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Amarakosha Search
2 results
ājiḥ3.3.38FeminineSingularcetanā, hastādyaiḥarthasūcanā
Monier-Williams Search
23 results for yai
āgneyyaindrīf. See āgneyaīndra- above. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
araṇyaṣaṣṭhīf. Name of a festival celebrated by females on the sixth day of the light half of the month jyaiṣṭha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
araṇyaṣaṣṭhikā f. Name of a festival celebrated by females on the sixth day of the light half of the month jyaiṣṭha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avīratā(a-vsra--) f. want of sons (dative case tāyaī-) (instrumental case -) and 19 (dative case te-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
campakacaturdaśīf. "the 14th day in the light half of jyaiṣṭha-", Name of a festival. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daśaharāf. a festival in honour of the gaṅgā- (on the 10th day of jyaiṣṭha-, ;now held in honour of durgā- in month aśvin-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhāraṇāf. plural the 8th to the 11th day in the light half of month jyaiṣṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gosahasrīf. Name of two festive days (the 15th day in the dark half of month kārttika- and of month jyaiṣṭha-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jyaiṣṭhīf. the full moon in month jyaiṣṭha- (see mahā-jyaiṣṭhī-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jyeṣṭhalalitāf. a particular vow to be observed in month jyaiṣṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jyeṣṭhāmūlam. the month jyaiṣṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kharakomalam. "bracing yet mild", the month jyaiṣṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahājyaiṣṭhīf. Name of a night of full moon coinciding with certain phenomena in the heavens in the month jyaiṣṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirjalaikādaśīf. the 11th day in the light half of the month jyaiṣṭha- (on which even the drinking of water is forbidden) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rāmadvādaśīf. Name of the 12th day in one of the halves of the month jyaiṣṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
rambhātṛtīyāf. Name of the third day of the first half of the month jyaiṣṭha- (so called because Hindu women on this day imitate rambhā-, who bathed on the same day with particular ceremonies) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvatsaramukhīf. the tenth day in the light half of the month jyaiṣṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāvitrīvrata n. a particular fast (kept by women on the fifth day of the second half of vaiśākha-, or of the dark half of jyaiṣṭha-, to preserve them from widowhood) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāvitrīvratakan. a particular fast (kept by women on the fifth day of the second half of vaiśākha-, or of the dark half of jyaiṣṭha-, to preserve them from widowhood) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trilocanāṣṭamīf. the 8th day in the dark half of month jyaiṣṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
umācaturthīf. the fourth day in the light half of the month jyaiṣṭha-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upanimantraṇasinging the two sāman-s śyaitana- and audhasa-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāyudhāraṇamfn. (with divasa-,m.) Name of particular days in the light half of the month jyaiṣṭha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Vedic Search
2 results
asyai a-syái, D. f. of prn. root a, to that, ii. 33, 5.
gamadhyai gám-a-dhyai, dat. ínf. (of gam) to go, i. 154, 6.
Macdonell Search
9 results
āpīna (pp.) n. udder: -vat, a. con taining any form of √ pyai.
iṣaya den. P. Â. be fresh or active; refresh; quicken: inf. ishayádhyai.
jyaiṣṭha m. N. of a summer month (May-June); î, f. day of full moon in Gyaishtha; -sâmika, a. relating to the gyeshtha-sâman.
jyeṣṭha spv. most excellent or beauteous; greatest; highest; best; first; chief; superior to (ab.); eldest: -m, ad. most, greatly; m. elder brother; (sc. ghata) ascending bucket on the water-wheel; N. of a month, May--June (=gyaishtha); &asharp;, f. eldest wife; N. of the 16th (18th) lunar station; misfortune; n. chief thing.
prakhara a. very hard; -khala, m. great rogue; -khyá, a. [√ khyâ] visible; clear, bright: â, f. appearance: only --°ree; a. a, having the appearance of, resembling, like; lustre, beauty: only --°ree; a.a, bright or beautiful as; -khyâta, pp. (√ khyâ) famous etc.; -khyâti, f. perceptibility; -khyâpana, n. cs. (--°ree;) making known, announcement of (--°ree;); -khyaí, d. inf. √ khyâ (RV.1).
mahīyā f. joyfulness (V.); d. -îyaí.
māsa m. month: -m, for a month; mâsam ekam, for one month; in. in the course of a month; lc. in a month=after the lapse of a month. (The twelve months of the Indian calendar, which do not exactly cor respond to ours, are Kaitra, Vaisâkha: March --May; Gyaishtha, Âshâdha: May--July; Srâvana, Bhâdra: July--Sept.; Âsvina, Kârt tika: Sept.--Nov.; Mârgasîrsha, Pausha: Nov.--Jan.; Mâgha, Phâlguna: Jan.--March.)
śrī f. [√ 3. srî] splendour, beauty; prosperity, fortune, wealth; high position, glory, majesty, royal dignity (sts. personified; C.); royal insignia (C., rare); personified as goddess of beauty and esp. of prosperity (Br., rare; C.) produced at the churning of the ocean, wife of Vishnu; in C. often °ree;-(=the famous or glorious) in Ns. of gods, men, places, Ts. of books, to express distinction or eminence: sts. also --°ree; of names of persons: d. sriyé, sriyaí, beauteously, splendidly, gloriously (V.); sriya âtmagâh, (sons of beauty=) horses.
stava m. [√ stu] praise, eulogy, pane gyric, song of praise (RV.1, C.); -átha, m. praise (RV.1); -á-dhyai, d. inf. √ stu (RV.); -ana, n. praising, praise.
Bloomfield Vedic
9 results0 results715 results
adhi yainaṃ jagrāha parvasu AVś.2.9.1b.
aṃśuṃ somasyaitaṃ manye # AVP.5.13.4c.
akṣitam akṣityai juhomi svāhā # Apś.6.14.5.
akṣito 'sy akṣityai tvā # KS.5.5; 8.13; Lś.4.11.21. For this and the next, cf. akṣatam asy, akṣitam asi etc., and akṣitir asi etc.
akṣito 'sy akṣityai tvā (Mś. omits [erroneously ?] tvā) mā me kṣeṣṭhā amutrāmuṣmiṃl loke (GB.Vaitṃś. loka iha ca) # TS.; 7.3.4; GB.2.1.7; Vait.3.20; Mś. Cf. prec.
agnaye ca tvā pṛthivyai connayāmi # Apś.6.8.1.
agnaye sam anamat pṛthivyai sam anamad, yathāgniḥ pṛthivyā sam anamad evaṃ mahyaṃ bhadrāḥ saṃnatayaḥ saṃ namantu # TS.; KSA.5.20. P: agnaye sam anamat pṛthivyai sam anamat TB.; Apś.20.12.8. See next, pṛthivyām agnaye sam anaman, and cf. agniś ca pṛthivī.
agniṃ sa ṛchatu yo maitasyai (KS. -syā) diśo 'bhidāsati # KS.7.2; Apś.6.18.3. See next but one, and yo maitasyā.
agniṃ sadiśāṃ devaṃ devatānām ṛchatu yo maitasyai diśo 'bhidāsati # TB. See under prec. but one.
agnim ... puroḍāśān (VSK. purolāśān) badhnann aśvibhyāṃ chāgaṃ sarasvatyai meṣam indrāya ṛṣabhaṃ sunvann aśvibhyāṃ sarasvatyā indrāya sutrāmṇe surāsomān # VS.21.59; VSK.23.58. P: agnim adya Kś.12.6.30; 19.7.11. Cf. sīsena agnim adya.
agnim īḍā yajadhyai # RV.8.39.1b.
agniṃ pṛthivyām amṛtasya jityai (Aś. yonau) # Aś.2.2.4b; śś.2.6.7b; Apś.6.1.8b; Mś.; ApMB.2.15.14b.
agnir na īḍita īḍitavyair devaiḥ pārthivaiḥ pātu # KS.35.2; Apś.14.17.1.
agnir vo hvayati devayajyāyai # Apś.2.4.2.
agnis todasya rodasī yajadhyai # RV.6.12.1b.
agnis tvā hvayati devayajyāyai # TS.; KS.1.12; 31.11; TB. See agniṣ ṭvā etc.
agnīṣomābhyāṃ chāgasya vapāyai medaso 'nubrūhi # śB.
agne 'dabdhāyo 'śītatano pāhi mādya divaḥ pāhi prasityai, pāhi duriṣṭyai, pāhi duradmanyai, pāhi duścaritāt # TS. P: agne 'dabdhāyo 'śītatano TB.; Apś.3.10.1. See next two, and cf. adabdhāyo 'śītatano.
agne 'dabdhāyo 'śītama pāhi mā didyoḥ, pāhi prasityai, pāhi duriṣṭyai, pāhi duradmanyai # VS.2.20; śB. P: agne 'dabdhāyo Kś.3.7.17. See under prec.
agne prajāṃ prajākāmāyai dhehi # AVP.3.39.2d.
agne balada saha (MS. sahā) ojaḥ kramamāṇāya me dā abhiśastikṛte 'nabhiśastenyāyāsyai janatāyai (MS. -syā janatāyāḥ) śraiṣṭhyāya svāhā (omitted in Apś.) # MS.1.4.14: 64.9; Apś.5.24.4. P: agne balada Mś.
agne vājajid vājaṃ tvā sariṣyantaṃ vājaṃ jeṣyantaṃ vājinaṃ vājajitaṃ vājajityāyai saṃ mārjmy agnim annādam annādyāya # TB.; Apś.2.13.1. See prec., and cf. the ūha, āpo vājajito.
agne vājajid vājaṃ tvā sasṛvāṃsaṃ vājaṃ jigivāṃsaṃ vājinaṃ vājajitaṃ vājajityāyai saṃ mārjmy agnim annādam annādyāya # TB.; Apś.3.4.7. See under prec.
agneṣ ṭvā mātrayā jāgatyā vartanyā devas tvā saviton nayatu jīvātvai jīvanasyāyai # MS.2.3.4: 31.7. P: agneṣ ṭvā Mś. See agnes tvā mātrayā.
agne samrāḍ iṣe rāye (Apś. rayyai) ramasva sahase dyumnāyorje 'patyāya (Apś. erroneously, -yorjapatyāya) # Aś.3.12.23; Apś.9.9.1. See iṣe rāye.
agnes tvā mātrayā jagatyai vartanyāgrayaṇasya vīryeṇa (KS. jagatyā vartanyā) devas tvā savitotṣṛjatu jīvātave jīvanasyāyai (KS. savitonnayatu jīvātave jīvanasyāyā asau) # TS.; KS.11.7. P: agnes tvā mātrayā TS. See agneṣ ṭvā mātrayā.
aṅgāny ahrutā yasya (TS. and vikāra of śB. yasyai) # VS.8.29c; TS.; KS.13.9c,10; śB.
aṅgiraso dhiṣṇyair agnibhiḥ # TA.3.8.1. Cf. mitrāvaruṇau dhiṣṇyaiḥ.
aṅgirobhir ā gahi yajñiyebhiḥ # RV.10.14.5a; TS.; MS.4.14.16a: 242.14. P: aṅgirobhiḥ śś.8.6.13. See aṅgirobhir yajñiyair.
aṅgirobhir yajñiyair ā gahīha # AVś.18.1.59a. See aṅgirobhir ā gahi.
achā namobhir vṛṣabhaṃ vandadhyai # RV.3.4.3c.
achidrāṃ tvāchidreṇa sarasvatyai juṣṭaṃ (KS. juṣṭāṃ) gṛhṇāmi # MS.2.3.8: 36.6; KS.12.9; Apś.19.2.9.
athāstaṃ vi paretana # RV.10.85.33d; AVś.14.2.29d; SMB.1.2.14d; PG.1.8.9d; ApMB.1.9.5d; HG.1.19.4d; MG.1.12.1d; JG.1.21d. See yathārthaṃ viparetana, and cf. daurbhāgyair vi.
athāsya madhyam ejatu # VS.23.27c; Lś.9.10.4c. See athāsyai etc., and adhāsyā.
athāsyāḥ pathyaikā tanuḥ # AVP.12.10.9c.
athāsyā madhyam etc. # see athāsyai etc.
atho yad adyaiṣāṃ hṛdi # AVś.3.2.4c; AVP.3.5.4c.
atho yonir hiraṇyayī # TS. See yasyai yonir, and yonir yas.
aditaye svāhā # śG.2.14.4. See adityai svāhā.
aditiṃ sa diśāṃ devīṃ devatānām ṛchatu (KS.Apś. sa ṛchatu) yo maitasyai diśo 'bhidāsati # KS.7.2; TB.; Apś.6.18.3.
aditir mādityaiḥ pratīcyā diśaḥ pātu # AVś.18.3.27a.
aditiḥ ṣoḍaśākṣarayā ṣoḍaśaṃ māsam udajayat # MS.1.11.10 (bis): 172.8; 173.1. Cf. adityai ṣoḍaśākṣarāya etc., and next two.
aditis te kakṣāṃ badhnātu vedasyānuvaktavai medhāyai śraddhāyā anūktasyānirākaraṇāya brahmaṇe brahmavarcasāya # HG.1.4.6.
adityā uṣṇīṣam asi # MS.4.9.7: 127.8; TA.4.8.2; 5.7.2; KA.2.119; Apś.15.9.5; Mś.4.3.5. Cf. adityai (adityā) rāsnāsi and indrāṇyā uṣṇī-.
adityāḥ (VS. adityai) pañcamī # VS.25.4; MS.3.15.4: 178.12.
adityāḥ (VSṭS.KSA. adityai) pājasyam # VS.25.8; TS.; MS.3.15.7: 179.11; KSA.13.6.
adityā dvādaśī # KSA.13.12. See adityai etc.
adityā (VS. adityai) bhasat # VS.25.8; MS.3.15.7: 179.11.
adityā (VSṭS.śB. adityai; VSK. aditer) bhāgo 'si # VS.14.25; VSK.15.8.4; TS.;; MS.2.8.5: 109.13; KS.17.4; 21.1; śB.; Mś.
adityā rāsnāsi # see adityai etc.
adityāḥ (VS.śB.Kś. adityai) sada (MS. sadā) āsīda # VS.4.30; TS.; 10.1; 3.4.2;; 3.2.4; MS.1.2.6: 15.6; 1.2.13: 22.12; 3.7.8: 86.5; 3.9.1: 113.11. śB.; Apś.10.27.10; Mś.; P: adityai sadaḥ Kś.7.9.7. See next.
adityai tvā caturūdhnyai # KS.30.4 (quater); Mś. (bis). The reading of Mś. is corrupt.
adityai mahyai svāhā # VS.22.20; TS.; MS.3.12.5: 162.1; KSA.3.5; śB.; TB.
adityai (MS.KSṃś. adityā) rāsnāsi # VS.1.30; 11.59; 38.1,3; TS.;; MS.1.1.2: 2.2; 1.1.3: 2.7; 2.7.6: 81.3; 3.1.7: 8.19; 4.1.2: 3.14; 4.9.7: 127.5; KS.1.2; 16.5; 19.6; 31.1; śB.;;,8; TB.; TA.4.8.1; 5.7.1; Apś.1.4.10,12; 12.7; 15.9.3; 16.5.1; Mś.;; --4.3.9; P: adityai rāsnā Kś.2.7.1; 16.3.30; 26.5.3. Cf. adityā uṣṇīṣam.
adityai viṣṇupatnyai carum (KS. caruḥ) # VS.29.60; TS.; MS.3.15.10: 180.14; KSA.5.10.
adityai vyundanam asi # VS.2.2; śB. P: adityai vyundanam Kś.2.7.20.
adityai sumṛḍīkāyai (VSK. sumṛlīkāyai) svāhā # VS.22.20; VSK.24.26--28; TS.; MS.3.12.5: 162.2; KSA.3.5; śB.; TB.
adbhyaḥ saṃbhūtaḥ pṛthivyai rasāc ca # TA.3.13.1a; Apś.16.29.2a. P: adbhyaḥ saṃbhūtaḥ TA.10.1.3; MahānU.1.12. See adbhyaḥ saṃbhṛtaḥ.
adbhyaḥ saṃbhṛtaḥ pṛthivyai (MS.KS. pṛthivyā) rasāc ca (KS. rasaḥ) # VS.31.17a; MS.2.7.15a: 96.15; KS.39.2a. P: adbhyaḥ saṃbhṛtaḥ Kś.21.1.17; PG.1.14.3; VārG.16.5; BṛhPDh.9.188. See adbhyaḥ saṃbhūtaḥ.
adhā sarasvatyai nāri # AVś.14.2.20c.
adhenvā carati māyayaiṣaḥ # RV.10.71.5c; N.1.20c.
anaḍvāhaḥ paṅktyai # VS.24.13; MS.3.13.18: 172.4.
anumataye svāhā # śB.; BṛhU.6.4.18; AG.4.3.26; śG.2.14.4; Kauś.45.16. P: anumataye PG.2.10.9; BDh.3.9.4. Cf. SaṃnyāsaU.1. See anumatyai etc., and asūyantyai.
anuvāya rātryai rātrīṃ jinva # MS.2.8.8: 112.8. See under anuyā.
anuvāsi rātriyai (KS. rātryai) tvā rātriṃ (KS. rātrīṃ) jinva # TS.; KS.17.7; 37.17. Ps: anuvāsi TS.; anuvā TS. See under anuyā.
anuṣṭup (TB. anuṣṭuk) paṅktyai (Mś. paṅktaye) # TB.; Apś.3.18.4; Mś. See next, and anuṣṭub bṛhatyai.
anuṣṭub bṛhatyai # Vait.1.18. See under anuṣṭup paṅktyai.
anenāśvena medhyeneṣṭvāyaṃ rājāpratidhṛṣyo 'stu # TB.; Apś.20.4.2; ... rājā vṛtraṃ vadhyāt TB.; Apś.20.4.1; ... rājā sarvam āyur etu TB.; Apś.20.4.4; ... rājāsyai viśo bahugvai bahvaśvāyai bahvajāvikāyai bahuvrīhiyavāyai bahumāṣatilāyai bahuhiraṇyāyai bahuhastikāyai bahudāsapuruṣāyai rayimatyai puṣṭimatyai bahurāyaspoṣāyai rājāstu TB.; Apś.20.4.3. See prec.
antakāya goghātam # VS.30.18. See nirṛtyai etc.
antarikṣān mā pāhi viśvasmai prāṇāyāpānāya vyānāyodānāya pratiṣṭhāyai caritrāya # MS.2.8.14: 118.2.
andhā tamāṃsy ava pādayainān # AVś.9.2.10b.
anyatrāsmad vidyutaṃ pātayaitām # AVś.11.2.26c.
anv asyai mūlaṃ jīvāt # TA.6.9.1c.
anvaikṣanta (TS. abhyaikṣanta) manasā cakṣuṣā ca # AVś.2.34.3b; AVP.3.32.4b; TS.; MS.1.2.15b: 25.5; KS.30.8b. P: anvaikṣanta manasā MS.3.9.7: 125.16.
apamṛṣṭaṃ manuṣyainasāni # AVś.6.113.3b.
apahato 'raruḥ pṛthivyai # TS.; Apś.2.1.5. Cf. under prec.
apahato 'raruḥ pṛthivyai devayajanyai # TS.; Apś.2.2.1. Cf. under prec. but one.
apāṃ yo madhyato (KS. madhye) rasas tam aham asmā (KS. asmā amuṣmā) āmuṣyāyaṇāya puṣṭyai (KS. prajāyai) prajananāya (KS. puṣṭyai) gṛhṇāmi # KS.36.15; TB.
apāṃ yo madhye rasas tenāham imam amum āmuṣyāyaṇam amuṣyāḥ putraṃ prajāyai puṣṭyā abhiṣiñcāmi # KS.36.5.
apānaṃ tvāmṛta ādadhāmy annādam annādyāya goptāraṃ guptyai # Apś.5.15.6. Cf. prāṇaṃ etc.
apāma edhi mā mṛthā na indra # SMB.2.1.14c. See under anāmayaidhi.
apāraruṃ pṛthivyai devayajanād badhyāsam # VS.1.26; śB. P: apārarum Kś.2.6.21. Cf. under prec. but one.
apīparo māhno rātriyai mā pāhi # TA.4.10.4; 5.8.10; Apś.15.12.7. P: apīparo māhnaḥ Mś.4.3.33.
abhi kratvā naryaḥ pauṃsyaiś ca # RV.10.29.7d; AVś.20.76.7d.
abhī ṣv aryaḥ pauṃsyair bhavema # RV.10.59.3a.
abhyeti na # see abhyaiti.
amā ma edhi mā mṛdhā na (Aś. ma) indra # Aś.2.9.10d; śG.3.8.4d. See under anāmayaidhi.
amuṣmai svāhā # Kś.20.8.4; AG.1.3.7; KhG.2.1.23; ApMB.2.19.1--6; HG.1.3.3; 7.20. See next, and amuṣyai etc.
amuṣmai svāhāmuṣmai svāhā # śB.; TB.; HG.2.20.6. See prec., and amuṣyai etc.
amuṣyai svāhāmuṣyai svāhā # KB.4.14; śG.1.9.18. Cf. prec., and amuṣmai etc.
amūṃs ta ā dadhāmi prajayā reṣayainān # AVś.11.1.20c.
amoci yakṣmād duritād avartyai (AVP. avadyāt) # AVP.2.3.5a; TB.; ApMB.2.12.9a (ApG.6.15.4). See amukthā.
arāddhyā edidhiṣuḥpatim # VS.30.9. See ārādhyai.
ariṣṭyā avyathyai saṃveśāyopaveśāya gāyatryā (also triṣṭubho, jagatyā, anuṣṭubho, paṅktyā) abhibhūtyai svāhā # Apś.14.26.2. See next, and saṃveśāyo-.
ariṣṭyā avyathyai saṃveśāyopaveśāya gāyatryai chandase 'bhibhuve svāhā (also ... triṣṭubhe jagatyā anuṣṭubhe chandase 'bhibhuve svāhā) # KS.35.11. See under prec.
arcad vṛṣā vṛṣabhiḥ sveduhavyaiḥ # RV.1.173.2a.
alaṃ yajñāyota dakṣiṇāyai # AVP.1.96.2b; KS.40.5b; Apś.16.34.4b.
avaṛtyai (TB. avartyai) badhāyopamanthitāram (TB. vadhā-) # VS.30.12; TB.
ava martyair martyakṛtam (MS. martyakṛtaṃ cikitvān) # VS.3.48d; 8.27d; VS.20.18d; TS.; MS.1.3.39d: 45.12; KS.4.13d; 38.5d; śB.;;; TB.; Lś.2.12.9d.
avamais ta ūrvais te kāvyais te pitṛbhir bhakṣitasya madhumato nārāśaṃsasya sarvagaṇasya sarvagaṇa upahūta upahūtasya bhakṣayāmi # PB.1.5.9. P: avamaiḥ Lś.2.5.14. See ūmaiḥ pitṛbhir.
avartyai etc. # see avaṛtyai etc.
avijñātā adityai # VS.24.5,9; MS.3.13.6: 169.12; 3.13.10: 170.8.
aviṣyave ripave duchunāyai # RV.1.189.5b; MG.2.16.3b.
aśam asyai vāto vātu # AVP.6.23.7a.
aśastitūr asi vṛtratūr asmān patho jyaiṣṭhyān mā yoṣam # KS.7.13. See sapatnatūr.
aṣṭakāyai tvā juṣṭaṃ prokṣāmi # GG.3.10.21; KhG.3.4.4. P: aṣṭakāyai JG.2.3.
asamātiṃ gṛheṣu naḥ # AVś.6.79.1c. See gṛhāṇām asamartyai.
asāv eṣa te deva sūrya brahmacārī taṃ gopāya sa mā mṛta # ApMB.2.3.31. See eṣa ma, deva savitar eṣa te brahmacārī, and sūryaiṣa.
asūyantyai cānumatyai ca svāhā # Aś.8.14.4. Cf. under anumataye svāhā.
asmabhyaṃ dā harivo mādayadhyai # RV.6.19.6d.
asmān abhy aity ojasā spardhamānā # AVP.3.5.6b. See abhyaiti na.
asmān aity abhy etc. # see abhyaiti na.
asmin no adya savane mandadhyai # RV.4.16.2b; AVś.20.77.2b.
asmin ma antarikṣe vāyuś ca vṛṣṭiś cādhipatī vāyuś ca vṛṣṭiś ca maitasyai diśaḥ pātāṃ vāyuṃ ca vṛṣṭiṃ ca sa devatānām ṛchatu yo no 'to 'bhidāsati # śś.6.3.6. Cf. ye 'ntarikṣāj juhvati, and vāyur māntari-.
asme kṣatrāya varcase balāya # RV.10.18.9b. See saha kṣatreṇa, saha śrotreṇa, śriyai kṣatrāyau-, śriyai brahmaṇe, and śriyai viśe.
asme rayiṃ sarvavīraṃ ni yachatam # RV.4.50.10d; AVś.20.13.1d. Cf. asyai rayiṃ etc.
asmai jyaiṣṭhyāya kalpadhvam (śś. tiṣṭhadhvam) # AB.7.17.7d; śś.15.26d.
asmai śraiṣṭhyāya savratāḥ # AVP.3.23.4d. Cf. mama jyaiṣṭhyāya.
asmai saṃ datta bheṣajam # TS. See asyai saṃ.
asya yajñasyarddhyai mahyaṃ saṃnatyai # TS.; Apś.20.9.5.
asyā janatāyāḥ śraiṣṭhyāya svāhā # MS.1.4.14: 64.10. See asyai janatāyai.
asyāṃ ma udīcyāṃ diśi somaś ca rudraś cādhipatī somaś ca rudraś ca maitasyai diśaḥ pātāṃ somaṃ ca rudraṃ ca sa devatānām ṛchatu yo no 'to 'bhidāsati # śś.6.3.4. Cf. ya uttarato juhvati.
asyāṃ ma ūrdhvāyāṃ diśi bṛhaspatiś cendraś cādhipatī bṛhaspatiś cendraś ca maitasyai diśaḥ pātāṃ bṛhaspatiṃ cendraṃ ca sa devatānām ṛchatu yo no 'to 'bhidāsati # śś.6.3.5. Cf. ya upariṣṭād juhvati.
asyāṃ me dakṣiṇasyāṃ diśi yamaś ca mṛtyuś cādhipatī yamaś ca mṛtyuś ca maitasyai diśaḥ pātāṃ yamaṃ ca mṛtyuṃ ca sa devatānām ṛchatu yo no 'to 'bhidāsati # śś.6.3.2. Cf. ye dakṣiṇato juhvati.
asyāṃ me pṛthivyām agniś cānnaṃ cādhipatī agniś cānnaṃ ca maitasyai diśaḥ pātām agniṃ cānnaṃ ca sa devatānām ṛchatu yo no 'to 'bhidāsati # śś.6.3.7. Cf. ye 'dhastāj juhvati.
asyāṃ me pratīcyāṃ diśi mitraś ca varuṇaś cādhipatī mitraś ca varuṇaś ca maitasyai diśaḥ pātāṃ mitraṃ ca varuṇaṃ ca sa devatānām ṛchatu yo no 'to 'bhidāsati # śś.6.3.3. Cf. ye paścād juhvati.
asyāṃ me prācyaṃ diśi sūryaś ca candraś cādhipatī sūryaś ca candraś ca maitasyai diśaḥ pātāṃ sūryaṃ ca candraṃ ca sa devatānām ṛchatu yo no 'to 'bhidāsati # śś.6.3.1. Cf. ye purastāj juhvati.
asyai janatāyai śraiṣṭhyāya # Apś.5.24.4. See asyā janatāyāḥ.
asyai pṛthivyai yad yajñiyam # TB.; Apś.14.31.8d.
asyai pratiṣṭhāyai # VS.2.25; śB.; Kś.3.8.14.
asyai pratiṣṭhāyai mā chitsi # śś.1.5.9.
asyai me putrakāmāyai # RVKh.10.184.1c; ApMB.1.12.7c; MG.2.18.4c.
asyai viśe mahyaṃ jyaiṣṭhyāya pipīhi # MS.4.9.9: 129.9. See mahyaṃ jyaiṣṭhyāya, and cf. prec.
asyai śālāyai śarma yachantu devāḥ # AVP.7.6.4c.
aham ādityair uta viśvadevaiḥ # RV.10.125.1b; AVś.4.30.1b.
ahas tvā rātryai paridadātu # SMB.1.5.15; JG.1.8.
ahnāṃsi (Vait. edition emends to anuvāsi) rātriyai (Vait. rātryai) tvā rātriṃ jinva # GB.2.2.13; Vait.22.4. See under anuyā.
ākūtaye svāhā # Mś.; VārG.1.26. See ākūtyai svāhā.
ākūtim (MSṃśṃG.VārG. ākūtam) agniṃ prayujaṃ svāhā # VS.11.66; TS.; MS.2.7.7: 82.7; KS.16.7; śB.; Mś. (25); MG.1.6.2; 23.6. Ps: ākūtim (VārG. ākūtam) agnim Apś.16.8.13; VārG.7.5; ākūtim Kś.16.4.30. Cf. ākūtyai prayuje.
ākūtyai tvā kāmāya tvā samṛdhe tvā # TS.; KS.13.11,12; TB.; Kauś.5.7 (with svāhā). P: ākūtyai tvā kāmāya tvā TS.; Apś.19.17.9.
ākūtyai prayuje 'gnaye (MS.KS. agnaye) svāhā # VS.4.7; TS.;; MS.1.2.2: 10.11; 3.6.4: 63.17; KS.2.2; 23.2; śB.,11,12; Apś.10.8.5; 16.8.13; 20.8.5. Ps: ākūtyai prayuje Mś.; (25); ākūtyai Kś.7.3.16. Cf. ākūtim agniṃ, and prayuje svāhā.
āṅgirasānām ādyaiḥ pañcānuvākaiḥ svāhā # AVś.19.22.1. The entire chapter occurs also Atharva-pariśiṣṭa 46.9; cf. Ind. Stud. iv. 433.
ājiṃ tvāgne sariṣyantaṃ saniṃ saniṣyantaṃ devebhyo havyaṃ vakṣyantaṃ vājinaṃ tvā vājajityāyai saṃmārjmi (vḷ. -mārṣṭi) # Mś. See agne vājajid vājaṃ tvā sariṣyantaṃ.
ājyam uktham avyathāyai (TS. avyathayat; KS. avyathāya) stabhnātu (MS. stabhnotu) # VS.15.10; TS.; MS.2.8.9: 113.6; KS.17.8; śB.
ād ij jujoṣa vṛṣabhaṃ yajadhyai # RV.4.24.5d.
ādityas te vasubhir ādadhātu # HG.1.7.11d. See ādityais te.
ādityā ājyaiḥ # MS.1.9.2: 132.2; KS.9.10. Cf. ādityā dakṣiṇābhiḥ.
ādityā dakṣiṇābhiḥ # TA.3.8.2. Cf. ādityā ājyaiḥ.
ādityaitaṃ te brahmacāriṇaṃ pari dadāmi # śG.2.3.1. Cf. sūryaiṣa.
ādityair no aditiḥ śarma yachatu # RV.10.66.3b. See ādityais te etc.
ādityais te aditiḥ śarma yachatu # AVP.15.5.4d. See ādityair no etc.
ā nayaitam ā rabhasva # AVś.9.5.1a. P: ā nayaitam Vait.10.14; Kauś.64.6,27.
ā no gavyebhir aśvyaiḥ # RV.6.60.14a; 8.73.14a.
ā no rādhāṃsi savita stavadhyai # RV.7.37.8a.
āpo devīḥ śundhata mā madhumantaṃ madhumatīr devayajyāyai # MS.1.2.1: 9.7. P: āpo devīḥ Mś.; MG.1.5.4. Cf. under daivyāya karmaṇe.
āpo vājajito vājaṃ vaḥ sariṣyantīr vājaṃ jeṣyantīr vājinīr vājajito vājajityāyai saṃmārjmy apo annādā annādyāya # Apś.8.8.2. ūha of agne vājajid vājaṃ tvā sariṣyantaṃ.
ā yātam upa bhūṣataṃ pibadhyai # Aś.6.5.24d.
āyuvai hiṃkuru tasyai prastuhi tasyai stuhi tasyai me 'varuddhyai # Apś.13.11.1.
āyuṣe hiṃkuru tasyai prastuhi (Apś. adds tasyai stuhi) tasyai me 'varuddhyai # MS.4.2.4: 26.9; Apś.13.11.1. P: āyuṣe hiṃkuru Mś.
ārtyai janavādinam # VS.30.17. See ṛtyai etc.
ārtyai nirṛtyai dveṣāc ca vanaspatiḥ # TA.6.9.2c.
ā valgū vipro vavṛtīta havyaiḥ # RV.7.68.4c.
ā vāṃ yeṣṭhāśvinā huvadhyai # RV.5.41.3a.
ā vo ruvaṇyum auśijo huvadhyai # RV.1.122.5a.
ā vo vāhiṣṭho vahatu stavadhyai # RV.7.37.1a.
āśāyai śraddhāyai medhāyai śriyai hriyai vidyāyai # Kauś.74.9.
āśrāvaya yajñaṃ deveṣv āśrāvaya māṃ manuṣyeṣu kīrtyai yaśase brahmavarcasāya # Aś.1.3.23.
āśvayujyai paurṇamāsyai svāhā # śG.4.16.2.
āsandī rūpaṃ rājāsandyai # VS.19.16a.
āsanyān mā mantrāt pāhi (Mś. pāhi purā) kasyāś cid abhiśastyāḥ (Aś. abhiśastyai svāhā) # TS.; Aś.4.13.1; Apś.12.3.9; Mś.
ā suṣṭutī namasā vartayadhyai # RV.5.43.2a.
ā sūryāyai tasthathuḥ # RV.8.22.1d.
āsmabhyaṃ savitar vaha # AVś.14.1.62d. See tām asyai savitas.
āsyai brāhmaṇāḥ snapanīr (ApMB. snapanaṃ) harantu # AVś.14.1.39a; ApMB.1.1.7b. P: āsyai brāhmaṇāḥ Kauś.75.17.
iḍāyās (Apś. -yāḥ) padaṃ ghṛtavac carācaram # Aś.2.2.17a; Apś.6.5.7a; Mś. See next, and iḍāyai sṛptaṃ.
iḍāyai (KA. ilāyai) vāstv asi # TA.4.42.1; KA.1.217; 3.217.
iḍāyai hiṃkuru tasyai prastuhi (Apś. adds tasyai stuhi) tasyai me 'varuddhyai # MS.4.2.4: 26.7; Apś.12.28.6. P: iḍāyai hiṃkuru Mś.
iti cin nu prajāyai paśumatyai # RV.5.41.17a.
idaṃ hiraṇyaiḥ khīlāḥ # Apś.21.20.3c.
idaṃ dive namo agne pṛthivyai # RV.3.54.3c.
idam ahaṃ senāyā abhītvaryai (Mś. -tvaryā) mukham apohāmi # TB.; Apś.1.24.6; Mś.;
idam ahaṃ trivṛtā stomena rathaṃtareṇa sāmnā vaṣaṭkāreṇa vajreṇāsyai pṛthivyā asyai pratiṣṭhāyā asmād āyatanād yo 'smān dveṣṭi yaṃ ca vayaṃ dviṣmas taṃ hanmi # Apś.24.12.6.
idam aham amuṃ bhrātṛvyam ābhyo digbhyo 'syai divo 'smād antarikṣād asyai pṛthivyā asmād annādyān nir bhajāmi # TS. P: idam aham amuṃ bhrātṛvyam ābhyo digbhyo 'syai divaḥ TS. See idam aham ābhyo.
idam aham ādityān badhnāmy āmuṣmād amuṣyai viśo 'vagantoḥ (MSṃś. badhnāmy āmuṣyāvagamaḥ) # TS.; MS.2.2.1: 14.11; Apś.19.20.15; Mś. See prec.
idam aham ādityebhyo bhāgaṃ nir vapāmy āmuṣmād amuṣyai viśo 'vagantoḥ # TS.; Apś.19.20.14.
idam aham ābhyo digbhyo 'syai divo 'smād antarikṣād asmād annadyād asyai pratiṣṭhāyai dviṣantaṃ bhrātṛvyaṃ nirbhajāmi # śś.4.12.10. See idam aham amuṃ bhrātṛvyam.
idam ahaṃ māṃ kalyāṇyai kīrtyai tejase yaśase 'mṛtatvāyātmānaṃ dakṣiṇāṃ nayāni # Aś.5.13.12. See next.
idam ahaṃ māṃ kalyāṇyai kīrtyai svargāya lokāyāmṛtatvāya (Apś. lokāya) dakṣiṇāṃ (Mś. -ṇaṃ !) nayāni (Apś. nayāmi; Mś. dadāmi) # KB.15.1; śś.13.14.6; Apś.21.5.10; Mś. See prec.
idaṃ parjanyaretase # RV.6.75.15c. Cf. devyai parjanyaretase.
indur yebhir āṣṭa sveduhavyaiḥ # RV.1.121.6c.
indra indriyair maruto marudbhiḥ # RV.1.107.2c.
indraḥ pṛthivyai varṣīyān # VS.23.48c; Aś.10.9.2c; śś.16.5.2c.
indraṃ śriyai janayann apsu rājā # VS.19.94d; MS.3.11.9d: 155.2; KS.38.3d; TB.
indraṃ sa ṛchatu yo maitasyai diśo 'bhidāsati # KS.7.2; Apś.6.18.3. See indraṃ sa diśāṃ, and yo maitasya.
indraṃ satyair erayāmā kṛtebhiḥ # RV.10.111.1c.
indraṃ sa diśāṃ devaṃ devatānām ṛchatu yo maitasyai diśo 'bhidāsati # TB. See under indraṃ sa ṛchatu.
indra jyaiṣṭhyāya sukrato # RV.1.5.6c; AVś.20.69.4c; TS.; MS.4.12.6c: 197.5; KS.23.12c.
indraṃ jyaiṣṭhyāya dhāyase gṛṇāṇāḥ # RV.3.50.3b.
indras tvā pātv indriyaiḥ # AVś.19.27.1d; AVP.10.7.1d.
indrasya bāhur asi dakṣiṇo viśvasyāriṣṭyai (KS. dakṣiṇo yajamānasya paridhiḥ) # VS.2.3; KS.1.11; śB.
indrasya havyair jaṭharaṃ pṛṇānaḥ # VS.20.45c; MS.3.11.1c: 140.15; KS.38.6c; TB.
indrasyendriyeṇa balāya śriyai yaśase 'bhi (TB. -yeṇa śriyai yaśase balāyābhi) ṣiñcāmi # VS.20.3; TB. Ps: indrasyendriyeṇa TB.; indrasya Kś.19.4.14.
indrasyeva dakṣiṇaḥ śriyaidhi # VS.9.8b; śB. See indrasya yāhi prasave.
indrāgacha hariva āgacha (JB. also indrāgacha haribhyām āyāhi) medhātither meṣa vṛṣaṇaśvasya mene gaurāvaskandinn ahalyāyai jāra kauśika brāhmaṇa gautama bruvāṇa (JB. also kauśika brāhmaṇa kauśika bruvāṇa) # JB.2.79--80; śB.; TA.1.12.3; Lś.1.3.1. P: indrāgacha ṣB.1.1.10,11 (followed by the rest, 1.1.12--23). Designated as subrahmaṇyā AB.6.3.1; KB.27.6; śB.; TB.; 12.9.6; Aś.8.13.28; 12.4.19; Vait.15.4; 34.4; Apś.20.1.7; 21.12.10; 22.6.6; MDh.9.12.6; see also the formulas beginning subrahmaṇya upa. Cf. agna āgacha.
indrāgnibhyāṃ chāgasya vapāyā (Kś. vapāyai) medaso 'nubrūhi # Kś.6.6.24; Apś.7.21.1; Mś.
indrāgnibhyāṃ tvā sayujā yujā yunajmy āghārābhyāṃ tejasā varcasokthebhi stomebhiś chandobhī rayyai poṣāya sajātānāṃ madhyamastheyāya # TS. P: indrāgnibhyāṃ tvā sayujā yujā yunajmi Apś.17.5.2. See prec.
indrāṇyā ekādaśī # TS.; KSA.13.12. Cf. indrasyaikā-.
indrāṇyāḥ etc. # see indrāṇyai etc.
indrādhipatiḥ (MS.KS. indrādhipatyaiḥ) pipṛtād ato naḥ # AVP.15.1.3c; TS.; MS.3.16.4c: 188.3; KS.22.14c; Aś.4.12.2c.
indrā nv agnī avase huvadhyai # RV.5.45.4b.
indrāya traiṣṭubhāya pañcadaśāya bārhatāyaikādaśakapālaḥ (TS.KSA. bārhatāya graiṣmāyaikādaśakapālaḥ; MS. bārhatāya graiṣmāya puroḍāśam ekādaśakapālam) # VS.29.60; TS.; MS.3.15.10: 180.8; KSA.5.10.
indrāyarṣabheṇāśvibhyāṃ sarasvatyai # TB. See indrāya ṛṣabheṇa.
indrāyendrāṇyā aśvibhyām āśvayujyai paurṇamāsyai śarade ca # PG.2.16.2.
indrāvataṃ karmaṇā (KS. kāvyair) daṃsanābhiḥ # KS.17.19b; 40.10d; TB.; Apś.19.2.19b. See indrāvathuḥ.
indrāvathuḥ (VSK. -vadhuḥ) kāvyair daṃsanābhiḥ # RV.10.131.5b; AVś.20.125.5b; VS.10.34b; 20.77b; VSK.11.47b; MS.3.11.4b: 146.3; KS.38.9b; śB. See indrāvataṃ.
indriyāj jyaiṣṭhyāc chraiṣṭhyān mā yoṣam # JB.2.67.
indro jyeṣṭhānām (MS.KS. jyaiṣṭhyānām; VS.śB. jyaiṣṭhyāya) # VS.9.39; TS.;; MS.2.6.6: 67.11; KS.15.5; śB.; PG.1.5.10.
indro jyaiṣṭhyena brahmaṇāyaṃ bṛhaspatiḥ # AVP.1.75.3c; 2.80.2c.
indro madāya prati dhat pibadhyai # RV.4.27.5d.
indro viśvair vīryaiḥ patyamānaḥ # RV.3.54.15a.
imaṃ devā asapatnaṃ suvadhvaṃ mahate kṣatrāya mahate jyaiṣṭhyāya mahate jānarājyāyendrasyendriyāya (VSK.11.3.2 stops at jyaiṣṭhyāya; VSK.11.6.2 at jānarājyāya) # VS.9.40; 10.18; VSK.11.3.2; 6.2; śB.; 4.2.3. P: imaṃ devāḥ YDh.1.299.
imaṃ dhātā lokam asyai dideśa # AVś.14.2.13b.
imam amuṣya (VSK. imam amum amuṣya) putram amuṣyai (VSK. amuṣyāḥ) putram asyai viśe # VS.9.40; 10.18; VSK.11.3.2; 6.2; śB.; 4.2.3. P: imam amuṣya Kś.15.5.33. See prec.
imam aham ādityebhyo bhāgaṃ nir vapāmy āmuṣmād amuṣyai viśo 'vagantoḥ # TS.; Apś.19.20.15.
iyaṃ te rāṇ mitrāya yantrāya dhartrāya kṛṣyai kṣemāya rayyai poṣāya # Apś.18.5.20.
iyaṃ teṣām avayā duriṣṭyai # TS. See yā teṣām etc.
iyaṃ dig aditir devatāditiṃ sa diśāṃ devīṃ devatānām ṛchatu (KS.Apś. sa ṛchatu) yo maitasyai (KS. -syā) diśo 'bhidāsati # KS.7.2; TB.; Apś.6.18.3.
iyarti vācaṃ janayan yajadhyai # RV.4.21.5b.
irā bhūtiḥ pṛthivyai (Mś. -vyā) raso motkramīt # TB.; Apś.2.11.3; Mś.
iryeva puṣṭyai kiraṇeva bhujyai # RV.10.106.4c.
ilāyai vāstv asi # see iḍāyai etc.
iṣave kṛṇutā namaḥ # AVP.11.2.5d. Cf. iṣvai devyai.
iṣe ca no mimītaṃ dhenumatyai # RV.1.120.9c.
iṣe yandhi śravase sūnṛtāyai # RV.1.121.14d.
iṣṭaye tvam artham iva tvam ityai # RV.1.113.6b.
iṣyann arṇāṃsy apāṃ caradhyai # RV.1.61.12d; AVś.20.35.12d; MS.4.12.3d: 183.11; KS.8.16d; N.6.20d.
iṣvai devyai bṛhan namaḥ # RV.6.75.15d. Cf. iṣave kṛṇutā.
iha prajām agnir asyai dadhātu # AVP.5.37.6a.
iha priyaṃ prajayā (AVś. prajāyai) te sam ṛdhyatām # RV.10.85.27a; AVś.14.1.21a; AG.1.8.8; ApMB.1.9.4a (ApG.2.6.11); JG.1.22a. P: iha priyam śG.1.15.22; Kauś.77.20.
īśānasya devasya patnyai svāhā # HG.2.8.7; ApMB.2.18.24 (ApG.7.20.4).
ukṣāṇo bṛhatyai # VS.24.13; MS.3.13.18: 172.3.
ukhāyāḥ (TS. ukhāyai; MS.KS. ukhāyāṃ) sadane sve # VS.12.16b; TS.; 2.1.5b; MS.2.7.8b: 86.1; KS.16.8b.
ugraṃ rājanyaiḥ saha # AVP.3.9.3b.
ugrasya devasya patnyai svāhā # HG.2.8.7; ApMB.2.18.27 (ApG.7.20.4).
ugreva rucā nṛpatīva turyai # RV.10.106.4b.
ucchuṣmo agne yajamānāyaidhi # TS. P: ucchuṣmo agne Apś.4.9.3.
uta tyā me yaśasā śvetanāyai # RV.1.122.4a.
uta putro mamatāyai # JB.3.239a.
uta prajāyai gṛṇate vayo dhuḥ # RV.7.36.9c; Apś.13.18.1c; Mś.
uta sma me 'vyatyai pṛṇāsi # RV.10.95.5b.
uttamaṃ nākam (AVP.VSṃS.KS.śB. uttame nāke) adhi rohayemam (VSṃS.KS.śB. rohayainam; TA. rohemam; AVP. tiṣṭhehi) # AVś.1.9.2d,4d; 6.63.3d; 84.4d; 11.1.4d; AVP.1.75.2b; VS.12.63d; TS.; MS.2.7.12d: 90.18; KS.16.12d; śB.; TA.6.4.2d. Cf. svar ārohanto abhi, svo ruhāṇā adhi, and saro ruhāṇā adhi.
uttānāyāṃ śayānāyām (śś. uttānāyai śayānāyai) # AVś.20.133.4a; śś.12.22.1,4a.
uttānāyā (TS. uttānāyai) hṛdayaṃ yad vikastam (TS. viliṣṭam) # VS.11.39b; TS.; MS.2.7.4b: 78.7; KS.16.4b; śB.
uttānāyai śayānāyai # see uttānāyāṃ etc.
ut pātaya mādaya yodhanāyai # AVP.5.10.8b.
udīcī dik somo 'dhipatiḥ svajo rakṣitāśanir iṣavaḥ (AVP. rakṣitā vāta iṣavaḥ) # AVś.3.27.4; AVP.3.24.4. Cf. udīcyai tvā, and avasthāvā nāmāsy.
udīcyai tvā diśe somāyādhipataye svajāya rakṣitre 'śanyā iṣumatyai # AVś.12.3.58. Cf. udīcī dik somo, and ye 'syāṃ sthodīcyāṃ.
ud ū ṣu mahyai maghavan maghattaye # RV.8.70.9c.
ud ehi vediṃ prajayā vardhayainām (Mś. -yāsmān) # AVś.11.1.21a; Mś. P: ud ehi vedim Kauś.61.41.
upastaraṇam ahaṃ prajāyai paśūnāṃ bhūyāsam # TA.4.1.1.
upastaraṇaṃ me prajāyai paśūnāṃ bhūyāt # TA.4.1.1.
ubhā rādhasaḥ saha mādayadhyai # RV.6.60.13b; VS.3.13b; TS.; 5.5.2b; MS.1.5.1b: 65.10; KS.6.9b; śB.
ubhā vām indrāgnī āhuvadhyai # RV.6.60.13a; VS.3.13a; TS.; 5.5.2a; 7.2; MS.1.5.1a: 65.10; 1.1.5: 73.11; 1.1.6: 74.4; KS.6.9a; 7.4; śB.; Aś.3.7.13; Apś.19.18.8. Ps: ubhā vām indrāgnī MS.1.5.5: 73.13; 4.13.5: 205.10; 4.14.8: 226.11; KS.7.5; TB.; Mś.; ubhā vām śś.2.11.2; 6.10.19.
uśanā yat sahasyair ayātam # RV.5.29.9a; Aś.9.5.2; śś.14.27.13. Cf. BṛhD.5.27.
uṣṭro ghṛṇīvān vārdhrīnasas (MS. ghṛṇāvān vārdhrānasas) te matyai # VS.24.39; MS.3.14.20: 177.1.
ūrjāya jātyai mama śatruhatyai # TA.6.5.1d.
ūrdhvaṃ nunudra utsadhiṃ pibadhyai # RV.1.88.4d.
ṛjrā tmanā vahadhyai # RV.10.22.5b.
ṛtaṃ dive tad avocaṃ pṛthivyai # RV.1.185.10a; Aś.3.8.1.
ṛtaye stenahṛdayam # VS.30.13. See ṛtyai etc.
ṛtasya tvā mātrāyai gṛhṇāmi # Mś.
ṛtā yad garbham aditir bharadhyai # RV.6.67.4b.
ṛtyai janavādinam # TB. See ārtyai etc.
ṛdūdaraḥ suhavo mā no asyai # RV.2.33.5c.
ṛddhyai svāhā # Apś.3.11.2. See ṛdhyai svāhā.
ṛdhyāsma havyair namasopasadya # TB.
ṛdhyai svāhā # TB. See ṛddhyai svāhā.
ekarṣir iva tapaty ekarṣir iva dīdāyaikarṣir ivānnādo bhavati ya evaṃ veda # AVP.9.21.1.
ekān na viṃśatyai svāhā # TS.; 12.1; 14.1. See ekona-.
ekān na ṣaṣṭyai svāhā # TS.; 12.1; 14.1. See ekonaṣa-.
ekān nāśītyai svāhā # TS.; 12.1; 14.1. See ekonāśī-.
etāṃ te pari dadāmy abhittyai # TS.; 9.2.
evam asyai suputrāyai jāgrata # HG.2.4.5c. See prec. two.
evā dhātar āyūṃṣi kalpayaiṣām # RV.10.18.5d; AVś.12.2.25d; TA.6.10.1d.
oṃ śikhāyai vaṣat # NṛpU.2.2. See śikhāyai.
oṃ bhuvaḥ śaṃ puṣṭyai tvā gṛhṇe puṣṭaye # Kauś.3.12.
oṃ bhūḥ śaṃ bhūtyai tvā gṛhṇe bhūtaye # Kauś.3.11.
oṣaṃ patyā saubhagam astv asyai # AVś.2.36.1d. See prec.
kathā mitrāya mīḍhuṣe pṛthivyai # RV.4.3.5c.
kanyakumārī (MahānU. -kumāryai) dhīmahi # TA.10.1.7b; MahānU.3.12b.
kapota (MS. -tā) ulūkaḥ śaśas te nirṛtyai (TS.KSA. nairṛtāḥ) # VS.24.38; TS.; MS.3.14.19: 176.10; KSA.7.8.
kasmād arvāñco diva uttarasyai # JB.3.312c.
kaḥ svit pṛthivyai varṣīyān # Aś.10.9.2c; śś.16.5.1c. See kiṃ svit etc.
kātyāyanāya (MahānU. kātyāyanyai) vidmahe # TA.10.1.7a; MahānU.3.12a.
kāmam asya samṛddhyai # TB.
kāmāya tvā svāhā # Kauś.5.7; MG.1.10.11. Cf. kāmāyai etc.
kāmāyai svāhā # MG.2.13.6. See kāmyāyai svāhā.
kāmyāyai svāhā # MS.4.2.1: 22.10; Mś.; See kāmāyai svāhā.
kiṃ svit pṛthivyai varṣīyaḥ # VS.23.47c. See kaḥ svit etc.
kuvayaḥ (KSA. -yiḥ) kuṭarur dātyauhas te vājinām (KSA. sinīvālyai) # MS.3.14.20: 177.2; KSA.7.7. See kvayiḥ.
kṛkalāsaḥ pippakā śakunis (TS. kṛkalāsaḥ śakuniḥ pippakā; KSA. kṛkilāsaḥ etc.) te śaravyāyai # VS.24.40; TS.; MS.3.14.21: 177.5; KSA.7.9.
kṛṇomi tubhyaṃ sahapatnyai vadhu # AVś.14.1.58d. See under ariṣṭāṃ tvā.
kṛṇomy asyai bheṣajam # AVś.8.6.3c.
kṛṣṇo rātryai (TS. rātriyai) # VS.24.36; TS.; MS.3.14.17: 176.4; KSA.7.5.
kṛṣyai kṣemāya rayyai poṣāya tvā # VSK.10.4.5; Apś.13.17.7; Mś. Cf. next.
kṛṣyai tvā susasyāyai (KS. sumanasyāyai) # TS.;; KS.2.3; 23.4; Apś.10.10.1. See susasyāḥ.
kṛṣyai no viśvavārāyai # AVP.15.22.7c.
keśā na śīrṣan yaśase śriyai śikhā # VS.19.92c; MS.3.11.9c: 154.11; KS.38.3c; TB.
ko vāṃ dāśat sumataye cid asyai # RV.1.158.2a.
kvayiḥ kuṭarur dātyauhas te vājinām (TS. sinīvālyai) # VS.24.39; TS. See kuvayaḥ.
kṣatrāya tvaṃ śravase tvaṃ mahīyai # RV.1.113.6a.
kṣudho 'pahatyai suvitaṃ no astu # TB.; Apś.5.1.7b.
kṣetriyai tvā nirṛtyai tvā # TB.; ApMB.2.12.6a (ApG.6.15.4); HG.2.3.10a. See prec. but one, and cf. nirṛtyai tvā.
kṣemāya vaḥ śāntyai prapadye śivaṃ śagmaṃ śaṃyoḥ śaṃyoḥ # VS.3.43; Apś.6.27.4; HG.1.29.2. P: kṣemāya vaḥ Kś.4.12.23.
gaṇair indrasya kāmyaiḥ # RV.1.6.8c; AVś.20.40.2c; 70.4c.
gandharvas tvā viśvāvasuḥ pari dadhātu viśvasyāriṣṭyai # VS.2.3; śB. P: gandharvaḥ Kś.2.8.1. See gandharvo 'si viśvā-.
gambhīraiḥ pathibhiḥ pūrvyaiḥ (AVś. pūryāṇaiḥ) # AVś.18.4.63b; TS.; HG.2.10.5b; 13.2b. See prec. but one.
garbhaṃ dadhāthāṃ te vām ahaṃ dade # TB.; Apś.5.8.8. See reto dhattaṃ puṣṭyai.
gāyatriyās triṣṭubho jagatyā abhibhūtyai svāhā # TS.
gāyatriyai gāyatram # TS. See gāyatryai etc.
gāyatryā gāyatram # see gāyatryai etc.
gāyatryai (MS.KS. gāyatryā) gāyatram # VS.13.54; MS.2.7.19: 104.1; KS.16.19; śB. See gāyatriyai etc.
gāvo hiraṇyaṃ dhanam annapānaṃ sarveṣāṃ śriyai svāhā # Tā.10.63.
gīrbhir mitrāvaruṇā vāvṛdhadhyai # RV.6.67.1b.
gṛhāṇām asamartyai # TS. See asamātiṃ.
gopīthāya vo nārātaye # MS.1.1.5: 3.4; 4.1.5 (bis): 7.1,3. See bhūtāya tvā nā-, rakṣāyai, and sphātyai.
gobhir aśvebhir vasubhir hiraṇyaiḥ # RV.7.90.6b.
gor vai pratidhuk tasyai śṛtaṃ tasyai śaras tasyai dadhi tasyai mastu tasyā ātañcanaṃ tasyai navanītaṃ tasyai ghṛtaṃ tasyā āmikṣā tasyai vājinam # śB.; Kś.7.8.8.
ghṛtavatī savitar (MS.KS. savitur) ādhipatye (TS. ādhipatyaiḥ) # AVP.15.2.1c; TS.; MS.3.16.4c: 189.9; KS.22.14c; Aś.4.12.2c.
ghṛtena pātram abhi dhārayaitat # AVś.12.3.37b.
cakran na krandad ādhye śivāyai # RV.10.95.13b.
cakṣuḥ (sc. śundhasva devayajyāyai) # Kauś.44.21.
cakṣur vikhyai tanūbhyaḥ # RV.10.158.4b; MS.4.12.4b: 190.13; KS.9.19b.
caritrāṇi (sc. śundhasva devayajyāyai) # Kauś.44.24.
cittaye svāhā # HG.1.3.9. Cf. cittyai svāhā.
jagatyainaṃ (AVP. jagatyainad; Aś. jagatyenaṃ) vikṣv ā veśayāmaḥ (AVPṃS.KS. veśayāmi; Aś. veśayāni) # AVP.15.1.6b; TS.; MS.3.16.4d: 188.7; KS.22.14b; Aś.4.12.2b.
janayatyai tvā saṃ yaumi # VS.1.22; TS.; śB.; TB.; Apś.1.24.5. P: janayatyai tvā Kś.2.5.14. See prec.
janayan mitraṃ tanve svāyai # RV.10.8.4d.
janiṣṭa hi mahiyai (text mahiyā followed by ā) # AVP.12.3.9a.
jambhābhyāṃ taskaraṃ uta # MS.2.7.7b: 83.19. See jambhyais.
jarase tvā pari dadhmaḥ # AVP.1.61.5a. Cf. jarāyai tvā.
jarase ni dhuyāmasi # AVP.1.61.5b. Cf. jarāyai ni dhuvāmi.
jāmir vadharyuḥ pratimānimīta # AVP.6.2.4d. Cf. jāmyai dhuryaṃ.
juṣṭām anu pra diśaṃ (read pradiśaṃ) mandayadhyai # RV.4.29.3b.
joṣad yad īm asuryā sacadhyai # RV.1.167.5a.
jyaiṣṭhye śraiṣṭhye ca gāthināḥ # śś.15.27d. See dhṛtyai.
jyoktyai hiṃkuru tasyai prastuhi tasyai stuhi tasyai me 'varuddhyai # Apś.13.3.1.
jyotayainaṃ mahate saubhagāya # AVś.7.16.1b. See vardhayainaṃ.
jyotir asi vaiśvānaraṃ pṛśniyai dugdham # TS.
jyotiṣe hiṃkuru tasyai prastuhi (Apś. adds tasyai stuhi) tasyai me 'varuddhyai # MS.4.2.4: 26.8; Apś.13.3.1; P: jyotiṣe hiṃkuru Mś.
jyotiṣmantam abhi lokaṃ jayaitam # AVś.9.5.6d.
taṃ vā ahaṃ nārvāñcaṃ na parāñcaṃ na pratyañcaṃ satyenodareṇa tenainaṃ prāśiṣaṃ tayainam ajīgamam # AVś.11.3.42; ... pratyañcaṃ satye pratiṣṭhāya tayainaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.49; ... pratyañcaṃ saptaṛṣibhiḥ prāṇāpānais tair enaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.38; ... pratyañcaṃ samudreṇa vastinā tenainaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.43; ... pratyañcaṃ savituḥ prapadābhyāṃ tābhyām enaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.47; ... pratyañcaṃ sūryācandramasābhyām akṣībhyāṃ tābhyām enaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.34; ... pratyañcaṃ tvaṣṭur aṣṭhīvadbhyāṃ tābhyām enaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.45; ... pratyañcaṃ divā pṛṣṭhena tenainaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.40; ... pratyañcaṃ dyāvāpṛthivībhyāṃ śrotrābhyāṃ tābhyām enaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.33; ... pratyañcam agner jihvayā tayainaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.36; ... pratyañcam antarikṣeṇa vyacasā tenainaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.39; ... pratyañcam aśvinoḥ pādābhyāṃ tābhyām enaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.46; ... pratyañcam ṛtasya hastābhyāṃ tābhyām enaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.48; ... pratyañcam ṛtubhir dantais tair enaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.37; ... pratyañcaṃ pṛthivyorasā tenainaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.41; ... pratyañcaṃ bṛhaspatinā śīrṣṇā tenainaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.32; ... pratyañcaṃ brahmaṇā mukhena tenainaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.35; ... pratyañcaṃ mitrāvaruṇayor ūrubhyāṃ tābhyām enaṃ etc. AVś.11.3.44.
taṃ vāṃ huve ati riktaṃ pibadhyai # RV.8.58 (Vāl.10).3d.
tato harāmi somapīthasyāvaruddhyai # TB.; Apś.5.2.4d.
tat pṛthivyai # Kś.2.1.24; Apś.3.18.4.
tad asyai viṣavattaram # AVP.6.23.7d.
taṃ te gṛhṇāmi yajñiyaiḥ ketubhiḥ saha # KS.7.12c. See taṃ te harāmi, and taṃ tvā harāmi.
taṃ tvā juṣāmahe (KS. -mahe vanaspate) devayajyāyai juṣṭaṃ viṣṇave # MS.1.2.14: 23.2; 3.9.2: 114.10; KS.3.2; 26.3. See next two.
taṃ tvā juṣāmahe deva vanaspate devayajyāyai # VS.5.42; śB. See prec. and next.
taṃ tvā juṣe vaiṣṇavaṃ devayajyāyai # TS.;; Apś.7.2.2. See prec. two.
taṃ devāso adaduḥ sūryāyai # TB. See yaṃ etc.
tapyatvai svāhā # TS. See tapatyai.
tam ā bhara harivo mādayadhyai # RV.6.22.3d; AVś.20.36.3d.
tam u havyair manuṣa ṛñjate girā # RV.2.2.5b.
taṃ mā devā avantu śobhāyai # TS.; TA.4.1.1; KA.1.213; 3.213. See tan mā etc.
tastambha dyāṃ mantrebhiḥ satyaiḥ # RV.1.67.5b.
tasmā indrāya devatā jyaiṣṭhyāya śraiṣṭhyāya nātiṣṭhanta # śś.10.16.2.
tasmād brahmabhyo deyaiṣā # AVś.12.4.10c.
tasmai ta indo haviṣā vidhema # RV.8.48.13c; AVP.2.39.5c; 4.9.1c; VS.19.54c; TS.; MS.4.10.6c: 156.11; KS.21.14c; PB.9.9.12; Vait.24.1c. Cf. tasmai te deva haviṣā, tasmai te soma haviṣā, tasmai devāya, tasmai vātāya, tasmai rudrāya, tasmai somāya, tasyai ta enā, tasyai te devi, and tābhyāṃ rudrābhyāṃ.
tasmai te devīṣṭake # KS.16.16c. Error for tasyai etc.
tasmai (text, erroneously, tasyai) namo yatamasyāṃ diśītaḥ # AVś.11.2.27c.
tasmai pṛthivi śaṃ bhava # VS.35.5c; śB. (text, erroneously, tasyai etc.).
tasya te 'kṣīyamāṇasya nirvapāmi (TB.Apś. add devayajyāyai) # TS.; TB.; Apś.2.6.1. See next.
tasya devasya kruddhasyaitad āgaḥ # AVś.13.3.1e,2c--4c,5d,6e,7d,8c,9d--12d,13e,14e,15d,16e,17d,18e,19e,20c,21e,22c,23e,24d,25e.
tasya vayaṃ heḍasi māpi bhūma # AVś.7.20.3c. See tasyai etc.
tasyā vāṅ mātyā # MS.2.7.19: 104.12; KS.16.19. See tasyai etc.
tasyās te devi haviṣā etc. # see tasyai etc.
tasyās te devīṣṭake # VS.13.21c; TS.; śB.; TA.10.1.8c. See tasyai etc.
tasyās tvaṃ harasā tapan # VS.12.16c; TS.; 2.1.5c; KS.16.8c. See tasyai etc.
tasyai namo yatamasyāṃ diśītaḥ # AVś.11.2.12d,27c (here text, erroneously, tasyai for tasmai). Cf. tābhyāṃ namo.
tasyai balāsapatnyai # AVP.6.8.8c.
tasyai me 'varuddhyai # MS.4.2.4 (quater): 26.6--10; Apś.12.17.13.
tasyaiva syāt etc. # see tasyaivātmā etc.
tasyaivātmā (śB.BṛhU. tasyaiva syāt) padavit taṃ viditvā # śB.; TB.; BṛhU.4.4.28c; BDh.
tasyai viśpatnyai haviḥ # RV.2.32.7c; AVś.7.46.2c; TS.; MS.4.12.6c: 195.7; KS.13.16c.
tasyai hiraṇyakeśyai # AVś.5.7.9c; AVP.7.19.3c,4c.
te dhāmāny uśmasi gamadhyai # MS.1.2.14a: 23.16; 3.9.3: 117.16. P: tā te dhāmāni Mś. See tā vāṃ vāstūny, te te dhāmāni, and yā te dhāmāny.
tābhyāṃ namo yatamasyāṃ diśītaḥ # AVś.11.2.14c. Cf. tasyai namo etc.
tām asyai savitaḥ suva # ApMB.1.1.3d. See āsmabhyaṃ.
vāṃ vāstūny uśmasi gamadhyai # RV.1.154.6a; KS.3.3a; N.2.7a. P: tā vāṃ vāstūni KS.26.5. Cf. BṛhD.4.20. See under tā te dhāmāny.
vigraṃ dhaithe jaṭharaṃ pṛṇadhyai # RV.6.67.7a.
tisras trivṛdbhir mithunāḥ prajātyai # TB.; Apś.5.6.1d.
tisro 'jā malhā indrāṇyai # TS.; KSA.9.9.
tisro dhenavo rākāyai # TS.; KSA.9.8.
tṛtīye nāke adhi vi śrayasva (AVś.9.5.4d, śrayainam) # AVś.9.5.4d,8d; 18.4.3e.
te asyai vadhvai saṃpatnyai # AVś.14.2.73c.
te kuṣṭhikāḥ saramāyai # AVś.9.4.16a.
tejase tvā śriyai yaśase balāyānnādyāya prāśnāmi # HG.1.13.8. Cf. prec.
te devā asapatnam imaṃ suvadhvaṃ mahate kṣatrāya mahate jyaiṣṭhyāya mahate rājyāya mahate jānarājyāya mahate viśvasya bhuvanasyādhipatyāya # KS.15.5. See under prec.
tena mām abhiṣiñcāmi śriyai # PG.2.6.11b. See tenāhaṃ mām etc.
tenāham asyai sīmānaṃ nayāmi # SMB.1.5.2c.
tenāham asyai haviṣā juhomi # AVP.5.37.7c.
tenainaṃ vidhāmy abhūtyainaṃ vidhyāmi nirbhūtyainaṃ vidhyāmi parābhūtyainaṃ vidhyāmi grāhyainaṃ vidhyāmi tamasainaṃ vidhyāmi # AVś.16.7.1.
tebhyo ghṛtasya kulyaitu (TA. dhārayitum) # AVś.18.3.72c; 4.57c; AVP.8.19.5c; TA.6.12.1c.
tebhyo nidhānaṃ bahudhā vyaichan (ApMB. bahudhānv avindan; MG. mahataṃ [?] na vindan; VārG. mahad anvavindan) # TB.; HG.2.6.12c; ApMB.2.1.8c; MG.1.21.10c; VārG.4.21c. P: tebhyo nidhānam Apś.22.28.8.
te rāyā te suvīryaiḥ # RV.4.8.6a; KS.12.15a.
tmanam ūrjaṃ na viśvadha kṣaradhyai # RV.1.63.8d.
trayo 'naḍvāhaḥ sinīvālyai # TS.; KSA.9.8.
trayyai vidyāyai yaśo 'si # ApMB.2.10.1 (ApG.5.13.13).
triṣṭub jagatyai # VSK.2.3.2; TB.; Vait.1.18; Kś.2.1.19; Apś.3.18.4; Mś.
tryavayo gāyatryai # VS.24.12; MS.3.13.17: 172.1; Mś.
tvaṃ devatā dīkṣitāsi sā dīkṣamāṇasyendriyaṃ jyaiṣṭhyaṃ śraiṣṭhyaṃ yaśa ādatse mā ma indriyaṃ jyaiṣṭhyaṃ śraiṣṭhyaṃ yaśa ādithās tava dīkṣām anu dīkṣe # JB.2.64. See prec.
tvam asyai dhehy oṣadhe # AVś.2.36.8c.
daṃṣṭrābhyāṃ taskārān uta # AVP.1.42.2b. See jambhyais etc.
dakṣāyā (text, erroneously, dakṣāyai) # JB.1.151.
dakṣiṇā dik # AVś.3.27.2; AVP.3.24.2; VS.14.13; 15.11; TS.; 4.2.1;; KS.7.2; 17.3,8; 20.11; 39.7; MS.1.5.4: 71.10; 2.7.20: 105.3; 2.8.3: 108.8; 2.8.9: 113.10; 2.13.21: 166.16; TB.; śB.; 6.1.6; Apś.6.18.3; ApMB.2.17.15. See next but one, and cf. dakṣiṇāyai tvā diśa.
dakṣiṇābhyaḥ svāhā # TS. See dakṣiṇāyai svāhā.
dattaṃ pitṛbhir anumataṃ manuṣyaiḥ # AVś.6.71.2b.
dadāta no amṛtasya prajāyai # RV.7.57.6c.
dityavāho jagatyai # VS.24.12; MS.3.13.17: 172.1; Mś.
divaṃ proṣṭhinīm (Mś. proṣṭhanīm [?]) āroha tām āruhya prapaśyaikarāṇ manuṣyāṇām # Apś.18.6.4; Mś.
divas tvā vīryeṇa pṛthivyai mahimnāntarikṣasya poṣeṇa paśūnāṃ tejasā sarvapaśum ādadhe # TB.; Apś.5.12.2; 13.8; 15.6.
divendraṃ sāyam indriyaiḥ # VS.20.61b; MS.3.11.3b: 144.3; KS.38.8b; TB.
dive pṛthivyai śaṃ ca prajāyai (SV. prajābhyaḥ) # RV.9.109.5b; SV.2.592b.
divo mā pāhi viśvasmai prāṇāyāpānāya vyānāyopānāya pratiṣṭhāyai caritrāya # MS.2.8.14: 118.6.
dīkṣāyai varṇena tapaso rūpeṇa manaso mahimnā vāco vibhūtyā prajāpatis tvā yunaktu prajābhyo 'pānāya # PB.1.5.10. Fragments: dīkṣāyai ... tapaso ... manaso ... vācaḥ Lś.2.5.20.
dīrghām anu prasitiṃ syandayadhyai # RV.4.22.7d.
durvāsase 'mataye mā no asyai # RV.7.1.19b.
dūtaṃ kṛṇvāṇā ayajanta havyaiḥ (RV.10.122.7b, mānuṣāḥ) # RV.5.3.8b; 10.122.7b; MS.2.7.9b: 87.5.
dūto na gantv aśvinā huvadhyai # RV.5.43.8b.
deva tvaṣṭaḥ suretodhā adyāsmin yajñe yajamānāyaidhi # PB.21.10.22; Kś.23.3.1; Apś.22.19.1; Mś.
deva dhātaḥ sudhātādyāsmin yajñe yajamānāyaidhi # PB.21.10.16; Kś.23.3.1; Apś.22.19.1; Mś.
devavītaye (MS. -vītyai) tvā (KS. vo) gṛhṇāmi # VS.1.15; TS.; MS.1.1.11c: 7.4; 1.4.4c: 52.6; 1.4.9c: 57.15; KS.35.3; śB.; TB.; Apś.2.7.9. See devatābhyas tvā devavītaye.
deva savitar devayajanaṃ me dehi devayajyāyai # AB.7.20.3. Cf. deva varuṇa.
deva soma retodhā adyāsmin yajñe yajamānāyaidhi # PB.21.10.14; Kś.23.3.1; Apś.22.19.1; Mś.
devas tvā savitā hvayati (TS.KSṭB. hvayati devayajyāyai) # TS.; MS.4.1.14: 19.4; KS.1.12; 31.1; TB.; Mś.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyāṃ sarasvatyā vācā yantur yantreṇa bṛhaspatiṃ sāmrājyāyābhiṣiñcāmi # MS.1.11.4: 165.7; 3.4.3: 47.8. P: devasya tvā savituḥ prasave Mś. Fragment: bṛhaspatiṃ sāmrājyāya, with ūhas indraṃ sāmrājyāya and agniṃ sāmrājyāya (q.v.) Mś. See next, and devasya tvā ... hastābhyāṃ sarasvatyai vāco yantur yantreṇā-.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyāṃ sarasvatyai tvā vāco yantur yantreṇa bṛhaspates tvā sāmrājyena brahmaṇābhiṣiñcāmi # JB.2.130. See under prec. but one.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyāṃ sarasvatyai (KS. -tyā) bhaiṣajyena vīryāyānnādyāyābhiṣiñcāmi # VS.20.3; KS.38.4; TB.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyāṃ sarasvatyai vāco yantur yantriye (VSK. vāco yan turye turyaṃ) dadhāmi # VS.9.30; VSK.10.5.8; śB. P: devasya tvā Kś.14.5.24.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyāṃ sarasvatyai vāco yantur yantreṇāgneḥ (TS. yantreṇāgnes tvā) sāmrājyenābhiṣiñcāmi # VS.18.37; TS.; śB. Fragmentary: devasya tvā savituḥ prasave (Apś. devasya tvā) ... agnes tvā sāmrājyenābhiṣiñcāmi TS.; TB.,3; Apś.17.19.8. P: devasya tvā Kś.18.5.9. See under devasya tvā ... hastābhyāṃ sarasvatyā vācā yantur yantreṇa.
devasya tvā savituḥ prasave 'śvinor bāhubhyāṃ pūṣṇo hastābhyām indrasyendriyeṇa śriyai yaśase balāyābhi (VS.KS. -yeṇa balāya śriyai yaśase 'bhi) ṣiñcāmi # VS.20.3; KS.38.4; TB. Cf. indrasyendriyeṇa balāya.
devānāṃ pūr asi tāṃ tvā praviśāmi tāṃ tvā pra padye saha gṛhaiḥ saha prajayā saha paśubhiḥ sahartvigbhiḥ saha sadasyaiḥ saha somyaiḥ saha dakṣiṇīyaiḥ saha yajñena saha yajñapatinā # KS.35.10.
devān yakṣyāvo devayajyāyai # MS.4.1.14 (bis): 19.3,4; Mś. (bis).
devāsas tāṃ upa yātā pibadhyai # RV.9.97.20d.
devās tvā devayajyāyai juṣantām # VS.5.42; śB.
devendrendriyam adyāsmin yajñe yajamānāyaidhi # Apś.22.19.1.
devebhyaḥ sutyāyai # MS.1.2.6: 15.16.
devy adite svādityam adyāsmin yajñe yajamānāyāsuvasva (Apś. adite 'nv adyemaṃ yajñaṃ yajamānāyaidhi) # PB.21.10.19; Kś.23.3.1; Apś.22.19.1; Mś.
daivyāya karmaṇe śundhadhvaṃ devayajyāyai # VS.1.13; śB. P: daivyāya Kś.2.3.39. See śundhadhvaṃ daivyāya, and cf. āpo devīḥ śundhata.
dyāṃ bhāraty ādityair aspṛkṣat # MS.4.13.8: 210.10; KS.19.13; TB.
dyāvā namobhiḥ pṛthivī iṣadhyai # RV.7.43.1b.
dyutadyubhir namasyair iyāṇā # MS.4.14.7c: 225.16. See mitajñubhir.
druhaḥ pāśān nirṛtyai codamoci # TB.; ApMB.2.12.9b. See prec.
dvārapyai (ApMB. dvārāpyai) svāhā # ApMB.2.18.43; HG.2.9.2.
dvitīyās (MS. dvitīyās tvā) tṛtīyaiḥ # VS.20.12; MS.3.11.8: 151.7; KS.38.4; śB.; TB.
dviṣas taradhyā (Apś. erroneously, taradhyai) ṛṇayā na īyase (SV. īrase) # RV.9.110.1c; SV.1.428c; 2.714c; KS.38.14c; AB.8.11.1c; Apś.16.18.7c. See prec.
dhatte dhānyaṃ patyate vasavyaiḥ # RV.6.13.4d.
dhanāyāyuṣe prajāyai mā pātaṃ svāhā # AVP.2.43.2.
dhātā vipaścit patim asyai viveda # AVś.14.1.59c.
dhāmne tvā # KS.39.5. See dhāmyai tvā.
dhīrāsaḥ puṣṭim avahan manāyai # RV.4.33.2d.
dhṛtyai śraiṣṭhyāya gāthināḥ # AB.7.18.8d. See jyaiṣṭhye etc.
dhenavo 'tichandase (MS. jagatyai) # VS.24.13; MS.3.13.18: 172.3.
dhehy asyai rayipoṣaṇam # AVP.2.67.3b.
dhruvā dig viṣṇur adhipatiḥ kalmāṣagrīvo rakṣitā vīrudha iṣavaḥ # AVś.3.27.5; AVP.3.24.5. Cf. dhruvāyai.
dhruveyaṃ virāṇ namo astv asyai # AVś.12.3.11a. P: dhruveyaṃ virāṭ Kauś.61.3.
na kāvyaiḥ paro asti svadhāvaḥ # RV.5.3.5b.
nama indrāyaindrebhyaś ca # śG.2.14.7.
nama udīcyai diśe yāś ca devatā etasyāṃ prati vasanty etābhyaś ca namaḥ # TA.2.20.1.
nama ūrdhvāyai diśe yāś ca devatā etasyāṃ prati vasanty etābhyaś ca namaḥ # TA.2.20.1.
namaḥ pṛthivyai # AVś.6.20.2; VSK.5.2.7; TS.;; MS.1.2.17: 17.3; 3.8.2: 94.4; KS.2.8; 24.9; AB.1.26.5; GB.2.2.4; TA.3.5.1 (with svāhā); 4.9.3; 5.8.3; Aś.4.5.7; Vait.13.24; Lś.5.6.9; Apś.12.20.8. See pṛthivyai namaḥ.
namaḥ pṛthivyai daṃṣṭrāya viśvabhṛn mā te ante riṣāma # SMB.2.1.5. P: namaḥ pṛthivyai GG.3.9.3; KhG.3.2.6; 3.17.
namaḥ pṛthivyai nama oṣadhībhyaḥ # TA.2.12.1b; Apś.14.34.5b; AG.3.3.4b; JG.1.12b.
namaḥ pratihitāyai (AVP. pratihitābhyaḥ) # AVś.6.90.3b; AVP.1.37.2b.
namaḥ pratīcyai diśe yāś ca devatā etasyāṃ prati vasanty etābhyaś ca namaḥ # TA.2.20.1.
namaḥ prācyai diśe yāś ca devatā etasyāṃ prati vasanty etābhyaś ca namaḥ # TA.2.20.1.
namaḥ śriyai # śG.2.14.14.
namas kṛṇomi kukṣyai # AVP.6.8.8d.
namas te jāyamānāyai # AVś.10.10.1a; Kauś.66.20.
nama striyai # PG.1.12.4.
namaḥ sūtāyāhantyai (TS. -hantyāya; MS.KS. -hantvāya) # VS.16.18; TS.; MS.2.9.3: 122.13; KS.17.12. P: namaḥ sūteti (!) BṛhPDh.9.216.
namo dakṣiṇāyai diśe yāś ca devatā etasyāṃ prati vasanty etābhyaś ca namaḥ # TA.2.20.1.
namo dive namaḥ pṛthivyai # AVś.6.20.2c; VSK.5.2.7; TS.; MS.3.8.2: 94.4; GB.2.2.4; TA.5.8.3; Aś.4.5.7; Lś.5.6.9; Apś.12.20.8. See prec., and namo dyāvāpṛthivībhyām.
namo dyāvāpṛthivībhyām # VS.5.7; śB.; śś.5.8.5; śG.4.13.3. See namo dive namaḥ pṛthivyai.
namo 'dharāyai diśe yāś ca devatā etasyāṃ prati vasanty etābhyaś ca namaḥ # TA.2.20.1.
namo nipatitāyai (AVP. nipatitābhyaḥ) # AVś.6.90.3d; AVP.1.37.2d.
namo bhavasya hetyai # VS.16.18; TS.; MS.2.9.3: 122.13; KS.17.12.
namobhir agne samidhota havyaiḥ # RV.6.1.10b; MS.4.13.6b: 207.9; KS.18.20b; TB.
namobhir mitrāvaruṇota havyaiḥ # RV.7.63.5d; GB.2.3.13.
namo bhūtyai yedaṃ cakāra # VS.12.65; śB. P: namo bhūtyai Kś.17.2.5.
namo mātre pṛthivyai # VS.9.22 (bis); TS.; MS.1.9.1: 131.13; 2.6.12: 71.4; 4.4.6: 56.10; KS.15.8; JB.1.129,327; śB. (bis); TB.; Mś. P: namo mātre Kś.14.5.14; Apś.18.17.12.
namo rudrāya paśupataye mahate devāya tryambakāyaikacarāyādhipataye haraye śarvāyeśānāyogrāya vajriṇe ghṛṇine kapardine namaḥ # GDh.26.12. Cf. tasmai te deva.
namo rudrāyaikavṛkṣasade # MG.1.13.11; VārG.15.5.
namo vaḥ pitaraḥ svadhāyai # VS.2.32; TS.; TB.; śś.4.5.1; SMB.2.3.10; GG.4.3.20; KhG.3.5.27. See svadhāyai ca, and svadhāyai vaḥ.
namo vāce prāṇapatnyai svāhā # ṣB.2.9 (bis).
namo 'vāntarāyai diśe yāś ca devatā etasyāṃ prati vasanty etābhyaś ca namaḥ # TA.2.20.1.
namo vāruṇyai # TA.10.1.12; MahānU.5.1; BDh.
namo visṛjyamānāyai (AVP. visṛjyamānābhyaḥ) # AVś.6.90.3c; AVP.1.37.2c.
namo vīrtsāyā asamṛddhaye (AVP. asamṛddhyai ca kṛṇmaḥ) # AVś.5.7.1c; AVP.7.9.1d.
nahy asyā (ApMB. asyai) nāma gṛbhṇāmi # RV.10.145.4a; ApMB.1.15.4a (ApG.3.9.6). See nahi te nāma.
nābhim (sc. śundhasva devayajyāyai) # Kauś.44.25. Cf. prec. but two.
nāsatyāv indra gūrtaye yajadhyai # RV.10.61.15b.
ni tvā dadhīta rodasī yajadhyai # RV.6.15.15b.
nirṛtyā antarhityai (TB. antarhityai svāhā) # TB.; Apś.16.16.2.
nirṛtyāḥ pañcamī # MS.3.15.15: 179.4. See nirṛtyai etc.
nirṛtyai tvā # TS.; MS.1.2.3: 12.15; 3.6.10: 74.1; KS.23.6; Apś.10.18.10. Cf. kṣetriyai.
nirṛtyai svāhā # Mś.; Cf. nairṛtyai.
niṣkāṣo nidhīyate saṃtatyai # KS.9.5. See indrasya niṣkāṣaḥ.
niṣkṛtir duriṣṭyai svāhā # KS.5.4; Kauś.5.13.
niṣkevalyam uktham avyathāyai (TS. avyathayat; KS. avyathāya) stabhnātu (MS. stabhnotu) # VS.15.13; TS.; MS.2.8.9: 114.3; KS.17.8; śB.
nṛcakṣasaś cakṣuṣe randhayainam # RV.10.87.8d; AVś.8.3.8d.
nairṛtyai svāhā # VāDh.23.3. Cf. nirṛtyai svāhā.
patiṃ surāyā (TB. surāyai; VS. surayā) bheṣajam # VS.21.31b; MS.3.11.2b: 141.7; TB.
patī rūpasyaiko (text patīrūpa-) rūpam # AVP.12.10.1c.
patnīva pūrvahūtiṃ vāvṛdhadhyai # RV.1.122.2a.
panthāṃ svargam adhi rohayainam # AVś.11.1.30b.
paridhāsyai yaśodhāsyai (MG.VārG. paridhāsye yaśo dhāsye) # PG.2.6.20a; MG.1.9.27a; VārG.12.3a. Cf. parīdaṃ vāso.
pari yat te mahimānaṃ vṛjadhyai # RV.3.31.17c.
parīḍābhir ghṛtavadbhiś ca havyaiḥ # RV.7.3.7b.
parīdaṃ vāso adhithāḥ (HG. adhidhāḥ; ApMB. adhi dhā; AVP. api dhāḥ) svastaye # AVś.2.13.3a; 19.24.6a; AVP.15.6.3a; HG.1.4.3a; ApMB.2.2.8a (ApG.4.10.10). Cf. paridhāsyai.
paro hi martyair asi # RV.6.48.19a.
parṇam apatat tṛtīyasyai divo 'dhi # TB.; Apś.5.2.4b.
paśupater devasya patnyai svāhā # HG.2.8.7; ApMB.2.18.25 (ApG.7.20.4). Cf. prec.
pāpāt (Kś. pāpaḥ) svapnyād (Kś. -pnād) abhūtyāḥ (Kś. -yai) # AVś.7.100.1b; Kś.25.11.20b.
pāyum (sc. śundhasva devayajyāyai) # Kauś.44.27.
pārthivasyaika (Mś. erroneously, -syaiva) id vaśī # KS.38.12b; TA.6.5.2b; Apś.16.6.4b; Mś.
pāvamānena tvā stomena gāyatrasya (KS. gāyatryā) vartanyopāṃśor vīryeṇa devas tvā savitot sṛjatu jīvātave jīvanasyāyai (KS. vīryeṇoddharāmy asau) # TS.; KS.11.7. P: pāvamānena tvā stomena TS.; KS.11.8; Apś.19.24.6. See pāvamānasya.
pāhi duradmanyai (KS. -nyāḥ) # VS.2.20; TS.; KS.1.12; śB.; TB.
pāhi duriṣṭyai (KS. -ṣṭyāḥ) # VS.2.20; TS.; KS.1.12; śB.; TB.
pāhi prasityai (KS. -tyāḥ) # VS.2.20; TS.; KS.1.12; śB.; TB.
pitvo (VSṃS. pidvo) nyaṅkuḥ kakkaṭas (MS. kakuṭhas; TS. kaśas) te 'numatyai # VS.24.32; TS.; MS.3.14.13: 175.4. See bidvo.
putraṃ te putrakāmāyai # AVP.11.1.13c.
putrair bhrātṛbhir uta vā hiraṇyaiḥ # VS.15.50b; TS.; MS.2.12.4b: 147.8; KS.18.18b; śB.
pūr asi taṃ tvā prapadye saha grahaiḥ saha pragrahaiḥ saha prajayā saha paśubhiḥ sahartvigbhyaḥ saha somyaiḥ saha sadasyaiḥ saha dākṣiṇeyaiḥ saha yajñena saha yajñapatinā # Apś.14.26.1.
pūrvam anyam aparam anyaṃ pādāv ava nenije devā rāṣṭrasya guptyā abhayasyāvaruddhyai # AB.8.27.8. See prec. Quasi metrical.
pūrvāparaṃ carato māyayaitau # RV.10.85.18a; AVś.7.81.1a; 13.2.11a; 14.1.23a; MS.4.12.2a: 181.3; TB.; 8.9.3a. P: pūrvāparam Mś.; Kauś.75.6; 79.28. Cf. Kauś.24.18.
pūrvīva gātur dāśat sūnṛtāyai # RV.10.61.25d.
pūṣā jñātimān sa māmuṣyai pitrā mātrā bhrātṛbhir jñātimantaṃ karotu svāhā # śG.1.9.9. Cf. next.
pṛthivyā akaraṃ namaḥ # AVś.12.1.26d. Cf. pṛthivyai cā-.
pṛthivyām agnaye samanaman sa ārdhnot # AVś.4.39.1. Ps: pṛthivyām agnaye samanaman Kauś.5.8; pṛthivyām Kauś.59.16. See pṛthivyai sam, and under agnaye sam anamat. Designated as saṃnatayaḥ Kauś.5.8; 68.37; 72.37.
pṛthivyā mā pāhi # MS.2.7.15: 98.7; KS.39.3. See pṛthivyai mā.
pṛthivyā mā pāhi viśvasmai prāṇāyāpānāya vyānāyodānāya pratiṣṭhāyai caritrāya # MS.2.8.14: 117.18.
pṛthivyā varmāsi # Mś. See pṛthivyai etc.
pṛthivyai te śarīraṃ spṛṇomi svāhā # śB.; Kś.25.6.11. Cf. pṛthivyai śarīram.
pṛthivyai tvā savaiśvānarāyai paridadāmi (ApMB. -my asau) # ApMB.2.3.23 (ApG.4.10.12); HG.1.6.5.
pṛthivyai namaḥ # KSA.11.6. See namaḥ pṛthivyai.
pṛthivyai pīṭhasarpiṇam # VS.30.21. See bhūmyai etc.
pṛthivyai śarīram # Svidh.3.8.2. Cf. pṛthivyai te.
pṛthivyai śrotrāya vanaspatibhyo 'gnaye 'dhipataye svāhā # AVś.6.10.1. P: pṛthivyai śrotrāya GB.1.1.14; Kauś.9.3,5; 12.3.
pṛthugmānaṃ vāśraṃ vāvṛdhadhyai # RV.10.99.1b.
pra"ugam uktham avyathāyai (KS. avyathāya; TS. avyathayat) stabhnātu (MS. stabhnotu) # VS.15.11; TS.; MS.2.8.9: 113.11; KS.17.8; śB.
prajāpataye devebhya ṛṣibhyaḥ śraddhāyai medhāyai sadasaspataye 'numataye # PG.2.10.9.
prajāpateṣ ṭvā grahaṃ gṛhṇāmi mahyaṃ bhūtyai mahyaṃ puṣṭyai mahyaṃ śriyai mahyaṃ hriyai mahyaṃ yaśase mahyam āyuṣe mahyam annāya mahyam annādyāya mahyaṃ sahasrapoṣāya mahyam aparimitapoṣāya # Kauś.74.18.
prajābhāṅgirato (?) māyayaitau # Kauś.22.9b.
prajābhyaḥ svāhā # TS.; 3.16.2; 5.12.2; KSA.1.10; 3.6; 5.3; TB. Cf. prajāyai svāhā.
prajām asyai jaradaṣṭiṃ kṛṇotu (SMB.1.5.2d, kṛṇomi) # SMB.1.1.11b; 1.5.2d.
prajām asyai draviṇaṃ ceha datvā # AVś.14.2.74b.
prajām asyai nayatu dīrgham āyuḥ # PG.1.5.11b; ApMB.1.4.8b; HG.1.19.7b; JG.1.20b.
prajāyai tvasyai yad aśikṣa indra # RV.10.54.1d.
prajāyai tvā puṣṭyai bhakṣayāmi # śś.7.5.14.
pratidhinā pṛthivyā (MS. pṛthivyai) pṛthivīṃ jinva # VS.15.6; MS.2.8.8: 112.6. See next.
prati vāṃ rathaṃ nṛpatī jaradhyai # RV.7.67.1a. P: prati vāṃ ratham Aś.4.15.2. Cf. BṛhD.6.4.
pratnaṃ pratnavat paritaṃsayadhyai # RV.6.22.7b; AVś.20.36.7b.
prathamā dvitīyaiḥ # VS.20.12; KS.38.4; śB.; TB. See prathamās tvā.
prathamās tvā dvitīyair abhi ṣiñcantu # MS.3.11.8: 151.9. See prathamā dvitīyaiḥ.
pra devāñ janma gṛṇate yajadhyai # RV.6.11.3b.
prapathintamaṃ paritaṃsayadhyai # RV.1.173.7b.
prayuje svāhā # MG.1.4.3; VārG.8.4. Cf. ākūtyai prayuje.
prasādhanyai devyai svāhā # ApMB.2.8.7 (ApG.5.12.9,10); HG.1.2.18.
prācīm avācīm avayann ariṣṭyai # TA.6.12.1d. See prākto apācīm.
prācyai tvā diśe 'gnaye 'dhipataye 'sitāya rakṣitra ādityāyeṣumate # AVś.12.3.55a. P: prācyai tvā diśe Kauś.63.22. Cf. AVś.3.27.1.
prāṇaṃ tvāmṛta ādadhāmy annādam annādyāya goptāraṃ guptyai # TB.; Apś.5.12.2. Cf. apānaṃ etc.
prāṇasya tvā paraspāyai (MS. paraspāya; KA. paraspāṃ) cakṣuṣas tanuvaḥ (MS. tanvas; KA. tanvaṃ) pāhi # MS.4.9.10: 131.2; TA.4.11.3; KA.3.183. Ps: prāṇasya tvā paraspāyai TA.5.9.2; Apś.15.14.1; prāṇasya tvā Mś.4.4.13.
prāṇān (sc. śundhasva devayajyāyai) # Kauś.44.20.
prāṇe tvāmṛtam ādadhāmy annādam annādyāya goptāraṃ guptyai # TB.
prāṇodānau vā asyaitau nānāvīryau prāṇodānau kurmaḥ # śB.
prāsāvīd dvipat pra catuṣpad ityai # RV.1.124.1d.
priyo devānāṃ dakṣiṇāyai dātur iha bhūyāsam # VS.26.2. See prec. but one.
pretyā etyai saṃ cāñca pra ca sāraya # VS.27.45; śB.
babhruḥ śukrebhiḥ pipiśe hiraṇyaiḥ # RV.2.33.9b.
babhruḥ suśipro rīradhan manāyai # RV.2.33.5d.
balāya śriyai yaśase 'nnādyāya # AB.8.7.5,7,9.
bidvo nyaṅkuḥ kaśas te 'numatyāḥ (or -matyai, text -matyā a-) # KSA.7.7. See pitvo etc.
bṛhat sāma pratiṣṭhityā antarikṣe (KS. -kṣam; TS. pratiṣṭhityai, omitting antari-) # VS.15.11; TS.; MS.2.8.9: 113.12; śB.
bṛhadrathaṃtarayos tvā stomena triṣṭubho vartanyā śukrasya vīryeṇa devas tvā savitot sṛjatu jīvātave jīvanasyāyai # TS. P: bṛhadrathaṃtarayos tvā stomena TS. See bṛhatā tvā rathaṃtareṇa.
bṛhadrathaṃtare te pūrvau pādau śyaitanaudhase aparau vairūpavairāje anūcī śākvararaivate tiraścī # Lś.3.12.6. See prec., and cf. bṛhac ca te.
bṛhaspatiṃ sa diśāṃ devaṃ devatānām (KS.Apś. bṛhaspatiṃ sa) ṛchatu yo maitasyai diśo 'bhidāsati # KS.7.2; TB.; Apś.6.18.3.
bṛhaspatiṣ ṭvā (TS.Apś. -tis tvā) sādayatu pṛthivyāḥ pṛṣṭhe jyotiṣmatīṃ viśvasmai prāṇāyāpānāya (MS. adds vyānāyodānāya pratiṣṭhāyai caritrāya) # TS.; MS.2.7.16: 99.7. Ps: bṛhaspatis tvā sādayatu pṛthivyāḥ pṛṣṭhe jyotiṣmatīm Apś.16.24.7; bṛhaspatiṣ ṭvā sādayatu pṛthivyāḥ pṛṣṭhe MS.4.9.15: 134.12; bṛhaspatiṣ ṭvā sādayatu Mś. See prajāpatiṣ ṭvā sādayatu pṛṣṭhe.
bṛhaspate savitar bodhayainam (AVś. vardhayainam) # AVś.7.16.1a; VS.27.8a; TS.; MS.2.12.5a: 149.8; KS.18.16a; Apś.16.7.6. P: bṛhaspate savitaḥ Kauś.59.18; Vait.5.9.
bravaḥ kad agne śarave bṛhatyai # RV.4.3.7d.
brahmaṇas tvā paraspāyāḥ (MS. paraspāya; KA. paraspāṃ; Mś. paraspāyai) kṣatrasya tanvas (KA. tanvaṃ) pāhi # MS.4.9.10: 130.15; TA.4.11.3; KA.3.181. P: brahmaṇas tvā paraspāyāḥ (Mś. -yai) TA.5.9.1; Apś.15.14.1; Mś.4.4.13. Cf. kṣatrasya tvā.
brahmaṇas pate patim asyai rocaya # AVś.14.1.31c. P: brahmaṇas pate Kauś.75.9.
brahma rājanyair viśvair vāvṛdhānaḥ # AVP.4.27.5c.
brahmahatyāyai svāhā # VS.39.13; TS.; śB.; TA.3.20.1; Mś. Cf. bhrūṇahatyāyai.
brahmaitad upāsvaitat (MahānU. upāsyaitat) tapaḥ # TA.10.8.1; MahānU.8.1.
bleṣko 'si nirṛtyāḥ pāśaḥ so 'muṃ rātryai badhāna # KS.37.13. P: bleṣko 'si KS.37.14.
bhavasya devasya patnyai svāhā # ApMB.2.18.22 (ApG.7.20.4); HG.2.8.7. Cf. prec.
bhiṣajau sviṣṭyai svāhā # KS.5.4. Cf. bheṣajaṃ sviṣṭyai.
bhīmasya devasya patnyai svāhā # ApMB.2.18.28 (ApG.7.20.4); HG.2.8.7. Cf. prec.
bhūtaye namaḥ # Aś.1.4.9. See bhūtyai namaḥ.
bhūtyai tvā # KS.39.5; TA.4.3.3; 10.2; 5.3.7; 8.6; KA.2.141; Apś.15.11.1; 16.29.2. See bhūtyai tvā svāhā.
bhūtyai tvā svāhā # Mś.4.3.30; MG.1.10.11; VārG.14.12. See bhūtyai tvā.
bhūmyāṃ martyā vyailabāḥ # AVś.12.1.41b.
bhūmyai parjanyapatnyai # AVś.12.1.42c.
bhūmyai pīṭhasarpiṇam ālabhate # TB. See pṛthivyai etc.
bhūr agnaye ca pṛthivyai ca mahate ca svāhā # TA.10.4.1; MahānU.7.3.
bhūr agnaye pṛthivyai svāhā # TA.10.2.1; MahānU.7.1.
bhūr annam agnaye pṛthivyai svāhā # TA.10.3.1; MahānU.7.2.
bheṣajaṃ sviṣṭyai svāhā # Kauś.5.13. See bheṣajaṃ dur-, and cf. bhiṣajau sviṣṭyai.
bheṣajaṃ duriṣṭyai svāhā # TB.; Apś.3.11.2. See bheṣajaṃ sviṣṭyai.
bhrūṇahatyāyai svāhā # KSA.5.6; TB. (bis); Apś.20.22.6. Cf. brahmahatyāyai.
maṃhiṣṭha indra vijuro gṛṇadhyai # ā.
matasne vāyavyair na mināti pittam # VS.19.85d; MS.3.11.9d: 153.12; KS.38.3d; TB.
manāyai (AVP. manāyyai) tantuṃ prathamam # AVP.2.87.1a; Kauś.107.1,2a.
manuṣvad vṛktabarhiṣo yajadhyai # RV.6.68.1b.
mano gāyatryai (TB.Apś. -triyai) # VSK.2.3.2; TB.; Kś.2.1.19; Apś.3.18.4. See mano vāce.
manojavebhir iṣiraiḥ śayadhyai # RV.6.62.3c.
manotāyai haviṣo 'vadīyamānasyānubrūhi # TS.; Kś.6.8.9; Apś.7.24.1; Mś. P: manotāyai haviṣaḥ śś.5.19.13. Cf. MS.3.10.2: 132.11 ff.; śB.
mano vāce # Mś. See mano gāyatryai.
mandamāna ṛtād adhi prajāyai # RV.10.73.5a; śś.14.16.10.
manye vāṃ jātavedasā yajadhyai # RV.7.2.7b.
mama jyaiṣṭhyāya savratāḥ # VS.13.25d; 14.6d,15d,16d,27d; 15.27d; TS.; MS.1.6.2d: 89.5; 2.8.12d (bis): 116.5,13; KS.17.10d (bis),14d; śB.; TB. Cf. asmai śraiṣṭhyāya.
mama padyāya vi rāja # ApMB.2.9.13. See mayi dohaḥ, mayi padyā, and mayi padyāyai.
mayi dohaḥ padyāyai virājaḥ (MG. virājaḥ kalpatām) # AG.1.24.22; HG.1.13.1; MG.1.9.7; VārG.11.5. See under mama padyāya.
mayi padyāyai virājo dohaḥ # śś.4.21.3; śG.3.7.5; PG.1.3.12. See under mama padyāya.
mayīndriyaṃ jyaiṣṭhyaṃ śraiṣṭhyam agnir dadhātu svāhā # JB.2.68. Cf. mayy agnis.
mayy agnis tejo dadhātu # TS.; TA.4.42.2; Tā.10.44; AG.1.21.4. Cf. mayīndriyaṃ jyaiṣṭhyaṃ.
marutvatīyam uktham avyathāyai (KS. -thāya; TS. -thayat) stabhnātu (MS. -notu) # VS.15.12; TS.; MS.2.8.9: 113.16; KS.17.8; śB.
marya iva yoṣām adhi rohayainām # AVś.14.2.37c.
mahato devasya patnyai svāhā # HG.2.8.7; ApMB.2.18.29 (ApG.7.20.4). Cf. prec.
mahi mahe dive arcā pṛthivyai # RV.3.54.2a.
mahe śrotrāya cakṣase # AVś.10.6.8e. Cf. matyai śrutāya.
mahyaṃ jyaiṣṭhyāya pīpihi (Apś. pavate) # TA.4.10.2; 5.8.6; Apś.12.15.8. See asyai viśe mahyaṃ.
mahyaṃ tejase mahyaṃ brahmavarcasāya mahyam annādyāya mahyaṃ bhūmne mahyaṃ puṣṭyai mahyaṃ prajananāya prajānāṃ bhūmne prajānāṃ puṣṭyai prajānāṃ prajananāya somasya rājño rājyāya mama grāmaṇeyāya # JB.1.84.
mahyam āyuṣe varcase jyaiṣṭhyāya rāyaspoṣāya suprajāstvāya pinvasva # KA.2.140.
māṃ spṛṣṭo 'nuvitto mayaiva # śB.; BṛhU.4.4.11b.
mātalī kavyair yamo aṅgirobhiḥ # RV.10.14.3a; AVś.18.1.47a; TS.; MS.4.14.6a: 243.4; AB.3.37.11; Aś.5.20.6. Ps: mātalī kavyaiḥ TB.; śś.8.6.13.
mātur na sīm upa sṛjā iyadhyai # RV.6.20.8d.
no gavyebhir aśvyaiḥ # RV.8.73.15a.
mābhi druhaḥ paruśaḥ kalpayainam # AVś.9.5.4c.
maindryaṃ jyaiṣṭhyaṃ śraiṣṭhyaṃ vyauṣīḥ # Kś.10.9.4. Cf. maindryaṃ.
mitajñubhir namasyair iyānā # RV.7.95.4c. See dyutadyubhir.
mitrāvaruṇayos tvā praśāstroḥ praśiṣā prayachāmi (śś. adds yajñasyāriṣṭyai) # śś.5.15.8; Kś.6.4.4; Apś.10.27.2. Cf. next but one.
mitrāvaruṇā rakṣatam ādhipatyaiḥ (AVP.Aś. -patye) # AVP.15.1.8d; TS.; MS.3.16.4d: 188.13; KS.22.14d; Aś.4.12.2d.
mitrāvaruṇau tvottarataḥ (KS. tvā) paridhattām (TS.KS. add dhruveṇa dharmaṇā; VS.śB. add dhruveṇa dharmaṇā viśvasyāriṣṭyai) # VS.2.3; TS.; MS.1.1.12: 7.12; KS.1.11; śB.; TB. P: mitrāvaruṇau tvā Mś.
mitrāvaruṇau dhiṣṇyaiḥ (KS. dhiṣṇyebhir agnibhiḥ) # MS.1.9.2: 132.3; KS.9.10. Cf. aṅgiraso dhi-.
mitrāvaruṇau sa (TB. -varuṇau sa diśāṃ devau devatānām) ṛchatu yo maitasyai (KS. -syā) diśo 'bhidāsati # KS.7.2; TB.; Apś.6.18.3. See yo maitasyā.
mitraitāṃ ta ukhāṃ paridadāmy abhittyai # VS.11.64; MS.2.7.6: 82.2; 3.1.8: 10.18; KS.16.6; śB.; Apś.16.5.3,11. Ps: mitraitāṃ ta ukhāṃ paridadāmi KS.19.7; Mś.; mitraitāṃ te Kś.16.4.22.
mitro na satya urugāya bhṛtyai # RV.10.29.4c; AVś.20.76.4c.
mimānā yajñaṃ manuṣo yajadhyai # RV.10.110.7b; AVś.5.12.7b; VS.29.32b; MS.4.13.3b: 202.7; KS.16.20b; TB.; N.8.12b.
mukhaṃ śundhasva devayajyāyai # Kauś.44.19.
muhur gṛdhyaiḥ pra vadati # AVś.12.2.38a.
mṛtyave govyacham # VS.30.18. Cf. pipāsāyai go-.
mṛtyoḥ pāśair amokyaiḥ # AVś.3.6.5b; AVP.3.3.6b.
meḍhram (sc. śundhasva devayajyāyai) # Kauś.44.26.
medhāmanīṣe māviśatāṃ samīcī bhūtasya bhavyasyāvaruddhyai # TA.4.42.5.
me sauhārdāya me śriyai # śś.15.25b. See sauhārdyāya.
maindryaṃ jyaiṣṭhyaṃ śraiṣṭhyam agnir dadhātu svāhā # Kś.10.9.9. Cf. mā maindryaṃ.
ya etasyai diśaḥ parābhavann aghāyavaḥ # TA.6.9.1c.
ya eva pāpaṃ karavat tasyaiva tat # śB.; Kś.12.2.8.
yaṃ yācamāno abhyaimi devāḥ # AVś.6.118.3b.
yac cāham eno vidvāṃś cakāra yac cāvidvāṃs tasya sarvasyainaso 'vayajanam (śś. sarvasyāvayajanam) asi # VS.8.13; 8.9.1. See next.
yajñasya ketum aruṣaṃ yajadhyai # RV.6.49.2d.
yajñasya tvā saṃtatyai stṛṇāmi (śś. nayāmi) # TB.; śś.2.6.12; Apś.1.15.4; 12.18.7; Mś.
yatasva sadasyaiḥ # VS.7.45; TS.;; MS.1.3.37: 44.1; 4.8.2: 109.1; KS.4.9; śB.; Kś.10.2.18.
yatāyai yatāyai śāntāyai śāntivāyai bhadrāyai bhadrāvati syonāyai śagmāyai śivāyai # Kauś.39.9.
yatra bhūmer juṣase (TA. bhūmyai vṛṇase) tatra gacha # AVś.18.3.9d; TA.6.4.2c (bis).
yathāham asyā atṛpaṃ striyai pumān # TB.
yad agneḥ sendrasya saprajāpatikasya saṛṣikasya saṛṣirājanyasya sapitṛkasya sapitṛrājanyasya samanuṣyasya samanuṣyarājanyasya sākāśasya sātīkāśasya sānūkāśasya sapratīkāśasya sadevamanuṣyasya sagandharvāpsaraskasya sahāraṇyaiś ca paśubhir grāmyaiś ca yan ma ātmana ātmani vrataṃ tan me sarvavratam idam aham agne sarvavrato bhavāmi svāhā # AG.3.9.1. See yad brāhmaṇānāṃ.
yadā gārhapatyam asaparyait # AVś.14.2.20a.
yad ādityair hūyamānā # AVś.10.10.9a.
yad dha krāṇā iradhyai # RV.1.134.2d.
yady anyadhīyate pūrvadhīyate taṃ pratigrāmanty ahāni pañcaviṃśatir yair vai saṃvatsaro mitaḥ # Aś.8.13.31 (corrupt).
yad vo revatī revatyaṃ yad vo haviṣyā haviṣyaṃ yad vo jagatīr jagatyaṃ tenāsmai yajñapataya āśāsānā madhunā madhumatīs saṃpṛcyadhvam (Mś. haviṣyaṃ yad va ojo yac ca nṛmṇaṃ taṃ va ūrmiṃ madhumantaṃ devayajyāyai juṣṭaṃ gṛhṇāmi) # KS.1.8; Mś. P: yad vo revatī revatyaṃ yad vo haviṣyā haviṣyaṃ yad vo jagatīr jagatyam KS.31.7.
yaṃ te patim aryamā jāyamānāyai # AVP.2.66.4a.
yaṃ devāso adaduḥ sūryāyai # RV.6.58.4c; MS.4.14.16c: 244.1. See taṃ etc.
yam aryaman patim asyai dideśitha # AVP.2.66.3a.
yamāya yamasūm # VS.30.15. See yamyai etc.
yasyā āśās (KS. imās) tanvo vītapṛṣṭhāḥ # AVś.6.62.2b; KS.38.2b. See yasyā bahvyas, yasyām imā, and yasyai bahvīs.
yasyām u kāmā bahavo niviṣṭyai # PG.1.4.16d.
yasyā yonir etc. # see yasyai yonir etc.
yasyās te yajñiyo etc. # see yasyai etc.
yasyai (VSK. yasyās) te yajñiyo garbhaḥ # VS.8.29a; VSK.9.5.2a; śB. P: yasyai te Kś.25.10.9; PG.1.16.1.
yāṃś co nu dādhṛvir bharadhyai # RV.6.66.3b.
coditā yā ca noditā (TA. yā cānuditā) tasyai vāce namaḥ # MS.4.9.2: 122.8; TA.4.1.1. See yā vāg uditā.
ta (MS. tā) iṣur yuvā nāma tayā no mṛḍa (MS. tayā vidhema) tasyās (MS. -syai) te namas tasyās ta upa jīvanto (MS. tasyās tā upa patsuto jīvā) bhūyāsma # TS.; MS.2.13.12: 162.7. P: yā ta iṣur yuvā nāma Mś. See next.
ta iṣur yuvā nāma tasyai te vidhema tayā naḥ pāhi tasyai te svāhā # KS.40.3. See prec.
te agne rudriyā tanūs tayā naḥ pāhi tasyās (MS.KS. tasyai) te svāhā # TS.; MS.1.2.7: 17.6; KS.2.8. P: yā te agne rudriyā tanūḥ TS.; KS.24.9; MS.3.7.10: 91.7; Apś.11.2.4; Mś.
te gharma divi śug yā jāgate chandasi yā saptadaśe stome yā havirdhāne tāṃ ta etad avayaje tasyai svāhā # KA.3.174. See under gharma yā te divi śug yā gāyatre.
te gharma divyā śug yā gāyatryāṃ havirdhāne sā ta āpyāyatāṃ niṣṭyāyatāṃ tasyai te svāhā # VS.38.18; śB. P: yā te gharma divyā śuk Kś.26.7.4. See under gharma yā te divi śug yā gāyatre.
te gharma pṛthivyāṃ śug yā gāyatre chandasi yā trivṛti stome yā sadasi tāṃ ta etenāvayaje tasyai svāhā # KA.3.176. See under gharma yā te pṛthivyāṃ śug yā jāgate.
te gharma pṛthivyāṃ śug yā jagatyāṃ sadasyā sā ta āpyāyatāṃ niṣṭyāyatāṃ tasyai te svāhā # VS.38.18; śB. See under gharma yā te pṛthivyāṃ śug yā jāgate.
te gharmāntarikṣe śug yā triṣṭubhy āgnīdhre sā ta āpyāyatāṃ niṣṭyāyatāṃ tasyai te svāhā # VS.38.18; śB. See under gharma yā te 'ntarikṣe śug yā traiṣṭubhe.
te gharmāntarikṣe śug yā traiṣṭubhe chandasi yā pañcadaśe stome yāgnīdhre tāṃ ta etad avayaje tasyai svāhā # KA.3.175. See under gharma yā te 'ntarikṣe śug yā traiṣṭubhe.
te dhāmāny uśmasi gamadhyai # VS.6.3a; śB. P: yā te Kś.6.3.8. See under tā te dhāmāny.
yān odano juṣate yaiś ca pṛṣṭaḥ # AVP.5.14.8b.
matyaiḥ sarathaṃ yānti ghorāḥ # Kauś.117.2a.
yajamānasya vratadhuk tasyā āśiraṃ kuruta yā patniyai tasyai dadhigrahāya yā gharmadhuk tasyai dadhigharmāya taptam anātaktaṃ maitrāvaruṇāya śṛtātaṅkyaṃ dadhi kurutāt # Apś.11.21.8.
yāvatīḥ śarkarā dhṛtyai # TB.
vāg uditā yā cānuditā tasyai vāce namaḥ (KA.1.218Da omits the last three words) # KA.1.208B; 1.218Da; 3.208B. See yā coditā.
yāv imaṃ trāyaite asmād yakṣmād asmād āmayataḥ # AVP.2.50.2 (vikāra of ya imaṃ trāyātā).
sarasvatī viśobhagīnā tasyai svāhā # Apś.3.10.2. See next but three.
sarasvatī veśabhagīnā tasyai svāhā # Apś.3.10.2.
sarasvatī veśayamanī tasyai svāhā # MS.1.4.3: 51.7. P: yā sarasvatī veśayamanī MS.1.4.8: 56.14; Mś. See prec. but three.
yāsyā apaśavyā tanūs tām asyā apajahi # śG.1.18.3; SMB.1.4.4. See yāsyai paśu-.
yāsyā aputryā (śG. -triyā) tanūs tām asyā apajahi # śG.1.18.3; SMB.1.4.3. See yāsyai prajāghnī.
yāsyāḥ patighnī tanūs tām asyā apajahi # śG.1.18.3; SMB.1.4.2. See yāsyai etc.
yāsyāṃ patighnī tanūḥ prajāghnī paśughnī lakṣmighnī jāraghnīm asyai tāṃ kṛṇomi svāhā # ApMB.1.10.3--6. See under yā te patighnī tanūḥ.
yāsyai gṛhaghnī tanūs tām asyai nāśaya (JG. tām asyā apajahi) svāhā # PG.1.11.2; JG.1.22.
yāsyai patighnī tanūs tām asyai (HG. ito) nāśaya (JG. tām asyā apajahi) svāhā # PG.1.11.2; HG.1.24.1; JG.1.22. See yāsyāḥ etc.
yāsyai paśughnī tanūs tām asyai nāśaya (JG. tām asyā apajahi) svāhā # PG.1.11.2; JG.1.22. See yāsyā apaśavyā.
yāsyai prajāghnī tanūs tām asyai nāśaya (JG. tām asyā apajahi) svāhā # PG.1.11.2; JG.1.22. See yāsyā aputryā.
yāsyai yaśoghnī tanūs tām asyai nāśaya (JG. tām asyā apahata) svāhā # PG.1.11.2; JG.1.22.
yuvoḥ krāṇāya sakhyaiḥ # RV.10.132.2c.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"yai" has 6 results
adhyai,adhyainkṛt affixes substituted in the place of तुम् of the infinitive in Vedic Literature (P. III.4.9.), e. g. पिबध्यैः when अध्यैन् is substituted, the initial vowel of the word becomes उदात्त. e. g. कर्मण्युपाचारध्यै ।
iṣyaikṛt affix in Vedic Literature in the sense of the infinitive, e. g. रेहिष्यै, अव्यथिष्यै; cf P.III.4.10.
kadhyai kadhyainkṛt affix अध्यै of the infinitive in Vedic Literature: confer, compare तुमर्थे सेसे...कध्यैकध्यैन्..तवेनः P.III.4.9.
dhyaikrt afix ध्यै seen in Vedic Literature, substituted for त्या optionally; e. g. साढयै, साढ्वा; cf P. VI. 3.113.
vākyaikadeśapart of a sentence which sometimes, on the strength of the context, conveys the whole meaning confer, compare दृश्यन्ते हिं वाक्येषु वाक्येकदेशान् प्रयुञ्जाना: पदेषु च पदैकदेशान् | प्रविश पिण्डीम् | प्रविश तर्पणम् पदेषु पदकैदेशान् देवदत्तो दत्तः | सत्यभामा भामेति M.Bh. on P.I.1.45 Vart. 3.
śadhyaiशध्यैन् krt affix अध्यै in the sense of the infinitive added, to.a root as seen in the Vedic Literature: confer, compare तुमर्थे संसंनंसअसेनूक्सेकसेनध्यैअध्यैनूकध्यैकध्यैन् शध्येशध्यैनूतवैतवेङ्कतवेन:, P. III. 4.9.
Vedabase Search
792 results
yai' goingCC Adi 17.272
yaichana exactly likeCC Adi 11.28
yaiche asCC Adi 10.104
CC Adi 16.70
yaiche asCC Adi 16.70
CC Adi 5.142
CC Adi 6.14-15
CC Adi 6.27
CC Antya 10.158
CC Antya 10.7
CC Antya 10.8
CC Antya 11.29
CC Antya 12.152
CC Antya 12.84
CC Antya 13.32
CC Antya 14.13
CC Antya 15.30
CC Antya 15.46
CC Antya 15.62
CC Antya 18.20
CC Antya 3.180
CC Antya 3.43
CC Antya 3.73
CC Antya 4.170
CC Antya 4.183
CC Antya 4.186
CC Antya 4.74
CC Antya 4.86
CC Antya 5.108
CC Antya 5.19
CC Antya 6.265
CC Antya 7.118
CC Antya 7.144
CC Antya 8.90-91
CC Madhya 1.205
CC Madhya 10.177
CC Madhya 10.187
CC Madhya 11.10
CC Madhya 12.165
CC Madhya 13.132
CC Madhya 13.205
CC Madhya 13.206
CC Madhya 13.66
CC Madhya 13.70
CC Madhya 14.112
CC Madhya 14.178
CC Madhya 15.179
CC Madhya 17.226
CC Madhya 18.108
CC Madhya 18.113
CC Madhya 18.221
CC Madhya 2.48
CC Madhya 20.108-109
CC Madhya 20.220
CC Madhya 20.279-280
CC Madhya 20.95-96
CC Madhya 25.238
CC Madhya 5.140
CC Madhya 6.282
CC Madhya 9.153
yaiche as far asCC Madhya 25.107
yaiche as far asCC Madhya 25.107
yaiche as far asCC Madhya 25.107
yaiche as ifCC Adi 7.22
CC Antya 8.55
CC Madhya 13.105
CC Madhya 13.82
CC Madhya 13.85
CC Madhya 14.165
yaiche as it isCC Adi 12.12
yaiche as it may beCC Adi 17.221
yaiche as it wasCC Adi 8.8
yaiche as muchCC Madhya 8.239
yaiche as much asCC Adi 14.3
CC Adi 17.109
CC Adi 17.155
CC Adi 7.78
CC Madhya 12.51
yaiche as She didCC Adi 13.41
yaiche exactly likeCC Adi 5.61
CC Adi 7.103
CC Madhya 17.65
yaiche howCC Adi 4.73
yaiche howCC Adi 4.73
CC Antya 2.15
CC Antya 2.161
CC Antya 2.164
yaiche howCC Antya 2.164
CC Madhya 16.214-215
yaiche howCC Madhya 16.214-215
CC Madhya 19.122
CC Madhya 23.94
yaiche howCC Madhya 23.94
CC Madhya 25.16
CC Madhya 25.245
CC Madhya 6.283
yaiche in what wayCC Adi 17.237
CC Adi 17.320
CC Adi 17.323
CC Adi 17.325
yaiche in whichCC Madhya 24.226
yaiche in which wayCC Antya 2.33
CC Antya 5.79
yaiche is likeCC Adi 7.116
yaiche just asCC Adi 1.78
yaiche just asCC Adi 1.78
CC Adi 1.88-89
CC Adi 2.13
CC Adi 2.19
CC Adi 2.37
CC Adi 2.77
CC Adi 2.89
CC Adi 4.108
CC Adi 4.127
CC Adi 4.164
CC Adi 4.170
CC Adi 4.177
CC Adi 4.36-37
CC Adi 4.76
CC Adi 4.97
yaiche just asCC Adi 4.97
CC Adi 5.128
CC Adi 5.14
CC Adi 5.60
CC Adi 5.63
CC Adi 6.32
CC Antya 1.201
CC Antya 20.79
CC Antya 20.90-91
CC Antya 3.171
CC Antya 5.129
CC Antya 6.10
CC Antya 6.9
CC Madhya 1.77
CC Madhya 10.40
CC Madhya 12.53
CC Madhya 16.207
CC Madhya 16.32
CC Madhya 16.55
CC Madhya 19.182
CC Madhya 20.127
CC Madhya 20.140
CC Madhya 20.175
CC Madhya 20.181
yaiche just asCC Madhya 20.181
CC Madhya 25.117
CC Madhya 25.121
CC Madhya 25.125
CC Madhya 25.240
CC Madhya 4.192
CC Madhya 4.193
CC Madhya 6.138
CC Madhya 6.171
CC Madhya 7.131-132
CC Madhya 7.18
CC Madhya 8.257
CC Madhya 8.90
yaiche just likeCC Antya 5.136
CC Antya 6.27
CC Madhya 1.280
CC Madhya 1.87
CC Madhya 19.179
CC Madhya 20.374
CC Madhya 4.115
CC Madhya 6.214
yaiche likeCC Adi 5.184
CC Antya 18.89
CC Antya 19.94
CC Antya 3.183
CC Madhya 14.224
CC Madhya 2.26
CC Madhya 20.167
CC Madhya 20.392
CC Madhya 23.44
CC Madhya 3.186
yaiche similarlyCC Madhya 16.211
yaiche so thatCC Antya 3.258
CC Antya 5.130
CC Antya 5.150
CC Antya 9.50
CC Madhya 14.108
CC Madhya 14.111
CC Madhya 19.157
yaiche what they are likeCC Adi 1.43
yaiche whichCC Madhya 23.117-118
yaiche haya just as in this sentenceCC Madhya 24.300
yaiche haya just as in this sentenceCC Madhya 24.300
yaiche kahāya as He causes to speakCC Antya 5.73
yaiche kahāya as He causes to speakCC Antya 5.73
yaiche prakāra in this wayCC Madhya 24.223
yaiche prakāra in this wayCC Madhya 24.223
yaiche sańkalpa how he was determinedCC Antya 2.161
yaiche sańkalpa how he was determinedCC Antya 2.161
yaiche taiche some way or otherCC Antya 8.64
yaiche taiche some way or otherCC Antya 8.64
yaiche taiche somehow or otherCC Adi 7.170
yaiche taiche somehow or otherCC Adi 7.170
CC Antya 11.10
yaiche taiche somehow or otherCC Antya 11.10
CC Antya 6.254
yaiche taiche somehow or otherCC Antya 6.254
CC Madhya 19.33
yaiche taiche somehow or otherCC Madhya 19.33
CC Madhya 19.35
yaiche taiche somehow or otherCC Madhya 19.35
CC Madhya 24.60
yaiche taiche somehow or otherCC Madhya 24.60
yaiche yaiche in a similar wayCC Adi 1.69-70
yaiche yaiche in a similar wayCC Adi 1.69-70
yaiche-taiche somehow or otherCC Antya 5.135
yaiche-taiche somehow or otherCC Antya 5.135
yai about whichSB 10.66.8
yai by sannyāsīs whoSB 7.15.37
yai by thoseSB 1.7.48
SB 4.22.47
yai by whichCC Adi 4.155
SB 10.21.7
SB 11.2.44
SB 2.6.5
SB 3.22.29-30
SB 3.6.18
SB 7.7.29
SB 8.7.29
SB 8.7.30
yai by which (devotional science)SB 11.3.22
yai by which (devotional service)SB 11.2.31
yai by which (material representations)SB 12.11.2-3
yai by which incarnationsSB 12.7.14
yai by which modesSB 11.25.12
yai by which personsSB 9.11.22
SB 9.18.5
yai by which personsSB 9.18.5
SB 9.5.15
yai by which three soundsSB 12.6.42
yai by whomCC Antya 17.1
CC Madhya 21.11
SB 10.14.7
SB 3.14.28
SB 3.23.42
SB 3.5.8
SB 4.27.9
SB 5.19.21
SB 6.1.19
SB 6.2.2
SB 8.1.29
SB 8.11.1
SB 8.20.8
yai by whom (the inhabitants of Bhārata-varṣa)SB 5.19.26
yaiyai by eachSB 11.4.1
yaiyai by eachSB 11.4.1
viśva-abhivandyai by personalities like Lord Brahmā and Lord Śiva, who are worshiped all over the universeSB 8.23.6
sāńkhya-ācāryai by ācāryas expert in Sāńkhya philosophySB 3.24.19
ācāryai by the great teachersSB 3.33.35
ācāryai by the authoritiesSB 7.7.22
ācāryai by his spiritual mastersSB 10.72.1-2
veda-ācāryai the standard authorities of the VedasSB 12.6.36
ācāryai by standard authoritiesSB 12.11.4
adhvara-ādyai by performance of Vedic ritualsSB 3.9.13
adityai to Aditi, the mother of IndraSB 10.59.38-39
ādityai by the ĀdityasSB 6.7.2-8
ādityai by the ĀdityasSB 6.10.17-18
yāma-ādyai with Yāma and othersSB 1.3.12
vyāsa-ādyai by great sages headed by VyāsaSB 1.8.46
ādyai etc.SB 1.15.16
adhvara-ādyai by performance of Vedic ritualsSB 3.9.13
utsmaya-ādyai by intimate friendly dealings, laughing and jokingSB 3.15.20
ādyai and so onSB 3.30.26
ādyai and so onSB 3.31.5
kumāra-ādyai the Kumāras and othersSB 3.32.12-15
kharjūra-āmrātaka-āmra-ādyai with kharjūras, āmrātakas, āmras and othersSB 4.6.18
sanandana-ādyai the four Kumāras, headed by SanandanaSB 4.6.34
nanda-ādyai and others, like NandaSB 6.4.35-39
ādyai and othersSB 7.3.14
ādyai and so onSB 8.4.17-24
gandha-mālya-ādyai with incense, flower garlands, etc.SB 8.16.39
sanandana-ādyai by such personalities as the four Kumāras (Sanat-kumāra, Sanaka, Sanandana and Sanātana)SB 9.8.23
ulūkhala-ādyai and by overturning the stone mortar for grinding spicesSB 10.8.30
aṇimā-ādyai headed by aṇimāSB 10.13.52
ādyai and so onSB 10.18.14
nanda-ādyai headed by NandaSB 10.36.31
ādyai and so onSB 10.38.25
brahma-rudra-ādyai headed by Brahmā and RudraSB 10.39.53-55
ādyai and so onSB 10.45.24
apatya-ādyai with his children and so onSB 10.46.16
indra-ādyai headed by Lord IndraSB 10.51.15
ādyai and otherSB 10.53.18-19
sugrīva-ādyai named Sugrīva and so onSB 10.70.14
ādyai and so onSB 10.73.26
vasudeva-ugrasena-ādyai headed by Vasudeva and UgrasenaSB 10.82.22
kṛṣṇa-rāma-ugrasena-ādyai by Kṛṣṇa, Balarāma, Ugrasena and the othersSB 10.84.59
ādyai and so onSB 11.3.52-53
ādyai and so forthSB 11.5.48
megha-ādyai clouds and so onSB 11.7.43
anna-ādyai by offering grains, water, etc.SB 11.17.50
krodha-ādyai by anger and so onSB 11.25.9
nṛtya-ādyai dancing and so onSB 11.29.11
ādyai and the othersSB 12.6.48-49
māyā-ādyai beginning with the unmanifest stage of natureSB 12.11.5
aja-śakra-śańkara-ādyai headed by Brahmā, Indra and ŚivaSB 12.12.67
sańkīrtana-ādyai by congregational chanting, etc.CC Adi 3.81
vibhāva-ādyai by ingredients such as vibhāvaCC Madhya 23.95-98
jala-agni-sūryai by severe austerities such as keeping oneself in water, in a burning fire or in the scorching sunSB 5.12.12
jala-agni-sūryai by worshiping water, fire or scorching sunshineCC Madhya 22.52
agryai choicestSB 3.23.19
bāla-vyajana-chatra-agryai protected by beautifully decorated umbrellas and the best of cāmarasSB 8.10.16-18
ṣaṭ-aiśvaryai with all six opulencesCC Adi 1.3
ṣaṭ-aiśvaryai with the six opulencesCC Adi 2.5
aja-śakra-śańkara-ādyai headed by Brahmā, Indra and ŚivaSB 12.12.67
jana-ālayai by the inhabitants of the Janaloka planetsSB 3.11.32
tripura-ālayai by the demons dwelling in those three planesSB 7.10.56
ālayai with templesSB 10.69.1-6
amaram jayai with fighters who could gain victory over the demigods on the battlefieldSB 10.1.4
amātyai by royal associatesSB 7.13.12-13
amātyai by ministers or associatesSB 9.1.23-24
amātyai by his ministersSB 10.42.35
kharjūra-āmrātaka-āmra-ādyai with kharjūras, āmrātakas, āmras and othersSB 4.6.18
kharjūra-āmrātaka-āmra-ādyai with kharjūras, āmrātakas, āmras and othersSB 4.6.18
aṇimā-ādyai headed by aṇimāSB 10.13.52
anna-ādyai by offering grains, water, etc.SB 11.17.50
antarāyai by disturbancesSB 11.7.10
antarāyai by obstacles and discrepanciesSB 11.10.22
antarāyai by obstructionsSB 11.28.29
antarāyai by obstaclesSB 11.28.44
anyai by othersSB 1.11.23
kim uta anyai what to speak of any other thingSB 1.13.20
kim anyai what is the use of anything elseSB 1.16.6
anyai by othersSB 3.4.11
anyai by othersSB 3.16.20
anyai by otherSB 3.28.7
anyai otherSB 4.6.18
anyai by othersSB 4.8.37
anyai by othersSB 4.9.20-21
anyai by othersSB 4.12.26
anyai otherSB 4.31.12
ca anyai and by otherSB 6.7.2-8
anyai by others, who aspire for material happinessSB 6.11.23
anyai with other womenSB 6.18.51
anyai with otherSB 7.3.11
anyai by other waysSB 7.15.66
anyai by other waysSB 7.15.67
anyai with other peaksSB 8.2.2-3
anyai othersSB 8.2.14-19
anyaiḥ ca and others alsoSB 8.19.15
anyaiḥ ca and by many othersSB 10.2.1-2
anyai with othersSB 10.15.23
anyai by othersSB 10.16.38
anyai othersSB 10.47.24
anyai by othersSB 10.57.38-39
anyai by Your enemiesSB 10.76.31
anyai by othersSB 10.78.13-15
anyaiḥ saha along with other fishSB 11.1.23
anyai by othersSB 11.8.14
anyai by othersSB 11.13.24
anyai by other methodsSB 11.15.34
anyai by other (means)SB 11.20.24
anyai otherCC Antya 1.186
anyai otherMM 23
apahatyai for the purpose of eliminatingSB 10.15.5
apahatyai to vanquishSB 10.52.43
apahatyai to drive awayCC Antya 4.63
apatya-ādyai with his children and so onSB 10.46.16
āpavargyai that awaken one to liberationSB 11.19.10
apriyai and with those who are not dear (enemies, those not in the family, etc.)SB 7.2.25-26
tat-āptyai for the purpose of achieving HimSB 12.8.42
para-ardhyai most valuableSB 10.16.65-67
asańkhyeyai which are innumerableSB 7.4.36
asat-āśrayai taking shelter of those who are asat, or nondevoteesSB 10.10.18
guṇa-āśayai under the influence of the material modes of natureSB 3.9.33
asmadīyai ourBG 11.26-27
bhuja-āśrayai being protected by the armsSB 8.11.44
asat-āśrayai taking shelter of those who are asat, or nondevoteesSB 10.10.18
aśvāsyai by the aśvāsyaSB 4.6.21
asyai unto the motherSB 3.13.42
asyai to herSB 3.23.28
asyai unto that pregnant queenSB 9.8.4
ati-śayai unlimitedSB 10.10.34-35
atiśayai extraordinaryCC Madhya 20.355
ātma-vaśyai under one's controlBG 2.64
ātma-tulyai almost equal to HimselfSB 6.9.29-30
avabhṛthyai and the rituals which solemnize the completion of the sacrificeSB 10.75.19
avabhṛthyai and the final rituals, known as avabhṛthyaSB 10.84.53
aviṣahyai intolerableSB 10.55.17
ayaḥ-mayai made of ironSB 5.26.19
bāla-vyajana-chatra-agryai protected by beautifully decorated umbrellas and the best of cāmarasSB 8.10.16-18
bhadra-kālyai unto the goddess known as Bhadra KālīSB 5.9.12
manda-bhāgyai who are very unfortunateSB 11.1.18
bhakṣyai food that is not chewedSB 10.62.23-24
bhāva-dravyai with paraphernalia conceived in his mindSB 12.9.8-9
bhṛtyai surrounded by servantsSB 4.25.20
bhṛtyai by servantsSB 9.10.35-38
bhṛtyai by the servantsSB 10.81.40
bhuja-āśrayai being protected by the armsSB 8.11.44
bhūta-indriya-manaḥ-mayai consisting of body, senses and mindSB 3.27.13
bhūtyai for increasing the opulenceSB 7.3.13
bhūtyai for sense gratificationSB 11.29.5
bodhyai with the subject matter of intelligenceSB 7.12.29-30
brahma-rudra-ādyai headed by Brahmā and RudraSB 10.39.53-55
brāhmaṇaiḥ kṣatriyaiḥ vaiśyai by brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas and vaiśyasSB 10.72.1-2
ca anyai and by otherSB 6.7.2-8
anyaiḥ ca and others alsoSB 8.19.15
upāyaiḥ ca by similar other attemptsSB 8.21.22
anyaiḥ ca and by many othersSB 10.2.1-2
caileyai made of clothSB 10.41.40
cauryai by committing theftSB 6.1.22
bāla-vyajana-chatra-agryai protected by beautifully decorated umbrellas and the best of cāmarasSB 8.10.16-18
daiteyai and the asurasSB 8.6.19
daityai by the demonsSB 6.10.28
daityai by the demonsSB 8.9.4
daityai by the demonsSB 8.9.8
daityai by the demonsSB 8.10.52
daityai by the influence of the demonsSB 8.16.1
dautyai by acting as a messengerSB 10.47.16
devayānyai unto Devayānī, the daughter of ŚukrācāryaSB 9.18.29
devyai and to the deitySB 10.53.49
devyai to the goddess PārvatīSB 11.27.3-4
devyai to goddess PārvatīSB 12.10.38
dheyai by concentration of the mindSB 2.3.24
divyai of the demigodsSB 3.11.18
divyai pertaining to the demigodsSB 8.2.9-13
divyai celestialSB 10.48.15-16
divyai with transcendentalSB 12.13.1
dravyai paraphernaliaSB 3.29.24
dravyai paraphernaliaSB 4.8.54
dravyai with various itemsSB 10.24.9
dravyai by material elementsSB 11.11.43-45
dravyai with items of paraphernaliaSB 11.27.15
dravyai auspicious itemsSB 11.27.21
bhāva-dravyai with paraphernalia conceived in his mindSB 12.9.8-9
dṛśyai by what is seenSB 2.2.35
duḥkha-hatyai for the elimination of distressSB 11.3.18
gandha-mālya-ādyai with incense, flower garlands, etc.SB 8.16.39
gavayai with forest cowsSB 4.6.19-20
ghreyai with the object of smellSB 7.12.26-28
gopa-vākyai by the words of cowherdsSB 10.23.45
grāhyai with the objects of the sensesSB 10.3.14
grāmyai materialSB 6.1.64
grāmyaiḥ samam together with village personsSB 10.15.19
gṛha-medhīyai suitable for family lifeSB 11.17.55
gṛhamedhīyai by persons engaged in material welfareSB 1.8.51
guṇa-mayai consisting of the guṇasBG 7.13
guṇa-mayai influenced by the modes of natureSB 1.2.33
guṇa-āśayai under the influence of the material modes of natureSB 3.9.33
guptyai for the protectionSB 10.27.5
guptyai for the protectionSB 10.63.37
guptyai to protectSB 10.85.20
hari-nāmadheyai meditating on the holy name of the LordCC Adi 8.25
duḥkha-hatyai for the elimination of distressSB 11.3.18
hayai horsesBG 1.14
hayai with the enemy's soldiersSB 8.10.8
hayai with His horsesSB 10.53.6
hayai with His horsesSB 10.70.14
hayai horsesSB 10.82.7-8
hiraṇmayai and goldSB 8.2.2-3
mantra-hṛdayai by application of confidential mantrasSB 11.11.43-45
ijyai by the help of those who are worshipable, the spiritual mastersSB 11.12.22-23
plavaga-indra-sainyai with the help of the soldiers of the monkeysSB 9.10.12
indra-ādyai headed by Lord IndraSB 10.51.15
indranīla-mayai bedecked with sapphiresSB 10.69.9-12
bhūta-indriya-manaḥ-mayai consisting of body, senses and mindSB 3.27.13
indriya-priyai with things that gratify the sensesSB 11.7.39
indriyai by the sensesBG 2.64
karma-indriyai by the active sense organsBG 3.7
indriyai with the sensesBG 5.11
indriyai and the sensesSB 2.2.22
indriyai by the sensesSB 3.32.28
indriyai by the sensesSB 3.32.33
indriyai by the sensesSB 4.22.30
indriyai for sense gratificationSB 5.1.37
kat-indriyai because of possessing impure sensesSB 9.18.51
indriyai with other (worldly) celebrationsSB 10.20.48
indriyai sensesSB 11.2.36
indriyai with his sensesSB 11.2.48
indriyai by the sensesSB 11.4.4
indriyai by the sensesSB 11.11.9
indriyai sensesSB 11.13.24
indriyai by the sensesSB 11.15.4-5
indriyai with the sensesSB 11.19.26
indriyai along with the sensesSB 11.22.37
indriyai with sensesSB 11.22.57
indriyai by one's sensesSB 11.26.24
indriyai by the blunt material sensesCC Madhya 17.136
īśitavyai with those who are meant to be controlledSB 10.23.46
jala-agni-sūryai by severe austerities such as keeping oneself in water, in a burning fire or in the scorching sunSB 5.12.12
jala-agni-sūryai by worshiping water, fire or scorching sunshineCC Madhya 22.52
jana-ālayai by the inhabitants of the Janaloka planetsSB 3.11.32
japyai and chanting of various mantrasSB 12.3.48
amaram jayai with fighters who could gain victory over the demigods on the battlefieldSB 10.1.4
jityai for the conquestSB 12.8.41
jñaptyai to find outSB 10.89.2
jyaiṣṭha-māse in the month of Jyaiṣṭha (May-June)CC Madhya 1.260
jyaiṣṭha-māse in the month of May-JuneCC Antya 4.115
jyaiṣṭha-māse during the month of May-JuneCC Antya 4.116
jyaiṣṭha-māsera of the month of May-JuneCC Antya 20.109
jyaiṣṭhe in the month of Jyaiṣṭha (May-June)CC Madhya 20.200
jyaiṣṭhe in the month of Jyaiṣṭha (May-June)CC Antya 20.157
jyaiṣṭhyasya of senioritySB 6.7.33
kala-vākyai and by very sweet broken languageSB 10.11.37
kala-vākyai with broken speechSB 10.15.10-12
kāleyai with the KālakeyasSB 8.10.32-34
bhadra-kālyai unto the goddess known as Bhadra KālīSB 5.9.12
kāmyai by different desirable actionsSB 7.7.43
karma-indriyai by the active sense organsBG 3.7
karma-mayai based on fruitive activitySB 10.25.4
kāṣṭhāyai directionSB 7.4.22-23
kat-indriyai because of possessing impure sensesSB 9.18.51
katipayai a fewSB 3.3.25
katipayai a fewSB 3.19.29
katipayai a fewSB 7.13.12-13
katipayai a fewSB 9.20.7
katipayai severalSB 10.43.16
kauśeyai of silk clothSB 3.23.14-15
kauṣeyai silkSB 10.74.27-28
manuja-kāyai the bodies of menCC Adi 3.66
kekayai the KekayasSB 10.72.13
kharjūra-āmrātaka-āmra-ādyai with kharjūras, āmrātakas, āmras and othersSB 4.6.18
kim uta anyai what to speak of any other thingSB 1.13.20
kim anyai what is the use of anything elseSB 1.16.6
mālyaiḥ kirantaḥ offering Him garlandsSB 9.10.41
kriyāyai for the purpose of introducing the method of worshipSB 7.14.39
krodha-ādyai by anger and so onSB 11.25.9
kṛṣṇa-rāma-ugrasena-ādyai by Kṛṣṇa, Balarāma, Ugrasena and the othersSB 10.84.59
brāhmaṇaiḥ kṣatriyaiḥ vaiśyai by brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas and vaiśyasSB 10.72.1-2
kuḍyai with wallsSB 10.69.9-12
kumāra-ādyai the Kumāras and othersSB 3.32.12-15
loha-mayai made of ironSB 10.36.19
mādhuryai by the exquisite charm and beautySB 10.65.34
madhyai by their middlesSB 10.33.7
mahā-māyai who were expert in creating illusionsSB 8.10.52
gandha-mālya-ādyai with incense, flower garlands, etc.SB 8.16.39
mālyai by garlandsSB 4.8.55
mālyai with flower garlandsSB 8.11.40
mālyaiḥ kirantaḥ offering Him garlandsSB 9.10.41
mālyai with flower garlandsSB 10.18.32
mālyai with garlandsSB 10.22.2-3
mālyai and flower garlandsSB 10.38.40
mālyai with flower garlandsSB 10.46.9-13
mālyai with flower garlandsSB 10.59.22
mālyai and flower garlandsSB 10.59.45
mālyai and flower garlandsSB 10.61.6
mālyai with flower garlandsSB 11.6.6
mālyai and flower garlandsSB 12.8.38
bhūta-indriya-manaḥ-mayai consisting of body, senses and mindSB 3.27.13
manda-bhāgyai who are very unfortunateSB 11.1.18
maṇi-mayai made of pearlsSB 8.15.16
mantra-hṛdayai by application of confidential mantrasSB 11.11.43-45
manuja-kāyai the bodies of menCC Adi 3.66
martyai with mortal living beingsSB 11.23.48
martyai by mortalsSB 11.31.9
jyaiṣṭha-māse in the month of Jyaiṣṭha (May-June)CC Madhya 1.260
jyaiṣṭha-māse in the month of May-JuneCC Antya 4.115
jyaiṣṭha-māse during the month of May-JuneCC Antya 4.116
jyaiṣṭha-māsera of the month of May-JuneCC Antya 20.109
mat-śiṣyai by My devoteesSB 11.13.14
matsyai the MatsyasSB 10.72.13
māyā-ādyai beginning with the unmanifest stage of natureSB 12.11.5
guṇa-mayai consisting of the guṇasBG 7.13
guṇa-mayai influenced by the modes of natureSB 1.2.33
mayai made ofSB 3.15.20
bhūta-indriya-manaḥ-mayai consisting of body, senses and mindSB 3.27.13
mayai made ofSB 4.6.10
ayaḥ-mayai made of ironSB 5.26.19
mahā-māyai who were expert in creating illusionsSB 8.10.52
maṇi-mayai made of pearlsSB 8.15.16
karma-mayai based on fruitive activitySB 10.25.4
loha-mayai made of ironSB 10.36.19
mayai madeSB 10.60.3-6
indranīla-mayai bedecked with sapphiresSB 10.69.9-12
mayai consisting ofSB 11.7.43
utkīrtana-mayai consisting of loud chanting of the holy nameCC Adi 3.58
māyāvatyai to MāyāvatīSB 10.55.6
gṛha-medhīyai suitable for family lifeSB 11.17.55
medhyai fit for sacrificesSB 9.20.23
medhyai pureSB 11.18.2
megha-ādyai clouds and so onSB 11.7.43
yodha-mukhyai chiefs among the warriorsBG 11.26-27
sadasya-mukhyai by the members of the sacrificeSB 4.2.19
mukhyai headed bySB 8.7.12
mukhyai with all the chiefs of the various planetary systemsSB 8.23.20-21
hari-nāmadheyai meditating on the holy name of the LordCC Adi 8.25
nāmadheyai who are namedMM 36
nanda-ādyai and others, like NandaSB 6.4.35-39
nanda-ādyai headed by NandaSB 10.36.31
nayai by logical conclusionsSB 3.12.35
nayai by logicSB 4.30.46
rasa-nicayai by drops of the juiceCC Madhya 8.211
nirdayai by those merciless persons who are conducted by the mode of passionSB 10.10.9
nirvṛtyai to stop fightingSB 5.1.40
nirvṛtyai also for awarding liberationSB 11.5.50
nṛtya-ādyai dancing and so onSB 11.29.11
nṛtyai with dancingSB 8.15.21
pāñcālyai unto the daughter of the King of Pāñcāla (Draupadī)SB 1.7.38
paṇyai by doing businessSB 11.17.47
para-ardhyai most valuableSB 10.16.65-67
pārakyai which after death are eatable by dogs and jackalsSB 6.10.10
pārameṣṭhyai symptoms of an exalted kingSB 6.7.2-8
paryaikṣata observingSB 1.12.10
patnyai to his wifeSB 3.23.43
patnyai to his wifeSB 4.13.37
patnyai to the wifeSB 6.19.24
plavaga-indra-sainyai with the help of the soldiers of the monkeysSB 9.10.12
prajātyai for the sake of childrenSB 3.14.22
prakhyai splendorousSB 10.69.1-6
prapannāyai unto one who has surrenderedSB 3.23.51
praśāntyai for liberationSB 12.8.45
prasiddhyai for the complete manifestationSB 10.63.38
praśiṣyai grand-disciplesSB 1.4.23
prasūtyai for birthSB 3.31.22
pratyaikṣan awaitedSB 10.71.20
sańkīrtana-prāyai consisting chiefly of congregational chantingSB 11.5.32
sańkīrtana-prāyai consisting chiefly of congregational chantingCC Adi 3.52
prāyai chiefly consisting ofCC Madhya 6.103
sańkīrtana-prāyai consisting chiefly of congregational chantingCC Madhya 11.100
sańkīrtana-prāyai consisting chiefly of congregational chantingCC Madhya 20.342
sańkīrtana-prāyai consisting chiefly of congregational chantingCC Antya 20.10
prītyai f or the pleasureSB 8.23.20-21
priya-prītyai for the sake of pleasing the belovedCC Madhya 14.194
priya-prītyai for the sake of pleasing the belovedCC Madhya 14.194
priyai with dear companionsSB 1.10.33
priyai dearSB 6.19.17
priyai very pleasingSB 7.11.26-27
indriya-priyai with things that gratify the sensesSB 11.7.39
priyāyai unto the dearSB 1.7.41
priyāyai unto his beloved wife, DevayānīSB 9.19.1
pūrtyai to fulfillCC Madhya 8.182
pūrve yaiche as previouslyCC Madhya 13.124
rājanyai by the administrative orderSB 1.7.48
rājanyai by the royal familySB 9.15.16
rājanyai by the royal orderSB 12.2.8
rakṣāyai for the protectionSB 10.50.10
kṛṣṇa-rāma-ugrasena-ādyai by Kṛṣṇa, Balarāma, Ugrasena and the othersSB 10.84.59
rasa-nicayai by drops of the juiceCC Madhya 8.211
ratyai for the sake of sense enjoymentSB 11.5.13
brahma-rudra-ādyai headed by Brahmā and RudraSB 10.39.53-55
sa-vādyai with concert instrumentsSB 8.15.21
sadasya-mukhyai by the members of the sacrificeSB 4.2.19
sādhyai by the SādhyasSB 6.7.2-8
sādhyai by the SādhyasSB 6.10.17-18
anyaiḥ saha along with other fishSB 11.1.23
plavaga-indra-sainyai with the help of the soldiers of the monkeysSB 9.10.12
sainyai by armiesSB 10.53.15
sainyai with armiesSB 10.54.13
sainyai with their armiesSB 10.75.12
sakhyai of all kinds of friendshipSB 10.47.17
aja-śakra-śańkara-ādyai headed by Brahmā, Indra and ŚivaSB 12.12.67
salshyai to her girlfriend, ŪṣāSB 10.62.21
grāmyaiḥ samam together with village personsSB 10.15.19
samāmnāyai and with destructionSB 7.7.24
sambhojanīyai who would take meals with HimSB 10.20.29
saṃśrayai who take shelterSB 10.36.31
sanandana-ādyai the four Kumāras, headed by SanandanaSB 4.6.34
sanandana-ādyai by such personalities as the four Kumāras (Sanat-kumāra, Sanaka, Sanandana and Sanātana)SB 9.8.23
aja-śakra-śańkara-ādyai headed by Brahmā, Indra and ŚivaSB 12.12.67
sāńkhya-ācāryai by ācāryas expert in Sāńkhya philosophySB 3.24.19
sāńkhyai by means of Sāńkhya philosophyBG 5.5
sańkīrtana-prāyai consisting chiefly of congregational chantingSB 11.5.32
sańkīrtana-prāyai consisting chiefly of congregational chantingCC Adi 3.52
sańkīrtana-ādyai by congregational chanting, etc.CC Adi 3.81
sańkīrtana-prāyai consisting chiefly of congregational chantingCC Madhya 11.100
sańkīrtana-prāyai consisting chiefly of congregational chantingCC Madhya 20.342
sańkīrtana-prāyai consisting chiefly of congregational chantingCC Antya 20.10
santatyai to expandSB 1.4.19
santatyai for performancesSB 4.7.17
śāntyai for the stoppingSB 10.86.34
sapatnyai unto the co-wifeSB 5.9.7
ṣaṭ-aiśvaryai with all six opulencesCC Adi 1.3
ṣaṭ-aiśvaryai with the six opulencesCC Adi 2.5
satyai truthfulSB 7.11.26-27
saumanasyai with flowersSB 10.41.29
saumyai very gentleSB 4.22.55
ati-śayai unlimitedSB 10.10.34-35
sevāyai to devotional serviceSB 3.23.56
sevāyai for serviceMM 17
śiṣyai disciplesSB 1.4.23
tat-śiṣyai great grand-disciplesSB 1.4.23
śiṣyai by the disciplesSB 1.9.8
śiṣyai by disciplesSB 10.80.41
mat-śiṣyai by My devoteesSB 11.13.14
vyāsa-śiṣyai the disciples of Śrīla VyāsadevaSB 12.6.36
śiṣyai by the disciplesSB 12.6.46
śocantyai lamenting forSB 1.7.41
sṛñjayai the warriors of the Sṛñjaya clanSB 10.72.13
steya-upāyai and by inventing different devices to steal butter and milkSB 10.8.31
sthityai for its maintenanceSB 10.89.59
sugrīva-ādyai named Sugrīva and so onSB 10.70.14
sūkta-vākyai with Vedic mantrasSB 8.8.14
jala-agni-sūryai by severe austerities such as keeping oneself in water, in a burning fire or in the scorching sunSB 5.12.12
jala-agni-sūryai by worshiping water, fire or scorching sunshineCC Madhya 22.52
sūtyai for growing further harvestsSB 7.11.33-34
sva-tanayai by your own sonsSB 8.17.14
svīyai belonging to HimselfSB 10.70.11
sva-tanayai by your own sonsSB 8.17.14
tasyai unto herSB 6.14.28
tasyai unto thatSB 6.17.1
tasyai unto thatSB 7.4.22-23
tasyai unto SukanyāSB 9.3.17
tasyai unto her (Devayānī)SB 9.18.19
tasyai to herSB 10.33.9
tasyai to herSB 10.48.10
tasyai to her, RukmiṇīSB 10.53.49
tat-śiṣyai great grand-disciplesSB 1.4.23
tat-vīryai with His heroic deedsSB 10.65.22
tat-āptyai for the purpose of achieving HimSB 12.8.42
tatratyai by local inhabitantsSB 1.10.36
tatratyai being there (in the abdomen)SB 3.31.6
toyai by water required for washing the lotus feet and bathingSB 8.21.6-7
toyai with the waterSB 10.71.31-32
toyai and by waterSB 11.21.12
toyai with waterCC Madhya 21.50
tripura-ālayai by the demons dwelling in those three planesSB 7.10.56
ātma-tulyai almost equal to HimselfSB 6.9.29-30
ubhayai bothSB 4.29.63
ubhayai bothSB 9.15.8
ubhayai with both kindsSB 11.27.10
vasudeva-ugrasena-ādyai headed by Vasudeva and UgrasenaSB 10.82.22
kṛṣṇa-rāma-ugrasena-ādyai by Kṛṣṇa, Balarāma, Ugrasena and the othersSB 10.84.59
ulūkhala-ādyai and by overturning the stone mortar for grinding spicesSB 10.8.30
unnayai by the raisingSB 3.15.48
upacayai by the accumulationSB 11.17.18
upahāryai who were qualified to make offeringsSB 10.17.2-3
upahāryai and by presenting giftsSB 10.59.45
upahāryai and by presenting giftsSB 10.61.6
upaśāntyai for the deliveranceSB 3.33.35
upāyai by the meansSB 5.4.16
vividha-upāyai by various meansSB 7.5.18
upāyai meansSB 7.5.38
upāyaiḥ ca by similar other attemptsSB 8.21.22
steya-upāyai and by inventing different devices to steal butter and milkSB 10.8.31
upāyai meansSB 11.28.41
upekṣyai neglecting the associationSB 10.10.18
kim uta anyai what to speak of any other thingSB 1.13.20
utkīrtana-mayai consisting of loud chanting of the holy nameCC Adi 3.58
utsmaya-ādyai by intimate friendly dealings, laughing and jokingSB 3.15.20
uttarīyai covering garmentsSB 10.32.13
sa-vādyai with concert instrumentsSB 8.15.21
vādyai with the musical soundSB 10.33.15
brāhmaṇaiḥ kṣatriyaiḥ vaiśyai by brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas and vaiśyasSB 10.72.1-2
vākyai by those wordsSB 3.2.10
vākyai by speechSB 7.11.26-27
sūkta-vākyai with Vedic mantrasSB 8.8.14
vākyai the instructionsSB 9.24.62
kala-vākyai and by very sweet broken languageSB 10.11.37
kala-vākyai with broken speechSB 10.15.10-12
gopa-vākyai by the words of cowherdsSB 10.23.45
vākyai wordsSB 10.47.41
vākyai with His wordsSB 10.49.10
vākyai with statementsSB 10.50.32-33
vākyai with wordsSB 10.60.51
vākyai with wordsSB 10.62.23-24
vākyai with wordsSB 10.70.34
vākyai wordsSB 10.73.28
vākyai by the wordsSB 10.74.31
vākyai with wordsSB 10.78.7
valayai and banglesSB 10.84.48
vanyai of forest flowersSB 4.8.55
vanyai by fruits and grains produced in the forest without cultivationSB 7.12.19
vanyai growing in the forestSB 11.18.2
vanyai obtained in the forestSB 11.18.7
vasudeva-ugrasena-ādyai headed by Vasudeva and UgrasenaSB 10.82.22
ātma-vaśyai under one's controlBG 2.64
vayasyai by his friends of the same ageSB 7.5.54
vayasyai with Their playmatesSB 10.8.27
vayasyai with other playmatesSB 10.11.41
vayasyai with Their friends of the same ageSB 10.21.7
vayasyai by young companionsSB 10.22.8
vayasyai by Their young friendsSB 10.41.24
vayasyai with Their friends of the same ageCC Adi 4.155
veda-ācāryai the standard authorities of the VedasSB 12.6.36
vibhāva-ādyai by ingredients such as vibhāvaCC Madhya 23.95-98
vijñaptyai for explainingSB 3.24.10
vīryai by strength and powerSB 10.10.34-35
tat-vīryai with His heroic deedsSB 10.65.22
vīryai because of the valorous deedsSB 10.85.2
vīryai by prowessCC Madhya 20.355
viṣayai by sense gratificationSB 11.8.41
viṣayai by the sense objectsSB 11.14.18
viṣayai by sense gratificationSB 11.14.18
viśva-abhivandyai by personalities like Lord Brahmā and Lord Śiva, who are worshiped all over the universeSB 8.23.6
vitatyai to expandSB 9.10.15
vividha-upāyai by various meansSB 7.5.18
vṛttyai for maintaining the bodySB 4.2.26
vṛttyai for their own livelihoodSB 11.5.8
bāla-vyajana-chatra-agryai protected by beautifully decorated umbrellas and the best of cāmarasSB 8.10.16-18
vyāsa-ādyai by great sages headed by VyāsaSB 1.8.46
vyāsa-śiṣyai the disciples of Śrīla VyāsadevaSB 12.6.36
vyayai and by decaySB 11.10.21
yāhāń yaiche yogya whatever was fitting according to the time and circumstancesCC Antya 8.92
pūrve yaiche as previouslyCC Madhya 13.124
yāhāń yaiche yogya whatever was fitting according to the time and circumstancesCC Antya 8.92
yāma-ādyai with Yāma and othersSB 1.3.12
yodha-mukhyai chiefs among the warriorsBG 11.26-27
yāhāń yaiche yogya whatever was fitting according to the time and circumstancesCC Antya 8.92
yogyai as it is befittingSB 7.13.24
Wordnet Search
"yai" has 10 results.


cint, sañcint, vicint, paricint, pravicint, dhyai, anudhyai, upadhyai, abhidhyai, parīdhyai, paryāloc, pravimṛś, nirloc, vigaṇ, vigāh   

kāryaviṣayakaḥ viṣayaviṣayakaḥ vā vicāraṇānukūlaḥ manovyāpāraḥ।

vṛthā cintayati bhavān sarvaṃ bhadram eva bhavet।


adhaḥcaraḥ, apahārakaḥ, apahārikā, apahārakam, avahāraḥ, avāvan, avāvarī, ākhanikaḥ, ākhuḥ, āmoṣī, āmoṣi, kapāṭaghnaḥ, kapāṭaghnā, kapāṭaghnam, kambū, kalamaḥ, kavāṭaghnaḥ, kumbhīrakaḥ, kusumālaḥ, kharparaḥ, coraḥ, cauraḥ, corī, corakaḥ, caurī, caurikā, taḥ, takvān, taskaraḥ, tāyu, tṛpuḥ, dasmaḥ, dasmā, dasraḥ, drāvakaḥ, dhanaharaḥ, dhanahṛt, dhanahṛd, naktacāriḥ, naktacārī, nāgarakaḥ, parāskandī, parāskandi, parimoṣī, parimoṣiḥ, paṭaccaraḥ, pāṭṭacaraḥ, puraṃdaraḥ, pracuraḥ., pracurapuruṣaḥ, pratirodhakaḥ, pratirodhī, bandīkāraḥ, malimluḥ, malimluc, mallīkara, mācalaḥ, mīḍhuṣtamaḥ, mumuṣiṣuḥ, muṣkaḥ, mūṣakaḥ, moṣaḥ, moṣakaḥ, moṣṭā, rajanīcaraḥ, rātricaraḥ, rātryāṭaḥ, rikvān, ritakvān, ribhvān, rihāyaḥ, rerihāṇaḥ, laṭaḥ, luṇṭākaḥ, vaṭaraḥ, vanarguḥ, viloḍakaḥ, viloptā, stenaḥ, stainyaḥ, stāyuḥ, steyakṛt, steyakṛd, steyī, staunaḥ, styenaḥ, styainaḥ, srotasyaḥ, harikaḥ, hartā, hārakaḥ, hārītaḥ   

adatsya paradhanasya apahārakaḥ।

rakṣakaḥ corān daṇḍayati।


śyai, śilībhū, ghanībhū, saṃhanya, sahatībhū, śkanībhū   

aghanasya ghanatām āpannānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

parvateṣu himaṃ śyāyati।


śuṣ, śoṣaṃ yā, śoṣaṃ gam, āśyai, nīrasībhū, śuṣkībhū   

sneharahitabhāvānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

tīvreṇa ātapena kṣupāḥ śuṣyanti।


mid, sphāy, pyai, nīv   

medovṛddhyanukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

idānīṃ sā atīva medyati।


vṛdh, saṃvṛdh, edh, sphuṭ, vikas, phull, udbhidya, ruh, ṛdh, puṣ, upacīya, sphāy, pyai   

avayavopacayanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

samyak rakṣaṇena kṣupāḥ śīghraṃ vardhante।


cint, vicint, paricint, anudhyai, abhiman, paritark, praman, dīdhī, anudhī   

kasmin api viṣayam uddiśya cintanānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

na jñāyate kiṃ cintayati sā।


jyeṣṭhatā, jyeṣṭhatvam, jyaiṣṭayam, variṣṭhatā   

padena sammānena vā kenāpi jyeṣṭhasya avasthā kriyā bhāvaḥ vā।

atra jyeṣṭhatāyāḥ ādhāreṇa hi nivāsasthānānāṃ vitaraṇaṃ bhavati।


prapyai, pyai, pinv   

vastuviśeṣasya antarbhāgasya vāyoḥ vā dravasya vā āpūraṇena vṛddhyanukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

jale nimajjitāḥ caṇakāḥ prapyāyante।


viṣayāsakta, viṣayaiṣin, bhogin   

viṣayasukhagrahaṇe eva yaḥ magnaḥ।

viṣayāsaktaḥ manuṣyaḥ niraṅkuśāvasthāyāṃ rugṇaḥ bhavati।

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