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Grammar Search
"vegam" has 3 results
vegam: neuter nominative singular stem: vega
vegam: neuter accusative singular stem: vega
vegam: masculine accusative singular stem: vega
Monier-Williams Search
2 results for vegam
nirūpP. -rūpayati-, to perform, represent on the stage, act, gesticulate, indicate or exhibit by gestures (exempli gratia, 'for example' ratha-vegam-,the swiftness of a carriage; vṛkṣa-secanam-,the watering of a tree ) ; to perceive, notice, find out, ascertain etc. ; to investigate, examine, search, try, consider, reflect upon etc. ; to state, define ; to select, choose, appoint as (double accusative), appoint to (locative case, Latin or infinitive mood) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vegam. impetuosity, vehemence, haste, speed, rapidity, quickness, velocity (vegād vegaṃ-gam-,to go from speed to speed, increase one's speed) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Bloomfield Vedic
0 results0 results1 result
asya made jaritar indro 'pāṃ vegam airayat # śś.8.25.1.
Vedabase Search
15 results
vegam force of the wavesSB 9.9.7
vegam the force of the wavesSB 9.9.4
vegam the impulseSB 4.4.32
vegam urgeNoI 1
vegam urgeNoI 1
vegam urgeNoI 1
vegam urgeNoI 1
vegam urgesBG 5.23
vegam whose urgesSB 11.23.48
gadā-vegam the blow of the maceSB 3.18.15
śyena-vegam possessing the speed of a hawkSB 7.8.28
ugra-vegam very fierce and potent poisonSB 8.7.19
gadā-vegam the blow of the maceSB 3.18.15
śyena-vegam possessing the speed of a hawkSB 7.8.28
ugra-vegam very fierce and potent poisonSB 8.7.19
Wordnet Search
"vegam" has 3 results.


sacintam, sodvegam   

cintayā saha।

śyāmā sacintaṃ svapatim āpaṇagatam pratīkṣate।


pūgam, pūgaphalam, cikkaṇī, cikkā, cikkaṇam, soṣṇakam, udvegam, kramukaphalam   

vartulākāraphalaṃ yad kiñcit kaṣāyaṃ kiñcit madhuram asti tathā ca yad janāḥ tāmbulena saha khādanti।

pūjāyāṃ pūgam upayujyate।


ākāśatolanayantram, vāyuvegamāpakam   

tāpamāpakavat kintu tataḥ kiñcit bṛhat yantraṃ yena vāyoḥ bhāraḥ mīyate।

ākāśatolanayantre jalasya vāyoḥ pāradasya vā upayogaḥ bhavati।

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