uc | cl.4 P. ucyati- (perfect tense 2. sg. uv/ocitha- ) A1. (perfect tense 2. sg. ūciṣ/e- ) to take pleasure in, delight in, be fond of ; to be accustomed ; to be suitable, suit, fit.  |
ucatha | n. (fr. vac-), verse, praise  |
ucathya | mfn. deserving praise  |
ucathya | m. Name of an āṅgirasa- (author of some hymns of the ṛg-- veda-).  |
ucca | mfn. (said to be fr. ca-fr. añc-with 1. ud-), high, lofty, elevated  |
ucca | mfn. tall etc.  |
ucca | mfn. deep  |
ucca | mfn. high-sounding, loud  |
ucca | mfn. pronounced with the udātta- accent etc.  |
ucca | mfn. intense, violent  |
ucca | m. height  |
ucca | m. the apex of the orbit of a planet, kāla-s.  |
ucca | m. Comparative degree ucca-tara-, superl. ucca-tama-; ([ confer, compare Hibernian or Irish uchdan,"a hillock"; Cambro-Brit.uched,"cleve."])  |
uccā | ind. above (in heaven), from above, upwards  |
uccabhāṣaṇa | n. speaking aloud.  |
uccabhāṣin | mfn. speaking with a loud voice, shouting, brawling.  |
uccābudhna | (ucc/ā-) mfn. having the bottom upwards  |
uccācakra | (ucc/ā-) mfn. having a wheel above (said of a well)  |
uccadeva | m. Name of viṣṇu- or kṛṣṇa-  |
uccadevatā | f. the time personified  |
uccadhvaja | m. Name of śākya-muni- (as teacher of the gods among the tuṣita-s q.v)  |
uccaghana | n. laughter in the mind not expressed in the countenance  |
uccagir | mfn. having a loud voice  |
uccagir | mfn. proclaiming  |
uccaiḥ | (in compound for ucc/ais-below) .  |
uccaiḥkara | mfn. making acutely accented  |
uccaiḥkāram | ind. with a loud voice commentator or commentary on  |
uccaiḥkula | n. exalted family, high family  |
uccaiḥkula | mfn. of high family.  |
uccaiḥpada | n. a high situation  |
uccaiḥpaurnamāsī | f. a particular day of full moon (on which the moon appears before sunset)  |
uccaiḥśabdam | ind. with a loud voice  |
uccaiḥśiras | mfn. carrying one's head high, a man of high rank  |
uccaiḥśravas | m. "long-eared or neighing aloud"Name of the horse (of indra- ) produced at the churning of the ocean (regarded as the prototype and king of horses)  |
uccaiḥśravasa | m. idem or 'm. "long-eared or neighing aloud"Name of the horse (of indra- ) produced at the churning of the ocean (regarded as the prototype and king of horses) '  |
uccaiḥśravasa | m. Name of a horse, of the god of the sun  |
uccaiḥśravyakarṇaka | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a demon,  |
uccaiḥsthāna | n. a high place,  |
uccaiḥsthāna | mfn. of high place  |
uccaiḥsthāna | mfn. of high rank or family  |
uccaiḥstheya | n. loftiness, firmness (of character).  |
uccaiḥsvara | mfn. crying aloud,  |
uccair | (in compound for ucc/ais-below) .  |
uccairabhijana | mfn. of noble descent,  |
uccairbhāṣaṇa | n. speaking aloud.  |
uccairbhāṣya | n. speaking aloud.  |
uccairbhuja | mfn. having the arms outstretched or elevated  |
uccairdhāman | mfn. having intense rays.  |
uccairdviṣ | mfn. having powerful enemies  |
uccairgati | f. going up, ascending,  |
uccairghoṣa | (ucc/air-) mfn. sounding aloud, crying, neighing, roaring, rattling  |
uccairghuṣṭa | n. making a loud noise, clamour  |
uccairgotra | n. high family or descent.  |
uccairmāna | m. haughtiness,  |
uccairmanyu | m. Name of a man.  |
uccairmukha | mfn. having the face upreared.  |
uccais | ind. (sometimes used adjectively) aloft, high, above, upwards, from above  |
uccais | ind. loud, accentuated  |
uccais | ind. intensely, much, powerfully  |
uccaistamām | ind. exceedingly high  |
uccaistamām | ind. on high  |
uccaistamām | ind. very loudly, aloud commentator or commentary on  |
uccaistana | mfn. high, lofty,  |
uccaistara | mfn. higher, very high  |
uccaistara | mfn. loftier etc.  |
uccaistara | mfn. louder, very loud  |
uccaistarām | ind. higher, louder  |
uccaistarām | ind. pronounced with a higher accent  |
uccaistaṭa | n. a steep declivity.  |
uccaistva | n. height, loudness, etc.  |
uccak | (ud-cak-) P. -cakati-, to look up stead fastly or dauntlessly ; to look up perplexedly  |
uccakaiḥ | (for uccakais-below) 1. kṛ- to make high, set up in a high place  |
uccakais | ind. (sometimes used as an indeclinable adjective) excessively lofty  |
uccakais | ind. tall  |
uccakais | ind. loud  |
uccakais | greatly in a high degree,  |
uccakalpa | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a town,  |
uccakita | mfn. looking up perplexedly or in confusion  |
uccakṣūbhū | or 1. -as- to raise one's eyes.  |
uccakṣūkṛ | to cause any one to raise the eyes on  |
uccakṣus | (ud-cakṣus-) mfn. having the eyes directed upwards  |
uccal | (ud-cal-) P. -calati-, to go or move away from ; to free or loosen one's self from etc. ; to set out ; to spring or jump up.  |
uccala | m. the mind, understanding  |
uccala | m. Name of a king  |
uccala | mfn. springiiig forth,  |
uccalalāṭā | f. a woman with a high or projecting forehead  |
uccalalāṭikā | f. a woman with a high or projecting forehead  |
uccalana | n. going off or out, moving away  |
uccalita | mfn. gone up or out, setting out etc.  |
uccalita | mfn. springing or jumping up  |
uccaṇḍa | mfn. (ud-ca-) very passionate, violent |
uccaṇḍa | mfn. terrible, mighty |
uccaṇḍa | mfn. quick, expeditious |
uccaṇḍa | mfn. hanging down |
uccandra | (ud-ca-) m. the moonless period of the night, the last watch of the night  |
uccanīca | mfn. high and low, variegated, heterogeneous  |
uccanīca | n. the upper and lower station of the planets  |
uccanīca | n. change of accent.  |
uccapada | n. a high situation, high office. |
uccar | (ud-car-) P. A1. -carati-, -te- ([ ]), to go upwards, ascend, rise (as the sun) , issue forth, go forth etc. ; to let the contents (of anything) issue out ; to empty the body by evacuations ; to emit (sounds), utter, pronounce etc. ; to quit, leave ; to sin against, be unfaithful to (a husband) ; to trespass against : Causal P. -cārayati-, to cause to go forth ; to evacuate the body by excretion, discharge feces ; to emit, cause to sound, utter, pronounce, declare  |
uccāra | mfn. rising  |
uccāra | m. feces, excrement  |
uccāra | m. discharge  |
uccāra | m. pronunciation, utterance.  |
uccāraka | mfn. pronouncing, making audible.  |
uccaraṇa | n. going up or out  |
uccaraṇa | n. uttering, articulating.  |
uccāraṇa | n. pronunciation, articulation, enunciation  |
uccāraṇa | n. making audible  |
uccāraṇajña | m. a linguist, one skilled in utterances or sounds  |
uccāraṇārtha | mfn. useful for pronunciation  |
uccāraṇārtha | mfn. necessary for pronunciation, a redundant letter etc. (only used to make pronunciation easy)  |
uccāraṇasthāna | n. the part of the throat whence certain sounds (such as nasals, gutturals etc.) proceed.  |
uccāraṇīya | mfn. to be pronounced.  |
uccaraṇya | Nom. P. uccaraṇyati-, to move out, stretch out to.  |
uccāraprasravaṇa | n. excrement  |
uccāraprasrāvasthāna | n. a privy  |
uccārayitṛ | mfn. one who utters or pronounces commentator or commentary on  |
uccārin | mfn. emitting sounds, uttering  |
uccarita | mfn. gone up or out, risen  |
uccarita | mfn. uttered, articulated  |
uccarita | n. excrement, dung  |
uccārita | mfn. pronounced, uttered, articulated  |
uccārita | mfn. having excretion, one who has had evacuation of the bowels  |
uccārita | n. evacuation of the bowels  |
uccārya | mfn. to be spoken, to be pronounced  |
uccārya | ind.p. having spoken or uttered.  |
uccāryamāṇa | mfn. being uttered or pronounced.  |
uccasaṃrāga | mfn. "highly reddened"and"much inflamed",  |
uccasaṃśraya | mfn. situated at a high elevation (as a star), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
uccaśas | ind. upwards  |
uccaṭ | (ud-caṭ-) P. -caṭati- (perfect tense -cacāṭa-) to go away, disappear : Causal P. -cāṭayati-, to drive away, expel, scare  |
uccatā | f. height, superiority  |
uccatā | f. the apex of the orbit of a planet  |
uccāṭa | m. ruining (an adversary), causing (a person) to quit his occupation by means of magical incantations  |
uccaṭā | f. (etymology doubtful) , pride, arrogance  |
uccaṭā | f. habit, usage  |
uccaṭā | f. a species of cyperus  |
uccaṭā | f. a kind of garlic  |
uccaṭā | f. Abrus Precatorius  |
uccaṭā | f. Flacourtia Cataphracta  |
uccatāla | n. music and dancing at feasts, drinking parties, etc.  |
uccāṭana | mf(ī-)n. ruining (an adversary)  |
uccāṭana | m. Name of one of the five arrows of kāma-  |
uccāṭana | n. eradicating (a plant)  |
uccāṭana | n. overthrow, upsetting  |
uccāṭana | n. causing (a person) to quit (his occupation by means of magical incantations)  |
uccāṭanīya | mfn. to be driven away  |
uccataratā | f. surplus, excess,  |
uccataru | m. the cocoa-nut tree  |
uccataru | m. any lofty tree.  |
uccāṭita | mfn. driven away  |
uccatva | n. height, superiority  |
uccatva | n. the apex of the orbit of a planet  |
uccāvaca | mfn. high and low, great and small, variegated, heterogeneous  |
uccāvaca | mfn. various, multiform, manifold  |
uccāvaca | mfn. uneven, irregular, undulating  |
uccaya | See uc-ci-.  |
uccaya | m. gathering, picking up from the ground  |
uccaya | m. adding to, annumeration  |
uccaya | m. collection, heap, plenty, multitude etc.  |
uccaya | m. the knot of the string or cloth which fastens the lower garments round the loins tied in front  |
uccaya | m. the opposite side of a triangle  |
uccayāpacaya | m. dual number prosperity and decline, rise and fall.  |
ucceya | mfn. to be picked up or gathered  |
ucchad | (ud-chad-,sometimes also incorrectly for ut-sad- q.v), Causal P. -chādayati-, to uncover (one's body), undress.  |
ucchādana | n. cleaning or rubbing the body with oil or perfumes  |
ucchādya | ind.p. having undressed  |
ucchal | ( ud-śal-) P. -chalati- (parasmE-pada chalat-) to fly upwards or away, jerk up, spring upwards  |
ucchalana | n. breaking forth, L  |
ucchalita | mfn. jerked up, moved, waved, waved above  |
ucchaṃs | ( ud-śaṃs-) P. (imperative 2. sg. /uc-chaṃsa- ) to extol, praise.  |
ucchanna | mfn. uncovered, undressed  |
ucchanna | mfn. (for ut-sanna- q.v) lost, destroyed etc.  |
ucchās | ( ud-śās-) P. (imperative 2. sg. /u-chaśādhi- ) to lead up (to the gods).  |
ucchāstravartin | (ud-śā-) mfn. deviating from or transgressing the law-books  |
uccheda | m. cutting off or out  |
uccheda | m. extirpation, destruction  |
uccheda | m. cutting short, putting an end to  |
uccheda | m. excision  |
ucchedana | n. cutting off  |
ucchedana | n. extirpating, destroying, destruction  |
ucchedanīya | mfn. to be cut off  |
ucchedavāda | m. the doctrine that death causes extinction,  |
ucchedavādin | m. an adherent of the above doctrine, ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
ucchedin | mfn. destroying, resolving (doubts or difficulties)  |
ucchedya | mfn. to be cut off or destroyed  |
uccheṣa | mfn. left remaining  |
uccheṣa | mfn. remainder, leavings  |
uccheṣaṇa | n. remainder, leavings  |
uccheṣaṇīkṛ | to leave as a remainder  |
ucchettṛ | m. an extirpator, destroyer  |
ucchī | ( ud-śī-) A1. (3. dual number -chyāte- ) to be prominent, stand out, stick out.  |
ucchid | (ud-chid-) P. -chinatti- (imperative 2. sg. -chindhi- ; infinitive mood chettum- ; -chettav/ai- ) to cut out or off, extirpate, destroy etc. ; to interfere, interrupt, stop etc. ; to analyze, resolve (knotty points or difficulties) ; to explain ([ ]) : Causal P. -chedayati-, to cause to extirpate or destroy : Passive voice -chidyate-, to be cut off ; to be destroyed or extirpated ; to be interrupted or stopped ; to cease, be deficient, fail  |
ucchidya | ind.p. having cut off or destroyed, having interrupted etc.  |
ucchikha | mfn. (ud-śi-) having an upright comb (as a peacock)  |
ucchikha | mfn. having the flame pointed upwards  |
ucchikha | mfn. flaming, blazing up  |
ucchikha | mfn. radiant  |
ucchikha | mfn. "high-crested", Name of a nāga-  |
ucchikhaṇḍa | (ud-śi-) mfn. having an upright tail (as a peacock)  |
ucchilīndhra | (ud-śi-) mfn. covered with sprouting mushrooms  |
ucchiṃhana | equals uc-- chinghana-  |
ucchiṅkhana | (ud-śi-) n. breathing through the nostrils, snuffing, snoring  |
ucchinna | mfn. cut out or off  |
ucchinna | mfn. destroyed, lost  |
ucchinna | mfn. abject, vile  |
ucchinna | m. (scilicet saṃdhi-) peace obtained by ceding valuable lands  |
ucchiras | mfn. (ud-śi-) having the head elevated, with upraised head  |
ucchiras | mfn. Name of a mountain also called urumuṇḍa-.  |
ucchīrṣaka | mfn. (ud-śī-) one who has raised his head  |
ucchīrṣaka | n. "that which raises the head", a pillow.  |
ucchiṣ | ( ud-śiṣ-) P. (2. sg. -chiṣas- ;3. plural -chiṃṣanti- ) to leave as a remainder etc.: A1. (subjunctive 3. sg. -ś/iṣātai- ) to be left remaining: Passive voice -śiṣyate- (Aorist /uc-cheṣi- ) to be left remaining  |
ucchiṣṭa | mfn. left, rejected, stale  |
ucchiṣṭa | mfn. spit out of the mouth (as remnants of food) etc.  |
ucchiṣṭa | mfn. one who has still the remains of food in the mouth or hands, one who has not washed his hands and mouth and therefore is considered impure, impure  |
ucchiṣṭa | n. that which is spit out  |
ucchiṣṭa | n. leavings, fragments, remainder (especially of a sacrifice or of food) |
ucchiṣṭabhāj | mfn. receiving the remainder  |
ucchiṣṭabhojana | n. eating the leavings of another man  |
ucchiṣṭabhojana | m. one who eats another's leavings  |
ucchiṣṭabhojana | m. the attendant upon an idol (whose food is the leavings of offerings)  |
ucchiṣṭabhojin | mfn. wax  |
ucchiṣṭabhoktṛ | mfn. one who eats leavings  |
ucchiṣṭabhoktṛ | mfn. a mean person.  |
ucchiṣṭacāṇḍālinī | f. Name of a goddess  |
ucchiṣṭagaṇapati | m. (opposed to śuddha-gaṇapati-), gaṇeśa- as worshipped by the ucchiṣṭa-s (or men who leave the remains of food in their mouth during prayer)  |
ucchiṣṭagaṇeśa | m. (opposed to śuddha-gaṇapati-), gaṇeśa- as worshipped by the ucchiṣṭa-s (or men who leave the remains of food in their mouth during prayer)  |
ucchiṣṭakalpanā | f. a stale invention.  |
ucchiṣṭamodana | n. wax  |
ucchiṣṭānna | n. leavings, offal.  |
ucchiṣṭāśana | n. eating leavings  |
ucchiṣṭatā | f. the being left, state of being a remnant or remainder commentator or commentary on  |
ucchiṣṭatva | n. the being left, state of being a remnant or remainder commentator or commentary on  |
ucchiṣṭita | mfn. made impure, defiled,  |
ucchiṣya | mfn. to be left  |
ucchitti | f. extirpation, destroying, destruction  |
ucchitti | f. decaying, drying up  |
ucchlakha | (ud-śl-), au- m. dual number a particular part of the human body  |
ucchocana | mfn. burning  |
ucchocana | See uc-chuc-.  |
ucchopha | (?) m. = uc-- chotha-,  |
ucchoṣaṇa | mfn. making dry, parching  |
ucchoṣaṇa | n. drying up  |
ucchoṣaṇa | n. making dry, parching  |
ucchoṣaṇa | See uc-chuṣ-.  |
ucchoṣuka | mfn. drying up, withering  |
ucchotha | m. bloatedness  |
ucchrath | ( ud-śrath-), Causal P. (imperative 2. sg. -śrathāya- ) to untie.  |
ucchraya | m. rising, mounting, elevation  |
ucchraya | m. rising of a planet etc.  |
ucchraya | m. elevation of a tree, mountain, etc.  |
ucchraya | m. height  |
ucchraya | m. growth, increase, intensity  |
ucchraya | m. the upright side of a triangle.  |
ucchrāya | m. ( ) rising upwards, elevation, height  |
ucchrāya | m. growth, increase, intensity  |
ucchrayaṇa | n. raising erecting  |
ucchrāyī | f. an upraised piece of wood, plank  |
ucchrāyin | mfn. high, raised, lofty  |
ucchrayopeta | mfn. possessing height, high, lofty, elevated.  |
ucchreya | mfn. high, lofty  |
ucchri | ( ud-śri-) P. -chrayati- (Aorist /ud-aśret- ) to raise, erect, extol etc.: A1. -chrayate- (imperative 2. sg. -chrayasva- ) to rise, stand erect etc.: Passive voice -chrīyate- (perfect tense -chiśriye-) to be erected : Causal -chrāpayati-, to raise, erect  |
ucchrita | mfn. raised, lifted up, erected etc.  |
ucchrita | mfn. rising, arising, mounting etc.  |
ucchrita | mfn. high, tall etc.  |
ucchrita | mfn. advancing, arisen, grown powerful or mighty etc. |
ucchrita | mfn. wanton, luxuriant etc.  |
ucchrita | mfn. excited  |
ucchrita | mfn. increased, grown, enlarged, large, huge  |
ucchrita | mfn. born, produced  |
ucchrita | m. Pinus Longifolia  |
ucchritapāṇi | mfn. with out-stretched hand.  |
ucchriti | f. rising upwards, elevation  |
ucchriti | f. increase, intensity  |
ucchriti | f. the upright side of a triangle  |
ucchriti | f. the elevation or height of a figure.  |
ucchritya | ind.p. having erected or raised  |
ucchṛṅgita | (ud-śṛ-) mfn. (fr. śṛṅga-), having erected horns  |
ucchṛṅkhala | mfn. (ud-śṛ-) unbridled, uncurbed, unrestrained  |
ucchṛṅkhala | mfn. perverse, self-willed  |
ucchṛṅkhala | mfn. irregular, desultory, unmethodical  |
ucchuc | ( ud-śuc-), Causal P. (parasmE-pada -choc/ayat-) to inflame  |
ucchuna | m. Name (also title or epithet) of vaiśākha-,  |
ucchūna | See uc-chvi-, column 2.  |
ucchūna | mfn. swollen up, swollen, bloated etc.  |
ucchūna | mfn. increased  |
ucchuṣ | ( ud-śuṣ-) P. -chuṣyati-, to dry up : Causal -choṣayati-, to cause to dry up ; to parch  |
ucchuṣka | mfn. dry, dried up, withered  |
ucchuṣma | mfn. (ud-śuṣma-[2. śuṣ-]) one whose crackling becomes manifest (said of agni-)  |
ucchuṣma | mfn. Name of a deity  |
ucchuṣma |  |
ucchuṣmā | f. Name (also title or epithet) of a plant,  |
ucchuṣmabhairava | n. Name of work  |
ucchuṣmakalpa | m. Name of a section of the atharva-- veda-pariśiṣṭa-.  |
ucchuṣmarudra | m. plural Name of a class of demons  |
ucchuṣmarudra | m. of a Saivite sect.  |
ucchvañc | ( ud-śvañc-) A1. (imperative 2. sg. /uc-chvañcasva- ) to gape, cleave open.  |
ucchvaṅka | m. gaping, cleaving open, forming a fissure  |
ucchvas | ( ud-śvas-) P. A1. -chvasiti- (parasmE-pada -chvasat-, -chvasamāna-; Potential -chvaset-, -chvasīta-) to breathe hard, snort ; to take a deep breath, breathe ; to breathe again, get breath, recover, rest etc. ; to sigh, pant, respire ; to rise ; to unfasten one's self ; to open, begin to bloom ; to heave: Causal -chvāsayati-, to cause to breathe again or recover ; to gladden ; to raise, lift, elevate ; to untie (see uc-chvāsita-below) .  |
ucchvāsa | m. breathing out  |
ucchvāsa | m. breath, deep inspiration etc.  |
ucchvāsa | m. expiration, death  |
ucchvāsa | m. sigh  |
ucchvāsa | m. froth, yeast, foam  |
ucchvāsa | m. swelling up, rising, increasing  |
ucchvāsa | m. consolation, encouragement  |
ucchvāsa | m. pause in a narration, division of a book (exempli gratia, 'for example' of the daśakumāra-carita-)  |
ucchvāsa | m. an air-hole  |
ucchvasana | n. breathing, taking breath  |
ucchvasana | n. sighing  |
ucchvasana | n. swelling up commentator or commentary on  |
ucchvasana | n. becoming loose (as a girdle),  |
ucchvasat | mfn. breathing etc. (See above)  |
ucchvasat | m. (an-) a breathing being  |
ucchvāsin | mfn. breathing out, expiring  |
ucchvāsin | mfn. breathing  |
ucchvāsin | mfn. sighing  |
ucchvāsin | mfn. swelling up, rising, coming forward etc.  |
ucchvāsin | mfn. pausing ([ ])  |
ucchvasita | mfn. heaving, beating, breathed, inspired  |
ucchvasita | mfn. recovered, calm  |
ucchvasita | mfn. revived, refreshed, gladdened etc.  |
ucchvasita | mfn. heaving, swelling up, raised, lifted etc.  |
ucchvasita | mfn. expanded, burst, unfastened, untied  |
ucchvasita | mfn. blooming  |
ucchvasita | n. breathing out, respiration  |
ucchvasita | n. exhalation  |
ucchvasita | n. breath  |
ucchvasita | n. throbbing, sighing  |
ucchvasita | n. bursting  |
ucchvasita | n. unfastening, untying  |
ucchvāsita | mfn. caused to recover, gladdened  |
ucchvāsita | mfn. raised, lifted up  |
ucchvāsita | mfn. unfastened, untied, loosened, released  |
ucchvāsita | mfn. breathless, out of breath  |
ucchvāsita | mfn. much, excessive  |
ucchvāsita | mfn. desisted from  |
ucchvāsita | mfn. disjointed, divided  |
ucchvayana | n. swelling,  |
ucchvi | ( ud-śvi-).  |
ucci | (ud-ci-) P. -cinoti- A1. (perfect tense 3. plural -cikyire- ) to gather, collect.  |
uccicīṣā | f. (from, Desiderative of 1. ci-) desire of plucking or gathering,  |
uccilinga | m. (= dāḍimī-),  |
ucciṅgaṭa | m. a passionate or angry man  |
ucciṅgaṭa | m. a kind of crab  |
ucciṅgaṭa | m. a sort of cricket  |
ucciṅgaṭa | m. (See ucciṭiṅga-, ciṅgaṭa-, cicciṭiṅga-.)  |
uccita | mfn. gathered, collected  |
ucciṭiṅga | m. a small venomous animal living in water  |
ucciṭiṅga | m. a crab  |
ucciṭiṅga | m. ([ see the last.])  |
uccitraṇa | n. decorating, embellishing,  |
uccitrita | mfn. richly decorated or furnished with (instrumental case), ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding  |
uccūḍa | m. (ud-cū-) the flag or pennon of a banner |
uccūḍa | m. an ornament tied on the top of a banner |
ucculump | ( ud-culump-), to sip up  |
ucculump | to sip, drink in,  |
uccumb | (ud-cumb-) P.  |
uccumbya | ind.p. having lifted up and kissed  |
uccyu | (ud-cyu-), Causal P. -cyāvayati-, to loosen, make free from, liberate  |
uch | cl.1 P. ucchati- See 3. vas-.  |
uch | cl.1 P. ucchati-, ucchāṃ-cakāra-, ucchitum-, etc., to finish ; to bind ; to abandon, transgress  |
ucita | mfn. delightful, pleasurable, agreeable  |
ucita | mfn. customary, usual  |
ucita | mfn. proper, suitable, convenient  |
ucita | mfn. acceptable, fit or right to be taken etc.  |
ucita | mfn. known, understood  |
ucita | mfn. intrusted, deposited  |
ucita | mfn. measured, adjusted, accurate  |
ucita | mfn. delighting in  |
ucita | mfn. used to  |
ucitadarśitva | n. (probably) the knowing what is fit or proper, .  |
ucitajña | mfn. knowing what is becoming or convenient.  |
ucitatva | n. fitness  |
abhaktaruci | f. want of appetite.  |
abhimuc | P. -muñcati-, to let go, let loose : A1. to throw or shoot (as arrows) |
abhinimluc | equals -mruc- before (see ni-mruc-and ni-mluc-.)  |
abhinimruc | -mr/ocati- (said of the sun) to set upon anybody who is sleeping or has not finished his work  |
abhiruc | A1. to be bright, shine ; to please any one (dative case) : Causal P. to delight, amuse (varia lectio abhi-ram-, Causal) : P. A1. to be pleased with, approve of, be inclined to, like  |
abhiruci | f. delighting in, being pleased with (locative case or in compound)  |
abhirucira | mfn. very bright  |
abhirucita | mfn. pleasing, agreeable to  |
abhirucita | mfn. pleased with, delighting in (locative case or in compound) (see yathābhirucita-)  |
abhirucita | m. Name of a prince of the vidyādhara-s  |
abhiśuc | to mourn  |
abhiśuc | (Imper. -śocatu-; subjunctive 2. sg. -śocas-) to flame towards, burn, consume ; to burn, torment : Causal (Aorist subjunctive 3. plural -śūśucan-) to burn, consume (by fire) : Intensive (parasmE-pada -ś/ośucāna-) idem or 'to mourn '  |
abhiviruc | A1. (imperfect tense -arocata-) to shine or be brilliant over (varia lectio ati-vi-ruc-).  |
abhyuc | -ucyati-, to like, take pleasure in visiting  |
abhyuccar | (Imper. 2. sg. -carā-) to rise over (accusative)  |
abhyuccaya | m. increase  |
abhyucchraya | m. ( śri-),"elevation", in compound with  |
abhyucchrayavat | mfn. having a great elevation, being higher than (ablative)  |
abhyucchrita | mfn. raised aloft, elevated etc.  |
abhyucchrita | mfn. prominent  |
abhyucchrita | mfn. excellent through (instrumental case)  |
abhyucchritakara | mfn. with uplifted proboscis  |
abhyucci | to bring together in one place commentator or commentary on ; to treat (a subject) in connection with (another)  |
abhyuccita | mfn. increased commentator or commentary on  |
abhyucita | mfn. usual, customary  |
adhararucaka | n. lovely lips,  |
adharauṣṭharucaka | n. lovely lips,  |
adhinirmuc | Passive voice -mucyate-, to escape from  |
aducchuna | mfn. free from evil, propitious  |
agnipuccha | n. tail or extreme point of, a sacrificial fire (arranged in the shape of a bird)  |
agniśaucavastra | n. a fine muslin garment,  |
āgomuc | mfn. liberating from crimes or sins  |
āgomuc | See /āgas-.  |
ahimaruci | m. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. idem or 'm. "having hot rays", the sun ' ' ' ' ' '  |
akṛttaruc | mfn. possessing unimpaired splendour  |
ambhomuc | m. "water-shedder", a cloud  |
ambucāmara | n. "water-chowri", the aquatic plant Valisneria.  |
ambucara | mfn. moving in the water, aquatic.  |
ambucārin | mfn. moving in water (as a fish, etc.) (see ap-cara- sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order 2. /ap-).  |
ambumuc | m. a cloud  |
aṃhomuc | mfn. delivering from distress  |
amitaruci | m. Name of a deity  |
amuc | f. not setting at liberty  |
āmuc | P. -muñcati-, to put on (a garment or ornament etc.) etc. ; to put off (clothes etc.), to undress ; to let go ; to throw, sling, cast  |
amucī | f. "not setting at liberty" , Name of an evil spirit  |
anaucitī | f. indecorous conduct,  |
anaucitya | n. unfitness  |
aniṣucārin | mfn. one who does not go hunting with arrows (but with snares),  |
annābhiruci | f. desire of food, appetite,  |
āntrānucārin | mfn. being in the bowels, mantra-br.  |
anucakṣ | (perf. -cac/akṣa-; imperfect tense A1. -acaṣṭa-) to look at or up to |
anucar | to walk or move after or along ; to follow, pursue, seek after ; to follow out, adhere to, attend ; to behave: Caus. -cārayati-, to let or cause to traverse: Intensive p. -carcūry/amāṇa-, continuing following  |
anucara | mf(/ī-)n. following, attending  |
anucara | m. companion, follower, servant  |
anucarā | f. (rarely ā-) a female attendant.  |
ānucāraka | mfn. (fr. anu-cāraka-), belonging to an attendant  |
anucāraka | m. a follower, attendant, (gaRa mahiṣy-ādi- q.v)  |
anucaraṇa | n. going after, wandering,  |
anucaraṇacarita | n. acts, deeds, adventures,  |
anucarci | mfn. reciting or repeating (in a chorus)  |
anucarī | f. a female attendant.  |
anucārikā | f. a female follower or attendant.  |
anucārin | mfn. following, attending.  |
anucca | mfn. not high, low, humble  |
anucca | mfn. (equals an-udātta-), accentless  |
anuccais | ind. not aloud, in a low voice.  |
anuccalat | mfn. not moving or going from (ablative),  |
anuccāra | m. non-pronunciation, skipping words (in reciting hymns). See uc-car-.  |
anuccāraṇa | n. non-pronunciation, skipping words (in reciting hymns). See uc-car-.  |
anucchāda | m. ( chad-), a garment which hangs down (probably that part of the lower garment which hangs down in front from the waist to the feet)  |
anuccheda | m. equals an-uc-chitti-.  |
anucchedya | mfn. indestructible, not severable.  |
anucchid | ( chid-) to cut along or lengthwise.  |
anucchindat | mfn. not destroying.  |
anucchindat | mfn. cutting lengthwise.  |
anucchinna | mfn. not cut off  |
anucchinna | mfn. unextirpated.  |
anucchiṣṭa | mfn. ( śiṣ-with ud-), without remains or leavings of food, pure  |
anucchiṣṭa | mfn. not mere remains  |
anucchitti | f. ( chid-), not cutting off, non-extirpation, non-destruction, indestructibility.  |
anucchittidharman | (/anucchitti--) mfn. possessing the virtue (or faculty) of being indestructible  |
anuccho | ( cho-) cl.4 P. (Imper. 2. sg. -chya-) to cut open or cut up  |
anuci | (Imper. A1. -cikitām-) to remember  |
anucint | to meditate, consider, recall to mind ; Caus. to make to consider.  |
anucintā | f. thinking of, meditating upon, recalling, recollecting  |
anucintā | f. anxiety.  |
anucintana | n. thinking of, meditating upon, recalling, recollecting  |
anucintana | n. anxiety.  |
anucintita | mfn. recollected, recalled, thought of.  |
anucita | mfn. (1. ci-), set or placed along or lengthwise or in rows  |
anucita | mfn. improper, wrong, unusual, strange.  |
anucitārtha | m. an unusual meaning.  |
anumluc | (only used for the etymol. of anu-ml/ocantī-,below), to rise from the resting-place (?)  |
anupramuc | to let loose or go successively  |
anupraśuc | -śocate-, to regret or mourn deeply  |
anuruc | Causal P. -rocayati-, to choose, prefer  |
anuśuc | to mourn over, regret, bewail: Causal P. -śocayati-, to mourn over.  |
anuvyuccar | to follow in going forth  |
apakṣapuccha | mfn. without wings and tail  |
apaśuc | m. (1. śuc-),"without sorrow", the soul  |
apaśuc | Intens.p. -ś/ośucat- (mfn.) driving off by flames  |
aprayucchat | mfn. attentive  |
apsucara | mfn. (Ved.) going in the waters commentator or commentary  |
apuccha | mfn. tailless  |
apucchā | f. the tree Dalbergia  |
ārambharuci | mfn. enjoying new undertakings  |
ārambharuci | mfn. enterprising  |
ārambharucitā | f. spirit of enterprise  |
ardhaguccha | m. a necklace of sixteen (or twenty-four) strings  |
artharuci | mfn. equals -citta-  |
arthaśauca | n. purity, honesty in money matters (see -prayoga-above)  |
aruc | mfn. lightless  |
āruc | A1. (subjunctive 3. plural /ā-rucayanta- ) to shine near or towards.  |
aruci | f. want of appetite, disgust  |
aruci | f. aversion, dislike (with upari-).  |
arucira | mfn. disagreeable, disgusting.  |
arucita | mfn. not agreeable or suitable to  |
arucya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. disagreeable, disgusting.'  |
aśauca | n. (equals āśauca- q.v ) impurity, contamination, defilement (contracted by the death of a relation, or by the commission of prohibited acts, etc.) |
aśauca | n. uncleanness  |
aśauca | See a-śuci-.  |
āśauca | n. (fr. a-śuci- ), impurity  |
āśaucanirṇaya | m. Name of work  |
āśaucin | mfn. impure.  |
asipucchaka | m. the Gangetic porpoise (Delphinus Gangeticus).  |
asitapucchaka | m. "having a black tail", Name of an animal (see kāla-pucchaka-.)  |
aśītaruc | m. =  |
asrabinducchadā | f. Name of a tuberous plant.  |
āśuc | P. (imperative /ā-śuśugdhi- ) to procure or bestow by shining forth.  |
aśuci | mfn. ( ) impure, foul  |
aśucibhāva | m. idem or 'n. impurity.'  |
aśucikara | mfn. making dirty, soiling  |
aśucilipta | mfn. soiled  |
aśucitva | n. impurity.  |
aśucivrata | mfn. making unholy vows,  |
aśvapucchaka | m. Name of a plant  |
aśvapucchikā | f. the plant Glycine Debilis  |
atimuc | Passive voice -mucyate-, to avoid, escape  |
atimucya | ind.p. having dismissed or, given up.  |
atiruc | to shine over or along ; to surpass in shining.  |
atiruc | m. a horse's fetlock or knee  |
atirucira | mfn. very lovely  |
atirucirā | f. Name of two metres (a variety of the atijagatī-;another called cuḍikā-or culikā-).  |
ātuc | (locative case ci-) f. growing dusk, evening  |
atuhinaruci | m. "having not cold light", the sun  |
atyuccairdhvani | m. a very loud sound  |
atyuccairdhvani | m. a very high note.  |
atyuccais | ind. very loudly.  |
aucathya | m. a descendant of ucathya-, Name of dīrghatamas- (equals autathya-below )  |
auccaiḥśravasa | m. (fr. uccaiḥ-śravas-), Name of indra-'s horse  |
auccaiḥśravasa | m. a horse  |
auccāmanyava | m. a descendant of uccāmanyu-  |
auccya | n. (fr. ucca-), height, distance (of a planet)  |
aucitī | f. (fr. ucita-), fitness, suitableness, decorum  |
aucitya | n. fitness, suitableness, decorum etc.  |
aucitya | n. the state of being used to, habituation  |
aucityālaṃkāra | m. Name of work  |
avamuc | P. (parasmE-pada -muñc/at-) to loosen ; to let go ; (ind.p. -mucya-) to unharness ; (generally ind.p. -mucya-) to take off (as a garment etc.) etc.: A1. (parasmE-pada -muñc/am/ana-) to liberate one's self from, strip off  |
avaruc | -r/ocate-, to shine down  |
avimucyamāna | mfn. (Passive voice p.) not being extended  |
avyucchettṛ | m. one who does not injure (with genitive case)  |
avyucchinna | mfn. uninterrupted  |
bahiḥśauca | n. external purification,  |
bāhucāpa | m. "arm-bow", a fathom (as a measure)  |
bahucārin | mfn. roaming much or widely  |
bahucarmaka | mf(ikā-)n.  |
bahucchada | m. Alstonia Scholaris  |
bahucchala | mf(ā-)n. deceitful  |
bahucchalatva | n.  |
bahucchinnā | f. a species of Cocculus  |
bāhucchinna | mfn. having a broken arm  |
bahucitra | mfn. very various or manifold  |
bāhucyut | (?)  |
bāhucyuta | (bāh/u--) mfn. fallen from the arm, dropped out of the hand  |
bālānucaragopta | m. Name of śiva-  |
bālānucaragupta | m. Name of śiva-  |
baṭucaritanāṭaka | n. Name of a drama.  |
bhadrabāhucaritra | n. bhadrabāhu |
bhadraruci | m. Name of a man  |
bhāgavatasamuccayesahasranāmastotra | n. Name of work  |
bhāgavatasārasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
bhaktaruci | f. equals -cchanda-  |
bhaktāruci | f. equals ta-dveṣa-  |
bhallapucchī | f. "bear's tail", Hedysarum Lagopodioides  |
bhānucandra | m. "ray-moon", Name of a prince  |
bhānucandra | m. of an author  |
bhānucandragaṇi | m. Name of Scholiast or Commentator on vasantarāja-'s śakunārṇava-.  |
bhānucaritra | n. Name of a poem.  |
bharatasamuccaya | m. (a particular rhetoric figure consisting of an) accumulation of dramatic terms,  |
bhāruci | m. Name of an author on dharma- and vedānta-  |
bhāvaratnasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
bhikṣucaryā | f. "a mendicant's course of life", begging  |
bhinnaruci | mfn. having a different taste  |
bhīrucetas | m. "timid-hearted", a deer  |
bhogaguccha | n. hire of prostitution  |
bhūpasamuccayatantra | n. Name of work  |
bhūyoruci | mfn. taking much delight in anything ( bhūyorucitā -tā- f.)  |
bhūyorucitā | f. bhūyoruci |
binducitra | m. the spotted antelope.  |
binducitraka | m. the spotted antelope.  |
bodhiruci | m. Name of a scholar  |
bodhisaṃcodiṇīsamuccayā | f. Name of a Buddhist deity  |
cakraguccha | m. "having circular clusters", Jonesia aśoka-  |
calapuccha | m. Coracias indica  |
camarapuccha | n. a Yak's tail  |
camarapuccha | m. "having a bushy tail", the Indian fox  |
caṇḍīkucapañcaśatī | f. "500 stanzas in praise of the breast of a passionate woman", Name of a poem. |
cārucandra | m. Name of a son of kṛṣṇa-  |
cārucaryā | f. Name of work  |
cārucaryāśataka | n. Name of work  |
carucelin | mfn. (for cār-?) having portions of offerings on the clothes (śiva-)  |
cārucitra | m. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra-  |
cārucitrāṅgada | m. idem or 'm. Name of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra- ' , .  |
cārugucchā | f. "beautiful-graped"a vine  |
celarucikā | f. a mourning band (?) (varia lectio)  |
chattraguccha | m. "umbrella-clustered", Scirpus Kysoor  |
chucchu | m. a kind of animal  |
chucchukabhaṭṭa | m. Name of the author of a laghu-vṛtti- on  |
chucchundara | m. the musk-rat (cchūnd-) and 14  |
chucchundarī | f. idem or 'm. the musk-rat (cchūnd-) and 14 '  |
chucchundari | m. idem or 'f. idem or 'm. the musk-rat (cchūnd-) and 14 ' '  |
cicīkucī | and kūcī- See cīc-.  |
cuccu | a kind of vegetable  |
cuccū | m. f. equals ccu-  |
cuccuparṇikā | f. a kind of vegetable, .  |
cuci | m. the female breast  |
cucu | for cuccu- q.v  |
cucuka | mn. cūcuka |
cucūka | n. cūcuka |
cucuka | See cūc-.  |
cucūka | See cūcuka-.  |
cucundarī | equals chucchun-  |
cucupa | See cūc-.  |
cucy | varia lectio for śucy- q.v  |
cumucumāyana | n. itching (of a wound)  |
curucurā | f. (onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds)) See karṇe--.  |
dadhipuccha | m. "milk-tail", Name of a jackal  |
dānucitra | (d/ā-) mfn. brilliant with dew or moisture  |
dāruciti | f. a pile or pyre of wood,  |
dārumuca | m. or n. (med.) white arsenic.  |
devamalimluc | m. "robber of the gods", an asura-  |
devānucara | m. a follower or attendant of a god  |
dharmaruci | mfn. delighting in or devoted to virtue  |
dharmaruci | m. Name of a dānava-  |
dharmaruci | m. of a god of the bodhi- tree  |
dharmaruci | m. of a man  |
dharmasārasamuccaya | m. "collection of laws", Name of work.  |
dhātucandrikā | f. Name of work  |
dhātucandrodaya | m. Name of work  |
dhātucintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
dhātucūrṇa | n. mineral powder  |
dhūliguccha | m. the red powder thrown about at the Holi festival  |
dhūligucchaka | m. the red powder thrown about at the Holi festival  |
dhūmraruc | mfn. of a purple or grey colour  |
dhvajasamucchraya | m. raising a flag  |
divoruc | mfn. shining from heaven  |
dravyasamuccaya | m. accumulation (of things),  |
dṛḍharuci | m. "of great glory", Name of a prince and of a varṣa- in kuśa-dvīpa-  |
ducchaka | m. a kind of fragrance or a hall of fragrances (equals gandha-kuṭī-)  |
ducchunā | f. (prob. fr. dus-and śun/a-) misfortune, calamity, harm, mischief (often personified as a demon)  |
ducchunāya | Nom. A1. y/ate-, to wish to harm, be evil disposed  |
dugdhapucchī | f. a kind of Curcuma  |
duruccheda | mfn. difficult to be extirpated or destroyed  |
durucchedya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. difficult to be extirpated or destroyed '  |
durucchedya | mfn. difficult to be cut through (knot)  |
dviruccārita | n. the repetition of a piece of music  |
dyucara | mfn. walking or moving in heaven, an inhabitant of heaven  |
dyucara | m. a vidyā-dhara-, (rī-bhū-,to become a vidyā-dhara- )  |
dyucara | m. a planet  |
dyucārin | m. a vidyā-dhara-  |
enomuc | mfn. rescuing from sin or evil  |
gāṃgaucya | m. (see gavāñc-?) Name of a divine being  |
gāṃgaucya | See gāṃ-.  |
gaupuccha | mf(ī-)n. (fr. go-p-), resembling a cow's tail gaRa śarkarādi-.  |
gaupucchika | mfn. equals go-pucchena tarat-  |
ghanaruc | mfn. shining like a cloud, cloud-like  |
ghanarucirakalāpa | mfn. having a tail glistening like a cloud (a peacock)  |
ghaṭapuccha | m. "pot-tailed", a kind of rice  |
glaucukāyana | m. patronymic fr. glucukāyani- Va1rtt. 4  |
glaucukāyana | m. plural the pupils of glaucukāyana-  |
glaucukāyanaka | mfn. belonging to glucukāyani-, 3, 126  |
glaucukāyanaka | mfn. worshipping glucukāyani-, 99  |
gluc | (= gruc-) cl.1 P. glocati- (Aorist aglucat-,or aglocīt- ), to steal, rob ; to go, move (varia lectio) (see gluñc-.) |
glucuka | m. "Name of a man" See kāyani-.  |
glucukāyani | m. patronymic fr. ka- on  |
glucukāyani | m. see glaucukāyana-.  |
gopuccha | n. (gaRa śarkarādi-) a cow's tail  |
gopuccha | n. a particular point of an arrow  |
gopuccha | m. (equals -lāṅgūla-) a sort of monkey  |
gopuccha | m. a sort of necklace (of 2 [or of 4 or of 34 ]strings)  |
gopuccha | m. a kind of drum  |
gopucchāgra | "end of a cow's tail", a kind of dramatic composition,  |
gopucchaka | mfn. having a tail like that of a cow  |
gopucchākṛti | m. "resembling a cow's tail" idem or 'm. a kind of drum '  |
goṣucara | mfn. walking among cattle Va1rtt. 5.  |
gruc | (= gluc-) cl.1 P. grocati- (Aorist agrucat-,or agrocīt- ;in derivatives k-for c-, ) to steal ; to go  |
guccha | m. (equals gutsa-) a bush, shrub  |
guccha | m. a bundle, bunch of flowers, cluster of blossoms, clump (of grass etc.), bunch (of peacock's feathers)  |
guccha | m. a pearl necklace of 32 (or of 70) strings (see ardha--)  |
guccha | m. a section in a tale  |
gucchabudhnā | varia lectio for -vadhrā-.  |
gucchadantikā | f. Musa sapientum  |
gucchagūma | n. bushes and shrubs, .  |
gucchāhvakanda | m. a kind of esculent root (gulañca-k-)  |
gucchaka | m. a bunch, bundle, cluster (of blossoms), bunch (of peacock's feathers), clump (of grass)  |
gucchaka | m. a pearl necklace of 32 strings  |
gucchaka | m. equals gucchin-  |
gucchaka | n. Name of a fragrant plant  |
gucchakaṇiśa | m. a kind of corn (rāgin-) (see bahutara-kaṇ-.)  |
gucchakarañja | m. a variety of karañja-  |
gucchala | m. a kind of grass  |
gucchāla | m. Andropogon Schoenanthus  |
gucchamūlikā | f. Scirpus Kysoor  |
gucchapattra | m. "having bunches of leaves", the palm tree  |
gucchaphala | m. "bunch-fruited", a kind of karañja- (riṭhā-karañja-)  |
gucchaphala | m. Strychnos potatorum  |
gucchaphala | m. Mimusops hexandra  |
gucchaphalā | f. equals -dantikā-  |
gucchaphalā | f. the vine  |
gucchaphalā | f. Solanum indicum  |
gucchaphalā | f. Solanum Jacquini  |
gucchaphalā | f. a kind of leguminous plant (niṣpāvī-)  |
gucchapuṣpa | m. Alstonia scholaris  |
gucchapuṣpaka | m. two varieties of karañja- (rīṭhā-k-and guccha-k-)  |
gucchapuṣpī | f. Grislea tomentosa  |
gucchapuṣpī | f. Name of a shrub (śimṛḍī-)  |
gucchārdha | m. a pearl necklace of twenty-four strings  |
gucchārka | varia lectio for galv-arka-  |
gucchavadhrā | f. Name of a plant (guṇḍālā-)  |
gucchin | m. equals guccha-karañja-  |
guḍucī | equals ḍūcī-  |
guluccha | m. (equals guccha-) a bunch, nosegay, cluster of blossoms  |
gulucchakanda | m. Name of a bulbous root (varia lectio lañca-k-).  |
gurucaryā | f. attendance on a teacher,  |
hastapuccha | n. the hand below the wrist  |
hastiruci | m. Name of an author  |
havirucohiṣṭa | n. the residue of an oblation  |
havirucohiṣṭabhuj | mfn. eating the residue of an oblation  |
havirucohiṣṭāśa | mfn. equals havirucohiṣṭa-bhuj-. ( )  |
havirucohiṣṭāśana | mfn. equals havirucohiṣṭa-bhuj-. ( )  |
havirucohiṣṭaśeṣa | m. what is left from, the residue of an oblation  |
hayapuccha | m. or n. a horse's tail  |
hayapucchī | f. equals next  |
hayapucchikā | f. Glycine Debilis  |
himaruci | m. equals -raśmi-  |
himaśucibhasmabhūṣita | mfn. adorned with ashes white as snow  |
hiṃsāruci | mfn. idem or 'mfn. delighting in doing harm or mischief ' ( hiṃsārucitva -tva- n.)  |
hiṃsārucitva | n. hiṃsāruci |
hiraṇyakaśipucchedin | ( ) m. Name of viṣṇu-.  |
hutāśaśauca | n. purification by fire  |
ikṣvākucandramas | m. Name (also title or epithet) of buddha-,  |
itihāsasamuccaya | m. Name (also title or epithet) of a work containing 32 legends from the  |
jalamuc | mfn. shedding water  |
jalamuc | m. a (rain-) cloud  |
jalaśuci | mfn. cleansed by water  |
jānucalana | n. balancing on the knees  |
jinadattakathāsamuccaya | m. Name of a collection of tales by bhadrācārya-  |
jñāpakasamuccaya | m. " jñāpaka- rules(of ) ", Name of work by puruṣottama-deva-.  |
kākapuccha | for -puṣṭa-  |
kakuca | a kind of plant or fruit,  |
kālapuccha | m. a species of animal living in marshes (see asita-pucchaka-)  |
kālapuccha | m. a kind of sparrow  |
kālapucchaka | m. a species of animal living in marshes (see asita-pucchaka-)  |
kālapucchaka | m. a kind of sparrow  |
kālāśauca | n. idem or 'f. a season of ceremonial impurity (as at the birth of a child, the death of a relation, etc., when it is considered unlawful to perform any religious rites).'  |
kalmāṣapuccha | mfn. having a speckled tail  |
kalyāṇapuccha | mf(ī-)n. having a beautiful tail  |
kanakastambharucira | mfn. shining with columns of gold  |
kāñcanaruci | mfn. shining like gold.  |
kapucchala | n. a tuft of hair on the hind part of the head (hanging down like a tail)  |
kapucchala | n. the fore-part of a sacrificial ladle (id est the part with which the fluid is skimmed off)  |
karmaśauca | n. humility  |
karṇecurucurā | f. whispering into the ear, tale-bearing gaRa pātre-samitādi-.  |
kārucaura | m. "mechanical thief", burglar  |
kaśyapapuccha | n. Name of a sāman-.  |
kaṭucāturjātaka | n. an aggregate of four acid substances (cardamoms, the bark and leaves of Laurus Cassia, and black pepper)  |
kaṭucchada | m. Tabernaemontana Coronaria  |
kaucahasti | m. patronymic fr. kucahasta- (plural)  |
kaucāpāka | m. a kind of decoction.  |
kaucavāra | m. patronymic fr. kūcavāra- gaRa bidādi-.  |
kaucavārya | mfn. coming from kūcavāra-  |
kaucumārayoga | m. (fr. kuc-), a particular art (kalā-)  |
kavarapuccha | mf(ī-)n. having a twisted tail or one resembling a braid Va1rtt. 2.  |
ketucakra | n. a kind of diagram.  |
kolapuccha | m. a heron  |
krakucchanda | m. Name of the 1st of the five buddha-s of the present kalpa-  |
kratucchada | m. one skilled in sacrifice (?)  |
kratucchada | m. for kraku-cchanda-  |
kriyāratnasamuccaya | m. Name of work ,  |
kriyāsamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
kroṣṭukapucchikā | f. equals kroṣṭu-p-  |
kroṣṭupucchī | f. idem or 'f. Hemionitis cordifolia ' |
kroṣṭupucchikā | f. Hemionitis cordifolia  |
kṛṣṇapuccha | m. "black-tailed", the fish Rohita  |
kṛṣṇapucchaka | m. a kind of antelope  |
kṛtaruc | mfn. splendid, brilliant.  |
kṣīragucchaphala | m. Mimusops Kauki  |
kuc | cl.1 P. kocati-, to sound high, utter a shrill cry (as a bird) ; to polish ; to go ; to connect, mix ; to bend, make curved ; to be curved or crooked ; to oppose, impede : to mark with lines, write : cl.6 P. kucati-, to contract ; to be or make small (see kuñc-.)  |
kuca | m. (generally dual number au-; in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).), the female breast, teat  |
kucāgra | n. a nipple  |
kucaharā | f. Name of an evil spirit who deprives women of their breasts  |
kucaila | mf(ā-)n. badly clothed  |
kucailin | mfn. idem or 'mf(ā-)n. badly clothed '  |
kucakumbha | m. the female breast.  |
kucamukha | n. "breast-top", a nipple  |
kucandana | n. red sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus)  |
kucandana | n. sappan or log-wood (Caesalpina Sappan see pattrāṅga-)  |
kucandana | n. a leguminous plant (Adenanthera pavonina)  |
kucandana | n. saffron  |
kucandana | etc. See  |
kucandanacara | etc. See  |
kucaṇḍikā | f. the plant Aletris hyacinthoides (= mūrvā-)  |
kucaṇḍikā | See 1. ku-.  |
kucāṅgerī | f. a kind of wood sorrel (Rumex vesicarius, equals cukrikā-)  |
kucaphala | m. "having fruits shaped like the female breast", the pomegranate  |
kucaphala | m. the plant Feronia elephantum  |
kucara | mfn. roaming about  |
kucara | mfn. following evil practices, wicked  |
kucara | mfn. speaking ill of any one, detracting  |
kucara | m. a wicked man  |
kucaritra | n. evil conduct  |
kucāru | m. a kind of bull like deer,  |
kucaryā | f. idem or 'n. evil conduct '  |
kucaśataka | n. Name (also title or epithet) of a kāvya-.  |
kucataṭa | n. idem or 'm. the female breast.'  |
kucataṭāgra | n. "point of the breast", a nipple.  |
kuccha | n. the white water-lily  |
kucchilā | f. Name of a river  |
kucela | n. a bad garment  |
kucela | n. rag  |
kucela | mfn. badly clothed, dressed in dirty or tattered garments  |
kucelā | f. Name of a plant (equals avi-karṇī-or viddha-parṇī-).  |
kucela | etc. See 1. ku-.  |
kucelī | f. the plant Clypea hernandifolia (or according to to Haughton "Cissampelos hexandra")  |
kuceṣṭā | f. a wicked contrivance.  |
kucika | mf(ā-) a kind of fish (in shape like an eel, commonly Kunciya, Unibranchapertura Cuchiya, or Muraena apterygia synbrache;the Hindus affirm that its bite is mortal to cows, though perfectly harmless to men)  |
kucika | m. plural (varia lectio for kuśika-), Name of a people  |
kucikā | f. Name of a plant  |
kucikarṇa | (ka-ṛṇa-) m. Name of a man  |
kucīrā | f. Name of a river (varia lectio ku-vīrā- )  |
kucīrā | See 1. ku-.  |
kucita | mfn. contracted  |
kucita | mfn. small  |
kucodya | n. an unsuitable question.  |
kucumāra | m. Name of the author of the aupaniṣadādhikaraṇa-.  |
kucuṇṭaka | m. a kind of potherb  |
kuḍyapucchā | f. a house-lizard  |
kūṇakuccha | m. Name of one of śiva-'s attendants (see kauṇakutsya-.)  |
kurucara | mf(ī-)n. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-).  |
kurucilla | m. a crab  |
laghucaccarī | f. (in music) a kind of measure  |
laghucāṇakyarājanīti | f. Name of work  |
laghucandrikā | f. Name of work  |
laghucandrikāpaddhati | f. Name of work  |
laghucchadā | f. a kind of asparagus  |
laghucchedya | mfn. easy to be cut or extirpated, easily destroyed (prob. wrong reading for laghūcchedya-).  |
laghucetas | mfn. little-minded, low-minded  |
laghucintāmaṇi | m. Name of work  |
laghucintāmaṇirasa | m. a particular fluid compound  |
laghucintana | n. Name of work  |
laghucirbhiṭā | f. colocynth  |
laghucitrahasta | mfn. light and ready-handed, possessing unusual manual skill  |
laghucitrālaṃkara | m. Name of work  |
laghucitta | mf(ā-)n. light-minded, little-minded, fickle  |
laghucittatā | f. light-mindedness, fickleness  |
lakṣaṇasamuccaya | m. Name of work on the characteristic marks of deities (attributed to hemādri-).  |
lakṣaṇasārasamuccaya | m. Name of work (containing rules for the construction of liṅga-s of śiva-).  |
lakuca | m. ( ) a kind of bread-fruit tree, Artocarpus Lacucha (a tree containing a large quantity of sticky milky juice)  |
lakuca | n. the fruit of this tree.  |
lākuca | mf(ī-)n. (fr. lakuca-) belonging or relating to the tree Arhocarpus Locucha  |
lākuci | m. patronymic fr. lakuca- (also plural)  |
likuca | m. equals lakuca-, Artocarpus Lacucha  |
likuca | n. vinegar.  |
likuci | m. Name of a man  |
lohitabinducitra | mfn. covered with red spots,  |
luc | f. plucking out or off  |
madamuc | mfn. emitting temple-juice (as a rutting elephant)  |
madhucchada | m. Flacourtia Sapida (alsof(ā-). )  |
madhucchanda | m. (mostly mc.) equals next  |
madhucchandas | m. Name of the 51st of viśvā-mitra-'s 101 sons etc.  |
madhucchandas | m. plural Name of all the sons of viśvā-  |
mādhucchandasa | mfn. relating to or coming from madhu-cchanda-s  |
mādhucchandasa | m. (patronymic fr. madhu-cchandas-) Name of agha-marṣaṇa- and jetṛ-  |
mādhucchandasa | n. Name of a sāman- ,  |
madhucchattra | m. or n. (?) equals vṛkṣādana-  |
madhucyut | mfn. ( ) ( ) dropping sweets or honey.  |
madhucyuta | mf(ā-)n. ( ) dropping sweets or honey.  |
mahābhāratasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
mahāmucilinda | m. a species of plant  |
mahāmucilinda | m. Name of a mythical mountain  |
mahāmucilindaparvata | m. idem or 'm. Name of a mythical mountain '  |
malimluc | m. (fr. Intensive of mluc-) "one who goes about in the dark", a robber, thief  |
malimluc | m. a particular demon (see deva-m-).  |
malimluca | m. a thief, robber ( )  |
malimluca | m. a demon, imp  |
malimluca | m. a gnat, mosquito  |
malimluca | m. a Brahman who omits the 5 chief devotional acts  |
malimluca | m. an intercalated 13th month (introduced every 5th year to approximate the lunar and solar modes of computation; see mala-māsa-)  |
malimluca | m. fire  |
malimluca | m. wind  |
malimluca | m. frost or snow  |
malimlucatattva | n. Name of work (= mala-māsa-tattva-).  |
māṃsaruci | m. fond of flesh  |
mānasamuccayaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
mānasaśuc | f. mental sorrow or grief.  |
maṇḍalapucchaka | m. a species of insect  |
maṇipuccha | mf(ī-)n. having lumps on the tail Va1rtt. 2  |
manoramākucamardinī | f. Name of work  |
mantrasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
mantrasārasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
marucchadā | f. a kind of shrub (see madhu-cchadā-).  |
marucīpaṭṭana | n. Name of a town (see marīci-pattana-).  |
marukucca | (?) m. Name of a country  |
mataṃgānucara | m. the keeper or driver of an elephant  |
mauca | n. (fr. moca-) the fruit of the banana or plantain tree  |
medaḥpuccha | m. the fat-tailed sheep  |
medaḥpucchaka | m. the fat-tailed sheep  |
merucandratantra | n. Name of a tantra-.  |
mīnapuccha | m. or n. (?) a fish-tail  |
mīnapucchanibha | mfn. resembling a fish-tail  |
mluc | (see mruc-) cl.1 P. ( ) ml/ocati- (Aorist amlucat-and amlocīt- ), to go, move ; to go down, set : Desiderative mumluciṣati- and mumlociṣati- : Intensive malimlucāmahe-, to bring to rest, allay (see anu--, upa--, ni--, abhi-ni-mluc-).  |
modamañjarīguṇaleśamātrasucakāṣṭaka | n. Name of stotra-s.  |
mṛducāpa | m. Name of a dānava-  |
mṛducarmin | m. Betula Bhojpatra  |
mṛducārubhāṣin | mfn. emitting soft and sweet sounds  |
mṛducchada | m. (only ) Betula Bhojpatra  |
mṛducchada | m. a species of pilu- tree  |
mṛducchada | m. Blumea Lacera  |
mṛducchada | m. a tree similar to the vine-palm  |
mṛducchada | m. Amphidonax Karka  |
mṛducchada | m. a species of grass equals śilpikā-.  |
mṛtāśauca | n. impurity contracted through the death of any one  |
mruc | (see mluc-) cl.1 P. mrocati- (Aorist amrucat-and amrocīt- ), to go, move : Desiderative mumruciṣati- and mumrociṣati- (see ni--and abhi-ni-mruc-).  |
muc | cl.1 A1. mocate-, to cheat (= mac- q.v)  |
muc | cl.6 P. A1. ( ) muñc/ati-, te- ( also, muc/anti-, mucasva-; parasmE-pada muñcāna- ; perfect tense, mum/oca-, mumuc/e-, Vedic or Veda , also, mum/ocat-, m/umocati-, mumucas-, mumoktu-, amumuktam-; Aorist /amok- ; imperative mogdh/i- ; amauk- ; /amucat- ; amukṣi-, mukṣata- ; preceding mucīṣṭa- ; mukṣīya- ; future, moktā-, ; mokṣyati-, te- etc.; infinitive mood moktum- etc.; ind.p. muktv/ā- , -m/ucya- , m/okam-, ), to loose, let loose, free, let go, slacken, release, liberate ("from", ablative or -tas-; A1.and Passive voice with ablative or instrumental case,rarely with genitive case"to free one's self, get rid of, escape from") etc., etc. (with kaṇṭham-,to relax the throat id est raise a cry;with raśmīn-,to slacken the reins;with prāṇān-,to deprive of life, kill) ; to spare, let live ; to set free, allow to depart, dismiss, despatch ("to" , loc. or dative case) etc. ; to relinquish, abandon, leave, quit, give up, set aside, depose (with kalevaram-, deham-, prāṇān-or jīvitam-,to quit the body or give up the ghost id est to die) ; to yield, grant, bestow ; to send forth, shed, emit, utter, discharge, throw, cast, hurl, shoot at ("or upon" locative case dative case,or accusative with or without prati-;with ablative and ātmānam-,to throw one's self down from) etc. ; (A1.) to put on (Scholiast or Commentator) : Passive voice mucy/ate- (or m/ucyate-, Epic also ti-and future mokṣyati-; Aorist /amoci-), to be loosed, to be set free or released etc. ; to deliver one's self from, to get rid of, escape (especially from sin or the bonds of existence) etc. ; to abstain from (ablative) ; to be deprived or destitute of (instrumental case) : Causal mocayati- (mc. also te-; Aorist amūmucat-), to cause to loose or let go or give up or discharge or shed (with two accusative) ; to unloose, unyoke, unharness (horses) ; to set free, liberate, absolve from (ablative) etc. ; to redeem (a pledge) ; to open (a road) ; to give away, spend, bestow ; to gladden, delight, yield enjoyment : Desiderative of Causal mumocayiṣati-, to wish to deliver (from the bondage of existence) (confer, compare, mumocayiṣu-): Desiderative mumukṣati-, te-, (P.) to wish or be about to set free ; to be about to give up or relinquish (life) ; to wish or intend to cast or hurl ; (A1.) to wish to free one's self ; to desire final liberation or beatitude (confer, compare mokṣ-): Intensive momucyate- or monokti- grammar ([ confer, compare Greek , ; Latin mungo,mucus.])  |
muc | mfn. freeing or delivering from (See aṃho-m-)  |
muc | mfn. letting go or letting fall, dropping, discharging, shooting, sending (See jala--, parṇa--, sāyaka-m-etc.)  |
muc | f. deliverance (See a-m/uc-).  |
muca | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'f. deliverance (See a-m/uc-).' (See /a-mucī-, nakha-muca-, raśmi-muca-).  |
mucaka | m. gum-lac  |
mucalinda | varia lectio for mucilinda- q.v  |
much | cl.1 P. mucchati- varia lectio for yuch-  |
muci | m. Name of a cakra-vartin-  |
mucilinda | m. Pterospermum Suberifolium  |
mucilinda | m. Name of a nāga- (who sheltered the buddha- from a violent storm by coiling himself round him) |
mucilinda | m. of the sacred tree protected by this nāga- (under which Buddha seated himself)  |
mucilinda | m. of a cakra-vartin-  |
mucilinda | m. of a mountain (also -parvata- )  |
mucilindā | f. Name of a serpent-maid  |
mucira | mfn. liberal, munificent,  |
mucira | m. charity, virtue  |
mucira | m. wind  |
mucira | m. a deity.  |
mucukunda | m. Pterospermum Suberifolium  |
mucukunda | m. Name of a daitya-  |
mucukunda | m. of an ancient king (or muni-)  |
mucukunda | m. of a son of māndhātṛ- (who assisted the gods in their wars with the demons and was rewarded by the boon of a long and unbroken sleep)  |
mucukunda | m. of a son of yadu-  |
mucukunda | m. of the father of candra-bhāga-  |
mucukunda | m. of a poet of kāśmīra-  |
mucukundakavi | m. the poet mucukunda-,  |
mucukundamokṣa | m. Name of work  |
mucukundaprasādaka | m. Name of kṛṣṇa-  |
mucukundastuti | f. Name of work  |
muculinda | m. a kind of big orange (see mucalinda-and mucilinda-).  |
mucuṭī | f. a pair of forceps  |
mucuṭī | f. (also ṭi-) a closed hand, fist  |
mucuṭī | f. snapping the fingers  |
mumucāna | m. a cloud  |
mumucu | m. Name of a ṛṣi- (mentioned with unmucu- and pramucu-)  |
nāḍīsamucaya | m. Name of work  |
nakhagucchaphalā | f. a kind of pulse  |
nakhamuca | n. "nail-looser", bow  |
nakṣatrasamuccaya | m. "assemblage of nakṣatra-s", Name of work  |
nakuca | varia lectio for lakuca-.  |
namuca | and |
namuca | m. Name of an ancient sage (see next) .  |
namuci | See namuca-, ci-.  |
namuci | m. (according to equals na-+ m-,"not loosing", scilicet the heavenly waters id est"preventing rain") Name of a demon slain by indra- and the aśvin-s etc.  |
namuci | m. of the god of love  |
namucidviṣ | ( ) m. "hater or killer of namuci-", Name of indra-.  |
namucighna | ( ) m. "hater or killer of namuci-", Name of indra-.  |
namucihan | m. equals -ghna-  |
namucisūdana | m. "destroyer of namuci-" idem or '( ) m. "hater or killer of namuci-", Name of indra-.'  |
namucisūdanasārathi | m. indra-'s charioteer mātali-  |
nānābuddhiruc | mfn. one whose mind delights in various things  |
nātyucca | mfn. not too high  |
nātyucchrita | mfn. idem or 'mfn. not too high '  |
naucakrīvat | m. an owner of ships and waggons  |
naucara | mfn. going in a ship  |
naucara | m. a sailor  |
navaucityavicāracarcā | f. Name of work  |
nidāgharuci | m. "hot-rayed" idem or 'm. "having hot radiance"or"abode of heat", the sun '  |
niḥśuc | Intensive A1. -śośucanta-, to shine forth  |
nikuciti | f. contraction (?) , Va1rtt . 1  |
nikucyakarṇi | ind. with the ears hanging down  |
nimeṣaruc | m. a fire-fly  |
nimluc | P. -mlocati- = ni-mruc-1 ; to set upon (with accusative; see abhi-nimluc-)  |
nimruc | P. -mrocati-, to set, disappear (as the sun)  |
nimruc | f. idem or '(n/i--) f. sunset, evening ' etc.  |
nimruc | in accord. to some,"crusher, destroyer"; accord, to others,"out of sight".  |
nimruc | mfn. slack, loose  |
nirmuc | P. -muñcati-, to loosen, free from (ablative), liberate etc. etc.: Passive voice -mucyate- (Aorist -amoci- ), to be freed or free one's self from, get rid of (ablative) etc. ; to be deprived of (instrumental case) ; to be abandoned or given up (as life etc.) ; (sc. tvacas-) to cast off (said of a serpent casting its skin) : Causal -mocayati-, to loosen or liberate from (ablative) ; to redeem (a pawn) from (ablative)  |
nīruc | mfn. lustreless, dim, (according to ni+ruc-).  |
nīruc | ( nis-ruc-), only perfect tense -rurucur-, to drive away by shining  |
nirucchvāsa | mf(ā-)n. not breathing, breathless etc. |
nirucchvāsa | mf(ā-)n. narrow, contracted, crowded  |
nirucchvāsa | m. breathlessness ( nirucchvāsanipīḍita -nipīḍita- mfn.afflicted by breathlessness)  |
nirucchvāsa | m. or n. Name of a particular hell where the wicked cannot breathe  |
nirucchvāsanipīḍita | mfn. nirucchvāsa |
nirvāṇaruci | m. plural "delighting in final beatitude", Name of a class of deities under the 11th manu- (see nirmāṇa-rati-)  |
niśuc | P. -śocati- (impersonal or used impersonally), to be burning hot  |
nītisamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
nītiśāstrasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
nṛpānucara | m. a king's attendant, a minister  |
nṛsiṃhacatucdaśī | f. the 14th day in the light half of the month vaiśākha- (a festival)  |
nyuc | P. -ucyati- (perfect tense -uvoca-), to delight or take pleasure in (accusative or locative case) ; to like to stay in or with (locative case)  |
oṣṭharucaka | ( ), - rucira- ( ), n. lovely lips  |
pacchauca | (for śauca-) n. cleansing or purifying to feet  |
pādaśauca | n. cleaning the foot  |
pakṣapuccha | n. wings and tail  |
pakṣapucchavat | mfn. having wings and tails  |
pāṃsucāmara | m. (only ) a heap of dust  |
pāṃsucāmara | m. a tent or perfumed powder (equals paṭa-vāsa-)  |
pāṃsucāmara | m. a bank covered with dūrvā- grass  |
pāṃsucāmara | m. praise  |
pāṃsucāmara | m. a small cucumber.  |
pāṃsucandana | m. Name of śiva-  |
pāṃsucatvara | n. hail  |
pāṇḍucchattra | Nom. P. trati-, to resemble a yellow umbrella  |
pāṇḍucchāya | mfn. white-coloured  |
pāramagopucchika | mfn. = parama-gopucchena krītam-  |
parapākaruci | m. a constant guest at others' tables  |
paraśuci | m. Name of a son of manu- auttama-  |
parimuc | P. -muñc/ati- (ind.p. -mucya-; infinitive mood -moktum-), to unloose, set free, liberate, deliver from (ablative) etc. ; to let go, give up, part with (accusative) ; to discharge, emit : Passive voice -mucyate- (ti- ), to loosen or free one's self, get rid of (ablative genitive case or instrumental case) etc. ; to be liberated or emancipated (from the ties of the world)  |
paripramuc | (only imperative A1. -muñcasva-), to free one's self from (ablative)  |
paripucchaya | Nom. A1. yate-, to wag the tail  |
pariruc | A1. -rocate-, to shine all around  |
pariśuc | P. A1. -śocati-, te-, to mourn, wail, lament (trans. and intrans.) : Causal -śocayati- (ind.p. -śocya-), to pain, torment (Bombay edition) ; to lament, bewail  |
parṇamuc | mfn. (Nominal verb ṭ-) equals -dhvas-  |
pārśvānucara | m. "attending at the side", an attendant, body. servant  |
parucchepa | m. (prob. fr. parut- equals rus-+ śepa-) Name of a ṛṣi- (son of divo-dāsa- and author of )  |
pārucchepa | mf(ī-)n. derived from paruc-chepa-  |
pārucchepa | n. Name of 2 sāman-s  |
pārucchepī | f. plural Name of particular verses  |
pārucchepi | m. patronymic fr. paruc-chepa-  |
paryāmuc | P. -muñcati-, to make loose or take off on all sides  |
paśucaryā | f. acting like animals, copulation  |
paśucit | mfn. piled with animals (as a sacrificial fire)  |
patiśuc | f. grief for a husband  |
pauccha | mfn. (fr. puccha-) being on the tail, caudal  |
paurarucideva | m. Name of a man  |
payomuc | mfn. discharging or yielding water or milk  |
payomuc | m. a cloud  |
phalapuccha | m. a particular species of esculent root or bulb  |
phaṇāmaṇisahasraruc | f. the splendour of the thousand jewels on the hood (of the surface-king)  |
pīyūṣaruci | ( ) m. equals -dyuti-.  |
plāśucit | mfn. quick, speedy (equals kṣipra-)  |
pradānaruci | m. "delighting in giving", Name of a man  |
pramāṇasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
pramluc | P. -mlocati-, to go down, sink down  |
pramuc | P. A1. -muñcati-, te-, to set free, let go, liberate, release from (ablative) ; to loosen, loose, untie, unbind, undo ; to rid one's self of (genitive case), escape ; (ind.p. -mucya-,having liberated one's self from[ ablative ] ) ; to drive away, banish, shake off ; to give up, resign, renounce ; to discharge, emit, throw out, shed etc. ; to hurl, fling, throw, shoot ; to utter ; to throw or put on (as a garland etc.) ; to lend, bestow : Passive voice -mucyate-, to free one's self from (ablative or instrumental case) etc. ; to be loosened, become loose or detached, fall off (as fruits) ; to leave off, cease : Causal -mocayati-, to liberate from (ablative) ; to loosen, untie : Desiderative -mumukṣati-, to be about to give up or resign  |
pramuca | ( ) m. Name of a ṛṣi-.  |
pramuci | ( ) ( ) m. Name of a ṛṣi-.  |
pramucu | ( ) m. Name of a ṛṣi-.  |
pramucyamānahoma | m. plural Name of particular oblations accompanied with prayers beginning with pramucyamānaḥ-  |
praruc | A1. -rocate-, to shine forth ; to be liked, please : Causal -rocayati-, to enlighten, illuminate ; to cause to shine ; to make apparent or specious, make pleasing  |
praśuc | A1. -śocate-, to glow, beam, radiate  |
praśuci | mfn. perfectly pure  |
pratimuc | P. A1. -muñcati-, te-, to put (clothes, a garland etc.) on (dative case genitive case locative case), to fix or fasten on, append etc. ; (A1.,later also P.) to put on one's self, dress one's self, assume (a shape or form) etc. ; to attach or fasten to (locative case) ; to inflict on (locative case) ; to set at liberty, release, let go, send away ; to give up, resign ; to return, restore, pay back (as a debt) ; to fling, hurl : Passive voice -mucyate-, to be freed or released from (ablative) etc.: Causal -mocayati-, to set free, rescue, save  |
pratipramuc | P. -muñcati-, to admit (a calf to the cow)  |
pratiruc | A1. -rocate-, to please (with accusative) : Causal -rocayati-, to be pleased to (accusative), resolve, decide upon  |
pratisaṃkucita | mfn. closed,  |
pratiśaucam | ind. at each purification,  |
pratiṣṭhāsamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
pratiśuc | P. -śocati-, to burn towards or against (accusative)  |
pratyuccar | ( -ud-car-), Causal -cārayati-, to rouse up, excite, urge ; to repeat  |
pratyuccāra | m. repetition  |
pratyuccāraṇa | n. speaking in return, answering (a-pratyuc-)  |
pratyucchri | ( -ud-śri-) P. A1. -chrayati-, te-, (P.) to erect against ; (A1.) to rise against, revolt  |
pratyucchrita | mfn. rising  |
prauḍhamanoramākucamardana | n. Name of work  |
pravimuc | P. A1. -muñcati-, te-, to set free, liberate ; to give up, relinquish, abandon etc.: Passive voice -mucyate-, to be freed from or rid of (ablative)  |
prāyaścittasamuccaya | m. Name of work |
prayogasārasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
prayuch | P. -yucchati-, to be absent ; (with or scilicet manasā-) to be absent in mind, be careless or heedless  |
pretaśauca | n. ( ) purification after the death of a kinsman.  |
priyasamucita | mfn. befitting a lover  |
pṛthucārvañcitekṣaṇa | mf(ā-)n. having large and beautiful and curved eyes  |
pṛthucchada | m. "broad-leaved", a species of plant  |
pṛthukucotpīḍam | ind. pressing a full bosom  |
puccha | mn. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ā-or ī-). see Va1rtt. 1-3) a tail, the hinder part etc. etc.  |
puccha | m. last or extreme end (as of a year)  |
pucchabandha | m. a (horse's) tail-band or crupper  |
pucchabrahmavāda | m. Name of a vedānta- work  |
pucchabrahmavādakhaṇḍana | n. Name of work  |
pucchabrahmavādanirākaraṇa | n. Name of work  |
pucchadā | f. a bulbous plant used as a remedy for sterility (see putra-dā-).  |
pucchadhi | m. the root of the tail  |
pucchāgra | n. tip of the tail  |
pucchāgra | n. (prob. m.) Name of a mountain  |
pucchajāha | n. equals -dhi-  |
pucchaka | (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' f(ikā-).; see kroṣṭu-pucchikā-)  |
pucchaka | equals puccha-  |
pucchaka | m. Name of a man  |
pucchakaṇṭaka | m. "whose sting is in its tail", a scorpion  |
pucchala | See kap/ucchala-.  |
pucchalakṣaṇa | n. Name of a nyāya- work  |
pucchalakṣaṇadīdhitiṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
pucchalakṣaṇakroḍa | m. Name of work  |
pucchalakṣaṇānugama | m. Name of work  |
pucchalakṣaṇaprakāśa | m. Name of work  |
pucchalakṣaṇaṭīkā | f. Name of work  |
pucchalakṣaṇavivecana | n. Name of work  |
pucchamūla | n. equals -dhi-.  |
pucchāṇḍaka | m. Name of a nāga- of the race of takṣaka-  |
pucchāsyacārin | mfn. moving along with tail and mouth  |
pucchaṭi | n. or f(ṭī-). snapping or cracking the fingers (see mucuṭī-).  |
pucchavat | mfn. having a tail, tailed |
pucchaya | See ut-pucchaya-.  |
puccheśvara | m. or n. (?) Name of a place  |
pucchin | mfn. equals puccha-vat-  |
pucchin | m. a cock  |
pucchin | m. Calotropis Gigantea  |
pucchoṭikā | f. (p-+?) equals puccha-bandha-  |
puch | cl.1 P. pucchati-, to be careless (varia lectio for yuch-, much-).  |
purāṇasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
purastāducca | mfn. high in the east  |
puroruc | mfn. shining in front or in the east  |
puroruc | f. Name of particular nivid- formularies recited at the morning oblation in the ājya- ceremony before the principal hymn or any part of it  |
purorucruṅmat | mfn. furnished with parjanya-  |
purucetana | mfn. visible to many, very conspicuous  |
pururuc | mfn. shining brightly  |
purūruc | mfn. much shining (see puru-ruc-).  |
rahaḥśuci | mfn. one who has executed a secret commission  |
rāhucāra | m. Name of two works.  |
rāhucchattra | n. green ginger  |
raktapucchaka | mf(ikā-)n. red-tailed  |
raktapucchikā | f. a kind of lizard  |
rasaratnasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
rasasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
rasasārasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
raśmimuca | m. "ray-emitting", the sun  |
ratnasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
ratnasārasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
raucanika | mf(ī-)n. (fr. rocanā-) coloured with or like (the pigment) rocanā-, yellowish  |
raucanika | n. the tartar of the teeth  |
raucya | m. (fr. rucya- equals bilva-) a staff of bilva- wood  |
raucya | m. an ascetic with a staff of bilva- wood  |
raucya | m. (fr. ruci-) Name of the 13th (9th) manu-  |
raucya | mfn. belonging to manu- raucya- |
riṣṭasamuccayaśāstra | n. Name of work  |
romaguccha | m. the tail of the Yak used as a Chowrie (see cāmara-)  |
romaśapucchaka | m. a species of rodent animal (equals kaśa-)  |
ṛtucaryā | f. Name of work  |
ruc | cl.1 A1. ( ) rocate- (Vedic or Veda and Epic also ti-; perfect tense ruroca-, ruruc/e- etc.; subjunctive rurucanta- Potential rurucyās- ; parasmE-pada rurukv/as-, rurucān/a- ; Aorist arucat- ; arociṣṭa- etc.; arukta- ; parasmE-pada rucān/a- ; Aorist Passive voice aroci- ; preceding rucīya- ; rociṣīya- ; ruciṣīya- ; future rocitā- grammar; rociṣyate- ; infinitive mood rocitum- ; ruc/e- ; ind.p. rucitvā-or rocitvā- ), to shine, be bright or radiant or resplendent etc. ; (only in perfect tense P.) to make bright or resplendent ; to be splendid or beautiful or good etc. ; to be agreeable to, please (dative case or genitive case) etc. ; to be pleased with, like (accusative) ; to be desirous of, long for (dative case) : Causal roc/ayati-, te- (Aorist /arūrucat-, cata-; Passive voice rocyate-), to cause to shine ; to enlighten, illuminate, make bright ; to make pleasant or beautiful ; to cause any one (accusative) to long for anything (dative case) ; to find pleasure in, like, approve, deem anything right (accusative or infinitive mood) etc. ; to choose as (double accusative) ; to purpose, intend ; (Passive voice) to be pleasant or agreeable to (dative case) : Desiderative ruruciṣate- or rurociṣate- grammar : Intensive (only p. r/orucāna-) to shine bright [ confer, compare Greek , ;lux,luceo,luna,lumen; Gothic liuhath,lauhmuni; German lioht,lieht,licht; Anglo-Saxon leo4ht; English light.] |
ruc | f. light, lustre, brightness etc.  |
ruc | f. splendour, beauty, loveliness etc. |
ruc | f. colour, hue  |
ruc | f. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound') appearance, resemblance  |
ruc | f. pleasure, delight, liking, wish, desire  |
ruc | f. plural Name of a particular class of āpsarasa-s  |
ruca | mfn. bright, radiant, brilliant  |
rucā | f. liking, desire  |
rucā | f. light, lustre, beauty  |
rucā | f. the note of the parrot or Maina  |
rucaka | mfn. very large ( also "agreeable, pleasing;sharp, acid;tonic, stomachic")  |
rucaka | m. n. a tooth  |
rucaka | m. a kind of golden ornament or necklace  |
rucaka | m. a ring  |
rucaka | m. any object or substance supposed to bring good luck  |
rucaka | m. a citron  |
rucaka | m. a dove, pigeon  |
rucaka | m. Ricinus Communis  |
rucaka | m. Name of one of the five remarkable personages born under particular constellations  |
rucaka | m. a kind of four-sided column  |
rucaka | m. Name of a son of uśanas-  |
rucaka | m. of a king (varia lectio ruruka-)  |
rucaka | m. of an author  |
rucaka | m. of a mountain  |
rucaka | n. a horse-ornament  |
rucaka | n. a garland  |
rucaka | n. Embelia Ribes  |
rucaka | n. sochal salt  |
rucaka | n. natron  |
rucaka | n. sweet juice  |
rucaka | n. a bright yellow pigment equals go-rocanā- q.v  |
rucaka | n. a kind of tonic (See above)  |
rucaka | n. a sort of building or temple having terraces on three sides and closed only on the north side  |
ruce | See p.881 under 1. ruc-.  |
ruci | f. (ruc/i- ) light, lustre, splendour, beauty etc.  |
ruci | f. colour  |
ruci | f. liking, taste, relish, pleasure, appetite, zest etc. (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' taking pleasure in, desirous of. longing for;with locative case, prati- infinitive mood or compound; ruciṃ-dā-or rucaye-bhū-,to please; rucim ā-vah-,with dative case,to excite a desire for; rucyā-or sva-rucyā-,at pleasure, at will)  |
ruci | f. a kind of coitus  |
ruci | f. a kind of pigment (equals rocanā-)  |
ruci | f. Name of an apsaras-  |
ruci | f. of the wife of devaśarman-  |
ruci | m. Name of a prajā-pati- (the husband of ākūti- and father of yajña- or su-yajña- and of manu- raucya-)  |
ruci | m. of a son of viśvāmitra-  |
ruci | m. of a king  |
ruci | mfn. pleasant, agreeable (equals rucira-)  |
rucī | f. plural (mc.) equals ruci-, light, splendour  |
rucibhartṛ | m. "lord or bearer of light", the sun  |
rucibhartṛ | m. "lord of pleasure", a husband  |
rucidatta | m. Name of various authors  |
rucidattabhāskya | n. Name of work  |
rucidattiya | n. Name of work  |
rucideva | m. Name of a man  |
rucidhāman | mfn. having light for an abode  |
rucidhāman | n. "abode of light", the sun  |
rucika | m. a kind of ornament, (prob. wrong reading for rucaka-).  |
rucikara | mfn. causing pleasure, exciting desire  |
rucikara | mfn. causing an appetite or relish  |
rucikara | m. Name of a king  |
rucikṛt | mfn. causing a relish, relishing  |
rucinātha | m. Name of an author  |
ruciparvan | m. Name of a man  |
rucipati | m. Name of various men  |
ruciphala | n. a pear  |
ruciphala | n. the fruit of Momordica Monadelpha  |
ruciprabha | m. Name of a daitya-  |
ruciprada | mfn. giving an appetite, appetizing  |
rucira | mf(ā-)n. bright, brilliant, radiant, splendid, beautiful etc.  |
rucira | mf(ā-)n. pleasant, charming, agreeable to, liked by (genitive case or compound)  |
rucira | mf(ā-)n. sweet, dainty, nice  |
rucira | mf(ā-)n. stomachic, cordial,  |
rucira | m. Name of a son of sena-jit-  |
rucirā | f. a. kind of pigment (equals go-rocanā-)  |
rucira | m. Name of a woman (See column 3)  |
rucira | m. of two metres  |
rucira | m. of a river  |
rucira | n. (only.) saffron (prob. wrong reading for rudhira-), a radish  |
rucira | n. cloves (prob. wrong reading for suṣira-).  |
rucirā | f. (of ra-) Name of a woman.  |
rucirabhāṣaṇa | mfn. of pleasant speech, eloquent  |
ruciradeva | m. Name of a prince  |
ruciradhī | m. Name of a king  |
ruciraketu | m. Name of a bodhisattva-  |
ruciramud | mfn. exquisite, affording great pleasure  |
ruciramūrti | mfn. of pleasant form or appearance  |
rucirānana | mfn. equals ra-vadana-  |
rucirañjana | m. Moringa Pterygosperma  |
rucirāpāṅgī | f. a fair-eyed woman  |
ruciraprabhāvasambhava | m. Name of a serpent-demon  |
ruciraśrīgarbha | m. Name of a bodhi-sattva- |
rucirāsuta | m. a metron. of pālakāpya-  |
rucirāśva | m. Name of a son of sena-jit-  |
rucirātanaya | m. N. metron. of kakṣīvat-  |
ruciravadana | mfn. sweet-faced  |
ruciruci | m. Name of a man  |
rucisamprakḷpta | mfn. prepared with good taste  |
rucistava | m. Name of a chapter of the mārkaṇḍeya- purāṇa-.  |
rucistha | mfn. wrong reading for ruciṣya-,"causing an appetite"  |
ruciṣya | mfn. pleasant, agreeable, liked  |
ruciṣya | mfn. giving an appetite, tonic, stomachic  |
ruciṣya | mfn. dainty, nice  |
ruciṣya | n. white salt  |
rucitā | f. ( etc.) ( ) the having a taste or liking or desire for, taking pleasure in (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; exempli gratia, 'for example' ārambha-ruci-tā-,"fondness or taste for new enterprises"; see -samāna-r-, hiṃsā-ruci-tva-; adharma-ruci-tā- [ wrong reading adharme r-]).  |
ruciṭa | m. the son of a kṣatriya- and a caṇḍālī-  |
rucita | mfn. shone upon (by the sun etc.), bright, brilliant, glittering,  |
rucita | mfn. pleasant, agreeable,  |
rucita | mfn. sweet, delicate, dainty  |
rucita | mfn. sharpened (as appetite)  |
rucita | mfn. digested  |
rucitā | f. a kind of metre (prob. wrong reading for rucirā-)  |
rucita | n. an exclamation used at a śraddha-  |
rucitavat | mfn. containing the meaning or any form of 1. ruc-  |
rucitva | n. ( ) the having a taste or liking or desire for, taking pleasure in (in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound'; exempli gratia, 'for example' ārambha-ruci-tā-,"fondness or taste for new enterprises"; see -samāna-r-, hiṃsā-ruci-tva-; adharma-ruci-tā- [ wrong reading adharme r-]).  |
rucivadhūgalaratnamālā | f. Name of work  |
rucivaha | mfn. bringing light vArttika  |
rucu | m. a deer with black horns (either white like a sheep or yellow like a boar)  |
rucya | mf(ā-)n. bright, radiant, beautiful, pleasing  |
rucya | mf(ā-)n. giving an appetite, tonic  |
rucya | m. (only ) a lover, husband  |
rucya | m. Strychnos Potatorum  |
rucya | m. Aegle Marmelos  |
rucya | m. rice  |
rucyā | f. (only ) black cumin  |
rucya | m. a species of cucumber  |
rucya | n. a kind of tonic  |
rucya | n. sochal salt  |
rucyakanda | m. Arum Campanulatum  |
rucyavāhana | m. Name of one of the, 7 ṛṣi-s under manu- rohita-, (varia lectio havya-v-).  |
śabdānantasāgarasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
ṣaḍdarśanasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
sādhucaraṇa | mfn. well-conducted, righteous  |
sādhucaritra | n. Name of work  |
sadruci | mfn. kindly disposed  |
sadyaḥśauca | n. present or immediate purity  |
sahasraruc | m. the sun  |
sakalapurāṇasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
sakarṇapuccha | mfn. with or having ears and tail  |
salilamuc | m. "discharging water", a rain-cloud  |
samabhyuccaya | m. heaping, piling up ( samabhyuccayavat -vat- ind.)  |
samabhyuccayavat | ind. samabhyuccaya |
samānaruci | mfn. having the same taste ( samānarucitā -tā- f.)  |
samānarucitā | f. samānaruci |
samanucint | P. -cintayati-, to reflect deeply about, meditate on, remember (accusative)  |
samanuśuc | P. -śocati-, to mourn over, regret (accusative)  |
śambhucandra | m. Name of a Zamindar (who wrote the vikrama-bhārata- in the beginning of this century)  |
saṃdehasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
saṃhatapucchi | ind. with contracted tail gaRa dvidaṇḍy-ādi-  |
śamitaruci | mfn. whose lustre is moderated or dimmed  |
saṃjñāsamuccaya | m. Name of a medical work  |
saṃkuc | (or -kuñc-) P. -kucati-, to contract, shrink, close (as a flower) ; to contract, compress, absorb, destroy : Passive voice -kucyate-, to shrink, be closed or contracted : Causal -kocayati-, to contract, draw in ; to narrow, make smaller, lessen ; (A1.) to withdraw, withhold  |
saṃkucana | m. "Shriveller", Name of a demon causing disease (varia lectio saṃ-kuṭana-)  |
saṃkucana | n. contraction, shrinking, shrivelling  |
sāṃkuci | mf(cī-). (perhaps fr. saṃ-kuca-,but see śaṅkuci-) a particular aquatic animal  |
saṃkucita | mfn. contracted, shrunk, shrivelled, narrowed, closed, shut  |
saṃkucita | mfn. crouching, cowering  |
saṃkucita | mfn. Name of a place gaRa takṣaśilādi-. |
sāṃkucita | mfn. derived from kāmākhyā- gaRa takṣaśilādi-.  |
sammuc | P. -muncati-, to let loose together,; pour out, discharge, shed (tears) : Causal -mocayati- See next.  |
sampramuc | P. A1. -muñcati-, te- (ind.p. -mucya- q.v), to loosen entirely, set quite free, deliberate : Passive voice -mucyate-, to free one's self from, get rid of (ablative)  |
sampramucya | ind. having abandoned or quitted, being quite free from (ablative)  |
sampraruc | A1. -rocate- to appear very bright or beautiful, appear good or right, please  |
sampūrṇapuccha | mfn. spreading the tail (as a peacock)  |
saṃruc | A1. rocate-, to shine together or at the same time or in rivalry ; to shine, beam, glitter : Causal -rocayati-, to find pleasure in (accusative), like, approve, choose anything for (two accusative), resolve on (infinitive mood)  |
saṃśuc | P. -śocati-, to flame or blaze together ; to mourn, regret, bewail ; (-s/ucyati-), to cause pain to (genitive case) : Causal -śocayati- (ind.p. -śocya-), to mourn, lament  |
saṃsucin | mfn. equals sūcaka-  |
samuc | P. -ucyati- (perfect tense -uvoca-), to delight in, like to be together with (instrumental case)  |
samucca | mfn. lofty, high  |
samuccal | (-ud-cal-) P. -calati-, to start or set out together  |
samuccar | (-ud-- car-) P. -carati-, to go out together ; to go up, be borne upwards, ascend ; to utter, pronounce, repeat : Causal -cārayati-, to utter sounds together, talk together  |
samuccara | m. going or coming forth together  |
samuccara | m. ascending, flying upwards  |
samuccara | m. traversing  |
samuccāra | m. utterance, pronunciation,  |
samuccāraṇa | n. (fr. Causal) simultaneous utterance or pronunciation  |
samuccaya | m. aggregation, accumulation, collection, assemblage, multitude  |
samuccaya | m. totality, aggregate ; ;  |
samuccaya | m. conjunction of words or sentences (as by the particle ca-,"and"), conjunctive sense (opp. to the disjunctive vā-,"or"), etc.  |
samuccaya | m. (in rhetoric) a figure of speech (the joining together of two or more independent things associated in idea with some common action)  |
samuccayālaṃkāra | m. the above rhetorical figure  |
samuccayana | n. collecting or heaping together  |
samuccayopamā | f. a simile containing the above  |
samuccetavya | mfn. to be taken together or collectively (id est one equally with the other)  |
samucceya | mfn. idem or 'mfn. to be taken together or collectively (id est one equally with the other) '  |
samucchad | (-ud--1. chad-) P. -chādayati-, to uncover, undress  |
samucchal | ( -ud-śal-) only in -ucchalat- and -ucchalita- (mfn.) jerking or jerked up |
samucchanna | mfn. equals sam-utsanna-, uncovered, destroyed, annihilated (varia lectio)  |
samuccheda | m. utter destruction, extermination  |
samucchedana | n. idem or 'm. utter destruction, extermination '  |
samucchid | (-ud-chid-) P. A1. -chinatti-, -chintte-, to cut up or off completely, tear up, uproot, exterminate, destroy utterly  |
samucchinna | mfn. torn up, uprooted, eradicated, utterly destroyed, lost  |
samucchinnavāsana | mfn. one whose dress is torn off (or"one whose delusion is completely removed")  |
samucchitti | f. cutting off completely, utter destruction  |
samucchraya | mfn. who or what rises or grows up (sarvam rayam-= "all living beings")  |
samucchraya | m. raising aloft, erection, elevation  |
samucchraya | m. height, length  |
samucchraya | m. an eminence, hill, mountain  |
samucchraya | m. rising, rise, exaltation, high position etc.  |
samucchraya | m. increase, growth, high degree  |
samucchraya | m. stimulation  |
samucchraya | m. accumulation, multitude  |
samucchraya | m. (with ) birth (according to others,"body")  |
samucchraya | m. opposition, enmity  |
samucchrāya | m. rising, increase, growth, height, high degree  |
samucchri | ( -ud-śri-) P. A1. -chrayati-, te- (only 3. pl. perfect tense -uc-chiśriyuḥ-), to raise well up, raise aloft, erect, elevate  |
samucchrita | mfn. well raised or elevated etc.  |
samucchrita | mfn. surging, high  |
samucchrita | mfn. exalted, powerful  |
samucchritabhuja | mf(ā-)n. having arms well raised  |
samucchritadhvajavat | mfn. having flags hoisted (in it, said of a town)  |
samucchriti | f. augmentation, increase, growth  |
samucchuṣ | ( -ud-śuṣ-) P. -chuṣyati-, to be or become completely dried up  |
samucchvas | ( -ud-śvas-) P. -chvasiti-, or -chvasati-, to breathe well or regularly ; to breathe again, recover, revive ; to spring or sprout up : Causal See sam-ucchvāsita-.  |
samucchvāsa | m. heavy expiration, sighing  |
samucchvasita | mfn. breathed or sighed deeply (n. used impersonally)  |
samucchvasita | n. breathing  |
samucchvasita | n. a heavy or deep sigh  |
samucchvāsita | mfn. raised, elevated, swelled (equals vi-śleṣita- Scholiast or Commentator)  |
samucci | (-ud--1. ci-) P. A1. -cinoti-, -cinute- (ind.p. -cayitvā-), to heap or pile up together, accumulate, add together ; to collect, gather, arrange in order : Desiderative See sam-uccicīṣā-.  |
samuccicīṣā | f. (fr. Desiderative) the wish to accumulate or collect or combine or add together  |
samuccita | mfn. accumulated, collected together, regularly arranged on ( samuccitīkṛta tī-kṛta- mfn. idem or 'f. (fr. Desiderative) the wish to accumulate or collect or combine or add together ' )  |
samuccitīkṛta | mfn. samuccita |
samucita | mfn. delighted in, liked, well suited, fit, right, proper  |
samucita | mfn. accustomed or used to (genitive case)  |
saṃvibhāgaruci | mfn. liking to share with others ( saṃvibhāgarucitā ci-tā- f.)  |
saṃvibhāgarucitā | f. saṃvibhāgaruci |
śaṅkucchāyā | f. the shadow of a gnomon  |
śaṅkuci | m. a skate fish (= 2. śaṅku-) (see sāṃkuci-).  |
śāṅkucī | f. the skate fish (see śaṅkuci-, sāṃkuci-)  |
śaṅkupuccha | n. the sting (of a bee etc.)  |
sānucara | mf(ī-)n. idem or 'mfn. having attendants, with followers ' |
saptaruci | mfn. 7-rayed  |
saptaruci | m. fire  |
sapuccha | mfn. with the tail or extreme end |
śaraddhimaruci | (for -him-) m. the autumnal moon  |
sāraṅgasamuccaya | m. Name of work (also called vivāha-paṭala-) by sāraṅga-pāṇi-.  |
sāraṅgīsārasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
śarapuccha | mf(ī-)n. Va1rtt. 2.  |
sārasamuccaya | m. Name of work  |
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