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"vida" has 2 results
vida: second person plural tense paradigm perfect class parasmaipadavid
vida: second person singular present imperative class 6 parasmaipadavid
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215 results for vida
vidamfn. equals prec. (see ko--, trayī--, dvi-v-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidam. knowledge, discovery (see dur-v-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidam. Name of a man (see bida-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidabhṛtm. Name of a man gaRa gargādi- (see vaidabhṛta-, tya-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidad(for vidat-, pr. p. of3. vid-), in compound View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidadaṅkṣu(?) mfn. (fr. Desiderative) wishing to bite or to eat View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidadaśvam. "granting horses", Name of a man (see vaidadaśvi-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidadvasu(vid/ad--) mfn. possessing or granting wealth View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagaṇa(?) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhamfn. (for 2.See vi-dah-) undigested View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhaSee vi-dah- below. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhamfn. burnt up, consumed
vidagdhamfn. inflamed View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhamfn. cooked by internal heat as by the fire of digestion, digested View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhamfn. decomposed, corrupted, spoiled, turned sour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhamfn. mature (as a tumour) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhamfn. tawny or reddish brown (like impure blood) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhamfn. clever, shrewd, knowing, sharp, crafty, sly, artful, intriguing etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdham. tawny (the colour) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdham. a clever man, scholar, Pandit View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdham. a libertine, intriguer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdham. Name of a teacher of the vājasaneyin-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhāf. a sharp or knowing woman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhabodham. Name of a grammar (by rāma-candra- miśra-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhacuḍāmaṇim. Name of an enchanted parrot View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhājīrṇan. a particular form of indigestion View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhakam. a burning corpse View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhālāpamfn. clever in language, elegant, witty View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhamādhavan. Name of a nāṭaka- or drama (by rūpa- go-svāmin-, in 7 acts, written A.D. 1549;it is a dramatic version of the gīta-govinda- on the loves of kṛṣṇa- and rādhā-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhamukhamaṇḍanan. Name of work on enigmas (by the Buddhist dharmadāsa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhapariṣadf. an assembly or company of clever people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhaparivṛddhatāf. the turning acid and swelling (of food in the stomach) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhatāf. cleverness, sharpness, skill in (locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhatoṣiṇīf. Name of an astronomy work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhatvan. cleverness, sharpness, skill in (locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhavacanamfn. clever or skilful in speech View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidagdhavaidyam. Name of a medical writer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidahP. -dahati-, to burn up, scorch, consume or destroy by fire ; to cauterize (a wound) ; to decompose, corrupt : Passive voice -dahyate-, to be burnt etc. ; to burn, be inflamed (as a wound) ; to suffer from internal heat ; to be consumed by grief, waste, pine ; to be puffed up, boast (varia lectio vi-katthase-for vi-dahyase-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidakṣiṇamfn. directed to another quarter than the south View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidalP. -dalati-, to break or burst asunder, be rent or split asunder ; to open, rend or tear asunder (Passive voice future parasmE-pada -daliṣyamāna- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidalamfn. (for 2.See vi-dal-) leafless View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidalamf(ā-)n. (see bidala-;for 1.See) rent asunder, split View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidalamf(ā-)n. expanded, blown View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidalam. rending, dividing, separating View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidalam. sweetmeats, a cake View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidalam. Bauhinia Variegata View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaf. Ipomoea Turpethum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidalan. anything split or pared, a chip, piece, fragment etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidalan. split bamboo, a cane View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidalan. wicker-work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidalan. a split pea View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidalan. pomegranate bark View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaladalīkaraṇan. the act of rending asunder or dividing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaladalīkṛtamfn. rent asunder, torn, cut, divided, separated View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaladalitamfn. burst or rent asunder etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaladalitamfn. expanded, blown View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidalanan. the act of tearing or rending asunder, splitting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidalanan. bursting (intrans.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaṃśP. -daśati-, to bite to pieces, bite asunder View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaṃśam. biting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaṃśam. any pungent food which excites thirst View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaṇḍam. a door-key View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaṇḍam. Name of a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidantamfn. toothless, deprived of his tusks (said of an elephant) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidanvatm. Name of a bhārgava- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaramf(ā-)n. (for 2.See under vi-dṝ-) free from cracks or holes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidara vi-daraṇa- See under vidṝ-, . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaram. (for 1.See) tearing asunder, rending View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaram. a crevice, fissure View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaran. Cactus Indicus (prob. the flower) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaraṇan. tearing asunder, reading View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaraṇan. equals vidradhi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbhaSee sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbham. "destitute of darbha- grass", Name of a country south of the vindhya- hills (now called Berar;it was the country of damayantī-, wife of nala-;the soil was probably grassless and arid, but the absence of darbha- is said to be due to the fact that the son of a saint died of the prick of a sharp blade of that grass) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbham. a king of vidarbha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbham. a particular disease of the gums (equals vaidarbha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbham. Name of a man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbham. of a son of jyā-magha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbham. of a son of ṛṣabha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbham. plural the inhabitants of vidarbha- and also the country itself View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbham. the interior of anything View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbhāf. Name of the capital city of vidarbha- (= kuṇḍina-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbhāf. of a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbhāf. of a daughter of ugra- and wife of manu- cākṣuṣa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbhābhimukhamfn. facing vidarbha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbhabhūf. the country of vidarbha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbhādhipam. the vidarbha- king ( vidarbhādhiparājadhānī -rāja-dhānī- f.his residence ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbhādhiparājadhānīf. vidarbhādhipa
vidarbhādhipatim. idem or 'm. the vidarbha- king ( vidarbhādhiparājadhānī -rāja-dhānī- f.his residence )' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbhajāf. " vidarbha--born", Name of the wife of the saint agastya-, of damayantī-, and of rukmiṇī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbhanagarīf. the city of vidarbha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbhapatim. the king of vidarbha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbharājm. the king of vidarbha- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbharājam. (or jan-) idem or 'm. the king of vidarbha- ' ( vidarbharājadhānī ja-dhānī- f.the capital of vidarbha- ; vidarbharājaputrī ja-putrī- f. patronymic of rukmiṇī- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbharājadhānīf. vidarbharāja
vidarbharājaputrīf. vidarbharāja
vidarbhatanayāf. "daughter of the vidarbha- king", Name of damayantī- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbhim. Name of a ṛṣi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarbhīkauṇḍinyam. Name of a preceptor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarśanā śin- See under 2. vi-driś-, p.966. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarśanāf. (right) knowledge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarśin wrong reading for ni-darśin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidarvyamfn. (fr. darvi-) hoodless (said of a serpent) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidasP. -dasyati-, or -dasati-, to waste away, become exhausted, come to an end ; to be wanting, fail (with ablative of Persian) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaśamfn. having no fringe or border (as a garment) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidaṣṭamfn. crushed or forced asunder View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidastamfn. wasted away, exhausted (equals upakṣīṇa-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidasyaSee a-vidasy/a-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidathan. knowledge, wisdom View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidathan. (especially)"knowledge given to others" id est instruction, direction, order, arrangement, disposition, rule, command (also plural) (vidatham ā-vad-,to impart knowledge, give instruction, rule, govern) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidathan. a meeting, assembly (either for deliberating or for the observance of festive or religious rites id est) council, community, association, congregation (also applied to particular associations or communities of gods, which in are opposed to those of men;in three associations of gods are mentioned) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidathan. a host, army, body of warriors (especially applied to the marut-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidathan. war, fight View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidathan. a sage, scholar View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidathan. a saint, devotee, ascetic (equals yogin-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidathan. equals kṛtin- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidathan. Name of a man on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidatha according to to some for vidhā- tha- from vidh-, and originally ="homage, worship, sacrifice"; according to to others also ="house, household, etc.". View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidathinm. Name of a man (see vaidathina-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidathyamfn. fit for an assembly or council or any religious observance, festive, solemn View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidatraSee dur-- and su-vid/atra-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidatriyaSee su-vidatr/iya-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidattamfn. given out, distributed on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vidayA1. -dayate-, to divide, sever, destroy ; to distribute, bestow, be liberal with (instrumental case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
akovidamfn. unwise, ignorant. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
arthakovidamfn. expert in any matter, experienced View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
asaṃvidamfn. unconscious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
aśvakovidamfn. skilled in horses View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avidaind. an exclamation of surprise and grief (also repeated and with bho-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avidagdhamfn. not burnt View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avidagdhamfn. not digested View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avidagdhamfn. not ripe (as a tumour, śotha-,or śopha-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avidagdhamfn. not turned sour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avidagdhamfn. inexperienced, stupid View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avidasyamfn. not ceasing, permanent, inexhaustible View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmapathakovidamfn. knowing the way to brahma- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dadhividarbhafor daśi-- 1. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daivakovidamfn. acquainted with the destinies of men View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daivakovidamf. (ā-) a fatalist, fortune-teller View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daravidalitamfn. slightly opened View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
daśīvidarbham. plural Name of people (varia lectio dadhi--) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durvidamfn. difficult to be known or discovered View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durvidagdhamfn. wrongly taught, wrongheaded, silly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durvidatramfn. "ill-disposed", envious, ungracious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvidaivatyāf. equals -devata- n. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvidalamfn. split in two, forked View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvidalam. fork View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvidaf. Bauhinia Tomentosa View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvidaṇḍi(fr. daṇḍa-) with 2 sticks, stick against stick, single stick, quarter staff (see ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvidaṇḍinm. "carrying 2 staves", a kind of mendicant () View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvidantamfn. equals -dat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvidantam. elephant View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvidaśamfn. plural 20 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvidatmfn. having (only) 2 teeth (as a mark of age; confer, compare Latin bi-dens) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvidattam. Name of a man (see dvaidatti-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvividam. Name of a monkey (slain by viṣṇu-, or an ally of rāma- and son of the aśvin-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
iṅgitakovida mfn. understanding signs, acquainted with the gesture of another, skilled in the expression or interpretation of internal sentiments by external gesture. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
jīvanavidambanan. disappointment in life, living in vain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kavidarpaṇam. "poet's mirror", Name of work by raghu-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kovidamf(ā-)n. ( vid-) experienced, skilled, learned in (locative case genitive case,or in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' aśveṣu-,or aśvānām-or aśva-kovida-,"skilled in horses") etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kovidam. plural Name of the kṣatriya-s in kuśa-dvīpa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kovidatvan. skilfulness (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhyavidaraṇan. Name of one of the ten ways in which an eclipse ends View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahāvidagdhamfn. very clever View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mantrakovidamfn. knowing sacred text View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
masūravidalam. or n. (?) prob."a split lentil" View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
masūravidaf. Ipomoea Turpethum View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
masūravidaf. Ichnocarpus Frutescens View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mayūravidaf. Hibiscus Cannabinus View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
muhūrtakovidam. "skilled in divisions of time", an astrologer View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
naividamf(ī-)n. containing a nivid-, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nātikovidamfn. not very familiar with or clever in (locative case) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nayakovidamfn. skilled in policy, prudent
nividadhyāyam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pittavidagdhamfn. burnt or impaired by bile (as sight) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravidalanan. pounding, crushing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
raṇamārgakovidamfn. experienced in the art or ways of war View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ravidattam. Name of a priest and of a poet View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sahāpavidamfn. containing contradictions, disagreeing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvidamfn. having consciousness, conscious (in a-s-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvidan. (?) stipulation, agreement View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śāstrakovidamfn. skilled in sacred works View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sauvidam. (fr. suvida-) a guard or attendant on the women's apartments View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sauvidallam. (fr. suvidalla-) idem or 'm. (fr. suvida-) a guard or attendant on the women's apartments ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sauvidallakam. equals sauvidalla- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sauvidallatvan. the office of a chamberlain View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śleṣmavidagdhamfn. equals -duṣṭa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sudurvida() mfn. very difficult to be known or understood. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śuklavidarśanāf. a particular stage in the life of a śrāvaka-, = View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvidam. "very knowing", an attendant on the women's apartments (equals sauvida-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvidam. a king, prince (see su-vidat-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvidam. a particular tree (equals tilaka-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvida su-vidagdha- etc. See . View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvidagdhamfn. very cunning, astute View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvidallan. the women's apartments View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvidallāf. a married woman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvidarbham. plural Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvidatm. a king View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvidatramfn. very mindful, benevolent, propitious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvidatran. grace, favour View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvidatran. wealth, property View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvidatran. household View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvidatriyamfn. propitious, gracious, favourable
traivida varia lectio for trayī-v- Scholiast or Commentator on and View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trayīvidamfn. knowing the triple science View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uṣṇavidagdhakam. a particular disease of the eyes View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāgvidagdhamfn. idem or 'mfn. skilled in speech, eloquent ' ( vāgvidagdhatā -- f.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāgvidagdhāf. a kindly-speaking or agreeable woman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāgvidagdhatāf. vāgvidagdha
vāṇyavidaor vāṇyovida- m. Name of a ṛṣi- (see vāyovida-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāyorvidaprob. wrong reading for vāyovida-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vāyovidam. (fr. vayo-vid-) Name of a ṛṣi- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
veṇuvidalan. split bamboo View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vevidat v/evidāna- See Intensive of 3. vid-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivevidatmfn. (pr. p. of Intensive of3. vid-) seeking for, striving after View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
16 results
vidagdha विदग्ध p. p. 1 Burnt up, consumed by fire. -2 Cooked. -3 Digested. -4 Destroyed, decomposed. -5 Clever, shrewd, sharp, subtle; नाविदग्धः प्रियं ब्रूयात् Pt.1. 164; U.4.21. -6 Crafty, artful, intriguing. -7 Unburnt or ill-digested. -8 Lovely, charming. -9 Respectable (as dress &c.). -1 Mature (as a tumour). -11 Tawny, reddish. -ग्धः 1 A wise or learned man, scholar; वृद्धा विदग्धाः प्रविशन्त्यत्र विप्राः Mb.3.133.5. -2 A libertine. -ग्धा A shrewd and clever woman, an artful woman. -Comp. -परिवृद्धता the turning acid and swelling (of food in the stomach). -परिषद् f. an assembly of clever people. -वचन a. clever in speech.
vidagdhatā विदग्धता त्वम् Shrewdness, cleverness; skill, elegance &c.
vida विदः 1 A learned man, wise man or Paṇḍita. -2 The planet Mercury. -दा 1 Knowledge, learning. -2 Understanding.
vidal विदल् 1 P. 1 To break, split, crack; त्वदिषुभिर्व्यदलि- ष्यदसावपि N.4.88. -2 To dig up. -3 To open, expand.
vidala विदल a. 1 Split, rent asunder. -2 Opened, blown (as a flower &c.). -लः 1 Dividing, separating. -2 Rending, splitting. -3 A cake. -4 Mountain ebony. -लम् 1 A basket of split bamboos or any vessel of wicker-work; cf. Y.1.182. -2 The bark of pomegranate. -3 A twig; शिफाविदलरज्ज्वाद्यैर्विदध्यान्नृपतिर्दमम् Ms.9. 23. -4 The chips of a substance. -5 Split peas.
vidalanam विदलनम् Splitting, rending asunder, cutting, dividing.
vidaṃśaḥ विदंशः Pungent food such as excites thrist; स्वादितः सकृदिवासव एव प्रत्युत क्षणविदंशपदे$भूत् Śi.1.1.
vidaṇḍaḥ विदण्डः A door-key.
vidaraḥ विदरः 1 Breaking, bursting, rending. -2 A cavity, a slit; अदूरजाग्रद्विदरप्रणालीरेखा N.8.38. -रम् the prickly pear.
vidarbhāḥ विदर्भाः (m. pl.) [विगताः दर्भाः कुशा यतः Tv.] 1 N. of a district, the modern Berar; अस्ति विदर्भो नाम जनपदः Dk.; अस्ति विदर्भेषु पद्मपुरं नाम नगरम् Māl.1; R.5.4,6; N.1.5. -2 The natives of Vidarbha. -र्भः 1 A king of the Vidarbhas. -2 Any dry or desert soil. -Comp. -जा, -तनया, -राजतनया, -सुभ्रूः epithets of Damayantī, daughter of the king of the Vidarbhas. -जा N. of the wife of Agastya.
vidaśa विदश a. Having no border or fringe (a garment).
vidat विदत् a. 1 Knowing. -2 Wise.
vidathaḥ विदथः [विदेः अथः कित् Uṇ.3.115] 1 A learned man, scholar. -2 An ascetic, a sage. -3 Ved. A sacrifice. -थम् Ved. 1 Knowledge. -2 A sacrifice. -3 A battle (?). -4 A meeting, assembly.
anirvida अनिर्विद a. Not fatigued or tired; अनिर्विदाया विदधे विधात्रा Śi.3.34.
kovida कोविद a. Experienced, learned, skilled, wise, proficient (with gen. or loc. but usually in comp.); व्युत्पत्तिरावर्जितकोविदापि Vikr.1.16; गुणदोषकोविदः Śi.14. 54,69; प्राप्यावन्तीनुदयनकथाकोविदग्रामवृद्धान् Me.3; Ms.7.26; स्फुटचतुरकथा˚ Mu.3.1.
suvidatra सुविदत्र a. (Ved.) Very mindful, benevolent, propitious. -त्रम् 1 Grace, favour. -2 Wealth, property, -3 Household; Uṇ.3.17.
Macdonell Vedic Search
2 results
vidatha vid-átha, m. divine worship, i. 85, 1; ii. 12, 15; 33, 15; 35, 15; viii. 48, 14 [vidh worship].
suvidatra su-vidátra, a. bountiful, x. 14, 10; 15, 3. 9.
Macdonell Search
13 results
vida a. (--°ree;) = 1. vid, knowing, etc.
vidadaṅkṣu a. [√ dams] wish ing to bite or eat something.
vidadvasu a. winning wealth (V.).
vidagdha pp. (√ dah) burnt up; digested; decomposed; sharpened by ex perience, clever, crafty, artful: -kûdâmani, m. N. of an enchanted parrot; -tâ, f. shrewd ness, cleverness, adroitness.
vidakṣiṇa a. directed to a quar- ter different from the south.
vidala a. burst, split; expanded, blown (flower); splint; split bamboo; split pea; -dalana, n. cracking (of the earth); cleaving; -dalita, pp. expanded, blown; -dalî-kri, split.
vidaṃśa m. spice.
vidarbha m. [grassless=arid land] N. of country south of the Vindhya (with the capital Kundina) now called Berar: pl. the people; sg. king of Vidarbha: â, f. N. of the capital of Vidarbha (=Kundina);(a)-tana yâ, f. daughter of the king of Vidarbha; (a)-nagarî, f. city of Vidarbha; (a)-râga putrî, f. pat. of Rukminî; -½abhi-mukha, a. facing Vidarbha.
vidatha n. (V.) direction, command, order, rule; assembly, association, council, congregation, feast; array, troop, squadron (esp. of the Maruts); battle.
vidathya a. (V.) suitable for an assembly, able in council; festal.
avidagdha pp. not burnt; not clever.
kovida a. [knowing well], know ing, skilled in (g., lc., --°ree;): -tva, n. skill.
sauvidalla m. harem attendant: -ka, m. id.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
13 results5 results
vidagdha śākalya Is the name of a teacher, a contemporary and rival of Yājñavalkya at the court of Janaka of Videha in the Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad, the Jaiminiya Upanisad Brāhmana, and the śatapatha Brāhmaṇa.
vidanvant bhārgava (‘Descendant of Bhṛgu ’) is mentioned as the seer of a Sāman or chant in the Pañcavimśa Brāhmaṇa and in the Jaiminlya Upaniṣad Brāhmaṇa.
vidarbha Occurs in the earlier Vedic literature as the name of a place only in the Jaiminlya Upaniṣad Brāhmaṇa, where its Mācalas (perhaps a species of dog) are said to kill tigers.
vidarbhīkauṇḍineya is the name of a teacher, a pupil of Vatsanapāt in the first two Vamśas (lists of teachers) of the Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad.1
vidatha Is a word of obscure sense, confined mainly to the Rigveda. According to Roth, the sense is primarily ‘order,’ then the concrete body which gives orders, then ‘assembly’ for secular or religious ends, or for war. Oldenberg once thought that the main idea is ‘ordinance’ (from υi-dhā, ‘ dispose,’ ‘ordain’), and thence ‘sacrifice.’ Ludwig thinks that the root idea is an ‘ assembly,’ especially of the Mag’havans and the Brahmins. Geldner considers that the word primarily means ‘ knowledge,’ ‘wisdom,’ ‘priestly lore,’ then ‘sacrifice’ and ‘spiritual authority.’ Bloomfield, on the other hand, insists that Vidatha refers to the ‘house’ in the first place (from vid, ‘acquire’), and then to the ‘sacrifice,’ as connected with the house; this interpretation, at any rate, appears to suit all the passages. The term vidathya, once applied to the king (samrāt), might seem to be against this view, but it may refer to his being ‘rich in homesteads and the connexion of the woman with the Vidatha, as opposed to the Sabhā, tells in favour of Bloomfield’s explanation. That the word ever denotes an asylum, like the house of the brahmin, as Ludwig suggests, is doubtful.
Bloomfield Vedic
13 results5 results379 results
achā vidadvasuṃ giraḥ RV.1.6.6b; AVś.20.70.2b.
adevayuṃ vidathe devayubhiḥ RV.7.93.5c.
ahorātrāṇi vidadhat RV.10.190.2c; KB.19.3a; TA.10.1.14c; MahānU.5.6c.
alātṛṇāso vidatheṣu suṣṭutāḥ RV.1.166.7b.
amarmaṇo vidad id asya marma RV.5.32.5b.
animeṣaṃ vidathābhisvaranti RV.1.164.21b; AVś.9.9.22b; N.3.12b.
ariṣaṇyan vīḍayasvā vanaspate RV.2.37.3b; N.8.3b.
āsātai vidathā vadan AVś.18.3.70d.
āvirṛjīko vidathā nicikyat RV.4.38.4c. Cf. indreṇa gupto.
ayaṃ vidac citradṛśīkam arṇaḥ RV.6.47.5a.
brahmāṇeva vidatha ukthaśāsā RV.2.39.1c.
dṛṃhasva vīḍayasva (MS. vīrayasva) su TS.; MS.2.7.7b: 82.13.
kratvāmaghāso vidathasya rātau RV.5.33.9b.
vidan paripanthinaḥ RV.10.85.32a; AVś.12.1.32d; 14.2.11a; AG.1.8.6; śG.1.15.14; SMB.1.3.12a; GG.2.4.2; ApMB.1.6.10a (ApG.2.5.24). P: mā vidan Kauś.77.3. Cf. BṛhD.7.133. Cf. under mā tvā paripanthino.
vidan paryāyiṇaḥ AVP.5.6.6a.
medhākāraṃ vidathasya prasādhanam RV.10.91.8a; SV.2.334a; KS.39.13a; JB.3.88a; TB.; Apś.16.35.5a. P: medhākāram JG.1.14.
mitrāvaruṇā vidathe svardṛśā RV.5.63.2b; MS.4.14.12b: 234.10.
na vīḍave namate na sthirāya RV.6.24.8a.
nṛpeśaso vidatheṣu pra jātāḥ RV.3.4.5c.
nūnaṃ vidan māparaṃ sahasvaḥ RV.1.189.4d.
parijmānaṃ vidathyaṃ suvṛktibhiḥ RV.10.41.1c.
pavamāna vidā rayim RV.9.19.6c; 43.4a; 63.11a; SV.2.111c.
pracodayantā vidatheṣu kārū RV.10.110.7c; AVś.5.12.7c; VS.29.32c; MS.4.13.3c: 202.8; KS.16.20c; TB.; N.8.12c.
pravakṣyāmo vidathe vīryāṇi RV.1.162.1d; VS.25.24d; TS.; MS.3.16.1d: 181.8; KSA.6.4d; N.9.3d.
tad vidac charyaṇāvati RV.1.84.14c; AVś.20.41.2c (vulgate, erroneously, yad vidac); SV.2.264c; JB.3.64c; TB. See avindañ śarya-.
tigmajambhāya vīḍave RV.8.44.27b.
tṛtīye vidathe manma śaṃsi RV.2.4.8b.
yad vidac charyaṇāvati AVś.20.41.2c. Error for tad vidac etc., q.v.
yad vīḍayāsi vīḍu tat RV.8.45.6c.
yad vīḍāv (AVś.JB. vīlāv) indra yat sthire RV.8.45.41a; AVś.20.43.2a; SV.1.207a; 2.422a; JB.3.141a; Svidh.3.1.8. Cf. Svidh.3.5.2.
yajñaṃ vidānāḥ sukṛtasya loke Apś.16.29.1d (bis). See yajñaṃ dadhānāḥ, and yajñaṃ duhānāḥ.
yathā vida ātmann anyavarṇām AVś.12.3.54b.
yudhā vidaṃ manave gātum iṣṭaye RV.10.49.9d.
yuge-yuge vidathyaṃ gṛṇadbhyaḥ RV.6.8.5a.
akṣa vīḍo vīḍita vīḍayasva # RV.3.53.19c.
akṣetravit kṣetravidaṃ hy aprāṭ # RV.10.32.7a.
aganma jyotir avidāma devān # RV.8.48.3b; Kś.10.9.7b; Mś.; śirasU.3b. See adarśma jyotir; cf. prec., and avidāma etc.
agniṃ hotāraṃ vidathāya jījanan # RV.10.11.3d; AVś.18.1.20d.
agnipītasya (soma deva te matividaḥ) # Apś.13.14.14. Vikāra of indrapītasya, or narāśaṃsapītasya Apś.12.24.7 ff. Cf. TS.
agnir devebhyaḥ suvidatriyebhyaḥ (TA. suvidatrebhyaḥ) # RV.10.17.3d; AVś.18.2.54d; TA.6.1.1d; N.7.9d.
agnir mandro vidatheṣu pracetāḥ # RV.4.6.2b.
agniṣvāttā ṛtubhiḥ saṃvidānāḥ # TB.; Apś.8.15.17c.
agne mṛḍīkaṃ varuṇe sacā vidaḥ # RV.4.1.3d; KS.26.11d.
agne sadhasthā vida lokam asya # KS.40.13b. See under devāḥ sadhasthā.
aṅgirobhiḥ pitṛbhiḥ saṃvidānaḥ # RV.10.14.4b; AVś.18.1.60b; TS.; MS.4.4.16b: 243.2.
achā ma (SVṣvidh. va) indraṃ matayaḥ svarvidaḥ (SV. svaryuvaḥ) # RV.10.43.1a; AVś.20.17.1a; SV.1.375a; GB.2.4.16; Vait.25.9. P: achā ma indram Aś.6.1.2; 8.3.34; śś.12.12.6; achā vaḥ Svidh.2.5.3.
ajanayat sūryaṃ vidad gāḥ # RV.2.19.3c.
ajījananta matayaḥ svarvidaḥ # AVP.14.2.8a.
atha jivrir vidatham ā vadāsi # AVś.8.1.6d; 14.1.21d. See athā jīvrī, and adhā jivrī.
atha jīvāso vidatham ā vadema # AVś.12.2.30d. Cf. yathā jīvo.
athā jīvrī vidatham ā vadāsi # ApMB.1.9.4d; JG.1.22d. See under atha jivrir.
athā (AVś. adhā) pitṝn suvidatrāṃ upehi (AVśṭA. apīhi; TS. apīta) # RV.10.14.10c; AVś.18.2.11c; TS.; TA.6.3.1c.
adarśma jyotir avidāma devān # TS. See aganma etc.
adha kratuṃ vidataṃ gātum arcate # RV.1.151.2c.
adhā kṛṇuṣva saṃvidaṃ subhadrām # RV.10.10.14d; AVś.18.1.16d; N.11.34d.
adhā jivrī vidatham ā vadāthaḥ # RV.10.85.27d. See under atha jivrir.
adhā pitṝn suvidatrāṃ etc. # see athā etc.
adhi tiṣṭhāti govidam # RV.1.82.4b; SV.1.424b.
adhvaryavo gharmiṇaḥ siṣvidānāḥ # RV.7.103.8c.
adhvaryubhir manasā saṃvidānāḥ # RV.10.30.13c.
anakti yad vāṃ vidatheṣu hotā # RV.1.153.2c.
antar devo vidathā martyeṣu # RV.6.11.2b.
antar mahe vidathe yetire naraḥ # RV.5.59.2d.
apa śatrūn vidhyatāṃ (MS. vidhyataḥ) saṃvidāne # RV.6.75.4c; AVP.15.10.4c; VS.29.41c; TS.; MS.3.16.3c: 185.17; KSA.6.1c; N.9.40c.
apāṃ naptrā saṃvidānāsa enāḥ # RV.10.30.14d.
apām agnis tanūbhiḥ saṃvidānaḥ # AVś.4.15.10a; AVP.5.7.8a. P: apām agniḥ Kauś.127.8.
apārātiṃ durvidatrām aghāyataḥ # RV.10.63.12b.
ayaṃ vasur vidadvasuḥ # TS.; MS.1.3.9: 33.11; KS.4.2; Mś. See iha vasur etc., eṣa vasur etc., aitu vasur etc., and mayi vasur etc.
ayaṃ sruvo abhijiharti (Kauś. vidadhāti) homān # Apś.4.7.2a; Kauś.3.10a.
ayaṃ paścād (MS. paścā) vidadvasuḥ # MS.2.8.10: 114.19; KS.17.9.
ayuktāso abrahmatā vidasāma (RV. yad asan) # RV.5.33.3b; VS.10.22b; śB.
aryamṇa uta saṃvidaḥ # AVś.3.5.5d.
arvāk tvā parebhyo 'vidaṃ (VSK. tvā parebhyaḥ) paro 'varebhyaḥ (TS. tvā parair avidaṃ paro 'varaiḥ; MS. tvā parebhyaḥ paro 'varebhyo 'vidam) # VS.5.42; VSK.5.10.2; TS.;; MS.1.2.14: 23.1; 3.9.2: 114.9; KS.3.2; 26.3; śB.
arvācīnaṃ vasuvidaṃ bhagaṃ naḥ (AVś. me) # RV.7.41.6c; AVś.3.16.6c; AVP.4.31.6c; VS.34.39c; TB.; ApMB.1.14.6c. P: arvācīnaṃ vasuvidam Vait.8.14.
avidad dakṣaṃ mitro navīyān # RV.6.44.7a. P: avidad dakṣam śś.8.6.11.
avidāma devān svar jyotiḥ # VS.8.52d; śB. Cf. aganma jyotir avidāma.
avido yajñam # MS.4.5.2: 65.15; AB.2.20.11. Cf. avidāma tad.
avindañ śaryaṇāvati (KS. -dac cha-) # MS.2.13.6c: 154.14; KS.39.12c. See tad vidac charyaṇāvati.
aśvāvatīr gomatīr viśvasuvidaḥ # RV.1.48.2a.
aśvibhyāṃ devi saha saṃvidānā # Kauś.106.7a.
asmabhyaṃ tvā vasuvidam # RV.9.104.4a; SV.1.575a.
asmākam adya vidatheṣu barhiḥ # RV.7.57.2c.
asmin no adya vidathe yajatrāḥ # RV.6.52.17c.
asya pītā (SV. pītvā) svarvidaḥ # RV.9.108.2b; SV.2.43b.
asya pītvā svarvidaḥ # see asya pītā.
ahaṃ hy ugro (RV. ūgro) maruto vidānaḥ # RV.1.165.10c; MS.4.11.3c: 169.11; KS.9.18c.
ahā arātim avidaḥ syonam # AVś.2.10.7a. See next, and jahad avartim.
ahā avartim avidat syonam # TB.; ApMB.2.12.9c. See under prec.
ahorātre dravataḥ saṃvidāne # AVś.10.7.6b.
ā kṣeti vidathā kaviḥ # RV.8.39.9b; TS.
āgne yāhi suvidatrebhir arvāṅ (MS. arvāk) # RV.10.15.9c; AVś.18.3.48c; MS.4.10.6: 158.1; TB.; N.6.14.
ātir vāhaso darvidā te vāyave # VS.24.34; MS.3.14.15: 175.9. See ātī.
ātī vāhaso darvidā te vāyavyāḥ # TS.; KSA.7.3. See ātir.
ā tvā viśāmy ā mā viśa # SMB.1.7.6--8. Cf. āvidaṃ mā.
ādityavadgaṇasya soma deva te matividas tṛtīyasya savanasya jagatīchandasa indrapītasya narāśaṃsapītasya pitṛpītasya madhumata upahūtasyopahūto bhakṣayāmi (Mś. savanasya jagacchandaso 'gnihuta indrapītasya) # TS.; Mś. P: ādityavadgaṇasya (followed by fragments ... narāśaṃsapītasya ... indrapītasya ...) Apś.12.24.7,9. Cf. under tasya ta.
ādityebhir vasubhiḥ saṃvidānaḥ # AVP.5.37.6b.
ā na iḍābhir (VSK. ilābhir) vidathe suśasti # RV.1.186.1a; VS.33.34a; VSK.33.34. P: ā na iḍābhiḥ (VSK. ilābhiḥ) VS.33.47; VSK.33.47. Cf. BṛhD.4.62.
ā no gantaṃ svarvidā # RV.8.8.7b.
ābhir yātaṃ suvidatrābhir arvāk # RV.7.91.6c.
āyur jīvebhyo vidadhat # AVś.18.4.53c.
āre manyuṃ durvidatrasya dhīmahi # RV.10.35.4c.
ā rodasī bṛhatī vevidānaḥ # RV.1.72.4a.
ārtavā ṛtubhiḥ saṃvidānāḥ # AVś.5.28.2c.
ārtyai parivittam (TB. parivividānam) # VS.30.9; TB.
ālvantaruṭaṃ viṣaṃ vidārī # AVP.4.19.4a.
ā vāṃ voce vidatheṣu prayasvān # RV.7.73.2d.
ā viśvācī vidathyām anaktu # RV.7.43.3c.
āṣṭa (MS. āṣṭhāḥ; KS. ms. āṣṭāḥ) pratiṣṭhām avidad dhi (MS. avido hi; KS. avido nu) gādham # TS.; MS.2.13.10b: 161.1; KS.39.10b; PG.3.3.5b.
ā sīdataṃ svam u lokaṃ vidāne # RV.10.13.2c; AVś.18.3.38d; AB.1.29.7; TA.6.5.1c.
āhaṃ pitṝn suvidatrāṃ (MS. -traṃ) avitsi # RV.10.15.3a; AVś.18.1.45a; VS.19.56a; TS.; MS.4.10.6a: 156.16; KS.21.14a; AB.3.37.15; Aś.2.19.22; 5.20.6. P: āhaṃ pitṝn TB.; śś.3.16.6.
āhārṣaṃ tvāvidaṃ tvā # RV.10.161.5a; AVś.20.96.10a. See next but one.
āhārṣam avidaṃ tvā # AVś.8.1.20a. See prec. but one.
ā hotā mandro vidathāny asthāt # RV.3.14.1a. P: ā hotā Aś.4.13.7.
ichan vavrim avidat pūṣaṇasya # RV.10.5.5d.
iḍāṃ dhenuṃ madhumatīṃ svastaye (TB.Apś. suvarvidam) # AVś.18.4.30b; TB.; Apś.1.13.1b; Mś.
idaṃ havyaṃ saṃvidānau juṣethām # AVś.3.15.4e.
idaṃ janāso vidatha (AVP. -tham) # AVś.1.32.1a; AVP.1.23.1a. P: idaṃ janāsaḥ Kauś.6.17; 34.1; 59.3.
indra ṛbhubhir brahmaṇā saṃvidānaḥ # śś.3.18.15c. See indrartubhir.
indra kratuvidaṃ sutam # RV.3.40.2a; AVś.20.6.2a; 7.4a; Aś.5.10.28. P: indra kratuvidam GB.2.3.14; śś.7.12.4.
indraṃ krośanto 'vidann anā madhu # RV.10.94.4b.
indraṃ devaṃ svarvidam (TB. suvar-) # VS.28.2c; TB.
indrapītaṃ svarvidam # RV.9.8.9b; SV.2.535b.
indravāhā svarvidā # SV.2.62c. See prec. but one.
indrasya muṣṭir asi vīḍayasva # RV.6.47.30d; AVś.6.126.2d; AVP.15.11.10d; VS.29.56d; TS.; MS.3.16.3d: 187.11; KSA.6.1d.
indrasya sakhyaṃ pavate vivevidat # RV.9.86.9c.
indrāgnī vītaṃ haviṣaḥ saṃvidānau # AVP.1.86.2a.
indrāya somāḥ pra divo vidānāḥ # RV.3.36.2a; AB.6.11.12; GB.2.2.21; TB.; Aś.5.5.19; śś.7.17.10.
indreṇa gupto (AVP. kḷpto) vidathā nicikyat # AVś.5.20.12c; AVP.9.27.12c. Cf. āvirṛjīko.
indreṇa devīr (Mś. mss. devair) vīrudhaḥ saṃvidānāḥ # TS.; Mś. See indreṇa devair.
indhāno akro vidatheṣu dīdyat # RV.1.143.7c; TB.; Apś.5.6.3c.
imaṃ yajñam avata saṃvidānāḥ # Apś.4.5.6d.
imaṃ mahe vidathyāya śūṣam # RV.3.54.1a; AB.1.28.4; Aś.2.17.7. Ps: imaṃ mahe vidathyāya śś.15.3.2; imaṃ mahe VHDh.6.60. Cf. BṛhD.4.121; Rvidh.2.4.5, note.
iha vasur vidadvasuḥ # AB.2.27.6; Aś.5.6.7; śś.7.5.2. See under ayaṃ vasur etc.
ihendriyaṃ paśubhiḥ saṃvidānam # AVP.10.4.11b.
uta trimātā vidatheṣu samrāṭ # RV.3.56.5b.
uta durgeṣu pathikṛd vidānaḥ # RV.6.21.12b.
uta sātīr aharvidā # RV.8.5.9b.
uta sindhūṃr aharvidā # RV.8.5.21b.
uto pitṛbhyāṃ pravidānu ghoṣam # RV.3.7.6a.
upo ha yad vidathaṃ vājino guḥ (TB. gūḥ) # RV.7.93.3a; MS.4.11.1a: 159.9; TB.
ubhayebhiḥ pitṛbhiḥ saṃvidānaḥ # AVP.9.12.3b.
ubhe hi vidathe kaviḥ # RV.8.39.1d.
uṣaspatir vācaspatinā saṃvidānaḥ # AVś.16.6.6a.
uṣā devī vācā saṃvidānā # AVś.16.6.5a.
uṣāsānaktā purudhā vidāne # RV.1.122.2b.
ṛgbhiḥ sāmnā yajurvidaḥ # AVś.12.1.38d.
ṛtasya pathā saramā vidad gāḥ # RV.5.45.8d.
ṛtūṃr (TB. ṛtūn) anyo vidadhaj jāyate punaḥ (AVś. jāyase navaḥ) # RV.10.85.18d; AVś.7.81.1d; 14.1.23d; MS.4.12.2d: 181.4; TB.; 8.9.3d.
ete vadanty avidann anā madhu # RV.10.94.3a.
enam enān adharācaḥ parāco 'vācas tapasas (read tamasas ?) tam unnayata devāḥ pitṛbhiḥ saṃvidānaḥ prajāpatiḥ prathamo devatānām # Kauś.49.6. Doubtful text.
eṣa vasur vidadvasuḥ # AB.2.27.6; Aś.5.6.7. See under ayaṃ vasur etc.
eṣā śubhrā na tanvo vidānā # RV.5.80.5a.
ehy evā hīndropehi viśvatha vidā maghavan vidā # śś.17.12.5.
aitu vasur vidadvasuḥ # Aś.5.5.12; Kś.9.11.23. See under ayaṃ vasur etc.
o śruṣṭir vidathyā sam etu # RV.7.40.1a.
oṣadhayaḥ saṃvidānāḥ # AVP.11.7.3c. See tāḥ sarvāḥ saṃvidānāḥ.
oṣadhībhiḥ saṃvidānau # Kauś.99.2a.
kavir na niṇyaṃ vidathāni sādhan # RV.4.16.3a; AVś.20.77.3a.
kaśyapasya svarvidaḥ # SV.1.361a.
kīnāreva svedam āsiṣvidānā # RV.10.106.10c.
kṛtaṃ no yajñaṃ vidatheṣu cārum # RV.7.84.3a.
kṛtyādūṣiṃ tvāvidam # AVP.7.5.5a.
kṛṣiṃ devāḥ svarvidaḥ # AVP.11.14.6c.
ketuṃ yajñānāṃ vidathasya sādhanam # RV.3.3.3a.
krīḍanti krīḍā vidatheṣu ghṛṣvayaḥ # RV.1.166.2b.
kṣayāya gātuṃ vidan no asme # RV.10.99.8b.
gantāro yajñaṃ vidatheṣu dhīrāḥ # RV.3.26.6d.
gandharvas te 'paraḥ patiḥ # AVś.14.2.3b. See gandharvo vivida.
gandharvo vivida uttaraḥ # RV.10.85.40b; PG.1.4.16b; ApMB.1.3.1b; HG.1.20.2b; JG.1.21b; VārG.14.10b. See gandharvas te.
giraḥ sam añje vidatheṣv ābhuvaḥ # RV.1.64.1d; KB.19.9.
gṛṇanto agne vidatheṣu vedhasaḥ # RV.10.122.8b.
gṛtsaṃ kaviṃ viśvavidam amūram # RV.3.19.1b.
gotrabhidaṃ govidaṃ vajrabāhum # RV.10.103.6a; SV.2.1204a; VS.17.38a; TS.; MS.2.10.4a: 136.4; KS.18.5a. See grāmajitaṃ.
gobhiḥ saṃnaddho asi (AVP.15.11.8c, -ddho ratha) vīḍayasva (VSK. vīlayasva) # RV.6.47.26c; AVś.6.125.1c; AVP.15.11.8c; 15.12.4c; VS.29.52c; VSK.31.20c; TS.; MS.3.16.3c: 186.8; KSA.6.1c; SMB.1.7.16c; N.2.5; 9.12c.
govida vasuvidam # AVś.20.127.6b; śś.
cāturmāsyāni nīvidaḥ # AVś.11.7.19b.
citrabhāno svardṛśam (VSK. svarvidam) # RV.5.26.2b; SV.2.872b; VSK.24.21b.
cītiṃ te devā avidan # AVP.2.10.3a. See devās te cītim.
jarāmṛtyuṃ (AVP. jarāṃmṛtyuṃ) kṛṇutāṃ saṃvidānau (AVś.2.28.4b, saṃvidāne) # AVś.2.28.2b,4b; AVP.1.12.2b.
jahad avartim avidat syonām # AVP.2.3.5c. See under ahā arātim.
jinvā dhiyo vasuvidaḥ # RV.8.60.12d.
jeṣma pūruṃ vidathe mṛdhravācam # RV.7.18.13d.
jaitram indra (KS. jaitrāyaṇo) ratham ā tiṣṭha govit (AVś. -vidam) # RV.10.103.5d; AVś.19.13.5d; SV.2.1203d; VS.17.37d; TS.; MS.2.10.4d: 136.3; KS.18.5d. See jaitrāyendra.
jaitrāyendra ratham ā tiṣṭha govidam # AVP.7.4.5d. See jaitram indra.
jyeṣṭhatātiṃ barhiṣadaṃ svarvidam (TS. suvar-) # RV.5.44.1b; VS.7.12b; TS.; KS.4.3b; śB. See jyeṣṭharājaṃ barhi-.
tatra tvaṃ pitṛbhiḥ saṃvidānaḥ # AVś.18.3.8c. Cf. yamena tvaṃ.
tat satyaṃ yat tvendro 'bravīd gā spāśayasveti tās tvaṃ spāśayitvāgachas taṃ tvābravīd avida hā3ity avidaṃ hīti varaṃ vṛṇīṣveti kumāram evāhaṃ varaṃ vṛṇa ity abravīḥ # ApMB.2.16.4 (ApG.7.18.1).
taṃ tvā viprā (SV. priyā) vacovidaḥ # RV.9.64.23a; SV.2.427a; JB.3.143a.
taṃ doham upa jīvātha pitaraḥ (HG. -raḥ saṃvidānāḥ) # ApMB.2.20.35c; HG.2.15.9c.
tan mṛtyunā nirṛtiḥ saṃvidānā # AVś.7.70.1c. See next.
tan mṛtyur nirṛtyā saṃvidānaḥ # TB. See prec.
tapo dīkṣām ṛṣayaḥ suvarvidaḥ # TS.; TA.3.11.9b. See prec.
tam id vocemā vidatheṣu śaṃbhuvam # RV.1.40.6a.
tam u ṣṭavāma vidatheṣv indram # RV.4.21.4b; TB.
tam u stuṣa indraṃ yo vidānaḥ # RV.6.21.2a.
tam u stotāraḥ pūrvyaṃ yathā vida # RV.1.156.3a; TB. P: tam u stotāraḥ śś.5.11.7.
taṃ me devā brahmaṇā saṃvidānau # TA.3.14.4c.
tarobhir vo vidadvasum # RV.8.66.1a; SV.1.237a; 2.37a; GB.2.4.3; PB.11.4.5; 15.10.4; ā.; Aś.5.16.2; 7.4.4. Ps: tarobhir vaḥ śś.7.24.2; tarobhiḥ śś.12.5.6.
tasmin vāṃ yamaḥ pitṛbhiḥ saṃvidānaḥ # AVś.12.3.8c.
tasya tvaṣṭā vidadhad rūpam eti # VS.31.17c; MS.2.7.15c: 96.16; KS.39.2c; TA.3.13.1c; Apś.16.29.2c.
tasyośanā kratubhiḥ saṃvidānaḥ # AVP.4.11.6c.
tāṃ viśvair devair (KS. viśve devā) ṛtubhiḥ saṃvidānaḥ (KS. -nāḥ) # VS.12.61c; TS.; MS.2.7.11c: 90.13; KS.16.11c; śB.; Apś.16.10.8c.
no devīs tarasā saṃvidānāḥ # Apś.4.4.4c.
tāṃ tvayā tathā veda karṇasya kauvidasyevamāśā (?) # AVP.15.23.1.
tān pūrvayā nividā hūmahe vayam # RV.1.89.3a; AVP.2.30.2a; VS.25.16a.
tābhiṣ ṭvam (KSṭA. tābhis tvam) ubhayībhiḥ saṃvidānaḥ # MS.2.7.15c: 98.12; 3.4.7c: 53.16; KS.39.3d; TA.4.18.1d.
tābhiḥ saṃrabdham anv avindan (TB. saṃrabdho avidat) ṣaḍ urvīḥ # AVś.13.1.4c; TB.
tām anu tvā nividaṃ johavīmi # RV.1.175.6c; 176.6c.
tām indrāgnī brahmaṇā saṃvidānau # TA.4.31.1c; HG.1.17.1c.
tās te yamaḥ pitṛbhiḥ saṃvidānaḥ # TA.6.9.1c.
tās tvā sarvāḥ saṃvidānā hvayantu # AVś.3.4.7c; AVP.3.1.7c.
tāḥ sarvāḥ (TS. sarvā oṣadhayaḥ) saṃvidānāḥ # RV.10.97.14c; VS.12.88c; TS.; MS.2.7.13c: 94.10; KS.16.13c. See oṣadhayaḥ saṃvidānāḥ.
tiṣṭhamānasya tadvidaḥ # śB.; BṛhU.3.9.34e.
tuchyān kāmān karati siṣvidānaḥ # RV.5.42.10d.
tṛtīyena brahmaṇā vāvṛdhānāḥ (śś. saṃvidānāḥ) # AVś.7.1.1c; śś.15.3.7c.
te tvā sarve saṃvidānā nākasya pṛṣṭhe svarge (TS. suvarge) loke yajamānaṃ ca sādayantu # VS.15.10--14; TS.; MS.2.8.9 (quinq.): 113.8,13,18; 114.5,11; KS.17.8 (quinq.); śB.
te dyām udityāvidanta lokam # AVś.18.2.47c.
tena dhīrā apiyanti brahmavidaḥ # śB.; BṛhU.4.4.11c.
taiṣ ṭe rohitaḥ saṃvidānaḥ # AVś.13.1.35c.
tyaṃ su meṣaṃ mahayā svarvidam # RV.1.52.1a; SV.1.337a; AB.5.16.17; KB.25.3; 26.9. P: tyaṃ su meṣam Aś.8.6.6; śś.9.8.3; 10.9.12; 11.13.20.
trir ā divo vidathe patyamānaḥ (RV.3.56.5d, -nāḥ) # RV.3.54.11b; 56.5d.
trir ā divo vidathe santu devāḥ # RV.3.56.8d.
trīṇi ye yemur vidathāni dhītibhiḥ # RV.7.66.10c.
trīṇi rājānā vidathe purūṇi # RV.3.38.6a.
trīṇi vratā vidathe antar eṣām # RV.2.27.8b; TS.; MS.4.14.14b: 239.2; KS.11.12b.
tvaṃ soma pitṛbhiḥ (KS. surayā) saṃvidānaḥ # RV.8.48.13a; VS.19.54a; TS.; MS.4.10.6a: 156.10; KS.17.19a; 21.14a; AB.3.32.1; TB.; Aś.2.19.22; 5.19.1. P: tvaṃ soma pitṛbhiḥ śś.3.16.4; 8.4.2.
tvam aṃśo vidathe deva bhājayuḥ # RV.2.1.4d.
tvāṃ rājānaṃ suvidatram ṛñjate # RV.2.1.8b.
dadhad ratnāni sumṛḍīko (TB.Apś. suvidāno) agne # MS.4.11.4c: 172.2; TB.; Aś.3.12.14c; śś.3.5.9c; Apś.9.4.17c; śG.2.13.5c.
daṃpatīva kratuvidā janeṣu # RV.2.39.2d.
dātā vasūni vidadhe tanūpāḥ # MS.4.12.4b: 190.7. See prec.
dādhāra dakṣam uttamam aharvidam # RV.1.156.4c; AB.1.30.18c.
divaḥ śaśāsur vidathā kavīnām # RV.3.1.2c. P: divaḥ śaśāsuḥ KB.26.14.
divo napātā vidathasya dhībhiḥ # RV.3.38.5c.
dūto na stomo 'vidan namasvān # RV.6.63.1b.
devā gātuvido (Mś. gātuvido gātuṃ vittvā) gātuṃ yajñāya vindata manasas patinā devena vātād yajñaḥ prayujyatām # TB.; Apś.1.1.4; Mś. (perhaps gātuṃ vittvā is to be omitted). P: devā gātuvidaḥ Apś.3.13.2; Mś.;; Cf. next, and gātuṃ vittvā.
devā gātuvido gātuṃ vittvā (VSK. gātum itvā) gātum ita # AVś.7.97.7; VS.2.21; 8.21; VSK.2.5.4; 9.3.7; TS.; 4.44.3;; MS.1.1.13: 9.5; 1.3.38: 44.17; 4.1.14: 20.10; KS.1.12; 4.12; śB.;; TB. P: devā gātuvidaḥ Kś.3.8.4; 5.2.9; PG.1.2.11. Cf. prec. and gātuṃ vittvā.
devān gacha suvar vida (Apś. vinda) yajamānāya mahyam # TB.; Apś.2.10.5d. See divaṃ etc.
devās te cītim avidan # AVś.2.9.4a. See cītiṃ te devā.
devāḥ sadhasthā vida rūpam asya (AVś. vida lokam atra; AVP. vida lokam etam) # AVś.6.123.2b; AVP.2.60.5b; VS.18.60b; TS.; śB.; Mś. See agne sadhasthā, and vṛkāḥ sadhasthā.
dyāvāpṛthivī payasā saṃvidāne # TB.; Apś.21.20.7c.
dyumantaṃ śuṣmam ā bharā (SV. bhara) svarvidam # RV.9.106.4c; SV.1.567c.
drapsāṃ īrayan vidatheṣv induḥ # RV.9.97.56c.
dvidhā sūnavo 'suraṃ svarvidam # RV.10.56.6a.
dvimātā hotā vidatheṣu samrāṭ # RV.3.55.7a.
dhanajitaṃ svarjitam (MS.KS. svarvidam) # VS.11.8d; TS.; MS.2.7.1d: 74.9; KS.15.11d; śB.
dharmāṇam agniṃ vidathasya sādhanam # RV.10.92.2b.
dhātā rayim avidasyaṃ sadāsām # RV.7.39.6c.
dhāmasācam abhiṣācaṃ svarvidam # RV.3.51.2d.
dhiyā devā vasuvidā # RV.1.46.2c; SV.2.1079c.
dhiṣaṇe vīḍū (VS.VSK.śB. vīḍvī; KS. vīte) satī (omitted in KS.) vīḍayethām (VSK. vīl-) # VS.6.35; VSK.6.8.6; TS.; KS.3.10; śB. P: dhiṣaṇe vīḍū Apś.12.10.1. See prec. but one.
dhiṣṇyā varivovidam # RV.2.41.9c; VS.20.83c.
na taṃ vidātha ya imā (TS.KS. idaṃ) jajāna # RV.10.82.7a; VS.17.31a; TS.; MS.2.10.3a: 135.1; KS.18.1a; N.14.10a. P: na taṃ vidātha Rvidh.3.14.5.
na tvāvāṃ (MS. tvāvaṃ) asti devatā vidānaḥ # RV.1.165.9b; VS.33.79b; MS.4.11.3b: 169.7; KS.9.18b.
na pra minanti vidatheṣu dhīrāḥ # RV.3.28.4d.
narāśaṃsapītasya deva soma te matividaḥ (Vait. te nṛbhiḥ ṣṭutasya matividaḥ) # AB.7.34.1; Vait.20.7.
narāśaṃsapītasya soma deva te matividaḥ prātaḥsavanasya gāyatrachandasaḥ pitṛpītasya (Mś., mativido mādhyaṃdinasya savanasya triṣṭupchandasaḥ; Mś., matividas tṛtīyasya savanasya jagacchandasaḥ) # Mś.;; P: narāśaṃsapītasya Mś.
na śatrur antaṃ vividad yudhā te # RV.7.21.6d; TS.; KSA.4.4d.
nahi spaśam avidann anyam asmāt # VS.33.60a; TB.
nākapṛṣṭhaṃ svarvidām # AVP.12.10.10b.
nāyam achā vidathānīva satpatiḥ # RV.1.130.1b; SV.1.459b.
nārkavindān nārvidālān # AVP.12.2.3a.
nāsām avadyam avidaṃ na ripram # AVP.6.3.10c.
nirṛtyai parivividānam (TB. parivittim) # VS.30.9; TB.
ni hotāraṃ viśvavidaṃ dadhidhve # RV.5.4.3c. Cf. next but one.
ni hotā hotṛṣadane vidānaḥ # RV.2.9.1a; VS.11.36a; TS.;; MS.2.7.3a: 77.13; KS.16.3a; AB.1.28.32; KB.9.2; śB.; Aś.2.17.10. Ps: ni hotā hotṛṣadane Aś.4.13.7; Apś.24.13.3; ni hotā TS.; MS.4.10.4: 152.6; KS.15.12; 19.4; śś.3.14.12.
cid dhi ratnaṃ sasatām ivāvidan # RV.1.53.1c; AVś.20.21.1c.
naiva te mano hṛdayaṃ cāvidāma # RV.10.10.13b; AVś.18.1.15b; N.6.28b.
patiṃ dakṣasya vidathasya nū sahaḥ # RV.1.56.2c.
patī dyumad viśvavidā ubhā divaḥ # TB.
padair āpnoti nividaḥ # VS.19.25b.
payo ghṛtavad vidatheṣv ābhuvaḥ # RV.1.64.6b; TS.
parasvantaṃ hataṃ vidat # RV.10.86.18b; AVś.20.126.18b.
parācīm anu saṃvidam # AVP.15.23.8b.
parivittena parivividānena # AVP.9.23.7a.
pavamāna svar vidaḥ # RV.9.59.4a.
pādeva gādhaṃ tarate vidāthaḥ # RV.10.106.9b.
pitā mātā viśvavidā sudaṃsasā # RV.6.70.6b.
punāna indur varivo vidat priyam # RV.9.68.9d.
pūrbhittamaṃ maghavann indra govidam # RV.8.53 (Vāl.5).1c.
pūrva āyuṣi (MS. pūrvā āyuni) vidatheṣu kavyā # VS.22.2b; TS.;; MS.3.12.1b: 159.13; KSA.1.2b; TB.
pūṣann iha kratuṃ vidaḥ # RV.1.42.7c--9c.
prajāpatiḥ prajayā (Vait.Kauś. prajābhiḥ) saṃvidānaḥ # AVP.3.32.4d--6d; TS. (bis); KS.30.8d; PB.12.13.32c; TB.; TA.3.11.12d (bis); 10.10.2c; MahānU.9.4c; NṛpU.2.4d; Vait.25.12c; Apś.14.2.13c; Kauś.124.4d. See under prec.
prajāpater duhitarau saṃvidāne (PG. sacetasau) # AVś.7.12.1b; PG.3.13.3b.
prati nandantu pitaraḥ saṃvidānāḥ # HG.2.14.4c.
pra te mahīṃ sumatiṃ vevidāma # RV.7.24.6b.
pra te mahe vidathe śaṃsiṣaṃ harī # RV.10.96.1a; AVś.20.30.1a; AB.4.3.4; KB.25.7; TB.;; Aś.6.2.6; Apś.14.2.13. P: pra te mahe Aś.6.4.10; śś.9.6.6; 18.4. Cf. BṛhD.7.154. Designated as sarvahari śś.11.14.10; as baru śś.11.14.26.
pra nu vocaṃ vidathā jātavedasaḥ # RV.6.8.1b. See pra no vaco.
pra no vaco vidathā jātavedase # ArS.3.8b. See pra nu vocaṃ vidathā.
pra pūṣaṇaṃ vidathyaṃ no vīram # RV.7.36.8b.
prabhañjanena rathena saha saṃvidānaḥ # Kauś.135.9b.
pra me vivikvāṃ avidan manīṣām # RV.4.57.1a.
prāṇāpānau saṃvidānau jahitam # TA.3.14.3a.
pred u tā te vidatheṣu bravāma # RV.5.29.13d.
praiṣā nivida āpriyo yajūṃṣi # AVP.9.2.3a. Cf. praiṣā yajñe.
praiṣā yajñe nividaḥ svāhā # AVś.5.26.4a. Cf. praiṣā nivida.
bahvīṣu hi tvām avidam # AVP.15.15.7a.
bṛhad vadema vidathe suvīrāḥ # RV.2.1.16d; 2.13d; 11.21d; 13.13d; 14.12d; 15.10d; 16.9d; 17.9d; 18.9d; 19.9d; 20.9d; 23.19d; 24.16d; 27.17d; 28.11d; 29.7d; 33.15d; 35.15d; 39.8d; 40.6d; 42.3d; 43.3d; 9.86.48d; AVś.18.3.24d; VS.34.58d; MS.4.12.1d: 178.8; 4.14.1d: 215.6; KB.8.5; TB.; 5.1d; 6.9d; TA.10.39.1d; MahānU.16.4d; śś.5.9.19; Kauś.46.54d; N.1.7d.
bṛhaspatir bhinad adriṃ vidad gāḥ # RV.1.62.3c; 10.68.11d; AVś.20.16.11d.
bṛhaspateḥ suvidatrāṇi rādhyā # RV.2.24.10b.
brahmaṇāgniḥ saṃvidānaḥ # RV.10.162.1a; AVś.20.96.11a; śG.1.21.2; MG.2.18.2a; Rvidh.4.17.1. P: brahmaṇāgniḥ Rvidh.4.17.3. Cf. BṛhD.8.65.
brāhmaṇena brahmavidā tu hāvayet # Kauś.73.18c.
bhagaṃ na hi tvā yaśasaṃ vasuvidam # RV.8.61.5c; AVś.20.118.1c; SV.1.253c; 2.929c; JB.3.217c.
bhadram ichanta ṛṣayaḥ svarvidaḥ # AVś.19.41.1a; AVP.1.53.3a. See bhadraṃ paśyanta.
bhavantu varivovidaḥ # RV.8.27.14d; VS.33.94d.
bhavārudrau sayujā saṃvidānau # AVś.11.2.14a.
bhūridāvna ā vidaṃ śūnam āpeḥ # RV.2.27.17b; 28.11b; 29.7b.
matsarāsaḥ svarvidaḥ # RV.9.21.1c; 107.14d. See next but one.
madanti vīrā vidatheṣu ghṛṣvayaḥ # RV.1.85.1d.
mayi vasur vidadvasuḥ # TS.; AB.2.27.6; Aś.5.6.7. See under ayaṃ vasur etc.
maśakasyānu saṃvidam # AVP.1.59.4d.
mahānāmnyaḥ (sc. ṛcaḥ) # AVś.11.7.6; VS.23.35; KS.10.10; TS.; AB.4.4.1; 5.7.1; 6.24.7; KB.23.2; śB.; PB.13.4.1; ṣB.3.11; TA.1.1.2; 21.1; Aś.7.12.10; 8.2.23; 14.2; śś.10.6.10; 12.6.9; 16.8.1,2; Lś.3.5.13; 7.5.2,5; 10.2.1,2; Apś.20.13.1; śG.2.12.13; GG.3.2.6,28; GDh.19.12; BDh.3.10.10; Rvidh.4.25.1; Svidh.1.4.6,12; 2.7.1. Designation of the mantras beginning with vidā maghavan, q.v. See the prec. three, and next.
mahī apāre rajasī vivevidat # RV.9.68.3c.
mahī stuṣe vidatheṣu pracetasā # RV.1.159.1b.
jñātāraṃ mā pratiṣṭhāṃ vidanta (AG. vindantu) # AVś.6.32.3c; 8.8.21c; AVP.1.27.2c; AG.3.10.11c.
tvā kā cid abhibhā viśvyā vidat # RV.2.42.1d; N.9.4.
tvā jambhaḥ saṃhanur mā tamo vidat # AVś.8.1.16a.
tvā paripanthino vidan # VS.4.34; TS.; śB. Cf. mā vidan, and mo abhivyādhino.
tvā paripariṇo (TS. pari-parī) vidan (TS. vidat; KS. tvā paripariṇo vidan mā paripanthinaḥ; MS. tvā paripariṇo mā paripanthinaḥ) # VS.4.34; TS.;; MS.1.2.6c: 15.14; 3.7.8: 86.20; KS.2.7; śB.
tvāpi sakhā no vidat # AVś.20.130.14.
tvā vidad iṣumān vīro astā # RV.2.42.2b.
tvā vṛkā aghāyavo vidan (TS. vṛkā aghāyavaḥ) # VS.4.34; TS.; MS.1.2.6d: 15.14; 3.7.8: 87.1; KS.2.7; śB.
durvidatrā nirṛtir na īśata # RV.10.36.2c.
mādhvī dhartārā vidathasya satpatī # AVś.7.73.4c; Aś.4.7.4c; śś.5.10.21c.
no ruroḥ śucadvidaḥ # Kauś.71.6a.
no vadhīd abhibhā etc. # see mā no vidad etc.
no vidad (KS. vadhīd) abhibhā mo aśastiḥ # AVś.1.20.1c; 5.3.6c; KS.40.10c; TB.; Apś.2.20.6c.
no vidad (KS. vṛdhad) vṛjinā (KSṭB.Apś. vṛjanā) dveṣyā yā # AVś.1.20.1d; 5.3.6d; KS.40.10d; TB.; Apś.2.20.6d.
no vidan vivyādhinaḥ # AVś.1.19.1a; AVP.1.20.1a. P: mā no vidan Kauś.14.7; 104.3; 105.1; 113.3.
no vṛdhad vṛjanā etc. # see mā no vidad etc.
mām ṛṣayo mantrakṛto mantravidaḥ prāduḥ (KA. parāduḥ; TA. mantrapatayaḥ parāduḥ) # MS.4.9.2: 122.9; TA.4.1.1; KA.1.208D.
māṃ padyena rapasā vidat tsaruḥ # RV.7.50.1d--3d.
me bhūr yuktā vidahātha lokān # GB.1.5.24b.
yajamānaṃ tamo vidat (Kś. vidan martvijaḥ: the additional words figure as the beginning of the second pāda in the other texts) # TB.; Kś.25.12.5a; Apś.14.30.3a. See memaṃ yajñaṃ tamo.
yātumān vidata mṛḍitāram # AVP.12.20.6a.
vatsān klomaśvayo vidan naḥ # AVP.5.15.3b.
vaśvātra januṣā saṃvidānā # śG.3.11.14c. See under mā naḥ śāpta.
so anyad vidata bhāgadheyam # AVś.18.2.31d.
mukhaṃ yajñānām abhi saṃvidāne # VS.29.6b; TS.; MS.3.16.2b: 184.8; KSA.6.2b.
memaṃ yajñaṃ tamo vidat # KS.35.5a. See mā yajamānaṃ tamo.
mainaṃ yajñahano vidan # Apś.7.7.2c.
mo abhivyādhino vidan # AVś.1.19.1b; AVP.1.20.1b. Cf. under mā tvā paripanthino.
ya ātṛṇatty (SaṃhitopaniṣadB. ātṛṇoty) avitathena (VāDh. avidathena) karṇau # SaṃhitopaniṣadB.3a; VāDh.2.10a; N.2.4a. See ya āvṛṇoty.
ya īṃ rajānāv ṛtuthā vidadhat # RV.6.62.9a.
ya eka id vidayate # RV.1.84.7a; AVś.20.63.4a; SV.1.389a; 2.691a; ā.; Aś.7.8.2; śś.18.12.6; Vait.27.15; 31.20; 33.18; 40.12; 41.11,18,22; 42.7. P: ya eka id vidayate vasu N.4.17.
yaḥ parvatān vidadhe 'ti vidvān # AVP.5.22.7a.
yajñaṃ dadhānāḥ sukṛtasya lokam # KS.39.2d. See under yajñaṃ vidānāḥ.
yajñaṃ duhānāḥ sukṛtasya loke # KS.39.2d. See under yajñaṃ vidānāḥ.
yajñaś ca bhūd vidathe cārur antamaḥ # RV.10.100.6c.
yajñasya jihvām avidāma guhyām (MS. -yam) # RV.10.53.3b; TS.; MS.4.11.1b: 162.6; KS.2.15b.
yajñasya te vidathā prabravīmi # VS.23.58c.
yajñasya tvā vidathā pṛcham atra # VS.23.57c.
yajñe kṛṇvanti vidatheṣu dhīrāḥ # VS.34.2b.
yatra devā brahmavidaḥ # AVś.10.7.24a.
yat sīm upahvare vidat # RV.8.69.6c; AVś.20.22.6c; 92.3c; SV.2.841c; TB.
yathā jīvo vidatham āvadāsi # AVP.2.19.1d--4d. Cf. atha jīvāso.
yathā dāvo vidahyati # AVś.20.136.8c.
yantā nakir vidāyyaḥ # RV.10.22.5d.
yaṃ devāsa īḍyaṃ viśvavidam # RV.3.29.7c.
yam ṛṣayas trayividā viduḥ # TB.
yamena tvaṃ yamyā saṃvidānā (TA.6.7.2d, -naḥ) # VS.12.63c; TS.; MS.2.7.12c: 90.18; KS.16.12c; śB.; TA.6.4.2c; 7.2d.
yamena tvaṃ pitṛbhiḥ saṃvidānaḥ # AVś.6.63.3c; 84.4c. Cf. tatra tvaṃ.
yam aichāmāvidāma tam # AVś.8.5.11d.
yayā jyotir vidāsi naḥ # RV.9.35.1c.
yayā vidhānā vidadhur ṛbhūṇām # RV.4.51.6b.
yayor ha stome vidatheṣu devāḥ # RV.3.54.2c.
yaśo bhagaś ca mā vidat (MG. riṣat) # PG.2.6.21c; MG.1.9.27c. See next.
yas ta idhmaṃ jabharat siṣvidānaḥ # RV.4.2.6a; TA.6.2.1a.
yas tityāja sacividaṃ sakhāyam # RV.10.71.6a; ā.; TA.1.3.1a; 2.15.1a.
yasmin devā vidathe mādayante # RV.10.12.7a; AVś.18.1.35a.
yasya kratur vidathyo na samrāṭ # RV.4.21.2c.
yaḥ sabheyo vidathyaḥ # AVś.20.128.1a; GB.2.6.12 (bis); śś. Designated as diśāṃ kḷptayaḥ AB.6.32.19; KB.30.7; GB.2.6.12; śś.12.20.1.
jāgṛvir vidathe śasyamānā # RV.3.39.1c.
yāṃ cakṣuṣā manasā saṃvidānāḥ # AVP.12.11.5a.
yādṛśmin dhāyi tam apasyayā vidat # RV.5.44.8c; N.6.15. P: yādṛśmin N.1.15.
devy asīṣṭake prāṇadā vyānadā apānadāś (Apś. prāṇadā apānadā vyānadāś) cakṣurdāḥ (Apś. -dā) śrotradā vāgdā ātmadāḥ pṛthividā antarikṣadā dyaurdāḥ (Apś. -dā) svardāḥ kumārīdāḥ prapharvīdāḥ (Apś. -vidāḥ) prathamaupaśadā yuvatidā upaśīvarī sā mām upaśeṣva jāyeva patim it sadā # KS.39.9; Apś.17.5.16.
brahmaṇā punate saṃvidānāḥ # AVP.14.1.7c.
yāv ātmanvad viśatho (AVP. vidatho; TS. bibhṛto) yau ca rakṣathaḥ (TS. -taḥ) # AVś.4.25.1b; AVP.4.34.1b; TS. See yā etc.
yuvaṃ sūryaṃ vividathur yuvaṃ svaḥ # RV.6.72.1c.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"vida" has 2 results
dvidaṇḍyādia class of words, which are headed by the word द्विदण्डि and which are all bahuvrihi compounds, to which the affix इ is found added as a Samasanta affix e. gद्विदण्डिः, सपदि et cetera, and others; cf Kāśikā of Jayāditya and Vāmana. on P.1. varia lectio, another reading, 4.128.
hṛradattaname of a reputed grammarian of Southern India who wrote a very learned and scholarly commentary, named पदमञ्जरी, on the Kasikavrtti which is held by grammarians as the standard vrtti or gloss on the Sutras of Panini,and studied especially in the schools of the southern grammarians. Haradatta was a Dravida Brahmana, residing in a village on the Bank of Kaveri. His scholarship in Grammar was very sound and he is believed to have commented on many grammarworks.The only fault of the scholar was a very keen sense of egotism which is found in his work, although it can certainly be said that the egotism was not ill-placed and could be justified: confer, compare एवं प्रकटितोस्माभिर्भाष्ये परिचय: पर:। तस्य निःशेषतो मन्ये प्रतिपत्तापि दुर्लभः॥ also प्रक्रियातर्कगहने प्रविष्टो हृष्टमानसः हरदत्तहरिः स्वैरं विहरन् ! केन वार्यते | Padamajari, on P. I-13, 4. The credit of popularising Panini's system of grammar in Southern India goes to Haradatta to a considerable extent.
Vedabase Search
301 results
vidadāra piercedSB 2.7.14
SB 7.8.45
vidadhāmi giveBG 7.21
vidadhan offeringCC Madhya 6.261
SB 10.14.8
vidadhānaḥ executingSB 9.18.51
vidadhānaḥ performingSB 5.9.4
vidadhāra assumedSB 2.7.13
vidadhat always thinking ofSB 5.9.3
vidadhat assumingSB 10.85.20
vidadhat executing, offeringSB 9.4.21
vidadhat offeringCC Antya 9.77
vidadhat placing HimSB 10.71.18
vidadhat providingSB 10.35.12-13
vidadhataḥ exhibitingSB 10.29.15
vidadhataḥ performedSB 1.1.18
vidadhāte establishSB 5.16.10
vidadhate take toSB 6.3.26
vidadhāti awardsSB 4.11.21
vidadhati executeSB 10.87.28
vidadhāti he arrangesSB 5.22.3
vidadhati performSB 4.31.21
vidadhatīm makingSB 5.2.6
vidadhātu let Him doCC Antya 20.47
vidadhātu may directSB 3.13.17
vidadhe capturedSB 7.2.50
vidadhe executedSB 1.6.25
vidadhe gaveSB 9.6.33-34
vidadhe he affordedSB 10.53.34
vidadhe he madeSB 5.1.33
vidadhe I causeSB 3.29.26
vidadhe madeCC Antya 6.1
CC Madhya 17.1
vidadhire executedSB 10.6.19
vidadhīta may offerSB 7.9.11
vidadhuḥ executedSB 7.2.13
vidadhuḥ they gave HimSB 10.71.34
vidadhuḥ sma they executedSB 10.59.45
vidadhuḥ sma they executedSB 10.59.45
vidadhuḥ-sma they executedSB 10.61.6
vidadhuḥ-sma they executedSB 10.61.6
vidadhyāt may fulfillSB 8.16.22
vidadhyāt may He bestowSB 6.8.12
vidagdhā cunningCC Madhya 23.87-91
vidagdha expert and humorousCC Adi 14.55
vidagdha intelligentCC Madhya 15.140
vidagdha most refinedCC Madhya 13.144
vidagdha very humorousCC Madhya 13.139
vidagdha-ātmīya of a devotee fully absorbed in ecstatic loveCC Antya 5.107
vidagdha-ātmīya of a devotee fully absorbed in ecstatic loveCC Antya 5.107
vidagdha-mādhava one is named Vidagdha-mādhavaCC Antya 1.126
vidagdha-mādhava one is named Vidagdha-mādhavaCC Antya 1.126
vidagdha-mādhava the Vidagdha-mādhavaCC Madhya 1.38
vidagdha-mādhava the Vidagdha-mādhavaCC Madhya 1.38
vidagdha-mādhava Vidagdha-mādhavaCC Antya 4.225
vidagdha-mādhava Vidagdha-mādhavaCC Antya 4.225
vidagdha-śiromaṇi the chief of all expertsCC Madhya 14.208
vidagdha-śiromaṇi the chief of all expertsCC Madhya 14.208
vidagdhaḥ cleverCC Madhya 8.188
vidagdhaḥ expertSB 10.35.14-15
vidagdhaḥ expert in artistic enjoymentCC Madhya 23.72
vida greatly learnedSB 3.11.16
vida knowingSB 10.61.2
vida the expertsSB 12.2.33
vida those who knowSB 12.7.9-10
vida those who perceiveSB 3.29.30
vida who understandBG 8.17
vida who understand the purposeSB 10.31.16
vidam who knowsSB 10.55.14
vidan knowingCC Madhya 22.101
vidantaḥ knowBs 5.56
vidanti do knowSB 2.7.46
vidanti knowSB 10.60.37
SB 10.84.23
SB 2.6.38
vidanti perceiveSB 7.1.9
vidanti they can only understandSB 2.6.40-41
vidanti they enjoy, they knowSB 4.16.25
vidanti they knowSB 11.13.8
vidanti understandCC Madhya 24.190
SB 4.7.30
SB 7.9.49
vidarbha-adhipatiḥ ruler of the kingdom VidarbhaSB 10.52.21
vidarbha-adhipatiḥ ruler of the kingdom VidarbhaSB 10.52.21
vidarbha-adhipatiḥ the master of Vidarbha, BhīṣmakaSB 10.53.16
vidarbha-adhipatiḥ the master of Vidarbha, BhīṣmakaSB 10.53.16
vidarbha-duhitā daughter of VidarbhaSB 4.28.60
vidarbha-duhitā daughter of VidarbhaSB 4.28.60
vidarbha-kośala-kurūn the leaders of the Vidarbha, Kośala and Kuru clansSB 10.84.55-56
vidarbha-kośala-kurūn the leaders of the Vidarbha, Kośala and Kuru clansSB 10.84.55-56
vidarbha-kośala-kurūn the leaders of the Vidarbha, Kośala and Kuru clansSB 10.84.55-56
vidarbha-kula-nandanam the favorite in the dynasty of VidarbhaSB 9.24.1
vidarbha-kula-nandanam the favorite in the dynasty of VidarbhaSB 9.24.1
vidarbha-kula-nandanam the favorite in the dynasty of VidarbhaSB 9.24.1
vidarbha-pura of the capital city of VidarbhaSB 10.53.36
vidarbha-pura of the capital city of VidarbhaSB 10.53.36
vidarbhaḥ the son born of Śaibyā named VidarbhaSB 9.24.1
vidarbhaḥ VidarbhaSB 5.4.10
SB 9.23.38
vidarbhān the countries occupied by the VidarbhasSB 10.2.3
vidarbhān to the Vidarbha kingdomSB 10.53.6
vidarbhān to VidarbhaSB 10.52.41
vidarbhasya of VidarbhaSB 4.28.28
vidare becomes meltedCC Madhya 16.263-264
vidare splits into piecesCC Madhya 3.126
vidaṣṭa bittenSB 5.12.2
a-tat-tattva-vida not knowing the secret (of the portents)SB 3.17.15
a-tat-vida persons who are not conversant with thisSB 3.33.11
a-tat-vidam not experienced at thatSB 4.9.4
a-tat-vida persons who are not in knowledgeSB 4.29.48
a-tat-prabhāva-vida without understanding his exalted positionSB 5.9.8
adhyātma-vida who have realized spiritual knowledgeSB 5.18.4
adhyātma-kovida fully conversant with spiritual knowledgeSB 9.13.6
akovida without having experienceSB 5.11.1
akovidam therefore almost foolishSB 4.25.38
akovidam who does not knowSB 11.26.13
akṛtsna-vida persons with a poor fund of knowledgeBG 3.29
an-evam-vida of a person who has no knowledge (about ātma-tattva and the steadiness of the ātmā in his own identity, despite the changes of the body)SB 10.4.20
anevam-vida not knowing these factsSB 11.5.14
anunaya-kovida one who is very expert in flatterySB 4.26.20
apramāṇa-vida unaware of the extent of gloriesSB 1.11.39
apramāṇa-vida because they were all foolishSB 8.9.13
asaṃvida who are without full knowledgeSB 9.11.10
asvarūpa-vida not knowing My actual situationSB 11.12.13
aśvastana-vidam one who does not know what is happening nextSB 4.25.38
atat-vida not knowing His opulencesSB 10.16.13-15
atat-vīrya-vida unable to understand His powerSB 10.26.1
atat-vida in ignorance of the consequences of such behaviorSB 11.5.8
ātma-vida who was fully self-realizedSB 6.11.15
ātma-saṃvida knowledge about the selfSB 8.24.46
ātma-vida the knowers of the SelfSB 10.87.26
avidagdha inexperiencedCC Adi 4.150
avida ignorantSB 3.5.14
avida without knowledge of tomorrowSB 3.10.21
avida of the unintelligent manSB 6.5.13
avidam easily understoodSB 1.5.31
na avidam did not knowSB 2.6.23
avidan not knowingSB 8.7.33
avidan appreciatedSB 10.20.37
na avidan were not aware ofSB 10.34.24
na avidan could not recognizeSB 10.42.14
na avidan they could not findSB 10.83.23
avidan were aware ofSB 11.12.12
avidantaḥ unable to discernSB 10.80.38
avidat could understandSB 3.8.17
avidat findSB 4.4.12
avidat understandSB 4.27.18
na avidat did not knowSB 10.71.39
brahma-vida who know the AbsoluteBG 8.24
brahma-vida completely in awareness of the Absolute TruthSB 9.1.18
brahma-vida who understand the Absolute TruthSB 11.26.32
dvivida by the asura named DvividaSB 10.2.1-2
dvivida DvividaSB 10.36.36
dvivida DvividaSB 10.67.2
dvivida DvividaSB 10.67.17
śambaraḥ dvividaḥ pīṭhaḥ the demons Śambara, Dvivida and PīṭhaSB 12.12.40-41
dvividam DvividaSB 3.3.11
dvividam DvividaSB 10.67.28
an-evam-vida of a person who has no knowledge (about ātma-tattva and the steadiness of the ātmā in his own identity, despite the changes of the body)SB 10.4.20
gandha-vida those perceiving smellSB 3.29.29
gati-vida who know everything of our activitiesCC Madhya 19.210
gati-vida who know everything of our activitiesCC Antya 7.42
hṛdaya vidare the hearts breakCC Madhya 13.145
kuru-sṛñjaya-kaikeya-vidarbha-yadu-kuntayaḥ of the members of the Kuru, Sṛñjaya, Kaikeya, Vidarbha, Yadu and Kunti clansSB 10.54.58
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
kovida-vāda-vādān words used by experienced personsSB 5.11.1
kovida KovidaSB 5.20.16
kovida O You who are expertMM 1
kovida one who is philosophically inclinedSB 1.5.18
kovida expertSB 3.18.17
kovida expertSB 3.21.26
anunaya-kovida one who is very expert in flatterySB 4.26.20
adhyātma-kovida fully conversant with spiritual knowledgeSB 9.13.6
kovida knowing properlySB 10.49.24
kovida expertSB 10.65.16
kovida one who is learned and intelligentCC Madhya 24.169
tattva-kovidaiḥ persons in knowledge of the Absolute TruthSB 4.21.41
vidhi-kovidaiḥ assisted by the priests who know the regulative principlesSB 8.16.50
kovidam very much skilledSB 3.17.30
naya-kovidam who was aware of moral principlesSB 7.5.2
yābha-kovidam expert in the art of sexual intercourseSB 9.19.4
kuru-sṛñjaya-kaikeya-vidarbha-yadu-kuntayaḥ of the members of the Kuru, Sṛñjaya, Kaikeya, Vidarbha, Yadu and Kunti clansSB 10.54.58
kuru-sṛñjaya-kaikeya-vidarbha-yadu-kuntayaḥ of the members of the Kuru, Sṛñjaya, Kaikeya, Vidarbha, Yadu and Kunti clansSB 10.54.58
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
mahā-vidagdha highly intelligentCC Madhya 15.127
mantra-vida the great chanter of the Vedic hymnsSB 2.4.17
mantra-vida completely expert in chanting the Vedic hymnsSB 10.7.17
mantra-vida experts in reciting the Vedic hymnsCC Madhya 22.20
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
na avidam did not knowSB 2.6.23
na vidanti could not understandSB 7.13.14
na avidan were not aware ofSB 10.34.24
na avidan could not recognizeSB 10.42.14
na avidat did not knowSB 10.71.39
na avidan they could not findSB 10.83.23
na vidanti they do not knowSB 10.85.44
na vidanti do not recognizeSB 11.21.27
na vida they do not understandSB 11.30.38
naya-kovidam who was aware of moral principlesSB 7.5.2
parāvara-vida amongst the learned scholars, one who is conversant with physical and metaphysical knowledgeSB 1.1.7
śambaraḥ dvividaḥ pīṭhaḥ the demons Śambara, Dvivida and PīṭhaSB 12.12.40-41
a-tat-prabhāva-vida without understanding his exalted positionSB 5.9.8
purā-vida those learned in the historical events of the purāṇasSB 5.15.8
purā-vida learned scholarsSB 8.14.11
purā-vida those who are expert in such ancient historiesSB 12.7.22
śabda-vida those perceiving soundSB 3.29.29
śambaraḥ dvividaḥ pīṭhaḥ the demons Śambara, Dvivida and PīṭhaSB 12.12.40-41
saṃvida by discussion ofSB 3.25.25
ātma-saṃvida knowledge about the selfSB 8.24.46
saṃvida conversationsSB 10.31.10
vīrya-saṃvida talks full of spiritual potencyCC Adi 1.60
vīrya-saṃvida talks full of spiritual potencyCC Madhya 22.86
vīrya-saṃvida talks full of spiritual potencyCC Madhya 23.16
saṃvidam indicatingSB 8.6.32
saṃvidam confidential discussionsSB 10.31.17
saṃvidam intimate talksSB 10.47.48
sarva-vida all-knowingSB 12.3.9-13
kuru-sṛñjaya-kaikeya-vidarbha-yadu-kuntayaḥ of the members of the Kuru, Sṛñjaya, Kaikeya, Vidarbha, Yadu and Kunti clansSB 10.54.58
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
tat-vida by those who know thisBG 13.1-2
a-tat-tattva-vida not knowing the secret (of the portents)SB 3.17.15
a-tat-vida persons who are not conversant with thisSB 3.33.11
a-tat-vidam not experienced at thatSB 4.9.4
a-tat-vida persons who are not in knowledgeSB 4.29.48
a-tat-prabhāva-vida without understanding his exalted positionSB 5.9.8
tat-vida the experts who know about itSB 5.21.2
tat-vida those who are advanced in knowledge of the body and soulSB 7.2.49
tattva-vida the learned soulsSB 1.2.11
a-tat-tattva-vida not knowing the secret (of the portents)SB 3.17.15
tattva-kovidaiḥ persons in knowledge of the Absolute TruthSB 4.21.41
tattva-vida learned soulsCC Adi 2.11
tattva-vida learned soulsCC Adi 2.63
tattva-vida learned soulsCC Madhya 20.158
tattva-vida learned soulsCC Madhya 24.74
tattva-vida learned soulsCC Madhya 24.81
tattva-vida those who know the Absolute TruthCC Madhya 25.132
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
kovida-vāda-vādān words used by experienced personsSB 5.11.1
kovida-vāda-vādān words used by experienced personsSB 5.11.1
veda-vida persons conversant with the VedasBG 8.11
mahā-vidagdha highly intelligentCC Madhya 15.127
akṛtsna-vida persons with a poor fund of knowledgeBG 3.29
yajña-vida conversant with the purpose of performing sacrificesBG 4.30
veda-vida persons conversant with the VedasBG 8.11
brahma-vida who know the AbsoluteBG 8.24
tat-vida by those who know thisBG 13.1-2
parāvara-vida amongst the learned scholars, one who is conversant with physical and metaphysical knowledgeSB 1.1.7
tattva-vida the learned soulsSB 1.2.11
apramāṇa-vida unaware of the extent of gloriesSB 1.11.39
mantra-vida the great chanter of the Vedic hymnsSB 2.4.17
a-tat-tattva-vida not knowing the secret (of the portents)SB 3.17.15
gandha-vida those perceiving smellSB 3.29.29
śabda-vida those perceiving soundSB 3.29.29
a-tat-vida persons who are not conversant with thisSB 3.33.11
a-tat-vida persons who are not in knowledgeSB 4.29.48
a-tat-prabhāva-vida without understanding his exalted positionSB 5.9.8
purā-vida those learned in the historical events of the purāṇasSB 5.15.8
adhyātma-vida who have realized spiritual knowledgeSB 5.18.4
tat-vida the experts who know about itSB 5.21.2
ātma-vida who was fully self-realizedSB 6.11.15
tat-vida those who are advanced in knowledge of the body and soulSB 7.2.49
apramāṇa-vida because they were all foolishSB 8.9.13
purā-vida learned scholarsSB 8.14.11
brahma-vida completely in awareness of the Absolute TruthSB 9.1.18
an-evam-vida of a person who has no knowledge (about ātma-tattva and the steadiness of the ātmā in his own identity, despite the changes of the body)SB 10.4.20
mantra-vida completely expert in chanting the Vedic hymnsSB 10.7.17
atat-vida not knowing His opulencesSB 10.16.13-15
atat-vīrya-vida unable to understand His powerSB 10.26.1
ātma-vida the knowers of the SelfSB 10.87.26
atat-vida in ignorance of the consequences of such behaviorSB 11.5.8
anevam-vida not knowing these factsSB 11.5.14
asvarūpa-vida not knowing My actual situationSB 11.12.13
brahma-vida who understand the Absolute TruthSB 11.26.32
na vida they do not understandSB 11.30.38
sarva-vida all-knowingSB 12.3.9-13
purā-vida those who are expert in such ancient historiesSB 12.7.22
tattva-vida learned soulsCC Adi 2.11
tattva-vida learned soulsCC Adi 2.63
gati-vida who know everything of our activitiesCC Madhya 19.210
tattva-vida learned soulsCC Madhya 20.158
mantra-vida experts in reciting the Vedic hymnsCC Madhya 22.20
tattva-vida learned soulsCC Madhya 24.74
tattva-vida learned soulsCC Madhya 24.81
tattva-vida those who know the Absolute TruthCC Madhya 25.132
gati-vida who know everything of our activitiesCC Antya 7.42
a-tat-vidam not experienced at thatSB 4.9.4
aśvastana-vidam one who does not know what is happening nextSB 4.25.38
na vidanti could not understandSB 7.13.14
na vidanti they do not knowSB 10.85.44
na vidanti do not recognizeSB 11.21.27
kuru-sṛñjaya-kaikeya-vidarbha-yadu-kuntayaḥ of the members of the Kuru, Sṛñjaya, Kaikeya, Vidarbha, Yadu and Kunti clansSB 10.54.58
matsya-uśīnara-kauśalya-vidarbha-kuru-sṛñjayān the Matsyas, Uśīnaras, Kauśalyas, Vidarbhas, Kurus and SṛñjayasSB 10.82.12-13
hṛdaya vidare the hearts breakCC Madhya 13.145
vidhi-kovidaiḥ assisted by the priests who know the regulative principlesSB 8.16.50
atat-vīrya-vida unable to understand His powerSB 10.26.1
vīrya-saṃvida talks full of spiritual potencyCC Adi 1.60
vīrya-saṃvida talks full of spiritual potencyCC Madhya 22.86
vīrya-saṃvida talks full of spiritual potencyCC Madhya 23.16
yābha-kovidam expert in the art of sexual intercourseSB 9.19.4
kuru-sṛñjaya-kaikeya-vidarbha-yadu-kuntayaḥ of the members of the Kuru, Sṛñjaya, Kaikeya, Vidarbha, Yadu and Kunti clansSB 10.54.58
yajña-vida conversant with the purpose of performing sacrificesBG 4.30
45 results
vida adjective
Frequency rank 22235/72933
vida noun (masculine) discovery (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
knowledge (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[gramm.] the root vid
Frequency rank 22236/72933
vidagdha noun (masculine) a clever man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a libertine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
intriguer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a teacher of the Vājasaneyins (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
scholar (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
tawny (the colour) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
[rel.] a form of Śiva
Frequency rank 65566/72933
vidagdha adjective artful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
burnt up (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
clever (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
consumed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
cooked by internal heat as by the fire of digestion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
corrupted (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
crafty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
decomposed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
digested (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
inflamed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
intriguing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
knowing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
mature (as a tumour) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sharp (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
shrewd (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
spoiled (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
tawny or reddish brown (like impure blood) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
turned sour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9252/72933
vidagdhamukhamaṇḍanabahirlāpikā noun (feminine) name of a text
Frequency rank 65567/72933
vidagdhoṣṇa noun (neuter) [medic.] a disease of the eye
Frequency rank 65569/72933
vidagdhā noun (feminine) a sharp or knowing woman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65565/72933
vidagdhāmla noun (neuter) [medic.] a disease of the eye
Frequency rank 65568/72933
vidah verb (class 4 ātmanepada) to be consumed by grief (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to be inflamed (as a wound) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to be puffed up (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to boast (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to burn (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to burn up (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to cauterize (a wound) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to consume or destroy by fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to corrupt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to decompose (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to pine (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to scorch (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to suffer from internal heat (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to waste (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 3981/72933
vidal verb (class 1 ātmanepada) to be rent or split asunder (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to break or burst asunder (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to open (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to rend or tear asunder (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12655/72933
vidala noun (masculine) a cake (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Bauhinia Variegata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
dividing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Daitya (?) rending (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
separating (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sweetmeats (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65576/72933
vidala noun (neuter) a cane (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a chip (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a split pea (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
anything split or pared (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
fragment (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
piece (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
pomegranate bark (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
split bamboo (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wicker-work (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9938/72933
vidala adjective leafless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65578/72933
vida noun (feminine) Ipomoea Turpethum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65577/72933
vidara noun (neuter) Cactus Indicus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65571/72933
vidaraṇa noun (neuter) reading (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
tearing asunder (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65572/72933
vidarbha noun (masculine) a king of Vidarbha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
a particular disease of the gums (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a country south of the Vindhya hills (now called Berar) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of ṣabha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a son of Jyāmagha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the inhabitants of Vidarbha and also the country itself (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the interior of anything (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 5941/72933
vidarbhā noun (feminine) name of a daughter of Ugra and wife of Manu Cākṣuṣa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a river (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the capital city of Vidarbha (Kuṇḍina) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65573/72933
vidarśanā noun (feminine) (right) knowledge (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65575/72933
vidarśay verb (class 10 ātmanepada) to show (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to teach (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9937/72933
vidarśin adjective
Frequency rank 65574/72933
vidathin noun (masculine) name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65570/72933
vidaśa noun (masculine) name of the Vaiśyas in Plakṣadvīpa
Frequency rank 39337/72933
vidaśana adjective without teeth
Frequency rank 65579/72933
vidaṃś verb (class 1 parasmaipada) to bite asunder (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to bite to pieces (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 10779/72933
vidaṃśa noun (masculine) any pungent food which excites thirst (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
biting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 65580/72933
akovida adjective ignorant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unwise (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 20419/72933
avidagdha adjective inexperienced (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not burnt (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not digested (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not ripe (as a tumour) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not turned sour (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
stupid (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12366/72933
avidahant adjective not burning
Frequency rank 45372/72933
avidahyamāna adjective
Frequency rank 45373/72933
asaṃvidant adjective
Frequency rank 45890/72933
kovida adjective experienced (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
learned in (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
skilled (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 2389/72933
cāturmāsyavidarśana noun (masculine) a skylark
Frequency rank 52210/72933
durvida adjective difficult to be known or discovered (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 17994/72933
durvidagdha adjective silly (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wrongheaded (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wrongly taught (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 28411/72933
dvidala noun (masculine) fork (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 55216/72933
dvidaśa adjective 20 (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 24288/72933
dvivida noun (masculine) name of a monkey (slain by Viṣṇu) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 6420/72933
prakovida adjective kovida
Frequency rank 58588/72933
mayūravida noun (feminine) Hibiscus Cannabinus (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 61527/72933
masūravida noun (feminine) Ichnocarpus Frutescens (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Ipomoea Turpethum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 24997/72933
masūravidala noun (masculine neuter) "a split lentil " (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 61629/72933
vāyorvida noun (masculine) name of a man (?)
Frequency rank 25342/72933
vāryovida noun (masculine) name of a physician
Frequency rank 65241/72933
sauvidalla noun (masculine) a guard or attendant on the women's apartments (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 71592/72933


striae gravidarum; stretch marks on the abdomen during and following pregrancy.


Go to vidanga, embelia.


Plant giant potato, dried root of Ipomoea digitata.


Go to bidalavaṇa


wound filled with blood.


a disease of the gums; oedema due to injury.

Wordnet Search
"vida" has 31 results.


nipuṇa, pravīṇa, abhijña, vijña, niṣṇāta, śikṣita, vaijñānika, kṛtamukha, kṛtin, kuśala, saṅkhyāvat, matimat, kuśagrīyamati, kṛṣṭi, vidura, budha, dakṣa, nediṣṭha, kṛtadhī, sudhin, vidvas, kṛtakarman, vicakṣaṇa, vidagdha, catura, prauḍha, boddhṛ, viśārada, sumedhas, sumati, tīkṣṇa, prekṣāvat, vibudha, vidan, vijñānika, kuśalin   

yaḥ prakarṣeṇa kāryakṣamaḥ asti।

arjunaḥ dhanurvidyāyāṃ nipuṇaḥ āsīt।


kāñcanāraḥ, kovidāraḥ, camarikaḥ, kuddālaḥ, yugapatrakam, kaṇakārakaḥ, kāntapuṣpaḥ, karakaḥ, kāntāraḥ, yamalacchadaḥ, kāñcanālaḥ, tāmrapuṣpaḥ, kudāraḥ, raktakāñcanaḥ, vidālaḥ, kuṇḍalī, raktapuṣpaḥ, campaḥ, yugapatraḥ, kanakāntakaḥ, kanakārakaḥ, karbudāraḥ, gaṇḍāriḥ, girijaḥ, camarikaḥ, tāmrapuṣpakaḥ, mahāpuṣpaḥ, yugmaparṇaḥ, yugmapatraḥ, varalabdhaḥ, vidalaḥ, śoṇapuṣpakaḥ, satkāñcanāraḥ, siṃhāsyaḥ, hayavāhanasaṅkaraḥ, hayavāhanaśaṅkaraḥ, suvarṇāraḥ, svalpakesarī, āsphotaḥ, kaṣāyaḥ   

vṛkṣaviśeṣaḥ yasya puṣpāṇi śobhanīyāni santi।

udyānapālaḥ kāñcanārasya śākhāṃ adhogṛhītvā puṣpāṇi vicinoti।


anubhavin, pakva, kovida, paripakva   

yasya kāryādīnām anubhavo asti।

asya kāryasya kṛte anubhavinaḥ puruṣasya āvaśyakatā asti।


apatra, adala, aparṇa, apalāśa, kuṭhi, niṣpattra, niṣpattraka, vidala, vipalāśa, praparṇa   

yasya parṇāni galitāni।

śiśire prāyaḥ vṛkṣāḥ apatrāḥ bhavanti।


vyad, kuṣ, rad, paririh, saṃdaṃś, vidaṃś, nirdaṃś   

danta-carvaṇa-pūrvakaḥ kṛntana-janyaḥ bhedānukūlaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

mama gṛhe ekaḥ mūṣakaḥ aharniśaṃ kim api vyatti।


durgā, umā, kātyāyanī, gaurī, brahmāṇī, kālī, haimavatī, īśvarā, śivā, bhavānī, rudrāṇī, sarvāṇī, sarvamaṅgalā, aparṇā, pārvatī, mṛḍānī, līlāvatī, caṇaḍikā, ambikā, śāradā, caṇḍī, caṇḍā, caṇḍanāyikā, girijā, maṅgalā, nārāyaṇī, mahāmāyā, vaiṣṇavī, maheśvarī, koṭṭavī, ṣaṣṭhī, mādhavī, naganandinī, jayantī, bhārgavī, rambhā, siṃharathā, satī, bhrāmarī, dakṣakanyā, mahiṣamardinī, herambajananī, sāvitrī, kṛṣṇapiṅgalā, vṛṣākapāyī, lambā, himaśailajā, kārttikeyaprasūḥ, ādyā, nityā, vidyā, śubhahkarī, sāttvikī, rājasī, tāmasī, bhīmā, nandanandinī, mahāmāyī, śūladharā, sunandā, śumyabhaghātinī, hrī, parvatarājatanayā, himālayasutā, maheśvaravanitā, satyā, bhagavatī, īśānā, sanātanī, mahākālī, śivānī, haravallabhā, ugracaṇḍā, cāmuṇḍā, vidhātrī, ānandā, mahāmātrā, mahāmudrā, mākarī, bhaumī, kalyāṇī, kṛṣṇā, mānadātrī, madālasā, māninī, cārvaṅgī, vāṇī, īśā, valeśī, bhramarī, bhūṣyā, phālgunī, yatī, brahmamayī, bhāvinī, devī, acintā, trinetrā, triśūlā, carcikā, tīvrā, nandinī, nandā, dharitriṇī, mātṛkā, cidānandasvarūpiṇī, manasvinī, mahādevī, nidrārūpā, bhavānikā, tārā, nīlasarasvatī, kālikā, ugratārā, kāmeśvarī, sundarī, bhairavī, rājarājeśvarī, bhuvaneśī, tvaritā, mahālakṣmī, rājīvalocanī, dhanadā, vāgīśvarī, tripurā, jvālmukhī, vagalāmukhī, siddhavidyā, annapūrṇā, viśālākṣī, subhagā, saguṇā, nirguṇā, dhavalā, gītiḥ, gītavādyapriyā, aṭṭālavāsinī, aṭṭahāsinī, ghorā, premā, vaṭeśvarī, kīrtidā, buddhidā, avīrā, paṇḍitālayavāsinī, maṇḍitā, saṃvatsarā, kṛṣṇarūpā, balipriyā, tumulā, kāminī, kāmarūpā, puṇyadā, viṣṇucakradharā, pañcamā, vṛndāvanasvarūpiṇī, ayodhyārupiṇī, māyāvatī, jīmūtavasanā, jagannāthasvarūpiṇī, kṛttivasanā, triyāmā, jamalārjunī, yāminī, yaśodā, yādavī, jagatī, kṛṣṇajāyā, satyabhāmā, subhadrikā, lakṣmaṇā, digambarī, pṛthukā, tīkṣṇā, ācārā, akrūrā, jāhnavī, gaṇḍakī, dhyeyā, jṛmbhaṇī, mohinī, vikārā, akṣaravāsinī, aṃśakā, patrikā, pavitrikā, tulasī, atulā, jānakī, vandyā, kāmanā, nārasiṃhī, girīśā, sādhvī, kalyāṇī, kamalā, kāntā, śāntā, kulā, vedamātā, karmadā, sandhyā, tripurasundarī, rāseśī, dakṣayajñavināśinī, anantā, dharmeśvarī, cakreśvarī, khañjanā, vidagdhā, kuñjikā, citrā, sulekhā, caturbhujā, rākā, prajñā, ṛdbhidā, tāpinī, tapā, sumantrā, dūtī, aśanī, karālā, kālakī, kuṣmāṇḍī, kaiṭabhā, kaiṭabhī, kṣatriyā, kṣamā, kṣemā, caṇḍālikā, jayantī, bheruṇḍā   

sā devī yayā naike daityāḥ hatāḥ tathā ca yā ādiśaktiḥ asti iti manyate।

navarātrotsave sthāne sthāne durgāyāḥ pratiṣṭhāpanā kriyate।


vidaram, nāgadrumam, ahijihvā   

kṣupaviśeṣaḥ- ekaḥ kaṇṭakaiḥ yuktaḥ kṣupaḥ।

tasyāḥ avaguṇṭhanaṃ vidare veṣṭitam।


catura, caturaka, nipuṇa, niṣṇa, niṣṇāta, viśārada, paṭu, pravīṇa, prājña, vicakṣaṇa, vidagdha, paṭumati, paṭiṣṭha, paṭīyas, peśala, praṇata, pratīta, aṇuka, abhijña, ullāgha, ṛbhu, ṛbhumat, ṛbhuṣṭhira, ṛbhva, ṛbhvan, ṛbhvas, karaṇa, karmaṭha, karmaṇya, kalāpa, kaliṅga, kalya, kārayitavyadakṣa, kuśala, kuśalin, kṛtakarman, kṛtamukha, kṛtin, kṛtnu, kriyāpaṭu, cheka, chekala, chekāla, tūrṇi, tejīyas, dhīvan, dhīvara, dhṛtvan, dhṛṣu, nadīṣṇa, nayaka, nāgara, nāgaraka, nāgarika, nirgranthaka, nirgranthika, proha, prauṇa, bahupaṭa, budha, budhda, matimat, manasvin, marmajña, vijña, viḍaṅga, vidura, vidvala, śikva, sudhī, suvicakṣaṇa, samāpta   

yaḥ cāturyeṇa kāryaṃ karoti।

catureṇa ārakṣakeṇa aparāddhānāṃ ekaḥ saṅghaḥ gṛhītaḥ।


amṛtam, ruciphalam, vidaram   

svāduphalakasadṛśaṃ madhuraṃ phalam।

mohanaḥ amṛtam atti।


prākharyam, prakharatvam, tīkṣṇatā, tejaḥ, paṭutvam, vidagdhatā, vidagdhatvam   

prakharasya avasthā।

viduṣāṃ buddheḥ prākharyyaṃ śīghratayā eva jñāyate।


lopamudrā, lopāmudrā, vidarbhajā   

agastyamaharṣeḥ patnī yayā bahavaḥ mantrāḥ racitāḥ।

dṛḍhasyuḥ lopamudrāyāḥ garbhāt jātaḥ।


dagdha, saṃdagdha, sandagdha, pluṣṭa, vipluṣṭa, avabharjita, vahvidagdha   

yat jvalitam।

tasya dagdhaṃ mukhaṃ bhayaṅkaram asti।


bhāṣākovidaḥ, śābdikaḥ, śabdavyutpannaḥ, bhāṣāpravīṇaḥ, bhāṣājñaḥ   

bhāṣāśāstrasya jñātā।

asmin vādavivāde prakhyātāḥ bhāṣākovidāḥ paryupāsitāḥ।



netrayoḥ rogaviśeṣaḥ।

vidagdhāmladṛṣṭiḥ āmlānāṃ padārthānām atyadhikena sevanena bhavati।



ekaḥ ajīrṇaḥ rogaviśeṣaḥ।

vidagdhājīrṇaṃ pittasya prakopāt utpadyate।



paurāṇikaḥ ṛṣiviśeṣaḥ।

vidarbheḥ varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu prāpyate।



dve dale yasya।

caṇakatuvaryādīni dvidalāni dhānyāni santi।


viniṣpiṣṭa, nipiṣṭa, niṣpiṣṭa, avamardita, utpiṣṭa, kṣuṇṇa, prakṣuṇṇa, tṛḍha, śīrṇa, parāśīrṇa, piṣṭa, prapiṣṭa, paripiṣṭa, parimṛdita, pramardita, pramūrṇa, mṛdita, mūrṇa, lulita, vidaṣṭa, vipothita, vimathita, vimardita, vlīna, śūrta, samutpiṣṭa   

peṣaṇena ākṛtibhaṅgāt klītakībhūtam kim api।

saḥ viniṣpiṣṭāni phalāni saṃvicinoti।


kovidāraḥ, camarikaḥ, kuddālaḥ, yugapatrakaḥ, kāñcanāraḥ, kaṇakārakaḥ, tāmrapuṣpaḥ, kudāraḥ, raktakāñcanaḥ, vidalaḥ   

vibhūṣaṇārtham upayujyamānānāṃ vividhavarṇayuktānāṃ puṣpāṇāṃ vṛkṣaḥ।

vāṭikāyāṃ kovidārasya bhinnaprakārakāḥ vṛkṣāḥ santi।



ācāryaviśeṣaḥ ।

śatapatha-brāhmaṇe vidarbhīkauṇḍīnyasya ullekhaḥ prāpyate



mantritaḥ śukaḥ ।

kathāsaritsāgare vetāla-pañcaviṃśatikāyāṃ ca vidagdhacūḍāmaṇiḥ varṇitaḥ asti



ekaḥ rājā ।

mahābhārate vidaṇḍasya varṇanaṃ prāpyate



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

pāṇininā vidathī varṇitaḥ



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

gargādigaṇapāṭhe vidabhṛtaḥ ullekhaḥ asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

harivaṃśe vidarbhasya varṇanam asti



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

vidasya ullekhaḥ kośe asti



ekaḥ vaidyakīyasya viṣayasya lekhakaḥ ।

vidagdhavaidyasya ullekhaḥ kośe asti



jyāmaghasya putraḥ ।

vidarbhasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ṛṣabhasya putraḥ ।

vidarbhasya ullekhaḥ bhāgavatapurāṇe asti



ekaḥ janasamuhaḥ ।

daśīvidarbhasya ullekhaḥ mahābhārate vartate



ekaḥ puruṣaḥ ।

dvidattasya ullekhaḥ kośe vartate

Parse Time: 1.905s Search Word: vida Input Encoding: IAST: vida