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Monier-Williams Search
62 results for vedin
vedinmfn. (for 2. 3.See column 3) knowing, acquainted with or versed in (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') etc. (see sarva-v-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedinmfn. feeling, perceiving View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedinmfn. announcing, proclaiming View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedinm. Name of brahmā- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedinmfn. marrying (See śūdrā-v-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedinn. a species of plant (equals ambaṣṭha-) (see 2. vedi-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedinīf. Name of a river View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
avedinmfn. having no knowledge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āvedinmfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' announcing, declaring. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āyurvedinm. idem or 'm. acquainted or familiar with medical science, a physician ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
brahmavedinmfn. equals -vid-, acquainted with the veda- or spiritual knowledge View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
caturvedinmfn. equals -vidya- (in Prakrit). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvedinmfn. versed in archery View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dhanurvedinm. Name of śiva- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
durdyūtavedinm. (prob. wrong reading for devin-) Name of śakuni- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
dvivedinmfn. equals -veda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gambhīravedinmfn. "deeply sensitive", restive (an elephant) Introd. 9 View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
gambhīravedinmfn. inscrutable View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
garbhavedinīf. equals dana- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guṇavedinmfn. knowing the properties or qualities View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
guṇavedinmfn. knowing the merits of (in compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kanyāvedinm. a son-in-law View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
karuṇavedinmfn. compassionate, sympathizing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kāruṇyavedinmfn. compassionate etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kavitāvedinmfn. "understanding poesy", wise, learned View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kavitāvedinmfn. a poet, genius View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtavedinmfn. (equals -jña-) one who acknowledges past benefits or services, grateful View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kṛtavedinmfn. observant of propriety View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
mahādevadvivedinm. Name of author. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nayavedinmfn. equals -vid- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
niśāvedinm. "night-knower", a cock View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nītivedinmfn. equals -jña- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nivedinmfn. knowing, aware of (compound) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nivedinmfn. communicating, reporting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nivedinmfn. offering, presenting View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pādaprasvedinmfn. suffering from it View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
padavedinm. "acquainted with words", a linguist or philologist View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parihāsavedinm. a jester, a witty person View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parivedinmfn. knowing, shrewd View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parivedinīf. the wife of a parivettṛ- (See above) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prasvedinmfn. sweating, covered with perspiration View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratisaṃvedinmfn. feeling, experiencing, being conscious of anything View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prativedinmfn. experiencing, knowing, (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prativedinSee prati-vid-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravedinmfn. knowing well or accurately View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
puruṣāntaravedinmfn. puruṣāntara
rātrivedinm. "night-knower", a cock View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṛgvedinmfn. conversant with the ṛg-- veda-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṛgyajuḥsāmavedinmfn. conversant with the above three veda-s. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṣāḍguṇyaguṇavedinmfn. acquainted with the virtues of the six measures View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sakalavedinmfn. all-knowing View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃsvedinmfn. perspiring View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvavedinmfn. omniscient View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvavedinmfn. knowing all the veda-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sarvorutrivedinm. Name of an author View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
satyakāruṇyavedinmfn. possessing truth and tenderness and the veda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
śūdrāvedinmfn. marrying a śūdra- woman View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
svedinmfn. sweating, perspiring (in a-sv-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trivedinmfn. familiar with the 3 veda-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
trivedinmfn. equals trayīmūrti-mat- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vedāntavedinm. equals -vid- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yajurvedinmfn. familiar with the yajur-veda- on View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
2 results
vedin वेदिन् a. [विद्-णिनि] 1 Knowing; as in कृतवेदिन्. -2 Marrying. -m. 1 A knower. -2 A teacher. -3 A learned Brāhmaṇa. -4 An epithet of Brahman.
āvedin आवेदिन् a. 1 Declaring, announcing. -2 Giving orders.
Macdonell Search
13 results
anātmavat a. not self-pos sessed, beside oneself; -vedin, a. not knowing oneself, not -the Âtman: (di)-tâ, f. abst. n.; -sampanna, pp. soulless, stupid; uncon trolled; -sât-krita, pp. not appropriated.
kanyā f. girl, virgin; daughter; Virgo (in the Zodiac); -½âgâra, n. women's apart ments; -griha, n. id.; -tva, n. virginity; -dâtri, m. man who gives a daughter in mar riage; -dâna, n. bestowal of a daughter in marriage; -dûshin, a. deflowering a virgin; -pura, n. women's apartments; -bhâva, m. virginity; -bhaiksha, n. begging for a girl; -maya, a. consisting of a maiden or daughter; -vat, a. having a daughter; m.father of a daughter; -vedin, m. son-in-law; -vrata, n. monthlies: -sthâ, f. menstruating woman.
kṛtayatna a. having exerted him self; -yantrana, a. controlling oneself; -yuga, n. golden age; -lakshana, a. marked; branded; -vat, pp. act. having done; -varman, m. N. of various men; -vasati, a.having taken up his abode, dwelling; -vâpa, -vâpana, a. hav ing the head shaved; -vidya, a. learned; -vet ana, a. receiving wages, hired; -vedin, a. grateful; -vaira, a. having shown ill-will.
kharkhoda kind of magic: -vedin, a. versed in sorcery.
caturbāhu a. four-armed; -bila, a. having four apertures; -bhâgá, m. fourth, quarter; -bhuga, a. four-armed, ep. of Vishnu or Krishna; -bhûmika, a. four-storied; -mâsî, f. period of four months; -mukha, a. four-faced; ep. of Brahman, Vishnu, and Siva: -samîrita, pp. uttered by the four mouths; -muhûrtam, ac. for four muhûrtas; -mûrti, a. having four forms or faces; -yuga, n. the four ages; a. comprising the four ages; -vak tra, a. four-faced; ep. of an attendant of Durgâ; -varga, m. aggregate of four: esp. the four goods of life, the good (artha), the pleasant (kâma), the useful (artha), and final liberation (moksha):-kintâmani, m. T. of a work; -varna-maya, a. consisting of the four castes; -varsha-sata½âyus, a. attaining an age of 400 years; -vimsá, a. (î) twenty-fourth; consisting of twenty-four; m. N. of a stoma in which three verses are chanted eight times; n. the day on which it is employed; -vimsat, f. twenty-four; (kátur)-vimsati, f. sg. and (rarely) pl. id.: -kritvas, ad. twenty-four times, -tama, a. twenty-fourth, y-aha, m. sg. twenty-four days; -vimsika, n.=katur-vimsa, m.; -vidha, a. fourfold: -m, ad.; -vîra, m. kind of Soma rite lasting four days; -veda, m. pl. the four Vedas; a. containing or fami liar with the four Vedas; -vedin, a. versed in the four Vedas; (kátur)-hanu, a. four-jawed.
trivandhura a. three-seated; -var ga, m. aggregate of three: virtue (dharma), pleasure (kâma), utility (artha); or loss (ksha ya), status quo (sthâna), gain (vriddhi); or the three qualities (sattva, ragas, tamas); or the three higher castes; -varna, a. three-coloured; -varsha, n. space of three years; a. three years old; -valî (sts. i only °ree;--), f. three folds above the navel (considered beauti ful in women); -vâkika, a.produced by three words; -vârshika, a. three years old; -vi krama, n. the three steps of Vishnu; a. hav ing taken the three steps; m. Vishnu; -vidya, a. containing the three Vedas; -vidha, a. of three kinds, triple, threefold;-vidhâ, ad. into three parts; -vishtapa, n. (Indra's) heaven; -vishtí, ad. three times; -vrít, a. threefold, triple, tripartite; m. (sc. stoma) peculiar tri ple mode of reciting RV. IX, xi; triple cord: -karana, n. tripling, -tâ, f.threefoldness; -veda (°ree;--), î, f. the three Vedas; a. versed in or containing the three Vedas; -vedin, a. id.
nivedana a. announcing, making known; n. communication, announcement; of fering; -vedin, a. announcing, making known; offering (--°ree;); -vedya, fp. to be reported; n. offering of food to an idol; -vesá, m. enter ing into; settling; encampment, camp; habi tation, residence; settling down, marriage, matrimony; foundation (of a city); building, edifice; impression, mark; -vésana, a. (î) entering into (--°ree;); laying to rest; sheltering; n. entrance; setting down; introduction, ap plication; causing to encamp; settling down, marrying; resting-place, bed, lair, nest; home, abode, dwelling; -vesanîya, fp. to be put down; -vesayitavya, fp. to be placed; -vesa vat, a. lying on (--°ree;); -vesin, a. lying near, being in, resting or based on (--°ree;).
nīti f. guidance; worldly wisdom, practical morality, political and social ethics; discretion, prudent counsel; policy: -kusala, a. skilled in the conduct of human affairs, politic; -gña, a. prudent, politic; -dosha, m. error of conduct; -patala, n. treatise on policy; -mat, a. (-î) acquainted with the rules of worldly wisdom, politic, prudent; -yukta, pp. versed in policy; -vid, m. poli tician; -vidyâ, f. science of policy; -vedin, a.knowing policy; -sataka, n. T. of Bhartri hari's century of verses on worldly wisdom; -sâstra, n. science of political ethics; trea tise on polity; -samdhi, m. quintessence of polity.
praveka a. choice, chief, exquisite, most excellent of (--°ree;); -vega, m. great swift ness; -vegita, den. pp. moving rapidly; -ve- nî, f. braid of hair; coloured woollen cloth; -vetri, m. charioteer; -vettri, m. connoisseur of (--°ree;); -vedana, n. making known, pro claiming; -vedin, a. thoroughly knowing (--°ree;); -vedya, fp. to be made known; -vedha, m. shot; -vepin, a. trembling; -verita, pp. cast, hurled; -vesa, m.entrance, entry, pene tration, intrusion, into (lc., g.±antar, or --°ree;); appearance on the stage; getting into the house, coming into one's possession (e. g. of a deposit); obtrusiveness, meddlesomeness; entering into=admissibleness, applicability in (lc.); employment or utilization of (--°ree;); entrance, door: -ka, a. --°ree;, id.; m. interlude (explaining what has happened between two acts and is essential for the understanding of what follows); -vesana, n. entering, en trance or penetration into (g., lc., or --°ree;); co pulation; introduction, into (lc.); driving home (of cattle); -vesa-bhâgika, m. collector of taxes; -vesayitavya, fp. to be introduced; -vesita, cs. pp. introduced, made or allowed to enter; n. causing to appear on the stage; -vesin, a. entering, into (--°ree;); accessible through or over (--°ree;); having sexual intercourse with (--°ree;); -vesya, fp. to be entered; -played (musical instrument); -introduced; -vesh- tavya, fp. to be entered; -allowed to enter; n. imps. one should enter or penetrate into (lc.); -veshtri, m. one who enters: -tva, n. condition of --.
prasvana m. sound, noise; (á)-svâ das, a. very sweet, highly pleasing; -svâpa, a. inducing sleep, soporific (missile); m. fall ing asleep; dream; -svâpana, a. (î) causing slumber: î dasâ, f. condition of sleep; n. causing sleep; -sveda, m. perspiration; -svedin, a. perspiring, covered with sweat.
brahmaloka m. world or heaven of Brahman (sts. pl.); -laukika, a. inhabit ing the world of Brahman; -vaktri, m. ex pounder of the Vedas; -vat, ad. in accord ance with or like the Veda; -vadya, n.recitation of Vedic texts; -vadha, m. mur der of a Brâhman; -vadhyâ, f. id.: -krita, n. perpetrated murder of a Brâhman; -vark asá, n. pre-eminence in sacred knowledge, sanctity; -varkas-in, a. pre-eminent in di vine knowledge, holy; -varkas-vin, a. id.; -vâdá, m. discourse on sacred matters; -vâd ín, a. discoursing on sacred matters; m. theologian, Vedântin; -vâsa, m. Brahman's abode or heaven; (bráhma)-vâhas, a. to whom prayer is offered; -vit-tva, n. sacred knowledge, theology, philosophy; -víd, a. knowing the Vedas; versed in magic; m. theologian, philosopher; -vidy&asharp;, f. knowledge of Brahman or of sacred things; -vidvas, pt. knowing Brahman; -vivardhana, a. increas ing sacred knowledge, ep. of Vishnu; -vrik sha, m. Brahman as a tree; -vritti, f. sub sistence of a Brâhman; -veda, m. Veda of Spells, Atharva-veda; -vedi, f. N. of a local ity; -vedin, a.knowing the Brahman or the Vedas; -vaivarta: -ka, n. T. of a Purâna; -vrata, n. vow of chastity: -dhara, a. prac tising --; -sâyin, a. resting in Brahman; -sâlâ, f. Brahman's hall; N. of a sacred locality; -siras, -sîrshan, n. kind of mythi cal missile; -samsad, f. Brahman's audience chamber; -samstha, a. devoted to sacred things; -samhitâ, f. collection of prayers; -sattra, n. sacrifice of prayer; -sattrin, a. offering a sacrifice of prayer; -sadana, n. seat of the Brahman priest; abode or heaven of Brahman; -sabhâ, f. hall or audience chamber of Brahman; -sambhava, a. sprung from Brahman; -saras, n. N. of a bathing place; -savá, m. purification of prayer; kind of sacrificial rite; -sât-kri, bring into har mony with Brahman; -sâmá, -sâmán, n. Sâman chanted after a verse recited by the Brahman priest; -sâyugya, n. complete union or identification with the universal soul; -sârshti-tâ, f. equality with Brahman; -sâ varna, m. N. of the tenth Manu; -sâvarni, m. id.; -siddhânta, m. T. of various astrono mical works; -siddhi, m. N. of an ascetic; -suta, m. son of Brahman; -suvarkalâ, f. kind of plant; decoction of this plant (drunk as a penance); -sûtra, n. sacred cord worn by Brâhmans over the shoulder; sacred or theological Sûtra; T. of a Sûtra work on the Vedânta philosophy ascribed to Bâdarâyana or Vyâsa: -pada, n. statement of a theolo gical Sûtra; a. (î) consisting of the state ments of a theological Sûtra; -sûtrin, a. wearing the sacred cord; -srig, m. creator of Brahman, ep. of Siva; -soma, m. N. of a saint; -stamba, m. universe, world; -stena, m. (thief of=) one in unlawful possession of the Veda; -steya, n. (theft of=) unlawful acquisition of the Veda; -sthala, n. N. of a town and of various villages; -sva, n. pro perty of a Brâhman; -haty&asharp;, f. murder of a Brâhman; -hán, m. murderer of a Brâhman; -hridaya, m. n. N. of a star (Capella).
śūdrā f. woman of the fourth caste: -putra, m. son of a Sûdrâ; a½artha-yâgaka, a. sacrificing with the money of a Sûdra; â-vedin, a. marrying a Sûdrâ.
sarvadeva m. pl. all the gods; -devatâ-maya, a. (î) containing all deities; -devatyã, a. sacred to or representing all the gods; -deva-maya, a. (î) containing or representing all gods; -desîya, a. coming from every country; -daivatya, a. representing all gods; -dravya, n. pl. all things; -dhar ma-maya, a. containing --, -vid, a. knowing all laws; -nara, m. every one; -nâma-tva, n. pronominal nature; -nâman, n. (general name), pronoun; -nâma-sthâna, n. case termination added to the strong base; -nâsa, m. complete lack; loss of everything, com plete ruin: -m kri, lose everything; -niyan tri, m. all-subduer: -tva, n. abst. n.; -patta maya,a. made of fabrics of all kinds; -path îna, a. occupying the whole road; -prabhu, m. lord of all; -prâna, m.: in. with all one's might; -prâyaskittá, a. (&isharp;) atoning for every thing (Br.); n. (V.) expiation for everything; a certain libation in the Âhavanîya; -prâ yaskitti, f. complete atonement; -bhaksha, a. eating or devouring everything, omnivor ous; -bhakshin, a. id.; -bhâva, m. whole heart or soul; complete satisfaction:in., °ree;--, with one's whole soul (love etc.): pl. all ob jects; -bhûta, pp. being everywhere; n. pl. °ree;--, all beings: with na, no being: -krit, a. framing all beings, -maya, a. (î) containing or representing all beings, -½âtman, m. soul of all beings; -bhûmi, a. owning the whole earth; -bhogya, fp. advantageous to all; -ma&ndot;gala, a. universally auspicious: â, f. ep. of Durgâ (sts. also of Lakshmî); -manorama, a. delighting every one; -máya, a. (î) con taining everything; -mahat, a. greatest of all: -tara, cpv. greater than all the rest; -mâmsa½ada, a. eating every kind of flesh; -mâya, m. N. of a Râkshasa; -medhá, m. universal offering (a ten days' Soma sacrifice); -medhya-tva, n. universal purity; -yagña, m. every sacrifice: pl. all sacrifices; -yatna, m. every effort: in. with all one's might, to the best of one's ability; -yatna- vat, a. making every possible effort; -yoni, f. source of all; -yoshit, f. pl. all women; -ratna, m. N.: -maya, a. formed of all gems; entirely studded with jewels, -samanvita, pp. possessed of all jewels; -rasa, m. all kinds of juices or fluids (pl. or °ree;--); every taste: pl. all kinds of palatable food; -râtra, m. (?) the whole night: °ree;-or -m, ad. the whole night through; (sárva- AV., or sarvá- SB.)-rûpa, a. (V.) having all colours; having or assum ing all forms; of all kinds; -½ritu-ka, a. habitable in every season (house); -li&ndot;ga, a. having all genders, adjectival; -loká, m. V., C.: the whole world; C.: the whole people; every one: pl. or °ree;--, all beings; every one: -bhayamkara, a. appalling to the whole world, -mahesvara, m. ep. of Siva and of Krishna; -loha, a. entirely red; n. metals of all kinds (°ree;--): -maya, a. (î) entirely of iron; -vâram, ad. all at once, simultaneously; -vikrayin, a. selling all kinds of things; -vigñân-in, a. knowing everything: (-i)-tâ, f. omniscience; -víd, a. omniscient; -vinâsa, m. entire destruction; -vinda, m. a certain mythical being; -vishaya, a. relating to everything, general; (sárva)-vîra, a. all-heroic, consisting of, relating to, accompanied by or leading all men or heroes (V.); -ved asá, a. attended by a gift of all one's goods (sacrifice; V.); bestowing all his property on priests after a sacrifice (C., rare); n. en tire property (V.): -dakshina, a. attended with a gift of all one's property as a sacrificial fee (sacrifice; V., C.); -vedin, a. omniscient; knowing all the Vedas; -vainâsika, a. be lieving in complete annihilation; m. Bud dhist; -vyâpad, f. complete failure; -vyâp in, a. all-pervading; -vrata, n. universal vow; a. all-vowing; -sakti, f. entire strength: in. with all one's might; -sa&ndot;kâ, f. suspicion of every one.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"vedin" has 1 results
pañcālapadavṛttithe usage or the method of the Pañcālas; the eastern method of euphonic combinations, viz. the retention of the vowel अ after the preceding vowel ओ which is substituted for the Visarga; e. g. यो अस्मै; confer, compare Ṛgvedaprātiśākhya by Śaunaka ( Sanskrit Sāhityapariṣad Edition, Calcutta.) II. 12; Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.XI. 19. This vowel अ which is retained, is pronounced like a short ओ or अर्धओकार by the followers of the Sātyamugri and Rāņāyaniya branches of the Sāmavedins; confer, compare commentary on Taittirīya Prātiśākhya.XI. 19 as also Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini (Dr. Kielhorn's edition ). Āhnika 1.
18 results
vedin adjective acquainted with or versed in (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
announcing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
feeling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
knowing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
perceiving (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
proclaiming (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 4017/72933
vedinī noun (feminine) eine der Häute um einen Embryo name of a river (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 66600/72933
atharvavedin noun (masculine) an Atharvavedin
Frequency rank 42365/72933
avedin adjective having no knowledge (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 45515/72933
asvedin adjective not sweating
Frequency rank 23322/72933
āyurvedin noun (masculine) a physician (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 33138/72933
āvedin adjective declaring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
ifc. announcing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
Frequency rank 46729/72933
ṛgvedin adjective conversant with the Ṛgveda (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 27247/72933
kanyāvedin noun (masculine) son-in-law (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 48523/72933
caturvedin adjective
Frequency rank 34868/72933
nivedin adjective aware of (comp.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
communicating (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
knowing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
offering (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
presenting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
reporting (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 36382/72933
pratisaṃvedin adjective being conscious of anything (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
experiencing (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
feeling (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 24721/72933
pravedin adjective knowing well or accurately (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 59438/72933
prasvedin adjective covered with perspiration (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sweating (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 59555/72933
yajurvedin adjective familiar with the Yajurveda (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 29766/72933
saṃsvedin adjective perspiring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 70196/72933
sāmavedin noun (masculine) a Sāmavedin
Frequency rank 40794/72933
svedin adjective perspiring (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
sweating (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 31232/72933


fifth layer of skin, one fifth of vrīhi in thickness, reticular layer; visarpa, kuṣṭa are manifested from here.

Wordnet Search
"vedin" has 2 results.


vaihāsika, vidūṣaka, hāsana, parihāsavedin   

yaḥ janān svakarmaṇā svavacanaiḥ vā hāsayati।

āvuttaḥ atīva vaihāsikaḥ asti।



ekā nadī ।

vedinyāḥ ullekhaḥ rāmāyaṇe asti

Parse Time: 1.696s Search Word: vedin Input Encoding: IAST: vedin