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Grammar Search
"yadi" has 1 results
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Monier-Williams Search
28 results for yadi
yadiind. (in veda- also y/adī-,sometimes yadi cit-, yadi ha vai-, y/ad/īt-, y/ady u-, yady u vai-) if, in case that etc. etc. In the earlier language yadi- may be joined with Indic. subjunctive or leṭ- Potential , or future , the consequent clause of the conditional sentence being generally without any particle. In the later language yadi- may be joined with present tense (followed in consequent clause by another present tense exempli gratia, 'for example' yadi jīvati bhadrāṇi paśyati-,"if he lives he beholds prosperity", or by future or by imperative or by Potential or by no verb) ; or it may be joined with Potential (exempli gratia, 'for example' yadi rājā daṇḍaṃ na praṇayet-,"if the king were not to inflict punishment", followed by another Potential or by Conditional or by present tense or by imperative or by future or by no verb) ; or it may be joined with future (exempli gratia, 'for example' yadi na kariṣyanti tat-,"if they will not do that", followed by another future or by present tense or by imperative or by no verb) ; or it may be joined with Conditional (exempli gratia, 'for example' yady anujñām adāsyat-,"if he should give permission", followed by another Conditional or by Potential or by Aorist) ; or it may be joined with Aorist (exempli gratia, 'for example' yadi prajā-patir na vapur arsrākṣīt-,"if the Creator had not created the body", followed by Conditional or by Potential or by perfect tense) ; or it may be joined with imperative or even with perfect tense (exempli gratia, 'for example' yady āha-,"if he had said") . There may be other constructions, and in the consequent clauses some one of the following may be used: atha-, atra-, tad-, tena-, tatas-, tataḥ param-, tadā-, tarhi-, tadānīm-. Observe that yadi- may sometimes = "as sure as"(especially in asseverations, followed by imperative with or without tathā-or tena-or followed by Potential with tad-) etc.; or it may ="whether"(followed by present tense or Potential or no verb exempli gratia, 'for example' yadi-na vā-,"whether-or not", and sometimes kim-is added) ; or it may ="that"(after verbs of"not believing"or"doubting" , with present tense or Potential exempli gratia, 'for example' śaṃse yadi jīvanti-,"I do not expect that they are alive" see ) ; or if placed after duṣkaraṃ- or kathaṃ cid- it may ="hardly","scarcely" ; or it may = "if perchance","perhaps"(with Potential with or without iti-,or with future or present tense) etc. The following are other combinations: yadi tāvat-,"how would it be if"(with present tense or imperative)
yadiind. yadi nāma-,"if ever" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yadiind. yadi cet- (cet-being added redundantly) ="if" (exempli gratia, 'for example' yadi cet syāt-,"if it should be") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yadiind. purā yadi- ="before" (exempli gratia, 'for example' purā yadi paśyāmi-,"before that I see") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yadiind. y/ady /api- (rarely api yadi-),"even if","although"(followed by tathāpi-or tad api-or sometimes by no particle in the correlative clause) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yadiind. yadi- - yadi ca-yady api-,"if - and if - if also" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yadiind. y/adi- - y/adi--, or y/adi vā- - y/adi vā-, or y/adi vā- - y/adi-, or yadi vā- - -, or - - yadi vā-, or yad vā- - yadi vā-,"if - or if","whether - or" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yadiind. y/adi vā- - n/a vā-,"whether - or not" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yadiind. - - yadi vā- - yadi vā-tathāpi-,"whether - or - or - yet" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yadiind. vā yadi- ="or if","or rather" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yadiind. yadi vā- idem or 'ind. vā yadi- ="or if","or rather"' or ="yet","however." View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adyadina m. n. the present day. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adyadivasam. n. the present day. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anadhyāyadivasam. a vacation day, holiday. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
devācāryadigvijayam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
hāsyadidṛkṣumfn. curious to see something ridiculous View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣayadivasam. the day of the destruction of the universe View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣititanayadinan. Tuesday View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣititanayadivasavāram. idem or 'n. Tuesday ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣityaditif. "the aditi- of the earth", Name of devakī- (mother of kṛṣṇa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyadinafor madhyaṃ-dina- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
padārthīyadivyacakṣusn. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śākrīyadiśf. śākrīya
saṃvatsarakṛtyadidhitif. saṃvatsarakṛtya
sūryadigrahaprītyarthadānan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tṛtīyadivasam. "3rd day", the day after to-morrow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vadhyadiṇḍimam. or n. (?) a drum beaten at the time of the execution of a criminal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedāntācāryadinacaryāf. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
yadi यदि ind. 1 If, in case (showing condition, and in this sense generally used with the potential mood, but sometimes also with the future or present tense; it is usually followed by तर्हि and sometimes by ततः, तदा, तद् or अत्र); प्राणैस्तपोभिरथवाभिमतं मदीयैः कृत्यं घटेत सुहृदो यदि तत् कृतं स्यात् ॥ Māl.1.9; वदसि यदि किंचिदपि दन्तरुचिकौमुदी हरति दरतिमिरमतिघोरम् Gīt.1; यत्ने कृते यदि न सिद्ध्यति कोत्र (= कस्तर्हि) दोषः H. Pr.31. -2 Whether, if; वद प्रदोषे स्फुटचन्द्रतारका विभावरी यद्यरुणाय कल्पते Ku.5.44. -3 Provided that, when. -4 If perchance, perhaps; यदि तावदेवं क्रियताम् 'perhaps you might do so'; पूर्वं स्पृष्टं यदि किल भवेदङ्गमेभिस्तवेति Me.17; Y.3.14 (यद्यपि means 'though', 'although'; Śi.16.82; यद्यप्येते न पश्यन्ति लोभोपहतचेतसः Bg.1.38; Ś.1.3. यदि वा or; यद्वा जयेम यदि वा नो जयेयुः Bg.2.6; Bh.2.83; or perhaps, or rather, and if necessary; oft. expressed by the reflexive pronoun; स्नेहं दयां च सौख्यं च यदि वा जानकीमपि । आराधनाय लोकानां मुञ्चतो नास्ति मे व्यथा ॥ U.1.12;4.5.).
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
yadi yád-i vā, cj. whether, x. 129, 7; or, or else, ibid. [yá-d-i if, rel. adv. + vā or].
Macdonell Search
4 results
adyadina m. the present day.
ayadi lc. when there is no &open;yad&close; (gr.).
kṣayadivasa m. day of the world's destruction; -paksha, m. fortnight of the moon's wane; -yukta, pp. ruined, fallen; -yukti, f. destruction, ruin; -rog-in, a. con sumptive: -i-tva, n. consumption.
tṛtīyadivasa m. third day: lc. the day after to-morrow; -½amsa, m. third; a. receiving a third as a share; â-samâsa, m. com pound dependent in the instrumental sense.
Bloomfield Vedic
4 results0 results90 results
yadi kartaṃ patitvā saṃśaśre AVś.4.12.7a.
yadi karmasu kāmyeṣu ChU.5.2.9a.
yadi kāḥ kālikād bhayam RVKh.7.55.5b.
yadi kāmād apakāmāt AVś.9.8.8a.
yadi kālikadūtasya RVKh.7.55.5a.
yadi klośam anu ṣvaṇi RV.6.46.14b.
yadi kṣitāyur yadi vā paretaḥ RV.10.161.2a; AVś.3.11.2a; 20.96.7a; AVP.1.62.2a.
yadi gāṃ yadi pūruṣam AVP.1.10.4b. See yady aśvaṃ etc.
yadi gādhānāṃ yadi nāvyānām AVP.2.19.1a.
yadi ghnanty apsarasaḥ AVP.7.11.3a.
yadi caturvṛṣo 'si sṛjāraso 'si AVś.5.16.4. See yaś caturvṛṣo 'si.
yadi cin nu tvā dhanā jayantam AVś.5.2.4a. P: yadi cin nu tvā Kauś.15.6. See iti cid dhi.
yadi jāgrad yadi svapan (VS.KS.śBṭB. svapne) AVś.6.115.2a; VS.20.16a; KS.38.5a; śB.; TB. See yadi svapan.
yadi te mana udyutam AVś.6.111.2b. Cf. yat ta etan mana.
yadi trivṛṣo 'si sṛjāraso 'si AVś.5.16.3. See yas trivṛṣo 'si.
yadi tvam atra (Vait. tvaṃ tatra) manasā jagantha VS.23.49b; Aś.10.9.2b; śś.16.6.1b; Vait.37.1b. See yad-yat tvam.
yadi dakṣiṇato vadāt TA.4.32.1c.
yadi daśavṛṣo 'si sṛjāraso 'si AVś.5.16.10. See yo daśavṛṣo 'si.
yadi divaṃ devatā vā jagantha AVP.6.22.12b.
yadi divā yadi naktam VS.20.15a; MS.3.11.10a: 157.5; KS.38.5a; śB.; TB.; 6.6.1a.
yadi devapariṣṭhitā AVP.11.1.1c.
yadi devā daivyenedṛg āra AVś.4.27.6b; AVP.4.35.6b.
yadi dvivṛṣo 'si sṛjāraso 'si AVś.5.16.2. See yo dvivṛṣo 'si.
yadi dhanvani nṛpatiḥ sakhā naḥ AVP.2.19.2b.
yadi navavṛṣo 'si sṛjāraso 'si AVś.5.16.9. See yadi navavṛṣo 'si.
yadi no gāṃ haṃsi AVś.1.16.4a. Cf. yadi haṃsy.
yadi pañcavṛṣo 'si sṛjāraso 'si AVś.5.16.5. See yaḥ pañcavṛṣo 'si.
yadi pavitre adhi mṛjyate hariḥ see yadī etc.
yadi pṛthivīṃ yady antarikṣam AVP.6.22.12a.
yadi pravṛddha satpate RV.8.12.8a.
yadi preyur devapurāḥ AVś.5.8.6a; 11.10.17a; AVP.7.18.8a.
yadi mām atimanyādhvai ApMB.2.22.10a (ApG.8.23.7). See yad iti.
yadi mṛtyor antikaṃ nīta eva RV.10.161.2b; AVś.3.11.2b; 20.96.7b; AVP.1.62.2b.
yadi me rāraṇaḥ sute RV.8.32.6a.
yadi me śṛṇavad dhavam RV.8.61.10b.
yadi me sakhyam āvaraḥ RV.8.13.21a.
yadi yajño yajñapateḥ svargaḥ AVP.2.57.1c.
yadi yatsu yadi dhṛtyām AVP.2.19.3a.
yadi yāmunam ucyase AVś.4.9.10b; AVP.8.3.10b.
yadi yuddhaṃ yady ṛtitaṃ vo asti AVP.10.4.4a.
yadi vajro visṛṣṭas tvāra kāṭāt AVP.4.15.6a.
yadi varuṇasyāsi rājño varuṇāt tvā rājño 'dhikrīṇāmi Kauś.33.7. See yadi vāruṇy, and yady asi vāruṇī.
yadi vā idam ājahruḥ AVP.2.64.5a.
yadi vā gha kṣetriyāt AVP.2.4.2a. See yadi stha kṣetriyāṇām.
yadi vā dadhe yadi vā na RV.10.129.7b; MS.4.12.1b: 179.1; TB.
yadi vā nadyas tiraḥ AVś.7.38.5b; AVP.2.79.5b; 3.29.6b.
yadi vā puruṣeṣitāḥ (AVP.9.3.8a, -tāt) AVś.2.14.5b; AVP.2.4.2b; 9.3.8a.
yadi vā puruṣaiḥ kṛtā AVś.5.14.7b. Cf. yā vā manuṣyajā.
yadi vāyus tatapa pūruṣasya RV.7.104.15b; AVś.8.4.15b.
yadi vā rājño varuṇasyāsi putraḥ AVś.1.25.3b. Cf. rudrasya prāṇo yadi.
yadi vāruṇy asi varuṇāt tvā niṣkrīṇāmi ApG.3.9.5. See next, and under yadi varuṇasyāsi.
yadi vāruṇy asi varuṇāya tvā parikrīṇāmy ahaṃ tataḥ, vasubhyo 'thavā rudrebhya ādityebhyo 'thavā punaḥ Rvidh.4.11.4. Metrical. See under prec.
yadi vāśmā prahṛto jaghāna AVś.4.12.7b.
yadi vāsi tirojanam (AVP.2.79.5a, tiro janam) AVś.7.38.5a; AVP.2.79.5a; 3.29.6a.
yadi vāsi traikakudam AVś.4.9.10a; AVP.8.3.10a.
yadi vāsi devakṛtā AVś.5.14.7a. Cf. yā kṛtye devakṛtā.
yadi vāsi nyarbudam AVś.13.4.45b.
yadi vāsi rataḥ puruṣantikāme AVP.4.14.2b.
yadi vāsi saktaḥ puruṣasya māṃse AVP.4.14.6b.
yadi vāham anṛtadeva āsa (AVś. -devo asmi) RV.7.104.14a; AVś.8.4.14a. Cf. BṛhD.6.30.
yadi vīro anu ṣyāt SV.1.82a.
yadi vṛkṣād abhyapaptat (HG. vṛkṣāgrād abhyapatat) phalam (AVś. phalaṃ tat) AVś.6.124.2a; HG.1.16.7c. See next.
yadi vṛkṣād yady antarikṣāt ApMB.2.22.11a (ApG.8.23.8). See prec.
yadi vṛkṣeṣu yadi volapeṣu AVś.7.66.1b.
yadi vetthāsato gṛhān TA.1.8.5d.
yadi śīrṇaṃ yadi dyuttam AVP.4.15.5a. See yat te riṣṭaṃ.
yadi śoko yadi vābhiśokaḥ (AVP. yady abhīśokaḥ) AVś.1.25.3a; AVP.1.32.2a.
yadi śrāto (AVś. śrātaṃ) juhotana RV.10.179.1c; AVś.7.72.1c; Apś.13.3.4; Mś.4.5.4.
yadi ṣaḍvṛṣo 'si sṛjāraso 'si AVś.5.16.6. See yaḥ ṣaḍvṛṣo 'si.
yadi saptavṛṣo 'si sṛjāraso 'si AVś.5.16.7. See yaḥ saptavṛṣo 'si.
yadi samityāṃ nṛpatiḥ sakhā naḥ AVP.2.19.3b.
yadi sūrya udite yadi vā manuṣyavat AVP.2.23.2c.
yadi somasyāsi rājñaḥ somāt tvā rājño 'dhikrīṇāmi Kauś.33.7. See next, and yady asi saumī.
yadi saumy asi somāt tvā niṣkrīṇāmi (Rvidh. somāya tvā parikrīṇāmy oṣadhim) ApG.3.9.5; Rvidh.4.11.4. See under prec.
yadi stutaṃ yadi vādya suṣṭutam Lś.2.1.6a.
yadi stutasya maruto adhītha RV.7.56.15a.
yadi stotāraḥ śataṃ yat sahasram RV.6.34.3c.
yadi stotur maghavā śṛṇavad dhavam RV.8.33.9c; AVś.20.53.3c; 57.13c; SV.2.1048c.
yadi stomaṃ mama śravat RV.8.1.15a.
yadi strī yadi vā pumān AVś.5.14.6a; AVP.7.1.12a.
yadi stha kṣetriyāṇām AVś.2.14.5a. See yadi vā gha kṣetriyāt.
yadi stha tamasāvṛtāḥ AVś.10.1.30a.
yadi stha dasyubhyo jātāḥ AVś.2.14.5c; AVP.2.4.2c.
yadi svapan yadi jāgrat MS.3.11.10a: 157.3. See yadi jāgrad.
yadi haṃsy aśvam AVP.1.10.4a. Cf. yadi no gāṃ.
yadi hanat kathaṃ hanat AVś.20.132.10. See yad īṃ hanat, and leliṃ.
yadi hutāṃ yady ahutām AVś.12.4.53a.
abhibhūḥsauryadivyānāṃ sarpāṇām adhipataye svāhā (also adhipate 'vanenikṣva, adhipata eṣa te baliḥ, and adhipate pralikhasva) # PG.2.14.9,12,14,16.
āgneyadigadhipataye 'gnaye namaḥ # Mś.
nairṛtyadigadhipataye nirṛtaye namaḥ # Mś.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"yadi" has 18 results
jinendrabuddhia reputed Buddhist Grammarian of the eighth century who wrote a scholarly commentary on the Kasikavrtti ofJayaditya and Vamana. The commentary is called न्यास or काशिकाविवरणपञ्जिका and the writer is referred to as न्यासकार in many later grammar works Some scholars identify him with पूज्यपाददेवनन्दिन् the writer of the जैनेन्द्रव्याकरण, but this is not possible as पूज्यपाददेवनन्दिन् was a Jain Grammarian who flourished much earlier.
dākṣāyaṇaname, by which व्याडि, the author of the grammar work संग्रह is referred to. The word दाक्षायण indicates that व्याडि was a descendant of दक्ष, and, as Panini is called दाक्षीपुत्र, critics say that Panini and Vyadi were relatives; confer, compare शोभना खलु दाक्षायणस्य दाक्षायणेन वा संग्रहस्य कृतिः Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. II.3.66.
dākṣāyaṇaname, by which व्याडि, the author of the grammar work संग्रह is referred to. The word दाक्षायण indicates that व्याडि was a descendant of दक्ष, and, as Panini is called दाक्षीपुत्र, critics say that Panini and Vyadi were relatives; confer, compare शोभना खलु दाक्षायणस्य दाक्षायणेन वा संग्रहस्य कृतिः Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. II.3.66.
dṛṣṭaseen in use in Vedic Literature, or Classical Literature, or in the talk of cultured people; said in connection with words which a grammarian tries to explain; confer, compare दृष्टानुविधिश्छन्दसि भवति' Vyadi Pari. Patha 68.
nimitta(1)the formal cause of a grammatical operation; confer, compare निमित्ताभावे नैमित्तिकस्याप्यभाव; given as a Paribhasa by many grammarians like Vyadi, Siradeva and others; confer, compare also प्रकृत्युपपदोपाधयो निमित्तं प्रत्ययेा निमित्ती M.Bh. on III.1.1 Vart. 2; (2) distinguishing sign यः प्रेक्षापूर्वकारी भवति स: अध्रुवेण निमित्तेन ध्रुवं निमित्तमुपादत्ते वेदिकां पुण्डरीकं वा, M.Bh. on I.1.26 Vart.5.
paribhāṣāan authoritative statement or dictum, helping (1) the correct interpretation of the rules (sūtras) of grammar, or (2) the removal of conflict between two rules which occur simultaneously in the process of the formation of words, (पदसिद्धि), or (3) the formation of correct words. Various definitions of the word परिभाषा are given by commentators, the prominent ones beingपरितो व्यापृतां भाषां परिभाषां प्रचक्षते(न्यास);or, परितो भाष्यते या सा परिभाषा प्रकीर्तिता. The word is also defined as विधौ नियामकरिणी परिभाषा ( दुर्गसिंहवृत्ति ). परिभाषा can also be briefiy defined as the convention of a standard author. Purusottamadeva applies the word परिभाषा to the maxims of standard writers, confer, compare परिभाषा हिं न पाणिनीयानि वचनानि; Puru. Pari. 119; while Haribhaskara at the end of his treatise परिभाषाभास्कर, states that Vyaadi was the first writer on Paribhaasas. The rules तस्मिन्निति निर्दिष्टे पूर्वस्य, तस्मादित्युत्तरस्य and others are in fact Paribhaasa rules laid down by Panini. For the difference between परिभाषा and अधिकार, see Mahabhasya on II.1.1. Many times the writers of Sutras lay down certain conventions for the proper interpretation of their rules, to which additions are made in course of time according to necessities that arise, by commentators. In the different systems of grammar there are different collections of Paribhasas. In Panini's system, apart from commentaries thereon, there are independent collections of Paribhasas by Vyadi, Bhojadeva, Purusottamadeva, Siradeva, Nilakantha, Haribhaskara, Nagesa and a few others. There are independent collections of Paribhasas in the Katantra, Candra, Sakatayana,Jainendra and Hemacandra systems of grammar. It is a noticeable fact that many Paribhasas are common, with their wordings quite similar or sometimes identical in the different systemanuscript. Generally the collections of Paribhasas have got scholiums or commentaries by recognised grammarians, which in their turn have sometimes other glosses or commentaries upon them. The Paribhaasendusekhara of Nagesa is an authoritative work of an outstanding merit in the system of Paninis Grammar, which is commented upon by more than twenty five scholars during the last two or three centuries. The total number of Paribhasas in the diferent systems of grammar may wellnigh exceed 500. See परिभाषासंग्रह.
paribhāṣāvṛttia general name given to an explanatory independent work on Paribhasas of the type of a gloss on a collection of Paribhasas,irrespective of the system of grammar, whether it be that of Panini, or of Katantra, or of Jainendra or of Hemacandra. The treatises of Vyadi (Panini system), Durgasimha and BhavamiSra (Katantra system), Purusottamadeva and Siradeva (Panini system), Abhyankar (Jainendra system) and others are all known by the name Paribhasavritti.
paribhāṣāsegraha'a work containing a collection of independent works on Paribhasas in the several systems of Sanskrit Grammar, compiled by M. M. K. V. Abhyankar. The collectlon consists of the following works (i) परिभाषासूचन containing 93 Paribhasas with a commentary by Vyadi, an ancient grammarian who lived before Patanjali; ( ii ) ब्याडीयपरिभाषापाठ, a bare text of 140 Paribhaasaas belonging to the school of Vyadi (iii) शाकटायनपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 98 Paribhasa aphorisms, attributed to the ancient grammarian Saka-tayana, or belonging to that school; [iv) चान्द्रपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 86 Paribhasa aphorisms given at the end of his grammar work by Candragomin; (v) कातन्त्रपरिभाषासूत्रवृत्ति a gloss on 65 Paribhas aphorisms of the Katantra school by Durgasimha; (vi) कातन्त्रपारभाषासूत्रवृत्ति a short gloss on 62 Paribhasa aphorisms of the Katantra school by Bhavamisra; (vii) कातन्त्रपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 96 Paribhasa rules belonging to the Katantra school without any author's name associated with it; (viii) कालापपरिभाषासूत्र a text of 118 Paribhasa rules belonging to the Kalapa school without any author's name associated with it; (ix) जैनेन्द्रपरिभाषावृत्ति a gloss written by M. M. K. V. Abhyankar ( the compiler of the collection), on 108 Paribhasas or maxims noticeable in the Mahavrtti of Abhayanandin on the Jainendra Vyakarana of Pujyapada Devanandin; (x) भोजदेवकृतपरि-भाषासूत्र a text of 118 Paribhasa rules given by Bhoja in the second pada of the first adhyaaya of his grammar work named Sarasvatikanthabharana; (xi) न्यायसंग्रह a bare text of 140 paribhasas(which are called by the name nyaya) given by Hema-hamsagani in his named न्यायसंग्रह; (xii) लधुपरिभाषावृत्ति a gloss on 120 Paribhasas of the Panini school written by Puruso-ttamadeva; (xiii) वृहत्परिभाषावृत्ति con-taining 130 Paribhasas with a commentary by Siradeva and a very short,gloss on the commentary by Srimanasarman ( xiv ) परिभाषावृत्ति a short gloss on 140 Paribhasas of the Panini school written by Nilakantha; (xv) परिभाषाभास्कर a collection of 132 Paribhasas with a commentary by Haribhaskara Agnihotri; (xvi) bare text of Paribhasa given and explained by Nagesabhatta in his Paribhasendusekhara. The total number of Paribhasas mentioned and treated in the whole collection exceeds five hundredition
pratyākhyānapakṣaan alternative which proposes the rejection of something such as a rule or its part; confer, compare यदि प्रत्याख्यान पक्षः इदमपि प्रत्याख्यायते Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on Siva Sutra 4; cf also अदीवयुरिति पदकारस्च प्रत्याख्यानपक्षे उदाहरणमुपपन्नं भवति Vyadi Pari. 42.
pradhānaśiṣṭaprominently mentioned as opposed to अन्वाचयशिष्टः confer, compare कर्तुः क्यङ् सलोपश्च । प्रधानशिष्टः क्यङ् अन्वाचयशिष्टः सलोपः Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on III.1. 11; confer, compare also प्रधानान्वाचयशिष्टयोः प्रधाने संप्रत्ययः Vyadi Pari. 67.
pradhvaṃsindisappearing; confer, compare उच्चरितप्रध्वंसिनोनुबन्धाः Vyadi Pari. ll.
bhaktaforming a part or portion (of something in connection with which it has been prescribed as an augment) confer, compare तद्भक्तस्तद्ग्रहणेन गृह्यते Vyadi Pari. 17; confer, compare also अामः सुडयं भक्त: अाम्ग्रहणेन ग्राहृष्यते Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). on P. VII. 1.33.
vākyakāraa term used for a writer who composes a work in pithy, brief assertions in the manner of sutras, such as the Varttikas. The term is found used in Bhartrhari's Mahabhasyadipika where by contrast with the term Bhasyakara it possibly refers to the varttikakara Katyayana; confer, compare एषा भाष्यकारस्य कल्पना न वाक्यकारस्य Bhartrhari Mahabhasyadipika. confer, compare also Nagesa's statement वाक्यकारो वार्तिकरमारभते: confer, compare also चुलुम्पादयो वाक्यकारीया ; Madhaviya Dhatuvrtti.
vikṛtichange, modification as different from the original which is called प्रकृतिः confer, compareप्रकृतिरुपादानकारणं । तस्यैव उत्तरमवस्थान्तरं विकृतिः Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.V.I.12. विकृतिवल्ली a work on the modified recital of the Veda words, or पदपाठविकृति, ascribed to Vyadi who is believed to have been a pupil of वर्ष.
byāḍiname of an ancient grammarian with a sound scholarship in Vedic phonetics, accentuation,derivation of words and their interpretation. He is believed to have been a relative and contemporary of Panini and to have written a very scholarly vast volume on Sanskrit grammar named *Samgraha which is believed to have consisted of a lac of verses; confer, compare संग्रहो व्याडिकृतो लक्षसंख्ये ग्रन्थ: NageSa's Uddyota; confer, compare also इह पुरा पाणिनीये अस्मिन्व्याकरणे ब्याड्युपरचितं लक्षग्रन्थपरिमाणं निबन्धनमासीत् Vākyapadīya of Bhartṛhari. Tika. The work is not available at present. References to Vyadi or to his work are found in the Pratisakhya works, the Mahabhasya, the Varttikas, the Vakyapadiya and many subsequent treatises. A work on the Vyakarana Paribhasas, believed to have been written by Vyadi, is available by the name परिभाषासूचन which from its style and other peculiarities seems to have been written after the Varttikas, but before the Mahabhasya. Vyadi is well-known to have been the oldest exponent of the doctrine that words denote an individual object and not the genus. For details see pp. 136-8, Vol. 7 Vyakarana Mahabhasya DE. Society's Edition.
vyāḍīyaname given to the pupils and students belonging to the school of Vyadi; confer, compare M.Bh, on P.VI.2.36.
saṃgrahaname of a very vast work on grammar attributed to an ancient grammarian Vyadi who is supposed to have been a relative of Panini; confer, compare सेग्रहेस्तमुपागते Bhartrhari's Vakyapadiya confer, compare also संग्रहप्रतिकञ्चुके: confer, compare संग्रहो नाम लक्षश्लोकात्मको त्याडिकृतो ग्रन्थः । Some quotations only are found from the Samgraha in grammar works, but the work is lost long ago.
saṃjñāpūrvakaan operation with respect to which a technical term has been expressly mentioned: confer, compare संज्ञापूर्वको विधिरनित्यः, Par. Sek. Pari. 93.1: Vyadi Pari. 53.
Vedabase Search
444 results
yadi althoughCC Antya 1.178
CC Madhya 19.201
CC Madhya 4.208
CC Madhya 8.51-52
SB 1.11.33
yadi becauseSB 11.4.10
yadi even ifBG 1.45
yadi howeverSB 2.2.22
yadi ifBG 1.37-38
BG 11.12
BG 11.4
BG 2.6
BG 3.23
BG 6.32
CC Adi 1.69-70
CC Adi 10.20
CC Adi 13.45
CC Adi 14.58
CC Adi 14.88
CC Adi 16.35
CC Adi 16.39
CC Adi 16.47
CC Adi 16.69
CC Adi 16.84
CC Adi 17.128
CC Adi 17.160
CC Adi 17.176
CC Adi 17.185
CC Adi 17.256
CC Adi 17.280
CC Adi 17.311
CC Adi 17.57-58
yadi ifCC Adi 17.57-58
CC Adi 2.84
CC Adi 3.56
CC Adi 3.93
CC Adi 3.99
CC Adi 4.135
CC Adi 4.144
CC Adi 4.145
CC Adi 4.249
CC Adi 4.253
CC Adi 4.26
CC Adi 4.44
CC Adi 5.224
CC Adi 6.58-59
CC Adi 7.102
CC Adi 7.127
CC Adi 7.143
CC Adi 7.54
CC Adi 8.14
CC Adi 8.16
CC Adi 8.29-30
yadi ifCC Adi 8.29-30
CC Adi 8.38
CC Adi 9.7
CC Antya 1.146
CC Antya 11.35
CC Antya 11.41
CC Antya 14.106
CC Antya 16.125
CC Antya 16.127
CC Antya 16.146
CC Antya 16.22
CC Antya 18.14
CC Antya 18.56
CC Antya 19.49
CC Antya 2.24-25
CC Antya 20.52
CC Antya 3.198
CC Antya 3.199
CC Antya 4.10
CC Antya 4.180
CC Antya 4.47
CC Antya 4.55
CC Antya 5.10
CC Antya 5.100
CC Antya 5.35-36
CC Antya 5.52
CC Antya 5.97
CC Antya 6.235
CC Antya 6.256
CC Antya 7.110-111
CC Antya 7.138
CC Antya 7.81
CC Antya 7.94
CC Antya 8.41
CC Antya 8.88
CC Antya 8.89
CC Antya 8.90-91
CC Antya 9.43
CC Antya 9.65
CC Antya 9.94
CC Antya 9.95
CC Madhya 1.200
CC Madhya 1.203
CC Madhya 1.82
CC Madhya 10.114
CC Madhya 10.152
CC Madhya 10.180
CC Madhya 11.166
CC Madhya 11.3
CC Madhya 11.43
CC Madhya 11.49
CC Madhya 12.10
CC Madhya 12.14
CC Madhya 12.33
CC Madhya 12.34
CC Madhya 12.5
CC Madhya 12.55
CC Madhya 13.118
CC Madhya 13.137
CC Madhya 14.166
CC Madhya 14.171
CC Madhya 14.172
CC Madhya 14.185
CC Madhya 14.190
CC Madhya 14.193
CC Madhya 14.202
CC Madhya 15.173
CC Madhya 15.174
CC Madhya 15.178
CC Madhya 15.197
CC Madhya 15.262
CC Madhya 16.141
yadi ifCC Madhya 16.141
CC Madhya 16.172
CC Madhya 16.177
CC Madhya 16.188
CC Madhya 17.10
CC Madhya 17.18
CC Madhya 17.4
CC Madhya 17.6
CC Madhya 18.142
CC Madhya 18.145
CC Madhya 18.174
CC Madhya 19.124
CC Madhya 19.14
CC Madhya 19.143
CC Madhya 19.156
CC Madhya 19.158
CC Madhya 19.175
CC Madhya 19.180
CC Madhya 19.56
CC Madhya 2.38
CC Madhya 2.43
CC Madhya 2.85
CC Madhya 2.86
CC Madhya 2.89
yadi ifCC Madhya 2.89
CC Madhya 2.92
CC Madhya 20.10-11
CC Madhya 20.101
CC Madhya 20.120
CC Madhya 20.132
CC Madhya 20.171
CC Madhya 20.305
CC Madhya 20.386
CC Madhya 20.6
CC Madhya 20.77
CC Madhya 21.134
CC Madhya 22.14-15
CC Madhya 22.143
CC Madhya 22.26
CC Madhya 22.33
CC Madhya 22.35
CC Madhya 22.37
CC Madhya 22.47
CC Madhya 22.49
CC Madhya 22.60
CC Madhya 22.97
CC Madhya 23.122
CC Madhya 24.148
CC Madhya 24.190
CC Madhya 24.194
CC Madhya 24.241
CC Madhya 24.243
CC Madhya 24.310
CC Madhya 24.326
yadi ifCC Madhya 24.326
CC Madhya 24.8
CC Madhya 24.82
CC Madhya 24.91
CC Madhya 25.192
CC Madhya 25.76
CC Madhya 25.81
CC Madhya 25.9
CC Madhya 25.93
CC Madhya 3.100
CC Madhya 3.181
yadi ifCC Madhya 3.181
CC Madhya 3.182
CC Madhya 3.73
CC Madhya 4.120
CC Madhya 4.6
CC Madhya 5.105
CC Madhya 5.115
CC Madhya 5.127
CC Madhya 5.31
CC Madhya 5.33
CC Madhya 5.45
CC Madhya 5.56
CC Madhya 5.75
CC Madhya 5.77-78
CC Madhya 5.93
CC Madhya 5.94
yadi ifCC Madhya 5.94
CC Madhya 6.235
CC Madhya 6.267
CC Madhya 6.76
CC Madhya 7.22
CC Madhya 7.48
CC Madhya 8.103
CC Madhya 8.210
CC Madhya 8.294
CC Madhya 8.70
CC Madhya 8.96
MM 51
SB 1.12.3
SB 1.2.8
SB 1.5.17
SB 10.1.48
SB 10.11.29
SB 10.12.6
SB 10.15.26
SB 10.17.11
SB 10.22.16
SB 10.23.7
SB 10.24.30
SB 10.36.32
SB 10.41.36
SB 10.50.18
SB 10.50.47
SB 10.51.30
SB 10.52.40
SB 10.53.18-19
SB 10.55.32
SB 10.58.36
SB 10.62.16
SB 10.65.14
SB 10.66.20
SB 10.68.4
SB 10.72.28
SB 10.72.4
SB 10.77.17-18
SB 10.78.31-32
SB 10.8.36
SB 10.87.17
SB 10.87.29
SB 10.87.30
SB 10.87.39
SB 10.88.30
SB 10.88.33
SB 10.88.34
SB 11.10.19
SB 11.10.22
SB 11.10.27-29
SB 11.11.18
SB 11.11.22
SB 11.13.22
SB 11.13.35
SB 11.17.31
SB 11.2.31
SB 11.20.10
SB 11.20.25
SB 11.20.32-33
SB 11.21.29-30
SB 11.23.29
SB 11.23.51
SB 11.23.52
yadi ifSB 11.23.52
SB 11.28.32
SB 11.6.26-27
SB 11.6.30
SB 11.8.3
SB 12.4.30
SB 3.15.49
yadi ifSB 3.15.49
yadi ifSB 3.15.49
SB 3.16.23
SB 3.31.32
SB 4.14.12
SB 4.18.9-10
SB 4.20.30
SB 4.20.4
SB 4.26.15
SB 4.29.1b
SB 4.29.56
SB 4.3.16
SB 4.3.25
SB 4.3.8
SB 4.7.29
SB 4.8.13
SB 4.8.19
SB 5.10.9
yadi ifSB 5.10.9
SB 5.14.24
SB 5.18.10
SB 5.18.13
SB 5.19.28
SB 5.22.14
SB 5.22.15
SB 5.25.11
SB 6.1.38
SB 6.10.32
SB 6.10.6
SB 6.11.18
SB 6.11.5
SB 6.18.37
SB 6.18.45
SB 6.18.70
SB 6.19.9
SB 6.2.3
SB 6.3.10
SB 6.3.26
SB 6.3.5
SB 6.5.40
SB 6.7.25
SB 6.9.49
SB 7.10.7
SB 7.12.13-14
SB 7.12.5
SB 7.13.2
SB 7.15.28
SB 7.15.36
SB 7.3.35
SB 7.3.7
SB 7.7.17
SB 7.8.12
SB 8.16.26
SB 8.16.7
SB 8.21.24
SB 8.22.2
SB 8.22.26
SB 8.9.12
SB 9.13.8
SB 9.20.14
SB 9.5.10
SB 9.5.11
SB 9.7.9
SB 9.9.19
SB 9.9.32
yadi if it is actually a factSB 10.8.35
yadi if oneCC Antya 5.96
yadi if such surrenderSB 2.7.42
yadi if, howeverSB 1.16.5
SB 1.3.34
yadi of courseCC Adi 8.18
yadi perhapsSB 10.64.10
yadi providedSB 2.7.46
yadi thoughCC Adi 4.119-120
CC Madhya 1.249
yadi whenCC Adi 16.42
CC Adi 8.75
CC Adi 9.47
CC Antya 1.119
CC Antya 1.131
CC Antya 10.107
CC Antya 10.129
CC Antya 10.83-84
CC Antya 13.109
CC Antya 14.33
CC Antya 15.89
CC Antya 16.31
CC Antya 16.40
CC Antya 16.7
CC Antya 16.92
CC Antya 2.133
CC Antya 2.142
CC Antya 2.163
CC Antya 6.101
CC Antya 6.22
CC Antya 6.59
CC Antya 7.147
CC Antya 7.153-154
CC Antya 9.148
CC Antya 9.45
CC Antya 9.63
CC Madhya 12.134
CC Madhya 15.247
CC Madhya 16.216
CC Madhya 16.231
CC Madhya 17.181
CC Madhya 17.192
CC Madhya 17.48-49
CC Madhya 25.173
CC Madhya 25.178
CC Madhya 25.197
CC Madhya 25.222
CC Madhya 25.5
CC Madhya 7.119
yadi whetherSB 10.1.48
yadi ājñā haya if you kindly give me permissionCC Madhya 11.19
yadi ājñā haya if you kindly give me permissionCC Madhya 11.19
yadi ājñā haya if you kindly give me permissionCC Madhya 11.19
yadi api althoughSB 10.40.9
yadi api althoughSB 10.40.9
SB 10.61.23
yadi api althoughSB 10.61.23
SB 11.22.26
yadi api althoughSB 11.22.26
SB 6.2.47-48
yadi api althoughSB 6.2.47-48
yadi dhara if you acceptCC Madhya 24.255
yadi dhara if you acceptCC Madhya 24.255
yadi kaha if you speakCC Antya 2.125
yadi kaha if you speakCC Antya 2.125
yadi manyase if You think it properSB 6.9.40
yadi manyase if You think it properSB 6.9.40
yadi if somehow or otherCC Antya 9.79
yadi if somehow or otherCC Antya 9.79
ājñā deha yadi if you orderCC Antya 9.28
khāya yadi anna-pāne if one eats only ordinary food grainsCC Madhya 25.278
cāha yadi if you wantCC Madhya 24.245
ājñā deha yadi if you orderCC Antya 9.28
ḍubena yadi if He drownsCC Madhya 18.140
ebe yadi yāi if we go just nowCC Madhya 18.150
śraddhā yadi haya if there is faithCC Madhya 23.9
kaha yadi if you speakCC Madhya 11.12
kaha yadi if You speakCC Madhya 24.6
pāka yadi kare if engaged in cookingCC Madhya 15.226
khāya yadi anna-pāne if one eats only ordinary food grainsCC Madhya 25.278
tora yadi lāg pāiye if I get the opportunity to meet youCC Antya 19.46
se yadi nājāne if they do not knowCC Adi 4.236
tora yadi lāg pāiye if I get the opportunity to meet youCC Antya 19.46
pāka yadi kare if engaged in cookingCC Madhya 15.226
khāya yadi anna-pāne if one eats only ordinary food grainsCC Madhya 25.278
se yadi nājāne if they do not knowCC Adi 4.236
śraddhā yadi haya if there is faithCC Madhya 23.9
tora yadi lāg pāiye if I get the opportunity to meet youCC Antya 19.46
varṇe yadi if describesCC Antya 17.64
se yadi nājāne if they do not knowCC Adi 4.236
kaha yadi if you speakCC Madhya 11.12
pāka yadi kare if engaged in cookingCC Madhya 15.226
ḍubena yadi if He drownsCC Madhya 18.140
ebe yadi yāi if we go just nowCC Madhya 18.150
śraddhā yadi haya if there is faithCC Madhya 23.9
kaha yadi if You speakCC Madhya 24.6
cāha yadi if you wantCC Madhya 24.245
khāya yadi anna-pāne if one eats only ordinary food grainsCC Madhya 25.278
ājñā deha yadi if you orderCC Antya 9.28
varṇe yadi if describesCC Antya 17.64
tora yadi lāg pāiye if I get the opportunity to meet youCC Antya 19.46
ebe yadi yāi if we go just nowCC Madhya 18.150
1 result
yadi indeclinable if (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
in case that (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 88/72933
Wordnet Search
"yadi" has 6 results.


yadi, cet   

samayataḥ niyamataḥ vā।

yadi tvaṃ svakāryaṃ samaye eva kariṣyasi tarhi ahaṃ tvāṃ mayā saha bhramaṇārthaṃ neṣyāmi।


anyedyuḥ, divasāntare, anyasmin ahani, anyadine   

anyasmin dine।

anyedyuḥ kartavyam etad। / anyedyuḥ ātmānucarasya bhāvaṃ jijñāsamānā munihomadhenuḥ। [raghu.2.26]



katāradeśe pracalitā mudrā।

śatāḥ katāradeśīyadiremāḥ iti ekaṃ katārīyariyālam।



saṃyukta-araba-amirātadeśe pracalitā mudrā।

ekā saṃyukta-araba-amirātadeśīyadirema dvādaśaiḥ bhāratīyaiḥ rupyakaiḥ tulyā।



morokkodeśe pracalitā mudrā।

ekā morakkodeśīya-direma kanaḍādeśasya prāyaḥ aṣṭaiḥ ḍālaraiḥ tulyā।


vadhyadiṇḍimaḥ, vadhadiṇḍimam   

prācīne kāle vartamānaḥ paṭahaviśeṣaḥ yaḥ prāṇadaṇḍasya anuṣṭhānasamaye vādayate sma।

vadhyadiṇḍimasya dhvaniṃ śrutvā janeṣu bhayam utpadyate sma।

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