kāla | m. due season, appointed or right time (for, d., g., lc., inf., --°ree;); time; oppor tunity; season; meal-time (of which there are two a day); half a day; hour; age, era; measure, prosody; Time, fate; death, god of death; --°ree;, at the right time; in time, gradually; parah kâlah, high time (w. inf.); kâlam kri, fix a time for (lc.); kâlam âsâdya, according to circumstances; in. kâlena, in due season; in course of time: -gakkhatâ, as time goes on, in course of time; dîrghena --, mahatâ -or bahunâ --, after a long time; kenakit --, after some time; tena --, at that time; ab. kâlât, in the long run, in course of time; kâlatas, id.; with regard to time; g. dîrghasya or mahatah kâlasya, after a long time; kasya kit --, after some time; lc. kâlé, at the right or appointed time, opportunely; in time=gra dually; -prâpte, when the time has come; -gakkhati, in course of time; -yâte, after the lapse of some time; kasmims kit --, one day; kâle kâle, always at the right time; shashthe --, at the end of the third day: --&zip;hnah, at the sixth hour of the day, i. e. at noon; pañ- kasate --, =after 250 days; ubhau kâlau, morning and evening. |
duṣkara | a. hard to do, accom plish, or perform; -endure; difficult; un usual, extraordinary; hard to (inf.); -m yadi, (with ind. or pot.) hardly, scarcely; -m (kri yate) yad, it is no light thing if --: -kar man, a. doing what is hard, very clever; -karma-kârin, a. id.; -sâdhana, n. means of overcoming difficulties. |
dhūmaya | den.; ps. dhûmyate, be covered with vapour, be obscured (star): pp. dhûmita. abhi, pp. with dis, f. quarter about to be entered by the sun. pra, pp. enveloped in smoke. |
nanu | ad. not (emphatic); inter. pcl. not? (=nonne), surely? with inter. prn. or impv. pray; nanu ka, surely (at the begin ning of a sentence); nanu½astu--tathâ½api, well, even granting--yet; nanu mâ bhut tathâ½api, well, even granting that--is not the case -yet (nanu here to be taken with the apodosis); nanu is frequently used by com mentators to state a supposed objection, which is disposed of with a followingukyate, to this the reply is as follows. |
pañcanakha | a. having five claws; m. beast with five claws; -nada, n. land of the five rivers, Panjâb; m. pl. inhabitants of the Panjâb; sg. N. of a river; -padî, a. f. having (taken) five steps; f. five steps; the five strong cases; -na dîyate, does not accompany him even five steps; -pala, a. weighing five palas: î, f. weight of five palas; -purânîya, a. worth five purânas (a coin); -pushpa maya, a. (î) consisting of five flowers; -phut- tika, a. weaving five phuttikas in a day; m. N.; -bandha, m. fifth part of the value of a thing; -bâna, m. the five-arrowed god, Kâma; -bindu-prasrita, n. kind of figure in dancing. |
lakṣaya | den. P. (Â. metr.) mark; characterise, define; indicate, designate indirectly; have in view, mean; consider, regard as (2 ac.), assume any one (ac.) to be (oratio recta with iti); regard, examine; observe, note, perceive, see (often with second appositional ac.; ord. mg.); see that (yad); ps. lakshyate, be meant; be called (2 nm.); look like, appear to be (nm.±iva): pp. laksh ita, marked, indicated, ordistinguished by (in., --°ree;); expressed by indication; aimed at (--°ree;, of arrows); observed, noticed, perceived, seen; understood; des. pp. lilakshayishita, intended to be expressed, meant. anu, have in view. abhi, pp.marked or determined by (in.); made known, reported; seen, ob served. â, observe, notice, see (±app. ac.); ps. appear (nm.): pp. perceived, seen; heard. upa, define; express figuratively; have in view, regard; consider as (2 ac.); perceive, observe, see (ord. mg.; ± app. ac.); recognise; hear; feel (v.l. upa-labh); ps. be figuratively expressed, be used figuratively for (d.); appear to be (2 nm.): pp. marked or distinguished by (in., --°ree;). sam-upa, direct one's attention to, observe; perceive, see. vi, perceive, observe; (lose sight of one's aim), be confused: pp. embarrassed, perplexed; indignant. sam, perceive, observe, learn (± app. ac.); hear; ps. appear. |
vyartha | a. useless, unavailing, unpro fitable, vain (ord. mg.); destitute of money (rare); excluded from, not entitled to (in.); unmeaning, inconsistent (rare): -m, ad. use lessly, in vain; -ka-tva, n.uselessness; -tâ, f. uselessness; meaninglessness, nonsense; false ness: -m gam or yâ, become useless; -m nî yate, becomes harmless; -tva, n. contradicto riness; -yatna, a. useless in its efforts; î-kri, make useless orsuperfluous; î-bhû, become useless. |
śabdaya | den. give forth sounds, cry aloud; call, invoke; ps. sabdyate, be called or named: pp. sabdita, invoked (deity); named. abhi, discuss, mention; designate, name. |
śeṣa | m. n. [√ sish] remainder, resi- due, rest of (g., lc., --°ree;); issue, result (rare); token of recognition (rare); secondary matter, accident; supplement; --°ree; a. of whom or which -only (-mâtra being sts. added) is left: lc. seshe, for the rest; in every other case; se she râtrau, during the remainder of the night; iti seshah (very common in commen tators), the words -must be supplied to com plete the sense; a. remaining (pl.the rest); w. a pp. in ab., but gnly. °ree;--, e. g. desântaram prâyâtebhyo ye seshâs te, the few (remain ing over from those who had gone =) who had not gone to another country, hata-seshâh, the few who had not been slain; last, last mentioned; m. N. of a serpent supporting the earth and forming the couch of Vishnu during his sleep. |
sajjaya | den. P. string (a bow; rare); equip, prepare, make ready; Â. metr. id.; prepare oneself; ps. saggyate: pp. saggita, strung (bow); prepared, equipped, ready, for (-artham or --°ree;). |
svatantra | n. (self-authority), inde pendence, freedom; a. free, independent, un controlled: w. pada, n. independent word: -tâ, f. independence, freedom; originality; -tantraya, den. subject to one'swill; (á) tavas, a. V.: self-strong, inherently powerful; valiant; -tas, ad. of oneself, of one's own ac cord; by nature; out of one's own estate: svato &zip; msât, from one's own share, raksher apakâram svatah parato vâ,guard your self and others against transgression; -tâ, f. ownership: -m pasyati, believes that every thing belongs to or is meant for him, râga svatam upapadyate, accrues to the king; -tvá, n. proprietary right to (lc.; C.); inde pendence (V.). |