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Grammar Search
"viyat" has 2 results
viyat: neuter accusative singular stem: viyat.
viyat: neuter nominative singular stem: viyat.
Amarakosha Search
Monier-Williams Search
15 results for viyat
viyatA1. -yatate-, to dispose in various rows : Causal -yātayati-, to place in rows, arrange ; to do penance ; to torment, pain, punish View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyatmfn. (pr. p. of vi--5. i-) going apart or asunder View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyatmfn. being dissolved, passing away, vanishing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyatn. the sky, heaven, air, atmosphere (prob. as"that which parts asunder or forms the intermediate region between heaven and earth") etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyatn. ether (as an element) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyatn. Name of the 10th mansion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyatn. a kind of metre View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyatamfn. stretched out, extended, kept apart View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyatamind. separately, at intervals, intermittingly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyatim. Name of one of the six sons of nahuṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyatim. a bird View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyatpatākāf. "sky-banner", lightning, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyatpatham. "sky-path", the atmosphere View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viyatsthamfn. standing or being in the air View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhiviyatCaus. -yātayati-, to subjoin, annex View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
3 results
viyat वियत् a. Passing away, vanishing; कुटुम्बपोषाय विय- न्निजायुर्न बुध्यते$र्थं विहतं प्रमत्तः Bhāg.7.6.14;9.21.3. -n. The sky, atmosphere, ether; पश्योदग्रप्लुतत्वाद्वियति बहुतरं स्तोकमुर्व्यां प्रयाति Ś.1.7. R.13.4; हंसपङ्क्तिरपि नाथ संप्रति प्रस्थिता वियति मानसं प्रति Ghaṭakarpara. -Comp. -गङ्गा 1 the heavenly Ganges. -2 the galaxy. -चारिन् (वियच्चारिन्) m. a kite. -पताका lightning; सौदामिनी स्फुरति नाद्य वियत्पताका Ṛs.3.12. -पथः the atmosphere. -भूतिः f. darkness. -मणिः (वियन्मणिः), -मध्यहंसः (वियन्मध्यहंसः) the sun; Dk.1.1.
viyatam वियतम् ind. At intervals.
viyatiḥ वियतिः A bird.
Macdonell Search
1 result
viyat a. [pr. pt. √ i: going apart, outspread], departing (rare); -yát, n. intermediate region between heaven and earth, sky, atmosphere; ether as an element (rare): (yad)-gata, pp. moving orflying in the air; n-madhya-hamsa, m. sun; n-maya, a. (î) consisting of air.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results7 results
agnir viyatto 'syām TS. Cf. under agnir adhipatiḥ.
atṛpṇuvantaṃ viyatam abudhyam RV.4.19.3a.
agnir adhipatiḥ # AVś.3.27.1; AVP.3.24.1; MS.2.8.14: 117.9. Cf. next, agniṣ ṭe 'dhipatiḥ, agnir bhūtānām adhipatiḥ, and agnir viyatto.
agnir adhi viyatto asyām # KS.39.3. Cf. under prec.
antarikṣam adhi dyaur brahmaṇāviṣṭaṃ rudrā rakṣitāro vāyur adhi viyatto asyām # KS.40.3.
asya śloko divīyate pṛthivyām # RV.1.190.4a.
tubhyaṃ śulkaḥ pra vīyatām # AVP.10.2.6b.
Vedabase Search
19 results
viyat decliningSB 7.6.14
viyat etherSB 3.32.9
viyat skySB 7.9.48
viyat the etherSB 3.20.13
viyat the lightningSB 12.9.8-9
viyat the skySB 10.8.37-39
SB 3.8.32
viyat to the skySB 10.11.25
viyat-vittasya of Rantideva, who received things sent by providence, just as the cātaka bird receives water from the skySB 9.21.2
viyat-vittasya of Rantideva, who received things sent by providence, just as the cātaka bird receives water from the skySB 9.21.2
viyat-vyāpi extensively widespreadSB 3.10.7
viyat-vyāpi extensively widespreadSB 3.10.7
viyataḥ for the ethereal skySB 10.87.29
viyati in outer spaceSB 12.4.37
viyati in the skySB 10.41.3
SB 10.41.4
SB 10.41.5
viyati within the skySB 10.20.18
viyatiḥ ViyatiSB 9.18.1
2 results
viyat verb (class 1 ātmanepada) to dispose in various rows
Frequency rank 39445/72933
viyatpatākā noun (feminine) lightning (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65963/72933
Wordnet Search
"viyat" has 10 results.


nabhaḥ, gaganam, ākāśaḥ, ambaram, abhram, dyoḥ, dyauḥ, puṣkaram, antarīkṣam, antarikṣam, anantam, yuravartmam, khaṃ, viyat, viṣṇupadam, vihāyaḥ, nākaḥ, anaṅgaḥ, nabhasam, meghaveśma, mabāvilam, marudvartama, meghavartma, triviṣṭapam, abbhaṃ   

pṛthivyāḥ ūrdhvaṃ dṛśyamānaḥ avakāśaḥ।

vidyādharāḥ nabhasi carantiḥ।


ḍī, praḍī, uḍḍī, khe visṛp, viyati visṛp, pat, utpat, protpat, samutpat, sampat, ākāśena gam, ākāśena yā   

ākāśamārgeṇa ekasthānāt anyasthānam utpatanānukūlavyāpāraḥ।

vimānaḥ samudropari ḍayate adhunā।


ḍāya, praḍāya, uḍḍāya, khe visarpaya, viyati visarpaya, pātaya, utpātaya, protpātaya, samutpātaya, sampātaya, ākāśena gamaya, ākāśena yāpaya   

ākāśamārgeṇa ekasmāt sthānāt anyasthānasaṃyogāya utpatanapreraṇānukūlavyāpāraḥ।

vaimānikaḥ vimānaṃ ḍāyayati।


khe visarpaya, viyati visarpaya   

vāyugatim anu viyati khe vā vastuviśeṣakarmakaḥ vidhūnanapreraṇānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

bālakāḥ cillābhāsaṃ viyati visarpayanti।



yuropakhaṇḍasya pūrve tathā eśiyāmahādvīpasya uttare sthitaḥ ekaḥ sāmyavādī deśaḥ।

raśiyādeśena soviyatasaḍa़ghasya nirmitiḥ caturdaśaiḥ anyaiḥ deśaiḥ saha militvā ūnaviṃśe khristābdhe dvāviṃśe varṣe kṛtā।



eśiyāmahādvīpasya āgneye sthitaḥ ekaḥ deśaḥ।

viyatanāmadeśe pracalitaṃ yuddham atīva bhayaḍa़karam āsīt।



viyatanāmadeśasya nivāsī।

raṇabaddhāḥ viyatanāmadeśīyāḥ pramucyante।



viyatanāmadeśe bhāṣitā bhāṣā।

viyatanāmadeśīyabhāṣāyāḥ śikṣaṇaṃ tasya duṣkaram abhavat।



viyatanāmadeśena sambaddhaṃ viyatanāmadeśasya vā।

eṣaḥ viyatanāmadeśīyaḥ dhvajaḥ।



viyatanāmadeśasya bhāṣayā sambaddham।

asmin viyatanāmīye pustake raṇabaddhānāṃ janānām anubhavāḥ varṇitāḥ।

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