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Amarakosha Search
2 results
buddham3.1.110MasculineSingularmanitam, viditam, pratipannam, avasitam, avagatam, budhitam
ūrīkṛtam3.1.110MasculineSingularupaśrutam, viditam, āśrutam, samāhitam, saṅgīrṇam, aṅgīkṛtam, upagatam, saṃśrutam, pratijñātam, urarīkṛtam
Monier-Williams Search
19 results for vidita
viditamfn. known, understood, learnt, perceived, known as (Nominal verb) etc. (viditam astu vaḥ-or astu vo viditam-,"let it be understood by you","know that") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viditamfn. promised, agreed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viditamfn. represented View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viditamfn. apprised, informed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viditam. a learned man, sage View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
viditan. information, representation View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aviditamfn. unknown View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aviditamfn. without the knowledge of (genitive case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aviditam accusative ind. ([ kathās-.]) without the knowledge of (genitive case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aviditamind. so that nobody knows View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhuvanaviditamfn. known in the world View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃviditamfn. known, recognized, understood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃviditamfn. searched, explored View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃviditamfn. assented to, agreed upon, approved ( saṃviditam am- ind."with the approval of") View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃviditamfn. admonished, advised View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃviditamind. saṃvidita
suvidita(s/u--) mfn. well known or understood View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sviditamfn. sweated, melted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sviditamfn. sweating, perspiring View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
3 results
vidita विदित p. p. 1 Known, understood, learnt; अविदित- गतयामा रात्रिरेव व्यरंसीत् U.1.27. -2 Informed. -3 Renowned, celebrated, well-known; भुवनविदिते वंशे Me.6. -4 Promised, agreed to. -तः A learned man, scholar. -तम् 1 Knowledge, information. -2 Celebrity, fame. -3 Acquisition, gaining. -Comp. -आत्मन् 1 Celebrated; तस्य चिन्तयतो नित्यं धर्मेण विदितात्मनः Rām.1.42.7. -2 One who knows oneself; ततो नित्यानुगस्तेषां विदितात्मा महामतिः Rām.2.13.22. -m. the almighty (परमेश्वर); सर्वमार्षं हि मन्यन्ते व्याहृतं विदितात्मनः Mb.12.268.1.
saṃvidita संविदित p. p. 1 Known, understood. -2 Recognised. -3 Well-known, renowned. -4 Explored. -5 Agreed upon. -6 Advised, admonished; see विद् with सम्. -तम् An agreement.
svidita स्विदित p. p. 1 Sweated, perspired. -2 Melted.
Macdonell Search
2 results
bhuvana n. being, creature, existing thing (V.); world, earth (three worlds, and sts. seven or fourteen are assumed); kingdom (fourteen are spoken of as existing on earth); place of existence, abode (V.): -kosa, m. sphere of the world, globe; -kandra, m. N.; -karita, n. doings of the world; -tala, n. surface of the earth; earth; -traya, n. the three worlds (heaven, air, earth); -dvaya, n. the two worlds (heaven and earth); -dvish, m. enemy of the world or earth; (bhúvana)-pati, m. lord of creatures or the world (V.); -pâvana, a. (î) purifying the world: î, f. ep. of the Ganges; -bhartri, m. lord of the world; -matî, f. N. of a princess; -mâtri, f. mother of the world, Durgâ; -râga, m. N. of a prince; -vidita, pp. famed in the world; -vrittânta, m. events of the world; -sâsin, m. ruler of the world, king.
suvitta a. having abundant wealth, rich; -vidagdha, pp. very cunning; -vidátra, a. noticing kindly, benevolent, propitious (V.); n. benevolence, favour (V.); -vidatr-íya, a. id. (RV.1); (sú)-vidita, pp.well-known; -vidyâ, f. good knowledge; -vidha, a. of a good kind; -vidhâna, n. good order or arrangement: -tas, ad. duly; -vidhi, m. suitable manner: in. suitably; -vinîta, pp. well-trained (horses); well-bred; -vipula, a.very great, abundant, etc.; (sú)-vipra, a. very devout (RV.1); -vimala, a. very clear or pure; -virûdha, pp. (√ ruh) fully developed; -visada, a. very distinct or intelligible; -visâla, a. very ex tensive; m. N. of an Asura;-visuddha, pp. perfectly pure; -visvasta, pp. full of confi dence, quite unconcerned; -vistara, m. great extent; great diffuseness: ab. very fully, in great detail: -m yâ, be filled (treasury); a. very extensive or large; very great, intense, or intimate etc.: -m, ad. in great detail, at full length; very vehemently; -vistîrna, pp. very extensive or great: -m, ad. in a very detailed manner; -vismaya, a. greatly sur prised or astonished; -vismita, pp. id.; -vi hita, pp. well carried out or fulfilled; well provided, with (in.); -vihvala, a. greatly exhausted, perturbed or distressed; -vîthî patha, m. a certain entrance to a palace; -v&isharp;ra, V. a. very mighty, heroic; having, abounding, or consisting in, retainers or heroes; m. hero (V.); -v&isharp;rya, n. manly vigour, heroism (V., very rare in E.): pl. heroic deeds; abundance of brave men, host of heroes (V.); a. (C.) very efficacious (herb); -v-riktí, f. [for su½rikti: √ rik] excellent praise, hymn (RV.); a. praising excellently (RV.); praiseworthy (V.); -vriksha, m. fine tree; -vrigána, a. dwelling in fair regions (RV.1); -vrít, V. a. (revolving=) running well (car); -vritta, pp. well-rounded; well conducted, virtuous (esp. of women; ord. mg.); composed in a fine metre; n. good conduct: â, f. N.: (a)-tâ, f. round shape and good conduct; -vriddha, pp. very old (family); -vrídh, a. glad, joyful (RV.); -vega, a. run ning, moving, or flying very fast; -vena, m. N.; -véda, a. easy to find or obtain (V.); -vesha, a. beautifully dressed or adorned: -vat, a. id.; -vyakta, pp. very clear or bright; quite distinct: -m, ad. quite clearly, manifestly; -vyasta, pp. thoroughly dis persed (army); -vyâhrita, (pp.) n. fine say ing; -vratá, a. ruling well (V.); fulfilling one's duties well, very virtuous (C.: often vc.); quiet, gentle (of animals; C., rare); m. N.; -samsa, a. (RV.) blessing bountifully (god); saying good things, pronouncing bless ings (men); -sákti, f. easy possibility, easy matter (RV.1); -sám&ibrevcirc;, in. ad. carefully, dili gently (V.);-saraná, a. granting secure refuge (RV.); -sárman, a. id. (V.); very pleasant (C.); m. frequent N.; -sasta, pp. well-recited (Br.); -sastí, f. good hymn of praise (V.); a. praiseworthy (RV.); -sânta, pp. very calm (water);-sâsita, pp. well controlled, well-disciplined (wife); -sikha, a. having a bright flame (lamp); -sithilî-kri, greatly relax; -siprá (sts. -sípra), a. having beautiful cheeks (RV.); (sú)-si-sv-i, a. √ sû: cp. sisu] growing well (in the womb; RV.1); (sú)-sishti, f. excellent aid (RV.1); -sishya, m. good pupil; -sîghrá, °ree;-or -m, ad. very swiftly; -sîta, a. quite cool or cold; -sîtala, a. id.; -s&isharp;ma, a. [√ sî] pleasant to recline on (Br., rare); -sîma-kâma, a. [hav ing deep-seated love] deeply in love; -sîla, n. good disposition; a. having a good dispo sition, good-tempered; m. N.: -guna-vat, a. having good nature and other good quali ties, -tâ, f. good nature, -vat, a. good natured; -subha, a. very fine (arm); very auspicious (day); very noble (deed); -séva, a. very kindly, loving, tender, or dear (V.); very prosperous (path; Br.); -sóka, a. shin ing brightly (RV.1);-sobhana, a. very hand some or beautiful; most excellent; -skandrá, a. very brilliant (V.); -srávas, a. very famous (V., P.); hearing well or gladly (V.); m. N.; N. of a Nâga; -srânta, pp. greatly exhausted; -sr&isharp;, a.splendid; rich; (sú)-sruta, pp. very famous (RV.1); C.: correctly heard; gladly heard; m. N. of a celebrated medical writer; N. of a son of Padmodbhava; -sronî, a. f. hav ing beautiful hips; -slakshna, a. very smooth, soft,or delicate; -slishta, pp. well-joined or united; well-ratified, very close (alliance); very convincing (argument): -guna, a. hav ing a well-fastened band: -tâ, f. abst. n.; -slesha, a. attended with a close embrace, with a euphonious coalescence of words, or with the rhetorical figure termed slesha; (sú-)-sloka, a. sounding, speaking etc. well (V., P.); famous (P.); -slok-ya, n. fame or well-sounding speech.
Bloomfield Vedic
2 results0 results6 results
akṣa vīḍo vīḍita vīḍayasva # RV.3.53.19c.
acyutā cid vīḍitā svojaḥ # RV.6.22.6c; AVś.20.36.6c.
aśrathnan dṛḍhāvradanta vīḍitā # RV.2.24.3b. Fragment: avradanta vīlitā N.5.16.
tigmam anīkaṃ viditaṃ sahasvat # AVś.4.27.7a; AVP.4.35.7a. P: tigmam anīkam Vait.9.2. See tigmam āyudhaṃ vīḍitaṃ.
tigmam āyudhaṃ vīḍitaṃ (KS. -dham īḍitaṃ) sahasvat # TS.; MS.3.16.5a: 191.12; KS.22.15a. See tigmam anīkaṃ.
yad devair viditaṃ purā # AVś.6.12.2b.
Vedabase Search
44 results
vidita celebratedCC Adi 10.33
CC Adi 10.39
CC Adi 11.24
vidita had realizedSB 3.15.30
vidita knownCC Madhya 2.50
CC Madhya 4.146
CC Madhya 8.162
vidita known very wellSB 5.4.5
vidita well knownCC Adi 10.8
CC Madhya 15.299
vidita-arthāya who already was aware of the situationSB 10.57.8
vidita-arthāya who already was aware of the situationSB 10.57.8
vidita-ātmanām of those who are self-realizedBG 5.26
vidita-ātmanām of those who are self-realizedBG 5.26
vidita-tattvasya to one who knows the Absolute TruthSB 3.27.26
vidita-tattvasya to one who knows the Absolute TruthSB 3.27.26
vidita-tattvāyām when she understood the truth of everything philosophicallySB 10.8.43
vidita-tattvāyām when she understood the truth of everything philosophicallySB 10.8.43
vidita-vijñānaḥ fully conversant with the science of the Absolute TruthSB 7.12.16
vidita-vijñānaḥ fully conversant with the science of the Absolute TruthSB 7.12.16
vidita has been understoodCC Adi 14.69
vidita is knownSB 12.11.20
vidita knownCC Antya 6.263
SB 10.57.35-36
SB 7.3.8
vidita understoodSB 10.22.25
SB 10.43.17
viditaḥ asi now I am fully conscious of YouSB 10.3.13
viditaḥ asi now I am fully conscious of YouSB 10.3.13
viditaiḥ understoodSB 3.15.47
viditam being recognizedSB 3.4.7
viditam consciousSB 2.1.12
viditam is known by the intelligent class of menSB 2.6.11
viditam is understoodSB 6.14.23
viditam it is knownSB 10.80.29
viditam knowingSB 4.24.27
viditam knownSB 6.18.70
viditam well knownSB 6.16.46
avidita-tattva without knowing the actual factSB 4.7.15
aviditam unknownSB 10.64.11
aviditam unknownSB 10.70.36
sva-viditam known by HimSB 5.4.16
avidita-tattva without knowing the actual factSB 4.7.15
sva-viditam known by HimSB 5.4.16
4 results
vidita adjective agreed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
apprised (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
informed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
known (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
known as (nom.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
learnt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
perceived (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
promised (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
represented (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
understood (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65590/72933
vidita noun (neuter) information (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
representation (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 39339/72933
avidita adjective unknown (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
without the knowledge of (gen.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5653/72933
asaṃvidita adjective not noticed unknown
Frequency rank 45893/72933
Wordnet Search
"vidita" has 6 results.


jñāta, saṃjñāta, parijñāta, abhijñāta, vijñāta, vidita, avabuddha, vitta, vinna, budhita, buddha, avagata, pramita, pratīta, manita, avasita   

yasya jñānaṃ jātam।

mayā jñātam etad।


aprasiddha, akhyāta, avidita   

yaḥ prasiddhaḥ nāsti।

īśvaracanda vidyāsāgara mahodayasya janma paścimabaṅgālapradeśasya aprasiddhe grāme abhavat।


ajñātaḥ, ajñātā, ajñātam, aviditaḥ, aviditā, aviditam, ananubhūtaḥ, ananubhūtā, ananubhūtam, aparicitaḥ, aparicitam, aparicitā, agocaraḥ, agocarā, agocaram   

yad na jñātam।

eṣaḥ ajñātaḥ pradeśaḥ asti।


ajñāta, anabhijña, anāgata, avijñāta, avidita   

yaḥ jñātaḥ nāsti।

yātrākāle ajñātena vyaktinā dattaṃ kimapi khādyaṃ na svīkaraṇīyam।


prasvedita, prasvinna, svidita, svinna   


vyāyāmaḥ prasveditaṃ kāryaṃ bhavati।


avijñāta, ajñāta, aparicita, anāgata, avidita   

yat samyak prakāreṇa na jñātam।

prakṛtau naikāni avijñātāni tattvāni santi।

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