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Grammar Search
"vidya" has 1 results
vidya: Gerund (-ya)vid
Amarakosha Search
1 result
abhijātaḥ3.3.88MasculineSingularsatyam, sādhuḥ, vidyamānaḥ, praśastaḥ, abhyarhitaḥ
Monier-Williams Search
65 results for vidya
vidya(for 2.See) equals vidyā- (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';See a-v- kṛta-vidya-, samāna-vidya--). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidyan. finding, acquiring, gaining (See pativ-and putra-v-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidya vidyā- etc. See . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidya vidyamāna- etc. See p.965.
vidyamānamfn. (Passive voice pr. p.)"being found" , existent, existing, present, real (see a-vid-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidyamānakeśamfn. one who possesses hair View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidyamānamatimfn. possessing understanding, wise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidyamānatāf. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidyamānatvan. existence, presence View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
adhividyamind. on the subject of science (treated of in the upaniṣad-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
alpavidyamfn. ignorant, uneducated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āṅgavidyamfn. familiar with chiromancy (aṅga-vidyā-, q.v), (gaRa ṛgayanādi- q.v) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āttavidyamfn. one who has acquired knowledge from (ablative), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avidyamfn. unlearned, unwise View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avidyamānamfn. (3. vid-; pr.Pass.p.) , not present or existent, absent etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avidyamānatāf. the not being present commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avidyamānatvan. idem or 'f. the not being present commentator or commentary on ' commentator or commentary on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avidyamānavatind. as if not being present View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahuvidyamfn. idem or 'mfn. much-knowing, very learned ' ( bahuvidyatā -- f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahuvidyaf. bahuvidya
bhūyovidyamfn. knowing more, more learned View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cāraṇavidya m. plural (fr. caranavidyā-) Name of a school of View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caturvidyamfn. ( ) familiar with the 4 veda-s (varia lectio cāt-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cāturvidyamfn. ( ) equals cat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cāturvidyan. the 4 veda-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
cāturvidyan. fourfold knowledge (viz. of dharma-, artha-, kāma-, mokṣa- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhārmavidyamfn. familiar with the law, a lawyer, jurist Va1rtt. 4 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durvidyamfn. uneducated, ignorant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gṛhītavidyamfn. one who has acquired knowledge, learned View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kiṃvidyamfn. possessing the science of what? View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtavidyamfn. one who has acquired knowledge, well informed, learned View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣātravidyamfn. fr. kṣatra-vidyā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṣātravidyamfn. gaRa ṛg-ayanādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
labdhavidyamfn. one who has acquired knowledge or wisdom, learned, educated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
navidya() mfn. ignorant. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirvidyamfn. unlearned, uneducated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
patividyan. finding a husband View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratividyamind. in every doctrine View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
putravidyan. equals -lābha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sadvidyamfn. having true knowledge, well-informed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānavidyamfn. possessing equal knowledge ( samānavidyatā -- f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samānavidyaf. samānavidya
samparipūrṇavidyamfn. perfect in knowledge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samprāptavidyamfn. one who has acquired all knowledge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sampūrṇavidyamfn. replete with knowledge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃsargavidyamfn. = saṃsarga-vidyām adhīte veda vā- on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvidya(s/aṃ--) n. = saṃ-v/id-2 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃvidyan. (fr. i. saṃ-vid-) mutual understanding, agreement View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāṃvidya= (or prob. wrong reading for) s/aṃ-vidya- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvavidyamfn. possessing all science, omniscient View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvavidyamfn. every science plural all science View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sārvavidyan. (fr. sarva-vidyā-) omniscience gaRa catur-varṇādi-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savidyamfn. pursuing the same studies View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
savidyamfn. having learning, versed in science View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śūravidyamfn. understanding heroism, heroic View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tadvidyamfn. a connoisseur, expert View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
traividyamfn. ( ) familiar with tri-vidyā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
traividyan. equals tri-vidyā- etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
traividyan. an assembly of Brahmans familiar with tri-vidyā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
traividyakamfn. practised by Brahmans familiar with tri-vidyā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
traividyakan. equals tri-vidyā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trividyamfn. containing the 3 veda-s (śiva-; see trayī-tanu-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upāttavidyamfn. one who has acquired knowledge, learned View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāstuvidyamfn. (fr. next) relating to architecture gaRa ṛg-ayanādi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yathāvidyamind. according to knowledge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
5 results
vidyamāna विद्यमान a. 1 Being, existing. -2 Present. -3 Actual, real.
cāturvidya चातुर्विद्य a. (-द्यी) Knowing the four Vedas. -द्यम् The four Vedas; also चातुर्वैद्य.
traividyam त्रैविद्यम् 1 The three Vedas. -2 The study of the three Vedas. -3 An assemly of Brāhmaṇas familiar with the three Vedas. -4 The three sciences. -द्यः A Brāhmaṇa versed in the three Vedas; त्रैविद्या मां सोमपाः पूतपापा यज्ञैरिष्ट्वा स्वर्गतिं प्रार्थयन्ते Bg.9.2. -a. Familiar or propounded by the three Vedas; धर्मं भागवतं शुद्धं त्रैविद्यं च गुणाश्रयम् Bhāg.6.2.24.
dyavidya द्यविद्यवी f. A day.
sārvavidyam सार्वविद्यम् Omniscience.
Macdonell Search
4 results
akṛtavidya a. uninstructed.
alpavidya a. of little learning; -vishaya, a. of small extent, limited.
avidyamāna pr. pt. not ex isting: -vat, ad. as if non-existent: -tva, n. abst. n.
avidya a. uncultured; destitute of knowledge; â, f. ignorance.
Bloomfield Vedic
4 results0 results55 results
brahmainad vidyāt tapasā vipaścit AVś.8.9.3c.
indro vidyāt saha ṛṣibhiḥ (AVP.KS. saharṣibhiḥ) RV.1.23.24d; AVś.7.89.2d; 9.1.15d; 10.5.47d; AVP.1.33.2d; KS.4.13d; ApMB.2.6.8.
tāṃ vidyāṃ brahmayoniṃ svarūpām (VaradapU. brahmayonisva-) NṛpU.3.1d; VaradapU.2.2d.
trayyai vidyāyai yaśo 'si ApMB.2.10.1 (ApG.5.13.13).
yajñasyāṇūni vidyayā AVś.11.7.10d.
yatrāmṛtaṃ vidyate nota mṛtyuḥ JB.2.74c.
agnayo vai trayī vidyā devayānaḥ panthā # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.22.1.
atha ripur na vidyate # AVP.14.8.7e.
atha steno na vidyate # AVP.14.8.7d. See yathā steno.
adhi saṃvatsaraṃ vidyāt # TA.1.2.2c.
anyad āhur (īśāU. evāhur) avidyāyāḥ (VSK.īśāU. avidyayā) # VS.40.13b; VSK.40.10b; īśāU.10b.
anyad evāhur vidyāyāḥ (VSK.īśāU. vidyayā) # VS.40.13a; VSK.40.10a; īśāU.10a.
aparaṃ nānuvidyate # AVś.19.50.4b. See pred divā.
arbudaḥ kādraveyo rājā (Aś.śś. kādraveyaḥ), tasya sarpā viśas ta ima āsate, sarpavidyā (Aś. viṣavidyā) vedaḥ so 'yam # śB.; Aś.10.7.5; śś.16.2.13--15.
avidyā bahuvidyā vā # RVKh.10.127.7c.
asito dhānvo rājā (Aś. dhānvaḥ; śś. dhānvanaḥ), tasyāsurā viśas ta ima āsate, māyā (Aś.śś. asuravidyā) vedaḥ so 'yam # śB.; Aś.10.7.7; śś.16.2.19--21.
ād id vidyād upahatyārātiḥ # AVP.1.46.6c.
āśāyai śraddhāyai medhāyai śriyai hriyai vidyāyai # Kauś.74.9.
āhus tāṃ vidyāṃ brahmayonisvarūpām # VaradapU.2.2d. Cf. NṛpU.3.1.
īśānaḥ sarvavidyānām īśvaraḥ sarvabhūtānāṃ brahmādhipatir brahmaṇo 'dhipatir brahmā śivo me astu sadā śivom # TA.10.47.1; MahānU.17.5; NṛpU.1.6. Cf. īśvarīṃ.
uto tad adya vidyāma # AVś.10.8.29c.
kasya mātrā na vidyate # VS.23.47d; Aś.10.9.2d; śś.16.5.1d.
kāmo vidhyatu (AVP.9.28.5d, bidhyatu) tvā hṛdi (AVP. tvā mama) # AVś.3.25.2d; AVP.9.28.5d; 9.29.1d. Note that in AVP.9.28.5d the Kashmir ms. reads vidyatu.
kārṣīvaṇā annavido na vidyayā # AVś.6.116.1b.
kilāsaṃ nānu vidyate # AVP.9.3.5d.
kubero vaiśravaṇo rājā (Aś.śś. vaiśravaṇas) tasya rakṣāṃsi viśas tānīmāny āsate devajanavidyā (Aś. piśācavidyā; śś. rakṣovidyā) vedaḥ so 'yam # śB.; Aś.10.7.6; śś.16.2.16--18.
gos tu mātrā na vidyate # VS.23.48d; Aś.10.9.2d; śś.16.5.2d.
tathā vaśāyāḥ saṃvidyam # AVś.12.4.4c.
tam etayā trayyā vidyayeti # GB.1.5.25b.
tām etāṃ vidyān nāradaḥ # AVś.12.4.24c.
tās tvā putravidyāya # AVś.3.23.6c; AVP.3.14.6c.
tvā (!) manasānārtena vācā brahmaṇā trayyā vidyayā pṛthivyām akṣikāyām (read akṣitāyām ?) apāṃ rase (var. lect. rasena) nivapāmy asau # Kś.25.8.6. Read tvāṃ manasā-, or ā tvā manasā(Weber), or tvāmanasā-.
na marḍitā vidyate anya ebhyaḥ # RV.10.64.2c.
nānyaḥ panthā vidyate 'yanāya (TA.3.12.7d, panthā ayanāya vidyate) # VS.31.18d; TS.3.12.7d; 13.1d; śvetU.3.8d; 6.15d.
nāsyāḥ pitā vidyate nota mātā # AVP.5.27.7b.
parivṛkteva patividyam ānaṭ # RV.10.102.11a.
pratyārambho na vidyate # Kauś.141.41d.
pred divā nānu vidyate # AVP.14.9.4b. See aparaṃ nānuvidyate.
brahmā tvo vadati jātavidyām # RV.10.71.11c; N.1.8c.
brāhmaṇānāṃ tvā (BDh. tvā vidyāvatāṃ) prāṇāpānayor juhomi # ApMB.2.20.1 (ApG.8.21.8); HG.2.11.4 (ter); BDh. (ter).
bhaṃsa ātatya vidyate # AVś.20.136.3d.
matsyaḥ sāṃmado rājā (Aś.śś. matsyaḥ sāṃmadas) tasyodakecarā (śś. -kacarā) viśas ta ima āsata itihāso (Aś. āsate purāṇavidyā; śś. āsata itihāsavedo) vedaḥ so 'yam # śB.; Aś.10.7.8; śś.16.2.22--24.
mātṛk kva cana vidyate # TA.1.5.1d (comm. interprets mātṛk by mādṛk).
mādṛk kva cana vidyate # see mātṛk etc.
ya u vidyāyāṃ ratāḥ # VS.40.12d; īśāU.9d.
ya evaṃ vidyāt # AVś.10.10.27a.
yaṃ somam indra pṛthivīdyāvā # RV.3.46.5a.
yatra sedir na vidyate # VS.20.26d.
yatrā matir vidyate pūtabandhanī # RV.5.44.9d.
yathā punar na vidyate # AVś.19.49.7e.
yathā steno na vidyate # AVś.19.49.7d. See atha steno.
yamaṃ yo vidyāt sa brūyāt # KS.40.11c; TA.6.5.2c; Apś.17.21.8c.
yam eva vidyāḥ śucim (VāDh. sucim) apramattam # ViDh.29.10a; VāDh.2.9a; N.2.4a.
yas tu vidyād ājyabhāgau # Kauś.73.19a.
yas tvaivaṃ brāhmaṇo vidyāt # VS.31.21c; TA.3.13.2c.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"vidya" has 2 results
vyañjanāvidyamānavadbhāvaconsideration of a consonant being not present as far as the accentuation of a vowel is concerned, the vowel being looked upon as the initial or the final, irrespective of the consonant .or consonants respectively preceding it, or following it; confer, compare स्वरविधौ व्यञ्जनमविद्यमानवद् भवति Par. Sek. Pari. 79.
śāṃkari(1)name of a glo:s on Kondabhatta's Vaiyakaranabhusanasara by Samkara; (2) name of a commentary on the Paribhasendusekhara of Nagesa written by Sankarabhatta; (3) The Vyakarana vidya or instructions in Grammar given by God Siva to Panini on which the Siksa of Panini has been basedition
Vedabase Search
131 results
vidyamāna brightly presentCC Antya 14.78
vidyamāna experienceCC Madhya 10.175
vidyamāna in the presenceCC Madhya 9.206
vidyamāna presentCC Madhya 10.156
CC Madhya 11.91
vidyamāna to existSB 10.70.38
vidyamāna-śirodharān whose heads were still existing on their bodiesSB 8.11.47
vidyamāna-śirodharān whose heads were still existing on their bodiesSB 8.11.47
vidyamānatvāt due to the existence of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 10.3.14
vidyamāne api although there isSB 4.8.28
vidyamāne api although there isSB 4.8.28
vidyante are presentSB 10.15.25
vidyate existBG 2.31
BG 3.17
SB 4.22.36
vidyate existsBG 4.38
BG 6.40
CC Antya 5.123
SB 10.36.28
SB 10.81.39
vidyate takes placeBG 8.16
vidyate there isBG 16.7
BG 2.16
vidyate there isBG 2.16
BG 2.40
SB 11.10.18
SB 11.11.48
SB 11.16.38
SB 8.3.8-9
vidya by a prayerSB 6.7.39
vidya by culture of knowledgeIso 11
vidya by educationSB 4.21.37
SB 4.28.38
SB 5.1.12
vidya by his learningSB 10.86.53
vidya by His spiritual potencySB 8.1.13
vidya by knowledgeSB 11.11.4
vidya by spiritual knowledgeSB 11.20.24
vidya by such a processSB 9.14.46
vidya by the mantrasSB 10.40.5
vidya by the necessary knowledgeSB 7.3.30
vidya by the prayersSB 6.16.28
vidya by the spiritual mantraSB 6.16.29
vidya by the talentsSB 6.7.39
vidya by the Vedic knowledgeSB 5.22.4
vidya by transcendental knowledgeSB 11.29.18
SB 3.10.6
vidya by worshipSB 3.20.52
vidya educationSB 11.5.9
SB 7.14.41
vidya mantraSB 6.16.50
vidya of knowledgeSB 11.26.12
vidya with the mantraSB 6.8.7
vidya with the ritualsSB 11.5.25
vidyayā avidya by His potencies of knowledge and ignoranceSB 10.39.53-55
vidyayā avidya by His potencies of knowledge and ignoranceSB 10.39.53-55
vidyayā trayyā by offering selected Vedic hymns of praise, worship and obeisancesSB 11.11.43-45
vidyayā trayyā by offering selected Vedic hymns of praise, worship and obeisancesSB 11.11.43-45
dvādaśa-akṣara-vidya with the mantra of twelve syllablesSB 8.16.39
ātma-vidya by transcendental knowledgeSB 1.9.36
ātma-vidya by self-realizationSB 10.5.4
ātma-vidya by self-realizationSB 10.77.32
avidya-lokaḥ the ignorant personsSB 4.7.29
avidyamānaḥ not present in realitySB 11.2.38
avidyamānaḥ actually not existingSB 11.28.22
avidyamānam not existing in realitySB 5.4.18
avidyamānāni not knownSB 12.6.66
avidyamānayā not existingSB 5.24.18
avidyamāne not existingSB 3.27.4
avidyamāne not existingSB 4.29.35
avidyamāne not being presentSB 4.29.73
avidyamāne not existingSB 11.22.56
avidyamāne not existingSB 11.28.13
avidya by ignoranceSB 1.3.33
avidya influenced by nescienceSB 3.9.20
avidya by ignoranceSB 5.5.6
avidya because of ignoranceSB 5.5.14
avidya by nescienceSB 5.10.6
avidya because of less intelligenceSB 5.12.9
avidya by ignoranceSB 5.26.3
avidya by the external, illusory energySB 10.2.39
avidya by the force of ignoranceSB 10.40.12
avidya by material ignoranceSB 10.54.45
avidya by ignoranceSB 11.11.4
avidya with ignoranceSB 11.11.7
avidya by ignoranceSB 11.26.18
avidya by the illusory energySB 12.11.29
avidya by culture of nescienceIso 10
avidya by culture of nescienceIso 11
dvādaśa-akṣara-vidya with the mantra of twelve syllablesSB 8.16.39
haila vidyamāna stayingCC Madhya 11.68
avidya-lokaḥ the ignorant personsSB 4.7.29
mahā-puruṣa-vidya by the incantation called MahāpuruṣaSB 11.27.30-31
mat-upasthāna-vidya by the highly advanced knowledge and prayers offered unto MeSB 6.9.47
mūla-vidya with chanting of the same dvādaśākṣara-mantraSB 8.16.40
na vidyate there was notSB 10.18.5
na vidyate is not presentSB 10.27.4
na vidyate does not accrueSB 10.33.32
na vidyate is not presentSB 10.57.22
nirvidya being freed from all attachmentSB 1.4.12
nirvidya being indifferentSB 4.13.48
nirvidya being completely detachedSB 4.30.18
nirvidya being detachedSB 11.13.29
nirvidya becoming detachedSB 11.23.58
nirvidyamānānām of those who are completely free from all material desiresSB 2.1.11
nirvidyate is despondentSB 5.13.6
nirvidyate becomes aloofSB 6.5.41
nirvidyate becomes remorsefulSB 7.6.14
nirvidyate become satiatedSB 7.9.25
prabhu-vidyamāne in the presence of Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 5.33
mahā-puruṣa-vidya by the incantation called MahāpuruṣaSB 11.27.30-31
sva-vidya by his own achievementSB 8.11.47
svidyan perspiringSB 10.33.7
svidyanti perspiringSB 1.14.20
trayyā vidya by performing ritualistic ceremonies according to Vedic principlesSB 5.20.3-4
mat-upasthāna-vidya by the highly advanced knowledge and prayers offered unto MeSB 6.9.47
haila vidyamāna stayingCC Madhya 11.68
prabhu-vidyamāne in the presence of Śrī Caitanya MahāprabhuCC Antya 5.33
na vidyate there was notSB 10.18.5
na vidyate is not presentSB 10.27.4
na vidyate does not accrueSB 10.33.32
na vidyate is not presentSB 10.57.22
ātma-vidya by transcendental knowledgeSB 1.9.36
trayyā vidya by performing ritualistic ceremonies according to Vedic principlesSB 5.20.3-4
mat-upasthāna-vidya by the highly advanced knowledge and prayers offered unto MeSB 6.9.47
sva-vidya by his own achievementSB 8.11.47
dvādaśa-akṣara-vidya with the mantra of twelve syllablesSB 8.16.39
mūla-vidya with chanting of the same dvādaśākṣara-mantraSB 8.16.40
ātma-vidya by self-realizationSB 10.5.4
ātma-vidya by self-realizationSB 10.77.32
mahā-puruṣa-vidya by the incantation called MahāpuruṣaSB 11.27.30-31
19 results
vidyamāna adjective existent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
existing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
present (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
real (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65601/72933
ananuvidya indeclinable
Frequency rank 31727/72933
avidya adjective unlearned (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unwise (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 23244/72933
avidyaka adjective possessing no knowledge
Frequency rank 45378/72933
avidyamāna adjective not present or existent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 8738/72933
avidyamānatva noun (neuter) the not being present or existent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 26737/72933
kiṃvidya adjective possessing the science of what? (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 34084/72933
kṛtavidya adjective learned (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
one who has acquired knowledge (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
well informed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13460/72933
cāturvidya adjective
Frequency rank 52214/72933
cāturvidya noun (neuter) fourfold knowledge (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the 4 Vedas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27987/72933
tadvidya adjective a connoisseur (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
expert (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12046/72933
traividya noun (neuter) an assembly of Brāhmans familiar with trividyā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9839/72933
traividya adjective familiar with tri-vidyā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 17971/72933
durvidya adjective ignorant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
uneducated (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 54758/72933
nirvidya adjective uneducated (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unlearned (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 36361/72933
pratividyam indeclinable in every doctrine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 58928/72933
vāstuvidya adjective relating to architecture (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65306/72933
śucividya noun (masculine) name of a man
Frequency rank 67868/72933
savidya adjective having learning (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
pursuing the same studies (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
versed in science (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 25756/72933


a treatise on treatment of cows, written by Kirtivarma in the 12th Century AD; the book is partly available.

Wordnet Search
"vidya" has 13 results.


mūrkha, mūḍha, ajña, yathājāta, vaidheya, bāliśa, mūḍhamati, alpamati, mandamati, manda, nirbuddha, jaḍa, alpabuddhi, acatura, alpadhī, mūḍhadhī, mūḍhātmā, matihīna, buddhihīna, abudha, avicakṣaṇa, avid, avidya, avidvas, avibudha   

yaḥ muhyati yasya buddhiḥ alpā vā।

mūrkhaiḥ puruṣaiḥ saha na vivadet।/upadeśo hi mūrkhāṇāṃ janānāṃ prakopāya na śāntaye।


anupasthita, avidyamāna, avartamāna, anupasthāyin   

yaḥ upasthitaḥ nāsti।

adya śyāmaḥ kakṣāyām anupasthitaḥ asti।


upasthita, vidyamāna, vartamāna, abhīmukha, pratyakṣa, pārimukhika, upasthāyin, sannihita, aparokṣa, sammukha, sammukhin, sannidhistha, abhimukhastha, antika   

yaḥ samīpe tiṣṭhati vā sākṣāt vartamānaḥ।

adya kakṣāyāṃ daśachātrāḥ upasthitāḥ santi।


paṇḍita, vidvas, jñānin, vidyāvat, vidyāviśiṣṭa, vidyāsampanna, kṛtavidya, vidyālaṅkṛta, abhijña, savidya, labdhavidya, jñānavat, prājña, prajña, prajñāvat, kṛtadhī, adhītin, bahuśruta, manīṣin, buddhīmat, dhīmat, budha, vettṛ   

yena vidyā sampāditā।

adya sabhāyāṃ bahavaḥ paṇḍitāḥ janāḥ abhyabhāṣanta।


śikṣita, kṛtavidya, labdhavidya, gṛhītavidya, kṛtābhyāsa, kṛtabuddhi, kṛtadhī, anunīta, vinīta, śiṣṭa, saṃskṛta   

yena śikṣā gṛhītā।

śikṣitāḥ janāḥ rāṣṭrasya netāraḥ।


aśikṣita, akṛtavidya, alabdhavidya, agṛhītavidya, aśruta, anupadiṣṭa, apaṇḍita, nirvidya, vidyāhīna   

yena vidyā na gṛhītā।

asmin grāme bahavaḥ aśikṣitāḥ janāḥ santi।



avidyamānasya avasthā bhāvo vā।

vijñānaṃ bhūtapretādīnāṃ avidyamānatāyāḥ pakṣe asti।


astitvam, bhavaḥ, sattā, vidyamānatā, bhūtiḥ   

vidyamānasya bhāvaḥ।

īśvarasya astitvam asti vā nāsti iti viṣaye mama manasi śaṅkā utpannā।


upasthitiḥ, vidyamānatā, abhimukhatā, abhyāgamaḥ   

upasthitasya bhāvaḥ।

atra bhavatām upasthitiḥ prārthanīyā।




prārthanāpatreṇa saha ādhividyāyāḥ yogyatāyāḥ pramāṇapatram api āvaśyakam asti।


sarvajñatā, sarvajñatvam, sarvajñātṛtvam, sarvavijñāninitā, sarvavittvam, sārvajñyam, sārvavidyam   

sarvajñasya avasthā bhāvo vā।

īśvarasya sarvajñatāṃ na kaścit sandihyāt।


idānīntana, sāmaprata, upasthita, vidyamāna, āsthita, vārtamānika, saṃstha, saṃsthānavat, āvitta, āvinna, etatkālīna   

yad idānīm asti।

yāvat idānīntanīyāḥ samasyāḥ na dūrīkriyante tāvat na kiñcid api bhavituṃ śaknoti ।


avidyamāna, asat   

yasya sattā na vidyate।

sūryaḥ astaṃ gacchati param avidyamānaḥ na bhavati।

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