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Grammar Search
"vetti" has 1 results
vetti: third person singular present present class 2 parasmaipadavid
Monier-Williams Search
8 results for vetti
anuvidcl.2 P., Ved. -vetti-, to know thoroughly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
laṅghanan. one of a horse's paces, curvetting, bounding View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratividP. -vetti-, to perceive, understand : Causal -vedayati-, to make known, report, announce (also with 2 accusative) etc. ; to offer, present View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravidP. -vetti-, to know, understand : Causal -vedayati-, te-, to make known, communicate, relate ; (P.) to know or understand right View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvidcl.2 P. A1. -vetti-, -vitte-, (3. plural -vidate-,or -vidrate- ), to know together, know thoroughly, know, recognize etc. ; to perceive, feel, taste ; to come to an understanding, agree with, approve (accusative) : Causal -vedayati-, to cause to know or perceive ; to make known, declare ; to know, perceive : Causal See saṃ-vedita-.
svid cl.1 A1. 4. P. () svedate- or svidyati- (A1. svidyate- ; parasmE-pada svidyamāna- ; perfect tense siṣveda- grammar; siṣvide- ; parasmE-pada siṣvidān/a- ; Aorist asvidat- ; future svettā-, svetsyati- grammar; ind.p. -svedam- ), to sweat, perspire etc. ; (svedate-), to be anointed ; to be disturbed (?) : Causal svedayati- (Aorist asiṣvidat-), to cause to sweat, treat with sudorifics ; to foment, soften : Desiderative of Causal sisvedayiṣati-, grammar : Desiderative sisvitṣati- : Intensive seṣvidyate-, seṣvetti- [ confer, compare Greek ; Latin su1dor,sUdare; Anglo-Saxon swa7t; English sweat; German Schweiss,schwitzen.] View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vid (originally identical with1. vid-) cl.6 P. A1. () vind/ati-, te- (Vedic or Veda also vitt/e-, vid/e-; parasmE-pada vidān/a-or vidāna-[ q.v ]; Epic 3. plural vindate- Potential vindyāt-,often equals vidyāt-; perfect tense viv/eda-[3. plural vividus- subjunctive vividat-], vividv/as-,3. plural vividre-, vidr/e- etc.; parasmE-pada vividv/as- ; vividivas- ; Aorist /avidat-, data- [ Vedic or Veda subjunctive vid/āsi-, d/āt-; Potential vid/et-, deta- ;3. sg. videṣṭa- ]; A1.1. sg. avitsi- ; future vettā-, vediṣyati- grammar; vetsyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood vid/e- ; vettum- etc.; v/ettave- ; ttavai-[?] and tos- ; ind.p. vittv/ā- ; -vidya- etc.) , to find, discover, meet or fall in with, obtain, get, acquire, partake of, possess etc. etc. (with diśas-,to find out the quarters of she sky ) ; to get or procure for (dative case) ; to seek out, look for, attend to etc. ; to feel, experience ; to consider as, take for (two accusative) ; to come upon, befall, seize, visit ; to contrive, accomplish, perform, effect, produce ; (A1. mc. also P.) to take to wife, marry (with or scilicet bhāryām-) etc. ; to find (a husband), marry (said of a woman) ; to obtain (a son, with or scilicet sutam-) : Passive voice or A1. vidy/ate- (Epic also ti-; parasmE-pada vidyamāna-[ q.v ]; Aorist avedi-), to be found, exist, be etc. ; (especially in later language) vidyate-,"there is, there exists", often with na-,"there is not" ; with bhoktum-,"there is something to eat" ; followed by a future ,"is it possible that?" ; yathā-vid/e-,"as it happens" id est "as usual","as well as possible" : Causal vedayati-, to cause to find etc. : Desiderative vividiṣati- or vivitsati-, te- grammar (see vivitsita-): Intensive vevidyate-, vevetti- (for parasmE-pada v/evidat-and dāna-See vi--and saṃvid-).
vyavavidP. -vetti-, to discern, discriminate View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
baddha बद्ध p. p. [बन्ध्-कर्मणि क्त] 1 Bound, tied, fastened. -2 Chained, fettered. -3 Captured, caught. -4 Confined, imprisoned. -5 Put or girt on. -6 Restrained, suppressed, withheld. -7 Formed, built; शरबद्धमिवाभाति द्वितीयं भास्वदम्बरम्Rām.6.17.24. -8 Cherished, entertained. -9 Combined, united. -1 Firmly rooted, firm. -11 Shut, stopped, closed. -12 Inlaid, studded. -13 Composed (as verses). -14 Formed, contracted; असूत सा नागवधूपभोग्यं मैनाकमम्भोनिधिबद्धसख्यम् Ku.1.2. -15 Manifested, displayed. -16 Entangled, involved. -17 Congealed, clotted (as blood.) -18 Effected, caused, formed, produced; बद्धं जालकम् Ś.1.29;2.6; U.6.17; Māl.3.7. -19 Possessed, preserved; बद्धं सन्तं मन्यते लब्धमर्थम् Mb.5.92.23. -Comp. -अङ्गुलित्र, अङ्गुलि- त्राण a. having as finger-guard fastened. -अञ्जलि a. folding the hands together in supplication, with the hands joined in humble entreaty or raised to the forehead as a mark of respect. ˚पुट a. forming a cup with the hollowed hands. -अनुराग a. having the affection fixed upon, feeling or manifesting love for. -अनुशय a. 1 feeling repentant. -2 of a fixed resolve. -अम्बु n. water derived from a current. -अवस्थिति a. constant. -आदर a. attaching great value to. -आनन्द a. joyful. -आयुध a. accoutred with arms. -आशङ्क a. one whose suspicions have been roused, grown suspicious. -उत्सव a. enjoying or observing a festival or holiday. -उद्यम a. making united efforts. -कक्ष, -कक्ष्य a. see बद्धपरिकर. -कदम्बक a. forming groups; छायाबद्धकदम्बकं मृगकुलं रोमन्थ- मभ्यस्यतु Ś.2.6. -कलापिन् a. one who has his quiver tied on. -केसर a. 1 forming hair. -2 having the filaments formed. -कोप, -मन्यु, -रोष a. 1 feeling anger, entertaining a feeling of anger. -2 suppressing or governing one's wrath. -गुदम् a kind of obstruction of the bowels; निरुध्यते तस्य गुदे पुरीषं, निरेति कृच्छ्रादपि चाल्पमल्पम् । हृन्नाभिमध्ये परिवृद्धिमेति तस्योदरं बद्धगुदं वदन्ति ॥ Bhāva. P. -ग्रह a. insisting on something. -चित्त, -मनस् a. having the mind intently fixed on, rivetting the mind on. -जिह्व a. tongue-tied. -तूणीर a. equipped with a quiver. -दृष्टि, -नेत्र, -लोचन a. having the eyes intently fixed on, looking with a steadfast gaze at; ग्रीवाभङ्गाभिरामं मुहुरनुपतति स्यन्दने बद्धदृष्टिः Ś.1.7. -धार a. continuously or incessantly flowing. -निश्चय a. firmly resolved, resolute. -नेपथ्य a. attired in a theatrical dress. -परिकर a. having the girdle girded on, one who has girded up his loins; i. e. ready, prepared. -पुरीष a. having the bowels constipated. -प्रतिज्ञ a. 1 one who has made a vow or promise. -2 firmly resolved. -प्रतिश्रुत् a. resonant with echoes. -भाव a. having the affection or heart fixed upon, enamoured of (with loc.); दृढं त्वयि बद्धभावो- र्बशी V.2. -भूः f. 1 the lowest floor. -2 ground prepared for the site of a house. -3 pavement. -मण्डल a. ranged in circles. -मुष्टि a. 1 having a closed fist. -2 close-fisted, covetous. -मूत्र a. obstructing the urine. -मूल a. deep-rooted, striking root firmly; बद्धमूलस्य मूलं हि महद्वैरतरोः स्त्रियः Śi.2.38. -मौन a. holding the tongue, keeping silence, silent; अदृश्यत त्वच्चरणारविन्दविश्लेषदुःखादिव बद्धमौनम् R.13.23. -राग a. having the desire fixed on, enamoured, impassioned; गल्लस्थलेषु मदवारिषु बद्धरागमत्त- भ्रमद्भ्रमरपादतलाहतो$पि Pt.1.123. -वसति a. fixing anabode. -वाच् a. tongue-tied, maintaining silence. -वेपथु a. seized with tremour. -वैर a. one who has conceived bitter hatred or contracted confirmed hostility. -शिख a. 1 one whose hair is tied up (into a knot on the crown of the head). -2 one who is still in childhood, young. -सूतः a particular preparation of quicksilver. -स्नेह a. forming an attachment, conceiving affection for.
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
vid 1. vid know, II. P. vétti; pr. sb. know of (gen.), ii. 35, 2; ipv. viddhi, viii. 48, 8; pf. véda, viii. 29, 6; s. 2. véttha, x. 15, 13; 3. véda, x. 129, 62. 72; pl. 1. vidmá, x. 15, 13 [Gk. οɩ̂̓δα, ἴδμεν; AS. ic wāt, wē witon; Eng. I wot; Lat. vid-ēre ‘see’] .prá- know, x. 15, 13.
Macdonell Search
1 result
laṅghana n. leaping; bounding or passing over, crossing (g., --°ree;), traversing (a road: --°ree;); curvetting (of a horse); rising to or towards (--°ree;); sexual union (with a female); capture (of a fort); conquest; transgression (of a command etc.); disdain; offence, injury; exposure (to heat: --°ree; w. âtapa-); fasting; -anîya, fp. to be crossed or traversed; -overtaken; -transgressed (command); who may be insulted; -ya, fp. to be leapt or passed over, -crossed; -traversed (road); -transgressed; -neglected; attainable; assailable; to be made to fast.
Vedabase Search
1 result
vetti noun (masculine) [gramm.] the verb vid
Frequency rank 66571/72933


Plant andropogon grass; black vetiver; roots of Colius vettiveroides.

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