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Monier-Williams Search
3 results for upayuj
upayujonly A1. () -yuṅkte- (but also rarely P. exempli gratia, 'for example' imperfect tense -ayunak- ) to harness to ; to take for one's self, appropriate ; to follow, attach one's self to, be devoted ; to undertake ; to use, employ, apply ; to have the use of, enjoy (exempli gratia, 'for example' food or a woman or dominion etc.) etc.: Passive voice -yujyate-, to be employed or applicable, be useful or fit or proper etc.: Causal -yojayati-, to use, employ ; to cause to eat ; to come into contact View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
samupayujP. -yunakti-, to make complete use of, consume : Causal -yojayati- idem or 'mfn. gone up to, approached (with accusative) ' View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
vyupayujA1. -yuṅkte-, to be concerned about or intent upon (accusative) (varia lectio) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Apte Search
1 result
upayuj उपयुज् 7 Ā. 1 To use, employ, apply; षाड्गुण्यमुपयुञ्जीत Śi.2.93; षडुपायुङ्क्त समीक्ष्य तत्फलम् R.8.21; M.5.12; अनुपयुज्यमान useless, good for nothing, Ś.7; U.4. -2 To enjoy, taste; पय उपयुज्य Me.13 v. l.; फलान्युपायुङ्क्त स दण्डनीतेः R.18.46; Bk.8.39; -3 To devote or attach oneself to; न मृगैरुपयुज्यते is not loved Pt.2.23; न वै प्राज्ञा गतश्रीकं भर्तारमुपयुञ्जते Subhāṣ. -4 To yoke or harness (as horses to a carriage); यामन्यामन्नुपयुक्तं वहिष्ठम् Av.4.23.3. -5 To appropriate, consume, eat; राजा तत् (धनम्) उपयु- ञ्जानश्चौरस्याप्नोति किल्बिषम् Ms.8.4. -pass. 1 To be used or applied. -2 To be fit or proper; तस्येयमुपयुज्यते Bhāg. -3 To be of use, be taken into account; तेजसा सह जातानां वयः कुत्रोपयुज्यते Pt.1.328.
Vedabase Search
3 results
upayujya having acceptedSB 1.15.11
upayujyate will be very suitableSB 9.23.37
upayujyeta deserves to be executedSB 11.11.26-27
4 results
upayuj verb (class 7 ātmanepada) to apply (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to appropriate (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to attach one's self to (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to be devoted (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to employ (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to enjoy (e.g. food or a woman or dominion etc.) (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to follow (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to have the use of (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to take for one's self (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to undertake (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))
to use (Monier-Williams, Sir M. (1988))

Frequency rank 1364/72933
atyupayuj verb (class 7 ātmanepada)
Frequency rank 15392/72933
vyupayuj verb (class 7 ātmanepada) to be concerned about
Frequency rank 39826/72933
samupayuj verb (class 7 parasmaipada) to consume to make complete use of
Frequency rank 40478/72933
Wordnet Search
"upayuj" has 2 results.


vyay, vyayīkṛ, upayuj, vinīyuj   

kṛtavetanatvena athavā pariśrama-mūlyatvena dhanapradānānukūlaḥ kāryapūrtihetukaḥ vyāpāraḥ।

adya vāhanamūlyatvena eva śatarūpyakāṇi avyayayam aham।


prayuj, upayuj   


svatarkam upayujyatām।

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