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Grammar Search
"vivasvat" has 3 results
vivasvat: neuter nominative singular stem: vivasvat
vivasvat: neuter accusative singular stem: vivasvat
vivasvat: neuter vocative singular stem: vivasvat
Amarakosha Search
1 result
vivasvataḥ3.3.64MasculineSingularmeghaḥ, parvataḥ
Monier-Williams Search
12 results for vivasvat
vivasvat v/i-vasvat- or vi-v/asvat- mfn. shining forth, diffusing light, matutinal (applied to uṣas- agni- etc.; sadane vivasvataḥ-,"at the seat of Fire") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivasvatm. "the Brilliant one", Name of the Sun (sometimes regarded as one of the eight āditya-s or sons of aditi-, his father being kaśyapa-;elsewhere he is said to be a son of dākṣāyaṇī- and kaśyapa-;in epic poetry he is held to be the father of manu- vaivasvata- or, according to another legend, of manu- sāvarṇi- by sa-varṇā-;in he is described as the father of yama- vaivasvata-, and in as father of the aśvin-s by saraṇyū-, and elsewhere as father of both yama- and yamī-, and therefore a kind of parent of the human race) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivasvatm. the soma- priest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivasvatm. Name of aruṇa- (charioteer of the Sun) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivasvatm. of the seventh or present manu- (more properly called vaivasvata-, as son of vivasvat-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivasvatm. Name of a daitya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivasvatm. a god View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivasvatm. Name of the author of the hymn (having the patronymic āditya-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivasvatm. Name of the author of a dharma-śāstra- (see -smṛti-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivasvatīf. Name of the city of the Sun View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivasvatsmṛtif. the law-book of vivasvat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivasvatsutam. "son of vivasvat-", Name of manu- vaivasvata- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
vivasvat विवस्वत् m. 1 The sun; त्वष्टा विवस्वतमिवोल्लिलेख Ki.17. 48;5.48; R.1.3;17.48; एकः श्लाध्यो विवस्वान् परहितकर- णायैव यस्य प्रयासः Nāg.3.18. -2 N. of Aruṇa. -3 N. of the present Manu. -4 A god. -5 The Arka plant. -ती f. The city of the sun; L. D. B.
Macdonell Search
5 results
mātariśvan m. [growing in the mother, concealed in the fire-stick: √ sû], N. of a divine being, messenger of Vivasvat, who brought down the previously hidden Agni from heaven to the Bhrigus; mystic N. of Agni; wind (ord. meaning in C., but doubtful for RV.); N. of a Rishi.
yama a. (&asharp;, &isharp;) forming a pair; m. twin (du. twins; designation of the Asvins); N. of the male Twin of Yamî, the first man, son of Vivasvat (RV.); in the Veda Yama is the god who rules over the departed fathers in heaven; in C. he is regarded as the god of death, presiding in the lower regions (his name being supposed to mean subduer or punisher), younger brother of Manu (the first man), regent of the south, and reputed author of hymns and of a law-book; planet Saturn; n. pair.
vaḍabā f. mare; Vivasvat's wife, who in the form of a mare became the mother of the Asvins; female slave (rare); prostitute (rare); N.: -½agni, m. submarine fire (sup posed to be situated at the south pole); -½anala, m. id.; -bhartri, m. the mythical steed Ukkaihsravas; -mukha, n. mare's mouth=entrance of hell at the south pole; a. ± agni, m. the submarine fire; -vaktra, n.=-mukha; -hutabhug, m.=-½agni; -hrita,(pp.) m. kind of slave.
vaivasvata a. (î) derived from the sun (vivasvat); relating or belonging to Yama Vaivasvata; relating to Manu Vaivasvata; m. pat. of Yama and of a Manu; -îya, a. connected with ManuVaivasvata.
śrāddha a. [sraddhâ] faithful, believ- ing (rare); n. oblation to the Manes, funeral rite and feast (at which gifts and food are presented to Brâhmans): -karman, n. per formance of the funeral rite, funeral feast; -kalpa, m. id.; -deva, m. deity of the funeral rite (a term applied to Manu Vaivasvata, Yama Vaivasvata, Vivasvat, and pious Brâh mans); -bhug, m. partaker of a funeral feast; -bhogana, n. participation in a funeral feast; -mitra, a. making friends through a funeral feast.
Bloomfield Vedic
5 results0 results22 results
āpānāso vivasvataḥ RV.9.10.5a; SV.2.473a.
matsvā vivasvato matī RV.8.6.39c.
yadī vivasvato dhiyaḥ RV.9.99.2c; SV.2.981c.
agne vivasvad uṣasaḥ # RV.1.44.1a; SV.1.40a; 2.1130a; JB.1.349; PB.9.3.4; Aś.4.13.7; 6.6.8; 9.9.9; Apś.14.23.15; Svidh.3.3.2; VHDh.8.54. P: agne vivasvat śś.6.4.7; 14.55.3; 15.3.3. Fragments: agne, uṣasaḥ JB.1.349. Cf. BṛhD.3.111.
ā daśabhir vivasvataḥ # RV.8.72.8a; AB.1.22.2; Aś.4.7.4; 5.12.15. P: ā daśabhiḥ śś.5.10.8.
ā dūto agnim abharad vivasvataḥ # RV.6.8.4c; N.7.26c.
āvir bhava sukratūyā vivasvate # RV.1.31.3b.
āśuṃ dūtaṃ vivasvataḥ # RV.4.7.4a.
ubhe ahanī sudine vivasvataḥ # RV.10.39.12d.
kārur vocāti sadane vivasvataḥ # RV.10.75.1b.
kṛtvī (AVś. kṛtvā) savarṇām adadur (AVś. adadhur) vivasvate # RV.10.17.2b; AVś.18.2.33b; N.12.10b.
gira indrāya sadane vivasvataḥ # RV.1.53.1b; AVś.20.21.1b.
devebhyo dāśad dhaviṣā vivasvate # RV.10.65.6d.
naptībhir yo vivasvataḥ # RV.9.14.5a.
bhuvad dūto vivasvato vi vo made # RV.10.21.5c.
manuprītāso janimā vivasvataḥ # RV.10.63.1b.
mandraḥ kavir ud atiṣṭho vivasvataḥ # RV.5.11.3b; TB.
maho jāyā vivasvato nanāśa # RV.10.17.1d; AVś.18.1.53d; N.12.11d.
no hetir vivasvataḥ # RV.8.67.20a.
mṛtyor ātmā vivasvati # śB.
yathā manau vivasvati # RV.8.52 (Vāl.4).1a. The stanzas of this hymn are to be compared with those of RV.8.51 (Vāl.3).
yad dha krāṇā vivasvati (SV. -te) # RV.1.139.1d; SV.1.461d.
Vedabase Search
Wordnet Search
"vivasvat" has 1 results.



sūryanagarī ।

vivasvatyāḥ varṇanaṃ medinyāṃ prāpyate

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