uda | n. (only at the beginning or end of a compound) water.  |
udabhāra | m. "water-carrier", a cloud  |
udabhī | ( ud-abhi-i-) P. (2. sg. -eṣi-) to rise over (accusative)  |
udabindu | m. a drop of water  |
udac | mf(īcī-)n. or 2. /ud-añc- (ud--2. añc-) turned or going upwards, upper, upwards (opposed to adharāñc-) etc. |
udac | mf(īcī-)n. turned to the north, northern (opposed to dakṣiṇa-) etc.  |
udac | mf(īcī-)n. subsequent, posterior  |
udacamasa | m. a cup holding water  |
udadhāna | mfn. holding water  |
udadhāna | n. a reservoir for water  |
udadhānāyatana | n. the place for a water-reservoir,  |
udadhārā | f. a flow or current of water. |
udadhi | mfn. holding water  |
udadhi | m. "water-receptacle", a cloud; river, sea; the ocean etc. (in classical Sanskrit only the ocean)  |
udadhi | Name (also title or epithet) of the number 4  |
udadhi | m. of dvārakā- (kṛṣṇa-'s capital)  |
udadhijalamaya | mfn. made or formed out of sea-water  |
udadhikrā | m. ( kram-), a navigator, mariner  |
udadhikumāra | m. plural a class of deities (belonging to the bhavanādhīśa-s )  |
udadhimala | m. cuttle-fish bone  |
udadhimekhalā | f. "ocean-girdled", the earth  |
udadhinemi | mfn. ocean-encircled, ).  |
udadhirāja | m. the ocean-king, ocean-god  |
udadhisaṃbhava | n. "ocean-born", sea-salt  |
udadhisutā | f. "daughter of the ocean", Name of lakṣmī-  |
udadhisutānāyaka | m. "husband of the ocean's daughter", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
udadhivastrā | f. "ocean-clothed", the earth  |
udadhīya | Nom. (fr. uda-dhi-) P. udadhīyati-, to mistake (anything) for the ocean  |
udag | (in compound for /udac-below) .  |
udagadri | m. "the northern mountain", Name of the himālaya-  |
udagagra | mfn. having the points turned to the north (as grass)  |
udagāha | mfn. diving into water,  |
udagapavargam | ind. ending to the north  |
udagāvṛtta | mfn. turned to the north,  |
udagāvṛtti | f. (the sun's) turning to the north  |
udagayana | n. the sun's progress north of the equator  |
udagayana | n. the half year from the winter to the summer solstice etc.  |
udagayana | mfn. being on the path of the sun at its progress north of the equator  |
udagāyata | mfn. extending towards the north  |
udagbhava | mfn. being in the northern quarter, north  |
udagbhūma | m. fertile soil (turned upwards or towards the north) on  |
udagdakṣiṇa | mfn. northern and southern  |
udagdaśa | (/udag-) mfn. having the border turned upwards or to the north  |
udagdvāra | mfn. having the entrance towards the north  |
udagdvāram | ind. north of the entrance  |
udaggati | f. equals -ayan/a- above.  |
udaghoṣa | m. the roaring of water  |
udagra | mfn. having the top elevated or upwards, over-topping, towering or pointing upwards, projecting  |
udagra | mfn. high, tall, long etc.  |
udagra | mfn. increased, large, vast, fierce, intense etc.  |
udagra | mfn. haughty  |
udagra | mfn. advanced (in age)  |
udagra | mfn. excited, enraptured etc.  |
udagra | mfn. loud  |
udagrābha | m. holding or surrounding water  |
udagradat | mfn. having projecting teeth, large-toothed  |
udagradat | m. (an-) an elephant with a large tusk.  |
udagraplutatva | n. lofty bounding  |
udahāra | mf(ī-)n. fetching or carrying water  |
udahāra | mf(ī-)n. intending to bring water  |
udahāra | m. "water-carrier", a cloud  |
udaharaṇa | n. a vessel for drawing water  |
udaj | P. A1. -ajati-, -te- (imperfect tense -/ājat- /ud-ājat- ) to drive out, expel ; to fetch out of  |
udaja | mfn. (1. udaja-;for 2.See ud-aj-) produced in or by water, aquatic, watery  |
udaja | n. a lotus  |
udaja | m. (for 1.See under uda-) driving out or forth (cattle)  |
udajalaka | m. Name of a wheel-wright  |
udajina | mfn. one who has passed beyond (the use of) a skin (as his covering) gaRa nirudakādi-  |
udajña | varia lectio for udanya- q.v  |
udak | (in compound for /udac-below;for 2.See column 2) .  |
udak | ind. (2. /udak-;for 1.See column 1) above  |
udak | ind. northward etc.  |
udak | ind. subsequently  |
udaka | n. water etc.  |
udaka | n. the ceremony of offering water to a dead person  |
udaka | n. (udakaṃ- dā-or pra-dā-or1. kṛ-,to offer water to the dead [with genitive case or dative case ] etc.; see upa-- spṛś-)  |
udaka | n. ablution (as a ceremonySee udakārtha-)  |
udaka | n. a particular metre  |
udakabhāra | m. a water-carrier  |
udakabhūma | varia lectio for udag-bhūma- q.v  |
udakābhyavāyin | mfn. going down into water, bathing,  |
udakabindu | m. a drop of water  |
udakacandra | m. (?) , a kind of magic ( )  |
udakacandra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
udakada | mfn. a giver of water, yielding water, offering water to the dead  |
udakada | m. an heir, a kinsman  |
udakadāna | n. gift of water (especially to the manes)  |
udakadāna | n. a particular festival  |
udakadānika | mfn. relating to the above rite |
udakadātṛ | mfn.  |
udakadātṛ | m. idem or 'mfn.'  |
udakadāyin | mfn. equals -da-  |
udakadhara | m. "water-holder", a cloud commentator or commentary on  |
udakadhārā | f. a gush or flow of water.  |
udakādhāra | m. a reservoir, cistern, well.  |
udakagāha | mfn. diving into water  |
udakaghāta | m. "beating the water"(at bathing?), one of the 64 kalā-s or arts  |
udakagiri | m. a mountain abounding in water on  |
udakahāra | m. a water-carrier  |
udakāhāra | mfn. one who carries or fetches water.  |
udakakarman | n. presentation of water (to dead ancestors as far as the fourteenth degree)  |
udakakārya | n. idem or 'n. presentation of water (to dead ancestors as far as the fourteenth degree) '  |
udakakārya | n. ablution of the body  |
udakakṛcchra | m. a kind of penance,  |
udakakrīḍana | n. sporting about in water  |
udakakriyā | f. equals -karman- above  |
udakakṣveḍikā | f. sprinkling water (on each other), a kind of amorous play  |
udakakumbha | m. a water-jar commentator or commentary on  |
udakala | mfn. containing water, watery  |
udakamaṇḍalu | m. a water-jar  |
udakamañjarī | f. Name of work on medicine  |
udakamañjarīrasa | m. a particular decoction used as a febrifuge  |
udakamantha | m. a mixture of water and meal stirred together  |
udakamaya | mfn. consisting of water  |
udakameha | m. "watery urine", a sort of diabetes.  |
udakamehin | mfn. suffering from the above  |
udakāṃsya | n. a copper vessel with water,  |
udakāñjali | m. a handful of water  |
udakānta | m. margin of water, bank, shore  |
udakāntam | ind. to the water's edge  |
udakaparīkṣā | f. "water-trial", a kind of ordeal commentator or commentary on  |
udakaparvata | m. equals -giri-, column 2 on  |
udakapratīkāśa | mfn. water-like, watery fluid  |
udakapūrva | mfn. preceded by pouring out water (into the extended palm of a recipient's right hand as preparatory to or confirmatory of a gift or promise)  |
udakapūrva | mfn. preceded by ablution  |
udakapūrvakam | ind. preceded by the above ceremony.  |
udakarakṣikā | f. a leech,  |
udakārṇava | m. "water-reservoir", the ocean  |
udakārtha | m. a ceremony with water  |
udakārtham | ind. for the sake of water or of the udaka- ceremony  |
udakārthin | mfn. desirous of water, thirsty.  |
udakasādhu | mfn. helping out of the water  |
udakaśāka | n. any aquatic herb  |
udakasaktu | m. equals uda-sa- q.v  |
udakaśānti | f. sprinkling consecrated water (over a sick person) to allay fever  |
udakaśāntiprayoga | m. Name of work  |
udakasecana | n. sprinkling w (according to to others,"a shower of rain"),  |
udakaśīla | mfn. practising the udaka--ceremony  |
udakasparśa | mfn. touching different parts of the body with water  |
udakasparśa | mfn. touching water in confirmation of a promise  |
udakasparśana | n. the act of touching water, ablution  |
udakaśuddha | mfn. cleansed by ablution  |
udakaśuddha | m. Name of a (man) (?) gaRa anuśatikādi-  |
udakatarpaṇa | n. "satisfying by water", a libation of water  |
udakātman | mfn. having water for its chief substance  |
udakaudana | n. rice boiled with water  |
udakavādya | n. "water-music"(performed by striking cups filled with water), one of the 64 kalā-s or fine arts, (see jala-taraṅgiṇī-.)  |
udakavajra | m. equals uda-vajra- q.v  |
udakavat | (udak/a-) mfn. supplied or filled with water  |
udakavindu | See -bindu-.  |
udakavīvadha | m. equals udavī- q.v ,  |
udakecara | mfn. moving in or inhabiting water  |
udakeśaya | mfn. lying in or inhabiting water  |
udakeviśīrṇa | mfn. dried in water (id est uselessly)  |
udakila | mfn. idem or 'mfn. containing water, watery '  |
udakīrṇa | m. the tree Galedupa Piscidia (the bark of which is ground and scattered on water to stupefy fishes)  |
udakīrya | m. the tree Galedupa Piscidia (the bark of which is ground and scattered on water to stupefy fishes)  |
udakīryā | f. a species of the karañja- tree ([ ])  |
udakīya | Nom. P. udakīyati-, to wish for water on  |
udakkūla | mfn. directed towards the north (as grass with the tops)  |
udakodañjana | n. a water-jar.  |
udakodara | n. "water-belly", dropsy.  |
udakodarin | mfn. dropsical  |
udakopasparśana | n. touching or sipping water  |
udakopasparśana | n. ablution  |
udakopasparśin | mfn. one who touches or sips water  |
udakoṣṭha | m. a water-jar  |
udakotsecana | n. a water-libation,  |
udakpāda | mf(ī-)n. having one's feet turned towards the north  |
udakpatha | m. the northern country  |
udakprasravaṇa | mfn. flowing off towards the north  |
udakprasravaṇa | n. an outlet or drain towards the north  |
udakprasravaṇānvita | mfn. having an outlet towards the north  |
udakpravaṇa | (/udak-) mfn. sloping towards the north  |
udaksamāsa | mfn. being united or tied in the north  |
udaksaṃstha | mfn. ending in the north  |
udaksena | m. Name of a king  |
udakśiras | mfn. one who his his head directed towards the north,  |
udakta | mfn. raised or lifted up, drawn up  |
udaktas | ind. from above, from the north  |
udaktāt | (/udak-) ind. from above, from the north  |
udakumbha | m. a water-jar, a jar with water  |
udakya | m. or n. a water-plant,  |
udakya | mfn. being in water  |
udakya | mfn. wanting water (for purification)  |
udakyā | f. a woman in her courses  |
udakyāgamana | n. connection with a woman during her courses  |
udala | m. Name of a man.  |
udalākāśyapa | m. Name of a goddess of agriculture  |
udalāvaṇika | mfn. prepared with brine  |
udamāna | m. a particular measure (the 50th part of an āḍhaka-)  |
udamantha | m. a particular mixture  |
udamaya | mfn. consisting of water  |
udamaya | m. Name of a man  |
udamegha | m. a watery cloud  |
udamegha | m. a shower of rain  |
udamegha | m. Name of a man on  |
udamehin | mfn. having watery urine or diabetes  |
udan | (for 2.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) n. Ved. (defective in the strong cases ) a wave, water  |
udaṅ | (in compound for /udac-below) .  |
udan | (for 1.See) P. -aniti- (and āniti- ; see vy-- an-; parasmE-pada -an/at- ; Aorist 3. plural -āniṣus- ) to breathe upwards, emit the breath in an upward direction ; to breathe out, breathe  |
udañc | P. -acati- ([Ved.]) and -añcati-, to elevate, raise up, lift up, throw up etc. ; to ladle out commentator or commentary on ; to cause, effect ; to rise, arise ; to resound : Passive voice -acyate-, to be thrown out ; to come forth, proceed : Causal -añcayati-, to draw up, raise, elevate ; to send forth, utter, cause to resound (See ud-añcita-).  |
udañcana | n. a bucket, pail (for drawing water out of a well) etc.  |
udañcana | n. a cover or lid  |
udañcana | n. directing or throwing upwards  |
udañcana | n. rising, ascending  |
udañcita | mfn. raised up, lifted, elevated  |
udañcita | mfn. thrown up, tossed,  |
udañcita | mfn. uttered, caused to resound  |
udañcita | mfn. worshipped  |
udañcu | m. Name of a man gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
udaṇḍapāla | mfn. a species of fish  |
udaṇḍapāla | mfn. of snake  |
udanemi | mfn. rimmed by the ocean commentator or commentary on  |
udaṅgulīka | mfn. having the fingers upraised  |
udanimat | mfn. abounding in waves or water  |
udaṅīṣa | (udaṅṅīṣa-) mfn. having the pole turned to the north (as a carriage) commentator or commentary on  |
udañj | P. -anakti-, to adorn, trim  |
udañjali | mfn. hollowing the palms and then raising them  |
udañji | mfn. erect and unctuous (said of the membrum virile)  |
udaṅka | m. a bucket or vessel (for oil etc. but not for water)  |
udaṅka | m. Name of a man  |
udaṅka | m. plural the descendants of udaṅka- gaRa upakādi-  |
udaṅkī | f. a bucket  |
udaṅkya | m. Name of a demon  |
udaṅmṛttika | m. equals udag-bhūma- q.v  |
udaṅmukha | mf(ī-)n. turned upwards  |
udaṅmukha | mf(ī-)n. facing the north  |
udanta | mfn. reaching to the end or border, running over, flowing over  |
udanta | mfn. good, virtuous, excellent  |
udanta | m. (ud-ant/a-) end of the work, rest  |
udanta | m. harvest time  |
udanta | m. "telling to the end", full tidings, intelligence  |
udanta | m. news  |
udanta | m. one who gets a livelihood by a trade etc.  |
udanta | m. by sacrificing for others  |
udantaka | m. news, tidings, intelligence  |
udantam | ind. to the end or border  |
udantikā | f. satisfaction, satiety  |
udantya | mfn. living beyond a limit or boundary  |
udanvat | mfn. wavy, watery, abounding in water  |
udanvat | m. (ān-) the ocean etc.  |
udanvat | m. Name of a ṛṣi- on  |
udanya | Nom. P. udanyati- (parasmE-pada udany/at-) to irrigate ; to be exceedingly thirsty  |
udanya | mfn. watery  |
udanyā | f. want or desire of water, thirst  |
udanyaja | mfn. born or living in water  |
udanyu | mfn. liking or seeking water  |
udanyu | mfn. pouring out water, irrigating  |
udapa | mfn. helping out of the water (as a boat) commentator or commentary on  |
udapāna | m. n. a well etc.  |
udapānamaṇḍūka | m. "frog in a well", a narrow-minded man who knows only his own neighbourhood  |
udapās | ( ud-apa-- 2 as-) P. to throw away, give up entirely  |
udapātra | n. a water-jar, a vessel with water  |
udapātrī | f. idem or 'n. a water-jar, a vessel with water '  |
udapeṣam | (ind.p. of piṣ-) ind. by grinding in water  |
udapīti | f. a place for drinking water  |
udaplava | m. water-flood  |
udapluta | mfn. swimming in water  |
udaprut | mfn. causing water to flow ([ ]),swimming or splashing in water ([ ])  |
udapū | mfn. cleansing one's self with water, purified by water  |
udapura | n. a reservoir for water  |
udapurā | f. a kind of brick,  |
udara | n. ( dṝ- ; ṛ- and ), the belly, abdomen, stomach, bowels etc.  |
udara | n. the womb  |
udara | n. a cavity, hollow  |
udara | n. the interior or inside of anything (udare-,inside, in the interior) etc.  |
udara | n. enlargement of the abdomen (from dropsy or flatulence), any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver, spleen etc.;eight kinds are enumerated)  |
udara | n. the thick part of anything (exempli gratia, 'for example' of the thumb) commentator or commentary on  |
udara | n. slaughter  |
udarabharaṇamātrakevalecchu | mfn. desirous only of the mere filling of the belly  |
udaradāra | m. a particular disease of the abdomen  |
udarādhmāna | n. puffing of the belly, flatulence  |
udarāgni | m. "stomach-fire", the digestive faculty  |
udaragranthi | m. "knot in the abdomen", disease of the spleen (a chronic affection not uncommon in India).  |
udaraka | mfn. abdominal  |
udarakrimi | m. "worm in the belly", an insignificant person gaRa pātre-saṃmitādi- |
udarakṛmi | m. "worm in the belly", an insignificant person gaRa pātre-saṃmitādi-  |
udarākṣa | m. Name of a demon causing diseases (varia lectio udārākṣa- q.v)  |
udarāmaya | m. disease of the bowels, dysentery, diarrhoea  |
udarāmayin | mfn. suffering from the above  |
udaraṃbhara | mfn. nourishing only one's own belly, selfish, voracious, gluttonous  |
udaraṃbhari | mfn.  |
udaraṇa | n. ( ri-) rising, ascending, MaitrS  |
udarapātra | n. the stomach serving as a vessel  |
udarapiśāca | m. "stomach-demon", voracious, a glutton, one who devours everything (flesh, fish etc.)  |
udarapoṣaṇa | n. feeding the belly, supporting life.  |
udarapūram | ind. till the belly is full  |
udararandhra | n. a particular part of the belly of a horse  |
udararoga | m. disease of the stomach or bowels  |
udaraśāṇḍilya | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
udarasarpin | mfn. creeping on the belly.  |
udarasarvasva | mfn. one whose whole essence is stomach, a glutton, epicure  |
udaraśaya | mfn. lying or sleeping on the belly on  |
udarastha | m. "being in the stomach", the fire of digestion  |
udarastha | ( ), mfn. being in the womb.  |
udarasthita | ( ), mfn. being in the womb.  |
udarāṭa | m. "wandering in the bowels", a species of worm  |
udaratāḍam | ind. so as to beat the belly,  |
udarathi | m. ( ṛ- ), the ocean  |
udarathi | m. the sun  |
udaratrāṇa | n. a cuirass or covering for the front of the body  |
udaratrāṇa | n. a girth, belly-band  |
udarāvarta | m. "stomach-coil", the navel  |
udaravat | mfn. having a large belly, corpulent  |
udarāveṣṭa | m. tapeworm  |
udaravistāra | m. corpulence,  |
udaravyādhi | m. equals -roga- above  |
udarc | P. (perfect tense 3. plural -ānṛc/us-) to drive out, cause to come out  |
udarcis | mfn. flaming or blazing upwards, brilliant, resplendent  |
udarcis | m. fire  |
udarcis | m. Name of śiva-  |
udarcis | m. of kandarpa-  |
udard | P. -ardati-, to swell, rise ; to undulate, wave  |
udarda | m. (in medicine) erysipelas  |
udarddha | m. ( ṛdh-), scarlet fever  |
udarika | mfn. having a large belly, corpulent  |
udarila | mfn. corpulent  |
udarin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having a large belly, corpulent '  |
udarin | mfn. having a large belly (from flatulence)  |
udariṇī | f. a pregnant woman.  |
udarka | m. arising (as a sound), resounding  |
udarka | m. the future result of actions, consequence, futurity, future time etc.  |
udarka | m. a remote consequence, reward  |
udarka | m. happy future  |
udarka | m. conclusion, end  |
udarka | m. repetition, refrain  |
udarka | m. elevation of a building, a tower, look-out place  |
udarka | m. the plant Vanguiera Spinosa.  |
udarṣa | m. (1. ṛṣ-), overflowing, overflow  |
udarya | mfn. belonging to or being in the belly  |
udarya | n. contents of the bowels, that which forms the belly  |
udaś | P. -aśnoti-, (subjunctive -aśnavat- ; perfect tense -ānaṃśa- ; Aorist -/ānaṭ-and -ānaṭ-,etc.) A1. (3. dual number -aśnuvāte- ) to reach, attain, arrive at ; to reach, be equal ; to overtake, surpass ; to master, rule  |
udas | P. -asyati-, to cast or throw up ; to raise, erect, elevate ; to throw out, expel ; to throw (a weapon)  |
udasaktu | m. barley-water  |
udasana | n. throwing up  |
udasana | n. raising, erecting.  |
udaśarāva | m. a jar filled with water  |
udaśocā | f. Name of a witch  |
udasra | mfn. shedding tears, weeping  |
udaśraya | Nom. P. udaśrayati-, to shed tears ; to cause to weep  |
udaśrayaṇa | n. the act of causing to weep commentator or commentary on  |
udaśru | mfn. one whose tears gush forth, shedding tears, weeping etc.  |
udaśru | ind. with tears gushing forth (see ud-asra-below.)  |
udasta | mfn. thrown or cast up  |
udasta | mfn. raised, thrown etc.  |
udastāt | ind. above (with genitive case)  |
udasthālī | f. a caldron, a kettle with water  |
udasthāna | n. Name of a place.  |
udastoka | m. a drop of water  |
udaśuddha | m. Name of a man.  |
udaśvidvat | mfn. having the above mixture  |
udaśvit | n. a mixture (consisting of equal parts of water and buttermilk)  |
udasya | ind.p. having thrown or cast up etc.  |
udatantu | m. "water-thread", a continuous gush.  |
udataulika | m. a particular measure.  |
udaudana | m. rice boiled with water  |
udavagraha | mfn. having the udātta- on the first part of a compound which contains an ava-graha-  |
udavāha | m. bringing water (said of the marut-s)  |
udavāhana | mfn. bringing water  |
udavāhana | n. a cloud  |
udavajra | m. a thunder-like crash of water, a water-spout  |
udavāsa | m. residence in water  |
udavāsa | n. a house on the margin of a stream or pond, a marine grotto etc.  |
udavasāna | n. the act of leaving the place of sacrifice (See above) |
udavasānīya | mfn. forming the end (of a sacrifice), concluding, final  |
udavasānīyā | f. the end or conclusion (of a sacrifice)  |
udavasātṛ | m. one who goes away after concluding (a sacrifice)  |
udavasāya | ind.p. ending, concluding  |
udavāsin | mfn. living in water  |
udavasita | n. a house, dwelling  |
udavaso | P. -/ava-syati-, to leave off, go away ; to finish, end ; to go away to (another place, with locative case)  |
udavasya | ind.p. concluding  |
udavindu | See -bindu-.  |
udavīvadha | m. a yoke used in carrying water  |
udavraja | (ud/a-) m. Name of a place ([ ])  |
udaya | m. going up, rising  |
udaya | m. swelling up  |
udaya | m. rising, rise (of the sun etc.), coming up (of a cloud) etc.  |
udaya | m. the eastern mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to rise) etc.  |
udaya | m. going out  |
udaya | m. coming forth, becoming visible, appearance, development  |
udaya | m. production, creation etc.  |
udaya | m. conclusion, result, consequence  |
udaya | m. that which follows  |
udaya | m. a following word, subsequent sound etc.  |
udaya | m. rising, reaching one's aim, elevation  |
udaya | m. success, prosperity, good fortune etc.  |
udaya | m. profit, advantage, income  |
udaya | m. revenue, interest etc.  |
udaya | m. the first lunar mansion  |
udaya | m. the orient sine (id est the sine of the point of the ecliptic on the eastern horizon)  |
udaya | m. Name of several men.  |
udaya | Name (also title or epithet) of a mountain near rāja-gṛha-, MWB, 403, n. 1  |
udayācala | m. equals -giri- above.  |
udayadhavala | m. Name of a king.  |
udayāditya | m. Name of several men.  |
udayādri | m. equals -giri- above.  |
udayagiri | m. the eastern mountain (See above)  |
udayagupta | m. Name of a man  |
udayajit | m. Name of a son of guṇala-  |
udayajyā | f. the orient sine (See above)  |
udayakara | m. Name of an author.  |
udayana | n. rise, rising (of the sun etc.) etc.  |
udayana | n. way out, outlet  |
udayana | n. exit  |
udayana | n. outcome, result, conclusion, end  |
udayana | n. means of redemption  |
udayana | m. Name of several kings and authors.  |
udayanacarita | n. Name of a drama.  |
udayanācārya | m. Name of a philosopher and author of several works.  |
udayanatas | ind. finally  |
udayanīya | mfn. belonging to an end or conclusion, finishing (as a ceremony)  |
udayanopādhi | m. Name of work  |
udayānta | mfn. ending with sunrise  |
udayāntara | n. (in astronomy) a particular correction for calculating the real time of a planet's rising  |
udayaparvata | m. equals -giri- above  |
udayaprāṇa | m. plural a particular measure of time (reckoned by the number of respirations till the rising of a particular constellation)  |
udayaprastha | m. the plateau of the eastern mountain.  |
udayapura | n. Name of the capital of Marwar.  |
udayarāja | m. Name of a man  |
udayarāśi | m. the constellation in which a planet is seen when on the horizon  |
udayarkṣa | n. (udaya-ṛ-) idem or 'm. the constellation in which a planet is seen when on the horizon '  |
udayarkṣa | n. the lunar mansion in which a star rises heliacally  |
udayaśaila | m. equals -giri- above  |
udayasiṃha | m. Name of a king.  |
udayāstamaya | m. rising and setting,  |
udayāsu | m. plural equals -prāṇa- above  |
udayāśva | m. Name of a grandson of ajāta-śatru-  |
udayataṭa | m. the slope of the eastern mountain (See udaya-),  |
udayatuṅga | m. Name of a king  |
udayavarman | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a para-māra- king,  |
udayavat | mfn. risen (as the moon etc.)  |
udayavatī | f. Name of a daughter of udaya-tuṅga-  |
udayavyayin | see vyayin-, parasmE-pada 1032  |
udayibhadra | m. idem or 'm. Name of a grandson of ajātaśatru- (= udayāśva-).'  |
udayin | mfn. victorious, triumphant,  |
udayin | mfn. rising, ascending  |
udayin | mfn. prosperous, flourishing  |
udayin | m. Name of a grandson of ajātaśatru- (= udayāśva-).  |
udayonmukha | mf(ī-)n. about to rise  |
udayonmukha | mf(ī-)n. expecting prosperity  |
udayorvībhṛt | m. equals -giri- above  |
abhiroruda | mfn. causing tears (indicative of strong passion)  |
abhiroruda | See abhi-rudita-.  |
abhivyudas | to give up or abandon entirely  |
abhyudan | -/aniti-, to breathe towards or upon (accusative)  |
abhyudavaso | -syati-, to set out or go towards (accusative)  |
abhyudaya | m. sunrise or rise of luminaries (during or with reference to some other occurrence)  |
abhyudaya | m. beginning, commencing (as of darkness, etc.)  |
abhyudaya | m. elevation, increase, prosperity, happiness, good result etc.  |
abhyudaya | m. a religious celebration, festival  |
abhyudayāvaha | m. bringing prosperity,  |
abhyudayeṣṭi | f. Name of an expiatory sacrifice (see abhyuditeṣṭi-.)  |
ābhyudayika | mfn. (fr. abhy-udaya-), connected with the beginning or rising of anything  |
ābhyudayika | mfn. relating to or granting prosperity etc.  |
ābhyudayika | n. Name of a śrāddha- or offering to ancestors on occasions of rejoicing  |
abhyudayin | mfn. rising  |
ācyudanti | varia lectio for tanti- and tantīya-.  |
ācyudantīya | varia lectio for tanti- and tantīya-.  |
adhyarbuda | n. a congenital tumour, goitre.  |
adhyarvuda | n. a congenital tumour, goitre.  |
aiṅguda | mf(ī-)n. coming from the plant iṅguda-  |
aiṅguda | n. the fruit of that plant  |
ambuda | m. "giving water", a cloud, the plant Cyperus Hexastychius Communis  |
āmbuda | mfn. (fr. ambu-da-), coming from a cloud  |
ambudaiva | n. "having the waters as deity", Name of the astrological mansion pūrvāṣāḍhā-  |
anābhyudayika | mfn. inauspicious, ill-omened, unlucky.  |
anaḍudarha | mfn. worth an ox,  |
anānuda | mfn. (1. da-with ānu-for anu-), not giving way, obstinate  |
antargudavalaya | m. (in anatomy) the sphincter muscle.  |
anuda | See anānud/a-.  |
anudagra | mfn. not lofty, low  |
anudagra | mfn. not projecting.  |
anudah | to burn up etc. ; to take fire (aor.Subj. 2. sg. -dakṣi-[for dhakṣi-]) ; to be consumed by fire subsequently after (accusative) |
anudairghya | mfn. longitudinal.  |
anudaka | mf(/ā-)n. waterless  |
anudaka | mf(/ā-)n. without adding water  |
anudakam | ind. without touching water  |
anudaṇḍi | f. back bone  |
anudapāna | n. "non-water-drinking", thirst,  |
anudara | mf(ā-)n. (See 3. a-) thin, lank  |
anudarśa | m. representation, admonition,  |
anudarśana | n. consideration, regard.  |
anudarśin | mfn. considering, foreseeing.  |
anudatta | mfn. granted, remitted, given back commentator or commentary  |
anudaya | m. non-rising, the not rising (of a luminary).  |
apanuda | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' exempli gratia, 'for example' śokāpanuda- q.v) removing driving away.  |
arbuda | m. Ved. a serpent-like demon (conquered by indra-, a descendant of kadrū- therefore called kādraveya- ;said to be the author of ) etc.  |
arbuda | m. id.  |
arbuda | n. Name of the above-named hymn  |
arbuda | mn. a long round mass (said especially of the shape of the foetus in the second half of the first month[ ] or in the second month[ ])  |
arbuda | mn. a swelling, tumour, polypus etc.  |
arbuda | the cartilage of a rib,  |
arbuda | n. (/arbuda-), (also m. ) ten millions  |
arbuda | m. Name of a mountain in the west of India (commonly called Abu, a place of pilgrimage of the jaina-s, and celebrated for its jaina- temples)  |
arbuda | m. plural Name of a people  |
arbuda | (with Buddhists) Name (also title or epithet) of one of the 8 cold hells,  |
arbudadhā | ind. millionfold,  |
arbudamāhātmya | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a chapter of the  |
arbudaparvata | m. the mountain arbuda-.  |
arbudaśikhara | m. id.  |
aruṃtuda | (mf(ā-)n.) ( )"beating or hurting a wound" , causing torments, painful  |
aruṃtuda | See aru-.  |
audabhṛjji | m. a descendant of uda-bhṛjja-  |
audabuddhi | m. a descendant of udabuddha- gaRa pailādi-  |
audajñāyani | m. a descendant of udajña- ([ reads udanya-]) gaRa tikādi-  |
audaka | mf(ī-)n. (fr. udaka-), living or growing in water, relating to water, aquatic, watery etc.  |
audakā | f. a town surrounded by water  |
audakaja | mfn. coming from aquatic plants  |
audaki | m. a descendant of udaka- gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
audaki | m. plural Name of a warrior tribe gaRa dāmany-ādi-  |
audakīya | m. a king of the audaki-s  |
audala | m. a descendant of udala-  |
audala | n. Name of a sāman-  |
audamajji | m. a descendant of uda-majja-  |
audambarī | f. (with saṃhitā-) Name (also title or epithet) of a work on bhakti- (according to to nimbārka-).  |
audamegha | m. plural the school of audameghyā-  |
audameghi | m. a descendant of uda-megha-  |
audameghīya | mfn. belonging to audameghi- ([ varia lectio audameyi- ]) gaRa raivatakādi-  |
audameghyā | f. of audameghi- above  |
audañcana | mfn. (fr. ud-añcana-), contained in a bucket  |
audañcanaka | mfn. relating to a bucket gaRa arīhaṇādi-  |
audañcavi | m. a descendant of udañcu- gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
audanika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. odana-), one who knows how to cook mashed grain gaRa saṃtāpādi-  |
audaṅki | m. a descendant of udaṅka- gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
audaṅki | m. plural Name of a warrior tribe gaRa dāmany-ādi-  |
audaṅkīya | m. a king of the audaṅki-s |
audanvata | mfn. (fr. udanvat-), relating to the sea, marine  |
audanvata | m. a descendant of udanvat- on  |
audanya | m. (fr. udanya-), Name of the ṛṣi- muṇḍibha-  |
audanyava | m. (fr. udanyu-) idem or 'm. (fr. udanya-), Name of the ṛṣi- muṇḍibha- '  |
audanyāyani | m. a descendant of udanya- gaRa tikādi- ([ ])  |
audanyi | m. idem or 'm. a descendant of udanya- gaRa tikādi- ([ ]) ' gaRa pailādi- ]  |
audapāna | mf(ī-)n. (fr. uda-pāna-), raised from wells or drinking fountains (as a tax etc.)  |
audapāna | mf(ī-)n. belonging or relating to a well  |
audapāna | mf(ī-)n. coming from the village udapāna-, gaṇa-s on  |
audara | mfn. (fr. udara-), being in the stomach or belly  |
audara | mfn. gastric (as a disease)  |
audareiṣa | mfn. directed to agni-,  |
audarika | mf(ī-)n. gluttonous, a belly-god, glutton etc.  |
audarika | mf(ī-)n. greedy  |
audarika | mf(ī-)n. fit for or pleasant to the stomach (as food)  |
audarika | mf(ī-)n. dropsical  |
audarya | mfn. being in the stomach or belly  |
audarya | mfn. being in the womb  |
audasthāna | mfn. (fr. uda-sthāna-), accustomed to stand in water  |
audasthāna | mfn. relating to one who stands in water, gaṇa-s on  |
audaśuddhi | m. a descendant of uda-śuddha- gaRa pailādi-  |
audaśvita | and audaśvitka- mfn. (fr. uda-śvit-), dressed with or made of buttermilk, like buttermilk |
audavāhi | m. a descendant of uda-vāha-  |
audavāpi | m. a descendant of uda-vāpa- gaRa raivatikādi- ( reads audavāhi-).  |
audavāpīya | mfn. relating to audavāpi-  |
audavraja | mf(ī-)n. composed by uda-vraja-.  |
audavraji | m. a descendant of uda-vraja-  |
audayaka | m. plural (fr. ud-aya-), a school of astronomers (who reckoned the first motion of the planets from sunrise).  |
audayana | mfn. relating to or coming from (the teacher) udayana-  |
audayika | mfn. to be reckoned from sunrise  |
audayika | mfn. relating to or happening in an auspicious time, prosperous  |
audayika | mfn. (with bhāva-,the state of the soul when actions arise )  |
baddhaguda | n. a kind of obstruction of the bowels  |
bahuda | mfn. "much-giving", liberal, munificent  |
bahudaivata | mfn. relating to many deities  |
bahudaivatya | mfn. equals prec.  |
bahudaivatya | n. Name of work  |
bahudakṣiṇa | mfn. marked by many fees or donations (as a religious ceremony), liberal, lavish, bountiful  |
bahudalakaniśa | m. a particular species of grain  |
bāhudaṇḍa | m. "arm-staff", a long arm  |
bāhudaṇḍa | m. a blow or punishment inflicted with the arm or fist (see bhuja-d-).  |
bahudaṇḍika | mfn. having many staff-bearers  |
bahudaṇḍin | mfn. having many staff-bearers  |
bāhudantaka | n. (with śāstra-) Name of a treatise on morals abridged by indra- (see next) .  |
bāhudanteya | m. equals -dantin-  |
bahudantī | f. Name of a woman  |
bāhudantin | m. Name of indra- (see bahudantī-suta-)  |
bāhudantiputra | m. a son of indra- (Name of jaya-datta- author of a tantra-)  |
bahudantīsuta | m. "the son of bahu-dantī-", Name of an author (varia lectio valgndantī-sukha-).  |
bahudarśaka | mf(ikā-)n. seeing much, prudent, circumspect  |
bahudarśin | mfn. seeing much, prudent, circumspect  |
bahudarśitā | f. circumspection  |
bahudarśitā | f. circumspection  |
bakanakhagudapariṇaddha | m. plural the descendants of baka-nakha- and guda-pariṇaddha- gaRa tikakitavādi-.  |
balisudana | wrong reading for bala-s-.  |
bandhudagdha | mfn. "cursed by relations", an abandoned wretch (equals hataka-)  |
bandhudatta | mfn. "given by relations"  |
bandhudatta | m. Name of a man  |
bandhudattā | f. Name of a woman  |
bhadraudanī | f. Sida Cordifolia and Rhombifolia  |
bhagnorudaṇḍa | mfn. "broken-thighed", having the bone of the thigh fractured  |
bhānudatta | m. Name of various authors (also with miśra-) (see )  |
bhānudatttaka | m. endearing form fr. deva-datta-  |
bhāṣākumudamañjarī | f. Name of work  |
bhraṣṭaguda | mfn. suffering from prolapsus ani  |
bhuvanābhyudaya | m. "prosperity of the world"Name of a poem, etc.  |
bibhakṣayiṣudaṃṣṭrin | mfn. "having teeth desirous of eating", hungry-mouthed  |
brahmaudana | m. boiled rice distributed to Brahmans and especially to the chief priest at a sacrifice  |
brāhmaudanika | m. (fr. brahmaudana-;with or scilicet agni-) the fire on which the rice for the priests is boiled  |
budbuda | m. (onomat.; see buḍabuḍa-) a bubble (often as a symbol of anything transitory) (see compound) etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).)  |
budbuda | m. an ornament or decoration resembling a bubble  |
budbuda | m. an embryo five days old (n.)  |
budbuda | n. a particular disease of the eye,  |
budbudatva | n. the being a (mere) bubble (as an embryo)  |
budbudayāśu | (d/a--) mfn. one whose semen is a (mere) bubble impotent  |
cārudarśanā | f. a good-looking woman  |
cārudatta | m. Name of a Brahman  |
cārudatta | m. of a merchant's son (varia lectio -danta-).  |
citraudana | mn. trānna-  |
dadhyuda | mfn. equals dhi-vāri-  |
dantārbuda | m. n. equals ta-śopha-  |
dānuda | mfn. trickling  |
dāśaudanika | mf(ī-)n.  |
dāśaudanika | m. (scilicet yajña-) Name of a particular sacrificial rite  |
dāśaudanikī | f. the priest's fee at it  |
dharmaśarmabhyudaya | m. Name of work  |
dhenudakṣiṇa | mfn. (sacrifice) whereat a cow is given as a fee  |
doṣānudarśin | mfn. perceiving faults  |
duda | m. Name of a mountain  |
durudarka | mfn. having bad or no consequences  |
durudaya | mfn. appearing with difficulty, not easily manifested  |
dūṣyudara | n. a disease of the abdomen caused by poisonous substances  |
dūṣyudarin | mfn. affected with this disease (ṣyod-,a wrong formation for ṣy-ud-).  |
dyudala | n. "sky-half."noon  |
dyudantin | m. heavenly elephant (see dik-karin-)  |
gaudanteya | m. patronymic fr. go-danta- gaRa śubhrādi- (not in , but in ) .  |
gaudapariṇaddhi | m. patronymic fr. guda-pariṇaddha- (śvāgudap- )  |
ghṛtaudana | n. ( ) rice sprinkled with ghee  |
golāmamāmuda | $ $.  |
guda | m. an intestine, entrail, rectum, anus etc.  |
guda | f(ā-, ī-). (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ā- gaRa krodādi-[or ī- gaRa bahv-ādi-,not in and in gaRa śoṇādi-])  |
guda | n. idem or 'f(ā-, ī-). (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' ā- gaRa krodādi-[or ī- gaRa bahv-ādi-,not in and in gaRa śoṇādi-])'  |
guda | m. dual number with kauṣṭhyau-, the two intestines  |
gudabhraṃśa | m. equals -nirgama-  |
gudagraha | m. spasm of the rectum  |
gudaja | mn. plural equals -kīla-,  |
gudakīla | m. piles  |
gudakīlaka | m. idem or 'm. piles '  |
gudaniḥsaraṇa | n. idem or 'm. prolapsus ani, 14, 74.'  |
gudanirgama | m. prolapsus ani, 14, 74.  |
gudapāka | m. inflammation of the anus  |
gudapariṇaddha | See śva-g-.  |
gudaroga | m. a disease of the last of the large intestines  |
guḍaudana | n. boiled rice and coarse sugar  |
gudauṣṭha | n. the aperture of the anus,  |
gudavadana | n. the anus  |
gudavadanā | f. Name of a goddess  |
gudavartman | n. the anus  |
gudayoni | mfn. pathic  |
gurudaivata | n. equals gur/u-devata-  |
gurudakṣiṇā | f. a fee given to a spiritual preceptor  |
gurudarśana | n. seeing the teacher  |
hasāmuda | mfn. idem or 'mfn. laughing merrily, '  |
ikṣudaṇḍa | n. the stem or cane of the Saccharum Officinale.  |
ikṣudarbhā | f. a kind of grass or sugar-cane  |
indudala | n. a portion of the moon, a digit, crescent.  |
iṅguda | mf(ī-). the medicinal tree Terminalia Catappa (in Bengal confounded with Putranjiva Roxburghii Wall.)  |
iṅguda | n. the nut of the tree Terminalia Catappa  |
iṅgudataila | n. the oil of the iṅguda- nut, Va1rtt. 3,  |
jāghanīguda | n. sg. tail and anus  |
jalabudbuda | m. a water bubble  |
jaladharābhyudaya | m. equals jaladāgama-  |
jānudaṅgha | mf(ī-)n. reaching up or down to the knees  |
jānudaṅghe | ind. as far up as the knee  |
jñaudanīya | Nom. P. (Desiderative jujñ yiskati-) to wish for the rice of jñā- Va1rtt. 9  |
kakuda | mn. a peak, summit (of a mountain etc.)  |
kakuda | mn. chief, head, pre-eminent etc.  |
kakuda | mn. the hump on the shoulders of the Indian bullock  |
kakuda | mn. a species of serpent  |
kakuda | mn. an ensign or symbol of royalty (as the white parasol etc.)  |
kakuda | m. Name of a king  |
kākuda | n. idem or 'f. ( )'  |
kakudakātyāyana | m. Name of a Brahman (who was a violent adversary of śākyamuni-).  |
kakudarūpin | mfn. shaped like a hump  |
kakudavat | mfn. hump-backed  |
kalamaudana | n. boiled rice, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
kaṭudalā | f. Cucumis Utilissimus  |
kaumuda | m. patronymic fr. kumuda-  |
kaumuda | m. the month kārttika- (October-November)  |
kaumuda | n. (with vrata-) Name of a particular observance  |
kaumudagandhyā | f. patronymic Va1rtt. 2  |
kheluda | a particular high number  |
kratudakṣiṇā | f. sacrificial reward  |
kṣamuda | mn. (?) a particular high number  |
kṣīraudana | m. ( ) rice boiled with milk  |
kṣīraudana | m.  |
kṣīraudana | m. (r/audana-)  |
kṣuda | m. flour, meal  |
kudaṇḍa | m. unjust punishment  |
kudarśana | n. a heterodox doctrine. -1.  |
kukuda | equals kūkuda- q.v  |
kūkuda | m. one who gives a girl in marriage with due ceremony and suitable decorations  |
kumuda | See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order  |
kumuda | n. [ as- m. ],"exciting what joy", the esculent white water-lily (Nymphaea esculenta) etc.  |
kumuda | n. the red lotus (Nymphaea rubra)  |
kumuda | m. camphor  |
kumuda | m. (in music) Name of a dhruvaka-  |
kumuda | m. Name of a particular comet  |
kumuda | m. of a nāga-  |
kumuda | m. of an attendant of skanda- ([ ]) or of viṣṇu- ([ ])  |
kumuda | m. of the elephant of the south-west or southern quarter  |
kumuda | m. of a daitya-  |
kumuda | m. of a son of gada- by bṛhatī-  |
kumuda | m. of a confidant of king unmattāvanti-  |
kumuda | m. of a monkey-hero  |
kumuda | m. of a poet  |
kumuda | m. of a pupil of pathya-  |
kumuda | m. of a mountain  |
kumuda | m. of one of the smaller dvīpa-s  |
kumuda | n. camphor  |
kumuda | n. silver  |
kumudabāndhava | m. idem or 'm. "friend of the lotus"(the white esculent lotus expanding its petals during the night and closing them in the daytime), the moon '  |
kumudabandhu | m. "friend of the lotus"(the white esculent lotus expanding its petals during the night and closing them in the daytime), the moon  |
kumudacandra | m. Name of the astronomer siddha-sena-.  |
kumudadi | m. Name of a teacher  |
kumudaghnī | f. "pernicious to the kumuda-s", Name of a plant containing a poisonous milky juice  |
kumudakhaṇḍa | n. an assemblage of kumuda-s gaRa kamalādi-.  |
kumudamaya | mfn. consisting of white lotus flowers  |
kumudanātha | m. "lord of the lotuses", the moon  |
kumudapattrābha | mfn. resembling the leaves of the white water-lily.  |
kumudapuṣpā | f. Name of a gandharva- girl  |
kumudasakhī | f. "lotus-friend", moonshine,  |
kumudasuhṛd | m. equals -bandhu-  |
kumudaśyenī | f. a woman with a white complexion like a lotus (confer, compare śysnī- under śyeta-, parasmE-pada 1095), Sch.  |
kumudavana | n. idem or 'f. an assemblage of kumuda-s, place abounding in them '  |
kumudavatī | f. an assemblage of kumuda-s, place abounding in them  |
laghudantī | f. a kind of Croton  |
laghusudarśana | n. a particular medicinal powder  |
lapsuda | n. equals kūrca-, the beard (of a goat etc.)  |
lokābhyudaya | m. the prosperity of the world, general welfare  |
lūhasudatta | m. Name of a man (equals lūha-)  |
mādhavābhyudayakāvya | n. Name of a poem.  |
madhudalā | f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana  |
mahārbuda | (hār-) n. 10 arbuda-s = 1000 millions  |
mahāsudarśa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a king  |
mahāsudarśana | m. Name of a cakravartin-  |
mahaudanī | f. Asparagus Racemosus  |
mahaudavāhi | m. Name of a Vedic teacher  |
maluda | and maluma- m. or n. (?) particular high numbers  |
māluda | m. or n. a particular high number  |
māṃsabudbudavat | mfn. having fleshy protuberances  |
māṃsārbuda | m. a particular disease of the membrum virile  |
māṃsaudana | m. meat and boiled rice  |
māṃsaudanapiṇḍa | m. a ball of meat and boiled rice  |
māṃsaudanika | mf(ī-)n. gaRa guḍādi-.  |
māmudagajanavī | m. = $ Mahmud of Ghazni  |
mauda | m. plural (fr. muda-) Name of a school  |
mauda | m. sg. a pupil of this school (See maudaka-).  |
maudahāyana | m. a patronymic (also plural)  |
maudaka | n. a particular version of a sacred text adopted by mauda-  |
maudaka | mf(ī-)n. (fr. modaka-) relating to sweetmeats, dealing with them  |
maudakika | mf(ī-)n. consisting or composed of sweetmeats  |
maudakika | m. a confectioner  |
maudamānika | mf(ā-,or ī-)n. (fr. modarmāna-), gaRa kāśy-ādi-.  |
maudaneyaka | mfn. gaRa kattry-ādi-.  |
maudanika | mf(ā-or ī-)n. (fr. modana-) gaRa kāśy-ādi-.  |
maudapaippalāda | m. plural gaRa kārta-kaujapādi-.  |
māyābhyudayana | (māyābh-) m. Name of a kāyastha-  |
medorbuda | n. a fatty tumour unattended with pain  |
meghābhyudaya | m. Name of work  |
mṛtyuda | mfn. death-giving, fatal  |
muda | mfn. See hasā-mud/a-  |
muda | m. Name of a teacher  |
mudakara | (?) m. plural Name of a people.  |
mudara | varia lectio for mṛdura-.  |
mudgaudana | m. a soup made of beans and rice  |
nardabuda | mfn. equals garbhasya śabdayitā-, niśāmakaḥ-  |
nāruṃtuda | mfn. not hurting (a wound or a weak point), harmless  |
nāsārbuda | (sārb-) (sārt-) n. polypus of the nose  |
naudaṇḍa | m. "boat-pole", an oar (see naukā-d-).  |
nāvyudaka | n. water in the hold of a ship  |
nayanabudbuda | n. eyeball  |
nirarbuda | m. or n. Name of a hell in which the wicked are punished by excessive cold  |
nirmuda | mfn. (probably) joyless,  |
nirudaka | mfn. waterless (wrong reading -ūd-).  |
nirudara | mfn. having no belly or trunk  |
niruddhaguda | m. contraction or obstruction of the rectum  |
nuda | mfn. pushing, impelling, driving away, removing (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' or with accusative)  |
nyarbuda | n. one hundred millions  |
palalaudana | n. a pap made of ground sesamum seeds on  |
pañcamañjarīsudarśana | n. Name of work  |
pañcaudana | mfn. prepared with fivefold pulp of mashed grain etc.  |
pāñcaudanika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. pañcaūdana-)  |
pāṇḍavābhyudaya | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a chāyā-nāṭaka- by rāma-deva-.  |
paramasamudaya | mfn. very auspicious or successful  |
parārbuda | m. a species of fire-fly  |
paryudañcana | n. ( añc-) debt  |
paryudas | P. -asyati-, to reject, exclude  |
paryudasana | n. exclusion  |
paryudasitavya | mfn. to be excluded or denied  |
paryudasta | mfn. rejected, excluded on  |
paryudastatva | n.  |
paryudayam | ind. about sunrise  |
paśuda | mfn. granting cattle  |
paudanya | n. Name of a city (varia lectio vaidanya-).  |
phalguda | mfn. "giving little"avaricious  |
pisitaudana | m. or n. boiled rice with meat  |
pradyumnābhyudaya | m. " pradyumna-'s rise", Name of a nāṭaka-.  |
prāgudagagra | mfn. having the tips turned somewhat east and somewhat north (Scholiast or Commentator)  |
prāgudak | ind. to the north east  |
prāgudakplava | mfn. ( ) inclining towards the north-east  |
prāgudakplavana | mfn. ( ) inclining towards the north-east  |
prāgudakpravaṇa | mfn. sloping north-eastward or sloping towards the east or north |
prāgudañc | mf(īcī-)n. north-eastern  |
prāgudaṅmukha | mfn. having the face turned to the north-east (or to the east or north)  |
prajñānakumudacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
praṇuda | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') driving or scaring or forcing away  |
pratuda | m. idem or 'm. "pecker", Name of a class of birds (including the falcon, hawk, owl, parrot, crow, raven, peacock etc.) ' , Gaut  |
pratuda | m. an instrument for piercing  |
prātuda | mfn. derived from the pratuda-s or peckers (a kind of bird)  |
prātuda | prātṛda- etc. See under 3. prā-, .  |
pratyagudak | ind. towards the north-west  |
pratyudadhi | ind. at the sea  |
premoktyudaya | m. Name of work  |
pṛthudaṃṣṭra | mfn. large-tusked  |
pṛthudarśin | mfn. far-seeing, far-sighted (met.)  |
pṛthudatta | m. Name of a frog  |
pudaka | m. plural Name of a people  |
purastādudarka | mfn. beginning with the refrain  |
pūrṇakākuda | mfn.  |
puruda | n. gold (see puraṭa-).  |
purudama | mfn. possessed of or belonging to many houses  |
purudaṃsa | mfn. abounding in mighty or wonderful deeds  |
purudaṃśaka | m. "many-teethed", a goose (so called from its serrated beak)  |
purudaṃsu | mfn. idem or 'mfn. abounding in mighty or wonderful deeds '  |
purudaṃsu | m. Name of indra-  |
purudasma | mfn. equals -daṃsa-  |
purudasyu | mfn. (people) , consisting chiefly in robbers  |
purudatra | mfn. rich in gifts  |
purudaya | mfn. abounding in compassion  |
rāghavābhyudaya | m. "rise of rāma-", Name of a drama.  |
raghunāthanāthābhyudaya | m. Name of work  |
rāhudarśana | n. "appearance of rāhu-", an eclipse  |
raktakumuda | n. the flower of Nymphaea Rubra, red lotus  |
raktārbuda | n. a bloody tumour  |
rāmābhyudaya | m. Name of a nāṭaka- by yaśo-varman-  |
rāmābhyudaya | m. of a poem by veṅkaṭeśa-  |
rāmābhyudayatilaka | n. Name of work  |
rāmābhyudayavyākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
rasaudana | n. rice boiled in meat-broth  |
rorudat | See Intensive of 1. rud-.  |
rudana | n. the act of crying, weeping, lamentation  |
rudantī | f. "weeper", Name of a species of small succulent plant (equals amṛta-sravā-)  |
rudantikā | f. "weeper", Name of a species of small succulent plant (equals amṛta-sravā-)  |
rudatha | m. (only ) a child, pupil, scholar  |
rudatha | m. a dog  |
rudatha | m. a cock.  |
sādhudarśin | mfn. seeing well  |
sādhudarśin | mfn. well-discerning (a-s-)  |
sādhudatta | m. a proper N.  |
śālijaudana | m. n. (ja-+ od-) rice-pap, boiled rice  |
salilaudana | m. n. rice boiled in water  |
samārbuda | (mār-) n. 100 millions of years  |
śaṃkarābhyudaya | m. Name of a poem by rāmakṛṣṇa-.  |
saṃniruddhaguda | m. obstruction of the lower intestine  |
samudañc | P. -añcati-, to rise, draw up, come near, begin  |
samudanta | mfn. rising above the edge, about to overflow  |
samudasta | mfn. (2. as-) drawn or raised from a deep place  |
samudaya | m. (rarely n.) coming together, union, junction, combination, collection, assemblage, multitude, aggregation, aggregate (accusative with kṛ-,"to collect or assemble") etc.  |
samudaya | m. (with Buddhists) the aggregate of the constituent elements or factors of any being or existence (in later times equivalent to"existence"itself)  |
samudaya | m. a producing cause (exempli gratia, 'for example' duḥkhas-"the cause of suffering")  |
samudaya | m. income, revenue  |
samudaya | m. success, prosperity  |
samudaya | m. war, battle  |
samudaya | m. a day  |
samudaya | m. equals udgama- or samudgama- |
samudaya | m. rising (of the sun etc.)  |
samudaya | n. an auspicious moment (equals lagna-)  |
sāmudayika | n. (mc.) equals next  |
śāntyuda | n. propitiatory water  |
śāntyudaka | n. equals -uda-  |
śāntyudakaprayoga | m. Name of work  |
śāntyudakumbha | m. a vessel for holding propitiatory water  |
śarkarārbuda | (rārb-) m. n. a kind of tumour  |
sarvatamonuda | mfn. driving away all darkness (as the sun)  |
sāsnālāṅgūlakakudakhuraviṣāṇin | mfn. having a dewlap (and) tail (and) hump (and) claws (and) horns  |
sasudarśana | mfn. armed with viṣṇu-'s discus (called sudarśana-)  |
śataudanā | f. Name of a particular ceremony and of the cow that gives the milk employed in it  |
śatrudamana | mfn. subduing enemies gaRa nandy-ādi-.  |
satyabhāmābhyudaya | m. Name of work  |
satyabhāmābhyudayakāvya | n. Name of work  |
satyabhāmābhyudayavyākhyāna | n. Name of work  |
satyanāthābhyudaya | m. Name of work  |
saudakṣa | mfn. (fr. su-dakṣa-) gaRa saṃkalādi-.  |
saudakṣeya | m. (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. su-dakṣa-) gaRa saṃkalādi-.') a patronymic gaRa śubhrādi-.  |
saudanteya | m. (fr. idem or 'm. (fr. su-danta-) a patronymic ') a patronymic gaRa śubhrādi-. |
saudanti | m. (fr. su-danta-) a patronymic  |
saudarśana | m. (fr. su-darśana-) Name of a village of the bāhīka-s  |
saudarśanika | mf(ī-or ā-)n. (fr. saudarśana-)  |
saudarśanīya | mfn. (fr. idem or 'mf(ī-or ā-)n. (fr. saudarśana-) ')  |
saudarya | mfn. (fr. sodara-) brotherly or sisterly (varia lectio)  |
saudarya | n. brotherhood  |
saudatta | mfn. (fr. su-datta-) gaRa saṃkalādi-.  |
śauryaudaryaśṛṅgāramaya | mf(ī-)n. composed of heroism and generosity and love |
senāsamudaya | m. an assembled army  |
sindhudatta | m. Name of a man  |
śitikakuda | mfn. idem or '(ś/iti--) mfn. white-humped '  |
śokāpanuda | mfn. removing or alleviating sorrow  |
śoṇitārbuda | n. a bloody tumour  |
sphuṭabudbuda | Nom. P. sphuṭabudbudati-, to apparently resemble a water-bubble  |
sthalakumuda | m. Nerium Odorum  |
sucārudaśanā | f. (a woman) having beautiful teeth,  |
sudagdhikā | f. a kind of plant (equals dagdhā-)  |
sudakṣa | mf(ā-)n. very capable or clever or strong (mostly said of gods)  |
sudakṣa | m. Name of a man gaRa śubhrādi-.  |
sudakṣiṇa | mfn. having an excellent right hand  |
sudakṣiṇa | mfn. very dexterous  |
sudakṣiṇa | mfn. very courteous or polite  |
sudakṣiṇa | mfn. very sincere or upright, very liberal in sacrificial gifts  |
sudakṣiṇa | m. Name of a king of the kamboja-s  |
sudakṣiṇa | m. of a son of pauṇḍraka-  |
sudakṣiṇā | f. Name of a wife of dilīpa-  |
sudala | m. "having good leaves", Pterospermum Suberifolium  |
sudala | m. a kind of creeper (equals kṣīra-moraṭa-)  |
sudalā | f. Rosa Glandulifera  |
sudalā | f. Glycine Debilis  |
sudama | mfn. equals next  |
sudambha | mfn. easy to be subdued (used in explaining dabhra-)  |
sudaṃsas | mfn. accomplishing mighty or splendid actions, energetic, active, powerful  |
sudaṃśita | mfn. well bitten  |
sudaṃśita | mfn. well armed (see pari-d-)  |
sudaṃśita | mfn. very dense or close, crowded together |
sudaṃṣṭra | mfn. having strong or beautiful teeth  |
sudaṃṣṭra | m. Name of a rākṣasa-  |
sudaṃṣṭra | m. of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
sudaṃṣṭra | m. of a son of śambara-  |
sudaṃṣṭra | m. of an adopted son of asamañjas-  |
sudaṃṣṭrā | f. Name of a kiṃ-narī-  |
sudaṃṣṭra | su-daṃsas- and e. See .  |
sudaṇḍa | m. the ratan cane (equals vetra-)  |
sudaṇḍikā | f. the go-rakṣī- plant  |
sudanta | mfn. having good or handsome teeth  |
sudanta | m. a good tooth  |
sudanta | m. a particular samādhi-,  |
sudanta | m. an actor, dancer  |
sudanta | m. Name of a man gaRa śubhrādi-  |
sudantā | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
sudantī | f. the female elephant of the north-west quarter  |
sudarbha | mfn. having good darbha- or kuśa- grass  |
sudarbhā | f. equals ikṣu-darbhā-  |
sudaridra | mfn. very poor  |
sudarpaṇa | mfn. having a beautiful mirror, reflecting well  |
sudarśa | mfn. easily seen, conspicuous (Comparative degree tara-)  |
sudarśa | mfn. beautiful to see, lovely (equals prasanna-vaktra- )  |
sudarśaka | m. a particular samādhi-  |
sudarśana | mf(ā-)n. easily seen by (instrumental case)  |
sudarśana | mf(ā-)n. good-looking, beautiful, handsome, lovely etc.  |
sudarśana | m. "keen-sighted", a vulture  |
sudarśana | m. a fish  |
sudarśana | m. (in music) a kind of composition  |
sudarśana | m. Name of śiva-  |
sudarśana | m. of a son of agni- and sudarśanā-  |
sudarśana | m. of a vidyā-dhara-  |
sudarśana | m. of a muni-  |
sudarśana | m. of a buddha-  |
sudarśana | m. of a patriarch  |
sudarśana | m. of a serpent-demon  |
sudarśana | m. of a cakravartin-  |
sudarśana | m. of one of the 9 jaina- śukla-bala-s or bala-deva-s  |
sudarśana | m. of the father of the 18th arhat- of the present avasarpiṇī-  |
sudarśana | m. of a king of mālava-  |
sudarśana | m. of a king of ujjayinī-  |
sudarśana | m. of a king of pāṭali-putra-  |
sudarśana | m. of a son of śaṅkhaṇa-  |
sudarśana | m. of a son of artha-siddhi-  |
sudarśana | m. of a son of dhruva-saṃdhi-  |
sudarśana | m. of a son of dadhīci-  |
sudarśana | m. of a son of aja-mīḍha-  |
sudarśana | m. of a son of bharata-  |
sudarśana | m. of a son-in-law of pratika-  |
sudarśana | m. of a gambler  |
sudarśana | m. of various authors etc. (also with ācārya-, kavi-, bhaṭṭa-, sūri-etc.)  |
sudarśana | m. of a jambū- tree  |
sudarśana | m. of a mountain  |
sudarśana | m. of a dvīpa-  |
sudarśana | m. n. Name of the cakra- or circular weapon of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa- (or"the disc of the sun") etc.  |
sudarśana | m. of a mystical staff (carried by saṃnyāsin-s as a defence against evil spirits, and consisting of a bamboo with six knots)  |
sudarśanā | f. a handsome woman, a woman  |
sudarśana | m. a night in the light half of a month  |
sudarśana | m. an order, command  |
sudarśana | m. Coculus Tomentosus  |
sudarśana | m. a sort of spirituous liquor  |
sudarśana | m. Name of a daughter of duryodhana- and narmadā-  |
sudarśana | m. of a princess  |
sudarśana | m. of a gandharva- maiden  |
sudarśana | m. of a lotus pond  |
sudarśana | m. of a jambū- tree  |
sudarśana | m. of indra-'s city amarāvatī-  |
sudarśana | m. of a commentator or commentary on the tantra-rāja-  |
sudarśana | n. (see m.) a particular powder composed of various substances  |
sudarśana | n. Name of indra-'s city  |
sudarśana | n. of a tīrtha-  |
sudarśanabhāṣya | n. Name of work  |
sudarśanacakra | n. viṣṇu-'s discus  |
sudarśanacūrṇa | n. "beautiful powder", a medicinal compound used in fevers  |
sudarśanādiyantravidhi | m. Name of work  |
sudarśanadvīpa | n. jambu-dvīpa-  |
sudarśanajvālamantra | m. Name of a mantra-  |
sudarśanakālaprabhā | f. Name of work  |
sudarśanakavaca | n. Name of work  |
sudarśanamahāmantra | m. Name of work  |
sudarśanamāhātmya | n. Name of work  |
sudarśanamantra | m. Name of work  |
sudarśanamīmāṃsā | f. Name of work  |
sudarśananṛsiṃhārādhana | n. Name of work  |
sudarśanapāñcajanyapratiṣṭhā | f. Name of work  |
sudarśanapañjaropaniṣad | f. Name of work  |
sudarśanaprītikara | m. Name of a kiṃ-nara- prince  |
sudarśanārādhana | n. Name of work  |
sudarśanārādhanakrama | m. Name of work  |
sudarśanaṣaḍakṣara | n. Name of work  |
sudarśanasahasranāman | n. Name of work  |
sudarśanasaṃhitā | f. Name of work  |
sudarśanasampāta | m. Name of work  |
sudarśanaśataka | n. Name of work  |
sudarśanāṣṭaka | m. Name of work  |
sudarśanastava | m. Name of work  |
sudarśanastotra | n. Name of work  |
sudarśanasukarṇakacarita | m. Name of work  |
sudarśanavijaya | m. Name of work  |
sudarśanī | f. Name of indra-'s city (also nī-nagara-)  |
sudarśanīya | mfn. easy to be seen  |
sudarśanopaniṣad | f. Name of an upaniṣad-. |
sudarśatā | f. visibility, conspicuousness  |
sudarśinī | f. Name of a lotus pond  |
sudaśana | mf(ā-)n. having handsome teeth  |
sudaśārhakula | mfn. sprung from a race worthy of a happy fate (and"from the noble race of the daśārha-s")  |
sudat | m. a handsome tooth  |
sudat | mf(atī-)n. having handsome teeth etc.  |
sudatī | f. Name of a surāṅganā-  |
sudatra | mfn. granting good gifts  |
sudatta | mfn. well or properly given (see sūtta-), on  |
sudatta | m. Name of a son of śata-dhanvan- (varia lectio su-dānta-)  |
sudatta | m. of the rich householder anātha-piṇḍa-da-  |
sudatta | m. of a village (also -grāma-)  |
sudattā | f. Name of a wife of kṛṣṇa-  |
sudayita | mfn. much beloved, very dear  |
sudhātudakṣiṇa | mfn. (-dh/ā-) (prob.) one on whom the sacrificial fee is well conferred, worthy of the sacrificial fee (according to to Scholiast or Commentator"one who receives precious metal as a sacrificial fee") |
sukhābhyudayika | mfn. causing joy or pleasure  |
sūpaudanaṣaṣṭhīpūjā | f. Name of work  |
śyāmākaudana | m. rice with millet  |
tamonuda | mf(ā-)n. dispersing darkness (sarva--, ) etc.  |
tamonuda | m. the sun, 11892  |
tamonuda | m. (accusative dam-)  |
tamonuda | m. the moon (accusative dam-).  |
tanudagdha | mfn. (said of a kleśa- in yoga- philosophy)  |
tauda | n. (fr. tuda-,or toda-) Name of a sāman-  |
tilaṃtuda | m. a sesamum-grinder vArttika  |
tilaudana | n. a sesamum-dish  |
traikakuda | mfn. coming from the mountain tri-kakud-  |
trikakuda | mfn. ( ) three-peaked  |
tuda | mfn. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' "striking" See aruṃ--, tilaṃ--, vidhuṃ--  |
tuda | m. Name of a man gaRa śubhrādi-  |
tuda | m. see ut--.  |
udbudbuda | mfn. bubbling out forth  |
udvyudas | P. -asyati-, to give up wholly or completely  |
upāṃśudaṇḍa | n. a punishment inflicted in private  |
upariṣṭādudarka | mfn. ending in a burden (as a song) on  |
ūrdhvaguda | m. a particular disease in the mouth,  |
ūrudaghna | mf(ī-)n. reaching to the thighs  |
utkumuda | mfn. having lotus flowers on the surface,  |
uttuda | mfn. one who stirs up  |
vāgguda | m. a kind of bat or bird  |
vālguda | m. a kind of bat (see vāg-guda-).  |
valgudantīsuta | m. metron. of indra- Scholiast or Commentator on  |
varṣuhāmbuda | m. a rain-cloud  |
vasuda | mf(ā-)n. granting wealth or treasures  |
vasuda | m. Name of kubera-  |
vasuda | m. Name of a goddess  |
vasuda | m. pf one of the mātṛ-s attending on skanda-  |
vasuda | m. of a gandharvī-  |
vasudaiva | n. equals -devata- above  |
vasudaivata | n. equals -devata- above  |
vasudatta | m. Name of various men  |
vasudattā | f. Name of various women (especially of the mother of vara-ruci-)  |
vasudattaka | m. an endearing form of -datta-  |
vasudattapura | n. Name of a town  |
vaudanya | n. Name of a city (v.l.)  |
vāyudaivata | mfn. having vāyu- as a deity  |
vāyudaivatya | mfn. having vāyu- as a deity  |
vāyudatta | m. Name of a man gaRa śubhrādi-  |
vāyudattaka | m. endearing form of -datta-  |
vāyudattamaya | mf(ī-)n. Va1rtt. 23 Sch.  |
vāyudattarūpya | mfn. Va1rtt. 23 Sch.  |
vāyudatteya | mfn. (fr. -datta-) gaRa sakhy-ādi-  |
vāyudatteya | m. patronymic (fr. idem or 'mfn. (fr. -datta-) gaRa sakhy-ādi-'), g., śubhrādi-.  |
veṇudala | n. a split bamboo  |
veṇudatta | m. Name of a man (varia lectio vaiṇya-d-).  |
vidhuṃtuda | m. "moon-troubler", Name of rāhu- or the personified ascending node (causing the moon's eclipses)  |
vidyudakṣa | m. Name of a daitya-  |
vidyudambhas | f. Name of a river  |
vimuda | m. or n. (?) a particular high number  |
vīrākṣaramālāviruda | n. Name of an artificial stanza in the Panegyric called virudāvalī- (in which the qualities of the hero are enumerated singly in alphabetical order)  |
vīraviruda | Name of a kind of artificial verse (see śūra-śloka-).  |
viruda | m. (also written biruda-and birada-) a laudatory poem, panegyric (on a prince, in prose or verse)  |
viruda | m. crying, proclaiming  |
virudadhvaja | m. a royal banner (Bombay edition)  |
virudamaṇimālā | f. Name of a poem (quoted in )  |
viṣṇudaivata | mfn. equals -devatya-  |
viṣṇudaivatya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. equals -devatya- '  |
viṣṇudaivatyā | f. equals -tithi-  |
viṣṇudatta | mfn. given by viṣṇu-  |
viṣṇudatta | m. Name of parīkṣit-  |
viṣṇudatta | m. of various men  |
viṣṇudattāgnihotrin | m. Name of an author  |
viṣṇudattaka | m. Name of a scribe  |
viśvabudbuda | m. the world compared to a bubble,  |
vituda | m. Name of a particular spectral being  |
vyuda | mfn. waterless, dry |
vyudaka | mf(ā-)n. idem or 'mfn. waterless, dry ' ,  |
vyudas | P. -asyati-, to throw about, scatter ; to discharge, emit ; to cast off, reject, give up, abandon  |
vyudasta | mfn. thrown or scattered about, cast off, thrown aside  |
yādavābhyudaya | m. "rise of the yadu-s", Name of a history of kṛṣṇa-.  |
yakṛddālyudara | n. idem or 'n. idem or 'n. an enlargement of the liver ' '  |
yakṛdudara | n. an enlargement of the liver  |