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Grammar Search
"vittam" has 4 results
vittam: second person dual present imperative class 2 parasmaipadavid
vittam: neuter accusative singular past passive participle stem: vitta.
vittam: neuter nominative singular past passive participle stem: vitta.
vittam: masculine accusative singular past passive participle stem: vitta.
Amarakosha Search
1 result
aśaḥ2.9.90MasculineSingularriktham, rāḥ, draviṇam, dhanam, svāpateyam, arthaḥ, hiraṇyam, ṛktham, vittam, vibhavaḥ, dyumnam, va‍su
Monier-Williams Search
5 results for vittam
vittamātrāf. a sum of money View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vittamayamf(ī-)n. consisting in wealth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vasuvittamamfn. one who bestows great wealth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāvittamind. according to what is found View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāvittamind. according to possession, in proportion to substance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results19 results
adarśi gātuvittamaḥ # RV.8.103.1a; SV.1.47a; 2.865a; JB.2.148; PB.17.1.11; Aś.4.13.7; Mś. Ps: adarśi gātu (comm. gātuvittama ity etat sāma) Lś.4.10.4; adarśi śś.6.4.7.
anyām icha pitṛṣadaṃ vyaktām (ApMB. vittām) # RV.10.85.21c; ApMB.1.10.2c. See jāmim icha.
ayaṃ no vasuvittamaḥ # Kauś.89.13b. See under ayaṃ no bhaga-.
asmabhyaṃ vasuvittamam # VS.3.38b; śB.; Aś.2.5.12b; śś.2.15.2b.
asmabhyaṃ gātuvittamāḥ (RV.9.106.6a, -maḥ) # RV.9.101.10b; 106.6a; SV.1.548b; 2.451b; JB.3.163b.
ārtyai parivittam (TB. parivividānam) # VS.30.9; TB.
idaṃ te pātraṃ sanavittam indra # RV.10.112.6a; śś.9.14.3.
indrāya soma kratuvittamo (JB.3.29b, ṛtuvittamo) madaḥ # RV.9.108.1b; SV.1.578b; 2.42b; JB.3.29,296b.
iṣṭaṃ ca vītaṃ (śB.Aś. vittaṃ) ca (śś. cābhūt) # MS.4.13.9: 212.12; śB.; TB.; Aś.1.9.5; śś.1.14.19.
ud it te vasuvittamāḥ # Apś.13.21.3a. See ud u tye madhumattamāḥ.
kratuvid gātuvittamaḥ # RV.9.44.6b.
gārhapatyaḥ prajāyā (VSK. prajāvān) vasuvittamaḥ # VS.3.39b; VSK.3.4.3b; śB.; Aś.2.5.12b. See gārhapatyāt.
gārhapatyāt prajāyā vasuvittamaḥ # śś.2.15.5b. See gārhapatyaḥ prajāyā.
dadhire vasuvittamam # RV.1.45.7b.
bharatā vasuvittamam # RV.6.16.41b; TS.; MS.4.10.3b: 148.9; KS.15.12b; AB.1.16.20.
bhavāśarvau manve vāṃ tasya vittam # AVś.4.28.1a; AVP.4.37.1a. P: bhavāśarvau Kauś.28.8.
manve vāṃ mitrāvaruṇā tasya vittam # TS.; MS.3.16.5a: 190.14; KS.22.15a. See next.
yad ādarśi gātuvittamaḥ # JB.2.148 (so the edition). Perhaps the word yad is not part of the mantra, and three mss. readings point to adarśi. See adarśi gātuvittamaḥ.
yad u vittaṃ na tad ghasaḥ # AVP.10.1.1d.
Vedabase Search
29 results
vittam achievementSB 8.19.27
vittam all propertySB 7.14.7
vittam his accumulated wealthSB 8.19.37
vittam moneySB 11.23.25
SB 11.8.32
SB 7.13.16-17
SB 7.13.36
vittam propertySB 10.60.15
vittam the richesSB 10.52.8
vittam the valuablesSB 10.50.40
vittam the wealthSB 11.26.33
vittam to their wealthSB 10.53.35
vittam wealthSB 10.49.22
SB 11.11.19
SB 12.2.2
SB 9.4.65
ātma-vittamāḥ all of you are most perfect in knowledge of the science of the selfSB 11.5.1
brahma-vittamaḥ a learned scholar in spiritual scienceSB 9.15.10
nija-gupta-vittam His own personal confidential propertyCC Madhya 23.1
nija-gupta-vittam His own personal confidential propertyCC Madhya 23.1
pātra-vittamaiḥ who are expert in finding the actual person to whom charity must be givenSB 7.14.34
yathā-vittam as far as one can spend money in this connectionSB 4.22.50
yathā-vittam according to one's means of incomeSB 7.14.19
nija-gupta-vittam His own personal confidential propertyCC Madhya 23.1
brahma-vittamaḥ a learned scholar in spiritual scienceSB 9.15.10
ātma-vittamāḥ all of you are most perfect in knowledge of the science of the selfSB 11.5.1
pātra-vittamaiḥ who are expert in finding the actual person to whom charity must be givenSB 7.14.34
yathā-vittam as far as one can spend money in this connectionSB 4.22.50
yathā-vittam according to one's means of incomeSB 7.14.19
2 results
vittama adjective am meisten wissend
Frequency rank 4619/72933
yathāvittam indeclinable according to possession (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
according to what is found (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
in proportion to substance (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 62887/72933
Wordnet Search
"vittam" has 2 results.


dhanam, vittam, vibhavaḥ, arthaḥ, vaibhavam, sampattiḥ, draviṇam, dravyam, rāḥ, riktham, ṛktham, hiraṇyam, dyumnam, svāpateyam, bhogyam, ghasu, svāpateyam, vasu, dyumnam, kāñcanam, lakṣmīḥ, sampat, vṛddhiḥ, śrīḥ, vyavahāryam, raiḥ, bhogaḥ, svam, rekṇaḥ, vedaḥ, varivaḥ, śvātram, ratnam, rayiḥ, kṣatram, bhagaḥ, mīlum, gayaḥ, dyumnaḥ, indriyam, vasu, rāyaḥ, rādhaḥ, bhojanam, tanā, nṛmṇam, bandhuḥ, medhāḥ, yaśaḥ, brahma, śraṃvaḥ, vṛtram, vṛtam   


sādhu kāryārthe eva dhanasya viyogaḥ karaṇīyaḥ।


dhanam, dravyam, vasuḥ, arthaḥ, vittam, draviṇam, sampad, hiraṇyam, vibhavaḥ, sampattiḥ   

upayogināṃ tathā ca mūlyavatāṃ vastūnāṃ samūhaḥ।

pūrvaṃ gopālakānāṃ sampannatā teṣāṃ gorūpaṃ dhanam eva āsīt।

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