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Grammar Search
"tyaktum" has 1 results
tyaktum: Infinitivetyaj
Monier-Williams Search
3 results for tyaktum
kāmamind. though, although, supposing that (usually with imperative) (kāmaṃ-na-or na tu-or na ca-,rather than exempli gratia, 'for example' kāmam ā maraṇāt tiṣṭhed gṛhe kanyā-- na enām prayacchet tu guṇa-hīnāya-,"rather should a girl stay at home till her death, than that he should give her to one void of excellent qualities";the negative sentence with na-or natu-or na ca-may also precede, or its place may be taken by an interrogative sentence exempli gratia, 'for example' kāmaṃ nayatu māṃ devaḥ kim ardhenātmano hi me-,"rather let the god take me, what is the use to me of half my existence?"; kāmaṃ-- tu-or kiṃ tu-or ca-or punar-or athāpi-or tathāpi-,well, indeed, surely, truly, granted, though - however, notwithstanding, nevertheless exempli gratia, 'for example' kāmaṃ tvayā parityaktā gamiṣyāmi-- imaṃ tu bālaṃ saṃtyaktuṃ-, rhasi-,"granted that forsaken by thee I shall go - this child however thou must not forsake";or the disjunctive particles may be left out ; yady-api-kāmaṃ tathāpi-,though - nevertheless )
kṣamamf(ā-)n. adequate, competent, able, fit for (locative case or infinitive mood or in compound, exempli gratia, 'for example' vayaṃ tyaktuṃ kṣamāḥ-,"we are able to quit", ) etc. View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
tyaj cl.1. jati- (metrically also te-; perfect tense Ved. tity/āja-,Class. tat- ; tatyaja- ; future tyakṣyati- ; tyajiṣy- ; Aorist atyāhṣīt-; infinitive mood tyaktum-) to leave, abandon, quit etc. ; to leave a place, go away from etc. ; to let go, dismiss, discharge ; to give up, surrender, resign, part from, renounce etc. (tanum-or deham-or kalevaram-,"to abandon the body, die" etc.; prāṇān-or śvāsam-or jīvitam-,"to give up breath or life, risk or lose one's life" etc.) ; P. A1. to shun, avoid, get rid of, free one's self from (any passion etc.) etc. ; to give away, distribute, offer (as a sacrifice or oblation to a deity; tyajate-etymologically = ) etc. ; to set aside, leave unnoticed, disregard ; (ind.p. tyaktvā-) to except ; Passive voice tyajyate-, to be abandoned by, get rid of (instrumental case) : Causal tyājayati- (Aorist atityajat- ) to cause anyone to quit ; to cause anyone to give up ; to expel, turn out, ; to cause any one to lose, deprive of (instrumental case) ; to empty the body by evacuations : Desiderative tityakṣati-, to be about to lose (one's life, prāṇān-) View this entry on the original dictionary page scan.
Vedabase Search
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