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Monier-Williams Search
2 results for vedarahasya
vedarahasyan. "secret doctrine of the veda-", Name of the upaniṣad-s View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
sāmavedarahasyan. Name of work View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Macdonell Search
1 result
vedarahasya n. secret doctrine of the Veda, the Upanishads; -râsi, m. the entire Veda; -vâkya, n. statement of the Veda; -vâda, m. id.; talk about the Veda, theological discussion; -vâdin, a. able to talk about or conversant with the Vedas; -vikrayin, a. selling=teaching the Veda for money; -vit-tama, spv. most learned in the Veda; -vit-tva, n. knowledge of the Veda; -víd, a. knowing the Veda; -vidyâ, f. know ledge of the Veda: -vid, a. versed in Vedic learning, -vrata-snâta, pp. having completed one's Vedic and scientific studies and one's vows; -vidvas, pt. knowing the Veda; -viplâvaka, a. propagating the Veda; -ve da½a&ndot;ga-tattva-gña, a. knowing the Vedas and the Vedâ&ndot;gas thoroughly; -vedâ&ndot;ga pâraga, a. thoroughly conversant with the Vedas and Vedâ&ndot;gas; -vyâsa, m. arranger of the Veda; -vrata, n.observance pre scribed during Vedic study; a. having taken the Vedic vow; -sabda, m. the word Veda; statement of the Veda; -sâkhâ, f. Vedic branch or school; -sâstra, n. sg. doctrine of the Veda: pl. the Veda and othercanonical works: -purâna, n. pl. id. and the Purânas; -sruti, f. Vedic scriptures.
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