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Grammar Search
"vena" has 4 results
vena: masculine vocative singular stem: vena
vena: neuter vocative singular stem: vena
vena: second person singular present imperative class 1 parasmaipadaven
vena: second person plural tense paradigm perfect class parasmaipadavan
Monier-Williams Search
Results for vena
venamf(ī-)n. yearning, longing, eager, anxious, loving View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
venam. longing, desire, wish, care View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
venam. Name of the hymn (beginning with ayaṃ venaḥ-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
venam. equals yajña- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
venam. Name of a divine being of the middle region (also applied to indra-, the Sun, prajā-pati-, and a gandharva-;in connected with the navel) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
venam. of various men, (especially) of the author of (having the patronymic bhārgava-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
venam. of a rājarṣi- or royal ṛṣi- (father of pṛthu-, and said to have perished through irreligious conduct and want of submissiveness to the Brahmans;he is represented as having occasioned confusion of castesSee , and as founder of the race of niṣāda-s and dhīvara-s;according to the viṣṇu-purāṇa-, vena- was a son of aṅga- and a descendant of the first manu-;a vena- rāja-śravas- is enumerated among the veda-vyāsa-s or arrangers of the veda-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
venam. varia lectio for veṇa- q.v View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avenatmfn. not having any wish or desire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avivenamind. favourably View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avivenatmfn. not disaffected, favourable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bahvenasmfn. very sinful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bālamallavenasiddhāntam. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
bhāvenaind. bhāva
bhūyastvenaind. for the most part, mostly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvaṃdvenaind. dvaṃdva
mallavenam. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pṛthaktvenaind. singly, one by one View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
suvenamf(-)n. full of longing or desire View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svapratinidhitvenaind. svapratinidhi
tattvenaind. instrumental case according to the true state or nature of anything, in truth, truly, really, accurately View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vivenaSee /a-vivenam-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāvajjīvena() ind. during the whole of life, for life. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
Results for vena1 result
vena वेन See वेण (2).
Macdonell Vedic Search
2 results
anuvenant anu-vénant, pr. pt. seeking the friendship of (acc.), x. 135, 2.
ven ven long, I. P. vénati. ánu- seek the friendship of, x. 135, 1.
Macdonell Search
Results for vena2 results
vena a. (&isharp;) yearning, longing, eager, loving (V.); m. longing, desire, wish (V.); a divine being of the middle region, Indra or the sun (comm.), connected with the navel (Br.); N. of various men, among others of the father of Prithu (C.).
avivenat pr. pt. not turning away, well-disposed.
Vedic Index of
Names and Subjects
Results for vena2 resultsResults for vena2 results
vena Occurs in one passage of the Rigveda as a generous patron. Ppthavāna, found in the same passage, may or may not be another name of his, and Pārthya in the following stanza of the hymn is perhaps his patronymic.
vena In the Rigveda is thought by Tilak to be the planet Venus. But this is certainly impossible.
Bloomfield Vedic
Results for vena2 resultsResults for vena2 results121 results
abhi venā anūṣata RV.9.64.21a. Cf. abhy arkā etc.
ayaṃ venaś codayat pṛśnigarbhāḥ RV.10.123.1a; VS.7.16a; TS.; MS.1.3.10a: 34.1; KS.4.3a; AB.1.20.2; 3.30.3; KB.8.5; śB.,10a; Aś.4.6.3; 5.18.5; N.10.39a. Ps: ayaṃ venaś codayat Apś.12.14.13; ayaṃ venaḥ VS.33.21,33,47,58,73; śś.5.9.17; 8.3.15; 15.3.9; Kś.9.6.12,13; Mś.
dadhātā venam ādiśe RV.9.21.5b.
giro venānām akṛpanta pūrvīḥ RV.9.85.11b.
īṣātra veṇavo namatis ta ugrā AVP.15.12.6c.
upo venasya joguvāna oṇim RV.1.61.14c; AVś.20.35.14c.
aṃśur yavena pipiśe yato nṛbhiḥ # RV.9.68.4c.
aṃśoḥ pibanti manasāvivenam # RV.4.25.3d.
aganmahi manasā saṃ śivena # AVś.6.53.3b; VS.2.24b; 8.14b; TS.; MS.1.3.38b: 44.8; 4.14.17b: 247.4; KS.4.12b; PB.1.3.9b; śB.;; 4.8b; TA.2.4.1b; KA.1.198.4b; śś.4.11.6b.
agninā devena devatayā gāyatreṇa chandasāgneḥ śirā upadadhāmi # MS.2.18.11: 115.9. Cf. under gāyatreṇa chandasāgninā.
agninā devena pṛtanā jayāmi # TS.; Apś.4.14.10; 13.18.8. Cf. indrena devena, viśvebhir devebhiḥ, and sarvebhir devebhiḥ.
agninā devena pṛthivīlokena lokānām ṛgvedena vedānāṃ tena tvā śamayāmy asau svāhā # śG.1.16.3.
agniṃ dadhāmi manasā śivena # śG.3.4.2a. Cf. agniṃ pra ṇayāmi.
agniṃ pra ṇayāmi manasā śivena # śG.1.7.9a. Cf. agniṃ dadhāmi.
agnā3i patnīvan (VSK. agne vākpatni; MS.KS. patnīvā3n; TS. patnīvā3ḥ; Mś. agnā3 patnīvān) sajūr devena (MS.KS. sajūs) tvaṣṭrā somaṃ piba svāhā (omitted in MS.KS.) # VS.8.10; VSK.8.6.3; TS.; (in fragments, without svāhā); MS.1.3.29: 40.4; 4.4.7: 97.13; KS.4.11; śB.,16. P: agnā3i patnīvan (Apś. -vā3ḥ; KS. -vā3n; Mś. agnā3 patnīvān) KS.28.8; Kś.10.6.19; Apś.13.14.8; Mś.
agner aveṇa (read agne raveṇa) marutāṃ na bhojyā # RV.1.128.5b.
agne viśvaṃbhara viśvato mā pāhi svāhā # AVP.2.43.5. Cf. agne vaiśvānara viśvair, and viśvaṃbhara viśvena.
aghoreṇa cakṣuṣā mitriyeṇa (ApMB. maitreṇa; KS.Apś. cakṣuṣāhaṃ śivena) # AVś.7.60.1b; 14.2.12b; AVP.3.26.1c; KS.38.13c; Apś.16.16.4c; ApMB.1.7.10b.
atha pakvena saha saṃ bhavema # AVś.6.119.2d; 12.3.55c--60c.
adriṃ rujann aṅgiraso raveṇa # RV.1.71.2b.
anireṇa vacasā phalgvena # RV.4.5.14a.
anu tvāvatu savitā savena # KS.37.9d; TB. See pūṣā tvāvatu etc.
anu mā saṃtanuhi prajayā paśubhī rāyaspoṣeṇa suprajāstvena suvīryeṇa # śś.2.12.10. See anu mā tanuhy.
anenāyam aśvena medhyena rājeṣṭvā vijayatām abrahmaṇy ubjitāyāḥ (read ubjitā yāḥ ?) # śś.16.18.11. See next.
anv aśvair anu sarveṇa (TB.Apś. sarvair u) puṣṭaiḥ # VS.26.19b; TB.; Apś.9.14.1b.
apāṃ stoko abhyapaptad rasena (ApMB. abhyapaptac chivena; HG. abhyapatac chivāya) # AVś.6.124.1b; ApMB.2.22.13b; HG.1.16.6b.
abhi prehi māpa venaḥ (AVP.1.47.2a, māpa vikthāḥ; KSṭB.AVP.4.2.2a, prehi vīrayasva) # AVś.4.8.2a; AVP.1.47.2a; 4.2.2a; KS.37.9a; TB.; 16.1a. P: abhi prehi Apś.22.26.15; 28.16.
abhi svena payasā pīpyānāḥ # RV.7.36.6d.
abhy arkā anūṣata # RV.5.5.4b. Cf. abhi venā etc.
astrā śarveṇa yudhyatā # AVP.2.25.4b.
ahaṃ tad asya manasā śivena # VS.19.35c; KS.38.2c; śB.; TB.;; Apś.19.3.4c. See ahaṃ tam asya etc., idaṃ tad asya, and tenāham adya.
ahaṃ tam asya manasā ghṛtena (MS.3.11.7c, śivena) # MS.2.3.8c: 36.10; 3.11.7c: 151.5. See under ahaṃ tad asya.
ādadāthe anṛtaṃ svena manyunā # RV.1.139.2b.
ād id etāḥ pra vivijre javena # RV.10.111.9b.
ā dyāṃ raveṇa pṛthivīm aśuśravuḥ # RV.10.94.12d.
ānuṣṭubhena chandasā chandasāgneḥ pārśvenāgneḥ pārśvam upadadhāmi # KS.22.5. See under ānuṣṭubhasya chandaso.
ā pra drava harivo mā vi venaḥ # RV.5.31.2a.
ā mā somo amṛtatvena (TS. amṛtatvāya) gamyāt # VS.9.19d; TS.; MS.1.11.3d: 163.7; KS.14.1d; śB.
ā yan mā venā aruhann ṛtasya # RV.8.100.5a.
āyai sūktena vacasā navena # RV.2.18.3b.
idaṃ tad asya manasā śivena # AB.7.33.3c; 8.20.4c; Aś.3.9.5c. See under ahaṃ tad asya.
idam aham agninā devena devatayā trivṛtā stomena rathaṃtareṇa sāmnā gāyatreṇa chandasāgniṣṭomena yajñena vaṣaṭkāreṇa vajreṇa yo 'smān dveṣṭi yaṃ ca vayaṃ dviṣmas taṃ hanmi # Aś.1.3.22. See idam ahaṃ gā-.
indram āviśa bṛhatā raveṇa (SV. madena) # RV.9.97.36c; SV.2.211c.
indraṃ brahmaṇā jaritar navena # RV.6.50.6b.
indreṇa devena devatayā traiṣṭubhena chandasāgneḥ pakṣam upadadhāmi # MS.2.8.11: 115.11. See traiṣṭubhena chandase-.
indreṇa devena pṛtanā jayāmi traiṣṭubhena chandasā pañcadaśena stomena bṛhatā sāmnā vaṣatkāreṇa vajreṇa sahajān # TS. Cf. under agninā devena pṛtanā.
imaṃ yajñaṃ juṣamāṇe navena # TB.
imam apūpaṃ catuḥśarāvaṃ nirvapāmi kleśāvahaṃ pitṝṇāṃ sāṃparāye devena savitrā prasūtaḥ # HG.2.14.3.
ugreṇa ca devena ca kṣiptasya # AVP.15.17.1a.
uta mātā mahiṣam anv avenat # RV.4.18.11a; TS.; MS.4.12.5a: 192.6.
uta svena kratunā saṃ vadeta # RV.10.31.2c.
uta svena śavasā śūśuvur naraḥ # RV.7.74.6c.
ud atiṣṭhat taviṣeṇā raveṇa # RV.10.111.2c.
un ninyathuḥ somam iva sruveṇa # RV.1.116.24d.
upec chivena cakṣuṣā # śś.8.11.14a.
uro antarikṣa (VS.śB. uror antarikṣāt) sajūr devena vātena # VS.6.11; TS.; MS.1.2.15: 25.7; 3.9.7: 126.9; KS.2.2; 3.6; śB. P: uro antarikṣa Apś.7.15.10; Mś.
ṛdhyāma karmāpasā navena # RV.1.31.8c. See śakema etc.
ṛṣabhe 'śvena yajati # śś.16.9.10a. See sātrāsahe.
edaṃ barhiḥ suṣṭarīmā navena # TB.
eṣa chāgaḥ puro aśvena vājinā # RV.1.162.3a; VS.25.26a; TS.; MS.3.16.1a: 181.11; KSA.6.4a.
kaṇvavaj jamadagnivat # AVś.2.32.3b; 5.23.10b; AVP.2.14.5b. See kaṇvena jamadagninā.
karat # MG.1.14.17 (Bhāradvāja-Gṛhyasūtra 1.19, karad dadhac chivena tvā pañcaśākhena hastena etc.); VārG.16.2. See karat svāhā.
kareṇeva vi cakartā raveṇa # RV.10.67.6b; AVś.20.91.6b; MS.4.14.5b: 222.5.
kṣatreṇāgne svena (VSṭS. svāyuḥ) saṃ rabhasva # AVś.2.6.4a; AVP.3.33.5a; VS.27.5a; TS.; MS.2.12.5a: 149.2; KS.18.16a.
gāyatreṇa chandasāgninā devatayāgneḥ śīrṣṇāgneḥ śira upa dadhāmi # TS. See gāyatrasya chandaso, agninā devena, and gāyatreṇa chandasā chandasā-.
giriṃ na venā adhi roha tejasā # RV.1.56.2d.
gītyā stomena saha prastāvena ca # GB.1.5.24d.
gṛhān aimi (LśḥG. emi) manasā modamānaḥ (AVś. sumanā vandamānaḥ; Apś.16.16.4b, modamānaḥ suvarcāḥ; Lś. manasā daivena) # AVś.7.60.1c; AVP.3.26.1a; VS.3.41d; Lś.3.3.1d; Apś.6.27.3d; 16.16.4b; śG.3.7.2d; HG.1.29.1d. See gṛhān āgāṃ, and cf. under gṛhān ahaṃ.
candreṇa devena diśāṃ lokena lokānāṃ brahmavedena vedānāṃ tena tvā śamayāmy asau svāhā # śG.1.16.3.
takṣad yadī manaso venato vāk # RV.9.97.22a; SV.1.537a.
tataḥ sūryo vratapā vena ājani # RV.1.83.5b; AVś.20.25.5b.
tamaḥ praṇītam aśivena pitrā # RV.1.117.17b.
tam ūrdaraṃ na pṛṇatā yavena # RV.2.14.11c; N.3.20.
tāsām u yanti prayaveṇa pañca # TS.; MS.2.3.10c: 160.11; KS.39.10c.
tās tvā viśantu manasā śivena (TB. mahasā svena) # AVś.13.1.10c; TB.
tena sarveṇa sarvo mā # SMB.2.4.11c.
te mā śivena śagmena # HG.1.16.5c; ApMB.2.22.12c.
traiṣṭubhena chandasā chandasāgneḥ pārśvenāgneḥ pārśvam upadadhāmi # KS.22.5. See under traiṣṭubhasya.
traiṣṭubhena chandasendreṇa devatayāgneḥ pakṣeṇāgneḥ pakṣam upa dadhāmi # TS. See traiṣṭubhasya, and indreṇa devena devatayā.
tvaṣṭā rūpeṇa savitā savena # AVP.1.75.3a; 2.72.2a; 2.80.2a.
dakṣasya svena manyunā # RV.1.139.2c.
daśa rātrīr aśivena nava dyūn # RV.1.116.24a.
durmanmā kaś ca venati # RV.8.60.7d.
devaṃ devena haviṣā vardhanena # AVP.3.27.3d.
devā gātuvido (Mś. gātuvido gātuṃ vittvā) gātuṃ yajñāya vindata manasas patinā devena vātād yajñaḥ prayujyatām # TB.; Apś.1.1.4; Mś. (perhaps gātuṃ vittvā is to be omitted). P: devā gātuvidaḥ Apś.3.13.2; Mś.;; Cf. next, and gātuṃ vittvā.
devīṃ devenāmṛtām amṛtena # MS.2.3.8c: 35.15.
devo devān svena rasena pṛñcan # RV.9.97.12b; SV.2.371b.
dyutānas tvā māruto minotu mitrāvaruṇau (TS.JB. -varuṇayor) dhruveṇa dharmaṇā # VS.5.27; TS.; JB.1.72; śB. Ps: dyutānas tvā māruto minotu TS.; Apś.11.10.1; dyutānas tvā Aś.14.33.3 (comm.); dyutānaḥ Kś.8.5.35. See nitānas tvā māruto ni.
dhruvaṃ dhruveṇa haviṣā (VS.śB. manasā) # RV.10.173.3b,6a; AVś.6.87.3b; 7.94.1a; VS.7.25a; TS.; MS.1.3.15a: 36.6; KS.35.7a,7b; śB.; TB.; Apś.14.27.7b. P: dhruvaṃ dhruveṇa Vait.13.12; 23.7; Kś.10.7.7,8 (comm.); Apś.13.16.1; Mś.
nābhānediṣṭho rapati pra venan # RV.10.61.18b.
nāsatyā mā vi venatam # RV.5.75.7d; 78.1b.
pavitreṇa savena ca # RV.9.67.25b; AVś.6.19.3b; VS.19.43b; MS.3.11.10b: 155.17. KS.38.2b; TB.
purāṇāṃ (TA. -ṇā) anu venati # RV.10.135.1d; TA.6.5.3d; N.12.29d.
purāṇāṃ anuvenantām # RV.10.135.2a.
pūṣā tvāvatu savitā savena # AVP.4.3.7d. See anu tvāvatu etc.
prajāṃ puṣṭim amṛtaṃ navena # TB.
pradakṣiṇid dharivo mā vi venaḥ # RV.5.36.4d.
prasūtaṃ devena savitrā juṣṭaṃ mitrāvaruṇābhyām # śB.
prasūtā devena savitrā daivyā āpa undantu te tanūṃ dīrghāyutvāya varcase # Apś.8.4.1. Cadenced prose.
prasūto devena savitrā (Apś. adds bṛhaspateḥ sadane sīdāmi) # Kś.2.1.24; Apś.3.18.4.
bṛhaspatinā devena devatayā pāṅktena chandasāgneḥ pṛṣṭham upadadhāmi # MS.2.8.11: 115.17.
bṛhaspatir yajati vena ukṣabhiḥ # RV.1.139.10b.
bṛhaspatir viraveṇā vikṛtya # RV.10.68.8d; AVś.20.16.8d; N.10.12d.
bṛhaspatis triṣadhastho raveṇa # RV.4.50.1b; AVś.20.88.1b; MS.4.12.3b: 193.3; KS.9.19b.
brahmā brahmatvena pramudo modamānāḥ # GB.1.5.24c.
marutāṃ prasave (VS.śB. prasavena) jaya (TS. jayata) # VS.10.21; TS.; MS.4.4.5: 55.16; KS.15.8; śB.; Mś. P: marutām Kś.15.6.18.
marutāṃ prasavena etc. # see prec. but one.
mahādevam antaḥpārśvena (VS. -parśavyena) # VS.39.8; TS.; TA.3.21.1.
no mardhiṣṭam ā gataṃ śivena # RV.7.73.4d.
mām āryanti kṛtena kartvena ca # RV.10.48.3d.
mitrāvaruṇayor dhruveṇa dharmaṇā # KS.2.12; 25.10. See mitrāvaruṇau etc.
mitrāvaruṇau tvottarataḥ (KS. tvā) paridhattām (TS.KS. add dhruveṇa dharmaṇā; VS.śB. add dhruveṇa dharmaṇā viśvasyāriṣṭyai) # VS.2.3; TS.; MS.1.1.12: 7.12; KS.1.11; śB.; TB. P: mitrāvaruṇau tvā Mś.
mitrāvaruṇau dhruveṇa dharmaṇā # MS.1.2.11d: 20.18; 3.8.9: 108.2. See mitrāvaruṇayor etc.
mūrdhā nābhā soma venaḥ # RV.1.43.9c.
yaḥ kṛṇvena saṃvido yātumāvān # AVP.12.20.2b.
yac chakvarīṣu bṛhatā raveṇa # RV.7.33.4c; TB.
yad āsthānāt pracyuto venasi tmanā # TB.
yavena (AVś.7.50.7b, yavena vā) kṣudhaṃ puruhūta viśvām (AVś.7.50.7b, viśve) # RV.10.42.10b; 43.10b; 44.10b; AVś.7.50.7b; 20.17.10b; 89.10b; 94.10b.
yavena vā kṣudhaṃ etc. # see yavena kṣudhaṃ etc.
yāṃ tvā jajñur vṛṣabhasya raveṇa # RV.7.79.4c.
yudhyai tvena saṃ tvena pṛchai # RV.4.18.2d.
Vedabase Search
Results for vena340 results
vena King VenaSB 4.16.11
vena of King VenaSB 4.14.46
vena-ańga from the body of King VenaSB 4.16.2
vena-ańga from the body of King VenaSB 4.16.2
vena-apacārāt by the misdeeds of King VenaSB 4.19.37
vena-apacārāt by the misdeeds of King VenaSB 4.19.37
vena-suvam the mother of VenaSB 4.13.47
vena-suvam the mother of VenaSB 4.13.47
vena King VenaSB 4.14.10
SB 4.14.23
vena the atheistic King VenaSB 7.1.32
vena the father of Mahārāja PṛthuSB 4.21.46
vena VenaSB 4.13.40
SB 4.14.12
vena Vena, the father of Pṛthu MahārājaSB 7.1.17
venam King VenaSB 4.14.33
SB 4.14.34
venam to King VenaSB 4.14.13
venam unto King VenaSB 2.7.9
venam VenaSB 4.13.18
SB 4.14.2
SB 4.14.3
venasya of King VenaSB 4.14.7
ananya-bhāvena without deviation from the thoughtSB 3.5.19
ananya-bhāvena with equal visionSB 3.28.42
ananya-bhāvena with devotionSB 6.18.35
ananya-bhāvena with exclusive devotionSB 11.11.33
ananyena bhāvena with undeviated mindSB 3.25.22
anartha-antara-bhāvena Himself in the status of ViṣṇuSB 5.6.6
anartha-antara-bhāvena Himself in the status of ViṣṇuSB 5.6.6
tat-gata-antara-bhāvena his mind saturated with devotional serviceSB 9.4.31-32
yoga-anubhāvena by yogic powersSB 3.23.46
anubhāvena by worshiping the Supreme LordSB 4.7.57
anubhavena by understandingSB 4.17.29
dhyāna-anubhāvena by meditationSB 5.1.23
anubhāvena by the prowessSB 5.1.27
anubhāvena by consequenceSB 5.8.28
arcana-anubhāvena because of worshipingSB 8.4.11-12
tat-anubhāvena because of performing such great sacrificesSB 8.15.35
tat-prasańga-anubhāvena because of associating with King Rantideva (when talking with him about bhakti-yoga)SB 9.21.18
kṛṣṇa-anubhāvena because of the mercy of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 9.22.34
anubhāvena and by His influenceSB 10.8.19
anubhāvena and by His influenceSB 10.26.22
anubhāvena by the powerSB 10.47.30
mahā-anubhāvena with the supremely compassionate LordSB 10.81.36
ātma-anubhāvena which is the Lord's own potencySB 11.9.17-18
anubhāvena by the potencySB 11.9.19
anubhāvena by the potencySB 11.15.21
ātma-anubhāvena by your own experience of ecstasySB 12.10.16
arcana-anubhāvena because of worshipingSB 8.4.11-12
ārjavena with straightforward behaviorSB 3.29.18
asṛk-āsavena with the liquor of bloodSB 5.9.16
madhu-āsavena and the honeySB 5.25.7
asṛk-āsavena with the liquor of bloodSB 5.9.16
ātma-bhāvena by thinking of them as oneSB 4.12.5
sarva-bhūta-ātma-bhāvena by a merciful attitude toward all living entitiesSB 9.5.11
ātma-bhāvena as the SupersoulSB 9.9.29
brahma-ātma-bhāvena by realization that he himself is pure spiritSB 11.7.42
ātma-anubhāvena which is the Lord's own potencySB 11.9.17-18
sarva-ātma-bhāvena with exclusive devotionSB 11.12.14-15
ātma-anubhāvena by your own experience of ecstasySB 12.10.16
ātmatvena by natureSB 3.28.39
ātmatvena by natureSB 3.28.40
baladevena by Lord BalarāmaSB 10.24.1
bhagavadīyatvena eva because of a relationship with the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 5.6.17
bhakti-bhāvena by devotional serviceSB 3.24.45
parama-bhakti-bhāvena in greatly ecstatic loving service to the LordSB 5.19.10
ekānta-bhakti-bhāvena because of his performing unalloyed devotional serviceSB 9.4.28
bhavat-udbhavena by Your appearanceSB 3.15.46
sarva-bhāvena in all respectsBG 15.19
sarva-bhāvena in all respectsBG 18.62
bhāvena by transcendental loveSB 2.7.19
bhāvena the matter of creation and destructionSB 2.10.44
bhāvena featuresSB 2.10.44
ananya-bhāvena without deviation from the thoughtSB 3.5.19
bhāvena with devotionSB 3.15.6
bhakti-bhāvena by devotional serviceSB 3.24.45
ananyena bhāvena with undeviated mindSB 3.25.22
bhāvena with devotionSB 3.27.6
śuddha-bhāvena pureSB 3.28.19
ananya-bhāvena with equal visionSB 3.28.42
bhāvena by devotional serviceSB 3.32.11
sarva-bhāvena with loving ecstasySB 3.32.22
bhavena by Lord ŚivaSB 4.7.1
bhāvena in feelingSB 4.7.12
bhāvena in the topmost stage of ecstasySB 4.8.61
eka-bhavena by one birthSB 4.9.30
bhāvena with meditationSB 4.11.11
ātma-bhāvena by thinking of them as oneSB 4.12.5
eka-bhāvena accepting as qualitatively oneSB 4.31.18
viśuddha-bhāvena with a pure, uncontaminated mindSB 5.3.2
bhāvena by the symptoms of loveSB 5.5.35
anartha-antara-bhāvena Himself in the status of ViṣṇuSB 5.6.6
mugdha-bhāvena by the childish behavior of the deerSB 5.8.13
parama-bhakti-bhāvena in greatly ecstatic loving service to the LordSB 5.19.10
sva-bhāvena by the natural tendencySB 6.1.54
bhāvena with the intentionSB 6.18.27-28
ananya-bhāvena with devotionSB 6.18.35
īdṛk-bhāvena in such a waySB 6.18.36
śuddha-bhāvena by the good behaviorSB 6.18.77
sarva-bhāvena in all respects, in different modes of devotional serviceSB 7.9.54
vaira-bhāvena by conceiving as an enemySB 7.10.35
hari-bhāvena mentally accepting him as equal to Hari, the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 7.11.29
naiṣkarmya-bhāvena because of the stage of spiritual understandingSB 8.3.16
śuddha-bhāvena in a pure state of mindSB 8.16.59
sarva-bhāvena in all respectsSB 8.23.15
bhavena with Lord ŚivaSB 8.23.20-21
mugdha-bhāvena as if without knowledgeSB 9.3.4
ekānta-bhakti-bhāvena because of his performing unalloyed devotional serviceSB 9.4.28
tat-gata-antara-bhāvena his mind saturated with devotional serviceSB 9.4.31-32
sarva-bhūta-ātma-bhāvena by a merciful attitude toward all living entitiesSB 9.5.11
bhāvena in devotional serviceSB 9.7.25-26
ātma-bhāvena as the SupersoulSB 9.9.29
bhāvena by devotional serviceSB 9.9.47
putra-bhāvena as your sonSB 10.3.45
brahma-bhāvena knowing that I am the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 10.3.45
bhāvena with the ideaSB 10.59.35
bhāvena with an attitudeSB 10.80.41
bhāvena by the maintainerSB 10.81.13
bhavena with devotionSB 10.86.58
bhāvena ecstatic loveSB 10.90.25
manuṣya-bhāvena appearing as if an ordinary personSB 11.5.49
brahma-ātma-bhāvena by realization that he himself is pure spiritSB 11.7.42
ananya-bhāvena with exclusive devotionSB 11.11.33
bhāvena by loveSB 11.12.8
bhāvena by loveSB 11.12.10
sarva-ātma-bhāvena with exclusive devotionSB 11.12.14-15
mat-bhāvena by consciousness of MeSB 11.18.23
sarva-bhāvena completelySB 11.22.40
bhāvena by mental conceptionSB 11.27.15
mat-bhāvena with the sense of My presenceSB 11.29.13-14
bhāvena thinksCC Madhya 1.78
bhāvena thinkCC Antya 15.42
sarva-bhāvena with all one's feelingNBS 79
sarva-bhūta-ātma-bhāvena by a merciful attitude toward all living entitiesSB 9.5.11
brahma-bhāvena knowing that I am the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 10.3.45
brahma-ātma-bhāvena by realization that he himself is pure spiritSB 11.7.42
daivena by supernatural powerSB 1.12.16
daivena by the will of the SupremeSB 3.6.4
daivena by fate of misfortuneSB 3.9.7
daivena by superior management known as destinySB 3.20.12
daivena by the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 3.30.32
daivena by the order of the LordSB 3.32.19
daivena by chanceSB 5.10.1
daivena by the superior arrangementSB 7.2.21
daivena which is given by the Supreme LordSB 7.10.64
daivena by a providential arrangementSB 8.7.7
daivena by the feature of goodnessSB 8.7.11
daivena by providenceSB 8.21.23
daivena by providenceSB 8.22.11
daivena by fateSB 10.39.28
daivena by ProvidenceSB 10.82.21
deha-udbhavena produced from your bodySB 4.4.22
deva-devena the foremost of the demigodsSB 3.14.7
deva-devena by the Personality of Godhead, the master of the mastersSB 6.4.10
deva-devena by the Lord of all the demigodsSB 10.81.18
deva-devena the foremost of the demigodsSB 3.14.7
mahā-devena by Lord ŚivaSB 5.24.28
deva-devena by the Personality of Godhead, the master of the mastersSB 6.4.10
deva-devena by the Lord of all the demigodsSB 10.81.18
vipra-devena by the Lord of the brāhmaṇasSB 10.81.18
yadu-devena by the Lord of the YadusSB 11.30.11
nara-devena by the KingSB 12.6.8
dhyāna-anubhāvena by meditationSB 5.1.23
dṛṣṭa-tattvena with vision of the Absolute TruthSB 3.27.22
dvandvena two by twoSB 8.10.35
eka-bhavena by one birthSB 4.9.30
eka-bhāvena accepting as qualitatively oneSB 4.31.18
ekānta-bhakti-bhāvena because of his performing unalloyed devotional serviceSB 9.4.28
ekatvena in onenessBG 9.15
bhagavadīyatvena eva because of a relationship with the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 5.6.17
svena eva by his ownSB 10.54.39
tat-gata-antara-bhāvena his mind saturated with devotional serviceSB 9.4.31-32
go-savena by worship of the cowsSB 3.2.32
hari-bhāvena mentally accepting him as equal to Hari, the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 7.11.29
hrasvena shortSB 4.20.15
īdṛk-bhāvena in such a waySB 6.18.36
kāla-javena by the most powerful time factorSB 7.10.13
javena very hastilySB 10.9.5
javena because of going very fastSB 10.9.10
javena very forciblySB 10.13.30
javena by the rapid forceSB 10.72.37
javena by the forceSB 12.4.36
vena with the living entitiesSB 7.14.37
vena the living entitySB 11.16.38
vena by a living entitySB 11.25.32
jñāna-plavena by the boat of transcendental knowledgeBG 4.36
kāla-javena by the most powerful time factorSB 7.10.13
kāmadevena with KāmadevaSB 8.10.32-34
keśavena by Lord KṛṣṇaSB 10.73.35
khāṇḍavena with the Khāṇḍava forestSB 10.71.44-45
kṛṣṇa-anubhāvena because of the mercy of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 9.22.34
lavena by a momentSB 1.18.13
lavena with a momentSB 4.30.34
lavena with one instantCC Madhya 22.55
mādhavena by KṛṣṇaCC Madhya 14.180
madhu-āsavena and the honeySB 5.25.7
mahā-utsavena appearing like a festivalSB 5.5.31
mahā-devena by Lord ŚivaSB 5.24.28
mahā-anubhāvena with the supremely compassionate LordSB 10.81.36
mamatvena by attachmentSB 4.27.10
manuṣya-bhāvena appearing as if an ordinary personSB 11.5.49
mat-bhāvena by consciousness of MeSB 11.18.23
mat-bhāvena with the sense of My presenceSB 11.29.13-14
mugdha-bhāvena by the childish behavior of the deerSB 5.8.13
mugdha-bhāvena as if without knowledgeSB 9.3.4
naiṣkarmya-bhāvena because of the stage of spiritual understandingSB 8.3.16
nara-devena by the KingSB 12.6.8
yoga-pakvena matured in yoga practiceSB 12.9.5
parama-bhakti-bhāvena in greatly ecstatic loving service to the LordSB 5.19.10
tat-paratvena by the sole purpose of serving the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 19.170
phalatvena by the result ofSB 4.21.35
jñāna-plavena by the boat of transcendental knowledgeBG 4.36
prabhāvena by the powerSB 10.50.57
prabhutvena on account of His being the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 10.90.45
tat-prasańga-anubhāvena because of associating with King Rantideva (when talking with him about bhakti-yoga)SB 9.21.18
pṛthaktvena in dualityBG 9.15
pṛthaktvena because of divisionBG 18.21
pṛthaktvena differentlyBG 18.29
putra-bhāvena as your sonSB 10.3.45
saha uddhavena together with UddhavaSB 10.48.10
sahadevena by Sahadeva, the son of JarāsandhaSB 10.73.25
sahadevena by SahadevaSB 10.73.31
sākṣitvena with the characteristic of being a witnessSB 11.13.27
śālvena by ŚālvaSB 10.77.22
śālvena by ŚālvaSB 10.77.24
samajavena by equally powerfulSB 5.1.30
samatvena by seeing equallySB 3.27.7
samatvena by equilibriumSB 4.11.13
samatvena being equal to everyoneSB 10.7.31
samatvena seeing Him equally everywhereSB 11.11.43-45
samatvena on an equal levelCC Madhya 18.116
samatvena on an equal levelCC Madhya 25.80
sarva-bhāvena in all respectsBG 15.19
sarva-bhāvena in all respectsBG 18.62
sarva-bhāvena with loving ecstasySB 3.32.22
sarva-bhāvena in all respects, in different modes of devotional serviceSB 7.9.54
sarva-bhāvena in all respectsSB 8.23.15
sarva-bhūta-ātma-bhāvena by a merciful attitude toward all living entitiesSB 9.5.11
sarva-ātma-bhāvena with exclusive devotionSB 11.12.14-15
sarva-bhāvena completelySB 11.22.40
sarva-bhāvena with all one's feelingNBS 79
sattvena in the mode of goodnessSB 1.2.34
sattvena by the mode of goodnessSB 3.6.28
sattvena by the mode of goodnessSB 3.9.22
sattvena by Your form of pure goodnessSB 3.15.47
sattvena of pure goodnessSB 3.16.22
sattvena having an uncontaminated existenceSB 3.24.10
sattvena by the mode of goodnessSB 3.29.16
sattvena by goodnessSB 3.32.6
sattvena by the mode of goodnessSB 4.1.57
sattvena by existential positionSB 4.22.58
sattvena by the mode of goodnessSB 5.11.4
sattvena along with the existential conceptionSB 7.12.29-30
sattvena by developing the mode of goodnessSB 7.15.25
sattvena by pure devotional serviceSB 8.3.11
sattvena by the mode of goodnessSB 8.5.31
sattvena by the mode of goodnessSB 11.9.12
sattvena by the material mode of goodnessSB 11.13.1
sattvena by purified goodnessSB 11.13.1
sattvena by the mode of goodnessSB 11.25.21
sattvena in the pure mode of goodnessSB 12.2.12-16
sattvena by uncommon powerCC Adi 3.87
go-savena by worship of the cowsSB 3.2.32
sevena worshipsCC Adi 6.69-70
sevena renders serviceCC Antya 19.14
śivena along with Lord ŚivaSB 4.24.17
śivena Lord ŚivaSB 4.31.6
śuddha-bhāvena pureSB 3.28.19
śuddha-bhāvena by the good behaviorSB 6.18.77
śuddha-bhāvena in a pure state of mindSB 8.16.59
sva-bhāvena by the natural tendencySB 6.1.54
svabhāvena by natureSB 3.6.28
svabhāvena by such natureSB 3.6.29
svabhāvena and with a very furious mode of natureSB 3.12.15
svāyambhuvena by the Manu named SvāyambhuvaSB 2.7.2
svena by your ownBG 18.60
svena self-sufficientlySB 1.1.1
svena by Your ownSB 1.7.24
svena by His ownSB 3.6.10
svena in His personSB 3.9.44
svena by His ownSB 3.12.32
svena his ownSB 3.17.23
svena ownSB 3.31.18
svena with His ownSB 4.7.49
svena his ownSB 4.7.55
svena with his ownSB 4.7.56
svena by his ownSB 4.7.57
svena their ownSB 4.14.18
svena his ownSB 4.20.18
svena by your ownSB 6.1.34-36
svena by His ownSB 6.9.22
svena by one's ownSB 6.16.61-62
svena by his ownSB 7.2.46
svena by his ownSB 7.4.15
svena his ownSB 7.5.45
svena by their ownSB 8.1.29
svena his ownSB 9.3.24
svena by self-realizationSB 9.7.25-26
svena because of my ownSB 10.34.12-13
svena because of his ownSB 10.46.17
svena with one's ownSB 10.49.20
svena eva by his ownSB 10.54.39
svena with his ownSB 10.56.39
svena with His ownSB 10.72.40
svena by his ownSB 10.88.38-39
svena with his ownSB 10.89.3
svena by his ownSB 12.6.25
svena by one's own conditioned natureSB 12.7.13
svena His own personalCC Madhya 8.266
svena His own personalCC Madhya 20.359
svena His own personalCC Madhya 25.148
tat-anubhāvena because of performing such great sacrificesSB 8.15.35
tat-gata-antara-bhāvena his mind saturated with devotional serviceSB 9.4.31-32
tat-prasańga-anubhāvena because of associating with King Rantideva (when talking with him about bhakti-yoga)SB 9.21.18
tat-paratvena by the sole purpose of serving the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 19.170
tattvena in realityBG 9.24
tattvena in factBG 11.54
tattvena cent percent as He isSB 2.6.38
tattvena the realitySB 3.27.9
dṛṣṭa-tattvena with vision of the Absolute TruthSB 3.27.22
tattvena because of thinking (material things) to be realSB 11.22.51
bhavat-udbhavena by Your appearanceSB 3.15.46
deha-udbhavena produced from your bodySB 4.4.22
saha uddhavena together with UddhavaSB 10.48.10
uddhavena with UddhavaSB 10.69.20-22
uddhavena by UddhavaSB 11.23.1
uddhavena by UddhavaSB 11.29.7
mahā-utsavena appearing like a festivalSB 5.5.31
vaira-bhāvena by conceiving as an enemySB 7.10.35
vaiṣṇavena of the Vaiṣṇava-jvaraSB 10.63.24
vasudevena by VasudevaSB 10.36.17
vasudevena by VasudevaSB 11.2.10
viklavena agitatedSB 3.23.49
vipakvena which is matureSB 3.24.28
vipra-devena by the Lord of the brāhmaṇasSB 10.81.18
viśuddha-bhāvena with a pure, uncontaminated mindSB 5.3.2
yadu-devena by the Lord of the YadusSB 11.30.11
yoga-anubhāvena by yogic powersSB 3.23.46
yoga-pakvena matured in yoga practiceSB 12.9.5
Results for vena3 results
vena noun (masculine) care (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
desire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
longing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a divine being of the middle region (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a Rājarshi or royal Ṛṣi (father of Pṛthu) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the hymn RV 10.123 (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of various men (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
wish (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12673/72933
bahvenas adjective very sinful (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 60160/72933
yathātattvena indeclinable according to truth
Frequency rank 29781/72933


rejuvenating and anti-aeging preparation with the main ingredient of myrobalan, invented by sage Cyavana. It contains 48 ingredients and indicated in debility, gout, respir diseases, loss of appetite et Century


(hema.garbha.poṭali.ras) a herbo-mineral medicine to treat chronic diseases and used as rejuvenator.


entering an isolated treatment enclosure for rasāyana (rejuvenating) therapy.


crocodile; makaradhvaja cupid mercurial, mercurial preparation using mercury, gold and sulfur in different ratios for rejuvenation.


nourishment of the seven dhatus; promotive therapy; a medicine supposed to prevent the ageing process and prolong life, rejuvenating therapy, alchemy, ayurvedic venation therapy, alchemical elixir.


growing, increasing; vardhamānapippali rejuvenating therapy with long peppers.


occurring in wind and sunshine; a rejuvenating therapy.

Wordnet Search
"vena" has 11 results.


khalu, nūnam, satyam, arthataḥ, tatvataḥ, vastutaḥ, avyalīkam, yathārtham, tattvena, yathātatham, yathārthataḥ, paramārthataḥ, anuṣatyam, añjasā, addhā   

prakṛtam eva।

bhoḥ, vismṛtavān khalu bhavataḥ nāma।


śīghram, tvarayā, tvaritam, drutam, vegena, vegataḥ, javena, tūrṇam, āśu, satvaram, satvaritam, añjasā, kṣipram, jhaṭiti, drāk, ajiram, añjas, abhitaḥ, caturam, capalam, am, kṣepṇā, kṣepīyaḥ, dravat   

tīvragatyā saha yathā syāt tathā।

śīghram etat kāryaṃ sampannatāṃ nayatu।


kenasiṃgaṭana prāiḍa-āmram, bovena-āmram   

āmrāṇām ekaḥ prakāraḥ।

kenasiṃgaṭana prāiḍa-āmrāya tasya varṇasya kāraṇāt aipala-āmram athavā sṭraॉberī-āmram api kathyate।


kenasiṃgaṭana prāiḍa-āmraḥ, bovena-āmraḥ   

kenasiṃgaṭana prāiḍa iti nāmakānām āmrāṇāṃ vṛkṣaḥ।

kenasiṃgaṭana prāiḍa-āmrāṇāṃ patrāṇi sugandhitāni।



malāvīdeśasya rājadhānī।

līlāṅegvenagaraṃ madhyamalāvīdeśasya dakṣiṇasyāṃ diśi asti।


hvenasāṅgaḥ, hmavenasāṅgaḥ   

cīnadeśīyaḥ yātrikaḥ yaḥ khristābdasya 629tame varṣe bhāratam ājagāma।

hvenasāṅgaḥ bauddhadharmeṇa prabhāvitaḥ।



ekaṃ sūktam ।

venasya ullekhaḥ ṛgvede asti



puruṣanāmaviśeṣaḥ ।

venaḥ iti nāmakānāṃ naikeṣāṃ puruṣāṇām ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ vyomagaḥ ।

venasya ullekhaḥ koṣe asti



ekaḥ rājarṣiḥ ।

venasya ullekhaḥ mahābhārate harivaṃśe purāṇe ca asti



ekaḥ lekhakaḥ ।

kośeṣu mallavenaḥ suvikhyātaḥ

Parse Time: 1.709s Search Word: vena Input Encoding: IAST: vena