39.
vyatikrānta व्यतिक्रान्त p. p. 1 Passed over, transgressed, violated, neglected. -2 Inverted, reversed. -3 Elapsed, passed away (as time). -4 One who has wrongly taken to; Mb.12.
vyatikṣepaḥ व्यतिक्षेपः Mutual altercation, contest; नानादिग्भ्यः समाहूताः सहयाः सरथद्विपाः । तेषामासीद्व्यतिक्षेपः Mb.7.15.33.
vyaticumbita व्यतिचुम्बित a. In immediate contact with.
vyatipātaḥ व्यतिपातः = व्यतीपातः q. v.
vyatiyu व्यतियु 2 P. To mix; अन्योन्यं स्म व्यतियुतः शब्दाञ् शब्दैस्तु भीषणान् Bk.8.6.
vyatiric व्यतिरिच् pass. 1 To differ or be separate from. -2 To surpass, excel; lie beyond; स्तुतिभ्यो व्यतिरिच्यन्ते दूराणि चरितानि ते R.1.3. See व्यतिरिक्त below.
vyatirikta व्यतिरिक्त p. p. 1 Separated or distinct from; अव्यति- रिक्तेयमस्मच्छरीरात् K.; कामस् पुष्पव्यतिरिक्तमस्त्रम् Ku.1.31; 5.22. -2 Surpassing, excelling, going beyond. -3 Withdrawn, withheld. -4 Excepted. क्तम् ind. With the exception of, except, without.
vyatiriktakam व्यतिरिक्तकम् A particular manner of flying.
vyatirekaḥ व्यतिरेकः 1 Distinction, difference; यथा गन्धस्य भूमश्च न भावो व्यतिरेकतः Bhāg.3.27.18. -2 Separation from. -3 Exclusion, exception. -4 Excellence, surpassing, excelling. -5 Contrast, dissimilarity. -6 (In logic) Logical discontinuance (opp. अन्वय q. v.); यत्र साध्या- भावस्तत्र हेत्वभाव इति व्यतिरेकव्याप्तिः (e. g. यत्र वह्निर्नास्ति तत्र धूमो नास्ति is an instance of व्यतिरेकव्याप्तिः). -7 (In Rhet.) A figure of speech which consists in representing the Upameya as superior to the Upamāna in some particular respects; उपमानाद्यन्यस्य व्यतिरेकः स एव सः K.P.1. (व्यतिरेकेण means 'except, without'; व्यतिरेके 'on the contrary supposition'.). -Comp. -व्याप्ति see व्यतिरेक (6) above.
vyatirekin व्यतिरेकिन् a. 1 Different. -2 Surpassing, excelling; कालाग्निव्यतिरेकिणां भगवताम् Mv.1.46. -3 Excluding, excepting. -4 Showing negation or non-existence; as in व्यति- रेकिलिङ्गम्; see व्यतिरेक (6) above.
vyatirecanam व्यतिरेचनम् Contrasting, pointing out difference.
vyatiropita व्यतिरोपित p. p. Ejected, dispossessed.
vyatividdha व्यतिविद्ध p. p. 1 Entwined. -2 Pierced.
vyatiṣañj व्यतिषञ्ज् 1 P. 1 To link together, connect mutually; व्यतिषजति पदार्थानान्तरः को$पि हेतुः U.6.12. -2 To change (Ātm.). -3 To involve (in a game); Dk.
vyatiṣakta व्यतिषक्त p. p. 1 Mutually connected or related, linked or joined together; संकीर्णयोनयो ये तु प्रतिलोमानु- लोमजाः । अन्योन्यव्यतिषक्ताः Ms.1.25. -2 Intermixed. -3 Intermarrying.
vyatiṣaṅgaḥ व्यतिषङ्गः 1 Mutual relation, reciprocal connection. -2 Intermixture, entanglement; त्रुट्यद्वितानतनिकाव्यतिषङ्ग- भाजः Śi.5.61. -3 Union, junction in general. -4 Fastening or tying together; तन्तुव्यतिषङ्गजनितो$यं तन्तु- व्यतिषङ्गविनाशात् तन्तुविनाशाद्वा विनश्यतीत्यवगच्छति ŚB. on MS. 1.1.21. -5 Hostile encounter; सेनयोर्व्यतिषङ्गेण जयः साधा- रणो भवेत् Mb.12.13.5. -6 Barter, exchange; अन्योन्य- वित्तव्यतिषङ्गवृद्धवैरानुबन्धः Bhāg.5.13.13.
vyatiṣañjanam व्यतिषञ्जनम् Joining together; uniting; स्त्रीपुंसव्यतिषञ्जनं जनयतः पत्युः प्रजानामभूदभ्यासः N.15.88.
vyati व्यति (ती) हारः 1 Exchange, barter. -2 Reciprocity, interchange; विक्रमव्यतिहारेण सामान्याभूद् द्वयोरपि R.12.93. -3 Exchange of blows, abuse, &c.
vyatihṛta व्यतिहृत a. = विरहित q. v.; शून्यं प्रियव्यतिहृतं ददृशुस्त्रिलोकम् Bhāg.1.16.2.
vyākulayati व्याकुलयति Den. P. To agitate, confuse, frighten.
vratayati व्रतयति Den. P. 1 To observe a vow. -2 To fast in consequence of a vow. -3 To eat together.
śithilayati शिथिलयति Den. P. 1 To relax, slacken, loosen; शिथि- लितमानग्रहणो वाति दक्षिणपवनः Ratn.1.14. -2 To give up, abandon; शिथिलय क्षणमात्रं बाष्पमोक्षम् Ve.5. -3 To lessen, allow to cool down; न सा इतोगतमनुरागं शिथिलयति V.2.
śucīyati शुचीयति Den. P., -शुचीभू 1 P. 1 To become pure. -2 To be bright.
śravasyati श्रवस्यति Den. P. 1 To wish for fame or glory. -2 To long for a sacrifice or oblation.
ślokayati श्लोकयति Den. P. To celebrate or praise in song.
saṃyati संयतिः Penance, self-castigation.
sakhīyati सखीयति Den. P. To wish for a friend.
saṃketayati संकेतयति Den. P. 1 To agree upon, appoint. -2 To fix by convention, lay down conventionally. -3 To invite, call. -4 To give a hint.
samānayati समानयति Den. P. To make equal, equalise.
saṃbhālayati संभालयति Den. To hear; विज्ञप्तिमन्तःसमयः स भैम्या मध्येसभं वासवसम्भलीयां (संभालयामास) N.6.76.
sīmantayati सीमन्तयति Den. P. 1 To part as hair. -2 To part or mark by a line (in general); सेनां सीमन्तयन्नरेः Kīr. K.5.44.
sukhayati सुखयति Den. P. Top give pleasure to, please, delight; पौरस्त्यो वा सुखयति मरुत्साधुसंवाहनाभिः Māl.9.25.
sutīyati सुतीयति Den. P. 1 To long for progeny or son. -2 To treat like a son.
sūṣyati सूष्यति A woman about to be confined, one who is parturient.
stomayati स्तोमयति Den. P. To praise, laud.
sthūlayati स्थूलयति Den. P. To become big or stout, grow bulky or fat.
spaṣṭayati स्पष्टयति Den. P. To make clear, explain, elucidate.
srajayati स्रजयति Den. P. To furnish with a garland.
Macdonell Vedic Search
2 results
yati yá-ti, prn. how many, x. 15, 13 [prn. root yá].
prayati prá-yati, f. impulse, x. 129, 5 [yam extend].
Macdonell Search
18 results
yati a. pl. (nm. ac. yáti) as many as.
yati f. guidance (V.); pause (in music); caesura (in prosody).
yati m. disposer (V.): pl. N. of an ancient race connected with the Bhrigus; sg. (striver), one who has renounced the world, ascetic, anchorite.
yatibhraṣṭa pp. lacking the requisite caesura.
yatin m. ascetic.
yatitāla m. kind of musical measure; -tva, n. condition of an ascetic; -dharma, m. duties of an ascetic.
yatitavya fp. n. one should exert oneself, for (lc.).
yatitha a. (&isharp;) the how-manieth (Br.); -dh&asharp;, ad. in how many parts or places (AV.).
anāyatikṣama a. not ad vantageous for the future.
avyatirikta pp. not separated from.
āyati f. extension, length; future; hope, expectation; offspring.
udyati f. raising, striking up.
trāyati m. the root trâ (3rd sg. used as n.).
niyati f. fixed order of things, necessity, destiny; Fate.
ayati m. no ascetic.
laukāyatika m. follower of Kârvâka, materialist.
vyati m. steed (RV.).
vyatikara m. [√ krî] mixture, blending, intermingling, contact, confluence, union; engaging in, undertaking (--°ree;); acci dent, misfortune, calamity: --°ree; a. combined or united with: -vat,a. mixed, of different kinds; -karita, den. pp. mixed with, per vaded by (in., --°ree;); -krama, m. passing by, deviating, swerving, or escaping from (g.); violation, infringement, neglect, or non performance of (g. or --°ree;); offence, transgression, against (g., --°ree;); inverted order (rare); -kramana, n. transgression against any one (--°ree;); -kramin, a. transgressing against any one (--°ree;); -krânta, pp. √ kram; n.transgression, offence; -krânti, f. transgression against (--°ree;); -rikta-tâ, f. difference; -reka, m. separateness; exclusion, exception; nega tive; contradistinction or opposition to; con trast, antithesis (rh.): in., ab., --°ree;, to the exclusion of, excepting, without (--°ree;); -rekin, a. excluding, negativing (--°ree;); -rekana, n. con trasting (in a comparison); -la&ndot;gin, a. slipping off; -sha&ndot;ga, m. reciprocal connexion, relation; entanglement; conflict (of armies); interchange (rare); -sha&ndot;gin, a. attached or clinging to (--°ree;); -hâra, m. interchange; alternation, reciprocity.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
18 results2 results
yati Is the name of an ancient clan which is connected with the Bhpgns in two passages of the Rigveda, where the Yatis certainly seem to be real persons. In another hymn,* however, they already appear as almost mythical. In the Yajurveda Samhitās,and elsewhere, the Yatis are a race whom Indra, in an evil moment, gave over to the hyaenas (Sālāvfka): exactly what is referred to is uncertain. Yati is mentioned with Bhṛgu in a verse of the Sāmaveda.
yati Is the name of an ancient clan which is connected with the Bhpgns in two passages of the Rigveda, where the Yatis certainly seem to be real persons. In another hymn, however, they already appear as almost mythical. In the Yajurveda Samhitās, and elsewhere, the Yatis are a race whom Indra, in an evil moment, gave over to the hyaenas (Sālāvfka): exactly what is referred to is uncertain.Yati is mentioned with Bhṛgu in a verse of the Sāmaveda.
Bloomfield Vedic
18 results2 results12 results
yatidhā so akalpayat AVP.12.9.10d.
apāyati sv apāyati # AVś.19.49.10e; AVP.14.8.10e.
arātīyati pūruṣaḥ # AVP.12.6.4b.
ākṣiyati (AVP. ākṣiyeta) pṛthivīm anu # AVś.10.5.45b; AVP.1.63.1b.
āśrāvayati ślokena # RV.5.82.9b; MS.4.12.6b: 198.1; KS.10.12b.
upamaṅkṣyati syā (śś. -maṅkṣye 'haṃ) salilasya madhye # śB.; śś.16.16.3c. See nimaṅkṣye.
dāravyatikramiṇe bhikṣām # ApDh.
nāmayati na rudati # HG.2.4.5a; ApMB.2.13.5a (ApG.6.15.5).
yati tvo anu tvo gṛṇāti # RV.1.147.2c; VS.12.42c; TS.; śB.; N.3.20. See nindati tvo.
prayati yajñe agnim adhvare dadhidhvam # RV.6.10.1b; KS.39.14b.
prayatiś ca me prasitiś (MS.KS. -sṛtiś) ca me # VS.18.1; TS.; MS.2.11.2: 140.10; KS.18.7.
brahmādhyatiṣṭhad bhuvanāni dhārayan # TB.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"yati" has 9 results
abhyatilakaa Jain writer of the thirteenth century who wrote a commentary on the Śabdāśāsana Grammar of Hemacandra.
karmavyatihāraexchange of verbal activity; reciprocity of action; कर्मव्यतिहार means क्रियाव्यतिहार or क्रियाविनिमय; confer, compare कर्तरि कर्मव्यतिहारे P.I.3.14.; also कर्मव्यतिहारे णच् स्त्रियाम् । व्यावक्रोशी, व्यात्युक्षी Kāś. on P.III.3.43. The roots having their agents characterized by a reciprocity of action take the Ātmanepada terminations; confer, compare P. I. 3.14.
vyatikara(1)confusion of one numberaffix for another number-affix (वचन), as noticed in the statements. e. g. अक्षीणि मे दर्शनीयानि; पादा मे सुकुमारंतरा: Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P.I. 4. 21; (2) any confusion, say confusion of one grammatical element for another; confer, compare हृि: परस्मैपदानां यथा स्यात्, स्व आत्मनेपदानां, व्यतिकरो मा भूत् Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. III.4.1 Vart, 2.
vyatiriktadistinct from, separate from, confer, compare कर्मादिभ्येान्य: प्रातिपदिकार्थव्यतिरिक्तः स्वस्वामिसंबन्धादिःशेष: | Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.II. 3. 50.
vyatireka(1)surplus, excess; (2) separate presence; (3) contrary thing: confer, compare तत्र फलव्यतिरेकोपि स्यात् । Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on Ahnika 1.
vyatiṣaṅgareciprocal junction or connection; confer, compare हृल्वानुस्वारव्यतिषङ्गवत् परे; R.Pr. XIII.16.
vyatihāraexchange of activity; confer, compare कर्तरि कर्मव्यतिहारे P.I.3.14.
aśvapatyādia class of words headed by अश्वपति to which the taddhita affix अण् (अ) is added in the senses mentioned in rules before the rule तेन दीव्यति० P.IV.4.2, which are technically called the Prāgdīvyatiya senses. e g. अश्वपतम्, गाणपतम्. गार्हपतम् et cetera, and others
taddhitaa term of the ancient prePaninian grammarians used by Panini just like सर्वनामन् or अव्यय without giving any specific definition of it. The term occurs in the Nirukta of Yaska and the Vajasaneyi-Pratisakhya ; confer, compare अथ तद्वितसमासेषु एकपर्वसु चानेकपर्वसु पूर्वे पूर्वमपरमपरं प्रविभज्य निर्ब्रूयात् । द्ण्डय्ः पुरुषः । दण्डमर्हतीति वा, दण्डेन संपद्यते इति वा Nirukta of Yāska.II.2; also confer, compare तिङ्कृत्तद्धितचतुथ्यसमासाः इाब्दमयम् Vaj Prati.I. 27. It is to be noted that the word तद्वित is used by the ancient grammarians in the sense of a word derived from a substantive ( प्रातिपादक ) by the application of suffixes like अ, यत् et cetera, and others, and not in the sense of words derived from roots by affixes like अन, ति et cetera, and others which were termed नामकरण, as possibly contrasted with the word ताद्धित used by Yaska in II. 5. Panini has used the word तद्धित not for words, but for the suffixes which are added to form such words at all places (e. g. in I. 1.38, IV.1.17, 76, VI.1.61 et cetera, and others). in fact, he has begun the enumeration of taddhita affixes with the rule तद्धिता: (P.IV.1. 76) by putting the term तद्धित for affixes such as ति, ष्यङ्, अण् et cetera, and others which are mentioned thereafter. In his rule कृत्तद्धितसमासाश्च and in the Varttika समासकृत्तद्धिताव्यय(I.4.1Vart. 41) which are similar to V.Pr.1. 27 quoted a reference to some preceding word, not necessarily on the same page. the word तद्धित appears to be actually used for words derived from nouns by secondary affixes, along with the word कृत् which also means words derived from roots, although commentators have explained there the terms कृत् and तद्धित for कृदन्त and तद्धितान्त. The term तद्वित is evidently echoed in the Sutra तस्मै हितम् which, although it is not the first Sutra there were possibly long lists of secondary nouns with the senses of secondary suffixes, and तद्धित was perhaps,the first sense given there. The number of taddhita suffixes mentioned by Panini is quite a large one; there are in fact 1110 rules given in the taddhita section covering almost two Adhyayas viz. from P. IV. 1.76 to the end of the fifth Adhyaya. The main sub-divisions of taddhita affixes mentioned by commentators are, Apatyadyarthaka (IV. 1.92 to 178), Raktadyarthaka (IV.2.1 to 91), Saisika {IV.2. 92 to IV.3.133), Pragdivyatiya (IV. 3 134 to 168), Pragvahatiya (IV.4.1 to IV.4.74), Pragghitiya (IV.4.75 to IV.4.109), Arhiya (V.1.1 to 71),Thanadhikarastha (V. 1.72 to V. 1.1.114), Bhavakarmarthaka (V. 1.115 to V.1.136), Pancamika (V. 2.1 to V. 2.93), Matvarthiya (V. 2.94 to V. 2. 140), Vibhaktisamjaaka (V. 3.1 to V. 3.26) and Svarthika (V. 3.27 to V. 4.160). The samasanta affixes (V.4.68 to V.4.160) can be included in the Svarthika affixes.
Vedabase Search
728 results
yati one in the renounced order of lifeCC Madhya 24.15
yati or sannyāsīCC Adi 12.72
yati hañā being a sannyāsīCC Antya 8.85
yati hañā being a sannyāsīCC Antya 8.85
yati-dharma-cihna the symptom of a person in the renounced order of lifeCC Madhya 15.189
yati-dharma-cihna the symptom of a person in the renounced order of lifeCC Madhya 15.189
yati-dharma-cihna the symptom of a person in the renounced order of lifeCC Madhya 15.189
yati-dharme accepted the sannyāsa orderCC Adi 7.34
yati-dharme accepted the sannyāsa orderCC Adi 7.34
yatibhiḥ by great renouncersSB 3.1.31
yati a real sannyāsīSB 11.18.17
yati a saintly mendicantSB 11.8.16
SB 11.8.17
yati a sannyāsīSB 10.86.2-3
yati a sannyāsī or devoteeSB 5.26.39
yati a transcendentalistSB 11.16.43
yati mendicant or renunciantCC Madhya 13.80
yati or in the sannyāsa-āśramaSB 7.12.16
yati the eldest son, YatiSB 9.18.2
yati the practicerSB 4.23.12
yati the sageSB 2.2.15
yati YatiSB 4.8.1
SB 9.18.1
yatira of the sannyāsīCC Madhya 18.165
yatira dharma the religious principle of a sannyāsīCC Antya 8.85
yatira dharma the religious principle of a sannyāsīCC Antya 8.85
yatiṣyāmi I shall endeavorSB 6.2.35
yatiṣyate will endeavorSB 3.25.26
yatiyati in the future you should trySB 4.8.32
abhibhaviṣyati will affectSB 4.11.34
abhibhaviṣyati will be able to bewilder in the futureSB 8.12.40
abhidhāsyati explainsBG 18.68
yaḥ abhidhāsyati of one who agrees to exchange your old age for his youthSB 9.18.37
abhidhyāyati when meditating with full concentrationSB 4.8.80
abhinṛtyati He dances in front ofSB 10.15.10-12
abhiṣekṣyati will installSB 12.1.12
abhyasūyati is enviousBG 18.67
adhyatiṣṭhat became situatedSB 4.8.20
agamiṣyati will he again returnSB 5.8.16
āgamiṣyati will comeSB 7.5.50
āgamiṣyati He will returnSB 10.46.34
āgamiṣyati will comeSB 10.50.46
āgamiṣyati will comeSB 10.65.10
āhvayati He callsSB 10.15.10-12
āhvayati callsSB 10.35.8-11
aiṣyati will come backSB 4.8.69
ākhyāsyati describes for the benefit of othersSB 5.14.46
vyatikara-ambhasā devastating waterSB 3.9.27-28
anu vekṣyati looking with great attention will enter the fireSB 1.13.58
anubhāvayati gives realizationNBS 80
anubhaviṣyati it will seeSB 10.72.7
anukramiṣyati will follow in orderSB 3.25.25
anukramiṣyati will follow one after anotherCC Adi 1.60
anukramiṣyati will follow one after anotherCC Madhya 22.86
anukramiṣyati will follow one after anotherCC Madhya 23.16
anupaśyati one tries to see through authorityBG 13.31
anupaśyati sees properlyBG 14.19
anupaśyati thinksSB 4.7.52
anupaśyati observesSB 5.14.5
anupaśyati he viewsSB 11.22.41
anupaśyati observes in a systematic wayIso 6
anutuṣyati is satisfiedSB 3.13.12
anuvartayati adoptBG 3.16
anuvāsayati makes fragrantSB 5.16.18
anuvāsayati makes sweetly flavoredSB 5.16.23
anuvāsayati makes fragrantSB 5.20.24
anvaya-vyatireke directly or indirectlyCC Madhya 20.146
āpāyayati very much pleasingSB 1.18.12
āpāyayati give a chance to drinkCC Madhya 24.215
praty-apidhāsyati conversely dissolves alsoSB 3.7.4
āpyāyayati enhancesSB 4.16.9
ārādhayati he can, however, worship HimSB 4.24.76
ārādhayati worships the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 5.18.24
ārādhayiṣyati will give satisfactionSB 3.17.30
āśrāvayati speaks to othersSB 5.6.16
āśrayati enters and remainsSB 11.19.7
āsvādayati tastesCC Madhya 1.211
ati-tṛpyati is sufficiently satisfiedSB 8.5.13
atitariṣyati will overcomeSB 3.24.40
ātma-vyatirikte the bodily concept of lifeSB 4.22.21
avabhāsayati illuminatesSB 5.1.30
avabhāsayati lightsSB 5.21.3
avacchādayati covers with darknessSB 5.1.30
avalokayati one looks atNBS 55
avāpsyati will gainSB 4.4.30
avāpsyati will achieveSB 8.13.13
āvartayati chants again and again for the purpose of practiceSB 5.18.34
avasyati one can obtainSB 11.15.4-5
avatariṣyati will descendSB 12.2.12-16
avyatirekābhyām and because of being nondifferent from its own causeSB 12.4.23
avyatirekeṇa without stoppingSB 5.3.8
avyatirekeṇa as nondifferentSB 11.2.22
āyāsyati will comeSB 3.21.26
āyāsyati will come backSB 10.46.19
ayati the unsuccessful transcendentalistBG 6.37
āyati ĀyatiSB 9.18.1
āyatim ĀyatiSB 4.1.44
keśa-bandha-vyatiṣakta-mallikām whose arrangement of hair was decorated with a garland of mallikā flowersSB 10.6.4
bhajiṣyati will serveSB 3.21.28
bhakṣayati is eating (the poor creature)SB 5.8.18
bhakṣayati gives trouble toSB 5.14.14
bhāṣayati one speaks aboutNBS 55
bhāvayati maintainsSB 1.2.34
bhaviṣyati it will increase in the futureBG 16.13-15
bhaviṣyati will take placeSB 1.3.24
bhaviṣyati shall become well knownSB 1.12.17
bhaviṣyati will turn intoSB 1.13.57
bhaviṣyati will appearSB 2.7.38
bhaviṣyati become enlightenedSB 2.7.52
bhaviṣyati will becomeSB 4.3.25
bhaviṣyati will becomeSB 4.15.4
bhaviṣyati will become possibleSB 4.30.11
bhaviṣyati will becomeSB 8.13.12
bhaviṣyati will becomeSB 8.13.34
bhaviṣyati there will beSB 9.4.71
bhaviṣyati will take birthSB 9.12.10
bhaviṣyati will appear in the future, while the Kali-yuga still continuesSB 9.12.16
bhaviṣyati will take birthSB 9.22.43
bhaviṣyati there will beSB 10.41.33
bhaviṣyati will beSB 10.42.2
bhaviṣyati will beSB 10.63.49
bhaviṣyati there will beSB 10.71.4
bhaviṣyati there will beSB 11.3.9
bhaviṣyati it will beSB 11.7.4
bhaviṣyati will beSB 11.7.5
bhaviṣyati will beSB 12.1.5
bhaviṣyati will beSB 12.1.13
bhaviṣyati will beSB 12.1.15-17
bhaviṣyati will beginSB 12.2.23
bhaviṣyati will beSB 12.2.24
bhaviṣyati will beSB 12.2.34
bhaviṣyati will beCC Antya 20.36
bhaviṣyati will beBs 5.25
bhokṣyati will ruleSB 12.1.20
bhokṣyati he will ruleSB 12.1.35
bhramayati bewilderSB 10.87.36
bhrāmyati movesSB 3.31.4
bhrāmyati is flickeringSB 7.1.21
bhrāmyati movesSB 7.5.14
bhrāmyati whirlingSB 10.46.41
bhrāmyati is bewilderedSB 11.12.16
bhrāmyati becomes overwhelmedCC Madhya 4.197
bhrāmyati becomes overwhelmedCC Antya 8.34
bhraśyati becomes destroyedSB 4.22.31
bibhyati are afraidSB 5.24.30
bibhyati they are afraidSB 6.3.34
bibhyati are afraidSB 6.17.28
bibhyati become afraidSB 7.15.10
bibhyati they fearSB 11.6.17
bibhyati are afraidCC Madhya 9.270
bibhyati are afraidCC Madhya 19.216
camatkārayati they appear very importantCC Madhya 19.165
cariṣyati executesSB 10.78.31-32
cintāmaṇiḥ jayati all glory to CintāmaṇiCC Adi 1.57
cintayati one thinks aboutNBS 55
cirāyati delayedSB 10.60.57
daṇḍayati punishesSB 4.16.13
daṇḍayati he punishesSB 4.16.13
dańkṣyati will biteSB 1.18.37
dāsyati he will giveSB 3.21.27
dāsyati He will deliverSB 4.13.32
dāsyati will giveSB 6.9.54
dāsyati will giveSB 8.13.17
dāsyati will giveSB 8.19.32
dāsyati He will giveSB 10.80.10
dāsyati intends to giveSB 10.86.2-3
dāsyati He will giveSB 11.2.31
dāsyati will giveCC Antya 6.285
dāsyati will giveCC Antya 6.285
dāsyati will giveCC Antya 6.285
dāsyati will giveBs 5.24
dhakṣyati will burnSB 12.5.10
dhārayati executesSB 5.26.6
dhārayati employs this prayerSB 6.8.41
dhārayiṣyati will ruleSB 8.13.26
dhārayiṣyati will sustainSB 9.9.7
dharma-vyatikaraḥ violation of religious principlesSB 4.19.35
dharma-vyatikramam the transgression of the regulative principles of religionSB 9.4.44
dharma-vyatikramaḥ the transgression of religious or moral principlesSB 10.33.29
dhāsyati shall giveSB 6.9.26-27
dhāsyati will giveSB 8.5.23
dhāsyati will he be cared for by being supplied breast milkSB 9.6.31
jayati te 'dhikam beginning with the words jayati te 'dhikamCC Madhya 14.8
dhvānta-vyatikaram expansion of darknessSB 3.15.2
dhyāyati pondersSB 2.2.2
dhyāyati meditatingSB 4.1.30
dhyāyati meditatesSB 7.7.35
dhyāyati while He was meditatingSB 10.50.11
dhyāyati meditateSB 10.90.20
dīvyati illuminatedCC Adi 17.4
dodhūyati rapidly blowingSB 2.10.20
druhyati bears envySB 4.2.21
druhyati are enviousSB 4.4.15
dūṣayati contaminatesSB 10.78.38
duṣyati creates offenseSB 10.23.8
edhayati causes to increaseSB 7.1.12
ei yati-pāśa within the possession of this sannyāsīCC Madhya 18.164
ei yati this sannyāsīCC Madhya 18.169
ei yati this sannyāsīCC Madhya 18.170
eṣyati comesBG 18.68
eṣyati will returnSB 3.32.3
eṣyati will becomeSB 8.13.33
eṣyati will achieveSB 9.22.38
eṣyati He will comeSB 10.47.44
gamiṣyati will attainSB 12.2.32
yati chantsSB 3.19.37
yati he used to singSB 4.25.57-61
yati chantsSB 5.19.2
yati he singsSB 5.19.12
yati He singsSB 10.15.10-12
yati chantsSB 10.69.45
yati chantsSB 11.2.40
yati chantsCC Adi 7.94
yati chantsCC Madhya 9.262
yati singsCC Madhya 23.33
yati chantsCC Madhya 23.41
yati chantsCC Madhya 25.141
yati chantsCC Antya 3.179
ghātayati causes to hurtBG 2.21
na ghūrṇayati does not cause to roll aboutCC Antya 1.195
gopāyati maintainsSB 2.4.7
gopāyati is hidingSB 12.6.19
grahīṣyati he will acceptSB 4.14.12
guṇa-vyatikaraḥ transformation of the modes by reactionSB 2.5.22
guṇa-vyatikarāt because of the mixture of the modes ofSB 3.9.1
guṇa-vyatikara of the interactions of the modes of material natureSB 3.10.11
jāte guṇa-vyatikare when the interaction of the modes arisesSB 3.32.12-15
guṇa-vyatikare sati when the interaction of the modes takes placeSB 3.32.12-15
guṇa-vyatikare in the uneven manifestation of the modes of material natureSB 7.6.20-23
guṇa-vyatikarāt due to the actions of the modes of material natureSB 7.6.25
guṇa-vyatikaram the transformation of the three modes of material natureSB 7.9.30
guṇa-vyatikaraḥ free from the differences created by the material modes of natureSB 8.12.8
guṇa-vyatikare which consists of the interactions of material qualitiesSB 10.20.18
haniṣyati will killSB 3.14.41
haniṣyati he will killSB 10.50.47
haniṣyati he will kill himSB 10.71.7
hariḥ jayati all glories to Lord Śrī KṛṣṇaCC Antya 16.74
hariṣyati will vanquishSB 2.7.33
hāsyati shall quitSB 1.13.57
hāsyati will leaveSB 8.20.6
vyatikrama-hatāḥ defeated by the fault of insultingSB 9.8.11
hoṣyati will offer as a sacrificeSB 9.22.36
hotuḥ vyatikramam discrepancy on the part of the hotā priestSB 9.1.19
hṛṣyati takes pleasureBG 12.17
hṛṣyati he used to enjoySB 4.25.57-61
hṛṣyati is pleasedSB 6.7.36
hṛṣyati feels happinessSB 6.10.9
na hṛṣyati does not rejoiceSB 11.2.48
na hṛṣyati is not jubilant (upon getting something favorable)CC Madhya 23.110
īrayati causes to riseSB 7.1.10
īrayati vibratesSB 10.35.2-3
īśitavyāyati (the Supreme Lord) pretends to be subject to higher controlSB 10.84.16
janayati does produceSB 1.2.7
janayati producesSB 3.32.23
janayati generatesSB 11.30.3
janayiṣyati will cause to become manifestSB 4.29.36-37
janayiṣyati she will give birthSB 11.1.16
janiṣyati will take birthSB 9.22.42
jarayati dissolvesSB 3.25.33
jāte guṇa-vyatikare when the interaction of the modes arisesSB 3.32.12-15
jayati staySB 3.20.36
jayati is gloriousSB 10.31.1
jayati is victoriousSB 10.78.16
jayati eternally lives gloriouslySB 10.90.48
jayati is always victoriousSB 11.4.21
jayati conquersSB 11.29.8
cintāmaṇiḥ jayati all glory to CintāmaṇiCC Adi 1.57
jayati all glories toCC Adi 4.131
jayati all glories toCC Madhya 8.142
jayati all gloriesCC Madhya 13.78
jayati all gloriesCC Madhya 13.78
jayati jayati all gloriesCC Madhya 13.78
jayati jayati all gloriesCC Madhya 13.78
jayati jayati all gloriesCC Madhya 13.78
jayati jayati all gloriesCC Madhya 13.78
jayati jayati all gloriesCC Madhya 13.78
jayati jayati all gloriesCC Madhya 13.78
jayati eternally lives gloriouslyCC Madhya 13.79
jayati te 'dhikam beginning with the words jayati te 'dhikamCC Madhya 14.8
jayati all gloriesCC Madhya 21.45
jayati all gloriesCC Antya 1.168
jayati let it be glorifiedCC Antya 1.189
jayati all glories toCC Antya 3.181
hariḥ jayati all glories to Lord Śrī KṛṣṇaCC Antya 16.74
jayati triumphantly dominatesBs 5.42
jīryati when it is growing oldSB 10.14.53
kariṣyati can doBG 3.33
kariṣyati would actSB 2.7.26
kariṣyati He may actSB 3.9.23
kariṣyati performsSB 4.8.57
kariṣyati shall doSB 7.2.53
kariṣyati will doSB 7.5.36
kariṣyati will createSB 8.13.23
kariṣyati will be able to doSB 10.22.16
kariṣyati can doSB 10.24.23
kariṣyati can doSB 10.90.42
kariṣyati He will performSB 11.4.22
kariṣyati he will makeSB 12.1.34
kavalayati devoursCC Antya 1.169
keśa-bandha-vyatiṣakta-mallikām whose arrangement of hair was decorated with a garland of mallikā flowersSB 10.6.4
khedayati gives me distressSB 3.2.16
khidyati is disturbedSB 3.4.16
kīrtayiṣyati will continuously chantSB 9.5.21
kliśyati sufferSB 3.7.17
kramiṣyati gradually He will expandSB 8.19.33
kṛpayiṣyati He will bestow His mercyCC Madhya 11.47
krudhyati becomes angrySB 5.13.8
krudhyati he becomes angrySB 5.14.19
kṣapayati annihilatesSB 4.24.61
kṣapayati eradicatesCC Antya 3.62
kṣubhyati becomes agitatedSB 11.26.22
kupyati is angeredSB 10.88.15
madayati maddensCC Antya 6.327
madayati maddensCC Antya 14.73
madayati maddensCC Antya 14.120
madayati maddensCC Antya 16.87
madayati maddensCC Antya 17.72
madayati maddensCC Antya 19.76
mādyati intoxicatedSB 5.15.12
keśa-bandha-vyatiṣakta-mallikām whose arrangement of hair was decorated with a garland of mallikā flowersSB 10.6.4
mariṣyati will dieSB 11.3.38
mohayati bewildersSB 3.4.17
mokṣyati savesSB 2.7.31
muhyati is deludedBG 2.13
muhyati is bewilderedBG 8.27
muhyati becomes illusionedSB 2.7.53
muhyati becomes bewilderedSB 6.1.52
muhyati is bewilderedSB 7.15.56
muhyati become bewilderedSB 8.5.30
muhyati is bewilderedSB 8.22.28
muhyati becomes bewilderedSB 10.5.30
muhyati sati being mystifiedSB 10.13.57
muhyati becomes bewilderedSB 10.14.35
na vimuhyati will never bewilderSB 2.9.37
na paśyati does not seeSB 4.7.54
na paśyati does not seeSB 5.18.3
na riṣyati nothing is missed (everything is properly done)SB 8.16.12
na paśyati one does not seeSB 10.27.16
na samarthayati does not bestowSB 10.81.37
na paśyati he does not seeSB 10.84.64
na hṛṣyati does not rejoiceSB 11.2.48
na rodhayati does not controlSB 11.12.1-2
na paśyati does not seeSB 11.13.36
na tṛpyati never became satisfiedSB 11.26.14
na hṛṣyati is not jubilant (upon getting something favorable)CC Madhya 23.110
na ghūrṇayati does not cause to roll aboutCC Antya 1.195
nańkṣyati will be lostSB 3.16.23
nańkṣyati will be destroyedSB 5.10.25
nańkṣyati will be destroyedSB 11.7.3
nańkṣyati will become ruinedSB 12.2.1
naśyati perishesBG 6.38
naśyati are vanquishedSB 4.21.43
naśyati is spoiledSB 7.11.33-34
naśyati and is destroyedSB 11.5.37
naśyati is destroyedSB 11.8.8
naśyati is destroyedSB 11.13.3
naśyati is destroyedSB 12.4.33
nayati savesSB 9.20.22
nayati leads them toSB 12.3.50
nayati bringsCC Antya 1.169
neṣyati will she be able to executeSB 4.28.20
neṣyati will takeSB 10.39.26
nihaniṣyati He will slaughterSB 12.2.19-20
nimańkṣyati shall be inundatedSB 8.24.32
niyati the regulatorBs 5.8
niyatim NiyatiSB 4.1.44
niyokṣyati will engageBG 18.59
nṛtyati dancesSB 4.5.10
nṛtyati he dancesSB 7.4.40
nṛtyati dancesSB 7.7.34
nṛtyati dancingSB 11.2.40
nṛtyati dancingCC Adi 7.94
nṛtyati dancesCC Madhya 9.262
nṛtyati dancesCC Madhya 23.41
nṛtyati dancesCC Madhya 25.141
nṛtyati dancesCC Antya 3.179
pallavayati causes to blossomCC Adi 3.63
parāñciṣyati may turn againstCC Antya 1.151
parāvidhyati piercesSB 4.29.54
paripaśyati one seesSB 3.25.18
paripaśyati understandsSB 3.32.30
pariśuṣyati is drying upBG 1.28
parituṣyati does it satisfySB 1.5.2
parituṣyati becomes satisfiedSB 4.14.19
paryavasyati ends inCC Antya 1.143
ei yati-pāśa within the possession of this sannyāsīCC Madhya 18.164
paśyati seesBG 2.29
paśyati seesBG 5.5
paśyati actually seesBG 5.5
paśyati seesBG 6.30
paśyati seesBG 6.30
paśyati seesBG 6.32
paśyati seesBG 13.28
paśyati actually seesBG 13.28
paśyati seesBG 13.30
paśyati sees perfectlyBG 13.30
paśyati seesBG 18.16
paśyati seesBG 18.16
paśyati see itSB 2.1.4
paśyati seesSB 3.14.25
paśyati seesSB 3.31.19
na paśyati does not seeSB 4.7.54
paśyati can seeSB 4.8.53
paśyati seesSB 4.22.28
paśyati seesSB 4.22.29
paśyati he also used to seeSB 4.25.57-61
paśyati seesSB 5.5.7
na paśyati does not seeSB 5.18.3
paśyati he seesSB 6.8.36
paśyati perceivesSB 6.16.53-54
paśyati the living entity seesSB 8.1.11
paśyati can seeSB 9.8.21
paśyati one seesSB 10.1.41
na paśyati one does not seeSB 10.27.16
paśyati seesSB 10.80.4
na paśyati he does not seeSB 10.84.64
na paśyati does not seeSB 11.13.36
paśyati he seesSB 11.14.26
paśyati he seesSB 11.15.20
paśyati he seesSB 11.28.32
paśyati one seesSB 12.5.4
paśyati He seesCC Antya 1.108
pātayati causes to fallSB 10.64.43
pāyayati causes to drinkSB 5.26.26
plāvayiṣyati will inundateSB 11.7.3
plāvayiṣyati will drownSB 11.30.47
prabodhayati gives good counselSB 4.28.20
pracodayati inspires to activitySB 12.6.69
prādurbhaviṣyati will appearSB 12.2.18
prahṛṣyati is rejoicingBG 11.36
prakāśayati disclosesBG 5.16
prakāśayati illuminatesBG 13.34
prakāśayati illuminatesBG 13.34
prakaṭayati manifestsCC Madhya 20.304
prakaṭayati manifestsBs 5.49
pramadayati is giving pleasureCC Antya 1.160
pramādyati one becomes a foolSB 11.20.13
praṇaśyati one falls downBG 2.63
praṇaśyati is lostBG 6.30
praṇaśyati perishesBG 9.31
praṇayati inflictsSB 5.26.16
praṇayati leads toCC Adi 3.63
prapaśyati be seesSB 5.13.3
prāpsyati getsSB 9.12.16
prāpsyati there will beSB 9.22.43
praśāmyati is diminishedSB 8.19.26
praśāmyati is extinguishedSB 10.64.34
prasaviṣyati will bring forthSB 3.21.29
prasidhyati is establishedSB 11.24.16
prasidhyati advances or becomes successfulNoI 3
prasvāpayati the sun causes to sleep (as at midnight)SB 5.21.8-9
pratapiṣyati will greatly burnSB 11.3.9
praty-apidhāsyati conversely dissolves alsoSB 3.7.4
pratyākhyāsyati will refuseSB 6.7.35
pravakṣyati will speakSB 11.17.5-6
pravartayati engagesSB 12.6.70
pravekṣyati will enterSB 4.9.23
priya-vyatihṛtam deprived of their darlingSB 10.16.20
pūrayati fulfillsSB 8.8.6
pūrayiṣyati will fillSB 4.30.12
racayati He arranges to makeSB 10.8.30
rakṣiṣyati will protectSB 4.16.8
rakṣiṣyati He will protectCC Madhya 22.100
ramayati enlivensSB 1.6.38
raṃsyati will enjoy sex lifeSB 9.14.39
rañjayiṣyati will pleaseSB 4.16.15
rasayati tastesCC Antya 20.154
riṣyati becomes baffledSB 4.27.24
riṣyati is destroyedSB 7.3.37-38
riṣyati diminishesSB 8.1.11
na riṣyati nothing is missed (everything is properly done)SB 8.16.12
riṣyati becomes disruptedSB 10.84.32-33
na rodhayati does not controlSB 11.12.1-2
rorūyati cries loudlySB 3.31.24
sādhayati brings under controlSB 11.14.20
sādhayati he is strivingSB 11.23.38-39
sādhayati causes to remain satisfiedCC Adi 17.76
sādhayati causes to remain satisfiedCC Madhya 20.137
sādhayati causes to remain satisfiedCC Madhya 25.137
sādhayati causes to remain satisfiedCC Antya 4.59
sādhayati leadsBs 5.60
sādhayiṣyati will ruleSB 8.13.29
sādhayiṣyati will he accomplishSB 10.46.49
sādhayiṣyati it will accomplishSB 10.66.30-31
samāhvayati callsSB 10.35.6-7
na samarthayati does not bestowSB 10.81.37
samavasyati can achieveSB 2.7.41
samavasyati reachesCC Madhya 21.13
sambhaviṣyati will appearSB 8.13.32
sambhaviṣyati would also appearSB 10.1.25
sambhaviṣyati will beSB 12.2.22
sameṣyati will come nearCC Antya 6.285
saṃsārayati causes to experience the cycle of birth and deathSB 10.54.45
saṃsidhyati one becomes spiritually perfectSB 11.18.25
saṃsthāpayati maintainsSB 3.7.4
saṃyāsyati will go togetherSB 11.14.46
śāmyati be satisfiedSB 1.6.35
śāṃyati can be pacifiedSB 9.19.14
śāṃyati is pacifiedSB 11.10.13
śāmyati is pacifiedSB 11.13.7
śāmyati is pacifiedSB 11.13.7
śāmyati subsidesSB 11.22.6
śāmyati is destroyedSB 11.22.38
śāmyati becomes pacifiedSB 11.26.23
sańgamayati causes to meetCC Antya 1.188
sañjanayiṣyati will she give birth toSB 11.1.13-15
sañjayati bindsBG 14.9
sañjayati bindsBG 14.9
sañjīvayati rejuvenatesSB 4.9.6
sāntvayiṣyati will He consoleSB 10.49.10
sanyasyati renouncesNBS 49
sarṣapāyati become like seeds of mustardSB 6.16.48
śāsiṣyati he will have sovereignty overSB 12.1.9
guṇa-vyatikare sati when the interaction of the modes takes placeSB 3.32.12-15
muhyati sati being mystifiedSB 10.13.57
siddhyati becomes successfulSB 5.18.10
sidhyati becomes perfectSB 4.12.49-50
sidhyati someone is perfectSB 6.14.4
sidhyati cause the manifestation of each otherSB 11.22.31
sidhyati becomes fulfilledCC Madhya 20.106
sidhyati becomes fulfilledCC Madhya 24.170
śiṣya-vyatikramam the disciple's deviation from the order of the guruSB 9.13.4
śoṣayati driesBG 2.23
spṛhayati desiresSB 5.6.15
spṛhayati desiresCC Madhya 1.76
spṛhayati desiresCC Antya 1.79
spṛhayati desiresCC Antya 1.114
śrāvayati or explainsSB 5.26.38
śrayati takes shelter ofCC Madhya 8.206
śroṣyati will hearSB 4.16.26
sthāpayiṣyati will reestablishSB 9.22.11
sthāpayiṣyati he will makeSB 12.1.35
sthāsyati remainsBG 2.53
sūdayiṣyati will killSB 8.22.34
śuddhyati purifiedSB 2.2.13
śuddhyati he will be purifiedSB 6.1.68
śuddhyati becomes purifiedSB 10.7.1-2
sukhayati gives happinessSB 10.87.34
sukhayati gives happinessSB 11.10.20
sukhayiṣyati give pleasureSB 5.8.20
śuṣyati dries upSB 8.19.40
sva-vyatirekataḥ as if the body were independent of the soulSB 10.3.18
svadhayati is giving me pleasureSB 5.8.25
tapyati suffersSB 4.3.19
tārayati deliversCC Antya 3.60
tārayati he makes cross beyondNBS 50
tārayiṣyati will bring you acrossMM 12
jayati te 'dhikam beginning with the words jayati te 'dhikamCC Madhya 14.8
tirobhaviṣyati will be vanquishedSB 9.4.53-54
tṛpyati satisfiesSB 3.5.7
tṛpyati become satisfiedSB 3.14.4
ati-tṛpyati is sufficiently satisfiedSB 8.5.13
na tṛpyati never became satisfiedSB 11.26.14
tundilayati increases more and moreCC Antya 1.158
tuṣyati one becomes satisfiedBG 6.20-23
tuṣyati becomes satisfiedSB 4.21.23
tuṣyati becomes satisfiedSB 4.21.39
tuṣyati becomes satisfiedSB 4.31.19
tuṣyati is satisfiedSB 7.6.24
tuṣyati is satisfiedSB 7.11.8-12
tuṣyati becomes satisfiedSB 8.16.23
tuṣyati is very pleasedSB 8.16.61
tuṣyati is satisfiedSB 9.19.11
tuṣyati is satisfiedSB 10.16.35
tuṣyati is satisfiedSB 10.88.15
uddhariṣyati will uprootSB 12.1.11
udgāyati chants very loudlySB 7.4.39
udgāyati chants very loudlySB 7.7.34
udgāyati He would sing very loudlySB 10.11.7
udgāyati sings out loudlySB 11.14.24
ullańghayati surpassesCC Antya 1.169
unmūlayati uprootsNBS 47
unneṣyati would deliverSB 2.7.29
upagāyati chants loudlySB 2.3.20
upaiṣyati will He developSB 10.38.18
upaiṣyati will approach for loveSB 11.8.25-26
upanayati bringsCC Antya 1.142
upaneṣyati He awardedSB 2.7.31
upaplāvayati flowsSB 5.16.17
uparandhayati cooksSB 5.26.13
upaśāmyati achieves perfect peaceSB 11.20.16
upasthāsyati will appearSB 8.24.33
upasyandayati flows throughSB 5.16.19
vakṣyati will speakSB 12.4.43
vartayiṣyati will propoundSB 9.16.25
vatsyati will live thereSB 9.22.40
vatsyati will resideSB 10.89.10-11
anu vekṣyati looking with great attention will enter the fireSB 1.13.58
vibhajiṣyati will divideSB 2.7.36
vicariṣyati He will travel overSB 3.24.18
vidhāsyati going to happenSB 1.14.18
vidhāsyati will doSB 3.16.37
vidhāsyati will undoubtedly fulfillSB 8.16.21
vidhāsyati will bestowSB 8.16.62
vidhāsyati He will arrangeSB 8.24.43
vidhāsyati certainly will performSB 9.4.57-59
vidhyati tormentsSB 11.28.28
viglāpayati gives painSB 3.2.22
vihāsyati will quitSB 3.14.48
vijeṣyati will conquerSB 8.15.29
viluṇṭhayati plundersCC Antya 1.190
vimohayati bewildersBG 3.40
vimohayati bewildersSB 1.8.31
vimohayati He will bewilderSB 11.4.22
vimokṣyati will give upCC Antya 1.151
vimuhyati one is bewilderedBG 2.72
na vimuhyati will never bewilderSB 2.9.37
vimuhyati becomes bewildered by identificationSB 10.1.43
vinańkṣyati vanquishesSB 1.18.43
vinańkṣyati it will perishSB 3.21.55
vinańkṣyati will be vanquishedSB 8.15.31
vinańkṣyati will be destroyedSB 8.22.36
vinańkṣyati he will be vanquishedSB 10.12.24
vinańkṣyati will be destroyedSB 10.54.5
vinańkṣyati will be destroyedSB 11.6.30
vinańkṣyati will be destroyedSB 12.3.24
vinaśyati falls backBG 4.40
vinaśyati is annihilatedBG 8.20
vinaśyati it is lostSB 7.2.40
vinaśyati is vanquishedSB 7.2.42
vinaśyati is vanquishedSB 7.4.27
vinaśyati he is destroyedSB 10.33.30
vinaśyati is destroyedSB 11.8.12
vinaśyati is destroyedSB 11.18.26
vinaśyati is destroyedSB 12.5.7
vinaśyati is destroyedNoI 2
vineṣyati was killedSB 2.7.25
vipaśyati can conceiveSB 3.28.37
vipaśyati completely observesSB 6.1.48
virājayati illuminatesSB 5.20.13
viśramayati relieves Him from His fatigueSB 10.15.14
viśrāmayati causing to restCC Adi 5.139
viśrāmyati stopSB 12.13.2
viśuddhyati becomes purifiedSB 6.2.11
viśuddhyati his material contamination is cleansed offSB 10.10.17
vitta-vyatiṣańga by monetary transactionsSB 5.13.13
vitta-vyatiṣańga because of monetary transactionsSB 5.14.37
vivecana-vyatikaram to collective considerationCC Madhya 20.145
viyati within the skySB 10.20.18
viyati in the skySB 10.41.3
viyati in the skySB 10.41.4
viyati in the skySB 10.41.5
viyati in outer spaceSB 12.4.37
viyati ViyatiSB 9.18.1
priya-vyatihṛtam deprived of their darlingSB 10.16.20
vyatikara-ambhasā devastating waterSB 3.9.27-28
guṇa-vyatikara of the interactions of the modes of material natureSB 3.10.11
vyatikara calamitiesSB 4.1.57
vyatikara in the transformationsSB 5.3.4-5
vyatikara disturbanceSB 10.67.28
vyatikara the agitationSB 11.22.29
vyatikara the opportunityMM 24
guṇa-vyatikaraḥ transformation of the modes by reactionSB 2.5.22
dharma-vyatikaraḥ violation of religious principlesSB 4.19.35
guṇa-vyatikaraḥ free from the differences created by the material modes of natureSB 8.12.8
vyatikaraḥ the agitated transformationSB 11.22.13
vyatikaram anomaliesSB 1.4.16
vyatikaram destructionSB 1.7.32
dhvānta-vyatikaram expansion of darknessSB 3.15.2
vyatikaram violationSB 4.19.31
guṇa-vyatikaram the transformation of the three modes of material natureSB 7.9.30
vivecana-vyatikaram to collective considerationCC Madhya 20.145
guṇa-vyatikarāt because of the mixture of the modes ofSB 3.9.1
vyatikarāt by interactionSB 4.11.16
vyatikarāt by interactionSB 4.22.36
guṇa-vyatikarāt due to the actions of the modes of material natureSB 7.6.25
vyatikarāt by the interactionSB 11.22.6
jāte guṇa-vyatikare when the interaction of the modes arisesSB 3.32.12-15
guṇa-vyatikare sati when the interaction of the modes takes placeSB 3.32.12-15
guṇa-vyatikare in the uneven manifestation of the modes of material natureSB 7.6.20-23
guṇa-vyatikare which consists of the interactions of material qualitiesSB 10.20.18
vyatikare agitationSB 11.10.34
vyatikrama offenseSB 3.16.12
vyatikrama-hatāḥ defeated by the fault of insultingSB 9.8.11
vyatikramaḥ unreasonableSB 1.5.15
vyatikramaḥ obstructionSB 4.22.32
dharma-vyatikramaḥ the transgression of religious or moral principlesSB 10.33.29
vyatikramaḥ transgressionSB 10.44.9
hotuḥ vyatikramam discrepancy on the part of the hotā priestSB 9.1.19
dharma-vyatikramam the transgression of the regulative principles of religionSB 9.4.44
śiṣya-vyatikramam the disciple's deviation from the order of the guruSB 9.13.4
vyatikramāt by obstructionSB 4.22.32
vyatikrāntāḥ spentSB 10.45.8
vyatikrāntam expiredSB 4.27.5
vyatikrāntena passed bySB 3.23.53
vyatikriyate is transformed or affectedSB 11.11.15
vyatireka the presence as separateSB 12.7.19
vyatireka distinctCC Madhya 25.116
vyatirekābhyām indirectlySB 2.9.36
vyatirekābhyām and indirectlyCC Adi 1.56
vyatirekābhyām and indirectlyCC Madhya 25.123
vyatirekataḥ separateSB 3.27.18
sva-vyatirekataḥ as if the body were independent of the soulSB 10.3.18
vyatirekataḥ as separateSB 11.28.20
anvaya-vyatireke directly or indirectlyCC Madhya 20.146
vyatireke by indirect explanationsCC Madhya 25.54
vyatirekeṇa and indirectlySB 7.7.24
vyatiricyeta is separatedSB 5.22.13
vyatiricyeta may reach beyondSB 6.16.56
vyatiriktaḥ distinctSB 4.7.31
vyatiriktaḥ differentlySB 4.9.15
vyatiriktaḥ separateSB 10.47.31
vyatiriktaḥ distinctSB 12.5.3
vyatiriktam illusionSB 5.11.6
vyatiriktam separateSB 7.3.32
vyatiriktatayā by differentiationSB 4.28.40
ātma-vyatirikte the bodily concept of lifeSB 4.22.21
vyatirikte set apartSB 5.18.5
keśa-bandha-vyatiṣakta-mallikām whose arrangement of hair was decorated with a garland of mallikā flowersSB 10.6.4
vitta-vyatiṣańga by monetary transactionsSB 5.13.13
vitta-vyatiṣańga because of monetary transactionsSB 5.14.37
vyatitariṣyati surpassesBG 2.52
yat vyavasyati why she has taken to this sort of lifeSB 4.26.17
yaḥ abhidhāsyati of one who agrees to exchange your old age for his youthSB 9.18.37
yakṣyati will execute sacrificesSB 9.22.37
yakṣyati he will perform sacrificeSB 10.70.41
yāsyati will goSB 1.12.28
yāsyati returnsSB 1.19.21
yāsyati he will be elevatedSB 7.10.22
yāsyati will come under the domainSB 12.1.15-17
yāsyati He will goCC Adi 3.66
yāsyati will comeCC Adi 4.51
yāsyati will enterCC Madhya 13.207
yāsyati will goCC Antya 15.97
yat vyavasyati why she has taken to this sort of lifeSB 4.26.17
ei yati-pāśa within the possession of this sannyāsīCC Madhya 18.164
ei yati this sannyāsīCC Madhya 18.169
ei yati this sannyāsīCC Madhya 18.170
83 results
yati noun (feminine) a caesura (in prosody) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a pause (in music) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a widow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
ceasing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
control (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
guidance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
restraint (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
stopping (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38479/72933
yati noun (masculine) nikāra or kāra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a disposer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
an ascetic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
devotee (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a mythical race of ascetics (connected with the Bhṛgus and said to have taken part in the creation of the world) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Brahmā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Nahuṣa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Viśvāmitra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
one who has restrained his passions and abandoned the world (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 1979/72933
yatibhraṣṭa adjective wanting the caesura (in prosody) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38480/72933
yaticāndrāyaṇa noun (masculine neuter) name of a particular kind of penance [a subtype of cāndrāyaṇa] (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29773/72933
yatin noun (masculine) an ascetic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
devotee (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 38478/72933
yatiprāyaścitta noun (neuter) name of Liṅgapurāṇa, 1.90
Frequency rank 62828/72933
anāyati noun (feminine)
Frequency rank 22950/72933
anāryatikta noun (masculine) the medicinal plant Gentiana Cherayta (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26305/72933
anvayavyatirekin adjective affirmative and negative (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 32069/72933
apasyati noun (masculine) name of a son of Manu
Frequency rank 43740/72933
abhyatikram verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to overpower (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to step over (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to transgress (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to violate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to walk through (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13326/72933
abhyativṛt verb (class 1 ātmanepada) to drive past (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 44454/72933
ayati noun (masculine) name of one of the six sons of Nahuṣa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
no ascetic (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[gramm.] root ay
Frequency rank 32500/72933
araṇyatila noun (neuter) wild sesame
Frequency rank 44817/72933
avyatikrama noun (masculine) non-transgression (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26771/72933
avyatikramya indeclinable
Frequency rank 45540/72933
avyatirikta adjective
Frequency rank 20796/72933
avyatiricya indeclinable
Frequency rank 26772/72933
avyatireka noun (masculine) non-exception (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
non-exclusion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 17617/72933
asyati noun (masculine) [gramm.] root as
Frequency rank 32922/72933
āyati noun (feminine) descendant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
dignity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
expectation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
extending (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
extension (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
following or future time (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
hope (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
length (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
lineage (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
majesty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a daughter of Meru (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
posterity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
restraint of mind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
son (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
stretching (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the future (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5422/72933
āyatimant adjective dignified (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
extended (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
long (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
self-restrained (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
stately (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 46560/72933
upamāvyatireka noun (masculine) (in rhet.) a particular figure combining comparison and contrast (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 47582/72933
ubhayavyatireka noun (masculine) [poet.] a kind of vyatireka
Frequency rank 47773/72933
ekavyatireka noun (masculine) [poet.] a kind of vyatireka
Frequency rank 47998/72933
kevalavyatirekin adjective pertaining only to separateness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 34254/72933
trailokyatilaka noun (masculine) a kind of alchemical preparation
Frequency rank 54047/72933
dayati noun (masculine) [gramm.] root de
Frequency rank 54241/72933
dyati noun (masculine) [gramm.] root do
Frequency rank 55075/72933
nāryatikta noun (masculine) Gentiana Cherayta Name einer Pflanze
Frequency rank 55899/72933
niyati noun (feminine) destiny (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fate(sometimes personified as a goddess) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
necessity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
religious duty or obligation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
restraint (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
restriction (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
self-command (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
self-restraint (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the fixed order of things (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6066/72933
matarahasyatilaka noun (neuter) name of a text (??)
Frequency rank 61225/72933
manyati noun (masculine) [gramm.] the root man
Frequency rank 61510/72933
mayati noun (masculine) [gramm.] the root mā (me)
Frequency rank 61516/72933
mriyati noun (masculine) [gramm.] the root mṛ
Frequency rank 62705/72933
yati noun (masculine) [gramm.] the root lī
Frequency rank 64207/72933
lokāyatika noun (masculine) a man experienced in the ways of the world (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a materialist (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29998/72933
laukāyatika noun (masculine) a follower of Cārvāka (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a materialist (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
atheist (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 64377/72933
yati noun (masculine) [gramm.] the root vī
Frequency rank 66355/72933
vyatikara noun (masculine) accident (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
accomplishing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
calamity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
contact (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
contiguity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
destruction (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
end (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fatality (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
incident (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
misfortune (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
opportunity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
performing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
reciprocal action or relation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
reciprocity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
reverse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
taking to (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
union (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 18498/72933
vyatikara noun (masculine) a confusing (or striking) resemblance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mixing or blending together (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mixture (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6821/72933
vyatikṛ verb (class 8 parasmaipada) to be greatly changed or moved
Frequency rank 66798/72933
vyatikṛṣ verb (class 6 ātmanepada)
Frequency rank 66799/72933
vyatikram verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to be spent (as time) to conquer to elapse to excel to go or pass by to neglect to omit to pass away to step over or beyond (lit. and fig.) to surpass to violate
Frequency rank 5785/72933
vyatikrama noun (masculine) avoiding crime fault getting rid of going or passing by invered order lapse leaping over neglect reverse sin against transgressing vice violation
Frequency rank 4963/72933
vyatikramaṇa noun (neuter) transgression violation (of a rule)
Frequency rank 66800/72933
vyatikrānti noun (feminine) transgression
Frequency rank 66801/72933
vyatikṣip verb (class 6 ātmanepada)
Frequency rank 66802/72933
vyatikṣepa noun (masculine) contest (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mutual altercation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mutual exchange or permutation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
strife (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 39757/72933
vyatigam verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to go against each other to pass (time)
Frequency rank 66803/72933
vyaticeṣṭ verb (class 1 ātmanepada)
Frequency rank 66804/72933
vyatitṛ verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to overcome to pass completely across
Frequency rank 66805/72933
vyatipāta noun (masculine) name of a particular astronomical Yoga (when sun and moon are in the opposite Ayana and have the same declination) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 39758/72933
vyatibhid verb (class 7 parasmaipada) to divide to scatter
Frequency rank 66806/72933
vyatibheda noun (masculine) bursting forth together or simultaneously (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
penetration (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
pervading (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 66807/72933
vyatimiśra adjective mixed or confounded with one another (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30388/72933
vyatimiśray verb (denominative parasmaipada)
Frequency rank 66808/72933
vyati verb (class 2 parasmaipada) to flow on (as time) to go completely through to pass by to penetrate to pervade
Frequency rank 25514/72933
vyatiric verb (class 7 parasmaipada) to be separated from (abl.) to differ from to excel (acc. or abl.) to leave behind to reach far beyond to surpass
Frequency rank 4329/72933
vyatiruh verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to attain to (another state) to grow
Frequency rank 66809/72933
vyatireka noun (masculine) (in rhet.) a particular figure of speech; the contrasting of things compared in some respects with each other (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
contrariety (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
contrast (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
difference (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
exclusion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
logical discontinuance (opp. to anvaya) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a work (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
negation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
separation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5239/72933
vyatirekin adjective different (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
distinguishing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
excepting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
excluding (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
negative (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
reverse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30389/72933
vyativartana noun (neuter)
Frequency rank 66810/72933
vyativṛt verb (class 1 ātmanepada) to abandon to avoid to depart from (abl.) to elapse to escape to glide or pass away to go over to leave to pass through to quit
Frequency rank 14471/72933
vyativeṣṭ verb (class 1 ātmanepada)
Frequency rank 66811/72933
vyatiśṛ verb (class 9 ātmanepada)
Frequency rank 66812/72933
vyatiṣaṅga noun (masculine) absorption (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
barter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
entanglement (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
exchange (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
hostile encounter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mutual connection (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
reciprocal junction or relation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30390/72933
vyatiṣañj verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to change to connect mutually to implicate to intertwine to involve in (a game) to join or unite in opposite places
Frequency rank 11442/72933
vyatiṣañjay verb (class 10 parasmaipada)
Frequency rank 66813/72933
vyatisami verb (class 2 ātmanepada)
Frequency rank 66814/72933
vyatisaṃdah verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to burn up entirely
Frequency rank 66815/72933
vyatisev verb (class 1 ātmanepada) to be well furnished or provided with (instr.)
Frequency rank 66816/72933
vyatihāra noun (masculine) alternation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
barter (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
exchange (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
exchange of blows or abuse (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
interchange (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
reciprocity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 39759/72933
vyatihṛ verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to transpose mutually
Frequency rank 66817/72933
vyayati noun (masculine) [gramm.] root vyay
Frequency rank 66847/72933
śāmyati noun (masculine) [gramm.] verb śam
Frequency rank 67461/72933
śvayati noun (masculine) [gramm.] root śvi
Frequency rank 68338/72933
sajātīvyatireka noun (masculine) [poet.] a kind of vyatireka
Frequency rank 68620/72933
samabhyatikram verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to come upon or into to enter into
Frequency rank 68951/72933
sidhyati noun (masculine) [gramm.] the root sidh
Frequency rank 70589/72933
smayati noun (masculine) [gramm.] the root smi
Frequency rank 71953/72933
syati noun (masculine) [gramm.] the verb so/syā
Frequency rank 31186/72933
yati noun (masculine) [gramm.] root sū
Frequency rank 71976/72933


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Wordnet Search
"yati" has 51 results.


apavādaḥ, niṣedhaḥ, vyāvṛtiḥ, varjaḥ, varjanam, apāsanam, paryudāsaḥ, vyudāsaḥ, apahāniḥ, vinirmokaḥ, parihāraḥ, pariharaṇam, vyatirekaḥ   


asya niyamasya apavādāḥ santi।


viparitagāmin, pratigāmin, vyatikrānta, viparitagatika, parāvṛtta, prātīpika, avanatiśīla, patanaśīla, patanonmukha, pātuka, patayiṣṇu, vinipātaśīla   

yaḥ avanatim uddiśya gacchati।

svasya kukarmabhireva saḥ viparitagāmī bhavati।


pratigāmin, viparitagāmin, vyatikrānta, viparitagatika   

yaḥ viparītaṃ gacchati।

pratigāminaḥ puruṣaḥ vikāsam avarundhati।


daivam, bhāgyam, bhāgaḥ, bhāgadheyam, daivayogaḥ, daivagatiḥ, daivadaśā, daivikam, diṣṭam, niyatiḥ, vidhiḥ   

yadanu manuṣyasya sarvakarmāṇi pūrvaṃ niścitāni bhavanti lalāṭadeśaśca yasya sthānatvena abhimataḥ tat anivāryaṃ tatvam।

karmavādī daive na viśvasiti। / daivaṃ caivātra pañcamam।


anya, itara, para, apara, anyadīya, anyatara, parakīya, vyatirikta   

prakṛtāt dvitīyaḥ।

vardhamānayā janasaṃkhyayā saha anyāḥ samasyāḥ udbhavanti।


sāvadhānam, sākūtam, avadhānāt, avahitam, manaḥpraveśena, pramāda-vyatirekeṇa   

samyak avadhānena saha vinā kim api pramādāt vā।

kimapi kāryaṃ sāvadhānaṃ kuru।


vinimayaḥ, vyatyāsaḥ, vyatiṣaṅgaḥ   

vastvādīnām ādāna-pradānasya prakriyā।

vastūnāṃ vinimaye saḥ vañcitaḥ।


sammānam, prabhāvaḥ, māhātmyam, pratāpaḥ, pratiṣṭhā, anubhāvaḥ, anubhūtiḥ, āyattiḥ, āyatiḥ, āspadam, indratā, indratvam, garimān, gurutā, guruttvam, tejasvitā, paktiḥ, bhagaḥ   

loke prasiddhiḥ।

janaḥ tasya sammānaṃ karoti।


ḍī, praḍī, uḍḍī, khe visṛp, viyati visṛp, pat, utpat, protpat, samutpat, sampat, ākāśena gam, ākāśena yā   

ākāśamārgeṇa ekasthānāt anyasthānam utpatanānukūlavyāpāraḥ।

vimānaḥ samudropari ḍayate adhunā।


bhakṣ(bhakṣati/te), bhakṣ (bhakṣayati), bhuj, khād, aś, ghas, khad, hu, carba, cham, cam (camati), vī, vevī, cam (camnoti), valbh, jakṣ, caṣ, (vi)cam, carv (carvati), carv (carvayati), kuḍ, am, (sam) añj, car, kūḍ, kruḍ, skhad, snus, (upa)yuj (upayunakti), (upa)yuj (upayuṅkte), bhrakṣ, bhlakṣ, plakṣ   

annasya gala-bilādhaḥ-saṃyogānukūla-vyāpāraḥ।

bho māṇavaka, bhakṣaya etat phalam।


vṛdh, parivṛdh, vivṛdh, abhivṛdh, āvṛdh, anuvṛdh, saṃvṛdh, saṃvivṛdh, samabhivṛdh, vyatiruh   

vikasanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

asmākaṃ vyāpāraḥ śanaiḥ śanaiḥ vardhate।


vyatiṣañj, sandhā   

samasyāsu svena saha anyeṣām api samprakarṣaṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

rameśaḥ svayaṃ tu samasyāyām avārundhi māmapi vyatyaṣajata।


prakāś, dyut, vidyut, dīp, bhā, vibhā, bhās, rāj, las, vilas, vibhās, śubh, vidīp, bhrāj, bhrāś, bhlāś, vibhrāj, abhivirāj, pratap, cakās, viśubh, vyatibhā, śuc   

kāntyā prakāśanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

tasyāḥ mukhaṃ tejasā prakāśate।


yatiḥ, yatī, tāpasaḥ, parivrājakaḥ, bhikṣuḥ, saṃnyāsikaḥ, karmandī, raktavasanaḥ, parāśarī, parikāṅkṣī, maskarī, parirakṣakaḥ   


saḥ gṛhasthaḥ tarhi yatiḥ। / ekakālaṃ cared bhaikṣyaṃ na prasajjate vistare। bhakṣya prasakto hi yatir viṣayeṣvapi sajjati॥


tapasvī, āśramavāsī, āśramasad, ṛṣiḥ, jaṭādharaḥ, jaṭī, jaṭilaḥ, jitendriyaḥ, parokṣaḥ, muniḥ, yatiḥ, yatī, liṅgī, śramaṇaḥ, tāpasaḥ   

yaḥ tapasyāṃ karoti।

viśvāmitraḥ tapasvī āsīt।


pratidā, vime, nime, pratipaṇ, vyativṛ, parivṛt   

ekaṃ vastu dattvā anyasya vastunaḥ grahaṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

ramā svasya śītakapāṭikāṃ pratyayacchat। /tilebhyaḥ pratiyacchati māṣān।


vidhavā, gatabhartṛkā, mṛtapatikā, abhartṛkā, nirnāthā, anāthā, avīrā, yatinī, vṛṣabhī, kātyāyanī, vitantuḥ   

sā mahilā yasyāḥ patiḥ mṛtaḥ asti।

mejara raṇavīraṃ mṛtyoḥ paścāt paramavīracakreṇa sanmānitaṃ kṛtaṃ saḥ sanmānaḥ tasya gatabhartṛkayā svīkṛtaḥ।


bhaktaḥ, vratī, ujjhakaḥ, yatiḥ, upāsakaḥ   

yaḥ kañcit devatulyaṃ matvā taṃ bhajate tasya māhātmyaṃ ca jānāti।

saḥ gāndhīmahodayasya bhaktaḥ asti।



niyamabhaṅgasya kriyā।

senāyāṃ vyatikramaḥ niṣiddhaḥ।


vidhiḥ, bhāgyam, bhavitavyatā, niyatiḥ, yathābhāvaḥ, bhāgyavṛttiḥ, daivam, prāktanam   

yā ghaṭanā niścayena bhavati eva।

vidhiṃ kaḥ api parihartuṃ na śaknoti।


saṃyuj, yuj, saṃdhā, sandhā, vyatiṣañj   

sambandhaviśeṣayuktamelanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

vivāhaḥ dve kule saṃyunakti।


ullaṅghanam, atikramaṇam, vyatikramaḥ   

niścayapratijñāniyamavidhyādīnāṃ viruddham ācaraṇam।

yaḥ niyamānām ullaṅghanaṃ karoti saḥ daṇḍitaḥ bhaviṣyati।


ḍāya, praḍāya, uḍḍāya, khe visarpaya, viyati visarpaya, pātaya, utpātaya, protpātaya, samutpātaya, sampātaya, ākāśena gamaya, ākāśena yāpaya   

ākāśamārgeṇa ekasmāt sthānāt anyasthānasaṃyogāya utpatanapreraṇānukūlavyāpāraḥ।

vaimānikaḥ vimānaṃ ḍāyayati।


khe visarpaya, viyati visarpaya   

vāyugatim anu viyati khe vā vastuviśeṣakarmakaḥ vidhūnanapreraṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

bālakāḥ cillābhāsaṃ viyati visarpayanti।


ākram, adhyākram, prakram, vikram, vyativraj, āruh, adhyāruh   

dīrghapādanyāsayuktaḥ ekasmāt sthānāt anyasthānasaṃyogānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

bandiḥ kārāgṛhasya bhittim ākrāmat।


nāstikaḥ, anīśvaravādī, nāstikatāvādī, nirīśvaravādī, devanindakaḥ, devanindakā, laukāyatikaḥ, śūnyavādī   

yaḥ īśvarasya astitvaṃ na manyate।

nāstikāya dharmavacanaṃ na spaṣṭīkartuṃ śakyate।


bhūnimbaḥ, kirātatiktaḥ, anāryatiktaḥ, bhūtikam, kairātaḥ, rāmasenakaḥ, haimaḥ, kāṇḍatiktaḥ, kirātakaḥ, kaṭutiktaḥ   

parvatapradeśeṣu prāpyamāṇaḥ auṣadhīyakṣupaḥ yaḥ ekavarṣīyaḥ vā dvivarṣīyaḥ vā bhavati, yasya unnatiḥ dvyaṅgulādārabhya caturaṅgulaparyantaṃ ca bhavati।

bhūnimbasya mūlarūpaṃ nepāladeśe prāpyate।


miśr, sampṛc, vyatiyu   

ekavastu anyasmin vastuni miśraṇānukūlavyāpāraḥ।

gopaḥ dugdhe jalam miśrayati।



ekaḥ saṃkaraḥ rāgaḥ।

jayatiḥ gauryāḥ tathā ca lalitasya yogena bhavati।



ekā rāgiṇī।

jayatiśrīḥ śrīrāgasya rāgiṇī asti।


niyamanam, niyatiḥ, yantraṇam, saṅkocaḥ   

kasmin api viśeṣakarmaṇi āgatā vivaśatā।

rugṇasya khādye niyamanaṃ kriyatām।



parasparasya avasthā bhāvo vā।

pratyekaṃ dhārmikasya vyatihārasya jñānasya āvaśyakatā asti।


niyativādī, daivavādī, daivaparaḥ, daivāyattaḥ, daivaparāyaṇaḥ, daivādhīnaḥ, yadbhaviṣyaḥ   

yaḥ niyativādaṃ svīkaroti।

niyativādinaḥ anusāreṇa sarvameva bhagavatkṛpayā bhavati ।


dairghyam, āyatiḥ, ānāhaḥ, āyattiḥ, āyatiḥ, āyāmaḥ   

ekāṃśutaḥ anyāṃśuparyantam antaram atha vā ekasthānāt anyasthānaparyantam tiryak antaram।

asya āyatiḥ viṣkambhāt gurutarā asti।


anuṣṭhā, anuvṛt, anuvidhā, pālayati, man, pratigraha, abhyupe, abhyupagam, anugam, anuvraj, anurudh, anuśuśrūṣa, upabhūṣ, paribhūṣ, grah   

ājñānusaraṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

saḥ mama ājñāṃ na anvatiṣṭhat।


miśr, saṃmiśra, sammiśr, vyāmiśr, vimiśr, miśrīkṛ, saṃmiśrīkṛ, sammiśrīkṛ, saṃyuj, saṃsṛj, mud, saṅkṝ, sampṛc, āmiśl, āmṛd, āluḍ, miśrībhū, lpī, vyatiyu, śrī, saṃyu, saṃkarīkṛ, ekīkṛ   

dravyasaṃyogajanyaḥ ekībhavanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

saḥ odane dadhiḥ miśrayati।



chandaḥśāstrānusāreṇa kāvyagānasamaye caraṇeṣu vartamānaṃ tat sthānaṃ yatra layaṃ rakṣituṃ kiñcit kālaṃ viśrāmyate।

kāvyagānasamaye yatau avadhānaṃ dadātu।



brahmaṇaḥ putraḥ।

yateḥ ullekhaḥ bhāgavate asti।



nahuṣasya putraḥ।

yateḥ varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu prāpyate।




keṣāñcana matānusāreṇa yatau pañca gurumātrāḥ dvicatvāriṃśatyādhikaikaśatalaghumātrāḥ ca santi kecana pañca gurumātrāḥ ṣaṭtriṃśatyādhikaikaśatalaghumātrāḥ ca santi iti manyante।




gāyakaḥ yatirāgaṃ gāyati।



mṛdaṅgasya prabandhaviśeṣaḥ।

yatim anusṛtya nartakaḥ nṛtyati।


ākram, adhyākram, prakram, vikram, vyativraj   

balāt pararājyasya sīmānam ullaṅghya tatra praveśanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

śatravaḥ somanāthamandiram naikavāram ācakramuḥ।/parakīyaiḥ bhārataḥ naikavāram ākramyata।


kairātam, bhūnimbaḥ, kirātaḥ, anāryatiktaḥ, kāṇḍatiktakaḥ, kirātakaḥ, ciratiktaḥ, cirātitiktaḥ, tiktakaḥ, sutktakaḥ kaṭutiktakaḥ, rāmasenakaḥ   

ekaḥ kṣupaḥ yasya guṇāḥ vāyuvṛddhikāritvaṃ rūkṣatvaṃ kaphapittajvaranāśitvaṃ ca ।

kairātasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate



bhāratīyateḥ guroḥ nāma ।

kośeṣu bodhāraṇyayatiḥ varṇitaḥ āsīt



ekaḥ kaviḥ ।

kośeṣu brahmacaitanyayatiḥ samullikhitaḥ āsīt



bhāratīyateḥ guroḥ nāma ।

kośeṣu bodhāraṇyayatiḥ varṇitaḥ āsīt



ekaḥ kaviḥ ।

kośeṣu brahmacaitanyayatiḥ samullikhitaḥ āsīt



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

satyanāthayateḥ ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

sabhyābhinavayateḥ ullekhaḥ vivaraṇapustikāyām asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

kavirājayateḥ ullekhaḥ kośe vartate

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