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Grammar Search
"uttama" has 2 results
uttama: masculine vocative singular stem: uttama
uttama: neuter vocative singular stem: uttama
Amarakosha Search
3 results
Monier-Williams Search
66 results for uttama
uttamamfn. (superlative fr. 1. ud-;opposed to avama-, adhama-,etc.; see an-uttama-), uppermost, highest, chief View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamamfn. most elevated, principal View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamamfn. best, excellent etc. (often in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound', exempli gratia, 'for example' dvijottama-,best of the twice-born id est a Brahman ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamamfn. first, greatest View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamamfn. the highest (tone) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamamfn. the most removed or last in place or order or time etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamamfn. at last, lastly View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamam. the last person (= in European grammars the first person) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamam. Name of a brother of dhruva- (son of uttāna-pāda- and nephew of priya-vrata-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamam. of a son of priya-vrata- and third manu- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamam. of the twenty-first vyāsa- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamam. plural Name of people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamam. the plant Oxystelma Esculentum (Asclepias Rosea Roxb.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamam. an excellent woman (one who is handsome, healthy, and affectionate) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamabalamfn. of excellent strength, very strong View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamacaritram. Name (also title or epithet) of a prince, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamadarśanamfn. of excellent appearance View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamagandhāḍhyamfn. possessing abundantly the most delicate scent or delicious fragrance. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamagāyamfn. (either from 2. gāya-) highly celebrated (or from 1. gāya-) wide-striding (said of viṣṇu-), View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamajanam. plural excellent men ( etc.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamalābham. great profit, a double return. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamamind. most, in the highest degree View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamamaṇim. a kind of gem View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamapadan. a high office. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamaphalinīf. the plant Oxystelma Esculentum (Asclepias Rosea Roxb.) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamapuruṣam. the last person in verbal conjugation id est "I, we two, we"(= in European grammars the first person, our third person being regarded in Hindu grammars as the prathama-puruṣa- q.v; see also madhyama-puruṣa-) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamapuruṣam. the Supreme Spirit View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamapūruṣam. equals -puruṣa- above View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamapūruṣam. the Supreme Spirit View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamapūruṣam. an excellent man View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamarṇam. (uttama-ṛṇa-) a creditor etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamarṇam. plural Name of a people View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamarṇikam. a creditor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamarṇinm. a creditor View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamasāhasan. the highest of the three fixed mulcts or fines (a fine of 1000 or of 80,000 paṇa-s;capital punishment, branding, banishment, confiscation, mutilation, and death). View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamaśākham. Name of a region, (gaRa gahādi- ) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamaśākhīyamfn. belonging to that region. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamasaṃgraham. intriguing with another man's wife, addressing her privately, casting amorous looks etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamaślokam. (uttam/a-) the most excellent renown View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamaślokamfn. possessing the most excellent fame, highly renowned, illustrious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamaślokatīrtham. Name of a teacher. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamaśrutamfn. possessing the utmost learning
uttamastrīsaṃgrahaṇa equals -saṃgraha- above. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamasukham. Name of a man. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamaf. excellence, superiority View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamaf. goodness, good quality. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamatejasmfn. having extraordinary splendour, very glorious View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamatvan. excellence, superiority View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamatvan. goodness, good quality. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamaudāryamfn. very noble-hearted View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamaujasm. "of excellent valour", Name of one of the warriors of the mahā-bhārata-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamavarṇamfn. having an excellent colour (also being of the best caste) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamavayasan. the last period of life View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamaveṣam. "having the most excellent dress"Name of śiva-. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
uttamavidmfn. having supreme knowledge, View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuttamamf(ā-)n. unsurpassed, incomparably the best or chief, excellent View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuttamamf(ā-)n. excessive View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuttamamf(ā-)n. not the best View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuttamamf(ā-)n. (in grammar) not used in the uttama-, or first person. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
anuttamanya(/a-nutta--) m. "of invincible wrath", indra- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
madhuṣuttamamfn. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maruttamamfn. (mar/ut--) very or altogether equal to the marut-s, as swift as the marut-s (said of the aśvin-s) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
maruttamam. wrong reading for marutta- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
ṛguttamamfn. ending in a ṛc- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yajuruttama(y/ajur--) mfn. ending with verses of the yajur-veda- View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
yāvaduttamamind. up to the furthest limit or boundary View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
6 results
uttama उत्तम a. [उद्-तमप्] 1 Best, excellent (oft. in comp.); उत्तमे शिखरे देवी Mahānār. Up.15.5. स उत्तमः पुरुषः Ch. Up.8.12.3. उत्तमः पुरुषस्त्वन्यः Bg.15.17. द्विजोत्तमः the best of Brāhmaṇas; so सुर˚, नर˚ &c.; प्रायेणाधममध्यमोत्तमगुणः संसर्गतो जायते Bh.2.67. -2 Foremost, uppermost, highest (opp. हीन, जघन्य). -3 Most elevated, chief, principal. -4 Greatest, first; स गच्छत्युत्तमस्थानम् Ms.2.249. -मः 1 N. of Viṣṇu. -2 The third person (= first person according to English phraseology). (pl.) N. of a people; Mb. -मा 1 An excellent woman. -2 A kind of pustule or pimple. -3 The plant Asclepias Rosea Roxb. (दुग्धिका; Mar. भुई- आंवळी, अळिता). -Comp. -उङ्गम् 'the best limb of the body', the head; कश्चिद् द्विषत्खङ्गहृतोत्तमाङ्गः R.7.51; Ms.1.93,8.3; Ku.7.41; Bg.11.27. the back; तान् क्षिप्रं व्रज सतताग्निहोत्रयाजिन् । मत्तुल्यो भव गरुडोत्तमाङ्गयानः ॥ Mb.7.143.48. -अधम a. high and low; ˚मध्यम good, middling, and bad; high, low, and middling; (the order is often reversed); cf. भक्षयित्वा बहून्मत्स्यानुत्तमाधम- मध्यमान् Pt.1.21. -अम्भस् n. a sort of satisfaction (acquiescence) one of the nine kinds of तुष्टि in Sāṅ. Phil. -अरणी the plant Asparagus Racemosus (इन्दीवरी शतावरी). -अर्धः 1 the best half. -2 the last half or part. -अर्ध्य a. pertaining to the best half. -अहः the last or latest day; a fine or lucky day. -उपपद a. one to whom the best term is applicable, best, excellent. ऋणः, ऋणिकः (उत्तमर्णः) a creditor (opp. अधमर्णः) धारेरुत्तमर्णः P.I.4.35; अधमर्णार्थसिद्धयर्थमुत्तमर्णेन चोदितः Ms.8.47,5; Y.2.42. Śukra.4.831. (pl.) N. of a people; V. P., Mārk. P. -ओजस् a. of excellent valour, N. of one of the warriors of the Mahābhārata; उत्तमौजाश्च वीर्यवान् Bg.1.6. -गन्धाढ्य a. possessing copiously the most delicious fragrance. -गुण a. of the best qualities, best, highest; विघ्नैः पुनः पुनरपि प्रतिहन्यमानाः प्रारब्धमुत्तमगुणा न परित्यजन्ति Mu.2.17. (v. l.) -दशतालम् A sculptural measurement in which the whole height of an image is generally divided into 12 equal parts. The same measurement in 112 equal parts is called उत्तमनवताल. -पदम् a high office. -पु (पू)- रुषः 1 the third person in verbal conjugation; (= first person according to English phraseology; in Sanskrit, verbs are conjugated by putting the English I st person last and 3 rd person first). -2 the Supreme Spirit. -3 an excellent man. -फलिनी f. The plant Oxystelma Esculentum (Mar. दुधी, दुधाणी). -लाभः an excellent profit. -वयसम् The last period of life; Śat. Br. -व्रता A wife devoted to the husband; हृदयस्येव शोकाग्निसंतप्तस्योत्तमव्रताम् Bk.9.87. -वेशः N. of Śiva. -शाखः 1 a tree having excellent branches. -2 N. of a region. -श्रुत a. Possessing the utmost learning. Rām. -श्लोक a. of excellent fame, illustrious, glorious, well-known, famous. -कः N. of Vi&stoa;ṇu, क उत्तमश्लोक- गुणानुवादात् पुमान् विरज्येत विना पशुघ्नात् Bhāg.1.1.4. -संग्रहः (˚स्त्री˚) intriguing with another man's wife, i. e. speaking with her privately, looking amorously at her &c. -साहसः, -सम् 1 the highest (of the fixed) pecuniary punishments; a fine of 1 (or according to some 8,) paṇas; Ms.9.24; Y.1.366; पणानां द्वे शते सार्धे प्रथमः साहसः स्मृतः । मध्यमः पञ्च विज्ञेयः सहस्रं त्वेष चोत्तमः ॥ Capital punishment, banishment, confiscation, and mutilation are also regarded as forms of this punishment.
uttamanam उत्तमनम् Losing heart, impatience.
uttamara उत्तमर a. Excellent.
uttama उत्तमता त्वम् 1 Excellence. -2 Goodness, good quality.
anuttama अनुत्तम a. [न उत्तमो यस्मात्] 1 Than which there is nothing better, having no superior or better, unsurpassed, the very best or highest, incomparably or preeminently the best, सर्वद्रव्येषु विद्यैव द्रव्यमाहुरनुत्तमम् H. Pr.4; कान् गतिमनुत्तमाम् Ms.2.242; Y.1.87; अद्रस्त्वया नुन्नमनुत्तमं तमः Śi.1.27 all-pervading; Bg.7.18; Ms.2.9;5.158; 8.81. -2 Not the best. -3 (in gram.) Not used in the उत्तम or first person. -मः N. of Śiva or Viṣṇu. -Comp. -अम्भस्, -अम्भसिकम् a term in Sāṅkhya Philosophy, said to mean 'indifference to and abstinence from sensual enjoyment, as fatiguing or involving injury to external objects.'
auttamarṇikam औत्तमर्णिकम् Debt; सवृद्धिकं गृहीतं यदृणं तच्चौत्तमर्णिकम् Śukra.2.317.
Macdonell Search
5 results
uttama spv. highest, supreme; most excellent, best, chief (among, --°ree;); superior to, higher or better than (ab.); last: -m, °ree;--, ad.; m. (last=our) first person (gr.).
uttamagandhāḍhya a. rich in delicious fragrance; -gana, m. pl. superior people; -tegas, a. supremely brilliant or mighty; -purusha, m. supreme spirit; (last =our) first person (gr.).
uttamarṇa m. creditor; i-ka, m. id.
uttamavarṇa a. most beautifully coloured; -sâhasa, n. highest fine.
anuttama a. (without a highest), highest, most excellent; mightiest; -uttara, a. not answering; unanswerable; n. unsatis factory answer in court: -tva, n. abst. n.; -uttara&ndot;ga, a. not billowy; -utthâna, n. lack of energy; -utpatti, f. non-production; -utpâda, m. id.; non-appearance; -utsâha, m. absence of energy; -utsâhin, a. weak willed; -utsuka-tâ, f. unassumingness, mo desty; -utsûtra-pada-nyâsa, a.without a step against the rules of policy; without a word against grammatical rules; -utseka, m. lack of presumption, modesty; -utsekin, a. unassuming, modest, humble.
Bloomfield Vedic
5 results0 results8 results
uttama āsanam ācaran AVś.20.127.8b; śś.
uttama tu mahāvratam Aś.8.13.31b.
uttama nākaṃ roheyam śś.16.17.1c.
uttama nākam (AVP.VSṃS.KS.śB. uttame nāke) adhi rohayemam (VSṃS.KS.śB. rohayainam; TA. rohemam; AVP. tiṣṭhehi) AVś.1.9.2d,4d; 6.63.3d; 84.4d; 11.1.4d; AVP.1.75.2b; VS.12.63d; TS.; MS.2.7.12d: 90.18; KS.16.12d; śB.; TA.6.4.2d. Cf. svar ārohanto abhi, svo ruhāṇā adhi, and saro ruhāṇā adhi.
uttama nākaṃ paramaṃ vyoma AVś.11.1.30d.
uttamarātrī ṇāma mṛtyo te mātā Kauś.135.9a.
anuttamanyum ajaram # RV.8.6.35c.
anuttamanyur yo aheva revān # RV.8.96.19b.
Dictionary of Sanskrit Search
"uttama" has 2 results
uttama(1)the best,the highest,the last: (2) the last letter of the consonantclasses, the nasal; cf, A.Pr.II.4.14; R.Pr.IV.3; confer, compare also अनुत्तम meaning non-nasal; (3) the उत्तमपुरुष or the premier or the first person constituting the affixes मि, वस् and मस् and their substitutes, confer, compare P.I.4.107.
anuttamaother than उत्तम or the first person; confer, compare विभाषितं सोपसर्गमनुत्तमम् P. VII.1.53 and Kāśika thereon.
Vedabase Search
513 results
uttama all of the foremost qualityCC Madhya 14.25
uttama bestCC Madhya 8.295
SB 1.8.6
uttama by superior backgroundSB 11.17.15
uttama celestialSB 2.9.13
uttama enlightenedSB 2.1.9
uttama excellentSB 10.43.19
SB 10.90.1-7
uttama first classCC Antya 19.13
CC Madhya 22.64
CC Madhya 22.69
SB 4.24.47-48
uttama first-classCC Madhya 12.178
CC Madhya 12.179
CC Madhya 6.42
CC Madhya 6.76
uttama goodCC Adi 5.208
uttama most excellentSB 10.69.9-12
uttama of a superiorSB 10.60.15
uttama one who is greaterSB 4.20.13
uttama superexcellentSB 10.84.43
uttama the bestCC Madhya 24.180
uttama topmostCC Antya 18.103
uttama transcendentalSB 1.2.18
uttama upperSB 2.3.21
uttama very goodCC Madhya 1.120
uttama very niceCC Antya 5.99
CC Madhya 16.116
CC Madhya 3.102
CC Madhya 3.103
CC Madhya 4.3-4
uttama very wellCC Antya 7.54
uttama anna fine riceCC Antya 2.110
uttama anna fine riceCC Antya 2.110
uttama bhoga first-class foodsCC Madhya 4.114
uttama bhoga first-class foodsCC Madhya 4.114
uttama brāhmaṇa a high-class brāhmaṇaCC Madhya 17.11
uttama brāhmaṇa a high-class brāhmaṇaCC Madhya 17.11
uttama hañā although being very much exaltedCC Antya 20.22
uttama hañā although being very much exaltedCC Antya 20.22
CC Antya 20.25
uttama hañā although being very much exaltedCC Antya 20.25
uttama hañā although very respectableCC Madhya 13.17
uttama hañā although very respectableCC Madhya 13.17
uttama hañā being actually superior in every respectCC Madhya 16.263-264
uttama hañā being actually superior in every respectCC Madhya 16.263-264
uttama kariyā so nicelyCC Antya 12.132
uttama kariyā so nicelyCC Antya 12.132
uttama prakāre very nicelyCC Madhya 9.217
uttama prakāre very nicelyCC Madhya 9.217
uttama randhana first-class cookingCC Madhya 15.64
uttama randhana first-class cookingCC Madhya 15.64
uttama uttama very first-classCC Madhya 6.249
uttama uttama very first-classCC Madhya 6.249
uttama vyañjana first-class vegetablesCC Antya 12.93
uttama vyañjana first-class vegetablesCC Antya 12.93
uttama-adhikārī the topmost devoteeCC Madhya 22.65
uttama-adhikārī the topmost devoteeCC Madhya 22.65
uttama-ańgaiḥ headsBG 11.26-27
uttama-ańgaiḥ headsBG 11.26-27
uttama-anna first-class riceCC Madhya 5.102
uttama-anna first-class riceCC Madhya 5.102
uttama-āptibhiḥ by attainment of the highest platform of perfectionCC Madhya 24.181
uttama-āptibhiḥ by attainment of the highest platform of perfectionCC Madhya 24.181
uttama-āsanam a high seatSB 12.3.38
uttama-āsanam a high seatSB 12.3.38
uttama-bhoga first-class foodCC Madhya 13.197
uttama-bhoga first-class foodCC Madhya 13.197
uttama-bhrātā the brother of UttamaSB 8.1.27
uttama-bhrātā the brother of UttamaSB 8.1.27
uttama-dhanam a great treasureSB 5.3.3
uttama-dhanam a great treasureSB 5.3.3
uttama-gāya of Lord Viṣṇu (of excellent renown)SB 4.12.21
uttama-gāya of Lord Viṣṇu (of excellent renown)SB 4.12.21
uttama-kalpakaiḥ with very opulent paraphernaliaSB 9.11.1
uttama-kalpakaiḥ with very opulent paraphernaliaSB 9.11.1
uttama-kulam the highest classSB 3.16.23
uttama-kulam the highest classSB 3.16.23
uttama-michari lozengesCC Madhya 19.179
uttama-michari lozengesCC Madhya 19.179
uttama-prasāda very palatable foodCC Antya 10.109
uttama-prasāda very palatable foodCC Antya 10.109
uttama-pūruṣaḥ the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 11.6.15
uttama-pūruṣaḥ the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 11.6.15
uttama-pūruṣau the Supreme PersonalitiesSB 10.43.20
uttama-pūruṣau the Supreme PersonalitiesSB 10.43.20
uttama-śloka my dear LordSB 11.11.26-27
uttama-śloka my dear LordSB 11.11.26-27
uttama-śloka O Lord, who are praised by selected versesSB 4.20.25
uttama-śloka O Lord, who are praised by selected versesSB 4.20.25
uttama-śloka O Lord, who are praised with excellent versesSB 6.19.14
uttama-śloka O Lord, who are praised with excellent versesSB 6.19.14
uttama-śloka of the Personality of GodheadSB 1.3.40
uttama-śloka of the Personality of GodheadSB 1.3.40
uttama-śloka of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 4.15.23
uttama-śloka of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 4.15.23
uttama-śloka one who is praised by selected poemsSB 1.19.19
uttama-śloka one who is praised by selected poemsSB 1.19.19
uttama-śloka the all-good Personality of GodheadSB 2.3.17
uttama-śloka the all-good Personality of GodheadSB 2.3.17
uttama-śloka the Personality of Godhead, of whom the Vedic hymns singSB 1.18.4
uttama-śloka the Personality of Godhead, of whom the Vedic hymns singSB 1.18.4
uttama-śloka the Personality of Godhead, who is glorified by transcendental prayersSB 1.1.19
uttama-śloka the Personality of Godhead, who is glorified by transcendental prayersSB 1.1.19
uttama-śloka the Supreme Lord, who is praised by excellent versesSB 11.2.4
uttama-śloka the Supreme Lord, who is praised by excellent versesSB 11.2.4
uttama-śloka the Supreme, who is praised by selected poetrySB 1.10.20
uttama-śloka the Supreme, who is praised by selected poetrySB 1.10.20
uttama-śloka-guṇa-anuvādaḥ discussion of the pastimes and glories of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 5.12.13
uttama-śloka-guṇa-anuvādaḥ discussion of the pastimes and glories of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 5.12.13
uttama-śloka-guṇa-anuvādaḥ discussion of the pastimes and glories of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 5.12.13
uttama-śloka-guṇa-anuvādaḥ discussion of the pastimes and glories of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 5.12.13
uttama-śloka-janeṣu among devotees who are simply attached to the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 6.11.27
uttama-śloka-janeṣu among devotees who are simply attached to the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 6.11.27
uttama-śloka-janeṣu among devotees who are simply attached to the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 6.11.27
uttama-śloka-lālasaḥ being captivated by the transcendental qualities, pastimes and association of the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Antya 6.137
uttama-śloka-lālasaḥ being captivated by the transcendental qualities, pastimes and association of the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Antya 6.137
uttama-śloka-lālasaḥ being captivated by the transcendental qualities, pastimes and association of the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Antya 6.137
uttama-śloka-lālasaḥ who was so fond of serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead, known as UttamaślokaSB 5.14.43
uttama-śloka-lālasaḥ who was so fond of serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead, known as UttamaślokaSB 5.14.43
uttama-śloka-lālasaḥ who was so fond of serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead, known as UttamaślokaSB 5.14.43
uttama-śloka-pada-aravindayoḥ to the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is worshiped by transcendental prayersSB 7.4.42
uttama-śloka-pada-aravindayoḥ to the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is worshiped by transcendental prayersSB 7.4.42
uttama-śloka-pada-aravindayoḥ to the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is worshiped by transcendental prayersSB 7.4.42
uttama-śloka-pada-aravindayoḥ to the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is worshiped by transcendental prayersSB 7.4.42
uttama-śloka-pādayoḥ of the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 5.1.3
uttama-śloka-pādayoḥ of the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 5.1.3
uttama-śloka-pādayoḥ of the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 5.1.3
uttama-śloka-parāyaṇāḥ devoted to the cause of the Personality of GodheadSB 1.4.12
uttama-śloka-parāyaṇāḥ devoted to the cause of the Personality of GodheadSB 1.4.12
uttama-śloka-parāyaṇāḥ devoted to the cause of the Personality of GodheadSB 1.4.12
uttama-śloka-tamasya of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is praised by the nicest versesSB 4.21.49
uttama-śloka-tamasya of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is praised by the nicest versesSB 4.21.49
uttama-śloka-tamasya of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is praised by the nicest versesSB 4.21.49
uttama-śloka-vigrahau incarnations of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 4.19.33
uttama-śloka-vigrahau incarnations of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 4.19.33
uttama-śloka-vigrahau incarnations of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 4.19.33
uttama-ślokaḥ is Lord Viṣṇu, who is worshiped by Vedic prayersSB 8.20.13
uttama-ślokaḥ is Lord Viṣṇu, who is worshiped by Vedic prayersSB 8.20.13
uttama-ślokaḥ the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 4.8.57
uttama-ślokaḥ the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 4.8.57
uttama-ślokam the Supreme Lord or persons attached to the Supreme LordSB 2.3.8
uttama-ślokam the Supreme Lord or persons attached to the Supreme LordSB 2.3.8
uttama-ślokam the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is worshiped by selected versesSB 4.8.74
uttama-ślokam the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is worshiped by selected versesSB 4.8.74
uttama-ślokam who is worshiped by the choicest versesSB 8.4.3-4
uttama-ślokam who is worshiped by the choicest versesSB 8.4.3-4
uttama-ślokasya who is praised with excellent versesSB 5.1.5
uttama-ślokasya who is praised with excellent versesSB 5.1.5
uttama-ślokāya who is always worshiped with selected versesSB 5.19.3
uttama-ślokāya who is always worshiped with selected versesSB 5.19.3
uttama-śloke possessing excellent renownSB 4.31.8
uttama-śloke possessing excellent renownSB 4.31.8
uttama-śloke who is praised by the best of selected prayersSB 9.16.11
uttama-śloke who is praised by the best of selected prayersSB 9.16.11
uttama-śloke who is praised with transcendental hymnsSB 10.23.20-21
uttama-śloke who is praised with transcendental hymnsSB 10.23.20-21
uttama-vastu first-class eatablesCC Antya 16.10
uttama-vastu first-class eatablesCC Antya 16.10
uttama-vidām of the great sagesBG 14.14
uttama-vidām of the great sagesBG 14.14
uttama bestSB 3.29.31
uttama highestCC Madhya 22.66
uttama superiorSB 10.46.37
uttama supremeSB 11.19.40-45
uttama the bestBG 15.17
BG 15.18
SB 9.18.44
uttama UttamaSB 4.10.3
SB 8.1.23
uttama your stepbrotherSB 4.8.19
uttamaḥ ca also UttamaSB 4.9.48
uttamaḥ ca also UttamaSB 4.9.48
uttamaḥ tāmasaḥ raivataḥ Uttama, Tāmasa and RaivataSB 5.1.28
uttamaḥ tāmasaḥ raivataḥ Uttama, Tāmasa and RaivataSB 5.1.28
uttamaḥ tāmasaḥ raivataḥ Uttama, Tāmasa and RaivataSB 5.1.28
uttamaḥ-śloka O glorious LordSB 11.30.35
uttamaḥ-śloka O glorious LordSB 11.30.35
uttamaḥ-śloka O You who are glorified in excellent versesSB 10.41.16
uttamaḥ-śloka O You who are glorified in excellent versesSB 10.41.16
uttamaḥ-śloka of great personalities who are glorified in choice poetrySB 10.83.5
uttamaḥ-śloka of great personalities who are glorified in choice poetrySB 10.83.5
uttamaḥ-śloka of KṛṣṇaSB 10.47.13
uttamaḥ-śloka of KṛṣṇaSB 10.47.13
uttamaḥ-śloka of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 10.80.12-13
uttamaḥ-śloka of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 10.80.12-13
SB 10.80.2
uttamaḥ-śloka of Lord KṛṣṇaSB 10.80.2
uttamaḥ-śloka of Lord Kṛṣṇa, who is praised by the best poetrySB 10.47.1-2
uttamaḥ-śloka of Lord Kṛṣṇa, who is praised by the best poetrySB 10.47.1-2
uttamaḥ-śloka of Lord Kṛṣṇa, who is praised in the best transcendental versesSB 10.66.43
uttamaḥ-śloka of Lord Kṛṣṇa, who is praised in the best transcendental versesSB 10.66.43
uttamaḥ-śloka of Lord Śrī KṛṣṇaSB 11.29.35
uttamaḥ-śloka of Lord Śrī KṛṣṇaSB 11.29.35
uttamaḥ-śloka of the glorious LordSB 10.64.6
uttamaḥ-śloka of the glorious LordSB 10.64.6
uttamaḥ-śloka of the Lord, who is worshiped by selected poemsCC Madhya 22.137-139
uttamaḥ-śloka of the Lord, who is worshiped by selected poemsCC Madhya 22.137-139
uttamaḥ-śloka of the Supreme Lord, who is praised in the best poetrySB 10.38.4
uttamaḥ-śloka of the Supreme Lord, who is praised in the best poetrySB 10.38.4
uttamaḥ-śloka of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is praised in transcendental versesSB 12.3.15
uttamaḥ-śloka of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is praised in transcendental versesSB 12.3.15
uttamaḥ-śloka the Supreme Lord, who is glorified by the most sublime prayersSB 10.47.15
uttamaḥ-śloka the Supreme Lord, who is glorified by the most sublime prayersSB 10.47.15
uttamaḥ-śloka-lālasaḥ being captivated by the transcendental qualities, pastimes and association of the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 23.25
uttamaḥ-śloka-lālasaḥ being captivated by the transcendental qualities, pastimes and association of the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 23.25
uttamaḥ-śloka-lālasaḥ being captivated by the transcendental qualities, pastimes and association of the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 23.25
uttamaḥ-śloka-līlayā by the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, UttamaḥślokaCC Madhya 24.47
uttamaḥ-śloka-līlayā by the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, UttamaḥślokaCC Madhya 24.47
uttamaḥ-śloka-līlayā by the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, UttamaḥślokaCC Madhya 24.47
CC Madhya 25.157
uttamaḥ-śloka-līlayā by the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, UttamaḥślokaCC Madhya 25.157
uttamaḥ-śloka-līlayā by the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, UttamaḥślokaCC Madhya 25.157
uttamaḥ-śloka-maulim the best of the personalities who are worshiped by choice poetry or who are transcendental to all material positionsCC Antya 3.62
uttamaḥ-śloka-maulim the best of the personalities who are worshiped by choice poetry or who are transcendental to all material positionsCC Antya 3.62
uttamaḥ-śloka-maulim the best of the personalities who are worshiped by choice poetry or who are transcendental to all material positionsCC Antya 3.62
uttamaḥ-śloka-vikrame in the activities and pastimes of the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 25.152
uttamaḥ-śloka-vikrame in the activities and pastimes of the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 25.152
uttamaḥ-śloka-vikrame in the activities and pastimes of the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 25.152
uttamaḥ-ślokaḥ Lord KṛṣṇaSB 10.55.35
uttamaḥ-ślokaḥ Lord KṛṣṇaSB 10.55.35
uttamaḥ-ślokaḥ who is always described in choice poetrySB 12.6.4
uttamaḥ-ślokaḥ who is always described in choice poetrySB 12.6.4
uttamaḥ-ślokam Lord Kṛṣṇa, who is praised in sublime poetrySB 10.86.23
uttamaḥ-ślokam Lord Kṛṣṇa, who is praised in sublime poetrySB 10.86.23
uttamaḥ-śloke who is glorified in sublime poetrySB 10.47.25
uttamaḥ-śloke who is glorified in sublime poetrySB 10.47.25
uttamaḥ-śloke whose glories are chanted by the exalted mantras of the VedasSB 10.23.43-44
uttamaḥ-śloke whose glories are chanted by the exalted mantras of the VedasSB 10.23.43-44
uttamaḥśloka of the all-famous Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 12.12.50
uttamaḥśloka with Lord KṛṣṇaSB 10.47.48
uttamaiḥ by superior powerSB 1.14.42
uttamaiḥ exaltedSB 10.68.37
uttamaiḥ excellentSB 10.48.15-16
SB 10.69.9-12
uttamaiḥ most excellentSB 10.53.11
uttamam exaltedSB 10.79.18
uttamam excellentSB 10.42.2
uttamam first classCC Madhya 9.259-260
uttamam most beautifulSB 11.8.23
uttamam most excellentSB 10.50.22
uttamam most highly elevatedSB 5.19.8
uttamam most powerful and opulentSB 9.3.28
uttamam superiorSB 11.24.9
uttamam the bestBG 18.6
SB 11.30.9
SB 4.23.7
uttamam the highestBG 6.27
uttamam the supremeBG 14.1
SB 10.89.54-56
uttamam the supreme stageSB 11.15.33
uttamam the topmostSB 11.27.3-4
uttamam topmostSB 7.5.23-24
uttamam transcendentalBG 4.3
BG 9.2
SB 4.15.16
uttamam UttamaSB 4.8.9
uttamam very niceSB 7.5.22
uttamaśloka O Supreme LordSB 8.22.2
uttamaśloka of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 10.1.4
SB 6.16.32
SB 6.2.11
SB 6.2.18
SB 8.12.46
SB 9.4.24
uttamaśloka the Lord, who is described by choice poetrySB 1.5.22
uttamaśloka the Supreme LordSB 1.11.20
uttamaśloka the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 4.12.27
uttamaśloka-caritam the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 8.24.2-3
uttamaśloka-caritam the pastimes of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 8.24.2-3
uttamaśloka-dhuryāya the best of very famous personsSB 9.11.7
uttamaśloka-dhuryāya the best of very famous personsSB 9.11.7
uttamaśloka-jana-āśrayā if one takes shelter of a devotee such as PrahlādaSB 9.4.18-20
uttamaśloka-jana-āśrayā if one takes shelter of a devotee such as PrahlādaSB 9.4.18-20
uttamaśloka-jana-āśrayā if one takes shelter of a devotee such as PrahlādaSB 9.4.18-20
uttamaślokaḥ the Lord, who is known as Uttamaśloka (He who is described by transcendental literature)SB 8.1.32
uttamaślokāt than the Personality of GodheadSB 9.9.44
uttamau first-classSB 7.13.35
uttamau the two most excellentSB 10.52.13
uttamau two of the bestSB 10.42.22
uttamau two of the most elevatedSB 10.46.23
uttamaujāḥ UttamaujāBG 1.6
akhila-uttamam most excellent in personal qualitiesSB 12.3.36
amara-uttamam the best amongst the demigodsSB 1.16.31
su-amara-uttama the best among the gods (Kṛṣṇa)SB 1.19.27
amara-uttamaiḥ by the best of liberated personalitiesSB 11.2.2
anuttama the greatestSB 11.13.3
anuttamam the finestBG 7.24
anuttamam perfect to the fullest extentSB 1.11.30
anuttamam unexcelledSB 11.6.23
anuttamam unsurpassableSB 11.31.14
anuttamam unsurpassedSB 12.12.53
anuttamam the bestCC Madhya 11.151
asura-uttama O best devotee in the family of asuras (atheists)SB 7.9.52
asura-uttama Prahlāda Mahārāja, the best of the family of asurasSB 7.9.55
bhagavān puruṣa-uttama the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Nārāyaṇa)SB 10.88.38-39
bhāgavata-uttamam the first-class devotee of the LordSB 1.4.9
bhāgavata-uttama one of the topmost devotees of the LordSB 2.10.48
bhāgavata-uttama-uttama O great saintly person, greatest of all devotees (Śaunaka)SB 10.12.44
bhāgavata-uttama O best of devoteesSB 10.13.1
bhāgavata-uttamaiḥ by the most exalted devoteesSB 10.39.53-55
bhagavata-uttama a person advanced in devotional serviceSB 11.2.45
bhāgavata-uttama a first-class devoteeSB 11.2.48
bhāgavata-uttama is a first-class devoteeSB 11.2.50
bhāgavata-uttama the best of devoteesSB 11.2.52
mahā-bhāgavata-uttama the best of the topmost devoteesCC Madhya 8.44
bhāgavata-uttama a person advanced in devotional serviceCC Madhya 8.275
bhāgavata-uttama a person advanced in devotional serviceCC Madhya 22.72
bhāgavata-uttama the best of the devoteesCC Madhya 24.228
bhāgavata-uttama a person advanced in devotional serviceCC Madhya 25.129
bhāgavata-uttama the best of the devoteesCC Antya 7.21
bhakta-uttama a great devoteeCC Madhya 11.9
bhārata-uttama O best of the descendents of BharataSB 5.19.31
bhārgava-uttama the best descendant of BhṛguSB 12.10.39
deva-uttamam an exalted demigodSB 10.64.7
dvija-uttama O best of the brāhmaṇasBG 1.7
dvija-uttamaiḥ by the learned brāhmaṇasSB 3.2.32
dvija-uttama O best amongst the brāhmaṇasSB 3.7.36
dvija-uttama O best of the brāhmaṇasSB 6.14.4
dvija-uttamaiḥ with ceremonies performed by first-class brāhmaṇas with the above qualificationsSB 10.7.13-15
dvija-uttamaiḥ by the chief brāhmaṇas (headed by Marīci)SB 10.39.53-55
dvija-uttama first-class brāhmaṇasSB 10.53.12
dvija-uttama a brāhmaṇaSB 11.17.38
dvipa-uttama in the best of powerful elephantsSB 9.4.27
eho uttama it is very goodCC Madhya 8.76
eho uttama this is very goodCC Madhya 8.79
gṛha-uttamaiḥ with first-class housesSB 5.24.9
jala-ja-uttamam the conchshell, the best of the aquaticsSB 8.4.26
jala-ja-uttamam the conchshell, the best of the aquaticsSB 8.4.26
jīva-uttama the best of the living entitiesCC Madhya 20.302
karma-uttamam the very expert service in military artSB 8.10.43
kratu-uttamam the best of sacrificesSB 4.3.3
kratu-uttamam the most important sacrifice, named aśvamedhaSB 8.18.21
mahā-bhāgavata-uttama the best of the topmost devoteesCC Madhya 8.44
mānava-uttama the best of the human beingsSB 4.10.21
mauli-uttamaiḥ with valuable turbans on their headsCC Adi 5.141
mauli-uttamaiḥ with valuable turbans on their headsCC Madhya 20.306
nara-uttamam the supermost human beingSB 1.2.4
nara-uttama the first-class human beingSB 1.13.27
parama puruṣa-uttama the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 14.220
parama uttama very good, very goodCC Antya 5.94
yāhāń prema-uttama wherever there is pure loveCC Antya 2.81
puruṣa-uttama O Supreme PersonBG 8.1
puruṣa-uttama O greatest of all personsBG 10.15
puruṣa-uttama O best of personalitiesBG 11.3
puruṣa-uttama as the Supreme PersonalityBG 15.18
puruṣa-uttamam the Supreme Personality of GodheadBG 15.19
puruṣa-uttamasya of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 1.16.35
puruṣa-uttama O Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 3.26.9
pūruṣa-uttamam the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 4.20.27
puruṣa-uttama the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 8.1.25
puruṣa-uttamam to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Puruṣottama, the best of malesSB 8.4.2
puruṣa-uttama the best of all personsSB 8.6.26
puruṣa-uttama the Personality of GodheadSB 8.7.4
puruṣa-uttama the Supreme PersonalitySB 10.45.1
puruṣa-uttama the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 10.58.1
puruṣa-uttama O Supreme PersonalitySB 10.64.27-28
bhagavān puruṣa-uttama the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Nārāyaṇa)SB 10.88.38-39
puruṣa-uttama of Personalities of GodheadSB 10.89.54-56
puruṣa-uttamasya of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 11.6.14
puruṣa-uttama O Supreme PersonSB 11.6.25
puruṣa-uttama the Supreme PersonSB 12.3.45
puruṣa-uttamasya the Supreme LordSB 12.4.40
puruṣa-uttama O Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 1.190
parama puruṣa-uttama the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 14.220
puruṣa-uttama the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the best of all personalitiesCC Antya 1.108
śrī-puruṣa-uttama Lord Kṛṣṇa, the best of all Personalities of GodheadCC Antya 16.84
puruṣa-uttama the Supreme Personality of GodheadMM 49
ratha-uttamam the finest chariotBG 1.24
ratna-uttama the best of jewels (Kaustubha)SB 8.20.32-33
sādana-uttamam sacrificial vesselSB 4.7.25
sarva-uttama best of allCC Adi 4.49
sarva-uttama very exaltedCC Adi 10.105
sarva-uttama first-classCC Madhya 6.72
sarva-uttama the bestCC Madhya 8.83
sarva-uttama well accomplishedCC Madhya 15.69
sarva-uttama first class, tastefulCC Madhya 15.89
sarva-uttama the most exaltedCC Madhya 19.71
sarva-uttama the most attractive of allCC Madhya 21.101
sarva-uttama although standing above allCC Madhya 23.26
sarva-uttama above allCC Antya 7.43
sarva-uttama very respectableCC Antya 16.18
sarva-uttama first classCC Antya 16.91
śreyaḥ uttamam about the highest goodSB 11.3.21
śrī-puruṣa-uttama Lord Kṛṣṇa, the best of all Personalities of GodheadCC Antya 16.84
su-amara-uttama the best among the gods (Kṛṣṇa)SB 1.19.27
sura-uttama O best among the demigodsSB 3.12.17
sura-uttamau the two chief associatesSB 4.12.33
tūṇa-uttamau the best of quiversSB 8.20.31
dvija-uttama O best of the brāhmaṇasBG 1.7
puruṣa-uttama O Supreme PersonBG 8.1
puruṣa-uttama O greatest of all personsBG 10.15
puruṣa-uttama O best of personalitiesBG 11.3
su-amara-uttama the best among the gods (Kṛṣṇa)SB 1.19.27
dvija-uttama O best amongst the brāhmaṇasSB 3.7.36
sura-uttama O best among the demigodsSB 3.12.17
puruṣa-uttama O Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 3.26.9
bhārata-uttama O best of the descendents of BharataSB 5.19.31
vibudha-uttama exalted devoteesSB 6.2.32
dvija-uttama O best of the brāhmaṇasSB 6.14.4
varada-uttama O best of all benedictorsSB 7.3.35
asura-uttama O best devotee in the family of asuras (atheists)SB 7.9.52
ratna-uttama the best of jewels (Kaustubha)SB 8.20.32-33
dvipa-uttama in the best of powerful elephantsSB 9.4.27
yadu-uttama O Lord Kṛṣṇa, best of the YadusSB 10.2.40
bhāgavata-uttama-uttama O great saintly person, greatest of all devotees (Śaunaka)SB 10.12.44
bhāgavata-uttama-uttama O great saintly person, greatest of all devotees (Śaunaka)SB 10.12.44
bhāgavata-uttama O best of devoteesSB 10.13.1
yadu-uttama O best of the YadusSB 10.41.16
puruṣa-uttama O Supreme PersonalitySB 10.64.27-28
puruṣa-uttama of Personalities of GodheadSB 10.89.54-56
puruṣa-uttama O Supreme PersonSB 11.6.25
sarva-uttama best of allCC Adi 4.49
sarva-uttama very exaltedCC Adi 10.105
puruṣa-uttama O Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 1.190
sarva-uttama first-classCC Madhya 6.72
mahā-bhāgavata-uttama the best of the topmost devoteesCC Madhya 8.44
eho uttama it is very goodCC Madhya 8.76
eho uttama this is very goodCC Madhya 8.79
sarva-uttama the bestCC Madhya 8.83
bhakta-uttama a great devoteeCC Madhya 11.9
parama puruṣa-uttama the Supreme Personality of GodheadCC Madhya 14.220
sarva-uttama well accomplishedCC Madhya 15.69
sarva-uttama first class, tastefulCC Madhya 15.89
sarva-uttama the most exaltedCC Madhya 19.71
yadu-uttama O best of the Yadu dynastyCC Madhya 20.299
jīva-uttama the best of the living entitiesCC Madhya 20.302
sarva-uttama the most attractive of allCC Madhya 21.101
sarva-uttama although standing above allCC Madhya 23.26
bhāgavata-uttama the best of the devoteesCC Madhya 24.228
yāhāń prema-uttama wherever there is pure loveCC Antya 2.81
parama uttama very good, very goodCC Antya 5.94
bhāgavata-uttama the best of the devoteesCC Antya 7.21
sarva-uttama above allCC Antya 7.43
sarva-uttama very respectableCC Antya 16.18
śrī-puruṣa-uttama Lord Kṛṣṇa, the best of all Personalities of GodheadCC Antya 16.84
sarva-uttama first classCC Antya 16.91
puruṣa-uttama as the Supreme PersonalityBG 15.18
vasu-uttama the best among the Vasus (Bhīṣmadeva)SB 1.9.9
nara-uttama the first-class human beingSB 1.13.27
bhāgavata-uttama one of the topmost devotees of the LordSB 2.10.48
mānava-uttama the best of the human beingsSB 4.10.21
asura-uttama Prahlāda Mahārāja, the best of the family of asurasSB 7.9.55
puruṣa-uttama the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 8.1.25
puruṣa-uttama the best of all personsSB 8.6.26
puruṣa-uttama the Personality of GodheadSB 8.7.4
yadu-uttama the most exalted of the YadusSB 10.38.23
yadu-uttama the greatest of the YadusSB 10.39.35
puruṣa-uttama the Supreme PersonalitySB 10.45.1
dvija-uttama first-class brāhmaṇasSB 10.53.12
puruṣa-uttama the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 10.58.1
yadu-uttama the best of the Yadus (Aniruddha)SB 10.62.1
yadu-uttama the most excellent of the YadusSB 10.70.18
bhagavān puruṣa-uttama the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Nārāyaṇa)SB 10.88.38-39
bhagavata-uttama a person advanced in devotional serviceSB 11.2.45
bhāgavata-uttama a first-class devoteeSB 11.2.48
bhāgavata-uttama is a first-class devoteeSB 11.2.50
bhāgavata-uttama the best of devoteesSB 11.2.52
dvija-uttama a brāhmaṇaSB 11.17.38
puruṣa-uttama the Supreme PersonSB 12.3.45
bhārgava-uttama the best descendant of BhṛguSB 12.10.39
bhāgavata-uttama a person advanced in devotional serviceCC Madhya 8.275
bhāgavata-uttama a person advanced in devotional serviceCC Madhya 22.72
bhāgavata-uttama a person advanced in devotional serviceCC Madhya 25.129
puruṣa-uttama the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the best of all personalitiesCC Antya 1.108
puruṣa-uttama the Supreme Personality of GodheadMM 49
dvija-uttamaiḥ by the learned brāhmaṇasSB 3.2.32
gṛha-uttamaiḥ with first-class housesSB 5.24.9
dvija-uttamaiḥ with ceremonies performed by first-class brāhmaṇas with the above qualificationsSB 10.7.13-15
dvija-uttamaiḥ by the chief brāhmaṇas (headed by Marīci)SB 10.39.53-55
bhāgavata-uttamaiḥ by the most exalted devoteesSB 10.39.53-55
amara-uttamaiḥ by the best of liberated personalitiesSB 11.2.2
mauli-uttamaiḥ with valuable turbans on their headsCC Adi 5.141
mauli-uttamaiḥ with valuable turbans on their headsCC Madhya 20.306
ratha-uttamam the finest chariotBG 1.24
puruṣa-uttamam the Supreme Personality of GodheadBG 15.19
nara-uttamam the supermost human beingSB 1.2.4
bhāgavata-uttamam the first-class devotee of the LordSB 1.4.9
amara-uttamam the best amongst the demigodsSB 1.16.31
kratu-uttamam the best of sacrificesSB 4.3.3
sādana-uttamam sacrificial vesselSB 4.7.25
pūruṣa-uttamam the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 4.20.27
puruṣa-uttamam to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Puruṣottama, the best of malesSB 8.4.2
jala-ja-uttamam the conchshell, the best of the aquaticsSB 8.4.26
karma-uttamam the very expert service in military artSB 8.10.43
kratu-uttamam the most important sacrifice, named aśvamedhaSB 8.18.21
deva-uttamam an exalted demigodSB 10.64.7
śreyaḥ uttamam about the highest goodSB 11.3.21
yadu-uttamam the best of the YadusSB 11.6.6
akhila-uttamam most excellent in personal qualitiesSB 12.3.36
puruṣa-uttamasya of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 1.16.35
yadu-uttamasya of the best of the YadusSB 10.81.33
yadu-uttamasya of the best of the YadusSB 10.90.49
puruṣa-uttamasya of the Supreme Personality of GodheadSB 11.6.14
puruṣa-uttamasya the Supreme LordSB 12.4.40
sura-uttamau the two chief associatesSB 4.12.33
tūṇa-uttamau the best of quiversSB 8.20.31
yadu-uttamau the best of the Yadus, Kṛṣṇa and BalarāmaSB 10.45.46
varada-uttama O best of all benedictorsSB 7.3.35
vasu-uttama the best among the Vasus (Bhīṣmadeva)SB 1.9.9
vibudha-uttama exalted devoteesSB 6.2.32
yadu-uttama O Lord Kṛṣṇa, best of the YadusSB 10.2.40
yadu-uttama the most exalted of the YadusSB 10.38.23
yadu-uttama the greatest of the YadusSB 10.39.35
yadu-uttama O best of the YadusSB 10.41.16
yadu-uttamau the best of the Yadus, Kṛṣṇa and BalarāmaSB 10.45.46
yadu-uttama the best of the Yadus (Aniruddha)SB 10.62.1
yadu-uttama the most excellent of the YadusSB 10.70.18
yadu-uttamasya of the best of the YadusSB 10.81.33
yadu-uttamasya of the best of the YadusSB 10.90.49
yadu-uttamam the best of the YadusSB 11.6.6
yadu-uttama O best of the Yadu dynastyCC Madhya 20.299
yāhāń prema-uttama wherever there is pure loveCC Antya 2.81
21 results
uttama adjective best (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
chief (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
excellent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
first (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
greatest (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
highest (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
most elevated (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
principal (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the highest (tone) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the most removed or last in place or order or time (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
uppermost (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 91/72933
uttama noun (masculine) name of a brother of Dhruva; son of Uttānapāda (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of the 3rd Manu name of the twenty-first Vyāsa (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the last person (in European grammars the first person) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 14763/72933
uttamakanyakā noun (feminine) Name einer Pflanze
Frequency rank 47142/72933
uttamakanyā noun (feminine) a kind of plant (?)
Frequency rank 33362/72933
uttamakarṇikā noun (feminine) a kind of plant (?)
Frequency rank 47143/72933
uttamakaṇṭikā noun (feminine) a kind of plant
Frequency rank 27099/72933
uttamakāraṇī noun (feminine) name of a plant
Frequency rank 47144/72933
uttamaphalā noun (feminine) grape
Frequency rank 47147/72933
uttamapūruṣa noun (masculine) an excellent man (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
the Supreme spirit (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 33364/72933
uttamarṇa noun (masculine) a creditor (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
name of a people (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 13400/72933
uttamarṇika noun (masculine) a creditor
Frequency rank 33365/72933
uttamasāhasa noun (masculine neuter) the highest of the three fixed mulcts or fines (a fine of 1000 or of 80000 paṇas; capital punishment, branding, banishment, confiscation, mutilation, and death) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 10591/72933
uttamatama adjective best optimal
Frequency rank 33363/72933
uttamatara adjective
Frequency rank 47145/72933
uttamatva noun (neuter) excellence (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
good quality (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
goodness (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
superiority (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 47146/72933
uttamaujas noun (masculine) name of one of the warriors of the Mahābhārata (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 9564/72933
uttamaśloka adjective highly renowned (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
illustrious (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
possessing the most excellent fame (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 20910/72933
atyuttama adjective
Frequency rank 26207/72933
anuttama adjective (in Gr.) not used in the uttama or first person (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
excellent (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
excessive (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
incomparably the best or chief (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
not the best (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
unsurpassed (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 904/72933
auttama adjective relating to Manu Uttama
Frequency rank 33714/72933
niruttama adjective
Frequency rank 56147/72933
Wordnet Search
"uttama" has 17 results.


sādhu, bhadra, ārya, śiṣṭa, uttama, praśasta, praśasya, śasta, śasya, śubha, kuśala, kalyāṇa, san, sattama, śreṣṭha, sāra, sāravat, vara, nirdoṣa, aduṣṭa   

yaḥ satatakartavyakarmānuṣṭhātā prakṛtācāraśīlaḥ tathā ca nyāyapathāvalambī asti।

jagati bahavaḥ sādhavaḥ janāḥ santi।


saujanyam, sādhutā, sajjanatā, sabhyatā, sattvavṛttiḥ, uttamatā, uttamatvam, guṇaḥ, praśastatā, praśastatvam, sadbhāvaḥ, sāttvikaḥ, sāttvikatā, sādhubhāvaḥ, sujanatā, sujanatvam, sauṣṭha, kulīnatā   

sujanasya bhāvaḥ।

pāṭhaśālāyāṃ tasya saujanyaṃ khyātam। / saujanyam varavaṃśajanma vibhavo dirghāyurārogyatā vijñatvaṃ vinayitvaṃ indriyavaśaḥ satpātradāne ruciḥ sanmantrī susutaḥ priyā priyatamā bhaktiśca nārāyaṇe satpuṇyena vinā trayodaśaguṇāḥ saṃsāriṇāṃ durlabhāḥ।


nirāmaya, vārta, kalya, uttama, kuśala, kuśalavat, nīruja, kuśalin, kuśali, nirvyādhi, paṭu, ullāgha, laghu, agada, nirjvara, vigada, viroga, anāmaya, aruk aroga, arogin, arogya āyuṣmat, ārogyavat, nirātaṅka, ayakṣma, sahārogya, sustha, susthita   

nirgataḥ āmayo yasmāt।

sarve nirāmayāḥ santu।


uttama, utkṛṣṭa, śreṣṭha, pradhāna, pramukha, praveka, mukhya, varyaḥ, vareṇya, pravarha, anavarārdhya, parārdhya, agra, pragrabara, prāgrā, agrā, agrīya, agriya, anuttama   

atyantam śreyān।

rāmacaritamānasa iti gosvāmī tulasīdāsasya ekā uttamā kṛtiḥ।


uttamatā, utkṛṣṭatā   

uttamasya avasthā bhāvo vā।

caritrasya uttamatā sarvaśreṣṭhā।



yaḥ adhikaḥ uttamaḥ asti।

abhyāse rāghavaḥ mādhavāt uttamataraḥ asti।


ṛṇapradātā, uttamarṇaḥ, kusīdaḥ, kusīdikaḥ, prayoktā, prayojakaḥ, vṛddhyājīvaḥ, vṛddhyupajīvī, dhanikaḥ, sādhu   

ṛṇadānajīvakaḥ dhanikaḥ yaḥ anyān ṛṇatvena dhanaṃ dadāti।

vayam uttamarṇāya ṛṇaṃ pratyarpayitum icchāmaḥ।



atīva uttamaḥ।

bhavatā mahyam atyuttamā vijñaptiḥ dattāḥ।


uttamapuruṣaḥ, prathamapuruṣaḥ   

sarvanāmnaḥ tad rupaṃ yad vaktuḥ sūcakaḥ asti।

aham āvām vayam ityete uttamapuruṣasya vācakāḥ santi।


sarvotkṛṣṭakarma, uttamakarma, atyuttamakarma, anupamakarma, atyutkṛṣṭakarma, paramakarma, pradhānakarma, śobhā   

kalākārasya uttamā racanā।

tājamahala iti ekaḥ sarvotkṛṣṭakarma asti।


utkṛṣṭatā, uttamatā, śreṣṭhatā, guṇavattā, praśastatā, utkarṣaḥ, prakarṣaḥ, saṃpad   

atīva bhavyatāyāḥ avasthā।

prakṛtyāḥ utkṛṣṭatāyāḥ jñātāraḥ vayam।



mahābhārate varṇitaḥ kaścit yoddhā।

mahābhāratasya yuddhe uttamaujāḥ pāṇḍavānāṃ pakṣataḥ yuddhaṃ cakāra।



caturdaśasu manuṣu ekaḥ।

uttamasya varṇanaṃ purāṇeṣu asti।


aśreṣṭha, anuttama   

yaḥ śreṣṭhaḥ nāsti।

śreṣṭhaḥ puruṣaḥ aśreṣṭhaṃ puruṣaṃ parivartayati।


uttama, atiśreṣṭha   

atīva yogyaḥ।

ayaṃ ekaḥ uttamaḥ saṅgaṇakaḥ asti yasmin naikāḥ nūtanāḥ viśeṣatāḥ santi।



ekā jātiḥ ।

uttamasya varṇanam purāṇe vartate



ekā jātiḥ ।

uttamarṇasya varṇanam purāṇe vartate

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