ud | a particle and prefix to verbs and nouns. (As implying superiority in place, rank, station, or power) up, upwards  |
ud | upon, on  |
ud | over, above. (As implying separation and disjunction) out, out of, from, off, away from, apart. (According to native authorities ud-may also imply publicity, pride, indisposition, weakness, helplessness, binding, loosing, existence, acquisition.) ud- is not used as a separable adverb or preposition  |
ud | in those rare cases, in which it appears in the veda- uncompounded with a verb, the latter has to be supplied from the context (exempli gratia, 'for example' /ud /utsam śat/adhāram- ,out (pour) a fountain of a hundred streams) . ud- is sometimes repeated in the veda- to fill out the verse (kiṃ na ud ud u harṣase dātavā u- on ) ([ confer, compare Zend uz; Hibernian or Irish uasand in compositionos,ois exempli gratia, 'for example' os-car,"a leap, bound", etc.See also uttam/a-,1. /uttara-,etc.])  |
ud | or und- cl.7 P. un/atti- ( ) : cl.6 P. undati- (parasmE-pada und/at- : imperative 3. plural undantu- ) A1. und/ate- ( ; undāṃ cakāra-, undiṣyati-etc. ) to flow or issue out, spring (as water) ; to wet, bathe etc.: Causal (Aorist aundidat- ) : Desiderative undidiṣati- on ; ([ confer, compare Greek ; Latin unda; Gothic vat-o; Old High German waz-ar; modern English wat-er; Lithuanian wand-u14.])  |
uda | n. (only at the beginning or end of a compound) water.  |
udabhāra | m. "water-carrier", a cloud  |
udabhī | ( ud-abhi-i-) P. (2. sg. -eṣi-) to rise over (accusative)  |
udabindu | m. a drop of water  |
udac | mf(īcī-)n. or 2. /ud-añc- (ud--2. añc-) turned or going upwards, upper, upwards (opposed to adharāñc-) etc. |
udac | mf(īcī-)n. turned to the north, northern (opposed to dakṣiṇa-) etc.  |
udac | mf(īcī-)n. subsequent, posterior  |
udācakṣ | A1. -ācaṣṭe-, to declare or say aloud  |
udācam | ind. parasmE-pada lifting up, raising  |
udacamasa | m. a cup holding water  |
udācar | P. (imperfect tense -/ācarat-) to rise out of (the ocean)  |
udācāra | m. a place for walking  |
udādā | P. to lift up, elevate.  |
udadhāna | mfn. holding water  |
udadhāna | n. a reservoir for water  |
udadhānāyatana | n. the place for a water-reservoir,  |
udadhārā | f. a flow or current of water. |
udadhi | mfn. holding water  |
udadhi | m. "water-receptacle", a cloud; river, sea; the ocean etc. (in classical Sanskrit only the ocean)  |
udadhi | Name (also title or epithet) of the number 4  |
udadhi | m. of dvārakā- (kṛṣṇa-'s capital)  |
udadhijalamaya | mfn. made or formed out of sea-water  |
udadhikrā | m. ( kram-), a navigator, mariner  |
udadhikumāra | m. plural a class of deities (belonging to the bhavanādhīśa-s )  |
udadhimala | m. cuttle-fish bone  |
udadhimekhalā | f. "ocean-girdled", the earth  |
udadhinemi | mfn. ocean-encircled, ).  |
udadhirāja | m. the ocean-king, ocean-god  |
udadhisaṃbhava | n. "ocean-born", sea-salt  |
udadhisutā | f. "daughter of the ocean", Name of lakṣmī-  |
udadhisutānāyaka | m. "husband of the ocean's daughter", Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
udadhivastrā | f. "ocean-clothed", the earth  |
udadhīya | Nom. (fr. uda-dhi-) P. udadhīyati-, to mistake (anything) for the ocean  |
udādru | P. -dravati-, to run out, run upwards  |
udādyanta | mfn. preceded and followed by an udātta- |
udag | (in compound for /udac-below) .  |
udāgā | P. (Aorist 1. sg. -/āgām-) to come up or out towards (with accusative)  |
udagadri | m. "the northern mountain", Name of the himālaya-  |
udagagra | mfn. having the points turned to the north (as grass)  |
udagāha | mfn. diving into water,  |
udagapavargam | ind. ending to the north  |
udagāvṛtta | mfn. turned to the north,  |
udagāvṛtti | f. (the sun's) turning to the north  |
udagayana | n. the sun's progress north of the equator  |
udagayana | n. the half year from the winter to the summer solstice etc.  |
udagayana | mfn. being on the path of the sun at its progress north of the equator  |
udagāyata | mfn. extending towards the north  |
udagbhava | mfn. being in the northern quarter, north  |
udagbhūma | m. fertile soil (turned upwards or towards the north) on  |
udagdakṣiṇa | mfn. northern and southern  |
udagdaśa | (/udag-) mfn. having the border turned upwards or to the north  |
udagdvāra | mfn. having the entrance towards the north  |
udagdvāram | ind. north of the entrance  |
udaggati | f. equals -ayan/a- above.  |
udaghoṣa | m. the roaring of water  |
udagra | mfn. having the top elevated or upwards, over-topping, towering or pointing upwards, projecting  |
udagra | mfn. high, tall, long etc.  |
udagra | mfn. increased, large, vast, fierce, intense etc.  |
udagra | mfn. haughty  |
udagra | mfn. advanced (in age)  |
udagra | mfn. excited, enraptured etc.  |
udagra | mfn. loud  |
udagrābha | m. holding or surrounding water  |
udagradat | mfn. having projecting teeth, large-toothed  |
udagradat | m. (an-) an elephant with a large tusk.  |
udagraplutatva | n. lofty bounding  |
udāhan | P. (imperfect tense 3. plural -aghnan-) to strike at ; to cause to sound (the lyre)  |
udahāra | mf(ī-)n. fetching or carrying water  |
udahāra | mf(ī-)n. intending to bring water  |
udahāra | m. "water-carrier", a cloud  |
udāhāra | m. an example or illustration  |
udāhāra | m. the beginning of a speech  |
udaharaṇa | n. a vessel for drawing water  |
udāharaṇa | n. the act of relating, saying, declaring, declaration  |
udāharaṇa | n. referring a general rule to a special case, an example, illustration etc.  |
udāharaṇa | n. (in logic) the example, instance (constituting the third member in a fivefold syllogism)  |
udāharaṇa | n. exaggeration  |
udāharaṇacandrikā | f. Name of work  |
udāharaṇānugama | m. Name of work  |
udāharaṇīya | mfn. to be quoted as example, to be referred (as a general rule to a special case) commentator or commentary on  |
udāharin | mfn. relating, saying, calling  |
udāhārya | mfn. equals ud-āharaṇīya- above.  |
udāhita | mfn. ( dhā-), elevated.  |
udāhitatara | mfn. more elevated, higher  |
udāhṛ | P. -/ā-harati-, to set up, put up ; to relate, declare, announce ; to quote, cite, illustrate ; to name, call etc.: Passive voice -hriy/ate-, to be set up or put up  |
udāhṛta | mfn. said, declared, illustrated  |
udāhṛta | mfn. called, named, entitled  |
udāhṛti | f. an example, illustration  |
udāhṛti | f. exaggeration,  |
udāhṛtya | ind.p. bringing forward an example, illustrating etc.  |
udaj | P. A1. -ajati-, -te- (imperfect tense -/ājat- /ud-ājat- ) to drive out, expel ; to fetch out of  |
udāj | (udā-+ aj-), to drive towards (dative case),  |
udaja | mfn. (1. udaja-;for 2.See ud-aj-) produced in or by water, aquatic, watery  |
udaja | n. a lotus  |
udaja | m. (for 1.See under uda-) driving out or forth (cattle)  |
udāja | m. a selected portion, = uddhāra-  |
udāja | See ud-aj-.  |
udajalaka | m. Name of a wheel-wright  |
udājan | A1. (Aorist -/ajaniṣṭa-) to arise from  |
udajina | mfn. one who has passed beyond (the use of) a skin (as his covering) gaRa nirudakādi-  |
udajña | varia lectio for udanya- q.v  |
udak | (in compound for /udac-below;for 2.See column 2) .  |
udak | ind. (2. /udak-;for 1.See column 1) above  |
udak | ind. northward etc.  |
udak | ind. subsequently  |
udaka | n. water etc.  |
udaka | n. the ceremony of offering water to a dead person  |
udaka | n. (udakaṃ- dā-or pra-dā-or1. kṛ-,to offer water to the dead [with genitive case or dative case ] etc.; see upa-- spṛś-)  |
udaka | n. ablution (as a ceremonySee udakārtha-)  |
udaka | n. a particular metre  |
udakabhāra | m. a water-carrier  |
udakabhūma | varia lectio for udag-bhūma- q.v  |
udakābhyavāyin | mfn. going down into water, bathing,  |
udakabindu | m. a drop of water  |
udakacandra | m. (?) , a kind of magic ( )  |
udakacandra | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a tathāgata-,  |
udakada | mfn. a giver of water, yielding water, offering water to the dead  |
udakada | m. an heir, a kinsman  |
udakadāna | n. gift of water (especially to the manes)  |
udakadāna | n. a particular festival  |
udakadānika | mfn. relating to the above rite |
udakadātṛ | mfn.  |
udakadātṛ | m. idem or 'mfn.'  |
udakadāyin | mfn. equals -da-  |
udakadhara | m. "water-holder", a cloud commentator or commentary on  |
udakadhārā | f. a gush or flow of water.  |
udakādhāra | m. a reservoir, cistern, well.  |
udakagāha | mfn. diving into water  |
udakaghāta | m. "beating the water"(at bathing?), one of the 64 kalā-s or arts  |
udakagiri | m. a mountain abounding in water on  |
udakahāra | m. a water-carrier  |
udakāhāra | mfn. one who carries or fetches water.  |
udakakarman | n. presentation of water (to dead ancestors as far as the fourteenth degree)  |
udakakārya | n. idem or 'n. presentation of water (to dead ancestors as far as the fourteenth degree) '  |
udakakārya | n. ablution of the body  |
udakakṛcchra | m. a kind of penance,  |
udakakrīḍana | n. sporting about in water  |
udakakriyā | f. equals -karman- above  |
udakakṣveḍikā | f. sprinkling water (on each other), a kind of amorous play  |
udakakumbha | m. a water-jar commentator or commentary on  |
udakala | mfn. containing water, watery  |
udakamaṇḍalu | m. a water-jar  |
udakamañjarī | f. Name of work on medicine  |
udakamañjarīrasa | m. a particular decoction used as a febrifuge  |
udakamantha | m. a mixture of water and meal stirred together  |
udakamaya | mfn. consisting of water  |
udakameha | m. "watery urine", a sort of diabetes.  |
udakamehin | mfn. suffering from the above  |
udakāṃsya | n. a copper vessel with water,  |
udakāñjali | m. a handful of water  |
udakānta | m. margin of water, bank, shore  |
udakāntam | ind. to the water's edge  |
udakaparīkṣā | f. "water-trial", a kind of ordeal commentator or commentary on  |
udakaparvata | m. equals -giri-, column 2 on  |
udakapratīkāśa | mfn. water-like, watery fluid  |
udakapūrva | mfn. preceded by pouring out water (into the extended palm of a recipient's right hand as preparatory to or confirmatory of a gift or promise)  |
udakapūrva | mfn. preceded by ablution  |
udakapūrvakam | ind. preceded by the above ceremony.  |
udakarakṣikā | f. a leech,  |
udakārṇava | m. "water-reservoir", the ocean  |
udakārtha | m. a ceremony with water  |
udakārtham | ind. for the sake of water or of the udaka- ceremony  |
udakārthin | mfn. desirous of water, thirsty.  |
udakasādhu | mfn. helping out of the water  |
udakaśāka | n. any aquatic herb  |
udakasaktu | m. equals uda-sa- q.v  |
udakaśānti | f. sprinkling consecrated water (over a sick person) to allay fever  |
udakaśāntiprayoga | m. Name of work  |
udakasecana | n. sprinkling w (according to to others,"a shower of rain"),  |
udakaśīla | mfn. practising the udaka--ceremony  |
udakasparśa | mfn. touching different parts of the body with water  |
udakasparśa | mfn. touching water in confirmation of a promise  |
udakasparśana | n. the act of touching water, ablution  |
udakaśuddha | mfn. cleansed by ablution  |
udakaśuddha | m. Name of a (man) (?) gaRa anuśatikādi-  |
udakatarpaṇa | n. "satisfying by water", a libation of water  |
udakātman | mfn. having water for its chief substance  |
udakaudana | n. rice boiled with water  |
udakavādya | n. "water-music"(performed by striking cups filled with water), one of the 64 kalā-s or fine arts, (see jala-taraṅgiṇī-.)  |
udakavajra | m. equals uda-vajra- q.v  |
udakavat | (udak/a-) mfn. supplied or filled with water  |
udakavindu | See -bindu-.  |
udakavīvadha | m. equals udavī- q.v ,  |
udakecara | mfn. moving in or inhabiting water  |
udakeśaya | mfn. lying in or inhabiting water  |
udakeviśīrṇa | mfn. dried in water (id est uselessly)  |
udākhyāya | ind.p. having related aloud  |
udākhyāya | enunciating  |
udakila | mfn. idem or 'mfn. containing water, watery '  |
udakīrṇa | m. the tree Galedupa Piscidia (the bark of which is ground and scattered on water to stupefy fishes)  |
udakīrya | m. the tree Galedupa Piscidia (the bark of which is ground and scattered on water to stupefy fishes)  |
udakīryā | f. a species of the karañja- tree ([ ])  |
udakīya | Nom. P. udakīyati-, to wish for water on  |
udakkūla | mfn. directed towards the north (as grass with the tops)  |
udakodañjana | n. a water-jar.  |
udakodara | n. "water-belly", dropsy.  |
udakodarin | mfn. dropsical  |
udakopasparśana | n. touching or sipping water  |
udakopasparśana | n. ablution  |
udakopasparśin | mfn. one who touches or sips water  |
udakoṣṭha | m. a water-jar  |
udakotsecana | n. a water-libation,  |
udakpāda | mf(ī-)n. having one's feet turned towards the north  |
udakpatha | m. the northern country  |
udakprasravaṇa | mfn. flowing off towards the north  |
udakprasravaṇa | n. an outlet or drain towards the north  |
udakprasravaṇānvita | mfn. having an outlet towards the north  |
udakpravaṇa | (/udak-) mfn. sloping towards the north  |
udākṛ | P. A1. -karoti-, -kurute-, (imperfect tense -/ākar- ) to expel, drive out ; to fetch out of ; to select, choose ; (only A1. ) to prick on ; to revile, abuse  |
udaksamāsa | mfn. being united or tied in the north  |
udaksaṃstha | mfn. ending in the north  |
udaksena | m. Name of a king  |
udakśiras | mfn. one who his his head directed towards the north,  |
udakta | mfn. raised or lifted up, drawn up  |
udaktas | ind. from above, from the north  |
udaktāt | (/udak-) ind. from above, from the north  |
udakumbha | m. a water-jar, a jar with water  |
udakya | m. or n. a water-plant,  |
udakya | mfn. being in water  |
udakya | mfn. wanting water (for purification)  |
udakyā | f. a woman in her courses  |
udakyāgamana | n. connection with a woman during her courses  |
udala | m. Name of a man.  |
udalākāśyapa | m. Name of a goddess of agriculture  |
udalāvaṇika | mfn. prepared with brine  |
udamāna | m. a particular measure (the 50th part of an āḍhaka-)  |
udamantha | m. a particular mixture  |
udāmantraṇa | n. addressing loudly, calling out to  |
udamaya | mfn. consisting of water  |
udamaya | m. Name of a man  |
udamegha | m. a watery cloud  |
udamegha | m. a shower of rain  |
udamegha | m. Name of a man on  |
udamehin | mfn. having watery urine or diabetes  |
udan | (for 2.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) n. Ved. (defective in the strong cases ) a wave, water  |
udaṅ | (in compound for /udac-below) .  |
udan | (for 1.See) P. -aniti- (and āniti- ; see vy-- an-; parasmE-pada -an/at- ; Aorist 3. plural -āniṣus- ) to breathe upwards, emit the breath in an upward direction ; to breathe out, breathe  |
udāna | m. breathing upwards  |
udāna | m. one of the five vital airs of the human body (that which is in the throat and rises upwards) etc.  |
udāna | m. the navel  |
udāna | m. an eyelash  |
udāna | m. a kind of snake  |
udāna | m. joy, heart's joy ( )  |
udāna | (with Buddhists) one of the 9 divisions of sacred scriptures ( )  |
udāna | See 2. ud-an-.  |
udānabhṛt | f. Name (also title or epithet) of particular bricks,  |
udānaya | Nom. P. udānayati-, to disclose (the joy of one's heart)  |
udañc | P. -acati- ([Ved.]) and -añcati-, to elevate, raise up, lift up, throw up etc. ; to ladle out commentator or commentary on ; to cause, effect ; to rise, arise ; to resound : Passive voice -acyate-, to be thrown out ; to come forth, proceed : Causal -añcayati-, to draw up, raise, elevate ; to send forth, utter, cause to resound (See ud-añcita-).  |
udañcana | n. a bucket, pail (for drawing water out of a well) etc.  |
udañcana | n. a cover or lid  |
udañcana | n. directing or throwing upwards  |
udañcana | n. rising, ascending  |
udañcita | mfn. raised up, lifted, elevated  |
udañcita | mfn. thrown up, tossed,  |
udañcita | mfn. uttered, caused to resound  |
udañcita | mfn. worshipped  |
udañcu | m. Name of a man gaRa bāhv-ādi-  |
udaṇḍapāla | mfn. a species of fish  |
udaṇḍapāla | mfn. of snake  |
udanemi | mfn. rimmed by the ocean commentator or commentary on  |
udaṅgulīka | mfn. having the fingers upraised  |
udānī | P. -nayati-, to lead up or out of (water) : A1. -nayate-, to raise, elevate  |
udanimat | mfn. abounding in waves or water  |
udaṅīṣa | (udaṅṅīṣa-) mfn. having the pole turned to the north (as a carriage) commentator or commentary on  |
udañj | P. -anakti-, to adorn, trim  |
udañjali | mfn. hollowing the palms and then raising them  |
udañji | mfn. erect and unctuous (said of the membrum virile)  |
udaṅka | m. a bucket or vessel (for oil etc. but not for water)  |
udaṅka | m. Name of a man  |
udaṅka | m. plural the descendants of udaṅka- gaRa upakādi-  |
udaṅkī | f. a bucket  |
udaṅkya | m. Name of a demon  |
udaṅmṛttika | m. equals udag-bhūma- q.v  |
udaṅmukha | mf(ī-)n. turned upwards  |
udaṅmukha | mf(ī-)n. facing the north  |
udanta | mfn. reaching to the end or border, running over, flowing over  |
udanta | mfn. good, virtuous, excellent  |
udanta | m. (ud-ant/a-) end of the work, rest  |
udanta | m. harvest time  |
udanta | m. "telling to the end", full tidings, intelligence  |
udanta | m. news  |
udanta | m. one who gets a livelihood by a trade etc.  |
udanta | m. by sacrificing for others  |
udantaka | m. news, tidings, intelligence  |
udantam | ind. to the end or border  |
udantikā | f. satisfaction, satiety  |
udantya | mfn. living beyond a limit or boundary  |
udanvat | mfn. wavy, watery, abounding in water  |
udanvat | m. (ān-) the ocean etc.  |
udanvat | m. Name of a ṛṣi- on  |
udanya | Nom. P. udanyati- (parasmE-pada udany/at-) to irrigate ; to be exceedingly thirsty  |
udanya | mfn. watery  |
udanyā | f. want or desire of water, thirst  |
udanyaja | mfn. born or living in water  |
udanyu | mfn. liking or seeking water  |
udanyu | mfn. pouring out water, irrigating  |
udāp | P. (perfect tense 3. plural -āpus-) to reach up to, reach, attain  |
udapa | mfn. helping out of the water (as a boat) commentator or commentary on  |
udapāna | m. n. a well etc.  |
udapānamaṇḍūka | m. "frog in a well", a narrow-minded man who knows only his own neighbourhood  |
udapās | ( ud-apa-- 2 as-) P. to throw away, give up entirely  |
udapātra | n. a water-jar, a vessel with water  |
udapātrī | f. idem or 'n. a water-jar, a vessel with water '  |
udapeṣam | (ind.p. of piṣ-) ind. by grinding in water  |
udāpi | m. Name of a son of sahadeva-  |
udāpi | m. Name of vasu-deva- (varia lectio udāyin- q.v)  |
udapīti | f. a place for drinking water  |
udaplava | m. water-flood  |
udapluta | mfn. swimming in water  |
udāpluta | mfn. overflowed, inundated  |
udaprut | mfn. causing water to flow ([ ]),swimming or splashing in water ([ ])  |
udapū | mfn. cleansing one's self with water, purified by water  |
udapura | n. a reservoir for water  |
udapurā | f. a kind of brick,  |
udāpyām | ind. up the stream, against stream  |
udara | n. ( dṝ- ; ṛ- and ), the belly, abdomen, stomach, bowels etc.  |
udara | n. the womb  |
udara | n. a cavity, hollow  |
udara | n. the interior or inside of anything (udare-,inside, in the interior) etc.  |
udara | n. enlargement of the abdomen (from dropsy or flatulence), any morbid abdominal affection (as of the liver, spleen etc.;eight kinds are enumerated)  |
udara | n. the thick part of anything (exempli gratia, 'for example' of the thumb) commentator or commentary on  |
udara | n. slaughter  |
udāra | mf(ā-and ī-[gan2a bahv-ādi- ])n. ( ṛ-), high, lofty, exalted  |
udāra | mf(ā-and ī-)n. great, best  |
udāra | mf(ā-and ī-)n. noble, illustrious, generous  |
udāra | mf(ā-and ī-)n. upright, honest etc.  |
udāra | mf(ā-and ī-)n. liberal, gentle, munificent  |
udāra | mf(ā-and ī-)n. sincere, proper, right  |
udāra | mf(ā-and ī-)n. eloquent  |
udāra | mf(ā-and ī-)n. unperplexed  |
udāra | mf(ā-and ī-)n. exciting, effecting  |
udāra | mf(ā-and ī-)n. active, energetic  |
udāra | m. rising fog or vapour (in some cases personified as spirits or deities)  |
udāra | m. a sort of grain with long stalks  |
udāra | m. a figure in rhetoric (attributing nobleness to an inanimate object).  |
udarabharaṇamātrakevalecchu | mfn. desirous only of the mere filling of the belly  |
udārabhāva | m. noble character, generosity.  |
udāracarita | mfn. of generous behaviour, noble-minded, noble etc.  |
udāracarita | m. Name of a king  |
udāracetas | mfn. high-minded, magnanimous.  |
udaradāra | m. a particular disease of the abdomen  |
udāradarśana | mfn. of noble appearance  |
udāradhī | mfn. highly intelligent, wise, sagacious etc.  |
udāradhī | m. (īs-) Name of a man  |
udāradhiṣaṇa | m. Name of an astronomer.  |
udarādhmāna | n. puffing of the belly, flatulence  |
udarāgni | m. "stomach-fire", the digestive faculty  |
udaragranthi | m. "knot in the abdomen", disease of the spleen (a chronic affection not uncommon in India).  |
udaraka | mfn. abdominal  |
udāraka | m. honorific name of a man  |
udārakīrti | mfn. highly renowned, illustrious.  |
udarakrimi | m. "worm in the belly", an insignificant person gaRa pātre-saṃmitādi- |
udarakṛmi | m. "worm in the belly", an insignificant person gaRa pātre-saṃmitādi-  |
udarākṣa | m. Name of a demon causing diseases (varia lectio udārākṣa- q.v)  |
udārākṣa | m. Name of a demon that causes diseases (edition Bombay ix, 45, 63; varia lectio udarākṣa- q.v)  |
udāramati | mfn. noble-minded, highly intelligent, wise  |
udarāmaya | m. disease of the bowels, dysentery, diarrhoea  |
udarāmayin | mfn. suffering from the above  |
udaraṃbhara | mfn. nourishing only one's own belly, selfish, voracious, gluttonous  |
udaraṃbhari | mfn.  |
udaraṇa | n. ( ri-) rising, ascending, MaitrS  |
udarapātra | n. the stomach serving as a vessel  |
udarapiśāca | m. "stomach-demon", voracious, a glutton, one who devours everything (flesh, fish etc.)  |
udarapoṣaṇa | n. feeding the belly, supporting life.  |
udarapūram | ind. till the belly is full  |
udararandhra | n. a particular part of the belly of a horse  |
udararoga | m. disease of the stomach or bowels  |
udārārtha | mfn. of excellent meaning.  |
udaraśāṇḍilya | m. Name of a ṛṣi-  |
udarasarpin | mfn. creeping on the belly.  |
udarasarvasva | mfn. one whose whole essence is stomach, a glutton, epicure  |
udārasattva | mfn. of noble character, generous-minded  |
udārasattvābhijana | mfn. of noble character and descent  |
udaraśaya | mfn. lying or sleeping on the belly on  |
udāraśobha | mfn. of great or excellent splendour.  |
udarastha | m. "being in the stomach", the fire of digestion  |
udarastha | ( ), mfn. being in the womb.  |
udarasthita | ( ), mfn. being in the womb.  |
udarāṭa | m. "wandering in the bowels", a species of worm  |
udāratā | f. nobleness, generousness, liberality  |
udāratā | f. energy etc.  |
udāratā | f. elegance of speech or expression  |
udaratāḍam | ind. so as to beat the belly,  |
udarathi | m. ( ṛ- ), the ocean  |
udarathi | m. the sun  |
udārathi | mfn. ( ṛ-), rising, arising  |
udārathi | m. Name of viṣṇu-  |
udaratrāṇa | n. a cuirass or covering for the front of the body  |
udaratrāṇa | n. a girth, belly-band  |
udāratva | n. nobleness, generousness, liberality  |
udāratva | n. energy etc.  |
udāratva | n. elegance of speech or expression  |
udarāvarta | m. "stomach-coil", the navel  |
udaravat | mfn. having a large belly, corpulent  |
udarāveṣṭa | m. tapeworm  |
udāravikrama | mfn. highly brave, heroic  |
udāravīrya | mfn. of great power.  |
udaravistāra | m. corpulence,  |
udāravṛttārthapada | mfn. of excellent words and meaning and metre  |
udaravyādhi | m. equals -roga- above  |
udarc | P. (perfect tense 3. plural -ānṛc/us-) to drive out, cause to come out  |
udarcis | mfn. flaming or blazing upwards, brilliant, resplendent  |
udarcis | m. fire  |
udarcis | m. Name of śiva-  |
udarcis | m. of kandarpa-  |
udard | P. -ardati-, to swell, rise ; to undulate, wave  |
udarda | m. (in medicine) erysipelas  |
udarddha | m. ( ṛdh-), scarlet fever  |
udarika | mfn. having a large belly, corpulent  |
udarila | mfn. corpulent  |
udarin | mfn. idem or 'mfn. having a large belly, corpulent '  |
udarin | mfn. having a large belly (from flatulence)  |
udariṇī | f. a pregnant woman.  |
udarka | m. arising (as a sound), resounding  |
udarka | m. the future result of actions, consequence, futurity, future time etc.  |
udarka | m. a remote consequence, reward  |
udarka | m. happy future  |
udarka | m. conclusion, end  |
udarka | m. repetition, refrain  |
udarka | m. elevation of a building, a tower, look-out place  |
udarka | m. the plant Vanguiera Spinosa.  |
udarṣa | m. (1. ṛṣ-), overflowing, overflow  |
udāruh | P. (Aorist 1. sg. -/āruham- ;3. plural -/āruhan- ) to rise up to.  |
udarya | mfn. belonging to or being in the belly  |
udarya | n. contents of the bowels, that which forms the belly  |
udaś | P. -aśnoti-, (subjunctive -aśnavat- ; perfect tense -ānaṃśa- ; Aorist -/ānaṭ-and -ānaṭ-,etc.) A1. (3. dual number -aśnuvāte- ) to reach, attain, arrive at ; to reach, be equal ; to overtake, surpass ; to master, rule  |
udas | P. -asyati-, to cast or throw up ; to raise, erect, elevate ; to throw out, expel ; to throw (a weapon)  |
udās | A1. -āste-, to sit separate or away from, sit on one side or apart ; to abstain from participating in ; to take no interest in, be unconcerned about, be indifferent or passive etc. ; to pass by, omit  |
udāsa | m. (for 2.See column 3) throwing out  |
udāsa | m. extending, protracting  |
udāsa | m. casting out  |
udāsa | m. (with garbhasya-) abortion  |
udāsa | (for 1.See ud--2. as-) m. indifference, apathy, stoicism  |
udasaktu | m. barley-water  |
udāśaṃs | A1. -śaṃsate-, to wish for ;  |
udasana | n. throwing up  |
udasana | n. raising, erecting.  |
udaśarāva | m. a jar filled with water  |
udāśaya | m. n. a lake, tank.  |
udāsin | mfn. indifferent, disregarding  |
udāsin | mfn. one who has no desire nor affection for anything  |
udāsin | m. a stoic, philosopher  |
udāsin | m. (in popular acceptation) any religious mendicant (or one of a particular order)  |
udāsīna | mfn. (present tense p.) sitting apart, indifferent, free from affection  |
udāsīna | mfn. inert, inactive  |
udāsīna | mfn. (in law) not involved in a lawsuit  |
udāsīna | m. a stranger, neutral  |
udāsīna | m. one who is neither friend nor foe  |
udāsīna | m. a stoic, philosopher, ascetic.  |
udāsīnatā | f. indifference, apathy  |
udāsitṛ | mfn. indifferent, disregarding, stoical  |
udāsitṛ | mfn. void of affection or concern  |
udaśocā | f. Name of a witch  |
udasra | mfn. shedding tears, weeping  |
udaśraya | Nom. P. udaśrayati-, to shed tears ; to cause to weep  |
udaśrayaṇa | n. the act of causing to weep commentator or commentary on  |
udaśru | mfn. one whose tears gush forth, shedding tears, weeping etc.  |
udaśru | ind. with tears gushing forth (see ud-asra-below.)  |
udasta | mfn. thrown or cast up  |
udasta | mfn. raised, thrown etc.  |
udastāt | ind. above (with genitive case)  |
udāsthā | P. (Aorist 1. plural -asthāma- ) to rise again.  |
udasthālī | f. a caldron, a kettle with water  |
udasthāna | n. Name of a place.  |
udāsthita | mfn. set over  |
udāsthita | m. an ascetic who instead of fulfilling his vow is employed as a spy or emissary commentator or commentary on  |
udāsthita | m. a superintendent  |
udāsthita | m. a door-keeper  |
udastoka | m. a drop of water  |
udaśuddha | m. Name of a man.  |
udaśvidvat | mfn. having the above mixture  |
udaśvit | n. a mixture (consisting of equal parts of water and buttermilk)  |
udasya | ind.p. having thrown or cast up etc.  |
udāsyapuccha | mfn. having the tail and head upraised  |
udātan | P. -tanoti-, to spread, extend  |
udatantu | m. "water-thread", a continuous gush.  |
udataulika | m. a particular measure.  |
udātta | mfn. (for ud-ā-datta-) lifted upraised, lofty, elevated, high  |
udātta | mfn. arisen, come forth  |
udātta | mfn. highly or acutely accented etc.  |
udātta | mfn. high, great, illustrious  |
udātta | mfn. generous, gentle, bountiful  |
udātta | mfn. giving, a donor  |
udātta | mfn. haughty, pompous  |
udātta | mfn. dear, beloved  |
udātta | mfn. (tara-, Comparative degree more elevated, more acute)  |
udātta | m. the acute accent, a high or sharp tone etc.  |
udātta | m. a gift, donation  |
udātta | m. a kind of musical instrument  |
udātta | m. a large drum  |
udātta | m. an ornament or figure of speech in rhetoric  |
udātta | m. work, business  |
udātta | n. pompous or showy speech  |
udāttamaya | mfn. similar to the high tone or accent, udātta--like  |
udāttarāghava | n. Name of a drama.  |
udāttaśruti | f. pronounced or sounding like the udātta-,  |
udāttaśrutitā | f. the state of being pronounced so  |
udāttatā | f. pompousness,  |
udāttatva | n. the state of having the acute accent commentator or commentary on  |
udāttavat | mfn. having the udātta-  |
udāttaya | Nom. P. udāttayati-, to make high or illustrious ; to make honourable or respectable  |
udāttokti | f. accentuated speech, .  |
udaudana | m. rice boiled with water  |
udavagraha | mfn. having the udātta- on the first part of a compound which contains an ava-graha-  |
udāvah | P. -vahati-, to lead away, carry or draw away ; to marry ; to extol, praise  |
udavāha | m. bringing water (said of the marut-s)  |
udavāhana | mfn. bringing water  |
udavāhana | n. a cloud  |
udavajra | m. a thunder-like crash of water, a water-spout  |
udāvarta | m. a class of diseases (marked by retention of the feces), disease of the bowels, iliac passion  |
udāvartā | f. painful menstrual discharge (with foamy blood)  |
udāvartaka | mfn. retaining (the feces)  |
udāvartana | n. retention, retarding  |
udāvartin | mfn. suffering from disease of the bowels  |
udāvas | P. -vasati-, to remove or migrate out to : Causal -vāsayati-, to cause to remove out, turn out  |
udavāsa | m. residence in water  |
udavāsa | n. a house on the margin of a stream or pond, a marine grotto etc.  |
udavasāna | n. the act of leaving the place of sacrifice (See above) |
udavasānīya | mfn. forming the end (of a sacrifice), concluding, final  |
udavasānīyā | f. the end or conclusion (of a sacrifice)  |
udavasātṛ | m. one who goes away after concluding (a sacrifice)  |
udavasāya | ind.p. ending, concluding  |
udavāsin | mfn. living in water  |
udavasita | n. a house, dwelling  |
udavaso | P. -/ava-syati-, to leave off, go away ; to finish, end ; to go away to (another place, with locative case)  |
udāvasu | m. Name of a son of janaka- (king of videha-) |
udavasya | ind.p. concluding  |
udāvatsara | varia lectio for idā-vatsara- q.v  |
udavindu | See -bindu-.  |
udavīvadha | m. a yoke used in carrying water  |
udāvraj | P. -vrajati-, to go or move onwards, go forwards  |
udavraja | (ud/a-) m. Name of a place ([ ])  |
udāvṛt | Caus. -vartayati-, to cause to go out, excrete ; to secrete ; to retain (See the next) .  |
udāyā | P. -yāti-, to go up to  |
udaya | m. going up, rising  |
udaya | m. swelling up  |
udaya | m. rising, rise (of the sun etc.), coming up (of a cloud) etc.  |
udaya | m. the eastern mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to rise) etc.  |
udaya | m. going out  |
udaya | m. coming forth, becoming visible, appearance, development  |
udaya | m. production, creation etc.  |
udaya | m. conclusion, result, consequence  |
udaya | m. that which follows  |
udaya | m. a following word, subsequent sound etc.  |
udaya | m. rising, reaching one's aim, elevation  |
udaya | m. success, prosperity, good fortune etc.  |
udaya | m. profit, advantage, income  |
udaya | m. revenue, interest etc.  |
udaya | m. the first lunar mansion  |
udaya | m. the orient sine (id est the sine of the point of the ecliptic on the eastern horizon)  |
udaya | m. Name of several men.  |
udaya | Name (also title or epithet) of a mountain near rāja-gṛha-, MWB, 403, n. 1  |
udāya | m. emerging, coming forward  |
udāya | m. See try-ud-.  |
udayācala | m. equals -giri- above.  |
udayadhavala | m. Name of a king.  |
udayāditya | m. Name of several men.  |
udayādri | m. equals -giri- above.  |
udayagiri | m. the eastern mountain (See above)  |
udayagupta | m. Name of a man  |
udayajit | m. Name of a son of guṇala-  |
udayajyā | f. the orient sine (See above)  |
udayakara | m. Name of an author.  |
udāyam | P. (imperative -/āyacchatu-) to bring out, fetch out, get fetch out, get off : A1. (Aorist 3. sg. -āyata- dual number -āyasātām- plural -āyasata-) to show, exhibit, make known ; (but also Aorist -āyaṃsta-,in the sense to bring out, get off on )  |
udayana | n. rise, rising (of the sun etc.) etc.  |
udayana | n. way out, outlet  |
udayana | n. exit  |
udayana | n. outcome, result, conclusion, end  |
udayana | n. means of redemption  |
udayana | m. Name of several kings and authors.  |
udayanacarita | n. Name of a drama.  |
udayanācārya | m. Name of a philosopher and author of several works.  |
udayanatas | ind. finally  |
udayanīya | mfn. belonging to an end or conclusion, finishing (as a ceremony)  |
udayanopādhi | m. Name of work  |
udayānta | mfn. ending with sunrise  |
udayāntara | n. (in astronomy) a particular correction for calculating the real time of a planet's rising  |
udayaparvata | m. equals -giri- above  |
udayaprāṇa | m. plural a particular measure of time (reckoned by the number of respirations till the rising of a particular constellation)  |
udayaprastha | m. the plateau of the eastern mountain.  |
udayapura | n. Name of the capital of Marwar.  |
udayarāja | m. Name of a man  |
udayarāśi | m. the constellation in which a planet is seen when on the horizon  |
udayarkṣa | n. (udaya-ṛ-) idem or 'm. the constellation in which a planet is seen when on the horizon '  |
udayarkṣa | n. the lunar mansion in which a star rises heliacally  |
udāyasa | m. Name of a prince.  |
udayaśaila | m. equals -giri- above  |
udayasiṃha | m. Name of a king.  |
udayāstamaya | m. rising and setting,  |
udayāsu | m. plural equals -prāṇa- above  |
udayāśva | m. Name of a grandson of ajāta-śatru-  |
udayataṭa | m. the slope of the eastern mountain (See udaya-),  |
udayatuṅga | m. Name of a king  |
udayavarman | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a para-māra- king,  |
udayavat | mfn. risen (as the moon etc.)  |
udayavatī | f. Name of a daughter of udaya-tuṅga-  |
udayavyayin | see vyayin-, parasmE-pada 1032  |
udayibhadra | m. idem or 'm. Name of a grandson of ajātaśatru- (= udayāśva-).'  |
udayin | mfn. victorious, triumphant,  |
udāyin | m. Name of vasu-deva- (varia lectio ud-āpi- q.v)  |
udāyin | m. of kūṇika-  |
udayin | mfn. rising, ascending  |
udayin | mfn. prosperous, flourishing  |
udayin | m. Name of a grandson of ajātaśatru- (= udayāśva-).  |
udayonmukha | mf(ī-)n. about to rise  |
udayonmukha | mf(ī-)n. expecting prosperity  |
udayorvībhṛt | m. equals -giri- above  |
udāyu | P. -yauti-, to stir up, whirl  |
udāyudha | mfn. with uplifted weapon, raising up weapons  |
udbaddha | mfn. tied up or upwards  |
udbaddha | mfn. hung, hung up  |
udbaddha | mfn. checked, interrupted |
udbaddha | mfn. annulled  |
udbaddha | mfn. compact, firm (as the leg of a man)  |
udbādh | A1. -bādhate-, to burst forth, break forth  |
udbadhya | ind.p. having tied up or hanged one's self, hanging one's self  |
udbāhu | mfn. having the arms raised  |
udbāhu | mfn. extending the arms  |
udbāhuka | mfn. idem or 'mfn. extending the arms '  |
udbala | mfn. strong, powerful (see upodbalaya-.)  |
udbandh | A1. (Potential -badhnīta-) to tie up, hang one's self  |
udbandha | (for 2.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) m. hanging one's self  |
udbandha | (fr. bandha-with ud-in sense of apart), mfn. unbound, loosened, united (as hair) (edition Calc.)  |
udbandha | m. (also) the son of a khanaka- and a śūdrā-,  |
udbandhana | mf(ī-)n. serving for hanging up (as a string)  |
udbandhana | n. hanging, hanging one's self  |
udbandhuka | mfn. one who hangs up  |
udbarhis | mfn. having sacrificial grass above  |
udbāṣpa | See ud-vāṣpa-.  |
udbhā | P. -bhāti-, to become visible, appear  |
udbhagna | mfn. burst, torn  |
udbhaṅga | m. the act of breaking off, leaving off.  |
udbhañj | See forms below.  |
udbharts | P. (imperfect tense 2. plural ? -abhartsata- ; -abhartsatha-? [MSS.]) to use roughly?  |
udbhās | P. A1. -bhāsati-, -te-, to come forth or appear brightly, shine ; to become visible, strike : Causal P. A1. -bhāsayati-, -te-, to illuminate, light up ; to make apparent or prominent, cause to come forth commentator or commentary on ; to render brilliant or beautiful  |
udbhasa | m. plural Name of a people  |
udbhāsa | m. radiance, splendour gaRa balādi-, (not in the ) |
udbhāsavat | mfn. shining, radiant  |
udbhāsin | mfn. shining, radiant  |
udbhāsin | mfn. coming forth, appearing  |
udbhāsin | mfn. giving or causing splendour  |
udbhāsita | mfn. come forth, appeared  |
udbhāsita | mfn. lighted up, illuminated, splendid  |
udbhāsita | mfn. ornamented, graced, beautiful.  |
udbhāsura | mfn. shining, radiant  |
udbhaṭa | mfn. excellent, eminent, exalted, magnanimous, extraordinary  |
udbhaṭa | mfn. vehement, passionate  |
udbhaṭa | m. a tortoise  |
udbhaṭa | m. a fan for winnowing corn  |
udbhaṭa | m. Name of an author.  |
udbhaṭatva | n. weight, importance (of a contradiction)  |
udbhava | See ud-bhū-.  |
udbhava | m. existence, generation, origin, production, birth  |
udbhava | m. springing from, growing  |
udbhava | m. becoming visible etc.  |
udbhava | m. birth-place  |
udbhava | m. Name of a son of nahuṣa-  |
udbhava | m. a sort of salt , (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') mfn. produced or coming from  |
udbhāva | m. production, generation gaRa balādi-  |
udbhāva | m. rising (of sounds)  |
udbhavakara | mfn. productive.  |
udbhavakośaka | m. the womb  |
udbhavakṣetra | n. the place of origin  |
udbhāvana | n. the act of raising up, elevation  |
udbhāvana | n. passing over, inattention, neglect, disregard  |
udbhāvana | n. announcement, communication  |
udbhāvana | n. making visible, manifestation  |
udbhāvayitṛ | mfn. one who raises upwards or elevates  |
udbhāvin | mfn. ( ) coming forth, becoming visible etc.  |
udbhāvita | mfn. caused to exist, created, produced  |
udbheda | m. the act of breaking through or out, becoming manifest or visible, appearing, sprouting etc.  |
udbheda | m. (in dramatic language) the first manifestation of the germ (bīja-) of the plot  |
udbheda | m. a sprout or shoot of a plant  |
udbheda | m. a spring, fountain  |
udbheda | m. treachery  |
udbheda | m. mentioning  |
udbhedana | n. the act of breaking through or out, coming forth  |
udbhid | P. -bhinatti- (subjunctive -bhin/adat- ; Potential 1. sg. -bhideyam- ) to break or burst through, break out ; to appear above, become visible, rise up ; to pierce : Passive voice -bhidyate-, to spring open, burst forth ; to shoot open or up, break out, appear  |
udbhid | mfn. penetrating, bursting through  |
udbhid | mfn. coming or bursting forth, pouring, overflowing  |
udbhid | mfn. abounding with  |
udbhid | mfn. breaking forth (from the earth), sprouting, germinating  |
udbhid | m. (t-) a kind of sacrifice etc.  |
udbhid | f. (t-) a sprout or shoot of a plant, a plant  |
udbhid | f. a spring, fountain  |
udbhid | f. (with indrasya-) Name of a sāman-.  |
udbhida | mfn. sprouting, germinating  |
udbhida | m. Name of a son of jyotiṣmat-  |
udbhida | m. of the varṣa- ruled over by him  |
udbhida | n. a fountain, spring  |
udbhida | n. a kind of salt  |
udbhida | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
udbhidvidyā | f. the science of plants, botany.  |
udbhij | (in compound for 2. ud-bh/id-below) .  |
udbhijja | mfn. sprouting, germinating (as a plant)  |
udbhinna | mfn. burst forth, opened, burst  |
udbhinna | mfn. having broken through, come forth, appeared  |
udbhinna | mfn. made to appear, brought to light  |
udbhinna | mfn. appearing above etc.  |
udbhinna | mfn. discovered, betrayed  |
udbhinna | mfn. provided or abounding with  |
udbhṛ | P. A1. -bharati-, -te- (perfect tense -jabhāra- present tense parasmE-pada -bh/arat-;but -bibhrat- ) to take or carry away or out ; to take for one's self, choose, select ; to raise up, elevate ; to carry above, raise up  |
udbhram | P. -bhramati-, bhrāmyati-, to whirl or move, upwards, start or jump up ; to rise, ascend, raise one's self etc.: Causal -bhrāmayati-, to wave, swing ; to excite  |
udbhrama | m. whirling  |
udbhrama | m. excitement  |
udbhrama | m. intoxication  |
udbhrama | m. Name of a class of beings attending on śiva-  |
udbhramaṇa | n. the act of moving or whirling upwards, rising, ascending commentator or commentary on  |
udbhrānta | mfn. risen, ascended, gone or jumped up, turned upwards etc.  |
udbhrānta | mfn. come forth or out of (the earth)  |
udbhrānta | mfn. run away, disappeared  |
udbhrānta | mfn. wandering about, roaming  |
udbhrānta | mfn. agitated, excited, bewildered, distressed etc.  |
udbhrānta | mfn. whirled, flourished  |
udbhrānta | mfn. waved (as a sword)  |
udbhrānta | n. the act of waving (a sword)  |
udbhrānta | n. the rising (of the wind)  |
udbhrānta | n. excitement, agitation  |
udbhrāntaka | mfn. wandering about, roaming  |
udbhrāntaka | n. whirling upwards, rising, ascending  |
udbhrū | mfn. having the brows drawn up  |
udbhū | P. -bhavati-, to come up to, reach, be equal ; to rise, rise against ; to come forth, arise, exist, spring from etc. ; to shoot forth, increase, grow larger, thrive : Causal -bhāvayati-, to cause to exist, produce ; to make apparent, show, explain etc. ; to speak of, mention commentator or commentary on ; to consider, think (with two accusative)  |
udbhū | mf(bhv/ī-)n. (bh/u-) "being up to what is wanted", sufficient  |
udbhū | mf(bhv/ī-)n. having persistency, persevering  |
udbhuja | mfn. with uplifted arms,  |
udbhūta | mfn. come forth, produced, born  |
udbhūta | mfn. grown etc.  |
udbhūta | mfn. raised, elevated, increased  |
udbhūta | mfn. visible, perceptible, distinct, positive  |
udbhūtarūpa | n. visible form or shape  |
udbhūtarūpa | mfn. having a visible shape. |
udbhūtasparśavat | mfn. having distinct or positive tangibility, tangible  |
udbhūtatva | n. the state of being increased  |
udbhūti | f. coming forth, existence, appearance  |
udbhūti | f. elevation, increase  |
udbhyasa | ( bhyas-connected with bhī-), trembling  |
udbila | mfn. emerged from a hole, (an animal) that has quitted its hole  |
udbodha | m. awaking  |
udbodha | m. coming forth, appearing  |
udbodha | m. fumigation  |
udbodha | m. reminding  |
udbodha | m. incipient knowledge  |
udbodhaka | mfn. exciting, calling forth  |
udbodhaka | mfn. reminding  |
udbodhaka | mfn. one who reminds or calls to remembrance  |
udbodhaka | mfn. discovering, exhibiting  |
udbodhana | n. awaking, arousing  |
udbodhana | n. recalling, reminding  |
udbṛṃhaṇa | mfn. ( bṛh-), increasing, strengthening  |
udbrū | A1. -bruvate-, to extol, praise (See p.424) . (to renounce, give up )  |
udbudbuda | mfn. bubbling out forth  |
udbuddha | mfn. roused up, awaked  |
udbuddha | mfn. come forth, appearing  |
udbuddha | mfn. blown, budded  |
udbuddha | mfn. excited  |
udbuddha | mfn. reminded, made to think of, recalled  |
udbuddhasaṃskāra | m. association of ideas, recalling anything to remembrance.  |
udbudh | A1. -budhyate- (Aorist 3. plural -abudhran- ) to awake  |
udbudhnya | Nom. (fr. -budhna-) P. -budhnyati-, to come out of the deep, come or spring up  |
uddā | P.  |
uddāha | m. heat, fire,  |
uddal | Caus.  |
uddala | m. Name of a pupil of yājñavalkya-'s.  |
uddāla | m. the plant Paspalum Frumentaceum  |
uddāla | m. Cordia Myxa or Latifolia  |
uddāla | a wicker basket for catching fish,  |
uddālaka | m. equals ud-dāla- above  |
uddālaka | m. Name of a teacher  |
uddālaka | n. a kind of honey  |
uddālakapuṣpabhañjikā | f. "breaking uddālaka- flowers", a sort of game (played by people in the eastern districts)  |
uddālakavrata | n. a particular vow commentator or commentary on  |
uddālakāyana | m. a descendant of the teacher uddālaka-.  |
uddalana | mfn. tearing out  |
uddalana | n. the act of splitting, causing to burst  |
uddālana | n. a means of tearing away or removing  |
uddālin | m. equals ud-dala- q.v  |
uddālya | ind.p. having caused to burst, having split  |
uddam | Caus. -damayati-, to subdue, overpower, become master of.  |
uddama | m. the act of subduing, taming  |
uddāma | mfn. (fr. dāman-with 1. ud-), unrestrained, unbound, set free  |
uddāma | mfn. self-willed  |
uddāma | mfn. unlimited, extraordinary  |
uddāma | mfn. violent, impetuous, fiery  |
uddāma | mfn. wanton  |
uddāma | mfn. proud, haughty  |
uddāma | mfn. large, great etc.  |
uddāma | m. a particular metre  |
uddāma | m. "one whose noose is raised", Name of yama-  |
uddāma | m. of varuṇa-  |
uddāmam | ind. in an unrestrained manner, without any limits  |
uddāmaya | Nom. P. uddāmayati-, to unfetter, cause to come forth  |
uddaṃśa | m. and uddaṃśaka- a bug  |
uddaṃśa | m. a mosquito, gadfly  |
uddamya | ind.p. having subdued  |
uddāna | n. the act of binding on, fastening together, stringing  |
uddāna | n. taming, subduing  |
uddāna | n. the middle, waist  |
uddāna | n. a fire-place  |
uddāna | n. submarine fire  |
uddāna | n. entrance of the sun into the sign of the zodiac  |
uddāna | n. contents  |
uddāna | n. tax, duty  |
uddāna | m. Name of a man  |
uddaṇḍa | mfn. one who holds up a staff (said of a doorkeeper)  |
uddaṇḍa | mfn. having a stick or staff or stalk raised or erect |
uddaṇḍa | mfn. prominent, extraordinary  |
uddaṇḍa | m. a kind of time (in music).  |
uddaṇḍakavi | m. Name (also title or epithet) of the author of the drama mallikā-māruta-.  |
uddaṇḍapāla | m. equals udaṇḍa-pala- q.v  |
uddaṇḍaraṅganātha | m. Name (also title or epithet) of the author of the drama Mallika1-ma1ruta.  |
uddaṇḍita | mfn. raised up, elevated  |
uddānta | mfn. humble  |
uddānta | mfn. energetic  |
uddānta | mfn. elevated  |
uddantura | mfn. large-toothed, having projecting teeth  |
uddantura | mfn. high, tall  |
uddantura | mfn. terrific, formidable  |
uddarśana | See ud-dṛś-.  |
uddarśana | m. Name of a king of the nāga-s  |
uddarśita | mfn. made visible, come forth, appearing  |
uddāsa | m. gaRa balādi-  |
uddāsin | mfn. gaRa grāhy-ādi-  |
uddāya | ind.p. having taken out or away, having extorted  |
uddeha | m. an ant-hill,  |
uddehika | m. plural Name of a people  |
uddehikā | f. the white ant.  |
uddeśa | m. the act of pointing to or at, direction  |
uddeśa | m. ascertainment  |
uddeśa | m. brief statement  |
uddeśa | m. exemplification, illustration, explanation  |
uddeśa | m. mentioning a thing by name etc.  |
uddeśa | m. assignment, prescription  |
uddeśa | m. stipulation, bargain  |
uddeśa | m. quarter, spot, region, place  |
uddeśa | m. an object, a motive  |
uddeśa | m. upper region, high situation etc.  |
uddeśa | m. (in nyāya- philosophy) enunciation of a topic (that is to be further discussed and elucidated)  |
uddeśaka | mfn. illustrative, explanatory  |
uddeśaka | m. an illustration, example  |
uddeśaka | m. an illustrator, guide  |
uddeśaka | m. (in mathematics) a question, problem commentator or commentary on  |
uddeśakavṛkṣa | m. equals uddeśa-pādapa- q.v  |
uddeśana | n. the act of pointing to or at commentator or commentary on  |
uddeśapādapa | m. a tree planted for a particular purpose  |
uddeśāt | ind. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') relative to, aiming at, |
uddeśatas | ind. pointedly, distinctly  |
uddeśatas | ind. by way of explanation  |
uddeśatas | ind. briefly  |
uddeśavidheyavicāra | m. Name of work  |
uddeśavṛkṣa | m. equals -pādapa- above.  |
uddeśena | ind. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') relative to, aiming at, |
uddeśin | mfn. pointing at or to  |
uddeṣṭṛ | mfn. pointing out etc.  |
uddeṣṭṛ | mfn. one who acts with a certain scope or design.  |
uddeśya | mfn. to be illustrated or explained  |
uddeśya | mfn. anything to which one refers or which one has in view commentator or commentary on  |
uddeśya | mfn. that which is said or enunciated first commentator or commentary on  |
uddeśya | mfn. destined for  |
uddeśya | mfn. to be mentioned by name only commentator or commentary on  |
uddeśya | n. the end in view, an incentive.  |
uddeśyaka | mfn. pointing at or to commentator or commentary on  |
uddeśyapādapa | m. equals uddeśapādapa- q.v  |
uddeśyavidheyabodhasthalīyavicāra | m. sthalīya |
uddhā | (ud-dhā-) P. (subjunctive 2. plural -dadhātana-) to erect (kapṛth/am-) ; to expose (an infant)  |
uddhā | ( ud-- 1 hā-) A1. -jihīte- (parasmE-pada uj-j/ihāna- = ;See also below) to go upwards, move upwards, rise up etc. ; to open (as a door) ; to go out or away, start from, leave  |
uddhama | See ud-dhmā-.  |
uddhama | mfn. one who blows  |
uddhama | m. breathing hard, panting  |
uddhama | m. blowing, sounding  |
uddhama | (2. sg. imperative forming irregular tatpuruṣa- compounds) .  |
uddhamavidhamā | f. any act in which it is said udhama! vidhama-! gaRa mayūra-vyaṃsakādi-  |
uddhan | ( ud-han-) P. -dhanti- (Ved. imperfect tense 3. sg. -ahan- ; imperative -hantu-, ; dual number -hatam-,i, 184, 2, etc.) A1. (3. plural uj-jighnante- ;Ved. infinitive mood -dhantav/ai- ) to move or push or press upwards or out, lift up, throw away ; to root up or out ; to turn up (the earth), dig, throw open etc.: (A1.) to kill one's self, hang one's self  |
uddhana | m. ( han-) a wooden swordlike instrument for stirring boiled rice,  |
uddhāna | n. (2. hā-), the act of leaving, abandonment  |
uddhāna | mfn. (corrupted from ud-vānta-, ud-dhmāta-, ud-dhmāna- ) ejected, vomited  |
uddhāna | mfn. corpulent, inflated  |
uddhāna | n. the act of ejecting, vomiting  |
uddhāna | n. a fire-place  |
uddhanana | n. the act of throwing up or turning up commentator or commentary on  |
uddhānta | mfn. (See above) , ejected, vomited  |
uddhānta | m. an elephant out of rut (from whose temples the juice ceases to flow)  |
uddhara | m. Name of a rakṣas-  |
uddhara | mfn. varia lectio for ud-dhura- q.v  |
uddhara | (2. sg. imperative forming irregular tatpuruṣa- compounds) .  |
uddhāra | m. (in some senses perhaps from 1. ud-dhṛ-), the act of raising, elevating, lifting up  |
uddhāra | m. drawing out, pulling out commentator or commentary on  |
uddhāra | m. removing, extinction, payment (of a debt)  |
uddhāra | m. taking away, deduction  |
uddhāra | m. omission commentator or commentary on  |
uddhāra | m. selection, a part to be set aside, selected part  |
uddhāra | m. exception etc.  |
uddhāra | m. selecting (a passage), selection, extract (of a book) commentator or commentary on  |
uddhāra | m. extraction, deliverance, redemption, extrication etc.  |
uddhāra | m. a portion, share  |
uddhāra | m. a surplus (given by the Hindu law to the eldest son beyond the shares of the younger ones)  |
uddhāra | m. the first part of a patrimony  |
uddhāra | m. the sixth part of booty taken in war (which belongs to the prince)  |
uddhāra | m. a debt (especially one not bearing interest),  |
uddhāra | m. obligation  |
uddhāra | m. recovering property  |
uddhāra | m. refutation commentator or commentary on  |
uddhārā | f. the plant Cocculus Cordifolius  |
uddhāra | n. a fire-place  |
uddhāraka | mfn. one who raises or lifts, drawing out  |
uddhāraka | mfn. paying, giving out, affording.  |
uddhārakavidhi | m. mode of giving out or paying (edition Bühler) . |
uddhārakośa | m. Name of work  |
uddharaṇa | n. (in some meanings perhaps from 1. ud-dhṛ- q.v), the act of taking up, raising, lifting up  |
uddharaṇa | n. the act of drawing out, taking out, tearing out etc.  |
uddharaṇa | n. means of drawing out  |
uddharaṇa | n. taking off (clothes)  |
uddharaṇa | n. taking away, removing  |
uddharaṇa | n. putting or placing before, presenting, treatment  |
uddharaṇa | n. extricating, delivering, rescuing etc.  |
uddharaṇa | n. taking away (a brand from the gārhapatya--fire to supply other sacred fires)  |
uddharaṇa | n. eradication  |
uddharaṇa | n. extermination  |
uddharaṇa | n. the act of destroying  |
uddharaṇa | n. vomiting, bringing up  |
uddharaṇa | n. vomited food  |
uddharaṇa | n. final emancipation  |
uddharaṇa | m. Name of the father of king śantanu- (the author of a commentary on a portion of the mārkaṇḍeya-purāṇa-).  |
uddhāraṇa | n. the act of raising, elevating  |
uddhāraṇa | n. drawing out  |
uddhāraṇa | n. the act of giving out or paying (edition Kosegarten) .  |
uddharaṇīya | mfn. to be raised or taken up  |
uddharaṇīya | mfn. to be extracted  |
uddharaṇīya | mfn. to be separated commentator or commentary on  |
uddharāvasṛjā | f. any act in which it is said uddhara-! avasṛja-!, ([or utsṛja-!]) gaRa mayūravyaṃsakādi-  |
uddhāravibhāga | m. division of shares, partition.  |
uddhārita | mfn. taken out, drawn forth, extricated  |
uddhārita | mfn. released.  |
uddharma | m. unsound doctrine, heresy.  |
uddharotsṛjā | f. any act in which it is said uddhara-! avasṛja-!, ([or utsṛja-!]) gaRa mayūravyaṃsakādi-  |
uddharṣa | (for 2.See) m. ( dhṛṣ-), courage to undertake anything  |
uddharṣa | mfn. (for 1.See sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order) glad, pleased, happy  |
uddharṣa | m. the flaring upwards (of the fire) on  |
uddharṣa | m. great joy  |
uddharṣa | m. a festival (especially a religious one)  |
uddharṣaṇa | mfn. (for 2.See) animating, encouraging  |
uddharṣaṇa | n. the act of animating or encouraging  |
uddharṣaṇa | mfn. (for 1.See) causing joy, gladdening  |
uddharṣaṇa | n. erection of the hair (through rapture)  |
uddharṣaṇī | f. a kind of metre  |
uddharṣin | mfn. one whose hair is erect (through joy)  |
uddharṣiṇī | f. a kind of metre (consisting of four verses, of fourteen syllables each).  |
uddhartavya | mfn. to be drawn out  |
uddhartavya | mfn. to be separated commentator or commentary on  |
uddhartṛ | mfn. one who raises or lifts up  |
uddhartṛ | mfn. a sharer, co-heir  |
uddhartṛ | mfn. one who recovers property  |
uddhartṛ | m. a destroyer, exterminator  |
uddhartṛ | m. redeemer, deliverer  |
uddhārya | mfn. to be removed or expelled  |
uddhārya | mfn. to be cured  |
uddhārya | mfn. to be delivered.  |
uddhas | ( ud-has-) P. -dhasati-, to break out into laughter (said of the lightning) ; to flash  |
uddhasta | mfn. (hasta-with ud-) extending the hands, raising the hands  |
uddhata | mfn. raised (as dust), turned up  |
uddhata | mfn. lifted up, raised, elevated, high etc.  |
uddhata | mfn. struck (as a lute)  |
uddhata | mfn. enhanced  |
uddhata | mfn. violent, intense etc.  |
uddhata | mfn. puffed up, haughty, vain, arrogant  |
uddhata | mfn. rude, ill-behaved etc.  |
uddhata | mfn. exceeding, excessive  |
uddhata | mfn. abounding in, full of etc.  |
uddhata | mfn. stirred up, excited, agitated etc.  |
uddhata | m. a king's wrestler  |
uddhata | m. Name of a certain donkey  |
uddhatamanas | mfn. high minded  |
uddhatamanas | mfn. haughty, proud  |
uddhatamanaska | mfn. idem or 'mfn. haughty, proud '  |
uddhatamanaskatva | n. pride, arrogance  |
uddhatārṇavanisvana | mfn. making a noise like that of the agitated sea.  |
uddhatatva | n. pride, arrogance  |
uddhati | f. a stroke, shaking (niruddhatis- varia lectio for nir-undhatas-,174 c)  |
uddhati | f. elevation  |
uddhati | f. pride, haughtiness  |
uddhatiśrit | mfn. "towering and arrogant", .  |
uddhava | m. ( hu-), sacrificial fire |
uddhava | m. a festival, holiday  |
uddhava | m. joy, pleasure  |
uddhava | m. Name of a yādava- (kṛṣṇa-'s friend and counsellor)  |
uddhavadūta | m. Name of two poems.  |
uddhavasaṃdeśa | m. Name of two poems.  |
uddhaya | mfn. ( dhe-), sucking out, drinking  |
uddhi | m. the seat of a carriage  |
uddhi | m. an earthen stand on which the ukhā- rests  |
uddhī | P. (imperfect tense 3. plural -/adīdhayus-) to look upwards with desire  |
uddhita | mfn. erected, raised, built up  |
uddhita | mfn. exposed  |
uddhmā | P. -dhamati-, to blow out, breathe out, expire (See ud-dhmāya-below) ; to inflate, make known by blowing (a trumpet etc.)  |
uddhmāna | n. a fire-place, stove  |
uddhmāya | ind.p. having breathed out, expiring  |
uddhmāya | (the manuscripts read udhnāya- udmāya-,Weber conjectures ud-dhmāya-.)  |
uddhṛ | P. A1. -dharati-, -te- (in many cases not to be distinguished from 2. ud-dhṛ-below;the imperfect tense and perfect tense are the only forms clearly referable to this root) , to bring out of, draw out ; to raise up, elevate, honour (See also 2. ud-dhṛ-below) : Desiderative -didhīrṣati-, to wish to draw out, |
uddhṛ | ( ud-hṛ-,in some cases not to be distinguished from 1. ud-dhṛ-) P. A1. -dharati-, -te- (parasmE-pada -dh/arat- ; perfect tense 3. plural /uj-jaharus- ; Aorist -ahārṣam- ) to take out, draw out, bring or tear out, pull out, eradicate ; to extricate etc. ; to draw, ladle up, skim ; to take away (fire, or anything from the fire) etc. ; to raise, lift up etc. ; to rescue (from danger etc.), deliver, free, save etc. ; to put away or off, remove ; to separate etc. ; to leave out, omit ; to except (See ud-dhṛtya-) ; to select, choose: A1. to take for one's self etc. ; to extend, elevate, raise ; to make strong or brisk or quick etc. ; to present, offer ; to root out, destroy, undo etc. ; to divide (in mathematics): Causal -dhārayati-, to raise, up-lift ; to take for one's self : Desiderative uj-jihīrṣati-, to wish to draw out or to rescue  |
uddhṛṣ | ( ud-hṛṣ-), Ved. A1. -[ d-] harṣate-, to be excited with joy, rejoice ; to do anything with joy or pleasure ; (in class. lang.) P. -dhṛṣyati-, to be merry or in high spirits ; to flare upwards ; to open (as a calyx) : Causal -dharṣayati- (3. plural -dharṣ/ayanti- ) to make merry or in high spirits, rejoice, cheer ; to make brisk, encourage  |
uddhṛta | mfn. drawn up or out (as water from a well etc.)  |
uddhṛta | mfn. extracted, pulled up or out, eradicated, broken off etc.  |
uddhṛta | mfn. drawn up or out, ladled out, skimmed etc.  |
uddhṛta | mfn. raised, elevated, lifted up, thrown up or upwards etc.  |
uddhṛta | mfn. separated, set apart, taken away, removed etc.  |
uddhṛta | mfn. chosen, selected, taken from or out of etc.  |
uddhṛta | mfn. raised, made strong or famous  |
uddhṛta | mfn. recovered  |
uddhṛta | mfn. uncovered  |
uddhṛta | mfn. dispersed, scattered  |
uddhṛta | mfn. holding, containing  |
uddhṛta | mfn. vomited  |
uddhṛtāri | mfn. one who has extirpated his enemies.  |
uddhṛtasneha | mfn. having the oil extracted (as the refuse of seeds ground for oil)  |
uddhṛti | f. the act of drawing out, extraction  |
uddhṛti | f. taking away or out, removing (the fire)  |
uddhṛti | f. abstract, extract  |
uddhṛti | f. delivering, rescue.  |
uddhṛtoddhāra | mfn. that from which the thing to be excepted is excepted  |
uddhṛtya | ind.p. having raised up or drawn etc.  |
uddhṛtya | having excepted, excepting  |
uddhṛtya | with the exception of  |
uddhū | P. A1. -dhūnoti- and -dhunoti-, -nute-, to rouse up, shake up, move, cause to rise (dust) etc. ; to throw upwards, lift up etc. ; to kindle ; to disturb, excite ; to shake off, throw off ; to expel.  |
uddhūlana | n. the act of sprinkling with dust or powder  |
uddhūlaya | Nom. (fr. dhūli-with ud-) P. -dhūlayati-, to powder, sprinkle with dust or powder  |
uddhūmāyita | mfn. filled with vapour,  |
uddhūnana | n. the act of shaking, jolting  |
uddhūnana | n. a kind of powder  |
uddhūpana | n. (fr. Nom. dhūpaya-with ud-) fumigation  |
uddhura | mfn. (fr. dhur-with ud-; see ), freed from a yoke or burden, unrestrained, wild, lively, cheerful etc.  |
uddhura | mfn. heavy, thick, gross, firm etc.  |
uddhura | mfn. high  |
uddhuṣaṇa | n. (corrupted from ud-dharṣaṇa-?) erection of the hair  |
uddhūṣaṇa | n. (for ud-dharṣaṇa-?) erection of the hair (see ud-dhuṣaṇa-.)  |
uddhūṣita | mfn. having the hairs erect (through joy)  |
uddhūta | mfn. (sometimes ud-dhuta-) shaken up, raised, caused to rise etc.  |
uddhūta | mfn. thrown upwards, tossed up, scattered above  |
uddhūta | mfn. kindled (as fire)  |
uddhūta | mfn. excited, agitated  |
uddhūta | mfn. shaken off, fallen from or off, thrown off or away  |
uddhūta | mfn. exalted  |
uddhūta | mfn. high, loud  |
uddhūta | n. (uddhūta-) stamping  |
uddhūta | n. turning up, digging  |
uddhūta | n. roaring (of the ocean)  |
uddhūtapāpa | mfn. one who has shaken off his sins  |
uddhūti | f. shaking, brandishing,  |
uddhvaṃs | A1. -dhvaṃsate-, to be affected or attacked (by disease etc.) : Causal P. -dhvaṃsayati-, to attack, cause to befall, affect  |
uddhvaṃsa | m. destruction  |
uddhvaṃsa | m. affection (of the throat), hoarseness  |
uddhvaṃsa | m. the state of being attacked (by infectious disorders etc.), an epidemic  |
uddhvaṃsana | n. affection (of the throat)  |
uddhvaṃsana | n. an epidemic  |
uddhve | ( ud-hve-) P. -dhvayati- (imperfect tense 1. sg. -ahvam- ) to call out, entice  |
uddhya | m. ( ujjh- on ) a river  |
uddhya | m. Name of a river  |
uddidhīrṣā | See .  |
uddidhīrṣā | f. desire to remove commentator or commentary on  |
uddidhīrṣu | mfn. wishing to draw or bring out  |
uddih | P. -degdhi- (3. plural -dihanti-) to throw or heap up  |
uddīkṣā | f. conclusion of the dīkṣā-,  |
uddina | n. midday  |
uddīp | A1. -dīpyate-, to flame, blaze up, be kindled : Causal -dīpayati-, to. light up, inflame ; to illuminate ; to animate, excite, irritate, provoke  |
uddīpa | m. the act of inflaming, lighting  |
uddīpa | m. an inflamer  |
uddīpa | m. animating  |
uddīpa | n. a gummy and resinous substance, bdellium  |
uddīpaka | mfn. inflaming, exciting, rendering more intense commentator or commentary on  |
uddīpaka | mfn. lighting, setting alight  |
uddīpaka | m. a kind of bird  |
uddīpana | mfn. inflaming, exciting  |
uddīpana | mfn. affecting violently (as poison)  |
uddīpana | n. the act of inflaming, illuminating  |
uddīpana | n. lighting up  |
uddīpana | n. inflaming (a passion), exciting, animating, stimulating etc.  |
uddīpana | n. an incentive, stimulus  |
uddīpana | n. any aggravating thing or circumstance (giving poignancy to feeling or passion)  |
uddīpana | n. burning (a body etc.)  |
uddīpikā | f. a kind of ant.  |
uddīpra | n. bdellium  |
uddīpta | mfn. lighted, set on fire or alight, shining  |
uddīpta | mfn. inflamed, aggravated (as passion)  |
uddīpti | f. the being inflamed or excited  |
uddīrṇa | mfn. torn out (varia lectio ud-īrṇa-).  |
uddiś | P. A1. -diśati-, -te-, to show or direct towards ; to point out, signify, declare, determine etc. ; to speak of ; to say, enunciate, prophesy ; to mean, point at, take for ; to aim at, intend, destine etc. ; to explain, instruct, teach  |
uddiś | f. a particular point or direction of the compass (see 2. ā-d/iś-)  |
uddīśa | m. (equals uḍḍīśa- q.v), Name of śiva-  |
uddiṣṭa | mfn. mentioned, particularized  |
uddiṣṭa | mfn. described  |
uddiṣṭa | mfn. promised  |
uddiṣṭa | n. a kind of time (in music).  |
uddiśya | ind.p. having shown or explained  |
uddiśya | stipulating for, demanding  |
uddiśya | (used as a preposition) aiming at, in the direction of  |
uddiśya | with reference to  |
uddiśya | towards  |
uddiśya | with regard to, for, for the sake of, in the name of etc. (with accusative)  |
uddita | mfn. bound, tied  |
uddṝ | P.  |
uddraṣṭṛ | m. one who descries  |
uddrāva | mfn. running away  |
uddrāva | m. going upwards  |
uddrāva | m. flight, retreat  |
uddṛṃh | P. (imperative 2. sg. /ud-dṛṃha-) to erect and fortify  |
uddṛś | See ut-paś-, .  |
uddṛṣṭa | mfn. descried, visible  |
uddṛṣṭa | n. the appearance or becoming visible of the moon  |
uddru | P. to run up or out or through ; to recite quickly.  |
uddruta | mfn. running away  |
uddrutya | ind.p. running up or away  |
uddrutya | reciting quickly (see anu-dru-)  |
udduṣ | P. -dūṣayati-.  |
uddūṣya | ind.p. having publicly calumniated or discredited  |
uddyota | mfn. flashing up, shining.  |
uddyota | m. the act of flashing up, becoming bright or visible, revelation etc.  |
uddyota | m. light, lustre etc.  |
uddyota | m. a division of a book, chapter  |
uddyota | m. Name of nāgojibhaṭṭa-'s commentator or commentary on kaiyaṭa-'s bhāṣyapradīpa-. |
uddyotaka | mfn. enlightening, emblazoning  |
uddyotaka | mfn. inflaming, stimulating commentator or commentary on  |
uddyotakara | mfn. causing light, enlightening, illuminating,  |
uddyotakarācārya | m. Name of a teacher.  |
uddyotakārin | mfn. causing light, enlightening, illuminating,  |
uddyotamayūkha | m. Name of work  |
uddyotana | n. the act of enlightening, illumination.  |
uddyotanasūri | m. Name of a teacher ( )  |
uddyotin | mfn. shining upwards  |
uddyotita | mfn. caused to shine, lighted up, bright  |
uddyut | P. Ved. (imperfect tense -adyaut-) A1. -dyotate-, to blaze up, shine, shine forth ; Causal P. -dyotayati-, to cause to shine or shine forth : Intensive Vedic or Veda (subjunctive -d/avidyutat-) to shine intensely  |
ude | ( ud-ā-i-) P. -/eti- (imperative 2. sg. ud/ehi- ) to go up, rise, arise from, come up, move upwards ; to move out, come out of, go out ; to arise, be produced.  |
udej | P. -ejati-, to move upwards, rise ; to shake, tremble: Causal -ejayati-, to cause to tremble, shake on  |
udejaya | mfn. shaking, causing to tremble  |
udeṣyat | mfn. about to rise or mount upwards, about to increase |
udeyivas | mfn. (past participle P.) that has come up, produced, originated, born  |
udgā | Ved. P. (Aorist or imperfect tense -agāt-) to rise (as the sun etc.), come up ; to come forth, begin on  |
udgadgadikā | f. sobbing  |
udgāḍha | mfn. flowing over, excessive, violent, much etc.  |
udgāḍham | ind. excessively, much  |
udgāh | A1. (perfect tense 3. plural -jigāhīre-[irr.] ) to emerge.  |
udgai | P. -gāyati- (-gāti- ) to begin to sing ; to sing or chant (applied especially to the singing or chanting of the sāmaveda- see ud-gāt/ṛ-) etc. ; to sing out loud ; to announce or celebrate in song, sing before any one (with accusative) ; to fill with song |
udgal | P. -galati-, to trickle out, ooze out, issue in drops  |
udgala | mfn. raising the neck  |
udgāla | m. vomiting (confer, compare ud-- gāra-),  |
udgam | P. -gacchati- (Ved. imperfect tense 1. plural -aganma-) to come forth, appear suddenly, become visible : etc. ; to go up, rise (as a star), ascend, start up etc. ; to go out or away, disappear etc. ; to spread, extend : Causal -gamayati-, to cause to rise ; to cause to come out or issue (as milk from the mother's breast), suck.  |
udgama | m. going up, rising (of a star etc.), ascending, elevation (of a mountain) etc.  |
udgama | m. coming forth, becoming visible, appearing, production, origin etc.  |
udgama | m. going out or away  |
udgama | m. shooting forth (of a plant)  |
udgamana | n. the act of rising (of a star etc.), ascending  |
udgamana | n. the act of coming forth, becoming visible  |
udgamanīya | mfn. to be gone up or ascended  |
udgamanīya | mfn. cleansed, clean  |
udgamanīya | n. a clean cloth or garment  |
udgamanīya | n. a pair of bleached cloths or sheets  |
udgandhi | mfn. ( ) giving forth perfume, fragrant  |
udgantṛ | m. one who leads out  |
udgāra | m. ( ) the act of discharging, spitting out, ejecting (from the mouth) , vomiting, belching, eructation etc.  |
udgāra | m. relating repeatedly  |
udgāra | m. spittle, saliva  |
udgāra | m. flood, high water on  |
udgāra | m. roaring, hissing, a loud sound  |
udgāracūḍaka | m. a species of bird  |
udgāraśodhana | m. black caraway  |
udgarbha | mfn. pregnant  |
udgārin | mfn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') ejecting, spitting, vomiting  |
udgārin | mfn. discharging, thrusting out etc.  |
udgārin | mfn. uttering, causing to sound  |
udgārin | m. the 57th year of the Jupiter cycle  |
udgarj | P. -garjati-, to burst out roaring ; to cry out loudly  |
udgarjita | n. roaring, grunting,  |
udgata | mfn. gone up, risen, ascended etc.  |
udgata | mfn. come or proceeded forth, appeared, etc.  |
udgata | mfn. gone, departed  |
udgata | mfn. extended, large  |
udgata | mfn. vomited, cast up  |
udgatā | f. Name of a metre (consisting of four lines, with ten syllables in the first three, and thirteen in the last;occurring exempli gratia, 'for example' in ). |
udgataśṛṅga | mfn. one whose horns are just appearing (as a calf) on  |
udgatāsu | mfn. one whose life is gone, deceased, dead.  |
udgāthā | f. a variety of the āryā- metre (consisting of four lines, containing alternately twelve and eighteen instants).  |
udgati | f. coming forth  |
udgati | f. going up, rising, ascent  |
udgati | f. bringing up  |
udgati | f. vomiting  |
udgātṛ | m. one of the four chief-priests (viz. the one who chants the hymns of the sāmaveda-), a chanter  |
udgātrādi | (tṛ-ā-) m. Name of a gaṇa-  |
udgātṛdamana | n. Name of several sāman-s.  |
udgātukāma | mfn. wishing to singular  |
udgehī | f. a kind of ant  |
udgeya | mfn. to be sung  |
udgha | m. excellence  |
udgha | m. a model, pattern  |
udgha | m. happiness  |
udgha | m. the hollow hand  |
udgha | m. fire  |
udgha | m. organic air in the body  |
udghana | m. a carpenter's bench, a plank on which he works  |
udgharṣa | m. rubbing (the skin with hard substances)  |
udgharṣaṇa | n. idem or 'm. rubbing (the skin with hard substances) '  |
udgharṣaṇa | n. rubbing up, scratching  |
udgharṣaṇa | n. striking, beating, blows  |
udghaṭ | Caus. -ghāṭayati-, to open, unlock, unfasten, unveil ; to peel, shell etc. ; to expose ; to betray ; to commence, begin ; to rub over, stroke ; to tickle.  |
udghāṭa | m. the act of exposing or showing (the teeth), śubh-.  |
udghāṭa | m. a watch or guard-house  |
udghāta | m. ( ghas-), flesh  |
udghāta | m. the act of striking, wounding, inflicting a hurt  |
udghāta | m. a wound, blow  |
udghāta | m. slipping, tripping  |
udghāta | m. raising, elevation  |
udghāta | m. beginning, commencement  |
udghāta | m. a thing begun  |
udghāta | m. breathing through the nostrils (as a religious exercise)  |
udghāta | m. a club, mallet  |
udghāta | m. a weapon  |
udghāta | m. a division of a book, chapter, section  |
udghāṭaka | m. a key  |
udghāṭaka | n. a leather bucket used for drawing up water  |
udghātaka | n. a dialogue carried on in short abrupt but significant words,  |
udghāṭana | mfn. opening, unlocking  |
udghāṭana | n. the act of opening, unlocking  |
udghāṭana | n. revealing, manifesting  |
udghāṭana | n. the act of unveiling, exposing, uncovering  |
udghāṭana | n. a leather bucket used for drawing up water  |
udghāṭana | n. hoisting, raising, lifting up  |
udghātana | n. a bucket for drawing (water)  |
udghāṭanīya | mfn. to be opened  |
udghāṭin | mfn. one who opens or unlocks  |
udghāṭin | mfn. commencing  |
udghātin | mfn. having elevations, uneven, rough (varia lectio for ut-khātin-)  |
udghaṭita | mfn. unlocked  |
udghāṭita | mfn. opened, manifested  |
udghāṭita | mfn. undertaken, commenced  |
udghāṭita | mfn. raised, hoisted, lifted up  |
udghāṭita | mfn. done with effort, exerted  |
udghāṭita | mfn. stroked, tickled  |
udghāṭitajña | mfn. wise, intelligent  |
udghāṭitāṅga | mfn. "having the limbs exposed", naked  |
udghāṭitāṅga | mfn. wise, intelligent  |
udghaṭṭ | Caus. -ghaṭṭayati- and -ghāṭṭayati-, to unlook, open ; to stir up  |
udghaṭṭaka | m. a kind of time (in music)  |
udghaṭṭana | n. striking against, a stroke  |
udghaṭṭana | n. outbreak (of violence or passion)  |
udghaṭṭana | n. opening, opening upwards (as a lid)  |
udghaṭṭita | mfn. opened, unlocked  |
udghātya | n. a dialogue carried on in short abrupt but significant words,  |
udghātyaka | m. abrupt interruption in the prologue of a drama (where an actor suddenly strikes in with an irrelevant remark caused by his having mistaken a word uttered by another actor)  |
udghoṇa | mfn. having the nose or snout erected (as a boar)  |
udghoṣa | m. the act of announcing or proclaiming aloud  |
udghoṣa | m. popular talk, general report.  |
udghoṣaḍiṇḍima | m. a drum beaten by a town-crier (to attract attention in the streets)  |
udghoṣaka | m. one who makes a proclamation, a town-crier  |
udghoṣaṇa | fn. proclamation, publication  |
udghṛṣ | P. -gharṣati-, to rub up, rub together, grind, comminute by rubbing ; to rub over ; to strike at, toll (a bell) ; See ud-ghṛṣṭa-.  |
udghṛṣṭa | mfn. rubbed, ground, pulverized  |
udghṛṣṭa | mfn. struck at, tolled (as a bell)  |
udghṛṣṭa | n. a particular fault in pronunciation,  |
udghūrṇa | mfn. ( ghūrṇ-), wavering, unsteady  |
udghuṣ | P. -ghoṣati-, to sound ; to cry out ; to fill with cries ; to proclaim aloud : Causal -ghoṣayati-, to cause to sound aloud ; to declare aloud, proclaim, noise abroad  |
udghuṣṭa | mfn. sounded out  |
udghuṣṭa | mfn. filled with cries  |
udghuṣṭa | mfn. proclaimed, noised abroad  |
udghuṣṭa | n. sound, noise  |
udgiraṇa | n. the act of vomiting, ejecting (from the mouth), spitting out, slobbering, slavering  |
udgīrṇa | mfn. vomited forth, ejected etc.  |
udgīrṇa | mfn. cast forth, fallen out of  |
udgīrṇa | mfn. caused, effected  |
udgīrya | ind.p. having omitted or ejected etc.  |
udgīta | mfn. sung  |
udgīta | mfn. announced, celebrated  |
udgīta | n. singing, a song  |
udgītha | m. ( ) chanting of the sāma-veda- |