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Monier-Williams Search
15 results for vyavasita
vyavasitamfn. finished, ended, done View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyavasitamfn. decided, determined, resolved, undertaken (also n. impersonal or used impersonally;with dative case or infinitive mood) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyavasitamfn. one who has resolved upon or is determined or willing to (locative case, dative case,or infinitive mood) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyavasitamfn. settled, ascertained, known (n. impersonal or used impersonally), convinced or sure of anything (with samyak-,"one who has ascertained what is right";with accusative,"one who has acknowledged anything as true") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyavasitamfn. deceived, tricked, cheated, disappointed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyavasitamfn. energetic, persevering, making effort or exertion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyavasitan. resolution, determination View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyavasitan. an artifice, contrivance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyavasitavaseyan. (impersonal or used impersonally) it is to be settled or determined View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyavasitavasitif. ascertainment, determination, resolution View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avyavasitamfn. idem or 'mfn. inactive, negligent, remiss ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caturvyavasitayamakan. a kind of yamaka- (in which the four quarters of a stanza are homophonous), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durvyavasitan. an evil intention View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samyagvyavasitamfn. firmly resolved View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāvyavasitamind. as has been determined View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
vyavasita व्यवसित p. p. 1 Endeavoured, attempted; स्वजनमनु- गन्तुं व्यवसिता Ś.6.9. -2 Undertaken. -3 Resolved, determined, settled. -4 Devised, planned. -5 Endeavouring, resolving. -6 Persevering, energetic. -7 Cheated, deceived. -8 Convinced, sure (of anything); सम्यग्व्यवसिता बुद्धिस्तव राजर्षिसत्तम Bhāg.1.1.15. -तम् Ascertainment, determination; यत्ते व्यवसितं तात तदस्माकमपि प्रियम् Mb.6.119.37. -2 An artifice, contrivance.
Macdonell Search
1 result
durvaca a. ill-spoken, abusive (word); hard to answer; -vakana, n. pl. hard words, abuse (Pr.); -vakas, n. id.; stupid words; a. abusive; hard to answer; -vanig, m. rogue of a merchant; -varna, m. bad colour; im purity; (-várna), a. having a bad colour or complexion; of low caste; n. silver; -vala, a. having a skin disease; -vasa, a. (n. it is) hard to dwell; hard to pass (time); -vasati, f. painful residence; a. hard to bear; -execute or accomplish; -vâk, f. abuse; a. abu sive; -vâkya, a. difficult to utter, harsh (words); n. abuse; ill-tidings; -vâda, m. blame, reproach; -vânta, pp. that has not fully vomited the blood it has sucked (leech); -vâra,a. hard to restrain or check; irresist ible; -vârana, a. id.; -vârttâ, f. ill-tidings; -vârya, fp. hard to restrain or check, irre sistible: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -vâla, a. bald-headed or red-haired or afflicted with skin disease; -vâsanâ, f.false notion; -v&asharp;sas, a. ill-clad; m. N. of an irascible Brâhman; -vâhita, n. heavy burden; -vikatthana, a. disagreeably boastful; -vikalpa, m. unjustifiable irresolution; -vigâha, a. hard to fathom or penetrate; profound; serious, critical; -vigâhya, fp. id.; -vikâra, m. ill-timed hesitation; a. very irresolute; -vigñâna, n. difficult ascer tainment; a. (á) hard to comprehend; -vi- gñeya, fp. hard to distinguish; -vidagdha, pp. perverse;-vidya, a. uneducated; -vidha, a. mean, base; -vidhi, m. evil destiny; -vi naya, m. imprudent behaviour; -vinîta, pp. ill-bred, ill-behaved: -ka, a. id.; -vipâka, m. ill-ripening, evil issue; a. having evil conse quences; -vibhâva, a. hard to comprehend; -vibhâvana, a. hard to perceive; -vibhâvya, fp. id.; indistinctly visible; hard to compre hend; -vilasita, n. wicked trick; -vivâha, m. blamable marriage; -vivekana, a. hard to judge rightly; -vishaha, a. hard to en dure or overcome; irresistible; hard to per form or accomplish; -vritta, n. bad or base conduct, baseness; a. ill-conducted, wicked; poor; m. wicked man; -vritti, f. distress, misery; baseness; -vyavasita, n. evil intent; -vyavasthâpa-ka, a. pronouncing a bad or unfavourable decision; -vyavahâra, m. bad decision of a suit; -vyavahriti, f. evil rumour; -vyasana, n. evil passion, vice; -vyâhrita, pp. ill-spoken; n. unsuitable utterance.
Vedabase Search
29 results
vyavasita determinedSB 11.8.43
vyavasita knownSB 5.1.7
vyavasita decidingSB 9.1.21
vyavasita deciding for certainSB 11.1.5
vyavasita determinedSB 9.6.41-42
vyavasita establishedSB 11.29.20
vyavasita fixedSB 8.3.1
vyavasita fixing his determinationSB 10.56.43
SB 10.81.38
vyavasita having arrived at the conclusionSB 4.17.13
vyavasita having firmly decidedSB 9.9.48
vyavasita situated in determinationBG 9.30
vyavasitam affirmed intentionSB 10.71.18
vyavasitam contemplationSB 4.12.33
vyavasitam determinationSB 1.13.37
SB 4.9.19
vyavasitam determinedSB 10.63.46
SB 10.72.7
SB 11.2.11
vyavasitam intentionSB 10.88.30
vyavasitam it was decidedSB 6.18.73
vyavasitam the actual conclusionSB 11.21.26
vyavasitam the fixed decisionSB 3.22.22
vyavasitam vowSB 6.18.71
vyavasitam your resolveSB 10.73.19
avyavasita-matīn who had lost all intelligence in the present situationSB 10.7.9
kṛta-vyavasita making certain of what to do (in giving his body to the demigods)SB 6.10.11
avyavasita-matīn who had lost all intelligence in the present situationSB 10.7.9
kṛta-vyavasita making certain of what to do (in giving his body to the demigods)SB 6.10.11
2 results
vyavasita noun (neuter) an artifice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
contrivance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
determination (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
resolution (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 17267/72933
avyavasita adjective remiss (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 45553/72933
Wordnet Search
"vyavasita" has 1 results.


adhiṣṭhita, adhyāsita, paryavasita, vyavasita   

kasmiñcit sthāne adhikakālaparyantaṃ yaḥ vasati।

amerikādeśe adhiṣṭhitaiḥ bhāratīyaiḥ bhāratadeśasya sahāyyaṃ karaṇīyam।

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