viśva | mf(ā-)n. (prob. fr. | ||||||
viśva | mf(ā-)n. whole, entire, universal etc. | ||||||
viśva | mf(ā-)n. all-pervading or all-containing, omnipresent (applied to viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-, the soul, intellect etc.) etc. | ||||||
viśva | m. (in philosophy) the intellectual faculty or (according to to some) the faculty which perceives individuality or the individual underlying the gross body (sthūla-śarīra-vyaṣṭy-upahita-) | ||||||
viśva | m. Name of a class of gods see below | ||||||
viśva | m. Name of the number"thirteen" | ||||||
viśva | m. of a class of deceased ancestors | ||||||
viśva | m. of a king | ||||||
viśva | m. of a well-known dictionary equals viśva-prakāśa- | ||||||
viśva | m. plural (v/iśve-,with or scilicet dev/ās- see viśve-deva-,p.995)"all the gods collectively"or the"All-gods"(a particular class of gods, forming one of the 9 gaṇa-s enumerated under gaṇadevatā- q.v; according to to the viṣṇu- and other purāṇa-s they were sons of viśvā-, daughter of dakṣa-, and their names are as follow, 1. vasu-, 2. satya-, 3. kratu-, 4. dakṣa-, 5. kāla-, 6. kāma-, 7. dhṛti-, 8. kuru-, 9. purū-ravas-, 10. mādravas- [?];two others are added by some, viz. 11. rocaka- or locana-, 12. dhvani- [or dhūri-;or this may make 13]: they are particularly worshipped at śrāddha-s and at the vaiśvadeva- ceremony[ ];moreover according to to manu- [ ], offerings should be made to them daily - these privileges having been bestowed on them by brahmā- and the pitṛ-s, as a reward for severe austerities they had performed on the himā | ||||||
viśva | m. etc. | ||||||
viśva | n. the whole world, universe etc. etc. | ||||||
viśva | n. dry ginger | ||||||
viśva | n. myrrh | ||||||
viśva | n. a mystical Name of the sound o- | ||||||
viśvabandhu | m. a friend of the whole world | ||||||
viśvabhadra | mfn. altogether agreeable etc. | ||||||
viśvabhaṇḍa | m. Name of a man | ||||||
viśvabhānu | (viśv/a--) mfn. all-illumining | ||||||
viśvabharas | (vśv/a--) mfn. all-supporting, all-nourishing | ||||||
viśvabhartṛ | m. an all-sustainer | ||||||
viśvabhava | mfn. one from whom all things arise | ||||||
viśvabhāva | mfn. all-creating | ||||||
viśvabhāvana | mfn. idem or 'mfn. all-creating ' | ||||||
viśvabhāvana | m. Name of viṣṇu- | ||||||
viśvabhāvana | m. of a spiritual son of brahmā- | ||||||
viśvabheṣaja | mf(ī-)n. (viśv/a--) containing all remedies, all-healing | ||||||
viśvabheṣaja | m. a universal remedy | ||||||
viśvabheṣaja | n. dry ginger | ||||||
viśvabhojana | n. the eating of all sorts of food | ||||||
viśvabhojas | (viśv/a--) mfn. all-nourishing, granting all enjoyment | ||||||
viśvabhrāj | mfn. all-illuminating | ||||||
viśvabhṛt | mfn. equals -bharas- | ||||||
viśvabhṛt | f. plural a hundred heat-making sun-rays | ||||||
viśvabhū | m. Name of a buddha- | ||||||
viśvabhuj | mfn. all-enjoying, all-possessing | ||||||
viśvabhuj | mfn. eating all things | ||||||
viśvabhuj | m. Name of indra- | ||||||
viśvabhuj | m. of a son of lunar | ||||||
viśvabhuj | m. of a fire, | ||||||
viśvabhuj | m. of a class of deceased ancestors | ||||||
viśvabhujā | f. Name of a goddess | ||||||
viśvabhūta | mfn. being everything | ||||||
viśvabīja | n. the seed of everything | ||||||
viśvabodha | m. a buddha- | ||||||
viśvabudbuda | m. the world compared to a bubble, | ||||||
viśvacakra | n. "world-wheel", a wheel made of gold representing the universe (or the gift of such a wheel offered to Brahmans) | ||||||
viśvacakradanavidhi | m. Name of work | ||||||
viśvacakrātman | m. Name of viṣṇu- | ||||||
viśvacakṣa | mfn. all-seeing | ||||||
viśvacakṣaṇa | (viśv/a--) mfn. idem or 'mfn. all-seeing ' | ||||||
viśvacakṣas | (viśv/a-) mfn. idem or '(viśv/a--) mfn. idem or 'mfn. all-seeing ' ' | ||||||
viśvacakṣus | mfn. idem or '(viśv/a-) mfn. idem or '(viśv/a--) mfn. idem or 'mfn. all-seeing ' ' ' (or) n. an eye for all things | ||||||
viśvacamatkṛti | f. Name of commentator or commentary | ||||||
viśvacandra | mfn. all-radiant, all-brilliant | ||||||
viśvacarṣaṇi | (viśv/a--.) mfn. equals -kṛṣṭi- | ||||||
viśvacyavas | m. one of the seven principal rays of the sun | ||||||
viśvadaiva | n. the lunar mansion or asterism uttarā | ||||||
viśvadaivata | n. the lunar mansion or asterism uttarā | ||||||
viśvadaṃṣṭra | m. Name of an asura- | ||||||
viśvadāni | mfn. all-giving | ||||||
viśvadānīm | ind. (see tadānīm-, id-) at all times, at all seasons | ||||||
viśvadarśata | mfn. (viśv/a--) visible to all | ||||||
viśvadarśata | mfn. to be honoured by all | ||||||
viśvadāsā | f. one of the seven tongues of fire | ||||||
viśvadatta | m. Name of a brahman- | ||||||
viśvadāva | mfn. all-scorching | ||||||
viśvadāvan | mfn. all-distributing | ||||||
viśvadāvya | mfn. all-scorching | ||||||
viśvadeva | mfn. (viśv/a--) all-divine | ||||||
viśvadeva | m. Name of a god | ||||||
viśvadeva | m. of a teacher | ||||||
viśvadeva | m. Pl. a particular class of deities, the viśve- devāḥ- (See viśva-above) | ||||||
viśvadevā | f. Uraria Lagopedioides | ||||||
viśvadevā | f. Hedysarum Lagopedioides | ||||||
viśvadevā | f. a species of red-flowering daṇḍo | ||||||
viśvadevabhakta | mfn. (prob.) inhabited by worshippers of the viśve- devāḥ- (gaRa aiṣukāry-ādi-) | ||||||
viśvadevadīkṣitīya | n. Name of work | ||||||
viśvadevanetra | mfn. (viśv/a-deva--) led by the viśve- devāḥ- | ||||||
viśvadevatā | f. plural the viśve- devāḥ- | ||||||
viśvadevavat | mfn. (viśv/a-deva--) united with all gods | ||||||
viśvadevya | mfn. (viśv/a--) relating or sacred or dear etc. to all gods | ||||||
viśvadevya | mfn. distinguished by all divine attributes | ||||||
viśvadevyāvat | mfn. relating or dear to all gods etc. | ||||||
viśvadevyāvat | mfn. accompanied by the viśve- devāḥ- | ||||||
viśvadhā | mfn. (viśv/a--.) (see viśv/adha-,p.994) all-preserving | ||||||
viśvadhā | f. preservation of the universe gaRa chattrā | ||||||
viśvadha | ind. in every way at all times, on every occasion | ||||||
viśvadhā | ind. in every way at all times, on every occasion | ||||||
viśvadhāman | n. a universal home | ||||||
viśvadhara | mfn. Preserving all things (Name of viṣṇu-) | ||||||
viśvadhara | mfn. Name of a man | ||||||
viśvadhāra | m. Name of a son of medhā | ||||||
viśvadhāra | n. Name of the varṣa- ruled by him | ||||||
viśvadharaṇa | n. preservation of the universe | ||||||
viśvadhārin | mfn. all-maintaining | ||||||
viśvadhārin | m. a deity | ||||||
viśvadhāriṇī | f. the earth | ||||||
viśvadhātṛ | mfn. all-sustainer | ||||||
viśvadhāyas | (viśv/a--.) mfn. all-sustaining, all-nourishing | ||||||
viśvadhena | mf(ā-)n. (viśv/a--.) all-feeding | ||||||
viśvadhenā | f. Name of the earth | ||||||
viśvadhenu | See vaiśva-dhenava- and vaiśvadhainava-. | ||||||
viśvadhṛk | mfn. sustaining everything | ||||||
viśvadhṛt | mfn. sustaining everything | ||||||
viśvadīpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
viśvadohas | (viśv/a-) mfn. milking or yielding all things | ||||||
viśvadṛś | mfn. all-seeing | ||||||
viśvadṛṣṭa | (viśv/a--) mfn. seen by all | ||||||
viśvadryañc | wrong reading for viṣvadryañc-. | ||||||
viśvaga | m. "going everywhere", Name of brahmā- | ||||||
viśvaga | m. of a son of pūrṇiman- | ||||||
viśvagandha | mfn. (only ) diffusing odour everywhere | ||||||
viśvagandha | m. an onion | ||||||
viśvagandhā | f. the earth | ||||||
viśvagandha | n. myrrh. | ||||||
viśvagandhi | m. Name of a son of pṛthu- | ||||||
viśvagarbha | mf(ā-)n. (viśv/a--) bearing or containing all things | ||||||
viśvagarbha | m. Name of a son of raivata- | ||||||
viśvagata | mfn. omnipresent | ||||||
viśvagocara | mfn. accessible to all men | ||||||
viśvagoptṛ | m. "preserver of the universe", Name of viṣṇu- | ||||||
viśvagoptṛ | m. of śiva- | ||||||
viśvagoptṛ | m. of indra- | ||||||
viśvagotra | (viśv/a--) mfn. belonging to all families | ||||||
viśvagotrya | (viśv/a--) mfn. (perhaps) bringing all kinsmen together (said of a drum) | ||||||
viśvagranthi | m. a kind of plant (equals haṃsa-padī-) | ||||||
viśvagudh | mfn. (Nominal verb -ghut-) all-enveloping | ||||||
viśvaguṇādarśa | m. Name of work | ||||||
viśvagūrṇa | (?) , Name of work = | ||||||
viśvagūrta | (viśv/a--) mfn. approved by or welcome to everybody | ||||||
viśvagūrti | mfn. idem or '(viśv/a--) mfn. approved by or welcome to everybody ' | ||||||
viśvaguru | m. the father of the universe | ||||||
viśvaha | ind. always, at all times | ||||||
viśvahā | ind. always, at all times | ||||||
viśvahartṛ | m. the world-destroyer (Name of śiva-) | ||||||
viśvaharyarka | or (varia lectio) | ||||||
viśvaharyata | m. a sacrifice | ||||||
viśvahetu | m. the cause of all things (applied to viṣṇu-) | ||||||
viśvaikasāra | n. "one heart of the universe", Name of a sacred region | ||||||
viśvajana | m. all men, mankind (-janasya cchattra-or chattra- n. Va1rtt. 1 | ||||||
viśvajanīna | mfn. containing all kinds of people | ||||||
viśvajanīna | mfn. ruling all people | ||||||
viśvajanīna | mfn. good for or benefiting all men | ||||||
viśvajanīnavṛtti | mfn. one whose conduct or actions are for the benefit of the whole world | ||||||
viśvajanīya | mfn. suitable to all men, benefiting all men | ||||||
viśvajanman | (viśv/a-) mfn. of all or various kinds | ||||||
viśvajanya | mf(ā-)n. (viśv/a--) containing all men | ||||||
viśvajanya | mf(ā-)n. existing everywhere, universal, dear to all men | ||||||
viśvajanya | mf(ā-)n. universally beneficial | ||||||
viśvajayin | mfn. conquering the universe | ||||||
viśvajidaṭirātrapaddhati | f. Name of work | ||||||
viśvajijjicchilpa | m. (for jit-+ śilpa-) Name of an ekā | ||||||
viśvajinva | mfn. all-refreshing | ||||||
viśvajit | mfn. all-conquering, all-subduing | ||||||
viśvajit | m. Name of an ekā | ||||||
viśvajit | m. a particular form of Fire | ||||||
viśvajit | m. the cord or noose of varuṇa- | ||||||
viśvajit | m. Name of a dānava- | ||||||
viśvajit | m. of a son of gādhi- | ||||||
viśvajit | m. of various other persons | ||||||
viśvajīva | m. the universal Soul | ||||||
viśvajū | mfn. all-impelling | ||||||
viśvajyotis | mfn. (viśv/a--) all-brilliant | ||||||
viśvajyotis | m. Name of an ekā | ||||||
viśvajyotis | m. of a man | ||||||
viśvajyotis | f. Name of particular bricks (supposed to represent fire, the wind, and the sun) | ||||||
viśvajyotis | n. Name of a sāman- | ||||||
viśvajyotiṣa | m. Name of a man (plural his descendants) | ||||||
viśvaka | mfn. all-pervading, all-containing | ||||||
viśvaka | m. Name of a man (also called kṛṣṇiya-, the aśvin-s restored to him his lost son viṣṇāpū-). | ||||||
viśvaka | m. (with the patronymic kārṣṇi-) Name of the author of | ||||||
viśvaka | m. of a son of pṛthu- | ||||||
viśvakadrākarṣa | wrong reading for viś-cakadr- q.v | ||||||
viśvakadru | mfn. wicked, vile | ||||||
viśvakadru | m. a dog trained for the chase | ||||||
viśvakadru | m. sound, noise | ||||||
viśvakāraka | m. the creator of the universe (said of śiva-) | ||||||
viśvakarma | See . | ||||||
viśvakarma | mfn. accomplishing everything, all-working | ||||||
viśvakarma | in compound for viśva-karman- | ||||||
viśvakarmajā | f. "daughter of viśva--karman-", Name of saṃjñā- (one of the wives of the Sun) | ||||||
viśvakarmamāhātmya | n. Name of work | ||||||
viśvakarman | See . | ||||||
viśvakarman | n. (only in the beginning of a compound) every action | ||||||
viśvakarman | mfn. accomplishing or creating everything | ||||||
viśvakarman | m. "all-doer, all-creator, all-maker", Name of the divine creative architect or artist (said to be son of brahmā-, and in the later mythology sometimes identified with tvaṣṭṛ- q.v,he is said to have revealed the sthāpatyaveda- q.v,or fourth upa-veda-, and to preside over all manual labours as well as the sixty-four mechanical arts [whence he is worshipped by kāru-s or artisans];in the Vedic mythology, however, the office of Indian Vulcan is assigned to tvaṣṭṛ- as a distinct deity, viśva-karman- being rather identified with prajā-pati- [ brahmā-] himself as the creator of all things and architect of the universe;in the hymns he is represented as the universal Father and Generator, the one all-seeing God, who has on every side eyes, faces, arms, and feet;in and elsewhere in the brāhmaṇa-s he is called a son of bhuvana-, and viśva-karman- bhauvana- is described as the author of the two hymns mentioned above;in the and he is a son of the vasu- prabhāsa- and yoga-siddhā-;in the purāṇa-s a son of vāstu-, and the father of barhiṣmatī- and saṃjñā-; according to to other authorities he is the husband of ghṛtācī-;moreover, a doubtful legend is told of his having offered up all beings, including himself, in sacrifice;the rāmā | ||||||
viśvakarman | m. Name of sūrya- or the Sun | ||||||
viśvakarman | m. of one of the seven principal rays of the sun (supposed to supply heat to the planet Mercury) | ||||||
viśvakarman | m. of the wind () | ||||||
viśvakarman | m. Name of a muni- | ||||||
viśvakarman | m. (also with śāstrin-) Name of various authors | ||||||
viśvakarmaprakāśa | m. Name of work | ||||||
viśvakarmapurāṇa | n. Name of work | ||||||
viśvakarmapurāṇasaṃgraha | m. Name of work | ||||||
viśvakarmaśāstrin | m. Name of an author | ||||||
viśvakarmasiddhānta | m. Name of work | ||||||
viśvakarmasutā | f. equals viśva-karma-jā- | ||||||
viśvakarmeśa | n. Name of a liṅga- | ||||||
viśvakarmeśvaraliṅga | n. Name of a liṅga- | ||||||
viśvakarmīya | n. any work of viśva-karman- | ||||||
viśvakarmīyaśilpa | n. Name of work. | ||||||
viśvakartṛ | m. the creator of the world ( viśvakartṛtva tṛ-tva- n.) etc. | ||||||
viśvakartṛ | m. Name of an author | ||||||
viśvakartṛtva | n. viśvakartṛ | ||||||
viśvakāru | m. the architect of the Universe, viśva-karman- | ||||||
viśvakārya | m. Name of one of the seven principal rays of the sun (see -karman-). | ||||||
viśvakathā | f. gaRa kathā | ||||||
viśvakāya | mfn. whose body is the universe | ||||||
viśvakāyā | f. a form of dākṣāyaṇī- | ||||||
viśvaketu | m. "whose banner is the universe", Name of the god of love | ||||||
viśvaketu | m. of aniruddha- (a son of the god of love) | ||||||
viśvakośa | m. Name of various works. | ||||||
viśvakṛṣṭi | (viśv/a--) mfn. dwelling among all men, universally known, kind to all men | ||||||
viśvakṛt | mfn. or m. making or creating all, the creator of all things etc. | ||||||
viśvakṛt | m. the architect and artificer of the gods, viśva-karman- | ||||||
viśvakṛt | m. Name of a son of gādhi- | ||||||
viśvakṛta | mfn. made by viśva-karman- (?) | ||||||
viśvakṣaya | m. destruction of the world | ||||||
viśvaksena | wrong reading for viṣvak-s-. | ||||||
viśvakṣiti | (viśv/a--) mfn. equals -kṛṣṭi- | ||||||
viśvaliṅga | mfn. containing the distinguishing word viśva- | ||||||
viśvalocana | n. Name of a lexicon. | ||||||
viśvalopa | m. a species of tree | ||||||
viśvamadā | f. "all delighting"or"all-consuming", Name of one of the seven tongues of fire | ||||||
viśvamadā | f. "all delighting"or"all-consuming", Name of one of the seven tongues of fire | ||||||
viśvamaha | m. Name of a kind of personification (also mahaviśva-). | ||||||
viśvamahas | (viśv/a--) mfn. "all-powerful"or"all pleasant" | ||||||
viśvamahat | m. Name of a son of viśva-śarman- | ||||||
viśvamaheśvara | m. the great lord of the universe (śiva-) | ||||||
viśvamaheśvaramatācāra | m. Name of work (wrong reading cara-). | ||||||
viśvamanas | mfn. (viśv/a--) perceiving everything | ||||||
viśvamanas | m. Name of the author of the hymns | ||||||
viśvamānava | (See vaiśvamānava-). | ||||||
viśvamanus | (vitv/a--) mfn. equals -kṛṣṭi- | ||||||
viśvamānuṣa | mfn. (viśv/a--) (prob.) known to all men (see viśv/a-manus-) | ||||||
viśvamānuṣa | m. every mortal | ||||||
viśvamātṛ | f. all-mother | ||||||
viśvamātṛkā | f. Name of work | ||||||
viśvamaya | mf(ī-)n. containing the universe | ||||||
viśvambhara | mf(/ā-)n. all-bearing, all-sustaining (also applied to the Supreme Being) | ||||||
viśvambhara | mf(/ā-)n. fire | ||||||
viśvambhara | mf(/ā-)n. a kind of scorpion or similar animal | ||||||
viśvambhara | mf(/ā-)n. Name of viṣṇu- | ||||||
viśvambhara | mf(/ā-)n. of indra- | ||||||
viśvambhara | mf(/ā-)n. of a king | ||||||
viśvambhara | mf(/ā-)n. of an author | ||||||
viśvambharā | f. the earth etc. | ||||||
viśvambharābhuj | m. a king | ||||||
viśvambharādhipa | m. "lord of the earth", a king () | ||||||
viśvambharādhīśvara | m. "lord of the earth", a king () | ||||||
viśvambharaka | m. a kind of scorpion or similar animal | ||||||
viśvambharakulāya | m. a fire-receptacle | ||||||
viśvambharamaithilopādhyāya | m. Name of an author | ||||||
viśvambharāputra | m. Name of the planet Mars | ||||||
viśvambharaśāstra | n. Name of work | ||||||
viśvambharavāstuśāstra | n. Name of work | ||||||
viśvambhari | f. the earth | ||||||
viśvambharopaniṣad | f. Name of work | ||||||
viśvamedinī | f. Name of a lexicon. | ||||||
viśvamejaya | mfn. all-shaking, all-exciting | ||||||
viśvaminva | mf(/ā-)n. all-moving, all-pervading, all-embracing | ||||||
viśvaminva | mf(/ā-)n. all-containing | ||||||
viśvamitra | m. plural (prob.) equals viśv/ā-mitra- plural the family of viśvāmitra- | ||||||
viśvaṃkara | mfn. all-creating, making all | ||||||
viśvaṃkara | m. the eye | ||||||
viśvamohana | mfn. all-confusing | ||||||
viśvaṃtara | mfn. all-subduing (Buddha) | ||||||
viśvaṃtara | m. Name of a king | ||||||
viśvaṃtara | m. of a former state of existence of the buddha- | ||||||
viśvamukhī | f. Name of dākṣāyaṇī- (as worshipped in jālaṃdhara-) | ||||||
viśvamūrti | mfn. having all forms (or one"whose body is the universe") etc. (applied to the Supreme Spirit) | ||||||
viśvamūrti | m. a kind of mixture | ||||||
viśvamūrtimat | mfn. having or taking all forms | ||||||
viśvanābha | m. Name of viṣṇu- | ||||||
viśvanābhi | f. the navel of the universe | ||||||
viśvanagara | m. Name of a man | ||||||
viśvanāman | (viśv/a--) mf(mnī-)n. having all names | ||||||
viśvananda | n. Name of a spiritual son of brahmā- | ||||||
viśvanara | mfn. equals viśve narā yasya saḥ- | ||||||
viśvanātha | m. "lord of the universe", Name of śiva- (especially as the object of adoration at Benares see vśve | ||||||
viśvanātha | m. of various authors and other men (also with kavi-, cakravartin-, dīkṣita-, daivājña-, paṇḍita-, miśtra-, -rāja-, vājapeyin-etc.) | ||||||
viśvanāthabhaṭṭa | m. Name of the author of the sāhitya-darpaṇa- (see -kavi-rāja-) | ||||||
viśvanāthacaritra | n. Name of work | ||||||
viśvanāthācārya | m. Name of author | ||||||
viśvanāthadeva | m. Name of various authors etc. | ||||||
viśvanāthadevaprakāśa | m. Name of work | ||||||
viśvanāthakavirāja | m. Name of the author of the sāhitya-darpaṇa- | ||||||
viśvanāthanagarī | f. the town of viśva-nātha- id est kāśī- | ||||||
viśvanāthanagarīstotra | n. Name of work | ||||||
viśvanāthanārāyaṇa | m. Name of author | ||||||
viśvanāthanyāyālaṃkāra | m. Name of author | ||||||
viśvanāthapañcānana | m. (also with bhaṭṭā | ||||||
viśvanāthapurī | f. (equals -nagarī-) | ||||||
viśvanāthasena | m. Name of author. | ||||||
viśvanāthasiṃha | m. Name of author. | ||||||
viśvanāthasiṃhadeva | m. Name of author. | ||||||
viśvanāthāśrama | m. Name of author | ||||||
viśvanāthāṣṭaka | n. Name of work | ||||||
viśvanāthastotra | n. Name of various works. | ||||||
viśvanāthasūri | m. Name of author. | ||||||
viśvanāthatājaka | n. Name of work | ||||||
viśvanāthatīrtha | m. Name of various authors etc. | ||||||
viśvanāthīya | mfn. composed by viśva-nātha- | ||||||
viśvanāthīya | n. Name of work | ||||||
viśvanāthopādhyāya | m. composed by viśva-nātha- | ||||||
viśvanighaṇṭu | m. Name of work | ||||||
viśvapā | mfn. all-protecting | ||||||
viśvapā | m. the sun | ||||||
viśvapā | m. the moon | ||||||
viśvapā | m. fire | ||||||
viśvapācaka | mfn. cooking everything (fire) | ||||||
viśvapad | (-pād-) wrong reading for -pā- | ||||||
viśvapādasirogrīva | mfn. one whose feet and head and neck are formed of the universe | ||||||
viśvapakṣa | m. Name of an author of mystical prayers, | ||||||
viśvapāla | m. "all-protector", Name of a merchant | ||||||
viśvapāṇi | m. Name of a dhyāni-bodhi-sattva- | ||||||
viśvaparṇī | f. Flacourtia Cataphracta | ||||||
viśvapati | m. "lord of the universe", Name of mahāpuruṣa- and of kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
viśvapati | m. Name of a particular fire | ||||||
viśvapati | m. of various authors | ||||||
viśvapātṛ | m. a particular class of deceased ancestors | ||||||
viśvapāvana | mf(ī-)n. all-purifying | ||||||
viśvapāvanī | f. holy basil | ||||||
viśvapeśas | (viśv/a--) mfn. containing all adornment | ||||||
viśvapiś | mfn. all-adorned, having all sorts of ornaments | ||||||
viśvaprabodha | mfn. all-wakening, all-enlightening | ||||||
viśvapradīpa | m. Name of work | ||||||
viśvaprakāśa | m. Name of a lexicon by mahe | ||||||
viśvaprakāśa | m. Name of several other works. | ||||||
viśvaprakāśapaddhati | f. Name of work | ||||||
viśvaprī | Name of the section | ||||||
viśvapsā | m. fire | ||||||
viśvapsan | m. (according to to some corrupted fr. viśva-+ bhasan- see bhasad-) equals deva- | ||||||
viśvapsan | m. equals vahni-, candra-, samīraṇa-, kṛtā | ||||||
viśvapsan | m. equals viśva-karman-, | ||||||
viśvapsnya | mfn. (viśv/a--) (psnya-said to be for psanya-fr. | ||||||
viśvapsnyāya | ind. (āya-) (prob.) to the satiation of all | ||||||
viśvapsu | (viśv/a--) mfn. having all forms (see viśvā-psu-). | ||||||
viśvapūjita | mfn. all-honoured | ||||||
viśvapūjitā | f. holy basil | ||||||
viśvapūjya | mfn. all-venerable | ||||||
viśvapuṣ | mfn. all-nourishing | ||||||
viśvarādhas | (viśv/a--) mf. all-granting | ||||||
viśvarāj | mfn. for viśvā-rāj- (in the weakest cases) | ||||||
viśvarāj | m. a universal sovereign (also -rāja-,A.) | ||||||
viśvaratha | m. Name of a son of gādhi- | ||||||
viśvaratha | m. of an author | ||||||
viśvaretas | m. (?)"seed of all things" , Name of brahmā- | ||||||
viśvaretas | m. of viṣṇu- | ||||||
viśvarocana | m. Colocasia Antiquorum | ||||||
viśvaruci | m. Name of a divine being | ||||||
viśvaruci | m. of a dānava- | ||||||
viśvaruci | m. equals next | ||||||
viśvarucī | f. "all-glittering", Name of one of the seven tongues of fire, | ||||||
viśvarūpa | n. sg. various forms | ||||||
viśvarūpa | mf(ā-or ī-)n. many-coloured, variegated etc. | ||||||
viśvarūpa | mf(ā-or ī-)n. wearing all forms, manifold, various etc. | ||||||
viśvarūpa | m. Name of particular comets | ||||||
viśvarūpa | m. of śiva- | ||||||
viśvarūpa | m. of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- | ||||||
viśvarūpa | m. of a son of tvaṣṭṛ- (whose three heads were struck off by indra-) etc. | ||||||
viśvarūpa | m. of an asura- | ||||||
viśvarūpa | m. of various scholars etc. (especially of a Scholiast or Commentator on ) etc. | ||||||
viśvarūpā | f. a dappled cow | ||||||
viśvarūpa | m. Name of particular verses (exempli gratia, 'for example' ) | ||||||
viśvarūpa | m. plural the yoked horses of bṛhas-pati- | ||||||
viśvarūpa | n. Agallochum | ||||||
viśvarūpa | (prob.) n. Name of work | ||||||
viśvarūpācārya | m. Name of an author | ||||||
viśvarūpadarśana | n. Name of two chs. in the krīḍā-khaṇḍa- of the | ||||||
viśvarūpadeva | m. Name of an author | ||||||
viśvarūpadhara | mfn. wearing various forms | ||||||
viśvarūpagaṇakamunīśvara | m. Name of author | ||||||
viśvarūpaka | n. a kind of black aloe wood | ||||||
viśvarūpakeśava | m. Name of author | ||||||
viśvarūpamaya | mf(ī-)n. representing viśva-rūpa- (id est prob. viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa-) | ||||||
viśvarūpanibandha | m. Name of a chapter of the | ||||||
viśvarūpasamuccaya | m. Name of work | ||||||
viśvarūpatama | mfn. having the greatest variety of forms or colours | ||||||
viśvarūpatīrtha | n. Name of a tīrtha- | ||||||
viśvarūpatīrtha | m. Name of a scholar | ||||||
viśvarūpavat | mfn. appearing in various forms | ||||||
viśvarūpī | f. Name of one of the seven tongues of fire | ||||||
viśvarūpikā | f. Name of a yoginī- | ||||||
viśvarūpin | mfn. appearing in various forms | ||||||
viśvarūpiṇī | f. Name of a goddess | ||||||
viśvas | P. -śvasiti- (Epic also -śvasati-, te-), to draw breath freely, be free from fear or apprehension, be trustful or confident, trust or confide in, rely or depend on (accusative genitive case,or locative case) etc.: Causal -śvāsayati-, to cause to trust, inspire with confidence, console, comfort, encourage etc.: Desiderative of Causal -śiśvāsayiṣati-, to wish to inspire confidence or to encourage | ||||||
viśvasaha | mfn. all-bearing, all-enduring | ||||||
viśvasaha | m. Name of several men | ||||||
viśvasahā | f. the earth | ||||||
viśvasaha | m. Name of one of the seven tongues of fire | ||||||
viśvasahāya | mfn. joined with the viśve- devāḥ- | ||||||
viśvasāhva | m. Name of a son of mahas-vat- | ||||||
viśvasāhvan | m. Name of a son of mahas-vat- | ||||||
viśvasakha | m. a universal friend | ||||||
viśvasākṣin | mfn. all-seeing | ||||||
viśvasāman | m. (viśv/a--) Name of a kind of personification | ||||||
viśvasāman | m. of the author of | ||||||
viśvasambhava | mfn. one from whom all things arise | ||||||
viśvaśambhu | m. Name of a lexicographer | ||||||
viśvaśambhū | mfn. (viśv/a--) beneficial to all | ||||||
viśvaśambhū | m. he who is the source of all prosperity | ||||||
viśvaśambhū | m. Name of viśva-karman- | ||||||
viśvaśambhumuni | m. Name of a lexicographer | ||||||
viśvasaṃhāra | m. general destruction | ||||||
viśvasamplava | m. the destruction of the world | ||||||
viśvasaṃvanana | n. means of bewitching all | ||||||
viśvasana | n. trusting, confiding in | ||||||
viśvasanīya | mfn. to be trusted or relied on, reliable, trustworthy, credible (n. impersonal or used impersonally with locative case,"it should be trusted or relied on") | ||||||
viśvasanīyatā | f. trustworthiness, credibleness | ||||||
viśvasanīyatva | n. trustworthiness, credibleness | ||||||
viśvasāra | m. Name of a son of kṣatrau | ||||||
viśvasāra | n. (also ra-tantra-) Name of a tantra- | ||||||
viśvaśārada | (viśv/a--.) mfn. annual (or"lasting a whole year") (applied to the disease called takman- as likely to occur every autumn) . | ||||||
viśvasāraka | m. Cactus Indicus | ||||||
viśvaśardhas | mfn. (viśv/a--) being in a complete troop, complete in number | ||||||
viśvaśardhas | mfn. displaying great power, making great exertion () | ||||||
viśvaśarman | m. Name of the father of viśva-mahat- | ||||||
viśvaśarman | m. of an author | ||||||
viśvasattama | mfn. the best of all (said of kṛṣṇa-) | ||||||
viśvasaubhaga | (viśv/a--) mfn. bringing all prosperity | ||||||
viśvaścandra | (viśv/a--) mf(ā-)n. all-glittering | ||||||
viśvasena | m. Name of the 18th muhūrta- | ||||||
viśvasena | m. of a preceptor | ||||||
viśvasenarāj | m. Name of the father of the 16th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī- | ||||||
viśvasiṃha | m. Name of a king | ||||||
viśvasita | mfn. full of confidence, fearless, unsuspecting | ||||||
viśvasita | mfn. trusted, believed or confided in | ||||||
viśvasitavya | mfn. equals śvasanīya- | ||||||
viśvasphāṇi | m. Name of a king of magadha- | ||||||
viśvasphārṇi | m. Name of a king of magadha- | ||||||
viśvasphāṭi | m. Name of a king of magadha- | ||||||
viśvasphaṭika | m. Name of a king of magadha- | ||||||
viśvasphīṇi | m. Name of a king of magadha- | ||||||
viśvasphūrji | m. Name of a king of magadha- | ||||||
viśvasphūrti | m. Name of a king of magadha- | ||||||
viśvaspṛś | mfn. all-touching, all-reaching (applied to mahā-puruṣa-) (varia lectio diva-sp-). | ||||||
viśvaśraddhājñānabala | n. Name of one of the ten faculties of a buddha- | ||||||
viśvasraṣṭṛ | m. creator of the universe | ||||||
viśvaśrī | mfn. useful to all (said of agni-) | ||||||
viśvasrit | m. equals viśvasya sraṣṭā- (see prec.) or equals viśvasya pātā- (Scholiast or Commentator) | ||||||
viśvasṛj | (Nominal verb -s/ṛk-or incorrectly -sṛṭ-) mfn. all-creating | ||||||
viśvasṛj | m. creator of the universe (of whom there are ten according to to some) etc. (-sṛjām ayana- n.a particular festival ) | ||||||
viśvasṛj | m. Name of brahmā- | ||||||
viśvasṛj | m. of nārāyaṇa- | ||||||
viśvasṛṣṭi | f. creation of the universe | ||||||
viśvaśruṣṭi | (viśv/a--) mfn. compliant to all | ||||||
viśvasta | mfn. full of confidence, fearless, bold, unsuspecting etc. | ||||||
viśvasta | mfn. trusted, confided in, faithful | ||||||
viśvastā | f. a widow | ||||||
viśvastaghātaka | mfn. ruining the trustful ( ) | ||||||
viśvastaghātin | mfn. ruining the trustful () | ||||||
viśvastam | ind. confidingly, without fear or apprehension | ||||||
viśvastavañcaka | mfn. deceiving the trustful | ||||||
viśvastavat | ind. as if trustful | ||||||
viśvasthā | f. Asparagus Racemosus | ||||||
viśvasthā | f. a widow (wrong reading for viśvastā-) | ||||||
viśvasū | f. all-generating | ||||||
viśvaśuc | mfn. all-enlightening | ||||||
viśvaśuci | mfn. idem or 'mfn. all-enlightening ' | ||||||
viśvasūtradhṛk | m. "architect of the universe", Name of viṣṇu- | ||||||
viśvasuvid | mfn. granting everything well | ||||||
viśvasvāmin | m. Name of an author | ||||||
viśvatanu | mfn. whose body is the universe | ||||||
viśvataś | in compound for viśva-tas-. | ||||||
viśvatas | ind. from or on all sides, everywhere, all around, universally etc. (to bhayāt-,"from all danger") | ||||||
viśvatas | ind. equals ablative of viśva- n. the universe | ||||||
viśvataścakṣus | (śv/ataś--) mfn. one who has eyes on all sides | ||||||
viśvataspad | (śv/atas--;strong form -pād-) mfn. one who has feet on every side | ||||||
viśvataspāṇi | (śvā | ||||||
viśvataspṛtha | (śv/atas--) mfn. one who has his hands spread out everywhere | ||||||
viśvatha | () ( etc.) ind. in every way, at all times. | ||||||
viśvathā | ( etc.) ind. in every way, at all times. | ||||||
viśvato | in compound for viśva-tas-. | ||||||
viśvatobāhu | (śv/ato--) mfn. one who has arms on every side | ||||||
viśvatodāvan | mfn. granting from all sides | ||||||
viśvatodhī | (śv/ato--). mfn. heedful of all | ||||||
viśvatohasta | (śv/ato--) mfn. one who has hands on all sides | ||||||
viśvatomukha | mfn. (śv/ato--) facing all sides, one whose face is turned everywhere etc. | ||||||
viśvatomukha | m. Name of the sun | ||||||
viśvatomukham | ind. (am-) in every direction | ||||||
viśvatovīrya | (śv/ato--.) mfn. powerful or effective everywhere | ||||||
viśvatoya | mf(ā-)n. having water for all | ||||||
viśvatra | ind. everywhere, always | ||||||
viśvatraya | n. sg. the three worlds (viz. heaven, earth, and atmosphere;or heaven, earth, and the lower world) | ||||||
viśvatṛpta | mfn. satisfied with everything | ||||||
viśvatryarcas | m. one of the seven principal rays of the sun | ||||||
viśvatur | mfn. all-surpassing, all-subduing | ||||||
viśvaturāṣah | mfn. (Nominal verb ṣāṭ-) all-surpassing | ||||||
viśvatūrti | (viśv/a-) mfn. idem or 'mfn. (Nominal verb ṣāṭ-) all-surpassing ' | ||||||
viśvauhī | See viśva-vah-. | ||||||
viśvaujas | mfn. all-powerful | ||||||
viśvauṣadha | n. dry ginger | ||||||
viśvavāc | f. "all-speech", Name of mahāpuruṣa- | ||||||
viśvavada | m. (prob.) = the Visparad | ||||||
viśvavah | (in the strong cases -vāh-,in the weak cases viśvau | ||||||
viśvavājin | (doubtful, prob. dṛśya vā-is better reading). | ||||||
viśvavani | mfn. all-granting | ||||||
viśvavapari | mfn. equals vīsvasmiñ- jagati raśmīn āvaptā- vistārayitā- (Scholiast or Commentator) | ||||||
viśvavāra | mf(ā-)n. (viśv/a--.) containing all good things, bestowing all treasures etc. | ||||||
viśvavāra | mf(ā-)n. adored or cherished by all () | ||||||
viśvavārā | f. Name of the authoress of the hymn | ||||||
viśvavarman | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a prince, | ||||||
viśvavārya | (viśv/a--) mfn. containing all good things, bestowing all treasures etc. ("all-desired") . | ||||||
viśvavāsa | m. the receptacle of all things | ||||||
viśvavasu | m. "wealth of all", Name of a son of purū-ravas- (see viśv/ā-vasu-). | ||||||
viśvavat | (v/iśva--) mfn. containing the word v/iśva- | ||||||
viśvavayas | mfn. (viśv/a--.) | ||||||
viśvavayas | m. a N. See bamba-viś- and bambā-viś-. | ||||||
viśvaveda | m. Name of an author | ||||||
viśvavedas | mfn. (viśv/a--.) equals -vid- 1 | ||||||
viśvavedas | mfn. a sage, saint | ||||||
viśvavedas | mfn. (viśv/a--) equals -vid- 2 | ||||||
viśvavibhāvana | n. creation of the universe | ||||||
viśvavid | mfn. knowing everything, omniscient | ||||||
viśvavid | mfn. all-possessing | ||||||
viśvavidhāyin | m. "all-making, all-arranging", a creator, deity | ||||||
viśvavidvas | mfn. all-knowing | ||||||
viśvavijayin | mfn. all-conquering | ||||||
viśvavikhyāta | mfn. known in the whole world | ||||||
viśvavinna | mfn. See /a-viśva-v-. | ||||||
viśvavisārin | mfn. spreading everywhere | ||||||
viśvaviśruta | mfn. equals -vikhyāta- | ||||||
viśvavistā | f. Name of the 15th day of the light half of the month vaiśākha- | ||||||
viśvaviśva | mfn. (perhaps) constituting all things (said of viṣṇu-) | ||||||
viśvavṛkṣa | m. "tree of the universe", Name of viṣṇu-, | ||||||
viśvavṛtti | f. universal practice | ||||||
viśvavyacas | mfn. (viśv/a--) embracing or absorbing all things etc. | ||||||
viśvavyacas | f. Name of aditi- | ||||||
viśvavyāpaka | mfn. all-pervading, everywhere diffused | ||||||
viśvavyāpin | mfn. filling the universe, all-diffused | ||||||
viśvavyāpti | f. universal diffusion or permeation, W | ||||||
viśvayaśas | m. Name of a man | ||||||
viśvayoni | mf. the source or creator of the universe etc. | ||||||
viśvayoni | mf. Name of brahmā- | ||||||
viśvayoni | mf. of viṣṇu- | ||||||
viśvayu | m. air, wind | ||||||
abhijidviśvajitau | f. dual number the two soma- sacrifices called abhijit- and viśvajit- | ||||||
abhiviśvas | Caus. -śvāsayati-, to render confident | ||||||
anuviśva | m. plural Name of a people in the north-east | ||||||
ativiśva | m. "superior to all or to the universe", Name of a muni- | ||||||
ativiśvas | to confide or trust too much (generally with na- negative) | ||||||
aviśva | n. not the universe | ||||||
aviśvaminva | (/a-viśvam-inva-) mf(ā-)n. not all-embracing, not pervading everything | ||||||
aviśvasanīya | mfn. not to be trusted. | ||||||
aviśvasanīyatva | n. the not deserving confidence | ||||||
aviśvasat | mfn. not confiding | ||||||
aviśvasta | mfn. not trusted, suspected, doubted | ||||||
aviśvasta | mfn. equals a-viśvas/at- | ||||||
aviśvavinna | (/a-viśva--) mf(ā-)n. (varia lectio of /a-vitvam-inva-) not perceived everywhere | ||||||
bambaviśvavayas | () and bamb/ā-viśv/avayas- (; see gaRa vanaspaty-ādi- ) m. dual number Name of 2 men (also bambhār-viśvavayas- ) | ||||||
bhāvāviśvanāthadīkṣita | m. Name of a man | ||||||
dīrghaviśvavedasakaivalyadīpikā | f. Name of work | ||||||
lambāviśvavayasau | m. dual number wrong reading for bambā-v- gaRa vanas-paty-ādi-. | ||||||
pariviśvas | Caus. -śvāsayati-, to comfort, console | ||||||
pariviśvasta | mfn. feeling secure, confident | ||||||
prativiśva | mfn. plural one and all | ||||||
priyaviśva | mfn. | ||||||
rāmaviśvarūpastotra | n. Name of work | ||||||
ratnadīpaviśvaprakāśa | m. Name of work | ||||||
sarvatathāgataviśvakarmajñānamudrā | f. Name of particular positions of the fingers | ||||||
sarvaviśva | n. the whole world | ||||||
suviśvasta | mfn. very confiding, quite unconcerned or careless | ||||||
suviśvasta | mfn. very trusty, confidential |
viśva | विश्व pron. a. [विश्-व Uṇ.1.151] 1 All, whole, entire, universal; स सर्वनामा स च विश्वरूपः Bhāg.6.4.28. -2 Every, every one. -3 All-pervading, omnipresent. -m. pl. N. of a particular group of deities, ten in number and supposed to be sons of विश्वा; their names are:- वसुः सत्यः क्रतुर्दक्षः कालः कामो धृतिः कुरुः । पुरूरवा माद्रवश्च विश्वेदेवाः प्रकीर्तिताः ॥ देवाः साध्यास्तथा विश्वे तथैव च महर्षयः Mb. 3.261.6; Bg.11.22. -श्वम् 1 The universe, the (whole) world; इदं विश्वं पाल्यम् U.3.3; विश्वस्मिन्नधुनान्यः कुलव्रतं पाल- यिष्यति कः Bv.1.13. -2 Dry ginger. -3 N. of Viṣṇu. -श्वः 1 The soul; Bhāg.7.15.54; A. Rām.7.5.49. 5; the intellectual faculty. -2 A citizen (नागर). -श्वा 1 The earth. -2 Asparagus Racemosus (Mar. शतावरी). -3 Dry ginger. -4 The plant अतिविषा. -Comp. -आत्मन् m. 1 the Supreme Being (soul of the universe). -2 an epithet of Brahman. -3 of Śiva; अथ विश्वात्मने गौरी संदिदेश मिथः सखीम् Ku.6.1. -4 of Viṣṇu. -5 of the sun. -आत्मना ind. thoroughly; विश्वात्मना यत्र निवर्तते भीः Bhāg.11.2.33. -आधारः support of the universe; विश्वाधारं गगनसदृशं मेघवर्णं शुभाङ्गम् Viṣṇustotra. -इन्वः (विश्वमिन्वः) All-moving (an epithet of Śiva). -ईशः, -ईश्वरः (also विश्वमीश्वरः as one word used in the Mbh. and Kūrmapurāṇa ch.26.) 1 the Supreme Being, lord of the universe. -2 an epithet of Śiva. -औषधम् dry ginger. -कद्रु a. wicked, low, vile. (-द्रुः) 1 a hound, dog trained for the chase. -2 sound. -कर्मन् m. 1 N. of the architect of gods; cf. त्वष्टृ. -2 an epithet of the sun. -3 one of the seven principal rays of the sun. -4 a great saint. -5 the Supreme Being. ˚जा, ˚सुता an epithet of संज्ञा, one of the wives of the sun. -कारुः the architect of the universe (विश्वकर्मा). -कार्यः one of the rays of the sun. -कृत् m. 1 the creator of all beings; निवेदितो$थाङ्गिरसा सोमं निर्भर्त्स्य विश्व- कृत् Bhāg.9.14.8. -2 an epithet of Viśvakarman. -केतुः an epithet of Aniruddha. -गः N. of Brahman. -गत a. Omnipresent. -गन्धः an onion. (-न्धम्) myrrh. -गन्धा the earth. -गोचर a. accessible to all men. -गोप्तृ m. 1 N. of Viṣṇu. -2 Indra. -ग्रन्थिः the plant called हंसपदी. -चक्रम् a kind of valuable gift (महादान) of pure gold. -चर्षणि a. Ved. all-pervading, worldwide, extending everywhere. -जनम् mankind. -जनीन, -जन्य, -जनीय a. good for all men, suitable to all mankind, beneficial to all men; विश्वजन्यमिमं पुण्यमुपन्यासं निबोधत Ms.9.31; Śi.1.41; को वा विश्वजनीनेषु कर्मसु प्राघटि- ष्यत Bk.21.17. -जित् m. 1 N. of a particular sacrifice; Ms.11.74; तमध्वरे विश्वजिति क्षितीशं निःशेषविश्राणितकोश- जातम् R.5.1. -2 the noose of Varuṇa. -3 N. of Viṣṇu. ˚न्यायः the rule according to which an action for which no fruit is enjoined directly should be considered as having स्वर्ग as its फल. This is established in connection with the विश्वजित् sacrifice by Jaimini and Śabara in MS.4.3.15-16. -जीवः the universal soul. -देव see under विश्व m. above. -दैवम्, -दैवतम् the asterism उत्तराषाढा. -धारिणी the earth. -धारिन् m. a deity. -धेना Ved. the earth. -नाथः lord of the universe, an epithet of Śiva. -पा m. 1 the protector of all. -2 the sun. -3 the moon. -4 fire. -पावनी, -पूजिता holy basil. -प्सन् m. 1 a god. -2 the sun. -3 the moon. -4 an epithet of Agni. -5 N. of Viśvakarman. बीजम् the seed of everything. -बोधः a Buddha. -भावनः N. of Viṣṇu. -भुज a. all-enjoying, all-eating; (-m.) an epithet of Indra. -भेषजम् dry ginger. (-जः) a universal remedy. -भोजस् a. all-pervading; Ṛv. -मूर्ति a. existing in all forms, all-pervading, omnipresent; कल्याणानां त्वमसि महसां भाजनं विश्वमूर्ते Māl.1.3; (-र्तिः) 1 the Supreme Being. -2 N. of Śiva. -योनिः 1 an epithet of Brahman. -2 of Viṣṇu. -राज् m., -राजः a universal sovereign. -रुची one of the seven tongues of fire. -रूप a. omnipresent, existing everywhere; तस्मिन् यशो निहितं विश्वरूपम् Bṛi. Up.2.2.2. (-पः) an epithet of Viṣṇu. (-पम्) agallochum. -रेतस् m. 1 an epithet of Brahman. -2 of Viṣṇu. -वासः the receptacle of all things. -वाह् a. (-विश्वौही f.) all-sustaining. -विभावनम् creation of the universe. -वेदस् a. 1 allknowing, omniscient; स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः Āśīrvādamantra. -2 a saint, sage. -व्यचस् f. N. of Aditi. -व्यापक, -व्यापिन् a. all-pervading. -संवननम् means of bewitching all. -संहारः general destruction. -सत्तम a. the best of all. -सहा 1 the earth. -2 one of the tongues of fire. -सारकम् the prickly pear. -सृज् m. 1 an epithet of Brahman, the creator; उपहूता विश्वसृग्भि- र्हरिगाथोपगायने Bhāg.7.15.71-72; प्रायेण सामग्र्यविधौ गुणानां पराङ्मुखी विश्वसृजः प्रवृत्तिः Ku.3.28;1.49. -2 an epithet of मयासुर; नाना विभान्ति किल विश्वसृजोपक्लृप्ताः Bhāg.1.75.32. |
viśvadānīm | विश्वदानीम् ind. Ved. At all times. |
viśvaha | विश्वह ind. At all times. -हा ind. Everywhere. |
viśvaka | विश्वक a. All-pervading, all-containing. |
viśvakā | विश्वका The Gangetic kite; L. D. B. |
viśvaṃbhara | विश्वंभर a. All-sustaining. -रः 1 The all-pervading being, the Supreme Spirit. -2 An epithet of Viṣṇu. -3 Of Indra. -4 Fire; विश्वंभरो वा विश्वंभरकुलाये तं न पश्यति Bṛi. Up.1.4.7. -रा The earth; विश्वंभरा भगवती भवतीमसूत U. 1.9; विश्वंभराप्यतिलघुर्नरनाथ तवान्तिके नियतम् K.P.1; ˚अधीश्वरः, ˚भुज् a king. -Comp. -कुलायः a fire-receptacle; Bṛi. Up.1.4.7. |
viśvaṃkaraḥ | विश्वंकरः The eye (n. according to some.) |
viśvas | विश्वस् 2 P. 1 To confide in, trust, rely on, place confidence in (usually with loc.); पुंसि विश्वसिति कुत्र कुमारी N.5.11; न जानामि केनापि कारणेनापहस्तितसकलसखीजनं त्वयि विश्वसिति मे हृदयम् K.233; Ku.5.15; (sometimes with gen. also). -2 To rest secure, be fearless or confident; विशश्वसे पक्षिगणैः समन्तात् Bk.2.25. -Caus. To cause to believe, inspire confidence in; ऋते क्रौर्यात् समायातो मां विश्वासयितुं नु किम् Bk.8.15; Pt.1.192. |
viśvasanīya | विश्वसनीय pot. p. 1 To be relied upon, trustworthy, reliable. -2 Capable of inspiring confidence; अहो दीप्ति- मतो$पि विश्वसनीयतास्य वपुषः Ś.2; M.3.2. |
viśvasita | विश्वसित p. p. 1 Full of confidence, fearless. -2 Trusted. |
viśvasta | विश्वस्त p. p. 1 Believed in, trusted, relied on. -2 Confiding, relying on. -3 Fearless, confident. -4 Trustworthy, reliable. -स्ता A widow; सुचिरं सह सर्वसात्वतैर्भव विश्वस्तविलासिनीजनः Śi.16.14 [here sense (3) also is intended]. |
viśvatas | विश्वतस् ind. On all sides, all round, everywhere; धारासारानपि विकिरता विश्वतो वारिदेन Bv.1.3. -Comp. -मुख a. having a face on every side; एकत्वेन पृथक्त्वेन बहुधा विश्वतोमुखम् Bg. 9.15. |
viśvathā | विश्वथा ind. Everywhere. |
viśvayuḥ | विश्वयुः Air, wind. |
anuviśvaḥ | अनुविश्वः (pl.) N. of a people in the north-east. Bṛi. S. |
viśva | víśva, prn. a. all, i. 35, 3. 5; 85, 3. 8; 154, 2. 4; ii. 12, 4. 7. 9; 33, 3. 10; 35, 2. 15; iii. 59, 8; iv. 50, 7; v. 83, 2. 4. [249] 9; vii. 61, 1. 5. 7; 63, 1. 6; x. 15, 6; 90, 3; 127, 1; 168, 2. |
viśvadānīm | viśva-dá̄nīm, adv. always, iv. 50, 8. |
viśvadeva | viśvá-deva, a. [Bv.] belonging to all the gods, iv. 50, 6. |
viśvaha | viśvá-ha, adv. always, ii. 12, 15; viii. 48, 14; -hā, id., i. 160, 5; for ever, ii. 35, 14. |
viśvapsnya | viśvá-psnya, a. laden with all food, vii. 71, 4 [psnya from psā eat]. |
viśvarūpa | viśvá-rūpa, a. (Bv.) omniform, i. 35, 4; ii. 33, 10; v. 83, 5. |
viśvaśambhū | viśvá-śambhū, a. beneficial to all, i. 160, 1. 4 [śám prosperity + bhū being for, conducing to]. |
viśvatas | viśvá-tas, adv on every side, i. 1, 4; viii. 48, 15; x. 90, 1; in all directions, x. 135, 3. |
viśva | a. [pervading: √ vis] every, all, whole, entire (in Br. and later supplanted by sarva); all-pervading or all-containing (Vishnu, soul, intellect); m. every one; intellect conditioned by the individual (in Vedânta); N. of a king: vísve dev&asharp;h, all the gods; All-gods (as a class); n. the All, universe, world. |
viśvaha | ad. always (V.). |
viśvaka | m. N. of a protégé of the Asvins; -kartri, m. creator of the universe; -karman, n. every action (only °ree;--); (á) karman, a. accomplishing or creating every thing (V., E.); N. of the architect of the universe, resembling Pragâpati and often not distinguished from him; in C. he is the architect and artificer of the gods, also called Pragâpati, and with the pat. Bhauvana, father of Barhishmatî and Samgñâ; ep. of the sun (rare); -krít, a. creating everything; m. creator of the universe; the architect and artificer of the gods, Visvakarman; (á)-krish- ti, a. dwelling among all men, universally known (RV.); -kshaya, m. destruction of the world; -gata, pp. omnipresent; -guru, m. father of the universe; (á)-kakshas, a. all-seeing (RV.); (á)-karshani, a. = -krishti (RV.); -ganá, m. mankind; -gan&isharp;na, a. containing all kinds of people (V.); ruling all people (V.); benefiting the whole world (V., C.); (á)-ganya, a. containing all men (heaven and earth: V.); universal, dear to all men (V.); universally beneficial (discussion); -gít, a. all-subduing (V., P.); m. N. of an Ekâha in the Gavâmayana rite, the fourth day after the Vishuvat (Br., S., C.); -gîva, m. universal soul; -g&usharp;, a. all-impelling (RV.1); (á)-tas, ad. from or on all sides, everywhere; (á)-to-mukha, a. having a face on every side, facing in all directions; (á) tra, ad. everywhere; always; (á)-thâ, ad. in every way, always (V.); -datta, m. N. of a Brâhman; (á)-darsata, a. visible to all (RV.); -d&asharp;nîm, ad. always (V.); (á)-deva, a. all-divine;m. pl. the All-gods, the Visve devâs; (á)-devya, a. relating, dear etc. to all gods (RV.); (á)-devyâ-vat, a. id.; accompanied by the Visve devâs (Indra); (á)-dh&abrevcirc;, ad. in every way, always (RV.); -dhar ana, n.preservation of the universe; (á) dhâyas, a. all-supporting (RV.); -dhâ-vîrya, a. effective in every way (AV.); (á)-dhena, a. all-feeding (RV.); -nâtha, m. lord of the universe, ep. of Siva; N.; -m-tara, a. all-subduing(Buddha); m. N. of a king with the pat. Saushadmana; -pâvana, a. all-purifying; -pís, a. all-adorned (RV.); -prakâsa, m. All-enlightener, T. of a dictionary; (á) psnya, a. all-nourishing (V.); -bhug, a. all-consuming; (á)-bheshaga, a. (î) all-healing (V.); n. dry ginger (C.); (á)-bhogas, a. all-supporting; -maya, a. containing the uni verse; -maha, m. a kind of personification; -mahesvara, m. great lord of all (Siva); -minvá, a. (RV.) all-moving; all-containing; -mûrti, a. whose body is the universe or having all forms; -m-bhará, a. all-supporting; m. ep. of Vishnu: â, f. earth: -bhug, m. king; -yoni, m. f. source or creator of the universe; -ruki, m. N. of a Dânava; -rûpa, n. sg. all kinds of shapes; (á)-rûpa, a. (â, &isharp;) many-coloured, variegated (V.); wearing all forms, manifold, various; N. of a son of Tvashtri, whose three heads were struck off by Indra; â, f.dappled cow (V.); N. of certain verses (Br.); (á-)vâra, a. containing, bestowing etc. all treasures (V.); -vikhyâta, pp. known in the whole world; -víd, a. all-knowing; -visruta, pp. known in the whole world; (á)-vedas, a.all-knowing; (á)-sam bhû, a. beneficial to all; -súk, a. all-enlightening (RV.1); (á)-skandra, a. all-glittering (RV.); -samvanana, n. means of enchanting all; -samhâra, m. general destruction; -sakha, m. universal friend. |
viśvasaha | m. N.; -sâkshin, a. all-seeing; -sríg, a. (nm. k) all-creating; m. Creator of the universe; ep. of Nârâyana; -srishti, f. creation of the universe; (á) saubhaga, a. bringing all prosperity (RV.). |
viśvasanīya | fp. to be trusted, deserving confidence; n. imps. one should place confidence in (lc.): -tâ, f., -tva, n. in spiring of confidence. |
viśvasta | pp. √ svas: â, f. widow; (a)-ghâtaka, (a)-ghâtin, a. ruining the trustful; (a)-vañkaka, a. cheating the trustful. |
viśvaujas | a. all-powerful (V.). |
aviśvasat | pr. pt. distrustful; -anîya, fp. not to be trusted: -tâ, f., -tva, n. abst. n.; -ta, pp. distrustful. |
viśvaka | In the Rigveda called Kṛṣṇiya (possibly ‘son of Kṛṣṇa ’) is a protege of the Aśvins, who restored to him his lost son, Viṣṇāpu. See 2. Kṛṣṇa. |
viśvakarman bhauvana | (‘Descendant of Bhuvana’) is the name of a quite mythical king. He is said in the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa to have been consecrated by Kaśyapa, to whom he offered the earth (i.e., presumably a piece of land) as a sacrificial fee; in the śatapatha Brāhmaṇa he performed the Sarvamedha (‘universal sacrifice’), and made a similar offer; in both cases the earth refused to be given. The story seems to contain a reference to the early dislike of gifts of land, but it cannot be stated with certainty that this is the meaning. |
viśvamanas | Is the name of a Rṣi mentioned in two passages of the Rigveda, and as a friend of Indra in the Pañcaviipśa Brāhmana. According to the Anukramaṇl (Index), he was a descendant of Vyaśva, and the author of certain hymns. |
viśvamānuṣa | In one passage of the Rigveda may be a proper name, but more probably merely means ‘all mankind.’ |
viśvantara sauṣadmana | (‘Descendant of Suṣadman’) is the name in the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa of a prince who set aside the śyāparṇas, his priests, and performed a sacrifice without their help, presumably with the aid of others. Rāma Mārgaveya, one of the śyāparṇas, however, succeeded in inducing the king to reinstate the śyāparṇas, and to give him a thousand cows. |
viśvasṛj | Is the name of certain mythical beings to whom, however, a Sattra, or sacrificial session, is ascribed in the Pañcavimśa Brāhmaṇa. |
viśvavāra | Occurs in one passage of the Rigveda apparently as the name of a sacrificer. |
bambāviśvavayasau | Are the names, in the form of a compound, of two Rṣis who, according to the Yajurveda Samhitās, invented a certain rite. |
ā | viśvataḥ pāñcajanyena rāyā RV.7.72.5c; 73.5c. |
ā | viśvataḥ pratyañcaṃ jigharmi RV.2.10.5a; VS.11.24a; MS.2.7.2a: 76.5; śB. P: ā viśvataḥ pratyañcam Mś. See ā tvā jigharmi, and jigharmy agniṃ. |
ā | viśvato abhi sam etv arvāṅ RV.6.19.9c; MS.4.11.4c: 170.12; KS.9.19c; TB.; 8.5.8c. |
ā | viśvadevaṃ satpatim RV.5.82.7a; TS.; MS.4.12.6a: 196.14; AB.1.9.7; 4.32.2; 5.5.6; 19.8; KB.20.3; śB.; Aś.2.16.11; 4.3.2; 11.6; 7.6.6. P: ā viśvadevam śś.9.26.3; 10.3.13; 16.1.21. |
ā | viśvarūpo amṛtāni tasthau RV.4.38.4d; AVś.4.8.3d; AVP.4.2.3d; VS.33.22d; KS.37.9d; TB. |
ā | viśvavārāśvinā gataṃ naḥ RV.7.70.1a; AB.5.20.8; KB.26.15; Aś.8.11.1. P: ā viśvavārā śś.10.11.5. |
ā | viśvācī vidathyām anaktu RV.7.43.3c. |
ā | viśvāny amṛtā saubhagāni RV.5.42.18d; 43.17d; 76.5d; 77.5d. |
ābhārṣaṃ | viśvabheṣajīm AVś.6.52.3c. |
abhi | viśvā asi spṛdhaḥ RV.8.99.5b; AVś.20.105.1b; SV.1.311b; 2.987b; VS.33.66b. |
abhi | viśvāni kāvyā RV.9.23.1c; 62.25c; 63.25c; 66.1b; 107.23b; SV.2.125c,1049c; JB.1.91; 3.20. |
abhi | viśvāni vāryā RV.9.42.5a; 66.4b; SV.1.521b. |
abhi | viśvā pārthivā pūyamānaḥ RV.9.97.51b; SV.2.778b. |
abhi | viśvāni bhuvanāni caṣṭe RV.1.108.1b. Cf. abhi yo viśvā bhuvanāni. |
abhijitaṃ | viśvajitaṃ vā yajñakratuṃ kurutāt Apś.14.20.1. |
ābhir | viśvā abhiyujo viṣūcīḥ RV.6.25.2c; MS.4.14.12c: 235.4; TB. |
abhīṣāḍ | viśvāṣāḍ agniḥ AVś.13.1.28c. |
abhivahantī | viśvavārā vyavāṭ MS.2.13.10d: 161.4. |
adbhir | viśvasya bhartrībhiḥ ApMB.2.19.2c. See adbhiḥ sarvasya. |
adhā | viśvaṃ śatrūyantaṃ jaghāna RV.7.20.3d. |
adhā | viśvāsu havyaḥ RV.5.17.4c. |
adhā | viśvāhārapa edhate gṛhe VS.8.5d. See atha viśve. |
adhi | viśvāny aruhad gabhīrā AVś.19.49.2a. See ava viśvāny. |
adhvasmabhir | viśvahā dīdivāṃsam RV.2.35.14b. |
ādityo | viśvā bhuvanāni sarvā MS.4.14.14b: 239.11. |
adṛṣṭā | viśvadṛṣṭāḥ RV.1.191.5c,6c. |
āganma | viśvavedasam VS.3.38a; śB. P: āganma Kś.4.12.18. See aganma etc. |
aganma | viśvavedasam Aś.2.5.12a. See āganma etc. |
agne | viśvataḥ pratyaṅṅ asi tvam RV.10.79.5d. |
agne | viśvaṃbhara viśvato mā pāhi svāhā AVP.2.43.5. Cf. agne vaiśvānara viśvair, and viśvaṃbhara viśvena. |
agne | viśvāni duritā tarema RV.6.15.15d. Cf. ati viśvāni etc. |
agne | viśvāni dhanyā dadhānāḥ RV.3.1.16b. |
agne | viśvāni vāryā RV.3.11.9a. |
agne | viśvāny arya ā RV.10.191.1b; AVś.6.63.4b; VS.15.30b; TS.;; MS.2.13.7b: 156.8; KS.2.15b. |
agne | viśvābhir ūtibhiḥ AVP.2.37.1d; MS.4.10.5b: 154.2; śś.3.15.4b. |
agner | viśvāḥ samidho devayānīḥ RV.10.51.2d. |
agniṃ | viśvamano girā RV.8.23.2b. |
agniṃ | viśvā abhi pṛkṣaḥ sacante RV.1.71.7a. |
agniṃ | viśvāyuvepasam RV.8.43.25a. |
agninā | viśvāṣāṭ TS.; Apś.17.6.2. See agninartaṣāṭ. |
agnir | viśvaṃ virājati KS.39.15d. |
agnir | viśvasya rājati KS.39.15c. |
agnir | viśvasya haviṣaḥ kṛtasya RV.7.11.4b. |
agnir | viśvād vasumān svastaye AVP.2.85.2d. |
agnir | viśvāni kāvyāni vidvān RV.3.1.18d. Cf. mandro viśvāni. |
agnir | viśvāny apa duṣkṛtāni RV.10.164.3c; AVś.6.45.2c. |
ahā | viśvā ca vardhanam RV.8.1.3d; AVś.20.85.3d. |
ahā | viśvā nṛcakṣasaḥ RV.8.43.30b. |
ahā | viśvā sumanā dīdihī naḥ RV.3.54.22d; KS.13.15d. |
ahaṃ | viśvaṃ bhuvanam abhyabhavam TA.9.10.6e; TU.3.10.6e; NṛpU.2.4e. |
ahaṃ | viśvasya bhuvanasya rājā MS.1.3.26b: 39.9. Cf. under asya etc. |
ahaṃ | viśvā oṣadhīḥ sapta sindhūn KS.40.9b. |
ahāni | viśvā tatananta kṛṣṭayaḥ RV.1.52.11b. |
ahāni | viśvā maruto jigīṣā RV.1.171.3d. |
aiṣu | viśvapeśasaṃ dhiyaṃ dhāḥ RV.1.61.16c; AVś.20.35.16c. |
ame | viśvā adhithā indra kṛṣṭīḥ RV.4.17.7b. |
amūrā | viśvā vṛṣaṇāv imā vām RV.7.61.5a. |
anaḍvān | viśvaṃ bhuvanam ā viveśa AVś.4.11.1d. See anaḍvān idaṃ viśvaṃ etc. |
anena | viśvā sasahe (AVP. sāsahai) AVś.1.16.3c; AVP.1.10.2c. |
antar | viśvam idaṃ jagat TB. |
antar | viśvāni bheṣajā RV.1.23.20b; 10.9.6b; AVś.1.6.2b; AVP.1.1.3b; MS.4.10.4b: 153.7; KS.2.14b; TB.; Apś.8.8.7b. |
antar | viśvāni vidmanā jigāti RV.7.4.1d; MS.4.14.3d: 218.5; KS.7.16d; TB. |
antar | viśvāsu mānuṣīṣu dikṣu AVś.5.11.8d,9b. |
antarikṣaṃ | viśvarūpa āviveśa TB. |
apa | viśvā duritā bādhamānaḥ RV.1.35.3d. |
apāṃsi | viśvā naryāṇi vidvān RV.7.21.4b. |
āpo | viśvataḥ (vḷ. vidyutaḥ) paripāntu sarvataḥ AG.1.2.11d (crit. notes). See āpo vidyutaḥ. |
āpo | viśvasya bheṣajīḥ AVś.3.7.5c; 6.91.3c; AVP.3.2.7c; 5.18.9c. See under āpaś ca viśvabheṣajīḥ. |
āpo | viśvasya sūdanīḥ AVP.6.3.9c. |
arātiṃ | viśvā bhūtāni AVP.5.26.5c. |
arcā | viśvānarāya viśvābhuve RV.10.50.1b; VS.33.23b; N.11.9b. |
ardhena | viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ jajāna AVś.10.8.7c,13c; 11.4.22c. |
āre | viśvaṃ patheṣṭhām RV.5.50.3c. |
āre | viśvāṃ durmatiṃ yan nipāsi RV.4.11.6b. |
ariṣṭā | viśvāny aṅgāni TS.; Tā.10.72; Mś. P: ariṣṭā viśvāni Apś.3.20.3. See under ariṣṭāni me sarvāṅgāni. |
ariṣṭo | viśvabheṣajaḥ PB.1.7.7b. Cf. mā duḥkhe, and mā durge. |
aśastithā | viśvamanās turāṣāṭ RV.10.55.8b. |
āsavaṃ | viśvadevyam VS.22.14b. |
āsīdad | viśvā bhuvanāni samrāṭ RV.8.42.1c; VS.4.30c; TS.; MS.1.2.6c: 15.8; 3.7.8c: 86.10; KS.2.6c; śB. |
asmabhyaṃ | viśvaścandrāḥ RV.8.81.9b. |
asmabhyaṃ | viśvā iṣaṇaḥ puraṃdhīḥ RV.4.22.10c. |
asmān | viśvā abhiṣṭayaḥ RV.4.31.10c. |
asmān | viśvābhir ūtibhiḥ RV.4.31.12c. |
asme | viśvāni draviṇāni dhehi RV.5.4.7d. |
asthād | viśvam idaṃ jagat AVś.6.44.1b; 77.1b; AVP.3.40.6b; 9.10.11b. |
astṛtā | viśvakarmaṇā (TS. -ṇā sukṛtā; MS. -ṇā sudhṛtā) VS.13.16; TS.; MS.2.7.15: 98.4; KS.16.16; śB. |
asya | viśvasya bhuvanasya rājā RV.10.168.2d. Cf. ahaṃ etc., eko etc., tena etc., patir viśvasya, mūrdhnā etc., and somo etc. |
athedaṃ | viśvaṃ pavamāne te vaśe RV.9.86.28c. |
athedaṃ | viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ bhayāte RV.10.27.22c. |
athemā | viśvāḥ pṛtanā jayāsi (RV.10.52.5d, jayāti) RV.8.96.7d; 10.52.5d; SV.1.324d; AB.3.20.1d; TB. |
ati | viśvaṃ vavakṣitha RV.1.81.5e; SV.1.312d. See anu svadhāṃ vavakṣitha. |
ati | viśvasya duritasya pāram AVś.3.11.3d; AVP.1.62.3d. See indro neṣad, and indro viśvasya etc. |
ati | viśvāḥ pariṣṭhāḥ RV.10.97.10a; AVP.11.7.1a; VS.12.84a; TS.; MS.2.7.13a: 94.3; 4.14.6: 224.4; KS.16.13a; TB. P: ati viśvāḥ śś.9.28.7. |
ati | viśvā duritā pāriṣad dharī RV.10.96.8d; AVś.20.31.3d. |
ati | viśvāni duritā see next but three. |
ati | viśvāni duritā tarema PB.5.8.6; 14.5.18. See e āti viśvāni, and cf. agne viśvāni etc., and for this and the next four under atikrāmanto duritāni. |
ati | viśvāni duritāni parṣan RV.4.39.1d. |
ati | viśvāni duritā pipartana RV.8.18.17c. |
ati | viśvāni duritā rājānaḥ (AVP. puts rājānaḥ with the following pāda) RV.10.126.6c; AVP.5.39.6c. |
ati | viśvāni duritā svastaye RV.10.63.13d. |
atīdaṃ | viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ vavakṣitha RV.1.102.8c. |
ato | viśvavyacā abhūḥ Aś.3.6.24b. |
ato | viśvā abhi saṃ yāti saṃyataḥ RV.9.86.15d. |
ato | viśvāny adbhutā RV.1.25.11a. |
ava | viśvāny aruhad gabhīrā AVP.14.8.2a. See adhi viśvāny. |
āvir | viśvāni kṛṇute mahitvā RV.5.2.9b; AVś.8.3.24b; TS.; KS.2.15b; JB.3.96b. |
āvir | viśvāni vṛṣabho roravīti TA.6.3.1b. See ā rodasī vṛṣabho. |
ayaṃ | viśvā abhi śriyaḥ RV.8.102.9a; SV.2.298a. |
ayaṃ | viśvāni tiṣṭhati RV.9.54.3a; SV.2.107a. |
āyur | viśvāyuḥ pari pāsati (AVś. pātu) tvā RV.10.17.4a; AVś.18.2.55a; TA.6.1.2a. P: āyur viśvāyuḥ ṣB.5.1; AdB.1. |
āyur | viśvāyur viśvaṃ viśvam āyur aśīmahi JB.3.258. Cf. next. |
āyur | viśvāyur viśvam āyur vyaśnavai KA.1.73c; 2.73. Cf. prec. |
āyuṣmān | viśvataḥ pratyaṅ KS.36.15c; TB. |
bādhante | viśvam abhimātinam apa RV.1.85.3c. |
bhavā | viśvāyur dharuṇo rayīṇām RV.1.73.4d. |
bhayante | viśvā bhuvanāni harmyā RV.1.166.4c. |
bhayante | viśvā bhuvanā marudbhyaḥ RV.1.85.8c. |
bhayante | viśvā bhuvanā yad abhrāṭ RV.4.6.5d. |
bhindhi | viśvā apa dviṣaḥ RV.8.45.40a; AVś.20.43.1a; SV.1.134a; 2.420a; JB.3.141a; PB.13.8.4; Aś.7.2.3; Vait.27.20. P: bhindhi viśvāḥ śś.12.1.4. |
bhiṣakti | viśvaṃ yat turam RV.8.79.2b. |
bhrājanto | viśvavedasaḥ AVś.19.27.6c; AVP.10.7.6c. |
bhuvad | viśvam abhy ādevam ojasā RV.2.22.4f. See bhuvo viśvam. |
bhuvo | viśvam abhy adevam ojasā SV.1.466f. See bhuvad viśvam. |
bhuvo | viśvasya gopatiḥ puruṣṭuta RV.8.62.7c. |
brahma | viśvam idaṃ jagat TB. |
brahma | viśvasṛjo daśa AVś.11.7.4b. |
brahmaudanaṃ | viśvajitaṃ pacāmi AVś.4.35.7c. |
bṛhadrayiṃ | viśvavāraṃ rathaprām RV.6.49.4b; VS.33.55b; MS.4.10.6b: 158.2; TB. |
bṛhaspatiṃ | viśvān devāṃ ahaṃ huve RV.8.10.2c. Cf. bṛhaspatiṃ vaḥ pra-. |
bṛhaspatir | viśvakarmendro gandharvaḥ MS.2.12.2: 145.7. P: bṛhaspatir viśvakarmā Mś. |
bṛhaspatir | viśvarūpam upājata RV.1.161.6b. |
bṛhaspatir | viśvavāro yo asti RV.7.97.4b; KS.17.18b. |
cakāra | viśvam ātmanvat AVś.13.1.52d. |
cakriṃ | viśvāni cakraye RV.1.9.2c; AVś.20.71.8c. |
chāyeva | viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ sisakṣi RV.1.73.8c. |
citrāmaghā | viśvam anu prabhūtā RV.7.77.3d. |
dadāti | viśvacarṣaṇiḥ RV.5.6.3b; SV.2.1088b; KS.39.13b; TB.; Apś.16.35.5b. |
dadhīta | viśvavāryaḥ RV.8.19.11b. |
dakṣo | viśvāyur vedhase RV.10.144.1c. |
dāmānaṃ | viśvacarṣaṇe RV.8.23.2a. |
datre | viśvā adhithā indra kṛṣṭīḥ RV.4.17.6d. |
devā | viśvasya bhuvanasya gopāḥ RV.2.27.4b; TS.; MS.4.12.1b: 177.9; KS.11.12b. |
devāso | viśvadhāyasaḥ AVś.3.22.2c; AVP.3.18.2c. |
dharmo | viśvasya jagataḥ pratiṣṭhā TA.10.63.1a; MahānU.22.1a. |
dhātā | viśvā vāryā dadhātu AVś.7.17.3a. See dhātā dadātu dāśuṣe vasūni. |
dhātedaṃ | viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ jajāna TS.; KA.1.198.8b,26b; Aś.6.14.16b; śś.9.28.3b; śG.1.22.7b; ApMB.2.11.2b. |
dhatta | viśvaṃ tanayaṃ tokam asme RV.7.56.20d. |
dhībhir | viśvābhiḥ śacyā gṛṇānāḥ RV.10.104.3d; AVś.20.25.7d; 33.2d. |
dhiyo | viśvā vi rājati RV.1.3.12c; VS.20.86c; N.11.27c. |
dhruvaṃ | viśvam idaṃ jagat RV.10.173.4c; AVś.6.88.1b; KS.35.7b; TB.; Apś.14.27.7b; SMB.1.3.7b. |
dīdetha | viśvadarśataḥ RV.1.44.10b. |
diśo | viśvā anu prabhuḥ SV.2.517b. See viśo etc. |
divo | viśvasmāt sīm aghāyata uruṣyaḥ TA.6.2.1c: divo is metrically superfluous. See viśvasmāt sīm aghā-. |
divo | viśvāni rocanā RV.8.5.8b. |
dṛśe | viśvāya sūryam (JG. adds svāhā) RV.1.50.1c; AVś.13.2.16c; 20.47.13c; SV.1.31c; VS.7.41c; 8.41c; 33.31c; TS.; 4.43.1c; KS.4.9c; 30.5c; MS.1.3.37c: 43.7; śB.; 6.2.2c; KA.1.198.1c,19c; JG.1.4c; N.12.15c. |
ehi | viśvacarṣaṇe śaṃbhūr mayobhūḥ TS. |
ekeṣāṃ | viśvataḥ prāñcam RV.10.135.3c. |
eko | viśvasya bhuvanasya rājā RV.3.46.2c; 6.36.4d. Cf. under asya etc. |
enā | viśvasya bhuvanasya gopāḥ AVś.9.9.22c. See ino viśvasya. |
enā | viśvāny arya ā RV.9.61.11a; SV.2.24a; ArS.1.8a; VS.26.18a; JB.1.119; 3.40,283a. |
eṣa | viśvavit pavate manīṣī RV.9.97.56a. |
eṣa | viśvāni vāryā RV.9.3.4a; SV.2.608a. |
eṣa | viśvāny abhy astu bhūma RV.2.4.2c. |
eṣa | viśvāny abhy astu saubhagā RV.8.1.32c. |
etā | viśvā cakṛvāṃ indra bhūri RV.5.29.14a. |
etā | viśvā viduṣe tubhyaṃ vedhaḥ RV.4.3.16a. |
etā | viśvā savanā tūtumā kṛṣe RV.10.50.6a; N.5.25. |
ete | viśvāni vāryā RV.9.21.4a. |
gandharvasya | viśvāvasor mukham asi śG.1.19.2. |
garbhā | viśvasya bhūtasya śB. So the text for garbho etc., q.v. |
garbho | viśvasya bhūtasya AVś.5.25.7c; 6.95.3c; AVP.12.3.6c; VS.12.37c; TS.; MS.2.7.10c: 88.9; KS.16.10c; śB.; (text, erroneously, garbhā). |
ghaneva | viṣvag duritāni vighnan RV.9.97.16c. |
ghaneva | viṣvag vi jahy arāvṇaḥ RV.1.36.16a. |
ghnanto | viśvā apa dviṣaḥ RV.9.63.26c; SV.2.1051c. |
girāṃ | viśvāyur vṛṣabho vayodhāḥ RV.3.31.18b. |
gnābhir | viśvābhir aditim anarvaṇam RV.10.92.14c. |
graha | viśvajanīna niyantar viprāyāma te (KS. nyantar vipra ā satī) MS.1.11.4: 165.13; KS.14.3. Cf. next, and ye grahāḥ. |
guhāyāṃ | viśvamūrtiṣu (PrāṇāgUḷVyāsaDh. viśvatomukhaḥ) TA.10.31.1b; Tā.10.68b; MahānU.15.6b; PrāṇāgU.1b; LVyāsaDh.2.17b; śaṅkhaDh.9.16b. |
imā | viśvā etc. see imā ca viśvā etc. |
indo | viśvā apa sridhaḥ RV.9.63.28b. |
indo | viśvāṃ abhīd asi RV.9.59.4c. |
indo | viśvāni vāryā RV.9.63.30c. |
indo | viśvābhir matibhiḥ pariṣkṛtam RV.9.86.24d. |
indo | viśvāyum ā bhara RV.9.4.10b; SV.2.406b. |
indra | viśvā abhi śriyaḥ RV.3.44.2d. |
indra | viśvāni dhūnuṣe RV.10.134.4b. |
indra | viśvābhir ūtibhiḥ RV.8.37.1c,2b--6b; 61.5b; 10.134.3d; AVś.20.118.1b; SV.1.253b; 2.929b; JB.3.217b. Cf. indro etc. |
indra | viśvābhir ūtibhir vavakṣitha RV.8.12.5c. |
indra | viśvāsu te hitam RV.8.95.2d. |
indraṃ | viśvā avīvṛdhan RV.1.11.1a; SV.1.343a; 2.177a; VS.12.56a; 13.58a; 14.10a,22a,31a; 15.61a; 17.61a; TS.;; MS.2.10.5a: 137.9; 3.3.8: 41.3; KS.18.3a; 36.15a; 37.9a; AB.5.7.5; JB.3.34; KB.24.8; PB.11.11.4; śB.;; TB.; 16.3a; ā.;; Aś.7.8.3; 12.15; śś.18.18.3; Apś.16.21.12; 17.14.9. P: indraṃ viśvāḥ śś.11.11.12; 12.26.1; Kś.17.1.18; 18.3.21. |
indraṃ | viśvān devān yaja Apś.19.19.18. |
indraṃ | viśvāsāhaṃ naram RV.6.44.4c; SV.1.357c. |
indravāyū | viśvavārāḥ sacante RV.7.91.6b. |
indrāya | viśvaminvaṃ medhirāya RV.1.61.4d; AVś.20.35.4d. |
indrāya | viśvā savanāni mānuṣā RV.1.131.1f. |
indre | viśvāni vīryā RV.8.63.6a. |
indro | viśvaṃ virājati ā. Cf. indro viśvasya rājati. |
indro | viśvasya karmaṇaḥ RV.1.11.4c; SV.1.359c; 2.600c; JB.3.238c. |
indro | viśvasya gopatiḥ Aś.8.2.21; 12.20. Designated as ekapadāḥ (sc. ṛcaḥ) AB.6.24.6. |
indro | viśvasya cetati Aś.8.2.21. |
indro | viśvasya damitā vibhīṣaṇaḥ RV.5.34.6c. |
indro | viśvasya duritasya pāram RV.10.161.3d; AVś.20.96.8d; KS.13.15d; Mś. See under ati viśvasya etc. |
indro | viśvasya bhūpatiḥ Aś.8.2.21. |
indro | viśvasya rājati SV.1.456; VS.36.8a; Aś.8.2.21; Svidh.2.6.7. Cf. indro viśvaṃ. |
indro | viśvā ati dviṣaḥ RV.8.16.11c; 69.14b; AVś.20.46.2c; 92.11b. |
indro | viśvān bekanātāṃ ahardṛśe RV.8.66.10c; N.6.26. |
indro | viśvāny ati durgahāṇi RV.6.22.7d; AVś.20.36.7d. |
indro | viśvābhir ūtibhiḥ RV.8.32.12c. Cf. indra etc. |
indro | viśvāyur avitā vṛdhaś ca RV.6.34.5d. |
indro | viśvā yo 'ti śṛṇve RV.8.2.34b. |
indro | viśvair vīryaiḥ patyamānaḥ RV.3.54.15a. |
ino | viśvasya bhuvanasya gopāḥ RV.1.164.21c; N.3.12c. See enā viśvasya, and cf. patir viśvasya etc. |
invanto | viśvaṃ prati yann ṛtena RV.3.4.5b. |
irā | viśvasmai bhuvanāya jāyate RV.5.83.4c; MS.4.12.5c: 193.2; TA.6.6.2c. |
iṣayanto | viśvam āyuḥ RV.6.16.27b. |
īśe | viśvasya ceṣṭataḥ AVś.11.4.23b. Cf. īśe sarvasya. |
īśe | viśvāyur uṣaso vyuṣṭau RV.10.6.3b. |
iṣiro | viśvavyacā vāto gandharvaḥ VS.18.41; TS.; MS.2.12.2: 145.5; KS.18.14; śB. |
itīdaṃ | viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ sam eti (AVś. bhuvanaṃ vi yāti) RV.10.17.1b; AVś.3.31.5b; N.12.11b. See tenedaṃ etc. |
jahi | viśvā apa dviṣaḥ RV.9.8.7b; SV.2.534b. |
jahi | viśvān rakṣasa indo atriṇaḥ RV.9.86.48c. |
jahur | viśvāni bhojanā sudāse RV.7.18.15d. |
jambhebhir | viśvam uśadhag vanāni RV.7.7.2d. |
janād | viśvajanīnāt AVś.7.45.1a; Kauś.36.25. |
janāya | viśvadohasaḥ RV.1.130.5g. |
jātaṃ | viśvaṃ sayāvabhiḥ RV.10.22.11d. |
jātaṃ | viṣvāco ahataṃ viṣeṇa RV.1.117.16d. |
jātau | viśvasya bhuvanasya gopau RV.2.40.1c; TS.; MS.4.11.2c: 163.15; KS.8.17c. |
juhomi | viśvakarmaṇe VS.17.78b; TS.; MS.2.10.6b: 139.10; KS.39.3b; śB. |
juhutā | viśvakarmaṇe TS.; VārG.15.10d. |
juṣanta | viśvāny asya karma RV.1.148.2c. |
juṣethāṃ | viśvā havanā matīnām RV.6.69.4c. |
jyotir | viśvaṃ svar dṛśe RV.9.61.18c; SV.2.241c. |
jyotir | viśvasmai bhuvanāya kṛṇvatī (RV.4.14.2b, kṛṇvan) RV.1.92.4c; 4.14.2b. |
kanyānāṃ | viśvarūpāṇām AVś.2.30.4c; AVP.2.17.4c. |
karad | viśvāni draviṇāni naḥ RV.9.109.9b. |
karotu | viśvacarṣaṇiḥ KS.13.15d. See kṛṇotu etc. |
kauberakā | viśvavāsaḥ HG.2.3.7a. See miśravāsasaḥ. |
keśī | viśvaṃ svar dṛśe RV.10.136.1c; AVP.5.38.1c; N.12.26c. |
keśī | viśvā bhuvanāni vidvān TS. |
ketur | viśvaṃ bhuvanam āviveśa TB.; Apś.9.18.15b. Cf. under keṣu viśvaṃ. |
ko | viśvāhā dviṣataḥ pakṣa āsate RV.6.47.19c. |
krimer | viśvasya tarhaṇī AVś.2.31.1b; AVP.2.15.1b. |
kṛṇoti | viśvā supathā sugāni RV.6.64.1c. |
kṛṇotu | viśvacarṣaṇiḥ (JG. -carṣaṇīḥ) TB.; Apś.6.30.10d; Mś.; SMB.2.1.15d; PG.3.1.4d; JG.1.24d. See karotu etc. |
kṛṇvan | viśvāny apāṃsi satyā RV.1.70.8b. |
kṛṇvanto | viśvam āryam RV.9.63.5b. |
kṣāmeva | viśvā bhuvanāni yasmin RV.6.5.2c; TS.; KS.7.16c. |
kṣarad | viśvāni mandraḥ svarvit RV.9.109.8b. |
kulāyayad | viśvayan mā na ā gan RV.7.50.1b. |
kvo | viśvāni saubhagā RV.1.38.3c. |
maha | viśvāya mā pari dehi śG.3.5.2. |
mahāpathād | viśvavayaḥ JB.2.383a. |
maho | viśvāṃ abhi ṣataḥ RV.8.23.26a. |
maṃhiṣṭhā | viśvavedasā RV.10.143.6b. |
maṃhiṣṭhaṃ | viśvacarṣaṇim RV.6.44.4d. See śaciṣṭhaṃ viśvavedasam. |
mandro | viśvāni kāvyāni vidvān RV.3.1.17b. Cf. agnir viśvāni. |
manor | viśvasya ghed ime RV.8.47.4c. |
marutsu | viśvabhānuṣu RV.4.1.3e; 8.27.3d; KS.26.11e. |
mitro | viśvābhir ūtibhiḥ RV.1.23.6b; SV.2.145b; VS.33.46b. |
mṛṇīhi | viśvā pātrāṇi AVś.6.142.1c. |
mṛtyur | viśvānara(ḥ) svaḥ AVP.12.10.2b. |
mūrdhā | viśvasya bhuvanasya rājā AVP.1.74.2c. Cf. under asya etc. |
mūrdhno | viśvasya vāghataḥ RV.6.16.13c; SV.1.9c; VS.11.32c; 15.22c; TS.;; 4.4.1c; MS.2.7.3c: 77.5; KS.16.3c; śB.; Vait.5.14c. |
namo | viśvakarmaṇe sa u pātv asmān TS.; Mś. See under viśvakarman namas. |
namo | viśvakarman namas te pāhy asmān AVP.1.88.4d. Perhaps namo belongs to the preceding pāda. See under viśvakarman namas. |
namo | viśvajanasya kṣāmāya PB.1.8.7. |
narāśaṃso | viśvarūpebhir aśvaiḥ RV.10.70.2b. |
nīcā | viśvā abhitiṣṭhābhimātīḥ TB. |
nitatnir | viśvabheṣajaḥ AVP.7.5.6c. |
ojasvān | viśvataḥ pratyaṅ KS.36.15c; TB. |
pāhi | viśvasmād rakṣaso arāvṇaḥ RV.8.60.10a; SV.2.895a. |
pāhi | viśvasyā arāteḥ RV.8.71.1b; SV.1.6b. |
pakṣāṇāṃ | viśvavāre te AVś.9.3.4c. |
papne | viśvaṃ purā kṛtam RV.6.60.4b; SV.2.203b; JB.3.39b. |
pari | viśvāni kāvyā RV.2.5.3c; SV.1.94c; TS.; MS.2.13.5c: 154.5. |
pari | viśvāni cetasā RV.9.20.3a; SV.2.320a. |
pari | viśvāni bhūṣathaḥ sadāṃsi RV.3.38.6b. |
pari | viśvāni sudhitā RV.3.11.8a. |
pari | viśvā bhuvanāny āyam AVś.2.1.5a; AVP.2.6.4a. |
parijmā | viśvavedasaḥ RV.10.93.7d. |
parṣad | viśvāti duritā gṛṇantam RV.3.20.4d. |
paryāṇaddhaṃ | viśvarūpaṃ yad asti (ApMB. asyām) AVś.14.2.12c; ApMB.1.7.10c. |
paspāra | viśvā bhuvanasya gopāḥ AVP.2.61.3c. |
paśūn | viśvān samānaje RV.1.188.9b. |
patiṃ | viśvasyātmeśvaram TA.10.11.1a; MahānU.11.3a. |
patir | viśvasya jagataḥ paraspāḥ MS.4.14.1c: 215.14; TB. |
patir | viśvasya jagato babhūva AVP.4.1.3b; MS.2.13.23b: 168.7; 3.12.17b: 165.5; KS.4.16b; 40.1b. See under eka id. |
patir | viśvasya bhuvanasya gopāḥ AVP.1.107.2d. Cf. asya viśvasya, and ino viśvasya etc. |
patir | viśvasya bhuvanasya rājasi RV.9.86.5d; SV.2.238d; JB.3.58. |
patir | viśvasya bhūmanaḥ RV.9.101.7c; SV.1.546c; 2.168c; KS.9.19c; JB.3.31c. Cf. patye etc. |
patye | viśvasya bhūmanaḥ VS.17.78a; śB. Cf. patir etc. |
pāvakebhir | viśvaminvebhir āyubhiḥ RV.5.60.8c. |
pavamānasya | viśvavit RV.9.64.7a; SV.2.308a; JB.3.85; PB.13.1.6. |
pavasva | viśvacarṣaṇe RV.9.66.1a; SV.2.126c,246a; JB.3.60a. Designated as vaikhanasya ṛcaḥ Rvidh.3.2.5. See next but one. |
pavasva | viśvadarśataḥ RV.9.65.13b; 106.5b. |
pavasva | viśvamejaya RV.9.35.2b; 62.26c. See prec. but one. |
payasvān | viśvataḥ pratyaṅ KS.36.15c; TB. |
potā | viśvaṃ tad invati RV.2.5.2d. |
pra | viśvasāmann atrivat RV.5.22.1a. |
prāgnaye | viśvaśuce dhiyaṃdhe RV.7.13.1a. Cf. BṛhD.5.161. |
prajāṃ | viśvasya bṛsayasya māyinaḥ RV.6.61.3b. |
prajāpate | viśvasṛj (MS. -sṛg) jīvadhanyaḥ MS.4.14.1c: 215.16; TB.; Aś.2.14.12c; Apś.20.20.9c. |
prajāpater | viśvabhṛti tanvaṃ (Mś. tanvāṃ) hutam asi svāhā (Aś. omits svāhā) Aś.3.11.11; Apś.9.6.3; Mś.3.2.5. |
prajāpatir | viśvakarmā TB.; Apś.9.16.7. |
prajāpatir | viśvakarmā mano gandharvaḥ VS.18.43; TS.; KS.18.14; śB. See prajāpatiḥ parameṣṭhī mano. |
prajāpatir | viśvakarmā vi muñcatu (Apś. -karmā yunaktu) VS.12.61d; TS.; MS.2.7.11d: 90.13; 3.2.3: 19.18; KS.16.11d; 20.1; śB.; Apś.16.10.8d. |
prāṇena | viśvatomukham AVś.19.27.7c; AVP.10.7.7c. |
prāṇena | viśvatovīryam AVś.3.31.7a. |
prapṛñcan | viśvā bhuvanāni pūrvathā TB. |
prāsya | viśvā tirato vīryāṇi AVś.13.2.32d. |
prati | viśvāmitrajamadagnī dame RV.10.167.4d. |
pratīcī | viśvān devān AVś.7.38.3c; AVP.3.29.1c. |
pratīdaṃ | viśvaṃ modate RV.5.83.9c. |
pratyaṅ | viśvaṃ svar dṛśe RV.1.50.5c; AVś.13.2.20c; 20.47.17c; ArS.5.10c; N.12.24c. |
pratyaṅ | viśvāni bhuvanāny asthāt RV.2.3.1b. |
prāvo | viśvābhir ūtibhiḥ sudāsam RV.7.19.3b; AVś.20.37.3b. |
prāyachad | viśvā bhojanā sudāse RV.7.18.17d. |
pṛchāmi | viśvasya bhuvanasya nābhim AVś.9.10.13c. See under pṛchāmi tvā bhu-. |
prendrāgnī | viśvā bhuvanāty anyā RV.1.109.6d; TS.; MS.4.10.4d: 152.16; KS.4.15d. |
pṛṣṭo | viśvā oṣadhīr ā viveśa RV.1.98.2b; VS.18.73b; TS.; MS.2.13.11b: 161.14; KS.4.16b; 40.3b; TB. |
pṛthivīṃ | viśvadhāyasam AVś.12.1.27c; AVP.1.3.1d. |
punantu | viśvā bhūtāni (MS. bhūtā mā; TB. viśva āyavaḥ) AVś.6.19.1c; VS.19.39c; MS.3.11.10c: 155.14; KS.38.2c; TB. |
puro | viśvāḥ saubhagā saṃjigīvān RV.3.15.4b. |
puru | viśvā janima mānuṣāṇām RV.7.62.1b. |
puru | viśvāni jūrvan RV.1.191.9b. See puro rakṣāṃsi. |
purukṣuṃ | viśvadhāyasam RV.8.5.15c; 7.13b. |
puruṣṭutā | viśvavārā vi bhāti RV.5.80.3d. |
pūrvā | viśvasmād bhuvanād abodhi RV.1.123.2a. |
pūrve | viśvasṛjo 'mṛtāḥ TB. |
ṛtena | viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ vi rājathaḥ RV.5.63.7c. |
tābhir | viśvāyus tanvaṃ pupuṣyāḥ RV.10.104.9d. |
tābhyāṃ | viśvasya rājasi RV.9.66.2a. |
tad | viśvam abhibhūr asi RV.8.89.6c; SV.2.780c. |
tad | viśvam upa jīvati RV.1.164.42d; TB.; TA.10.11.1d; MahānU.11.2d; N.11.41d. |
takmānaṃ | viśvadhāvīrya (AVP.12.1.4c, -vīryā followed by a-) AVś.5.22.3c; 19.39.10c; AVP.7.10.10c; 12.1.4c. |
takmānaṃ | viśvaśāradam AVś.9.8.6c; 19.34.10c; AVP.1.32.5c; 11.3.10c. |
taṃ | viśva upa gachatha RV.6.52.8c. |
taṃ | viśvakarman pra muñcā svastaye AVś.2.35.3d; TS.; MS.2.3.8d: 36.19. Cf. tato viśvakarman. |
tāṃ | viśvair devair anumatām VārG.9.11c. |
tāṃ | viśvarūpāḥ paśavo vadanti RV.8.100.11b; TB.; PG.1.19.2b; N.11.29b. |
tāṃ | viśvair devair (KS. viśve devā) ṛtubhiḥ saṃvidānaḥ (KS. -nāḥ) VS.12.61c; TS.; MS.2.7.11c: 90.13; KS.16.11c; śB.; Apś.16.10.8c. |
tanūṣu | viśvā bhuvanā ni yemire RV.10.56.5c. |
tanūṣu | viśvā bheṣajāni dhattam AVP.1.109.4b. See viśvā tanūṣu etc. |
taran | viśvāny avarā rajāṃsi AVś.7.41.1c. |
taraṇir | viśvadarśataḥ RV.1.50.4a; AVś.13.2.19a; 20.47.16a; ArS.5.9a; VS.33.36a; TS.; MS.4.10.6a: 158.12; 4.12.4: 190.12; KS.10.13a; TA.3.16.1a; MahānU.20.7a; Aś.9.8.3; śś.3.18.6; Apś.16.12.1. P: taraṇiḥ Apś.12.15.10. |
taranto | viśvā duritā syāma RV.10.31.1d. Cf. under atikrāmanto duritā. |
tasmin | viśvam idaṃ śritam ChU.3.15.1f. |
tastambha | viśvadhā yatīḥ AVś.6.85.3b. |
tasya | viśvam apsaraso bhuvaḥ TS. |
tathā | viṣvaṅ vyakrāmat ArS.4.4c. See next, and tato viṣvaṅ. |
tato | viśvakarman pra mumugdhy enam AVP.1.88.1d. Cf. taṃ viśvakarman. |
tato | viṣvaṅ vyakrāmat RV.10.90.4c; VS.31.4c; TA.3.12.2c. See tathā viṣvaṅ, and tathā vy akrāmad. |
tatredaṃ | viśvaṃ bhuvanam adhi śritam KS.18.1d. |
tāvatīr | viśvabheṣajīḥ AVś.8.7.26c. |
tavāyaṃ | viśvaḥ puruhūta pārthivaḥ RV.7.32.17c. |
tavedaṃ | viśvam abhitaḥ paśavyam RV.7.98.6a; AVś.20.87.6a; MS.4.14.5a: 221.15; TB. |
tayā | viśvāḥ pṛtanā abhi ṣyāma AVś.13.2.22d. |
tayāsmān | viśvatas tvam VS.16.11c; TS.; MS.2.9.2c: 122.8; KS.17.11c. See tayā tvaṃ viśvato. |
tayeha | viśvāṃ avase yajatrān RV.3.57.5c. |
te | viśvasmād duritā yāvayantu RV.7.44.3d; MS.4.11.1d: 162.3. |
te | viśvā dāśuṣe vasu RV.9.64.6a; SV.2.386a; JB.3.136a. Cf. sa viśvā etc. |
tebhir | viśvāḥ pṛtanā abhiṣyāma MS.1.4.14d: 64.7. |
tejasvān | viśvataḥ pratyaṅ TB. Cf. varcasvān etc. |
tena | viśvasya bhuvanasya rājā RV.5.85.3c; N.10.4c. Cf. under asya etc. |
tena | viśvās taviṣīr ā pṛṇasva RV.6.41.4d. |
tenāhaṃ | viśvatas pari Apś.6.23.1e. |
tenāhaṃ | viśvam āpyāsam ā. |
tenāsi | viśvabheṣajaḥ AVś.19.39.9d; AVP.7.10.9d. |
tenāsmad | viśvām anirām anāhutim RV.10.37.4c. |
tenedaṃ | viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ sam eti AVś.18.1.53b. See itīdaṃ. |
teṣu | viśvaṃ bhuvanam āviveśa VS.23.49d. See under keṣu etc. |
tiro | viśvā ahaṃ sanā RV.5.75.2b; SV.2.1094b. |
tiro | viśvāṃ arcato yāhy arvāṅ RV.10.89.16d. |
tiro | viśvāni duritā nayanti RV.6.51.10b. |
trāyamāṇe | viśvajite mā pari dehi AVś.6.107.2. |
trāyantāṃ | viśvā bhūtāni RV.10.137.5c; AVś.4.13.4c; AVP.5.18.5c. |
tredhā | viṣvaṅ vi gachati AVś.11.8.33b. |
triparṇī | viśvabheṣajī AVP.1.58.3c. |
tubhyemā | viśvā bhuvanāni yemire RV.9.86.30d. |
tvad | viśvāni bhuvanāni vajrin RV.8.97.14c. |
tvad | viśvā subhaga saubhagāni RV.6.13.1a; Apś.5.23.9a. |
tvaṃ | viśvavid gātuvit kaviḥ AVP.1.54.1c. |
tvaṃ | viśvasmād bhuvanāt pāsi dharmaṇā RV.1.134.5f; Aś.4.11.6c. |
tvaṃ | viśvasya jagataḥ RV.10.102.12a; śś.18.1.2. |
tvaṃ | viśvasya janitā dhāsy agre AVP.5.2.7c. See tvaṃ viśveṣāṃ janitā. |
tvaṃ | viśvasya dhanadā asi śrutaḥ RV.7.32.17a. |
tvaṃ | viśvasya bhuvanasya rājasi RV.9.86.28b. |
tvaṃ | viśvasya medhira RV.1.25.20a. |
tvaṃ | viśvasya surathasya bodhi RV.3.14.7c. |
tvaṃ | viśvā dadhiṣe kevalāni RV.10.54.5a. |
tvaṃ | viśvāni dhārayan Aś.4.4.2b. |
tvaṃ | viśvāni svanīka patyase RV.2.1.8c. |
tvāṃ | viśvāsu havyāsv iṣṭiṣu RV.10.147.2d. |
tvaṣṭedaṃ | viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ jajāna VS.29.9c; TS.; KSA.6.2c. See tvaṣṭemā. |
tvaṣṭemā | viśvā bhuvanā jajāna MS.3.16.2c: 184.15. See tvaṣṭedaṃ. |
tvaṣṭeva | viśvā bhuvanāni vidvān RV.4.42.3c. |
tve | viśvā taviṣī sadhryag ghitā RV.1.51.7a. |
tve | viśvā saṃgatāni vratā dhruvā RV.1.36.5c. |
tve | viśvā sarasvati RV.2.41.17a. |
ukthā | viśvā śatakrato RV.8.93.27b. |
upasthe | viśvā bhuvanāni tasthuḥ RV.1.35.5d; TB. |
upehi | viśvadha ā.4.14. |
urudrapso | viśvarūpa induḥ TS.; 4.1.2; Apś.9.19.5. See purudasmo. |
usriyābhir | viśvagotryaḥ AVś.5.21.3b. |
utainaṃ | viśvā bhūtāni TS.; MS.2.9.2e: 121.13; KS.17.11e. |
utedaṃ | viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ vi rājasi RV.5.81.5c. |
yā | viśvato yujyate yā ca sarvataḥ AVś.10.8.10b. |
yā | viśvasya śucikṛto ayātoḥ AVP.6.3.12c. |
yā | viśvāvasuṃ gandharvaṃ sacadhve (KA.1.101Eb, sasadhre) AVś.2.2.4b; AVP.1.7.4b; KA.1.101Eb; 2.101E. |
yā | viśvāsāṃ janitārā matīnām RV.6.69.2a; Aś.6.7.6. |
yad | viśvasṛja āsata TB. |
yaṃ | viśva id abhiharyanti devāḥ RV.10.112.6d. |
yāṃ | viśvakarmā nijaghāna methim AVP.2.72.3a. |
yamo | viśvam idaṃ jagat TA.6.5.2b; Apś.17.21.8b. See yamo dyām. |
yaṃsad | viśvaṃ ny atriṇam SV.1.22b; TS.; KS.18.1b. See yāsad etc. |
yaśā | viśvasya bhūtasya AVś.6.39.3c; 58.3c. |
yāsad | viśvaṃ ny atriṇam RV.6.16.28b; VS.17.16b; MS.2.10.2b: 132.16. See yaṃsad etc. |
yasmād | viśvaṃ prajāyate AVś.9.3.20d. |
yasmin | viśvā adhi śriyaḥ RV.8.92.20a; AVś.20.110.2a; SV.2.73a. |
yasmin | viśvāni kāvyā RV.8.41.6a. |
yasmin | viśvāni pauṃsyā RV.1.5.9c; AVś.20.69.7c. |
yasmin | viśvāni bhuvanāni (MS. viśvā bhuvanādhi) tasthuḥ RV.7.101.4a; 10.82.6d; VS.17.30d; MS.2.10.3d: 134.15. See yasminn idaṃ vi-. |
yasmin | viśvāś carṣaṇayaḥ RV.8.2.33a. |
yasya | viśvāni hastayoḥ RV.1.176.3a; 6.45.8a. |
yasyāṃ | viśvam idaṃ jagat PG.1.7.2b. See yena etc. |
yasyāyaṃ | viśva āryaḥ RV.8.51 (Vāl.3).9a; SV.2.959a; VS.33.82a. P: yasyāyam VS.33.97. |
yasyemā | viśvā bhuvanāni sarvā MS.4.14.14b: 239.9; TB. |
yathā | viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ dhārayiṣyati RV.4.54.4b. |
yathā | viśvāḥ pṛtanāḥ saṃjayāsi AVP.3.27.4a. |
yathāgnir | viśvataḥ pratyaṅ AVP.8.6.5c. |
yatra | viśvaṃ bhavaty ekanīḍam (VSK. -nīlam; AVś. -rūpam) AVś.2.1.1b; AVP.2.6.1b; VS.32.8b; VSK.35.35b; TA.10.1.3b; MahānU.2.3b. |
yatremā | viśvā bhuvanādhi tasthuḥ RV.1.164.2d; AVś.9.9.2d; 13.3.18d; N.4.27d. See yenemā etc. |
yayāti | viśvā duritā tarema RV.8.42.3c; TS.; MS.1.2.2c: 11.2; KS.2.3c; AB.1.13.29. |
yayor | viśvam api vratam SV.1.361c. |
yayor | viśvam idaṃ jagat RV.8.40.4c. |
yuvābhyāṃ | viśvāḥ pṛtanā jayema RV.2.40.5d; MS.4.14.1d: 215.8; TB. |
yuvor | viśvā adhi śriyaḥ RV.1.139.3d. |
yūyaṃ | viśvaṃ pari pātha RV.10.126.4a; AVP.5.39.7a. |
yuyota | viṣvag rapas tanūnām RV.7.34.13b. |
agniṃ | ca viśvaśaṃbhuvam # RV.1.23.20c; 10.9.6c; AVś.1.6.2c; AVP.1.1.3c; KS.2.14c; TB.; Apś.8.8.7c. |
agninartaṣāṭ | # KS.39.11. See agninā viśvāṣāṭ. |
agnir | asi pṛthivyāṃ śritaḥ, antarikṣasya pratiṣṭhā, tvayīdam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartā viśvasya janayitā # TB. |
agnir | iva viśvataḥ pratyaṅ # TB. |
agnir | ait pradahan viśvadāvyaḥ # AVś.10.8.39b. |
agnir | gṛhapatiḥ somo viśvavaniḥ savitā sumedhāḥ svāhā # TS. |
agnir | devatvā viśvāny aśyāḥ # RV.1.69.6b. |
agnir | dyāvāpṛthivī viśvajanye # RV.3.25.3a. |
agnir | mā goptā pari pātu viśvataḥ # AVś.17.1.30a. |
agnir | vanaspatir indro vasumān rudravān ādityavān ṛbhumān vibhumān vājavān bṛhaspatimān viśvadevyāvān somas tam apanudantu # Kś.10.7.14. Cf. agner vanaspater etc. |
agniś | ca yan maruto viśvavedasaḥ # RV.5.60.7a. |
agniśriyo | maruto viśvakṛṣṭayaḥ # RV.3.26.5a; TB. P: agniśriyaḥ Apś.22.27.9. |
agniṣ | ṭad viśvam ā pṛṇāti (AVś. pṛṇātu) vidvān # RV.10.2.4c; AVś.19.59.2c; TS.; MS.4.10.2c: 147.7; KS.35.9c. |
agniṣ | ṭad viśvād agadaṃ (TA. anṛṇaṃ) kṛṇotu # RV.10.16.6c; AVś.18.3.55c; AVP.2.28.1d--4d; TA.6.4.2c. |
agniṣ | ṭā viśvā bhuvanāni veda # RV.3.55.10c. |
agniḥ | suśoko viśvāny aśyāḥ # RV.1.70.1b. |
agnī | rakṣatu viśvataḥ (SV. śaṃtamaḥ) # RV.7.15.3b; SV.2.731b. |
agne | kaviḥ kāvyenāsi viśvavit # RV.10.91.3b. |
agne | tā viśvā paribhūr asi tmanā # RV.3.3.10d; MS.4.11.1d: 160.14. |
agner | vanaspater indrasya vasumato rudravato ādityavata ṛbhumato vibhumato vājavato bṛhaspatimato viśvadevyāvataḥ somasyojjitim # Kś.10.7.14. Cf. agnir vanaspatir etc. |
agne | vaiśvānara viśvair mā devaiḥ pāhi svāhā # AVś.2.16.4. P: agne vaiśvānara Vait.8.9. Cf. agne viśvaṃbhara. |
aciṣyāma | (Padap. ami syāma, for abhi syāma) vṛjane viśva ūtī # MS.4.12.4b: 187.7. See abhi ṣyāma vṛjane. |
acyutam | akṣitaṃ viśvadānīm # AVP.5.40.4a. |
atakṣan | dhenum abhavad viśvarūpī # śś.8.20.1. |
ataś | ca viśvā (MuṇḍU. sarvā) oṣadhayo rasāś (MuṇḍUṃahānU. rasaś) ca # TA.10.10.1c; MahānU.8.5c; MuṇḍU.2.1.9c. |
atikrāmanto | duritā padāni (N. duritāni viśvā) # AVś.12.2.28c; N.6.12d (see Roth's Erl"auterungen zum Nirukta, p. 80). Cf. ati viśvāni, aty enaṃ, antar dadhānā, apaghnā no, apa bādhatāṃ, and taranto viśvā. |
ati | durgāṇi viśvahā # AVś.19.50.2d; AVP.14.9.2d. |
aty | enaṃ neṣad duritāni viśvā # AVś.6.110.2c. Cf. under atikrāmanto duritāni. |
atharvāṇaṃ | pitaraṃ devabandhum (AVP. viśvadevam) # AVś.5.11.11d; 7.2.1a; AVP.8.1.11b. P: atharvāṇam Kauś.59.18. |
atha | viśve arapā edhate gṛhaḥ # TS. See adhā viśvāhārapa. |
athā | no viśvacarṣaṇe # SV.1.366c. See adhā etc. |
athā | no viśvā saubhagāny ā vaha # RV.1.92.15c; SV.2.1083c. |
athābhayaṃ | kṛṇuhi viśvato naḥ # RV.3.47.2d; VS.7.37d; TS.; MS.1.3.23d: 38.6; 4.14.12d: 235.14; TB.; TA.10.1.11d; MahānU.20.2d. |
athā | vaha devān deva viśvān # RV.3.6.6c. |
atho | tvāhur aditiṃ viśvarūpām # AVP.11.5.2b. |
atho | yo viśvadāvyaḥ # AVś.3.21.9c; AVP.3.12.9c. |
adabdhacakṣuḥ | pari viśvaṃ babhūva # AVś.13.2.44b. |
adabdho | gopāḥ (KS. gopaḥ) pari pāhi nas tvam (KS. pari pātu viśvataḥ) # RV.10.128.6b; TS.; KS.40.10b. See tvaṃ no gopāḥ pari. |
aditir | asi viśvadhāyā viśvasya bhuvanasya dhartrī # VS.13.18; TS.; MS.2.8.14: 117.16; KS.39.3; śB. |
aditir | devā gandharvā manuṣyāḥ pitaro 'surās teṣāṃ sarvabhūtānāṃ mātā medinī (MahānU. medinī pṛthivī) mahatī mahī sāvitrī gāyatrī jagaty urvī pṛthvī bahulā viśvā bhūtā katamā kāyā sā satyety amṛteti vasiṣṭhaḥ # TA.10.21.1; MahānU.13.7. |
aditiḥ | śarma yachatu # RV.6.75.12d,17d; 8.47.9b; SV.2.1216d; VS.17.48d; 29.49d; TS.;; MS.3.16.3d: 187.1; KSA.6.1d. Cf. viśvāhā śarma yachatu. |
aditiṣ | ṭvā (TS.KS. aditis tvā) devī viśvadevyāvatī (MS. -devyavatī) pṛthivyāḥ sadhasthe aṅgirasvat (TS. 'ṅgirasvat) khanatv avaṭa # VS.11.61; TS.; MS.2.7.6: 81.9; 3.1.8: 9.18; 4.9.1: 121.11; KS.16.6; śB. Ps: aditis tvā devī viśvadevyāvatī KS.19.7; aditis tvā devī (Mś. aditiṣ ṭvā devī) Apś.16.5.8; Mś.; aditiṣ ṭvā (TS. aditis tvā) TS.; Kś.16.4.9. |
aditeḥ | putro bhuvanāni viśvā # AVś.13.2.9d. |
adṛṣṭān | sarvāñ jambhayan # RV.1.191.8c. Cf. dṛṣṭam adṛṣṭam, viśvadṛṣṭo, and asyādṛṣṭān. |
addhi | tṛṇam aghnye viśvadānīm # RV.1.164.40c; AVś.7.73.1c; 9.10.20c; Kś.25.1.19c; Apś.9.5.4c; 15.12.3; N.11.44c. Cf. under attu tṛṇāni. |
adbhiḥ | sarvasya bhartṛbhiḥ # śG.3.13.5c. See adbhir viśvasya. |
adha | te viśvam anu hāsad iṣṭaye # RV.1.57.2a; AVś.20.15.2a. |
adhā | no viśvacarṣaṇe # RV.5.38.1c. See athā etc. |
adhā | no viśvasaubhaga # RV.1.42.6a. |
adhā | yo viśvā bhuvanābhi majmanā # RV.2.17.4a. Cf. AVś.13.1.14,37. |
adhārayat | pṛthivīṃ viśvadhāyasam # RV.2.17.5c. |
adhi | kṣami viṣurūpaṃ (ArS. kṣamā viśva-) yad asti (ArS. asya; MS. āsta) # RV.7.27.3b; AVś.19.5.1b; ArS.1.2b; MS.4.14.14b: 238.3; TB. |
adhikṣiyanti | bhuvanāni viśvā # RV.1.154.2d; AVś.7.26.3b; VS.5.20d; MS.1.2.9d: 19.13; KS.2.10d; śB.; TB.; Apś.11.9.1d; NṛpU.2.4d. |
anaḍvān | idaṃ viśvaṃ bhuvanam ā viveśa # AVP.3.25.1d. See anaḍvān viśvaṃ etc. |
anantāsa | uravo viśvataḥ sīm # RV.5.47.2c. |
anādhṛṣṭās | sthāpām oṣadhīnāṃ rasaḥ # KS.15.6. Cf. viśvabhṛta stha. |
anuttam | asmai kṣatraṃ viśvāyu # RV.7.34.11b. |
anu | dyāvāpṛthivī viśvaśaṃbhū # TB. |
anu | yaṃ viśve madanty (AVś.5.2.1d, anu yad enaṃ madanti viśva) ūmāḥ # RV.10.120.1d; AVś.5.2.1d; 20.107.4d; AVP.6.1.1d; SV.2.833d; VS.33.80d; JB.2.144; ā.; Apś.21.22.3d; Mś.; N.14.24d. |
anu | vrataṃ carasi viśvavāre # RV.3.61.1d. |
anu | svadhāṃ vavakṣitha # RV.8.88.5d. See ati viśvaṃ. |
antarikṣam | asy agnau śritaṃ, vāyoḥ pratiṣṭhā, tvayīdam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartṛ viśvasya janayitṛ # TB. |
antarikṣān | mā pāhi viśvasmai prāṇāyāpānāya vyānāyodānāya pratiṣṭhāyai caritrāya # MS.2.8.14: 118.2. |
antarikṣodaraḥ | kośo bhūmibudhno na jīryati, diśo hy asya sraktayo dyaur asyottaraṃ bilam, sa eṣa kośo vasudhānas tasmin viśvam idaṃ śritam # ChU.3.15.1. Metrical. |
antar | dadhānā duritāni (AVP. bhuvanāni) viśvā # AVś.5.28.8d; AVP.2.59.6d. Cf. antas tiṣṭhāti, and under atikrāmanto du-. |
antarvatīś | ca suvate ca viśvahā # RV.10.91.6d; SV.2.1174d. |
antas | tiṣṭhāti duritāni viśvā # AVś.6.53.2d. Cf. antar dadhānā, and under atikrāmanto. |
apaghnā | no duritāni viśvā # AVP.12.19.3c. Cf. under atikrāmanto duritā. |
apa | prāca indra viśvāṃ amitrān # RV.10.131.1a; AB.6.22.1; 8.10.8; KB.29.4; TB.; Aś.7.4.7. Ps: apa prāca indra Aś.8.3.2; apa prācaḥ śś.12.3.5; 13.1; śG.6.5.6. Cf. BṛhD.8.46. Designated as sukīrti AB.6.29.1; KB.30.5; śś.12.13.1. See apendra prāco. |
apa | (TA.Apś. ava) bādhatāṃ duritāni viśvā # MS.1.2.3d: 12.6; TA.2.5.3b; Apś.10.18.3d. See agnir naḥ pātu duritād, and cf. atikrāmanto du-. |
apāmīvām | apa viśvām anāhutim # RV.10.63.12a. |
apsu | retaḥ śiśriye viśvarūpam # SV.2.1194a. |
abubhojīr | mahinā viśvataḥ sīm # RV.1.33.9b. |
abhi | tvā viśvā bhūtāni # RV.10.174.3c; AVś.1.29.3c; AVP.1.11.3c. |
abhi | yad vāṃ viśvapsnyo jigāti # RV.7.71.4d. |
abhi | yo viśvā bhuvanāni caṣṭe # RV.7.61.1c. Cf. abhi viśvāni bhu-. |
abhi | yo viśvā bhuvanā babhūva # RV.4.16.5d; AVś.20.77.5d. |
abhi | vāṃ viśvā niyutaḥ sacante # RV.7.72.1c. |
abhi | vājī viśvarūpo janitram # SV.2.1193a. |
abhīvṛtaṃ | kṛśanair viśvarūpam # RV.1.35.4a; MS.4.14.6a: 223.15; TB. |
abhīṣāḍ | asmi viśvāṣāṭ # AVś.12.1.54c. |
abhūd | idaṃ viśvasya bhuvanasya vājinam agner vaiśvānarasya ca # VS.13.39; TS.; MS.2.7.17: 101.14; KS.16.16; śB. P: abhūd idaṃ viśvasya bhuvanasya Apś.16.27.1; abhūd idam Kś.17.5.11; Mś.; --8.19.13. Fragment: agner vaiśvānarasya Mś.8.19.13. |
abhūn | mama (KS. nu naḥ) sumatau viśvavedāḥ # TS.; KS.39.10a; PG.3.3.5a. See bhūyāsma te. |
abhy | aṣṭhāṃ (TS.KS.Apś. asthād; MSṃś. asthāṃ) viśvāḥ pṛtanā arātīḥ # AVś.10.5.36b; 16.9.1b; TS.; MS.1.5.3a: 69.13; 1.6.2a: 87.1; KS.39.1a. Ps: abhy asthāṃ viśvāḥ pṛtanāḥ Mś.; (18); abhy asthād viśvāḥ Apś.5.14.14; 16.22.1. |
abhy | ahaṃ viśvāḥ pṛtanā yathāsāni # AVś.6.97.1c. |
ayaṃ | yajño bhuvanasya (AVś. viśvasya bhuvanasya) nābhiḥ # RV.1.164.35b; AVś.9.10.14c; VS.23.62b; Lś.9.10.14b. See yajñam āhur. |
ayaṃ | yo abhiśocayiṣṇuḥ # AVś.6.20.3a. See ayaṃ yo rūro, and cf. ayaṃ yo viśvān. |
ayaṃ | yo viśvān haritān kṛṇoṣi # AVś.5.22.2a. Cf. ayaṃ yo abhi-, and viśvā rūpāṇi haritā. |
ayaṃ | samudra iha viśvadevyaḥ (TB.Apś. viśvabheṣajaḥ) # RV.1.110.1c; TB.; Apś.3.11.2c. |
ayajvanaḥ | sākṣi viśvasmin bhare # RV.10.49.1d. |
ayaṃ | ca yaḥ pavate viśvadānīm # AVP.9.3.1b. |
ayaṃ | dakṣiṇā viśvakarmā # VS.13.55; 15.16; TS.; 4.3.1;; MS.2.7.19: 104.3; 2.8.10: 114.16; KS.16.19; 17.9; 20.9; śB.; 4.2; 6.1.17. |
ayaṃ | diva iyarti viśvam ā rajaḥ # RV.9.68.9a. |
ayaṃ | no viśvabheṣajaḥ # AVś.2.4.3c; AVP.2.11.3c. |
ayaṃ | paścād (MS. paścā) viśvavyacāḥ # VS.13.56; 15.17; TS.; 4.3.1;; MS.2.7.19: 104.6; KS.16.19; 20.9; śB.; 4.2; 6.1.18. P: ayaṃ paścāt Kś.17.6.4. |
ayaṃ | maṇir varaṇo viśvabheṣajaḥ # AVś.10.3.3a. |
ayaṃ | me viśvabheṣajaḥ # RV.10.60.12c; AVś.4.13.6c; AVP.5.18.7c. |
ayujran | ta indra viśvakṛṣṭīḥ # RV.1.169.2a. |
ariṣṭaḥ | sa marto viśva edhate # RV.10.63.13a. |
ariṣṭāni | me sarvāṅgāni santu (PG. me 'ṅgāni) # Vait.3.14; PG.1.3.25. See ariṣṭā viśvāny, and cf. next. |
ariṣṭebhiḥ | pāyubhir viśvavedasaḥ # RV.8.27.4c. |
aruṇo | 'ruṇarajāḥ puṇḍarīko viśvajid abhijit # TB. P: aruṇo aruṇarajāḥ TB.; 10.3; Apś.19.12.11. |
ardhamāsāḥ | stha māḥsu śritāḥ, ahorātrayoḥ pratiṣṭhā, yuṣmāsv idam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartāro viśvasya janayitāraḥ # TB. |
ardharcena | cākḷpur viśvam ejat # AVś.9.10.19b. |
arvāg | rathaṃ viśvavāraṃ ta ugra # RV.6.37.1a; KB.24.8. P: arvāg ratham śś.11.11.12. |
arhann | idaṃ dayase viśvam abhvam (TA. abbhuvam; MS. ā dhanvā; AVP. ejat) # RV.2.33.10c; AVP.15.20.7c; MS.4.9.4c: 124.12; TA.4.5.7c; KA.2.92c. |
arhan | niṣkaṃ yajataṃ (AVP. rajataṃ) viśvarūpam # RV.2.33.10b; AVP.15.20.7b; MS.4.9.4b: 124.10; TA.4.5.7b; KA.2.92b. |
avatāṃ | tvā (Apś. mā) rodasī viśvaminve # RV.1.76.2c; Apś.24.12.10c. |
avātiratam | anṛtāni viśvā # RV.1.152.1c; MS.4.14.10c: 231.8; TB. |
aviṣṭo | asmān viśvāsu vikṣu # RV.7.34.12a. |
aśastihā | janitā viśvatūr (SV. vṛtratūr) asi # RV.8.99.5c; AVś.20.105.1c; SV.1.311c; 2.987c; VS.33.66c. |
aśyāma | te deva gharma ṛbhūmato vibhūmato vājavato bṛhaspativato viśvadevyāvataḥ pitṛmato 'ṅgirasvataḥ # MS.4.9.9: 130.2. P: aśyāma te deva gharma Mś.4.3.35. See under prec. but one. |
aśvakṣubhā | suhavā saṃbhṛtaśrīḥ # AVP.14.8.1c. See viśvavyacāḥ suhavā. |
aśvāvatīr | gomatīr viśvavārāḥ # RV.1.123.12a. |
aśvāvatīr | gomatīr viśvasuvidaḥ # RV.1.48.2a. |
aṣāḍho | agnir bṛhadvayā viśvajit # TS. |
asaṃdito | vi sṛja viṣvag ulkāḥ # RV.4.4.2d; VS.13.10d; TS.; MS.2.7.15d: 97.10; KS.16.15d. |
asuryaṃ | devebhir dhāyi viśvam # RV.6.20.2b. |
askannemā | (so text for skannemā, or āskannemā ?) viśvā bhūtāni # Kś.25.12.9c. See skannemā. |
astabhnād | dyām asuro (KS. ṛṣabho) viśvavedāḥ # RV.8.42.1a; KS.2.6a; AB.1.30.5; KB.9.6; GB.2.4.15; Aś.3.7.15; 4.10.5. Ps: astabhnād dyām asuraḥ KS.11.12; Aś.6.1.2; astabhnād dyām śś.5.14.19; 6.10.11; 9.2.3. See prec. |
asmabhyaṃ | soma viśvataḥ # RV.9.33.6b; 40.3b; 65.21b; SV.2.221b,276b,346b; JB.3.51,69,91. |
asmabhyaṃ | tat tvāṣṭraṃ viśvarūpam # RV.2.11.19c. |
asmāṃ | aviḍḍhi viśvahā # RV.4.31.12a. |
asmāṃ | (MS. asmaṃ) aśnotu viśvataḥ # RV.4.9.8b; VS.3.36b; MS.1.5.4b: 71.3; KS.7.2b; śB.; Apś.6.17.12b. |
asmākaṃ | śatrūn pari śūra viśvataḥ # RV.1.132.6f; VS.8.53f; śB.; Vait.34.1f; Apś.21.12.9f; Mś. |
asmākam | ic chṛṇuhi viśvaminva # RV.7.28.1d. |
asmān | vṛṇaktu viśvataḥ # AVP.14.4.6b; VS.16.12b; TS.; MS.2.9.2b: 122.5; KS.17.11b; NīlarU.16b. |
asmin | goṣṭhe viśvabhṛto janitrīḥ # MS.4.2.10b: 32.14. See asmin yajñe viśva-. |
asmin | yajñe viśvavido ghṛtācīḥ # Apś.7.17.1b. See asmin goṣṭhe viśva-. |
asme | indrāvaruṇā viśvavāram # RV.7.84.4a. |
asme | rayiṃ viśvavāraṃ sam inva # RV.5.4.7c. |
asme | vīreṣu viśvacarṣaṇi śravaḥ # RV.10.93.10b. |
asredhan | taṃ tuviṣvaṇi # RV.9.98.9d. |
ahaṃ | tā viśvā cakaraṃ nakir mā # RV.4.42.6a. |
ahaṃ | devānāṃ janimāni viśvā # RV.4.27.1b; ā.; AU.2.4.5b. |
aham | ādityair uta viśvadevaiḥ # RV.10.125.1b; AVś.4.30.1b. |
aham | etā manave viśvaścandrāḥ # RV.1.165.8c; MS.4.11.3c: 169.6; KS.9.18c; TB. |
ahar-ahar | aprayāvaṃ bharantaḥ # VS.11.75a; śB.; 4.2. P: ahar-ahaḥ Kś.16.4.40; 6.4. See ahar-ahar balim, rātriṃ-rātrim apra-, rātrīṃ-rātrīm apra-, and viśvāhā te. |
ahorātre | stho 'rdhamāseṣu śrite, bhūtasya pratiṣṭhe bhavyasya prathiṣṭhe, yuvayor idam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartryau viśvasya janayitryau # TB. |
āganmemāṃ | samitiṃ viśvarūpām # AVP.1.92.1a. |
ā | jāto viśvā sadmāny aprāḥ # RV.10.1.1d; VS.12.13d; TS.; MS.2.7.8d: 85.15; KS.16.8d; śB. |
ājituraṃ | satpatiṃ viśvacarṣaṇim # RV.8.53 (Vāl.5).6a. |
ā | tvā jigharmi manasā (TS.KS. vacasā) ghṛtena # VS.11.23a; TS.;; MS.2.7.2a: 76.3; KS.16.2a; 19.3; śB. P: ā tvā jigharmi Kś.16.2.21; Mś.; Apś.16.3.1. See jigharmy agniṃ, and cf. ā viśvataḥ. |
ādardirāso | adrayo na viśvahā # RV.10.78.6b. |
ād | it te viśvā bhuvanāni yemire # RV.8.12.28c--30c. |
ād | it prāpaśyan bhuvanāni viśvā # RV.10.88.11d; MS.4.14.14d: 239.18; N.7.29d. |
ādityān | sarvān brūmaḥ # AVP.15.13.6c. See viśvān ādityān. |
ādityās | tvā viśvair devaiḥ paścāt (Mś. purastāt) pāntu # TS.; Mś. |
ādityebhir | aditiṃ viśvajanyām # RV.7.10.4c. |
ādityo | 'si divi śritaḥ, candramasaḥ pratiṣṭhā, tvayīdam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartā viśvasya janayitā # TB. |
ād | īṃ viśvā nahuṣyāṇi jātā # RV.9.88.2c; SV.2.822c. |
ā | dyāvāpṛthivī viśvaśaṃbhū # TS. See ā mā dyāvā-, and eme dyāvāpṛthivī viśvarūpe. |
ā | na ṛte śiśīhi viśvam ṛtvijam # RV.7.16.6c. |
ā | na etu dakṣiṇā viśvarūpā # AVP.7.15.10c. See sā na aitu dakṣiṇā. |
ā | nāmabhir maruto vakṣi viśvān # RV.5.43.10a. Cf. BṛhD.5.42 (B). |
ā | no jane janaya viśvavāre # RV.1.113.19d. |
ā | no bhaja sadasi viśvarūpe # TB. Cf. ā no vīraṃ. |
ā | no bhadrāḥ kratavo yantu viśvataḥ # RV.1.89.1a; VS.25.14a; KS.26.11a; KB.20.4; ā.; Aś.5.18.5. P: ā no bhadrāḥ śś.8.3.16; 10.13.18; 11.15.9; 15.3.1; 18.22.8; VHDh.8.10. Cf. BṛhD.3.122. Designated as ā-no-bhadrīya (sc. sūkta) Rvidh.1.20.5. |
ā | no rayiṃ janata viśvavāram # MS.4.14.9d: 228.10. |
ā | no viśva (MS. viśvā) āskrā (TB. viśve askrā) gamantu (MS. gamanta) devāḥ # RV.1.186.2a; MS.4.14.11a: 232.2; TB.; Aś.3.7.10. |
ā | no viśvāny aśvinā # RV.8.8.13a. |
ā | no viśvābhir ūtibhiḥ # RV.8.8.1a; AB.5.4.9; KB.8.5; Aś.7.11.22; śś.5.9.21; 6.6.4; 10.5.4; Apś.22.27.19. P: ā no viśvābhiḥ Aś.4.15.2; 9.11.15. Cf. BṛhD.6.47. |
ā | no viśvābhir ūtibhiḥ sajoṣāḥ # RV.7.24.4a; KS.8.17a; TB.; 7.13.4a; śś.6.10.7. |
ā | no viśvāsu havyaḥ (SVṣvidh. havyam) # RV.8.90.1a; AVś.20.104.3a; SV.1.269a; 2.842a; ā.; śś.10.6.6; 18.10.9; Vait.39.10; Svidh.1.4.19; 2.6.10; 3.4.9. |
āpaś | ca viśvabheṣajīḥ # RV.1.23.20d; TB.; Apś.8.8.7d. See āpaḥ sarvasya, āpo viśvasya, and next. |
āpaś | ca viśvaśaṃbhuvaḥ # MS.4.10.4c: 153.8. See under prec. |
āpaḥ | sarvasya bheṣajīḥ # RV.10.137.6c. See under āpaś ca viśvabheṣajīḥ. |
āpaḥ | stha samudre śritāḥ, pṛthivyāḥ pratiṣṭhā, yuṣmāsv idam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartryo viśvasya janayitryaḥ # TB. Cf. āpa stha. |
ā | pūrṇo aṃśuḥ paryeti viśvataḥ # RV.9.74.2b. |
āpo | agre viśvam āvan # AVś.4.2.6a. See under āpo ha yad bṛhatīr. |
āpo | devīr bṛhatīr viśvaśaṃbhuvaḥ # VS.4.7a; TS.;,3; MS.1.2.2a: 10.13; 3.6.4: 64.3; KS.2.2a; 23.2; śB. P: āpo devīḥ Mś. |
āpo | marīcīḥ pari pāntu sarvataḥ (MG. viśvataḥ) # PG.3.3.6a; MG.2.8.6a. See next. |
āpo | vidyutaḥ paripāntu sarvataḥ (MG. paripāntv āyuḥ) # AG.2.4.14d; MG.2.8.6d. See āpo viśvataḥ. |
āpo | ha yad bṛhatīr (TSṃS.KS. yan mahatīr) viśvam (TA. garbham) āyan # RV.10.121.7a; VS.27.25a; 32.7a; VSK.29.34d; TS.; MS.2.13.23a: 169.2; KS.40.1a; TA.1.23.8a. P: āpo ha yat TS. See next, and āpo agre. |
āpo | ha yasya viśvam āyuḥ # AVP.4.1.7a. See under prec. |
āpyāyayantī | duritāni viśvā # TB. |
ā | mā ganta pitaro viśvarūpāḥ # MS.1.11.3c: 163.7. See next. |
ā | mātarā viśvavāre huvānaḥ # RV.7.7.3c. |
ā | mā dyāvāpṛthivī viśvaśaṃbhū (KS. viśvarūpe) # MS.1.11.3b: 163.6; KS.14.1b. See under ā dyāvā-. |
ā | māṃ medhā surabhir viśvarūpā # TA.10.42.1a; MahānU.16.7a; HG.1.8.4a. |
ā | yaṃ hotā yajati viśvavāram # RV.7.7.5d. |
āyajyavaḥ | sumatiṃ viśvavārāḥ # RV.9.97.26c. |
āyur | no viśvato dadhat # AVś.7.53.6c. See āyuṣ ṭe viśvato, āyuṣ ṭe adya, and cf. prec. |
āyuṣ | ṭe adya gīrbhiḥ # śG.1.25.7a. See under āyuṣ ṭe viśvato. |
āyuṣ | ṭe viśvato dadhat # TS.; TA.2.5.1a; 7.1; Apś.19.24.9; Aś.2.10.4a; HG.1.5.15; 2.4.19; BDh.3.7.10,16. P: āyuṣ ṭe TS. See āyur no viśvato, and āyuṣ ṭe adya. |
āyuṣmad | gāyatraṃ viśvāyū rathaṃtaraṃ sarvāyur bṛhatsāmāyur vāmadevyam atyāyur yajñāyajñīyaṃ teṣām aham āyuṣāyuṣmān bhūyāsam # śś.17.12.1. |
ā | ye viśvā pārthivāni # RV.8.94.9a. |
ā | ye viśvā svapatyāni tasthuḥ (TB. cakruḥ) # RV.1.72.9a; TB. |
ā | yo viśvāni vāryā # RV.9.18.4a. |
ā | yo viśvāni śavasā (SV. śravasā) tatāna # RV.7.23.1c; AVś.20.12.1c; SV.1.330c. |
ārabhamāṇā | bhuvanāni viśvā # RV.10.125.8b; AVś.4.30.8b. |
ā | rodasī viśvapiśaḥ piśānāḥ # RV.7.57.3c. |
ā | rodasī vṛṣabho roravīti # RV.6.73.1d; 10.8.1b; AVś.18.3.65b; 20.90.1d; SV.1.71b. See āvir viśvāni vṛṣabho. |
ā | vāṃ viśvābhir ūtibhiḥ # RV.8.8.18a; 87.3a. |
āvittaḥ | pūṣā viśvavedāḥ # VS.10.9; MS.2.6.9: 69.5; 4.4.3: 53.2; KS.15.7; śB. See āvinnaḥ etc. |
āvitte | dyāvāpṛthivī viśvaśaṃbhuvau # VS.10.9; śB. See under prec. |
āvinnaḥ | pūṣā viśvavedāḥ # TS. See āvittaḥ etc. |
āvinnā | devy aditir viśvarūpī # TS.; TB. See under āvittāditir. |
āvir | akar bhuvanaṃ viśvam uṣāḥ # RV.7.76.1d. |
āviṣkṛṇvatīṃ | bhuvanāni viśvā # RV.7.80.1d. |
ā | suṣṭutī rodasī viśvaminve # RV.3.38.8c. |
ā | stutāso maruto viśva ūtī # RV.7.57.7a. |
āsmai | pṛṇītāṃ bhuvanāni viśvā # TB. |
āhaṃ | vṛṇe sumatiṃ viśvajanyām (AVś. viśvavārām) # AVś.7.15.1b; VS.17.74b; TS.; MS.2.10.6b: 138.16; KS.18.4b; śB. |
iḍā | devī bhāratī viśvatūrtiḥ # RV.2.3.8b; VS.20.43d; MS.3.11.1d: 140.11; KS.38.6d; TB. |
ito | jāto viśvam idaṃ vi caṣṭe # RV.1.98.1c; VS.26.7c; TS.; MS.4.11.1c: 161.4; KS.4.16c; N.7.22c. P: ito jātaḥ AB.5.5.12. |
idaṃ | yad viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ svaś ca # RV.10.107.8c. |
idaṃ | taṃ viśvabheṣajyā # AVś.6.136.3c. See idaṃ taṃ etc. |
idam | ahaṃ jāgatena chandasā saptadaśena stomena vairūpeṇa sāmnā viśvair devair devatayā prajāṃ te puṣṭim ādade 'sau # KS.36.15. |
idam | aham imaṃ viśvakarmāṇaṃ śrīvatsam abhi juhomi svāhā # SMB.2.6.10. Ps: idam aham imaṃ viśvakarmāṇam GG.4.8.19; idam aham imam KhG.4.3.7. |
idaṃ | me viśvabheṣajau # TB.; Apś.4.4.1b. |
indraṃ | yaṃ viśvā bhuvanābhi saṃdadhuḥ # RV.1.101.6c. |
indraṃ | vo viśvatas pari # RV.1.7.10a; AVś.20.39.1a; 70.16a; SV.2.970a; TS.;; 3.14.1;;; MS.4.11.4a: 170.9; KS.8.17a; AB.6.6.3; GB.2.5.12; Aś.6.5.2; 7.2.10; Apś.9.20.6 (comm.); Mś.; --8.11.5; Vait.35.10; 39.10. P: indraṃ vo viśvataḥ śś.1.8.14; 9.27.2 (comm.). |
indra | ni pāhi viśvataḥ # RV.8.61.16b. |
indraṃ | na yajñair viśvagūrtam ṛbhvasam # RV.8.70.3c; AVś.20.92.18c; SV.1.243c; 2.505c. |
indram | ādityavantam ṛbhumantaṃ vibhumantaṃ vājavantaṃ bṛhaspatimantaṃ (Aś. -vantaṃ) viśvadevyāvantam āvaha # KB.12.7; Aś.5.3.10; śś.6.9.13. |
indra | rāyo viśvavārasya bhūreḥ # RV.3.36.10b; PG.1.18.5b. |
indravāyū | sūrayo viśvam āyuḥ # RV.7.90.6c. |
indrasya | chadir asi viśvajanasya chāyā # VS.5.28; śB. P: indrasya chadiḥ Kś.8.6.10. |
indrasya | bāhur asi dakṣiṇo viśvasyāriṣṭyai (KS. dakṣiṇo yajamānasya paridhiḥ) # VS.2.3; KS.1.11; śB. |
indraḥ | sutapā viśvāyuḥ # RV.8.2.4b; KB.20.3b. |
indraḥ | sūraḥ prathamo viśvakarmā # Aś.2.11.8a. See indrāsūrā. |
indrāya | tvā viśvakarmaṇe # VS.8.45 (bis),46 (bis); VSK.8.19.1 (bis); 20.1 (bis); KS.30.5 (bis); śB. (bis),6 (bis). |
indrāya | tvā viśvadevyāvate # TS. |
indrāya | vasumate rudravata ādityavate viśvadevyāvate # JB.2.140. |
indrāsūrā | janayan viśvakarmā # TB. See indraḥ sūraḥ. |
indrāsomā | pari vāṃ bhūtu viśvataḥ # RV.7.104.6a; AVś.8.4.6a. |
indre | ha viśvā bhuvanāni yemire # RV.8.3.6c; AVś.20.118.4c; SV.2.938c. |
indre | ha viśvā bhuvanā śritāni # MS.4.14.7c: 225.4. Cf. kāle ha etc. |
indro | asmāṃ abhi pātu (text yātu) viśvataḥ # VSK.3.2.7b. |
indro | asme sumanā astu viśvahā # RV.10.100.4a. |
indro | jigāya pṛtanāni viśvā # TB. |
indro | neṣad ati duritāni viśvā # TS.; SMB.2.1.9d; PG.3.1.2d. See under ati viśvasya duritasya. |
indro | yajñaṃ vardhayan viśvavedāḥ # MS.4.14.13a: 236.8; TB. |
indro | rāyo viśvavārasya dātā # RV.6.23.10d. |
indro | 'si satyaujāḥ (VS.śB.śś. viśvaujāḥ) # VS.10.28; TS.; KS.15.8; MS.2.6.12: 72.1; śB.; TB.; śś.16.18.4; Mś. P: indraḥ Kś.15.7.8. |
imaṃ | yajñaṃ vardhayan viśvavedāḥ # MS.4.14.13a: 236.10; TB. |
imaṃ | yajñaṃ vitataṃ viśvakarmaṇā # AVś.2.35.5c; 19.58.5c; AVP.1.81.1c. |
imaṃ | maṇiṃ viśvajitaṃ suvīram # AVP.1.66.3a. |
imā | ca viśvā (KS. imā viśvā) bhuvanāni samrāṭ (AVś. bhuvanāny antaḥ) # AVś.3.20.8b; KS.14.2b; VS.9.24b; TS.; śB. See next, and memā ca viśvā. |
imā | ca viśvā (KS. imā viśvā) bhuvanāni sarvataḥ # VS.9.25b; TS.; MS.1.11.4b: 165.5; KS.14.2b; śB. See under prec. |
imā | ca viśvā bhuvanāny asya # RV.3.55.19c; N.10.34c. |
imā | ca viśvā bhuvanābhi majmanā # RV.9.110.9b; SV.2.846b. Cf. AVś.13.1.14,37. |
imāṃ | ca naḥ pṛthivīṃ viśvadhāyāḥ # RV.3.55.21a. |
imā | bhavantu viśvataḥ # RV.1.10.12b; VS.5.29b; TS.; MS.1.2.11b: 21.4; KS.2.12b; śB.; ApMB.1.2.6b. |
imā | me viśvatovīryaḥ # SMB.1.8.1a; GG.3.6.1. P: imā me KhG.3.1.45. |
imau | paśūn rakṣatāṃ viśvato naḥ # MS.4.12.6c: 198.7; TB. |
iyaṃ | devī samitir viśvarūpā # AVP.1.92.2a. |
irā | patnī viśvasṛjām # TB. |
iṣaṃ | ca no dadhatī viśvavāre # RV.7.77.5c. |
iṣaṃ | ca viśvabhojasam # RV.6.48.13c. |
iṣaṃ | duhan sudughāṃ viśvadhāyasam # RV.10.122.6a; KS.12.14a. |
iṣam | ūrjaṃ sukṣitiṃ viśvam ābhāḥ # RV.10.20.10d; 99.12d. |
iṣaṃ | pinva maghavadbhyaḥ (KS. viśvavārāṃ) suvīrām # RV.7.24.6c; KS.13.16d. |
iha | paśavo viśvarūpā ramantām # TB.; Apś.4.1.10a; 7.17.1a. See iha prajā vi-. |
iha | prajā viśvarūpā ramantām # MS.4.2.10a: 32.14; TB.; Apś.4.1.10a; Mś.; See iha paśavo. |
iho | iḍā tiṣṭhatu viśvarūpī # TB.; Apś.5.14.5c. |
īśānaḥ | soma viśvataḥ # RV.9.61.6c; SV.2.139c. |
īśe | yo viśvasya devavīteḥ # RV.10.6.3a. |
īśe | sarvasya ceṣṭataḥ # AVś.11.4.24b. Cf. īśe viśvasya. |
uta | tvā viśvā bhūtāni # NīlarU.10e. See uto tvā etc. |
uta | śrutaṃ sadane viśvataḥ sīm # RV.1.122.6b. |
uta | sya na indro viśvacarṣaṇiḥ # RV.2.31.3a. |
uta | sya vājy aruṣas tuviṣvaṇiḥ # RV.5.56.7a. |
uto | tvā viśvā bhūtāni # AVP.14.3.10e. See uta tvā etc. |
ut | tiṣṭheto (śB. tiṣṭhāto) viśvāvaso # AVś.14.2.33a; śB.; BṛhU.6.4.18a. See ud īrṣvāto. |
ud | asthād devy aditiḥ (Apś. aditir viśvarūpī) # AB.5.27.4a; 7.3.2a; JB.1.58a; TB.,1; śB.; Aś.3.11.2a; śś.3.20.2a; Kś.25.1.14a; Mś.3.2.1a; Apś.9.5.2a. |
ud | īrṣvāto viśvāvaso # RV.10.85.22a; śś.16.13.13; ApMB.1.10.1a (ApG.3.8.10). See ut tiṣṭheto, and cf. prec. |
ud | u jyotir amṛtaṃ viśvajanyam # RV.7.76.1a; N.11.10. Cf. BṛhD.6.11 (B). |
ud | v eti subhago viśvacakṣāḥ # RV.7.63.1a. Cf. BṛhD.6.5. |
upariṣṭādvāto | vātaḥ # MS.2.7.20: 105.19. See viṣvagvāto. |
upa | vo viśvavedaso namasyur ā # RV.8.27.11c. |
upasthāya | prathamajām ṛtasya # VS.32.11c. See upātiṣṭhe, prajāpatiḥ prathamajā, and viśvakarman prathama-. |
ubhe | dyāvāpṛthivī viśvaminve # RV.9.81.5a. |
uruśaṃso | jaritre viśvadha syāḥ # RV.4.16.18d. |
urvīm | imāṃ viśvajanasya bhartrīm # TB.; Apś.5.2.1b. |
uṣaḥ | pratīcī bhuvanāni viśvā # RV.3.61.3a. |
uṣā | ajīgar bhuvanāni viśvā # RV.1.113.4d--6d. |
uṣāsānaktā | viduṣīva viśvam # RV.5.41.7c. |
ūrjaṃ | puṣṭaṃ vasv āveśayantī # AVś.7.79.3b. See viśvaṃ puṣṭaṃ vasv, and viśvā rūpāṇi vasūny. |
ṛṇoḥ | puro vi duro asya viśvāḥ # RV.6.18.5d. |
ṛtavaḥ | stha saṃvatsare śritāḥ, māsānāṃ pratiṣṭhā, yuṣmāsv idam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartāro viśvasya janayitāraḥ # TB. |
ṛtāvānaṃ | mahiṣaṃ viśvadarśatam # RV.10.140.6a; SV.2.1171a; VS.12.111a; TS.; MS.2.7.14a: 96.1; KS.16.14a; śB. |
ṛdhag | dveṣaḥ kṛṇuta viśvavedasaḥ # RV.8.18.11c. |
e | āti viśvāni duritā tarema # JB.2.385; 3.195. See ati viśvāni etc. |
eka | id rājā jagato babhūva # RV.10.121.3b; VS.23.3b; 25.11b; TS.;; KSA.5.13b. See eko rājā, and patir viśvasya jagato. |
ekaḥ | kṛṣṭīś cyāvayati pra viśvāḥ # RV.7.19.1b; AVś.20.37.1b. |
ekaḥ | sūryo viśvam anu prabhūtaḥ # RV.8.58 (Vāl.10).2b. |
eko | anyac cakṛṣe viśvam ānuṣak # RV.1.52.14d. |
eko | dādhāra bhuvanāni viśvā # RV.1.154.4d. |
ejad | dhruvaṃ patyate viśvam ekam # RV.3.54.8c. |
etā | u vaḥ subhagā viśvarūpāḥ (KSA. viśvavārāḥ) # VS.29.5a; TS.; MS.3.16.2a: 184.6; KSA.6.2a. |
etās | tvā kulyā upa yantu viśvataḥ (AVP.6.22.7c, viśvahāḥ [!]) # AVP.6.22.6c,7c. See next but one. |
eti | prācī viśvavārā namobhiḥ # RV.5.28.1c. |
ete | dyumnebhir viśvam ātiranta # RV.7.7.6a. |
ena | tvā vande viśvāsu dikṣu # AVP.14.8.5d. See yena tvā etc. |
enāṃsi | śiśratho viṣvag agne # MS.3.16.5d: 192.8. See vy enāṃsi. |
eme | dyāvāpṛthivī viśvarūpe # VS.9.19b; śB. See under ā dyāvā-. |
evā | tā viśvā cakṛvāṃsam indram # RV.6.17.13a. |
evātharvā | pitaraṃ viśvadevam # AVP.5.2.7a. See yo 'tharvāṇaṃ. |
evā | pitre viśvadevāya vṛṣṇe # RV.4.50.6a; AVś.20.88.6a; TS.; MS.4.11.2a: 166.9; 4.14.4: 220.5; KS.17.18a; AB.4.11.2; Aś.3.7.9; 5.18.5. P: evā pitre AB.3.30.4; TB.; śś.8.3.15; 9.27.2; Mś.; |
eṣa | drapso vṛṣabho viśvarūpaḥ # RV.6.41.3a. |
ehy | evā hīndropehi viśvatha vidā maghavan vidā # śś.17.12.5. |
aidheva | yāman marutas tuviṣvaṇaḥ # RV.1.166.1c. |
aindraḥ | śuṣmo viśvarūpo na āgan # AVś.9.4.22b. Cf. indrasya śuṣmam. |
aindrīṃ | vācaṃ bṛhatīṃ viśvarūpām # JB.2.45,418; Lś.4.1.5. In JB. part of sugantuḥ karma. |
ojo | 'si saho 'si balam asi bhrājo 'si devānāṃ dhāmāmṛtam amartyas tapojās tvayīdam antar viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtaṃ viśvasya bhartā viśvasya janayitā # TB. See prec. |
kartāraṃ | ca vikartāraṃ viśvakarmāṇam # PG.3.4.8a. |
kāmapradāṃ | rajanīṃ viśvarūpām # MG.2.13.6a. |
kāle | ha viśvā bhūtāni # AVś.19.53.6c. See kālo etc., and cf. indre ha viśvā and prāṇe ha. |
kālo | ha viśvā bhūtāni # AVP.11.8.6c. See under kāle etc. |
kuṣṭho | no viśvatas pātu # AVP.1.31.4c. Cf. prec. but two. |
kṛtyākṛtā | saṃbhṛtā viśvarūpā # AVś.10.1.2b,24b. |
kṛṣṭīr | yo viśvā abhy asty eka it # RV.8.24.19c; AVś.20.65.1c; SV.1.387c. |
kṛṣyai | no viśvavārāyai # AVP.15.22.7c. |
keṣu | (Vait. keṣv idaṃ) viśvaṃ bhuvanam ā viveśa # Aś.10.9.2d; śś.16.6.1d; Vait.37.1d. See teṣu etc., yeṣu etc., and cf. ketur viśvaṃ. |
keṣv | idaṃ etc. # see keṣu viśvaṃ. |
kratvā | nipāti vṛjanāni viśvā # RV.1.73.2b. |
krāṇā | rudrā maruto viśvakṛṣṭayaḥ # RV.10.92.6a. |
kṣamā | rapo viśvaṃ no astu bheṣajam # AVś.6.57.3c. |
kṣāmā | ye viśvadhāyasaḥ # RV.10.176.1c. |
gandharvas | tvā viśvāvasuḥ pari dadhātu viśvasyāriṣṭyai # VS.2.3; śB. P: gandharvaḥ Kś.2.8.1. See gandharvo 'si viśvā-. |
gandharvo | 'si viśvāvasuḥ # TS.; MS.1.1.12: 7.10; KS.1.11; TB.; Apś.2.9.5; JG.1.19. P: gandharvo 'si Mś. See gandharvas tvā. |
gabhastayo | niyuto viśvavārāḥ # TB. |
gabhiṣag | rūpam apagūhamānaḥ # AVś.19.56.2d. Cf. viṣvaṅvarūpam. |
garbhaṃ | prajām ejate viśvarūpām # AVP.11.1.9b. |
garbhebhyo | maghavā viśvadarśataḥ # RV.1.146.5d. |
gāyatrī | chandasāṃ viśvarūpā # TS.; MS.3.16.4b: 187.16; KS.22.14b; Aś.4.12.2b. See gāyatreṇa chandasā viśvarūpam. |
gāyatreṇa | chandasā viśvarūpam # AVP.15.1.2b. See gāyatrī chandasāṃ. |
girir | na viśvatas (SV.JB. viśvataḥ) pṛthuḥ patir divaḥ # RV.8.98.4c; AVś.20.64.1c; SV.1.393c; 2.597c; JB.3.232c. |
giro | ma indram upa yanti viśvataḥ # RV.3.51.2b. |
giro | vardhantu viśvahā # RV.8.44.22b. |
guhā | santaṃ subhaga viśvadarśatam # RV.5.8.3c; TS.; JB.1.64c; śB.; Mś. |
gṛtsaṃ | kaviṃ viśvavidam amūram # RV.3.19.1b. |
gnās | tvā devīr viśvadevyāvatīḥ (MS. -devyavatīḥ) pṛthivyāḥ sadhasthe aṅgirasvat pacantūkhe (TS. aṅgirasvac chrapayantūkhe; MS. aṅgirasvañ śrapayantūkhe) # VS.11.61; TS.; MS.2.7.6: 81.12; 3.1.8: 10.6; KS.16.6; śB. P: gnās tvā TS.; KS.19.7. |
gharma | madhumataḥ pitṛmato vājimato bṛhaspatimato viśvadevyāvataḥ # Vait.14.7. |
gharmo | 'si viśvāyuḥ # VS.1.22; TS.; MS.1.1.9: 5.5; 4.1.9: 11.7; KS.1.8; 31.7; śB.; TB.; Apś.1.24.6; Mś. P: gharmo 'si Kś.2.5.19. |
ghṛtaṃ | duhānā viśvataḥ prapītāḥ (TB.ApMB. prapīnāḥ) # RV.7.41.7c; AVś.3.16.7c; AVP.4.31.7c; VS.34.40c; TB.; ApMB.1.14.7c. |
ghṛtasya | dhārā upa yanti viśvataḥ # RV.1.125.4d; TS.; MS.4.11.2d: 165.6; KS.11.12d. |
ghraṃsaṃ | rakṣantaṃ pari viśvato gayam # RV.5.44.7c. |
cakrir | yo viśvā bhuvanābhi sāsahiḥ # RV.3.16.4a. |
candramā | asy āditye śritaḥ, nakṣatrāṇāṃ pratiṣṭhā, tvayīdam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartā viśvasya janayitā # TB. |
cittir | apāṃ dame viśvāyuḥ # RV.1.67.10a. |
jagac | ca viśvam udiyarṣi bhānunā # RV.10.37.4b. |
janayan | prajā bahudhā viśvarūpāḥ # Kauś.124.2b,3b. |
janayas | tvāchinnapatrā devīr viśvadevyāvatīḥ (MS. -devyavatīḥ) pṛthivyāḥ sadhasthe aṅgirasvat pacantūkhe # VS.11.61; MS.2.7.6: 81.14; 3.1.8: 10.10; KS.16.6; śB. P: janayas tvāchinnapatrāḥ KS.19.7. See varūtrayo janayas. |
jaremaṃ | dhāpayatāṃ viśvarūpā # AVP.7.11.9e. |
jāgatena | chandasā viśvavedāḥ # Apś.4.7.2b. |
jāyeva | yonāv araṃ viśvasmai # RV.1.66.5b. |
jigharmy | agniṃ haviṣā (KS. manasā) ghṛtena # RV.2.10.4a; TS.;; KS.16.2a; 19.3. P: jigharmy agnim Apś.16.3.1. See ā tvā jigharmi, and ā viśvataḥ. |
jiṣṇave | yogāya viśvāni mā bhūtāny upa tiṣṭhantu # AVś.10.5.6. |
jyeṣṭhaś | ca mantro viśvacarṣaṇe # RV.10.50.4d; TS.; MS.4.12.6d: 197.7; KS.23.12d. |
jyotir | asi viśvarūpaṃ viśveṣāṃ devānāṃ samit (KS. viśvarūpaṃ marutāṃ pṛṣatī) # VS.5.35; KS.3.1; śB.; Apś.7.9.2. P: jyotir asi Kś.5.4.26. |
jyotir | na viśvam abhy asti dakṣiṇā # RV.8.24.21c; AVś.20.65.3c. |
tatas | tvam asi jyāyān viśvahā mahān # AVś.9.2.19c--24c. |
tato | yajñas tāyate viśvadānīm # KS.31.14d; Mś. See tato yajño. |
tato | yajño jāyate viśvadāniḥ # TB.; Apś.2.1.3d. See tato yajñas. |
tato | vi tiṣṭhe bhuvanānu (AVś. -ni) viśvā # RV.10.125.7c; AVś.4.30.7c. |
tat | puruṣasya viśvam (MS. devam) ājānam agre # MS.2.7.15d: 96.16; TA.3.13.1d; Apś.16.29.2d. See tan martyasya. |
tathā | vy akrāmad viṣvaṅ # AVś.19.6.2c; AVP.9.5.2c. See prec., and tato viṣvaṅ. |
tad | anyasyām adhi śritam # AVś.1.32.4b; TB.; Apś.9.14.2b. See viśvam anyasyām etc. |
tad | asmān pātu viśvataḥ # AVś.19.20.3d; AVP.1.108.3d. Cf. under so asmān pātu. |
tad | uśanti viśva ime sakhāyaḥ # RV.9.96.4c. |
tad | dādhāra pṛthivīṃ viśvarūpam # AVś.10.8.11c. |
tad | rodasī śṛṇutaṃ viśvaminve # RV.10.67.11d; AVś.20.91.11d. |
tanā | pṛthivyā uta viśvavedāḥ # RV.3.25.1b. |
tanūnapād | asuro viśvavedāḥ (AVś. bhūripāṇiḥ) # AVś.5.27.1d; AVP.9.1.1d; VS.27.12a; TS.; MS.2.12.6a: 149.16; KS.18.17a. |
taṃ | tvā vayaṃ viśvavāra # RV.1.30.10a. |
tan | nas trāyatāṃ tanvaḥ sarvato (Apś. tan no viśvato) mahat # KS.38.14c; Apś.16.19.1c. See tan me tanvaṃ. |
taṃ | no viśvā avasyuvaḥ # RV.9.43.2a. |
tapā | vṛṣan viśvataḥ śociṣā tān # RV.6.22.5c; AVś.20.36.8c. |
tapo | 'si loke śritam, tejasaḥ pratiṣṭhā, tvayīdam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartṛ viśvasya janayitṛ # TB. |
tam | arcata viśvamitrā havirbhiḥ # AVś.18.3.63c; 4.54c. |
taṃ | pratnathā pūrvathā viśvathemathā # RV.5.44.1a; VS.7.12a; TS.; MS.1.3.11a: 34.4; KS.4.3a; KB.24.9; śB.; N.3.16. P: taṃ pratnathā VS.33.21,33,47,58,73; Aś.9.9.13; 10.2; śś.10.13.22; 11.12.13; 15.3.10,11; Kś.9.6.11; Apś.12.14.15; Mś. Cf. BṛhD.5.44 (B). |
tayā | tvaṃ viśvato asmān # AVP.14.4.7c; NīlarU.17c. See tayāsmān. |
tayā | vājān viśvarūpāṃ jayema # AVś.13.1.22c. |
tayor | ārpitā bhuvanāni viśvā # AVś.11.5.9d. |
tava | ha tyad indra viśvam ājau # RV.6.20.13a. |
tasmā | iḍā pinvate viśvadānīm (TB. -dānī) # RV.4.50.8b; TB.; AB.8.26.7. |
tasmāt | tvā viśvā bhūtāni # AVP.2.24.3c. |
tasmān | maṇiṃ nir mame viśvarūpam # AVP.1.66.2d. |
tasminn | ā tasthur bhuvanāni viśvā # RV.1.164.13b. See yasminn etc., and cf. tasminn ārpitā, and tasmin ha. |
tasminn | ārpitā bhuvanāni viśvā # RV.1.164.14d. Cf. under tasminn ā tasthur. |
tasminn | induḥ pavate viśvadānīm # AVś.18.3.54d. |
tasmin | yaśo nihitaṃ viśvarūpam # AVś.10.8.9b; śB.,5; BṛhU.2.2.4b,5. See yasmin yaśo. |
tasmin | ha tasthur bhuvanāni viśvā # VS.31.19d. See under tasminn ā tasthur. |
tasmai | virūpākṣāya dantāñjaye samudrāya viśvavyacase tuthāya viśvavedase śvātrāya pracetase sahasrākṣāya brahmaṇaḥ putrāya namaḥ # SMB.2.4.6. Cf. virūpākṣāya dantājjaye. |
tasya | cakrā bhuvanāni viśvā # AVś.19.53.1d; AVP.11.8.1d. |
tasyā | garbho abhavad viśvarūpaḥ # AVś.9.1.5b. |
tasyās | te viśvadhāyasaḥ # AVP.3.15.1c--4c; 6.7.4c--6c. |
tasyed | u viśvā bhuvanādhi mūrdhani # RV.6.7.6c. |
tā | asmabhyaṃ sūrayo viśvam āyuḥ # AVP.6.3.5c. See te asmabhyam iṣaye. |
tā | īṃ viśvataḥ pari ṣanti pūrvīḥ # RV.9.89.5d. |
tā | tū te satyā tuvinṛmṇa viśvā # RV.4.22.6a. |
tā | te viśvā paribhūr astu yajñam # RV.1.91.19b; VS.4.37b; TS.; MS.4.12.4b: 188.11; KS.11.13b; AB.1.13.22; śB. |
tā | no yajñam āgataṃ viśvadhenā # MS.4.14.6c: 223.2; TB. |
tā | no viśvāni jaritā ciketa (RV.10.59.2c, mamattu) # RV.10.59.2c,3c. |
tāṃ | tvā viśvasya bhūtasya # HG.1.20.1c; ApMB.1.3.5c. See yāṃ tvā etc. |
tābhyām | idaṃ viśvam ejat (KSṭB.Apś. bhuvanaṃ) sam eti # RV.10.88.15c; VS.19.47c; KS.17.19c; 38.2c; śB.;; TB.; Apś.19.3.5c; BṛhU.6.1.4c. See yābhyām etc. |
tā | mātā viśvavedasā # RV.8.25.3a. |
tāvatī | nirṛtir viśvavārā # AVP.5.27.3c. |
tā | vāṃ viśvako havate tanūkṛthe # RV.8.86.1c--3c. |
tā | vāṃ viśvasya gopā # RV.8.25.1a. P: tā vāṃ viśvasya śś.11.6.2. Cf. BṛhD.6.65. |
tā | sūryācandramasā viśvabhṛttamā # TB. |
tāsv | adhvaryav ādhāvendrāya somam ūrjasvantaṃ payasvantaṃ madhumantaṃ vṛṣṭivaniṃ vasumate rudravata ādityavata ṛbhumate vibhumate vājavate bṛhaspatimate viśvadevyāvate # śś.6.7.10. See next. |
tāsv | adhvaryo indrāya somaṃ sotā madhumantaṃ vṛṣṭivaniṃ tīvrāntaṃ bahuramadhyaṃ vasumate rudravata ādityavata ṛbhumate vibhumate vājavate bṛhaspativate viśvadevyāvate # AB.2.20.14; Aś.5.1.15. See prec. |
tisraḥ | pṛthivīr adho astu viśvāḥ # RV.7.104.11b; AVś.8.4.11b. |
tutho | mā viśvavedā brahmaṇaḥ putro 'nujānātu # SMB.2.4.6. |
tutho | vo viśvavedā vibhajatu # VS.7.45; VSK.9.2.6; śB. See next. |
tutho | vo viśvavedā vibhajatu varṣiṣṭhe adhi (KS. 'dhi) nāke (MS. nāke pṛthivyāḥ) # TS.; MS.1.3.37: 43.11; KS.4.9. P: tutho vo viśvavedā vibhajatu TS.; MS.4.8.2: 108.11; KS.28.4; Apś.13.5.11; Mś. See prec. |
tutho | 'si viśvavedāḥ # VS.5.31; TS.; MS.1.2.12: 21.12; KS.2.13; PB.1.4.7; śś.6.12.17. P: tuthaḥ Lś.2.2.18. |
tubhyed | imā savanā śūra viśvā # RV.7.22.7a; AVś.20.73.1a; Vait.32.7. P: tubhyed imā śś.10.5.19. |
turaś | cid viśvam arṇavat tapasvān # AVś.5.2.8d. See duraś ca. |
turīyaṃ | svij janayad viśvajanyaḥ # RV.10.67.1c; AVś.20.91.1c. |
tṛtīyasya | savanasya ṛbhumato vibhumato vājavato bṛhaspatimato (Mś. -vato) viśvadevyāvatas tīvrā3ṃ (Mś. tīvraṃ) āśīrvata indrāya somān prasthitān preṣya # Kś.10.5.9; Mś. See next. |
tṛtīyasya | savanasyarbhumato vibhumataḥ prabhumato vājavataḥ savitṛvato bṛhaspativato viśvadevyāvatas tīvrāṃ āśīrvata indrāya somān # Apś.13.12.2. See prec. |
te | asmabhyam iṣaye viśvam āyuḥ # RV.6.52.15c; KS.13.15c. See tā asmabhyaṃ sūrayo. |
tejo | 'si tapasi śritam, samudrasya pratiṣṭhā, tvayīdam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartṛ viśvasya janayitṛ # TB. |
te | devā asapatnam imaṃ suvadhvaṃ mahate kṣatrāya mahate jyaiṣṭhyāya mahate rājyāya mahate jānarājyāya mahate viśvasya bhuvanasyādhipatyāya # KS.15.5. See under prec. |
tena | me viśvadhāvīrya # AVP.1.43.3c. |
tenā | no yajñaṃ pipṛhi viśvavāre # AVś.7.20.4c; 79.1c. See sā naḥ prajāṃ kṛṇuhi, and sā no yajñaṃ. |
tebhir | no viśvaiḥ sumanā aheḍan # RV.1.91.4c; TS.; MS.4.10.3c: 149.13; KS.13.15c; TB. |
te | hi dyāvāpṛthivī viśvaśaṃbhuvā # RV.1.160.1a; AB.4.10.11; 32.4; KB.19.9; 20.3; 21.2; 22.2; 25.9; Aś.6.5.18; śś.18.22.5. P: te hi dyāvāpṛthivī Aś.7.4.12; śś.10.3.14. |
tmanam | ūrjaṃ na viśvadha kṣaradhyai # RV.1.63.8d. |
trite | tad viśvam āptye # RV.8.47.13c. |
tripājasyo | vṛṣabho viśvarūpaḥ # RV.3.56.3a. |
trir | jāto viśvadevebhyaḥ # AVś.19.39.5c; AVP.7.10.5c. |
trivandhuro | maghavā viśvasaubhagaḥ # RV.1.157.3c; SV.2.1110c. |
triśīrṣāṇaṃ | trikakudam # AVś.5.23.9a. See yo dviśīrṣā, yo viśvarūpaś, viśvarūpaṃ caturakṣam, and cf. dviśīrṣaṃ. |
triṣadhasthe | barhiṣi viśvavedasā # RV.1.47.4a. |
traiṣṭubhena | chandasā viśvavedāḥ # Apś.4.7.2b. |
tvaṃ | rayir bahulo viśvatas pṛthuḥ # RV.2.1.12d. |
tvaṃ | viśveṣāṃ janitā yathāsaḥ # AVś.4.1.7c. See tvaṃ viśvasya janitā. |
tvaṃ | viṣṇo sumatiṃ viśvajanyām # RV.7.100.2a; Aś.3.8.1. |
tvaṃ | samudro asi viśvavit kave # RV.9.6.29a. |
tvaṃ | suvīro asi soma viśvavit # RV.9.86.39c; SV.2.305c; JB.3.84; PB.13.1.4. |
tvaṃ | somāsi viśvataḥ # RV.9.66.3b. |
tvaṃ | haryasi tava viśvam ukthyam # RV.10.96.5c; AVś.20.30.5c. |
tvaṃ | hi viśvatomukha # RV.1.97.6a; AVś.4.33.6a; AVP.4.29.6b; TA.6.11.2a. |
tvaṃ | hi viśvabheṣajaḥ # RV.10.137.3c; AVś.4.13.3c; AVP.5.18.4c; TB.; TA.4.42.1c; KA.1.218c. |
tvaṃ | hi viśvam abhy asi manma # RV.4.6.1c. |
tvaṃ | kalyāṇa vasu viśvam opiṣe # RV.1.31.9d. |
tvaṃ | jāto bhavasi viśvatomukhaḥ # AVś.10.8.27d. |
tvad | bhiyendra pārthivāni viśvā # RV.6.31.2a. |
tvaṃ | tā viśvā bhuvanāni vettha # AVś.5.11.4c. See tvam aṅga viśvā. |
tvaṃ | dakṣaiḥ sudakṣo viśvavedāḥ # RV.1.91.2b; MS.4.14.1b: 214.6; TB. |
tvaṃ | naḥ pṛṇīhi paśubhir viśvarūpaiḥ # AVś.17.1.6f--8f,9d,10f--12f,13g,14d,15d,16f,17d,18f,19f,24f. |
tvaṃ | naḥ soma viśvataḥ # RV.1.91.8a; 10.25.7a; TS.; MS.4.10.1a: 141.12; 4.10.3: 149.9; 4.11.5: 174.11; KS.2.14a; Aś.2.10.6. P: tvaṃ naḥ soma TS.; Mś.; |
tvaṃ | naḥ soma viśvato vayodhāḥ # RV.8.48.15a; Aś.3.7.7. |
tvaṃ | nṛcakṣā asi soma viśvataḥ # RV.9.86.38a; SV.2.306a; JB.3.84. |
tvaṃ | nṛbhir havyo viśvadhāsi # RV.7.22.7c; AVś.20.73.1c. |
tvaṃ | no gopāḥ pari pāhi viśvataḥ # AVś.5.3.2b; AVP.5.4.2b. See adabdho gopāḥ. |
tvam | agne gṛhapatir viśām asi # TA.4.7.5a. See viśvāsāṃ gṛhapatir. |
tvam | agne mānuṣīṇām # RV.6.48.8b. See viśvāsāṃ mānuṣīṇām. |
tvam | aṅga tāni viśvāni vitse # RV.10.54.4c. |
tvam | aṅga viśvā janimāni vettha # AVP.8.1.4c. See tvaṃ tā viśvā. |
tvam | asmākam indra viśvadha syāḥ # RV.1.174.10a. |
tvam | asya kṣayasi yad dha viśvam # RV.4.5.11c. |
tvam | indrāsi viśvajit # AVś.17.1.11a. |
tvam | imā oṣadhīḥ soma viśvāḥ # RV.1.91.22a; ArS.3.3a; VS.34.22a; MS.4.14.1a: 214.9; KS.13.15a; TB. P: tvam imā oṣadhīḥ śś.6.10.3; Svidh.2.3.10; 8.3. |
tvam | imā viśvā bhuvanānu tiṣṭhase # AVś.17.1.16c. |
tvaṃ | potā viśvavāra pracetāḥ # RV.7.16.5c; SV.1.61c; MS.2.13.8c: 157.6. |
tvaṃ | mahīm avaniṃ viśvadhenām # RV.4.19.6a. |
tvaṃ | mānebhya indra viśvajanyā # RV.1.169.8a; MS.4.14.13a: 237.2. |
tvayā | tad viśvatomukha # AVś.7.65.2c. |
tvayā | yajño jāyate viśvadāniḥ # TB.; Apś.1.6.4b. |
tvaṣṭā | rūpāṇāṃ vikartā tasyāhaṃ devayajyayā viśvarūpaṃ priyaṃ puṣeyam # KS.5.4. P: tvaṣṭā rūpāṇāṃ vikartā KS.32.4. See tvaṣṭur ahaṃ. |
tvāṃ | hinomi puruhūta viśvahā # RV.2.32.3d. |
tvām | agne dharṇasiṃ viśvadhā vayam # RV.5.8.4a. |
tvām | in me gopatiṃ viśva āha # RV.7.18.4c. |
tvāṣṭrasya | cid viśvarūpasya gonām # RV.10.8.9c. |
tveṣaṃ | śardho na mārutaṃ tuviṣvaṇi # RV.6.48.15a. |
dakṣaṃ | na viśvaṃ tatṛṣāṇam oṣati # RV.1.130.8f. |
dadhikrām | u dadathur viśvakṛṣṭim # RV.4.38.2b. |
damūnasam | ukthyaṃ viśvacarṣaṇim # RV.3.2.15b. |
darmā | darṣīṣṭa viśvataḥ # RV.1.132.6g; VS.8.53g; śB.; Vait.34.1g; Apś.21.12.9g; Mś. |
darśaṃ | nu viśvadarśatam # RV.1.25.18a. |
darśā | dṛṣṭā darśatā viśvarūpā sudarśanā # TB. P: darśā dṛṣṭā TB.; 10.2; Apś.19.12.3. |
dasrā | hi viśvam ānuṣak # RV.8.26.6a. |
dahan | rakṣāṃsi viśvahā # RV.8.43.26b; AVP.10.1.12d; KS.38.12d; 39.15b; Apś.16.6.7d. See prec. |
dāśarājñe | pariyattāya viśvataḥ # RV.7.83.8a. |
divā | naktaṃ ca viśvataḥ # AVś.8.5.22g. |
dive | ca viśvakarmaṇe (AVś.AVP. viśvavedase) # AVś.1.32.4c; AVP.1.23.4c; TB.; Apś.9.14.2c. |
divo | mā pāhi viśvasmai prāṇāyāpānāya vyānāyopānāya pratiṣṭhāyai caritrāya # MS.2.8.14: 118.6. |
divyaṃ | chadmāsi saṃtatināma viśvajanasya chāyā # Lś.1.7.15. Cf. divaś chadmāsi. |
dīrgham | āyur vyaśnavai # PG.3.2.2d; 3.6e. See viśvam āyur etc., and sarvam āyur etc. |
duraś | ca viśvā avṛṇod apa svāḥ # RV.3.31.21d; 10.120.8d; AVś.20.107.11d; AVP.6.1.8d. See turaś cid. |
duritāt | pāntv aṃhasaḥ (Lś. pāntu viśvataḥ) # AVś.7.64.1d; 10.5.22d; Lś.2.2.11f. |
durge | cana dhriyate viśva ā puru # RV.5.34.7c. |
duṣvapnyaṃ | nirṛtiṃ viśvam atriṇam # RV.10.36.4b. |
dūtaṃ | vo viśvavedasam # RV.4.8.1a; SV.1.12a; MS.2.13.5a: 153.17; KS.12.15a; AB.5.17.16; KB.26.13; śś.10.10.8; 14.51.14; Mś. P: dūtaṃ vaḥ Aś.4.13.7; 8.9.7; śś.6.4.1. |
dṛḍhā | cid viśvā bhuvanāni pārthivā # RV.1.64.3c. |
dṛḍho | nakṣatra uta viśvadevaḥ # RV.6.67.6c. |
dediṣṭa | indra indriyāṇi viśvā # RV.5.31.3b. |
devayuvaṃ | (TSṭB. devā-) viśvavārām (Aś. -vāre) # TS.; śB.; TB.; Aś.1.4.11; śś.1.6.16. |
devas | tvaṣṭā savitā viśvarūpaḥ # RV.3.55.19a; 10.10.5b; AVś.18.1.5b; Aś.3.8.1; śś.13.4.2; N.10.34a. |
devaḥ | savitā viśvavāraḥ # AVś.5.27.3c; MS.2.12.6b: 150.1; KS.18.17b. See AVP.9.1.2de, and sukṛd devaḥ savitā. |
devānāṃ | tvā patnīr devīr viśvadevyavatīḥ pṛthivyāḥ sadhasthe aṅgirasvad dadhatu mahāvīrān # MS.4.9.1: 121.12. |
devānāṃ | tvā patnīr devīr viśvadevyāvatīḥ (MS. -devya-) pṛthivyāḥ sadhasthe aṅgirasvad (TS. 'ṅg-) dadhatūkhe # VS.11.61; TS.,2; MS.2.7.6: 81.10; 3.1.8: 10.1; KS.16.6; śB. Ps: devānāṃ tvā patnīḥ TS.; KS.19.7; Apś.16.5.8; Mś.; devānāṃ tvā Kś.16.4.11. |
devāś | ca viśva ṛbhavaś ca viśve # RV.7.51.3b. |
devīr | dvāro bṛhatīr viśvaminvāḥ # RV.10.110.5c; AVś.5.12.5c; VS.29.30c; MS.4.13.3c: 202.4; KS.16.20c; TB.; N.8.10c. |
devo | na yaḥ pṛthivīṃ viśvadhāyāḥ # RV.1.73.3a. |
devau | paśyantau bhuvanāni viśvā # VS.29.7b; TS.; MS.3.16.2b: 184.10; KSA.6.2b. |
daivaḥ | ketur viśvam ābhūṣatīdam # AVś.7.11.1b. |
daivyā | āśāḥ prasūvarīḥ # MS.3.12.21b: 167.9. See viśvā āśāḥ prabhū-. |
dyaur | asi vāyau śritādityasya pratiṣṭhā tvayīdam antar viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtaṃ viśvasya bhartrī viśvasya janayitrī # TB. |
dravad | yathā saṃbhṛtaṃ viśvataś cit # RV.3.35.2c. |
dvāro | devīr anv asya (AVP. devīr annasya) viśve (MS.KS. viśvāḥ) # AVś.5.27.7a; AVP.9.1.5a; VS.27.16a; TS.; MS.2.12.6a: 150.8; KS.18.17a. |
dviṣo | no viśvatomukha # RV.1.97.7a; AVś.4.33.7a; AVP.4.29.7b; TA.6.11.2a. |
dhanaspṛtam | ukthyaṃ viśvacarṣaṇim # RV.1.64.14c. |
dhartā | divaḥ savitā viśvavāraḥ # RV.10.149.4d. |
dhartā | devānām asi viśvarūpaḥ # AVP.5.32.6b. |
dharmaṃ | purāṇam anu pālayantī # AVś.18.3.1c. See viśvaṃ pu-. |
dhātā | dadātu dāśuṣe vasūni # TS.; MS.4.12.6a: 195.14; ApMB.2.11.4a (ApG.6.14.2). See dhātā viśvā. |
dhātā | dīkṣāyām (KS. dīkṣāyāṃ brahmavate; Mś. dīkṣāyāṃ svāhā) # TS.; KS.34.14; Mś.3.6.2. Cf. viśvakarmā dī-. |
dhātā | dhātuḥ pituḥ pitābhinno gharmo viśvāyur yato jātaṃ tad apyagāt svāhā # Mś.3.1.24. Cf. prec. and abhinno gharmo. |
dhāman | (AG. dhāmaṃ) te viśvaṃ bhuvanam adhi śritam # RV.4.58.11a; AVP.8.13.11a; VS.17.99a; KS.40.7a; Aś.2.13.7; Apś.17.18.1a; AG.3.5.7; śG.4.5.8. |
dhāmāni | veda bhuvanāni viśvā # RV.10.82.3b; AVś.2.1.3b; AVP.2.6.3b; VS.17.27b; 32.10b; TA.10.1.4b; MahānU.2.5b. |
dhārayā | soma viśvataḥ # RV.9.41.6b; SV.2.247b; JB.3.60b. |
dhiyaṃ | pūṣā jinvatu viśvaminvaḥ # RV.2.40.6a; MS.4.14.1a: 215.5; TB. |
dhiṣaṇās | tvā devīr viśvadevyāvatīḥ (MSṃś. dhiṣaṇā tvā devī viśvadevyavatī) pṛthivyāḥ sadhasthe aṅgirasvad (TS. 'ṅgi-) abhīndhatām (MS.2.7.6, abhīnddhām; MS.3.1.8, abhīndhātām) ukhe # VS.11.61; TS.; MS.2.7.6: 81.11; 3.1.8: 10.4; KS.16.6; śB. Ps: dhiṣaṇās tvā devīḥ Apś.16.5.9; dhiṣaṇā tvā devī Mś.; dhiṣaṇās tvā TS.; KS.19.7; Kś.16.4.12. |
dhenuṃ | ca viśvadohasam # RV.6.48.13b. |
dhenūr | iva manave viśvadohasaḥ # RV.1.130.5f. |
dhruva | ā roha pṛthivīṃ viśvabhojasam # AVś.18.4.6a. P: dhruva ā roha Kauś.81.7. |
dhruvaṃ | paśyema sarvataḥ (VārG. viśvataḥ) # MG.1.14.10b; VārG.15.21b. |
dhruvās | tiṣṭhanti viśvahā # AVś.12.1.27b. |
nakṣatrāṇi | stha candramasi śritāni, saṃvatsarasya pratiṣṭhā, yuṣmāsv idam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartṝṇi viśvasya janayitṝṇi # TB. |
namaḥ | pṛthivyai daṃṣṭrāya viśvabhṛn mā te ante riṣāma # SMB.2.1.5. P: namaḥ pṛthivyai GG.3.9.3; KhG.3.2.6; 3.17. |
namas | tubhyaṃ nirṛte viśvavāre # AVP.7.11.9d. |
namaḥ | su te nirṛte tigmatejaḥ (TS. viśvarūpe) # VS.12.63a; TS.; MS.2.7.12a: 90.17; KS.16.12a; śB. P: namaḥ su te nirṛte Apś.16.15.8. See namo 'stu te. |
namo | gandharvāya viṣvagvādine # PB.1.3.10. P: namo gandharvāya Lś.1.12.16. |
namo | virūpebhyo viśvarūpebhyaś ca vo namaḥ # VS.16.25; TS.; MS.2.9.4: 123.17; KS.17.13. |
nānaukāṃsi | duryo viśvam āyuḥ # RV.2.38.5a. |
ni | cid viśvāyuḥ śayathe jaghāna # AVś.6.17.9d. |
nirṛtiṃ | tvāhaṃ pari veda viśvataḥ # VS.12.64d; MS.2.2.1d: 15.15; śB. See nirṛtir iti. |
nirṛtir | iti tvāhaṃ pari veda sarvataḥ (TS.KS. viśvataḥ) # AVś.6.84.1d; TS.; KS.16.12d. See nirṛtiṃ tvāhaṃ. |
ni | hotāraṃ viśvavidaṃ dadhidhve # RV.5.4.3c. Cf. next but one. |
patī | dyumad viśvavidā ubhā divaḥ # TB. |
payo | me viśvā bhūtāni # AVP.2.76.4c. |
pari | ṇaḥ pātu viśvataḥ # AVś.2.4.2d; 19.34.5b; AVP.2.11.2d; 7.7.1d,5d,7d,10d; 11.3.5b. Cf. next but one, pari tvā pāmi, pari mā pāhi, and pari māṃ pāhi. |
pari | ṇaḥ pāhi viśvataḥ # AVś.2.7.3d. Cf. under prec. but one. |
pari | tvā pāmi sarvataḥ (AVP. viśvataḥ) # RVKh.1.191.1b; AVP.2.2.3b. Cf. under pari ṇaḥ pātu. |
paribhujad | rodasī viśvataḥ sīm # RV.1.100.14b. |
paribhuvaḥ | pari bhavanti viśvataḥ # RV.1.164.36d; AVś.9.10.17d; N.14.21d. |
paribhūr | agniṃ paribhūr indraṃ paribhūr viśvān devān paribhūr māṃ saha brahmavarcasena # TS. P: paribhūr agnim Apś.12.18.19. |
pari | mā pāhi viśvataḥ # AVś.19.44.6b; AVP.15.3.6b. Cf. under pari ṇaḥ pātu. |
pari | māṃ pāhi viśvataḥ # AVP.7.11.10d. Cf. under pari ṇaḥ pātu. |
pari | yo viśvā bhuvanāni paprathe # RV.6.7.7c. |
pariviṣṭaṃ | jāhuṣaṃ viśvataḥ sīm # RV.1.116.20a. |
pari | vo viśvato dadhe # RV.10.19.7a. |
paścā | mṛdho apa bhavantu viśvāḥ # RV.10.67.11c; AVś.20.91.11c. |
pād | asya viśvā bhūtāni # AVP.9.5.3c. See pādo 'sya. |
pādo | 'sya viśvā (ArS.ChU. sarvā) bhūtāni # RV.10.90.3c; AVś.19.6.3c; ArS.4.5c; VS.31.3c; TA.3.12.2c; ChU.3.12.6c. See pād asya. |
pāhi | no viśvavedase svāhā # TA.10.5.1; MahānU.7.4; śG.5.1.8. |
pāhi | sadam id viśvāyuḥ # RV.1.27.3c; SV.2.986c. |
pitaro | mā viśvam idaṃ ca bhūtam # ā. |
pitā | devānāṃ viśvābhi dhāma # RV.9.109.4b; SV.1.429b; 2.591b; JB.3.230. |
pitā | mātā viśvavidā sudaṃsasā # RV.6.70.6b. |
piśā | iva supiśo viśvavedasaḥ # RV.1.64.8b. |
puṃsaḥ | putrāṃ uta viśvāpuṣaṃ rayim # RV.1.162.22b; VS.25.45b; TS.; KSA.6.5b. |
punar | naḥ pāhy aṃhasaḥ (TS. pāhi viśvataḥ) # AVP.1.41.4c; SV.2.1182c; VS.12.9c,40c; TS.;; 3.4c; MS.1.7.1c: 109.18; 1.7.4c: 112.12; KS.8.14c; 9.1; 16.8c; JB.3.71c; KA.1.198.23c; Lś.3.5.11c; Kauś.72.14c. |
punāti | devānāṃ bhuvanāni viśvā # TB. (bis); Apś.21.20.7b (bis). |
punāno | vātāpyaṃ viśvaścandram # RV.9.93.5b; N.6.28. |
pumān | pumāṃsaṃ pari pātu viśvataḥ (AVP. mṛtyoḥ) # RV.6.75.14d; AVP.15.11.4d; VS.29.51d; TS.; MS.3.16.3d: 187.5; KSA.6.1d; N.9.15d. |
purīṣyo | 'si viśvabharāḥ (MS.3.1.5, viśvaṃ-) # VS.11.32; TS.; MS.2.7.3: 77.3; 3.1.5: 6.13; KS.16.3; 19.4; śB.; Vait.5.14; Apś.16.3.4; Mś. P: purīṣyo 'si Vait.28.9; Kś.16.2.26. |
purudasmo | viṣurūpa (KS. purudasmavad viśvarūpam) induḥ # VS.8.30a; KS.13.9a; śB. Ps: purudasmaḥ Kś.25.10.13; purudasmavat KS.13.10. See urudrapso. |
purudṛṣṭo | adṛṣṭahā # AVP.5.3.1b. See viśvadṛṣṭo adṛṣṭahā. |
pururūpaṃ | darśataṃ viśvacakṣaṇam # AVś.18.1.17b. |
puruścandraṃ | yajataṃ viśvadhāyasam # RV.5.8.1c. |
puruṣa | evedaṃ sarvam (MuṇḍU.VaradapU. viśvam) # RV.10.90.2a; AVś.19.6.4a; AVP.9.5.4a; ArS.4.5a; VS.31.2a; TA.3.12.1a; śvetU.3.15a; MuṇḍU.2.1.10a; VaradapU.1.2e. Cf. CūlikāU.12. |
puro | rakṣāṃsi nijūrvan # AVś.6.52.1b. See puru viśvāni. |
pūṣā | bhagaḥ prabhṛthe viśvabhojāḥ # RV.5.41.4c. |
pūṣā | vāṃ viśvavedā vibhajatu # Mś. |
pūṣṇo | bhāgo nīyate viśvadevyaḥ # RV.1.162.3b; VS.25.26b; TS.; MS.3.16.1b: 181.11; KSA.6.4b. |
pṛkṣaś | ca viśvavedasā # RV.1.139.3e. |
pṛkṣe | tā viśvā bhuvanā vavakṣire # RV.2.34.4a. |
pṛchāmi | tvā bhuvanasya nābhim # AVP.13.7.10c; TS.; KSA.4.7b; TB. See pṛchāmi yatra, and pṛchāmi viśvasya. |
pṛthag | jāyantāṃ vīrudho (AVP.AVś.4.15.2d, -tām oṣadhayo) viśvarūpāḥ # AVś.4.15.2d,3d; AVP.5.7.2d. |
pṛthivy | asy apsu śritā, agneḥ pratiṣṭhā, tvayīdam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartrī viśvasya janayitrī # TB. |
pṛthivyā | mā pāhi viśvasmai prāṇāyāpānāya vyānāyodānāya pratiṣṭhāyai caritrāya # MS.2.8.14: 117.18. |
pauruṣeyād | bhayān no daṇḍa rakṣa viśvasmād bhayād rakṣa # HG.1.11.8. |
paurṇamāsy | aṣṭakāmāvāsyā annādā sthānnadughaḥ, yuṣmāsv idam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartryo viśvasya janayitryaḥ # TB. |
pra | ketunā sahate viśvam ejat # AVś.13.2.31d. |
prajāpatiḥ | parameṣṭhī mano gandharvaḥ # MS.2.12.2: 145.8. P: prajāpatiḥ parameṣṭhī Mś. See prajāpatir viśvakarmā mano. |
prajāpatiḥ | pṛthivīṃ viśvagarbhām # AVś.12.1.43c. |
prajāpatiḥ | prajayā saṃrarāṇaḥ # AVś.2.34.4d; VS.8.36c; 32.5c; MS.1.2.15d: 25.6; JB.1.205c; śś.9.5.1c; Mś. See next, and viśvakarmā prajayā. |
prajāpatinā | tvā viśvābhir dhībhir upa dadhāmi # TS. |
prajāpatiḥ | sasṛje viśvarūpam # AVś.10.7.8b. |
prajāpate | haviṣā vardhanena # AVP.3.27.2a. See viśvakarman haviṣā. |
prajāvatīr | yaśaso viśvarūpāḥ # TB.; Apś.1.11.10b. See prajāvarīr etc. |
prajāvarīr | yaśase viśvarūpāḥ # Mś. See prajāvatīr etc. |
pratikṣiyantaṃ | (TS. -kṣyantaṃ) bhuvanāni viśvā # RV.2.10.4b; VS.11.23b; TS.;; MS.2.7.2b: 76.3; KS.16.2b; 19.3; śB. |
pratiṣṭhe | stho viśvato mā pātam # PG.2.6.30. Cf. under prec. |
pratīcīnaṃ | dadṛśe viśvam āyat # RV.3.55.8b. |
pratīcīnaḥ | sahure viśvadhāyaḥ (AVś.AVP. viśvadāvan) # RV.10.83.6b; AVś.4.32.6b; AVP.4.32.6b. |
pratyaṅmukhas | tiṣṭhati viśvatomukhaḥ (MahānU. sarvato-) # TA.10.1.3d; MahānU.2.1d. See pratyaṅ janās. |
pratyaṅ | sa viśvā bhuvanābhi paprathe # RV.9.80.3c. |
pratvakṣāṇo | ati viśvā sahāṃsi # RV.10.44.1c; AVś.20.94.1c. |
prathamajā | brahmaṇo viśvam id viduḥ # RV.3.29.15b. |
pra | dīdhitir viśvavārā jigāti # RV.3.4.3a. |
pra | devebhir viśvato apratītaḥ # RV.3.46.3b. |
pra | naḥ pūṣā carathaṃ viśvadevyaḥ # RV.10.92.13a. |
pra | parvatānām uśatī upasthāt # RV.3.33.1a; N.9.39a. Cf. BṛhD.4.105. Designated as viśvāmitrasya saṃvādaḥ Rvidh.2.1.4. |
prapīnam | akṣitaṃ viśvadānīm # AVP.5.40.5a. |
prabhuḥ | prīṇāti viśvabhuk # TA.10.38.1d; BDh.; MahānU.26.3d. |
prabhur | gātrāṇi pary eṣi viśvataḥ # RV.9.83.1b; SV.1.565b; 2.225b; JB.3.54; TA.1.11.1b; Apś.12.12.13b. P: prabhur gātrāṇi pary eṣi PB.1.2.8. |
pramuñcamānau | duritāni viśvā # TB. |
pra | vartanīr arado viśvadhenāḥ # RV.4.19.2d. |
pra | sadhrīcīr asṛjad viśvaścandrāḥ # RV.3.31.16b. |
prasavaś | copayāmaś ca kāṭaś cārṇavaś ca dharṇasiś ca draviṇaṃ ca bhagaś cāntarikṣaṃ ca sindhuś ca samudraś ca sarasvāṃś ca viśvavyacāś ca te yaṃ dviṣmo yaś ca no dveṣṭi tam eṣāṃ jambhe dadhma svāhā # ApMB.1.10.7 (ApG.3.8.10). |
pra | sumedhā gātuvid viśvadevaḥ # RV.9.92.3a. |
pra | su viśvān rakṣaso dhakṣy agne # RV.1.76.3a. |
prastutaṃ | viṣṭutaṃ saṃstutaṃ kalyāṇaṃ viśvarūpam # TB. P: prastutaṃ viṣṭutam TB.; 10.2; Apś.19.12.5. |
prāṇo | 'gniḥ paramātmā vai pañcavāyuḥ samāśritaḥ, sa prītaḥ prīṇātu viśvaṃ viśvabhuk # MU.6.9. See prāṇo agniḥ. |
prāṇo | rakṣati viśvam ejat # TB. |
prāsāvīd | devaḥ savitā bhuvanāni viśvā # AVP.14.2.8d. Cf. prec. |
premaṃ | vājaṃ vājasāte (AVP. -sātā) avantu # AVś.4.27.1b; AVP.4.35.1b. See premāṃ vācaṃ viśvām. |
premāṃ | vācaṃ viśvām avantu viśve # TS.,5b; MS.3.16.5b (bis): 191.10,14; KS.22.15b (bis). See premaṃ vājaṃ. |
proṣādasāvirasi | (?) viśvam ejat # MG.2.7.1d. |
babhruṃ | kṛṣṇāṃ rohiṇīṃ viśvarūpām # AVś.12.1.11c. |
bambas | tvāgre viśvavayāvapaśyat # AVP.3.8.2a. Cf. budhnas tvāgre. |
bahvīḥ | sākaṃ bahudhā viśvarūpāḥ # MS.2.13.22c: 168.3; KS.40.12c; Apś.17.13.2c. |
bibharti | bhartā viśvasya # AVś.11.7.15c. |
budhnas | tvāgre viśvavyacā apaśyat # AVś.19.56.2a. Cf. bambas tvāgre. |
bṛhadukṣo | maruto viśvavedasaḥ # RV.4.26.4c. |
bṛhadrathā | bṛhatī viśvaminvā # RV.5.80.2c. |
bṛhaspataye | tvā viśvadevyāvate svāhā # VS.38.8; śB.; TA.4.9.2; 5.7.11. |
bṛhaspatiṃ | vaḥ prajāpatiṃ vo vasūn vo devān rudrān vo devān ādityān vo devān sādhyān vo devān āptyān vo devān viśvān vo devān sarvān vo devān viśvatas pari havāmahe # GB.2.2.15; Vait.17.7. Cf. bṛhaspatiṃ viśvān. |
bṛhaspatiṃ | te viśvadevavantam ṛchantu, ye māghāyava ūrdhvāyā diśo 'bhidāsān # AVś.19.18.10; AVP.7.17.10. |
bṛhaspatim | ṛkvabhir viśvavāram # RV.7.10.4d. |
bṛhaspatir | mā viśvair devair ūrdhvāyā diśaḥ pātu # AVś.19.17.10; AVP.7.16.10. |
bṛhaspatiṣ | ṭvā (TA. -tis tvā) viśvair devair upariṣṭād rocayatu (TA. rocayatu pāṅktena chandasā) # MS.4.9.5: 125.8; TA.4.6.2; 5.5.2. Cf. bṛhaspatis tvopariṣṭād. |
bṛhaspatiṣ | ṭvā (TS.Apś. -tis tvā) sādayatu pṛthivyāḥ pṛṣṭhe jyotiṣmatīṃ viśvasmai prāṇāyāpānāya (MS. adds vyānāyodānāya pratiṣṭhāyai caritrāya) # TS.; MS.2.7.16: 99.7. Ps: bṛhaspatis tvā sādayatu pṛthivyāḥ pṛṣṭhe jyotiṣmatīm Apś.16.24.7; bṛhaspatiṣ ṭvā sādayatu pṛthivyāḥ pṛṣṭhe MS.4.9.15: 134.12; bṛhaspatiṣ ṭvā sādayatu Mś. See prajāpatiṣ ṭvā sādayatu pṛṣṭhe. |
bṛhaspatis | tvā viśvair etc. # see bṛhaspatiṣ ṭvā etc. |
bṛhaspatis | tvopariṣṭād abhiṣiñcatu pāṅktena chandasā # TB. Cf. bṛhaspatiṣ ṭvā viśvair. |
brahmakṛto | amṛtā viśvavedasaḥ # RV.10.66.5c. |
brahmaṇas | pate suyamasya (MS. sū-) viśvahā # RV.2.24.15a; MS.4.12.1a: 178.9; 4.14.10: 231.1; TB. |
brahmaṃ | (MahānU. brahman) tvam asi viśvasṛt (MahānU. -sṛk) # TA.10.63.1; MahānU.24.2. |
brahman | ha viśvā bhūtāni # TB. |
brahma | rājanyair viśvair vāvṛdhānaḥ # AVP.4.27.5c. |
bhuvo | nṝṃś cyautno viśvasmin bhare # RV.10.50.4c; TS.; MS.4.12.6c: 197.7; KS.23.12c. |
bhūtaṃ | bhaviṣyad abhayaṃ (PG. akṛtad) viśvam astu me # AG.2.4.14c; PG.3.3.6c. See next but one. |
bhūmiś | ca viśvadhāyasaṃ bibharti # RV.7.4.5d. |
bhūmiṣ | ṭvā pātu haritena viśvabhṛt # AVś.5.28.5a; AVP.2.59.3a. |
bhūyāsma | te sumatau viśvavedaḥ # MS.2.13.10a: 161.1. See abhūn mama, and cf. bhūyāma etc. |
bhūr | ārabhe śraddhāṃ manasā dīkṣāṃ tapasā viśvasya bhuvanasyādhipatnīm # TB.; Apś.10.6.5. |
maghavadbhir | maghavan viśva ājau # RV.4.16.19b. |
manyur | hotā varuṇo jātavedāḥ (MSṭB. viśvavedāḥ) # RV.10.83.2b; AVś.4.32.2b; AVP.4.32.2b; MS.4.12.3b: 186.6; TB. |
mayi | kṣatraṃ viśvato dhārayedam # AVP.15.1.3d. See mahi kṣatraṃ etc. |
mayobhuvo | vṛṣṭayaḥ santv asme # RV.7.101.5c; KS.20.15c. See mayobhūr vāto viśva-. |
mayobhūr | vāto viśvakṛṣṭayaḥ santv asme # TA.1.29.1c. See mayobhuvo vṛṣṭayaḥ. |
martaṃ | śaṃsaṃ viśvadhā veti dhāyase # RV.1.141.6d. |
mahat | payo viśvarūpam asyāḥ # AVś.9.1.2a. |
mahi | kṣatraṃ viśvato dhārayedam # TS.; MS.3.16.4d: 188.3; KS.22.14d; Aś.4.12.2d. See mayi kṣatraṃ etc. |
mahi | rādho viśvajanyaṃ dadhānān # RV.6.47.25a. |
maho | druho apa viśvāyu dhāyi # RV.4.28.2d; 6.20.5a. |
mā | gandharvo viśvāvasur ā daghat # TS. |
mā | te mano viṣvadryag (TS. -driyag) vi cārīt # RV.7.25.1d; TS.; MS.4.12.3d: 186.3; KS.8.16d. |
mā | duḥkhe mā sukhe riṣat # ApMB.2.21.19b; HG.1.12.2b. See mā durge, and cf. ariṣṭo viśvabheṣajaḥ. |
māṃ | punīhi (MS. punāhi) viśvataḥ # RV.9.67.25c; VS.19.43c; MS.3.11.10c: 155.18; KS.38.2c. See under asmān punīhi. |
māsāḥ | sthartuṣu śritāḥ, ardhamāsānāṃ pratiṣṭhāḥ, yuṣmāsv idam antaḥ, viśvaṃ yakṣaṃ viśvaṃ bhūtaṃ viśvaṃ subhūtam, viśvasya bhartāro viśvasya janayitāraḥ # TB. |
mitrāvaruṇau | tvottarataḥ (KS. tvā) paridhattām (TS.KS. add dhruveṇa dharmaṇā; VS.śB. add dhruveṇa dharmaṇā viśvasyāriṣṭyai) # VS.2.3; TS.; MS.1.1.12: 7.12; KS.1.11; śB.; TB. P: mitrāvaruṇau tvā Mś. |
muniṃ | hi viśvā bhūtāni # AVP.5.17.5c. |
memā | ca viśvā bhuvanāny antaḥ # AVP.3.34.9b. See under imā ca viśvā etc. |
ya | ābabhūva bhuvanāni viśvā # VS.32.5b; JB.1.205b; śś.9.5.1b; Vait.25.12a. See ya āvababhūva, and cf. ya āviveśa etc. |
ya | āraṇyāḥ paśavo viśvarūpāḥ # AVP.3.32.6a; TS.; KS.30.8a,9; TA.3.11.12a (bis); Mś. P: ya āraṇyāḥ Mś. See ye grāmyāḥ paś-. |
ya | āvabhūva (!) bhuvanāni viśvāḥ (!) # PB.12.13.32b. See under ya ābabhūva. |
ya | āviveśa bhuvanāni viśvā # VS.8.36b; KS.40.3c; TB.; TA.10.10.2b; Apś.14.2.13b; 16.35.1c; MahānU.9.4b; NṛpU.2.4b. Cf. under ya ābabhūva. |
ya | idaṃ viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ jajāna # AVś.13.3.15c. |
ya | imāḥ prajā viśvakarmā jajāna # MS.2.7.17c: 102.9. See yena prajā viśva-. |
ya | imā viśvā jātāni # RV.5.82.9a; MS.4.12.6a: 198.1; KS.10.12a; 23.12; AB.1.9.7; śB.; Aś.4.3.2; 10.6.9; śś.5.5.2; 16.1.21; Mś. (28). |
ya | imā viśvā bhuvanāni cākḷpe # AVś.7.87.1c; śirasU.6c. See yo rudro viśvā. |
ya | imā viśvā bhuvanāni juhvat # RV.10.81.1a; VS.17.17a; TS.; MS.2.10.2a: 133.1; KS.18.1a; Apś.17.14.2. Ps: ya imā viśvā bhuvanāni śś.6.11.9; Mś.; ya imā viśvā VS.34.58. Cf. BṛhD.7.117. The stanzas VS.17.17,18 are designated as vaiśvakarmaṇe (sc. ṛcau) śB. |
ya | imā viśvā bhuvanābhivaste # AVP.10.6.10b. |
yaṃ | hutādam agniṃ yam u kāmam āhuḥ # Apś.16.35.1a. See yo devo viśvād, and viśvādam agniṃ. |
yakṣi | devān ratnadheyāya viśvān # RV.7.9.5d; MS.4.14.11d: 233.3; TB. |
yajñaṃ | ye viśvatodhāram # AVś.4.14.4c; AVP.3.38.4c; VS.17.68c; TS.; MS.2.10.6c: 138.9; KS.18.4c; śB.; N.13.8c. |
yajñebhir | gīrbhir viśvamanuṣāṃ marutām iyakṣasi # RV.8.46.17cd. Doubtful metre, to be divided after gīrbhir ?. |
yatasrucaḥ | surucaṃ viśvadevyam # RV.3.2.5c. |
yato | bhūmiṃ janayan viśvakarmā # RV.10.81.2c; VS.17.18c; MS.2.10.2c: 133.7. See yad id bhūmiṃ, and yadī bhūmiṃ. |
yat | tiṣṭhati carati yad u ca viśvam ejati # AVś.7.20.6b. |
yat | te naddhaṃ viśvavāre # AVś.9.3.2a. |
yat | te viśvam idaṃ jagat # RV.10.58.10a. |
yatra | gā asṛjanta bhūtakṛto viśvarūpāḥ # AVś.3.28.1b. |
yat | sīm anu kratunā viśvathā vibhuḥ # RV.1.141.9c. |
yathā | tarema duritāni viśvā # TB. |
yathā | tvaṃ sūryāsi viśvadarśata evam ahaṃ viśvadarśato bhūyāsam # MS.4.6.6: 89.2; Apś.13.16.9. Fragment: evam ahaṃ viśvadarśato bhūyāsam Mś. |
yadā | vājam asanad viśvarūpam # RV.10.67.10a; AVś.20.91.10a; MS.4.12.1a: 178.1. |
yad | id bhūmiṃ janayan viśvakarmā # KS.18.2c. See under yato bhūmiṃ. |
yadī | bhūmiṃ janayan viśvakarmā # TS. See under yato bhūmiṃ. |
yad | ugram in maghavā viśvahāvet # RV.6.47.15b. |
yad | eko viśvaṃ pari bhūma jāyase # AVś.13.2.3d. |
yad | dha te viśvā girayaś cid abhvāḥ # RV.1.63.1c. |
yad | dha devā bhavatha viśva indre # RV.3.54.17b. |
yaṃ | devāsa īḍyaṃ viśvavidam # RV.3.29.7c. |
yan | naḥ śālāṃ viśvabhogām imāṃ daduḥ # AVP.5.28.9a. |
yan | nimruci prabudhi viśvavedasaḥ # RV.8.27.19c. |
yam | erire bhṛgavo viśvavedasam # RV.1.143.4a. P: yam erire bhṛgavaḥ N.4.23. |
yamo | dyām uta sūryam # KS.40.11b. See yamo viśvam. |
yayā | rādhaḥ pinvasi viśvavāra # RV.7.5.8c. |
yayor | idaṃ viśvaṃ bhuvanam ā viveśa # TB.; śś.3.18.14a. |
yayor | vāṃ viśvaṃ yad idaṃ vitiṣṭhate # AVP.4.37.1b. Cf. yayor vām idaṃ. |
yayor | vāṃ viśvā bhuvanāny antaḥ # AVś.4.26.5b; AVP.4.36.4b. |
yayor | vām idaṃ pradiśi yad virocate # AVś.4.28.1b. Cf. yayor vāṃ viśvaṃ. |
yavena | (AVś.7.50.7b, yavena vā) kṣudhaṃ puruhūta viśvām (AVś.7.50.7b, viśve) # RV.10.42.10b; 43.10b; 44.10b; AVś.7.50.7b; 20.17.10b; 89.10b; 94.10b. |
yaś | chandasām ṛṣabho viśvarūpaḥ # TA.7.4.1a; 10.6.1a; TU.1.4.1a; MahānU.7.5a. |
yas | tā viśvāni cicyuṣe # RV.4.30.22c. |
yasmāt | prāṇanti bhuvanāni viśvā # AVś.13.3.3b. |
yasmād | rejante bhuvanāni viśvā # AVś.20.34.17b; AVP.12.15.8b. |
yasminn | ājuhavur bhuvanāni viśvā # RV.10.88.9b. |
yasminn | ātasthur bhuvanāni viśvā # AVś.9.9.11b,14d. See under tasminn etc. |
yasminn | idaṃ viśvaṃ bhuvanam adhi śritam # TS. See yasmin viśvāni bhu-. |
yasminn | imā viśvā bhuvanāny ārpitā # AVP.1.66.2b. |
yasmin | yaśo nihitaṃ viśvarūpam # N.12.38b. See tasmin yaśo. |
yasmin | vedā nihitā viśvarūpāḥ # AVś.4.35.6c. |
yasya | te viśvamānuṣaḥ (SV.JB. viśvam ānuṣak) # RV.8.45.42a; AVś.20.43.3a; SV.2.421a; JB.3.141a. |
yasya | te viśvā āśā apsarasaḥ plīyā nāma sa na idaṃ brahma kṣatraṃ pātu # MS.2.12.2: 145.11. |
yasya | te viśvā bhuvanāni ketunā # RV.10.37.9a. |
yasya | vrata oṣadhīr viśvarūpāḥ # RV.5.83.5c. |
yasyāṃ | yajñaṃ tanvate viśvakarmāṇaḥ # AVś.12.1.13b. |
yasyām | idaṃ viśvaṃ bhuvanam āviveśa # VS.9.5c; 18.30c; TS.; KS.13.14c; śB. See viśvaṃ hy asyāṃ. |
yā | ātasthatur bhuvanāni viśvā # MS.4.12.6b: 194.11. See yāv etc. |
yā | idaṃ viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ vyānaśuḥ # Apś.4.4.4b. |
yāḥ | prācīḥ saṃbhavanty āpa uttarataś ca yā adbhir viśvasya bhuvanasya dhartrībhir antar anyaṃ pitur dadhe svadhā namaḥ # HG.2.10.7. |
yāṃ | rakṣanty asvapnā viśvadānīm # AVś.12.1.7a; MS.4.14.11a: 233.12. |
yā | cakartha sendra viśvāsy ukthyaḥ # RV.2.13.11d. |
yāti | śubhrā viśvapiśā rathena # RV.7.75.6c. |
yāṃ | tvā viśvasya bhūtasya (MG. adds bhavyasya) # PG.1.7.2c; MG.1.10.15c; VārG.14.13c. See tāṃ tvā etc. |
yābhir | idaṃ jīvati viśvam ejat # AVP.14.2.5c. |
yābhyām | idaṃ viśvam ejat sameti # MS.2.3.8c: 36.15; TB. See tābhyām etc. |
yā | madhyamā viśvakarmann utemā # RV.10.81.5b; VS.17.21b; TS.; MS.2.10.2b: 133.10; KS.18.2b. |
yām | anvaichad dhaviṣā viśvakarmā # AVś.12.1.60a. |
yāvad | idaṃ bhuvanaṃ viśvam asti # RV.1.108.2a. |
yāv | ātasthatur bhuvanāni viśvā (TB. bhuvanasya madhye) # AVś.7.110.2b; TB. See yā etc. |
yāś | ca māyā māyināṃ viśvaminva # RV.3.20.3c; TS.; MS.2.13.11c: 162.4. |
yāś | ca vāte viṣvagvāte # AVP.2.36.5a. |
yā | saṃskṛtiḥ prathamā viśvakarmā # KS.4.4a. |
yāsāṃ | somo viśvā rūpāṇi veda # RV.10.169.3b; TS.; KSA.4.6b. |
yās | te viśvāḥ samidhaḥ santy agne # TS.; Apś.13.10.2. |
yujā | karmāṇi janayan viśvaujāḥ # RV.10.55.8a. |
yuñjantu | tvā maruto viśvavedasaḥ # AVś.3.3.1c; 6.92.1c; VS.9.8c; śB. |
ye | ke ca viśvarūpāḥ # AVś.5.23.5c; AVP.7.2.5c. |
viśva | and to the universe | SB 11.2.12 |
viśva | by the whole universe | SB 10.84.6 |
viśva | of everything | SB 10.38.18 |
viśva | of the cosmic world | SB 3.5.22 |
viśva | of the entire universe | SB 10.44.37 |
SB 10.85.35 | ||
viśva | of the universe | SB 10.16.41 |
SB 10.31.4 | ||
SB 10.45.10 | ||
SB 10.45.15-16 | ||
SB 10.56.27 | ||
SB 10.59.24 | ||
SB 10.63.25 | ||
SB 10.64.5 | ||
SB 10.65.29 | ||
SB 10.68.48 | ||
SB 10.69.45 | ||
SB 10.70.37 | ||
SB 10.71.8 | ||
SB 10.81.11 | ||
SB 10.81.13 | ||
SB 10.84.16 | ||
SB 10.85.29 | ||
SB 10.85.31 | ||
SB 10.85.6 | ||
SB 10.87.28 | ||
SB 10.88.38-39 | ||
SB 11.24.11 | ||
SB 5.18.38 | ||
SB 8.17.9 | ||
viśva | of the universes | MM 23 |
viśva | of the whole universe | SB 5.18.5 |
viśva | the material worlds | SB 2.8.10 |
viśva | the universe | SB 1.3.2 |
SB 3.12.27 | ||
SB 3.12.36 | ||
SB 4.1.26-27 | ||
viśva | the universes | CC Adi 2.99 |
viśva | the whole cosmic manifestation | CC Madhya 6.143 |
viśva | the whole universe | CC Adi 9.7 |
viśva | the whole world | CC Adi 7.163 |
viśva | the world | CC Adi 3.34 |
viśva | to the whole world | SB 10.85.45 |
viśva | universal | SB 3.13.43 |
viśva | universe | SB 3.5.16 |
SB 4.8.20 | ||
viśva haya | the cosmic manifestation has come | CC Madhya 25.51 |
viśva haya | the cosmic manifestation has come | CC Madhya 25.51 |
viśva-abhivandyaiḥ | by personalities like Lord Brahmā and Lord Śiva, who are worshiped all over the universe | SB 8.23.6 |
viśva-abhivandyaiḥ | by personalities like Lord Brahmā and Lord Śiva, who are worshiped all over the universe | SB 8.23.6 |
viśva-ākhyam | known as universal | SB 11.24.10 |
viśva-ākhyam | known as universal | SB 11.24.10 |
viśva-ātmā | the Lord as Paramātmā | SB 1.2.32 |
viśva-ātmā | the Lord as Paramātmā | SB 1.2.32 |
viśva-ātmā | the Soul of all that be | SB 11.28.6-7 |
viśva-ātmā | the Soul of all that be | SB 11.28.6-7 |
viśva-ātmā | the soul of the entire universe | SB 12.5.1 |
viśva-ātmā | the soul of the entire universe | SB 12.5.1 |
viśva-ātmā | the soul of the universe, the Supersoul | SB 9.16.27 |
viśva-ātmā | the soul of the universe, the Supersoul | SB 9.16.27 |
viśva-ātmā | the Supersoul | SB 4.20.19 |
viśva-ātmā | the Supersoul | SB 4.20.19 |
SB 4.31.9 | ||
viśva-ātmā | the Supersoul | SB 4.31.9 |
SB 9.18.5 | ||
viśva-ātmā | the Supersoul | SB 9.18.5 |
viśva-ātmā | the Supersoul of the entire universe | SB 10.1.3 |
viśva-ātmā | the Supersoul of the entire universe | SB 10.1.3 |
SB 4.14.19 | ||
viśva-ātmā | the Supersoul of the entire universe | SB 4.14.19 |
SB 4.6.3 | ||
viśva-ātmā | the Supersoul of the entire universe | SB 4.6.3 |
viśva-ātmā | the Supersoul of the universe | Bs 5.11 |
viśva-ātmā | the Supersoul of the universe | Bs 5.11 |
Bs 5.14 | ||
viśva-ātmā | the Supersoul of the universe | Bs 5.14 |
SB 3.3.19 | ||
viśva-ātmā | the Supersoul of the universe | SB 3.3.19 |
viśva-ātmā | the Supersoul of the whole universe | SB 6.16.65 |
viśva-ātmā | the Supersoul of the whole universe | SB 6.16.65 |
viśva-ātmake | who comprise everything | SB 10.41.4 |
viśva-ātmake | who comprise everything | SB 10.41.4 |
viśva-ātman | O Soul of all that be | SB 10.85.31 |
viśva-ātman | O Soul of all that be | SB 10.85.31 |
viśva-ātman | O soul of the universe | SB 1.8.30 |
viśva-ātman | O soul of the universe | SB 1.8.30 |
SB 1.8.41 | ||
viśva-ātman | O soul of the universe | SB 1.8.41 |
viśva-ātman | O Soul of the universe | SB 10.27.19 |
viśva-ātman | O Soul of the universe | SB 10.27.19 |
SB 10.27.21 | ||
viśva-ātman | O Soul of the universe | SB 10.27.21 |
viśva-ātman | O soul of the universe | SB 11.22.61 |
viśva-ātman | O soul of the universe | SB 11.22.61 |
viśva-ātman | O Supreme Soul of the universe | SB 10.49.11 |
viśva-ātman | O Supreme Soul of the universe | SB 10.49.11 |
viśva-ātmanā | thoroughly | SB 11.2.33 |
viśva-ātmanā | thoroughly | SB 11.2.33 |
viśva-ātmanaḥ | of the Soul of the universe | SB 12.5.13 |
viśva-ātmanaḥ | of the Soul of the universe | SB 12.5.13 |
viśva-ātmanaḥ | the Supersoul of the entire creation | SB 9.6.14 |
viśva-ātmanaḥ | the Supersoul of the entire creation | SB 9.6.14 |
viśva-ātmānam | the soul of the universe | SB 8.3.26 |
viśva-ātmānam | the soul of the universe | SB 8.3.26 |
viśva-ātmani | in the Supersoul of all living entities | SB 4.7.38 |
viśva-ātmani | in the Supersoul of all living entities | SB 4.7.38 |
viśva-bandhave | unto the friend of all living entities within the three worlds | SB 4.4.15 |
viśva-bandhave | unto the friend of all living entities within the three worlds | SB 4.4.15 |
viśva-bhartuḥ | the maintainer of the universe | SB 3.16.24 |
viśva-bhartuḥ | the maintainer of the universe | SB 3.16.24 |
viśva-bhavam | the cause of material creation | SB 4.9.16 |
viśva-bhavam | the cause of material creation | SB 4.9.16 |
viśva-bhāvana | O protector of the universe | SB 10.49.11 |
viśva-bhāvana | O protector of the universe | SB 10.49.11 |
viśva-bhāvana | O well-wisher of the whole universe | SB 9.4.61 |
viśva-bhāvana | O well-wisher of the whole universe | SB 9.4.61 |
viśva-bhāvana | the creator of the universe | SB 1.11.7 |
viśva-bhāvana | the creator of the universe | SB 1.11.7 |
viśva-bhāvanaḥ | the cause of all causes | SB 4.28.65 |
viśva-bhāvanaḥ | the cause of all causes | SB 4.28.65 |
viśva-bhāvanaḥ | the creator of the manifested worlds | SB 2.7.50 |
viśva-bhāvanaḥ | the creator of the manifested worlds | SB 2.7.50 |
viśva-bhāvanaḥ | the creator of the universe | SB 8.10.53 |
viśva-bhāvanaḥ | the creator of the universe | SB 8.10.53 |
viśva-bhāvanaḥ | the original cause of all cosmic manifestations | SB 6.10.1 |
viśva-bhāvanaḥ | the original cause of all cosmic manifestations | SB 6.10.1 |
viśva-bhāvanaḥ | the well-wisher of all the universe | SB 8.7.41 |
viśva-bhāvanaḥ | the well-wisher of all the universe | SB 8.7.41 |
viśva-bhāvanaḥ | who creates the universal affairs | SB 6.4.54 |
viśva-bhāvanaḥ | who creates the universal affairs | SB 6.4.54 |
viśva-bhāvanaḥ | who has created this cosmic manifestation | SB 8.1.3 |
viśva-bhāvanaḥ | who has created this cosmic manifestation | SB 8.1.3 |
viśva-bhāvanam | for the welfare of the universe | SB 4.7.32 |
viśva-bhāvanam | for the welfare of the universe | SB 4.7.32 |
viśva-bhāvanān | which can purify the entire universe | SB 11.2.11 |
viśva-bhāvanān | which can purify the entire universe | SB 11.2.11 |
viśva-dṛk | the seer of the whole universe | SB 4.20.32 |
viśva-dṛk | the seer of the whole universe | SB 4.20.32 |
viśva-gam | pervading the universe | SB 10.79.31 |
viśva-gam | pervading the universe | SB 10.79.31 |
viśva-gurave | the spiritual master of the universe | SB 12.8.47 |
viśva-gurave | the spiritual master of the universe | SB 12.8.47 |
viśva-guru | by the teacher of the universe, the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 3.15.26 |
viśva-guru | by the teacher of the universe, the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 3.15.26 |
viśva-īśa | O Lord of the universe | SB 1.8.41 |
viśva-īśa | O Lord of the universe | SB 1.8.41 |
SB 11.22.1-3 | ||
viśva-īśa | O Lord of the universe | SB 11.22.1-3 |
viśva-īśvara | Lord of the universe | SB 11.29.3 |
viśva-īśvara | Lord of the universe | SB 11.29.3 |
viśva-īśvara | O Lord of the universe | BG 11.16 |
viśva-īśvara | O Lord of the universe | BG 11.16 |
SB 11.19.8 | ||
viśva-īśvara | O Lord of the universe | SB 11.19.8 |
viśva-īśvara | of all the lords of the universe | SB 11.27.5 |
viśva-īśvara | of all the lords of the universe | SB 11.27.5 |
viśva-īśvaraḥ | the Lord of the universe | SB 3.14.41 |
viśva-īśvaraḥ | the Lord of the universe | SB 3.14.41 |
viśva-īśvaraḥ | the Lord of the whole universe | SB 6.8.22 |
viśva-īśvaraḥ | the Lord of the whole universe | SB 6.8.22 |
viśva-īśvarasya | of the Lord of the universe | SB 9.4.57-59 |
viśva-īśvarasya | of the Lord of the universe | SB 9.4.57-59 |
viśva-īśvarāya | the Lord of the universe | SB 11.5.29-30 |
viśva-īśvarāya | the Lord of the universe | SB 11.5.29-30 |
viśva-īśvarayoḥ | of the two Lords of the universe, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma | SB 10.23.38 |
viśva-īśvarayoḥ | of the two Lords of the universe, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma | SB 10.23.38 |
viśva-īśvare | in the master of all the planetary systems | SB 10.8.49 |
viśva-īśvare | in the master of all the planetary systems | SB 10.8.49 |
viśva-īśvare | the Lord of all worlds | SB 2.2.14 |
viśva-īśvare | the Lord of all worlds | SB 2.2.14 |
viśva-īśvare | the master of the entire cosmic manifestation | SB 10.5.13 |
viśva-īśvare | the master of the entire cosmic manifestation | SB 10.5.13 |
viśva-janīna | for the benefit of everyone | CC Madhya 17.210 |
viśva-janīna | for the benefit of everyone | CC Madhya 17.210 |
viśva-jayinam | the conqueror of the entire universe | SB 8.15.34 |
viśva-jayinam | the conqueror of the entire universe | SB 8.15.34 |
viśva-jit | the conqueror of the whole universe | SB 7.4.5-7 |
viśva-jit | the conqueror of the whole universe | SB 7.4.5-7 |
viśva-jit | the conqueror of the world (Mahārāja Pṛthu) | SB 4.20.17 |
viśva-jit | the conqueror of the world (Mahārāja Pṛthu) | SB 4.20.17 |
viśva-jitā | by the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 3.19.26 |
viśva-jitā | by the Supreme Personality of Godhead | SB 3.19.26 |
viśva-jīvaḥ | maintains the living entities all over the universe | SB 5.15.13 |
viśva-jīvaḥ | maintains the living entities all over the universe | SB 5.15.13 |
viśva-kartuḥ | of the creator of the whole universe | SB 9.9.47 |
viśva-kartuḥ | of the creator of the whole universe | SB 9.9.47 |
viśva-kāyaḥ | becoming the universal form | SB 8.19.33 |
viśva-kāyaḥ | becoming the universal form | SB 8.19.33 |
viśva-kāyaḥ | the total form of the universe (the whole universe is the external body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead) | SB 8.1.13 |
viśva-kāyaḥ | the total form of the universe (the whole universe is the external body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead) | SB 8.1.13 |
viśva-kṛt | Lord Brahmā | SB 9.14.8 |
viśva-kṛt | Lord Brahmā | SB 9.14.8 |
viśva-kṛt īśvaraḥ | it was not difficult for Him, for He is the creator of the whole cosmic manifestation | SB 10.13.18 |
viśva-kṛt īśvaraḥ | it was not difficult for Him, for He is the creator of the whole cosmic manifestation | SB 10.13.18 |
viśva-kṛt īśvaraḥ | it was not difficult for Him, for He is the creator of the whole cosmic manifestation | SB 10.13.18 |
viśva-mańgalam | all-auspicious | SB 10.31.18 |
viśva-mańgalam | all-auspicious | SB 10.31.18 |
viśva-mohaḥ | the enchanter of the whole universe | CC Madhya 17.216 |
viśva-mohaḥ | the enchanter of the whole universe | CC Madhya 17.216 |
viśva-mohanam | but who mystifies the entire universe | SB 10.13.44 |
viśva-mohanam | but who mystifies the entire universe | SB 10.13.44 |
viśva-mūlam | the origin is the Supreme | SB 3.7.16 |
viśva-mūlam | the origin is the Supreme | SB 3.7.16 |
viśva-mūrtau | in You, who have the universal form | SB 8.6.9 |
viśva-mūrtau | in You, who have the universal form | SB 8.6.9 |
viśva-mūrte | O form of the universe | SB 11.19.8 |
viśva-mūrte | O form of the universe | SB 11.19.8 |
viśva-mūrte | O personality of the universal form | SB 1.8.41 |
viśva-mūrte | O personality of the universal form | SB 1.8.41 |
viśva-mūrte | O universal form | BG 11.46 |
viśva-mūrte | O universal form | BG 11.46 |
viśva-mūrteḥ | of the form of the gigantic Lord | SB 8.20.23 |
viśva-mūrteḥ | of the form of the gigantic Lord | SB 8.20.23 |
viśva-mūrteḥ | of the universal form | SB 2.1.27 |
viśva-mūrteḥ | of the universal form | SB 2.1.27 |
viśva-mūrteḥ | of the Universal Person | SB 3.4.27 |
viśva-mūrteḥ | of the Universal Person | SB 3.4.27 |
viśva-nābhim | navel of the universal Personality of Godhead | SB 2.2.25 |
viśva-nābhim | navel of the universal Personality of Godhead | SB 2.2.25 |
viśva-pāvanīḥ | which gives liberation to the whole universe | SB 8.20.18 |
viśva-pāvanīḥ | which gives liberation to the whole universe | SB 8.20.18 |
viśva-phalāt | than the supreme source of all benedictions | SB 10.14.35 |
viśva-phalāt | than the supreme source of all benedictions | SB 10.14.35 |
viśva-prabodhāya | unto the master of the development of the universe | SB 4.24.35 |
viśva-prabodhāya | unto the master of the development of the universe | SB 4.24.35 |
viśva-rūpa | in the form of the universe | BG 11.16 |
viśva-rūpa | in the form of the universe | BG 11.16 |
viśva-rūpa | of the universal form of the Lord | CC Adi 17.10 |
viśva-rūpa | of the universal form of the Lord | CC Adi 17.10 |
viśva-rūpa | the universal form | CC Madhya 19.198 |
viśva-rūpa | the universal form | CC Madhya 19.198 |
viśva-rūpaḥ | the gigantic form of the universe | SB 6.4.27-28 |
viśva-rūpaḥ | the gigantic form of the universe | SB 6.4.27-28 |
viśva-sambhava | O origin of the universe | SB 10.27.19 |
viśva-sambhava | O origin of the universe | SB 10.27.19 |
viśva-samplavam | the dissolution of the universe | SB 3.17.15 |
viśva-samplavam | the dissolution of the universe | SB 3.17.15 |
viśva-sṛgbhiḥ | by the great demigods known as the prajāpatis | SB 7.15.71 |
viśva-sṛgbhiḥ | by the great demigods known as the prajāpatis | SB 7.15.71 |
viśva-sṛjā | by Brahmā (the creator of the universe) | SB 3.18.8 |
viśva-sṛjā | by Brahmā (the creator of the universe) | SB 3.18.8 |
viśva-sṛjā | by the cosmic manufacturer (Maya Dānava) | SB 10.75.32 |
viśva-sṛjā | by the cosmic manufacturer (Maya Dānava) | SB 10.75.32 |
viśva-sṛjā | by the creator of the universe | SB 3.18.3 |
viśva-sṛjā | by the creator of the universe | SB 3.18.3 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | all the demigods like Brahmā | SB 4.11.27 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | all the demigods like Brahmā | SB 4.11.27 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | important personalities to create the universe | SB 6.4.49-50 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | important personalities to create the universe | SB 6.4.49-50 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | Marīci and the other creators of the universal affairs | SB 6.3.14-15 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | Marīci and the other creators of the universal affairs | SB 6.3.14-15 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | of the creator of the universe | SB 2.1.26 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | of the creator of the universe | SB 2.1.26 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | progenitors of the universal population | SB 4.2.34 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | progenitors of the universal population | SB 4.2.34 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | the (secondary) creators of the universe (headed by Lord Brahmā) | SB 10.57.15 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | the (secondary) creators of the universe (headed by Lord Brahmā) | SB 10.57.15 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | the creators of the manifested world | SB 6.16.35 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | the creators of the manifested world | SB 6.16.35 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | the directors of the cosmic creation | SB 6.16.48 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | the directors of the cosmic creation | SB 6.16.48 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | the directors of universal management | SB 8.8.27 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | the directors of universal management | SB 8.8.27 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | the prajāpatis, to whom the management of universal affairs was entrusted | SB 7.15.72 |
viśva-sṛjaḥ | the prajāpatis, to whom the management of universal affairs was entrusted | SB 7.15.72 |
viśva-sṛjam | creator of the cosmic manifestation | CC Antya 5.124-125 |
viśva-sṛjam | creator of the cosmic manifestation | CC Antya 5.124-125 |
SB 3.9.3 | ||
viśva-sṛjam | creator of the cosmic manifestation | SB 3.9.3 |
viśva-sṛjām | of all the Prajāpatis | SB 4.7.25 |
viśva-sṛjām | of all the Prajāpatis | SB 4.7.25 |
viśva-sṛjām | of personalities who have created this universe | SB 5.2.2 |
viśva-sṛjām | of personalities who have created this universe | SB 5.2.2 |
viśva-sṛjām | of the creators of the universal manifestation | SB 4.3.15 |
viśva-sṛjām | of the creators of the universal manifestation | SB 4.3.15 |
viśva-sṛjām | of the creators of the universe | SB 4.2.4 |
viśva-sṛjām | of the creators of the universe | SB 4.2.4 |
viśva-sṛjām | of the demigods entrusted with the task of cosmic construction | SB 3.6.10 |
viśva-sṛjām | of the demigods entrusted with the task of cosmic construction | SB 3.6.10 |
viśva-sṛjām | of the gigantic virāṭ form | SB 3.6.7 |
viśva-sṛjām | of the gigantic virāṭ form | SB 3.6.7 |
viśva-sṛjām | of the great personalities known as the prajāpatis, such as Marīci | SB 8.1.1 |
viśva-sṛjām | of the great personalities known as the prajāpatis, such as Marīci | SB 8.1.1 |
viśva-sṛjām | of the progenitors of the world | SB 4.19.38 |
viśva-sṛjām | of the progenitors of the world | SB 4.19.38 |
viśva-sṛjām | of those who expanded this creation | SB 3.4.11 |
viśva-sṛjām | of those who expanded this creation | SB 3.4.11 |
viśva-sṛjām | to the creators of the world's population | SB 3.24.21 |
viśva-sṛjām | to the creators of the world's population | SB 3.24.21 |
viśva-sṛjam | unto He who has created this cosmic manifestation | SB 8.3.26 |
viśva-sṛjam | unto He who has created this cosmic manifestation | SB 8.3.26 |
viśva-sṛjam ekam | who alone has created this universe | CC Madhya 25.36 |
viśva-sṛjam ekam | who alone has created this universe | CC Madhya 25.36 |
viśva-sṛjam ekam | who alone has created this universe | CC Madhya 25.36 |
viśva-sṛje | Brahmā | SB 3.15.2 |
viśva-sṛje | Brahmā | SB 3.15.2 |
viśva-sṛk | Brahmā | SB 3.11.22 |
viśva-sṛk | Brahmā | SB 3.11.22 |
viśva-sṛk | of the Viśvasṛks | SB 4.3.24 |
viśva-sṛk | of the Viśvasṛks | SB 4.3.24 |
viśva-sṛk | the creator of the universe | SB 2.9.18 |
viśva-sṛk | the creator of the universe | SB 2.9.18 |
viśva-sṛk | the creator of the universe (Brahmā) | SB 3.10.28-29 |
viśva-sṛk | the creator of the universe (Brahmā) | SB 3.10.28-29 |
viśva-sṛk | the creator of the universe, the Supreme Lord, Nārāyaṇa | SB 12.4.4 |
viśva-sṛk | the creator of the universe, the Supreme Lord, Nārāyaṇa | SB 12.4.4 |
viśva-sṛk | the creators of the universe | SB 4.24.72 |
viśva-sṛk | the creators of the universe | SB 4.24.72 |
viśva-sṛk | the elements of universal creation | SB 3.6.5 |
viśva-sṛk | the elements of universal creation | SB 3.6.5 |
viśva-sṛṣṭi kare | creates this material world | CC Adi 6.14-15 |
viśva-sṛṣṭi kare | creates this material world | CC Adi 6.14-15 |
viśva-sṛṣṭi kare | creates this material world | CC Adi 6.14-15 |
viśva-sṛṣṭi-ādi | creation, maintenance and dissolution of the cosmic manifestation | CC Madhya 20.361 |
viśva-sṛṣṭi-ādi | creation, maintenance and dissolution of the cosmic manifestation | CC Madhya 20.361 |
viśva-sṛṣṭi-ādi | creation, maintenance and dissolution of the cosmic manifestation | CC Madhya 20.361 |
viśva-suhṛdam | the friend of the whole world | SB 4.6.35 |
viśva-suhṛdam | the friend of the whole world | SB 4.6.35 |
viśva-suhṛt | of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is a friend to everyone | SB 5.10.25 |
viśva-suhṛt | of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is a friend to everyone | SB 5.10.25 |
viśva-tanoḥ | of the universal form | SB 2.1.33 |
viśva-tanoḥ | of the universal form | SB 2.1.33 |
viśva-udbhava | creation of the cosmic manifestation | SB 3.9.14 |
viśva-udbhava | creation of the cosmic manifestation | SB 3.9.14 |
viśva-udyāne | in the garden of the universe | CC Madhya 25.276 |
viśva-udyāne | in the garden of the universe | CC Madhya 25.276 |
viśva-utpatti | the creation of the material cosmic manifestation | CC Adi 5.46 |
viśva-utpatti | the creation of the material cosmic manifestation | CC Adi 5.46 |
viśva-vedasam | who is the knower or ingredient of this universal manifestation | SB 8.3.26 |
viśva-vedasam | who is the knower or ingredient of this universal manifestation | SB 8.3.26 |
viśva-vijayāya | for glorifying the cosmic creation | SB 3.9.25 |
viśva-vijayāya | for glorifying the cosmic creation | SB 3.9.25 |
viśva-vit | Kṛṣṇa, who is aware of everything going on throughout the whole cosmic manifestation | SB 10.13.17 |
viśva-vit | Kṛṣṇa, who is aware of everything going on throughout the whole cosmic manifestation | SB 10.13.17 |
viśvabāhuḥ | Viśvabāhu | SB 9.12.7 |
viśvadhāra | Viśvadhāra | SB 5.20.25 |
viśvagam ca | and named Viśvaga | SB 4.1.14 |
viśvagam ca | and named Viśvaga | SB 4.1.14 |
viśvagandhiḥ | of the name Viśvagandhi | SB 9.6.20 |
viśvaḥ | gross designation | SB 7.15.54 |
viśvaḥ | the universe | SB 10.68.46 |
SB 3.7.22 | ||
viśvaḥ airāvataḥ | Viśva and Airāvata | SB 12.11.40 |
viśvaḥ airāvataḥ | Viśva and Airāvata | SB 12.11.40 |
viśvaḥ taijasaḥ prājñaḥ | the manifestations of waking consciousness, sleep and deep sleep | SB 12.11.22 |
viśvaḥ taijasaḥ prājñaḥ | the manifestations of waking consciousness, sleep and deep sleep | SB 12.11.22 |
viśvaḥ taijasaḥ prājñaḥ | the manifestations of waking consciousness, sleep and deep sleep | SB 12.11.22 |
viśvajit | from Viśvajit | SB 9.22.49 |
viśvajitā | known as Viśvajit | SB 8.15.4 |
viśvak | everywhere | SB 4.22.37 |
viśvakarmā | creative person | CC Antya 1.167 |
viśvakarmā | Viśvakarmā | SB 6.6.15 |
SB 8.10.29 | ||
viśvakarmā prajāpatiḥ | Viśvakarmā, one of the prajāpatis, the sons of Lord Brahmā who generate progeny | SB 8.8.16 |
viśvakarmā prajāpatiḥ | Viśvakarmā, one of the prajāpatis, the sons of Lord Brahmā who generate progeny | SB 8.8.16 |
viśvakarma-sute | the two daughters of Viśvakarmā | SB 8.13.8 |
viśvakarma-sute | the two daughters of Viśvakarmā | SB 8.13.8 |
viśvakarma-vinirmitaḥ | manufactured by Viśvakarmā | SB 6.9.54 |
viśvakarma-vinirmitaḥ | manufactured by Viśvakarmā | SB 6.9.54 |
viśvakarma-vinirmitām | constructed by Viśvakarmā, the heavenly architect | SB 8.15.15 |
viśvakarma-vinirmitām | constructed by Viśvakarmā, the heavenly architect | SB 8.15.15 |
viśvakarma-vinirmitam | which is especially created by Viśvakarmā | SB 8.22.32 |
viśvakarma-vinirmitam | which is especially created by Viśvakarmā | SB 8.22.32 |
viśvakarmaṇā | by the famous architect of the demigods, Viśvakarmā | SB 7.4.8 |
viśvakarmaṇā | by Viśvakarmā | SB 6.10.13-14 |
viśvakarmaṇā | by Viśvakarmā, the architect of the demigods | SB 10.58.24 |
viśvakarmaṇaḥ | named Viśvakarmā | SB 5.1.24 |
viśvam | (who am) the whole universe | SB 10.81.9 |
viśvam | all the universes | SB 2.6.22 |
SB 2.6.31 | ||
viśvam | all the world | SB 2.5.11 |
viśvam | all universes, all places | SB 8.1.10 |
viśvam | all worldly paraphernalia | SB 4.17.21 |
viśvam | complete universes | SB 3.5.27 |
viśvam | cosmos | SB 1.5.20 |
viśvam | creation | SB 3.22.20 |
viśvam | everything | SB 11.15.20 |
viśvam | manifested universes | SB 1.3.36 |
viśvam | the cosmic manifestation | SB 4.29.79 |
SB 4.7.51 | ||
SB 6.3.12 | ||
viśvam | the cosmos | SB 1.14.14 |
SB 2.9.24 | ||
viśvam | the entire cosmic manifestation | SB 10.3.31 |
viśvam | the entire creation | SB 10.3.26 |
SB 3.26.3 | ||
viśvam | the entire material creation | SB 5.18.4 |
viśvam | the entire material world | SB 12.5.11-12 |
viśvam | the entire universe | BG 11.47 |
SB 11.2.22 | ||
SB 4.24.56 | ||
SB 8.6.11 | ||
viśvam | the entire world | SB 10.35.12-13 |
viśvam | the external universe | SB 12.10.9 |
viśvam | the material phenomenon | SB 3.10.12 |
viśvam | the three worlds | SB 3.8.10 |
viśvam | the universe | BG 11.38 |
CC Antya 8.78 | ||
SB 1.5.6 | ||
SB 10.48.21 | ||
SB 11.7.12 | ||
SB 12.10.31-32 | ||
SB 12.4.13 | ||
SB 12.4.4 | ||
SB 12.9.28-29 | ||
SB 12.9.30 | ||
SB 2.2.26 | ||
SB 2.5.3 | ||
SB 2.9.39 | ||
SB 3.11.27 | ||
SB 3.12.18 | ||
SB 3.13.45 | ||
SB 3.14.29 | ||
SB 3.26.20 | ||
SB 3.7.4 | ||
SB 4.11.25 | ||
SB 4.24.60 | ||
SB 4.7.37 | ||
SB 6.9.25 | ||
viśvam | the universes | SB 2.10.42 |
viśvam | the whole creation | SB 4.7.43 |
viśvam | the whole material universe | SB 9.4.17 |
viśvam | the whole universe | CC Adi 16.1 |
CC Madhya 17.210 | ||
CC Madhya 20.318 | ||
CC Madhya 21.37 | ||
SB 10.7.37 | ||
SB 10.70.44 | ||
SB 10.8.37-39 | ||
SB 2.6.32 | ||
SB 3.11.17 | ||
SB 4.24.68 | ||
SB 6.16.53-54 | ||
SB 7.8.8 | ||
SB 8.1.12 | ||
SB 8.1.9 | ||
SB 8.17.27 | ||
SB 8.20.22 | ||
SB 9.4.53-54 | ||
SB 9.9.7 | ||
viśvam | the whole universe (the material world) | SB 8.1.9 |
viśvam | the whole world | CC Madhya 11.1 |
SB 4.7.21 | ||
viśvam | the world | SB 11.28.1 |
viśvam | this material world | SB 6.16.9 |
viśvam | this universe | SB 10.24.22 |
SB 4.6.43 | ||
viśvam | universally comprehending | SB 2.6.13-16 |
viśvam | universe | BG 11.19 |
Bs 5.16 | ||
CC Madhya 25.101 | ||
MM 43 | ||
SB 10.16.57 | ||
SB 10.48.19 | ||
SB 10.57.15 | ||
SB 10.60.2 | ||
SB 10.74.20-21 | ||
SB 10.79.31 | ||
SB 10.85.5 | ||
SB 10.86.56 | ||
SB 11.28.6-7 | ||
SB 11.9.20 | ||
SB 12.4.26 | ||
SB 2.1.24 | ||
SB 2.4.6 | ||
SB 3.14.47 | ||
SB 3.33.4 | ||
SB 4.1.53 | ||
SB 4.12.15 | ||
SB 4.24.50 | ||
SB 7.13.4 | ||
SB 9.1.8 | ||
viśvam | who is Himself the whole cosmic presentation | SB 8.3.26 |
viśvam | whole universe | SB 4.9.8 |
viśvam | whole world | SB 10.10.29 |
viśvam | whose energy constitutes this universe | SB 6.9.26-27 |
viśvam | world | SB 4.11.17 |
viśvam ātmanaḥ | the total body of the universe | SB 4.8.80 |
viśvam ātmanaḥ | the total body of the universe | SB 4.8.80 |
viśvambhara | the maintainer of the universe | CC Adi 14.73 |
CC Madhya 13.13 | ||
viśvambhara | the name Viśvambhara | CC Adi 14.19 |
viśvambhara | Viśvambhara | CC Adi 9.7 |
CC Madhya 6.52 | ||
viśvambhara nāma | the name Viśvambhara | CC Adi 3.32 |
viśvambhara nāma | the name Viśvambhara | CC Adi 3.32 |
viśvambharera | of Viśvambhara | CC Adi 14.82 |
viśvań | the all-pervading Personality of Godhead | SB 2.6.21 |
viśvarūpa | of Viśvarūpa | CC Madhya 7.13 |
SB 6.13.5 | ||
viśvarūpa | universal form | CC Adi 13.76 |
viśvarūpa | Viśvarūpa | CC Adi 13.74 |
CC Adi 15.12 | ||
CC Adi 15.14 | ||
CC Adi 15.18 | ||
CC Adi 15.21 | ||
CC Madhya 3.143 | ||
viśvarūpa | Viśvarūpa (the elder brother of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu) | CC Madhya 7.44 |
viśvarūpa-duhitaram | the daughter of Viśvarūpa | SB 5.7.1 |
viśvarūpa-duhitaram | the daughter of Viśvarūpa | SB 5.7.1 |
viśvarūpa-uddeśe | to find Viśvarūpa | CC Madhya 7.11 |
viśvarūpa-uddeśe | to find Viśvarūpa | CC Madhya 7.11 |
viśvarūpaḥ | the gigantic universal form | SB 6.8.13 |
viśvarūpaḥ | Viśvarūpa | SB 6.6.44 |
SB 6.7.34 | ||
SB 6.7.38 | ||
SB 6.7.40 | ||
viśvarūpam | Viśvarūpa | SB 6.7.25 |
viśvarūpasya | of Viśvarūpa, the priest of the demigods | SB 6.9.1 |
viśvarūpāt | from the brāhmaṇa Viśvarūpa | SB 6.8.42 |
viśvarūpāya | unto Viśvarūpa | SB 6.9.53 |
viśvarūpera | of Viśvarūpa, his elder son | CC Adi 15.11 |
viśvasan | having faith | Bs 5.61 |
viśvasitāḥ | having developed faith | SB 10.87.20 |
viśvasiti | trusts | NBS 84 |
viśvasmin | in the cosmic manifestation | SB 4.24.60 |
viśvasphūrjiḥ | Viśvasphūrji | SB 12.1.34 |
viśvasṛjaḥ | of Viśvasraṣṭā | SB 8.13.23 |
viśvasṛk | the creator of the universe | SB 3.5.9 |
viśvasya | of the cosmic manifestation | SB 8.12.7 |
viśvasya | of the cosmic universe | SB 3.5.43 |
viśvasya | of the entire | SB 10.41.46 |
viśvasya | of the entire material manifestation | SB 4.6.42 |
viśvasya | of the entire universe | SB 5.18.9 |
viśvasya | of the universe | CC Madhya 20.262 |
SB 10.46.31 | ||
SB 10.58.10 | ||
SB 3.16.37 | ||
SB 3.33.3 | ||
SB 3.7.28 | ||
SB 6.19.11 | ||
SB 7.8.40 | ||
viśvasya | of the whole cosmic manifestation | SB 8.1.12 |
viśvasya | of the world | Bs 5.62 |
viśvasya | of this universe | SB 12.7.14 |
viśvasya | the would-be entities | SB 3.5.28 |
viśvasya | universe | BG 11.18 |
BG 11.38 | ||
viśvataḥ | all over | SB 6.4.47 |
viśvataḥ | from all | SB 10.31.3 |
viśvataḥ-bhayāt | (from this material world) which is fearful everywhere | SB 11.2.9 |
viśvataḥ-bhayāt | (from this material world) which is fearful everywhere | SB 11.2.9 |
viśvataḥ-mukhaḥ | Brahmā | BG 10.33 |
viśvataḥ-mukhaḥ | Brahmā | BG 10.33 |
viśvataḥ-mukham | all angles of vision | SB 4.28.41 |
viśvataḥ-mukham | all angles of vision | SB 4.28.41 |
viśvataḥ-mukham | all-pervading | BG 11.10-11 |
viśvataḥ-mukham | all-pervading | BG 11.10-11 |
viśvataḥ-mukham | and in the universal form | BG 9.15 |
viśvataḥ-mukham | and in the universal form | BG 9.15 |
viśvataḥ-mukham | many different categories of cosmic manifestation | SB 11.9.20 |
viśvataḥ-mukham | many different categories of cosmic manifestation | SB 11.9.20 |
viśvataḥ-mukham | the all-pervading Lord of the universe | SB 3.25.39-40 |
viśvataḥ-mukham | the all-pervading Lord of the universe | SB 3.25.39-40 |
viśvataḥ-mukham | whose face is turned everywhere | SB 3.32.7 |
viśvataḥ-mukham | whose face is turned everywhere | SB 3.32.7 |
SB 3.33.24-25 | ||
viśvataḥ-mukham | whose face is turned everywhere | SB 3.33.24-25 |
aviśvam | and yet not of matter | SB 3.9.3 |
aviśvam | although He is transcendental to the cosmic manifestation | SB 8.3.26 |
aviśvam | not belonging to the destructible material world | CC Madhya 25.36 |
aviśvam | and yet not of matter | CC Antya 5.124-125 |
bṛhadviśvaḥ | Bṛhadviśva | SB 9.21.30 |
viṣṇu viśva-dhāma | Lord Viṣṇu, the abode of the total universes | CC Adi 5.76 |
rājā viśvasahaḥ | the famous King Viśvasaha was born | SB 9.9.41 |
sarva-viśva | of all universes | CC Adi 7.128 |
śrī-viśvarūpaḥ uvāca | Śrī Viśvarūpa said | SB 6.7.35 |
śrī-viśvarūpaḥ uvāca | Śrī Viśvarūpa said | SB 6.8.4-6 |
śrī-viśvarūpaḥ uvāca | Śrī Viśvarūpa said | SB 6.7.35 |
śrī-viśvarūpaḥ uvāca | Śrī Viśvarūpa said | SB 6.8.4-6 |
viṣṇu viśva-dhāma | Lord Viṣṇu, the abode of the total universes | CC Adi 5.76 |
viṣṇu viśva-dhāma | Lord Viṣṇu, the abode of the total universes | CC Adi 5.76 |
sarva-viśva | of all universes | CC Adi 7.128 |
śrī-viśvarūpaḥ uvāca | Śrī Viśvarūpa said | SB 6.7.35 |
śrī-viśvarūpaḥ uvāca | Śrī Viśvarūpa said | SB 6.8.4-6 |
rājā viśvasahaḥ | the famous King Viśvasaha was born | SB 9.9.41 |
viśva | noun (masculine) (in phil.) the intellectual faculty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a class of gods (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the number thirteen (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of various deceased men and kings (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [rel.] name of Viśvakarman (?) Frequency rank 17241/72933 | |
viśva | noun (neuter) a mystical name of the sound o (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dry ginger (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) myrrh (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the whole world (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) universe (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 5635/72933 | |
viśva | pronoun all (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) all-pervading or all-containing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) entire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) every (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) every one (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) omnipresent (applied to Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) universal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) whole (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 711/72933 | |
viśvabhartṛ | noun (masculine) an all-sustainer (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 30287/72933 | |
viśvabheṣaja | noun (neuter) dry ginger (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 9259/72933 | |
viśvabhuj | noun (masculine) name of a class of deceased ancestors (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of lunar (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Indra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva [rel.] name of Viṣṇu Frequency rank 13777/72933 | |
viśvabhāvana | noun (masculine) name of a spiritual son of Brahmā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [rel.] name of Brahmā Frequency rank 16137/72933 | |
viśvabhṛt | noun (feminine) a class of sunrays creating heat
a hundred heat-making sun-rays (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39536/72933 | |
viśvadaṃṣṭra | noun (masculine) name of an Asura (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66143/72933 | |
viśvadeva | noun (masculine) a particular class of deities (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a god (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a teacher (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva the Viśve Devāḥ (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22289/72933 | |
viśvadevya | adjective distinguished by all divine attributes (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) relating or sacred or dear etc. to all gods (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66144/72933 | |
viśvadevā | noun (feminine) a species of red-flowering Daṇḍotpala (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Hedysarum Lagopedioides (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Uraria lagopodioides (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22290/72933 | |
viśvadhara | noun (masculine) name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39534/72933 | |
viśvadhārin | noun (masculine) a deity (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66145/72933 | |
viśvadhṛk | adjective sustaining everything (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39535/72933 | |
viśvaga | noun (masculine) name of a son of Pūrṇiman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Brahmā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu Frequency rank 39532/72933 | |
viśvagandha | noun (masculine) an onion (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66133/72933 | |
viśvagandha | noun (neuter) myrrh (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66132/72933 | |
viśvagandhikā | noun (feminine) a kind of plant Frequency rank 66134/72933 | |
viśvagarbha | noun (masculine) name of a son of Raivata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [rel.] name of Śiva Frequency rank 66135/72933 | |
viśvagoptṛ | noun (masculine) name of Indra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66136/72933 | |
viśvagranthi | noun (masculine) a kind of plant (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66137/72933 | |
viśvahartṛ | noun (masculine) [rel.] name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66164/72933 | |
viśvahārī | noun (feminine) [rel.] name of a Śakti of Śiva Frequency rank 66165/72933 | |
viśvajanya | adjective containing all men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) dear to all men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) existing everywhere (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) universal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) universally beneficial (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66138/72933 | |
viśvajanīna | adjective containing all kinds of people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) good for or benefiting all men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) ruling all people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39533/72933 | |
viśvajit | noun (masculine) a particular form of Fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Dānava (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Gādhi (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of various other persons (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the cord or noose of Varuṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 15223/72933 | |
viśvajyotis | noun (masculine) name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of an Ekāha (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66139/72933 | |
viśvaka | adjective all-containing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) all-pervading (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39531/72933 | |
viśvaka | noun (masculine) name of a man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a son of Pṛthu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 25446/72933 | |
viśvakarman | noun (masculine) all-creator (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Muni (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of one of the seven principal rays of the sun (supposed to supply heat to the planet Mercury) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Sūrya or the sun (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the divine creative architect or artist (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the wind (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of various authors (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva Frequency rank 3098/72933 | |
viśvaketu | noun (masculine) name of Aniruddha (a son of the god of love) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the god of love (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66131/72933 | |
viśvakāyā | noun (feminine) a form of Dākṣāyaṇi (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of the Gaṅgā Frequency rank 30285/72933 | |
viśvakṛt | noun (masculine) name of a son of Gādhi (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) the architect and artificer of the gods (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Viśvakarman (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [rel.] name of Viṣṇu [rel.] name of Śiva Frequency rank 15222/72933 | |
viśvambhara | noun (masculine) a kind of scorpion or similar animal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a king (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of an author (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Indra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 18476/72933 | |
viśvambharā | noun (feminine) a kind of venomous animal
the earth (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [rel.] name of Devī Frequency rank 20084/72933 | |
viśvamitra | noun (masculine) (prob.) viśv-mitra the family of Viśvāmitra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39537/72933 | |
viśvamukhī | noun (feminine) name of Dākṣāyaṇi (as worshipped in Jālaṃdhara) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39538/72933 | |
viśvamālā | noun (feminine) name of a river Frequency rank 66153/72933 | |
viśvamūrti | noun (masculine) a kind of mixture (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu name of Śiva Frequency rank 9949/72933 | |
viśvananda | noun (neuter) name of a spiritual son of Brahmā (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66146/72933 | |
viśvanātha | noun (masculine) name of various authors and other men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva (esp. as the object of adoration at Benares) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66147/72933 | |
viśvanāyaka | noun (masculine) name of Viṣṇu Frequency rank 66148/72933 | |
viśvapada | noun (neuter) name of a Tīrtha Frequency rank 66149/72933 | |
viśvaparṇī | noun (feminine) Flacourtia Cataphracta (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66150/72933 | |
viśvapati | noun (masculine) name of a particular fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Mahāpuruṣa and of Kṛṣṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of various authors (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 30286/72933 | |
viśvapsā | noun (feminine) fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66152/72933 | |
viśvapātṛ | noun (masculine) a particular class of deceased ancestors (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66151/72933 | |
viśvaretas | noun (masculine) name of Viṣṇu (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [rel.] name of Śiva Frequency rank 66154/72933 | |
viśvarāta | noun (masculine) name of a son of Pṛthu Frequency rank 39539/72933 | |
viśvarūpa | noun (neuter) Agallochum (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of a Tīrtha Frequency rank 66155/72933 | |
viśvarūpa | adjective manifold (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) many-coloured (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) various (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) wearing all forms (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 25447/72933 | |
viśvarūpa | noun (masculine) name of a Kalpa
name of a son of Tvaṣṭṛ (whose three heads were struck off by Indra) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of an Asura (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of particular comets (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Viṣṇu-Kṛṣṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of various scholars (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Śiva (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 5058/72933 | |
viśvarūpaka | noun (neuter) a kind of black aloe wood (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 30288/72933 | |
viśvarūpiṇī | noun (feminine) name of a goddess (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66156/72933 | |
viśvarūpā | noun (feminine) Aconitum Ferox
a dappled cow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Devī name of particular verses (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) name of Sāvitrī the yoked horses of Bṛhaspati (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22291/72933 | |
viśvas | verb (class 1 ātmanepada) to be free from fear or apprehension
to be trustful or confident
to draw breath freely
to rely or depend on
to trust or confide in Frequency rank 3158/72933 | |
viśvasaha | noun (masculine) name of several men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) [rel.] name of Śiva Frequency rank 20085/72933 | |
viśvasū | noun (feminine) all-generating (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66161/72933 | |
viśvasṛj | noun (masculine) name of Brahmā
[rel.] name of Viṣṇu
[rel.] name of Śiva Frequency rank 7616/72933 | |
viśvasṛjāṃpati | noun (masculine) name of Brahman Frequency rank 66162/72933 | |
viśvasṛt | adjective Frequency rank 66163/72933 | |
viśvatas | indeclinable all around (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) everywhere (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) from or on all sides (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) universally (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 12218/72933 | |
viśvataspād | adjective Frequency rank 66140/72933 | |
viśvatobāhu | adjective one who has arms on every side (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66141/72933 | |
viśvatomukha | adjective facing all sides (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) one whose face is turned everywhere (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 6727/72933 | |
viśvatra | indeclinable always (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) everywhere (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66142/72933 | |
viśvauṣadha | noun (neuter) dry ginger (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 30291/72933 | |
viśvavasu | noun (masculine) name of a son of Purūravas (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 66157/72933 | |
viśvavedas | noun (masculine) 2. -vid (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) a sage (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) saint (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 39540/72933 | |
viśvavrata | noun (neuter) a kind of vrata Frequency rank 66160/72933 | |
viśvavyacas | noun (masculine neuter) name of one of the seven principal rays of the sun Frequency rank 22292/72933 | |
viśvavāsinī | noun (feminine) a form of Devī Frequency rank 66158/72933 | |
viśvavṛttika | adjective allgemein üblich Frequency rank 66159/72933 | |
viśvayoni | noun (masculine) name of Brahmā
name of Viṣṇu
name of Śiva Frequency rank 12219/72933 | |
abhiviśvas | verb (class 2 ātmanepada) Frequency rank 26540/72933 | |
aviśva | noun (neuter) not the universe (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 26755/72933 | |
aviśva | pronoun not all Frequency rank 32733/72933 | |
aviśvasant | adjective not confiding (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 26756/72933 | |
aviśvasta | adjective doubted (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) not trusted (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) suspected (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 13352/72933 | |
pariviśvas | verb (class 2 ātmanepada) to trust Frequency rank 28915/72933 | |
suviśvasta | adjective confidential (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) quite unconcerned or careless (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) very confiding (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) very trusty (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988)) Frequency rank 22679/72933 |