bambaviśvavayas | () and bamb/ā-viśv/avayas- (; see gaRa vanaspaty-ādi- ) m. dual number Name of 2 men (also bambhār-viśvavayas- ) |
bhojas | See puru-bh/ojas-, viśv/a-bh-, su-bh/ojas- (see bh/ojase-under 3. bhuj-,) . |
cakṣaṇa | n. (for jakṣ-?) eating a relish to promote drinking (see viśv/a--; abhi--and prati-c/akṣ-; vi-cakṣaṇ/a-.) |
cakṣas | m. "teacher of the gods", bṛhaspati- (see /apāka--, īya--, upāk/a--, ghor/a--, viśv/a--, s/ūra--, sv/ar--; uru--, duś--, nṛ--and su-c/akṣ-.) |
carṣaṇi | f. Name of aryaman-'s children by mātṛkā- (progenitors of the human race) (see pr/a--, ratha--, v/i--, viśv/a--.). |
darśata | m. see viśv/a--. |
gūrta | mfn. () approved, welcome, agreeable, (= Latin) gratus- (confer, compare abh/i--, r/ādho--, viśv/a--, sv/a--; ari--and purugūrt/a-.) |
poṣas | See viśv/āyu-poṣas-. |
psnya | See viśv/a-psnya-. |
ścandra | mfn. shining, radiant (only in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound';See aśva-ścandra-, puru-ścandr/a-, viśv/a-ścandra-, suścandr/a-, śv/a-ścandra-,and h/ari-ścandra-). |
tūrti | See viśv/a--. 1. |
tvaṣṭṛ | m. "creator of living beings", the heavenly builder, Name of a god (called su-k/ṛt-, -pāṇ/i-, -g/abhasti-, -j/animan-, sv-/apas-, ap/asām ap/astama-, viśv/a-rūpa-etc. ;maker of divine implements, especially of indra-'s thunderbolt and teacher of the ṛbhu-s ;former of the bodies of men and animals, hence called"firstborn"and invoked for the sake of offspring, especially in the āprī- hymns etc. ;associated with the similar deities dhātṛ-, savitṛ-, prajā-pati-, pūṣan-, and surrounded by divine females[ gn/ās-, jan/ayas-, dev/ānām p/atnīs-; see tv/aṣṭā-v/arūtrī-]recipients of his generative energy ;supposed author of with the epithet garbha-pati- ;father of saraṇyū- [ su-reṇu- ; sva-reṇu- ]whose double twin-children by vivasvat- [or vāyu- ? ] are yamayamī- and the aśvin-s ;also father of tri-śiras- or viśvarūpa- ;overpowered by indra- who recovers the soma-[ ] concealed by him because indra- had killed his son viśva-rūpa- ;regent of the nakṣatra- citrā- ;of the 5th cycle of Jupiter ;of an eclipse ; tvaṣṭur ātithya-Name of a sāman- ) |
viśvabhānu | (viśv/a--) mfn. all-illumining |
viśvabheṣaja | mf(ī-)n. (viśv/a--) containing all remedies, all-healing |
viśvabhojas | (viśv/a--) mfn. all-nourishing, granting all enjoyment |
viśvacarṣaṇi | (viśv/a--.) mfn. equals -kṛṣṭi- |
viśvadarśata | mfn. (viśv/a--) visible to all |
viśvadeva | mfn. (viśv/a--) all-divine |
viśvadevanetra | mfn. (viśv/a-deva--) led by the viśve- devāḥ- |
viśvadevavat | mfn. (viśv/a-deva--) united with all gods |
viśvadevya | mfn. (viśv/a--) relating or sacred or dear etc. to all gods |
viśvadhā | mfn. (viśv/a--.) (see viśv/adha-,p.994) all-preserving |
viśvadhāyas | (viśv/a--.) mfn. all-sustaining, all-nourishing |
viśvadhena | mf(ā-)n. (viśv/a--.) all-feeding |
viśvadohas | (viśv/a-) mfn. milking or yielding all things |
viśvadṛṣṭa | (viśv/a--) mfn. seen by all |
viśvagarbha | mf(ā-)n. (viśv/a--) bearing or containing all things |
viśvagotra | (viśv/a--) mfn. belonging to all families |
viśvagotrya | (viśv/a--) mfn. (perhaps) bringing all kinsmen together (said of a drum) |
viśvagūrta | (viśv/a--) mfn. approved by or welcome to everybody |
viśvāhā | ind. equals viśv/ahā-, at all times |
viśvajanman | (viśv/a-) mfn. of all or various kinds |
viśvajanya | mf(ā-)n. (viśv/a--) containing all men |
viśvajyotis | mfn. (viśv/a--) all-brilliant |
viśvakṛṣṭi | (viśv/a--) mfn. dwelling among all men, universally known, kind to all men |
viśvakṣiti | (viśv/a--) mfn. equals -kṛṣṭi- |
viśvamahas | (viśv/a--) mfn. "all-powerful"or"all pleasant" |
viśvamanas | mfn. (viśv/a--) perceiving everything |
viśvamānuṣa | mfn. (viśv/a--) (prob.) known to all men (see viśv/a-manus-) |
viśvamitra | m. plural (prob.) equals viśv/ā-mitra- plural the family of viśvāmitra- |
viśvanāman | (viśv/a--) mf(mnī-)n. having all names |
viśvānara | mfn. (viśv/ā--) relating to or existing among or dear to all men (applied to savitṛ-, indra- etc.) |
viśvapeśas | (viśv/a--) mfn. containing all adornment |
viśvapsnya | mfn. (viśv/a--) (psnya-said to be for psanya-fr. psā-) either"having all forms"or"all-nourishing" (-psnyā- instrumental case f.) |
viśvapsu | (viśv/a--) mfn. having all forms (see viśvā-psu-). |
viśvāpsu | (viśv/ā--) mfn. having all forms (see viśv/a-psu-). |
viśvarādhas | (viśv/a--) mf. all-granting |
viśvasāman | m. (viśv/a--) Name of a kind of personification |
viśvaśambhū | mfn. (viśv/a--) beneficial to all |
viśvaśārada | (viśv/a--.) mfn. annual (or"lasting a whole year") (applied to the disease called takman- as likely to occur every autumn) . |
viśvaśardhas | mfn. (viśv/a--) being in a complete troop, complete in number |
viśvasaubhaga | (viśv/a--) mfn. bringing all prosperity |
viśvaścandra | (viśv/a--) mf(ā-)n. all-glittering |
viśvaśruṣṭi | (viśv/a--) mfn. compliant to all |
viśvavāra | mf(ā-)n. (viśv/a--.) containing all good things, bestowing all treasures etc. |
viśvavārya | (viśv/a--) mfn. containing all good things, bestowing all treasures etc. ("all-desired") . |
viśvavasu | m. "wealth of all", Name of a son of purū-ravas- (see viśv/ā-vasu-). |
viśvāvasu | mfn. (viśv/ā--) beneficent to all (said of viṣṇu-) |
viśvavedas | mfn. (viśv/a--.) equals -vid- 1 |
viśvavedas | mfn. (viśv/a--) equals -vid- 2 |
viśvavyacas | mfn. (viśv/a--) embracing or absorbing all things etc. |
viśvāyu | mfn. equals viśv/a-kṛṣṭi- |