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Grammar Search
"vapati" has 3 results
vapati: third person singular present present class 1 parasmaipadavap
vapati: neuter locative singular stem: vapat.
vapati: masculine locative singular stem: vapat.
Monier-Williams Search
21 results for vapati
adhyāvap --vapati-, to scatter upon View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
āvapP. -vapati-, to throw or scatter into ; to mix with ; to put together ; to insert etc. ; to pour out ; to fill up ; to present, afford, supply ; to offer : Causal P. -vāpayati-, to mix with ; to comb, smooth ; to shave View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
kīṭāvapannamfn. anything on which an insect has fallen (see keśa-kīṭāvapatita-.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nirvapP. A1. -vapati-, te- (perfect tense -vavāpa- , -uvāpa- , -ūpe- ; future -vapsyati- , -vapiṣyati- ), to pour out, sprinkle, scatter, to offer, present (especially sacrificial food, the funeral oblation or libation to deceased relatives) ; to choose or select for (dative case or genitive case), to distribute (exempli gratia, 'for example' grain for sacrif. purposes) ; to perform (a sacrifice or a funeral oblation etc.) etc. ; (with kṛṣim-) to practise or exercise agriculture : Causal -vāpayati-, to sow out ; to choose or select (for the gods) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
nivapP. -vapati-, (future -vapsyati-; ind.p. ny-upya-; Passive voice ny-upyate-), to throw down, overthrow ; to fill up (a sacrificial mound) ; to throw down, scatter, sow, offer (especially to deceased progenitors) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parāvapP. -vapati-, to lay aside, remove (as dead bodies, arrows etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parivapP. -vapati-, (ind.p. a-pary-upya-), to clip or shear round View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
parivapP. -vapati-, to scatter, strew View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
paryāvapP. -vapati-, to add View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratinirvapP. -vapati-, to distribute in return View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
prativapP. -vapati-, to insert (jewels etc.), set or stud with (instrumental case) ; to fill up ; to add View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pratyāvapP. -vapati- to cast or throw upon once more View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravapP. A1. -vapati-, te-, to shave off (the beard etc.) : View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
pravapP. -vapati-, to scatter, strew, throw etc. etc.: Causal -vāpayati-, to scatter, strew View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samāvapP. -vapati-, to sow or scatter together, mix up together, throw in together : Causal -vāpayati- idem or 'P. -vadati-, to speak with certainty, state, declare ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃnirvapP. -vapati-, to scatter about, distribute, dispense View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃnivapP. -vapati-, to throw or heap together, heap up View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
saṃvapcl.1 P. A1. -vapati-, le-, to throw together, mix, pour in ; to scatter, sow View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upanivapP. -vapati-, to throw or pour down in addition View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
upavapP. -vapati-, (Potential upopet- ) to fill up, choke (with earth), strew over ; bury under : Passive voice -upyate-, to be buried etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyāvaponly in proper subjunctive -vapāti- wrong reading in ( and cyāvayadti-). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
sāvitrī सावित्री 1 A ray of light. -2 N. of a celebrated verse of the Rigveda, so called because it is addressed to the sun; it is also called गायत्री; q.v. for further information. -3 The ceremony of investiture with the sacred thread; आ षोडशाद् ब्राह्मणस्य सावित्री नातिवर्तते Ms.2.38. -4 N. of a wife of Brahman. -5 N. of Pārvatī. -6 N. of a wife of Kaśyapa. -7 An epithet of Sūryā (daughter of Savitṛi). -8 N. of the wife of Satyavat, king of Sālva. [She was the only daughter of king Aśvapati. She was so lovely that all the suitors that came to woo her were repulsed by her superior lustre, and thus though she reached a marriageable age, she found no one ready to espouse her. At last her father asked her to go and find out a husband of her own choice. She did so, and having made her selection returned to her father, and told him that she had chosen Satyavat, son of Dyumatsena, king of Sālva, who being driven out from his kingdom was then leading a hermit's life along with his wife. When Nārada, who happened to be present there, heard this, he told her as well as Aśvapati that he was very sorry to hear of the choice she had made, for though Satyavat was in every way worthy of her, yet he was fated to die in a year from that date, and in choosing him, therefore, Sāvitrī would be only choosing life-long widow-hood and misery. Her parents, therfore, naturally tried to dissuade her mind, but the high-souled maiden told them that her choice was unalterably fixed. Accordingly the marriage took place in due time, and Sāvitrī laid aside her jewels and rich apparel, and putting on the coarse garments of hermits, spent her time in serving her old father and mother-in-law. Still, though outwardly happy, she could not forget the words of Nārada, and as she counted, the days seemed to fly swifitly like moments, and the fated time, when her husband was to die, drew near. 'I have yet three days' thought she, 'and for these three days I shall observe a rigid fast.' She maintained her vow, and on the fourth day, when Satyavat was about to go to the woods to bring sacrificial fuel, she accompanied him. After having collected some fuel, Satyavat, being fatigued, sat down, and reposing his head on the bosom of Sāvitrī fell asleep. Just then Yama came down, snatched off his soul, and proceeded towards the south. Sāvitrī saw this and followed the god who told her to return as her husband's term of life was over. But the faithful wife besought Yama in so pathetic a strain that he granted her boon after boon, except the life of her husband, until, being quite subdued by her devotion to her husband and the force of her eloquent appeal, the god relented and restored even the spirit of Satyavat to her. Delighted she returned, and found her husband as if roused from a deep sleep, and informing him of all that had occurred, went to the hermitage of her father-in-law who soon reaped the fruits of the boons of Yama. Sāvitrī is regarded as the beau ideal or highest pattern of conjugal fidelity, and a young married woman is usually blessed by elderly females with the words जन्मसावित्री भव, thus placing before her the example of Sāvitrī for lifelong imitation.] -Comp. -पतितः, -परिभ्रष्टः a man of any one of the first three castes not invested with the sacred thread at the proper time; cf. व्रात्य; सावित्रीपतिता व्रात्या व्रात्यस्तोमादृते क्रतोः Y.1.38; Ms.2.39; तान् सावित्रीपरिभ्रष्टान् व्रात्यानिति विनि- र्दिशेत् Ms.1.2. -व्रतम् N. of a particular fast kept by Hindu women on the last three days of the bright half of Jyeṣṭha to preserve them from widowhood. -सूत्रम् the sacred thread (यज्ञोपवीत).
Macdonell Vedic Search
1 result
vap vap strew, I. vápati, vápate. ní- lay low, ii. 33, 11.
Macdonell Search
1 result
sāvitra a. (&isharp;) belonging or sacred to, derived from, Savitri; m. son or descend ant of Savitri: &isharp;, f. (sc. rik) Savitri verse, sp. that beginning &open;Tát savitúr várenyam&close; (RV.III, 62, 10: also called Gâyatrî); ini tiation into caste with the Sâvitrî verse, inves titure of the twice-born castes (C.); (daugh ter of Savitri) N. of Sûryâ, of Brahman's wife, of a daughter of Asvapati (wife of Sat yavat), and of various other women; N. of a river: (î)-patita, pp. excluded from initia tion with the Sâvitrî; -paribhrashta, pp. id.
Bloomfield Vedic
1 result0 results13 results
agnaye 'ṃhomuce 'ṣṭākapālaḥ (MS. 'ṃhomuce puroḍāśam aṣṭākapālaṃ nirvapati) # TS.; 22.1; MS.3.15.11: 181.1; KSA.5.18,19; Apś.20.23.2. Cf. Mś.9.2.5.
agnaye gāyatrāya trivṛte rāthaṃtarāyāṣṭākapālaḥ (TS.KSA. rāthaṃtarāya vāsantāyāṣṭākapālaḥ; MS. rāthaṃtarāya vāsantikāya puroḍāśam aṣṭākapālaṃ nirvapati) # VS.29.60; TS.; MS.3.15.10: 180.7; KSA.5.10. P: agnaye gāyatrāya Apś.20.9.2.
apatiḥ svapatiṃ striyam # AVś.8.6.16e.
ā yātv indraḥ svapatir madāya # RV.10.44.1a; AVś.20.94.1a; Vait.33.20. P: ā yātv indraḥ svapatiḥ Aś.7.9.3.
ud it kṛṣati gām avim # TS. See ud id vapatu, and tad ud vapati.
ud id vapati dāśuṣe # RV.8.66.4b.
kiyad āsu svapatiś chandayāte # RV.10.27.8d; Vait.38.5d.
tad ud vapati gām avim # VS.12.71c; śB.; VāDh.2.34c. See under ud it kṛṣati.
duḥsvapnyaṃ vā yat svapatī dadarśa # AVP.5.37.3c.
namaḥ śvabhyaḥ śvapatibhyaś ca vo namaḥ # VS.16.28; TS.; MS.2.9.5: 124.8; KS.17.13. P: namaḥ śvabhyaḥ BṛhPDh.9.178.
namo aśvebhyo (VSṃS.KS. 'śvebhyo) 'śvapatibhyaś ca vo namaḥ # VS.16.24; TS.; MS.2.9.4: 123.14; KS.17.13.
nityaś cākanyāt svapatir damūnāḥ # RV.10.31.4a.
pūrvaṃ patiṃ (AVP. pūrvapatiṃ) vittvā # AVś.9.5.27a; AVP.8.19.10a.
5 results
vapati noun (masculine) [gramm.] verb vap
Frequency rank 64637/72933
anavapatita adjective
Frequency rank 42778/72933
vapati noun (masculine) name of a Kaikeya (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a king of Madras and father of Sāvitri (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of an Asura (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 10576/72933
devapati noun (masculine) name of Indra (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 12524/72933
viśvapati noun (masculine) name of a particular fire (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of Mahāpuruṣa and of Kṛṣṇa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of various authors (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 30286/72933
Wordnet Search
"vapati" has 6 results.



yasya mūlyam nyūnaṃ jātam।

avapatitasya mūlyasya vastunaḥ vikrayaḥ adhikaḥ bhavati।



aśvasenāyāḥ adhikārī।

valīśāhaḥ aśvapatiḥ āsīt।



aśvānāṃ patiḥ।

aśvapatiḥ pañcāśat aśvānāṃ svāmī asti।



bharatasya mātulaḥ।

aśvapateḥ ullekhaḥ rāmāyaṇe prāpyate।



kaikayadeśasya rājaputrāṇām upādhiḥ।

rājaputraḥ aśvapatiḥ iti upādhiṃ datvā sammānitaḥ।



madradeśasya dharmaparāyaṇaḥ rājā।

aśvapatiḥ sāvitryāḥ pitā āsīt।

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