Word | Reference | Gender | Number | Synonyms | Definition |
niyamaḥ | 2.7.41 | Masculine | Singular | vratam | |
vallī | Feminine | Singular | vratatiḥ, latā | ||
vratatiḥ | 3.3.73 | Feminine | Singular | janma, sāmānyam | |
madhuvrataḥ | 2.5.31 | Masculine | Singular | bhramaraḥ, puṣpaliṭ, madhupaḥ, ṣaṭpadaḥ, dvirephaḥ, madhuliṭ, aliḥ, bhṛṅgaḥ, alī, madhukaraḥ | |
ekabrahmavratacāriṇaḥ | 2.7.13 | Masculine | Singular | ||
kṣatavrataḥ | 2.7.58 | Masculine | Singular | avakīrṇī |
vrata | n. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).;fr. | ||||||
vrata | n. obedience, service | ||||||
vrata | n. dominion, realm | ||||||
vrata | n. sphere of action, function, mode or, manner of life (exempli gratia, 'for example' śuci-vr-,"pure manner of life"), conduct, manner, usage, custom etc. | ||||||
vrata | n. a religious vow or practice, any pious observance, meritorious act of devotion or austerity, solemn vow, rule, holy practice (as fasting, continence etc.; vrat/aṃ- | ||||||
vrata | n. any vow or firm purpose, resolve to (dative case locative case,or compound; vratāt-or vrata-vaśāt-,"in consequence of a vow"; see asi-dhārā-vrata-and āsidhāraṃ vratam-) etc. | ||||||
vrata | n. the practice of always eating the same food (see madhu-vr-) | ||||||
vrata | n. the feeding only on milk (as a fast or observance according to rule;also the milk itself) | ||||||
vrata | n. any food (in a-yācita-vr- q.v) | ||||||
vrata | n. equals mahā-vrata- (id est a particular stotra-, and the day for it) ; | ||||||
vrata | n. (with genitive case or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') Name of sāman-s ( also"month";season;year;fire;"= viṣṇu-";"Name of one of the seven islands of antara-dvīpa-") | ||||||
vrata | m. (of unknown meaning) | ||||||
vrata | m. Name of a son of manu- and naḍvalā- | ||||||
vrata | m. (plural) Name of a country belonging to prācya- | ||||||
vrata | mfn. equals veda-vrata-, one who has taken the vow of learning the veda- (Scholiast or Commentator) | ||||||
vratabandhapaddhati | f. Name of work | ||||||
vratabhakṣaṇa | n. the feeding on vrata--milk (-kāle-) | ||||||
vratabhaṅga | m. the breaking of a vow | ||||||
vratabhaṅga | m. breaking of a promise | ||||||
vratabhikṣā | f. soliciting alms (as one of the ceremonies at investiture with the sacred thread) | ||||||
vratabhṛt | mfn. bearing the ordinance or oblation etc. (said of agni-) (see samāna-v-). | ||||||
vratacārin | mfn. vow-performing, engaged in any religious observance or practice ("in honour of" , with genitive case; vratacāritā ri-tā- f.) | ||||||
vratacāritā | f. vratacārin | ||||||
vratacaryā | f. the practice of any religious observance or vow etc. | ||||||
vratacarya | m. a religious student | ||||||
vratacārya | n. performance of vows, | ||||||
vratacūḍāmaṇi | m. Name of work | ||||||
vratadāna | n. the imposing of a vow | ||||||
vratadāna | n. a donation made in consequence of a vow | ||||||
vratadaṇḍin | mfn. bearing a staff in accordance with a vow | ||||||
vratadhara | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') See daiṇḍa--, nagna-v- etc. | ||||||
vratadhāraṇa | n. the fulfilling of a religious observance, fulfilling of duties towards (with genitive case or compound) | ||||||
vratadhārin | mfn. fulfilling a religious observance etc. (see mauna-v-). | ||||||
vratadugdha | n. vrata--milk | ||||||
vratadughā | ( ) ( ) f. a cow which gives the vrata--milk. | ||||||
vrataduh | ( ) f. a cow which gives the vrata--milk. | ||||||
vratagrahaṇa | n. the taking upon one's self of a religious vow, becoming a monk | ||||||
vratahāni | f. relinquishment of a religious observance or vow | ||||||
vrataka | n. a religious observance etc. (equals vrat/a-) | ||||||
vratakālanirṇaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
vratakālaviveka | m. Name of work | ||||||
vratakalpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
vratakalpadruma | m. Name of work | ||||||
vratakamalākara | m. Name of work | ||||||
vratakaumudī | f. Name of work | ||||||
vratakhaṇḍa | n. Name of work | ||||||
vratakośa | m. Name of work | ||||||
vratalopa | m. violation of a vow or religious obligation (see snātak/av-). | ||||||
vratalopana | n. idem or 'm. violation of a vow or religious obligation (see snātak/av-).' | ||||||
vratalupta | mf(ā-)n. one who has broken a vow | ||||||
vratamālā | f. Name of work | ||||||
vratamayūkha | m. Name of work | ||||||
vratamīmāṃsā | f. inquiry into or discussion about religious observances | ||||||
vratamiśra | mfn. mixed with vrata--milk | ||||||
vratanī | mfn. "obedient"or"bearing the vrata--milk" | ||||||
vratanimitta | mf(ā-)n. caused by a vow | ||||||
vratanirṇaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
vratapā | mfn. upholding or observing religious ordinances or duties | ||||||
vratapakṣa | m. dual number (with prajā-pater-) Name of two sāman-s | ||||||
vratapañjī | f. Name of work | ||||||
vratapāraṇa | n. ( etc.) () conclusion of a fast, the first eating or drinking after a fast. | ||||||
vratapāraṇā | f. () conclusion of a fast, the first eating or drinking after a fast. | ||||||
vratapati | m. (vrat/a--) "lord of religious observances"etc. | ||||||
vratapati | m. Name of agni- | ||||||
vratapatnī | f. mistress of religious observances etc. | ||||||
vrataprada | mfn. presenting the vrata--milk | ||||||
vratapradāna | n. the vessel wherein the vrata- is presented | ||||||
vratapradāna | n. the imposing of a vow | ||||||
vrataprakāśa | m. Name of work | ||||||
vratapratīṣṭhā | f. the performance of a voluntary religious act | ||||||
vratapratīṣṭhāprayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
vratapustaka | m. Name of work (?) | ||||||
vratarāja | m. Name of work | ||||||
vrataratnāvalī | f. Name of work | ||||||
vrataruci | mfn. delighting in religious observances, devout | ||||||
vratasahyādri | m. Name of work | ||||||
vratasamāpana | mf(ī-)n. concluding a religious observance | ||||||
vratasamāyana | wrong reading for prec. | ||||||
vratasaṃgraha | m. the undertaking of any religious obligation | ||||||
vratasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
vratasampādana | n. fulfilling a religious obligation or vow | ||||||
vratasampāta | m. Name of work | ||||||
vratasaṃrakṣaṇa | n. the keeping of a vow or penance | ||||||
vrataśānti | f. (with nānā-vidhā-,) Name of work | ||||||
vratasāra | m. Name of work | ||||||
vrataśayyāgṛha | n. a sleeping-room set apart for the fulfilling of a religious vow or observance | ||||||
vrataśeṣa | m. the remainder of a religious obs | ||||||
vratasnāna | n. bathing after the completing of a vow | ||||||
vratasnāta | mfn. one who has bathed after completing a religious vow | ||||||
vratasnātaka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who has bathed after completing a religious vow ' | ||||||
vrataśrapaṇa | n. boiling vrata--milk | ||||||
vratastha | mf(ā-)n. engaged in a vow or religious observance etc. (see kanyā-vrata-sthā-). | ||||||
vratasthita | mfn. engaged in religious observances (as a brahma-cārin-) | ||||||
vratatattva | n. Name of a chapter of the smṛti-tattva-. | ||||||
vratati | f. (prob. fr. | ||||||
vratati | f. expansion, extension, spreading (equals pra-tatī-) | ||||||
vratativalaya | m. n. a creeper winding round like a bracelet | ||||||
vratavaikalya | n. imperfection or incompletion of a vow or religious observance | ||||||
vratavallī | f. Name of work | ||||||
vratavat | mfn. (vrat/a--) fulfilling or performing a religious vow etc. etc. | ||||||
vratavat | mfn. connected with the vrata- called mahā-vrata- | ||||||
vratavat | mfn. containing the word vrat/a- | ||||||
vratavat | ind. like (in or with) the vrata--milk | ||||||
vratavidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
vratavisarga | m. conclusion of any vow or observance (see vratā | ||||||
vratavisarjana | mf(ī-)n. concluding a religious observance | ||||||
vratavisarjanīyopayoga | mfn. belonging to the conclusion of an observance | ||||||
vratavivekabhāskara | m. Name of work | ||||||
vrataya | Nom. P. vrat/ayati-, to drink the (hot) vrata--milk (also with payas-etc.) ; to eat or drink after a fast , (wrong reading avrajayat-) ; to observe a vow ; to fast or practise any abstinence in consequence of a vow ; to avoid certain kinds of food (as śūdra- food) ; to eat together | ||||||
vratayitavya | mfn. to be consumed (as vrata--milk) | ||||||
adabdhavratapramati | (/adabdha--) mfn. of unbroken observances and superior mind (or"of superior mind from having unbroken observances") | ||||||
adhivrata | n. anything accessory to a vow or observance, | ||||||
ādityaśayanavrata | n. a particular vow or religious observance. | ||||||
ādityavrata | n. "a vow or rite relating to the sun" | ||||||
ādityavrata | n. Name of a sāman-. | ||||||
akliṣṭavrata | mfn. unwearied in keeping religious vows. | ||||||
ānandacaturdaśīvrata | n. Name of a religious rite | ||||||
anantatṛtīyāvrata | Name of the twenty-fourth adhyāya- of the bhaviṣyottara-purāṇa-. | ||||||
anantavrata | n. ceremony or festival in honour of ananta- or viṣṇu- (on the day of the full moon in bhādra-) | ||||||
anantavrata | n. Name of the 102nd adhyāya- of the bhaviṣyottara-purāṇa-. | ||||||
anavrata | mfn. not destitute of ascetic exercises | ||||||
anavrata | m. a jaina- devotee of that description. | ||||||
aṅkapādavrata | n. Name of a chapter in the bhaviṣyottara-purāṇa-. | ||||||
anṛtavrata | mfn. false to vows or engagements. | ||||||
aṇuvrata | n. plural Name of the five small duties or vows of the laymen adhering to the jaina- faith. | ||||||
anuvrata | mfn. devoted to, faithful to, ardently attached to (with genitive case or accusative) | ||||||
anyavrata | (any/a--) m. devoted to others, infidel | ||||||
apavrata | mfn. disobedient, unfaithful | ||||||
apavrata | mfn. perverse | ||||||
apavrata | mfn. ( additional verse,=) = | ||||||
apivrata | mfn. sharing in the same religious acts, related by blood | ||||||
ardhavrata | n. the half portion of milk | ||||||
arkavrata | n. the rule or law of the sun (id est levying taxes, subjecting the people to imposts, or drawing their wealth as imperceptibly as the sun evaporates water) | ||||||
ārogyapratipadvrata | n. a ceremony for gaining health. | ||||||
ārogyavrata | n. an observance for procuring health. | ||||||
āryavrata | mfn. observing the laws and ordinances of the Aryans or honourable men, behaving like Aryans | ||||||
asidhārāvrata | n. an exceedingly difficult task | ||||||
asipattravrata | n. equals asidhārā-vrata- q.v | ||||||
aśokavrata | n. Name of a certain ceremony | ||||||
aśucivrata | mfn. making unholy vows, | ||||||
aśūnyaśayanavrata | n. Name of ceremonies on that occasion | ||||||
aśvavrata | n. Name of a sāman-. | ||||||
avalokitavrata | m. Name of a Buddhist. | ||||||
avaravrata | m. the sun | ||||||
avighnakaraṇavrata | n. Name of a particular rite on the fourth day of phālguna-, | ||||||
avighnavrata | n. equals -karaṇa-vrata- above. | ||||||
aviyogatṛtīyāvrata | n. Name of the eighteenth chapter of | ||||||
avrata | mf(ā-)n. lawless, disobedient, wicked | ||||||
avrata | mf(ā-)n. not observing religious rites or obligations | ||||||
avratavat | mfn. not observing religious rites | ||||||
ayācitavrata | n. the obligation of eating such food only as has been obtained without solicitation | ||||||
ayācitavrata | mfn. keeping the above obligation (quoted by on ) | ||||||
baiḍālavrata | n. "cat-like observance", putting on a show of virtue or piety to conceal malice and evil designs | ||||||
bakavrata | n. "crane-like conduct", hypocrisy | ||||||
bakavratacara | m. equals next | ||||||
bālādityavrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
bālavrata | m. Name of the Buddhist saint mañjuśrī- | ||||||
baṭṭīśīvrata | n. "32 observances", Name of chapter of | ||||||
bhadrāvrata | n. a particular religious ceremony (also called vithṭi-vrata-) | ||||||
bhadropavāsavrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
bhagnavrata | mfn. one who has broken a vow | ||||||
bhartṛprāptivrata | n. a particular observance performed to obtain a husband | ||||||
bhartṛvrata | n. devotion to a husband ( bhartṛvratacāriṇī -cāriṇī- f.faithful to a husband ) | ||||||
bhartṛvratacāriṇī | f. bhartṛvrata | ||||||
bhāskaravrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance | ||||||
bhaumavāravratavidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
bhaumavrata | n. Name of a particular observance or ceremony | ||||||
bhaumavratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
bhaumavratapūjāvidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
bhavavratadhara | mfn. devoted to śiva-, a worshipper of śiva- | ||||||
bhīmadvādaśīvrata | n. a particular observance | ||||||
bhīmadvādaśīvrata | n. Name of chapter of | ||||||
bhīṣmapañcakavrata | n. Name of a particular observance performed during this period | ||||||
brahmacaryavrata | n. a vow of chastity, | ||||||
brahmavrata | n. Name of a religious observance | ||||||
brahmavrata | n. a vow of chastity ( brahmavratadhara -dhara- mfn.practising the vow of chastity) | ||||||
brahmavratadhara | mfn. brahmavrata | ||||||
bṛhadgaurīvrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance | ||||||
bṛhadgaurīvrata | n. Name of work (also bṛhadgaurīvratakathā ta-kathā- f.) | ||||||
bṛhadgaurīvratakathā | f. bṛhadgaurīvrata | ||||||
bṛhadvrata | n. the great vow (of chastity) | ||||||
bṛhadvrata | mfn. observing the great vow | ||||||
bṛhattapovrata | n. a particular penitential observance | ||||||
buddhadvādaśīvrata | n. a particular observance | ||||||
buddhadvādaśīvrata | n. Name of chapter of | ||||||
budhāṣṭamīvrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
budhāṣṭamīvratakālanirṇaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
cakoravrata | n. "habit of a cakora- bird", enjoying the nectar of a moon-like face | ||||||
candravrata | n. =cāndrā | ||||||
cāndrāyaṇavrata | n. idem or 'n. the cāndrā | ||||||
caritavrata | mfn. one who has observed a vow | ||||||
cīrṇavrata | mfn. equals carita-v- | ||||||
dānavrata | mfn. devoted to liberality | ||||||
dānavrata | m. plural Name of inhabitants of śāka-dvīpa-, . | ||||||
daṇḍavratadhara | mfn. equals -dhāraka- | ||||||
daśaphalavrata | n. Name of an observance | ||||||
daśarathalalitāvrata | n. Name of an observance | ||||||
deśāvakāśikavrata | n. idem or 'n. (with jaina-s) a particular vow or observance' | ||||||
devavrata | n. any religious observation or vow etc. | ||||||
devavrata | n. the favourite food of the gods | ||||||
devavrata | n. Name of several sāman-s | ||||||
devavrata | mfn. devoted to the gods, religious | ||||||
devavrata | m. Name of bhīṣma- | ||||||
devavrata | m. of skanda- | ||||||
dhānāphalavratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
dhāraṇāpāraṇavrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
dharaṇīvrata | n. Name of a particular observance | ||||||
dharmaghaṭavratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
dharmasatyavrata | mfn. devoted to truth and virtue | ||||||
dhṛtavrata | mfn. (t/a--) of fixed law or order (agni-, indra-, savitṛ-, the āditya-s, etc.) | ||||||
dhṛtavrata | mfn. maintaining law or order | ||||||
dhṛtavrata | mfn. firmly resolute | ||||||
dhṛtavrata | mfn. being accustomed to (infinitive mood) | ||||||
dhṛtavrata | mfn. devoted, attached, faithful | ||||||
dhṛtavrata | m. Name of rudra- | ||||||
dhṛtavrata | m. of a son of dhṛti- | ||||||
dhunivrata | (dhu-). mfn. roaring habitually | ||||||
digvrata | n. equals -virati- | ||||||
dīkṣitavrata | n. the vow of an initiated person | ||||||
dīrghatamasovrata | n. Name of sāman- (see -tapas-and dairghatamasa-) | ||||||
dṛḍhavrata | mfn. "firm-vowed", firm in austerity or resolution etc. | ||||||
dṛḍhavrata | mfn. persevering in, intent upon, devoted to (locative case or compound) | ||||||
dūrvāgaṇapativrata | n. Name of a particular observance | ||||||
dūrvāgaṇapativratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
dūrvāvihāyakavrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
dūrvāvrata | n. Name of a particular observance | ||||||
dūrvāvratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
durvrata | mfn. not obedient to rules, transgressing rules (see daur-vratya-). | ||||||
dvādaśāhamahāvrataprayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
dvādaśavārṣikavrata | n. a vow for 12 years | ||||||
dvādaśīvrata | n. a particular observance on the 12th day of a half-month | ||||||
dvivrata | (dv/i-.) mfn. eating twice a day | ||||||
ekādaśīvrata | n. fasting on the eleventh day of a fortnight. | ||||||
ekavrata | mfn. obedient or devoted to one person only | ||||||
ekavrata | mfn. keeping a fast in which food is taken only once a day | ||||||
evaṃvrata | mfn. fulfilling such duties | ||||||
evaṃvrata | mfn. of such a behaviour, acting thus | ||||||
galavrata | (equals gara-v-) a peacock | ||||||
garalavrata | m. equals gara-vr- | ||||||
garavrata | m. (equals gala-vr-) a peacock | ||||||
gaurīvrata | n. "vow of gaurī-", a kind of rite in honour of gaurī- | ||||||
ghṛtavrata | mfn. living on ghee only | ||||||
godānavrata | n. a vow taken at tbe go-dāna- ceremony, | ||||||
goṣpadatrirātravrata | n. idem or 'n. a kind of religious observance ' | ||||||
goṣpadatṛtīyāvrata | n. a kind of religious observance | ||||||
gotravrata | n. a family rule ( ) | ||||||
govatsadvādaśīvrata | n. a kind of observance | ||||||
govrata | mfn. one who imitates a cow in frugality | ||||||
gṛhamedhivrata | n. a rite observed by a householder along with his wife | ||||||
gṛhavrata | mfn. devoted to home | ||||||
gṛhītamaunavrata | mfn. idem or 'mfn. one who has taken upon himself the vow of silence ' | ||||||
guṇavrata | n. "vow or duty of secondary importance", a term for 3 particular duties (forming with the 5 aṇu-vratāni-and the 4 śikṣā-padāni-the 12 duties of the laymen adhering to the jaina- faith) | ||||||
gurutalpavrata | n. penance for violating a teacher's bed | ||||||
hanumadvratakalpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
harikālāvrata | (?) n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
harikālītṛtīyāvrata | n. harikālītṛtīyā | ||||||
haripañcakavrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
haritālikāvrata | n. a particular religious observance on the above day | ||||||
haritālikāvratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
haritālikāvratanirṇaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
harivrata | (h/ari--) mfn. (perhaps) one whose sphere or whose surroundings are yellow | ||||||
hartālikāvratanirṇaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
indravrata | n. " indra-'s rule of conduct", one of the duties of a king (to distribute benefits, as indra- pours down rain) | ||||||
induvrata | n. a religious observance depending on the age of the moon (diminishing the quantity of food by a certain portion daily, for a fortnight or a month, etc.) (see cāndrāyaṇa-.) | ||||||
iṣṭavrata | mfn. that by which good (iṣṭa-) works (vrata-) succeed ([ ]) | ||||||
janmāṣṭamīvrata | n. Name of a vow described in a tale (which is said to be taken from ) | ||||||
jitavrata | m. "having overcome his vow", Name of a son of havir-dhāna- | ||||||
jyeṣṭhāvrata | n. a kind of observance in honour of jyeṣṭhā- | ||||||
kālavrata | n. Name of a ceremony. | ||||||
kālikāvrata | n. Name of a ceremony | ||||||
kalkidvādaśīvrata | n. Name of a particular observance. | ||||||
kalpavrata | n. a particular observance, Paddh. | ||||||
kalyāṇasaptamīvrata | n. a religious observance on that day. | ||||||
kamalasaptamīvrata | n. idem or 'n. Name of a particular religious observance ' | ||||||
kamalaṣaṣṭhīvrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance | ||||||
kāmyavrata | n. a voluntary vowel | ||||||
kāntivrata | n. a kind of ceremony. | ||||||
kanyāvratasthā | f. a woman in her monthly state | ||||||
karavīravrata | n. a certain rite | ||||||
kārttikīvrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance. | ||||||
kaśyapavrata | n. Name of a sāman-. | ||||||
kaulavrata | n. living according to to the traditional rule of a family. | ||||||
kaumāravratacārin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals -cārin- ' | ||||||
khaḍgadhārāvrata | n. (equals asi-dhārā-v-) any extremely difficult task. | ||||||
kokilāvrata | n. Name of an observance. | ||||||
kṛtavrata | m. Name of a pupil of loma-harṣaṇa-. | ||||||
kṣatavrata | mfn. one who has violated a vow or religious engagement | ||||||
kṣīravrata | n. living upon milk in consequence of a vow | ||||||
kukkuṭavrata | n. a religious observance (worship of śiva-, on the seventh of the light fortnight of the month bhādra-, by women, especially for the sake of offspring) | ||||||
kukkuṭīmarkaṭīvrata | n. a religious observance (in honour of śiva- and durgā-) (see kukkuṭa-vrata-.) | ||||||
kukkuṭīvrata | n. idem or 'n. a religious observance (in honour of śiva- and durgā-) (see kukkuṭa-vrata-.)' | ||||||
kulavrata | n. a family vow, traditional custom or manners in a family | ||||||
kumāravrata | n. a vow of eternal chastity | ||||||
kurkuṭīvrata | n. equals kukk- q.v | ||||||
lakṣanamaskāravrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
lakṣapradakṣiṇavratavidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
lakṣapuṣpavrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
lakṣarāmanāmalekhanavrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
lakṣasvastikavratakalpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
lakṣavartidīpavratakalpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
lakṣavartivrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
lakṣmīnārāyaṇavrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
lakṣmīnārāyaṇavratakalpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
lakṣmīvratapūjā | f. Name of work | ||||||
lalitāṣaṣṭhīvrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
lalitātṛtīyāvrata | n. a particular religious ceremony | ||||||
lalitāvrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
liṅgadvādaśavrata | n. a particular religious ceremony | ||||||
lokavrata | n. general practice or way of proceeding, general mode of life | ||||||
lokavrata | n. Name of several sāman-s | ||||||
madhūkavrata | n. Name of a particular observance | ||||||
madhuvrata | mf(ā-)n. occupied with sweetness | ||||||
madhuvrata | m. a large black bee etc. | ||||||
madhuvrata | m. (with bodha-nidhi-), Name of author | ||||||
mahālakṣmīvrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
mahālakṣmīvratapūjā | f. Name of work | ||||||
mahāmahivrata | (mah/ā--) mfn. exercising great power | ||||||
mahānāmṇīvrata | n. a religious observance in which the mahā-nāmnī- verses are recited | ||||||
mahāśivarātrivrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
mahāśivarātrivratanirṇaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
mahāvaiśvānaravrata | n. Name of two sāman-s | ||||||
mahāvrata | n. a great duty, fundamental duty (5 in number according to to the jaina- system) | ||||||
mahāvrata | n. a great vow | ||||||
mahāvrata | n. a great religious observance | ||||||
mahāvrata | n. Name of a sāman- or stotra- appointed to be sung on the last day but one of the gavām-ayana- (applied also to the day itself or its ceremonies or according to to commentator or commentary to the śastra- following the stotra-) etc. | ||||||
mahāvrata | n. the religious usages of the pāśupata-s | ||||||
mahāvrata | mf(ā-)n. one who has undertaken solemn religious duties or vows, performing a great vow etc. | ||||||
mahāvrata | mf(ā-)n. observing the rule of the pāśupata-s | ||||||
mahāvrata | mf(ā-)n. also used to explain m/ahi-vrata- (q.v) | ||||||
mahāvrata | m. a pāśupata- | ||||||
mahāvrata | m. Name of a poet | ||||||
mahāvratabhāṣya | n. Name of work | ||||||
mahāvratadhara | mfn. one who has undertaken great religious duties or vows | ||||||
mahāvratahautra | n. Name of work | ||||||
mahāvratapaddhati | f. Name of work | ||||||
mahāvrataprayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
mahāvrataprayogānukrama | m. Name of work | ||||||
mahāvratavat | mfn. (-vrat/a--) connected with the mahā-vrata- sāman- etc. | ||||||
mahāvrataveṣabhṛt | mfn. wearing the dress of a pāśupata- | ||||||
mahivrata | (m/ahi--) mfn. having great power, ruling mightily | ||||||
malamāsavrata | n. Name of a particular ceremony | ||||||
malamāsavrata | n. of a chapter of the | ||||||
malladvādaśīvrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance | ||||||
māṇakīvrata | n. Name of a particular observance | ||||||
mandārasaptamīvrata | n. a particular observance on these days | ||||||
mandāraṣaṣṭhīvrata | n. a particular observance on these days | ||||||
maṅgalāgaurīvratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
maṅgalāvrata | n. the vow of umā- | ||||||
maṅgalāvrata | n. Name of chapter of the kāśī-khaṇḍa- of the skanda- purāṇa- | ||||||
maṅgalāvrata | mfn. devoted to umā- (said of śiva-) | ||||||
manorathatṛtīyāvrata | n. manorathatṛtīyā | ||||||
mārgaśiralakṣmīvāravratakalpa | m. Name of a mantra-. | ||||||
markaṭīvrata | n. Name of a particular observance | ||||||
mārutavrata | n. "the having wind-like duties", penetrating everywhere (as a king by means of spies) (see ) . | ||||||
māsaśivarātrivratakalpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
maunavrata | mfn. idem or 'mfn. observing a vow of silence ' | ||||||
maunavrata | n. a vow of silence | ||||||
maunavratadhara | mfn. () equals -vṛtti- | ||||||
maunavratadhārin | mfn. () equals -vṛtti- | ||||||
meghapālitṛtīyāvrata | n. a particular ceremony | ||||||
muktāharaṇavrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
munisuvrata | m. (with jaina-s) Name of the 12th arhat- of the past and the 20th of the present avasarpiṇī- | ||||||
munivrata | mfn. observing a muni-s's vow, keeping perpetual silence | ||||||
nāgapañcamīvrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
nāgapañcamīvratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
nagnavratadhara | mfn. observing the vow of a naked mendicant (śiva-) | ||||||
nakṣatrapuruṣavrata | n. Name of a particular observance and of chapter of the | ||||||
naktavrata | n. "night-observance", eating at night (and fasting by day) | ||||||
nānāvrata | (n/ānā-.) mfn. having different customs or observances | ||||||
narasiṃhadvādaśīvrata | n. narasiṃhadvādaśī | ||||||
navarātravrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
navavrata | mfn. one who has recently taken his vow, | ||||||
nīlavrata | n. a kind of religious ceremony | ||||||
nimbārkakaravīrārcanavrata | n. Name of a particular vow and of chapter of | ||||||
nīrājanadvādaśīvrata | n. Name of a particular observance | ||||||
nirvrata | mfn. neglecting religious observances or vows | ||||||
nityavrata | n. a perpetual observance (lasting for life) | ||||||
niyatavrata | mfn. constant in the observance of vows, regular in observances, pious, religious | ||||||
pakṣapradoṣavrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
pālīvrata | n. a particular observance | ||||||
paravrata | m. Name of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- | ||||||
parikṣatavrata | mfn. one who has broken his vow, | ||||||
pāśupatavrata | n. equals -yoga- | ||||||
pāśupatavrata | n. Name of the 40th pariśiṣṭa- of | ||||||
pāśupatavratavivaraṇa | n. Name of a chapter of | ||||||
paśuvrata | mfn. (paś/u--) acting or behaving like cattle | ||||||
paśuvrata | mfn. the duty to serve as sacrificial victim | ||||||
pativrata | n. loyalty or fidelity to a husband | ||||||
pativrataguṇa | m. the virtue of loyalty or fidelity | ||||||
payovrata | n. a vow to subsist on nothing but milk | ||||||
payovrata | n. offering milk to viṣṇu- and subsisting upon it for 12 days (also for 1 or 3 days as a religious act) | ||||||
payovrata | mf(ā-)n. subsisting on nothing but milk | ||||||
payovratatā | f. | ||||||
pipītakadvādaśīvrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
pitṛvrata | m. a worshipper of the pitṛ-s | ||||||
pitṛvrata | n. worship of the pitṛ-s | ||||||
praiyavrata | mf(ī-)n. relating to priya-vrata- | ||||||
praiyavrata | m. patronymic fr. priya-vrata- | ||||||
praiyavrata | n. priya-vrata-'s life or adventures | ||||||
prājāpatyavrata | n. Name of a particular observance | ||||||
priyaprasādanavrata | n. a vow for the conciliation of a husband | ||||||
priyavrata | mfn. (priy/a--) having desirable ordinances or fond of obedience (said of the gods) | ||||||
priyavrata | m. Name of a king (a son of manu- and śata-rūpā-) | ||||||
priyavrata | m. of a man | ||||||
pṛthivyāvrata | n. Name of sāman- | ||||||
puṇyakavrata | n. the worship of kṛṣṇa- for a year with daily presents (to be performed by a woman desirous of a son) | ||||||
pūrṇimāmanorathavrata | n. Name of a particular observance | ||||||
puruṣavrata | n. Name of 2 sāman-s | ||||||
puruvrata | mfn. having many ordinances (said of soma-) | ||||||
putrakāmakṛthṇapañcamīvrata | n. Name of a particular observance | ||||||
putrasaptamīvratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
rāgavihiṃsanavratanirṇaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
raghunāthavratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
rahasyavrata | n. "mystical vow", the mystic science of obtaining command over magical weapons | ||||||
raktapaṭavratavāhinī | f. a Buddhist nun | ||||||
rāmanāmavrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
rāmanavamīvratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
rāmanavamīvratamāhātmya | n. Name of work | ||||||
rambhāvrata | n. Name of a particular ceremony (see -tṛtīyā-) | ||||||
rasakalyāṇīvrata | n. Name of a particular ceremony and of various works. | ||||||
rathasaptamīvrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
ravivāravratavidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
rohiṇīcandravrata | n. Name of two religious observances | ||||||
rohiṇīvrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance | ||||||
roṭakavrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
ṛtavrata | mfn. one whose vow is truth, truthful | ||||||
rudravrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
rukmiṇīvrata | n. a particular observance and Name of a chapter of the , | ||||||
sādhāraṇavratapratiṣṭhāprayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
sadvrata | wrong reading for -vṛtta- n. (good conduct) | ||||||
sahavrata | mf(ā-)n. having common observances or duties | ||||||
śakaṭavrata | n. a particular observance | ||||||
śākavrata | n. a particular vow, abstinence from vegetable etc. | ||||||
samahāvrata | mfn. having a mahāvrata- day | ||||||
samānavratabhṛt | mfn. leading a similar life | ||||||
samānavratacārin | mfn. having the same practices with any one (genitive case; samānavratacāritva ri-tva- n.) | ||||||
samānavratacāritva | n. samānavratacārin | ||||||
samanuvrata | mf(ā-)n. entirely devoted or attached to (accusative) | ||||||
samāvṛttavrata | mfn. one who has completed a religious vow | ||||||
śāmbharāyiṇīvrata | n. a particular observance | ||||||
saṃkaṣṭacaturthīvratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
saṃkaṣṭaharacaturthīvrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
saṃkaṣṭaharacaturthīvratakālanirṇaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
saṃkaṣṭanāśanavrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
saṃkaṣṭavrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
saṃkaṭaharacaturthīvrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
sampūrṇavrata | n. a particular observance | ||||||
saṃśitavrata | mfn. (s/aṃ-ś-) firmly adhering to a vow, faithful to an obligation, honest, virtuous etc. | ||||||
saṃśitavrata | m. a ṛṣi- | ||||||
saṃvatsaradīpavratamāhātmya | n. Name of work | ||||||
śanaiścaravrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
śanipradoṣavrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
śanitrayodaśīvrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
śāntivrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance | ||||||
saptamīvrata | n. a religious observance to be performed on the 7th day of a month | ||||||
saptamyarkavrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
sārasvatavrata | n. a particular observance in honour of sarasvatī- | ||||||
sarasvatīvrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance | ||||||
sārvabhaumāvrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
sarvajinmahāvrataprayoga | m. Name of work | ||||||
sarvaphalatyāgacaturdaśīvrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
sarvātithivrata | mfn. devoted to all guests | ||||||
sarvavrata | n. a universal vow, | ||||||
sarvavrata | mfn. all-vowing | ||||||
ṣaṣṭhīvrata | n. plural Name of particular religious observances | ||||||
ṣaṣṭivrata | m. a particular religious observance | ||||||
satīvrata | n. equals -tva- | ||||||
satyanārāyaṇavratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
satyavrata | n. a vow of truthfulness | ||||||
satyavrata | mf(ā-)n. devoted to a vow of truth, strictly truthful etc. | ||||||
satyavrata | m. Name of an ancient king | ||||||
satyavrata | m. of a rājarṣi- | ||||||
satyavrata | m. of manu- vaivasvata- | ||||||
satyavrata | m. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- | ||||||
satyavrata | m. of a son of deva-datta- | ||||||
satyavrata | m. of a son of trayyāruṇa- | ||||||
satyavrata | m. of the author of a dharma-śāstra- : of other men | ||||||
satyavrata | m. plural Name of the kṣatriya-s in śāka-dvīpa- | ||||||
satyavrata | m. of a class of supernatural beings attending on satya-sena- | ||||||
satyavrataparāyaṇa | mfn. devoted to truth and religious observances | ||||||
satyavratasmṛti | f. Name of work | ||||||
satyavratatīrtha | m. Name of a man | ||||||
saubhāgyagaurīvratavidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
saubhāgyaśayanavrata | n. idem or 'n. a particular religious observance ' | ||||||
saubhāgyaśayanavratakathā | f. Name of chapter of work | ||||||
saubhāgyāṣṭakatṛtīyāvrata | n. a particular religious observance (also prob. wrong reading -vrata-tṛtīyā-vrata-) | ||||||
saubhāgyasundarīvratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
saubhāgyavrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
sauparṇavrata | n. Name of a particular ascetic observance | ||||||
śauryavrata | n. a particular observance | ||||||
sāvitrīvrata | n. a particular fast (kept by women on the fifth day of the second half of vaiśākha-, or of the dark half of jyaiṣṭha-, to preserve them from widowhood) | ||||||
sāvitrīvrataka | n. a particular fast (kept by women on the fifth day of the second half of vaiśākha-, or of the dark half of jyaiṣṭha-, to preserve them from widowhood) | ||||||
sāvitrīvratakathānaka | n. Name of work | ||||||
sāvitrīvratapūjākathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
savrata | mf(ā-)n. (s/a--) fitting together, harmonious (others"following the same law or order") | ||||||
savrata | mf(ā-)n. bound by a rule or law | ||||||
siddhivināyakavrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
śikhivrata | n. a particular religious observance, | ||||||
śīlavrata | n. (with ) ceremonial practices (one of the ten fetters) | ||||||
śirovrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
sītāgaurīvrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
śītalāvrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
śītalāvrata | n. Name of a chapter of the skanda-purāṇa-. | ||||||
sītānavamīvratamāhātmya | n. Name of work | ||||||
śivacaturdaśīvrata | n. a fast and other observances on that day | ||||||
śivanakṣatrapuruṣavrata | n. a particular observance or ceremony | ||||||
śivarātrivrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
śivarātrivratakalpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
śivarātrivratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
śivavratakalpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
skandaṣaṣṭhīvrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
skandaṣaṣṭhīvrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
snātakavrata | n. the vows and duties of a snātaka- (ex. plained at full length in the gṛhya-- sūtra-s and giving a clear notion of what was considered good manners in well-educated persons) etc. | ||||||
snātakavrata | mfn. equals next | ||||||
snātavrata | mfn. equals snātaka-vr- | ||||||
somavārāmāvāsyāvratakālanirṇaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
somavārāmāvāsyāvratapūjā | f. Name of work | ||||||
somavāravrata | n. a fast observed in the evening of a Monday in honour of śiva- and durgā- ( somavāravratakalpa ta-kalpa- m. somavāravratavidhi ta-vidhi- m. somavāravratācaraṇakrama tā | ||||||
somavāravratakalpa | m. somavāravrata | ||||||
somavāravratavidhi | m. somavāravrata | ||||||
somavāryamāvāsyāvrata | n. Name of chapter of a work | ||||||
somavatīvrata | n. Name of chapter of work | ||||||
somavatīvratakathā | f. Name of chapter of work | ||||||
somavrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
somavrata | n. Name of various sāman-s | ||||||
śrāvakavrata | n. Name of a jaina- treatise. | ||||||
śravaṇadvādaśīvrata | n. Name of a chapter of the | ||||||
śrāvaṇadvādaśīvrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
śrāvaṇadvādaśīvratakalpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
śravaṇadvādaśīvratakathā | f. Name of a chapter of the āditya-purāṇa-. | ||||||
śrāvaṇaśanivāravrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
śravaṇikāvrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance (prob. equals śravaṇā-karman-) | ||||||
śrāvaṇikāvrata | n. a particular observance | ||||||
śrīpañcamīvrata | n. the above religious observance | ||||||
śrīvṛkṣakanavamīvrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance | ||||||
stutivrata | m. "one whose duty is praise", a bard etc. (see -pāṭhaka-) | ||||||
stutyavrata | m. Name of a son of hiraṇya-retas- and the varṣa- ruled by him | ||||||
śubhadṛḍhavrata | mfn. of virtuous and firm principles | ||||||
śubhasaptamīvrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance | ||||||
śubhavrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance (kept on the 12th day in one of the halves of the month kārttika-) | ||||||
śubhavrata | mf(ā-)n. virtuous or moral in conduct | ||||||
sucaritavrata | mfn. well performing religious observances | ||||||
śucivrata | mf(ā-)n. (ś/uci--) whose observances are pure or holy (said of gods) | ||||||
śucivrata | mf(ā-)n. virtuous in conduct | ||||||
sudṛḍhavrata | mfn. very rigid or strict in vows | ||||||
sujanmādivrata | n. sujanman | ||||||
sukāmavrata | n. a particular religious observance (varia lectio kāmya-v-). | ||||||
sukṛtadvādaśīvrata | n. sukṛtadvādaśī | ||||||
sukṛtavrata | n. Name of a religious observance | ||||||
sumahāvrata | mfn. one who has undertaken vigour solemn duties or vows | ||||||
sūryacandravrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
sūryacandravratakalpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
sūryanārāyaṇavrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
sūryavrata | n. a particular ceremony | ||||||
sūryavrata | n. a particular diagram | ||||||
sūryavrata | n. Name of various works. | ||||||
sūryavratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
sūryavratamahiman | m. Name of work | ||||||
suvrata | mf(ā-)n. ruling well | ||||||
suvrata | mf(ā-)n. strict in observing religious vows, very religious or virtuous (often in vocative case) etc. | ||||||
suvrata | mf(ā-)n. tractable (as a horse or cow) | ||||||
suvrata | m. a religious student | ||||||
suvrata | m. Name of one of skanda-'s attendants | ||||||
suvrata | m. of a prajā-pati- | ||||||
suvrata | m. of a son of manu- raucya- | ||||||
suvrata | m. of a son of nābhāga- | ||||||
suvrata | m. of a son of uśīnara- | ||||||
suvrata | m. of a son of kṣemya- | ||||||
suvrata | m. of a son of priya-vrata- | ||||||
suvrata | m. of a scholar | ||||||
suvrata | m. of a historian | ||||||
suvrata | m. of a poet | ||||||
suvrata | m. (with jaina-s) of the 20th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī- (also called munisuvrata-) and of the 11th arhat- of the future utsarpiṇī- | ||||||
suvrata | m. a cow that is easily milked | ||||||
suvrata | m. a virtuous wife | ||||||
suvrata | m. Name of an apsaras- | ||||||
suvrata | m. of a daughter of dakṣa- | ||||||
suvrata | m. of the mother of the 15th arhat- of the present age | ||||||
suvrata | m. of a princess | ||||||
suvratadatta | m. Name of a poet | ||||||
suvratasvara | m. Name of an asura- | ||||||
svarṇagaurīvrata | n. Name of a particular religious observance | ||||||
svarṇagaurīvratapūjā | f. Name of a chapter of the | ||||||
śvetavrata | m. plural a particular sect (prob. for -paṭa-) | ||||||
śyāmavrata | n. a particular ceremony | ||||||
tadvrata | mfn. performing all duties towards (him or) her | ||||||
tadvrata | mfn. performing the same religious observance | ||||||
taptavrata | (pt/a--) mfn. using, hot milk for the initiatory rite | ||||||
tathāvrata | mfn. equals -vidhāna- | ||||||
tilakavrata | n. the tilaka- observance | ||||||
trivrata | (tr/i--) mfn. eating thrice a day | ||||||
uddālakavrata | n. a particular vow commentator or commentary on | ||||||
ulkāvrata | n. a particular observance to be performed on that day | ||||||
umāmaheśvaravrata | n. Name of a particular observance | ||||||
upāṃśuvrata | n. a vow made secretly or privately | ||||||
upāṅgalalitāvrata | n. a particular observance. | ||||||
upasadvrata | n. a particular observance prescribed for the upasad- ceremony (consisting principally of drinking milk in certain quantities) commentator or commentary on | ||||||
upavrata | n. a minor vow or observance, | ||||||
upavrataya | Nom. (fr. vrata-) A1. (Potential 3. plural -vratayeran-) to eat (anything) together with the food prescribed for a vrata- or fast | ||||||
vairavrata | n. vow of enmity | ||||||
vaiśākhamāsavrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
vaitālikavrata | n. the duty of a bard | ||||||
vāmanadvādaśīvrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
vāmanajayantīvrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
vāmanavrata | n. Name of a particular vrata- to be observed on the 12th day of śrāvaṇa- in celebration of viṣṇu-'s dwarf-incarnation (see vāmana-dvādaśī-vrata-). | ||||||
varalakṣmīvrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
varṣāmbhaḥpāraṇavrata | m. "breaking fast on rain-water", the cātaka- bird | ||||||
vasantavrata | n. spring-observance | ||||||
vasuvrata | n. a kind of penance (eating only ground rice for twelve days) | ||||||
vaṭasāvitrīvrata | n. Name of work | ||||||
vaṭasāvitrīvratakālanirṇaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
vedavidyāvratasnāta | mfn. one who has performed his ablutions after completing his knowledge of the veda- and his religious observances (see snātaka-) | ||||||
vedavrata | n. any religious observance performed during the acquirement of the veda- | ||||||
vedavrata | mfn. one who has undertaken the vow of acquiring the veda- | ||||||
vedavrataparāyaṇa | mfn. one who is devoted to the veda- and performs the necessary observances | ||||||
vedavratavidhi | m. (or -vratānāṃ-vidhi-) Name of a pariśiṣṭa- of kātyāyana-. | ||||||
veśyāvrata | n. a particular observance performed by harlots | ||||||
vidyāvedavratasnāta | mfn. one completely versed in religious observances and the veda- and the sciences (see vidyā-vrata-sn-, veda-vidyā-vrata-sn-). | ||||||
vidyāvedavratavat | mfn. one completely versed in religious observances and the veda- and the sciences (see vidyā-vrata-sn-, veda-vidyā-vrata-sn-). | ||||||
vidyāvrata | n. a particular religious observance | ||||||
vidyāvrata | m. (prob.) a kind of magician | ||||||
vidyāvrataka | mfn. () one who is completely versed in the veda- and religious observances | ||||||
vidyāvrataka | m. a Brahman who has finished his studentship | ||||||
vidyāvratasnāta | mfn. () one who is completely versed in the veda- and religious observances | ||||||
vijayadvādaśīvrata | n. a particular ceremony | ||||||
vināyakacaturthīvrata | n.Name of work | ||||||
vināyakavratakalpa | m. Name of work or chapter from work | ||||||
vināyakavratapūjā | f. Name of work or chapter from work | ||||||
vipulavrata | mfn. one who has undertaken great duties | ||||||
vīrapatnīvrata | n. a particular observance | ||||||
vīravrata | mfn. acting like a man, adhering to one's purpose | ||||||
vīravrata | m. Name of a man (son of madhu- and sumanas-) | ||||||
vīravrata | n. heroism | ||||||
vīravratacaryā | f. heroic duty or deed | ||||||
viṣāsahivrata | n. Name of a particular observance Paddh. on | ||||||
viṣṇupañcakavratakathā | f. Name of work | ||||||
viṣṇuvratakalpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
vivrata | mfn. (v/i--) reluctant, refractory | ||||||
vivrata | mfn. performing various actions or ceremonies | ||||||
vivrata | See . | ||||||
vṛṣavrata | (v/ṛṣa--) mfn. "bearing strong sway"or"ruling over men" | ||||||
vṛthāvrata | n. a false religious observance | ||||||
vṛthāvrata | mfn. one who performs false religious observance | ||||||
vyatipātavratakalpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
yajñavrata | (yajñ/a--) mfn. observing the ritual of sacrifice | ||||||
yamādarśanatrayodaśīvrata | n. a religious observance on the above day (those who perform it are said to be exempted from appearing before yama-) | ||||||
yamadvitīyāvrata | n. a particular ceremony | ||||||
yamavrata | n. a religious observance or vow made to yama- | ||||||
yamavrata | n. a particular ceremony of the brahma-cārin- | ||||||
yamavrata | n. yama-'s method (id est punishing without respect of persons and without partiality, as one of the duties of kings) | ||||||
yamavrata | n. Name of a sāman- | ||||||
yatavrata | mfn. observing vows, firm of purpose, |
vrataḥ | व्रतः तम् [व्रज्-घ जस्य तः] 1 A religious act of devotion or austerity, vowed observance, a vow in general; अभ्यस्यतीव व्रतमासिधारम् R.13.67;2.4,25; (there are several vratas enjoined in the different Purāṇas; but their number cannot be said to be fixed, as new ones, e. g. सत्यनारांयणव्रत, are being added every day). -2 A vow, promise, resolve; सो$भूद् भग्नव्रतः शत्रूनुद्धृत्य प्रतिरोपयन् R.17.42; so सत्यव्रत, पुण्यव्रत, दृढव्रत &c. -3 Object of devotion or faith, devotion; as in पतिव्रताः (पतिर्व्रतं यस्याः सा); यान्ति देवव्रता देवान् पितॄन् यान्ति पितृव्रताः Bg.9.25. -4 A rite, an observance, practice, as in अर्कव्रत q. v; Śabaraswāmin difines it as पुरुषाणां क्रियार्थानां शरीरधारणार्थो बलकरणार्थश्चायं संस्कारो व्रतं नाम ŚB. on MS.4.3.8. -5 Mode of life, course of conduct; अथ तु वेत्सि शुचि व्रतमात्मनः Ś.5.27. -6 An ordinance, a law, rule. -7 Sacrifice. -8 An act, deed, work. -9 A design, plan. -1 Mental activity; व्रतमिति च मानसं कर्म उच्यते ŚB. on MS.6.2.2. -11 Celibacy; व्रतलोपनम् Ms.11.61 (com. ब्रह्मचारिणो मैथुनम्); Mb.12.11.22. (com. व्रतं ब्रह्मचर्याद्युपेतमध्ययनम्). -Comp. -आचरणम् the observance of a vow. -आदेशः investiture of a youth (of any one of the three classes) with the sacred thread. -उपवासः a fast for a vow. -ग्रहणम् initiation into a vow for a religious performance. -चर्यः a religious student; see ब्रह्मचारिन्. -चर्या observance or practice of a religious vow. -धारणम् the fulfilling of a religious observance. -पारणम्, -णा conclusion of a vow or fast, eating after a fast. -प्रतिष्ठा performance of a religious vow voluntarily undertaken. -भङ्गः 1 breach of a vow. -2 breach of a promise. -भिक्षा begging alms as part of the ceremony of investiture with the sacred thread. -रुचि a. delighting in religious observances, devout. -लोपनम् breaking a vow. -वैकल्यम् the incompletion of a religious vow. -संग्रहः initiation into a vow. -संपादनम् fulfilling a religious vow. -स्थ a. practising any vow. -स्थः a celibate; व्रतस्थमपि दौहित्रं श्राद्धे यत्नेन भोजयेत् Ms.3.234. -स्नात a. one who has bathed after completing a religious vow. -स्नातकः a Brāhmaṇa who has completed the first stage of his religious life, i. e. that of a Brahmachārin or religious student; see स्नातक:; Ms.4.31. |
vratatiḥ | व्रततिः ती f. 1 A creeper; पादाकृष्टव्रततिवलयासंगसंजात- पाशः Ś.1.33; R.14.1. -2 Expansion, extension. |
vratayati | व्रतयति Den. P. 1 To observe a vow. -2 To fast in consequence of a vow. -3 To eat together. |
anavrata | अनव्रत a. [न. ब.] Not altogether destitute of holy or ascetic performances. -तः A Jaina devotee who is so. |
anuvrata | अनुव्रत a. [अनुकूलं व्रत कर्म यस्य] 1 Devoted or faithful to, राजानो राजपुत्राश्च धृतराष्ट्रमनुव्रताः Mb.3.35.3. attached to (with acc. or gen.); अभ्यगच्छददीनात्मा दमयन्तीमनुव्रतः Mb. 3.54.27. प्रियतमा का अनुव्रता Bh.2.13; वैश्याः क्षत्रमनुव्रताः Rām. -2 Duly performing the vows or duties prescribed (opp. अपव्रत) Bhāg.8.15.35. -तः A class of Jaina ascetics. -ता A devoted virtuous wife (पतिव्रता); रक्ते भटे रणमुखे रुधिरेण तस्मिन् रक्ता भवत्यमरयोषिदनुव्रतेन; विश्व- गुणादर्शचम्पू 379. |
apavrata | अपव्रत a. Ved. 1 Swerving from religious observances, irreligious, impious; अनुव्रताय रन्धयन्नपव्रतानाभूभिरिन्द्रः Rv.1.51.9; देवहेलनान्यपव्रतानि Bhāg.5.6.1. -2 Disobedient, unfaithful. -3 Perverse. गूळ्हं सूर्यं तमसापव्रतेन तुरीयेण ब्रह्मणाविन्ददत्रिः Rv.5.4.6. |
apivrata | अपिव्रत a. Sharing in the same religious acts or other works; connected by blood; अपिव्रताश्चान्वारभन्ते यज- मानम् Kāty. (संसृष्टं साधारणकर्म येषां ते अपिव्रताः अविभक्ता दायादाः, ते हि एकेनापि कृष्यादिकर्म कृतं सर्वे उपजीवन्ति Com.). |
maṅgalāvrataḥ | मङ्गलाव्रतः An epithet of Śiva (devoted to Umā). |
samanuvrata | समनुव्रत a. Entirely devoted. |
vrata | vra-tá, n. will, ordinance, iii. 59, 2. 3; v. 83, 5; viii. 48, 9; service, vi. 54, 9 [vṛ choose]. |
vratacārin | vrata-cārín, a. practising a vow, vii. 103, 1 [cār-ín, from car go, practise]. |
anuvrata | ánu-vrata, a. devoted, x. 34, 2 [acting according to the will (vratá) of another]. |
iṣṭavrata | iṣṭá-vrata, a. (Bv.) accordant with desired ordinances, iii. 59, 9. |
vrata | n. [willed: √ vri: perh. old pp.] 1. V.: will, command, law, ordinance; do minion; service, obedience; realm; regular sphere or function; 2. V., C.: operation, ac tion, doings, conduct, manner, mode of life (with suki=clear conscience); religious rite or service; duty, towards (--°ree;); religious or ascetic observance taken upon oneself, aus terity, vow, rule, holy work (such as fasting and continence); 3. C.: vow (in general), resolve, to (d., lc. of vbl. n., --°ree;): ab. in conse quence of a vow; (á)-m kar, observe a vow, esp. practise chastity. |
vratadāna | n. imposition of a vow; -dhara, a. practising a vow (only --°ree;); -dhâr ana, n. fulfilment of religious observances or of duties, towards (g., --°ree;); (á)-pati, m. lord of religious rites (Agni; V.); -p&asharp;, a. guarding the sacred law (V.); -pârana, n. conclusion of a fast, eating after a fast; -pra dâna, n. imposition of a fast; -bha&ndot;ga, m. breach of a vow; -bhrít, a. bearing the sacred law or rite (Agni); -ruki, a. delighting in vows etc., religious; -lopa, m. breach of a vow; -lopana, n. id.; (á)-vat, a. fulfilling or practising a vow; -sayyâ-griha, n. sleeping apartment for the performance of a vow; -sampâdana, n.fulfilment of a vow or religious duty; -stha, a. practising a vow etc.; -sthita, pp. id.; -snâta, pp. having completed one's vows (but not Vedic study): -ka, a. id.; -snâna, n. completion of one's vows; -hâni, f. neglect of vows; -½âdesa, m. imposition of a vow, esp. of the first vow of the Brahmakârin; -½âdesana, n. initiation into a vow: -visarga, m. pl. initiation into and completion of a vow. |
vratagrahaṇa | n. taking of a religious vow, turning mendicant: -nimittam, ad. in order to fulfil a religious vow; -kary&asharp;, f. performance of a religious work or observance; -kâr-ín, a.practising a religious ob servance, observing a vow: (-i)-tâ, f. observance of a vow. |
vratati | f. creeper. |
ananuvrata | a. not devoted, dis obedient. |
apavrata | a. disobedient. |
avrata | a. ungodly; not fulfilling religious duties. |
iṣṭavrata | a. fulfilling wishes; -sampâdin, a. procuring what is desired; -sâdhana, a. id. |
caritavrata | a. having fulfilled his vow. |
vivrata | a. reluctant, refractory (RV.). |
savrata | a. following the same law; -vrîda, a. bashful, ashamed. |
vrata | (‘Vow’) in the later Samhitās and the Brāhmaṇas has the peculiar sense of the ‘milk’ used by one who is living on that beverage alone as a vow or penance. |
vratati | In the Rigveda and later denotes a ‘ creeping plant.’ |
priyavrata somāpi | Is the name of a teacher in the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa and the śāñkhāyana Aranyaka, in which he is said to be the son of Somapa. The name Priya- vrata is also found in the śatapatha Brāhmaṇa, where a Rauhināyana of that name is mentioned as a teacher. |
abhi | vratāni pavate punānaḥ SV.2.371a. See abhi priyāṇi pavate etc. |
adabdhasya | vratasya ye RV.7.66.6b; SV.2.703b; JB.3.208b. |
āditya | vratapate vrataṃ cariṣyāmi (vrataṃ cariṣyāmi is implied in all texts but JG.) TB.; TA.4.41.4; Apś.4.3.2; HG.1.7.8; JG.1.12. See sūrya vratapate vrataṃ cariṣyāmi. |
āditya | vratapate vratam acāriṣam TA.4.41.6. See āditya vratapate vratam acāriṣam. |
ādityasya | vratam upakṣiyantaḥ (TB. upakṣyantaḥ) RV.3.59.3c; MS.4.10.2c: 146.16; TB. |
agnaye | vratapataye svāhā AB.7.8.2; Apś.9.9.14; Kauś.56.6. |
agnaye | vratabhṛte svāhā AB.7.8.1. |
agne | vratapate tvaṃ vratānāṃ vratapatir asi TS.; 3.4.3; Apś.11.1.14; 18.4. P: agne vratapate TS. Cf. under agne vratapā. |
agne | vratapate tvayi VS.20.24b. |
agne | vratapate yā tava tanūr iyaṃ sā mayi MS.1.2.7: 16.16; Mś. Cf. yāgne mama tanūr eṣā, yā tava tanūr iyaṃ, and yā mama. |
agne | vratapate yā tava tanūr mayy abhūd eṣā sā tvayi MS.1.2.13: 22.16; 3.9.1: 114.2; Mś. Cf. yāgne mama tanūs, yā tava tanūr mayy, and yā mama. |
agne | vratapate yā mama tanūr eṣā sā tvayi MS.1.2.7: 16.15; Mś. Cf. yā mama tanūr eṣā. |
agne | vratapate yā mama tanūs tvayy abhūd iyaṃ sā mayi MS.1.2.13: 22.16; 3.9.1: 114.2; Mś. |
agne | vratapate vrataṃ cariṣyāmi VS.1.5; TS.; 6.7.2; MS.4.9.24: 137.8; śB.; TB.; TA.4.41.3; śś.4.8.3; Apś.4.3.2; 15.20.3; Kauś.56.6; SMB.1.6.9; HG.1.7.8; JG.1.12. P: agne vratapate Kś.2.1.11; Mś.4.7.4; GG.2.10.16; KhG.2.4.7; JG.1.12. Cf. VāDh.28.13. See next but one. |
agne | vratapate vratam acāriṣam (MS. vḷ. acārṣam) VS.2.28; TS.; 7.6.6; MS.4.1.26: 138.5; KS.5.6; 32.6; śB.; KA.1.199.2 (in fragments); śś.4.12.10; Apś.4.16.11; Mś.; HG.1.8.7; 9.8; JG.1.12. P: agne vratapate TA.4.41.6; KA.3.198A. |
agne | vratapate vratam ālapsye (KS.KA. ālabhe) MS.1.4.1: 47.3; 1.4.5: 52.15; KS.4.14; 31.15; KA.1.198A (in fragments); Mś. P: agne vratapate KA.3.155. See prec. but one. |
agne | vratapā asme vratapās tve vratapāḥ punar vratapā vratināṃ vratāni KS.2.8; 3.1. P: agne vratapāḥ KS.26.2. Cf. agne vratapate tvaṃ, and next. |
agne | vratapās tve vratapāḥ VS.5.6,40; śB.; 6.3.21. P: agne vratapāḥ Kś.8.2.4. Cf. under prec. |
agner | vratāni pūrvyā mahāni RV.7.6.2d. |
anu | vrataṃ rakṣamāṇāv ajuryam RV.5.69.1d. |
anu | vrataṃ varuṇo yanti mitraḥ RV.4.13.2c. |
anu | vrataṃ vratapā dīdhyānāḥ RV.3.4.7d; 7.8d. |
anu | vrataṃ savitur daivyasya RV.2.38.6d. |
anu | vrataṃ savitur moky āgāt RV.2.38.3d. |
anu | vrataṃ carasi viśvavāre RV.3.61.1d. |
anu | vratāni vartate haviṣmān RV.1.183.3b. |
anu | vratāny aditer ṛdhantaḥ RV.7.87.7c. |
anu | vratāya nimiteva tasthuḥ RV.3.30.4d. |
anu | vrātāsas tava sakhyam īyuḥ RV.1.163.8c; VS.29.19c; TS.; KSA.6.3c. |
aparāhṇe | vratam upaiti yājñikam Kauś.73.9d. |
āpo | vratapatnyaḥ etc. Kauś.56.7. Cf. agne vratapate vrataṃ etc. |
āryā | vratā visṛjanto adhi kṣami RV.10.65.11d. |
asya | vratāni nādhṛṣe RV.9.53.3a; SV.2.1066a. |
ati | vrataṃ cakṛmā ko vi veda RV.10.12.5b; AVś.18.1.33b. |
brāhmaṇā | vratacāriṇaḥ RV.7.103.1b; AVś.4.15.13b (vulgate, erroneously, brahmaṇā); AVP.5.7.12b; N.9.6b. |
brahmaṇā | vratacāriṇaḥ AVś.4.15.13b. Error for brāhmaṇā etc., q.v. |
candra | vratapate vrataṃ cariṣyāmi SMB.1.6.12. P: candra vratapate Kauś.56.7. |
devā | vratapatayaḥ (sc. vrataṃ cariṣyāmi) Kauś.56.7. |
iḍāsi | vratabhṛt MS.1.5.3: 70.6; 1.5.10: 79.7; Apś.6.3.8. |
jīvaṃ | vrātaṃ sacemahi RV.10.57.5c; VS.3.55c; TS.; MS.1.10.3c: 144.1; KS.9.6c; śB.; Lś.5.2.11c; Kauś.89.1c. |
jīvānāṃ | vrātam apy agāt AVś.2.9.2b; AVP.2.10.4b. |
kva | vrataṃ kva śraddhāsya tiṣṭhati AVś.10.7.1c. |
mitrasya | vratā varuṇasya dīrghaśrut RV.8.25.17c. |
pañca | vrātā apasyavaḥ RV.9.14.2b. |
pra | vrataṃ yachata Apś.11.15.3. |
pūrvā | vratasya prāśnatī AVś.6.133.2c; AVP.5.33.2c. |
tad | vratam TB.,4,5,7; Apś.8.4.3. |
tasya | vrataṃ rakṣataṃ pātam aṃhasaḥ RV.1.93.8c; TB. |
tasya | vratāni na minanti dhīrāḥ RV.7.31.11c; SV.2.1144c. |
tasya | vratāni bhūripoṣiṇo vayam RV.3.3.9c. |
tasya | vratāny anu vaś carāmasi RV.8.25.16c. |
tasya | vratāny uśmasi RV.1.22.6c. |
tasyā | vrataṃ na hata MS.4.2.9: 31.1. |
tava | vratam anv āpaḥ sacante RV.9.82.5d. |
tava | vratāya matibhir jarāmahe RV.2.23.6b. |
tribhir | vratair abhi no rakṣati tmanā RV.4.53.5d. |
trīṇi | vratāya TB.; Apś.10.22.12; SMB.1.2.8; ApMB.1.3.9 (ApG.2.4.16); HG.1.21.1. See under trīṇi prajābhyaḥ. |
trīṇi | vratā vidathe antar eṣām RV.2.27.8b; TS.; MS.4.14.14b: 239.2; KS.11.12b. |
tvaṃ | vratānāṃ vratapatir asi Aś.8.14.6. See vratānāṃ vratapate vrataṃ cariṣyāmi. |
tvayi | vratam MS.1.5.3: 70.6; 1.5.10: 79.7. |
uta | vratāni soma te RV.10.25.3a. |
utāmṛtāsur | vrata emi kṛṇvan (AVP. vrata eṣi kṛṇvan) AVś.5.1.7a; AVP.6.2.6c. P: utāmṛtāsuḥ Kauś.28.12; 46.1. |
yad | vratam atipede Kauś.42.17a. |
yasmin | vratāny ādadhuḥ RV.8.103.1b; SV.1.47b; 2.865b. |
yasya | vrata upa see next but two. |
yasya | vrata oṣadhīr viśvarūpāḥ RV.5.83.5c. |
yasya | vrataṃ na mīyate RV.2.8.3c. |
yasya | vratam (AVś. -ta) upatiṣṭhanta (MS. -tā) āpaḥ RVKh.7.96.1b; AVś.7.40.1b; TS.; MS.4.10.1b: 142.13; KS.19.14a; Aś.3.8.1b; śś.6.11.8b. |
yasya | vrataṃ (KS. -te) paśavo yanti sarve RVKh.7.96.1a; AVś.7.40.1a; TS.; MS.4.10.1a: 142.13; KS.19.14b; Aś.3.8.1a; śś.6.11.8a. P: yasya vratam Vait.8.2. |
yato | vratāni paspaśe RV.1.22.19b; AVś.7.26.6b; SV.2.1021b; VS.6.4b; 13.33b; TS.; MS.1.2.14b: 23.18; KS.3.3b; 16.16b; śB.; |
yayor | vrataṃ na mame jātu devayoḥ TB. |
agniḥ | śucivratatamaḥ # RV.8.44.21a; TS.; 5.5.3a; MS.1.5.1a: 66.18; 4.10.1: 143.13; 4.10.2: 147.12; KS.19.14; 40.14a; AB.7.7.3; JB.2.137; śB.; Aś.2.1.25; śś.2.2.10. |
agniḥ | svam anu vratam # RV.1.128.1c. |
agne | devāṃ ā vaha naḥ priyavratam # RV.10.150.3c. |
agne | dhṛtavratāya te # RV.8.44.25a. P: agne dhṛtavratāya śś.14.52.5,13. |
agner | anuvratā bhūtvā # TS.; KS.1.10c; TB.; Mś.; ApMB.1.2.7c (ApG.2.4.8). See patyur anu-. |
aṅgirasāṃ | tvā devānāṃ (Apś. devānāṃ vratapate; Kauś. devānām ādityānāṃ) vratenā dadhe (Apś. dadhāmi) # MS.1.6.1: 86.7; 1.6.2: 87.3; 1.6.5: 94.10; KS.7.13 (ter); 8.4; Apś.5.11.7; Mś.; Kauś.70.6. Cf. ādityānāṃ tvā, and bhṛgūṇāṃ tvāṅgirasāṃ. |
aṅgirasvan | mahivrata # RV.1.45.3c; N.3.17c. |
adabdhāni | varuṇasya vratāni # RV.1.24.10c; 3.54.18b; TA.1.11.2c. |
anu | ma idaṃ vrataṃ vratapatir manyatām anu dīkṣāṃ dīkṣāpatir añjasā # MS.1.2.7: 16.14. See anu me dīkṣāṃ, and upa mā dīkṣāyāṃ. |
anuvratāya | randhayann apavratān # RV.1.51.9a. |
anyam | asmad ichatu kaṃ cid avrataḥ # AVś.6.20.1c. |
apracyutāni | dūḍabha vratāni # RV.2.28.8d. |
abhi | priyāṇi pavate punānaḥ # RV.9.97.12a. See abhi vratāni etc. |
aminatī | daivyāni vratāni # RV.1.92.12c; 124.2a. |
amī | ye vivratā (MS. -tāḥ; KS. -tās) sthana (MS. stha) # AVś.3.8.5c; 6.94.1c; MS.2.2.6c: 20.9; KS.10.12c. See asau yo vimanā. |
amuṣya | tvā vratapate vratenādadhe # Kś.4.9.1. |
ayaṃ | ya urvī mahinā mahivrataḥ # RV.6.68.9c. |
avājuṣṭān | vidhyati karte avratān # RV.9.73.8d. |
asau | yo vimanā janaḥ # RVKh.10.191.4c. See amī ye vivratā. |
asmai | śraiṣṭhyāya savratāḥ # AVP.3.23.4d. Cf. mama jyaiṣṭhyāya. |
ahaṃ | harī vṛṣaṇā vivratā raghū # RV.10.49.2c. |
ahaṃ | cittam ahaṃ vratam # AVP.2.77.1b. Cf. mayi cittaṃ. |
ahaṃ | nāv ubhayor vrataṃ cariṣyāmi # Apś.6.3.8. |
ādityānāṃ | tvā devānāṃ vratapate (omitted in KS.) vratenādadhāmi (KS. -dadhe) # KS.7.13 (ter); TB.; Apś.5.11.7. Cf. under aṅgirasāṃ tvā. |
ā | daivyāni vratā cikitvān # RV.1.70.2a. |
āpaś | cana pra minanti vrataṃ vām # RV.2.24.12b. |
āpaś | cid asya vrata ā nimṛgrāḥ # RV.2.38.2c. |
āpaḥ | satyaṃ mayi vratam # Kś.4.15.4. |
ā | yad dharī indra vivratā veḥ # RV.1.63.2a. |
ā | vaś cittam ā vo vratam # RV.10.166.4c. |
āvittau | mitrāvaruṇau dhṛtavratau # VS.10.9; MS.2.6.9: 69.4; 4.4.3: 52.19; KS.15.7; śB. See āvinnau. |
indrasya | tvā (sc. vratapate vratenādadhe) # Kś.4.9.3. Vikāra of amuṣya tvā etc. See indrasya tvā marutvato, and indrasya tvendriyeṇa. |
indrasya | tvendriyeṇa vratapate vratenādadhāmi # TB.; Apś.5.11.7. See under indrasya tvā. |
indrāgnyor | anu vratam # RV.8.40.8c. |
indro | devānāṃ varuṇo dhṛtavrataḥ # AVP.1.74.1a. |
ibho | rājeva suvrataḥ # RV.9.57.3b; SV.2.1113b. |
imaṃ | maṇḍūkam abhy etv avrataḥ # AVś.7.116.2b. |
iṣa | iṣṭavratā akaḥ # RV.3.59.9c. |
ukthair | ya enoḥ paribhūṣati vratam # RV.1.136.5f. |
uccairghoṣābhy | eti yā vratam # AVś.9.1.8b. |
uttamaṃ | tu mahāvratam # Aś.8.13.31b. |
ūrjaṃ | duhānāḥ śucayaḥ śucivratāḥ # Kauś.89.12c. |
ṛcā | śocantaḥ saṃdahanto avratān # RV.9.73.5b. |
ṛjūyantam | anu vratam # RV.1.136.5e. |
ṛtasya | devā anu vratā guḥ # RV.1.65.3a. |
ṛtuś | ca me vrataṃ ca me # TS. See next, vrataṃ ca ma, and vrataṃ cartuś. |
ṛtuś | ca vrataṃ ca # MS.2.11.6: 143.12; 3.4.2: 46.4. See under prec. |
ṛbhūṇāṃ | tvā devānāṃ vratapate vratenādadhāmi # TB.; Apś.5.11.7. P: ṛbhūṇāṃ tvā Kś.4.9.5. |
ṛṣaya | āyuṣmantas te vratair āyuṣmantaḥ # PG.1.16.6. |
ekarājñīm | ekavratām (text ekabratām) # AVP.7.12.1a. |
etam | apsarasāṃ vrātam # AVP.1.29.1c. |
eti | pra hotā vratam asya māyayā # RV.1.144.1a; KB.20.2. P: eti pra hotā śś.6.4.11; 11.4.13; 14.56.5. |
eṣa | u sya puruvrataḥ # RV.9.3.10a; SV.2.615a. |
eṣa | vṛṣā vṛṣavrataḥ # RV.9.62.11a. |
kavir | devānāṃ pari bhūṣasi vratam # RV.1.31.2b. |
kṛtaṃ | satyaṃ śrutaṃ vratam # AG.3.9.1d. |
kṣatram | ekā rakṣati devayūnām # MS.2.13.10d: 160.6; KS.39.10d. See vratam ekā. |
cakre | kṛṣṇāṃ anu vratā # RV.8.41.10b. |
candram | agniṃ candrarathaṃ harivratam (Apś. haritvacam; Mś. harivṛtam, vḷ. harivratam) # RV.3.3.5a; KS.7.12a; Apś.5.10.4a; Mś. |
caraty | ananuvratā # ApMB.2.19.1b,3b,5b; HG.2.10.7b. See yac cacārāna-, and vicaranty. |
janayanto | daivyāni vratāni # RV.7.75.3c. |
tataḥ | sūryo vratapā vena ājani # RV.1.83.5b; AVś.20.25.5b. |
tatrāpi | brahmaṇo vratam # AVP.3.25.7c. |
tad | vā anaḍuho vratam (AVP. balam) # AVś.4.11.11d; AVP.3.25.8d. Cf. tatrāpy anaḍuho. |
tanūnapāc | chucivrataḥ # VS.21.13a; KS.38.10a; TB. |
tapaś | ca me 'tapaś ca me tan ma ubhayaṃ vratam # ApMB.2.5.8 (ApG.4.11.18). |
tava | devā ajanayann anu vratam # RV.10.122.2d. |
tasya | ta iṣasya tveṣasya nṛmṇasya vratasya dakṣasya bhakṣīya svasya cāraṇasya ca śūdrasya cāryasya ca (Apś. nṛmṇasya yahvasya vratasya svasya vāraṇasya śūdrasya cāryasya ca bhukṣiṣīya) # MS.4.6.6: 88.20; Apś.13.16.8. |
tasya | venīr anu vratam # RV.8.41.3d. |
tasyāṃ | tvayy etāṃ dakṣiṇāṃ nidadhe 'kṣitim akṣīyamāṇāṃ śriyaṃ devānāṃ bṛhaj jyotir vasānāṃ prajānāṃ śaciṣṭhām ā vratam (read āvṛtam ?) anugeṣam # JB.2.258. Cf. śabali prajānāṃ. |
tā | indrasya na minanti vratāni # RV.7.47.3c. |
tā | no 'vatāṃ matimantā mahivratā # TB. |
tā | rājānā śucivratā # RV.6.16.24a. |
te | devānāṃ na minanti vratāni # RV.7.76.5c. |
te | 'rātiṃ ghnantu savratāḥ # AVP.5.26.8d. |
tripañcaśaḥ | krīḍati vrāta eṣām # RV.10.34.8a. |
trīṇi | prajābhyaḥ # MG.1.11.18. See trīṇi rāyas-, trīṇi vratāya, and rāyaspoṣāya tripadī. |
tvaṃ | rājeva suvrataḥ # RV.9.20.5a; SV.2.322a. |
tvaṃ | dyāṃ ca mahivrata # RV.9.100.9a; SV.2.368a. |
tvam | agne rājā varuṇo dhṛtavrataḥ # RV.2.1.4a. |
tvam | agne vratapā asi # RV.8.11.1a; AVś.19.59.1a; VS.4.16a; TS.; 2.3.1a;; MS.1.2.3a: 12.7; 3.6.9: 72.17; 4.10.2: 147.5; 4.11.4: 171.14; KS.2.4a; 6.10; 23.5 (bis); 35.9; AB.7.8.2; śB.; Aś.3.13.12; 12.8.23; Mś.; (bis); Apś.10.16.1; 18.2; 14.28.4; 24.13.3; Kauś.6.37; BDh.3.8.16. Ps: tvam agne vratapāḥ Aś.4.13.7; śś.2.4.8; śG.5.1.9; Rvidh.2.30.5; tvam agne Kś.7.5.1. Cf. BṛhD.6.48. |
tvam | agne vratabhṛc chuciḥ (MS. -bhṛñ śuciḥ) # MS.4.11.4a: 171.15; AB.7.8.1; TB.; Aś.3.12.14a; śś.3.5.9a; Apś.9.4.17a; śG.2.13.5a. |
tvayā | hy agne varuṇo dhṛtavrataḥ # RV.1.141.9a. |
tve | viśvā saṃgatāni vratā dhruvā # RV.1.36.5c. |
divo | napātā sukṛte śucivratā # RV.1.182.1d. |
dīdyagnī | śucivratā # RV.1.15.11b; TB.; Apś.21.7.16b; Mś.; |
dīrghaṃ | vo dātram aditer iva vratam # RV.1.166.12b. |
devā | devānām anu hi vratā guḥ # RV.3.7.7d. |
devī | rātrī sūryasya vratāni # MS.2.13.10b: 161.10. See rātrī devī. |
dyāvāpṛthivī | janayann abhi vratā # RV.10.66.9a. |
drāghiṣṭhābhiḥ | śucivratā # RV.3.62.17c; SV.2.14c. |
dhartāraṃ | vivratānām # SV.1.288d. |
dharmapatnī | pativratā # RVKh.10.85.1d. |
nakir | asya pra minanti vratāni # RV.10.10.5c; AVś.18.1.5c. Cf. nakiṣ ṭa. |
nakiṣ | ṭa etā vratā minanti # RV.1.69.7a. Cf. nakir asya pra. |
nadayor | vivratayoḥ śūra indraḥ # RV.10.105.4c. See na devo vṛtaḥ. |
na | deva vivratā harī ṛtasya yat # RV.8.12.15c. |
na | devānām ati vratam # RV.10.33.9a. |
na | pra minanti vratino vratāni # AVP.15.21.4a. |
namo | vrātebhyo vrātapatibhyaś ca vo namaḥ # VS.16.25; TS.; MS.2.9.4: 123.16; KS.17.13. |
nindā | ca me 'nindā ca me tan ma ubhayaṃ vratam # ApMB.2.5.3 (ApG.4.10.18). |
nir | avratāṃ adhamo rodasyoḥ # RV.1.33.5d. |
niśāmanaṃ | naśāmahai mayi vratam # RVKh.10.151.4c. |
ni | ṣasāda dhṛtavrataḥ # RV.1.25.10a; VS.10.27a; 20.2a; TS.; MS.1.6.2a: 88.10; 2.6.12a: 71.11; 2.7.16a: 100.18; 4.4.6a: 56.17; KS.2.7a; 7.14a; 8.7; 15.8a; 38.4a; AB.8.13.1a; 18.1a; śB.;; TB.;; Apś.5.19.2; 18.18.8; Mś.; P: ni ṣasāda Kś.15.7.4; 19.4.9. |
patyur | anuvratā bhūtvā # AVś.14.1.42c. See agner anu-, and cf. mām anuvratā. |
payo | duhānā vratanīr avārataḥ # RV.10.65.6b. |
paśupatiḥ | paśūnāṃ varuṇo dhṛtavrataḥ # AVP.14.2.9b. |
pitaiṣāṃ | pratno abhi rakṣati vratam # RV.9.73.3b; TA.1.11.1b; N.12.32b. |
pibatu | somaṃ varuṇo dhṛtavrataḥ # RV.1.44.14c. |
punar | nau vratapate vratinor vratāni # MS.1.2.13: 22.17. P: punar nau vratapate Mś. |
pra | deva varuṇa vratam # RV.1.25.1b; TS.; MS.4.12.6b: 197.9. |
pra | me devānāṃ vratapā uvāca # RV.5.2.8b; 10.32.6b. |
priyavādiny | anuvratā # AVś.3.25.4d. |
praitāni | takmane brūmaḥ # AVś.5.22.8c. See vratāni takmane. |
barhiṣmate | randhayā śāsad avratān # RV.1.51.8b. |
bhṛgūṇāṃ | tvāṅgirasāṃ (Apś. tvā devānāṃ) vratapate vratenādadhāmi # TB.; Apś.5.11.7. Cf. under aṅgirasāṃ tvā. |
manave | śāsad avratān # RV.1.130.8d. |
manos | tvā grāmaṇyo vratapate (omitted in KS.) vratenādadhāmi (KS. -dadhe) # KS.8.4; TB.; Apś.5.11.7. See manoṣ ṭvā. |
mama | jyaiṣṭhyāya savratāḥ # VS.13.25d; 14.6d,15d,16d,27d; 15.27d; TS.; MS.1.6.2d: 89.5; 2.8.12d (bis): 116.5,13; KS.17.10d (bis),14d; śB.; TB. Cf. asmai śraiṣṭhyāya. |
mayi | cittaṃ mayi vratam # AVP.3.29.4b. Cf. ahaṃ cittam. |
mayi | satyaṃ goṣu me vratam # Kś.4.15.5. |
mahāṃ | ugro abhi vrataiḥ # RV.8.1.27b. |
mahānāmnīr | mahāvratam # AVś.11.7.6b. |
mahīm | ū ṣu mātaraṃ suvratānām # AVś.7.6.2a; VS.21.5a; TS.; MS.4.10.1a: 144.10; KS.30.4a (bis),5a; AB.1.9.7; Aś.2.1.29a; 3.8.1; 4.3.2; śś.2.2.14a (5.5.2; 9.27.2, comm.). Ps: mahīm ū ṣu mātaram TB.; Kś.19.7.16; Apś.21.21.9; Mś.; mahīm ū ṣu TS.; 4.17.2; MS.4.12.4: 188.13; 4.14.4: 220.13; KS.11.13; 19.14; KSA.1.9; 4.6; TA.1.13.2; Mś.; Kauś.52.10; 71.23; 79.3; 86.26. Cf. BṛhD.7.104. |
mā | jāriṣuḥ sūrayaḥ suvratāsaḥ # RV.1.125.7b. |
mātrā | bhavatu saṃmanāḥ (AVP. savrataḥ) # AVś.3.30.2b; AVP.5.19.2b. |
mām | anuvratā bhava # HG.1.24.5a; JG.1.21. Cf. patyur anuvratā. |
mitrasya | tā varuṇasya vratāni # RV.3.55.6c. |
mṛḍīkāya | priyavratān # RV.10.150.3d. |
ya | indra sasty avrataḥ # RV.8.97.3a. |
yac | cacārānanuvratam # Apś.1.9.9b. See under caraty. |
yat | te vayaṃ pramināma vratāni # RV.8.48.9c. |
yathāyathaṃ | nau (KS. no) vratapate (KS. -pā) vratāni (TSṃS. vratinor vratāni; KS. vratināṃ vratāni) # VS.5.40; TS.; MS.1.2.13: 22.18; KS.3.1; śB. |
yad | agneḥ sendrasya saprajāpatikasya saṛṣikasya saṛṣirājanyasya sapitṛkasya sapitṛrājanyasya samanuṣyasya samanuṣyarājanyasya sākāśasya sātīkāśasya sānūkāśasya sapratīkāśasya sadevamanuṣyasya sagandharvāpsaraskasya sahāraṇyaiś ca paśubhir grāmyaiś ca yan ma ātmana ātmani vrataṃ tan me sarvavratam idam aham agne sarvavrato bhavāmi svāhā # AG.3.9.1. See yad brāhmaṇānāṃ. |
yad | indra śāso avratam # SV.1.298a. |
yad | brāhmaṇānāṃ brahmaṇi vrataṃ yad agnes sendrasya saprajāpatikasya sadevasya sadevarājasya samanuṣyasya samanuṣyarājasya sapitṛkasya sapitṛrājasya sagandharvāpsaraskasya yan ma ātmana ātmani vrataṃ tenāhaṃ sarvavrato bhūyāsam # ApMB.2.5.10 (ApG.4.11.18). See yad agneḥ sendrasya. |
yad | yoṣit pativratā # TA.1.27.4b. |
yad | vo vayaṃ pramināma vratāni # RV.10.2.4a; AVś.19.59.2a; TS.; MS.4.10.2a: 147.6; KS.35.9a; AB.7.8.2; Aś.3.13.12. Ps: yad vo vayaṃ pramināma Apś.14.28.4; 24.13.3; yad vo vayam MS.4.11.4: 171.14; KS.6.10; śś.2.4.8. |
yan | me vrataṃ vratapate lulobha # Kauś.42.17a. |
yayor | viśvam api vratam # SV.1.361c. |
yaḥ | śambaraṃ yo ahan piprum avratam # RV.1.101.2b. |
yasyendrasya | sindhavaḥ saścati vratam # RV.1.101.3c. |
yāgne | mama tanūr eṣā sā tvayi yā tava tanūr iyaṃ sā mayi # KS.2.8. Cf. under agne vratapate yā. |
yāgne | mama tanūs tvayy abhūd iyaṃ sā mayi yā tava tanūr mayy abhūd eṣā sā tvayi # KS.3.1. Cf. under agne vratapate yā. |
yā | tava tanūr iyaṃ sā mayi yo (VSK. yā) mama tanūr eṣā sā tvayi # VS.5.6; VSK.5.2.4; śB. Cf. under agne vratapate yā. |
yā | tava tanūr mayy abhūd eṣā sā tvayi yo (VSK. yā) mama tanūs tvayy abhūd iyaṃ sā mayi # VS.5.40; VSK.5.9.7; śB. Cf. under agne vratapate yā. |
yā | mama tanūr eṣā sā tvayi yā tava tanūr iyaṃ sā mayi # TS. Cf. under agne vratapate yā. |
yā | mama tanūs tvayy abhūd iyaṃ sā mayi yā tava tanūr mayy abhūd eṣā sā tvayi # TS. Cf. under agne vratapate yā. |
yā | yajamānasya vratadhuk tasyā āśiraṃ kuruta yā patniyai tasyai dadhigrahāya yā gharmadhuk tasyai dadhigharmāya taptam anātaktaṃ maitrāvaruṇāya śṛtātaṅkyaṃ dadhi kurutāt # Apś.11.21.8. |
yuvaṃ | dakṣaṃ dhṛtavrata (Padap. -tā) # RV.1.15.6a. P: yuvaṃ dakṣam śś.12.2.14. |
yuvoḥ | siktā viṣurūpāṇi savratā # RV.6.70.3d. |
vrata | accepting all the vows | SB 5.9.6 |
vrata | by austere penances | SB 10.52.43 |
vrata | by your vow of austerity | SB 10.22.10 |
vrata | from the vow | SB 6.18.60 |
vrata | of vows | SB 10.60.52 |
vrata | severe vows | SB 10.74.33-34 |
vrata | strict vows | SB 10.47.24 |
SB 12.3.48 | ||
vrata | the regulative vows | SB 7.2.10 |
vrata | the vow | CC Madhya 21.142 |
vrata | vow | SB 1.10.28 |
SB 2.9.4 | ||
SB 6.9.51 | ||
vrata | vows | SB 11.11.34-41 |
SB 11.12.9 | ||
SB 4.7.14 | ||
SB 7.9.46 | ||
vrata | vows of penance | SB 10.52.40 |
vrata kari' | taking a vow | CC Madhya 21.116 |
vrata kari' | taking a vow | CC Madhya 21.116 |
vrata-ādibhiḥ | by observing the vows and regulative principles | SB 6.2.11 |
vrata-ādibhiḥ | by observing the vows and regulative principles | SB 6.2.11 |
vrata-ādibhiḥ | by performing ritualistic ceremonies | SB 6.3.32 |
vrata-ādibhiḥ | by performing ritualistic ceremonies | SB 6.3.32 |
vrata-ādibhiḥ | by vows and other such activities | SB 6.2.17 |
vrata-ādibhiḥ | by vows and other such activities | SB 6.2.17 |
vrata-ante | at the end of observing the vow | SB 9.4.30 |
vrata-ante | at the end of observing the vow | SB 9.4.30 |
vrata-bhańga | the end of my vow | CC Antya 3.126 |
vrata-bhańga | the end of my vow | CC Antya 3.126 |
vrata-caryā | the execution of austere vows | SB 12.12.31-33 |
vrata-caryā | the execution of austere vows | SB 12.12.31-33 |
vrata-caryayā | by religious observances | SB 3.23.4-5 |
vrata-caryayā | by religious observances | SB 3.23.4-5 |
vrata-caryayā | observing the vow | SB 8.17.17 |
vrata-caryayā | observing the vow | SB 8.17.17 |
vrata-chidram | a fault in the execution of the vow | SB 6.18.58 |
vrata-chidram | a fault in the execution of the vow | SB 6.18.58 |
SB 6.18.59 | ||
vrata-chidram | a fault in the execution of the vow | SB 6.18.59 |
vrata-dharma | vow to serve him | SB 4.23.20 |
vrata-dharma | vow to serve him | SB 4.23.20 |
vrata-kṛśān | reduced by observing vows | CC Antya 4.63 |
vrata-kṛśān | reduced by observing vows | CC Antya 4.63 |
vrata-kṣāmā | lean and thin on account of austerities | SB 4.28.44 |
vrata-kṣāmā | lean and thin on account of austerities | SB 4.28.44 |
vrata-niyama | vows and regulative principles | CC Madhya 9.113 |
vrata-niyama | vows and regulative principles | CC Madhya 9.113 |
vrata-pāraṇam | the completion of the vow | SB 9.4.39-40 |
vrata-pāraṇam | the completion of the vow | SB 9.4.39-40 |
vrata-samāpanam | the period of worship is not over | SB 8.16.44-45 |
vrata-samāpanam | the period of worship is not over | SB 8.16.44-45 |
vrata-sthaḥ | being situated in a vow | SB 5.26.29 |
vrata-sthaḥ | being situated in a vow | SB 5.26.29 |
vrata-sthāyāḥ | who was faithfully discharging her vow | SB 6.18.58 |
vrata-sthāyāḥ | who was faithfully discharging her vow | SB 6.18.58 |
vrata-tyāgaḥ | to give up vows and austerity | SB 7.15.38-39 |
vrata-tyāgaḥ | to give up vows and austerity | SB 7.15.38-39 |
vrataḥ | his vow | SB 3.32.3 |
vrataḥ | my vows | SB 10.58.36 |
vrataḥ | the vow | SB 5.5.29 |
vrataḥ | vow | SB 1.6.31 |
SB 10.25.18 | ||
vrataḥ | who is devoted | SB 10.46.16 |
vrataḥ | whose vow | SB 10.87.45 |
vrataiḥ | by observing fasting and other vows | SB 5.18.19 |
vrataiḥ | by vows | SB 3.14.26 |
vrataiḥ | in vow | SB 1.5.7 |
vrataiḥ | the vow | SB 1.11.31 |
vrataiḥ | vows | SB 5.19.22 |
vrataiḥ | with their vows | SB 12.12.31-33 |
vratam | a vow | SB 4.11.12 |
vratam | executing vows | SB 7.14.25 |
vratam | her vow | SB 10.53.50 |
vratam | in the form of worship | SB 8.16.24 |
vratam | observance of a vrata ceremony | SB 8.16.62 |
vratam | observing vows | SB 8.16.61 |
vratam | the behavior | SB 5.5.32 |
vratam | the vow | SB 10.45.29 |
SB 12.6.61 | ||
SB 6.18.46 | ||
SB 6.18.55 | ||
SB 6.19.1 | ||
SB 6.19.26-28 | ||
vratam | the vow (of brahmacarya) | SB 11.17.30 |
vratam | the vow of brahmacarya | SB 9.2.10 |
vratam | their vow | SB 10.22.5 |
vratam | this fixed practice | SB 11.7.37 |
vratam | vow | CC Madhya 22.34 |
SB 10.22.27 | ||
SB 3.24.42 | ||
SB 6.18.45 | ||
SB 6.18.46 | ||
SB 6.18.54 | ||
SB 6.18.69 | ||
SB 6.19.19-20 | ||
SB 6.19.2-3 | ||
SB 6.19.25 | ||
vratam | vows | SB 11.16.43 |
SB 8.1.22 | ||
vratam | vows, such as fasting on Ekādaśī | SB 11.19.20-24 |
vratam | Vrata | SB 4.13.15-16 |
vratam | with our vow (of celibacy) | SB 10.23.40 |
vratam idam | this payo-vrata ritualistic ceremony | SB 8.17.1 |
vratam idam | this payo-vrata ritualistic ceremony | SB 8.17.1 |
vratam idam | this process of worshiping with a vow | SB 8.16.46 |
vratam idam | this process of worshiping with a vow | SB 8.16.46 |
vratasya | of one who has taken a vow strictly | SB 9.6.50 |
vratasya | whose vows of austerity | SB 3.21.37 |
abṛhat-vrataḥ | without strictly following a vow of celibacy | SB 2.6.20 |
adhṛta-vrataiḥ | devoid of all spiritual activities | SB 4.18.6 |
kārtika-ādi-vrata | to observe special vows in the month of Kārttika | CC Madhya 22.127 |
devavrata-ādya | Bhīṣmadeva and others | SB 10.1.4 |
aloka-vratam | vows of brahmacarya, vānaprastha or sannyāsa | SB 8.3.7 |
anṛta-vrata | who are fond of speaking lies | SB 8.1.26 |
anuvrata | Anuvrata | SB 5.20.27 |
anuvrata | of a friend | SB 10.23.22 |
anuvrataḥ | a follower in His footsteps | SB 1.12.24 |
anuvrataḥ | very obedient | SB 2.9.41 |
anuvrataḥ | constant follower | SB 3.3.18 |
anuvrataḥ | serving | SB 3.3.23 |
anuvrataḥ | followers | SB 3.6.31 |
anuvrataḥ | followed | SB 3.20.3 |
anuvrataḥ | a follower of | SB 4.13.39 |
anuvrataḥ | favorable or pleased | SB 7.5.12 |
anuvrataḥ | following in their footsteps | SB 10.1.46 |
anuvrataḥ | imitating | SB 10.48.4 |
anuvrataḥ | a faithful follower | SB 11.6.40-41 |
anuvrataiḥ | devoted to | SB 3.16.3 |
anuvrataiḥ | along with His companions | SB 10.15.10-12 |
anuvrataiḥ | by the faithful (gopīs) | SB 10.33.2 |
anuvratam | follower | SB 1.11.39 |
anuvratam | follower | SB 5.2.16 |
anuvratam | following the instruction of the brāhmaṇas | SB 8.15.34 |
arcana-vratam | the vow of worship | SB 10.22.1 |
priyavrata-ātmajaḥ | the son of King Priyavrata | SB 5.20.2 |
priyavrata-ātmajaḥ | the son of Mahārāja Priyavrata | SB 5.20.9 |
avrata | without vows | SB 11.12.7 |
bāla-hatyā-vratam | the atonement fur killing the child | SB 6.16.14 |
dhṛta-bhagavat-vrataḥ | having accepted the vow to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 5.7.13 |
bhava-vrata-dharāḥ | taking a vow to satisfy Lord Śiva | SB 4.2.28 |
manyuḥ, manuḥ, mahinasaḥ, mahān, śivaḥ, ṛtadhvajaḥ, ugaretāḥ, bhavaḥ, kālaḥ, vāmadevaḥ, dhṛtavrataḥ | all names of Rudra | SB 3.12.12 |
brahma-vrata-dharaḥ | one who is maintaining the vow of celibacy, or brahmacarya | SB 11.17.25 |
bṛhat-vratam | avowed brahmacārī | SB 4.27.21 |
bṛhat-vrataḥ | invariably observing the vow of celibacy | SB 7.12.7 |
bṛhat-vrataḥ | observing the powerful vow of perpetual celibacy | SB 11.17.31 |
bṛhat-vrata | that great vow of perpetual celibacy | SB 11.17.36 |
bṛhat-vrata | the great vow of lifelong celibacy | SB 12.8.7-11 |
bṛhat-vrata-dharaḥ | maintaining the vow of celibacy, brahmacarya | SB 12.8.13 |
bṛhat-vrata | of the vow of lifelong celibacy | SB 12.9.3 |
priyavrata-ratha-caraṇa-parikhātaiḥ | by the ditches made by the wheels of the chariot used by Priyavrata Mahārāja while circumambulating Sumeru behind the sun | SB 5.16.2 |
cīrṇa-vrataḥ | finishing the duration of time living in the forest | SB 9.10.32 |
dāna-vrata | Dānavrata | SB 5.20.27 |
daṇḍa-vrata-dhare | who carries the rod of punishment | SB 4.13.22 |
deva-vrataḥ | Bhīṣmadeva | SB 1.9.1 |
deva-vrata | of Bhīṣmadeva | SB 11.19.13 |
devavrata-ādya | Bhīṣmadeva and others | SB 10.1.4 |
devavrataḥ | Bhīṣma | SB 2.7.43-45 |
bhava-vrata-dharāḥ | taking a vow to satisfy Lord Śiva | SB 4.2.28 |
mahā-vrata-dharaḥ | the master of great vows and austerities | SB 6.17.8 |
eka-patnī-vrata-dharaḥ | taking a vow not to accept a second wife or to have any connection with any other woman | SB 9.10.54 |
brahma-vrata-dharaḥ | one who is maintaining the vow of celibacy, or brahmacarya | SB 11.17.25 |
bṛhat-vrata-dharaḥ | maintaining the vow of celibacy, brahmacarya | SB 12.8.13 |
tat-vrata-dhāraṇam | accepting the vows of the husband or acting exactly as the husband acts | SB 7.11.25 |
daṇḍa-vrata-dhare | who carries the rod of punishment | SB 4.13.22 |
dhṛta-vrataḥ | fixed in spiritual qualities | SB 1.5.13 |
dhṛta-vrataḥ | taken to a vow | SB 3.14.1 |
dhṛta-vratam | completely dedicated to a vow | SB 4.1.42 |
dhṛta-vrataiḥ | by qualified brāhmaṇas | SB 4.13.27 |
dhṛta-bhagavat-vrataḥ | having accepted the vow to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 5.7.13 |
dhṛta-vrataḥ | fixed in the execution of the Vedic injunctions | SB 6.1.56-57 |
dhṛta-vrataiḥ | who were firm in their vows | SB 12.6.46 |
manyuḥ, manuḥ, mahinasaḥ, mahān, śivaḥ, ṛtadhvajaḥ, ugaretāḥ, bhavaḥ, kālaḥ, vāmadevaḥ, dhṛtavrataḥ | all names of Rudra | SB 3.12.12 |
dhṛtavrataḥ | a son named Dhṛtavrata | SB 9.23.12 |
dṛḍha-vrataḥ | firmly determined | SB 4.16.16 |
dṛḍha-vrataḥ | firm in his vows | SB 10.62.2 |
su-dṛḍha-vrataḥ | firmly determined | CC Madhya 23.72 |
dvādaśī-vratam | the vow for observing Ekādaśī and Dvādaśī | SB 9.4.29 |
eka-patnī-vrata-dharaḥ | taking a vow not to accept a second wife or to have any connection with any other woman | SB 9.10.54 |
evam-vrataḥ | when one thus engages in the vow to chant and dance | SB 11.2.40 |
evam-vrataḥ | when one thus engages in the vow to chant and dance | CC Adi 7.94 |
evam-vrataḥ | when one thus engages in a vow to chant and dance | CC Madhya 9.262 |
evam-vrataḥ | when one thus engages in a vow to chant and dance | CC Madhya 23.41 |
evam-vrataḥ | when one thus engages in a vow to chant and dance | CC Madhya 25.141 |
evam-vrataḥ | when one thus engages in the vow to chant and dance | CC Antya 3.179 |
hata-vrataḥ | who broke all his vows | SB 6.2.45 |
bāla-hatyā-vratam | the atonement fur killing the child | SB 6.16.14 |
jitavratam | of the name Jitavrata | SB 4.24.8 |
manyuḥ, manuḥ, mahinasaḥ, mahān, śivaḥ, ṛtadhvajaḥ, ugaretāḥ, bhavaḥ, kālaḥ, vāmadevaḥ, dhṛtavrataḥ | all names of Rudra | SB 3.12.12 |
kārtika-ādi-vrata | to observe special vows in the month of Kārttika | CC Madhya 22.127 |
madhu-vrata-śriyā | sweet sound in beauty | SB 3.8.31 |
madhu-vrata-pateḥ | of the king of the bees | SB 3.16.20 |
madhu-vratam | with bees | SB 3.33.18 |
madhu-vrataiḥ | with bumblebees | SB 4.9.63 |
madhu-vrataiḥ | with bees | SB 8.15.12 |
madhu-vrata | of bees always hankering for honey | SB 8.18.3 |
madhu-vrata | of bees | SB 8.20.32-33 |
madhuvrata | of bumblebees | SB 3.28.28 |
madhuvrata-varūtha | of bumblebees | SB 8.8.24 |
mahā-vrata-dharaḥ | the master of great vows and austerities | SB 6.17.8 |
manyuḥ, manuḥ, mahinasaḥ, mahān, śivaḥ, ṛtadhvajaḥ, ugaretāḥ, bhavaḥ, kālaḥ, vāmadevaḥ, dhṛtavrataḥ | all names of Rudra | SB 3.12.12 |
manyuḥ, manuḥ, mahinasaḥ, mahān, śivaḥ, ṛtadhvajaḥ, ugaretāḥ, bhavaḥ, kālaḥ, vāmadevaḥ, dhṛtavrataḥ | all names of Rudra | SB 3.12.12 |
manyuḥ, manuḥ, mahinasaḥ, mahān, śivaḥ, ṛtadhvajaḥ, ugaretāḥ, bhavaḥ, kālaḥ, vāmadevaḥ, dhṛtavrataḥ | all names of Rudra | SB 3.12.12 |
manyuḥ, manuḥ, mahinasaḥ, mahān, śivaḥ, ṛtadhvajaḥ, ugaretāḥ, bhavaḥ, kālaḥ, vāmadevaḥ, dhṛtavrataḥ | all names of Rudra | SB 3.12.12 |
mauna-vrataḥ | the vow of silence (not talking with anyone) | SB 8.4.8 |
muni-vrataḥ | with the vows of a sage | SB 1.19.7 |
muni-vrataiḥ | like the great sages | SB 4.25.19 |
priyavrata-nāradayoḥ | in the presence of Priyavrata and Nārada | SB 5.1.21 |
viṣṇu-vrata-parāyaṇaḥ | who was a first-class Vaiṣṇava, always engaged in the service of the Lord | SB 8.4.7 |
priyavrata-ratha-caraṇa-parikhātaiḥ | by the ditches made by the wheels of the chariot used by Priyavrata Mahārāja while circumambulating Sumeru behind the sun | SB 5.16.2 |
madhu-vrata-pateḥ | of the king of the bees | SB 3.16.20 |
eka-patnī-vrata-dharaḥ | taking a vow not to accept a second wife or to have any connection with any other woman | SB 9.10.54 |
payaḥ-vratam | accepting the vow of taking only milk | SB 8.16.25 |
payaḥ-vratam | the observance of the vrata known as payo-vrata | SB 8.16.47 |
payaḥ-vratam | ceremony known as payo-vrata | SB 8.16.58 |
payaḥ-vratam | the ritualistic ceremony known as payo-vrata | SB 8.17.2-3 |
praiyavrataḥ | related to King Priyavrata | SB 5.6.14 |
praiyavrataḥ | the son of Mahārāja Priyavrata | SB 5.20.14 |
praiyavrataḥ | the son of Mahārāja Priyavrata | SB 5.20.20 |
praiyavrataḥ | a son of Mahārāja Priyavrata | SB 5.20.25 |
praiyavrataḥ | a son of Mahārāja Priyavrata | SB 5.20.31 |
praiyavratam | coming from King Priyavrata | SB 5.15.16 |
praiyavratam | the story of Mahārāja Priyavrata | SB 12.12.14-15 |
priya-vrataḥ | King Priyavrata | SB 5.1.1 |
priyavrata | Priyavrata | SB 3.12.56 |
priyavrata | Mahārāja Priyavrata | SB 3.21.2 |
priyavrata-uttānapadoḥ | of Priyavrata and Uttānapāda | SB 3.22.9 |
priyavrata | Priyavrata | SB 4.1.9 |
priyavrata | Priyavrata | SB 4.8.7 |
priyavrata-nāradayoḥ | in the presence of Priyavrata and Nārada | SB 5.1.21 |
priyavrata | by King Priyavrata | SB 5.1.39 |
priyavrata-ratha-caraṇa-parikhātaiḥ | by the ditches made by the wheels of the chariot used by Priyavrata Mahārāja while circumambulating Sumeru behind the sun | SB 5.16.2 |
priyavrata-ātmajaḥ | the son of King Priyavrata | SB 5.20.2 |
priyavrata-ātmajaḥ | the son of Mahārāja Priyavrata | SB 5.20.9 |
priyavrata | of Priyavrata | SB 6.1.4-5 |
priyavrata | of King Priyavrata | SB 8.1.23 |
priyavrataḥ | Priyavrata | SB 5.1.6 |
priyavrataḥ | Mahārāja Priyavrata | SB 11.2.15 |
priyavratam | unto Priyavrata | SB 5.1.10 |
priyavratasya | of Priyavrata, in the family of Mahārāja Dhruva | SB 4.21.28-29 |
priyavratasya | of King Priyavrata | SB 4.31.26 |
priyavrata-ratha-caraṇa-parikhātaiḥ | by the ditches made by the wheels of the chariot used by Priyavrata Mahārāja while circumambulating Sumeru behind the sun | SB 5.16.2 |
ṛta-vrata | ṛtavrata | SB 5.20.27 |
manyuḥ, manuḥ, mahinasaḥ, mahān, śivaḥ, ṛtadhvajaḥ, ugaretāḥ, bhavaḥ, kālaḥ, vāmadevaḥ, dhṛtavrataḥ | all names of Rudra | SB 3.12.12 |
sarva-vratam | all religious ceremonies | SB 8.16.60 |
satya-vrata | Satyavrata | SB 5.20.27 |
satya-vratasya | of Mahārāja Bali, who is fixed in truthfulness | SB 8.21.12 |
satya-vratam | the Personality of Godhead, who never deviates from His vow* | SB 10.2.26 |
satyavrataḥ | Satyavrata | SB 8.24.10 |
satyavrataḥ | King Satyavrata | SB 8.24.13 |
satyavrataḥ | Satyavrata | SB 8.24.58 |
satyavrataḥ | Satyavrata | SB 9.1.2-3 |
satyavrataḥ | by the name Satyavrata | SB 9.7.5-6 |
satyavrataiḥ | the Satyavratas | SB 8.1.25 |
satyavratam | unto Satyavrata | SB 8.24.31 |
satyavratasya | of King Satyavrata | SB 8.24.55 |
satyavratasya | of King Satyavrata | SB 8.24.59 |
sevana-vrata | decision to serve | CC Madhya 3.7 |
manyuḥ, manuḥ, mahinasaḥ, mahān, śivaḥ, ṛtadhvajaḥ, ugaretāḥ, bhavaḥ, kālaḥ, vāmadevaḥ, dhṛtavrataḥ | all names of Rudra | SB 3.12.12 |
madhu-vrata-śriyā | sweet sound in beauty | SB 3.8.31 |
stutya-vrata | Stutyavrata | SB 5.20.14 |
su-vrata | one who has taken a pious vow | SB 4.9.19 |
su-vrata | O Maitreya, who have taken an auspicious vow | SB 4.13.2 |
su-vrata | having the determination for spiritual advancement | SB 7.4.44 |
su-vrata | O most gentle one | SB 8.16.15 |
su-vrataḥ | being fixed in his vow | SB 8.22.29-30 |
su-vrata | O faithful upholder of vows | SB 10.33.28 |
su-vratau | sincere in Their vows | SB 10.45.29 |
su-vrata | O you who are always true to your vow | SB 11.2.9 |
su-dṛḍha-vrataḥ | firmly determined | CC Madhya 23.72 |
suvrata | O good soul | SB 1.5.33 |
suvrataḥ | a son named Suvrata | SB 9.22.43 |
tat-vrata-dhāraṇam | accepting the vows of the husband or acting exactly as the husband acts | SB 7.11.25 |
manyuḥ, manuḥ, mahinasaḥ, mahān, śivaḥ, ṛtadhvajaḥ, ugaretāḥ, bhavaḥ, kālaḥ, vāmadevaḥ, dhṛtavrataḥ | all names of Rudra | SB 3.12.12 |
priyavrata-uttānapadoḥ | of Priyavrata and Uttānapāda | SB 3.22.9 |
manyuḥ, manuḥ, mahinasaḥ, mahān, śivaḥ, ṛtadhvajaḥ, ugaretāḥ, bhavaḥ, kālaḥ, vāmadevaḥ, dhṛtavrataḥ | all names of Rudra | SB 3.12.12 |
madhuvrata-varūtha | of bumblebees | SB 8.8.24 |
vīra-vrataḥ | a son named Vīravrata | SB 5.15.14-15 |
vīra-vrataḥ | firmly determined | SB 5.17.2 |
vīrāsana-vrataḥ | taking the vow of vīrāsana, standing with a sword | SB 9.2.3 |
viṣṇu-vrata-parāyaṇaḥ | who was a first-class Vaiṣṇava, always engaged in the service of the Lord | SB 8.4.7 |
madhu-vrata-śriyā | sweet sound in beauty | SB 3.8.31 |
madhu-vrata-pateḥ | of the king of the bees | SB 3.16.20 |
bhava-vrata-dharāḥ | taking a vow to satisfy Lord Śiva | SB 4.2.28 |
su-vrata | one who has taken a pious vow | SB 4.9.19 |
su-vrata | O Maitreya, who have taken an auspicious vow | SB 4.13.2 |
daṇḍa-vrata-dhare | who carries the rod of punishment | SB 4.13.22 |
stutya-vrata | Stutyavrata | SB 5.20.14 |
ṛta-vrata | ṛtavrata | SB 5.20.27 |
satya-vrata | Satyavrata | SB 5.20.27 |
dāna-vrata | Dānavrata | SB 5.20.27 |
mahā-vrata-dharaḥ | the master of great vows and austerities | SB 6.17.8 |
su-vrata | having the determination for spiritual advancement | SB 7.4.44 |
tat-vrata-dhāraṇam | accepting the vows of the husband or acting exactly as the husband acts | SB 7.11.25 |
anṛta-vrata | who are fond of speaking lies | SB 8.1.26 |
viṣṇu-vrata-parāyaṇaḥ | who was a first-class Vaiṣṇava, always engaged in the service of the Lord | SB 8.4.7 |
su-vrata | O most gentle one | SB 8.16.15 |
madhu-vrata | of bees always hankering for honey | SB 8.18.3 |
madhu-vrata | of bees | SB 8.20.32-33 |
eka-patnī-vrata-dharaḥ | taking a vow not to accept a second wife or to have any connection with any other woman | SB 9.10.54 |
su-vrata | O faithful upholder of vows | SB 10.33.28 |
su-vrata | O you who are always true to your vow | SB 11.2.9 |
brahma-vrata-dharaḥ | one who is maintaining the vow of celibacy, or brahmacarya | SB 11.17.25 |
bṛhat-vrata | that great vow of perpetual celibacy | SB 11.17.36 |
deva-vrata | of Bhīṣmadeva | SB 11.19.13 |
bṛhat-vrata | the great vow of lifelong celibacy | SB 12.8.7-11 |
bṛhat-vrata-dharaḥ | maintaining the vow of celibacy, brahmacarya | SB 12.8.13 |
bṛhat-vrata | of the vow of lifelong celibacy | SB 12.9.3 |
sevana-vrata | decision to serve | CC Madhya 3.7 |
kārtika-ādi-vrata | to observe special vows in the month of Kārttika | CC Madhya 22.127 |
dhṛta-vrataḥ | fixed in spiritual qualities | SB 1.5.13 |
deva-vrataḥ | Bhīṣmadeva | SB 1.9.1 |
muni-vrataḥ | with the vows of a sage | SB 1.19.7 |
abṛhat-vrataḥ | without strictly following a vow of celibacy | SB 2.6.20 |
dhṛta-vrataḥ | taken to a vow | SB 3.14.1 |
dṛḍha-vrataḥ | firmly determined | SB 4.16.16 |
priya-vrataḥ | King Priyavrata | SB 5.1.1 |
dhṛta-bhagavat-vrataḥ | having accepted the vow to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 5.7.13 |
vīra-vrataḥ | a son named Vīravrata | SB 5.15.14-15 |
vīra-vrataḥ | firmly determined | SB 5.17.2 |
dhṛta-vrataḥ | fixed in the execution of the Vedic injunctions | SB 6.1.56-57 |
hata-vrataḥ | who broke all his vows | SB 6.2.45 |
bṛhat-vrataḥ | invariably observing the vow of celibacy | SB 7.12.7 |
mauna-vrataḥ | the vow of silence (not talking with anyone) | SB 8.4.8 |
su-vrataḥ | being fixed in his vow | SB 8.22.29-30 |
vīrāsana-vrataḥ | taking the vow of vīrāsana, standing with a sword | SB 9.2.3 |
cīrṇa-vrataḥ | finishing the duration of time living in the forest | SB 9.10.32 |
dṛḍha-vrataḥ | firm in his vows | SB 10.62.2 |
evam-vrataḥ | when one thus engages in the vow to chant and dance | SB 11.2.40 |
bṛhat-vrataḥ | observing the powerful vow of perpetual celibacy | SB 11.17.31 |
evam-vrataḥ | when one thus engages in the vow to chant and dance | CC Adi 7.94 |
evam-vrataḥ | when one thus engages in a vow to chant and dance | CC Madhya 9.262 |
evam-vrataḥ | when one thus engages in a vow to chant and dance | CC Madhya 23.41 |
su-dṛḍha-vrataḥ | firmly determined | CC Madhya 23.72 |
evam-vrataḥ | when one thus engages in a vow to chant and dance | CC Madhya 25.141 |
evam-vrataḥ | when one thus engages in the vow to chant and dance | CC Antya 3.179 |
madhu-vrataiḥ | with bumblebees | SB 4.9.63 |
dhṛta-vrataiḥ | by qualified brāhmaṇas | SB 4.13.27 |
adhṛta-vrataiḥ | devoid of all spiritual activities | SB 4.18.6 |
muni-vrataiḥ | like the great sages | SB 4.25.19 |
madhu-vrataiḥ | with bees | SB 8.15.12 |
dhṛta-vrataiḥ | who were firm in their vows | SB 12.6.46 |
madhu-vratam | with bees | SB 3.33.18 |
dhṛta-vratam | completely dedicated to a vow | SB 4.1.42 |
bṛhat-vratam | avowed brahmacārī | SB 4.27.21 |
bāla-hatyā-vratam | the atonement fur killing the child | SB 6.16.14 |
aloka-vratam | vows of brahmacarya, vānaprastha or sannyāsa | SB 8.3.7 |
payaḥ-vratam | accepting the vow of taking only milk | SB 8.16.25 |
payaḥ-vratam | the observance of the vrata known as payo-vrata | SB 8.16.47 |
payaḥ-vratam | ceremony known as payo-vrata | SB 8.16.58 |
sarva-vratam | all religious ceremonies | SB 8.16.60 |
payaḥ-vratam | the ritualistic ceremony known as payo-vrata | SB 8.17.2-3 |
dvādaśī-vratam | the vow for observing Ekādaśī and Dvādaśī | SB 9.4.29 |
satya-vratam | the Personality of Godhead, who never deviates from His vow* | SB 10.2.26 |
arcana-vratam | the vow of worship | SB 10.22.1 |
satya-vratasya | of Mahārāja Bali, who is fixed in truthfulness | SB 8.21.12 |
su-vratau | sincere in Their vows | SB 10.45.29 |
vrata | noun (neuter) a religious vow or practice (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) any pious observance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) any vow or firm purpose (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) command (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) conduct (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) custom (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dominion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) function (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) holy practice (as fasting) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) law (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) manner (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) manner of life (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) meritorious act of devotion or austerity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) mode or (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) obedience (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) ordinance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) realm (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) resolve to (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) rule (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) rule (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) service (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) solemn vow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) sphere of action (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the feeding only on milk (as a fast or observance according to rule) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the practice of always eating the same food (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) usage (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) will (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 304/72933 | |
vrataghnī | noun (feminine) name of a river Frequency rank 67026/72933 | |
vrataka | noun (neuter) a religious observance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39850/72933 | |
vrataparibhāṣā | noun (feminine) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.128 Frequency rank 67028/72933 | |
vratapati | noun (masculine) name of Agni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 25536/72933 | |
vratasnāta | adjective one who has bathed after completing a religious vow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 67029/72933 | |
vratatama | adjective (ifc.) fully concentrated on vrata XZ Frequency rank 67027/72933 | |
vratati | noun (feminine) a creeping plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) creeper (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) expansion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) extension (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) spreading (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39851/72933 | |
vratavant | adjective connected with the Vrata called Mahā-vrata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) containing the word vrata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fulfilling or performing a religious vow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 16166/72933 | |
akhaṇḍadvādaśīvratakathana | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.118 Frequency rank 41621/72933 | |
agastyārghyavrata | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.119 Frequency rank 41648/72933 | |
agnivrata | noun (neuter) name of a Vedic hymn Frequency rank 41704/72933 | |
aṅgāravrata | noun (neuter) name of a Vrata Frequency rank 41796/72933 | |
atitīvratara | adjective ganz ausserordentlich tīvra Frequency rank 42065/72933 | |
anaṅgatrayodaśīvrata | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.117 Frequency rank 42566/72933 | |
anuvrata | adjective ardently attached to (with gen. or acc.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) devoted to (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) faithful to (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 4881/72933 | |
arkavrata | noun (neuter) the rule or law of the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 44898/72933 | |
avrata | adjective disobedient (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) lawless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) not observing religious rites or obligations (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wicked (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 10573/72933 | |
aśvavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata
name of a Sāman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 45692/72933 | |
ahiṃsāvrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 46126/72933 | |
ānandavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 46414/72933 | |
āyurvrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 46572/72933 | |
indravrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata
one of the duties of a king (to distribute benefits) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27045/72933 | |
upavrata | noun (neuter) [rel.] an additional vrata Frequency rank 33543/72933 | |
umāmaheśvaravrata | noun (neuter) name of a particular observance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Liṅgapurāṇa, 1.84 Frequency rank 47783/72933 | |
ṛṣyekādaśīvrata | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.135 Frequency rank 47941/72933 | |
ekādaśīvrata | noun (neuter) fasting on the eleventh day of a fortnight (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27279/72933 | |
evaṃvrata | adjective acting thus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fulfilling such duties (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) of such a behaviour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 27295/72933 | |
karivrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 48687/72933 | |
kalpavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 48893/72933 | |
kāntivrata | noun (neuter) a kind of ceremony (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 49106/72933 | |
kāmavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 49162/72933 | |
kīrtivrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 49523/72933 | |
kṛṣṇavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 50039/72933 | |
kṛṣṇāṣṭamīvratanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.131 Frequency rank 50063/72933 | |
kṣīradhārāvrata | noun (neuter) [rel.] a kind of vrata Frequency rank 50596/72933 | |
govrata | adjective one who imitates a cow in frugality (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51615/72933 | |
gaurīvrata | noun (neuter) a kind of rite in honour of Gaurī (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 51671/72933 | |
ghṛtavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 51857/72933 | |
candravrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 52069/72933 | |
cāturmāsyavratanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.121 Frequency rank 52211/72933 | |
tathāvrata | adjective Frequency rank 53251/72933 | |
tithivāranakṣatrādivratanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.137 Frequency rank 53537/72933 | |
tithyādivratavarṇana | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.116 Frequency rank 53539/72933 | |
tīvratara | adjective very strong Frequency rank 16814/72933 | |
trivrata | noun (masculine) name of a Vyāsa during the 11th parivarta Frequency rank 53992/72933 | |
dīptivrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 54497/72933 | |
dṛḍhavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 54887/72933 | |
devavrata | noun (neuter) any religious observation or vow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of several Sāmans (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the favourite food of the gods (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 28452/72933 | |
devavrata | noun (masculine) name of Bhīṣma (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Skanda (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 6228/72933 | |
devīvrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 54983/72933 | |
dvādaśīvrata | noun (neuter) a particular observance on the 12th day of a half-month (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 24286/72933 | |
dharāvrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 55336/72933 | |
dhāmavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 36017/72933 | |
dhṛtavrata | adjective attached (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) being accustomed to (inf.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) devoted (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) faithful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) firmly resolute (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) maintaining law or order (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) of fixed law or order (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 24312/72933 | |
dhṛtavrata | noun (masculine) name of a son of Dhṛti (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Rudra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 24313/72933 | |
dhṛtivrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 55475/72933 | |
dhenuvrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 55486/72933 | |
nagnavratadhara | noun (masculine) [rel.] name of Śiva Frequency rank 55622/72933 | |
nirvrata | adjective neglecting religious observances or vows (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 56353/72933 | |
payovrata | adjective subsisting on nothing but milk (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 21654/72933 | |
pāśupatavratamāhātmya | noun (neuter) name of Liṅgapurāṇa, 1.80 Frequency rank 57906/72933 | |
puruṣavrata | noun (neuter) name of 2 Sāmans (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 58224/72933 | |
prabhāvrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 59242/72933 | |
prāptivrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 59662/72933 | |
priyavrata | noun (masculine) name of a king (a son of Manu and Śatarūpā) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9664/72933 | |
prītivrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 59727/72933 | |
phalavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 59887/72933 | |
bakavrata | noun (neuter) hypocrisy (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 37556/72933 | |
budhāṣṭamīvratanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.132 Frequency rank 60322/72933 | |
baiḍālavrata | noun (neuter) putting on a show of virtue or piety to conceal malice and evil designs (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 60377/72933 | |
brahmavrata | noun (neuter) name of a religious observance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 24871/72933 | |
bhavānīvrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 60602/72933 | |
bhānuvrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 60659/72933 | |
bhīmavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 60780/72933 | |
bhīṣmapañcakādivrata | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.123 Frequency rank 60794/72933 | |
bhuvanakośavarṇanopayogipriyavratavaṃśanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.54 Frequency rank 60818/72933 | |
madhuvrata | noun (masculine) a bee Frequency rank 21975/72933 | |
madhūkatṛtīyāvratavidhānamāhātmyavarṇana | noun (neuter) name of Skandapurāṇa, Revākhaṇḍa, 26 Frequency rank 61390/72933 | |
mahānavamīvrata | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.133 Frequency rank 61734/72933 | |
mahāvrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata
fundamental duty (5 in number) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Sāman or Stotra appointed to be sung on the last day but one of the Gavāmayana (applied also to the day itself or its ceremonies) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the religious usages of the Pāśupatas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 18307/72933 | |
mahāvrata | adjective a Pāśupata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) one who has undertaken solemn religious duties (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 11044/72933 | |
māsopavāsavrata | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.122 Frequency rank 62171/72933 | |
yamavrata | noun (neuter) a particular ceremony of the Brahmacārin (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a religious observance or vow made to Yama (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Sāman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Yama's method (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 62927/72933 | |
rambhātṛtīyāvrata | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.120 Frequency rank 63406/72933 | |
rahasyavrata | noun (neuter) the mystic science of obtaining command over magical weapons (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 63516/72933 | |
rudravrata | noun (neuter) a particular religious observance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 29932/72933 | |
līlāvrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 64213/72933 | |
varuṇavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 64706/72933 | |
vārṣavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 65245/72933 | |
vidyāvrata | noun (neuter) a particular religious observance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 65618/72933 | |
viśokadvādaśīvrata | noun (neuter) a kind of Vrata Frequency rank 39523/72933 | |
viśvavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 66160/72933 | |
viṣṇuvrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 39579/72933 | |
vīravrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata
heroism (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66375/72933 | |
vṛthāvrata | adjective one who performs false religious observance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66452/72933 | |
vedavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of mantra/stotra
any religious observance performed during the acquirement of the Veda (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22319/72933 | |
vaiśvānaravrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 66766/72933 | |
śikhivrata | noun (neuter) a particular religious observance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 67571/72933 | |
śivarātrivrata | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.124 Frequency rank 67692/72933 | |
śivavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 40039/72933 | |
śivavratakathana | noun (neuter) name of Liṅgapurāṇa, 1.83 Frequency rank 67696/72933 | |
śīlavrata | noun (neuter) (with) ceremonial practices (one of the ten fetters) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 67793/72933 | |
śravaṇadvādaśīvratanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.136 Frequency rank 68157/72933 | |
śreyovrata | noun (neuter) Frequency rank 68256/72933 | |
ṣaṣṭivrata | noun (masculine neuter) a particular religious observance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 68507/72933 | |
satyavrata | noun (neuter) a vow of truthfulness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 68680/72933 | |
satyavrata | noun (masculine) name of a class of supernatural beings attending on Satyasena (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Rājarshi (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Devadatta (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Dhṛtarāṣṭra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Trayyāruṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Manu Vaivasvata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the author of a Dharmaśāstra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the Kṣatriyas in Śākadvīpa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 10803/72933 | |
saptamīvratanirūpaṇa | noun (neuter) name of Garuḍapurāṇa, 1.130 Frequency rank 68819/72933 | |
samanuvrata | adjective entirely devoted or attached to (acc.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22501/72933 | |
sampadvrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 69237/72933 | |
savrata | adjective bound by a rule or law (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fitting together (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) harmonious (others "following the same law or order") (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 69593/72933 | |
saṃkrāntivrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata at equinox Frequency rank 69751/72933 | |
sāmavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 70337/72933 | |
sāvitrīvrata | noun (neuter) a particular fast (kept by women on the fifth day of the second half of Vaiśākha) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 70436/72933 | |
sukhavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 70725/72933 | |
sugativrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 70742/72933 | |
suvrata | noun (masculine) name of a historian (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Prajāpati (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a poet (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a scholar (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Kṣemya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Manu Raucya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Nābhāga (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Uśīnara (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of one of Skanda's attendants (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22680/72933 | |
suvrata | adjective ruling well (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) strict in observing religious vows (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) tractable (as a horse or cow) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) very religious or virtuous (often in voc.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 1600/72933 | |
somavrata | noun (neuter) a particular religious observance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of various Sāmans (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 71511/72933 | |
saubhāgyavrata | noun (neuter) a particular religious observance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 71564/72933 | |
saubhāgyaśayanavrata | noun (neuter) a particular religious observance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 41129/72933 | |
saumyavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 71571/72933 | |
sauravrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 71573/72933 | |
sūryavrata | noun (neuter) a particular ceremony (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a particular diagram (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of various wks (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 72048/72933 | |
svanuvrata | adjective Frequency rank 72091/72933 |